Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1884, p. 3

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....u my ......,,...... ...,,. The Devil`: Auction Company will play here on the 19th. It in I ne spec- tacular piece nnd has mat with unquali- ed success in the A motion cities. A publishing oompuay is to be started somewhere along the St. Lawrence. to be known as The Thousand Island Publishing Co." \I.. `I7 I \Y..A|..ll .1 AL. I _k_.)-_..- A meeting ol the Midland Contnl Fur f\.-.4on- nun- I.-I.I ALI- -u._..._ _L-_ A special meeting of tho suvnion Army will be lichl in. Portsmouth to- morrow morning. Capt. llnghol will be llmre. nun. . The merchants` drive out will take place-is week from Friday. M. O'Brien WI lend the cottage with n !onr-in- Imnul. nuull u -nvvvn, - nu-un. uu I nu. a'.u|pu. Aid. .1. Um-son yeatonldy purohuod nu I-Jthsn Allen _four-your old. John says it. will lead on the turf next sum- .,...,.. ... ............m. u, ,4... Thu .\ Reform Ausocmtnou will hold its auuual meeting at Wal- rol.h's Hotel. Yuker. on Feb. `.. 0l.h. - uuuuuu uollvuu nuu:-cu. (/apt. Usskina hu virtually won hi: case. The Union shovolleru no now se- tnruing to work one by one. `PI... 1 '|......:,..I u'n..I... z.. n..,.. uunu-u;g vu vvunn uuu ll uuu. Thu Chculicnl Works in are being rubuilt. mm! the ' soon he Illuminated by gun. 'n... .\.m;..4.o.\.. n..:.\..... ........., .. .....g..u....... Mr. John O'Brien. while entering: neighbour`: yard ou,.Tuesdny. [ell mud nllstainetl serious injuries. I... J1.-`I:-`IL! I..- ..:..A..-II.. ...A.. |.:- uvni III I lVU\II.I. Buy your collus, comets. scuba. lmndkel-chiefs. Lose nud gloves to-night us. Hardy & Murray's. TI... .m- ...-.|:..........'.. ......... :- L`-_..-l .....\., .. ........, ... The new policeman! name is Sunuel Polly. He was formerly of Piston. but latterly u Kingnoninn. Mr I.-.I... A\'n-:.... ..|.:|.. --.,._:...._ ....u a. stun . ` Tho SIVIXI Army '/"rum/crl um U1-A Um: makes its appearance on Mont: next. in Pictou. IL... ..-.... ~--|~-r C. R'ciu. the ulnar on stilts. in u- nngiug for an exhibition entertainment next week. an . ru_,,, . .. Tho. Onngoxncu of Unnnoque V have a monster demonstration on I ml: of July. `Pl... u..m.I 1-..... .. ._ I H - (miner A. Duncan has sold his Irish _ bred gr_ey_houu to Mr. J. F. Mucuow for H0. ` - n n,-, wi > 1 Tho {nae route `bouygen tho Capo and Kingston has had little patronage no In. Among the pronoun given to B. 0. Britten on but wedding was I home and Int ` Illull C. III Ill HIE OUVWI Army. The Cape Vincent nn 0! Eu] & Fiugernld. butJb8gs.,!g;,|.J1oeh dissolv- od. u _ | - w. nuuuuu nvunvu Inuu luv yvllvv loron lut _,n1h&. , The Scvod Army will attack Petu- _ bominnlawdnyn. _ Charley Count: will lecture in Vio- Inmnu nnul lthk. The Canlniuoo on Fire. Wnter and On meotol Hominy It 4 pm. .'I`ho circulation ol the War try. in diomnt lnngnnuoo. in 26.(.(X),(ll). W. J.` Jacob: is to open I ninging "school A: Bu-riotlold on Feb. ux. ` Lions. Briuol has resigned his oom- mnnd n In omcqr olthe Sued Anny. Thu Ann Vinnnnt nn nl I-`n-I A. .I4CI-IgIa rV-'g IIUIIIZ ltoll-IIIII. Ilou-semen. ho. [Ill TIE fin.-onu AITOIIMV ollmluowoal I Anal [annual Int.-g-o_n-In "ii:-;nm_ AND 'ruE1uc." 1 ' ] izu wu-n1'n?o}i.sHo1cm man: llcsorouto `I0 village WI ml Uuaprl I Monday THE `BRITISH WHI5`: SATURDAY, EVENING. FEB1k?I'.-\R`.' H7" will u, I 1' WT \lUUC~ Ill` IHKWX -W I umpounuyv-or autumn. Inching their conclusion. Thoyu-0' pun-unywoll oloIh,o|.u-lpohm Hlubhnhyurthyulqo vu-yII|nI|iIon|.ud unn- uoulubwlloovorhoh uu Iuv u-vuuuu an out I uuuv vvuuuur Iloul-I ycutudny Mr. Thoma looms hor. % III nkl $6 Ibo cloth pit In C polloclunh Illlhrun vunll that ho had ptonhnd to pmvido. Rqudiu the decits of anal oocn nothing wudou. The polioouu now Ilnnlthnlnn-nllmlnlha--nn-hgglg-nmai-. \ u.u rul I IUR`. nu:-an qunna IJII `the Englieh epoekini: recv is uu let ' the epeciel cereol Divino Providence end as proof ol this he drew ettention to tho lact that llneeia with ite immenee eriny of l.GX).(lll. Germany with it KIMXX) soldiers and France with it's 500.&l) dare not eilopt any oourso of ac- tion which would cease them to lievo to oonteml against England with its little etandini: aimy ol only l.