Lmnns IN mw mcis, In mum Itu-01: ' C so ` Do K-`_ 1 . ..""'.......'..:~. '*.:.:. 8Iono........... Com-`ict Labour. 5 ` Iupgueul our uu_m Pal- Hiu we in no Blue Books- : In lnmmhui. ` . _ ll IIIII \lU -Lulruu. Couionuuunnnddurnug you |lo3.0'l5 15 Lou ..,. _mu 9 " We -.nmuit-rn run;-I. lmu: the Pub- . lug: Aunuub Asumuuury-ol um ming- }ul up Kgngswu l`emuuuuy. unl tho ex;-on-lnturv mo.-u'n-I III Ila mnuhamct pd mniuuuuaoo : .\ A wrer a son. prol. Iennoos ... do Payment: fol lnbor . . I Dnnnnu. man . . . . . _ . . . A J1}!!! DI.~'.\ull.lIx. Tough. HALE IN BRITAIN. COII II once - the Isle onlyl llloll days. to Ian nu runny- Dtiplo Blown llown. 1 a'rA1" 1i7}s`si`4IEaT1-:."n,s"-. Ruyll Mllitary Cell: (9. Tau mwnsu wzuu. Rw.n"'E\'EN1NG. .1A.\*UA.m' 25._ ..omius co .0102 6107 5.996 69 I amm I "H.897 W 7.275; In . ' -$13:-I l- IIIII III DIQII Goods eve: noon and you W [O chop. ~ `llllll im no 55.` En ..-..um, 17! 22 410 67 min w.uu.1 ll ' 3.510 82 301!!! 65 u an in II (V we no _ 1.554 55 moss u ?._._L `U `I! 1.778 W 13` 58 {H 03 N 70 an no u,xoa M I496 (X) 2,325 I I 9') III 3.1. In 1.25] N 411)`) 3`) 1,166 60 An In can 3: I6 01 174 75 5'. 7n CINIR to our Gale and you \\'III unto money at ll. IU 15 M 87 H 87 M m II M) 3'12 56 104 2`) 1,305 56 .m M nuwnu;IIunUnt|oIaI`:p`:`l"ul`..d.l . ", F in I Lggin ntlnoouuh-sign." We unto pm my. . ~ J. W. H. Inn. '5. W. Dun, , 1 liinptoo. Jun. 9661:. I owoocniiuool and hurt $31 which Ihov would hardly ~~~-...........-*"- .. .. uy vn y an - uflothounwnr, Ir. J. Brown, 3:... Q3001 Univuly. while any who :5! not with to aha:-the mm T all will nuomhr Iowotupol Pail`: ud- vjgn. "Winston: in do. do n L...m.. uruo mu. nunnclnuolnr \. M! .A. doc: tho rock I ' tho winter Hal: 5 city Y.l.C.A. wont! buyout- uoln n Institution in ox- idnun(ud ioluohno Ihuthoniu not) Ihocinnnnlmnu -inn .. u... ..... Ull] IIIII. W0 III ICIIII Hill W_O only nod to make aurnquou kuowli In dot to Ind Irllhuganu-can nqsohlo. Iuyuv nodouln culling lot the. op- pottumy to give. M 11.0 um tlmo. `Malls ponnulonl oljholr willinguu. we would unto that luunocln uohr M. . (.`.A. don: lb: In:-In dun`... u.. ...'...-. I nocuon Will! the meeting: then hold. Thoydidno hoouuo they out the oily ulu-gunned thohuotol macar- Vina. We would now Ink than to help Into ythinyou-fotthouuollho City all. We unto! that _w_o nul lo! no me or wmcn in mm pay 05 each night. The citizens at Kingston cunt gonuonul to our uuppon In! your and paid I the axponnu III eon- noction with the lnutinul then hold. Thar did no banana. than inn u... nit: Olll lO'I10-lIo avenue to .L.-. --Ag. II no u noun. lot Inc use 0! wnuau I-ups! IIO each night. ud uni this union no ' bold in the City all lorlbonno 0! uh I) maul II Old! ninht. Thu cltlnnn ol Ilimnlon Inc mlirur, Unluh Illaly. : . Dear Sir.-We a_sk the means ol'lay- . ma below the Clinatian ple of lump I Iton tlicuoutiou olonr Co logo \'.M.('.A.. , botlin to ita work nnd as to its un- -, can. in order that they mav lor then)- I selves lorm an intelligent opinion ol our > nooda and no grant an a more choorlul I anaiutonco. This year the expenditure connected with the actnnl runningot the Aaoociation amounts to about 040. o! which 05 was used for printing the ptozrainniu ol our Friday afternoon prayer nieetinnl. 010 in: not to the In- tornotional Committee. and tho not isbont 025) in nquind to pay the ox- ponnea of onnlelegatd to the Immun- tional Y. M. C. A. Convention. To moot this upon: wy: hove only the amino] loo from each of the membonoibo. Whoa it in known that our working (which Inn moons paying) nionibonhip illlttlo. it at all. our Mty. it will In anon that by that mean: we do not rain aulloiout to old : expenses. The doloithannon than once been made up by number: ol the Association. Aln. Altnanlhnrhimn thin, all Iumu up ny uomnu-I on me unoouuon. Aput altogether from this. all know um his nu unions were conducted inthof) Houlmfulhounoolwhwh -nnnnl Il -nah nh-In and than ui- _' W (I0 IIIIWX I DOVE!` OIIIGCI IIIOIIIIOII ' to any mariner`: inoonlpeteney. nud l never heard of the lettenugned "Cook" : until I new it in the Mr.-. l hnve never ' been unlucky enough to sink in vessel on Luke Ontnrio. or nnvwhero elle. never- theless better men than I have met with this mielortnne. I hove never doubted Capt. Dandy : ehility. nnd Uept. D. well known that I have recommended him highly to II prominent vessel owner this winter. Now. boys in conclusion take the advice of one who hu been there. Stop mud slinging." Do not try torniae diseennion. but go towork with n will end do not be uhemed to take good ed- vioeeven should it eome from 1 onnger men. There nre none of us pe ect. Ind it mny All be needed At the coming ex` nminntiou. lu future anything you write of I pnrsounl chnrncter lot it be written shove your own name. or other- wise it will not be noticed hy.