Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1884, p. 3

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ccuunu Ill POPXIAI IOIIIII I -nu In-an-on norad- rm: c|i.unIuN`a wouisgs. l*`.x-Mayor Carson, who was appoint- ed L`-liairmau. referred to tho objoct of the great. qatlieriug. Ha spoke of Dr. Wilson : long service in St. (leorgtfs Ca~ thedral and his remark that there was no more luithlul. zealous and hard work- ing man in tho (. liurch ol England. or in any other church. than Dr. Wilson, was clioorcd again and again. He referred to the dont0r's labours and said he waa always ready to care lor the sick. the rich and poor alike. (That's so." from the hall.l [lo alluded to Illo way in which Dr. Wilson had an loared himself to his parishioners and to the community at large. To him was duo the prosperity that hail Ill rocent yearn attended S6. Goorgfa Cathedral. llu regretted the * diamiaaal ol the doctor, especially with- out. cause. 116 had ably done his duty '1 to the Church, and a truer Uhriatian . could not bo found in the Diocese cl On- ,, n. ,.n-,x l IIJIIIII "U. INIUIIZI I" UIIV IIIVIWCU Ill \l|l' hrio. (CIIOOIIJ He called upon ox- Inyor (iildeliloovo to real the ul- dress. . n, II-3| L. _____ -_n _.-_..| n_____ 'I'u Ilrury Wllnun. ILII. I.l-_._.-A --I I in..- vv ululuu, u. v. uunuuu. n. n. \)UUUI' n. Sutherlund. J. Richmond. W. B. Dul- tou. P. R. Henderson. J. Oukin. D. l-ruor. M. H. I-`olger. A. Clzown. R. M. Honey. J. Mcliolrey. U. 5. Hobart. J. Mchrthnr. J. Uullugbln. '1`. Canon. ll. Tnndv. J. W. Pyko, L. W. Shnunon And 0. M. Alnclonuell. Rev. I-'. W. Dobhl opened the meeting with pnyor. -4. van.--nu.-u, nu .-mu-J, u. u. u non. Ju. Wnllumlon. [).D.. F. W. Dobbs. l`ol. Hewitt. Dr. Brown. B. llickl, J. Mclntyro.Q.C.. C. F. Gilda- slneve. J. A. Allen. Prof. uris. R. Wnldrou. R. J. Carson. N. K. Sooht. A. un No uremic-r evidence conl] bo pfo. dneed of the lore. respect and esteem inwluch Rev. H. Wilson. D.D.. is held I! `by the people of Kingston then tint . conveyed lat evening in the City Hall. ' The occasion win the reception oi Dr. Wilson, on his return from New York. and the preeentetion to him oi e pnne I end ndduee. The doors opened baton" ' 7 o'clock. end the people begin to crowd in. Jul! en hon_r Intel thehnllwel peeked. Such an nndienee bu seldom been new in this city. All elueee. de- nominetione end cceede were reple- eentod. Neuly l.&Il`[-eoplei crowded into the building. 'n'.a feeling wee e eolelnn one. An air oi deep sorrow eeunmd to prevail. Many lediee occupied the plntlorln. end all the eveihhle epece thorn was soon taken up. When 13.!-`. uiiderulceyvo led the way to the plnuorw. preceding Dr. Wilson, there was tremendous npplnunc. Everybody cheered. Among those present 'end Ieeted nenr the Uhnirmen More : Princi- pal Ureut. Mnyot McCemmon. Judge Price. Revs. H. Hen-is. J. P. W|lnon.-4..1- E. Cartwright, R. Mcliey. S. N. Jack- ll .A. I... l\'.ll.....-.... I\ I1 I.` -jzpuu-- I The l'|ly &nll Pu-In-I tn the Doors-`I13 [fen-huouplu Fun: And nAAidl'ou K ~ to than _--Ilaipy DoetI"-AI Alodluc Ilovly -Adina: ol nun: Clu-:15 run o'n.wan cmc umuo TIA? Ins -111: `IILV 1:n-m.usoamx - 'nI0l:usn|ol fl0H.l'l`BI`l`l- I'YlN10 'llllll Lou ro:nn.w_mos'. &nnI-'l'ln lhuvwlul Inn in liq ilmlrlng Clotgynnun. Tho than lot will be loud Iplondid ulna um! I luv colon 1:! Iain`,- : by Pfkd motel]: mun PHE BRITISH. WIIU} VSA'I`URDAY. .E\'ENING. FEBRUARY Iltllf. Pndpulornsuhoolqnpodlorth. wugnuoulwluh tnohnpplnn Ila kph: "Shoo coming to Kinphu I. hug:-gguu moon-ocbgnm in. Lotuuuuluuu Mayor. L._..__. bins. FT '1----v-w nlpur.Iuudwouou.l __4 -n-nan: an--.nI._ I'll urnlunu r-tn-v--m Tho Churnnintiuhd thunthon wannnyon Ibop||IIu'nwhodnnr- ed to but hulnony to Dr. Wilson`: khan in Kllphs that tour! In an app:-Mnitylotllnnlodo no. H: II ed upon Ptinclpd um: lot Ibo In! I -.u.... I my. hnonovuununoulna like thin in Kingston. Why an '0 ' shun uoa. um you. my onuu-on. [And now. to clone thin very important expnnlon of my thunhfnlnod to you ull (or your loving uldnau and tho laund- Iolno pnunt accompanying it. lot In anus!) hop than our upcnoo on htulhcrokuyu . no hints: at ud u.f.ollow Ctrhthm `and duunnuolonduuoclonu-pononl OUI ml or an GIUIII ulnrollmmno hvou olbn but hrdhon when in Christ to me. I would uprou my deep wnmudn for nnmborlou mots ot Chrim tin love and your ol uympuhy. tor oounuluad oomlort in dark dun. nu! Christin lollownhip at nll timon. I thank God. ud you. my broth:-on. And now. to clean thin vorv imnorlool ::'*......