`l5,(lXl men. Thence he developed the thought that the pooplo ol the l'uitoil States Art! of the tribe of Menaeeah lor they coin` poeo the only notion in the world tliet hae been aepueted from their brethren. Prophecy loretold this. end It hee been ` eooompllehed. England could here wiped out the States in the laiit century. but God lied hie hook in its mouth and held lt beok.lor.it wee ghting its brother. He made onnerooe relezeneu to the clan- ly allletl poellione ol England to the Stetoe and nix! the time wee coming when they would have toetend eide by eido anil ehouldor to iilmnldor. ln an hnndretl yeere there will he no were. The Englleh ll he to multiplied hot other nations will tear and the were will not proceed. They will not allowed. ee they will interlere with huieen. le peroration was very line. the recitation ol Bishop Heher`e poem "I-`men 00- land`a lcy Monnteine." eellinq lath he- mendoue epplanee. He clothed thle re- dtetion with e heeuty not heloee ltd by Inuly. llie remerke wue lietened to with npt Attention. the endieooe being ohanned by hie eloqneet delivery. the elearneeeot hle reeeonieg. end the eel- pnelitvnl the Idea to which he ve -Ilgn--44 rvwvwv-1 vvvwvu cu:-uuzu a:o=`nu\hlui|aIIlt`WnIch . nou `W1 W I. 0-: thuutqubhthqlnrwh -annex: nuu .uaIuuLI. .vu:u vvvu vvuuu nv. 3 mail ul l.-lnwl uucl iq-pllull it to-lllilun. And their dmluctiouu lllll not come out I right. Indelity wns aroault. "AllJown are lsrwliws. but all Israelites are not Jaws. All apurowu In) birds. but ell birds are not npu-rows. thunk lottuuo." The uptake: pointed out some 0! the chuutetiltiou of the twelve tribes of Israel. using clear and ilolightlul hm- gunge. Ho npplioil common souso to Jacob's beuodictious. nu.lnlio\\'ol that they were litonlly lullilled. Tho peon- linr title ol the lecture was taken from one of the tribes. whose possousiona wore ntouy. to whom was givvu iron nboea that tlioy might walk about with- out danger of injury. ed in two tribes. null preached 0! them from the pulpit. but where ere the other tribes 1` Are tlmyiloml? No. Thom no nmuy preplieaies tn he fullled. Do we see any race with clmractcrmtica like them oltlm lust tiilm 2` You: tho Auglo~Snxon race. .\u.l ovor._v.pruplie- cy given to tho lnrmlitea applies to this nae. nuil in being lullillod. Tlivreian divine element in Anglosuou hintory u tbulwuln Hob:-ow history. end it in not unemhle to Ministers lu.-lier _ I-on uuq. Milne Inollllgol tboPoliooComu|ia~ In-an an-An-cl-- ll- 'I'L..--- ll.... ` -.u.~. Iulun Ur n.1n.In|., and said the stumbling block mus the confusion or lane] with Judas. Thane lwu were separate and zlistiuct. Men .....I ..l I..-....| .....l ......ll...l it 5.. I.. L... nu-ug. .-mu. Ivan um |\.1\|IU \| \I|.. v\.lu|v\. mcnz. tlodilial not make lulu lieluru llm bims anal boasts. .\l.nl enmrml into the lovulopniunt of all tlnng-<.unl thus mlvunoenwnt. was upward. .\ punt. wuss nuulo. thenn canoe. then M skill`, then I scow, thou u .~|Cll00llL'T, then a clipper. and than 2. stemuur. Mind entered into the least and tluvolopocl to tho mcntcst. Tliuru '33 not ll man on (i0\l x t)&l'l.l| llml. believed in o\'olnt.ion in his heart "Tim dillerenoo between myaoll and the ovolu- tionists in." and the doctor. "that. I be- licvo in development lronx without. the ovoluliuuist Iron: witliin." The lecturer At length procoealo-l to draw the ma- terial aenne from the Bible and showed how the material had been spiritualized. With | key to the Scrunuros overytlainig was nmdo plain. He then broached his lav_ouriLo chemo. :.4.. the Vniformity woulq` exist. it the Scriplums were nudorxtood nml inwrpmtosl as they ought. to be. 'l`ln- nmtvrial ioluzu cuuv voved iu the \\'urJ slmuil be lir.-it ascor- utiuod and clicu tlioso ideas should be npintualizod. He had no new principle: to advance reapcctim: the .~mily of (Beds Word. but. he had uew iunalm.-is of apply- ing its principles. and to his mind guml manila followed this application. No believed in evolution bui not 0.: unavo- lutiouiat did. Thoydiored at one point. uid than lsy the docdption ol shewholo I hI|nu \l.... um- olm --.....h I .l......l....... nuu vulva-U ID, was uuuvyuuu VI Iuv wuulu thing. .\Inn was tlm result. 0! xle\`ulupc~ nunu l1n.|.lE.l nno .....l-.. I..... I...l...... 0| Dull III IICIII ii lju uni!!! its mysteries could hue been under- stood. but coming from El pg-rfozt Hod imperfect urinals us-nu-uvu lug nut uuncnvuv Vyuuuouu nv gnrdilgit. Hlditbolllmlfainvellionl its mu-6-4;. Ann.` I..-.. Innnn nII..nv. uuu llllxtnl WIIU Tun: 3| WI} HIV world would have been without it. The proof Hunt. the bible wu iupind was furnished in tho dmennl opinions to- man-nn it Ilnnl It Lg... -us--ha Inungnlinn unnuuu. -uu nu nuunu uv In I1vu\lI.IIu| one iltbod who could toll Vllftbo ._-_|j _,._|.I |,__. L,__ _._A|.__4 :A 'I`I.