unnnoo. nu wuolouocxwu ovrnul Ir.C.G.WihoIndi:uundIu*M.- Tho Oaldhllovn` Hall can show Ihduu. ad in ooou won tohlly duhvnd: cont-III. 0&1). Ir. W. S. 0'l"lyn'| hnily hull ones;-on! with Ihcirliveuinullnoo 0 .01) on lumi- Inna, 1%.. o..n...;.. L... .|-_-....I may vole, nude: and I-15...:-.n Yvnou uu.uuu;I1au wuununulc. In-.1). (Lllho. goudovnnhhn onlinn changed condition: inutsneo 0650. (hunt Iooouy. vu-yliulo nvod ; uouo uuunnoo. Thowholobloekwuownonl HI"! I}, (I, ribs:-and 3-no-an-Ila-ll. L:ru_vre:.:InulIn_ooIl';.lll) lumi- qoodn Iuouleuz; tuning [imam noun pononu Inems. "Tho mounted a mem- bu ol the Club. "in our circle is very grant. and I eanunly shall have I meet- iq odloul to have him blncthdlenl. \\'odu-thy. pnot |g_hi.I dopnltnm he [and tho nunlly impndoloo to [an the (nun: [art olthoenung_nt the young lad `lhoncawlkhhisuloopug auticket for Gov You in his pocket." This in thoncoud or thinltilno be In: past- ponod the mutilate. the has time being an ()clobor. an new: buses. nonvoa `III pnueely stylound In ptqbohlyonoot the most exmngcnt men |_u Montreal. 0: lounhybewuentuuinod u the W I IIIIKIKVIIID IIICOIIIC. I31 30)? in tho rm 0! Walter Wilmq .\ Cc. 01 St Helen Street. He lived in -an-.n.I-p goal. .-.I -.- -.-.I..l.l- nsltll 1.6 Ktgliltlillntlifkulllis IIII well IIOII bod any hnvoitithhn hll.Io\bohnlIouholu-laholloltho , ,_,_ L_. Ax____L .L, ___-.~\._-, -_:, Menu-val. I-`oh. ll.--\\'nlmr Wilton. the Incisive Nit . wt: in mcoipt of n hsndsomo income. being senior lnrlllnr in tho rnn nl \\'nIIAl- \\ Hnnn L Iirtlor FCFUICKIH `Talk-I `Il- uou-l`cnlpoulq lb I`:-ddlq It-bu-. union in nu we engine room. making two lune holes in the side under Inter. The Inter poured in upidlv and in I qnutnr 0! an hour had rveuclmd thofurlncoo. ing out the Ems. A Inn In men over the holes and the tune! nllowal to lrifL `the cargo in the that hold mu thrown overboard In-I the puumgr-I were kept constantly going. The Nu-1-I driflonl about in the Iloldof Sou trout the 80-! until thew: inst. when use steamer Slate ol Ne blush fall in with het. On tho Rn! I lugo steamer passed the Nouinghill. buIpi_lnos|tontionIotbodiI&mnasig- ml; The summer Republic npolh llnl on Feb. 511: she saw u burning ship on-Itaunor. Tbovesnelsnnk belomlho I}-uuhl in Inga.`-J I..- or Inunor. lnovesnolunu ouom Rq>I\Iblic nnchodhcr. DSSERTED A1` Tlllu`. Al.'l`.\ R. New York. Feb. ll.--Tho steamer Nouinghill. which tn struck by I sun ken imberg nml wn.~cke Ind ucn-w of 9:! men and I cu}.-0 nl merchandise. but carried no pnssengets. Sue had I steel hull and was owned by the Twin scum Steamship Co.. being the pioneorvoml ol that Inn. The iceberg struck the usual near the bridge. And. nboumling. ( munch main mar the nnoinn I-nnm. Touu K-nu;-lb. nlxtunot the [Invok- lyl Kayla. died to thy. 1'L...... ns..._. ..-...._| ..|....h.. seamen {rpm I-Zump-3 re 1h:: they encounters-1 iuunuso so in o! 1c?- 3 u.,-, L-|:-__x A` .` . , un- : ,.~nn, The .\ev Jenny inn and work; re~ Iunae york today. '.\ tbonsiud menu will he ` I. I`. Iii-unit. J Uni-an \`D [Karin I ` sell in [Aching Rqvidn III I.X' XII.--\lJb \ 6. Diane. oi Liotolu St. Piorfc. uncinlly emhunned. qlrowual him Tl.` n._0._ 'l`...l.. -...l I _I...- l'-:.... 1 III T1`! 1-K `C $1 IIIIKI? K which lhouhhlily 0! his Oovunmou is thnnllnml. Thou domestic nlol-In most not Iouponnly. while the mm- men`I thought: an tuning central upon the East"! qlttliol. and Irhilo mou- -unn no being; taken to man the N.