V | I n_onIolIIuGnud'hInkCon tvtololthrmn. unlit. too. 3!J.--AI the Inootingul the Bnilny Committee I warn dunn- nion took ylnoo out the Quad Trunk Railway Company`: Bill tocuhlothan toninnonnylnduhlolnck thoirhno Hutu: Ions:-ul and Toronto. hut Ihnhdl uucua tho pun! unngg pan ll `:3 that they Lu In various tunes to in'un the It at (hnuln. Hon. Wm. gm npposnd onholnltoluuunl bold: A Il|llu'YIhl'u-pooolchnlholhnhlnn Pu-ihnonl -'hnnnl-`n I..ln__ xn [inn `gut hob!!!) Ahmad: WD&lo'IhoQovoDuIfr- DIIIIU1 world. ...,....... Bury Vaughn. the champion six-day vdkuot Enghlud and Amori. In: no- ooptodtho c was 0! Wm. Idwnnln. chunpion ol Anssnlin. who is nowin Cnlifol-ah. to walk my mun in the tnrld, _ I In puusy II ugulJn_I|y lot occupy-' qua nun undvoung uhguuynn _Pu-- huIont._bn| u Sir Chgu I-attuned {run voulathoponnllyuflwpordny. \'ioo~Clnnoollor Proudtoot yutouhy nfnsodthoinjuction |onotniIthoCity Council oI'l`otonto hon paint the by- lnwloupnnlothouloolgroccr-Baud hqoon. Ilnuuu \'_-..|.-_ AL-_L-___:__ _.-A 1," , Ir. Curacao`: amendment. condemn :- ing the Ontario Govu-uncut lot author- imna two series ohcbool Baden. I'll dolottodbysvou.-oH0to35. l`l.. _....Ip.. :- nun - .I-_ a__ --___- I-'udon'ck 'l`. Bndhy. ox-Collector of Canons. cl Emerson. lam. under u- tut lot embezzlement 0! 04.7!!! died on Thu ndu. ' [88 III` Ollll Thnnduy. nn_n, mun. Fob. $0.-AI the niuung .4 b0 Blilitv run dinnnx. ....--nu us-runs Ill :1. Apeuaou` oil rthonundpoundnhu boongnntoil tomtho ox-Spukorol the gzrrnl Homo of Commons and his wlulluu (IV! Italy. The notion of the Opposition on the taboo! book question no defeated by u ulnixht majority 0! M. L nnnainn all.`-.-I.....__.l __-_J- L - u-as Juno II$Il IO 11 IIIIZK. The hotel ht-pus 01 Lincoln have de- cidotl to him out Iioonooa under the Cmoh Act only. `IL. _..A:._ -1 n.- 1\_,_, 2.3 Lust Sight`: and To-Day`: Input: co-an uod now: not our Ihnv Ix.-.1. `A oolonnd vounn 113 run of ago has jlll diodu Windsor. TL. L45`! L..____- I :___|- L,_., 2 uuuIIIINlIIuIIIIfIIlHIO&!8NPIC tgninn the Fouiun. The English do- hctiva made an invoutinntion and nuns- liod themselves that tho Fouinns had nothing to do with has death. as. mun. Inch 1.-lt Inn boon learned that Pohoo Ollioor Jonh. who Inn recently shot nnd killgd by I no- toriouu colored woman. held I commit- Iilll Irommu British nanruln ant umo no nuloon. Tho. pl'0Il.|llIDlII I-`eninus ol Pqtorqun. N.J.. buy the object of (hi recent ex- ploqnon in Loo-lonvns no kill an Prince : at wan. They Ind inlotnntiou um the Frinoo III to lure Chu-ing Cmaa ' or the Victor unions: the time the uplonion Ill . Tncywon - puodlor Iain: u how nations. T '1 any that this in nounng to whit wi hnppuuan nhontune. uadintimo um um Queen Ind boner beams. ghont It-using on hot continental tour. Dilln. On` 0' (ha Allard nnnngnu: in Iv:-Iuulluylvvtllilllib. Tho penalty in M11): day lot occupy- ng ndvocin ilhnunn Pu-. RUP'I`UR._}_<] CURED um: unn_rnmn nu; goon: uatung hot continental Dillon. once! the alleged a . in not in Paterson. W. H. maker of exporimonhl machine. Broikgyn. states that uvotal lno':&ba ago Inadoa nu-angst machine I ich ran by clock work. It would throw a ::lI:morof imu nipplea made to percnunon caps. St. Lama. Much 1.