-\'oure truly. Tuna Hnuvu I \- ..._.__ ,___A 19,999!!!-.-1.4..-.-.-.2:!.-.'.!or. The i.'.m..r, 1;m.;.I. Wing, Dear Sir.--\\'n ask Um mnnnn um 1 am no: manual: any person's name in my letter. The question in not. "Can Capt. Donuolly pan the `oolour test. `." " He has nlreuly pnuod. mud {or the past month has been trvmg to Assist other: to do hluwno. I never called Ittention tn nnv vnnrinnfn .n.mn.-nun... and ... ..._, .. ..-.... .. ---....uu_y. Th: I'.`l:Ior", Ifrilixh l!'Iu_u. am.-ln enawer to "Kideen Cenel Boy." permit me to state briey that I have never laid "greet stress" on the "colour lees. but um Iv told those concerned how to proceet in order to be reedy when the time come: [or enminetion. end I did not mention person's HIV letter. mention in net. "Gen pm or mnguon I great. on: on anxiety. I have found, I psir of old socks to answer the purpose much better. Whn few gas through no vary feeble and soon die. If the socks have been in use three or fourhveoko so much the better. ll all nI|uu- nunnnn I-il n;-..I bu- oeuor. If nll other means tail send for! Groves. Jamil. Sex. I ___;oo___:. u-ounu me an n n a user. I mslce no (oubt 1! the broad put of an old shirt had been clapped over the mnin pipe it would have saved the poo~ pic of Kingnbon I great. deal anxiety. louml mir of old noclm to I at `I'll! nu: win. In no I. xcopuon. onus. I see by lust. un,_-tn`: Wins; the Mum- gor mlvisu a piece 0! old annel tied Lrounul the ca liter. I rnnlln nn . mm: .1 oh- Luna mu II .. .... .... ....,............. "Yes. yer Honor. I was. but l mu: dy- ing for I dxiqk Ind you know I couldn't an the beverage brewed on the moun- tain aide without. swallowing A million of pollyiugl. I ahiverod at the thought. nnd went. out md drunk some Bourbon. Anil hero I Am. He WI! u once dis- nniaseul. No but suerod enough. - ,, _.F___ I-hr Ila: lI'III'-1. We beseech thee. great. and powerful_ "I-`iu Four." to deliver us from (loud ends. I ...... nu. I...o .....l.:`.. \v..... n... u-..- ............. b "You are charged with being drvnk." aid the Jlnainu-no. II\'.4-. -u-- um-u1\- I -.._.. |...A I ...... .l.. nunnguvcu uuu uy. "wnllinm Burt" when he herd his game nose. bearing I cut on his chin unl I bruise on his forehand. When wt: looked clonal) our utoninhment was great {or Willinm was s good citizen. in diuzuise. ` .-\.'.... __._ _|.-.__- A _:.|. L .__, . I,,,, I, -u Jun. 25th. I88-I. ._._.. .-lhhlneu (lo;-mley. for creating I din-VI tuibnnoo upon the street while drunk. and he in: on the name carouse (or which he hul been previously liue\l.| ll. m...I.l..'o ....o A" :o |.`.:.....I- ...;n luu nu u-u vvuu .3-uv-uuua uuuu. [He couldn't get. off it. Friends will nniuhlen him up. -.m.n:-... u..-w ..x.-.. 1. . 1....) |.:_ uuon -uu vuuu-u vw vvuuuwu In: on!) ullvwtn Juneu Cobourn. (or driving a cab without O lioenu. Ind his one m_|j9nxu- od. Meantime be my take out the li- O9!!M-`- ' ' , n,,,_,|,_. 1-- _,,,.- -- vvuluv-- uuu_ Igvu Iwliuuuu. l-`.dwu'd Dayton. who hut been idling around town. Wu rounded {or 3 week luring which time I complain: Against him will be`in`geItixIIod. A n..-A-lI.. _-- A_..l In 1..- .x_.__n._.. experience will bear us out ` when `on so] only line of 3 Goods mover advertised as I a Spock)/Bafyoth we not only hadin stock bum: bolyain 3 am genuine, in most cases : 01000!/illg Mo cxpocmion all: (In pumltour. nu -nu nu 5-uuu nu ueuvv I-vuuuu. George lone. ex-convict. noleyen ovenaeet Iron: A. lo]-`ml : door. and ` popping Around the comet. put it oh. mlioer Duneeu new the ect and named. Ibo thief, He pleeded guilty end wee given one you end three month: in the Centre! | rieou. He will come out when overooele are got. required. _ I.`.I-uvl Inn... -1.. I... L..- ;.n;.... ulna vnu uw uggvuug-Uuu. - A. Coatcllo Wu ned I`_. . (or drunken- ` new and olaupivc conduct on the urea. I I.._.._,. l\..L._.__ l__ _I_:_:,,,. _ .-L nan. uosook` . ptirol uoouuom in from o! LindI|_v'u. [for this oonoo "ho will be gmmloc mm menu... 11...... ` A ' SmiIh..I!hi|o pnnueundnna wiuntodgh 1 . 'l`here wu an inloreuinu docket u the Poljco l,`unn. this morning. I-'rex| ' loohI_:_ feel ooiorlugu sad I very blue nine. uw aclnnu to hide hi: nkotl I ll- ..,u. , _,_:_ _ 'I ha 3 Iv SIIPII 'l`IIIv\o-u [hosed '0!-Jtlll ` the !!IIADrInI-l_o cum : ` Dll Water. ____..__._:. Reply of cant. `I . Dounolly. n.. n.. .... T 41oc'p_c"(7uI(m1fr11-ta Tlu `Valor I`opIr_ Tnos. DoN.\'Iu.v. Q` TI Public om pas! `J flolllhqnlugo. * the and mu. uncoll-.31-a-to-.dui-alto:-nu ;p-cu laud lmnouhi h0U.- . unnnl -...I IL. L.-..gA4IIIl. I` I -:_.-...-.-.,_ mu 4.": thudlpbonborll Ilnlar luau thinh (I ndqlinq. o;.