-pe~ uziuuoltho munch: um have no hr lnnrld RI Inhhi victorious much. The ma. Pnaphotpiu power and as nnloo with Inch menus. and to con qunthhnownd olcunnllybunk up llnuelnnuwith whiehhianublol Iowan an pucd An animal utbotily. ouowhovunlilncullychiol ol the Klndivfu uhl. up 1 (oven at lllklln III chill in an by I-Zualud ml I-hula D Ipt ll nu. A-.I -5.: at 4...-i II-4a.... II... -1. nun gun a -u luvll u ulu A syndicnle. R ling 05.lll).(ll|. bu bean lorInoxr`::nl`lu|uIelphu Io omuizo I `sleumlnip compunv. - In 'I`n-nnnin I [Fig.0 we 1`..s...2.:-5- -.-..----u - `--s-.`........ w...,...... - In Tonqnin I Priest. 2: Cuechists and *.'I5 Christina: bud been muncn-cl And llli mission houus dc-nttoyod. 'n.. 'n....... In... I .....a.... .:.,..>. cu-u nxuv uuuuu-u-a uvuuxn IIEUOIUJ The Thames River. London. .3130 signs 0! uneasiness. l`nlcs.s the weather changes oods IN tau-ed Is dmoel cer- tain. I Billy Mclory. who ponutsny law in New York. 1 six month; an n u _. nu` u-uc~u-nu. OIIIIKICIIVII un uvu luau. Hon. Mr. Blnke says the C. I`. ll. column; is strong because II. nppou-s they have I sleeping gunner. the Do minion 01 Canada. I ....n...... ....,| wanna-u-us I-J u-U iv--n U- The dam eolloeqnoloel to tho Church 0! Rome which Inll [allow the conver- annot the ptopotty 0! we I vumln into Govonunent. bonds. Ls alecn:-ed by `the [talks counsuu to be brought undur the notional Ibo Power; by an appeal from the Pope and the rnnli ualn. V lIlIluIr~ .,.. ..-,... ....... .. ...,. ,, . Thonnt chatty. onenhl uohoh: ad more! the London Tum. inland. IIr.___A_x.A_n A __-.L .x.-__,- `L_"! W I IWIZTIIX VIII. 9` |Iv 7' ' u is believed gut lien. wool will 1.9 no-Ito Anya luJ|Ue9(llnnlhomI"r1'~] Ell. ` i Til IE Ijylllv Iq1l\IU ' The Bo-Inn Trulqs_qnd. Labor Union in noalvo,-I to iusu-tics the loud unions to ukl the I-_`dl Rnct sunken. I ; ___ I:-_.- _A___, , ...\~\m_. I mg -uvuouu. The President of the Narthern lcilic Ry. denies that the nhtions 0! his mm!` with tbh On.-gun Ry. and Navigation ('0. taro been sevenanl. -. run-x 1 W 1 win`. Au! whys! once`! Because the on nub ol llgypt. h-than Juno ml new hanlahhlhkuopnnoldion. nu -..II Luau-nu Laud -nan- L-- I}-|_L.... nu-v I-vvu uuucau-I. .\lr. Pnrnoll demands the immedish: Abandonment ol the poiicv of stimulat- mg Shlemhiul emigration 0! the Irish. I.IA_ \I_ III-|_.. ._-..- cl. 1` l\ I) unluuuvll v: C. H. Chntb. Chunberluin 0! Troy .\'.\`.. Ins nhseoudcxl with MIMI!) 0! lbs city`: lands. Seven! 01 the vuhlaiudnilinu ol `hey no Chnxohh secnntia In tho shouts of 0111).`!!!- 'l`L- ,1... -_.__, __-__-_ A- AL- a`L___L 1,91 .\Il`:- `uni T0741)`: Icpou V ` rune]:-In-I Donn For Buy- InnaIA-1 suguupe Conn will hear Rockwell! in Io-mount. ._-. All INDIA! l'I0llll.lL .\"l`RlI\ INH AN ll`!-'.I!l*IRlu'. rm; suson M-1\\ s . the siyell alarmist. r nohlonli the-.hcem;o . has been polo-l lot -u--v-- -an no we w-u gv-w---uy- than is nun! who nolulhruuklior in poinlohkill uni nlonr |hu:L`oI. In kc-r-|unIto\ho pnllroolery ol um nu- tivo Hoop. A non ooltmly lot 0! monqlolotuoouloouryunsu-ltho snhjunlinnol the rebellion nppuontly mpoulponlhonctionolliuglu-land ' PUIII. ..'.*..`-.:.`:m;.:.;':*.=zs.`.`*.""`* can b In : flnlt. Pol-I-I1. 8 Ian! Jun. l.ul-I.IlPob: 0.01] _ ;` I110 NI` B ...".`.'3. :T-"..;-u..a- 2-. . - -roo u. Wind--quioL Whit: n sad nd Shh I.|0|ol.Il on-u-u-dunnI;nhnl.n|H|uu OI Ilzlijflun. 0.5--moo; wum saunas. ct. -x-qniu ; Oath nominally II in llnnouurnu In GIAVII um Tllofll III. III IAIN. OIKI I'll]- Lv nntn . Clncngu. Fob. ll.-l'|pt. Paul B0_S:.D- . Hon. unoolihnbd ninncr. name-' I lliu Iap;'\oConIolly.oChiuqo. qn L `Jinn-uhv. Mn: hhnnlrinfhnhln . In linucwon. onfblx Illa. hut llooluon d In. \\ J,IohIhI-Jgdlyouundlnonln nmmcipu sunny .