-1: Ina Inna RIB FATHER'S IUNN. uyau-no Jloalhlyis About to be issued by Ron: And his rvnfrrra. Investigation shown that than is a stable at P17. Tvuutyhy unset. Brooklyn. aid to be the residence at Thomas Ryan. the alleged dynuniter. Nopu-sou nunbd Ryu: has lived there lot yous. Three monkhsngo 1 chomirl nunod King lived at 18th street. Brook- ly . And lnd exporim on w Ih dylml ml-la sud bclloon. Q . Tin nlrnnnnnni l.`....:-_. -1 Inn 7 new ion. luau l.--0`Douovui Roo- n docluu that tho British Honnu of Parliament will be blown up within culls week: Plhiok Joyce up the Son Cunl will also be blown up. The Dyna-ulo Jloalblyis About be DY R} l hil (ulfn-rm, A III CIIII. r-I-III-, 4_,______ V, , _ __ . "W0 huolohuthh lliohuvl .0anwIigM'| nply-Ibo inn- 'dnluhunoutuptunuodby0nula': -butlnuoier-lntIonny beuuiailin INO.criu`unl ndnoildcutnctivoolsir laonnnlinnoqnu um-out ujwtimlfl D! & Ia-I i-A;_I-and wuss-.oo-cry`-.bixI-; clllikupultlo -aouuauuydnao Jlliuhupnoonl I lean ofH.(llI.- (ll)ia(hndnhu plovoduhilnxqnutl on appeal tolinglhh notlnnsdonndu ilihvin Q99; u'nos;-a<~u~l-1hn_t Ivy! 1:a._au.ouo.om..u.anunm..g ;IouodInl.-Zndinonh: uhoaung New Yodx. Much l.--0`Douovu; . I doaluu that lhn nuns. u.......R:o C0.\'l)l-Z.\'Sl-ID TELEIIR l IS- j...:,.j__ A DOUBLE 1`B&(`I\. DYNAll'l'EIh" TA LR. 1-C }I.C's'-a -ma-' with tho man: my vvurbulnhltlil Wlboohumid Illoppuito to Olclltlhtthhbllr Acilluoooaqndlo/dnqyol3io....g llet. run anal. Andul itonnotwonhoonlnryloot i:oouiuont with tho [ongoing provi- om. awe: lot nus um olnw canon. cal touhnpo but not Iuthot nuuhctnnd. Inn ornool bonus. Shoot phhs. union and knee: (or ironoroompociuenhipnorvcueh. tau nun IIIIB ,2 . Tho following articles will be ulded to the {no list: Belting cloths. not made up. Bonnie acid. Canal. jun ouvu. not leuthu 58 inches wide. when impound by manu- hctunnotoorodcloch lo:-uninthoir batons The outages 6 at we Uonnlnonl nu- Iemlod to nuke in the suit were to be vary law this nu. Th; lnlln-i.... -.o:..l..- _;n 5.. - I I , A 7 thotoulunrpl might be mid that nsfoubonoxlveu-Ironld bo09.(1l).(lX). Hourxnotllhlltho ox- tnoxpondmno was due to the com sl.rnotionolpnhl|cIorhu|dthonduc- noun 0! bastion. tbonfon 3 ndueod unrpluwouldbowoqxhhlo Goths ho- pencnunna u ` nonbhgendonon opposite. Although thopohcynlthouovonmontnnfur enoototho tuiwu uoxpuinonl Inuinuxunodinl8'I9.yuchohold Ihnonunvholothotu-iwunanm eenmuad he believed lhuitwujmt ` {bathing to pursue fotun timoto` come. 1 "o.:.oum"" .dry.oxido of iron. I-`ibro. veauhble for muaufucluring nu-puss. gupp- cu-2'. Knuplou. Whrohl. Ind 10. ll. I8, II. It II and I0. rlijll. (hnnu nmncnl. Sodium. (sulphate of). steel [or and IICU1rI Churn but welding compound. (Juan and (tone scrip. lndio; . , km and (exutcl oi.) luuueoo (oxide oh PoI.|nh_ Iollld be some other unlnnnu pendituns it naught be mid the soul Inmlmafnr than mu an n quilt pouiblo that than $8 other Illlfljn av. sec. unong other things. provision lorn nilwny nubaidy from Quebec to Manual. and in All they would unount to oao.on,o:o. leaving a surplus ol |l.4(X).(II) hum oouoliduod nvannn IICIIPTI F80! CPSTOIS. during ma your to the extent ol S33.- (XIMII). uud.u was shown by the cui- Inntoson the hbhsmmmwuto be ex- nonded to the Amount. nl no an no mum on we Luna. 1 sum wuto be rouded amount ol 039,811,680. n addition to these sum: than would be Included in the snpplomoatuy usi- nnsea. other things. railway ulbsidv Onahm m rroln mo roancod muons. nooivoil (tom customs. we were now fouling n l'0~ wit 0! that overimportntion. The en- timuoo was 0;3i.II).