&ZTTIII I C to I'&K'II'1p. mi I tonsils? 0I'louuroes' Inuihd. whit ourlinhllr Inn lsuuhtldnigal 1.`. Ciu&.1`o'I.pu~ uonndnvhmnhd uL..u.I l'0l.|aY\\'0G CLIJ IL nwhlohcnupunhun Ill...- mung l1t|_'l`lSl~I -wnm. M0L\'l)AY"E\"E-NING. .\m1:c,;1 3. A folk-win. It hoI'bh|.|(pu'llyhhuIlnu| book) udddieshdlol. Luella-: 1'I:'u=hnIdvouun Ir. Boo Iohol liuutlaynillot lonhulud wilI.on his nun. hing wihin c luprdyuno nlo'nI~ nlgnn-n.-l3Qnn'-$-`Lg.-3-`- Ll_JL_ run-an-::`vnu 1I$lI1ITZ`\ 1;-tqunlityolwintoglvo I nlnu u--u -nu:-nu-unwnp-In `nun Ipuuluull eycspnodlhldilynlbolhl ht In at ten minutes. He urn van on any wing. 'l'h'n in nloy an up ol invin- Hana" VII-Ill" W IV I-lira. uuuxv any Ivviv not lighted. Thirtocn lamps were in opontionnnd tiny shoal I brilliant vhih light W. I. Danna`: don. Ihuothodynno vuloouotuulllodbyou-ionunoplo. Ouold udiaohlo looking clap stood nndlnp an -I-gush: light --.I -SAL __A-_-.4! On Sntntdlyevoningthosidownlhon Kmgnndhinausuootuvouooked wilh LhoIewhodeoindtoIUOthoeloc- I.ncli,`hI.s. Lunpnwononchdinttonl oi!-`.X.Cousinesn`undR.J.0udinol`u atoms. but on coming tocnnnno hit -a_. n._.... I)... 1..-; AL_A L- L-.| U313 IlIlIIIIjqElCIjIIi III- Irin Innogcrlloalonnd Ilntlaohod nocsncionuosputhoupuoolloulho 4l......... In on. I....... s..... n.--_... uuuE6lTIXDFXW\-KX dynuno to the lamps. honco thoywonl nnl I;..I.g.I Tiered 51 Hundred: on kinky listing -A Now Dym-0 Salt Ibr. I nanun-nun ui l A-InlA-D.Vl London. Iuoh IL-1: the Iloouol Common: this unerooon some question won put to tlioovonnon _` the condition ol slain in Egypt which the Government Iolmi to usual. ` Gnu oxciiomont nose. It. Lawson. (Radial). moved that tholiounndjonn in ordor to discus tho South: poblom. Ho violently stacked the Oovuunnt. The Under-Colonial Sootohry mud thus the Government ncogniloa the Tnunnl title to tho South M!-inn Rbpublic. (Chan by Libonln nd Krounl by Coonervuivu.) at \ u nnauuuuuun. London. Much ll.--Them won glut rejoicing: at Tohr when the British entered. The enemy acknowledged that 1.51!) of (hair men had been killed. London. Much l.-In the Home of Lord: to-thy Bu! Gnuvillo and tho reports of the imuediuo withdrawn! 0! the British troop from Soadua veto nlnnlnlalv nntrne. I.nm:lnhnnr1\ llu II. II. III TI. tubal Qt d we In-man stoop: mom aoatnn I absolutely untrue. qboudohoon.) any. ' The Bntiah lost 84 klonl Ind 125 wounded in }'esUen1|y'a light. They captured 4 hmpp guns. 3 Howitlera. sod one munhino gun. : I After uhwgholou o! u thouund yuda n halt III orderednnd the ineu directed tolie down. It was noouduy nud very clear. and the wind dinpened the nniolio ol the am. disqlougng the rebel: move- ments. Then the British opened re with guns and ries. The ` relvi Ii :-we npidly nleckenoil. and an edunoe wui at once ordered. The il'_ebela hold their "tion (I rutolv. ' here weI'ei.0(I) llmirons 6:256 hunmle on both tides. When the British were within 1!!) {onto ol them the rebels rushed head- oua with their spoon upon the British None ol them bolted. but fell back i aullonly. iining cloned thogrouud In lront the: British uttucliod Fort Burun- by and carried it nlter a ileiiperute light. They turned two Krupp gun: nguinst the enemy. but tho Aruba eon- teatod every inch. The Pritinh then stormed the brick buildings. end at 1 o'clock the rebels bolted. tho Gatling guns and Martini ries creating lnvoc Among them. The English ndvuioed to a {rash Inter well At 'I'_eb when the rebels made their last sand. Alter four hours of nrduoue lighting the Bri- tish guineil possession of the rebel camp. The cnnlrv charged the N- tresting mhels. who gnve the troopers blow for blow. The enemy retreated slowly and the British k tup the n. 