Iuuv yluuu. -nu nu... "V... n... uvuu-u. I Mr. J. (L Muller. ol the Inland Revo- nno olice. hu returned to the city from Brockville. where he visited his friends. vIu._ -_, _:- A7 ,, ,,,. n, I n 3511505. nun Wlll U!) 60!}. Tomorrow night the Flue Ribbon Club. 0! Sydennsm. will hold forth at thus place. The Club hero will attend. II. I H. Ilnllgn 4.001.- l..I..-ul D..-` Iuv IIIU uurul uucuu. Tho ulmiinion to tho iiknting exhibi- tion on Wedneadnv eveniumnt the Barrie Stmot. rink will be 25. ,__n,. .n__ In..- n:n\,,, n tnnuwullu u - culus. AM. J. Union 10!: [or Ottawa this at teruoou on buainunn iu connection with the the department. `Tl... -.'l-..i..a.'nn on lhn uhnoinu n-hilxi Ilvvu nun uuu In-uuunuu. The Collegian Institute Board in hold its adjourned nnuunl meeting Wednesday evening. \II I 1`..__.... Inlt 'r\I- III}-nun DLL` n Ulvlnu law-In uu nu . See the new ndvenisomenz of 1 Canal: Life Insurance Company 1 note in line position. '1')`; Dnllnni-On Innhlntn Ilm:-.l in -an-. Steaua Ins ruined in the boilers at the oil cloth factory yoat.ordny.nuu upon-' tionu begun wduy. U..- M... ...u.. -.l....-p:.-..un.o .0 0|... _u-us . Thc K. .t- P. RR. .\ct has been giv uuocuml rumhm; iu the Home at ( I There um several npplicnnm [or I. Secretuyuhip oi the (`otton Mill Cu: puny. TI... L n. n up u... 1.-.. 1...-.. The 'I`empenuoo Society olwillinmsr ville wnll moot. to-night mud elect. its An... AT cliowi DRUG s'r01m A 4 n- _..___ u_.___ way- Ou Saturday one at the K. t P. RR- Ininn not stuck In the snow as the din--4 moud. gnu uuu Ucuvvlu ulu uuwu, yunaunlvu. 'l`horo is talk of reducing the pay 1;! engineers Ind remen on the G. T. Rail- `IV- 1\.. L`_A.__.l-.. ...... .5 AL... I. A. I) DD. uv vs-cu-suuvu vu I lsllv ouuvrs. Mr. D. Ludlsw will open 1 dry goods sum on Princess SN-not in six weeks. _ Full nnge Swiss snd muslin ombroid- ` ones to hand It liu-dy ct Inn-sy's. Tho scale of vslontlna is booming. The one centers sre chiey purchssod. 'l`|uu~\ in tnlh nl nmlna-inn sh- -...n A. l- - nu nu uuuunuuvvu In-U UIUIII ` Kirkpatrick will be elected Proniv I Aillh -1. u. Jlurxw. ul IIQLEID. II II [DO \Viqdsor. I. The helm-I Inc (Jul. Bin`: lectgu `are in great demand. = V `The t_oul between Ounnoqize and tho any in in I but nag, Thu bull o! the ooorn of "B" Battery will occur bolo Lent. 4 A now boound shoe now will shortly be utsbliahod on Prinoou sum. u- n I -..n__ _:n -_-_ _ x-,, _-, L` flioatqtrnua ofnunwocal I . and General [Inuit-Romp ' mm Readable. I 1 - l`l_;tpwuin nryuull nnrlnn Mfs-J. U. Morsmol 'l`opdto.i . J Nindunr 'nm`d no on the c..,..,. The to the depot in ngun `in bu] '1'?` '. ' . `'8' Battery bud oongett lb-notrow chi N081` lllI`l R0'l'UAL OAPII`. AND EFFICIENT Iunody. [Mu lmmodlua rullu. gm mITui.;s._ ; an -uycu nu ' ongnvod -..lA._ 9330` lhig Elm. . Im`a'rIo2'uI. "IN rsngmx um anntsngwarn TUESDAY I'*3VEN4ING_."FEVBRL'A,_lI}.' 1:; .III.I the I tho cud 3a b haul In and II Ia. `Hugh! um um could pl Iwi then. But Ills Wog-Amp `H ho had hand was when she got spluoubo vold not hop it. Now or. In would (in be its It-oh nun- ol In pol. ...- DI.-L Inn`: . ltnl- I . M . . . nnh IIUII-[pun `*3 ! Chri look A little too mm-II ." `.3 Ifdly. and an I malt ho Ital In Inyurhnddoooo with ice. E-1.41 4:11-.) ...._ Betlral Magic 0006'}! CURE. . V...` .--..-.-..-...,. I-1. Deyioefwbo some time no pur- Ioinenl `eevenl pain ol book from Lind- ny'e boot econ and we: remudeduvu lent Io pol Jot eleven weeh. Beloro leuviq the docket be pronied never so A-I-L --n- TITZIIKI Iluoil Iwudoah. ,....,....... .......-...... ........... ....,..,`... A mun-hp is nnonlooa hotwoon Cups. Stnltlold. 0 aunt, A.D.(!. to the Marquis of ' Idowlo. ud lady I-`loronoo Anson. olden daugh- ur ol tho Earl and couIuuI`olII- Hold. lady I-`lo:-not Anson in with her aunt. Lady Immlowno. vu Inll`:-CCU:-In nu-I uuuuuy. nun ll probably in roy to W. D 148003`!- nnmnhlnl nlnnina mnan Iluunnhl [Iruuumy Ill nap to '1: IO: INTI pamphlet dolonding modtn ` lhounl. uvunurinnn I. Qn-ALll-A441 I...s_.. -ouu-cu, naps _IIa Imyngu. Bishop Lcvin In announced to punch on Agnosticism non Sunday. Thin in nvnhnhlu in rain tn I II [AH-g-5 lI\ElUy ZN!` Il|U l TII-ll. nlqyur Iclnu. Pol! Bop; B. H. Harrison. Toronto: and I-`.. A. Hut. Mont:-ml, uo,u_I:e lhzxoqu. n;-n..... i...;. 4.. ...-...._...I .. .._....s uuun VI mullhlull. Lion w. lab-u.umu.; w. n. Wnndlou, Nu! York ; and T. A. Scott. n.._A-._ ___ -; .n._ u_:.:_u, - v---nu-u-up now nun: . nun Boston. II! It the Brililh. |l_*_ |l_I_-_. -4 ll Sidney Unou. of El,;iI;:)uru. hu Iolt. hr Oahu. lows. on 1-luau visit. . nu do n.-o In \|r..