- :1` .:'..::;'::..:::::'.'." ulna vi the living C ....|um-hcllnrnnnnnndnl SUITIRO CLOTKB--|5o. Ioh 950 . IIIJVN 'l'WlLL8--l0a.\nsll worth 35 ALL WOOL CABIIIIRESA -900. rogulnr am moan. ononnu II Ills own noun. But not to my own bclavou people 0| St. George`: Cnbodnl. prooont and lb- oont. um [tony (unwell. but to hun- dreds ol othormol all denominations. whom I have lumod to love) anti my nojouru in Kingston. To my bu ran on this phucm. tho member: of my uni at tho Mann Chuolqmho hm-nag an-n hm hrdhan nu!-an In um. I would not forget the than one: to- night. who. (or my ounce. mny be nwny. And enpecinllz Ihoae who are uhaent for conncienoo e. I would lovingly re~ member in this my ing nililrus many dear ones in thin city. who. though not one with me in this matter. which hm been the occasion ol our separation. hue been in the put among my truest lrienda. God lotbiil thus nny ptuenl enrage- men should mnlio mi, {organ the kind- nou and uynipnliy of put. ours. same ol them the unrliesl o! my ilo. May I not express the hope that if not hate- there. when All cloud: an rolled nwny and we III" an (id hoe to (Ice. We shall and Il sud ho hoods lorover in His presence who in "our Peace" and Innketh In his chilihen to be :6 Int ol ` ouelnild in Ilia own Home. nnl nnl tn mu nun hnlnwnn Innnlnnl . do my own. In Uodi providence our connection no minister and people in now to come. The pain ol this sepnrnlnon to me God lmowetli. Leaving It with Him to heal the wuuuil uuil to explnin its meaning in His own time I now bid you from my soul 1 most loving farewell. Mny (lod bless you nml your dear ones mom nbnnclnntly Ilnn I an Able to express. nnd toward you novnn lold lor the com- for\ nnd oy you have been to me ainoo the day came among you. Nor ilol wish to thunk you IIOIIO. my the any I among you. Nor you my dear lrionds. who no hero tonight and have nympnhineal II! Inc in this In! lrinl. I -m.|.I not lnrnnl Hm nlunnl nnnn tn- but the noun. alone can son. And mny I not upmaa the lnopo thnt you. too. hue been blessed by whnt these eighteen years have brought you. that from the mingled uuulnno and nlndow the pun wlnto light of God's love may even now be lling your hearts :3 they do In urovhluuce one strongest exprossxon. What those neuly eighteen votn ol continuous ministry Among you hue been to you end to me. no minister and pooplml shell not trust mysell to even Attempt to any. Only this: For ell it hes been to me of darkness nod light. of joy and sorrow. no strangely blended to they hue been. I can thank God to- night sud pnisollimthet through sll He has brought me Into A fullness ol light end pence such so not the tongue but the bent alone can tell. Am! nnnu I not LIIIFQIH tho Imnn that expressed In language. Such n time the present is to me. end. therefore. if my words are not numerous [hope you WI kindly understand the renson and believe me when I assure you that nothing [could nerwdowoeld adequately express the feelings union ll my been sowuds you. or the petu- tude I tool to God for this public ex roe eion 0! your love and good Ii I to mo, and for all you hevo been to me end mine In the pest. and 0! which the pre~ lent. meeting is the latest end perheps the strongest expression. Wlm shone neu-Iv eighteen veen I? Mr Me-mlurra 11/ N. Iior/e'u Cullmlrul` mul Ilvr (':I::`nv y-I` N./I:IYl--1: My Dear l~`rieuda.-'l`herc no tune: when a man : words must be low. be- cause feeling is too deep to be tightly ixpresscd language. such 1 time the rreaelil. is And. vuuuu -nu ul uul avvun-5-2 uvuuuuu VII- The purse contained 9800. During the reading of the address Dr. Wilson stood with bowed head. his hand cover in; lulu eyes. He seemed to be deeply nectad. Not only `us he moves! but may nu the salience; some wept bit~ mrly. M. the conclusion of the address the Doctor I Ivnuced to the (rout ol the platform. anal m n voice betraying his great. emotion. renal tho following reply. While he spoke bowml laduls were ob served in All puts the hell. and mlny lmulkcrohiela were energetically used. by von during the put. you-. We proy Hun God may save his choic- cotlbleuinga to you null yours; tho! our work olwwhere. may be loosed even more nbun-lnmly thou it bu been here: that You Imny be alrongtllenod to look only to the guiding of Hm hand out! to the monilestltionl 0! His will. and Ithu than following the Manor. "going ubout doing good." you Illlll roconve It lust (tom Him the wel- come and rewoni that He gwos to his luthful witnesses. Kimllu inoanl ml... ...