ulI'4.`.I'_It_Al-xx`:-r; CO 1%` ITIIIIH Wloulnt) ulonburme. uno`ba,nu I-cry uoauunu. Movsul by Mr. Dunn. woomlowby Mr. Slcboul-l. that 010 lab annual to Hm uidoi \\'nl|mr. the uuuunl. to ho may u llll yenr.-uu*nea. Ontho upon 0! Means. Blake And Iona. relative to the road on lot 29 in - hit. and thus the County Treasurer be on . .\ loved by Mr. Ruck. uoromlesl by Mr. .McDoh|ltl. that the luck um: churned , union that put ol lot_o. 25 in the 21:11 i cuu . txuumd to Erin. Hugh I-`nut. huulgbeou paid. it he vul.hdruwu [nun notilod ncoonImgly.-I.Juriod. A m|ilinn,wu ruunnoul [mm .l.,M.. fI.I. Mun-I by Mr. Du-Cqnur. Iooondo-I by Mr. Buck. um. ()1-unzu Mcl-'ur|und bo- '(.'o1)ocl.ur for lB`H II at u clan` nul I&).- Carried. T N--...I I. U. Mnnh .....u..I...I In. \I- `0IlC`.-UIf|`DI I. ; lbw-I by Mr. Smith. nroondo-I by XI`. ' McDonald. that John II uker Infuse An- ne-nut lot 1&0 nu ul-try ul MU.--Cur nol. ` or Inn uuuupnmy. Tho Boon appounal Moi. Iquio . one oln Audjton. , Hand by Mt. Xobondd, uooudd by Mr. Smith. that A, V. Gunny In the `ol.hor.-Cun'o-L , ` \l.'up_I Lu Mn Qminl. u...-..n.I..l Lu ll. ill. IIBI. TII IIIII IIGM gl Icahn ward! uncut. J. L. nunruu unongount unnga. gnu no in can the lmnubcll would only home- tnulod byndqulrulnpu-omotalbogoal` oltho huioipnlity. ` ` Tho Run Annonnal Mai. Innis I uoouu uu uoo. Iv. amuu. Uonuoulon. `tiny |0VC'l':2lI.mhIcrio-I In an decla- nlnou ol I; mention und cl odes. Thu Roan ihlnldnminn Iln Enid: The Roan ilfoddlnnilg the ; ipmirtul among other things. uni he .,_.. Lnuou ol quunnuuon und 1! ou. in the Ineunbnn ionld only In N AOIXSUNTCI UNPAVOURAILS WEATHER THIS FALL IANUPACTURBR8 0!` TWIRDS HAVE BIB! LIFT WITH HIAVY BIOCKS AND HAVE BEEN COIPELLED T0 SLLL A (HKSAT IIANY LINES . , -LIBS 'I`8ANv(308 l`. - " M IOJ Geo. W. smntln. Conucillon. I The nub-nllv mi...-.a|..| u. u.. .1.-I.. ` I _ ` I Ibvjcllju. _ V &hlIqIl.Ju.'ilil. Thuwivclqet. :1 number! wan-nil mu-up .l. L. :_'LOL;!`i`Y 1.mis1.u'vm'._ is I- CQIIIAHID. II7-..I an au- n'| Gollc kl. gnu N _-nun ' Lu-. " \ 'r1-:ug: unrrlsn WnIG. THURS DAY _I-3YENIITG_.VIA N5UARY;z:4: IR. & J. GARDINER` TT ` `s. :,. . 6 ., ' N . OI. 3.0. ouuvn Inllllnrll llnuoa as. UK J. OIOIIOI KING. CRIIIOT. IMIIITQUARI. KlN(lI'l`0R. dll loouinmti to 3 oouploto nnonmonp 0! than above oolobntod Lennon. LAUN- ANCl`B SPSGTAO 8. no Ioll known sud nppreoinod in the Uuuod Kingdom. will to clad by thin Ionpotulo want: at the nuns prion they no nold u in England. Ground on udolhlo anionic chorus and rat PEBBLE. or_ from opucslglancqndnlly IA IACTURID FOR THE PU OBI-`-. thovuo without oxenpthnholluhphd to nuonthonvun ol no. ndto Cu poi-toot vision; (0: than nun: they Ill upddly recommended by the nut r:ui:ou at tho Faculty. RI'lE. -\I 1a!R nun nllncmgol tnkg |'..II.._.a_.. `.