vunuu nu -x-nun.` u-as IIvIIv\.lv\I Ivv Innv llev. J. W. lhlrlxe. On \\'._~.lue.~lIy morning the Holy (`amuumiou mu nui- miniuemi. and after the at 10:80 o'clock the lne<~l.iug wan orunuizml. A pcssuge of Unly .\'|npoiuwl O`. the lust Inooljz.` wua dncussocl at `sumo length. I- nl... -fu-......`A.. .. ..tnb.\...AnO In-an Th Editor. liriluh ll}:-1. n__ n__-_-._ -.._ I-.. looting uI llw (`In-rloul I man. The regular qnuturly meeting ol the luv 01 Quinlan Clerical l'uiou has been jual. held in St. James` School House. uncle: the l`mm-loucv oi the incumbent ul tho Clmrclu. The procou-ling: open` ed with hviuo service uu 'l`uu.~ulny. at which nu mldmm was lulnverud lu_V Um .. . nu .. | .\ u- I .,,, IF. I UIRKIIIJIIDII `\I I ) .lI\.lVIIIIjl Thou no not ilm precise wonlu, lnotl. but Iheynn int-eet Um 2sunl.inu*ul.~ o! I unm who ought to Imow `but he is Idling about. I nu-neouuayn nu... 01:. mn [IOU MR-.5 Ilholli the {again 6! In Ouhri--dove-nuenx. . I Danish: ovecuuarlit cannot col- 7 @ whine ihiuh as dental from . tank 01 quot. Itlil innot at all`. likely that the Pnwincut uonrumout ; will nbtudcp Ah own _nqwhmu3' up-I ulopl mp: o! n hunmlu puny. , 11.. n.:.... ;- .....;- -.A... .A.. 51--.; I V|IrI,_I(l_'- nun-an-cw uu u.-nun .1`: un -`- Minn in no ground {or the hope in__ whicil noun ennui imlulgg. nmuc.-ly. llut in the coulnniouunrhicln in collision ol riul system: must piuvuke nu illegiti- mate unic will be umxxungisl. The Uoluiu Government will me that no one escape: C0llV|I|0ll who \ml.1wu nu lun-. The cine who emu)`: to uh-l_y Mr. Mourns will lmvv (l.`CI\l0|l to n`grt-I. ll. He will be `nial. nul Inc can call)` his appeal (man one court tuu another until he muclwn Um look I the tlnruuu iuell. Hodge. on bolnnll ol Ilw ll(`,O.`lll9I`! vic- tu:Hu'I ol the Pruviucv. lml 00'.` murln expensive ooutnct. He lueu not want umdnr. Ho oug|.& to be wise. luhup: bought . gooil mi ol wit. mi u-I...:'.Ia.I he may at the Annual] meeting ul the .\u- uocinuou 01 which he in n pruminvnt umnlnr? "Sir John may have some little to say ;_:bout. the liquor lramc. but In the legal mm. to In u they hue Keen nnula-. huv In Ia}-no warned. uni though now liccn~ _ L- ._|. ... .....L - an... u_:I..- j _ u wvuuunu. -uu nu-ugu nun -n. -r an 3; be \l|i(`II out nude r the Mount- Ihv Act. in union` to trv what the 1 `.-ct ol its provision, will he. I Idsu my lriobdn to nscogqino the Crook: Act and act in obodiencovto its pmviuiou." -I-5.... -... ..,.n n... ........a... aunts`: .......| "" I" -an - - ------U r---.v~ . in tutu": -that Ila. Noun (Jon.-rumonl Inga right `III nu nude. |& bu IEO nppott 01 public opinion. :I_hu not tho Iyulpllhy ol the great bu -9y`o( II- | canal victudlun. and at It lake I vigorgqn manure M cnfuho in `In-lwato. `IN -pg in Inn urn-nnl lur I'u\ hung in Feb. mu. luck at and ....->3` .4?" " -laden. BIHBONH II IIARBIIAN. l`nL mm. EWIN- Ou Wno Known. Yours. truly. TA\l'\\'IiI(. 'r`1-u-; u1u'i'1s11 wum. V l`H1YRSIm \" r:\'EN1::. l*`EliRU.\RY 1'54.` Again. V 1:.:|`-|o:A-1:1:-:n-at Znluuy than can noon in u poop Novena:-on-'l`yno. Fob. 1'4.-Iiolmol Davin. luau-lug boa. wu nodvod II! lztnuoulhluinandnrlnh vnuudo IX llh. Thlli lmlinnmnn in. __.._ fl; ulnl` _.;. um `I Inna nude in older Iron: mom Futon '3:-."A'II) ool':d gn o 1 usw. non `I n . 1 _ 5b:l1. Ilthsul . Hunt`! lb. All Wool luo|nle-M5, us. 011. OQ Old 983. l.oud:._ Fob. |`."-b.`I'-I-O|l: :>l] thlt can too. Inn Ouph , zhioh inhuman van to wan. ...".3'-' riadlolos. All tholslurnon are bo- Isma to ho drownod. London. Feb. l-l.-B|-udlnngln Inn in- nuod an nldnu to the oloolou oi North- unlrton lot nalecti-nu. Mr. Riclurdn wi ho the /couurnuvo candidate. Now Yo-rk. I-`ob. l4.-'l`ho tnthoritiu ol the wool exchange have dolorminod Io IIIIO war on the bucket ahopu doinr bnlinul hero. xv-nu I -u at/nxauu. Bollovillo. I-`ob. l4.-Thoro is now no doubt that Mrs. loyuou hu oouunittoi -nicido. llor mu. handkerchio! and the book which the bud on the train was found an Tuesday on the edge of the ion jun shove Uolouurl Dun. lil- lotuuo now boind undo to discover the hotly. "` CIT. "III CIIIIIOI ralncmner WIIBTB IIIO not o. About 8 o'clock on Monday evening Mi. Sub} met I [adv answering the description on tho Cnmftou road. anal she had in her hand a btndbox similar to the one .\lru. No use Ind with her when Ler imnbuid le 1. her. mad he remained st than time that it was singu- lar to no I well drained Indy wslki in tha mad at that timool night. Sarah- in parties were lormed and the country .3: be thoroughly couched in hopes that the any be lound. Her children. in well us her huabcnd and friends. are ulnost dintnctod. llellerille. I-`ch. H.- About three months ago .\lraL J. C. Moyncs was taken sick. and her illness resulted in reuon being dethroned. She. however. show- al signs 0! recovery. and hat week was taken by her huslunul tomtun. On Monday Mr. nuxl Mm. Moynee went to Broclville. and .\Ir. Moynes secured I out for his wife in n Wagner our. and lelt her hnving business in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hymnn. of Belleville. were in the IIIIIO ear. Mter the tnin had started .