'Anudnnceon Tokar wil be mule to- day. I Tha Rnlinli hut. `Ll lrillml nml Isl . iu They tell deed right and Ian. "a'..:_'.*:.x'"'.-:55. -:*..= anon nun: clone to use unusn. wound- Il canal. The rebel: mninuinod n nnling lnniludo with null arms. Ono ol the Gordon llialplnnden III the but to fall. badly . wounded. The English ulnncod utomilyv without uuworiuu the tire till they paged the north taco ol the rebel works. Hero I piece a shell wounded Baker in the (too. um um Incl! ulo uoou I lots with two guns. The robalu opened the mu: wnlmhjnll (mm 3 K1-n_Pann. eoptund [mm 3 Ban ' dun wide at the square. The next two nun Ina bxypulul. 100 Incl: punt: Ihoh bunt clone to "the British. wound- nnn nnvullnl Tho luhnlu l'nAiIIlA:nn4` - nu ma rugnnnaon looung cnoauv. They udvnnood till mow was within eight hand:-od yu-dz 01350 nods posi- tion. when an old umu mill wuItnd- inn. nun-onudad by I nmnhor nl hntu on. wuen u on up: unu wanna- ing. -surrounded by I number 01 huts and` when also wood {on with two mum, Thu Inhnln nnnnml u- Imtlln -7..-5. -uo noun--a_.-vvlrywu lulu: up u on holuh panda. huqpipg paying And the looting choatilv. Thaw lhnv Inna uithin any... you: - v ulv-I The Inn: wen mounted nludnni ying. The forth an it 2.1 .::;d`lii1h[hndo:'n loom :2si1n:| cupwusuonlunglounuul Imnl um on tho nch. Tiny ncind slowly u the English upptouuod. Mar udvuzoing Sh:-no mile: in anrthwoku ol the with gvlclnalliqglunndono ludnu in the I comp: and Iv"o,|udhuI ad ouhtling in sholdl cornea. The lsfughly-ninlh regiment {ormdjho right side or the again. the Black Wuoh nginonllnnnod the nu. The whole -u;ush ol the in: lean than [our thonnnd. The __l!-n noted :5 manila.` ILA asks}: in n-`pun n. nn Iitnnn. oo- ` . l`nnkunI. Xu&T.3?I`h loom! m tone. with taro gnu , ah tort, three _milaI `Iron F -45:10:-. hiring opend on bouuiduuldlnuod I long time. Tue tubal: won nphhul and mm `ID tilhd. Th Bhh louwulqkillodnndlowonldod. Thu uoudonnlahnyhtulnlnnd thndnnmi l& VII lvlll Ibtl CU IGIIIIX. TX lth III! $Lliln inn: and nag l.n'ItI|nnl- -. . 7 7 1 `A Home nuns loath:-sunny of I u..- IImhI-'I'ho nus nu . g wuu_u. Cjv Tu Esnmrnuc LE:-r. \\ Iu: IN` I-:u\" 1"i`. unsung uI-|I Iullvu .I-Idwilhupnrld hlhgllnhclaalng lAxIuvCI.uuwI. WhbtlloIIl.IudI0.l ltll. uuun Inna -nan. I-:nhndn-nn'L Inuit. I Iandomlucl I.--Tb I-uni Ou- z..a..'""nuu.' _'1'Ir"n..' "T. 5... dunovucdthlonoonh ' mind inlgdn-an-aln-nah-ll-nnulg-.A.A --_.j. ,A :2-3 an. PIIII. Inch 3. -3 from B'@uck.J|noIiown and about thnluchcnno in with n Hilntd thnuhnnnll provionnoucn Ihhyur inoiupiluuna. Than III has now ua1Iuull_ Bounty Ikhl ycIIuvh.tho udhlovlranto u)i|Q{IC' ll inn i-nnhln AII rnvloua-us `llrown hb lInkn- rcneo-I\o In-no-I In-uh. Sunny: uouoaIIIco|l|cuIIoeonoi- thou:-ilwill ho onlloduuoouu thobillinoonplohdin thoConnithe. The steamer Sonia. whichvru spoken ohovonl day: ago with hot machinery dunnpd.hnI not yet arrived inov York. in no nxioty Ht haunt inn ale . ` Ygloaiulnn aka: the oath as Pro- vincinl Pnnidut :1 Peru. The Menu`: Wuhington any: that nlnhnlnln . n._.......n. ....._. g. .._-: uungu-oa-atynu-cl-pan cum... -olllownlucnr Inn lesion. Scnnhon. P|..Nuch 8. v-A commit- lnoolminonwhownilodonthoocinls oltho Deluvue. Lnchw|nn.mlWcn- Inguwioh u onto-dnyat Slonnudconlinontnloolhuricmn - odthnthoyhuvo been lin tboireoruloncuo nnouuidcntion ouhoonier. ilny minan ham boon euningIeul.hanO6porwook\hi|win- --jgjp "~h-II-cl"-nuts Aqua 3 Iodldloncl VP-no--ncpln Poverty. Lnhyotlc. ln:1.. Much :|.