Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1884, p. 2

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_ -;'_`;""` I now People I; Know Boondlng 'l'haIr `l'1nn-`l'IIolr coming and (lung: The Bill to incorporate the unanno- que. Perth and Jame: Bay Railway wiis ,f read in the Home. It provide: {or the construction ol the railway from some point at `or near uanonoqne to Perth and thence to some point on James Bay. The names 0! the company are I, Peter McLaren_. l-Edward Elliott. John llaggart. Geo. Richardson. John 11. l).n-~ _ gevel. Geo. Tenimt. William Byers. E- , M. Upton. W. B. Mchlurricli. R. C. CArter,.Rol.ert Crawford. H. LY. Bond and George Taylor. with all such other persons and corporations an shall he- , come shareholders. The head omce ol the company will he in Perth. The Bill provi lee for the building cl breach- ee to connect with other railwnye and other bodice obwater. The capital stock will be Il.0(X).O(X). to be divided into ten thouennd shame of HG) each. The company will build or Acquire and worli (levatore. and ecquire. own. char- ter and run steam and other vessel: for cargo and passengers upon any nui- geble water which their railwey may reach or connect with. By the term: of the Bill the railway will be commenc- ed within three yeere and completed within ten years. Kmpiununu lnnerumn In M-IVIIM Cunplny Pul-pone Dulng. - uvvwlllll HUNT: Several 3-antics nre talking of going west in the spring lmm this place. Among them George .\I. Monds. grocer. who is selling out. with tlmt intention, lnd Mr. Paul. ox-R V0.0! Keuucboc. who but already mar: one or two trips to Xnnitoba hum of returning tlnithor as nnnn nu -nrinnnn... -...a hi... I.:.. r.....:|.. ._..... .. ,..uuu-u,-,'` uuuuvl an ;ion as upringoponn and him his family with him. occur -4: -In U with him. vuuuun A-IIIIIUIIIIC U n I dwelling house. Rn-n-.I .... 0:..- ..- uu Ilvv\A I! H IOUU UI WUTHUII I . Emma Methodist: being now c In A cl-ninu |Il\lIA1 -nu juv uyuuuul-on uuuouvulll uullxtVgI- lions hays united And wonhip in the ohumh ol the latter. the nninisters om- cining nlternntely. the buihlmg that was used an n pluoe ol wornlup by the Cnnmln Mntlnmlintn lminn nnnnnnnn .-'-J A-lII. II. II- lllillll WIS IIll'l7I-I $-IlIIIl$.I- - The qunriorly meeting services 0! the Jlethoxlinl. Church were hokl iu the` Me- thonlial.` Episcopal Church on Sunday. I-,`oh.,l0t.h. Rev. Mr. Lawrence. Cumin Methodist Iuinistgr, preached the ser- mon. The congngatibn was I large one. The union 0! Ilokhodiam. In 9: this village is concerned. hu become an ac- oomplinhod fact. The Clllldl Method in: and the Episcopal Methodist congrogr tion: hnrn nnilnl gml -m-.|.ini.. ol... rum :5: n-tuutuuluxl won [1 ll um school boots in thd villngo ol Aldon on Sclnnlny evpnlng. Feb. 00:. lot the pur- pogo ol niuiog mid. so rc- wudn lot Iholobolnnniuldilg Ibo thy Ichool. Recimzonmnolll. uu1inp,;c.. were given by the ochonl children and others. Tlmowu 0 good ntundonco. the pcoooodn amounting to 510 and up- wudn. 'l`he-chilnnn noquittod them- oolno well, up-I all were" plouod wish the runll. Mrs. J. 0. Price is the teacher of um school. The singing ol UZUIIWI VI IIIII CJIIIHJI. IIIU Iluulllx In. J. H. Helm In mneh udmired. mu- ,._-_x__|,, `A school ltIt9ru1IInII -Qnrm-ly ` Senvlul-Iovjll Weaiud . to lqlwbf. -AI*Ih'|Iinmn'I the Chi)` `I31 il `hi Din`: 1|, Lvgn An PERSONAL IENTIUN. NEW RAILWAY SCHIIIM E. _ .x`1w1-gx `mT1.aT1$ the hunt n-- L--- _-A ATIIE Bl.{l'l`lSll~ AWHIG; SA'I'URl)A\'- l'I\'ENL\'(:`. ~lEBR[}'AlH' ` 710 Ited auod ice the 1 .l...:.....l u. u] any 7 occupied -a--u-w-nu pj D-ICIOV Inhndihbhounl Ildculud hUI.0ouI|I`I0dhInlnQIrnonln 'ynyc.udh IbIn||uu!t.Jnun'. Oclluhuuhuvhuuhhlld hand. Tlpnuthlulllnauuh. Oohnqol. will to hold no lrlirelocl. w u can u IIIIITIIIOII. Tho pd! hohIpM1l:w._uwrnpIdhuvcry -CIOIINIUIO: sloohlou. Tush. up ....,5.. Inn lb cull: ol the owning. Ix. CIIlIIIIl'|IId'l "Laughing nu.--, '- nuoh cppndnod by Ibo hop, .1 1d "lnrnlninul In-n.I..g-I -|_. 1-; '---a ---Urn tunwusl-II. l. Inc I The Inl ollll. Ron! College. Inn given I dlnut at Old 8un'I last evening by Dr. lulu. The bllowhq nonbon dtloohnnrqpunt: luuI.Cnm- V hotlud. Fotil. Build. IIIIII. Walnut. Williams. Fauna. Cnnwght. Juan Dal. Fnul. Potion. Idtl. Inna. Md Hlnhlnm uh man: `-4 ___l_.|___' -um uuv IVIIIIIIII Ill Iul 3% - Tho oontribuwr to the city paper: ol tho roportol 5 Lap Your Party in Pila- burg bu hhn nnwunnhhlo lnbony with the nuts 0! lilac ll. Kane and A. Ilocutohoon. The Indian did :10! no company the party. Noun. .Iuu\llny. Konnody. Quinn and Wilkins nd the Maple Nook Club. all dicclniu having boon puual. -I nu, uuu muuu. no nnun I I . The public vi!) be iniolubd to [out from the Nun that the "lolloy" is I dud iumo: thus the Army in getting out tmlwu (or III "hoinon" meetings; and am the London A4lrqrli.vrr. "for !ou"of gating into dumoully with I cousin Muintnh. changed lm initinlu Illil tho wording of his mango. Th; nnntrihnlnp In (In; An- ..