-AI-_. -.. . lsheetings, Tickings, Towellings, Table Linens and Cotton Goods of I all make: at cut prices. ' 3 I500 pieces new S pring Prints at 4c. 5c. 6c and 8c per yard Five Cents. Ten Cents and Fzfteon Gents per Yard taken 011' the price: of our splendid Stock of DRESS MATERIALS. [Brass Materials at Gmatlyaducad Prices] IBLK &~ com) CASHMERES} TEN CENTS, FIFTEEN CENTS, TWENTY CENTSJ thirty cents and forty cents per yard taken of! ` t the pn ices of our stock of Thirty Cents. Forty Cents, Slxty Cents, Eighty Cents and I One Dollar per yard taken of!` the prices of our stock A Black and Colored Silks. ` VERY RICH AND HANDSOME BBOCADED SILKS 24 inches wide, worth $1.50 per yard ; reduced to 85. It Valvalnans at Greatly mum Pris] lnr Snlenllill Stock of Rich Black Silks. I olIl00|IOIIlayI.. .. .... .. tygurmwamuuh .... H n I I hnam .M mwJmuTH:.H.m_:mm hr 1 eompunu unall unount. :.--.....`-:.-.:-. ...:.:.:'.`.'.- . - '.'.1':.':aa':ra.:. - "~=~>- -"M ---~ Jun AGENT A1`. lllI'l`0l- ll. STIRLING. naps am-cu. Have every inducement to purchase from us, as we are selling goods at a-scale of prices lower than most other houses buy at wholesale. oursm is lluupanblylh Plus! in Kingston} ll-`ANBY AND STAPLE DRY 600118! R.&J.GARDINERl Buyers of Dry Goods! cum cnnnmns sun} WE IIE STILL GIVING Ill. % BLISSES. dc! to Ihlgl II no Illa; goods at IO!!!` ptlcu than cut him hon. cox-rnnm otm _ AT TEMPTINGLY LOW PRICES. IE IFFEI IT TEIPTIIILY LOU PIIGES PRINTS. ..'fiq5~V 1` 5'4 `no Tnunout hllodlnuiltolhlntritu un'nlu ay Iuuhn E: can mmxhny iutaginlsvulilllolquhn an iuonuuih. uvuhl& bun rdudbhllcnh. Tho In hldi -hh Isncmoucou. nonnu:uuoruo-phor- o.r:hiHQ|hurnu mew . . I rhh And nnmhihn A-i-2 can no ulna nu ounplyllo ninu cuunouiivithooluucuhfotnoondrno lion. udooIWuh`ond thoPhu~ an-I.W,.l_`Wn1. holed [or (on ycsn and Inenver II nu '1nunxnHw'huruI uruhh ittnrutru Ibo nth]. n 8 Into nunbuol phyuieunu Insulin their pnchoo sud nd II superior to In other nudism hull pouiunl) cure orylzpclu and uh I-In-um. And for non- nippkuilinthohuollhc world: it can-I Mrs. Smith`: child in Mound. 5| 557 St Lawrence Strut. that land hoen unloaded. by thirphyuiciunolornvonlwr hwulhoul nlhl. It In uculy hlindsumod bv {clung odd shot the monks. The show no in Innnnlnannul in: D R Parking in Jn}... nuuu. `nu new not by D. R. P-thins. 8t..lohn. J. thou. solo coal to: Kingston. mu. Perkin-' Crunp sud Psin Allovinor uni ound no much talk Ill Occur: slur curing J. autumn and W. Gould ol thonunumu After All othot nmodicn lulotl no mm to he Ind. One 250 bottle will unity the must uodulout Nonnlgiu or lnuhqo cannot say when It in and. I Parking` lntlign norh nnhnont hm: hnnn ' when II and. Portion` Indian Herb Onuunenl ha; been loud! [or ten and wherever it hu 1:111 futnrnl urunldn Lfonpnpei in Erna" not to In D(unolnud-`_fhon Swill lb II-_ mlmmuhrurmnr. I amply tho mains! unhhtnannnrm In cnowws mam} swans] nQ}_.;---.; '0-ft-Ilagic cowIIcm:,' |nnw.uIIuuuuum:] I [Alan ylhu an