--Rooendy I young mun nuneduoory uhochimualt. sud the nnthontiol ol the (htbolic Church roloood to allow the body to lo hnno-l no thechuroh cemetery. The tumor of young usury nought Indian in the courts and detected the Church on- thoritioa. The body ol the young non In interred and yesterday the elder Geuy nu exoommmucnusd on the ground that thocoonotorv wudooeclt led. Tlmsou hove been made ton- movo the reunion by violence. but the gum is strongly guuded lull IUIPIIJIUUS Fiis. London. Much 3.-'l`wo Irish Ame noun. who urivod from Southunptou onl-`ob. mu. hue bun lnood totho the Waverly `Hotel. They urivod on too. Nth And Ian on I-`ab. 2.5511. A |J0l'~ tiunol n nlino eonhinina an inhrul machine. found It Paddinaton uuuou. bu been discovered in thcirroom. BI! Ynlrminm urn-nu! us IAIILI ITKPIIIKI. Psria. Msncln B.-.|smes Stuepheus thinks the lnslimen in America will ` render it impossible for say Cshinet to yield to England`: demsndjn regard to the dynamite sgitstion. AITKB `HIS D\'NAllTli. London. Msroh 8.-The police are loln their utmost to duoonr the so- tboroltbedynsmits ho bonheolnes sre not promising. sre trying to and the osolnen who. s liyule before the Viotoris explosion. drove three men withsn Amencsn trunk to s oensm bowl. Mn Ilhllllll named Nellis hss surrendered to the Ureonoek polioo snd aye he knows the murderer of Lon! ivriu). 0IA%IITCULLII1 ,_-non-,n-: A, 'r1u.mnui1c mm uuar I mwlrn 0! l.ll.ll ml` the delec- Liou ol the Authors ol the ,rooonl dun- mito onu'u.'en. ..-..u.... .... .....__ _._-_._ H u um uuou wuouy an the other two sh- hono. Tbouucholtho hqumzomoma at Pnddinaton and Chnri Drona n~ unlined in the discovery Alnoriun ,1-dines. undo ol Annorioin lathe: cloth. oontniniug cake: a! motion dynnmih culled Atlas powd neulv zoom altogether. They found ulsomnerienn doconlton. or American pistols. to be and by American clock work, ol Ameri- can pattern and Amoricua manufacture. oltnnm A uwnn. ' l-...I.... |l-_-|. n -u urtlllu A IIWAIII. London. Much s.--n anthorih-as oller I mwud of 111!) 1 undetec- IO lIII.|InI',l 11' (In: normal (lung. wuuu rulwly uulolll In London. Tl explosion In only pnnlggt Victoria. Illd flilod wholly at the other two IHOII. THO nnrcho! tho hnnunon I-nnnu Ilhj POI Bailiff `men. A It in ptovod beyond loans that uplo` don: won planned tooczur niinnllnn eunslym thno ofthe luxastuad moat. cum-nl railway union: in London. T! unlouou onlv mum at wuulu an no cannon: on the plum! I unmopahu Tbodunnnmit I `nabs: exploded. won have dec- uo u-clap supporter] the ~ song? plateau and dado the .mao':'. Inc . In in -...u...l |....._.l 3--.. AI._A -_._,n. (FHA R16 ED WITII l)Is`.SliCRA'l'l0.V. u-ound I clock. to which a pistol wuutnchod: this wanton` nnaod that when tl.oc!oek-nu down It would in tho oouwun at tho pistol unonn the nsakoh. The dnnmm. it ' A m. PM rah-Iovdumu co m` Iuo-1nh noun sou ` run-r Lxconnu-Antoni Du-can lie I! rk-cl llh Sun In I thlholk candor}. (.03 DKIISED TEIJWRAIS. A N00 I'M! BIJIZAID. A HARD 61: l`b00K. unN1"s UNDI;CI.0'l`ilING, us'.Kn1'r1}fsC;kn but blalulann Inn-% nanny-has ` |&='z".`=.'-.5.-5*-.T='1-*:'_'-`esl Insure Chcnhcnnd nvuuf: Iona. |0HEA_P_FU13Ll it II1. ----OUIJIICC-- llununlhtmb yecntoontldln pl-Iooululylo. PIA Isuouindnncvolj qyblpaudn. (II hununcdd. hwy chum a. Leaadsi NOTICI. Punk: noun; I1:-Inn Raoul Illlplouaonuuscnl. J. 3. firninunr. ..-- ..--. cough. ] .I?J"1` EEcI11\`1:1> :; !S'lT.GEORG }`.\`(`.