(ll) Ind the upon- dllnm 081.111.1111 Auto the inauuo . ol slid oiponditun during the you (bug was 08,111.01) on public wotks. It won animated thus this voutboy would have I million 3 lns from the consoli- dnted revenue. 3 million surplnson the Dominion lmds. There In ate dncuon in the hxntioi. oi the country which reduced the income so the coun- try to the extent 0! About 023111.111). He estimated um than would be 'l`lll-1 1:1n"r1.s`n w|m:. s.-\'I`v1:r,r.+~-.\1.-xm 1; ` Buy Ylfflmllll I I III In IRCKSASI. The lacuna in all unonnlod to O1.- 6(Xl.(Il). The majority 0! that sums ware due to the moneys inveohd in mutton which had mm the npprovd ol the House. He would his thouongu in every youu 5 pool of unstimu- guaoo or otherwise at the Uovolumnt. By this mode he maintained that the hxuionwn loan from lnotbog uonIyeu~unnitwnfromlB'I4|ol . I-`(om um I-adnuud hnumnn In-n-in-3 mug null woulu ulnppr. and Uni. in his npinnn. the policy 0! tbs Govern- ment. which vtna inaugurated in l8'l9. had proven to hole: the bonds ol tho 1eountry.ltn:ight boehnrgod unn extnngnnco naninu the Government Imenhontued thnthore wngnn in- creased expenditure last you ow: the ptovionsono. therolon he would nann- tion the special Iselns so which thou.-oc~ curred. wuuau pouliontouhhtlnppno 'odoMhohiston'otCand| did tho Emu audit ol the country thud no [ugh an it hnow. ls Iutnothln them Inna ` tdomuion. spoon!` in the lumbar Iluio 8 y long that would din;-pa.-r. uad piano. nohcv an no...` bothougln ere ' gauncr srsscuy 1% IFEELS IIII Anuunc Imam: am: mucmmnnil A Pl?! POI TII .V-`P.-TA!!! II `III IIOTSI-Till SUGAR AID I (XlLI.lI Ql'$Tl0.Y8v-81] l.).`AI|IllAPP\' DID- PITI I'll PAXIFII IIIU-~00l.\`6 T0 nwuxn mu lDAm~`-ll'PI(`l' or nu: - ~3r.; u~so1.L'no.\'s. Tmnnumxn rgn mum! cnnss II In nun, SAVE VIII IIIEV nut in --u---uI it ij_ 1T nuauuuaunuum Iqy.hhco- gunman um. vl inch bthtncund in OD- h-. A.C.Ouutn|lviIud|& hp tlnnnninlhmnnl-in I.- A. L... IhocuoiInohtuIpv|I!lnolI3.(lXl- unwuysid loruunhiuryinpnnd honochuoonnstiuhca-ndguulu unoulol iuonunilthun ` dl. T1 usual: I-- 3.(ll).Gll 1`8.(ll).lID (0l5.(ll1.(lDb no suns would to ID- npoouu-Ietionoho mmnoum Ibo J. 3. narrnrnuiv. Iihrnn Qmnln mgwumnnuuu byunollill unthnl jut pamdthaouull Iouldlnno-I ouunto 5-nuuunuuwunounnllunnui itullpst cent. in I-Zahnd.nit vollhownthonwon other `H uuee nppucnuou from the Failed Sun: to ponnit Amenoun to ilvut. liolniahsn that chaining natty nl pain wuhouonhunaivilg ilI|_lp$l' III I uunou commend nudetu obliglliou country to u to give (indium to inns lowwunotonoooulnlmsil lines Innllmtionn {mm um Ilpy todolhlllot :':s"'......**' lhohu Um '-in.) auuoonam Tiller. continuing. aid he would teler to aouooltho objections thnvonukontoshotuil. un- lu-ndiohinvinuo Blglndudlho M.tln(ll)|uu. Tholouvupulon the maths u n Inner tnnin um oouuythnin ` Id. but|bo0ov- annual that Inn ILV all the change: Ibo Golvzslfxznenlwinlaedthoonaatouiogyt: Ql`Ss1 l0.\`s um: um Axawnun. Mr Mitchell-Do you intend to take the duty 08 con and . Sir Loonud l`illoy-.\`o. Vt. Mitchell-I [top you will do no at an early day. Rip l......._ wan . _ . . --:7 ~ -- 4: rms `tmtmnowrmme, |A' . 