-.-........ nninn .I...I.n HIRQU MURBW IIIIIHIJI WIIIIOEIIES. Kindly iccopt the ucculupanyiag slight exprenion of our gratitude for our sor- vicea and of our feelings l.0W|l`1 4 you. ...I Inc]! II.--inn 'l`I... .... D411: ... ` All or ua_ OOIUIIISIIII: MIC wpunuua ` with feelmf of oqnlt lil. To I 0 lthonoto m your preaching ol the has been light and me the lot: in ~ R'P` . . telt to be well nuzh lrropar-able. It would ho out 0! place and undigniod for us even to rotor on thin oooauou to what bu led to the severance o! a tie ao holy and one cemented by no many time! laithlul labor in the burl. It enough tony that youhadandhavo our oonldnoon and tho general oatoeu: 6! the whole of the Christian commun- jty-'and never more so than in your work and in the general attitude taken by during the We nrav that mnv mve ul clcnuuu. up to warn nu nun cued. ' rod! Iupmmoly: tho_civ.iuu anolnlmn mmmua 121,! mu: inkmuetl in evervtbin this hon wanna 0! we community. We {eel thlt. it. is no light mutter to bolborouccl ol auh I putorgnd !rien_nl. ignho-'l.l:?:._ M 'I`n 23% LIWIYI l 5lll\l_ll JQSLQ nun interested everything bore on the material. iuhlloctunl and; monl wellue ol the community. W. {ml um in in no linhl. mnthr to -lower unonu we noon. Wllilgtho work 0! your Muster III Oh! to plaid: vol were upuciny culled clquzuu. npl sowhich you gladi- mhd irundl Iinramolv. the ciuluu quip; naggry on-quuul nun I_ 1 input; o-Moo. nu dunno Iliqputnjod utiliti- Iluonorgy ol the labour `hand: was tinny (all. The Ipol when thnl church is built in innniuly deg: 1,9 you to wells: most. of III Iron igu..ncrpd~ associations. We could wish no ponder- er naolloctiqnn than that hallowed the trees. `Phil. um unrk nf vnnr Mgqhr Ill It! ollllhbnui Into IIJVCC UT`-I I? W WEI SCI _nohIIiIhoduIin|oooMhllyutoId >|bhn.loHu||oIIMp huyouovho ; |oud|InLu1IJnh0hI'hIlIdnoutity i-china. To an sanctum ho `uivunuanuldluuupcuhguhu I `D| -Wi|III.InI|hIu'II||ouMd `doununlu. 00:10`: lb: uy ;-mheuml-vhohdhnunnuhlwllh |t.I(&'.) lhulnllulthodootc I hasty. uulnl and-un.ul cl .|I|l!|III lluoblhotnlonoyupr .||!|Ihca|hnuthnlu-norly. Ho --I-tuning-u.y-dun.-uu.du II'II1uI&nlhfunbylhoto- | Dmnllhnl-I:Ann Anal ...... ................ ..._ ..... .... .. ..._ um mind 1 public mating in the ally of Klyho. pxotpi win In In: ohtumllllouity. Ounnny pnhou oonuiouho hsduunbo hcllvnliI|I- ul. honovuhdho nvunnonnnh lllulucntlnuvcnlng. Nothing would doubt. Wilnliltbo (unto now than to Idtot upon this upuniouol lhnjnn: -IIL4 -Ilia`-n nl Ki-QM: BBOCADI8 in ten oolonngn. lo. worth II to I10. --u---uw-un-'p-a--uuuuuInu---u- uluncllhoollinou oll(&Ig|0o:. (bod churn Thonpuhtvu ni- -ngu-J _an. - .|._z.. A` ...4:.n.. --n....I Fyvurcnu-I-awn--unv-v-v Ulpwsltbolwyunuplnwugnoha by the Iobnunhd Dr. Inohron uno _l-Ad.-. -_4I D.._ IL`. .I.- L. L.) In` Iutvjvuuuvu vi. ununuzn Ia- Fhntpl.ul!oru.nd!ron|hudAvhohud --.... ...;....I - ...u... ....u.. :. nu vivllih by. (urea lolulht.) Anlouq ul linlhopotopaw. lhopothnluny `pg. Lnnnu IL. Aug. nl IIII -ninul anal Illlll Ilvvlwfuwlvvn nuvyu u--u--any one koopthooyonol my mind nndnoul opon to tho light that (loll given no. When I nun innnpohlo 0! growing here then I pay thnl God will tnlio now am place when than will be our on- wud prognn nod continuous growth throughout otu-lily. Ilny (lod bl:-on Dr. Wilson wluonnt he goes." Uron npplnnnn.) CHI IICC ?-I' I'll -All . eighteen years of labour thrown away. Fl scnsvv us and now he was sorry to see those ssuv nssun yuuaxs us ula nuanaluul as far as Kingston was coucenied. No new man coming to it would be equal to the one goingont. simply because of this fact. lCheers.) The speaker hail spe- cial reasons for valuing the services that Dr. Wilson hail rendered this communi- Therr was one Church which Christ es- tablished, and though there were many who was not only loyal to his own or- ganisation but loyal also llim who was the Head of the Chi: h. and who. therelore. did not conne himself to his own conivregation but was one whom all the people claimed and who believed that he belonged to all the people in his parish. There were men in congregations so in- tensely selfish and gross as to think. or even say. that the minister was their especial property because "they paid him." (Cheer-s.) Wherever snch nicel- ing exists the Church ceases to be Christ's. (Cheers) it becomes a pure. ly worldly. a purely sell-seeking organi- sation. 