- ONO A `FOLIO. Ul IIITI Mnyorllccuunon introduced the loo- turer `in A hlioitoul my. Dr. Wild in I mu: ollllno nrpoannoe. having an intellectunl face. I owing board and long curly hnir. His voice is deep. his onnncintion is no distinct as to be nun! in evury part ol the lull. In beginning he announced that the btblo II: I w'ou~ derlnl book. thut ll-om"it. we derive very iuzportnnt instruction. lt lml exercised I grant innonoo in tho ulvnuco ol civi` lintion. And he would be I \V0|l(lt`ll|ll 3-; n u, ,, u I ._n __|_... ~4|.- All tudionoool probubly {(1) persons vt limnal ynou Ilwnlivcly to the Inter ' ling lecsundolivcnd by R". Dr. Wild. 0!" Tuonw. ln_,Iho City Hui Int _ night. The Inbjool was a poculiu one. Ion with non Shoes.` ' sud greifivu um A Annrimixy so 1..m.m:._m_- 14;.2aI_IL. Ilw. .. nddroguu. however, had relcrence `so - I subject 0! whicl. the doctor Inn male 1 lilo utudy-tho baton 01 the lost tribe: , 01 lung]. .,,,_,..,.._.__ ,4 :_.__ n__-.. AL` I_- `"9 lltlosnion has mu The Loo"! Ten Tribes ol lgnrul . -A Plenum Tim. Iuupoihn 0% wmlo we Inn has cum; shena- mapooulonh shout that driving I over chimneys nd klqnph polo: tho akin muiun null Cho Ind: which swept ptlowllll Iunouulud it! . Iogonhinoulhollu than Kilptu Mills, the olninlty Jul touching till gurlm ol the volt. Nathan an any Ind to bulk this Iu dillhlly iuordottouvoid odllduwihllohomo. _ V ...-~w-u-u-uu-u'uu-r- H. J. Crovollu bu not.-nvoul the yin ` lrhh Iovlnlol blookol Copn Vincent. The plan woo drown by New Dillon- boul. ol Woutoon. Tho block will Inn o" flulhqod ltll loot on Broadway and mo tool on lorkot SL. with she ll oltuln on Movies Isl {ho hie! will to but out-loo high. And will` ho Iolohod in tho lolool Mylo. Thom wllllolouotnnolnthoblock. A alo- ho cl tho Odiocot Ulony on tho CM d`k`Ii|\I.~IIdVCO' towon willoloobolpto plooo tllohoool unong tho Inouluthonorthon portoltho moo. will bogln u noon on tho uanuun Di" n..._.a .....u. "lot: VIII W weather will pa-mt puny in the city. We have boon ahcwn the driving of in new iron lvnce, for tho umuulacture of which it is pmpoud to form a Coin` Thu inventor is l'rol. Davy. well known II n Iuuniciiui. but a man of a very practical turn of mind. The thy of modern fences is almost pant. Tho timber is getting scam-. lum- hor Ia bocoming -lmarur. nml land own era um givim; (`(Ill.'1l1`l`l`t|ill(` thou-,:|nt to that which concerns the lN)l|uIlI|l'l1`.\l an-I protection cl their property. l'rul. Davy appcanc to have nlosuunml an article which possoaaas tho advaump of being durable and oouiparutivolv inoxponnlva. This [once is composed entirely ul imn. and is thereloro calculated to ho lll.ll|l* touted lw tho rnvagon n! time nud liro. Tho lirst osaontinl is the post. the Inh- atitntc for the picket. It is driven into the ground and hrsoccl by two pieces of iron. wedge-ahapod. which become the tighter tho more they are croiuaecl and their points baton into the ground. A common wire. nnharbodmpann the space betweon the poets. additional braces anoh as those used at the gates heinu oroctocl every eight rod: in onlor to aim pr-rnnanency um! strength to the fence. A calculation has been made. andwoarolnfollnodtltblonoa an be built {or Iona monigshan tho ow- aary wooden atrnatan.aod it look: I goonl deal hotter and Inns much longer. l'rol. Davy hu built lancoa according to him i loan and has prove their choapnosn and utility. He has t e mo-Ion and plnnlol thoworh. nndhoputoindnoo the capitalist! to hunt In an oohrprilo which in no promising 0! success. Ilia Inovahlo uulorunutal lonnaaan nu. Iv good. but tho permanent alair ap- pun to have apocial innit. A Another Local Industry SIl|'[O.-slHI-hiIuQ- lhlng New In the Frnro Line. vuuuvuu gluon:-Ia. nun nu Iuu Ilu IVII lutnnd fond ol whiskey. but for us you: be In: neither sated. touched or buudlod it. md donounoao it: use. uuulu nun UUI I Ilslllllfh "Whst us the mine of tho that vex. no! that went. tlu-on-,;h the \\`ellnul L`n~ ` nal 2 ` Non]: was ukcd. He saial it. was 1 Yankee vessel. the ll. '1`. Benton. Ire/Uagic 0006/! cunt`. n --n-.n vuu .-.\.\. Nonh in now 70 you: of Age. hm. roads without glunes. Early in life he wu I --0. gnu` I.-nu! nl u-I.:.|.-- |...m I`... ll .\ .-unr. run mu: unn. .\'onln says tlnl. when be commenced tonsil. in I833. there woro only two liyln. houses on tho `it. l.uwn\ucc-ono Ax. Ogalenuburg and we at Crossover ls- land. lu running the river at uuvln. nilon lml to locate themselves In the cross-trees "and watch the color of the water. as It indicatod the presence of .-clloals. There was no lnglu. house It i Milwaukee. and but. one at Chicago and ' Point. Nncr. In the btmits of Mukiulw them was only I lighulnip \VhAt can (In; nnlnn nl n... oh... ...-... Nod: remembers when the pier: were built in the hm-bur o!L'hicn;:o. and when it WIN A hut. to .