* I! my memory serves me night in the rope:-it-dqooihnatcliea the Chiol. u n quoitist. wns not a success. his side being usually ignominionsly (`hmI : but it his companions ix: uni upon could nllonl toconilono his short mar iluzs or I lack surely his law lellow cope might conciontiounly coni liment him ning shown neither in iis own poculi'ir'line. and might invent him with 1 pair ol nickel bracelets buring the proud tho` somcvilinl putdoxicnl inscription. Nnnqunm Rotm"-.\'evor Bo llmdo."~\'onn. snggcstively. Fab. ll ` \'AnIA\r_ Eh MI: int. II Doug: Channel. Wolhllh .lb0IlleolIl.J.3U0l.ol chub- I8 Mt. uluhhu nut in nluoouooru-I lwth Ionian complications. coining jun n he has Iuxlorhken domesuc re- lorma ol 1 not! important chnncler. and Initial. too. in tho ol ..L:_L .L, -..L.|:.__ ,1 x.-. n_____.,,_-. But what are the bolus ul the oily E About 1* Tho.-v no not scam to have much 9.1:-rq about thmn. Chief Himlo has been presented with I pair of Svrod ish iron noiu. and I see St. Goo:-go`s Society purpose eaten-Inning him 5 MI rper. where. doubtless he will be In 0 the recipient at I l)l'Ilt`lI dngooa. Cannot our Chnrlovs no that if they give him I goo-I send 0!! it will upponr slam` the we of Cumin and the mutual oxpnuiou;__ 0! regret. and ociency will mute ill the larger Iowan uucomlorhblo and feel sick until they. too. secure I liimzsmu "paoler" for their municipal sdoty ? I! m\- rnnmnrv nan-as ma night in the . I III nu .-1. lvvuron u rvvv. ' Dear Sir.-l`rcaonutions seem to be such an eptdomic just now that my wife line in constant` tenor last my ad- initun come to ole: me n lecther mean! and out an out of house nud home. or compel me to ask III:-ux down to uld i .\nm`. . ----v IISIIII IIT. Cum. Fob. l|.-Gcdd has uu\`,v\l - .ll-B,C'U'. o& Ilhdlor rob:-col lioaotud unit In (1%-ileum `.0 the Innnl iahitnulgn "mas. I-`eh. xi..-n.o r.;.... sums` ' I-lunhznn-l Ru-in I and! seaport lhn; I-ll Mahdi has taken banks` it near I 3 norm of Suahm. An I-Zngliih gnnhou i huh:-c deqibhld to Ihgll Rlyiuu. ~ ? .4. slxlwnukue. Win, I-`ab. ll.--Jerry Slu- nold. n wleoznph opnntor. lut night shol Bridges Eugen. I cool. And at a bullet in lab awn brlin. Both Ii I die. suruokl wudoqnonuly Ill love with an Iron who rotnsal to marry him. Aulnnh. I-`ob. ll.-0noF.cho|s wont to Yul: two years ago and joined the Mormons. Ho recently returned and ulemnusloul um Allegiance nl hin wile. who had It-uninc-l haw. and sunl out I wnl. for hid child The writ ix & l-mug waisted on the ground tint .\lnr V monism mnderx tho father unlit tn lmvo ` gunnlinnship of the child. The cut` ucnca considerable nuonuou. out. I ` . 05` Tl`l2IB.l\'. Fl`. I`-Ml .u\ Mn! .\o\\ H. ` uuun|c|ohueyonron!enmnIun`.I mulo you -at noun sud Shots -1 - II |$lIIh&. 1 Iogntr 5 ma don: on we won- ' Minneapolis. .\linn.. Feb. l_l`.-.\ .\'or~ ! wvginn hem bu subscribed Hf!) to uni ; Iin the work-ol ilechmnina the king o! 1 Norway and Sweden. The Norwegians , 01 other cnianuv ukcn similar ncuon. I IIT WV` mu whom. The shnghbr ol Hicks l\.-L_ --.I Id- I.\-.... up... - ..-`.5 -:-..- Moutntl. I-`ob ll.-Sir hnolntd Til- Iey having shied that Messrs. Ogilwie tusl Bqptin ooml their pononnl Ie~ onntv for the lat loan 0! HlI).(l,l)ln the lixchnngu Bank. he will lo-clay be taken! in the House of Common why he .h.l not aka Mr. lIuu&in`s security. New Orleans. I-`ab. ll.-The Trulwi .\sI1!l|)N)'. mpreaentingblnck mud white turkingmeu. have passed I resolution coudmuuiug I.`-0 Secretary 0!` the .\'n\'_\` for uwnniiug the contract tar llueatcel plates fur the.