'l`he minister ought to be wil- ling to follow the people anywhere. and be at all times ready to help every spl lerlng. heavy-laden. ni-sicls soul in the community to Christ. l-Every minister should feel that he was rst Christ`:-i. that he was not the servant ol the peo- ple but Christ's servant to serve them ty. lie was a true Cliurclimau. Cheers! branches the true C-hntclinian was he He felt that in this matter Dr. Wilson to haul been animateil by high ideas. and in he respected him on that account. Mp` II planse.i Again. it was an open charge I! against the Church. and one ol its great- s set weaknesses. that the poor were ne- II glected for the rich. lk could testify ll that Dr. Wilson's especial duty had I been to care for the poor. He cared lot It all classes and conditions 0! men. He II continued: I therefore always respect R1 ed and loved him as I do now. although 0| perfectly well aware that we did not l! hold the name opinions on all points. 0* intellectual unormity is impouible. and it is ollittle consequence when men at are one in aim. heart and spirit. lal- ai ways linew that ho was an honest man ti! and a laithlnl minister Jl Jesus Christ." ' pl (Cheern.) The years. lrowevor. had W brought them. he helievod.:to a closer ro agreement in thought. "You imagine." he went on. " that I imply that llr. Wllsu has ohanpd hh opinion. then an on some points. I hope he has. ' I hope In: you have. I know that l have. (l.augh- Ola tar.) A gentleman once said to ano- ma ther. `I never change my opinions.` sir `Yes. said the other. `Your brother dou- saw key over there could say the same. It (C never changes its opinions. I t is ilster- Ii mined to live and die a consistent don- he s,,_ .n__,a |-__La._s a- |-__ a- I I nu: -.u Ilnv xvnupv-us.-. ..- nun... Ho could testify that the lust hill 0! his 15 you`s' service in llnlifu wu more frnitlul ol enduring results than the rs! lull. Dr. Wilson had guinea! grout. ox- perieuoe in the nal you: of his minisuy anal nn- Inn -n- nnrv-I 0. Ian nun here? None discern the reuouewhy Dr. Wilson he to teen no but to ex- preu onr united eonow` oi his departure and onrveympeshy with the conglom- tion ol St. George`: in their hereun- m_eu_L .oL:hgen,I lue struck oy the eerioue. VQHIGII emloorrow lulen npecl ` ol thu meeting. The people here not I come here with any denim to excite 1 euhell. or so he excited, hm. with deep norrowfnl room... to bid T-mun so one whom they love mil trout. for only those whom we love do In sum. (Cbeore.} I was Jelightexl when I heard the expreuionl need in the eililreee'l.o Dr. Wilson. the `xenon! e&ute_de' wee Inueioed. Thu menus zhn they do not think Dr. Wilson inlnllible. I never knew but one men who wee inkl- liblo.nnd he'e qeml. ll.engliv.erJ I'm nled ol it. too. lor he won the gneleet peel I ever knew daughter. nod I hope I shell never meet enot-her inlnllibllity. (Re;-eetod lenghter.) Dr. Wilson. then. gain lron: Kingston stomped with the oondeeee ol `air lea chnreh nod ol the entire community." lcheers.) The npeoker then went on to any that there were nanny reasons why he regretted Dr. Wilson`: depenuro. Kingston`: loo: would he New York`: grin. Dr. Wil- son`i__ work there would nndonhtedlv be T on egrenter scnle then in Kingston. A: e Conulien. however. he regretted to see ench men on Rev. W. S._lleinelonl end Dr. Wilson removing to another oonntry. lle wee eonsowhel jeolour to think thnt other lend: were getting so many ol Cene.d.o'ugood things. He was in sorry to too such good men going away , hi end he only hoped they would soon to i turu. uUhoers.) lle also regretted Dr. L: In Al W|leon'n removal owing to rheylong time he hod been in Kingston end the experi- ence he hod thereby guinea. He upoke re , ollona pnnoretoe inonnpproving Itrein. ee He liked to see miniemere remaining H) w: oneplnoe so long es tl/no hr HWJUIUSU III IQII &l0|`llII. IIQO. NONI! SOLID 00I40R8-all new linden st lq, wonh Ila. .'.'.'.'B'3"|.".. ."li':.u:"'."'}".'.'. in on o-.':n,uu., `magnate houduvctnotnnon plus! oauuudnuthubr. urlLownuIInlIh|"pou but uawudnjdubca I Ilurhhrl Inn'- than M ..