uu -snug, --w v..- ._.. KT.- fnu 01111) to OLE!) per annum. Io-uny. Ool. Pbwoll. Adjuhnl (hunt. mll Ill Oononl Loud`: pluro until the In- hl-'I town from England. n-_ u-._.. II.....-..- at n. Mor- law any: ago. R. A. Pudon. Toronto; man. 0. Downy. Troy. N.\'.. no 36 the Bnhsh Auction Kohl. Shoo Wiuins. ol the Finance Deport- IIIIIS. Othwt. in nick. The weather : Ibo cum. no doubt. Thu Principal 0! LI Sulle lnuilule. Torollb. in the city. visited several 0! tho Iohooll lo-day. n_I n._.lI AA:-uh.-uh lIAAIl| will IOIIIICI. III II IIIU uuruuu nuu-u. B. L. Hall. Chicago. and 0. 1'. Pike. Tomato. no at the Windsor 110001. Dr. 0`3hon and wile. ol Petal-boro. no spending: their honovlnoon in this only. . G. W. Andnwu is seriously ill at In! homo. Ho nu ntmok bi llllllii" | low dun Ago. D A Dn-don 'l`na-nnla And R. G. Iuo usy uuuu. H. lath. Blah. 111.. and F. DIHOII. Montnsl. an :8 the Banach Home. 1) n 11.1: nLz..... -...In I1 Dilu- wuu an uowuu: u-nuns: u-won-up: In an linnovunith. Pnncnpnl Grunt punched ed in the Sydenhnm Street Methodist Church yntncdny morning, nnd Rev. 31:. Eldridge. in tho evening. The Clayton standard think: no grant- er onlnmity could bdnll the now nonm- ar which the St. Lnwronoo Stounbont Caunpnnyuo hnildinathnntogivois n nuno synonymous with Oral. hi-weekly Innilu. snow bulb, to. Thin in A drive at Cnpo Vinoont which the Kwlr mnn duly rounu. Ilow runo we [swan Quoting their `nun-'I'hIlI' 00-1 and (hung. ,......... .. WI ......,.. It in impoepible to give the nunee og tboee who hue pueod the marine ex- unioetioae net`! the talteue over. It |l dionlt. u wimp stand. to make out none:-I reeulh hem day to an. Cups. Eaten. who passed the mu-ine euninesion hate. is one o! the projec- ton of the uebemo to purchase the nu. I-`lower City end run her between Cher- loue uml Alexuaxie Buy. The bone. rebuilt. will cook O50.(lI\. In the eheenoe oi Rev. hello) Hooker. whoiu unending eevonl meeting: in l.I_:.-._.lAI. D-.-;u-sgl {Inn-mt --an-:uI.Ad VII PLAIIB .\N:)- SVICIIIOATIONI 71.: will!` II: Khulna Bud 2.-3&0-u I-naI.N.Y..on undue Jmndhutbolrluu. conuul will hololto Ila Iowan ncapoulhlo bidder. Irv gnvuu u IIUCIU wvuJv-v. Cept. ughee Iboold nee Shut her lol- diet: ue on the pletlonn on Sunday evening: ineteed o! in the Audience. some ot them don't ehewthe general public 3 good enmple. II R- imnnagihln tn uh-A 65- nnvnnn Al vwllll ul IIII -IIIW IQIUI-Inc U-I. Charlton us] other -puhn were pre- vouhd Inn unending the [annex Lib- onl dolhomtntiou on Souprdny. Tho Gunoquo jubilee ol the Snlntion Anny did not [I]. bll the Reporttr n tho soldier: made many staunch triads in the village. and my may will than be ginn I hearty wloono. Pant "nah-n nI|Al\l.I nan II:-A hnr -nl. nn-uuy yununuu :1: - -'15: . Innnu olIuvhInIudttnnI.livolynvi,vI.|id. ilhilohndtqgotlnt. would nah I Inn dpntty goodchriutlun. Dnnnnsn -.n- nl -inl in S1 Al-I`: In giving `luau VIIIIIUI-Ina Pnyon won cloud in St. lay`: dnhodnl nutudny fat the upon o! thanonlol I-`nnoin Dawson. who died in the Hohl Dion on Fridov. n_x_.. 