---: 71" .........s... Thla in ouhouuy an Inc with Paton`: lluvlllno. Ch ' you pain can." II II to bound mnody. in noonhiu uu mu 709.95. and II. hunt to IlI.1ll.ll. l III IOU IIIIGI NI Qllll i noun no condition precedent to connecting londohytonllaw Ibo notion lot araheonutobo Indoud Anni. To-duyailnnotioo wusppliod hv Iopovut ulna using shook. qua onthogronndphulbcutdicc wuoblnlnod Ihrollh thonouun aor- Ill llid through [IO jl t` iIIUO]If] non. Tbooonrl Iulnuntochwuuuvly Ilu Iuijunuuon Iboukl I00 to undo ut- Ior unu. `run an win you- htduydonlods no on hat I when- in. and II tho noutimo oorpiod 1 no {or III: snout at tho verdict in the buds oln bird party can madman nmcdonl. In dnnnnlinn uenou. JIII. u.-uu eunner no- leeeor Donald Ioheu. delnonetretot ol unuomy ie the Medioel Depertnenl ol the Sine Uuivenity. obleieed e verdict ol .9041 III II Eweieq Nun lol` IIIIOI. T 30 COIN yie- hldnvtlenhdn he on for I Icahn:-~ I-`or ADI ood: new In store- houu and on lie way. and that we -IY begin the conlng IOIIOI will an entirely new I rock. Proooodlnnh I-Onuloon VndkIhnIJ- bolccnslu-ycu-I-Ipbd. ox nunonuo unnown. Sir John and Lady Mncdonnld anter- ttinod ndinnor psrlv Inn evening. A: did also Hon. .-`.. 5. Cum. Hon. Frank Smith likewise gun I dinner to I luv uontlomcu in the Souk. on down wnsn nu Iron. 1: nu noon identied u that ol Mn. Snub Derby. I woman of diuolnuo ohu-sober. Cnnu of suicide unknown. Hi. In}... --ul I...Iu Il...l..--l.c -..c-- Tho.body of I Jvomnn was louml in the Hulorn river on Wodnooduy. weight- ed down with u irons. It bu been ia-n::nul .. Oh-A .0 In. 0.1.... l\..s... Iuwu man u my previous record. Dnnial Wells lent Pour Mcooch money to carry on when sud lu-d deals. The complniuunl. alleges that Moooch hu" I'z6& ncconntod for over H(X).(ll`.| prots. Thu hndv of A nnmnn Ill lmuml in lorcea mom so many. A hundred Italian omignntn have li- bollod the steamship Prim George for 080311). The agreement to ptoporly provide (or than was giolqtqd. _ H _ " 'Al`7'tIiis'iii6r`iini." at Elie Woodutaock Baptist College. the thermometer ro- unltorod 82 below low. This in 5 luwor than ll my previous record. Dania] Walla hunt Pnhr Ilnm-mh xormuuen ny proclunluon. A Brooklyn Court. has annulled tho mamnzo of Churlea Ind Minnie haw lay. it being shown that the girl`: uncle forced them to marry. A hnndmd Malian nmiwnntn hnnn Ii. mm wu urreuou. The Nnnonnlint und Orange meetings. nnnonnood to be held at Uutlewellng, County Down.on the 29th. have been forbidden by pmclunnion. l Brooklvn Court. hm: nnnnllml um: w...,,....,. Tho wife 0! Dr. Thom n. 0! New Haven. Conn. mm {mm dead yenter dn . She wan the victim 01 u morphine In it. An unsuccc-udul nttempt. was mule yeuoerdnv to rob Sunuol Thomas. im- porter. of New York. 0! O2l.(Il0. The chief wn arrested. 'l`h- Nnouuunlint and lllhnnnn -.455-up. lclhthixtlntlinunlnyholnd DKBIIIIU 100! In an; luvvluun vvcvn. Eliu Bniley. whoa-3 husband wu kill- odon the Boston lioosam tunnel. Inn ae- urucl ll verdict of 05.0!!! ngnfust the company. '1`)... _:l.. ..l I\- I`I..u..-..nn 1\' L -- scan: -0. um Iuluv In ynuu-. There were 317 Minna in the United Stuns and Cunsuln in the put weak ngsinlt 435 in th-J previous week. FIR-- D_l..-. n-Ln-.. |...-Ir.-...I nu..- LIII Ulll IIJIIIIIS bu lAIVl3ll'II\ll- A prisoner in an lndinnpolis an?! communicued mall-pox to N3 of hmf . lows. ` - , ~, , ,,,., I . _.. n,____ 1V,| -..) Iuwu. A miue caved in II Denver. Col.. unl ` buried A large number 0! men. The scene It the mine in pitiful. vl\|....... _....- nu ! l-.'l....... :.. AI... l'..:o...I ` Dc|toit.J|n. I6.-LuI unnlur Pro- -nnnn llnnnltl "nub olnnuunnunlnp nl The Hnmbor Relief Fund has rclchml 3 total of 08.5303. ,A,:,._ u_, -A-_.__,__ n vvu-I un IU.vuu.v. I Tags are now towing the Iteuuerl Germanic to Liverpool. A .... ......- ... An l...l.'._.nnI. nnnly Ian! Night : And To-Day`: Roporu Comlon noel Down Io:-our lluuy lloulern. um sue alumssou um um nppomzou Dr. H men. I deteuted cnudidute for the Council. The new Council- rein. stalled Mr. Ross. who immodintelv re- signed. I _............-. ..... , Toronto. Jun. 25.-\'est ez-duy the County Council 0! Huron snubbed the Tories who insulted Hon. A. M. Ross` Provincial Treuurer. Ida had been County Trouurer For nearly 30 years And the dismissed him and appointed Dr. Hn man. a dntantod cnndidnta for V col: oxocung the greatest: kink: In Illhn --4 n---- Ottawa, Jan. 2~l.--l)r. Plath. MJ . lor Prince Edwu-d. went to the rnilwny nation to meet his wife. 1 he train Wu like and he went on to Brockvnlle. I Meanwhile Mrs. Plan urived here. and , no word Inn received lrom the Iloclor 5 until ll o'clock this morning. ` In -..u.... ~. ..-.. . _. Lock rt. !\'.\'.. Jun. 25.