\lr. Hymn: noticed thnt In. Moynon a red to act atrungely. .\lr. Hymn said to his wife that some- thiug was wrong; with the women and he decided to look after her. She got oil the train at hing.-ston station and wns iollowul by Mr. llynnn. who nw her again teke her sent in the car. When the train reached Bolloville Mr. llyunn new Mrs. Moynel get all end go toward the street cars. Mr. Moynce nrrived from llrockville. and to hieyzr-eat nurprise found that his wife was not at home. He secured the l|8iDC~ once of tho Chic! of Police end 1 search for her I'll! us once begun. A Indy ll!- uwerinu hor doecrnption WI! seen on the mod to Cnuiltou uu Mondty evening About 8 u`clock. 'l`ho runner lor the etmet cure says that he ueiatecl A Indy Answering the description to the street car. hut cnunot remember where she nnl ..n n..... u ..-..|...i. .... \I.....i.... IIICC [0 HM} Llllllllllll l'|lClDC 50 [J10 OX- mm. of thirty millions of dollars. says Mr. llickson. without any adequate protection being taken that these lunila will not bu usccl as has been tliu came in the past upon works wlmlly apart from tho ulijo:L-i sought to his attained by the C0ll8lll|'N.ltIlI A)! the Canadian Piwillc line. nnil that still further demandvii (or assistance will not follow. liaa increased the alarm Ill'0I1lY felt I) those who liavoinvostod their capita in Canadian enterprises: and I reapcctlully submit that acontinnancn of the policy of the past must reaull in damaging. not only the Investments in this company. but in all other railway enterprises in the country. aml render impracticable the securing of lnrtlier capital for new lines and improvements upon existing ones under any conditions other than that of a Government guarantee." pnvue euwrprlse. In rep} in Sir John`u note. Mr. Hick- sou. ou hundny |ut.. wrote. stoning that. while an uniubh nrnngement between the rival oonpuiuvn din. able in the interests of the country. it was unfair that one contestant. should have all the inuence and oil of the Government thrown on its side nud the other be bnnlened with onerous charges. mmlerul nocessuv by the policy pursu- ocl towards its rival. The proposal to gmul. ndxlitionnl Governmental assist.- uuce to the Caundinn Pacic to the ox- tnno nl QInII|v inilllnnu nl rlnlln-u nnivu sIIiiiTIiiII IiiI%i .\lr-. Mnyuu. out In-llu-llle. \I_\1lerIoI|-Iy IIIunnnnnrq_Wh-rm I: Hi. " IIHI. _ Un ll/3 ltli Feb. Sir John uilioil how the proposed lid to the Uunmliiin Pacic win; going to injure the (lnud Trunk. Mr. llioluon replica-I that.` ho was in- by cable to inlorm tlro Premier tbnt the directors of tlio Grand Trunk protested against. legislation embracing assistance to the lines IE1 aired by the S)-mlicue ontaide ol tne o jocta of the Ciumlinn Pacic clinker. thus using public money lot ooiupetition ngniui-it prints enterprise. nnlv h note. ms no no } meant-bel!(.lor`ern?::nt |l eu`prqn(odP`..t: _ menpuettognudupinittin l:`:un.i. gnntedor to begruihtl used to_dunq:e private interest: in ullwr Canadian rnilwlye. (`he result ul . pernintence in-the cuurne which use -hen `acme Company. or these control: hug tlmtpompony. \n_onIy be u tote! destruction of cro-lit. enduugerinu tlu: lurgo investments of the Government in the Conudien Pacino Railway sud re- umliug the settlement Iml progress of {In-1.-n suruueul in the put by the Camu- o l 5 l the country. Your Government has the power to ut an end to I item at things which in urtlnl in the highest degree to tho but interests or the people ol Connie line you eoggiulerefl what the result of united. humonione nation by the two companies in Europe. working for the promotion oi the settlement 0! the Nortli-\\'oet anal. tho mlvanceinent ul the iutereutu ol Cw:-hi generally. vroul-I hut You will realize doubtless that unless I can secure the intervention ol the Government it will be incumbent upon me. nituated as I m. to Innlse an Illnputl for justice to Porlinment in such It nnnner u constitutions] neungos por- it. mlln n.I.u|. I. ..l. my Jnl... ...lm.I mu- Jumu..I~`eb. I3.--Tbonml Trunk A protenwnguuul the proposed Inn: to the Cimulun; Pacic Railway. Mr. [lichen to but John Incdooild. -laud `Jud I-`ob.. link`: "I an urged `to pro- but awn: we own: hung puancd 1 union the (ioieriament are banned to I'rut{-.n at no and ~'l`nnk-L`dneo- ' p' nil:-pee Jtltl 8h4Joh-A New uilllculty lubed. ' #109-oj: 1 WLKON TIII Il7(`KII`I' Il|I I: CIAINGI OI )VIIIIIN1`. n _- .. -. A \\'ll"E'.\' DISA I'I EA|'lAN(`|. . 1`.\.\.\|n.-\ -l'AttlMl- M.` um. The People's `Fallon. IQ` I3:-I-on Than B Ill 0! angina! and III. ullho cl oulh. . - Ilou Tloylnndtbolocdau. Twoooutynombond :50 I .3! l.qunluI' dbig rim maMon:l`:=.whoIou Iolho oum.whohnnc|u'oodhhiIhon near the Lino-tonoclt . I-rlnunn nndnnhnd I tlnv lllhl (IOI0llD0lI `K IIIZIIIII IIIO IUI oy working momwhon I Imnhot of Animal. umbly Socialists. who had "ident- y cone Dillnd for violonot. ninod loud shouts, sad thnwutonn u the pol `t. Aoty ol "ho" was uinnlhnr on y mind. a ruhwui nulofu tho |doon.nd_uvonlpanouwohjnrd ' indtho paw. Thus nn have but 1 G. In the church 0! St. John the Hunge- lint. Vina. a Jesuit Inluioury wu denouncing: the diuolnh lilo lad by -m-Ixina mu.