4- AI,_ ____ LI-_|._.I- ll- nun-gs V-y.. The court roouawuorowdod this ,,:_A L_ AL... _L. --....|.4I AI:-n uvvvq uvuugu '1' Ivvw Iluuyinyull-5 hnhuuu. Tbotnnk Iillbo Indy lnuluuhyu. '- An unhnlh unit idnnllhuion st Uuoll out; OH Sannuhkil aha sway. no will In |.*,._....._...u.o......u.. n.u|. .. wtv VICGI Alvin Uuvgull inu- dounonlhuruhot o/guu-day. A chain! egg mnnullcwryvonld pay banjos! now. Iu.;.... n..(._... ..-. . .s..A- A-n AA 773-"; lunch olhyu suds owqpu this 1|-Ag uunuuu unv * nu--:3 puuwvuuy Onpo \'iIotI||ndW|80rtoIn. The piivuo hall ol sh; Kinptoqt Pembroke RR. hupnnsd the Bonn. A at-nn:AI nnlll-n'h-min :3" Icon: Inn. -I f-uu- u-u--- -u- sun u-pvt -- tun] Iot ll Pfotth-W _ _ .._._ _.L _ Capt. Millet. of (hp Vnnoont is It I.` Dita Mnlnl u:o|nAI-nuauollhnldlau ul Gngnl lnhrcitrcnlp ` mun Iuupblo. ' I-v vuu not uuuvun-vnxuuyc ..-,. _ Egan with (con 85o._lo'4(b. pet! I..-._ ._ AL. n-`A-LAD .. Al-a--I.- A uuuv gun: -vw. Bishop Quinn say: I Mandy. n: nhnnuhnnn Anal A Danni Hnnlu xiiinlin Su. bone! in now Inn proprlj ..n....... ' 'l'h.a...I. .nn.. ....|.. this 1... |n_- Qlqlnhhuu-nu. ,xn_ _L-_Al._ -.. .... Plilth IENTIUS. `inn gunk: I will Inn Ian- ; .._ |n-_-L nag; nyuholnn --A LI: In - IIlIiZiIXIjuI:uuuu-ow-~ nut Mu huyiq Ihuuuiy sllvtho whwri uu0abI|IiI uni 5100:. No _l... L.-L.._ -Al..A.4I --4| ll AL. nan. pvownyloothwn. 'l'lIoKhp\oI0lIl- I.II.-nnnnh-nnnnllnnnjlth CWWIqITVITlf$"'-I" "alias" il thoynovououoo. W. C. 8006.0! Napuomhunldcthkonu .I_A.-_n.-.1 An-nan-hntn n-I In Quuuuiwwt Iti why-no phnIhuhuI6|uhIl.IId|H|I0P' pIodKiuIddn\IoI|II'autn- I II ! III III! llulllllllll. nut will II!!! 10 the Bydouhun noun to-lnonow. and as tho lupus tuna: londny. A 'nn-n nnnnknn In Mm Alt- Impala: In OI U31}? IXZUI -UIIIlIy- Alupnnnbor lduho my to-dnyln nldntlouhuzhhonouuydonhn. Anuhokplloolhktlluuoonon thoioolncwuu W.D.Io&o'u "Tun- b|c."ndhothoIu|nloIIlIqto 8. Iu|Inll.Up to plug lo pa-we have Iothcud thunk. : won-npnmbonnlnynndo. IZCIII I11: out uvv uuyus luv Ilvlj uoio good oooditioo. They will trot .5 AL. R.4I..|..-.. nm... A._-...--...- .-A -..-- .__._` ..v-.. B:-1` Johnny B" and colt loll lot Bydonhun this nltomoou to take put in tho noon. Mr. Hon. ol Ouun. urivod to-day with two hollil. "N. J. Fullcr" and "Buy Goons." He report: having boon nth loud (or ndnyu. The MIDI -.. 3- no.4! ...-Ala}... `Fl... -8" Anon Ill -quvuouun vuu I the bool ol but dipper. BVIIIUIIII, K913` $l \-ITIUI VVIRIIUJI Mn. Burns veeterdnv eltemoou deh- vored one ol hat ollncttio oration: at the Temple. She Inked the audience. "When would I hue been Ind not the Selnhon Army ouue to this city ?" She penned lot a moment and then on- uweredtheooenndrum thus: "1 would hue been in the congy pol eupping Ikilly with e spoon." The unit! amount 0! cheering lollowed. 11-..: 11...... ....-|--I.-. n. pg!