- TU-`I uouora ' mo. anal nun hr Noodunmon Inna-- tio now-4.-cape before it `u too has -tor her ake-boenusa them must be no sandal our hot gun. I wmlot ougono-Inormwitmnybotoolatow Ho you:-all from Mr. I-.yre." Sholoohd at . him ncanuy. almost withtlocxpnniolotun Inhale: unl tho thought hi: mind that the was Indeed . and not acmuutable for In-tdeulsz but in the sum moment Dndyi plum! bnuul ant,-and her uunnllou. and she trial wely. as shc uprang up. and bent. over um rml.I- Ile's morn than Ill. he`: dying. neat; on Duty mot un hunt on: at his hand: by amuxli down. uni ` throwing his arms mum! neck. ` titan Ii: Imnmv! In mid. us his lnlvwlng ma mum net necx. sup win nanny! old. ltd fell on lhu coiled and vary hunomto which. for the moment. ho ho hurl 1 Incl HM and an-ngth. And I-`nn had not the coulueto at [ham nun hm nmnnl Lqhln, n she lockcd thoouter door. and not II pen. Something rained sum :31 I101: lowud him. than aid. I hollow. Ihrvud vokaolike on In when the mo Inn sunk to furnish strength with Ihioh to cry nous! llxm um uxronxn mun uloou. v As in as .not sgueukinpbul with his um: ouulnla-had as barrier to her en- unnce. achungo cum over her teatun-s; pbo louend. nnd almost fell. llu-u-- llo la dying-he is dmd."` she cried. pbo louend. and almost fell. llu-n~- d iu-ho no in . said Frank; but why do you come to hint like a (met in the night? \\'h-no have you burn all yeator dam and w-day? Rh: hgll lonknl (war he: Ihouldol to au and w-any! She halt looked over her shoulder than I which burned in tho opposite wing. vrnh u shudder and gasping cry. pushal put him. and run into the nu-awry, when-.oNing the little broth- en asleep, uul loaning their heads In each other. she fell down on her knm hackle them. ullcrimz 1 mm 'l`hauk ` 2 Outcast. and I something m~ hln that In I-`nunk`s eyes .sha|-ml lb to guilt. wen written on her face Ihonulnh-okedupand not mac as; man. a one whoa: thought: escape 1'. I110 said. in I whisper- --slnh dead. Do lhev know whom!- whisper- 1 Shah deal. Do they ed hot? hggfumo near to hgr, uu`u `:;l-hi:a 1 ng eyes me: a away (So now-mam hnfun IJIII no nappy nun um nuan snap on one wow u Punk tumod away. lloli 1 camera! the blindmd awoppoaitohin thought. burnlnunv the mom in which his lost. his munler ed M hiahouc gnwcold a mud named louqnnle. Andtnnwl-hill in hnvainanlnlnovul kxudtholilooa named lonagnuu.` undgn-wchul in his 'nsu|nuovuH lowunl the door and I minute. in ` vhich his hand mmntd its olleo. un- 1 lk I50 (I . Illd QC ii . h`nnmlhinonu:':i'm1Ii'l.mlf Ill). and LII ` nnaomnxns. nnuurnm nununym PIIITI, IATIIS. Il'DII.: id .ulnaun-van-Input- 'n uIIIouIddy|I. door behind him. he saw her pmnIy-- J . wiId~fucod.uIdtnvel-stained. ` win about her right hand. outstretch- ed an In fur. I'll uodg hmdkuchiot \ Ioakal lhmu and through with blood. Ag in nu: not nmnkin1.bulI ith I down his ulglunou Mn. unuhiy y um. Tm fallen asleep lo! unuua may by Iqdoandliouno. halt:-akin: huunaabout buttto onono Huh I n Nlnerof Hunt. the uneouarlollk I 1 `ix Prat; baud fnul.ue|-a ` V l OIAIIOIRIJI "WI and?Inonent gt!" 3 land the lock. . but to violently lint Doll} in No unmy lace; in tliir thknovlho urtul tear Hill Inn, And `I-Iru-lrvnau-tuIv- llhll. .