`o ..:n L... . ..._.u Pllll ALL 60116118. BULBS. Bll|lIl!ll'|'lS and llonru-non. use ll W-` IUW-g Ell C NH! VISI` - (D `t Ilut W. will ho I candle .0 hi tin l ro"Ilnoy of the Suilota` l'nin- - It'll. Moore. 0! Kingston. ha been removed to the Bollovillo bunch oi the Burk 0! Montreal. -2--.:-, ,........._ The Rev. Wm. H. Wash): has removed from Perth to Brockvillo. n, I, .1 a nu - Fnion. nl-Vt Inlsnr -.u |\r .u.r..- -...-~.... -r..I . llo referral to um loyalty nl tho Metho- tlnlt. Church uuul the loop nc-cliuu ox- hihiluntounetohunlu work. In nin- obury henna ue Church nem- failed to meet its ohllgntiona. The edu- cntiolml cause ulxonhl ho unmlarlv trump ed,nu for it men should deem them- selves bouu-l to contribute, making their gifts pennuuons yearly oblimuoua. Dan '.Ant\l) llnnllnr llml ohm nhnur `I11 ylllluuuullu yullv Vlllwllwlo Rev. Leoy Hooker lled the chant sud altar I collection was lmkon up the service concluded. How People In lieu an Bnuullnx Tllolr 'l`Inn-`l"ho|r Deming nil Gong. F DUULVBH IIIIIU llllll IUVUIAIIUH II II-II ova: run- other collegnn no tho Methodist Church belonged the honor of innngunting an I ngltntiou in (nor 0! [music education. | 'lho muals ol the Exluontionnl Society J I . were. however. solely used for theolo- ulcnl um! university purposes. (1) in paying the anlnrioa oi the tinoolowctl professors It Sncliville. hiontronl and Cohan-g. (`Q in partly ndnutlng young non for the minntry ; (8) in pying tho oxuniners and conducting the euminm tionn of probationers in tiw wo.-k; (4) in giving; ulditiunnl ni-I to the univer- nity. ln upenkim; oi the oducntiou 0! young men Dr. Rice acid the ministry woman not luoknd upon an n piolessiou, but out n divine calling. out of the young men In the tinhl vceru poor and hurl bueu placed in the work iv the wlmlom of the lnity ; tllov wero triocl. and when found capable trninod in Ilothodht doctrine uni ttoal lot the active duties of the ministry. If the ethodbt inshltionl Item to compotv with other xlvuominn tioun they .~...~....n u. nv .... n I L'I\:u|ll\ll \ r.- was the rut. in this Dominica. and the success that lnul uttoudod il. hul started In ,_._ _., AI._ |n-.|..J:.4 nl.......I. P vun Q I-uuuuu I-luv q-v-nu.-.. ....-.-_ now with wlml. llu-y were in` I517. No l`rol.euuiut body lm-l liucr cllllrclu-an ul` pnrsouages. and in no Church was Lhoro greater wealth. 'l'hu.1 no L'huu-h was in I hotter position to Ilka up alum- Iionul work. Ila haul 0\ L`l`YWllel`0 mat. Wllll a ready response to his uppeda, and the .\tethodist Church. education ally. were doing more. and had e.v.cil.ed more Interest. Iu odncnllouul mntters than nuy :l.ln.~r denomination In tho Do- minion. uo alluded to tho vuious Methodist ins&itutions-l.he Newlound- land Acndeuiy. Suckville l'niversit_v. Stnuntenel College. .\lontreal Theologi- cal College. Cobouru l'nI\'ursit_\`. nu-l Whitby and llumilsou 1-balm` Uollegos. .l...n.u-oiunlu nlmrnlu l"|....... nu...-.. ..Il nnauxa Munnm l u uuvy uuu Alnuuuivll A.--.-my vvuwnow These ,werv ull nlml.iuct.ively church us... ,1 man uu`uou.oam Chum I In lH8`. . |6.U(l) was raised, in I583. 88.000. and this your 0l`3,(l'.l) was ex- pectod. llenceforth the receipts must. not he lesas than 51.3.1110 per uuuuun. lu passing; he ruh.-rru-l bu thu nlisudvnnlngoa uuucr whph college proluasom labored. They werb uudusr paid and overworked. uul more money was required in order tom.-cum the Iuxtrumcuts by WIIICII to cu:-y on necessary cxperiluuuta. uni. is ii the Ifhodi Oollogu were to ll] ado by nidowiih than of thoothet 60 uomiuziouu.` lie ooimlltod the endl- ,. .1 . nun ? \'.. Ffilljlr uwIpI.-uuu In vau- cnonnl matters the Society should re~ mum. From [KIN to 163;` work it had been doing. uquyuu Cu null 5-- nun Au u--gm `unit could not be mounted, end in treasures that could not be vnlued. They couhl not forget the struggles ol the pest. nor were they free from solicitudo in regml to the future. He traced the history of the l -Iiluostlonel Society Ind noted the It wee lormed at the time of union with the New Connexion Church. but little was alone by it up to 1878 beyond the recon`- hg at call eollolu. In 1878 the boxing was expreued"tInt_ Ih_e Socmy ehould dksolQe._ us the ntfuumone ootcnbd sh-umae ualnodhu du-`rod hlloir hlnpdol in edu- AAC:p\nn' -.-Mann Ihn Qnninlv nlunnl.` rn. ,LuI'nigh|juiLe 5. lnrub mimhcr lis , | toned to the Ru. 5. D. Isoo. D.U.`.' who 1 upstinto-I upon gho o-Jnontional inter I can 0! thdhldthodist. Cbuxch vi Cumin. Thg inuantu 9! the union. he and. he~ longed to the young. `but to those who , way is .vv9n!