`-inn on uuvuuug nouuwvu. Unpt. Hughes yeolerdny. in running to the looking npol that solution a- oeu in the Syluune guol. mid tblt Ibo know wins it. was hko-l.lnt she and Capt. Hanan had been locked up in New York our night. They did not no Ill] ooakrouhu. but they nut wane. Capt. llunon had spent the most 0! hot lnoin nqoolohing out the vermin with AI.` L.-I nl Inn: -Hanan IV luv |-'I-IlV||ll- The Lindny Pm! an "I new gum not or bomhudior or other oloer has arrived from Kingston to minions the ancient std! ol the Snlntion Army at Lindsay. He is young. unmnn-iod. put: his but in the middle and it is said that the girls hirly dots on him." They evidently role! to Cadet Wooluy. tl... Il....... --.o...I.u nllnnnnnn nlnlu. IN Iuv uulucn nu unansw- Joe Snyder and bridosppeu-ed so the bunch lut evening. As they proceed- ed up the aisle they received so on: lion. The couple seemed so be greatly enhunned. They attempted to sit down in n trout seat. but private Hut! would not IHOW this end eneorksd them to the platform. `FL. I I-.I-gm lA...: --nu. II` nn- nnn- Iuu navy nu uyvua. Constable Knight, 0! Portsmouth. in- lol mod the hula soldier who sells VWur Cry: at the Sslnlion moshing: tint the must all no more 0.: Sundnyn. He had nutmotlou from Mr. Sohxoder to am elect. The [soldier reported the {act to the oioer in chu-go. 1.... .:.....a-. -...n ha. ...........4 .n n.. .... .........., .... .,-........,. George Hlguo. Manager at the Mer- chnnI.s' Bank. o1 Montreal. Ipoko II. the Salvnuon Army meeting on Sntuniny evening. IF.-3.. -.-nuinua In his AA-InAA -with uvculus. Fania. pnvious to his common with tho bnlntion Army. in aid to have nouly nu into a couple 0! rigs. It seems very probable am he came into the citv 101' sport. r`.....o.l.I.. L'..:..|.o no D..-hm.-mu. in. luau! III unanuuutnjlllull IIIl|l_IuU borne two" of the Army soldiers. E. Peters and Hand Brien. were injured. Peters had one of his legs bully bruised. and Visa Brien complains oi ucut on the head. She does not know whether she was struck with I picca or ice or the reciess John`: whip. The home was eroulunlly stopped by the soldiers and the infummed driver lauded over to the gglico, He was conveyed to the sta- tiou house. but uferwudn` released on promising to nppnlr It the Court Ihh morning. l`....o Ll....l..... ...... A....-:I..I.. (pi.-Lb--.-.I iuinnuuu 0 psi vol! an anti. with lot and cold vuu . non. Go. Alto-Pin BUILD 1401`. on Ill! 31.. o In Iononiood. ollht nnnhlv or on In no Ilpuolnnn ruhuhonu nyloodotnoluoonutlyoe ' M 05939.. nun ulna. Capt. Hughes was terribly frightened by the nnir. She said nfborwnda thaluhndollen tug. "1 will never ron any. has she wu forced to go back on the word during the excise- meat. The one will be hand before the unn tumours. Unpunus Joe sud Nellie Lualguw left [or Toronto on Suturdny. l1...._.._ I.l_...... Kl-.._...._ -.1 Al... LI..- nuu v-v wun uv uussu vvn Mngistmto tomorrow morning. ran BBIT_IS_H wnm, MoNDAY,_ EVENING. .