~\THI-IIDIL-\ I. -cu-It `II [Ion-an I 0 all. II` -QCCK ITUKKT. '55. II. (3. volts: lb Glut). Inn-pod` I I lbs. nu Kiln Bunk. Wan. Tuna! OIIL | Baluo. NJ. `kt G5. I: hvonbly Inns: in IN! woman an noxpen moot olspho [Inna-.l lub uncut In at no! If! lay` Rmun and llama Fans. 05:: lbs \'olusIluidot-n . A cllAs.Cl.U1'lll. I uh nun. OTTAWA-Grand Union Bord. Mud: I up-I IL I ~Bt. kvnuoo Inn. Inn-I111`. IIKOEI. (II& hvwsbly --v --wuu cw--wvvvw -ru-- .-_vvv lbtnliet and canal Il'l I`L`RI lay ho com and at tholtubh Auction: IloIoL L`l.\`us :28`.--.:=DNI8DAY and TlIl'ZDA\'. Iurh ' onAIu.u OLIITI-IE. hunter and runabout" of muaammuspntmml Ihrrnlhl and ncvnnl Il'l"I'I`IlI` nan! Innin- ~ sxA"'u`c_i_i'viI'vALi ` .1. M.JAOK8ON'SM ullll; an JIM]; Dd luau. Corn--50` nominal Inch; 56310: Mn)-. 57) to}Juno;58]\o!nJeoted; 5&5 July. 513 for Julv New York. lurch 3.-Pork dull at 17.73 to 1811): Ind dull 9.75. Inch 3. Whaalr--6| lo {hr NI)`; 9 April ; R} Juno; 99; July; Di Much. Corn--UM Inch: 56310: In-. I 51 July an to g Juno _.l!10:' rorl--18.13} Jun; 17.97} ay ; for nah. L|I'd-9.65 June ; 9.60 May. (`als-3il April; 35 1-3 to} Ms). ._.__..._._Z nnaroa nun Luno 1.1:. . _ Corn-unohnnpohnlu 0.M:h' I: mix ed 6 c; nownjcuhtlslo. 1` 0..:.o-cnuoo; Wink states: no to no Buloy-qnio| ; ulna (lull) bush . Nu 2CnnAdA79e;No.lUannd|u.U6ciu boas]. RIO -unint: (hand: nnminnllr 0:7 in W3. What-unchanged. $10: 0.000. bite |ndrodshhl.NIol.l!. (XIlI-I.|lI$|nl 231$ 0,@- hinh mix gun. The louounnann the man queu- uou :-l"|our.uprior can 5: 5.5000 5.50; um 5.35 Io 5.4% Ufingutn M!) In 5.1. superne (M) In 5.25; hint`: 5.85 to6,(l):IIo|.Ho3.'l0: &0oIo.I.50; LN Io3.Q5;0nl. hp I4!) no 3.50: utyhp 1.!) lo 3.00 for area; bnkarh. 0run-wlnnl. rod winter 1.!) to L8; No. a wink. 1.10 1.19. Ooru me lo 15. PHIOQIOW. lhhlo 38. Bcrloybs I015: Byclhu. Oatmeal 4.501 4.75. Oouunnnl LE to 8.78. Ptovin`ono- Bush:-.Cnunry. N to Ba. Port -19,00 Co l9.50- l.nnl--ll bun. Buoou-l! to Na lIunl-l3 to No. Cheats--ll In H. BIItUo.'--l5 mil. v v -.--- --u-cucuu llnnovaltlnnaclovnnugp 1-lnorrny Inn. ax-um aunt. cnoxcn rnu. LY Ill!!!` nu onnnmiusnoouronu hqh&uol0d'1$&hl" IIIIIIOIIGIAIOAIIIID **`~--A -----4--- -- ._---__--.._ louuul. Ihroh 3. !'Iour-nooi mo ;u|gnnponod0II) bbll. The I winlllitho lI\C\quol.|- Lion: :-l`|our.upnrior 5.60; fllllll CHI! -. .A_a in. I 24.: ._ ._4_!8_*iP_n _ruIIL!f!'s I.Bl'I`IN SERVICES. IONTIIAL l`ROIll.'CI IAIII1`. st uuy 3-18.03} Jun; 17,97; my an lad un7ve;uo.1Uuuauu.u6ewbon. n --quin\; Cumin nominllv 67 in | Iniut ilocu ILIIII. ~ Hui 3x I. IIIILWOOID the Ijljojo ITO?` I"!-~ We 92! n L:....a-._._.1 ._ I clttmcu. Amuni p.aA..mw3y,g II DQIICKII ITQQI9 OALLAID III tll HIS! nuts (I 0-nIn|uI&&huyu& .. fll VII! unn Alllnul Ifnul nlvuyuhbv. Ahuuo Jmmmmml lnmncr 1-"non NEW roam] Ion: ml mum} 5/ O!` IVIIV IIICIIFIIOI. |cL_m w_cm son] Ieattownw -r v `a-up-ancxv IV 515 , II DCIICIII ITCIIT. tin. Dodill j [masLuL3_'.sg}:r::..m] D081` DELAY SICURIIG PRESENTS I Outholloliys Duluuouu Iouvuun. Wonllcnly `I I [rust rm Fm! gnwwmwiui IIVFKXIIXII *.`!1LS 3303-! --\I lLl. ODIN A- gn`on_1un.z.on 238 PRINCESS STREET. I-`l'R m.u.'.Txn nunnm AT [DU 31` PI [URI Thu-o Seal Dhnlloln. llzo very hot. $250000}: Pbur line Otlomu Salk Cilcuhn. Ooaoh 36 ha: Li od '0: Cnhmon.Bnouh4l Silhnd 'l.Scun`;unido, fun 89 to N8. Six Broahtin Indus. N5. Six Autumn Hunk-o from ON mm 0.0 Hlnbnlno lhrlhn l.nmbUou-tho vary back [net 0175. Dog (`um (`con (`-outs ' Grey. Winn and Blunt Rah: Ladies` Be: in all Fur: Gun`: Cap. Pendun lamb--In oudlun Iuiowlouoehun-I out tbhuunlh I (`start l`nu-ecu and lugs! .81; Jun, hilt, M155 ins" 3'i'os-] ; `nu Ft}i1-61ii~`;A1'. Cut Out This Price List. Black Squire Tul Boon for $1 each. S 5. Sad Muff: (null: N0) lot N3 50 each; Annchnn Jwkcu all Rind) il1euh.: ` Pcninl lAmb0Ip .50 each. man cm... (Ion-lubed M50 ouch ` Fur Laud Cinnluu 06 each. Men`: Black Dog Gone II) (sch uni... s S.Se1ISu.