1 5 uuuuy. uunnx we voyngn or ImpI1Ihon I upon perishable uncles. ouch ugnoa _ fruits and vegetables. in into Cumin. but in amassing estipnting | the damage by bandage upon brittle . goods such uctockory. clunn. glusunl glnswuo. nndenoctiou 63 md 54.0! the Custom: Act. 1883. hourly In In undo {or the amount ol tbs Ion in er oonsol95potu~atoMhoquInti:t:hn- V qpd;nnd only iucnaotho `Inn. mulothonlornlultho loss or damage: iaooruol upon examination undo by the nppnisar OI proper once: at L`ns- tomgwithinthtvodn ol the hauling orutivnloltbo sat uneponolw destiution. and provided the dntv ha boonpuidoutbo lull nlno. on appli- cntion to Ibolunstor ol Cutout: a lo- luml gbnch duty may be Allowed and 1 paid. in the um.-.orion ml in o..uu nnsueusnu mono wanna lhig resolution. or unit: any `Articles (me o! duty whnnilnponod into Cumin. AL.|.0WAlK Ion nnxuounux. It in ouuctod ant an allowance any `Tn mule for nlotuiontion bv Intnnl doony. during the impu-than uncles. and: lnnlnnn I xouomna will be npuuod: Mill iron uni mill ulnkaond I1-ought lozumgzc for mills and locolnotivolunl psruthenoh ` ` 25 Ilmornon. Shtionaryolull ki notnlnowhun Ipecilled. or which impetus my oust dnly olcutomson uyoltholorqzoingz uticleothn nhoooinnoaod Ihumnhv urn; nu nu: uni ISPILLID. 'l`be1!ulyol$Jp.c. ndnlocemonlho following will be ' . min nn.|..`...a .......... sun: or column. whether impound dinclornot. nsnailcdnb olkoln oonlpotlb-..udwp.c.u.l . Olhotnolanuurlnninporhdduuct _In\hoot tnuhiptnont lupin the con nlonun. The nine n which the Ad Ydoneln duty uhnll be nod uni collected upon all chore nunod pupa. Ielnlo Iwrnnnfmnlngggg .9- .|..n u. u._ _.n._- secuon wanna custom: Actor 1&3. Zine. chloride. salts And sulphate ol. N 5 p e. mi nlomm. .. `ruya. uaonusea. en.-.. snul be the nine neteo! tree on bond as provided by section 77 ol the Custom: Zine. mltn -ml enlnln-A. M av-.IluaIp.c.|nVI`lol0n. Syn out just nlnodnnp. uuvnr syrup. or sugar homo nouns. synpoluqr. syrup ol uo-- lqnu nmlnn. whether nnuottad umlwpuillli. UooeIln|odc|nnjuioo.ooueoIlI'uonl mohmn. oouculnlcd but not mine and enema, Ihutbot input-ad dines ornonnupocilo duyolloluon-spa lb..|nI:I1p.c.adnloun. Sinus. an ilinn. ml-I --m IN OIDIB TOIAIB IOOXIOB KY nu-hqauuuacnnrunhhhul -ulgmlm ulomtlln IPOGM 8; nnlmp.:.`:Ain!nIun.~ - tjoneenunhdmuananm... 00 Y0 I@I.A.III Vol XIII. .__ Anna`-n... _.,- nu more nunou uumo s mpa. mohmeo. eta. shul be the vain on hand n ...n.;a..a 5.. - nurs: or q1;xi68a DAILY IIAICJI` % ii (um 1 Hl'lI7L!`|P'.I` IT)"n_mFI wman [ 8'l`.)l6l'8 CATHEDRAL OI up 1:` can-nu. `I V .=.'-..=.'-`-"'-`-5'-*r'=~` '."""`!'....`.!_`.'*""' Ellouillo. N.\'.. Inch l.-'l`bo wo- nuhuuunoI-pninhtoni'Mhoton- ponies movement in the Iptinq also tion. They have resolved to hoycok tho mental: and other: who VOID Torouodhnh l.-Tho writ [or an oloetioninlintlin . to llluuo can natal through thodouhol A. W. lguloti . Noninuiouonlluch llmollingoutholuh. nun lm. lllch l.-A nhonup ol MG!) baboon found in the acumen ol Edwunl B)-rum town clerk. and M0,. (II) in than of J. \'. Byrno. ox-Water Collector. ---.-.-uw - -an-as up-A Ylollbllll. Nu. l.-Tho llud Tina lens but btokon. Tenn puiah will ho ooded and hundndaoi funilies will be compelled to Iy and tho destruction ' ol ptopnrly will be great. ._._ _. . ---u--.