-ml [between them. Forty you-s ago. can. throw trip: in n I uoasou over the chain 0! Ink-on was 1 font worthy of praise. the vesiels has ing to suur for want. of H10 ulwltcr nuxl tomug lncilitios now posuos.~ue.l. lu I537 our mend outed on the sour. llonry cmo1an.' built .3 Cdpo Vincent. ma when he visited Kilnnkoo in this you the only {rune house in the city was Ihnl ownod by Solomon Juno. In ISTN he wan in(`h|cu-,1-1 by the -hr. llussollrn. when the truolu loll. Uuvcg-I for |`rescot.l. there to light. the "battle oi the Wnnlulill ` and sunr clofell. lu 1340 he Ind command 0! the II. Aime- worlh. and auhse]u3ul.ly of tho rwhrs. Iroquois. Ariel and Lucinda nu-I lug Mnnhnlmu. .\ ml now. hnvnug lollowosl tho profession of umrmor [or 1'7 years. he retired. II-II-U Inuit. kph. I IT!` I31! Z6 Alabama and Culumbiu. and out his throat bocmw tlw last Iunxml \`t`*'~T0l would uol. l xvun cm nupu. It-in`. I IIIu!_ lu1'.Il' lualllul ` able by tho Inttla of l'lnttskmrg. whi_c'h ' ' big parents vibwoal iron: the summit ol ' Illittluuako Hill. _'l`hev romovo-l to Wateliown. and an I835! Noah. aged 16. Itutodtopuldlo hislowu cdnou. lhl nt nnrinh oonuniulon was on the aloopJuckuon. an nutiquatwl Iur slnp which trmlod between Salluqu ltiver / nml Detroit. In 1&3! hu shipped on tho Ichr. Johu \lcKemI1-. zmilluglmtweou Bunlouun-I Chictga. lu thus yun the cholen. for u second time. swept the country um! people died in thousands. In Detroit they dropped frequently on" the' streets. and Noah rennrkoxl. "I acooteil out o! tint phco m I hurry I an tall yon. Inthoumoyouho went on the steamer United Silos. ud [later on tho achrs. Ono of Chytou. the Flondnr. ld tho coir. lllilob. when owner. Oupt. mung. hill the -Unhnnun aml l`..Inm|.iu nml nut Lin Y ` . . 3, .A_ Wm-. report: lwl I tslknsz evou- ` jug with Cspt. Dunhun. boner know}: I u'"l'nclo Noah." whose fund o! funny --atorioiaoomn to bu nnulummblo. Noah hu 1 hinlqry. nus] nu iutexesting one. I Inn |'n `o\..o ...._ .1... n...n.. ; ,1... ' uuu n an-syn). null In Iulnvlthllll Dill`. too. He,`8nt. suv glue` hght ul day in --NH. eaopt l8%hrn}n!e_ mvrlc-`In AI-In hlr rim Luci- .1 Bl. - . _|.. .|. \ xou--Dnnjun Spam 2: you . my ` -Il||IIl'-`I'M Exholjuees at g Hula "Id lin " uent`: bu-I-pd. I n_-_-n,_ n . .. A N EW SCIIEI E. T..{o1.B ,;;m;=. ;"III.` I!-l|lIl]C Halo (old lin. |w- :T._ Inn-1:-u-nun -|..n ---human`-asp. !|g\vIoolI_Il_l|VH "F I BWUND A1` l.A8'l`-Annodyvu'nn- otllooInhuIIIlnl|Onru.DuI- hnnlhllouautlo. luau`: Iuvocou Inn. Roaumht. Illndtdlllot ouunqnhhnu-y."l:.Luu. llchu Wubibrnhuu. 9`. I0. uvu I-u-3 wtvw Can! I J. noun Iunn. toouml and nah; `IV. mull. Uonuuuououun luauluolt um must. sovuu nmum have lonnod thonnlvu into 1 club. dubbed the "1`1-ado` Union." sud gin bags at ouholhcri bonsai. leaving 01 1-. Fa. out in the cold. Dom `me. the has man In dnwn Ionowhon. you know. --Dclroil NON. snobbery in nnput III London. On... thin winter. Sunni tuniliu have lrlnnd llnnllngljn I-Mu n nlnh nkhnl IBLSBS NBWPBIHTS & SATBEH8 lioung III. Grow nlonuncho J MUIIAI Inll]. -I03 1 -nth: -g-`L Lunlvu. l-lllen Crown. with uintly look and hands npliod. bowed baton tho Huh- tmto sud ploulod (or mercy. Ho turn- Iylnukhorurinond soul but Iopol hr than month. lazy Grunt. wanting a bdldnjnh bonnet. was rounded maul Honky. sho in charged with naruoy Ind drunk- wnn -uuuu-vu uni IIIUKIIIII. Davy Pringlo. who imbibed loo freely. was. on pronidng to leave the city. diu- charged. I.`lI.... n.._. _:n. ..:_n_ |_-|. -..,) ` -v....-.-....vq,. W. Huxley. n boiler nnkur. got on his nut has nightud wu hauled in. no wu diuuinnod this morning. In-9 D.:....I.. -1... :....|..:L..i A.. 3...... \l yup-.-.. A ngnlnr meeting ol the villngn Conn- nl uukn plnco on Monday evening. The correspondent of the .\'nrar in clearly mistaken as to the identity ol our Porbmonth correspondent. He in not 1 nloon lounge: un-I never was. The imputation is wonlny of the nun who mnkol it. vvw muuuu u can yulwxnlly IIIJIIIOO The Captain of the Salvation Army in to address we soldiers in the Town ` Hull to-Inorruw1un-my: morning 1: 9 o'clock. (ioucml Lindsay. of tho Saved Army. wss ctllod West venbenlny Iltornoon. TI... a'...o.:.. -1 4|... c-|..-;,... .-__.. :_ s.-y I` `yvuusngu. llll IIUIIIU I! III -X' trod. He says he cnmo ffrom Cdifor nin And has had the "lcnoo"(for 18 months. Ilo want eutwnnl this shot- ........v.., -. ----u r. Dr. .\lcCunmon sent to the, notion house this morning: n man who Inn 11- klhctedwith SL Anthony`: dance. His name in Rntborlonl. And he won I-other incensed Jneoenso Semt. Nxabm put him in the cells. Ho amid me Mayor told him he would Into] plus when he could mud and write. and snob the station we: not the spot for that eon of thing. He said he lied on one time slept in 3 box oer. but never in a place like the coils since his arrive] in Ameri- ca. N years ago. His home is in lon- Qrngl lh. nnuva I... ......... -1.... n_I:n-_ In 85:`? Sam I.