\1.um. ::. Il`IlI vuiuu -11! Iv-_v. nnlv V-`nun :- llr thrill nu, dropped bu` tsmbouriu ad Ind it bmken. V Baku the Ioldion ,ooIIld dw jln ha... 4-.`--0 0|... 1...... ..I.!I..... I! uvluu IIllIl|\l/ll-Ill III-I uuuu vuyuuua Enalnulnduhonot bu-uupoonyln her km onto! the wsy. The Captain in hit nlnl-In D-n nlrnnunn Imam tnvnhlril v-veununv-nu vn uuv vvv--wen ihe Anny proeeededvtoBngot Street. thence to the bunch. In the Incen- timo the Inilknnn had driven nlonu lontrenl Street and Jown Queen Street at I livnly pnoe. Many iollowed in order Ioeeeineepehetofthedimnte. Ferns eteppedhilhone lorntevuouuhnt St. Paul's Church. end. eevernl at the eoldiern imagining that he meant mis~ chief. cntmetq-I him not to drive to- wards the barracks. Their eutreetiea worn in vain. however. On he sped. driving right through the make And lnshing his whip on all sides. The home would/ have ten down Ceptnin n....|... 1...: '.|.. M; 5.... .......n. I. 5... Us-Iialpai-an-u-ugvuu -uuvvou uunur pain he would either hnvelogo Kptoporlypulthoproeuwn orthono- olher street. This scone oecurro-I nan the Windsor Hotel. The milknnn be- came cnngod And putting the whip lo hinhonodron put the pmouuion. 1| ll`. ning ung I--Lina Ranch 1 Fianna IIII uuluuuxuvu pint MN Fwvllg In lt.honmn_|imoluhh:gSu-gt.J.Pigeon. A -94-41 lnl|n-..l Hun. -nhlinn In tho uauxucpuuv -xuaunuvogvuv-up A crowd followed. that ndding ta`-tge` oxoilomem of thoooouiou. ` .'|.. A__._. ____-_J_; A, 1:-..` u....-A non salmon were on punae. Iv dulumho hand had wad:-i)`nf hahbtl tho Sdvntiooiih on noon- Illmlw his hone took fxh_!L!1,9 uuddTE:: bixdmm), wu zlrlvon through no prytniion. I-`uni: vii pnvunod txgn/carrying out his par pate bymgno Ioldion who caught ling ht"-adj! -IV` hilt` I.hAt`l'i.~ pit uy,.u.I5|nI: Iunuuuu vu-up u-up;-u` I-hehalhsdgenr udtold ..4n..n Inn -m.l.l n... hgntnon On Sotunhycnninx uhon o`c1ock 3 one I-`cc-nu crusted: sedation on Prin-` can and Queen -In-cote whiluugo Sun- 5:... ._u.... _.... .'... ..._A. That Vii IIIIVI an - the Amy`: K5-I-nu-:37-7 renl Persons. s_ALvA'rum 8ENSA'l`l0Ns.7. Iuuohohllohu. ' :nu-Iv1 IIuII|i&I|$ cu dli uti- buuu llwulho Holy Glad`: also Vlhonlhoayiritol .nuI-mL.n.......n..._......I....|n. {I T T W 1 IT - liq-ourIHuIhuu0.Whnlu sumdun land ooduuahliu clulhunwu sanguine-suit lg Fj] 711- W3 1 BFKIIC '0tIlQuhtonnuIhnwunodo|H- -QhgnH`I-->JAL4 -uvv ul cacao! van-I. `gun. -vv min-_nch| crud. Thohhop no- fllhsitdodlxm pldhlhourly Olnloh. Thogoxc jcliaoplwuuch. lump onuuchuoh. lhoulinneu. opo- unnnn g-A 4l._....A-`h... --_ WI "I73; - MU ? IIITBWI 1'33` myudgoodooudnot. but it thospirit olodwuhnlilglhoclmrch wunot of Hun. The Bishop remarked upon tboltnngolhinglto ho noon in than dun some people dooluod unuhcn wu nouocuisylorcuoanudctbd ouMpluHbm:bI\InnocuIlnwcn ouuthl.uls0hnnhwlMIoIucoId wu|ohncluChuu:hu0od|pptvnd. Tlnyhlbdwilllncn vhondhlltho eloodllddlbnwuno uohthhg Q. unchanging --4| -u-.n-nAhu-- lhnh 1 UUCVCIIIII ulna Iawuuvuuuuuu UICU nuoonldlolknowwhonhinuiunn