-\m-rictn m|n~uI~wur tn : Iirmsh rm. Ottlwt. Fab. ll.-.\ deputation lrom the Grand Onngu Lodgo-Messrs. ll. Mernck. .\l.l`.l'.. Wm. Johunou. Dlnjor Bennett. ind I-2. I-`. Cluk. 01 the Sam- url. spent I-`rid: and Saturday consult mg with Mr. I actor Cameron. Q.C.. M.l'.. iu miemuctv In the nneuanns which will be introduced to the House this week. The petition plane-I the SI\1nl* in;: Union: Comlnitteo on Sntuhhy. O36 - 7* I Nlggr-IIVI` Kplsllr. Thy I~.'alaI.r. Hrnlnl ll}:-1. I i , .-_ rL,.__....:,,,, ,, J 3 '_'!"'!_!3_ 'n:u:u .\ l`l'R|0l`.\` t`.\sr:{ T M;-rm-T I CAKITIK Pol; II. noon. I \.&u_-. luv UQIQIIUII In lllvnu huh: and hisfone II: I grant Ininlor lune. but it tu no! wosignilicuut u cir~ cllnshlco. in a untiuunl sense. not so disturbing in its results. an the almost uululuion ol tho tutor with whit`: Col. Baler Mt hopolul ol summoning the iunrnction. The fnilnn ol hi: uuioninuohlnolo haul guon'lnhip- uh... :. _LI no.3.` _.L.n..._.I.l;.. :.. | .1. M.JACKSON Sf innuncnrm-zn. ll! Olblfullorh. Inch Curt-M. KIIOITOI. Qhqbuadbnwoehhv. Denial. For Sue. Ornc: um um now an `on um I clan. '00 nudhntlio can Ihuuuliuttnuu. Ahcuoo-our gntskfuiunnu or mrunnsnw. FEl_E.-!3_E_I!1.L!N|- I ZZICC TIII I CZIIIII In-he-I square. Kingston. nu sow ll . oruxx ma Rs'r.\m.mn- anal Id tho xnnhclun nl Io II It hull on FORT! Slbfol IAIKIT NLAII. Illl loot hokn llh Dru than not In I \\'lR1'Rll`l'RIlor TH}: (`0l.l.l~`lil {Tr llnule lulin on )l0.\DA\ xxxr Ar punuou lo: maiden uh`-nld Iv scan to my sir Richard (`utwright mule I \':~ pwonn homo thrust on I-`rixlny. who. in discussing the (hunk hcic RR. II- nolntiou. he said that an mm more thnu Hon. .\lr. Mnckoulio I1.-nocnncd the unponuoo of the mad 1.: u unions! nvcauity. But when In In under cur- nuuohncos ol glut oticnlty. Olnlem routing too;-on thatconutryin I way which everyone not ulmin in his phin duty. he vrn dcuonuaul by some 0! tho collongnoqol thepn.-sent .\l|nistc.-I at lhilnyu lot but cxtnnanuco in building the mm! from Prince Arthur`: Imnhng to \\`inmpm-g. .\'ot only that but tho liwnhinn hunch wudenolnaaxl. uni the upshot at before him none ot the continua Ibo npacixlly denounced Mr. Mnckeniio ht-use be was going to mute u monopolv by Inning the Hem- I-inn bunch for now: or eight you: to cutuinpltlonon who now hue nnono poly (or II yous. That Ins puttnu: the qnoaion in I pointed way`. and it is not Iurptitilg thtt none on the .\linistennl' honchu nhpno-i into I profound ulooee which continued tor the balnuw w! the In an nuly ad will he npplinl uyon an-hen 1 non to ` OOII I III KIIEIIPO BI =*-'=~e-M-.5:-*.:'.!-.-:.-:"_-=2! QUIQIIIVC lbIlICh D ' Kl\-BHI"Bll Illh I'Io-|L`- I 42 CLARENCE Street.$ UCG 0|`! "DI! 9 `In. lo! m . xlnnng I men um dlhu the inn!!! or Ins vnly nil Alia}: he found nod: to: tho Innun 0! bmunt-Is. IKIRMIISR TH}; PLACI- A(\ I`? A T\`TI`YITIT| (`L_--L KI. P. cIL3nsLv.' snssons a mum !'3ezri;*e2.!'!!=9I18.eu-I!@vel ho vulol IT ggv eoncm._ , 2;-.3 1 lilXL`l:;`-s. s'1`l:Ek:_'1`.: + - WW &`X_&H&itIvI|tptaoIod .-1AAnL..n IIin:Kno -g.-._.._.J A nu: an 0! the liar I-I L:-pl by )5 Ian! .\lut-l_\u lu|I..h _oruh1ncIng In: an I 0 II helnugs la Im-_ Inn;-In (uh nu` Inunm SAVE YOIIII IOIEY Buy Your Furuiruru pins! 155: Isms. ~Doe. 15th. 1'0 courludrons. U 9 I`I.AICIN(`I2 STREET. :- Ivnevnu !\\"I` , New Advqngselilentg. szior: pmnnon GOVERNHHNT lK.\`l'F.R Lthpnldwyhn. Thtpohcy paquuam; `slat wiry and pauu. dninintntion olpnblic |lniu.uxl.in lhrpuhlioinlonll. Ilthnvuyhut puuihlounollhopohlicnoun. Nu-I wonytlinuoh uuuouuiuulwu not-ivinl with loud ndynloupd chau- ing onuu pa-colthouonnnut my 195.1--- ` Iuqlntlhunnycllshabulunbphlutl 8Q&&olIh uwcothp. loin: n:jnCQo1Jn&QnnlILg-nu.