-\.\'\'L l.l.\'ES-0l*`Ml RlN'l`S RE CON}-`INED T0 OURSELVEB IN Hui: nil: nut. -Q hnlinvn to Ann within . v.u,p,u, nu: gout.-nnuy l.'ll|lUl AOU. Mr. I). .\IcTnyiah. 11..-\.. now con- cluding his theolgicd course in Queen`: Furersity. has expressed his Inllina~ mess to accept the pastorate of 88. An` druvfs Church. Lindsay. as soon 38 the rules 0! church government on be con- Iormexhnth. Henry Wnlmol. .\l.P.|`., was in the city ` I uuwuv -= Inuuuuly rms|uenl.. 1 V I to-d_u'. His relmrks in the House. in mgnnl to the Gov:-rumczit policy uncut the (`mu-Iuurlcs and the Agricnltnnl College, are gone:-Ally umlomed. \lr II \l.'I.-:..I. \l| _-_ --- nu-uaubvu. ul ruugswn. \\. C. Lhrrullxers has been elected one o! the I-Ixecuuve Committee 02 the Rugby l'nion .foot ball) formed in .\loutmoJ.wuth the Muquis of Luis- downo as Honour)` l`msident.. Ilnnru \\'.l.....a \I I : II _-, :- -I ._,.. . Supporters of the Uowernmenl um authoritv for the statement. tint. Mr. John Wlulo is necking the son in the Senate nculod bv the late Senator Hamilton. of Kingston. \\ 1' 1`.-...n...-- L-" L.-- - - ' 3---5 -u ouv uuuuu American Hole]. Rev. Dr. Rxce. formerly of this city. preaches nu the Queen Street CM. Church nrmorrow monnuu and in the Sydonhnm Street Chunsh in the even- fig. L` . ... ...... u-nvvllvl u-. w Noun. Tcrnby Wnluh, 0! 010 Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. And Dr Joseph Wild. Toronto. are Itop~ plug nt the British American Hotel. I)... n- D.-- :-..._.--I.. I ....u II.`-IIIIDIUII IUK IUIHU IIIDO. ` Row. -H31-`. Bland hns left for Pom- broke. Me preaches at the opening 0! I haw church to-marrow. It was erected through hinleorts. ll..-._ \ ... . . - - u--.'u-u-uou Ul Hll.` nrmonos. T. ('. Mnlburu. luspccwlfol Customs. In in Nqnneo vestenlay and install- oul (I. .\l. Elliot: is Collector. Rnv Path;-. I ----|- Al ' -'- ` ... u. .u. uuwu I5 mom.-csor. Rev. Father Lynch. 0! Liuduy. bu . resigned! his cbargo gml will seek root | and recreation for some time. Rn: ll -1.` In_._) |,_ I .. . - -n.nu rule In; Ul JJITCII. K Lt.-Col. \'nlh'ers Wm-1 iu Peurboro ou Thlmulny. but Ind not time to make an eugninnucn ol the nrmorios. T I` \l.lL.._.. I - ' ` I ALI. BIIIIBIS. BULBS. lllll and llonrieneu. use -nv -- own vvuuunvr. V.\l|Jur~Uem-ml Luu-I Inns obtmnesl umoo mouths` loam 0! nbsenre doting luau the Is; at March. " I u nun \'.n: , - - TIC PIIIIACY. lmov Pouphliolnowu-`oggggahq 1-5.5.` 1 flu.-'7'lhdr0:lqnn-I (hog. nruulu VI ltlII|`lISIU. Rev. 5. S. \\'nh-mu. Smll. (ML. and Judge: llnnls Ind luly. Auburn. .\n'.\'.. no ut the Windsor. \l-.,.- n .... >4 I - - ` o-nu Iuvl Hun`. A. L. Monlon. Nquuec. was elected [or the fourth lunv Hmrnun of the Board of HLluc4\l.iou. I.|._.. u .- II'I ` Mr. D. I-`. Gillies pad bride. uo regis- -` tend II the City Hotel. They ue "do-` ing" um city.` ' " >.\leun. J. Cnianl.-1`. Livingston Ind 1'`. Shaw rvlutunl (nun .\loutn.`Al __.. . . nu-n lhia morning. I I Il.._I.. .-n. n... uuultu to-ulsllvw lllglll. j ' )lr.)lcBti-Ie. inthoelnploy o; P. Ile- ; Luca. ha obtIiim.l7a_ `0VlV'E1Wl[0:H(7)_fW'I{1.:` rmn. T "`"" '.\ld.' C. 'BrmIugbnn'1 lull` Malrul {~ uUUvua-} Apt llV$.&JIl- .....1__ ` Rev. Mr`. Eldridge will onlciue in the I -3|. E. Church to-marrow night. ' .\Ir, u..n.-a.1.. in H- -.....|.... -1 n n.., 1'cI1()\v}5S iia STORE .. n._____ n____ `I " I I Dr. Spgrls hue mlurue-I ln')m,)lon trot]. ` ` " ' '.n.... 1. . ' . _ ._-s.-' - Pull:-o (`our1-.'4nhuIl,y. ----09-2-- 5|. An! hung `n Dunn-. rmL~`n.u`I. an-:.\`jt m_\. Inn . 7-`. .__,_` Aucngacoonnncxuno;-arunauiikiiseboanoaa-"econ: thhnuuth jMiI1TRY AT HALF FEE amua'rmu$ujt:na,IE Tl` X3-Ill -IHT-D Blhllllnn MONTREAL AND RETURN 1I'0BI5.'76. smcxm will wmboisauodontheuh tothe 8th l'ebruu'y.Roodto go. undarood to return up to um lncluntn. sPm'oI.A;L mxofrnaxon-at nu. Haul Innnnn (In Sun and an:-I In lain:-n m.a..u.. IILL I-.I..l.... .n..nJua., ( N WIIDNKBIDAY. och inot. bolvlon III: to: and Pnmbmg, TWO IKAILW Y rI(!l(8'|`8. hauling onolo Drilno.` Ind olhot mun god mun. The under um ho mvuaod upon leaving them A: than Wan. omen or the R WALDRON, Richmond & Boyden Hovolcdlnl to clot at M the thaw HWIIPIIG IIDUGTIOI. J ; n I ml Cnn'Wlih oouou nlvnintfdrnu. lun&' Wm. Cotton ut Iulpnoon. Anirhu: Whlk Cotton :0 utluod nn SPEN OE as oRsaLm srs. Onocniu City Hotel. 1.1! and In l'nlN(Yl-in Q'l'lIlu`l"l` Cheap Cottons, Cheap Shootings --A'I' WALIIBOWI l`lII}Al DALE.-- 600 piecea New French. English and Satteen Prints. THE GREAT STOCK-TAKING IS hTll.l. GOING ON AND I-`.