-l-`runk \\'ll- bet Int kitty Bdrka were mgrre-l at Rochester Int week. They clmohure tovisit. friends. As they were leaving yesterday Afternoon the buds {all dead in her hthet-in-lufa Arms. New \'oxk.Jua. I-l.-Jsmu Scott. ol Boston. Iuod Mn. Hnndolbuum. 0! this city. to recover the ulna ol the goods stolen lrom his more and IOM to women ' by hnrglut. The jury yeahrdny nwu-d~ ed Seq}! 06.600. nenne. am. !D.-A aenue nu oeeu commenced in the lower Home ol1 u. liement upon I Inotiop declu-ing Ger- muno be the new luuzuege. ll ex- cites great interest. , . _____ A coin. ntuunt. Erie. Pm, Jun, 35.-I.erqL Warn: youemny asked the court to ` rove ol ndocument netting lonh tint or In cer- tain mum he Ind sold his dnuglnor to Peter Wald. The court declined. Violas. Jun. 2.5.--3etoctivo B|_ock van that dud yeutuduy by I woth an. A dyumjii 1i)II'Ib. I rcvolvor an pol- nnnod dumar wan found oaths uluain. mun. ueumnu. gun has an cnunrou uuuio and took 3 dose lunolj- Sh: and two children will die. uuItou1.Jm. 24.-i:uu Gnlher um` found them n mils: ltoln herb (mun to death. Ho loll she village in pa in- toxioptonl condition. - J ' 1-zmon. Iuyhnd. Jan. as.-nu." w. ail. deutitntn. her six children book don lunoll- A Clyllllllj IIGIID. I IVVDIVBI um pol- Ionod dump! was fond mnnv & uumml ' named JUIIKII DI. lIC%!'K(l IIII IICK WIIG and |hl_IO ildl Old cloud with tho- I3 you old dauuhlcr of bio ohrk. K Ujll I'I\4Ul\I`t noun, J... u.-'th. Wullhnnni Wucliconduud sboinaeu ouob " hand: I) in [IQ out. - A Illlflj DINIITIOH. ; Apex. .\'.c.. Ju. 24.;-A merchant named Janka hci duenntl bin sick vile 1-..: .L... .sau_. .-.6 .|.-.1 -in. 3|... n AN xxcundo nnnrx. Viennu. Jm. 25.-A debuts ha been snnnnnnnad in than Ininr Hnnnn ol1 nr- (`UN IIENSEI) 'l`lI`.LII:(i RA SIS. T~r+:i'.'m31\ Hue 3n17i;rs. A maxi?-i mu: \ bwIll l"l|uI'c'no.N. -~L, ..._. It all Bolt ! islh, Ilt and Bpl Salim, Volnh. Plush. SIC Puuoou Incl-I. Doenuauu no chain; on tho lnlnoo of mm ". ".11 " ' . . huh I" Iodocttgtu Cu. r338" H!-out`: onmocu hon own): 001: : sum from 0&0. LAIIBIT C WALDII. Jun l'rln:u..uuoyonllou. n IUIIOIIT IIITIIOJ x.o.n.u. B59201 no.9. | -.-..1- ALL I-Innon IN 1 Ill`.Cl1'Y or KIKOSTON uddhu-bl vhouolu run at g....V;s.l;;.L.i...L% .;aa.;;;i;1;.`.u.i..,; `II Oidllofillhdllnlnnnn mu 2?`..'.".....?:.'&.EI.". "`'"""" ] ....... ....+.:'..""..-.-.v.'.-...., `tho but way Aooouilu lo the upon-.om-c at thou who up It most {I to loop a gummy on hum! and mix Illh wood In utnuuly cold tuna. than u to weather uoulonuu an only enough hardwood to mop the in from 'd out. You run always lot your an down paw! low. walls so have my mill wood Inn- vivo Q when . oi. `rho In nun: the mom- ! um tho lut Iv!-In utlhtouhl Ann)`: In he in II wood. A mu. wurhlulnoa Ind rut-not will convince any noun um mo RAT HUN`!-1 an nun. A. HOPPINR. Jon. ta Anon, toot Queonlllroou. III. II III ll|.'f' [Ill |.30I'|lI\I ill. 3nd I! Ran lune Iirughlondon. um. pn VI-ryclou. In! II In 1-nnllr out an .I plan: .....A ... Claims III! NIILI. wool) In Ilw cheapest luel either for sun- uner or winter that can he |-are-luuvu-d. ICHEAP 1+`1r11L; an-ca younvl The Clnguleu llnlr lunowor la upplled with I upon;-u or I bruuh,nud It never fall: in in good effect: on tho hair. , Hair {hut hu boon renewed bv tho (`m. u [min In In good effect: the that renewed by the (`m- uuleoo u : Ranowar nomr wull mun bu oomo gray. Sold at 50 cents s boule. At Ihil seuon of the year mm should be: home of Pectorin in every house. II II unequslled for ooughmooldn And hnnrroe` nan. in plenum. 9? IN) uh for rlnldn-n Price 26 cent: at ti Numb.` ---- oo ~----- Pllou-Hnn::.--l hoaphAtoa are the Me of the blood. the nuznmanl. that bun-In up Ind Iusuim the living body ; they nra. In other words. bone. brsin. nerve And tissue I Iond. For sale by ull drugxistu. I` `NEW watch llnn paper every week for A you and learn Hun word 7.0~Pl-M. Re member It in I [unseen fat l)yup-pun. lliliouauoon. nny trouble nnniug from In- digaalion or Rlugxlsh Liver. eupecunlly lloulwho. ` ~-- ~ 1 Booolnlng Cnlorl. hm Gnuol. mun Rod and Saul ' Brown no rticululy becoming colon no ' blondan. o Tnsnglo Dyes no u oertniu and chat menu: of mcurmg any desired uhsde o womnu renllv prsctlooa aco- nom_v who don not use them. Only I00. : I II druux;ntn'. ` II I nlu. stmud Bros. oer to tho author ul um 5 beat poem on their '-l0c. ton. lty um 01 their celebrated 400. $01. value 930 Tune until lat. February. No poems returned. 10!! Princeu Street. Kuu: I stou. .-unlnnrn |:uI|rrl| Cure A marvellous cure for (_`ul.nrrln,l)ipt.lu.-rm. (`whet mouth And lleaducbc. Wnh ouch bottle there is In mgsuious nuul Ynjocxur for the more successful trentmuut c-I llu-no , oom hints without extra charge. Sc-l.l hr W. . . Wilson. iuamr 4 #5133. 