~' `Rout down with lhochild in Mar uIn.|n1I moistened the fvnrkh Inn vdlhifolinq drink. euvfnllv covered uplhsfllulo bu` llnhgallviuguo huh, anal) common: one thing only. thus outside that unllud Dody dovnby his bmunri nIdn.n-ulnouno. Mlfvakinz. clunod . WIN 1:3: h stood 1'18. eye; Intlon the dock. hall it ullmsuuu. ,1` locked. to am and Ixaunn mo uoor. null oxptculx . lorri Iixum to his ens; but memo- Ionh pun-a.ug,vnn uhwluha salmon. ':l'un`dowu anemia izixhir mo lIfllI| lea: um anti wlnirirnoiv nlnnnl I'IIIn|I null]: an Into. us run: 8uHhI.J.\Vihnn Cheap cottons Cheap%j`S%Heting --AI' cnur n|.n.-- I|.....u.pu-an-ca. 5 Watch up-unto-Iv IO can an I'd ` Inn: Dnvifu Bmhuhqx lb: churn! unuihlbo III)`. II: uunlnktu 130' and uoondhsldgoyolulltiuh. unil- uhlu uduhhu. lIruhn.huiIuv,drv nnhia-Ila-mnjml ind!`-chum)` wu- ` Oolohwnuinningolubrv. and the nth`. Plinth!-Stunt. In-nu Iocnnou. ulouuuonn INI Dual. ucougmuoupuluvononnnn. run In vuduunuu-nhtlocntodonuuup hI:niuvuLou\apu\lhliI|hhinbr`:.l nobuno." Baa` itIIl' it Innnlrluuugunnbanvon vholuo Ithrndnduucnnnd llyan has munhuu nun-UV unvun tout ii. ooqhncuno unyutouyia. Ptillk-.5Ib.IL llyoubnguno nu. RX IOIO. Iblhiluh D.-n-II-41 I-III-CJIIEL: `ltnll Ioynnl qnuuonllo and ma c$lI|()ofIdidnoi0Mno\vr A%h@h kmmum at Cox}. (Map and ilk, with Ill wand-hl-nnnhllocuodcuunn -so _ Italy Ifnhlr. nnlhani Inhsb cad lluucnul Pilh noon`. 1:! nndnl-.dnndolu_:o, knock. L ntiroot and other oholoe 1\nn-dunlhnlivnr uncut. Culvurirool um other motor vhhlo inn. `ltcyutuolbolivcr undounndvichnulatuhlyund than give nliol tonunyeonaphlnhuiniuu hum nduordondcondniou-Hhouompu. Ha I nulIon`I Pilhenl in mud can tune by the vn! I-uh nhnlnlo on-unly mu no K" alum: will lnlluu lhu-It um. Sold In llst wen: I-an nuolubcennuynu -out olu-In will toll-m Milt um. Sold by huh: .I (0. [hood the nnnavou nun Ivy ul uummsn nu uh llama! asco. (fund: and liuluad. in thin I`! bringing n Iulhiu the r-uh or an dune :3 u Irillimz mu .\sA _\..u |amgi-non {nu um: .....n In nu for one to (ho I-Zxuluut liunuro t urn Ion Division at Proms nu. hue: Bn_vIo)'. Zfuniltnn, up: I nul 020 hulnunnula (or Io0ngot`u Spot Cunnul {mud unullnpnotto *0` Yeti. Plnlnddphit. launch: tr Ixulo Incl In-in: wihmn III in. no tn Now non. rnuumpnu. hounnnc :td'l`Ixut:I;l-luv-bl -itncunr:.dilr.~ nun tyulpuunu` I rr Io vonnlnotih lgotnhotlhundit Inorighl uny. lwuuhd with Bmousfontundl ` ullhiul Anyone could Is. I but man than home: and un hourly-wellundcuuul un- hnd ollnml Inhan il hnrmm Inc. I bonus um noon}-weunmcauul u:_\-hndoltnod without it hnmng [mnyny that I un bib!` Ihulovot annual him" `hid bonito from n! uwuuwuno um saw on an mun Aulxli `ton Retunu Asssyoiuion lnoctiql -* "-' ':I_*:2':;':~_ you: ago by funhhlng in than olioud with Ilernia Ill any it form: and onllcctiug no ygy unnl perin- neul euro wu ou.-Iul. In (In way In troounult unload 1 world with npnuliu on an on-u mom. hen-r kiln; unto my ruluoihlo Hanna. The (`um any is nlnuduhonnndvon uh}-\'nlI-mrruh \KI III IICTI TWICE IlI'\!