hnnuhthoooou nook hlly uacld;udyoIl.hoynpou."lbo- lhvontholioly Glam." Lord two nn&|--nah. A-and `flnnlli-lu-nun. I.W.:lCf|I-.C|:I- CICUUWIBII \JIlIll\Il' wu vino. Ind lolor. to the Pentecostal outpoorino ol the spirit and the row- tnuon 01 um dnvino hvour which hld doporlmd with the ood. The pmphocy woo lacing fullled. "I will pour out My Holy Spirit upon you." God : monitor htiooo o! the Holy spirit was virtoolly the louadltiou ol the Church. lot with- out tho oponiionl of tho Holy spirit no Ohunh could bonllel by the pane. Then might be 5 pompous ritual and a [nod oonxoo. I pooplo ol Inukod mon- Illn g-4| nnnxl nnlulnnl haul. if {Jun WI Onvlulonvunlurpuddinhivo. fhqphuthq hlbwdnplllolda "And any continual uocdlal in tin Apes Ila` doauluourd hllo1nhip_ 4nd in Imam 0! brand and In purer." . p. . -. .. .- ,I,,,.|,_ .-.-. __.. ._ ,.._.,.... The Dr. nlorrod to the time when the lunlbo lonuvluion ol lhoqloviab Church. _.- _;_.- -_A l-A_- 5.. AL. D_..a....-..s-I mu. (4) The fullness of ulnuon. (6) The noouuty ol Inning our minds :"liko {hut which an also in Christ aqua." A In-go nudienoo greeted Bishop Cu- Inu: at the evening service. The text wuh-om Acts 11.. 42 2 III UIIYIII. (8) The utter lollv 0! looking nwny from Chm! for salvation. Them in but one my to u.Intion."repennnoe to- wudn God and faith In the Lord Jesus (`hm-A " Um IJJIJJI LIJLVIIIHI-DC-I wm ho wound na In the Ih IAIOII III? tor the punhun at tho following pnopcty. vln : (`hAl('H&LlAo Illl Ialhlnugtto Ilunolu III. Thohouou nouuovih noun Iupnnuuu opal -mn hundeoldvuor uhuuI.hIIluu. am no! no II II Unllli um. um uu mum of it In: shown by His couung down from the height of glory to duk- nou. desolation, woe. wretcbodnesa and dumb. but He Ghuobv gnu mm eter- nnl lilo. to\ TB` any-tnnnlv nl nnlvntinn in (Jun me. (2) The oenunty ol nlvntion to the mu: who will accept It as it is provided in Christ. [Ill Thu nttnr lnllv nl Innhinn IHIV Ilnluy uuv uuv -nu us uuuu, -u-sum - I115: Ind elwevn venonted. lnuded adored Him. but. alter He passed be their male Stun tempted them and they fell. The lessons to be derived from the study` of the tax`. were these : .1. ml... s...-.I.I.. ..-o...... l\' .i.. llnn, (1) `H10 Iarnme nature 01 um. roo- sle talked 01 an In I little thinf. They id not it Christ did. {is uti- Innln nl in -nu nhnun hr "in conumr Iuuunnn IV Inn huvvnal run The vuioua forms of hnmilintion were denounced upon. The apetlrer said 2.10. was he of B epecnletive turn 0! mind he would believe that to the lmmilinuon wlnoln God took upon Himull III pro- bably duo the full of Inuay nngeln. They |.-.| -I...-.... ..........|...I l....i...I uul p mllllllll Ill us-u I-3.