`.`:'`.`:.! "15; R-av. ll. llama. Primitive Mcthodiut. and that as he at on the plntlurm his mind reverted to a tune. when. in the old land. he stood mm! the muh!o monument: oi great men. "If you do- uin to soc Dr. Wilson`: monument." uid theupookor. "look around you." (Charm Though be Mr. ll.) Inn 1 Iuthodiot. ho In [no to admit that ho hulnovor noun mom luloun. hard working mun than the iloctxr. H0 in: tho common pro]-ottyol all Christian. Ho bod boon at the hoinon ol any II the Primitive Ilothonlint Church. but hobnd nonr proulytinul. ruthor In had always left | meat religion: In- gnnoo behind. Ihn one gnnd obpot wuto laud IIlt`ll to Christ. whom he Iornd and adored. The upshot won both [Ind and sorry Doha present. Ho wuuarryto put with tho dootonlu thcnwuuohoort trimto the Church ..nr_..|...| u...u..n...nu.num.u..:| men In: no nun crust to we wanna ol F. urn the ban that throbbod in his qtfhun.) [In In awry to pan um: him let in Ind und in Klpton long enough to low Mn. TL! hul hhnndnlunni-lo win lhnir lulol Iolq uongu I0 IOVI lull. Thy hul Island ulounivlo thoir claim his to land tho poor Inohrhtu to: knowledge ol Chnst. Ho would Involnhdlho douotlo punch in lab Church baton ho loll lot the Primitive Ialndkt loud him. but "whonvcr In gou."uI:|orl '|`.uIfl'iI. "nhy God go with him. 1'AInu.` tron may voionm Yul. ny bun nopoldl. Ana. God bhnhin.udIn|vwobyunI bye not! him when than will he no man apat- nnn list. It. Ilcnyonugolnt. nail the lunch; vulho gnndoubo Ind out soon. lib Iulhpvnn udder In Dl'.WilOI|hl%|ll|0IO - an-Ilnjn uu nun: uuuuuuuuu :1 u. Dr. Willinmaon and the grand us- nomblngo was nninntod Ivy one IpIl'iI.. and this was a most striking testimony thlt the lnlnrn of Dr. Wilson were up ptocintonl. llo Jaoply ngmuoll Dr. Wilton`: removal. nnd with great now row bid him hrevu-ll. Res`. 0. I-I. Cnnwnght. Anglican. said {hut Inch nu eviclcncmol npprecnehon no: this meeting imlicntod would. if nothing mouo. go far to remove the poignancy 0! pain cnusecl by tho doctor`: forced nepnrntiou lrom his people. aL`hcere.; Instead ol oolnl and scanty Iympethy Dr. Wilson curios! uny with him such testimonial ol lovinu rt.-gnu! u would make him loel tlntlniu lnhor in King non hul not hocn in vain. Me In: glad that Ilr. Wilson Illd not left with- out seeing this xlomounstration. nnd he tell lure that he would be greatly cheer- ed and eomlortcd by it. I). \l'.'lI......\.. ..-i.l cl... .._....l __ Ivvuuuvw: wwvwvu -utvu-:1- A ouo::uIhloxtuIlt.WM . Ion I m. TI]! I. I-can tlocouhuhhthnuuvu. --v vv-n Ilvualavvug uvwvvun to now tho tribune 0Q respect which hm been paid to Inm by this grand do- monstrntlou. i with IllO same spirit. Rev. J. P. Wilson. pastor ol tho Methodist. Episcopal Chunch. said this was the most. wonderful meeting he had ever seen. All scomod to be animated I-`int they were Christians. and after that they belonged to many denominations. This unity mu beautiful to behold. He liked to see Christians honor a man who had the courage olhis convictions. ITre- mendnlm applause.) text. "I! we honor Christ. tho Father will honor un." The name 0! Dr. Wil- son. he said. won household one among the people of the M. 1-2. Church. llin acquaintance with the doctor was short. but in that timo he had learned to love him and deeply rexrettod NI F0` moral. He was delighted. however. to nnln II... 0.-;I...o.. ..n rnnI\au\I -l.;.~I. lle recalled the . ...-u `nu... -v uuu -uuu ul - Ivvlux \.IuIuI Be it our: on this occnsiou ol grief." said the speaker. "to turn in the sense ol our loss to Christ. Lot. us looli uwny from the ac-rviiul to the Mutter." He concluded by mlornng to tho munuor in which Dr. Wilson It. an by his bod- aido during lam! nigliss of hi: illnaos. The phyxicims could not any whether he would live or die. nuil Dr. Wilson had comlort.eo' nnd supportoil him by his [oving remarks and by his tender Chris Iinu consolation. As Dr. \\'ilaon'u oili- cinl cu-oer was CD110!` it could bo and of him no of I uoblc French wnrrior. "Ile hna laid down in the ahl of honor." AI o _. 7 , his love oi Clirist. an nun I.