\'F.l{YBODY ntoninhol 3% \ho In Bulb. Dr:-In Goods. Plunh Velrotoonn. Shootings. fable Until. Nupkinn. White And Gray Cotton. Blunt: uad Oouhrhu THIS BALE will continue until the In ol Ion month. No one nhonld uh It tin Iunu Dry Goods. v `w" A[.S0-c- dloront Pattern: in Hover: mu! Stu:-I. ruugina from 100 to 45 per ygrd, lining the but uoonmonl In no ever shown. Jun. 8rd. Balm Gum! Pam Oman. Sullovq my Guiana m nmu Ion. mm Gmouu in among emu up. un-,,,,.n.. ~ in KIXGS'l'().\' - I... \n-o iooul qulhly Prinua M 5 And 6 cents. Va show thobnu vdno we ever hud M. Ho. n immense variety Int Color Print: :6 ten cents. E.A.IK'E$ In LOOKETT l`I'I`l' Ilndvi` nlilnlnlw I run l.A|uF.s` .\.\`n uIiN'l`l.I-2MHN-l>lRl-:t:`I` Hm)! NI-:\\' \'UlU\'-(,`Al.|, um sun: `run. TIIRY ANI1`. vxln` rmn qenzgine ligbbern, :1I`\'I`II.'\ll.\' ILIDI.` THEY HA_\_{__nCOME SURE u -um .\...-... THE LATEST, THE LATEST F. AR.%1\1.\"l%`|{()NH'.\` 141 Princess S?-t`=\et.- 2 jjvc Opposite cu; noun. NOW IS YOUR TIIEIE 'i"o sui 1/oo'1's AND SHOES vnu.u'-...n om Glll~:\' ro'r'l'ons A1` .5:-. llenvy |'nrd Wide Grey Fallon: at 611`. l`.\`Ira llenvy (In-y (futons at `Mr. llselhl White Callous M Jr. The American and Cnnndlnn Wine Cotton. yard wide. only I1` 3. You will save -ouoy ll` you buy your (`orrona at Ilw [BOOTS and SHOES cw Rmrsxblc II_!I._ MIGFIIWS. fBOWES&BISONETTE l\1.\ u n 1 \. Jun. Mat. GI` You [Ian Buy Domestic Bands `of Every Description AT MILL PRICES FROM R. MCFAUL. lHm~|\' .\'aIl`iII llI`m':u|o'. 20 piH`c'.\`. I A "W. 3|.l.'1 `:II.\'|I& .\'l4'.'I1-_'\"\' "l:`ll`k .` . :|H_ H1_6_ 7.3. [New Bands To-Day at Rducad Prices. mnnsosu: mzw cnnvx : 1`M:NT\' l`lI-I('t Fob. bun. H1` IFIRCTUAI4 M?! AND IIPICIINT moody. glvlu lnnodloh nllol. { WALSH & STEACYE IF. X.COUSINEAU. LEREY (`l)'l"l`(L\'.\'. \\'lI.I'l'F. (`()'l"l`().\'S. 'l'ABLE LINENS, ` . I I L`I.2..41.._ . Fob. `Jtli. JUST'RECETVED {LADIES Fell. um. so so .-um-a.a.\aa.V t! OUoUU .070-lf:ogooutlo5|hudgoo-isoncnniplolhollllallclndvo. ".5 Urudfruilll Inns wmn venom st natal pnoe-. gnoa. llun&' Bbulil. I. 9!. II nnh undo ._-..r` 1'0 uomnuL_girIn canuuvu. A; NI`.-\l.1T|-.-E. \.ilM:s.\ LE. GOODS HI'ST BE SOLD T0 .\l.\Kli ROOM FOR HPRING STOFK. T (rough Comcnup. Aolln-n II An n-A--n- La- ... \ \ A .. .----. \ \ . .....-.. .\`I|m'tilI:r~.1'|Iw'|\N| SIIiI'liII$_".\`. ||1`IliIII.~'. ma, Hum! in Kin-_r~lun. titan wmu Cotton: 850061. 3}. IQ wade. ' -nu: vile. ruler: luv: Pmow coma; IL 40. n. 4 OHIIAI-81:13:21, 0I`Y`RI'l`l-`. wmnann ll` Brat/;iod-'-Inks Variefy of Colors and Sizes: ` i7CC"T' TIIW THU-` FIIIIAI SILK DEPARTMENT CASHMERE 1 JERSEYSL Ill UM Bhodngml. yud Hulo`y`;I.?=.v.yuP`li|lo: Cotgl. M..O0. 0!. I5. 50 Inch. W. - WIIBONY4 BUILl)lN(a`S juuj -* jj t'I'i`\' noo'r s'l`oIu-I. III`? I I`I'II I IV WALSH & STEACY. NEW PRINTS. IIIIIIV I IIIIIIIIY ] l2IIJII'l'lIIIN CASE! II I 21-11: II -I:L`LI.1:\'1I,1."1:'3 I K Sll.KS. wmr'JI T.`-e. for 3-5 um] 60 coma. I`!-.5` (`0l.R`l) (lR.\lN.\'. worth II. pnoe 75c. (`t)LH'l) rill l\h`-:\LL SHAH}-`.3 50`. a.\`i|k.<:lI`n-I .3. H0, :m,.~j -ARE OI-`I-`l'IH|.\'G ~- - I"-Il;1`\" \:||uv in Kin~_'~'Iun. Pric-c-~' .8 .H. 8I.l.` In. 2.25. ` llI`\\ p.-all:-rns. l'l`ira*~`. . .. I.) In SIM. PRINCESS STREET. .j...__j.-,---:_:_:.. 0l`POSlTl'} WINDSOR HOTEL. I00 Princns Sims. Iu-.` UUNI-`lmsu '11) uumu-.`1.u:.`u In thin oily sad we boliava we no within the mark thin in any In 11:01! the hut! vainly 0! utylnh Put Colo: pod un> lily Print: in the oily and st tho Iowan Isthmu- an;-.;.; nun.-;4 \ llw 1`IlI`xl|Wil -'I`nE.N'1`0.\`. ` 3, Fmnnannn mono uh I}: n rm lo. can Inst. lI'Il(`. lZ8 7;) `E I .KT.--Tuo moms in tho `eulldntn mu: `Iago an pool nun` __._...._ ,...`, nhmf undo -ron V lntronoo lloul `he Larsen llange. Ben Clolln and all the newest nylon we Inve ever shown at lr. [cod value In Mr. Mn ol em dnymut on HIV! and) took 00 um: nun mun J! the nu mind. Want an by mull nlmptolnd nhrr ` no running. mom. (I. P. I III. luau ne- mtcr, llu 5.1111 lladoo. lAn.lor yuucnluu. I No 'l`mIIhl- to Show Hoolls. ,.. ,atoouuvy. dluuaa no owocuol. when: ` out Iu$~loyncI`lI hue wont OII Inge ynuuourn-I,'Wouk In his. roan-mulnulho. ll iuhlioo all n--nu: hljn unhtlmrloohr Intel may `:6 n 0: ol "luurnulou:)lqqI." 5-Claude: ll o'nMy. Mldreu. nuounugo-ununv onnnuu ..xn IlI\'l1 nuns:-Hana . nu. l`upgnNnl|3Iht. Iuhlo ' aw: .Iu. Bnuchou. - Ind` m.na-taubeltuitnduntpq, Puuu um nhntu can In thalplnmo udunuudiuund all dnnunonh . c'nE`. '.% .H&'%`r";`."i` I!-_-_|'7!l.-Q-I-Ir . hr tho ilulncu at Anlunl. BIuMln.Co- lama. udcunnpuu In unolnt and d1 duuuno onto :3. .. !.Ah:v`I;nl|IIsl:nmau;h!.IL-1..Aa|;|,.9!..!!L-..!I1m2la:1ez. .lmm hnlml ul Lngmuuu My aha Eon-an: nl Anhmn. lull-.4-java: R11!!!