-.`.vw--v. - ClifInI.ILl.. Numb I.---.-\ an ear- pou `II no: ol Ellingvillo yesterday. lulnckn bouoonhiniug no mound czmhoni the on with it both. _. ....--...---.. iv` -. Path`-ilk. Ii. Inch l.-l5`{qht largo collation are still drowned out or just noon:-in; nu: tho nous Iooxl. Iullfll IIIVIIL I were to 0 W010 IIIOI IIOII. TIIO Bnluh in an oblong: uqmnln-I thon- lncntou at only point Spo- lho Tclqrq-A any the British nrywhon VICSOHOIIII an yeah!` 3`: halo. London. inch l.-i)upuchon ftom Trinkitnl mu III a buck nged all h 3850111]. Tbonboll hld ~ :nlYnlnlI And An Inning.` no:::hu es! PI`.l`l'l.ATl.V(l OFFIGAIJ. [Aka Ills. Inch I.-A nhorg o >84!!! hand in the Hannah Cairo. Fob. 3- H0001`! LiL\l \.I0n'.~4 I proclnunionso the Soutuneoo. winch I I-uiuued then. has lollows: Since | my u1-iv-ol I haw given sound at ' non. Hrcrydnna bu done to : manta quietness sad slop bloodshed. My ulnoo Ins not been lollowod. I umtbaoloto. tome-lnguinolny will to summon Briush uoop. Thu will u- n'vo in I for mhyn. than I shall om-emly uhholltbodooo&c.hugoLhoiroou~ not. You will know that I know ovuything lhsl is going on. II is ugh; that you should know my nooluuon. :---o3o-jz A 3| QIRPKNIS PIIIIDIKISCIE. = nun... I) I ll-__.L I . I`0lIX AGAIN AOITAI1 \I i. n___:n `I .- .- . . __ uuuaunorpolm` cu-u`n.buI the tncusdmnninq unngonenuoobo ukowlukd thncouplinont by boiling. Late in the evening. that a little Nu- tino bnaincu Iulnnncud and Q luv uncnduelll lamb. tho Phel- c Rulwnv hill Inmsiv-ml in u..`..I ...-...I uncnuuuu an-D. tho Cou_din hen- Ic lhnlwny bill nooind in thin! rud- um. ' ` `"5; Couunilbo Sir Charla Tn r praponul u uuondnut. to the act that the (hub Plcillc RR. mu! notn any time union. um. n.. n.....a uusunuulnu rlculc ulcmuaknolu any unnlguo with the unml Tmnkkltorvpalm tncndrnnniu lrnnnannnhlnbn WILL B033. 003! WALL ,__-5 nu. .. .. . N on -` than l-`ob. :9.-Thanh: in Ib IpotonIIlul`.duy 0! 0:0 puma! ul- _ u .l..`hn|u Tunic`: nmnnnnen 'l`l`ILl-ZG RA Pilll`. BRI El".\`. uni! v-In-s ulvu-, I05 IIII %bW%I$l. {wnno; rm Lulnws. r` tints `lupeni Pvuluu u 3' llnlltet ofhllwayu all liti- `thuniduor. T--o$Q~ G l.0Rl0l'S .\ I! \\`S. ..$ I IDIIFIII IIC-I` nnmbu 0! `Mn R.n..'.. ruucc av at-lh ION O Ialulavm in-T lrhuuluu on mlbn. IIIIDKIY nu: ;. ""-L='.:'._.'1::-gt-=.';;=s:-.:.*-'.'*`-"* anon ling: . . ...`t... 238 .lfBINCES STREET. numnnu mm AUCTION IILI HOITSEHULD I-`lIRNlTl Rl'I. J. G;{f;'i." II PIIIICIII l'l'III`l'. Inch Isl. (Ital In , 1 n_.n...-- (nu. AID III III rllllf UNI! or ace-Innnlltuhuya-nu. ~g,s..----~ DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. - ruuuzuui I'l'IIl`l'. tltal I0 7. I. [eALLowAv Gmoaaixbrronn. wlIOLxsALu . _n-1... I our pod; ` .\ l..\R(iL` STOCK OI` 'rm'm;s AND \'Al..IhI8 5-|lA`|v~'s And Fhnwl strap nlnyo ou bun! ndiulduuuntin Blnllu-I Iloulohhlollhonldcldllcdl llyuiluthocn-niunuu Jnmnn 0l`B LAROI IXCCIIZAII IN IIUIDIEIS LAST ya: I: n nannunhn lhqpnblk have up Dfill all IICII I0 xiv. ICIC-In u too: vullo Dar thou money us any hour in mo 00 nabs. luu My , Iqxlru an nonll and uunlno VEIIFX3IK.|8l- VOFFQRD SI K\'l-IR IMPORT!-ID TO THIS (.`lT\'. .ulll\'lx(: nun \- ur- 7- :u&L\n&' : }`~"`ii'3'."' 1:-2.:-.1- Boots Ill! snoesl THE LARGEST STOCK VII? unn AIIIICIN nu: |_|d runlohby. Alnouooo llqnujatlhoodntulbv Innxuhllnllaunyculnoi Anulinnh-nnhnithn-an - -KAI JUI1` IIUGIYID ---- 1. 