-__-. -1 IIIU UCIUT III - -WM Tbe commercial traveller: were re lunod sdmiseion to the holineu meeting in Abbie Temple Int evening. They were inoenusd it this idea of not being admitted. and one o! then told the door keeper that be In us good a Christina u my one inside. He hadn't pen. The mrhlin cm L` i......-r.a A- IL-.. llolo V `I ` "' $.L "`u...'.. ;"'......."' ..'..""" Iavvul Iv\.vIvv\I an uouawb. At an ntlnlatio entertainment in Hun- iltou the moat admirable future ill the wondnrful Iwotdnnnuship oi Sorgts Major Morgpna, of Kingnon. A new test mu to cut in two. at A unglo blow, the oarouo of I Ihcop. Th: nnnnmuu-igl o__-II-.. _.._. _- The petition of the people ol Kingston township. signed by 055 at them. re~ an-ding the dnngotous Iteteol the cross- inge of the O. T. 11.. together with the memoriel of tho Municipal Council, has been received at Ottawa. AA __ _n|,.:, -vvn-I UV UV". uuwuvul, vvnwuwll. The Canals lothodiu congregation of Puusburg. under Rev. W. Rihneo In to hold a to: meeting on Wednesday evening. Feb. 27th. It Zion Church. It in to be undo interesting. TI.` .....o:n:.... -0 n.- -_._._ _a 1-:_, , u... .. -nvvulqill vlvuvl v- .\ mun nnuzod Tuiold enterod the po- lioo nation last night and naked for pro- Uection sud bread. The former Wll given him. but the latter relnood. He went to bed. however. contented. :m.. n,__ .1. u. , 1: I IIVCI VII AIlUII\lI'- Tnorn licenses in (iunanoqno coat 0175. sud shop licenses 0150. There no to be eight hotel: and three shops. The temperance puty clnim so lino won I decidod viotorv. .___,, Ivn -'.n| -0"" -- r'--W- Owing to the nnneul pressure on our oolnmnl the may reply 01 I-`. Gardiner. on insnreuce mettere. bu bed to be held over since Wedueedey but. It will ep- peer on Moudu: I 'l`-....-.. I: ..... _ :_ .-,___.,,,. V um u-uuun unu, wuru upon ull lllllclll shoes rosettes unbeoominwto his mili- tuv rank And nation. Style in 3 grand thing-in its pltoe. n-;.... 0;. II`- nu.-.-_-I _...--...._ -_ ___ Jvvuuun uaycuu I guuu uguru I01 II. Messrs. W. Wilson. O'Brien, R. J. Eil- bock Ind R. Reid left the city for West brook to make nrrungemonta for the ra- ooption of the merchants there next Friday. ur|._ _,_ .u,- ,,, - . nnuuy. Who mm the young oloer that. at the bnrmck bull, wore upon his dancing -hnam I-nnnMAn III||snn1|I-In:nn-I06.` Id- _.:I:, --u gvnu-vwuln Ill-1 HIV`-It YIIKI. A large quantity of conlwood is bsing hauled out to the Kingston & Pembroke RR. aiding at Robcrtuvillo for tile. The owners expect a good gure for it. Mn-an W \t':I...... n>u-..... n : i.~.-- __-. ..._ -_-,.-._ `. .-- |.I\ll\llIJ ; ll I4l-Il|IIVI- M-. Knlpatrick has Icquirod the pro- perty on Brock Street. sdjoining the re- sidence ol Mr. T. Overeml. Here he has removed his stone yard. A Inn-nn m..no:s.- -0 ..-..!._--z :- n ,.-,, , -una vuuv was III- A line shoot of ice has [armed 1 vicinity of Williamsville. It. is In pntronizod by skaters. Some $4 holding I carnival. \l.. L'.I._L._Z..I. L__ -, - I -- A concart. and dance was held at} the residence of Mr. N. Moliinnon. Rubens- ville. on Tuesdav evcniuv and An enjoy- able time was had. .__,,u,,..- . . .. nu unnv uvlsu ul I I101 IIIII 0,0- Dominick Fnlldn hu upturned train Guelph And Elon with seventeen hold 0! choice cattle for his stock hm . l\_.A I 11 Q... __|:n,- .777 - nu u. uuvlvc munu nu uul IIILIJI llflll. Gopt.J.1I. Scott sold his fun: at El- ginburg to Juoph Lawson. today. [or 03.000. through hll agent, J. L. Pope. J. P. Cu-tinznuaa oi Ability are cheap. but notchuperthsn the nbility ol than who put them on cxhiiilloa. V A jonrnnlintic dado ucrou tho way wnu I notice from thownuu. He in in more need o! I little hnir dyo. Domini.-Ir Pnllnfn I... -.A.......I 0...; nun: who lvllliuvllfh , Thou whohvere in` Othwn Attending the noon Inna nturdod. They won not dolightod with the Iport. Th. mm. .o........ ...._ |...:.... |...:n L... can Inuunuuwu null null Ipun. Tho new nouns: now being built by Capt. R. Davin is well rlnncod. It will bocdlod tho Boindeu-. l`...a:A._A_.. _l-|_.x|n_ ___ ,1 , n . nun wuvu nu lIll.IlIn The police can no longer keep the liquor taking {mm the hop. They WI" demand their pi-operty. Tim I-dig: 1.! I}... II..-........... n..__:.._ , .... -nu. uuuu I-nuycuuy. The ladies of the Gunnoqno Dancing Club gun Ln lnlambly Int night. King- soon In: repruonhod. Thing -I.:.`-._.. :..- l\lA-__ _nA-_.l:_ _ -.......-vu- A `butcher an snrpriud lut owning when a woman told him that the II him when an inhnt. ` rlu._ __-|:-_ .,, - I Uu-u- av I. shipment. A kn In.-n uvn -vuu huge quantities 0! bath up being taken to 05310 Vincent by n): for nhimnnnt, n ..., .. V Hnrnh (or lludy A: Murray`: to night for colllll. culls, hole. kid glow: and conold. emu unul fndny nut. ' The gun} npeeacli}.-= advertised u . lost. unit the adnttuor at the Wuiu oloe. ` - Armor Io: ot. 1. .uang N- vonible chunk sun: at min; a 11.... ny'u. I1-u._-L l.._ ll__J_ L II__..__-_ A, but: way I I|IIuI- The budget speech will not In deliv- end until fridny Th. an]. ' ......;-_|"_ -.I_._-:-- I A-| `-':"hb'" III! I mlftildo surprise on . hand. H ` ` I Thoboynue sk;ting6ntheIce||oog- uug city`: Icons. 'I`h. hmlnnc ......L _:n _-. a.- :_n:_ A [urmr oleud old. lIv,,IL, , LECTURE} l." II|{|c A olllcusol and linen! lnund-Gonlp 2 tufts Betdlllt. ' its Indian`: Dinner. 