_~! .be.c5ir_x=.iq-lh 2 Item they not to continue to nix] that which was neceasarv for A-lnneomenl." low India the future. The trustee- up ol We could Int be Ioolmd upon - vlh indllarooo. J.-Ivory privilege now I u:joyodhdNIeIIpIH(ainblqi l that 1 mml nun ha mgnnund and in tmnnnmn The -ddfhof luv. Dr. Woe- l'rl-lit st. uo.'.I~gc'i so:-locy B.unnI1 the M31 . Pnrmnnnnt Support tn the E:lnra- vices M P.(`. llImle-*-Amlrr5-I n ml I V Iumnl Society. 4 1 Iron mPrNrul. PER-$il;NAh` IKNFWN. Polloo (`Inn -1\Iou|u. -,4 . n .- --- cu-uuuupry-I1; H Ip- pouIIoo.bn|nlm|o too Mostly built In! I goblin. Suddenly I-mo person can otolnhohi.ou-I ulutnun mum Ipook a_.`.I.1 woM|o-i| nigh- od nurlyil) lh.-i| run IIIIO the livery yud Md dhnppcuul. on enquiry it wufonudoouhuthu-pooh wunhu uuonudho am out Irviaghhlll snub. He will nocnpparnpnlu oolnohlnn cone` tum nun uvvvuluuv lluvull II-II aw Su?! War Salem MANY ; LINES`! )F PlIN'l`S n ..w\-nvI<'\ on n V--vr ' A Colltnl Commmoo wu named with power to Add to their number. 7507 Will oourihh by every menu In IN! pore? to llllkt the oohbntion I a vuvuu-In apps!-Iuon. While pa-in up Prisca: sheet In high! we can in Iron: ol the City Hotel nonothing landing on nylon and alone n m ` Ih ntlnj `A j-.nI-A-I ---mu -uuuum on upnoo Ina claw tooled Ihxbdom M Inrobbd :. will -nu-u-mnnnnuo b Ip- naurnnoghmglxul. 3.... .g....n. ;...;u IIIUII WWII, VCVKIIW Hr. Anderaon. Wndon ol the County, wanna to an ohnlr. In. .r. s. Bu- bor acted on Socretnrv. A180: oonnidanblo dincnuion I relo- Inll In proposed to co~oponle with the Committee named at tho .-\do|pl1nI- toll rat` to not up 5 oelobntion As thi point when the Pilgrim I-`nthora u! [union] on the shore: of mo [lay ol Dub`. . - -us-nu. um-pg or uw FUVIII` run storm the attendance Ina not an lugs u could hue been desired, slthough n oomilonblo nhihur of Ivpnmtnivo IIIOI WEI` DVOOOIIU. Ila A...I-....... IlJ-._l-.. -1 u__.u_____.__ ...__.o...., I nltocl `Empire Loyal!-I-` I`:-nunu). A meeting wua held in the Town lhll.' Picoon. on Sotunlny lot the purpono ol discussing the proposed coulennry colo- h-M.n Min An Al.` -.-.A..Il..- --l- '|.,.nmirnw nu.-mmu: llr-v. l|r. \\`il- non will return to tho city. hut. quietly and without osLcnl.ul.iuu. This is his 5 own lain-. nu. sin-rutorv. Mn aci- ptml reception of bun by member: at his late congregation nuvl n detach- ment. of the h'al\'M.iuu .\riuv will not nk-3 place. We believe that at I much- ing of the` people of St. George`.-< Callio- clral. which oocurrod luc night. It Wu deci.lod to present an nmlro.-in and a purse tohnn on Friday night. .\ belo- anm was sent to him to-dny by 1 non- cominiuionod otlicor ol t|u- Salvation Army roqnollllg ills! he would roceive an mldmss and parse on the evening of his uriul or on the snbnoquanl. oven- ing. A reply hu uot yet ht.-on received. but It is improbable that he will nuke any nppoinuncuts priur to that with his Into congregation. '1` he doctor ny- Ilnnl. An hinnuoildi Ln Kn nit. Luudll L. --nu uvnngncgnuuu. lllu u\n;III X ! that on Iilutivll In tto city lnuwlllho III the hlllb 0' NH lriauln. nun-on nu. Ill IIIIIII h-iaudn. nu...` - _. -.unv..-. *7` - IUIAV Jlr ARE CONFINED TO OURHELYEH IN this city nnd we believe we no vmhin the mnrk when we say In that tho but vnioty of ntyhnh Fun! Color good qua / my Print: in tho city and :2. the lowonl. nllinnn um ,.....w. Addrennes. very complimentary to Hro. lhu-!c. were um-Ac by \'uce-l'rmu- I dents S". Thornton an-I 1`. I- . SIuil.h.l Past President. I enuc.nn-| It:-\'. `I. Hous- eld. Mr. Thornton Mtorwurals emol- hined Mr. llinnlo run! a low of his por- A-mg` L'. ....I- ..--v uvu...-. Ind`: -v nu----- -nu vu lu' cnully to Kingston. I o uny regret- lullv. with notl ` but and tooling: for those with whom have long lnbourod Ind triad to do Ily dut . both u I citi- zen and as An olocr. hope my future WI" be no plelsallt an my put his been. and I am the more ho xelul since in tho little town to which I maten l um sure to moot man who. I! note! EI'4linh birth. have an Finglislnmuub sense 0! fair plnv and justice. 1.1.`.-........ .... .- n;\lui|\`:lu\nn'nDII In VII) C0llllH')')(`U Ill l\|D}.{.`4lUll. I nun llll .-lugliulnmm from the hmut. outward. and in your company I have had revived some of the temlol-an memories of my uutivo land. and yet. loml association: htvo bound me to Canal: unl espo- fully. with nothing but at! Indian [or Uemlonmn.-Any wonll that I can use but Ieebly convov my m-nit-ndc on the receipt. onlniu favor. I did not null- oipato such I token of tho OxI.(.