-Hg STRAYED. _. _u._-. ..-e .. NOTICE. sJ.A..a.u4:L4.n..a;1. xgmn Bum! on Snn.lny-| mun: uuol Bitch . 'ml cul. nu-I Io-mu -AND- 'LiT.G}A OWAYLU - OI PHI (SKI! I'I'III`I'. I-_ In-L Ii--Inqi` I I`-xnnln '0' II YOU. TIIK.LLDl. '0 IUCUH` I ululucpm-yonwuluohuhlunhunuu $h. Iulnh-unwound Ipuontyn mhlj IO! BIG! lib lllll X.CIIOAIaI0'AYIhOlb@IX II OFVRM IIIIIIIIKIQIOOIOUIUVII l|llInl.l'liulAn|.IutIuIA-I lint. Annuals; Guy hit him lul, lab Utlndhh lnlrul Iuholncry dnulnlau 192-1-1 {mm mama 311.3 |(;,.\I.I: %mst.u.ui.a.uusuuru;n.u.n Ir. J. .\. Mmxlonull. uni dado ol the rely party. Inn; tell it mount)` to ex- phiaunv u_ noon to uu_eccI that tho l'~. K. Clubhnd Iolptid in upnqan Anal Ihluuoolilu tannin had been Wino" oll that Ian. It. nc- doutllnylhdnotholduollcul pouilioh it thank ndho"wunot gonoull1 linhlo h it dobh. burhc lullinhoaoutlodtouoolhoem plovga nvanlul and bound that ounrpoli\icdpnl'ul.r.Alh_od Bov;II~ - I31? 1-qnuul [ho Minna noonnt mu: II... .u:-..- Us II-cl.-_.Il`.. leunxwnlwasoul {ms WHlliHT" mm Fun! Gn-y. Wink: mud Blnck llobu. Gem`: (`|[I. l`ni|n Lamb--in Mullen nnely to us cloud out um mouth. gM1LLs 1;1;os., l)U.`I`l` DELAY RECIVRIIG PREBIHN f In the Ilnmlun lbnn uuulu-nan mu I , ,, ,, ,-,, Ono tudsome Penun Lunl-I`. \or_\ best- pnce H75. sum %AamvEu: rornrr l`I1m-cu and Iago! sn. Jun I-uh I-IT Wlpldilnl QII jutit CEIII Wllll their ovulnnu. Ir. Incdounelli shgm IIIINJ. The Opposition should he `wane-l and hop an eye upon those two I`. K. .-wells. ll they am not re- con;-al by the man liovnrnuaout` m sumo any. grant will be the public Ilunxvmonl. 5 IN-nII('-I`t clown and all the ' I Latest Novelties In llnybern at ten Iowpclu-s MILLS BROS- This sale is wnhout reserw und 1 uislu-en tn Fnnm-rs And (`nun-mi In M lam. 0|\|\0rlun|l_\` lor nocunm: :6 " llnunn-.. in Our. Tim mssusrun nmunrnnsrunn; jhiottnerinerurij ?Gv]URGEUFFURD Ss lllnrk Fquarv Tm! I103.-2 for SI ouch ; S :4 Soul .\lu!Ta worth 521-; {or SI! .10 M- Aslrnrlun .larku-Ls NH. huodo SI? (`uchf ' I`:-n-inn l.amb(`\ps $I.:.u etch. Hhok (`Duns Goal Ilohm $01 .'-0 van-In Fur Lined (`ireuhn 913 etch. Men`: muck D04 Cour: 020 ouch. Ladies S S. Soul Sue-[nu $12.`. ouch, And o\~or_\ thing else pmporluunlely lo I __ _ i }(.`l1l~]AP. E11513; I-`H2 !`II.\'l\\` .\.\'l| RUIN-I.\` RUVBBERS .` ...` h V.. V . ..__.._._- A-..__..:_..-.:._.,......._.._ 5.: tin. Mk. Iunsinnllliltubul Ilbehugu cluchgl in l.In.us4l|hpolcy-llhulovnnnul illlulntuo will he viliu ha 1,. .L- ___. -.._.g__x.._ 3A.-,_I_-_ 'l`I|IiIII\ III! `ILL `V0100 I: III! c-hmuwsl Incl Mllwr for sum- Iner or winter that can be purchased. av SPEGIIL run TIIE mnnsi ?FANCY CAGESJ gannsm mnwme nuns}.-1% .\ II.\lil~I (Il`l'0l{'l'l'.\'I'l'Y TU! l'.l'Y l~'l'l}.\` (`lllC.\l . ' THr*H'I<|.1L` rm utr nu; nu Am;-nru 311-! lnjubbcn dun: 2: |LohnnmnnlIn:lnh&(`o.. <.\ .\v-(rural: M-null:-2. (ram 920 tn O3.` 0`. Put Lmod wnh (`uhnu-re. llmoulosl Silk In-I Stun oulnnle fmm $10 In SL3. WIIOLBSA LII PIICBI. ' II! 'l`.l.I IVIITOI I1` .P!`.0I.R.\' _IN 9:; rm. The situation in Nqpti: ouoldoop an gunman-an Than nLn-IuI& 1.! [links FUR `XMAS GIFTS. Uuziuru nu` nu Llllllts` nu m:.\1`s, H.'1ts.C'.nusn.ml l`u1~;. 'I`IIO\lI I. ll-`II AND "ILA I HHUUIKI NU PR5! :0 Ilnhdnyn lbllllr uullu-um: In [nit not. We loll only run umm wlrm Out This Price List. FURS! liscellnneotns. 913! wuig. T0 III} II II) .