-lulu]; U-[5-' bleof comprehension by the smallest child. Too msnv people look upon asl- ntion As | oomplexing. perplexing and prodigious thing. God's phsn. however. was broad, high and deep. sectexl by the um ol the I-Iterusl. but yet simple enough to be understood by the little ones. It made men little children in the simplicity ol their faith, sud little children men by the power of their faith. The prencher then. lu delightlul Isn- gusgs. told the story ol Christ's descent from heaven to redeem mankind from the curse ol sin. lle wished his hearers to remember (I) Christ's eternal nml asentisl divinity. sud 1: ) His preexis- tsnoe in the Uhureh. He was the same Christ who but reigned Ill ancient dsys. sud from the Scripture lie was shown to be equs_l with God. His [onrfohl hu- milistious to save msnkinxl were these: (1) He made Himself of no reputation. but took upon llimsell the form ol n servant; 12) I e wns mode in the like- ness of men; (3: lie humhle.l Himsull nnd hecsme obedient unto death. sud (0 He submitted to death on the cross. Christ mode I stupendous leap iron: the throneol glory toesrth in order to lift up poor. ruined. unhsppv humanity. lie leaped from the nsnnwn-r -rn 1-nu |n\rrur nnl\'1` Iii! HID UIUCIKIII Ul IHIII, In Illv vvl-I` ` pognion; but the pmaohcr contended that the sublimut Ind grandest truths ol divine writ won. whoa propel _ly Itudnnd in all thcit simplicity. unpu- Llggb Ann-nnghnnninn Lu ting nnunllnnl Eu-yvul vx A ulllyluulll . "Who. Mill: in the form of God. lhounlu 1| not how to no man with uod; Bnl ohimtau of no roputllloa; Ind look upon him tho form of I ICVIIII. and WII undo In the hkoncuol nun : lg lulu (and la Iuhiou u I mm. In hum od human. and Mount obs-hen: unto death. uvun tho death ol the crow." u\l'I...a _ ..A--...... 4..-: .... _.|.i..l. 0.. CIDIIH. IVUII IUU XIIII III III` CITES. "What 1 atnnge text on which to {ound a sermon to clnldron 1" van pro- bably the thought of many in the com .......n....~ 5... u.. .......|.... ......o..;a..l I In: IIIUIIIIIIK ac: Iuuu WC. IVI but vuuw It of chi Snbbuth School Ioholua. The tut-was the following venue: oltho n chnphi of Philippnun: "'hn, lnlnp In lhl form of God. lhounlu Yuterhy` sermons in connection with the anniversary 0! the Metlnodiet E93300!!! Church were -lelivued by Bishop Canaan. The reverend geoth- man has an excellent delivery and at; ways commando attention`-by the ori~ giaalitv 0! his ihunghtand apoech. He talks Qrotiy to the people and his dia- oourau hrintle with practical ideas. He in an enthusiastic Methodist and one 0! the chief promoter: 0! the Union nosooli to be consummated. He will. in the united Church. assume the position (.1 Superintendent. holding ooe for Your -yearn. This position is almost uiziiilar to that of Bishop. : n T . f|ILlq'-;I ninth thohn :- Iln rIh-`l`S- Ilnnllhunnn '01 our Q -cl Ilu I.....u.. In I... Inn-had int) Ilooun nmo_IyI ot- ' until I! -at; nullgufn sm- H H. (`H l'Rl`Il,If RIHHQP .....a`..- row but: uuuy U: Iuuu ucxa Wulu -uuou (1) The temhle nature 0! sin. Poo~ `In nllmd nI' min u n little thing. Thev ..._ -u-.unu nu-v.-A The morning sermon was (or the bone` ` n .1 .3. u_L|.-n. D-I.