7 f` inuzm-: um 191i:-run-_.T d in N10 I largely talk of -.-w---{u&--u \\'.leQultl. duo in ooI'|I-Id ht lightinqthuuloll buy: M M and -mm n-nnnn Inn lls! Ann-lg. --n M. nu Iuuvvwulxplijiijfrj` ed. The ppm will hnulnoun noonnpoulhlo. -...~ nvu -1.-v -uwu-v. Alal.J.CutonnhrIod|hiIIoniIg V tron 0thn.vhiolIhovm'hdoIho- I Inlloltbooily. onpplhlblhow ~ nnuonHornloHu|hoAnllIyl'|rl onwhiohtobuildnoqhohoun. Ho shunshuhhnhdahnnhunoauo ml and that Oh: labour at Iilltb. when In lnhrvhvod on the unit. nblodlhtuuoonnqlhdlyguth: iuappueuaouuauushlnd-tho. I..n :A....J.4l AL.-......n -...|4I|.._._. ToroLto.Ju. lo.-Thopnonodinn in aha o(h.Pnvi|qu;nd Bloe- onnun I adoption slopoft that It. Orooh u uoanhly inane. that Must be docluod nultmld O writ blood to:-thwithbrn election to Ill it. Tue writ was laud-l suitor- Ivudotl tohntil ol Wooduool. Tho no-ihlhuittoot on thoflth lat election on the 6th pnx. v- -wvuujy -vvCIC'g ICC: III-g at ronna. glue Dona-bans mm. In no ohm. nooonnIu`lthovihlIp6tyunJ:h~ ad. They diuplsyod utnordmu-y cour- up. New York. Fob. l0.-Adviou from Hnytiuhow that hundreds of tohola And no.-chum who incilod the rebellion but bun huhsrounly III and. Souool the victims were ' totho (emu nd IIIII (run the ankles |o.Iho Fort Buford. I-`ob. l0.-'l`he condition of the Indiana It Pnplnr Creek end Woll Point Agencies in so do lonble that nn~ less speedy relief in n otded many will die of Itnrvntion. The ellowenoe in too mehgre end not eulicient to keep then: IIIVE. The gene line all been deeroy- ed. Many ponies have been eaten end I number Iuded o for food. The men us so reduced In hunger that they no namely able to walk. The women And children are gennl end hollow-eye-.l lrom nurntion. .7 Ir 00: , 1 runny. - . Weatport. (`oun.. I-`ab. l6.-Mrs. Sher- wood. mod 40. msde In nnuncoouful ul- tompl to kill her husband. who in 76 years old. yeuteniny. bacnuao of imngim try troubles nbout nronenv Ind inn]. cannon auruve. Cuthbert. 61.. Feb. l6.-Lut night George Dunswny whipped one 0! his children because it fumed. The wife became ennged and shot her hnnhcnd fntsllv. I 'lntnnrt l`nnn I-`ah m _u.-. .u.'.... Kingston. N.\'., Feb. I0.--Tmd Avery of Clnichostor. quunllod Imh his wito yeuordn Ind cut her thtoal and his own. T 0 wife is dud. The luubcnd cannot nnrvin. : (`moi lethal ol Punting Prisoner: lo [MCI --'rIOIr Tau-run-, (`undlnn nl tho IINI Mu: Ikvyhlrnlplll - In (In-nl W-nu J. 3. RATTEH"B";mRY. NRW l` 0 n. urnnn I u I r Uttnwn. I-`oh. I5.-All day yesterday Mr. Hawkins` counsel was nrguinu he tore the Sn name Court thnt the election held in Bot well In 1% should be do- olnred null nud void.n them had been real] no election. and thst u now writ shon ii be issued. Still, though contend- ing that his own return In: fraudulent and void. Mr. Hawkins hm! the Indu- city to take hi: sent in the House last night nnd vote ngsinst Mr. II. C. Cun- eron`a bill to extend the low of evi- dence. Tho groans and jean which greeted lnm from all parts of the House as ho lose to vote would hove undo Any ordinary man tool ashamed of occupy- ing such a position. but Er. HIWIHIIS hu no uhnme. __.Q.__..;. LATIN: N. S. Appluby. of Bellowillc. Ins boon ulmitted to bull in 06.011). himself in I-'.(lJOAud two suretius in H.500 ouch. \\'ln|I llv Arglu-n In If .\'u|Iro~Iuo (`marl and linen in Hue Human ul (`ounmuo-. _.?_... .____. A BARBAKUITS SLA IVUIITER. Belleville. l-`eh. H.--'l`lm arrest of Mr. A. S. Appleby. ex-M.P.l`.. for East llnetings. oneoherge of having forged the nune of the County Regintrer tee certiaete ol regielretiou. was A puelnl eurpriee to meny. The eoclmed has long occupied nprvmined in the county. and her bed twnoe elected to the begieletue over ennui- dutee. He III] the oondenee olelmoet every hodvendwel entrneted with re- : neible dutiee. The t eerioun c Argon. thereloxe. fell ike e thunder hi: numerous friends. He In n ` `heepgeerromuiitted by the Poliee Mea- `beilweete ntojul. iutrete. end into _llnd the eeeeeeery his inu- . th BOIIIPPOIII Jor Ion nun- enoe with the Government. I none! and very trying `teak ol ehowing 1 him to e oell. We relnin from further comment et this stage 0! the develop- mentn. Theoue huproduoede reel ` eeueetion in Belleville and throughout the County 0! llutingn. where Mr. A - eoby hes been long end tnvonreby wn. In all probability tho case will he eettled. and therefore never come up for trial. uluncu. Ind enmnng llxod reeisutele, The Diuoton en nell. Jecoh Bright end I-Edmund liwyer On)`. sxw.-an-Arm nu ruo|'|nLr; Uuewn. I-`eb. l6.-'I`he (`/iieru newe- peper ia_ in trouble. The bheri llul. seized it on the unit 0! n peper annulme- turing rm. Other jndxmenaue else . There will probably be some chnngo of management. es the Govern- meug must have In omen at the cepiul. -- In om. yeuwmny. vacuum or untam- ' roubles property and jal- ny. I won oongna to Ieqvolhoit homes. Boys` mill: ukuooaga: K , A NEW A!B()('lATIO.\'. London. Feb. 15.--A compuy hu boon formed under the Irish Tnmwnyn Act to '1-chase eustu. relieve th contact 1 iatrich. In and mi onooo, Jncob Bright um I-hlmnml In... 4:...