0nvo(o.Jnn 1. -. `: Whcn--ver_vquio.t. White state and red iStn'o 1,051.0 1.1-2. " . "at-n-at.udy; ulon L000; high mix ed 6`); rejected 610. 0su-rm ; White Sale at no. R o-quiot ; Cnnndn nnminnllv IL ) in I bou . `l'l1eirl:`.nLiI1aSLOckI DOIIII. ` Bnr|oy-quIaI; Illol 00,000 bush 0! No. ` 'lU|unda nll 1.000; No. 1 Cuuudn T'`., 1 in bnul. ' Jun. 25. When! -!I83 to} to `JR Ms); !D`.!.' tn i '.|`.'i Mnrch ; 1oll"ob. ; 100} um-. l (`.nru-585-H June ;53i Mny ; M Jan. l`ork-l5.77| Feb ; l6.27Hor Mu)`. ' l.Anl~`.0_:i;'- to SH Mn} . __ ,...-_ nour-roooI Irlw; Iuoanporud 000 bhlu. The lolowing IN the lnv.oul.quou- lioun :--F|oux.nuporior can at 5.50 to 5.55; nun 5.40 so 5.45; Innmzu tn 1,80 to 500; Iupordno 4.25 to I 50; slno baker`: 5.1. ; to 6.00; ne 5.60 to 3.70: mi . 3.2. : |o..50 ; pollurdn 3.1!) I031 ): Ont. hog: 1.10 to '),.'>(); onybqu 8.90 lo 8.1!) {or nronu baker`-a. ` Gruu-`whon. rod winter l.`l0 to 1.22; No. 2 `huh. 1.16 (01.18. Corn 750 to 75. Pen 89 to 90. . Out: 35 to 36. Buloy 5. - to 75 Rye 60 to 63. Oatmeal 4,50 In 4.76. Corumou 8.50 no 3,75. Provisiona- Buuer. ('roamry, `)0 '0 12 l`nrl- ~l7.e'0 to INJKL I.nrd~ll to I'll). Buoou--1:1 to Ho` llnmu-l3 to Ho. Choen-ll in 13. __ _...._. ..__ _- - -----. ' U wm do volmo col than at one no u ; .hY cuwu. ` | ' Donn: IIocI.I'u-Inna-nltnct. nut-uu.~| _-, an 10 ` ' I :1--nun nnnnnn Iunnn . n-nu. -- c... .a'.' E a'o`n' I Dundu Cdnou 00. . Ontario Inv out RI End" An I llxwovunn Pol CIDVIB nan TIIOTIIY i SIID. Hill) GRAIN. CHOICE I-`AIL I |.v zunvn . szhilzld. . .7;-7 .............. I. Rnhdiougf . . . . . . . . ...' n w.|,. Canada Pndo RB. . maul!- !llognnnl..`........, 0u||ru:..A......a. . New Advertisements. T int). Jnn. 23. l"lour-roooi u-wo ; unreported 000 ahlu. lolowimx lnv.ouI.uuoIn- U? 3}? "F .!*..!_`_1_ _'.3_- umrnnn ruqpyur uuuu.-r. ....;__.-._n 1.- ... 1\TO'I`I(OE3. 733 WW` .Wl1 W `Ian I uvutu. rriutvuu Itrwvt. ml! ITIO!ID"I8 npvn A IPIOIALTY. out-................. IQ`-Jllliuxllllll.` LII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . wxu. ornn nunmo was ABOVE tunic Markets. IIQKELVEY s. BIBl}H.i lmanrrutenensf II! ul hr `5 IIHIAI |U Ill luau. A No Ilrl-ml IIHMVIOIIC 1' upon [mm ..,....|'.'.`7.. .. `V I NOI- Iv-Incmfl, I fit! ll ml \ mumps Hnuoruln ! nun. II - OI uulnllo Ombcl no 0. IIIILLV. I I 1 1). BELLY I I haul hi h '10! II... c:-3-':o:. R'm'vmy1.: y.'.. cm. I in u] Pnuuun om! W-uvonu-c, `Co wurvatory fbr the We/in.lX 1 Ion Ill hujuu boroune I nudunl 0! on any Ind la 7 will bound loopon I Clue lwnisrluuonnd noulutl l.nIpI.lfIh. In. new w.-mo. red one the but run I can In liuumuu wring Amt lunlnnl 1 lonuln. lilhw Plus and u on IOU IIIQI. mu. 1 no an 1..-xlqo a nu haul loudn- |-criononu n Inc-In-r,Iu Ind! clue: and law | In (`Mauls - -II ruliallod mm thou nu ma Illlllrllou . oI"IDl 700. MI Quota 0!. I1. I um um. I hung` I Idnj ,Ju 23d, mains to tin warn mu rm I-0 vibh on sun plan on In" I Am I Lndslhlniccllof Jo.-c nu.- pun In on the am My 0! June. ma. (II(). (WHOHNE, __ lln-`V and Th YUTIVR is hereby (II:-I1 um the nut an 0! A III rconLou the new (nun nl Puplnl Nun-I o tho hingoton C Pomhmh Iunwql Company Iull In obll ll Iucvom \ n ulna. In the (`met It uclomcn the In em ol hhnury lutuuluuveollaull nnoporanu rung yduo no mun of Auu.| I. nduhlni cdlohonvc mm.-nu n. . NEW MUSIC scHooL_l I Kingdom and Pembroke at noon slur.-niu. counxucxu. unin- ulmc. rnouomunnv. 1'nu:nu.u-m _Wl(l'l'l.\'(a A nrr;uux.n- lsusIN'E$"iLEcE ; -~% f.-\T Tlll". M|2(.'H!\NlCH` INHTITIYTH. Pnnonn Burnt. llonu nun n m V j l}_pl|qgiate Institute. Klnntnn. Jr Illul. I _...____.;_._ cwsmc OUT sate! Iiauaas an-:om-:u's, F, AND A Luun-: Am~ao|:'run.\i rou ' cnum-mu `nun . jMARMALADE I Dossioatod Wheat- ! Dauioatod Barley. Rolled Oats. Poarline Meal. Oatmeal. ' Crooked Wheat. Ins R0`-0|u*lI(V`d on Tlmmuy. nlol-`. IIAVY. Iudunuool um um Iluul I oi 7.:-ad In I. vy will bound: loopon |'|rl.:en whu have been wnnnu: for lhmoo Dried Hlnck `borne-u mu: nuw luv supplied as the rs-I mu- Plane all in sngi prion the Dove wbudn. 1 ll you will find them very cheap. ilack Bar3: I `I such pl-noon an we believe In we never been quoted In Ml) Bonn Luz You); Raisins. I . -.-:..ouu pounds Dried Applo .. I laotpsng snowy f Iljdsnmmsr ii: Midwinter. ; 8.41:1 2.(ll\ MK) nnury IULIIIIDCOIIIIOII nl IOPOPNIV no Ilunot . I collar reuvlll In men mum I FIIr[Iunn'n l|Im'|I. l`rlm-an Burn-I. s. LOYNE8 3. co., Irlnn-I `Ila...-.....| A. nn-.x AID IIAIOUAILI. cg-rumor uu (`nrrnnl Jun in 0 lb. Jun. Ruphorry Jun In I ll. ]Il'l Sliuwhc-H) Jun HI I ll; we orrma rm: '9 cu: W. R. .\lcR:\E & (`(). ron mu: at dozen 1 Edllcatidxxnl. New Phisuun. ...,... __. .. Lemon Mnrnnlndo in H lb. po Ira] y an -n I] 1| the (`Ill 0! 