1...-nu:-t_{r. l.Cnwfonl. am. no man Winnon. Inc. v An Apnl Day -b_v r. lfygm. Golden Girls -~|Iy Alhn Prim. Ne. 01.: (Toutrnn'-I>_Y rue:-no Inrrynn. 900. ' Love`: lhudoml Shot an other 8Iuigo~ by mm. Collin. 10:. Hr. Rubs:-'3 Curhiu [Autumn - by the I author of n Bad Boy : Diary. aoc. A wuud LA!a-hy Benin menu. sac. ` X A (Noun! 0! Plonnoo lu- rynu. 100. A} NISBET S, Alujuu I John Bull and Hit lllgnd. I00. I . . EXIVT IDI-HZ? ` ulloonnpn ; J. wluou I ha nu inane x.w.w1 o. laoocuunu-ned. j I '*" ' nu, ot vnmumu. uh nut. wining 'n In h&mu qcul.`no and tunnel Full ll 2 Iuunhh. I30. j`7_}}C>J3>%?**?` The IIOIISEII Ioolulorr. : whip-out cl ucullouodn J. I. ICYIVIIIH. - uju 75.7.1. AIIITIE. III l'IIPAIA`l'l0I ,9?` 0' A TIYSQIDAI`. APIIII. III IIX'l`.} ,-' _-.. Cu vi CI] cocdorlouinulafrlucoulu Gannon-nauc.'n| lbtlul. mm or we ssasnu u _ Appio I h 0 by Incl vteuuon In N: nnI.u Juo ol the public pulblllt nnel Bonds. llama. Ipleod Ilaroa. Iall Inc-on. Dairy Inurr. Bvnpornlrd lpplc 9. Ch. r . 1 . I-`landn oranucu. lenalnn 0:-any:-n -`Id-calla IA-nan -. Iannnns. Malaya rapes. JIIIOI. Ca Chico Im_:o_rlo_s and Fri}: IIIllIVI Gmwryamrnilstnm Ioldu`3'Bm W. R. MCRAE A" ('0. ` F.-h am. ._ -_. -_- _... --. n.-uuu. anvl ullll JI- *` mnica. We would rues]-rclfully unk those ' who Into never mu-I unr v..u. :0 TRY IT." , ,_.,.. -.._,. .., u. gut! ucswr " n.|uo Nun we do all we luwa to say is they must come to griel sooner or later." We have Inn-lo our lmzuuc.-s an " study Illd nll pains an` tukou to have " everything in our esuhlnslnnu-nt that lunilioa require in unx:om~s nu:-I Pro- " viuonn. Thhqg|t)' of the goods cun- not be surpassed nnywhe-n~. `As to the " qnnlitvolour Uooc it".-4 mm` ln'1`ul.nim: " I household talk. not only in any city " but by luuilica at. n dmuucu. who ny " it`) very tine. hull nu sun-uglh nu-I " noun. It is routed an the prcmisnu " and grout pains urn hkpu .00 mile it " nu:-pun Anything in this market. Tho beau used an u*h\:tmI by ourneluss from the belt. Muiaibo. Jan and JA- ' lnlk. 'n I-nuhl p........nl..n._ I - sun lnlnuulnn the In-pumuou ol lit People. not only oi Kill- slou. but 0! rvmry I-`nror II III` i lhroe c-onnllu s. jaotncul uuss cuuwrono, _\`Il'1\l nl.` 'rn;- A0'NT PJR LLBLTT5 I __ _ Elam uh! H3100 lulu I-LI. 1. Princess sum-1. -: .. .q-u ux-nu 3 incriminating puhlw wall mnvmco {ha moot lnsudnous that we lmw us` about the largest and best skvbk ul .\lo'ln lo lonud in um my a} ;n_\ cilv in Canuln. We only bundle l.nY1`itl's lkmcluu .-\tc pad Stout--tlvo heat in the world. ,_ -__ ...._.~- vntfxil . --and eondititm I.Dd*;0 can now -l-lin-r -- I it without fear of getting olnlh-`I and giving tho poople n hick-r an-I ner :\rti- ' do than ofor In.-Inn`. gs` .\ call from We In: to inlvrm uur vnsuuuuna nuul " the pubhc ul l\'nug.~tun um! nuljmuing counties that as Um: u.-u.~on of the " your oul stock was non-r lu.-fun` no *` wollhnaork-I. As to prires W0 fmvo " nothing to any. we law is to the peo- *` pic. and to tlnaso who continually lmy ` [mm us. I! any hon.-scs an this city. or ' in any otlwr city. try lu give better ' - AL... .._r- ` {mom on Juu:'yTuI uuln:oll~`eh- vary uuvotyhuxl up the Ma` bu-zinogg i lathe Von cold `:1-I-ll:-r :1 Vans uhnont impossible to vet .