` IIIOITG IL ZZZ. H.101 ONLY 750. Iauaiulbwhcp-ruunu: .-AgLIL llnlh ICC? C u 1` juuty Khalgnullolutunqnn I.`-TI` L I`- na cu-uh nu-oi. Toronto. u I! Ilmtn` IQIIIO.-UIOIIIQII. 1. sun.` iuuv un}$n? um_-_ ...:}_*-:' 7 nod: and all he ..3'.=a...m.`1'..'.':.. 1:0 Apply II III: at. K m I-.-n....'."..'..}'." ML It ywvul can olnlor Pi|uInalPnvu-llvoollhtuh at Dr. I'lIum' Unlnlnl Nlooinlnonl. lnpoh.IloIII. DuWndo'uDI'I|P|nn '_fI`o Let. or For Sale. |\: VIA` u J.rJI\/\aI A IN Pusan: 81-um. Los5r, IIAI aL.L 4-4 Er-'-=3-:x<=.~.;.{.;;L,_ . E-"uI'.1'.2.".."::'--3-bu Hes $""..'I.2;."2..""'.s..., u... Iilnluund thnpiull. all lb IhIndiul|hoo0qupIiaI.ud|l bilylllhnavlll Tholldr u-an--nan.-I -g-glglln-null--cl-A Jllgtwl IZIICU vulonclumlnnnuhllyudhpt `M cannon sofas lnhnl. Aooooonvuholdu Wollolslnd on Thursday call; In IhPnobv|o- dnchunh. Tlouluvuouwdod vuhpooplo. Thohlr wuouuphl IyIr.hau'lltl.'l'|IoIIR|dpAnn- hubnnnhoouclllwuugnvaul dauulnnrylliylo. Ilnbowln ooukIuuluuq.uduidnunI.' -..I._4I|---.-.-I-L.Il..- WIIUI nun: nvivnw. wuwv Ion, uuu Iuoorvtovod Hon. '1 . B. Pardon. Crown laodooonlnl-incl`. In Iopld tognnto to tho ooloohbtiou mod: In tho nor of Pmotouc. The nonbon ol tho dopa- httoowon not givonodoloito ouvor. hot they ore oonvinood thot Frontouo will nooivo Ito ohuo ol tho pnhllo Interviewing Ion. Ir. fuvln. Yuhldly ma-noon uifn. 1-1 ml. Wudon of the County. and Ir. ohn Iubuk. Run of Palmerston. II- tlvod In tho dty. They Md jut ro- und from Toronto. whom they had ;...._x.....|u...c-r n n...|.. n....... III! YZII. IlI\l u-nun nun: -uuu unu Ollie! eeld the bed been lreeted very In- lmnenly by her husband. who will nei- ther lumen not look After her. The Chielnqyebe eekenl the mu: tooome to Kingllou and teke en :-eol Inn wile. end his answer was. "I'll be -- if I _vn n Ohio! at Police Allen And Mr. 1'). S. Lnpum. Arrivod st Ibo Windsor Hotel ytltotday from Napuno in charge 0! I wanna whom they were taking to the hoapihl. She had been bodriddonlor Iwo yuan. sad during tint time the M -ghl -Inn In-1| L-An tanning` -A911 In. , Thoclmtch I'mm.ol London.1'.'nglnml. ol Jsnuu-y 2. .-t.h. gnvounhort union of the Dr. Wilson church sensation in Kingston. promising that ho situated Ithltiou by his pamphlet of I you ngo upon oloricd nuruuu. millstonoo and invalid: in the Diocese. It. states tint the dmniual hu produced I Ihlrp con- icl bounce High Uhnrnli And Low. Indeed! Tho Dnily 'I`aum rulers in similar term: to the diculiyz The HI)": Poor. Although the poor people who mske application {or sid are numerous the memherl ol` St. Vincent de Psul Society on working quietly sud assiduously {or those who are redly deserving oi aid. Tho public will be glul to hear 0! the increasing membership and the syste- Instie way in which the Society is work- oul during this your. The members shoulil be encouraged in their good work. Wood nil bread ore nowdelivsred on the ticket. system. lllhl Ill POPULAI IOIGI .-nu Dun-In-an Aoeonnnnln An evening party we: held in the re- . creetion room of "B" Buttery Int even- ing. under the auspices of the Mounted Division. Dencing was the principal Amusement. and nothing heppened to me: the enjoyment ol the evening save the hinting, at midnuiht. of eyoung soldier. who in 0! I delicateoonutitutnon. Plrtielue held in the barracks nearly every week. Kingston in not the only place whone people are troubled with bad water. A visitor to the Carnival entered a drug store in Montreal and compluned 0! HL nesa. rho drug clerk gravely advised the viaxtor. a reporter. not to drink the Montreal water. an it was very bad. The St. Lawrence River seems to be very much affected. injuriously so. lllnrrlocl In Nnguuwe. On Wodnesdny Min Carrie Williams. daughter of the Secrosary of the N., T. .t Q. 1211.. wu wedded to lldbert Mills, 01 Montreal. The bride was well known in Kingston nnd her marriage will call forth muay congratulatory letters. The establishment of Joseph His- cock. Into cuteror ou the steamer Mun], willbocallcd the Beehive." because there is sure to be as rent Imm about .5 Chief Horsey deniren us to state that he in not a bunker for the remen. and never handled I cent of their money. Mr. W. \cCunmon In Treasurer {or the Department. To-Day`: I-ruvumllmo-. Vuriulrlu winds And cloudy woutlu.