`6lu of St. George`: Society. nnd now that the Imur of my deputum is at hand I cannot. :00 fully express the regret. In the parting. I am not sure that I dcxotvu at your hands such I maintain as this. but it will remind me always oi your kuuuluesa and of the pleasant. hours spent with my cuuutryme-u iu liiugxwu. I mun zlnuliuluuau from the hmul outward. vuu. I-2. ll. S|n'nu.--l resi:|euL. S. TnoI1N`r0N-First \'im~Presilent. C. F. SIrrI-S-coond " E. Ron--'heuurer., A. I.:R1cnsL'x-Secreury. The Committee of Mnnugeunaul. ulso signed in a body. y0[l IIIVO D09! ll8l". Wislnug you and yours prosperity. we Are dear sit and broI.hor. signed on be- ho of St. George}: Society of Kings- Inn. 0 rejoice to know him you runonl from `lilo ii to 3 hkhtr Q1130 d Ile- lnlnuu and responsibility. for which yanr alnlitv and experience haw no well tiuml you. nun! wv hope that you may be long spared nu hunlth and Imp- piness to enjoy the privilnges of your poentiou and um. you may become nu deserved! popular in your new home as you have goal: here. Wislnnu van and vuura nrusnerilv. we Lure. We trust. tlml. you will accept of the accompanying bulge. which we hove will servo to remiuul you 0! your broth- ri-u hure as they on their part can never foxguono who has done no much tapro- mom the wslfuro and means: of the So- nuntn yourluwvu Ht ~ . A: number yoir-m`-wat.olnlul~ nous prompted us to nppojul. yon one of the (`ommntoe of Management uim anb~ soqueully to the honorable position of \'ico-President. and we fell the in leav- ing III we lose an active nud nergulic oo-worker who had ulwuys I ready ear and helping hand___lnr the poor and dis~ tressecl. and a heart lled with unbound~ ed enthusiasm tor "Yu Merrie England" the land nl yvmr lnrtll uunl unrlv cul` I turn Dear Sxr uni Bmt-m:.- The St. (laprgoh Societv of Kingntou. hnving heard of your intendul departure. desire to cxprqsa nnr In.-urty conuruulatiom II n you pnmptiou In onotvioo of w ioh you but let any you; been an , eciont Inoxuber in` this ci , and at the tune time to expo: our noete match at the loss`-our ' -minus thronig yonnonuml Iron ' ~ An nmnuber vol! '-WIwMul- "v7iaTo-"o"nT.}'i?3}'o. Kin: ll run: (In; Ilnu-Int llnngnn ` ,H,'..n? In uu :`;Iu-mun an lu ll.`-V re. 5, A; um ,t.u,,]_. ,uudu~g}" oft, (y .1 MIN!` W"-h &V|I|l|- it:-I` Kl|""" "'3' ,iConucIl Ian! mgln. the !oll,ming'cum- i pfrluw {mm ' Kltou la visual `by, mnnguon ' tad ; '"' '"'F-"""'""~. W` "*-` W 1;. Nu ::a'xh:;:Ila.Uaq::r ..'..1 .4/./.L,..... ~ nntiriug in hi: llklI:I4ll(`v* at am-6-L . '.,/[{,.yu4_,,, ' = , `L I 502' IN` "I `'59 "|1'`| R`9` ' 04771)! UoutloIncn--I venture to uldmn! it I 9 '-`!;-?!9'.f`,L.!'1st `Ls:9,i,t-_l\';,,.|,,l,u:-_lv!r_:,1'-:4-` { 00 W ,.9.bJ99Lt 9!..11m.!\1ngn4zn Ind rm opinipua. but they were uut'uI- `:`"Y- 0 "VI" I'll` "IN- .. ` - . , the enterprise Is in grant duuzor of n lenmvmbut on the other lmu.l `IL was comlew colhpw. so hr I know '`p " ""` _ _ the citrzens. by A large lnljqgityleuire , 3 List Orenng a npogml meeunu. 1111- I contnnunucc u! the running 0! the] commonly \\_`.][ gm, wgg Hg [or -cars. , This can not be alone nnlen-ml more lnvourublc terms um granted by am pmpow of p7'`' 3"` Him the Council Hutu in jvrovnled lot by tho- '"'h ' 3 P'"'d"` ' bI"'-' ` present Agreement between the city anal Oicern sud Couiumttoemen, 20 nn nuur thdcompuny. her. wnm m-mmnt in n lnlv, ,Al.lnrmun Before the care can my nurmd uniu . ....,.......n. .... ...u.... meeting. ntygnlod, wls Field pmpose prqpnahg lliude gold President`: The bar. were present in mbody. .\lder.nmn Smythe. the Preanlcul..s1I.er 1 grnceiul speech as a prelude. mad this uldresn : .__..?..___.._. A Domain! Appnrma-. ._,._v o.. *gg':_.f.` wILsoN `low Ion.` New Amuvcoodo. low Calvin. -`:X .1` cu|ouunuunnuncotu.unn- hu.0nllmnu.Qo. Ihnon lam Coll Sun. llaunnlnr. I utllitynlhhotwy. II Wndbtqstoto. . `.000. ll. BUY YOUR LINK! COLLAII when)-on Inn ll dlonnt nylon to shoot: from. \But Lina Uolhn undo. only I7 not at W. IEEVIS I 008.. l luut. Mu loan fnnhinna Inn. In Rem-snbla G-l;:Ek.%._t'l_I`lS; % -`BVOUND A1` LA8T-A randy walnut- cdIouuIIudunlnuCotu.Bnn- g Onllmnnhn. nuns : lmm Coll 171:; Ian. Growh oulnchc I IIIIII AI u-nnIr _a.... - h} _.-.._ I ` '*'`C '`-`'`'V "' ' "U-' """"""` , J, IUIIAI Iolltlla I mun out nap. IN wun IEL E 01. 09: ll condential. 1 Dr. J. olndley. Push. Dr. T. In- non nnd Dr. J. A, Moore. Cnpo Vinoont. no stopping at the City Kohl. The phynicinnn drove (tom Capo Vincent to Klnpton in 45 minutes. vuvuluu -. | Ald. Thompson had muons for not notinqon the Commitioo. sad as due mover had to be on tho Colnmmoo. the revolution Wu moved by Ald. llcuire, ' uoondod by Ald. Ebocl nod curried _.'4I..._A - J...._A:-_A _..!