\lv wall up.'nml when it was well u It wus ilnpomulvlb lo dolivor it to }n_9oplu~'uT)u6u.~u~a without 9:1-l.~ ting chilled. Tba I;C_lh(`t is getting uul-i and to have our AT-o.in the [inert onjer ll curl-un. cum; siuuln in cl tin yur II`h_v_o'und AUIKT I).\'l`0.V $1.8 `Emu! lulu.-I \'6ue_\IrJI. Fob th. j frflem HFLTIEES % 3011150 ALE airyultar |l0I'. 0. W. uuiuuxui. at Anna. 0IInnn0o.. N.Y..wi|l ugh visit an ---SIGN OF TIM.` - , -v--an I: grillll umul r nd~;o o!-_g.etl.in;: `clullu-`I an huer liner Inn`. Ls an urnpou. Apples. kc. Du humans: I1 - ldluuolon. f mom ` 'CT CT\ JOIN nunos. was and. lib. I an lupus. I`:-on Ihn [Dale to In April mm. ` I0 TIVEII-IEEPEIIS Shop Keepers and Others. uouon _l_|_0EN8ES. ) .'.'.".'..:.:_.:..:..' .--- --->-.----u cu! nyuduannnuuun on-uuonu W. OLIDDII. lletc. IOILHJCI. `cuc- UDITIINIXYYWOWRIIL .uIm|m' j viiemuimf krrucnton WILL II l.78l\'ID I! In udclcl nu! Ijhb-`IQ. '. O. W. HCTICKXIN. d Lil. nmon. H.Y._iilI mash vhil u cu. ----. ox I'll can ualn. ~----' '.-~-"-* n.uun1' 5 u an, `Ibo Iooohilulnh. CIT! OI` IIIOITOI. nolcltykhlluu THE GWLIY. Chhl 11%. -qpuuuugryuujlilju bl--Invublduuu. `lhnhuinoo Iouoxthuunhlhquihun. $'IIX& huthfctiuu in: II , oi opluuudnuuslnrvllthuygg.` I, _---9 I-IflI&VUTIi -u-ta-p...u.m.o.un..:{ hxjl Illj .._. nL._ A- __ uwj. l\$lgjK- nlulmlluululolukuondlnlunt \oliInnoIhHubnnunpIhI|lnn bn6buI1lhllynlIuoxpu- dim cnjdpunnononhnqu. vhuithdllindhdbo . il&|oluIIIhopIu|lo|ooIhu all 1 jab.-an---.....4...a.....` "`il.'I-It IuIluuuu-ua. I --uulpu-uuuuuuuu-ur-uInIIlI -Iuuutnnnd Iooloothotnuionol Ihopuplowonltl-oIhoinanuod.`l'hin rl-vht.uhuunynndo.hunubou hlllluhol lbs outcry abounds - hulnoninacnntluulthooqaditun duo. the lunar hang in 1810-0 084.- 463.131.:-dun yurnrO3!.llD.lll). `l`Ih."niI|Ir.Ihh.unonouIIn op. "halIuIIlnyuMu.n.d|o- Nunhdmiulhnlbo . .-v-I . : Sir lncuxd on non conveniently - blunt his own u-gumum and blink at pineal and party iunninunonu. Ho and Bit Chub: `hippo: won foremost in Had: Insult Inn; no Gontuhqat 4! Ir. ludouio. bonus theunnd upoudilto had not ban onhilo-I to lhit liking. Sirlasouud III I nom- hr ot the Gonnncni which in 1878 us the oxpoI3iIInu||II|lC.8l0. ad ` | IIU ZICUVI Z 5' H3 could ol tho pool and ptooout condition at tho ooulry. but no oudolly nvoidod o npuiliou of his last you`: prophecy -tlnl from that data than would bo Iowan non 0! gross prosperity and plenty. uu-vuu nut u-can run; Iuuiuvu I! III` coll. sud unondod from time to time. that he would dilate st length upon its bunnies and beach: llo Inn, :3 usual. quits plans! with his own cloth an I Inooiot. ho hiked u eloquently n he nnnl at ch. ....A ....~` .......a ......u.:... Xpijl XI. -K WWO", Illlll WUUII defend the heal policy founded by him ; AA" and nmnnalntl fins: (Emu In tim- - uw -11-an --nu-on yvuuvuu-_y uunuu his annual Ihtomouundunounoonl the dnnguinthoujl. It In: only tobo oxpocbd an tho wonky hnght would nlnngl ILA dual nnllmn In-uu.l-.I L- Li-. TU W I! II IIIIIUU T ` slut the .1nnnnt'onLlo'Qk very` lugnly hvon tho position `then by Sir Sunnel. The nbohoonnlituto n big lotoo-tlnir number In lnnreutna -nnd it doon noun thus nothing but n grant entt Iull oom- ph llnir &d. A and deal in out. od upon thonnoeennol (lononl (loulon`n ninnion. nndifhe lnil-it will be bod` lot England nntltln Gladstone Govern- monk. 1' .. ......,_ ....... ....... nu... .