-r. with mean of rain or mow. followed by colder west and northwest winds to-_ night; hur weather to-marrow. l'n|u-rally Senlceu. The Principal will preach in Convoca- iou Hall to-xuorruw alteruoou, an the Rev. M. Macgilhvrny, at Perth. who wu expected, is unable to come. A Con-nun` Aeqlulennl. Yesterday while I child of Mr. limb- lonl wna counting on Urduuuce street it broke ita left [cu m two places. cuauau/u aduruu-mm mu 5. mama u. an-In morning bqjori mu o'clock. Ponmuly no nnlmv Ir! he lnlwn 0/ (hell II/tn` (bad hair: COURT FISORTINAC. No. 59, I` mean on nu am and thin! Vlodncnuy noun: In uusonnp mu. Prinoou IL. I Ion. Ir. fucloo. _....a-_ -u._.... u'i"n In ' LIIIITONI KODOI.lo.Il. Andonl Order 0! [land Wuriulq I.IIUOI on Ilnuoond And lvmnh Thu:-Ivhy oi ovary month In the 0ddl_guoI_u' nun. out Wuknuoaro man. Prin- l ;'.h'o.`IqI6I|np' of the Anohuhna A)- 0 map. lo. a. on woaoo-I-y. nu. hd Iootulh `Inc 11 Id Lluhdr 1511.00:-ucxot and and e=l 1.nlI.on u ' '.b' n`: .J.o'hgIP'l.04lO-' , No. 3. on Th! 15 I038 lo. 3. on Manda]. Feb. I ioi i. whims-y? F -IKJI IC- .lI.I:a_unuoI me my Loan: um _AIt_ItgI I1. Joinfladao, u.on `rhnn. nugnag um]__ > U30Ilm 0 UN Wanna Imu._MnuularroudD6vuhu_lIu and Bean! Inmate-Goulp blunts IOTDA v nu. r-many. ' . - I "'9' 5 3C`|M-. . Vuuwlu lot a law pupli: "K "*9 w.n=umg.,n._L._ ; Cit! Cotllilono-any awning. - I. II: U. '9 ' mlnon noI.II .Il. new a J Wlfriulq I.:un onlhguoond lwviib vwmmr.` `__+ir:%cL`*1A1;` N6ifIjCies>.. `ARIN MURRAY) `u wsa....1;,: \ `I-I-I. . Cifty` Council on Malay I .P. C. Hindu ntlrod from the police . `AIDA lull n1~nht III III CVO? L. Anna-Inn. floonbltolnndvo. Chic! Bonny III: vritld tho CIIIII" nuoho I-`in,Wnu ntlu Oun- uluomuhhglot ponnl to nor- pniuthoflu Irdo uponnnow huh. Iltlnptivcphnoc grated ~lnw|ndIhlnp|it|on. Lhltulolny-Ball. ol'l`uouo.tuIo nnodthuhualuthh unioudinlinpkn. Ibis 0 pt- mll` njn-I nuluuvv uluuy ll uIjWII VIII I ll. nho humdo fut frindsln the was mm In which he uh um um." ` I I1 ?I'UI1IIIU|lq~'.|II" U` IWV. Anutinlrom that place to Kingston. to take the pooiuon d Baht Canto In 80. George : cnhodnl. nyn: "bhonld ho reason many in Gunnoqno will and IL Anhn Inn Inntln hut 0-I-ulgh. AL- uuuwuu-vu but ovo'ning 3 party of cum friend: at I . make. Pillsbury In at his nul- denoo sud painted him with 3 lu-go any chair. handsome meouohnnm pipo uni walking Itbhoddlnun not 6! crook- uy lot In. Ihlo. Thy nu moot hoqlhbly tutu! In nun. Th. (IA-Annann Dnnngplnn &_ __l....:__ a nu u-uzujuu ucpvr 0". III IVIIITIIK to proboblodopunnnol luv. My Annhn [mm mt nlnnnln Imnu... A. w~oe'EveI1.4v59r fl IIII'UZllIJl CIU Chill V331 KKK Dnreoton we: held this afternoon. when Mr. F. I-Ilkiegton wen reappointed 8e- orotnry. The decision no to e Tree- Iurenvioe 1. Simpson. reeigned. wen undecided. ,. p , -. q The mun country ronduro being well broken down. though in plnool Ibo nloighnpua our drml ol from six to twelve toot. Mnmy. the nnotionut. bu n"en footer" in front 0! his full: in Piitlbnrg. A -..4A-4 Al AL- |lLJI__A tV_..A-I I!-.l.. uu AIlVll\l- UVIIIIIIIH -U 1 IIDIIAII. Mr. N. S. Appleby. ox-||.P.P. for But Humans. wu situated in Bcllovillo yesterday for longing the ammo 0! one Mcunrn. ol Tyondinqzu. to oortmoaun ou morlglgea. The gnu! onuoanl ex- cimment. ' nnnanug nu Iuu uyuuu. lwsweu P. Flower wu at Govu-no, Clovollndh rooeptlon. in Albmy. I (01! evenings ago and ntnctod gnu unu- tion. lie in one of the most popular men in the L'nitod Sutea. r|'u,_ ,_..,_.,.s,_ . ,-u luuu Iu uuv \ ulvvu uvuvua. The presentation 01 A gold society badge to Police Constable !iinde.|by his brother Englishmen of St. George : So- ciety. ukea phoo in St. George`: Hull on Monday evening It 7 o'clock. n K C A-sanlgku nu II DI) l-- I`_-A \.-uunun:v\.v- \'m4u.-rdny Mr. Dominick Fallon. of Willinmqvillu. purclmsed four Ayrsliim hunters {or 02(1). Ho own: I {Ann M Pittnbnirg um] intends to go into Itaook running in the spring. llmnunll D I`In-"J can no !1..-.-.... u-v u v.Ive nun Many years ago the late John Watkins was offered I that property from the Court House to Mnrney Tower. on Bar rio street, for .l.`(l0. Now it is worth over a hundred Limos as much. Any person willing to subscribe to the lir. Wilson teatimonial. who hu not been cullml upon. will kindly forward their amount to any member ol the Connnzittee. 1 . n II n - - . n n . uuu nuvvuoo us uuv uuuu nuuu u-u-nu. Many Kingutoninna have returned from Moutrosl. and their month! are filled with praise: ol the courtesy and kindness shown by the people of the metropolis. II-nu unnpu gun Dlun I-5- IAI... \II-Al-`-- J -I-3- Ill IU'UIUo -P The Ounoquo Ropomr. in rotating in tin nnnhnluln tlgnnpt-nu. Al II... II. . uuu-n-an uv. Mr. W. J. N-Mall. of the Lansdowne Council. threatens to sue the Kingston papers for what. they mid about him and the emigrant boy. l`Ln I\n-nil`- Anal"... lb...-....... -:II wado7o"o"rB} lion. In-n In nan. ILA Ilnoh-A Ila-am

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