-- uuuuun.-cu uy nun. runuvvl. I muons n dnuontiont voice. Thom Inn 1 momonlauy lnll. and Aid. Thompson moved (in accents which nhewed that Ald. Smytheh Ipoeoh Ind touched the emotiond side of his nuture) that the communication be taken into oouidontion by I Special Committee oompond of the Mayor" (Chnirmnn). Aldo. Smythe. Mcuniro. J. Wilson sud Clements. .1: run, ,, -,u . u untv uvuu vuwnvu nu nun nunu : 7 .\ld. Mclielvey (9:-President of the` Compan_v)-It is now: to me. Md. Downing (another nt.ockhollor)-- . I I Iunnrl. heard of it before. 1 VVn\I- Ju. II. III I ll vvvu-u vu - naps: uuuu In uApcI Iuuuu. Ald. W. Wilson did not think the coal ol npniring tho utroeta would csmw the snsponnion ol the road. And why should the city keep the truck of the street railway in order`? The Largest Range. Ben claim and all the newenl nylon we Imvo ever show: at Iljo. [cod value II He. in nu. PRICE ONLY 7&0. `rho Inn PI-a:qun Ilnvo Ajnaj .-\ld. Sniythe said it mattered not who were most Interested in the road. the company or the creditors. the Council should do what it could to maintain the road. He Fill!` he would feel something like shame if the report went. abroad that Kingston's street. railway collapeod `lot want. of support from its citizens and Council. such would be the re! experience of the kind in Canada. and it. would be a disgraceful experience. [IA \\` \\'.I.nn .I.I nna aI.X..l. cl... ......| In ll uuu uuuuuvu. Aid. Mclielvey desired the communi- cation to ho reterreul to o committee no member of which won interested in the scheme. He did not desire it to go hlhntrnetf Committee because he Wu I member of that Committee and It the some time a stockholder in. the mod. He would just any thit import- eut changes would line to be mode in the Company`: terms and conditions before the running of the one 00!) be male to pay. AIA l`I.....--.5- I- .1 4-..- sl.-n any ruin IIIDIIU to ya . Ald. UleInonta-ls it true thn I1-4.0m have been offered {or the road `? , . 1...` nuuu - '\.v |l[[|`.[.. .-\ld. W. Wilson said the stockholders didn't cxpecuo nuke 50 out of the road, that it. was mortgaged for nll it was wouh. Some 012.0(1) bud been oereul for it sud (loclinod .un u-,uv | u U: . anncvnul vununuuivuc. Alal. Clements said he wns not per- nounlly iutereswl in the road. but he sympathised with the Company. some at the members of which hnd been avio- dled or deceived when they were induc- ed to take stock. The city should do what. it. could to relieve the Company and gel: the cars again running. provid- ed. of course. that. the public interests were not. overlooked or injured. -ru u Ann!!!` .u ..x-run. A rum: r..1\,U\l'\l\\lInu nunu. Aid. Smythn lid he was one 01 those who desired to do what was ronnonnble nnd fair in onlcr to we the street can: ngnin running. The present. scheme was not: paying one. wd the Company should be allowed to depart to agrent extent from the terms which it had made with the Council. Action was desirable. and the importance of tho subject. justified even the appointment on specinl oomininoe. ALI 1'l........... .....`.a I... ...-.. ....s ..,... u. A \'oico-Re!cr it Lotho 1 millao. um stroen can here. . A good deal depends upon the Coun- cd. and I shall be glad to give you at my meeting. or to any Commmoepitber onlly or Ivy loner. any inlormntiou in my pow;-r.-\`ouru truly. V II. M. llnrns. agreement. as may no uecosurv `I Ido not write thin from day Ielsh denim tb got my money. As 5 bond- holderl am quite on red" to suffer 11 loss grentur. it the I continues, than it. would be it closed up. in niche: one too great to boplounnt. but us I citizen I prefer. if it can be managed, to have the stroet here. A nnml Anal ilnnnnn nnnn Inn 1*... n Good quality Prints at 6 and 6 ant. Wuhowlhobcuvduo wanothnolul. Ho. An lmnmu nrloty Int Color Plhtn us an canto. `V TIE PIAI-`CY. `H9 lzOIIIpID_". I Before the cure can be amwd Again in curly Spring in very large outlny will be reqpired in putting the can in re- pair. in providing horses sud iu equip- ment. which in now reduced to its lowest. This will render itimposaiblo to repcir the streets or do Anything more than wlznt 'will- be neoeaury for the cars. plum. and propettv. 1! cm rangcmcnta: an be made to continue mo cars running will the city (ll re ir ` the streets ; (`ll not enforce the co loc` tion of taxes for 1883. and (3) ngroo (.0 such a xonsonablo modicution of the naroement. be '2 Ida not In-inn thin lrnm inv unlah lleIiBor in the uinhdl wry Anxlotis ` In` .~'5~n- Has 1: d llnnuiuz-nu . |'ul|I|[I~I' .'