-Inn n munhu of Animus. moeung Ins ovcmnq. I-Duly in Jumnry John Cougar. Rich- mond. miuod onto! his shup. and do- ctdod that it had stayed Away and put- uhod. Three weeks sttorwuvdu ho du- covond the mains! buried in a snow bank. utill alive, Ind is but now racont- sum. 1 no wuoe: a uno Uolnplny secured I good supplv 0' umhar below the blockule. As nothing but the but Innsorhl is and tho Yukor when an than high rank on tho market. I-1. W. Buuunin pnnshuon thotunbot sud J. We stand: to the inside work. Ar- thur Butt!` Ithndlto the Ihi ' in 3 gang! my. The railway ' be I docid Inquisition to tho he . The non of III) wu ' -at the Cllll IIIIIIIOII U0 IIIC IIO :3 . 0!!) Ounnoqus Pnubylerinn Church lu- moeting Int owning. I-In-Iv in Jnnnnrv John Conan. IN ssnuso. WI PUT OUIIILVI8 IN OUR euntoumn` Icon and do u we vonhl lilo Bl.` DONE BY. n.e'.L'. rE32i'.F5E':'E "s'}7.'.'7r"nT.":'u' | nuu. The W eel & Hub Company nmnmd I uood nnnnlv 0' umhar bolero Ienuuxoo was Imnu. Dr. \\'eggen& 11:10 1 birthdny pgrty lust. Thurulqy evening and admirably ansortnined some thirty friondn. Grund- pu Shibloy (alt extremely happy in the midst 0! the hm and frolic. A an... run: Cnnnvn HA:-In-nlI|il.h In nu-nor wnen man no pa-auger: or mi ht to hnndio. A I the mnnuhntnring ostsblishmeun have -Am mnuinu on full time with Inn A II WHO llllllllllll borewremnuin ` .p_.. T... \V.. ueueu uv aim-es. ( Prof. Hodge mm here on Sntuldny night and gave one exhibition. The It- lendnnoo until. II: IV..."-up maps: a hip-llulgv nan-tvl mmu ox I00 um um n-onc. A stage runs from Hnrrowamith to Yu-kor when them An punaugon or lninhl. to huadla. trncwu an cnurcn. The Canada Mellnodlat. Church here in gouenlly wry cold. The phce in hunt- od by a furnace. but It has proved I lsiluro so far. 1.1::-xl. your snrf|c_o water drowned the tires. but. this eutte heal. will not. utoend to the hot y of tho edi- ce. The Trustee: hnve discussed the matter very wnrmly. Some wut stoves. others mlvise improvement: to the fur- nnce. The Inner ulvice preniled. ma che church lolk wnnt to be in Ityle. Some memberu aver that they will hear the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church. which in very wum.` u it is heated hv stoves. Dan! llmhm um. horn nn Rgtnvdgi There in much sickness in thin villnge. E. W. Henjnmin has been ill. but. in now able tobe out. Miss Josephine Burns. daughter of L`. \'. Burns. is in A critical oonultion. Sho nucrs from a nervous affection. Mrs. Estes and Mrs. R. (Irnlmm imer from severe colds eon- trncmd at church. 'l`|m Damulu Unllumlnn. I `hunt-In have in Hills IN uululuuv nunynuu J. ll. Stmtloid. of llnmtfonl. builds I lmupltnl [or Bnntlord. inventing 926. (II) for such a purpose. One clsnao in the regnlutions is than no clergyman will be Allowed to visit. the hospital un- less 3 patient. especially desires his presence. uvu yul Nvun --uuu. I-Zlln Behring. Bultiiuore. a widow. appealed to George Humble to marry her. He refused. She wok poison. The physician saved her. but she threa- tens to commit. suicide. s n ;u__.:_;) -ln_.....l,....l |...:l.I.... Iulii. 1|: D|uon|le-ll5, OQIMIII 03!. Youth Illd Boruoqunlly low. rut nunnlaod. Tum: nub sad no ubctomcnl. n A-nu-an A -un gun I Illllnulcui. Stellmncher (assassin ol Detective Bloooli). Vienna. when livinu Lt Zurich. lnnned An nttampt. upon the lite of the lmperor William. the express from San Francisco for St. Louis wns wrecked )`l`Hl.l!l'dlIy on the 'l`exu Pacic road. I.|!'l\l` Ranger. anal ve persons killod. |.`lI. n..|..;.... Rulliunnrn n winhnr uuvu vcuavlu unvu uvuu u.-In.-uuu. During 1883 them were 2.169 res in New York. involving 2: loss of 03.513.- Otll. The uninsured loss was Il3lh()()J. VY\I,_ u.l,...:,._ 1...... __l I')..II....llI.. UUU. A nu uunuuuuvu -uaa won vnuvyuvu. The Salvation Army 0! Bellevillo have received 01,897.51 since olmuiug there. 'l`|n6)`1mvo S-3`.)`.l.ll at.heudqmu-- tnra Bllrlli llllV|l~ The body of Martin ltilcv. farmer. Adrian. Minn, mnnierml. vms found hidden in I strdv aback. His non. ugml 16. is missing. I ....I l\ ...... ....s . t|l....I 'l`...u.umnn\ T here are up rehemnona in Montreal of a 11001 from t no rapid thaw. rm... I.....I..- .4` cl... ......o...- .\:.-..m.. ....l $35. The famous Billy Mctilorv. (J New York. Wu taken to the penitentiary yesterday and put. to. work In the blzu-k< smith shop. 'rI... |....I.. Ar u.....a.. n;|.... r...-...r.. .u. .. .........,,;. Lord Do) ncourt (Allred Tum son) lost. his robe: While on she way to on- donto take his aunt. at the opening of Parliament. (1A_II_._-I..... ...,.........:.. ..l l\..A....A:.... sue canned uer auornoy we write nuu Iu form him that if he deserted her in or- der to marry the lady in question. she woul.l take an Action inguinal him. Nu reply was given to this letter And the next thing heard about llownd wu his marriage to en Oltawn Indy. Hence the present. action. The declaration lur- Lhur Alleges that on account. 