`( Im GIXIV Cumynuy lvlnudthoronndvou -nhl~_\~nlI-mm-ush Blue. O37`. \\`eddin;:s hum hm-ll an even wt-L occnnence ou Animus: Idnul. Sun them seems to be plvuly hung in tingle bliia vruting for us uu. \\', P, Hnnnnnl. Iain M .\`4~IIv\'. Ins bun I-nun; tor \\'. E. llunnl. late as! Selivy. has lotmod n pnrlnenhip Inn: \\`. II. \\'|l- lnugas-Am, ul Piclun. in (M msunucv hi- The E8310? Kplllf 1T$lllI$l III inuoduod to I50 Anuiun aural | \-Ara Again In: In!-nhhlnn I Id` & cranial not not cw-nu In con ht Rupture tun Iluuuhmunu C.0|elou5uug. N Y -j-.-Qjj. lug. ` .. R. a ` .toII.i. ` ` :2! 55. cal- luliouu. ` bu. gun: nous: thul . iunliu hah.&l.hs'1':+nLnal|.$I.hl Jen`:-_ 53:00 pooh he inll hut In xi\u- npi -' . .3. \uqdu:nu I-u owncnlulumt aw , ubwsloninlhaon I .______|._.__ ___ -L , .\ .5 nu n 1| Ulluuu _z1u|;-av I unit: III tu-guru. ll. Pugh. formerly of Pinon. 1: our- ryinx on an undue plnubiu and ulnnluz business II Junoulovn. `Dakota. 1|- \\'..I.....I... I..A Ihnhl Ilinu. nnlau-nu nun-um I-`uni Hutu. .\'cuuoo. in minute took internally: mixture intended lur uh-nml us; only. The mixture cun- hiuul ucoums nu oucieu qunuty to ulnoaluthlnulloq Inoallul ninl how very promptly obtunod. \\'... I ..--u. Jinn;-mun... |...- an ..l.I yin `Avail;-0| vvxunuu. \\'m. l.|_IU)i.I. (iuunoquc-. has an uld rie cutiouxy. It has 3 nth hour. I; III diuuetet outside banal. lwo ni * ' by which uro charges our be n-n our unhe other. both huvnnu been put In alum nae umu It the muulr. llw gun weigh: IN Ibo. and us muk:-I I'hi~ lulelphit. I775. 'l`|.- .....__. ..| \ .u .. I) .|.I... _. I).._l uvvnw. u-nu-. v--u.~. M the IA; wand mwng 0! the Sh:-iq.-J-I Agricnllunl the lol~ lowing potion van ducted in III the aoat lot the ensuing yuu: J. \\'. I-`nllor. Pnnident; J. R. Frucr. Vaca- Pnsitleul: Dinctou. -llurwy Swim. ll. \'u\v. Thomas Cunningham. .\. (lil- more. J. M. Smith. J. H. Mcbnnghliu. J. Ilvrus. l.. Wngu and IL D1.-uor: 'r._-, 4`, s \\`|...I.u-. .n. mrus. 1.. wngu am a. venue; ace.- `l`nu.. L`. S. Whack:-. John COIIIIIII. Stella. had his leg brok- cu nkshon time ago by lslling u s sin: she . \\`-l.li-uo- hgnn |.....n an nrnvv ur-u L unlvuuuvuuu Any Iotkmnon L`. 0. RR. luqu-I I using inuxxiusingliqnuu will be 3 ollptnrily disnnnd. ` .~ " + I `I! 1` lg... Kain; inhuman -i-again ` ` `N. 1`. Joan. Piclol. in knot uiugpr iu )0 C." 3]. Church choir. The choir anunnnuuuurt In tho gonna-I Hank III mmmmmsnm: ` cg I Q I wuiu J. mm. d auto-nu. .1 Hahn lhhlhont. 0! Well` . have bought _HIII'ph1"I how in We linxtou. I It I|....I. I..-mu.-I-..l D.".m.u. .. 4..- uu u luau; nus uumeu mgu-y. Nuruno. not with 1 anon: maidens V\ min looting that the chimney: and toololhinhocto ho slippcl and full. [maturing his side badly and sustaining inland mju-not I-`nnk nuns. Nunneo. III minhlso .............. . . .... The sum 01 You an Ruhlm. u lied uonmllc. WIS burglnnuvd u! 915 nu nub. boots. shoes nd -Irv gqnls. .. AL I -. ,_,-.._| . I5. 