--ul. Dr. N. Jackson. of the First Cou- gregatioual Chumh. said there was a lingering protest in their heart: which. thodlzh not uttered. was deeply lelt. To think that in thin nineteenth couturv. in an age noted for its toloratiou. in this lree Canada and in this grand old Con- servative city of Kingston. one ahonld lift hand or voice against the Inter`- work. in something most remarkable. Such an act callud forth a protest from the heart. (Cheers). Mo was pained to be present and to witneas the narting bl one whom they so much honored. on-' teamed and loved. ll every heart could utter the feelings that were uppermost what a testimony ol aection would he rolled nplrom the meeting in favor. ol Dr. Wilson and his laithful miniktryl (Applau-am. Not only had thoeo in his own Church recoivedwlno COIJBOIIUOII their poor cruahed' heunta so greatly needed. but those of every clue and creed Ill/H30 city had shared his faithful ministry. the ministry that came lrom ll tho poor of the [fist were to he gathered into one great assembly and could give their testr rnony. what a revelation It would make! All would suur a loss by llr. Wilson`: removal. but they could comfort them- selves with the thoughtjthat the Master was with them. Perhaps Providence had ruled this separation in order to lead them to the loot of a loving Christ. Rn it nlvra .m ..-:..l" \ nlnu II t hi. ran\nnn:4\n l\' --u .-_.u.uuu lnvt mr mvcveq no V houtily nj9iqoJ._ Dr. Wiinou l3ul.lnn ootdinl lylifllllly. and he {ruined that 3' his ltpoun wuuhlbe leu Lhuuuu timed V more `inltrilrunuutnl nu lmuiug mull |o'Chl'ilI he [ml Iv.-r been in Km):- uon. Dr.` Wllsou hp] the people : payers ual he coul-I 1:9 lonh in ups :-it and power to ti) me work to which he hndhoou mllod. "Gal npoo-M-he work you -r__t+_b9,9 i9-".._!sr_ ;\|.r_-1 Slyod Axuues. um ` In `May muvcuwul 1 that Inilijnnn meet for haueu" 0' Innailu -_. ..;..l I. u-~i ` II I us, spam cm 5: ORUMLE rs. 1L_..n. nu- n..-I IIQ gnal IIA IlIlY.& lf Siult "URI ALBO-66l1 O {Huron ul U11? but "."m.'.:.........~... ..'-.'.*..':.... -"""` New Dress Goods, 600 place: New French, Englluh and Sassoon PHIIII. THE GREAT 5'l`(:CK-TAKI`}:(gl: b`l'lLl. GOING ON AND IVIIYDODY utoalinl I Dull Huh Vdwuuu, lineup, hhl:l.|uu. lnpllm. Wllllo at Oman. lluluh n.udGoIlntuu`l`!llB8ALII'Ill1I1bII . Ibo lnol un sooth. Ioclodoul uh: it than tum Dry Ouch. i'Cheap C5ttc>ns, `C Heap Shootings ---AI` WAI.IDION`I CIIIAP IALI.-- R WA LIIRUN, THE LATET, THE LATEST l'IMlIR0ll)ERlI-Z.\`, I-I\'EHLAR'I`I!\`(; 'l`|(l.\l.\ll.\'(i>'_ l`lllN'I`H, SATINS. NEW DRE.-18 Inuriulu. Nice Double Fol-I (`lath tar hulu Iv>_\ro won. And An auonluo suoltlnont ol Twooxln nu French Worntedn (or men Al .u lhhlmnn In all the newest nylon. Boodod ,Urm\monl.~ Mr! Ilullnn-c Ill profusion. ILEX. ms. - opposlfo the city Idol. Feb. nun. OPENED OFT TO DA\'-3.'- l`lE1'l;`S NEW I-`IVNE ALL WOOL BLACK I-`llliN(` (?ASIl.\H~IRES -from 3.`. cont: to 75 cents per yard. 20 l`ll-LL?!-18 C0l'RTAl?Ll)'$ lH~.`.\"l` ('n.u'14:s. I-'.V'l`R\ IHNH) \'.\l.l'l-` IN! ill.A{`H nun-an nnnnu A1` I-r Oppadlo Oily Hold. v (Great Bargains Gijggjn BlacklJasl11nTras. .lt"I' 1'0 IIAND--!I0! I'lliI`l-IS. PRICE! TWENTY PBICIK1` loss than last year. Fvb. Nth. ()ll 1'l'lIDAY -A Imnon and Wlmo Ion Ihivkrllioln. A nibble NIIM will In (Iva lot In return In the rodenl lhnl. THICK `T13?! It, vy v-V ..'. - . ._. --A'I' IAI.I.-- WIH Cotton ulna! *-W UNA. (`Anson n` and anon. I [WALSH & STEACYS ~ I-`ab. Hm. II :24; lm m!cFllll S. {Waist smx or customs |Shaetings,chaap,0heap, at R. McFau| s. noxnocxsEs- 2. 23 ma 2 1 2 _m.m...1.~ Wumsunn llluched slmunp. u. 2} 2; 2 HI yards wide ~ Twillml and Plniu ; :~`mxuln l'|llow(.'oIIonl--|ll Iulthl; Knnriosn Pillow Cuuoun--nll width-a; I-I..;:ll~|n \\'ut.ur Twint Pnllow Canon: -311 widths; l'nblu|clu-`:1 .`~'ln-1-111:-~ `.5 M1! wide, $00 upwtrdl. -' _ _ ' - _ _ , _FI.b nth. Will Commence Tlll[l?3`_DA V, Fe bruary 2/31. Forparticvlan see band-bi/ls now being `ills. //butea. Special BIRGIINS will be offered in Si//rs /or evening wear. IF. X. COUSINEAU; Inrgoulllhnr cl llnlou Iold Ool.lIuIIlauuoouIloudAy| us all. then III` in no uckou d at O ... the II the % until 1Q Io nln holdon of Menu nu oppananuy to loan can Fob. lash. IINO to I|o_ Vrgux. coUs::NEAU's snautrcomnmnnou sue `J LL. Feb. 1631:. Feb. lmh. Fell. ldlh. _j%J_MIES %l{l(!%Hg\ lF()ND (r CO. NEW EMBROIDERIES .T_B;A.NI{RUPT STOCK EVER. SE-IOVVN IN wars orrv 0 H 15 II `I ()l`l`().'~XlTl-I WlNl)ROR HI Mont Id the lacuna! lnnutmom coupon) lion at loom-y hr Inndon : pnylunu nonr- oa !uIlnln':ormnIlou an to lnnmncnu (Inn ov. ra.:c:n'c'>1~'rx..r 75 33 |%|I llllm: Ajj. Zj NEW BWF.f. I` vrn nnv And are ope-nu-cl up for purrlnnvu-rs II BOSS LU 3 lll`..