01 her on- gagement, the plninti has refused sev- eral most ulnnhgeous offers and lhnt the deleudaul. being worth more than 050.000. the amount eluuned. Ol0.(l)l). is within his menus and will be but I poor cqmpcusatiou for the harm unl injury done her. .?-j__.. Last Night : and To-Day`: Input: Ooulen nml lluwu lur our Iluny lloodori. Ul I [luv I Ilunu ulu (syn: vuuu. The leader of the oyster pirate.-1 nuul three vessels have been captured. .. Iucm A|....... .-nu... -I Ill K-u-nu n I u..- II) no ul marriage. The ileclarexion ol the plainti |lleg~ e-l that Simon llownrd wee rerv assidu- ona in his attention: to plaintiff and . promised to marry her. He kept up in regular correspondence with the young ' Indy, and not eatieed with the promises already mule ho. moreover. bound him- ` self in the name oi Jean: and .\l_uy to marry the plnintil: This was agreed to and the engagement entered into. an ap by several letters exchanged in 1 2. ln I873 ower-il came to Hon- trenl lor the purpose of rnazrying and presented his Mum with en engage- ment ring. The preparation: however. being tether lengthy. he went back to I-Zglinville. promising to return in the spring ol 1874. Since then Jill business had ruored somewhat from depression and he has always delayed the mnrriage until in January last the plainti hennl than he was about to get married to im- other In] . Coon hearing this news she can her attorney to write and in form him thnt if he deserted .\|l. I-1.. H.-Su_non novml`; -- woalthy wemluiit of I-lganville. II_`fi\'0ti M. the Albgon Hotel with In: hrniqon llnnlr nu..4A.h-An lnlll 'I`hn unit lnnflll Ml U10 AIUIOII |I0ll VIII! llll l'|lV>V|l um: wedding sou. Th: nus mama the But all nude upon the newly Inu- rind mu: III by 3 huli. who him mu: add; at huh! 10.000 IctI_oII lot dungq` n ' nondun uumo~ ruin.` ij Ann of MOIIZEIL on the Alleged ground of breach of pro- mise ul nnrriuge. ` The clnclnrntinn 11! U1: nlninti LUBE An` Innulh In Goa : xsolu.-\\'lmt ; Stanza Wedllu Present in , n Ila-lunnl wunlumnu 'rI-zmdnms. ` nlxtzml uilijiidnijirz. may run. lTI_:-PocI can u 1: lo III: lord IQ . p:::::.-' VaIcu-' u-chuuI.Wmu uu:?u';.:'oi XS l.l0bl,3`i.'n KI-BC` ; n|C0.W;I I 0,Mi'dIdIlOh. " nu: Ash-4-cans; Whhlhbaulqlo 4! W-QIH : (huh nonhnlly It In Ioulrul. I-`ob. H. l"|our-reoei Ill) ; Idoonporlod (KI) bus. The to wluuo tho Inasmuch- uouu :-l7|our.warhtnu| M 550305.60; am 6.36 to 6. . nriuonn 4.00 to 5.00; The 4.50 In 6.15; hint`: 8.00 In to; I.vI&IO;`Iol(.)1I-): h :40|o.|.6:o: polludn to 15; I. 10 to I. : utyiot to 3.00 for Ittong huh:-'0. 0I'un-wlnM. rd wink: 1.!) to 11?: lo. I wlmo. 1,1000 LII. (kn `Np to 18. Pcu89|oIl. Onhto I8. Dub 55 Ioo. Byohu. Ounnld. lo 4.15. Ounnul I.l0toI.1B. Pnvoao-- Bnthmcnsnry. I) '0 Ila. Port--I9. 11110.50. lard-ll Colin. Bum-ll to Ho Huno-lI to Ho. Cheap-ll mm. Button-ll to II. un uvun nu Lnniurr a. nun, `rho Fannie`: 'I'nIIl-1. Ccnuh Canon 00.. Dundu Cotton 00. . . Ontario lnveumonl . 80.Ptul I.u:d I... I W l., (`A _ . . . . . .. llunovu Ion CUOVII Ann TIIMBY IIII). H II) GIAIN. CBOIOI FAIL 0 I.` I'I'lIlYI, umon...... Commerce.` . Ilnnnrinl, , , roaoru Montreal Tolognpln. BIohchau.... Uny 1':-onqon... ... (In . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... TIVJCII. Montreal . . . . . . . . . . Ontario . . . . . . . . ..|.. .. Bnnqua (In People .. Io1nonn........ Toronto . . . . . . . . Btnquolnoquoncartiol-.. Iorohunn.............. n...v.... Til IIIDAI. Sruoox. Bond Iullng at 8 p Ill. An-.~u'u. (`onvoonuon ol Royal Bctrlel (`lug I.-r u 7;!) pm. nunu ----oo---- Tau Au. Do Ir.--1-lvoryhody uses "Te: berr " for the teeth mud breath, the mm-em. hng1tea..ooaimt little toilet gem extant. Try 3 sample. -:- ~ooo- - ~ _.j_.. ..__ From tho Liver And Kidnovn arise full hall the Iiokneu. Dr. Canon's Btomno Bithn Itunnlnu both Liver um! Kidneys nnd inmrcn one spinal discus; it in not An nloohnlio ntilnuluat. In Inge bottles at 50 cents. -.>:s.~< m:1Nc1}'s_s STREET. II IAIIII IIIIII. Fnflmen veers ol Iueriug {mm the tor- tures oi Dylpeplin 5: Indeed 1 long time. A. Burns. blsoknmnb. of Cobonrg. was thun saluted. but It only required four bottles bf Burdock Blood Bitten to com nlntnlv nnrn him Incoming Colon. Dnrk Garnet. Tmnn . Rod md Seal Brown no pulioululy becoming oolorn no blondes. rm Tnnngle Dyes no I cousin and chat 1 mean: of nocunug uuy desired shade. o woman roslly pncneos coo- nomy who does not une them. Uuly loo. It drugginuf. _____..___ bottles or uumocl pletoly nun him. ._-_..___ Alter years 0! sum resourch llld nu remitting toil, Dr. nu Bureau discovered in I little plant. growing on the hill aisles of his unive laud. medical virtue: of I mun: "live kind. Careful experimentation: nu ambled him to tonnulnu from in hiddun Alp I remedy um In: no equnl in run nently outing Ill lorms of kidney iseum, nnd which in now Known Ill the world over us Dr. Vnn Burch`: Kidney Cure. lmnlnnun neusuuy. us now | wmckn. In . Ky.. there in II but of water in the shnllowezsl. purl. New l'aleal.ine. `Miiq, is nonrly ruined. and Now Richmond is worse oil. In Point. Pleasant. (len. (lnnfu birtliplnce. only two houses are out of water. Moscow is in :1 bad condition : many houses nre gone. Neville in I wreck, nml Shiloh is worse than Neville. Levnunn I.