\]uu 31:5 ch. And emrylhing else [tog-orhuntely low. This ssh ii without none and fur nix-he to Puma: and Cinaemu: not _. leul opportunity [or -aeuriu- n `'8'; Benton" in fun. The K I `. f . ` u WW! FAF9v{Fine Furs no houoxuuoth \ nln lhluvbiiy llxclvcnunull ndonmlno olirpods ! A unit now or `l'Ill'Il:I no nuns I thighs: and lhuvl ltnp shun: nu , __ Gl3ORGl-3-OFFORD. I \\'Ill\l READ,` . Inn- A 1siIs%L&%Iijn"|I`I|%Ii| I OUR lo! lNC'lR:I-I lgiglvalgif LAST you u an no II vs united nucleus 00: um `r ll nodqlnoiot than money lqoors nan shoes? I I l lrzxnn mmnntb -m|1'n'|s (`l'l`\ . AI:-n-Ivn nun: r Mn lOFFOR?D Si .\ RARE ()l`l`()ll'I`l7.\ I'l`)' To} Sarina Gumls minus! -A llunul_ LiIo-by Bctln I.Cln_\. $50 A had! at Intn--hylluna lu- rnlt. 10. Jahnlld Khfldnnxl. 10 'DILIovud-h P. I.("nIr1or-I. H 50. rhonuga\\_'m-Zn `u no.. Al Lpnl DI)`-J_\' I". Jq-hsou_. I00 Golden Girlo--b_V Allan Prim. lb. 3 =*=m:;:.~.:r....- ""...:::. Old (`.oIInn--by Huron Iunynn. 900. Iavqnuaou sun udo\bwShrien- I I>yWiliioCollins. go. - -IAI JUII IH.`IlVID-- A;T1USBETSi New BpoKs. `ow nljuL\o\u WIIOLKSALI : anon lfllll`. not I I85. III WIILIIOTOI I1` nu Luh FUR 3.! I-`OR `XMAS GIFTS. -nu comma Iockilore. . ` ~ . I Curtain L 5] the! _~ulh9t ol I Bad Boy I Diuy. 60. ' 'I`0IIZ IIQII A1` --r -1- 1-` -an-5. Miabdlnnbns hum Oonountnlod Oooog, 11-15-: -.nnn.a..n.... -_ '-`Vi?` ht?-In ' 3'0. 2?a""" '~""'.'o?. _s.n..uu'3?.'...m jrmsrnmnsansulu We have lwnnin n-canon. In Maison Io nuiloubuuoluboynutrpntonnau non Int-on. Illry Inner. .___ Gmwryanmilslnm I Bo|lo|`v cm. W. R. .\l<-RAE A" ('0. Fish nu Dull nlnuuialnn Ihr In-pnunuon ` on Ito People. not only at luna- ` sun. but 0! every Patron-r It! the ` litre rounlh-. UIBIQ I51 : TTI; on-n-tun nu-I. Mules cnAw?=ono, l..')\` . n.` 'l` I Aolllf ran l.AI\A'l'1`wa l.mD0v ALI A.\`n l um! and IN-Icolulnul \`lnoyIndu. _:-_jjj___: uoLnI_ .___...-- "1.-uuv Iu IIl\!1l'l!`S Ill`! I10- " nuuns. The qualuy a! mu gunk`! (ll " not he sllrpueul au_\ when-. .-\n In the " qualin ol our Com is : now hroouing " I lmnwholcl talk. I08 Olly in liu city " has by Iumhm at an -imuuco. who any it`: nay ue. both in annual and noun. II is round NI the pnmiaoa and mud [ails uv tnken Io tucks it "Inrpau uvthimx in the mukot. The " hunt and no selects-l luv ourselves from tho hon Xvicnibo. Jun uni Ja- " mnk-a. Wu` woukln-npccltullyuk um- " `ho hum now: and out Cu-ee lo TRY IT." ruIIuuI|nouonuoaI.uoIdduu`on- and iuvory Innzmud I0! need I-any anything nbom. our Rolled Ryv and Barley lot hrmklnc lineal in um some manner In the Roll-I than and \\'hmt. I-`or Q30: put. Rn: has bu-u Inn:--ly used 0! human clntm Ann and blur -. `Hm ncinu. Ancient and Mu-leru {ommxx esteemed It a lnighly unlrmuun foul and it in now hoconnuu I luhioncblo dbl in many ol the mute! rvmnd oimleu. It all ho ucld ulolm or IIIIIEAI ilh din- uonlod When. Rollu` Uni: Rule)`. and will be found to make good |>orrid._-v poddiqr. lc. l`2ron-thing that 1: pour and um! tax; for hruklnnl. dmuon or tel an Always be lurl M m:r wlmv. { P/Inc-ens sire-elf nun 3 that #3: than 5 all! 0 It now gone I the daoupluouooh over `aloud In An pooplo. U0! New York 1 Bhcnilmihic we sejl as cl:unp u the common (`umlinn Indies ronsisting ol New \ouk hula. pm up no :1 ll-. boxes II the name union and (`mu-Inn nn.l much .ouuounnuincurinmIhthouoney. ilnadnlbulln nund dlnqpom `, anal inlhtohlj but .. I `din ..b.i|.;.. futur-:66-i`1"o"u'u_i'ou'-c.'"