\ lb|'In':m. ' I TICC`-` `IU Arrived. '. M. Blrros. > Street: Com. _-!R WALDRUN. u&onct& Wlllncoknl puou. Annlnnwhlucollun M ldnnnd on SPEN 0155 re. l\._..n. nnnnnn -I II! Anal Ill DUI-FIIQ Cl`-ID`! `Cheap Cottons, Cheap Shootings ---AI'..Hll.I.lDI`I CIIIEAP IAI.I~!.'-- LL80-ud sruwul-I-`Ionnudsui Jaws`! we took yud. | or" IdI|thohuI|nI'lmut_vI:vo ovor P" 4cAsnsunwPn1uTs&sm:.mIs aoo pteceu NewFrench.En11nh and Batman mm... THE GREAT UTOCK-TAKING l STILL GOING ON AND F2Vl'.'ll\'lIOD\' utnnhlod II lilo BOFIIII In sum. Dun (ioodn. Plush Volnhonn. Rboonvu, hhle Linens. sblo luphinl. White uul Guy (locum. Blanca And Gomloon THIS BALI Ill! ooullnun nun culn Bum Mun lmhnn. mum: sup. cum in IBM lat. numwmuuuuuuguonunqs. IT I. IcFllll.'S. ll'.L 70}. GREY ()0T'I`()NS, wjim: (`0 l"l`()NS, 'r,un.I; l.L\'ENh`; Slain-tilunn. Clu-4-In-cl Slnirlimrn. lk-nimu. Inc. the (`In-up:-.ut (mule in Kin::uIo_n. {on Ron Boy Ilomostio oods of Every Ilosoription ` AT MILL PRICES FROM R. MCFAUL. THE LATEST, THE LATEST ?F.X.COUSINEAU. Om-no cny Flohl. I JUST RECEIVED LADIES -moss 'L'.a'.TuJ-QT-3.: 1.3? .11 `all, Kid: Ilnlln EMI`-ll0ll)ElKlF.-`4. EVERLABTINH 'l`lllMMlN(l.\', l'lllN'l'h'. H.\'l`lNS. Nl`l\V IFRl'Hh Ilntorlnln. Nice Double Fold Cloth for little mm \\'o3M`, and un c-.\Lm'n.-uw ncumrllnonl all Tweed: nnJ"l"ranol: Wurutocln for man... :\Iw lhlrluunt Ill all tlm z...,..` ..g\v|.-.._ |I.m|..l Urnulna-nla Illlvl llull-mu m nrnfmmm WALSH &STEACY S 20 PH-ix`!-`.1-\ COUR1`AI.'LI)'S MJST (`RAH-IS. I-2X l`llA (mm) VAL]! !New Goods That uavaamvad OPHNHIF Ul"I` T0 I):\Y-35 PIECES N|".\V F[N[`}_ALL \V()0I. |N..\('K I"lU'IN('|l (`ASIl.\!I'lRES-from .'.'centn to 7. : oontn pa-r _\~ml `A n. I`1II\.I tvnvvrurnnvvv I\-r\ lunurvovn r......n.~ [Great Bargains Giyaaflaaaalaaaraa. Jl'S`I` 'I`lI IICNID 30`) l`II`.(`I2_N. PIIIIIIIH I`I| I-2NI`|' I'I`EIII?lN'I' `V _. Imus Ilmn Iaul yuur. * FLI). l'2lh. ` Iunsnv II Fvb. l')Lh. Bx-Aided--In 3 Vsrioty of Colors and 81:00. a...nJnJ.L, ( N WEDNESDAY. ml: tun. IIIOOD lilo a ton and Plunburg, `I' 0 RAILW Y 1 CRETE fOId|lIK' nnoto Orlllln. Ind other. U mm and Islam. Tho nndur will be rnwnmod u in leaving them at this Wmn ollloo or the I! . latronca llolcl. Feb. BM. N Ewi EMI3 liidi lDfERIE`SW. V ---AI_`-.W`.Il.I-IDI'I CIIBAP IAI.I~}.'--~ c1a:n{AriTibT`ii,w (ll P()QlT`l<`. \\`INlI<()ll `I1 LI Inna napunu. Wmta and an Cotton-. BI :n.'lu()onlorhn ll oozilaun until an In of next month. I should" also It tint Inna Dry Gouda. CASHMERE JERSEYS, Am! are opened up for pnrrlmu-rs an TIIIH Hl'AI`lI In-st-rvt-I lor Ilw New I-`Irm JAS. lll(`llNl0ND 1| 1'0. ROSS my`: Envy rum: coma. an. co, 4 ll at loulrnl wholonh prune. IIVII Lu I\V NEW l RINTS.! LU`: lu`.ti'l' (`uM'1-;5. , I-IXTRA G001) VALUE IN AIL.\<`l\` IIRI-IRS UOODH AT mt umkumluu-.5 Eunnolmzlul-:5 ' mmnoxnanuzs EMBROIDERU-ZS P 3-HBROIDERIEB EMBROIDERHIS I-IMBROIDERXES HNBROIDERIER BIIBROI DENIES EMBROXDERI EH EMBROIDERI I-IN EMBROIDERI I-ZR h'M.BROLDE3.lES H-MBROIDERIEH EMBROHJERIER HI R R0] UERHJH LH.\lBRUll)EI\` l'EH 2 l~I.\llH(()ll)l-:R|}~I.~` A on: IIS sud IN PIIIFCIII ITIIIT. uuu pnuu. \Vll.SON'H BUlLI)lNGB `6;3i}% the any llml. I80 Mucus Stmt. __y 1- , Ul P()SlI`l.-I \\'lN,DSOR HOTEL II)! III [III prnfuomm. __ - -u- ulwoun -nu IVIVAV A non. nun 3:32: lu[vIvv::c:;.l:r! Ayplyntthjooo. Fun `tub n`>ou?u so m u Nuke. dam uni". PHCII TO BE LICT.-Two rooms in HM; Anchor lludlnp. with largo an woo! null Apply to Human O lachar. l No Tl`0lIl)l(` to Show h`ooI.~s. AKTID umucs on YOUNG MIR In any urmuuumdl Iuueo Hutton. whouo out d on`-Iorncnu. an ugudy won at lhal: on nomu all tho nail. Wan ml! by null guluploond our: lead nlnn : no hoinn K: hail. mm mmpnqond on ` nluy can-nuing. Adana 0. I. In loll, I|nul|c- Iunt. Box uw. limos. Ian. lo: puucnluu. sbna rouo. In line. voanluuou (no. It noblioo nu uonoully and In onmlu. wrlln M 0 lb! of ..-mnulonn and 5 copy ol "lntonulouu lawn." Pill lame} mommy. Addrou. I!(I'Il(NA`l'l0NAl. TllH.(M'l` All) LUNG ' |.wn1u-nc. nu uthnnh Inn; `tango. [Ina lL.au the Iurkot Haunt. Ihu Ylonalflrln ll~ualOc: I;ondn. gnu. : loo mu 'l`oronto,Dauon. Dunn and . lnmccnnn nu unotqu cIl_!l 1 IIp_ and In Oh ant and all enhance. any the AM o gm lpmnnuu llama I 'I nR* mniotvffatll. frltol ` French army. |IluuuIdf|mt:ll.qlgw'tItu5,` In Mann-an at AnA.l:onahIunc.. Ca- lllnl mun Md ' Ihl Ilrouelav IIIIIIIY & IIIIIIIIY ui-I Tironio. Baum. D'eu7ou ' allot-u on 1113' Inc. roagulhuonng. If u _ I 09 cu! Pu and Pnvuun of Fistula as Dr. William Uulvcnnl Hlo Ointmcul. In pot, 85 cu. D II Wade`: Dru Man I It youvun Ann cantor I16 Princes: Street. COOIIIII Ill POPl':l.AI IOIIII noun I-nnIAln Anagram- I\.I IN Pulola B-run. vv 1 nu yguvv p. 2:-----:--n------4p- To Let. _r_Ft >i sg1e.