-cl bully submerged. Ripley is in a terrible cou- nlmon. People any the huxnonu are 'N.`||I iug them wherever the roads and oods purtnil. access. '1` he lninery. (l08I.l`llC tion and distress cannot. be overdrawn. l um I110!` uoou `(U n. 1. inches. u.-Jr. iugton in now an lnlnnd and the mrukct. wuggonn hue ntoppod entering the Cll.\'. The city of lrouton in twothinls uuilur ` water and the dentruction in beyouu mitiunte. More then hull of the people I are homelea and out of food. Ureeuup. Kentucky. l.\| completely submerged. Them I8 great suffering Among the `moor. ` .-\t Louinirillo the Inter hue rmohei thc highest point. of last your lllltl in still rising. The eiluutiuu at Jelfuruonvillo grows worse. .\t l'tice. lml.. there no 1'. families in ouo church almost with- outhud. The Governor of Kentucky lnni issued 0| proclunsou C&"hl;.{ upzm the people to aid the nnei-ens. . n---n-I v n In nu.-n,-.nn Steulumvillc. Ohio. I-`ab. 13.-- The ' dn `Age by the Hood in this vicinity in 5 co pu-uively light. It uunoilutu '10,` 01 On huudria-I and iovuunil In Ilia: in the lower mmlu have been . mhovod by the city. The cuunuguouud Iboulisuvut. on u! vuk-r. Only the tops oltbe house: in Kunzuoky gas now m ,4 \'.{.V.. A nrnbn I -..I I- 0V0l'. rising an inch un hour, I high wind is blowing nail the waves no doing cou- sidenble change. The. new: lroiu Jelfersonville in of the molt Jeplornlile character. UL} popnlnlion of ll.0lI() lull have been eompelled to lo: we their Luuleville, I-`eh. I:l.-'l`|ie `river in I. lI0ll.N.'H. Four-IlfthIo!Jl1eciI.v in muu- lined. The people ere begging [or food. nu: urrL'.rr|0x mriui'r;u wolun. _ Ciuciunnti. I-`eh. I4.--The Iicniii in growing alarming. In Covingbon. New port. and Cincinnati `JU,(II) to 30111) peoplu hnve been driven from their homes and not loan then N111) lnbonru Llirownbntoleni loymens......At 1 I.lI.I. ' um rivet need II. '(| inches. (Jay. ii-umn in nan nu lnlnnd and the niiukct. : 4| In-an: any nnuv-ur Cincinnati, Feb. H.-.\ steamer lm.-x returned from Ripley. where she won . with relic! anppliu. Houneu have been swept uny everywhere or no oating. Rnnlnnd Anrmsln. Kentucky. are both swept everywhere or nro noaquu. Runlnd August. Kentucky. wmnkn. in Dover. Kv.. there in I NOTICE in huohy |nn that Bolton 8. lord Oonnntamhsvha. on tho but Docunbal. nm,bvdood.nuuod to I. w.Buok. In um I-anon: 0! MI cu-morn. All his mrny. And mfduld L. W. `lgool hfuuvtlnnhy signed It PM me nun Burnout um on u'o. on or boton tho mu my of February ant. to deliver or sand to Inc by poll. pnpud. their nun!-I and uldn-nut. I summon: of their utoounu. with lull unim- lnn of nut: olumn scalar: and lawn. uz-I .`."u a'1'3"T1`."...'.'.2 .`.'n 1', -!..`J..'-E? - .. '-`7'---.-.~.~:rg W ` 7 i . ; The 'l'rrribh- In-slltl OHIO ood: ll ' "bio and KQIIIUKIV-`lily VII` ` In-on Rnlmnl-and .!ll.lDl|1...- ,,_, -_.- .. ;_,. ... , , . ,., ..... Aurora. lnd.. I-`eh. l:l.-+l\'bws hut been hoard mm Luu`-:uoeImn-to-slay. .\lnny houses have been won outing dowu tlmr morning. The water [gnu be-cu` riliug at the rue 0! no inch nu 3 'hour. More xlwulltngu nio,t9ppI1u;.: ` over. wwn !9_9u!.!.i8_- r mkn-:0 I'.\'m:'I: wzxiizn. Ill l\!'IlIfI_ -`CI. Iageu .Su_bneI'nd. Z 4Marei.s. III`-I III . mg . mu ` ll]! . mu luoln um:-:`1umn I[l|I'71I&$Itlll.ll0W|C`.hcIlI|I 0 any noon :1 m : sodti::tu3loeuIddoyhnnnndlbuanlI - ooodlo dmrlbotothould man and ruooblyonouonoh uodl Ao I nhovo coupllod holovmh. and without round in any rlolmo of which I ohnll nouhon hon Ind notice. All oocurluoo no to bo noon! botoro no at my olllco. fool oi Quoon Knot. on orboton sud Il`.II\ D.hnm- MI lo 55; IFI am om Il.' lG_1E[]RGE UFl|`URD'S! `I'llI PUIIJQ (IAN (ll? TIII OIIUIII Amoruu In-Wing Iuituldlnu mu nhb hung: nnnlxn hi (1. In-sue-en`: run and all IIC Ian-at Novelties In Inbbon -u very low poloec Jam ARIIIVEIIII I " ~.{s1'.:z.I.:.I:. PL All amount: um um II. R. lawn man he pad to mo ul oncoor lhoy will be pm In um: RUBBERSI NOW In YOUI 'l'lIl.IaADIIl, 1'0 IICUII u lnlnuprluyouwtlluothonblolobuylln qaln. seals Inulu minus! I! put cant. you should boyooo IO! but-0 lhlt utvnicilnbu pluomnnd IMLIQWAY I lulu plan: to col nu ur I nun nln rd! I Illl lnltl UP IUITI In I! H. &-II. |'anun lnmhlkuuk lluhtu: lamb link. Auru-hun. (lny hunh. Educ 300. Ital bu, Rnulluh ulrud Iulol ovary cloccmvtton A1` lsnnrr BLEAHINE suns! UALL()\\'AY S. steam-icavt sou! first-l}la.ssJa.chtsinSeah.ndPur'shnl.ub| Furs! Furs ! Fm! Q FURS! mu: WIlIHHT" rum! reduced or human 1: Feb '5` mu, ALLAN cxnnwncx. Gaul`: Capt. Paminn [.amb-iu endlonn variety to no cloned out Um mouth. Gr:-_\'. \\'hIhs nud Black Iluln :4. Indian` Sella Iu I" Furs. MILLS 1;1;os.,) H: rur mum wun rmmmero. urocndc Silk nnd Sum out.aide_ from 11! to M5. Sn llroclmnu Mnmles. $15. Hu Anlncnn Hnntles from $90 to I35. THE nnsruu mum run swans , {MILLsvBRos- Tlm-o Sui Mnnllaa. movery best. 0250 ouch Four tine ()n.omnn Snlk ('|rc\,\lnnu. 860 such .-\ 1:A_-1u: ()PP()R'l`UNI'l`Y ' my nevus v+uc..