3. Mabtu ha ha .p.na-32.71:;-. giant 0! Oaunque. , -1'. luau. Ila:-`unto. uununqa { ltodtl ' ipslhhnrkcauu '. uponuou tell u- '_ .0 wumnkiuarucnlhgnl v mm nm`. to land 0! Interest no`. 5 Ivar Indus. E I The Excohor [stun Tnnunenl nuoduod nook aural ill. L. l. L1llII'l`n cnolr. inc anon znnuoouon mun noon-I ink m u....s. Llf Owuuuotho but till of the much l-hlimvmn Rufunu Association nmclim IUIIIIIK vuuuluuu 5- U-luv-tutu. --u-vu-. ` On \\~'.au.uu; has Daniel usgu-,.} hlnnco. 1 --.-;--.-.. ljjtiilhthn .-I_nAL.AAl-...-.-1% n "- unsrunm` 1u.~'1nx % J ~u'sce11Qn_eou. ::'..'u.'-:.'-'....'-:.":-..':-"'; n. It lob an In all :- .-An.I..hn....\_-..I..A..-. In mug 3 W. in-Italian-gal-an-. E_:..g:.'.':"..-.t:'.... WC-UWVCF fin-uni: lb-x Rho-nndtjn an-Auglnlnu I001. wn nu mi-Tun: on nun Fu`:.!'R..".`."%&"' TIN lIzuI'cQAI.OII. IIIIIBI In the Quiet. Ouuuooud '--:.-:-2.-- {smnusnsw - . mum ruin; I-um I?-rl. |\\lI?3u'\ And can Liver and (bull Gnu l` I ~d .... '*"'*.-.;':.*.:::.:.:.;:::*'~"** ........ iinno Ilorllt mum. R3 (`uncut 8:. The Pin:-any An. II .\.\`TIZli-Il.N AND W0)!!! 10 START I mu haunts u uh.-u hom,vu:'y but us an hour 50 |.~o-Mun; To: an In an can an hour mule an hue or unit: 1!: (`bill tor funny suuplu to wtuuuonto [mm]; as]; nmmmnn \YOII.\.\"8 I ~r_i{fv m:u's av gun.- I In-I In In [nil up: mum: || mpg. annual. Thoytuuoluhly when Ind nonun- uou uvon-n7r-vxrnfx-uoaznnn; yr: Icsnpvcnmh ulvunn hot (`I rlulchld ~- vua ustcxvkuagnrwb I: Nv:iVn~u(Ave7Q`|Iu_v .v. _- T --` F --AI Qn TiTuEsI& I IIIVQI TIIJAR` |lI.l.Y nu! use HA1` . .......__. __ _... ,- .` u....- can In GJIIIJOIILCKID. t. .l.Il'l\ a (l. ha.-sous Imus. Old and Ronaole. Spot-Ilc ledluue. IA? I Ix K! II \'\ n no n+7 - AR 1:150! In an -A Av IKQI` `E (I HR Ul I`. II up j $.13 -VI IIOCI I`l'.II`I'. 4 once: RI. nu. `hunch. .r.nu..r...I Ix`; Lif LSSlll`lII}0 l}llll1 Y;; ll) rutvhcnllnnculonhllulluuounu U nbyuull. I. I---L!-3%.-;.i2 IIIALIJILK lllululr. (.\'uI'l!II. l'Il'I.YIII'I. E--"`.. -':':'5`.`. :iE':5'.~f-'-5'" AIIIICAR A(iI!I.`\` '8` IIDIFIIQ t_\. _ I "3-':-"--k--v lam: V- CITAIIO -`LION City oil-ondon Fire Insur- snag Oomnuw. A was ogauurun ` HACKS II..-`-Quinn IIIIRIQI II E XL\JC 3 mange n1c1N MJ_'i:;.` LIST IIP IILAIIS PAID I-n pun WII&)N'8 BUILIIINGS '- '`-"'`U'`" i"`` 01" RAllL'l'0N. ONT. mall no night diam noun. agar: mother visitor hunk Duh on M: Iuulounuuuai uono lInIInvuuunl:onr`1uduInru th.o'I-:g ndthu.\lr.liy but thonwu nouhllhood to: probably noun: and ma: an I nhohht of Ion; Inna: into viohnt hr 3; novel` chin. hndvnnlln. nmlillul Ihhmltoa many or uununn run unsur- unoo Oompsny. OF LONDON ENGLAND. amtgnlhnougmuopg and ucmn ao- unn( or matador: pub cmndcouldnol tound.3lhot nun homo: grounds) caund Mn: now anxiety. And alone. ` the too. uuoln \ It.`l:`yn V. amok 00?: lath ot God a tho vary no- nulhlon muind muuouth.ua onnuusuuuounuguoamrpen Indilhllll sat down vmhpod on Iulslnemwho watched him Vllh co Quin t uho note: telonaph: 3&0 tho non tunousdoczorol '\K&'f0l'Il`lDI10!l||OcKIL ' --nus " -gig! Inn-nhlnn Dhn haul Inn}- in his bed tho wlthind noun dill ly rlullchd In his bufhl `II: limo. unoouinc. rhhuothor pblciu I-\ul`I . weary of tolling the chlhlum nho slept, and Donna`: ub- nneel tot he had mvstodounlv disappear noun loan 1 . but ..a... oln oo I .