ulnanulh yclulltln gcwlllutolvulnlun but Inutuubha loconntolkl via the pclalhhupg at 0uup'unc-noclouvio-Izllunolnnnpcu Ihhc III-Hutu-1|-one yuruhanht: loan I.n`y. , Jnnxhn--u Yonvhrgoupulootvuot-Cory publhhon vulloouv-ysa [he lint. (`ouuueuon and Want on-nnmeuzou. Ian tn-luri inutnls and an xnlutnclnneden land lo 0! Iononllotba `dnoufonmnnlty. `rho Iboh IIII ho lollowvd by I \m|\`olo (`lcnlnni Ditw-lty. lvvtlciry buunu uh rounql umirt nl qr.-Id lending. than onhlu our annual! Ioohull nu Inc: I ha of nouns usunhrtnlmun In In I nun lino claoodn. Romano! lhdnnuon. Pwl OI~ eo\(bnaIy()Ithl\ck.vI|duhnvQTb vat noon"; will In mmpcle-.1 to mat! the vonuonh hcdunucannnnny n-I Inll N no V` l`K0\ l.\('K OF U.\T.\KI|J I0! (`IAIN TIEKII AND DIRKUTOKY. Q In lbunl ||| I.K'-C anoint o-load: Ir` `NI hush-1 complete 60. -rnptionool etch phcq -horn` nu Nu E Pomlk 'I'\wnsh uni Conny. also lug, (`auction had `an `Flirt-u-it-u+vIiI*iuInohtrhI:1\tltus-nun Ilonm - at um l`rwtu.un-v-I nlplnueurul by mud. Vulgggu. etc. nun; who an-on 3.5 naps. mud. IL`. nu-'1 huh age) plug. I-Iu,.gn i``E"nE{I`ilEi'EHn7 4 a4\o mESH_D__mMY. Intu Iu bmst1o._ ' 'n. l\ ` IIA?ll,1'('IL" II and loot-Icons. I 0L7iIiS"I [MIl **l!.:t=;.82E.I!.1=:=.;cv`*A% --- :----w_.:_ ___-_. 0| IAXILTON; US 1'. ~.I.I.j.Vlvotlldr um; um. N0lwl'I I`Ia.CT IC annual. " `- :pu- I Ilcrvchlm Iv Ii:-9: lou- hn-utuwum and lOiIil`I"-- BLBLTRIC BELT [IS m'lI'l'Illl O 0-0013. hu.1`unnb. -.""'*'..-`-Ti=7.?%."-f..:""='.i';;`?';:".*`.'.`".'%` nnnunbc. II II". 5 And every speck! of dluuuu arm uiovod uvu. KIONIVQ I DOWELI OR SL000. num I uunn, HEADACHE. ovcn nan ._..._.__._.._..__._..a_:....._ ._ miExAm.mPAcLiJuP1mmrmAu!n1;n1gnn;unr l|\ KRTlH;Ri Qt (Hui-n tau strum- 5z_u:in__D'.!a-ul, persona:-I -3! In. A-|> 133.311 ' " I'll our nmun do. ihna-In nk. r. A ._-u urn uuuvuluy la BSTAILIIIB cl IIIL, Insumnce. ' Mlllllll sguem ur5_courAuv.; A nAn'I-ruin. can . H1300: iunnous Advqrtium` % anti. _,.._..._. I run unu uooQIlI.|o.0o.nIUo. Wal- Mnthodi.` Wnlof-8hbp.'.l\hlo Limit. nals! rain. mrurm: [L Y IA ms jun votapqma uiauioud wound {iii Thrown hon hone . QM: out with nu .... .. Am and from full . mono Inn on [map . .. luau! In no Mun lull. ludunloluco tnnbll. Linunndwonndq I! fhmwn tnuholie lnnPunl!&AclU`POVIIi [bled II8",-.1... 'l`NIIIu "cu. unuh up ignndtpnnh .... ... .. .. :`unoa`c;T=`S 1.2.7.`. RIGID. Cl PO unique . . PI nqklionluu-I. uauuowou log. Fhpvgnl on an ::dd3`laIowou|.In . . .~.:t".':'..`:: `.11.. : uptuu hulfronlu Bunuo ....... .. rut llullb II pull Mal gun; cant . thlolcmhllo Bnuofhof ........ .. CuolohIIonIuud.. ::iuryIotooI...' P7 In utylofbol, 0!-.1 All 'o-{I-`Aunt. us. :7 and non. to 85. any .;:.Tia3'u=71f.?&..(;g';'. ch-nah the any. woman`. ss..u...'..1:r:r.~....'." pp... . Ilh I'.'.'. .'.u'.. :: lhrIoIuI.._ .. . w1LsoN's BUILDINGS Doubt Ithnp. am. -3- u. I union [0 II I on loony. Ill 00-! $0: inu.