`_ I TH 3 BEST IN TH I nnrlal In: Linn! fhnn. IUTI -. l7l chunk Inna. `Ioroou-. or In Phillipa` lento, no-mu. ':dri?f nAv n.. . jgpilu $I 13C'I'IIgCI*'0| vgnummu-suns in. w. r. Yunnan. agate! In 0.1.3.: Ir. cm.r.muh.a-nda. :1. rum-t.M I.v..u-Iunucutot-vans lulu Dr.WIlIII`Inh%7.lyui olhI an in qnhr. 0 puthun. 5 -uhohundncltlllhn." ""r ~~~ -~-v-,~- I-~~- :---- dI&uIonwlnv.Dr.W||uoa.ol Kl. downed]. Ir.I.Iatrh.nnaptol v.`...n.. A I`.hL.-L`. L..:. . u. I? -r .a _ HLLB. entirely my hon clonal at any mama nhhnu.-- Ouolot 0 duo; in huuIo.uWADI'8 DRUG STORE, IIIOI King Md Brock trnnln. 119.10. We yolhtdoy and that Ju. Smut. ol Brookvino. bu Inn appointed She` I-llol Louhnd Guavlllo. The Shani oloolholynnol ago. Ho washa- nc by` lndo and In noun nun ap Imployod by Ir. Fold. 0! thin dty. While in Kingston. Ir. smut undo the uqninhuo 0! Hon. Ala. Inohuio. than I youglnu junluurunglnlo. Tlntwowcnlru Moldnud snarled tho nnochni. than in boon u ______:.___A -n1___ -1 I|_..|._.'|I- punlnoil emu: ol ltookvillo. Ilifi II XII? IZSIU -lU III` mind It lnqnonl Inutnlu was pathos-, ly sum. The oounnnlinu path: will ~ manna IJXL III Jan. Tit llll I, .'IIn III. I111! WT VIII Iovcrlulptlhldny. The bridal oonplo drove behind 1 white hone. AwI.IIu|~eny. A wedding puny (dune rigs) drove to the any from the blend to-dey. In puelnguie lute: Square the ocou~ polite received an ounce Iron the betohere.` `here were cheer: eleoby hoyeonthe comer ollng end Brook etaeeh; in hot the "nukes" they re- -_l.._j -A p._._._-_A a_A...__I. _.- -.-4..e. Uonndenhlu tell: bu been indulged in regerdmg the merchenw drive. but epperemly than in no eolid lonndetlon lor the ennonnounent. The talk hen been indulged in by up-town lnerchentu who bed nothing else to do. 1! they went I drive ell they need do in to name the tiny. collect the enbecriptlonn. end they oen bet on being llberelly mpporb ed by the down town entuocrnu. llrinu on you ehoe. I DIM! la Kaunas. Recent Kansas City papers announce the death 0! Dr. A. Julniuou. for noum you: put. a resident. of that city and n gruluuo. ol McGill College. Montreal, Ind Qneozfs College. Kiuguwu. ymt. Juluiuon wu greutly esteem-ed by the community in which he practised. and the nnnounoomun of his death will be method with univonnl ngret. uuvuu u-u In; on luv uunv yuan ulguu working men. ' He further claims that he cm organize a tire department 0! twelve men and do the whole work of the department for 050 I year each. Twelve Men Iloqlllrod. Clue! Honey clniuu that twelve men cun do the work of the nu department. He says he has held the position 0! Chief for six years And during {but time never lnnul an my tire more than ought M-:nn|l:-In inn:-All |l.. `nu-than -I_i...- ol.-o JnI.`Ih. An lnglne Dluabh-I. This morning we inbound train on the K. a !'..RlI. born: I cylinder haul at (ileunlo and hml to limit. Tlpo pur aongern we:-6 put into two aluighu and brought. to the city. An engine has gone out. to bring in the dinbled one. but the snow mny prevent such being done to. night. ('I)lI`l`(`KIulII'|Il Qt-Mlngu. On Wednesday the Annual meeting of the First Uonyregstionnl Church will he held. The annual report of the Church will be road and addresses will be doli- vered by different ponuns. on the fol- lowma ovonllg the children of the Sun- dny School will meet. _ .. - .__....._ .... .-.._, ... The Toronto Nun aye : "Robt. Pot mun. jr.. formerly in the toe and broker. Age business in this oity. hes gone to Kingston. where he will continue to do busineu In the new line. Petunu war; I pertioulu favorite nmong the boys in this city. W. R. Btkcr. Suporinhmlent. ol the Munitobn &;North Western Rnilwuy. rc- portn the arrival at Portage la Prliriu of one o! the two euginen ordered aomu time ago from the Kingston Locomotive Works. The other will be along nhurtly. \ ~am~~o~u!ul Ilpornllon . l.el.tera from New York onto that J. ll. L'arrutlu.ru has undergone nu openl- tion It the linmla 0! A ukillnl physician. aml thnt he is progressing nun.-ly. llo will remain in New York for some \Vl'I`kN to come. nut oveuinu whilu Mrs. Duff In king: across her vurdhcorut-r of I and liagot Strum. she [all and hr one of her Inns. She wn take.-n In llmupildll. In-Ill)`: I'rc Imhllllh-I. Mocleriw tolrealn north emu. Ir: wind. cldmlv weutln-r with light 1 Islam in mum loaasliliu.-I. slightly hi; mmpemtnro.