1, & ' d L on; `naw`In:e of I 8 r Pom u|Il3[=A_ `rt-|Sf lnnvu; ! FVI|l0l'Ik`(] Pam Hnponted Cm Stewluu Figs xonii S1`:-wing Prune Pariinu Dnhw M;1al`roona. Hlill Arpluul yl gal. mum. titan Bieot Cqnn. ` Apples Ill 1 II: Swot-I Hug-In Posse." ' I I (`ans LNIl`bI}l rIvN. ' Pcsuclmn. Tom|toon-ver_\\ Hm- .Gr;bcex`;'L=s.* AND (X)l|'l'lIUlIG }i}}n*.i.I-lo. . {%mc%u&n AFawotthaFineFurs nmos uovmn WIII OIII. O0 IQIO T $3.. I gu-may to und :1 my-u nun--Iouu-r . IIIAW. hing. uent I .33! hr Ih-l:I:|uul uvounnl Coupon could I ; X117- ! uuhrtnubu no In v-`gaunt Ilvuu. WWO tn the gnnozc--nix - hvolmlon M prbauhl all I cannon n - bnvou-1hNy'voqn:u' -00-tIlntbou.:.|h.'-`-0 I Q I . K uMvI'-- M . xn..,."... Janna". II : III} : Ia nu-nu can ht uyllod - IIII |KvI'II f auuu hngmoc nun at In-Ins. luau." l at H nub (mu, .. Inland Tumor: In-In u_o-3 9:31: L_hugo--. 4' a..AO,o..&IlI'(`onhno-. ' nuvmo.v.T:'ouuu a no. A pnyuu-duo nu-can avian!-wuyllnd ` Rlruu Ilrl . at .41 um}. {inn . .. mu ..4 ur- J LOOK AND SEE! ..- , .., Plrlun-I. Vlcmlvliugn rnbuwl 3 frames \!'nll I'I|l`ItI`II. \|'|u~lt I olden. as-.. am. You will lad `u in o Anny an-tun an hum. l"4\(`4J(7k.'4 In-nmlr Ill any at X- All kin-In 1-I l'l.l'~H In-I \ |~`.|.V~Nl I'll A III. ~ mute Iuuv-hr. 1Il.I3HH\ MK` RRllll.DP`.l) lira r](IIIl|( -I no nu lhe -Iulllo-at In-1l~"` In and Gulucm, ls: `rnur IIAYDI -..\r)\\` nznuu Ixu-(unr- rm-nl my mum mt-uh! mg: In turn out '0 I lilnck Fqunro Tall Hans for `I each I 5.3. 805] Math qxol'lMI3U) for N3 50 ouch : .-Ulrnclun Jackets mlk lnmh H7 ucln. Punuuu Lamb (`spa II..'.II vnch Black (`hint Uunl lh-hm It; :'0mu-In Fur Lined Circulnno $6 on-l1 I .\len'u Hltck Dug (`roan SIIDO much i LmIi~s` S 8. Seal .\'soqunn $125 each, 4.-\ud evor_w.h|ug uh-u pr-~pnrv.uunlely lnw _ Tlnu nlv H unhnul rum-rw uni lur ` mnheu to l"un1ers nu-l (`|lu`.-mu nu um-I `ll:-nt opponunlty lnr m-curing n "mg I Honnuln" in fun Th.- '; THE ansm amun"rnnsTnn}: 1 Jun 94, wk) I nun ..o-.-. - noun?-ro uum. my an luau .1 1-.-..a 5-..- _nn-m innnrr BLEARINH sum N O'I'I_OE. -f HI: m.\'l`.~' .\.\'n lmlH.\' H Thrceesl lnulllu. me'vory be-1. I2. -Ouch I Four ueuozunn .3J`lv(`1roulnrn. 560i-uh -I 16 Fur Luml vuila (`ulnm-re. Bu-oaded . nk and Sum: ouuido from 997 to H5.`- `, snx llrnohnrin In-ds. N5. Eu A.-lruocu Minllvu (rum 920-30 935. ,(.ue Hnndsomo I`.-rum I4|I|.|:('uul - lin- ` u-n Ev-at - mm.` in-. nut-assiusins4JLkii}}iuL;mb ictenxwavesou IKBE IIUEIEII I CC -----DAYB mu-: "wH1t}HT'*PL'Ac13 fl-'urs! Furs ! Far: I - I ' "" ' ' I l)u.{(`1|[.|. (`oou Foals. ` Urey, White And Blnck Halito- I India .'elu1nnll.I"un ['(}vnl'n (`apt Pond K \'Ar|nIv n . pm ..I.\.. ;1\4:ILLs BROS- %t`_`%%1J1%a.`J*"1?"S- `Vow llllrc Italic for Calling Mouldings lluu In-I Arrlu-cl. H .\ |u .\lil`IHl l (HI'l'l'Xl'l'Y TH l:l'Y H'lR.\' ('lll'I.\l'. Cut. Om This Price List. I (`oi-nor I`rnun-u and lingo! Sn. Jan. huh I-EA l.l.( )\\'.~\ Y `S. Tabla lunch` 0.. h.. II-5 Inmru stun r1-. -. I . Hun umm-.. I 1... I CI II"" I Nth. ' 'II0l.lI I LIZ I lIII`II\ MN` I: Dl\'l..\ Y .\`F.(`l'l{|N(l l lih`.8l-ZN'l`h` lm llw Il.xInIn}- Mon-r nu-luau-nu-An [-0 [won now We ull only II! \I'lIl.I.lNll'I`0N $1` I>"I run: `.\;\I.\.\' ull~"I`.\'. \ B`n.t:B.' Caps and Furs. 7 L ;~-4 Misceglaneous. FURS! I l`eninu Lamb iu emllonn my (6 DO cloned our llm mnnlu. y. Janna 8|- N OTIOE `'0 III IIQD II` Mucnuosu a norm: II`r'C NI III-'1' Ow` bohldu Llull `MON ! - 0l0ol.lIil.ol Kentucky. vbonlllo Vononhhnllnhu bu stand. 0|*%I1I= HI puluujnn -nih-I A--.. that i.4I....:L.L|. ..-_ ; -'--I--I-v-unuuu-uuluncu-nu ch|l|lDIb.Iy int uyk llrnshblnnoloqouuonl-0 hall 3 n:4-I L--4-in. _..n|......_nl 1 the wiry reverend gnllenee doc! nol ' end new ehjeelioeehle week. DA-.Wnleen. ptopoenl the the one which he has colnlnuniceled to hie oooleeiesllosl up pcien. Some who were Iezliee-I lo enppon the been will now withdrew their eynpelhy. They will regal lhel eeelm wey loeelu llhenllyulue Iaop.thehedeeenoleeeleleeowni- lhlloewllhhie [lone end popular Cu- nlqeepeeinllyee he le Ieulerelood to have ellnleueounged hilnin his new ~ oqheheul.ieeeulo|IlI0'!lIIeeee eheeleollooeollhepeepleol|ll1|eeo- nieelluee. They reoqelee In him e nenlepue eerwuled. eee who neeeewelleudl:euloeewIll.eedne- riledlhepteieeeetlbleeenp ol hee- dlede. Olnlerlllelhe Ieveednlued the elvetblh-my. and let lhel nit- euoe eeeeped lhe peeaehueelol lhe Cheri. lleleuebehehilolm periehloeenlhelwehelleve then when lheyny they can lollew MI. nd.il eeeulhe.ennlehendeone churohin whlehheneyluely pbeeoh ea-I any eelleely wenhlp. Ilene lea loyal to tleelylhllg lolejere the Chlteh while hlllhelheneyhe heed to don- pleeeullhlege when virluellv letoenl eelelil. IIIIUUIJI II-n vac Iuu I:-IIIIvIIvI he ought to have gone in the inurul of hi: own dignity and that 01 lm CImmh-bIIt they will ulmil Shut he I UIII not Inch n Iuuliu uml mom honest __`_...I `L-.. AL- _.