`l I H.`ll'l35. l'J.\l`R.\ GU01) \'ALl'l-I IN BLACK DRESS GOODS AT lA]'I Bony nllov callus. in. nu. 1 ll ul lnlnul wholmll [If nnl nun III and IN PIIIOIQ ITIII1`. nun pa-I-. - WlL`l0N` BUILDINGS j , ()! H)SlTl-I WINDSOR HOTEL. mo rm... same. 17-3: 2 Q C ju-:u loan! to [ad cl lowest Inn.-ROBIRT IRAVI. Ptinecn sum. NEW I2} Cents, IIUIUUI ll `II IIII [XI IOIIDI-I. WOII 'oonhyn|ll:ulIonndou 'Iooduluy;no And Admin 0. I. A non. Ian-mo mm. Ila: lw. lioawu. Cut, tor gnruculnn. 51.;-T:.,.- .:,....-*-7.-' *1.-. I II I. VIII Apply to Ihvdu ANTI!) LADIIB OI YOUNG IIIN II any account). dilute: no objection. who no on cl on Q. on: Inn uouly won on lboltjrvu ,_ V gll Ilgo voqnal, Wall Iboltdn loin: all Ibo yon - unngq. Adgluu0.I.la V -l'Il'A1'l0I u Dolly uovarmu b I lull unlcd lolouh lculuh. Ionic: Inn:-h. nhunoos Addnu L. wuo aloe. Vuuuluiilb main toils`! at No. 8:. Got` Knot. " SKLII` IOYI. loulnld 00 rock. Apply 0| End: a Inna`: I ,- IOIO AOIIVI 80! | [unb- X. Coll! I Co. v n, 7--u:.--v----,. puuu---v INTI L TIIOIT AID LUNG NI ulngnhnnu Inn-A4 unuunmtuuugmuu -9 IL: Inna!-nnl at nh-L lnnalmk Cu. I NITITUTI, I7! Cinch hut. `Nu-nlo. '05 lit. or II Flllltvf Igogn. Ionuul. Worth nuululy from H to Ilia. I70 PHVIVCOII Ilvnu. |&L To Let. or For sale, YOIIII IIIIOICH A1` some rouo; 2.000 YARDS nyuviunuuncunlu l`II|IIPlIvUvadl&h 3 Dr. II:-I` Unlunnl ;.n_.n.;-_. 0...... `:4. [I2 I j "Unj- ' Z l'h&huI. hpum. Iuduihllallln II " 0 n h at h l|_ .5 1;:-nan`: In-inns nun IIILVII STRAYEE A 1....-- --A NOTICE. 1'8 I DIST 11! I'll V world for Lint 00-- nlgl-I Lilian-nnqin. I Hahn. oi lboul cu moms. rock not and Ihecuy Purl. 9 also. ADI`! ll- `_DBAlI LIVII BILLS. entirely Inc In: `loud at any uolsllh n|Innoo.-- Ouhruhu; lu|u8o.uVlADI'8 DRUG IIORB. Conn Ila; and ltoet mung . Jun. Io. ' 3* uutpu. .- 7..., _ zouictuuulwu: nn.g..,m,. nI.m. at M..." n|uudIIhnnlu;hhl.5l6. Du- lug\hoyculDnuluInd1hndoooI- vbhwuouedvodgnndl unkind - ;__|.. .|x_.|.-._J `PL. -`In. J Intui--:- Thounulnpondtholuportor ol Doniniuhniunthrlu. Itoqhodou. uhovnhunvnb Ibo yuu IR!-Ban not {mun cl Inn: in tho oolvid ppolnlhnohobouinnn. 'l`hoKln- .u...n-n-Annal-unndIC.Tho mljiufllj. IIIUIII-I` ununhl-uuhovndunuucMO.Tho unbotnudnlnq In columns! at Klnpuoouollunlun huvu 6|! -.I.ng-J Ollnxglnn 4931, LIA. DI!- `.-------u. _ - V . . ..\ J. C. Mitchell bu `inn out the con- Inct in connection with tho emotion ol Llano brick cottages on the corner at Willhn nod Clay stunts. The home: willInooonClotxyatnoIudbonoon~ Iinuliouol ch hrnoo out standing. Ir. Kitoboll will do the nuoury. 1`. Milk: unqurponky. Sang: A Son plating. and Iololvoy A Bitch tho nlnnhlnn A-cl I.inn|IIhiln_ Tlll Fllllll. DUI -vnuIv', _ ........ ou- plumbing and tiulnithing. The will in no nay. with union and ox- lol Iihhou. Tho hand: will be and BL Anbll." Ibo Huhphoo of Ir. liloholl in Cornwall. ling. Inhl It 133%: ll) OIIC "1-'3'3'ua""uu" p`:-"'5-an Paulo .- I|do o Dru More. [In OI. in: no lath! Inns I`r1-oonllng Ibo Atom!-oeuln. Md. Snytbo and June: Agnew. City Solicitor. have visited Toronto. nuond~ in I meeting 0! the Innicipul Commit- end Inbuiwod tho duh ol unend- IOIIII to the unullnons. munioipnl and uhooln mu. 3: pnpuod by llr. Agnew. Ansnaoluonh Inn mule to Ian we Introduction ol the amendment: occur in the Lqzialntnro on Monday Mr. Agnew husloo prupuod eight printed pqu ol observation upon the necessity fol 550 IIOIHIIIOIIKI. `[8 il thought lhlt any at then amendment: will be Prof. Honloul left this morning !or Montreal. The boys at the Burnett pnrtod from him with oorrow. but the Tenn pu-tidly hftod the load 0! griol by setting up thoohunpoauo He would hue rolnovod from the city savor-nl day: ago. but In doloyod in order to no about the 065 which he won inform- odtho Curling Club would grant hi [or being the boat dxouoal mu: At the lat Carnival. It will be roulelnberod that ha unnamed the character of the Clliph or Bngdndf` f 1 any an-uauc-nu-yu -n nu --nun ... tdlantuon will be held hero on the 293.1. Candidate: no required to pug 3 test onminntlon in to their ability to dialin- guinh the lollowlng colours. which onto: lugoly into the oocnbinuion ol ugnnln by day or night; black. white. Md, green, yellow and blnef And for tho mount the rejection of onndidntoo ll limited to snch person: only us cannot listin- gniuh rod from green with one. Some time use Inspector Rielly had n cuelul unlyele of the miter nso-I [or domestic purpose: :8 Roelrwoonl Asylum. undo by Prol. Ellie end Mr. Hayes. of Toronto. A: 1 result the Inspector has ordered euml lter from New Jersey It I coat of IIACXJ. Ind by it all impun- tiee will be removed. A similer lter for the city water works would cost ubout 03.!!!) or M.0(X). _-. Tia Coming Drive. The coming drive in not. conlluod I0 memhonu. Anybody who bu orig will be given I position. The procession will form about 2:30 o'clock 0 makes square. nml. Alter the panda About the city streets. move upon Went.