` ~ can`! undonund. she`: In-ad?" nun `;`?:I` IIl'S"`:)\'l:r II -`..`.:I|dt` nunnv`n .onlv mnalu `alum. hank "N0." C- 1.1!`! " nuunyrl hints o\"v.-r bu: an on gun: u 3 1!! Pan :g:I:., Dldn you. F`unk. P` k In:-nan} nnidn and mind fur non I 'IIOl(I. -nun; a nu Ivuv us at IIIIII Io. tun-I aids and and for pen with body .....s.....-.............~.-....%% Fuethn-J v JuthcnIdhutiIlJpI- Ellllll Llfl, ISBIIIIGBWY. aunt in In-. an an -"5-"=`E-..'V`.`-1'-..-*`=`=. hzuyulh` Inn.-J unit will Int up." 1 -Al)(`AP_ 'rH`I:` BRPPISH WIi[G_l~`lliDAY I~:vm~131u'u.% FEBRUARY 29. {R & J. GARDINERI 8ll.IFIII8l.- - avail?!`-I jnum ms WW W-I Io!IuuulslIIolIhIIudIoI.aluIo Ind un_|_u_b lulu! h EXTRA INDUOIH".l'.'S OFFEBIN G IN oui DRESS OUR SPLENDID STOOKOIED GLOVES SPECIAL LOW PRICES. IN EVERY PURCHASE OF GOODS MADE FROM Us the prices will show a saving of fully on: qnu-tor. [Thamndpaninguf uurNewSlam.| WE OFFER THESE GOODS AT A, REDUCTION OF BLACK SILK Our sales for the put two week: in BLACK SILKS have been enormous We are almost entirely sold out of the ' atockwohuiundhovebeen obliged to oponout our Stock of NEW SILKS. which we were holding in roaerve for |WESIl\HSPI.lil1llSTlBKPPlll-Illlllilllills. puuun nun. OUHOI-Iltlhh Antwan llobl libel. A. 0. min). Pcdhu. In-illnn. 000 A. WI. OOOQQI `INK Ratio!!- LEVIN` Ibtltl. Xi TD: Sen1ingat4c. 6c.8candl0c peryard are 3 great bu-gain. Our splendid Stock otfFx~ench Sateen: at 15c. 18c g..- ja cam nenucnou m moi. HUN NOW IMTIL TIIE CLOSE JP TIIE UWITI UIIEII an rumor/vlooul-New Slorcnm undortahtoginlln Guam! Bolyaiao in all classes of Fancyano Sfoplo DI; Goods llmliaseverbun OUR NEVVSPRINGPRINTS 5' 3PIOIAL ADVANTAGES IN PUBOHASEG OBTRIOH FIATHIRS in. a Jmnnlneirs Gullllll Selling at 15c. 18c. and 200; JPER YA NEW SPRING. NOVBLTIES Y aid 20 per yud;re wonderfux.-.cheap. i: wmmon, Izanuuunutuihuotuiuuuu mlly forty per cent. under value. AN I-2.\"l'l~2NSl\'l-2 Assunnmzn` "oi- Give in .'3's'.`!s"c`.'.?..'..'.`:'.".&".`:' ;.`?. ..'a'f5`-`g'..fi Q Ibo an without a blnl bokuv thou man. an . nhnundu-iuuul [ha m. in uanum uh 0!`!!! no mum. II III BIIIIIA Hill! hiIn&If 0\\ lI III I buds? In ayldul. ouhll by no! um the nu slunnl with Markup`: mood. ` looked down at them to: at no- neul; then In Pnnk look the child In his guns she fell on her knees. mm a tumble [Gilli]! 0! I have luvud bun I, she cried. |&oA Linn On In:'` ' Inn won"'"o'::": '.'.`.'.: mu. ntullout 0 than and ,i I, was hetrqye-I mo: dunduluullgler. Ilnjlnhnr hnnnkhhnhnnrkonin and bent the num- What have wu done to him while lfm beenaway? Size to lit! Mm. but I-`nnk pulhe . ` Can touch him with unoso a1|cd.ouhi| by um tlornolo gnlun or I have Iu\`ud~|;Il':H Ali FIIIIKIN the counnelo x?-In nput. but nun-I |SigI!`,Il the d on I Iovr chair unTfocktd the clldlnlnt us. only Incould not ilnln lhn duh! and hill: haul sunk `I131 UOLI IIOIBOIIIII not hill! the I, and with heat! sunk in his hands. hnt himself down In dint 2:1 n! ma nuhnn. and Infant