\r. BlURl.'38 'o|n| now or boron A il son: A vullnhuo I TW YIABS` P30!-` 11-; non mar. In-I you the new Annuncu was Il_:'>.M.7M. Tho nnnual lnoomo 0l.l.'|D.!I\ and the total noun 0.':.6I1.61l The Income hu Ihun men n unuun Liv` uvuou vav u-nu. Lndien H 8. Soul .`4noqu|u H25 ouch. And ever_\lhiu;.v choc proportuunloly low. This sale is without roaerve and lur uinhes to Fnlnern And Ciuuun an excel lent opportunity tor In-curing: I "Big liounnu in (urn. The ` H`: Fur Luml with (`msblnerm Btocnded HI: nnrl Kuhn nntninln Prnnn 1'! tn I15 F|'|{ 1'0.-\'|'.\` AND ImlE.\' mack Squnro Tnl nun. for SI ouch S 3. Real Muff: (worth I20) lor Il3.50 out Aslrnchnu Jnckets (null: Hood)! nah. l`enusu Lunb(`cp .50 OOH.` muck (`mm non Robe-A 1:-.350 em. Fur Lined (Jiroulnrs 943 etch. Men's Black Dog Conn 020 ouh. '-Jin..' K` Q Qn-I kl uuuuu -ulII)P. --ml` Cut Out This Price List. `IOvI`_Il.IClII ITIIIT. nn.|:u. muuIol'.l.oouInou AIBIIICAI I VI` WIN!) urown to 03.! [In day whllo II Is paying wry Dmndaomo pvohln to on hunnn. Wononlyq otoono Kin cunt pron not bananas It in to pmo I Cgmpony which hupc-ed Ill tho nu uuguof ulnonoo qml Lg uowlqu upaul Inwnrenglh. J. Dunn WHOLBIA LB PIICBI. I.unI:s' no C-Ilil|'l'n'. ll! \VlIl.I.INl3'I`0lI KT IMI. l"()ll `XMAS GIFTB`. Hat;.13af;s and Furs. Miscellaneous. Ell `IIFIN: ' `h|u.|;`In.'- . 'I`0 III} II |I) AT T() wmwur I Ivn - uIw`DIll"hU Ill! '||Q*II.`=.?l`.#.wHhI'ohll~ "' 1'5 lvl " -"' [Iy r .-u uaqgacu nK|.'hIHnHIW SH lat h-:1: 5 I031 Ulla uh! ' which hupcuod Ill tho Ion uuguot and in now! 1 Inwnren h. Dunn amylh In: In Jul . 1!. lot! an lnneui ul lulu nowrn my snnully. the Company pan him $ 4. . 0"lI._BrlliIh Aunulnnn Ilnlnl Inn.-I: uvnvuur:-an squint \l\I\l\lIIl), OOLDG. AOTIIA. 0IOUP.' 4|] blunt: at tho Thou. Lug Ind Pulmonary Ol-. 2'3! 111 TA-[FINE VII 3 NNSUIHION - H A8- BIIN-CUIID 'I|CC"'*I`m$&r-hn~ 7 "' . dgnvlulwnvuuntb-I-IIIunnu I'll IIIIDY POI CUIIIO oonslmpwlok, oovaus, (DLD8. A`l'HA_ nnnnr . Q Parlour Bull: 0 uuoiglcy . J. M. JACKSON'S I II 0l`orI`oIloel. Iron-It Iln-M. l(llnl'l`0N. J! I new buunon 3| lholr homncunlylun nu an hour. No paddling. `hm nun tn an cum ua hour nude any mu or walls. Iolx `Poo om. Ior Tun: Phmplol yo mlnnuco worn on. A-Idnu H. rn: Hulhnd. Vernon. ADi'I}lTllIll: lawnt Inn for alumin- .. Illa lnljood novqg nu! lru Ad- dcu0o.l'.I|ovdlC0o.. hih-.N.|. The uuly article that uqutln the In-xh nu`. uwnyn lrenh nun! Item. Ilhl onus pound win In In an liu pnulull M an Ohlllllh Iuudn 1 l'HMl l.R PACKAOIH A1` lH'H'if"si}ii1i$ Taauuse, pun nun uuu. 0l'Il0I--British Allnncun Ilolnl Block` A. u. lumuy. Pnnldun. llunmon. Ono. A. Cox. Genanl luau. Poaotbom. J. T. WIIIT Feb. mm. Dumas AuaLIn~uon. jcucuahiiibiidnwdsr AN ENTIRELY NEW l'lU".l`ARATl0N n--nurlun (ml: the uldmun ol wnlu lo um Patent Conc.u.t.mted Cocoa. First on we list. stands the Crown J ewel, which cannot be, :surpassx:d..._ {or 77 genemL family use. And then comes foul" Minneapbiis brands. the patent grown gn the vir- 'giu soil of the meat. West. the strongest. our that is `made. There are also sev- leral brands of Cnuadmn Sprmg wheat flour; the Soo- tia. bmnds.of` gx`:inu- lated Oat. Meal? and Gm- ham and Cracked Wheat; The well boiled. is a far better preventive of Dyspepsia than any or those patent medicines so, largely advertised. (`hn.'nn.l..n... l...n.....'.. .. .n - In-lawn`, uu v V: I.Au\. \I Choice dm1'yL>uLlm`in mils. in tlrkins and tuhs. Prime |Checso. and the `(`l(`l)l`{|lt-ti brands oi IL'Ln1::, Brea.kl`a.sL Bacon, Pork, S;u1:-m.;:es,,Her- rings, L0l)stvr:s and San`- dines. in l ru~L everything Hmt can be? mentnoned. in pro- visions. olden Grocery lB*lk%aLriibs. l'u'l:u who have how wnmug L: Dried Blnokberriuu (`Ill non-I nu|\|||le(I an the mm mm- nuguumnl Inn unv Ml. Also I Dessicated Wheat Factual; mum LIFE Assumes cow. Buy Your Furnllum AN l`iI'llU'LY NI'.W l'I\P2l'4\I|A'I'lUN n--guurluu only pro dnqg If Mgggmou _ot gu||0I'_lDt avor Evarytlng iii Eatahles. AN`l'ID--IlIN AND woun `I0 l'l'AIl1' hour. any Ferguson`: libel. l`I1n-on lllrool. Pl! 7 III! Dessicatod Barley. Rolled Oats. Pearline Meal. Oatmeal. Cracked Wheat. s. Lovmss 3. co., J. In ......_.- ... - n n m n - n .nI L. I :-I W. In-r lllonlronl ct l rIm-~-'_s Mu I!` 001.. HA!!! will dcllnr an oddnu in the CITY thhon Bahbuh. I70: Fohury. n 1 p m. Adnnlulu Inn. A oollbcmou will In taken up. Pub. lath. tnviuiiiiii mm net 3 Micuoou ot cu;-on-{or nun [hut in] keep fun]: And mom (or u xronor Mme than IANUFACTURIR. Miscellaneous. I}. Mr! Grocemea. z'l{.\l'I \" ('0. IT:ITtT)minyT.{&:c. __.u_`.___ . W ed-ndny Evening. I-`eh. `Joli. ~ ' up... riiiiuitjguisuuu [ mom our uullglun -max ILI-9., III I1 Gill'- ."'5"*....s'.` .:"a':-.: --.'z -.'."...u' at: 0! . K I In In. new obon.\#I-nu Iolnnul. A. Iuallnot utl Incubus ot W.(`.'I'.U. FUUHTHTIHUYTBHISS SKATINQQABNIVAL Viiisi um `mi immi uEN'l"S "1?Nhm3IMms(:. % `:. n;rriir'}`i;r.\ ut- .- A y. `una- wnmsmxxmlinmuummnn COL. BAIN, t u v E H u f I v n H \' I jW, or xxx-rucIn'. on Monday Evening. Feb. nun. Ar rm a`cuocl. us (moan -rqnxz miron in SIMDJ Bloc: ol.0t`| Yirlhlllllu I Illl [NI I10 IAIIIAIIII If I I I3\'lI(i "\7I'\II'IlII l\lIIII Cl'l` ..