- brook. The Wnttn {formerly Kingston- innnb will serve the lupper. Police Cuuri -liulunlny. Au unfortunate: drunk In uraigcd and dismissed, and 3 trump. Willum ltnnnel. when loci were lroutbitleu. was was to pol. at hi: own nquant. {or six weeks. ' The ilullre Ar-y Julia-cl. The Sulntiou Anny mu urouod in Syrncnno on Thundny on-uiug wlnlo |II"I(Hl1g. '1` he the women View Inilexl, but th thirteen won and boys npenl. the ni|:ht'i jail singing unl pnyiug. ' 'ru.ua.y'- rnhulmu. Increasing out to uonsh winds. gener- ally [Air unilulor weather. yuth light won in some localities to-night. u_:,.#`.., .. The examination at umrineu for car In L- |._II L__, 45_ `L- nun. U: UVKBI I'I-- couu -'rI(.)h'l'KNAC.' No. 3, roman. noououiholruudthlnlw nova ! uoulhlnlhdlnjlnll. Prlnou- M.. Manon. lIll`l'0Il. 1000!. *0. llglnctoll Onlnr Ind lglultlh n:u'&": `...n:u`thl. |n tho Otltlhlloit Inn. nu \VIll:: on`u Blon. Prin- oou has J Ihdoslgu ooh. . u" . ulna`! vumnag: 0-0-an-II-nAno.un.ouwoauuuy. nu. IXJW `I'M got 0!` Inllmu-natal t and on. Ulcn ol Pcrloouol. fhlnl Inlay. at unwed I. 0- U. I. . iIIU1'0II O.Il41.nhII ol Uuhd Wain: nah ouuuuooond Ilhuclfhuuhvolcnnnouthlnthc ACADIIY. lln rcltivd.hOunIulnrInuudDhbbu8Iu.;. now: more n`. v. mu Iohnuyg . Vnnneinht stew nun ' rn:s_n.-mm. - . \ I l _\, nun:-In on IlEl-IlputorIu. cTf*7Ix?{1T6f'Fv. T sl'E(`IAL NOFICES. .\ wu:~'mr.In-`ljl. Iuzu-:P1`I0x. - 1 . 2 q/gggniii nutnr _ __ _ .___-.-nu-an 4-m.._ -..- w. u-um: nu." rmupu. I lbu>och.coIdI.(!nIp. AUIHCI Irololltllu Ilocneuou. an-.. IIII TIE _ .- Ag`..- -4.-gm -n-nzgu ol oauohnnntonothonpititul 0 gqnliouol than pluod ad mnrmnbv God. Tho Inna Ilunhz MIG Illllxl ll [MING IIIGII yu-uognbyuod. unto! olyougoomnnmouh ylo an chunk wu ucooahl moo! wt. `Ibo debt contnctod for the auction olt. Goo:-up`: Hnllwu wiped out. A new dobt. ooutnctod lot: now ndthonqownloltho inuoto o Uu.Ihodn|.huhoonlu'gol oxtingnhlr od.udothor ndol-Inna. udilatho J:l;:oo*wiI_dowhi:|Ion dtholuo NH: '0. 0| IDDBI. honuldotlbynn Whilollmunlnd lol tho annual otdotnd boulyoltho Ouhodnl you pvoihowholoonnutnouund olunnhnounnpiritul nnnnuol than nlnnndundu uouuv lined the pouuon you I'll u- Inlnod. the unin ot tho Cuthod hnvo. under a Divine Providonoo. and Indnly_ through y_onr exertions. prog- pcrodnl woupooul dqmmporlnpa II wouldnotbotoomuohto any more II II] othor period ol their hia- lllllllul mlIIlI$Y OI JCIIII lallI'lII- It in now nenrlv eighteen yous mince you cum to Kingston nnd assumed the dioinl oi uninunt Ininiunr ol St. Gnome`: Cntbodrnl. During than which ol the long pnrioul which has Iiloo olnpnnd. and in which you have contin- uously Illlnd the ponition Ilnl u- lnlnnd. the lli Clulidlll Ill 11"", u Iluun, -nu Reverend end Dear Sir.-Ropneent- mu than ol 8:. Ueorge'u Cethednl con- xregetion. end of the citizen: ol King- Itou who sympathize with you under the cirenuuhncee which hue led to your departure from the city. we deeire to until In this public menner the res- pect. e ection and conldence we enter- um towards you an I men end In I lulhlul minister of Jesus Christ. It in nu: hnnrlw ninhlnnn nun ninco As Dr. Wilson arose and stood bolure the nut usomblsge be In vocilomnnly cheered. Mr. Gildauleovo prefaced the reading of the addross by saying tlnt tho ooouion um had brought them to- net r Wu one he deeply rogrenod. y had not met to diucuu the cause: of the doctor`: separation from them. but to show to the world that Dr. Wil- non Ind the good will of the pooplo. (Cheers. They hul not mol 3- I deco. minutiou hut. in n boJy ol nincoro Chris- tiana. uilnltod with 3 fooling becoming one brothorlsood in Christ. Mr. (limer- uleovo than N0 'l`muhIq- In Sllow (mills.

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