-Cn.I-lx. ' Adjournod till all 01 mo Iloovo. j:..__-_ uavu by Mr. ucuululu. seoonaou oy Mt. Whitney. that John Conncnon he nlkvod ol the mwnnhip lax lot 130: ncoountol Ion mnhinnd In l_ovuu 0; Jan. wuor. ooconuou 0 Hr. Ilciluterhnt I by-luv be uthonul mousing to nnthori-0 the olount Ind tolling 0! should snvallod road l rough Ibooortroo! lot 19 in the am com. nl-and hnvlnn bun onanod in roan Iurougu Iuoouwaox IOI w III Inc 00: com. nroua huving boon opened in lion thereof on the out hnl! ol mid lot. _I`.nIIrind _ j__.---w---:-I\r\Ij&.\ RAVI HAD! A LARGE PUIOOIIABB WIIBIIIIY THEY CAN \l'FORD To duronddhctupalnlnuion. Bolowwovv unmoofurlndhg prion: Id`oIIht.hlhpIIoo 00: nowolo. Ion`: Iulmlunuprke OI! a new on. log`: Illudbc-erprleeiiox now MC loushu-orpuootlla-owjld. M KCIIIYOCI OI MIC l0WI|II||l III IOI |I&\oI|cooun&o( Ion unkind by n_-(hn-ind. '-C.ll'l'I Iovodb Hr. Whimoyhlooondul by Ilr. I Inn. that III engineer ho om- nlnud In Anni: the run Crook nu. wuor. inn Um no ground I0!` we hope! Thou. Patrick .iu the Hotel Dion. Ouriod. _ low! by Mr. Wlllf. oocoudod _b Ir. InIInI.er.Ihnl| bv-lav ......3 . un no N I ox noun. mun um Joya. 8th oon.. Mt. Whitney moved. nooondod by It. KoCullnn. thtt locus. Heliu- Ivnnd Hacuuv In mid uair shun of In an-. louuuun. um aloosu. xenon- I and locum In paid their than 0! nilld on fnrninhinn mood tiuomlor -uu-nou. loved by Mr. Whitney. Iocondod by r. Wafer. that 010 be gnnlnd for the Lanna! Than. Patrick .in um Halal Dian. udlocucvbopud their ulnnol Iwud :1 hfgzroinhinu ood LiI.los~lor thtt 0. mutant eirpro rt. P`_"3_ P0 Y Ineuon. u IIIV.-L u-nan. loud!) Ir. Molnar. uocondod bv III. )lo0s| am. that John Pnnanon be nppollhd Auunor for I884. thus In to- turn the roll oompleood on or baton A ` wthantl Ihnlhobopnidtbonmo 3 u Int yenr.-(kn'iod. Oaths nnort 1:! Mann. Blnko And II AMIINI . Moved by Mr. Whitney. seconded by Mr. lclutor. that Robs. J. Milton be Auditorlor 1884.-Can-iod. Mend by Mr. Wafer. uoooulod by Mr. Iolutu`. that the Auditor: audit the Tnuunx-`n account: up to Dec. 31. `83. und in addition to the directions 0! mam pnpuo I nopu-no uheomout. drawing the hnluoa Ina ouch ochool notion. il u:v.-Cu"n`ed. 11...: 1.. u. u..u..;.. .........:..u n.. M. up-In No. 15-00: a.m '3 unu Iloluuon utot. nun-. ac. Tho Roan uppoiuood John Nolan: Auditor. Anal In: \In- `Vining: annnnnal hi no. I-uuuno wuu. '* 2'n...""':.`..' '#..:..,'``' `.2"'`` o. - `I . um St No. I-All 8III|`|' Ohltoh. No. l-Novhn"`Bonu. Prince: 88. I No. 7-BuI-hut! Frunsa Stu. No. 8-Eu! and Inniomo. Q.- \h. 0__f\n- nu`: MIA; ma 1: No. I!- No. II- Nn IA_ TD. IIIQIIIDOII IIIIIIB nnu unoocnoeu I0 the doolnntloln of salute nnd book than` tub. The Ininuhn o! the Inn meeting wore MIG um Ipptovea. The following accounts won : The Rnthhun at Co.. lumber. 013.91 ; Iolnhon Bron. Iltilu. 34. 11.. ll.--4 nnnninlnn. Jnhn Llolggn Iou uuunqnn no out or uomnnny. no.