- ----v-can unsun- Trot. I-`ab. 16.--An ion In: .furmd1& Vn Win Point. ght nut in now within 9 loot ol the Inches o! 1870. Man 0! the WHO PM van to luvcthoir hom:I.PfR:gl|e' I -.t.;.:." ,z;'".. '..;.a-*:..".:.:;".:':.:..: .m I I lfnnthohhomu. Roylw ur:.\"r.~4 'l Nl)F}li ;l1);Fill'N1#`, I ulul. out IIIII IE II ammunition nouns. | v uu- any-u. can an (hue-I um: Surprhw -An l'u- plonnnut buy [or 3 son. -__.:.; non./wgu cnooxs. J. J. llA\\'l\'l.\'.\" C0l'RAlil-J. I N I)! A NS S'l'Alt\'lNU. _____..-;.__..;. CRIIINAI4 CALENDAR. 'r_`Euxm.Ariiw uklmrs. C0---~-- APPLICBY SENSA'l'l0N. in own 11) nu noon roihav Spllnqhcoc 0! Out : I-`unlnhluu. I will am am museum: In . {'3 II.l'0I1U I'll)! ._\n. -4 -, . rnboua-it `l'loI'. n n .- . 3`.'L'n"'.. ..."".`..."'1 mi Inagn-. ` li IIIIIII WIIIED nu numuluml pcdlurhl :!vudhHounyco-phhh undnhn ol than -nlnnnh pm. -. L. .....| .-. uunuurn Pilh no can In-nan-L 1'... . uoouulurglouy hit any ho mound by wottingtho Mir :3 night, and 0 I7 nub: for two or three both with Cmplou nu: ROIWICI`-C nun wall and luonhly known. 10 noon lulu: oven hum nnnlh than ilulvs . soldnboplthotxlo. Alnou ovary plll oouulu aloud and other unnonl compounds. Dr. Canon`: Stomach Bishn In purely upublo sad but the Iuoolullolhor purgviven. In lug bottle: uuounh. - nooauuuulotulmsndun mlonr lot lhsvotriol 0 yknown roucdy. nmsin. rqnvnl youn. Jon Tuwn. I90 Parliament P .. i`oronUo. 4:. _ A_T NISBE3T S, mu `Irvin --u-u . loan. T. lilbnrn .9 Co. Docs! -I an boneotly noommond Hm: allow Oil on tho but reliever ol Mic pdnuolnlllho many qua- noaocntorulmsntl u I union: lot non [Inn an amp: hum... .._.a.. luv. Thomson Harlin. Propuod nololy by llnuington Brut. Phumsoouticnl Chemist. S:.John. N.B., and for ulo by drugginu and xenon! dul en. Pnoo 0! per homo ; nix bottlu for 95. _..joo--__. Iv .1" ulll IIII! Iorigolna Iuwmeul II oorroot In ovory putioufsr. (51 ed.) Alnnudor Bonnon. J I``.. William Ann. R". Thoumo lhrtin. Pnnnmrl -nlnlv hu ll...a....o.... n... any lumber man. Have not bled any Iinoe I took your preparation. andjean now in- ate my lung: without helm; any aorenean and I think I can inate than up to lull lull maaauument. lame aa halote I was not. have alao gained in ileah. my weight In the aummar wan I73 |ha.. and now at is nearly 190 lha.. which in 'pretty well up to my lormer weight. The ongoing iaaeor not statement which I am prepared tn swear to.aud I hereby authonae you to give publicity in my name. I am dear air, younu trul .(8igned) C. I]. I-1. Caoxaunr. Wye. the underlined. hanhy oonaonl. to have our uamea puhiiahed an vntnauaa to the oedl ol Rolnuumh Pkotphon.-rd Knud- mm on the person of Mr. Croukhita. and do anert that the [ongoing atatetneut in evorv nartieufar. lsmnndi 4_;....___ Bcoutilullouy hit in nttingtho ninhl. new main lines all tune I In .1: roll I dilonni man. and All {or the honor. as the doctor could testify. I III unnblo In the nulnmot to walk my distance without much hlixno. I can now ate my gun and tnvol all day. and tool ns rote It night. and out at much as lumber u-o bid your preparation. nndfoan oommonood unouuho Inc at Angus. and lines that time I hum loll: diloronl man. hnnar. u u... Imom mun va ICU nun: I unvw Uvul -Ell Ill |IlOlJ. I wuotdorod bgmymy uioian to take il.uId oommouood 3 at Inc August. dilanm man ..... . ._... Cunterbury Station. York (`o.. N.B.. Ir. J. H. Robinson. October mm. I376. Door 8ir.-ln reply to your letter of an- uiry. lwould any that your Phosphoriud muluion of God Lint Oil with Lute- Phonphsto of [mm in the but preparation ol the had I how our soon or taken. I bLmy3:y halo! Anmm ma TIOIIO Soul Winn` uaootnona ; by Riv.0. u nu uwuu. nuu qunuu uyn : The event wok lnce daring n walk from (llnssnlt. Shit: to Dhu Lock. whore Louise had gone with Lily HIV. the Lord Chnuoollor. and Lorne. Louise. on returning :5 night. $ol.l me that home had Ipolmn of hu devotion to her. and had proposed to her. She hnd ac- cepted. knowing I would Approve. Though! was not unpre od for this result I fell gainfully I a thought of losing her. us naturally I give my consent. and could only pray that she mighlbo hnppv. .:___... -._:_....ij. Ell:-uel (mm 1 Loller from (`. ll. H. (`nun- Ia-. ling: How They Walt I-ingugul. Queen Victorin has just issuud a new book in which aha dilutes in 1 ncy way on many episodes in her life among the highlands 0! Scotland. Uu Oct. 3, 1870. the Princess Louise became ongnged to Lord Lorne. The Qnoen uyu : Thu n-mu nmh Itlnnn .l,...I.... - _-n.| II I NIIVI III). Dr. J.W. Smith. Wolhuglun. 0.. an)- ` lu imanurod ucrvoup Iupply I have uned II. to I vnulq;e.'_ ! ->--oQo -- I M. C. Rowe. coutnctor ol the N. T. & Q. RR , Ins been in I critical cuualniuu from hemorrhage oi the lungs. Plum! SIIcfIn[|I5 . At the Inuinora oxnmidion. hold in `Toronto. Capt. J. Bhke. of the Sings- poro. and cups. J. Trowell. jr.. of the prop. Culilornia. paused nncccnfully for competency. ".-- "" I'lnlu ol Po-nun. Mr. '1`. ll. Mugn. the Advance ngont of the Wilbur Open Uomponv. is in the city. On \\'eJneulnv,a.