__ _|.:-|, u 1 , cu vi-V Iuiuuvui uvua uuv 3-an-uvu nu nun Inn. SoOP'lD|o thought ammo doototlndnono |oohr-lurIhor than L- ...._I.n A- L... _._.. .'.. AL- : _____ _. `gnu; III` -u-uvun uvuluuvluuiv un IIII tripod: and the Rector. Wu have is from I good authority that the doctor wrote in Us-Binhop willingnoon to eschew may ol the Army pncticeu which hul I tendency to com- prolnioo him in his Chnmh relations. but donired the privilege" oi unending swo muting: par Inch. The Bishop. it in mid. in auialioxl. but the Dean ll notmordoou he soon inclined todivugo in the blighted (mm the [Iolition ho Inn n-|..- R_-. -..-I- AL....I.o AI._A lI._ ` Tho can 0! Dr. Wilton Inn been eu- I gaging tho lotions oonnidornion 0! his 'D:QI\a`- nwul 0|... "gala: ||I.. L--- .`. .I`he speech of tho Liout.-Governor clearly indicates the moaning which the bone! Government has tehen onto! the judgments given during the put yeer by the Priv} Council. especially those having reference to oachontcd property and to the an! of liquor. The bottle ol Provinciel rights him. it eeeina. not yet been fought. Therohu been only a little nliirmishlng on the queetion. The Dominion Government and the Provincial Government will certainly hnve tho whole nnbject ol the liquor traiclarunod helore the highest Court in the realm. null until ranch in the cue thorn must beoonict on the pert ol the inling powers. Another iasuo. which may also go before the Privy Council. in that growing out o! the difference ol opinion II the right ol the Dominion Government to oontrol all rnilways orouinxor connection with tho mnin lines. thoul these have been chartered and largely subsidized by the Pmvnu cinl Legialnturo. The winduni nu-I jus~ lion 0! this ooureo in eunredly open to (junction. and hlr. Mowet will not nor- render any power which he. in the name of the people. hohl.-4 until lorcoll to do no by inilieputnble orders. hit John in ` apparently most Illll0|lS to nunuv and emtnrnao .\lr. Mownt. but oven "the greatest etntesman that ever lived in nnhject to correction. and his will is not nuprumo. IT? WT 3'. Ulj I: "VIC gnu won Incn oldonhtlnl politic col Ininlionn Ind rolntionn. The Bnndon Sam rom Von nuch Ln impruuon in thin longing: "Tho nut to suggest public mootinp to naitntc lot cl rodronc of the griovnnocn. which all Admit. was In Chnrlon Stewart. of Ronnthwnita-. I Mnniwhn lnrnr. ol (our yuan` ntnnd-i inn. The suggestion wu mule through oolnmnl ol the Sun. nnd Inn endorsed by it. Very soon nltor I meeting Ill hold in the Council Chnmhor. Manitoba. an-I nil but three or four who nttonded were lumen. I-`min thin beginning the Inovunont hu npmul. until now it in- cludes all clnuu. nnd qniw properly. nu nll cln-can Ire equally intornutod. Thnt politician: hole and there hove nttuclr o-I themselves to it won inevitable. hut that thay control it in nu fair in possible from the truth. it in n misnomer. huvr our. any longer to call It 1 hmnoi-u` movement. It in the people a movement. nnnl lnwforn nml oditon hon joined It bocnnnc. In their own my . they on on much concerned in lining those griev` Inca umovotl In Any other clnaf.":, - olnnoullgtnunul llunolzlbon wan Xouopcutl oloonplniiioi llnlcon-.` Nauru. Ivser LOITATION. `rho other bun Iva told an we Oovunnail did not dud: nylupow not to tho Iuitoln agitation: that the Dundee IIOOUII VII ompood of pro- I-nnnnnl nnllnhj. and IILAA its Alnln. lb. -fhuvlubupqnmugglau-. hoO&,hItAnhnr routs. which mi] N ullyuhnnuud. udtbo 8|. Pnul Odhlsull-nil mound when the nhudl hllvout. Ihippuludutm ..m-- ..u:. .m ...`i"n. .` L.....m 'n... OIlo.I1ouUD&l'l'nbI_ol.In- can at all this IIDIIII. fowihao. T Zn NIH IuI.p.'$u XII DIN vdlilfplhlb will gcho bosom. ahuauoulMnuIuunor.tbou ::IIuI- wun go-xv u I-nlw-J u:n- Juunor. The Sun -5]! than nonl- nlly 0 v 0! it. The Cundiu hail akin; to in own inhruu. bu in. you don lnrlov cnipul mu." huviuullylug \|n`pnu|nq9l do~ -nangllhgunnbnntlnlnthnnnnlh nl Um jvliijllyuug unity:-an-In uuu-t I g-uuuonnn.anomuouisoxu.. IA_. 2;... ._III L. - _..A .4..._..|- |... into 3 tinny nut .._...._-_ TL- Q.... --- IL... g._ ml, Ouhjluqnuu. um- - rm. l!'II..\'UN'.\` -.43).`. I'Ii'(IVI.\'(`I.I. ll I4:`lI'l..\'. uunuurplas-. mm um 18 ml .. .. ,..., ` I I :|lo~ i LI cnuuuarvllolounu lat lullhrl signal. sud than livul Mastic u an ndwilo. Thouvuo no Iiuuun to an chain; M u.. nu-A-.nL Whin-. Aluuulwounn In-onlurhpoun. $XJO't-dl`0WI-QI__ GB ITITTI UIIlI`II II UCIIIS A nnib monument in a oununry wu overturned. A woman In: killed by aha blowing donut 1 ohinlov. Md 5 child was blown into the lap: River. AI Ulldliil. in LAl'.nAAhira_ A main II III AOAIII col: IAIIJ Itoqcunllunnlnlhlcod. to-punt the lawn! or quoted nor njpngg onua anon Inn in. Lap: mm. M ovuduvin. in (Autumn. a nu wu bnliod ndkillod Indus falling -Wdlutldbi nnuvublown down and Iain Ilul lnodlnda nuouuungzn. on up wanna: ol soot- lud. but no hulitiu Inn no hon thou. M Uork may and walls were blown down, The non notion: dnnqo camps! than In tho damnation byunoplo ol the spin ol 8|. Patrick`: Uuhodnl at Idlns. A Iii!