- it ronolvod that the Clerk ptepun I momonul no the Railway Committee. Dominion House. making that proper pnountiona be mien for the sticky 0! the tnvollnng public. the momonnl to ho niausd by the Clerk and Room on bohtlt ol the Township of Kingston. Adionrned to meat on the tint Mon- DOIIIII ol inc lownnnlp 0| Iunguon. Adjourned no meet on the rs: dny in Much It 10 o`clock mm. _.__.- .-.___ 11 o'clock mm. rrooonli mcnuu a. Pasta-non. Run; Tbompoon Whitndy. Dnnntv Rania: And Pnhr McCnllnm. runonon. nun: lnompoon wmuuy. Doputy Run: and Peter Nccdlnm. I-Zdwud Mcluter and John Wgfer. LIY1N%sTr%Q_N&BR0t uopuly Iuovo: um nut mcuumm. Edward Wnfer. Uonnoillom. The member: made and subscribed to Hun nnlnnnhnnu of -tnlnln and tank l`l'CII-li No. 1-53. Lurnnoo Wm]. No. 8-Oahu-Io Wud. NA I_(\n.n- and II-&-`I ` MOUODIIG. "III III VIOW OI we GIIIRIYOIII chu-actor ol the owning: of the 0.T.R. Cuunqni sad out ol Collinuby. be it remind thn tbs manure ~-~9--- Toinnhlp ol Hluburg. Jun. 8l.-'l`ho Council elect met. 11 o`clook Pruent: Richard S. Dunn`... lI..-- Thnlnrunasn Manua- cnmuancen.-Uu'nou. Moved by Mr. Duper, seconded by Mr. Smith. llnh By-lawn Nos. 123. HH nod 125. for the appointment ol poth- mutete. fence viewers and pound keepers. hnving been road 3 thin] ume. be pun.-d sud nignod by the Reeve.- Cerned. u.....a D... u. xx... ..........a.I 3... up ; ou. . loved by Mr. Buck. Iecuudod by Mr. i H3Donnld. that NO he lost] in the . hand: ol the Clark to an the em ~ nos 0! the Inc mnnicipnl o action.- mied. Moved by )lr. Draper. seconded by Mr Smith. Ihnt Sidney Gunning : taxes be induced to 036.40. on Iooonnl olnn one: in bi: uoeumcut, he buin boon unouod for land tbs! was unease- Ioother pnrLiu.-Curiod. loved I) Mr. Mnllounld. seconded by an. Bu . tbnt the tuna nl wiuow bouncy. Sbnunouq. Sbnnh. McGu-voy and Putty be remitted. excepting the school tax. they being in indigent. nir- cnmIt.ancoI.-Cu'tiod. \In-ml Iuy `Ir nrnnnr not-nnaltul hv Unrnou. Moved by Mrs Buck. seconds] by Mr. Mobould. thatin view 0! the dumorouu ah`:-nnhnr 1:! Han nnnnimvn nl (ha (I 'I ,R, -Lhrnou. lava] by Mr. Mccnllunn. seconded by Ir. Whitnov. that John Gonnnnnn ha .\Ir. Jlcuonu-I. Inn uu no uruueu to tho widow Wnlkot. the uuo-mt to be in tho human! J. 1. Fair 10! but uel|.--Curried. V Moved by Mr. Buck. seconded by Mr. McDonald. uni. John Smith means 05 per month for "the support of Roherl 830. he being old Ind n|estitllte.jCur- PI . nounou ncootuuuuy.-uuno-I. I A 'l.iou.,wu noun-I from .l.-M. Fcir othenuuking the Council to (nut 3 was to purchase wood and other nooouuriel lot the \viJow Wnlkcr ol Glooburnio. uho`Fii,nu doausulu. loved in Mr. Dunn. noomndawbv on-u I-nu lacy no upouuu nonunnondod by tho ouinou R3! RIROES utdlowodtotho toll ` tloxnen: Dr. S van Dr; Phelan, Dr. McKenzie. Dr. . . Hender- son, Dr. Nailnon. Very Rev. Dean of Ontaaio. on ma.