-venxug the l inl.u olPuunnoe will be given. IIIJ western paper: spank very highly ol the per- lormnuco-. avuucn nu uuauoe was r.u.'.'4uI. 10. It. was reported ystenlny um Col. Middleton. who is now in command at Aldershot. will be Ueneral l.uard`n auc~ oouor an chic! ol the Canadian nnlnia for-on. ` IIIIO Ill! you WON Il(.`5'l.35. Mwr unking improvements And mocking louea tho bnlsuoe was .97.`. 487.7lL lo I..- ........_A_,n __`_-.,_.n,_A .. . .-.u mutual . The prots ot the Ontario & Richelieu; lillolut. $107,237.35. Altar llkll imnmvnnn-nu And numlimv l'Il' sotmann; by law. C. II. B;-urgoo 01.25. Olltiumen ol the Blue. 00 Exolu 1111! And In Associations; by ' lllollnau. 00. .1 a-nucuwtr. LVJI. During December lo! ailing to-sols Illd 21 steamers. of :1! Illionihen. were reported last or missing. 'l`Im -.0-.. :.. n... 11.3.... I.-- ..-.._.l- I 1 wvvuv nwyuuuuu uni or unsung. | The water in the Hudson bu I`e(`edo\I two fact this morning. The ice bridge is still unbroken between Troy anal Albany. ` 'I"l.- ......As_ -1 AL- .n,,.._,-, g u, 1 _n- ,, In March the only pnt.riuch`ol Linbou and Ilnerclnbinlnops ol Naples will be created Csullunlm. A general reduction of Inga hll beonuunonuood in non]; all the mills at Iuchouer. N H. I\.._.'_- I.-,,,, 1 un- an: oven Ippoullotl Bllll ol Elgll. Tho drovyning of 25 at we inemberi ol I wedding rsv in Austria .5 M- portod. P. --VII III III! IlllICI"I" 0' `HO l(X)ll. ` I Mr. Dugnld Brown. 0! SL` Thoma. has been nppoiutoul Shari! oi I-Zlgin. drownina n! 9.: cu! n..; .`.......I...-' ' Tiizo i: no hope um tho Poulll 1_{g:Iegnph am will no puma ms. nu- IIO . ~ _ `n. Haynes. Bolloiillo. a. nun mg A ;-._.._I _._:n.. ,1 -{Renard strike cl railroad coal mm- "` II |!P0|od- . x Counts in prvpr` and nu ma. lion so the uul!::n ol the Hood. . In n....-i.a u____ ,. ...-. .... . . ~ ~ I `-03 Mun ad T6-day`: lupom ,5l> oadonIed [Join For Bun; Iixolu Hull And T. Iutyomu; by .1. n. lnodu. 91.15. Twelve Suiting Bormonn; by Rev. (7. B. BPUPKIOI. 850. ----- Q -~:- IIul IlunI'I Add l'ho-uplmle. 1'11 1-: MINOR h ms, low hum:-`Coot. It-av canvas. New 0001 `luv Ioou_u_u'uq Inn; | 1uunnAr|.LlI`-Al$ll,yIunnt- J1. o..`.....' "".*:"'.r'-':`:."'n unit an ` Inn. ononhunuono nfuldd It Quincy nunhuoty. In II `I. Inn`: Dug &n. 0`. ll. . ..`.`........"' ""'.'."..`.':`_:" `. ."'F_'- 2- rm : Sotmann; by luv. C. II. Bpurgoon. L95. a. uuunav lollill. In a vnuol ,------- 'J.`:..J:."8:""""` I9 . IUIIAV II Iollll. _ _"'` `......`.'H `Ito Ia-nu-P.-I:-gun Inn L I-In-A , j I an Inn. Out I Ionuneho J Innlnv I1.--n .._.- (7-- IATCIDAI` Pnmulunul ol Mil: to D: Wiluu ml the Idvulou lunch 54 I nu. DIIID. In Kangutomon lnlurdu`. Pub. lIh.(`ubAme Lodlow. god I nun. The fnnenl Illl uh;-hen has the nunlucc ol Ilchud hudlov. llu luau. Wad. Honda: doctor: at Isl oi-lent. Pu-bull and angul- Inou an nuttully Invited to aunt -AIIIT. AI (`hurry Vullokoll IIO mm In! . mm Tn; lot. to lush Ann ally. cl Allol Al Shclloavalk. on Pot Clh. Joan-h Vlwkul. to Inns Juo Grille. ol uuuula - -.._- .-.--- V-uvw J. ggqucg not rubs. 1 -- 000 WIUI C surprising certainty nhCon;II Gun unoudu In bunlnon in nlioving and onrnq the most ohunnu cough. who would suffer with I oough for 850. All Henry Skinner for it: PRESENT 'l'RU`l`--A ooootion ol Ser- -{2 '1! R01. U. IL Rnnnnnn II QR wlluv. (`oi Inns : Adolnn In 0| Ioll ml I N Br. Vncut do Paul 1 null cl I yn. Ioxou. _`_ .__.. , __,,_ From the Lnmr And Ihdnn-I true (all hall the sickness. Dr (`nnoui Btomuo Bitten aumnlnu both Liver and Kidnoyn sud inure: one aininnl dunno: it b not nu wt. an Alcoholic until In large bulllol M 50 oonu A Lang `an. Fllwon van 0! Iuoring from the lot- turu ot Dynpepnin in Indeed I long time. A. Burns. Ncohmllln. ol Fohuurg, wu than uhetod. but it onlv required (our bottles of Burdock Blood`Bmou to com plelely cure him Nondao. rho Tnnuglo Dyes lfivt strain and chat mum of ueounna Ill] desired shade. o womnn rally nrmuonn om. ...u must - menu: 01 dairod woman rally pnooou coo uomy who don not not than. Only loo. at dmuinr. ___._.._:__. mu: (Juan. Titian Rod uul Soul Brown nrollnrtianlnrly becoming colon to blonds. ho Tnnuglo no 5 cheap ueounnn nu 1|-in-I 3|)? I'0I:I l.llI_l CYOQJJII when you II?! II dllcnn nah. In -. n Alter _\-urn nl patent reeeueh end un> remimug (ml. Dr. Vu: Buten discovered in I lmle plnul. growing: on the hill udee ol 1 his uetivo lend. medical vmuee o! e most positive hind. Cen-lulexperimeutetiou an I enabled him to formulate tron in hidden up a remedy that has no equel in fume nenlly curing All form: 0! kidney ieeeee. end which in now xnown all the wutld over us Dr. \'eu Burn`: Kidney Cure. Cure I`ul' Chllhlelee. Bethe the lee! for ten or lleen mieutee in `user as hot u can be home. then up ply Ilegerdi Yellow 0:]. and e eute II eertuu. Yellow `Uni ouree Rheunutlun. Hours in. Deelneee. Lemenne end Pein rnernl y. sud inlernelly curse Colds. Bore hroet. Croup. Asthma and many peinlul affections. ` The day! cl ling Mercury nu number ad. Cdornel. the shot sud nholl, under the old n_\1Itvm of lrellment. is happily mu- ulmonl :linou-dad. Vogauble concentra- tions hue pl'0\'H| ol grater value in the trutrueul of disease. and it Is important that the nick should us only nuch remc~ die: 3: nre entirely [roe {mm mineral ml mixtures. l.luniltou`n Yogaulilo Pills ul nudrnko and Butternut nre entirely u- gelnblo Ill composition. nud we ulvine I trial to ull who find it no.