\ I` Fun! Fun! A;HL1;Y&(:();*, nu jlil I lntnnu use - ORBIT Ibluill ll IIEAVT lilo-rvronr. OIITI FIIRIIIIIIIOI Al.BYI>0IIl'3A'l`-HHIIET-B0l'H|2 ----II Till PIACI `I0 llL'Y-- tcmaiiri iolqsa. CORNER IOCXOTORI ;First.on the `list stands the . Crown Jewel. which cannot be, surpassed for general j Ttiijif1y"ii'se"A'ii(I `thqn"``o`unes In I 5 I i four Minneapolis brands. the patent grown on tho vir gin soil 0! the great. West. `the strongest our that via `imade. There,m`e also sev- Ieral. brands bi` Canadian ! Spring wheat piux the Sco- | tia brands.0f line and p,fmuu- ,Iated Oat Meal. and Gra- ham and Cracked Wheat. The lattenwlien well boiled, is 11 far better of Dyspepsia than any 0! those patent medicines so . largely advertised. 4 (`Raina ,Inuu.- I` uutonui-. ..,\lI.. preventive . H-I U W T: In u ytovlcuuirndwcuru-Iloui l__. _ . . _ . A A 4 . _.,.| n-__ II. Receipt Book, Hm: some means. Qsous av mus wcnou. .- -w--..~ . |niIllt|Ison s ictm Prams and thar Hands jug: .;.._._______._-. ~<-`U-~ '_-`T? - \ - . T i_ eoLb:uJ !1n\ l\'EN() JL`l(`al+1 f Heddenllhina Tea. House. ` Ian was cU\alV\..lIIlu\..\(. Choice dairy butlerin rolls. in rkins and tubs. Prime MChccsv. and the t`(`k`l\l`. ltvl :bmnds or Hams. Breakfast Bapon. Pork. Sausages. Hor- rings. I_.0hsters and Sm`- dincs. in fact t`\'c`l`)'lhil1p.f that can be xncnuoucd nu pm. visions.- `oldon? Grocery \'. L .\{rl{.\l". ;\ ('0. icmnshhiihiddhwdm (`once-r Nlonlronl at I :-mm-ss His Patent Coucimted Cocoa. Corner [hook III Wolllngklu titan !- Fah .'lh !ma...is. }; Doonicated Wheat- Evnrything in Batablas. F'1_*QUR.- I WILLIIOIUI NT. II` MARION IIAIIJNII. A NEW COOK PIGTIIE FIIK FICIOIV, D-wssicsiuited Barley. 2---`. 5. LOYNE8 In 00., l lI("l ha hnv In-4-u wunug I Dnosl lllncklurriu can uuv u|v|xlu~| an the urn! mn- tugnmont In urn .. I \ I Outs. ' V Pauline Meal. Oatmeal. Cracked Wheat. TRY lIllII|lI S PITEIT IKKIIRIBRR TIII ILQCE - ASLEi' Miscellaneous. Groceries. '1iI...'.};f.'sio. fanoctnv hm. vuwx`@IIvIjuI-v1III}IT ul-an-Lu... llheolu Iunpind. u-Mb tun nn`puIIIIup~` 1 1&1ItGiIICj\" `until! hhtlhljdthnduu Anilhrychmuuuuurvbm mu .1 AL. _._..A..._ _.__.s__ v-I-uuu;"UUjCjjj" tumult. ptu On apath- xihijhuldcxad I1]. _-Lg... jIT W? W - |ho.\`ow\`uk&. Wuhiuopuin uinnonlh which to uvuuuenl and unpyolbotuaquulud. Principdllnnl nail)-ultlyinhis nine: I.huIhoInIIn&onu1bhI- thunk-Inna: ny&nHu.u&~ .._.l.__E..-- (`L-`ll-cl: -Ln.- Til VZZIGI W vhonlilhvutnuilpulqcny .L.Ji.... 3.1.... n\.a.A Igs..IcnuIulbnI.Dn&I.~ 0uIhyntlS.l:l.Ihh.I0&u|uI~ iqonuoldllnruubhmnidu Snluhyhuou Yak mouth Rjnl toqnpu` Pdvy (X2-Elia u-.AL..-onl- `III? KT`? III Wh IIVj noon Bollovillo rim hon I WU inakuiluuo to ibpnuu comlnuon. ' , _,,y., ., , 4- ,1- \\JIl\luI\. lit. Wiban Irina to 5 Mad use tholhovuIuI'ily.hQluu|_piby .; _ \U,._ \-._L .x__- Q-._A. _.__ _..n 2.. nun}-ux 4-5.: N. S. A;-pkby. u~M.l`.l`. ol Eu! Mus Inga. button eonniunltopnlon I dunno! perjury. llooonldmllnenn A I...-A.-.. ` I Cnpc. `Thongs Boothnnu. of util- |on.willconua|nlth-ptocxlykn nut sauna. llowuthonlhol thoptqx Qooboclulnu. lZ.D.S.|laIioc.n:nn!&h ollln Roya|Iilihly0olI.u-ln%Idh Ihollhsouhshlonhhinllqt. bu in-paouudnlhphin. Ousoluhy llon. Bilh l-`linl.lblIo- vullonlhntlonhinlliyur. Hoh- ..._ Il_l|.-EH. nngluung -ngho.-nl ugguounn-uuupbupwiuao GKIQIGQOIIIOGIV tithe up;-on onlydoulvounhuhluhnulio -n-`I H-nnhllnll Inn; .4 La UIIIE. per. lied II Pqvuh. xxx. on Thurs- chy night. Ila run uiuelyuuu yuan .\lr. Silas Mono. hurt of Lady `huh I aunt \_I'Iq T IlI\K.CIlIn$\ I13 Q-vnt nppunnd S-hon`! ol the unit`! onus ol Leeds uni ununllo. Mann Tuition sulllobothnn. nour- ben 0! the Quebec Gownnont. Ion oloctulonaluxhy byccchnnlion. n._ u_.._ ..:n |.._.. L`:...L..s. .