|'n"I'} plans. new hum '3:5""....... 'L`1_".`i" E33` _',"f" IIICTIOI CALI HUUSEIIOLD FURNI`I`l'RE. `C-TDI uunnr I nun, 1.3..-I-hfnkn. nus `Nu-A II`:-on. loll I _... ...--.o-.. as w |Il'Il1`! Vt` lIl\`I` nuumag to say. to law II. to the [Ico- " pie. and in those who eontiunnlly buy hum u . ll any houses in this oily. ur " in sn_\`,Zlhcr city. In to mw hon:-r nine than we do all vn- luv to say is they must cmuv K.) gr:--I Mrulk-r or " hut." We have mmlv our business I *` an-ly and all 5-ins um mean to him everything in our csulshshun-at that " Inllliliennvqnirv nu linvcrrum an-l Pm- ` rianun `FL. .....I.... -9 .1, , I " We ha: in iutunn uur cnslomvn um! i` the public of Kingston and ulgoining ` counties that II this ac-awn ol the `}'l`Il' am stuck Ins now: below so ' mall atone-l. .\s to ptict-n haw Qxuxnnlumt --sw.x or nu.'---i- lholduuo 1-` '`.:t.``..`"' ..'.`.``.'..'.'.....J".;:` in; In. this Isle to In Apullloll. IIuuIuu|bohoInollndIl|.n.u I and. In-..IvIIuIIhAoIIouunuoIsu;Ino&| Inlnna ~ .-`nu-v -u ) [ mcm - tutu. BIBSONB I HLBIIIAN. lt IIII. uouon __u_cus:s.] TO - NIGHT. Iyuvlcdllnlaltnhnrs V.OUDDll. lluneht IIIJLIG. - 5-'77!*3'!.!'.t.!'!*i"Hl Inlnuuunnvunnuuu. Punt-ubhululholoouuuol. An-Luau nnlkn Ibo noun 0! Inlay lost. lunch in .303. 6. w. notcnnn. at man. Glnnou. ll.Y..v|ll ugh vl 5: II- ' Bl&POAI-Ill will nltnnlhovuuu-3. Oulnds.QIuhu.On. tldlrlo. lhuwlhun I ulddoul. -_u.|.-wuwoun . 000.1. ....4 - . -, -..-,. .._ ._- CIT! OI` IIIOITOI. uthqlullllslnliltt. ' I ll `.3. 0.3.0` UII C'mF*UUI pnllhbhnuatdhrlhnnut tlhvyxdnnnllhquowchu-0 hbh; WW8. Inyw.|uIdh|uIII;nIIwill|hq AI...-g -.5---a..A..._n.....l I.---III-gm.-Q.-A.L.n.-01$. |:'-._::..'*.::::,'. Ann ngnnnnhnnnnhgnn uv-wt-- uppuuun CIIFIIU. 'mI, [ ubnIu|hoyp|Ius.buunnuIpat- lotuouduly. Wouontoddaolooo ulvqdthoouunhndonot n|nuuhirlyhou||youuuluI- |owiqiI|hoooky.|ItIu|hoo3dn whsuhv-yuo|uquvohvonnlI hnwo\-i|lndannbvuIIhopuo- pbdlhirdnacot looullthuolnoup plauqpcdtntouulnt. (Ap- pln--.) Thai-VH5-riIr:INv unyhnnnnuutolhhonpulht 3 jl-nlnjzl nan:--gl Aunts. . Sir Riclnnl Lhnwrighl undo I vigo- Iou and and elective qnooh in due out cl Council on hilny evening. when he Iollotod sir boouni Tilloy tho both speech. Ho wunuentively lisuudlond ruin qunllvtpphudod. 0cm:iolnlly.IIIuI AL` L4;-4-LI. --lI.--_ ._;.I ___l.. FIINI.IydH-o|uiluouhin.nudld Ihoyhnlnucluuhinhund-g nlginth-ad.--.-I.A_L|. -ggggk loll... Ailnbouiduonnnutpw I |nncIuoo|l-phh|o loan. but in inhniinnnnuuloquihclcuthoogh ihnpphtnntolI.ioouo0onnhion- ' an (Ii thouctionwhiehthouo have Nnndhnndtohko. 8|rJohinphyugupunol hlnl. hnquoohnndonhordyuhurtluopem IIol_lhouoninnhdnidhohnd"aou hohr"iIIholioouo ml:-.|>ntt|nI, tholo(`uthyAoIwon|ul uhndudgo ` nntoolcct. llois.ngud|cuoloouo~ ` qnnIon.bonndloimln|ph`uIIinud ,' v-u--vs:-uu vuu um Inn Iu'\vIIulllJ Gonnncnt. bnltho Iouulhonnlohinlunpooinl Ieguh. tiounndgooitwithnvoaguneo. I` I `C - "J: Government tlnnloto aspect- follyutuoslhnuho` no:-LioooooAct (Ooh:-iob. which is he to be nlid nod binding. ho Allowed tooponh nlono our til tho nliclily of the Dominion numb is iototlninod by tho Privy Council. and thuyoorovvonuoos he moved to no- pood 'IhoLiqoorLiounnAcI. lB3.'