-ocunry lo unc a mild, wmurl and (IT.-ctual purguiw me diciue. 80 (I by N. l`. Poluon .& Co. j.._- I uanun in bond. Lalo `n I book; by Raw. )1. 8. Baldwin, Bnhop of Huron. 85. -. I I".-In ll` Who|&- vat)` quiet. While nulv and :od Slate 1.10 to L. (`nrn..in um-v (lull ~ nl... nnn. |.;..n. ...L. I auu 1.10 to 1.1%. Corn-in uow dull; nlu 0.00; high mix; ad 6 grojoou-d 640. . 0600-nnroo ; Whlto Sutull 41. in I? R50 -qu1'ot. ; Cundn nominullr 65 in boa I Bin. _nnn ;..1..oo.umbu.h 11! No. IUIII l|F9Iil.o(m:No.I(`;nnth alk- wuB:rlo -rm union oo.om bunh ueIIitow;No.iCn|dA Hot. bond. u-npornne Lou to 3.715: hater`: 5,00 tol',00; In 8.60 In 5.70: mi . 3.-I0 toJ.50: pollnrdn 3.0) 803305; Out. but: 2.10 to 2.110; any bugs 2.90 to 3.00 for strong baker`-L Gruu-whuI., rod winter 1.1) In LN; No. 2 vIn|a. 1.l60o LIN. Corn `Inc to 75. Pnu!!9lo00. Outnto 88. Barloys I0 `I50. Rye M in Oh Oumod I..'0 to 4.75. (`ornmou 3.50 to 8.75. l'rovinion|- Butler. Cnunry. I) '0 I80. l'oI'l- -l'J.N $0110.50. Lu'd-lI town. lloou-l3 to No llama-~13 to He. Chocq-~ll In 133. Il|te!-l5 to 92. loco-In; (blurs. Dnk Gunot. Bod Brown no xnmaulnlu |........a... ZIJIIBIUII. ICU. I0. I-`lour-~tocei In 500; Inlenroponod 100 bus. The lolrouringsn the laid queu- tion: :-1-`lounuuporior cum :0 5.50 to 5.60 nun 5.35 to 5.40. nnrnhuxtu 4.!!! to 6.00; I-npornne 4.50 to 5.75: baker`: 5,00 oollnrdn am has 15- OnL 1.... 1 In m -2 m. Olhlio Innsunonn llUI?t'~ll..i.......`8......... Il::oliu..... ' lhlylhnougot On... ..... .. l'll55Ill'1' :l'uU'1`-n collection uau; by Rev. 0. II. 8pm-goon. 01.25. Votes: of the Good Shepherd nut` Rhndosn of the Great Rock. 50:. Ilnnqugnnu ran CUOVIR no 'l'lMo1`llI` SKID. SKID IAIN. CHOICI FAMI- LY rum: In! FIAJUI. Donna`: Incl. liken In-C Alanna. ITIOIIG IAIIII lmun A urn-xnyv Ullltl IDCIG 00.. Onhlio lnnnnnann Ioulronl. Feb. 16. am... I urinate Indemn- l`!T.3."_`%` "! .'.'3M nuxrl-haul. ncoouc: nAuurr. OIIAIIJI Wnl _..... RELIBIBUS wanna! -non-I-nun. ape. ugnin. V Fob. It. noon. ms I'IGI"- Anlvod. ininxouu. Maztket. Montreal. I-`ob. I) : nnlmu-mm:-cnal an ` ms; nu . nan ' an an us mg . III) . 130 I76 F:-II I6. 1|.- `ml nu` on 0! 13$ IIl0llAI`l'I'(:_R..A.ND ll'EP`\:&LL opluofln . 1: . - Ian Iaslcwdnn "7 W JAII8 CIIAWI-`OED. JOHN IMIIAY. leanury Pnoldom. I-`ob. lbth ~J- M-9A_<%5o~'s Gmonoii-o'rJ;V>nn. VIOLIIIIALI: - Tune: on good: A ball)! l1`0(:l OI` flrll AID V Llnll. Mich : and lint! In-nu can 01.55. save vii`? 134 Ms K'.' vi! 1111-. ll.aA\'I OI" DUTY. urudo u - 3. th um ' a`5"m'c`::.".. mi? cuonuu o ulnar nhimy sud po . Inn I-d mulled. OUI IAIGI INOIRAII IN IUIIIIII LAIT your an I uuulnlhnl Ibo public has up pacing! on than to [in llama no not walnut thou no-It aunt in tho njulq. Dir uvu 1!! (ll In non 6 I-:\`l-IR IMPORT!-2|) Tu `fills (?I1`\'. AIIIVINO D.\ll.\ A1` IOFFORD S (boots Lin suqes THE BIG GO. II 331 so-al\IV\J'll wJ'l1JRD. ---IITAIL -- - not-I nun. rmncno O1`. hllllid. .1. GA 1.I}(%iV\ ;}'{"iT OI PIINCSII ITBBET. Jun. lI|l|. v t n-_;_,-._ NOW IS YOU! THIS. LADIES. `P0 IICUIII`. n Int! :3 I who you will not Nnhh In buy II M uuin. Sula huh; ulvnlctd an pron--I. you would buy out no! hefnn IN! advance MIC |'|ll3!` and 0.\LLOWA\' B in the plum lo not than ' ,_..._ K Ill OPPRM Ill! NNTIRI 8100! 0!? I031`: in l& lul, Faun Lsuhlbunk. Ithn unh Mink. Aunohu. any lmnb. Ihluo Dal. Isl NI. Rngllnh llulund lulu 00 way dennlruon wj-nu EREAT CLHAHINE SALE GA1.1I>"\ \"A Y This sale nu I'll out nerve and fur ninhu to Fumnrs nd Ciunulnn oxal- lont opportunity lor scouring a BI; Bonunu in fun. The !""m!2I4?%a!nJwnswnB Hlnck Square gm non for II each R H. Soul HnlYI1wonh 020) (at In 50 Inch Autru.-lmn Jlckelu (salt hut-(I) M7 cu-In.` Perninu 1.unb(7\pa .50 nah. liluak (`hint Gout Rubm ML. -0 ouch Put Lmod (finxulun Ni ueh. Ion`: Bluk Dog Coats 8!) ouch Lndio.-n` B 8. Hal Buugnu M25 each. And over) lining elm pmpottunuoly low. lollui ' a ""1 I with an nu;-nnuznhd noon! of In night: In New York U|ly~ (whirl and luuinnh -----OPIIA-- Piratoc ofPonza.noe 01! Till: ll..|\'I 0!` DUTY. unmln.c....|n......--.. -pg--- ..--...,, A- unlnl DIV I I \\'o are selling wry ptimo liuuor in rullu. prlnu sud rkinn. and the diqplny ul other l`rm'iIuonu is of 1 ue order. H RARE ()l l`()li l`l7I\'l'l`Y To my runs <'m:.u~. unl l\l`4\Jl.'allI`-K` I bl . HUUAR3 hu not been no law lot I number of you: and than who no dour-nu: u! got . ingnuppliod At price-athll will uwuiuh lhotu. uhould no! lose any lime In gmng us 1 null. no n.. nn.a Apple: for on. . Enponutl hadron. nrynno. Bap: lb] Id lbs. Nov Slowing I-`ign {or II. - . 15 lbs. New Ptumsn lot 8|. so lbs. No: Duo: lot 01. Vary ne 'l`omntooi.(lncn I`eu.SItuvol Corn and Patches. Btnvhonioo. Tan. Dun non`: hlornnlsdu. Block and Rod (`urnnl Jnllun Jun gt ...