-.-:~..--'-~- ":...-.-5?".-.`I".-.".! A. IOPPIII. LECTURE] ' ALI Ilnplou. Jan. lh. RBI. nn an --_-.....- 4.. A. " `TI: not in month so oummuul Hui we'll do lnolu. oellnoulnu. Wwlldoutvo t." Dal part In .- . a`:'.a .T'.`,'.": .`...`..`.';'.`;.."." " "`` Admldon~l oanu `Hahn u WuIn'I Dru: Only union oounlu wand an Inn n Dunn will be in suoudanoo. out `Hotels u Wain`: Drill mm or at nu ltlnk. JAB. ITIWART. It-II Iblvlslon of I'I'olMu INII5. lotion _Io__l3roIiIors. Hunt Dough: Jana. lul.(_:., Ln Ibo dun. `l'lOIl'l', om- .... 5. ..........u o... `ifioilnw Cu:-lim: Rink, Barrie Sin-4-if: _p.u __ SHOE PARLOR ILL III DILIVIIID xx `nil CITY HA1 by an cobbt-sud Inn:-uuoo Ioclnnl. "I FYI? XUII Illll I10 IDCKIHCIII. LAMBERT Q WALSII. hi 1 PI-Inna: It ngxpnngpg Ila... ooyrjz / New Advertuerhgz` ..._. .. -..;...._.___.._._.___ ._ . ,..-.... 7 _.. 0 CC: `Cu you `rain NIX`! nro man. l2!l'l`A ELISIIB 0 I041. -PrlunIl|..nnaop-onllo-us. VI. mun C Cuban` " %&':+.;. Niiom. ' `HI ANNUAL GIKVWATIO 0! an loyal IO_'|'1I. I! I I -IIUVIQ no PI-lumen III-eel. oniiwnqau noun. ;-ox:':`v- cu.---jun-fitul II. an-'c:-"Cu-u_-In-qauauuaou that luck we tqutunrlll pa. hnnllnnnnntlhph-`nan... I.-u -uvugfjvnil CVUI"II`* ndlhvuuullnslhnulbvhllh r`-`I """' "' " ""' """""'T` lupduhomnonuu. Inuit! hc.\lIlI|dnl.I|hh'.bt1cInolu|uu withthothhduovuunut Two and luhuu Ioubvlll mi Jnghnhg II:-A-A-.1.-J.II...A1._ -1 `L4 I`-"-` 'o---"'_`'.:m~...`:.~ 5'.- up --v -v--fIyuv|~nIj Iholnw. Tbouovpllnolsdounotvdnouo vhuhllouulun-Iouwilldovilb \IIulilh-thoywlll.IoIpchp. to liquid In tonsils. t Gar duhallo nn.nuuuuauuuu`- onho l1oIulumdnood.oIooMbnnT oiunqthuilvoauoocnnryhonuoth .I-I-I- -0 AL_ Edna l\___.lI I- AL. Iivfuvu-xnyuuuzju-I `""-I issue: at an Pvyoouldl. In an llodpu.Inlo&nIo&|hyAoHn~ valid: tho noudujiq no nun let in oxidant. iltd-plynpnlhg Hm]:- Thouononiloohlnloshoploviliou ol tho lcouthv Act llnnulnt can It! chuudllhn. Now BIJOIII Indon- Ilduouodnyngoulmiuullblhohd poo took: in tboouoinolklld In Niuhdulhollilh Ihhl Imncnhul -0 AL, II.____ x_._. .|___-.| __A .3 .L___ _- ...... ...........V.... .. ,......... ........, ..... 86.(Xl).(ll) ooroo ol prodnotivo loud ond hood in-om competition lot twonty yarn. The Cndit \'ol|oy. Untotio I` Qnohoc ond Atlantic om! North~\\'ootorn nxulu. Ilr. iohon son. on not II My oonno to the porlormonoo oi the duties which hove boon impoood on tho U.P.I'. by the Dominion. ood tho ollool ol their aoqninition on only be to bring tho Oovornmonl into composition with thoinvonloll ol Frit'nh_uopitol in tho oxilting nifwoy oyotom of tho country ot I timo when o lugs outlay in im- provomonto no oontompiotod. Tho pompiilol bu onobd o moot commo on in tho llouoo ol Common. um ol- Ihouli Miniototiol mombon oloot lo` tCht_,lI|htl,[ it__io oxpoolod to moto- rhlly iunoooo tho dhoumioa Ilkl vote npoo. tho loon noololiooo. A Conservative paper says tho (Iran-I Trunk RR. "han entored tho lists with tho Roform party in lighting the (}.l`. R." This in the reclileau aaaortiou which aomo thoughtless acribo haa noon t to make became tho Grand Trunk pro- test: against tho continued granting of Government lawn to a powerful rival. Tho Reform party have as much to do with the action of the (Brand Trunk an thoman in the moon. nor can ll be shown that botweeu the Opposition and tho oondod railway corporation then I! any particular ayinpatliy. Months aince the 0.T.R. and (.`.I`.R. dincllued a scheme by which freight raton were to be maintained and the intvroutn of the Companies mutually advanood. Tho negotiations were never oonaumlnatod. and the pamphlet sent to Parliament by Mr. Miokaon shown that he sent to Sir John in April in protest against al- lowing the Canadian Pacino company to Iaaao the Ontario .! Quohoo. Cmilit Valley and other railwaya. pointing out that tho Canadian Paoino Company wan brought into uiatonoa lot a national ohjactat thooxponaa ol tha pooplaol the Dominion ol Canada. It waa anhaidiaod with t$8.IlI),(lI0 ol pnhlio money and QlI'nI\ gang. nl nun.`-Ali-n Iiaml anal unuxurur III!!! nu: Iunlungc. uuu uuuuv I present of 010.01) to his priubo Soo- rohry`a lint bow. ".\ul tlneao." says our counmporury. "are the men who come. hat. in land. uking Parliament to place I tax 0! W per heal upon the people 0! Canada (or chair bent-t." The Minuterinluita are not van` cun- nistent upon the C.P.R. question. On my Sir Chuies doclnron. with I ourish oi trumpets. that the Syndicate is not iinnnciully embarrusod. thut it in Able to comricto the road within the con tract time ; later on. nnuthor. Mr host. the understood mouthpiece oi thn great monopolists. announces thnt without the loan of 8.`i(l.fll\.(I(l).' tho (`umpnny cannot go on with the work. aluui 9,111) men will be thrown out 0! omployment The (II--/r calls to mind I signicant ' fact -thnt the chin! members ui tho syndicate have eroctod houses in; Man tron! co-xting over Ol.0!l).000 ouch : that Mr. Stephen gave |350.00l}to .\lc(hlI lfnivenity and $53.10) to the .