- toapnhtd. than gunned on Liberal ptinoiples. Sir Sunnel up then man In no lull-banned mount:-I. mu Eng- land Inuit become the ally an-l advisa- of Egypt, uni be nprooenwd by a pot- unncnl lillhry font. It` must he dd lhnl (Inn .9.-at `nnllnhly pg--` I--..I- vs--J -uu`unoIu|l ul luv: Ivuclllull. Tho Soodnn. we no interned. Ina! bonunoqunodnllu unit mm: In can-n-but cl.-- ...._....j ._ I :L.__| uni VIICUC ZUKFIW III II `III! WIII IX hhl to the ptospocu of pace and the early subjugation ol the rebellion. Th. Q...I._ _. -_ :_t..__..a __.. I`ll.L8I'8 TALE UN FINA M218. '1 ho Fiance Iinhut yumdny undo min A-nl|nI ntglg-s-I gun] .-..-....I AL- bzonglzt wont tho proton! ends. lie nuh the dupotch ol ouoiouttlooyl to celhil point ml vacuum the opi- niuthnlu failure to do this will In A.A_I ;. AL- _,_. _ , . D C1` UIEIII WZICI X `C UIIlUIlIIl burden upon the mvnnna. The only- in quote: a prophecy which be undo n the time of the Anti trouble and the canal of the Into uprising. and upwi- llon the cimumnhneu much have L.___L -_-_A AI._ ___-__. ____ .- ll- '"""$=i'?.'5.'4.r`4'f-St] cnv`yuuun-. Ivunuu nuulu lullcl I yvtllvll ol the I-Igypunn fmutiot. The tension vould nocuaituo 3 mihhry lows in F411. uni inch would to :I cruuhinn hnnlnn nnnn Ilsa nun.-nu. 'l`I... ....-_ eall upon sh; 7 pov;r. Abyuduh. which would annex I portion A. Hm Ra-nh-n lnnnllgp TL- O---3.-. WII U: Illl III!!! Wvlllll INIJIIIIU DIN hold for every nu-ocity that can be inu- .a...a ICIIU WUUIII IX IIIIWKIX\llIl. `III? VVIIIK Nile (`Inn (began! Gordon spent the but nan of Hi lim vi6"iId"beeomo the ghl I..- ---.. -n.....n.. .1.-. -_.. L- :_- I'M" II IIII $lllIW1Gl III III Cm` land. ll this Ihould be ucoomplinhod we would quietly Iaenlormu in the Sou- ` dun that would. within two or tllreo ~ yum. ulnibltua extnonlinuy change ill the ruouma ol the country. sir Snmuelunohu-the Bckleneu ol I-English opinion. tad uptoinlly Ibo slum which I Rnno nolnetimoo occasions. It in uoinud out that tho uhunsloplnent ol the Soudnn would onduupt `the uln- Ionooollho non civilind rounu-y- bower Egypt. A oounanl civil war would be wopd. cultinlion would be inhrnphd. undo would an The wontclunonhl dohuod human as- luo would be uncontrolled. the Wlnto :-I.... n.--_I n-_.I-- __--a .L- be` no hopounlil Bxypoiuhounhovlodgod |llyotEng~ had. [I mi. .IumI.I L. .~........Ia.|...a _. --w :wvCUWIC WT, Ujfl. In An. In udnrhhn by England. nowthuovuu on driving it go as- upou Iiquouihlo control, but shun can In no intqnhl imponnaut with- out the employment ol lonixn cspihl. unduhdnwillhonoinvuutmeutol such capital until condant III the usability dun Adninintnsion nlnll lhhnl. u-uujygjjvuuully W pMas|ly.udiuinporIIIooIoI'.aln_nd' ulhouppliu-ol two great collimati- Ulmoottnand that. which can be ".l'l|`\Id byuwdl pncood nun. Thodovdopunudtbocoquh-y-honld. In -n, In .'...I...|.... 5... r..|....I Tbounmhyinthondua won all n-.1... oh. ..._. -_..s|...- ...._... vwu--7:-us. awn-. u-In u- jun? upcinuunuhlu him tho nun poin- ullyudqmthunbjoct. Ilqducribu H3 jllnjnhnnnllu A-J nnncn. 3:"-#F3i5"" nu` socn.a,v's n'1:(}n. Bit Scuba Whig: B-It lid 3 vary ` I-olygniolo jnnlcunnlaudlho 0cnuqcrpllm`uI.udh`u puns! Alfnnnnnlnlnn Iniun Aha -n-an -mint. smegma ZIIIIZZZXII Wloluho Id lull. on I .I L-nAn-:&h-D-n 1-0:.