!u I you uulunohdociinn icohhinod. "I hvolonluln you that In Gov- olluonlvillghdlyooocur inuunofa duudioi Mu-ilxwiuznupooo noun Domitian chunk." A_-2- .L,n__,,_, n ll(Xl`!.' `axon hsvothopovetto rqn luloollignauurhounllnl :5;-in exclusive oruokhuulhu out not clear thnsmo I-`odonl Puliunenzlnp hkonowu. GIXI Niko`! rvuuuu -urns an-tau - "sly Gov-anneal bu loumd (tom the public joutnh Ihn the Federal Go- vernment does not mun! tho decision to which I Inn nlcrrdu determining that tho Provi ol Olhrio bu exclu- sive power to rqmlnlo the nice! li- non. The music wanton numb nn` I'D. in Alan: In.-n (L. imln-n4-n 7'?-`IITTK CIIJUVCII-IHUUI IT` qnutiqsnpuldlholccuthpkct oIIluhogtoudIhntthoPn'vyConncil'u judgment in channel Hodge v. The Quota nnduud it inopenun. The communication only elicited un acknow- hdmnul d ihneuipt. A law days Inc Ind thohiant-Govunor. in the nunoudbythoadvieoolun(')nnno tiovuiuouturtotototbo Socntuyol Shit I lower in which the following ` poiuhwonnndo: ||\.In {Lu-2----n I.-- I..__..I l___. vvuwu-Ilhriltluullvvlilll OGIIIIIIT tnnddn-the Fodcal Oonnuuut re- __..A:__ _ ...__-| -1 .L- |n-n ,.|_ the more inputs by thloonuponnt onoe.which.whunbnul Io:-.Iru hid holololho laqinlul. `l'hinconupond~ one than that Mr. Iouul-Cbonqh Ipiritod numb In his pat.-nl policy. though In: in his ndhcnnooto that out be chem; to In his dniy-ia not union: for lriction between the Govern- `: ___A_ On the I90: January the Attorney Oononl mod the Ptoviucinl Socntuy In nIIun- IL. Foal.-ql (I.-.._-.-..o .. win -1: sun ||I-uI[cuII III }IU[UI'ly upuu-_.'ruoupuopo.ium dthoiuoflhibuninininmndol ALA _.__- L__-_._. L, .|- _ nna-uuvlcutlti ICjunInIlI;Ill dudnolhunI_'IAuvhiohwunnoon- ilihliontl. utdi-Ibo h the has at Idvuudochouolshohighnneonrtin thonnlnnuklaouloIoothnI|nw.'All thanking: Sir John did. and the liqlulaililylorlho unplea- nntnoulhtoqhihiahlholiqnor dod- Anu --Q -n- n.-n-inn nun L4` -.-n...-I- bjhlvnytnuhb-an would do has duh: alumna- `Q Hohloohingnltu the iuhnstn ol aohovlnee.hohaauui-gfihu. and just unonIu`n.hnuun.- to unuuuuunpqlunlujusaoa inhni-u-guano-onoo'i1-eunu- nnhlin lil- _ uvldj i5,a1.u nx.- - Ouhin `fay not indu~ ki-lyooupiod in u-yiqhponthnl `n.n'QnA-iIILg n-:1:-nihlnlno am n_Icn'1nn snmrs. Ir. Iowudidlotponino the li- nnnnnl Qialngllxn I--ng'kL.tLi_.- . L. ;aiii2ruiuwu.x_ ' Acliiduo hlohmuuhu uIl'IIuou-quhusuuIu'dqoc- *0 hohdpuld Oh no-. 5-Tvuojllllht dlodvjollonukvnnm n-ha-ha-I-.l_.-nL...u In. -'--K!- Thtniohapl. lIInnbuupm- *nnlbukuwh0muuvhuu|i- `&luIud0w.(ll)'uIobonnds. Iucuuhnuoau wuhtvu-kn pnuwllchonodunnn. `llltlllnlljlli hoI-JdnwiIIpanbavudupu- lll hthoqn dIoIakooau-1uihI|ndovclQ- h-nln1--n:I -uu- wt in II ICl\l J u- I ouuquuliou. The Clnhuoouuond- -odihlriuldnhpnkoninloiu. Sir . John said. "You an uncut limou- - nth:-unbominiou Act, but youlnnnt 'puy loin thououv. lurlhh ' ycunonoy not pnhnlyu. bullou ` ginning yuubinhtighhlonnouoo polyndnixulnudllo puhlionlnhu Iohllythl lho0l5hInlIhauIpoo- pbIill|uI'bo|hloIopHIonrIghL" Ivnlvvlholuunollhokucliou Inglo b Italian it 3:1 MIDI- hiilhlihl .a...L.p..__.n.. _LI.A. ........A__ a....'E.2.'..m}'.'.'.'I" Thbltddcnbdluuslhokb P.II..IhIhIu(luoh Kilgu nn4`Il.A.nkn- I--A--Danika 2- Iuuuv -lulu uuo \u--v- V: which shall bounnotho Syndioutoto houudinnuuinqshonnhiuryolthe 01.3. 1'lmi-portal subject will to- uivongnuuutionluuou. Iuhwunidinnaudto unli- A---Q --.-AI._ TL. lVI_I. _...._......) thoquil Idvinblnho rooommcodtho pipe! IBIII compelling OVOl'1hI'~ nulonboulout Iixhopthiuyoar. tho hid node from the antenna: of ._L:_L _L_n L, .. WC, ljglg I Ulvllllinuuv In sun (lllunhowcudovcnnud --D-.-.. --.I OI... -.;_L1.- IITL- TGIF KT 3` WIIVCIH Clul "IX itlnndonido-I toroqnct Sir Charles so ICC the Syndiuh (before they ask lot it) the parliament building: lot nil- vuy hudqnuhn. 