\loutrM| Gonenl Hospital; that ho mottled ul unonut of .L'7,(I)0 sterling upon his dnnghter Alter her mnrriuge. nod mule _ ..........A -1 Ill\lVY\ L.` LL. u-Z-gtn Qnn, Man. J. Nomnny he returned to Mnnitohe. He he propoeed (let the Government`: ooneideretion) thnt tleni~ lobe ehonld neeive Ill adjustment ol the debt enpitnl on her nltered poeituou einoe Conledention. getting the benet of the dilerence; thet the nngnntod public lendewend echool lnnde ehonl-l he hnnded over to the Pmvinee. end that the Province ehould neenme the colt ol eurveying end cerryIng.ont ell er- rengenzenb between the Dominion `end eny Cnlonintion Compeny..or Ineocir r then where ennh Oolnpeny hes com menced its put of the epeement ; that the boundery be extended nolthweulhu the Hudson ltny llllll weetwnnl tn the lmnd meridien. lle nllenl to mcuup the Dominion its elnere ol the J::q.l).llI.I peid by `lcnnndn to the llndeon Bey ` Company for ite territory: but he wants III the revenue Inning lroun timber lends. mlncnor mine!-nle. to no to the Province. and e commipaion ol two by Innuln end one by Meuitolm to be ppointenl to eettlo the clnium Arising under any Act eenting titlee to lend. AM to cleel with ell claims (1! ,_ , _|._-| I-...I_ lluu, and UV uvun vuou aqnltlorn on school lands. ______- ' The Othirn nu.-an banana humi- otl became Sir Richard Glght runinchd -the Uovetnmoniol the Pgcilc Sondnl. The tolerance in wry uni plumb. nodoubt. but when Sit-Clurlol ad Asa: Janna su Mach!` um! Sir Leona! [ion a purilu and patriot: theymn presuming upon the pooplo'i'fn~ Ielhuouce. It in not no long time tho} won proves: gmlty ol chute:-|_e|_|ing and wholesale conuptign. An tho" King- ston Na:-puHI.\hnir'|wu"Ib;mnd~ on job In the lhitidn I.-lupin." ` :I!i!2riti5_?`;*_*!- N IIIM .\WD 1 In ! '.`-\'I\' I-'IVh:!l 'I'.\`. -__Z A BID MFDDLA`. II man an auuo-uons. um Educ Ill Io lhnnkod by tho autho- nliu Int debate. In inch 3 Instant iluuncyhuduinhb. Thochuroh nnthnrinnlnnnnnhlolanrwnlhonl. Ilml any clam-r-I Ilnuuncyuuauannu. IIOUIIIIBD nlhuliliulnnuouahlobnr without Edna and I to any man than Qh&'b0IIn.- oIlI`hu|v. Iku \\'nn Knnon mu. wuon Illoilld mu puvauu um fmannkhxnoh dooluslionn. . Whllo wo have uhulhnll append the dimm- ulolDr.Wi||o|.I ilwrongilllol. to ulllibuloillohiudainlonnouth lun- . cal dolnloltionu. Then woIwnll|no- orl be-cud pnblhhodholon my unu- blo whatnot noun bolwou DI. Wilson nd his olmrola. I-ivory dollar um wu lost in known. and those who an inter- ahtlou Ind the account: in thoJour- unl ol Synod. Whtt Dr. Wilson did do on tho uubjut wt: to endeavour to loud shoal nod coulucuonpluuho can oonuuv mo mvemuu nuuounn hdnyl igloluoo o! the Diooonu ul- hin. which should Inn puvontod him (man -nkinnnnah uhnlnnlioln. Whlln .\ Ila-ohm-pllou 0-urn:-Ir-I. TA! ls.`-la.-. lfnhlvl l|'lv_/. Sn.-'l`ho nporhr ol the New York T run In: boon inbrvinwing the Ru. W. llunlold on tho nubjocs ol the dinnl ol llnv. Dr. Wilson. II the repent: given Mr. Random`: mu- nonl col-molly the lovemlul unclean In-Ann innaunon 0! lb. Dimxn A'- 1 In nuuw. no ulan u -u-,. Sla.-0wi_nato our long and severe winter the price oljuel in on important ' In the late hlocknrle are wood became eearee and than was a cenenqnent advance in price. Now that the road: are improved there has ` been a large supply ol wood on the market. but there In little or no diminu- ` tion in the con. holler: commenced . by aaking 6 a load. and that in the price naked still. with I possible reduc tiou of &. Not .a conl. remember! but a load of perhaps threo lonrths of a cord. One may enquire. why tout the ` tall with the plentiful supply ? be reason is clan. A certain wood merchant may be soon going from land to load inlorminx the vendors that if they cannot (at tho price he will give them nolnncli. and they have only to drive tohin ynrd near by. The reenlt in holiun it at a price which enable: him to cell thewood in summer when it iaplentifulandnheap. Anyonepuaina no theatreet cannot tail to see him you! well llleil with wood [mm the market. Now nit. iethia man to be allowed to control the market to the coat 0! every consumer 0! wood? Surely we pay eucient taxes to warrant us in de- -anding tion from imposition and I-nfnir dealing. Have our City I-`athera nothing to nay in this matter? ll there not a market by-law I) protect the rights ol the public 7` Yours. trulv. I 1 u 4 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I l I II. 1%!` $1. '|'onIIql`.ld-`l'Io Ia! Innlnnnlt Ajj ~! Tho-Ielhllly Ac! nun -Lhl. -31! I.` -n..: a nun: nun`..- In the nfmmoon a suteiuent was nu! on the subject. at the union of the clergy In the lbioceno ol Licholil. cull- ed The Putonl Unlc-r of the Holy Ghost." designed for the spiritual Odin- mlion of the members. Mwr couvvrsm tion on topics: of ink-rest to the clung the mating uljourued. to unite uniu in public worship in the evening. when I sermon on L`hrisl.n stilling ul the Tempest VII preuchoil luv the \'eu. Alihdoncon Jones. ..:_, _ J41` - --.,... _.... |...l.l Fob. N. .1 IKIXCIIII 0' UIIVH. ns morning 1 brie! sea.-non mus held `(nil the Union uljuurnml lo nu-et. in Harmon in the month of May.