--I ..I...I__. -rs... \ on Um:u__ rnnuvwsmrf 2- -_v.v' I10 PI-II M. an aii 2-6.:o. |Goom:n:.s1an'r| lvvu nu-A uuuupun um--up, won. an hndtoluvolothispnuutuphuo lnbot. Anuuunniuguo unoicyln willunuinubonoduringnottoltho time until. with In: hnily. to land lottho oldoonuuy about tho laid Iuvwuu In W -no-no--1 urn onlyhocaul homonwcuk lhnlho Wont. Ibonmnywuuoonvorhdu thoqoohlurviouholdbyhl-inno 01070 nod Rumba Snunlt. when In _ |_,__- 1-- L.'_ __..._n ._L.._ -1 ...... ..... .........,. .. ......,...... .. .. listing Rev. I-2. Pahouu. Prubyterin Church. in I upocinl nation 01 nvinl meeting: at Toledo. Out. Then an muhd indiouuons um God in going toownune clots tor the nlnliou cl Iouhv. Many have been upon! to pot- uonlly. and the people uh upootiug u -I.a--.. ..l LI.-E-1 II: ak`- I.-4| -UW-Ug I -KI-u UII UIZIIT ill III. Coutomponries." The oauyul tried the political history o! Britain from the [lat Rolonn Bill 01 1833. when Glad- stone has claimed Parliament to the present In. The grant statesman : grains! oonvcnion from Toryism. bin` snooaulnl manure: ol Relorm. binom- uction with Irish quouiou. and Inn and mucous against Jiogouzn. Inn pmmnnently bmnght out. and the onset: ol the pnnoipd men with when he name In conhet duo nosiud. Noun. Milk: and Mclioown oontnbnlod non interesting lyeulingq. II In: reputed that the veunm ol bringing the Boyd Bellkingon It so glutoxpodle. had not met with nancial success. Tl UTE IIICI Bil IIIIV I-IUI|K|l$Ul IUUUVW `Ill ! in the Church had not departed. thnt them `were yet some who aid not (our to stand up and tell whnt the Lord had done for them. Would thnt the Church was crowned with Inch people. He denied thnt cnltintion and renement roprenud feehng. but hold thnt rene- ment would check unnecessary demon- Itntions and oxtnnannoen. With clot. axpenoneoa and grants: lollownhip unong the brethren the Methodiat t'\I.......n. .......I.| I... ...u--.....l -1..- L- M the meeting of has society on : lnrdny an essay was road by H. Mango II A An `llllntlnlnnn `In. I uluvu nun vnvuunvu uuv A-Ivuuvunui Church would be puhtnod that the primitive church relonod to in the text. They should keep close to that model. ~vv. V v nmalnipn. uni : lnlohn undo ' nudgpfly. ll ll! ` I ......., .. ..., ...... ...... ., ... lawn. B.A.. on "Gladstone and In - -_.._._A A... naunu uuvu I-IICIUJ uu uuv-u. uv unau- ed God tint all the delightful fellowship :. oi... n|......n. l.-.I ....o .I-.....|../I ILAO v-qua .1. ....n. nu...- it was in the mutter ol lollolnhip. Their experiences end testimonies. in- eteul 01 being cleu` and ringing were generelly given In rambling speeches and modulated voice. In olden tunes Metho- duts were in nowiee emhurrueed. not even if kings sud queens were present, Now people tum their faces to the well when they apclk. Don't you know." said the doctor. "that dying people A]- wnya turn their noon to the well. The Lord hue mercy on them." He theat- nal 11ml ohgo 15" 5|... Aglinhtlnl lgllnnn-Lin vuvwu uuw 4-uuuvwu-u uunnuu. can vacuu- ed am were In: oonaidenble atnu placed upon preaching; fellowship them Ina somonome attention was paid to ordinances. If tho Methodists .....u.. pun ...u.. u.........w. .. . ....