- AL. Wijl Z OCTW I-I j\jCvC~ Dr. Moon will Inn Khpton on the In cl all month for (`thirty .\.'I`.. on; the C.P.R.. than in will pncum hair I unuzr` Jmrph Cnnphrll. n turner maiden! oll\in._-s:on.iaIhohppy postcard: Iupsurhondhilyhr-uarSIk Rnpidx Inn. \' \` 1_..|4L- --.\l I`! I` ml I-gn II--, Dr. (inn punch`-al nu t`unm4:almI nun _muau_v. E Ru. Mr. Wilson ml Iifv. l`|ic.:. N \` . an M the Wither. - The tunnel Janna \\` lhil. M.P.. Soulsugw. bu. IIQI |vIoh~sInl. Mr. V\_ .__llF. Dleniu. liilgzstomhu Men mend Pnnideal cl llxolhnnliun Rugby I I Ilov: I`:-ophtoIInIuo%0u-Inn: Iiolr tlunoviiolrtinhgnndlaanug. ; . .... I Mr. I-`. moan` `. cum... 5... ~xioa.g"' lonuvnliotthopnltto nonths. ha` ntononl. , n\_.__4 -1 l1__-L_..`II_ L-,. L.._` uni: nu: did}!!! no ---u smwxsu--~ / _ 1%. That the Ibtnning Oliccr. dunng 1 the hour nppouuunl for $50 I0lIIl|ill_N ol cculhhton. pcrnnthnl the nine V! n. Wihoutoulnhtho ohcln:-nit hurl` ol the mid June: lathnnou. 2 -n... n... n.|..... 1.5. \`I`n::-I, on um nu unto nun--on. 7 7. Than the Rehlnr. Jdn Shunt. than ua-I than ptotnhd amiss! sud . nlleml prucccdings tn-I death-ltd upon. 5 R. Thai lheninl lluulot. nhnquut } ly. to `ii on the and xhy ol Jam. NIH, : wmtonnsl look to \hORI!lIIl'I|iI(060Cl | I letter. published in nil city on um! I lay. annulus n I wen unlit-Incl hold. he. the mini oh: Shunt would ; protest the pruhnnled election ol the; said June: .\leCunnoa. i u 'l`L.| r\Inh- -3-an I-nlnnnl n"n null. ml aL"i..'.".'.'n'IoL.S-.n" 3'13. ty liyunn` clan. but not tutu r then. lot reason that to pull but but gtutui. . Join STKIAKI`. I Imuol IEQEILS Jnyorotnllusy. 5. That the mix! June: Itkkmnon was nuhgible lobe I cnnulinhhnlsi-I eloctionollqyorlur IEH. byljol` 1 non-I-nnlhnnnilnnnlltlothl M elocliolollqyorlur lwl. bylhor a corrupt ` nnhgncuonl nah by hinnll by his Innhud bi` u~ no-nonh`ubohsllIilhnolocInI |tnql Willinn Wilton. who pd pnhlnhcnl `In the nowqnpenol the any thin man bolovo thouidilst lbc..IhnI ho. tho mid \\'ilI'nn Wilan. In to In I gull ; Inn for Man): II aid election. I In - ,__ ,_ _ cxn: .-_ 4...... ` 1 , '".""r*'- ` - Tho subuiagdaanu-shut-an-1: Ru. lit. mu-on. ol hum-.-niv-I yzuqoulu lhu ndeqin dicta! 1| Tanuuh-I not on hinyhcn ups. I. )lc( un'nuI an 1:. .\'oI York. Tho .V-nlqyuholoohitn gun: " < _ lIldIhOlQIIhithh0Cj0]Cil.VO' snug; .our-coinun n._iu pu_\m\..; Yeti bu Join him I gnhlubld good. Tpnouxoneut uni nhonolhhu, uuanhynlunou by deltas-I Ibo . \ ,,-. ... _ . I . J l.dI)pI-ueuvuoun$t.'lnlUuvuI~ I... my clock-I. nu nu. ` [in he -rm -I Shh-hm -11- '5 ` inhmounnhctollhbcilyil in ;n.I olbet clugrncnian. snout 9* nulnence. HO bid Iii dhli 1 Cobourg. and lhnooou b `X300 lo MI fusion no but oouobiou. Ho `'11! than n-tau tn New York. when he :1-lclnnluintin ` ' ' Kohl. .\s to nccq-lilu OI Ippoinuncnt udnhnnlnllnuxvly tromunlhohopulllnmahohunotyot .. .-d.-i_'&3._!iuLbogneal.ol!lr.(inn| Iudould. and I lunuuly ol Kingstoh. : ..uu's u`coc.\1. ` ` _ _ Thou`.-Lekunysllint u the Toronto plopl QdIh$."h"" ' Anny meeting Dr. \\'1lcon read the let- uno. Ho nil: "They all no `the Intends to `ruck with Riv". In cl-ctio-nub -id J1-II I10-"I do~`n_Iwheh1-rbowilldoooolnot. no" Ihjllu I 4.'l'hu.guil.l:nuI Iothnnqu I vnii " Iohonenmlnhsgnl an-IL olecuon ynuonol lain lIl_V|||`1`!'; gniltyotbriboryunlcornpuon hylnm `I uollnndbyhis|uhtllby|n'n0IS0l1| lm lnh|ll.u 3 cl:-hath at um clue | lion ol IRE! as Mnyotot and cum}. ,1 Thu uh. nail Jung: Khmnon ` ugcnlvn Slttiij ` unnidhnn Icnuudcwl tn-5 -n.nIn-'ln. M _|IF Llnll IE 5 Inuit:-`u l1l:Iwl:e1i;4~Ho int! 1 in `taken it nnsm-an O (`I ` hunk Set You van mm | , nu IIQIAIC. _| V IDI'.W.!L!III!