-...L.I.l- L... --:-_. Cht. Ouf. This Price List. urmns mm mm A van: Lucas I \`AIlR_'I'Y OI FINN} ' Fnik and Vogohllu. autism; Dlu I. J. IIOWN lllljjhhjjnnndl ;rnun, riun WIIOLBSA l.l-2 I'lIlI`E!. .. - .--uunu-nun. tuna IIIII lwll l`|Il"l`Il Jollm. .tn.. at Ielnuhhlo low prion. W. R. McRAE A" 00. h IDI- nub- It [does In lull L'NPREOEDI~.NTl~Zll. .l I.-- ..... |.-.... _A -V .. v--v-w- trtiw` nu-nnuunhd 1: U|ly~,0hIrI luuiv: DAIRY BU'l"l`ER. .lh.... ....-.. .._2... . n V-- Groceries. u~*.:1"L`.'.f`%".``"`A"""".%E"T DPEBAHOU8E| .. -._...._........__.___..._....- .._ .. opsnnuoust nnnnnnnnnnnnnn l' 33 nou __ ..-.. _. --a---u- on vvu-III, no dlluuc and Innulul . inducing an num- --IPSAOOGK IA I.I.B'I'-- unnd Bane Inna. amount. umlc the at Iolohnhd nuns do not . Constantino. HIV! AID oluolu I 'Il0. under Ibo dlucon 0! lug. Punch Tsnpu: Ichulool Kloounndunn I-ouuul dlnalhu at Inlet: wean: uni M; W, ndnunn AI Illnllnl l)lAn|AIln 1`... 11-1.: v Inn. uununu ' nu-h-allonl Dumule Cut Il'LLlt IIIIA Icupclv. PTIOII. hon on non 1hoono. rah; I'LL ROM AITIOIANO. mu ~ ~ nun Audit; hon Inna. Iuly. uispponod 1 `IX IIAII I-llll -nun. . `lie COINBII Iooknlore. mun uvul Ill 13!!! 22 lnullugnsldsml Sury, dlkni nd Inunlnl mun... I1;ni;r nuonondnt cl Cuuuu Yqhu. %.;'..-:..-.::'-;:,.;;,-.'..:. Mn; g`; -Fgypmgg `.333 . .51.`. rival all D-cf clans. IJEVlL'SAUL"i`IIlN I 3`.a."'I.. -'-1...` POI YII NIX! TWO WRIII. Wu.l.-n-num'cnn->nox 11:: mm- ` - ithtlu ally ' ' . onuauutxolnuonauannzxvfn --.- IAI_ln .--. ,_,(';,,`,.(-\s'1z.I.oru A-.' s `i0. ULRICH. --AI-U- 239 rnmoxss swxgngr, nnunnav -n-nu.-0`... Ah ... Wlilml-:2IlHY. I-`El. ltulu. -rm cunxnm-no [,o|I A A- -ulu autumn. uum uunu. HA1)`. Iupporum YIEMIIIEIIISIIILLET.` , , nn-nu- ll!`-|IOI'$ol|b xo_mu`t. ran. my, hluunndlmoqullludlbo -wv-:r---- 'wnnmn'uu;: chain- Inlwunpllij V "Nih%`5IH&u&o&(h&y Mltvhuqnld or inaction- A on shiny In auuullhln adh-- nanlulnn-nth.-ah-.__. ---q `u --vwun -u u----u-In xvi`, I-nuns-ouya.uaoa.u.uoay.. `only to the on IoI!0O,'Il|hohll- john Ba-A-nn.n-LILgl-`AI.-. -uuuyuuuvuj-Iqujuxuuiilutjl Inn. and Ilnluuu wllhpunlly qudhghowinlypuuud. hpnol ml nu. Iln Ilnnnnllnnd A-...|.u.. vuuv In -u aaUu'Ug III Vii? W tboith-oanIoI.|lhnhoIslloIhou who butndunhnda the unread I-pun-age tho mo ulcoiinnoltlu hdlnhl Oonnilhtluit wnon hi: Ilblhldceunwungivu. llnlhn. Ihluplalvhchbouhlnd. hhvlhdlldtvhllhdtho Idle-.1--n-.l_l-..AL..AL._AL. I ..,u `win my Oouoil olcnnlly mud Ilnl.ud|ho|iqnoIdu|onwolln|du- and It ud blood using outbox!- ounnlp Ilnulnn |h.l....A._. -1 Ln-I00 .. /ILUO rs cont: . nu nulvuli Illulllu II!!! III! Ull- Iwznl Orb okothl. this dlltnrbtu olononl uunthuhnut upon tlsooounry. mm 013 Int confusion can it Iooouplinli? Thuhwuld an itontnl the bud: oi the "Llttln (Hunt. II in vorthla, in hot the Decision Act in "not worth Ihppucnwilbla II in wt-l0u."vN|o tho Ccooh Ad hat but cloolud blId- ` Ina ' vI'uuvvu 1'-nu `U. nuvu II WI! II` llmhdto than by the North Amorim Aug ad until Int your tho right to lnngoitvu noer questiond. But 5 may political uplaon. so pain mm ptwlhd phony. and lo conrm n loolhhlhnu mule by SI: John Mu- doinkl M Yothillo during the Int Un- Jnnln -I..Ah- ALI. Al.o..I.l-_ -n-___. Iillllullilll . .ulu G) In: one ul"W'IN'- And now. totally regzenllue of the disturbance of buuineee and consequent eion not unlikely to trim thun- . to say nothing of the uncertainty may be created. it is attempted ` to interfere with the management ol the liquor lioenne nyntem by ondeevoring to hit It out o! the hand: ol the local Oovorlllnenll wliioli hnve utinfeotorily ` end Ineeeeelnlly laendled it ever since the Confederation of the Provinoee. ` eliteen your: ego. Then issue or ` A-nnbgal .1` II.--- I... A`... \!...A|. A ___:-- vv --no-u-u-uy nvuuucun uuun-I In I neoounry leginlntiou ha been votood merely $0 grntily polihoal friend: and to annoy Ind emburuu the Ministry ut Turonto. even though thereby ua injun- tico he done 1 very lune section 0! the community. .\nd no on ml ummluun. A-nl nun. Onlgllu lun4vnr.lI-n- nf sh- wrj an-I1uhJnV , OI` KENTUCKY. OI Realty IVOIIII. res. ISII. nrmnuxx ll unwu UIIIPIVJUIB IIIU \1UVU[IIIlUIIi- And this by no menu: in the and o! the nnpleennt catalogue. The Pro vinoee ere despolled. or nstempted to be deepolled of. their rights: but in these content endenvore to rob ttnenfol those rights the centre! power [an ` been thwnrted on the occnnionn when noonunt oi nnthorlty bu been tested below the superior: counts of the nn- ` tnon. The result. however, would have been very different but not the Rnlorm Government of Onhrio nhowed n bold front and atontly defended our right: en a Province. The control of the lone] ' rnnlwnyn o! the P:-ounces bu lately been naurped. and is null. we hope. he Ineonnlnllv insisted. Local and |_,,_ L-,,, _,. 1 _---_._ __ I-_:_I, ;:-._ ' ly divided between the oontnctoru Jul thepoople. chiey those 0! Ontario. The land regnlotiona are managed in the interest of rings compose! ol per- IOBII and political Iriendnol the Gov- ernment ; timber hmite are disposed of lore song to I nimilnr clue of people : mnnniocturen ore bolstered up by In inlnmonn tnril to the detriment of the muses. and I low than enriched at the expense of the mnnyuniiwny mono- pohee ore potted and fostered. and pub- |io money nqnondelod on them by the million : Cabinet Ministers are bonuued in many wuya. and not aoldom. the lntoet gift beiiiu thnt to tho Hon. J. H. Pope of tl40.