` GDIIIIIIIO E0 Il"l'IVO llfolll Elli] path 0! sho three kingdoms. A nasal III driven nnhnn n Ru and but an-_ [tutu mo umo mnaaonu. A non: nu dtivou nation at Rye and how our. oouauingool Iwunv. Inn wound with mdi any by 3 lib-bout. Inny ' was blown down at Aytna Kiluodhtigm. tho Inolooul oi Soot- Innd. but no hnlitinn inn unwind unuon. -an. u.-noponn or dump no lnjutiol. caused by yoktduyi nun, continue to arrive Inn Inrhol the dune Kimdonn. A n-ml W.Icliun.|c, limbo: . . . . . . . . .. J. II&hnoa&0o..Lroa....`.. Rboddgwotkonounn .... .. do Btoun hoilcn . . . . .. John uowon. uIuy........ da Tnvolliu uhenau. . Ihvidnon C Donn. onunp . . . . W. B. A S. Auuhn. lunhnr .. .. J. Juniuon. ndnton. I W.KoRu-in. tIInh0l ..... .l U-ilnnln-Al): iron in I , .. ." Bank of Monlronl.. .. John Bowen uluy.. d.n Tnnlliu` -u-uunauu-an n.u- -ILIIAII llllll Bank 0! luutnnl . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I T. lolnhou. pointing . . . . . . . . . . A. IaConqhy. planting . . . . . . Chain A Cunningham. repairing T.0vonnd. cu-pans:-y.......... Power cf Son. prof. Iervioos .. .. Pnunonn fur lnbor .. `no oooauun s. ma out .- Illlonnceulreoluclin, Whom tho Ion-1 Goon. We yesterday gun from the report. of the Mmnslel of Public Works the vzzount upended upon Mnliury and Peniten- tiary Worh. We now append tho do~ uilllonnd in the Public Accounts. thus: u. u. uumn. banding . . . . . . .. J. W. Incklutou R (`o . . . . .. G. W. Andrew: nnndneo .. .. W. Rohlnoaninpdn la boon. Wm.Hntson..ipl yfngnh pill Kw: Wslhntnvollina u. . L. . Shunnon, pnuting. Lt. Ilahou. pcnngo to Camd- ll. VVCICIDII. LB. Hponoer.utove....... Chowu at Cunningham . . . W. Allin. Kxnpton. pipe: . Ju. Bunch. oupon ;ennq . . dn . . 000 Icon uoo noon an H. B. Smith, binding ` J. Hncklnbn A ( lonunun mom. hardware. . Water Worn. . . . W. .FoonL.olonnin ohimn`y B. _WAlIlou. Iuptinn . . . . . . . . L. B. Bnonoelutovo . . . . . . . . .. 12;. really. nna . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I. Lnwin-. bmnlawood . . . . .. R. I. Bonny. bone. to . . . . .. B. Jonkinl. drawing bonds Wilson Bloc. nundriou. .. . . W. Louis .3 Son. lilo buoym. lolnhun Blot. hardware. . II.-pun. `Your Want: G. H. noun. drugs . . . . . . . . .. A. 8uIhorlAnd.boot.I.......... R. Cnwlord. wood sud oonl. W. I Dronnm. hmdwnn. . . . Iololvoy C Blush. sundriom. C. Wright & Sou. caps at gloves '1'. loMshon.lu1n . . . . . . . . .. A. lolnsn. oi hmpm. ....... Po rd Htnloy. (night . . . . 0. . Wilhnuou. croohry . . . . I-2.Roil|_v.nnd...... . . .. Inch-. . . . . Lul year the .\l|litarv (`allege coal 006,777.98. but the refund of the Cadets amounted to O l:!.(l96.2`l. laavma I5-`l.678.- al. to be met. by the Government. The following: are the lucal uc\~onul.s. In au~ lined. panned anal paiul : Pay 0! Superior Su . . . . . . . . .0 30.67:: 57 Fly of Snbordxunte Stall. . I1 3:}? Br! Pay of Paymuter . . . . . .. . 3'.|'.0 910 losing (`axiom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74.381 0`! Washing aooount . . . . .. 1.511 39 Rotunda duo Cadets . . . . . . . . . . I3: 14 Trnvolling expanses ul (`adults .` `I68 I14 ("ontingocoiaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.020 06 Goo.Cnag;an.clol.hiug . . . . . . .. 1,905 15 J. G. [in . (I R nnlnfl run- I manage: Talqrunm. l I-`urmtnro .. onnolqwnuununauau. Iutbuvalvoaundrsualoc. Aloolonunnuotonuc at _I--`gm _`-- --._ -..A-__ unuonory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. do lrom Stationery Utioo. . Quota`: Priaut . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Carin! Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . v n n-lynx uoaalw . . . . . . . Contlliaonciou. . Honing. .4. . . . Light . . . . . . . . . B|Au"oIo}`y..- do from : u:unmn.... Fun sud Susm. Freight . . . . . . . . . . .. uunm Lagm, LIu|.... . . . . . . . . . . . .. in toiunldingu . . . . . . .. ' Iunhnnuon of muhluery .. Armory equipment . . . . . . . . Kihhnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll ('lothinu.....`... `Travelling k"`n-~ Dlnrg cloI.hIIg..... lIbNlIOllII.."...... .. Cldpolu . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LIN-uncu.... Houpit lleddiu. l`nnI.|nonum Oioiru touring gratuities. . HdAneI.... Unitoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lhuous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Plnxhinn ` ___._ _ upon... LIN-ant... The sooner you come the better choice you will get.