`\|tI. WIUITV s JAnuSunn.ollhoekvilInshuhou on ,_`Q n .g_ _.._.-g- n __.._n... I J`;;;s1 ;g.~;x I.mm_u.'n'. ".|\.;rl|IuoioauIhnpouuiduu.in- thucuunaodnl huh nil to Muhausllttlnilhohnnupul ..-:nLg:2nA4-nI.nnng1hL- __.:__. I'liK\`0S.|h IKSTION. Jonas 3` InIjl`0UjIAhIhAIloqI Io(hnuulI|o&nIounaI. B1! IIII. v on nu nu` outoltbvuat. Iinnov ruining. lint-ilk FA ll.-I|hnhnnnn IXCII. &-'- nuuduvuur. 1`.-nzhnlihn Cw? my-XI vbjnomultlo Iihuiou cities -__..._L A- -__...A AL- .|..__;.L -n .L_- LY ' '. Fob. ll.- Tho ztllhltlouolwilleantilnnoullvc-ck M10 "". I .v-.-. -- . ,-_ .-._ ,v_,.._._ .-w ... Dr. Wilson and the Army l'(`p|i(.\I . `lg. doth ulalvnuuod lbohny; Inn ulnllvgnuinnulu. hulunplghlx-tInohv:l.n I have no obry` Iii: III: `V IIj- ZZZ MI TV` with Capt. Was In-I 01 Anny sung: the lollouiug tons Iith drum and un- houuo nuvnpniuul I {...."'.".a`.'x'}.. :.2`.,.. ......'".`..'..."",. ' I11 3 ICZIZ fII1 \ WIIUI-II I WIPIIIKI gntherhnvothu all tho uloryol Hug- hml. ll yo; was to End what paying in cone to God and pin the .\rnn*. Who: you ens no OPEIIGI uni you `hnnfouml paces: I have fouuli: you 'tilIho happy and smile as I smile. May God Non the Anny and prosper I *" "j",7"""""""" lvouldnlhu befonu inthom-my huuohcuyhecn playing totloul lui-I-0-I-`cop-pri-at-hohiche-tar `siol in the Chard: ol Emhnulor in `litter!-L I have tukinonyhy Iwonl uabynou-`nuoilwu-s.dhy1.o.I Iorihu Sdnoa Arinpwhichlwoulul _.nL-- L--. QI.-_ `II AL. n`.\D91n' L`n.u. While ll: llnxzklyn .`I]~.\( Moon; show- ul me small pram ul leather. with stuns tttachal. Ihnch they call kuoc E pa-Ix Th:-so um` used to ulnp around - that knees when they kneel down in the unnlsly stuck to pray. I [alum in the Ann lneonuso It at I I-orhug lung .\`mr. 1! then: In) two tlun in this Ind-I which Gal anal man respect It is ' work. I I:-cl pmud that I uu n I`utk~ ` lug mun. ll Iherv is alnly ol men and 'j women who use working men and I0` inn-nitis the Sdntiou Army. I can- f not n-I in the whole 0! my cxprrieuco 1: lruly that is bound toaethu uthisis. \\'boI I sat-lo Indies in their line clotheI him than oluldkneelintho nmdtopny with thelnllen. IIilll1:s~ pod than : and than very India an o! thosnlnsiou Amyptorle. `Poor. I-ms~ `en!-|o|nop|sl IIIIH Iottonchtheun Q with I .. -M nnpuunnnnn an. can Anur -u an -v vv-nu. .-V -vq -_ `..... Inks: It II innuumenl to some: uue xilldl will Edi in it. I helium In the Aruy 531 I but-I lIlL|l'!' ol the ,pmn-v nlunyurduring the put you ',-an.-`nun I at tnovhsfon. God 3 Ins News-I me II III my minisltyx g .\'onvr-r heforv lun-cl known tbs: n is I to ham (Eula 1 Ian: Him not. lbw 1 law In-hv l Inn-u mom power with ! an-n nun ewrl Iuul. bunny I hum pnvwr with 1`-kl. I ln\lw\"~ In tlw .\r '1 auuuunnnnsvuan. 'l'hou`. .~b nystlut : Happy Doctor.` Well. they may cull 3 uar anything they hit. but they must i not leave out l.ho`hnppy.' This i- the Iupguu and but oxpnnonoo lupr felt. `I! lwlJ_muono-!n1!olwln.lu:osnln- 9&0: Army has mono in Kingston and Intel ioulul hum to into I book. IV-thug: I will Iniln | book some day. When (`nod touch: the Army! will hlhlv It. lo! baton. When God muse` mlnliwoin it! will con to believe E... .. __. I__n__. _. __ . lint. Dr. Wuhan then joined Inuit ..;AL l\__A IV-.. -..Al ck- _._ _._,. `L- thodnuihlntuool 1 nduquul IviL\\'1i4s:ix Ix imcn.\1*u. UDYAI. CARADIIS INS. ll). \\ TKR.\' DI3TRh\\ fun-: mu'rI.~?|1 \\'11m. .\t0't_~`njn' m`E.\'|..\`(:;'FEI:n1*.mx' n9: I31 -1 Z-IT`. l IIU` halt hllhntohninuhlotol .g- 1.`- 1A.: _. _. n