(IJO toeqnip with steel nnils 5 nod owned by him- in the State 0! Heine It thot. The contrwt Iyetem. [90, u I political machine for ruining money with which to corrupt the Venn! qleetornte. has been reduced to I science. ddled with the burden. thousands on million: 0! dollnn being squnndered on work never done. out the upoilp mntuel~ end their employer: the Government. `In. thin I\- run -unnnn 1. ml... .._.l -0 There in u: old trnsism to the slices tbs: some people. if given rope enough. will hum themaolveu; and surely the qaxb-an ol the present Dominion Gov- ernment. belong to tbs: clus if they no to be jndgacl by their put. sud pnssont recklessness; Ind unless the bruises on their career sro soon vigorously applied. lbs sooner the hemp is brought into re- qnilision the better for the wollsro of the country. for msl-administration. cx- ' trsngnnoo and con-nption reign sn- 1 promo in all the dpnmnents st. 0t.- ' his Th! DOW unpogsetlon It the .\'e'.I 0(- Ileo should give: I name more attention to the detects which he can and should ounce. When he hu mute the Nan I nodal joernsl it will be time enough tn undertake the supervision of the Wuxu. Meanwhile we hope to get along. The Wine existed laden` he oune to the city. and it lull ourish when he is where the woodhino tvinoth. sat .m... suoamld um uimnud this In hnigoooio In in the cum`.- mont."-Loo:l paper. .- Wdl, what did In any about the Hodge out and lbo_ Iocuny Act and hhnpoch M Yothvillo? We would have Ihognoudn upon which um con- tndnctioa in band. I5` `-"1 $535,501`. IKXIIIIIIQ `WIIIIIU, drillten. whoa. inhoy Ind goou boot. ghoy would no lholiluuud. The Min- tor promised tooouidu the matter. `nova; wuutl vn1vunnvUvuIa$'Iuv Dominion Government 5&0 in mam- hcn vols on.tho1.`undn Pacino Rh. ro- noldtiou. 1.4 u.m`u up:-in duct. . $0 Qllloliilll -be utisood nk. lo-in. Davin and soon. at magi; N.W.T.. complain that whiskey in being than into Ibo Territories and the poo- N0 `In. I-hoxplon. becoming yvlninkoy alrinlnn-u uh... if (I... had n...... L..- RK(.`I|'Lls`S8NE'S8 RI'N M1 0. rum IB.GI).WHn-~sho {In-.1-1&4. (IA-..-u-.-Q had... :5. n-`Ann. guilg ..,._.- .._. J ljWZI't-",g'-m Iun||IiII|.lb|Hodin|un. `u Jubwlll uudnlhdlhnuvuum nluluunnoloolluin Oahu updtapuu. ` "---v-I-U? opal pqct. Ilnallly llatlld Ibo Inludu Aray. Now we Inc I npuncl wk! lgr. rnmlly did Inmnntlanloluonlotoonluuunyuncng ljn-.nn|hnnnn-I-ha L.u.. -|_. -q|--`tutu: Iuljiiylcll Itunu.u|Iuo-rthhlbytlno 3.. `Giana aphid by the Kluphn haunt-nwllhhn-an.-.1... an-cu. runuuluyllliuultll unno- dalt. unununingpotbuntl. but ombho platform ho II I -`whirlwind ol clo- ..-._.. A.__._.J _.xn. AL- L, quvuw. wupuul wlln IIIO IOOIIOII lqh." ay Ktnptoniuu Inn pn- nly haul hhl II the `Hound I o~ Inna` L-L -u-.uu ll ur. 5-uuluumol 0|. ugug. ulna. Pcnoully|ln0o|ouliIuno- (land ll--nnnnnl-an n-n|I---_ L..n -_ .3 _ fit MINI Ihquod Onlor. ` Thhulhnoon Col. Gnome W. Buin. ol Koahdy. ll'l'iVIII in tho my. R0 will speak I0-IUNI tho:-noon In the City mu. nd Icahn on Monday night. 00!. Id: from at the oh! 0! lootnru-I equal by the St: lactate 0ouuo_ nuqul by Dr. Yeoman. 0! St. Calh- --I-.. hm...-.II_ nu n.|.__| 1- , , f.=='-:-.-:.-.-.-..'.-3" saggy a animus. ora not: were hold at Bsueuon on Thursday. The attendance WI! largo and the following honoc won the Conn- CV trot: 1. Knight`: "cahnqui Boy;" S. Johnston : "White Stocking." (Man; 8. J. Mollroyh "lounpin Ihidz" 4. 0. Du:-nah`: Mnnd." Kinguton; 5. .l_. Gray : "Jim Guy." Lyndlmnt. The ` township mom was (round on Friday with the lollowina malt: I. Romain I Inld:"`8. Loonud'o_ "Millet Ban" 8. 1 Kooloux- n "Inland Boy." The open ` (lot will In Imuod to-day. ` Um UCIIIUI \.IIIIlI'K3Il- Mr. S. Kilpntrick viutod man on business in oonneotiqn with the Dipu1- montol Pnbho Wotku. Ho den :-on us to IIY that he in indebted to Mr. Ounn. our member. lot many conrtosie: and kindnomu while It tho Capital. -.-uuu, uvuuuul 1 Dr. Wilson will preach in the Convo- cation Hall of Queen`: Ynivonity to- morrow Afternoon :1. the llll] hour. In the morning he will occupy the pulpit in 83. Jones Church. 1:. -n nu . - V- uuoun Ill llvu. Uapt. J. A. Mncclonsld hss been~np- poinbd Chuirmun of the Makers` and Inks` Auocintion. um! Cups. P. J. No- Unth. Secretary. II- urn--- _:u ,, , - - -- - nun: uuuu ul luuo I` In! Dl'II(l8. Joohnl Logan. ol Guunoquo. ha been appointed usoasor of thnt villugo n. n uluy of non. that I A |l-...I,._-|n n..- g , -cu: uvl-U. AVUI bullllfllllll. In menial that H. Batonon will be um non Ohio! of the Fire Brigudo. Jnnhnn Lnaan nl ll-n-nan..- |._- L--- uvn nnv-In. John Gluuord. one of the young Innnonol (ilonbnrnie. has removed to Burubno Northnuaborlnnd. J. Bnell. New York. in II the Wind- sor Hotel. B. W. Folgor bu returned from 0&- Mn. Iv\o\ .... -. uuu .-__. .._.. nu-hand `V351-.u ho pvoolronl Inn w

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