1 btouu same ol Sh (`L--I._ 1;. L. -...A.A .._.. AL. _-`-.I to go tolho dilonlll oou of the C.P.R. The club docs not nppmveol mull gisnd it Lg. .I...I...I 54 -...-_.A 8:- l"l.-nl.- tn cw-: vvuu -nun-vuuvu ---v vuv -u-r I tioury ad lihnry might oomoio an O-ul Inn y.` Q--Ahul- Ah- lihnguu In I.- III XII llI-CI IIIIlI UVIIIII III HUI` hllotlhn symsom. tholihluytobo II-hI.4I -...... sh. I...-. .5... ...l_ 1-u --a-$III In ulclv II ,0: uuluuus lbtthoy ondounnd. [Hun bun nnnouod that the ISI- .2-_ -_,, ,,,; I-1,, , :,.,. _,_,._,, Hluh Colnlniuiononhip 0! Belle [3- hnll" and gum his wholo Ininhtty n nix Inch` nation. than giving the Syndicate tune to complete this Issue! of tho Dominion Pu-linnont. thoroughly investigate the tlilonns departments. and uonnnin it there in yo: anything Ahgt AL... .._.I_--_.I ` Tho ooid regintnr sends an the [ol- , lowing report ol the l oll_vwou Club. . which met on Sntunlny evening. the nuudnnoo hung lugs and the Prev - ` dent (Ald. Eilbocl) in the cum. The (Ibis!!! of this Club is (so the Pu-sixlent inlorlns us) go but up rings. investi- kue oocml. poliuonl. religious and other snails. and publicly dononnca mono~ polio: or those who hand united in turning them. except when 31:97 no dinctly Inlonnbd. Hay innponnt mum came up for discluuon :8 this Int necking. nd the discuuionlwuo , longdoqnatprwdenludoloen. It undecided toollu SI:-John thoi II ,. I` ..n II p Tic lint loath; -ll: uocu and Discus- ||onn-A Fur Sun-C oplulonl. -nanny. Over than luck the people can eeri- onnly ponder. They no not such 16 an and eengible men into ecshoiee of delight. They cumoz be loot eight 0!. upocielly by our puliumenurisns. some of whom have vuocl through the `loose ovary nohemc of the Government, irre- spective of its nnum and eecl. in the blind belie! shut they have been Acting nnldnggllu uunu -uuyuu um tneeetmngu toge- therhe will ed whet tour or he yeen of hen. gentlemen`: Government his doeelor the country. .1! we hul bor- rowed three or four hundred million dollen and thrown it into: eee or blown it up in Ire works it would not luve been more completely loot to the coun- try. (linietenel cheers). Five yen: at their government have done as much Injury in proportion to the tin eelonr you-e oloivil wudi inthe neighboring republic. (Renewed up- roe." ` I unpu on-nuance vuuuurouIJ ro- . plus. [any nouaingonheuldisiounl million not pud into the ston- airy but `d to snhudiu cousin in- mtricnm -only cllndelotho hundred million: which ho ho unused to the company lot the pnapuo oi erecting nilny 1. 0 do not know that tho hundnd million: will lo. I III`! put down nothing ol the Ian caul- ed by bad harvest. by the Ihtinkngo ol stock. by the loan which. ucooniiug In the hon. pntlunnn. we have incurred homlhohouhuontimpoxtnexooodour oxputuby INJXIMIIJ; bun_lu:v gan- thnu -unjust Add these slung: tout- th in had nun u-nun uunnu II. Inc non. genus- nn ' Sir Loounl Tillcy) Ina lddod vo ' ionnyur toonrumnl oxpoudihn. lat ham onpiuluo that utlpt out. And on what it woull Im. I X? nnlhinn nl than nnlikinnnl uuon. an no equal vmmnn mu Gundnb those onigluh in older to build up in tho Unibd saw. I unset estimate it. The horn. gondo- mlllniln (Sir Lnnnnnl Tillnv) In.- upunumunnocnnn Inmvolnu 5 vlonyolnot la tlnn Ol0.(lI).(ll); that loohaa up nouvintho Nu-Ih Wont hubnuuhubontn louofnollcutlnn Ol_l3.%:::ilouluounlouwehnvo IIIhIld_ 1 d-plotinn olourpopw hllolulldtho ospihl withdrawn from (hndnbv uniannh nndu in ogpmhh oclodtha oouuy hu 1nvolvId|b:lg'O50.(Ii)`- (lnin nvoycnn.lhn|oekin nponho mpiuliuunlnhntnnn Iininrolvod H1 olnnl. Inn: than Illlllllflhr that RUPTURE CURED mm: unn_mm nu;