` Olluwu /or udwrtucuau mu! 6: hand-I in air): morning bejore Ian o'clock. Podtiuly no nature will be him: 0/ Mann aI_tn that Mun. I. U: FVHIUIIZ ooun? --rnozvnrucr. No. ' mouth on the am And third Wad momma Ihnonuo lull. Prlneeu BI. In `II: II: Wu LIIIIIUII IDDGIIIJI. Anton ORE I and cl Unload Wanna I. Inch on than Iooond hunt flnndny ol ivory noun: In tho 9dd[o_llovn' lull. out Wilunoowl lion. Prim WE I 0 Ilgud his `lhuilffi `Jury ii unldlollovf Ball. WukInooT'I lion. I o&_I;hl.. . JOI:l'I No 3.0:: flaun- lpdnln. -.qp Qonduy. Inch Mb. glll. III ! D.-I. { ta. ' lqllu lacuna M at Annunnnd A)- TE ."9!`.'99*!,hhl|ltc ulrnuuuonryuohdd -IIUIIVI Awllrn-lg cnuapihuguun-new nun:-an-nu.) I T313: ataxia noTnAr, nu. -Ydmnu. , _ Inseam logs low Iflpllu. _ | . "'m W.IPAlIl!.`B._A.._ I (.`l'l`\' .\NlI Vl(}lNl'l`\'. V s11_:(:m. TNoriT`cEs.'* r Earl Al broke .'II "It! ' higher munch- no wellington `l'_nlt-I The Egyptian question. atoning so much Itbulaol. rill ho dhouud by Goa.W. Vl.Loq.Puh. in I up: ("What wilhoono ol Ignu") in The Inhlthl Iapnho. No! York. III luck. 00-. luring`: unioo cl no yunniduroholhdnvo I-all nub: Ininououhnutut lulu; aha!- no-onlgypunuhlu. -.._--oo------- NYCIKIV I&lID-'IIaOI. A trhniwbtul nlouhuadm tory donoutllionou duuhynl nndou_Ih'n||NIIhI-5: -Iljlphllh--n-.-..-n.na..n-.4..n.g.l I"A`IDyll' Iuu Irlutlhlly Ill'l'IVO(l Ihnnnaluiotho Innite ol Au- ction Hilary." at I) Luhnuo Place. New York. It is duly nlublo rat In tho scans at Auction biota ). ud wlllnnhnhunhouou vdll nuudhl -.........._ ,,...,....... Over 010.!!!) has been loll by u Kna- linh solicitor to the Porbuonlh (hun- mnr School. to found n nobolnnhip. on thooondinon that no Jew on` non of n Fnounnnon into pnrtmpnwin Ibo ul- vcntnau. ' Webb Robinson. ol this city. bu ro- oeivod mu. Juan Burch. at an nu. nudinocouly. `Cnlilornin. n nnpb box at the Inio cl bout pnwn. Tboy Am An In: In AlI-nIuIu\A ;. nun -. 5.... an aunt [IVWUL III] unuuiuappunnoounyvchavo Considerable grain In Arriving in the city. The barloytndoin dnll:56o. in ooroi for No. 2. 7_ Lawn: undu In not purchased for other than loading pnnsoou. lign III` III] I.-- L_._ I_l| L- __ I.`__ Col. i dont. Ill`lIVV CAI!-IUIIIII nun uwu HIIUIUI Jul-I81. The and meeting of the Dominion Rie Association will be held on Wed- nendny. It is understood that Lieut- l`o.I Ilhnlongo-KAI. -.'II k4 _I_-A_.l l|.__; IIIIIUI` uvulnug un Iulvvl IIIIVII UUIJ|llTlIl~ Jame: Rovnoldl. borriuur. of Brock- ville. in surrounded by ooinl life. His putner in I Cabinet minister. his Inher- iuhw sahori. um two uncle: judgu. Thu Annual rnnnlinn A! Mu. ht.-...: ... luuun on: win, I uv- ulvul III I305!- Tho School Bond will meet on '1` hursduy evening. School matters dur- ing the put month Invo been very quiet. nothing of importance occurring. Jnmnn Rninnln I|Arrn'-tar Al l!.....l- Q/auq1(p_'E5}EI7 nsutor IIIU l l\IRl-|-IIIIJKI U\"II-lUIlVI"- Mr. D. Fallon. of Willinunvllle. your torday sold one oi hi: Aynhin hoilon for 095. He loft to-dny for Guelph and Elorn to buy : new shock 01 nude. 'l`I... Hnluud ll..-_.I _:Il _._-. ._ .......,,; av ...._.. Philip Daplnju. who clnims. improper- ly. to he I oonsoriul Artist from King non. ha been upoudmg some time in the liollovillo lock up. 'I`I... L_...l I\' call" I')_AA.._.. .-:lI _.... ..... ...,.......... ....._ ..,.. _ Tho baud o! "H" Batu-ry will con- liune their promoumlo concert tomor- row owning In the City Hull. Look lot the programme tomorrow. \I.. ll I.`-II.u. .J l\. ill:-....._2II.. ...... Tho country road: no blookoul up again bully; ditto the R. W. .I 0. Rail- way. Truvollora could sou-only get along to-day. Dluii-{n nnI\|n;n u-I... nlnimg i......u-.....- nun nunuu un. "Happy Biu" tall: the Hamil- toninnu that he believe: when he duo: the devil will re a volley of joy over his tombstone. Ohio! the In nugnlun ol unponor vnnannnhu null ..n.u..n.. -......--.| lll VIII. `III - Valentino season Inns oponod well and the members of the police force. In usual. coma in lot 5 than 0! the cheap cnricltnras. ..Iu,, _,_ u-an. n , ,, A,II u -- I`. R. llcndenson. as Director 01 5110' Honing! Trnnaporhtiou Compunnvnll uko u position in the Company's omce in thin city. \.'..I..-`Oi-.1. 4.-....`-u I.-.. 11-min-ln.l -..II .....I I-`olgcr .1: llnnlcy no urnnging for an excursion to New York vi: Tomuto and Snspemion Drudge. It will occur` next. month. A cont-nil irtation in the Intent. A wrinkled cont-tnil beu-ing dusty toe mukn mantis : I have upnken to your father." I -auvunvu-ug vvuwnu uv vuuuvu ulu Iluvuua. The Innrringo notice Ions by A lady would lggwo appeared but that in such onus we have to be sure of identities- lion. '~. ..- . . . T I`orI.'ou.h.Coldo.CnIp. Ania-on lrouclllu. Ilounenen. 12.. mm `I'll!-I