-... of tion._ While evulontly reler- rinq to the Selntionintf love lor fellow- ship. he insisted the! itwould not do ell lor men. thet it lelt huu uninekuotod in the doctrines of the Church end he would be easily led into error. Only 3 con- etent connection with the orguaiution. with all its excitemeute. would keep the people together. It required I oom- binntiou ol ell the pert: spoken 0! in the text to make 1 Church enduring. With the Spirit of God in the doctrines. in the fellowship, in the ordinances and in the preyere. I Church would he model- led alter the pattern ot Christ. Such Ins thqlmthenn Church end the early Weeleynn Church. Dr.Cum|u then criti- cised the Methodist Church. He claim- -) u,.. .|,_,, ___ ,,__g 1, |:_ _t_,__ n unlit. 'lnn\-In. onssguous. They were dead. and `nothing In: so quiet as I crypt or I morgue. The Church Wu rendered quiet by the Ab- aenoe ol fellowghlp. Ho we.-J over the position of the diemnt Churches and and that some depehdod entirely for results upqn their preaching. othenllpon the lollovnhipol their molnben (u I met not a thonaunl miles from thocity). other: upon their ordinnncou us a mum \I.'I.fI.. ..g~a.InnoIu I\n'nI. nf .. .:l\v| C \tI-Illllrllq Illll IIIPI-IT `III? IIgIllTl u in padlock van on very `inonth. When n brother got up and related his oxporioxnoo. telling 0! his joy uil hopqp. another" would. out ol the fulfnou 0! his soul. cry. "Glory to God." but 1 uh-uh-oh"would go over the unsung.- I tunontruace go 'be qnit. They must not any we innchofthair Ahe- tiolu and desires. Tlmy nmqt. not help mph other. but choke ovary lloviing springol love ;- they main. not gush in that Iynpsthy lor others; they mum in n\I`lDO in-I-an-In n-cnnrnu-1 I noun.-(mu ul`-sill Kalli Nu m I'.|.\ -u~|-ten conversion tron: l,I. \ - ..a at am: _ It the :_ can-hliou Ice cuaugvlicql with [by |_e~ 1 lolll Inn quack um! [.0IQ!'fIl|. Smi- ! don conyict-ion nu! .~ml|g_u conversion {won the -lomoouruonn oi the Holy ' Spirit. The speaker llieu [Vanni on to canlidor the internal economy and our dilution ol the Qlnumh. which be View- olinlonrnyr. :1. its doctrino url immuoa ; uh its fellowship 548) in onlhncu. and an in pnyon. Iii: uueniwes an .5... nuhjocl 0! church .1- l}7iiiwoii'iioiIi(oI[ 11"`conndo` "nu ' hllovuhip no onto! the vial fauna ol - r~|......I. 5... :..ns.... n... n .._:\..I Aulntlg II n Ievlvnl. Rev. Mr. lolhy. ol Kiuuloo. in at .:.a:_.. D..- In` II.-4..-. D.-Lotgpimn Iullvwuuy II VUUII IIIU vlxl IZOUIK III 1 Church. but inmme tifhop luoaind -- :0- ....IlA.~|, 3-. .u. _---~ "-.AnI|. " W`'.'.3.3.a';`&'aL'i'.3'.I.u.ua"' `1.`{ w.::- '--'--::._3,-. *,-::.---~ -'-`=`.-..-: -'"'--"= . ;-:.vu'.'a:.""3-'..'..a.-.: nan-.'nin.vup:u.uuu. -u----pa: -inn 0:131:01.- 4L#__ __ . . `ym1a'? :I:`~'f,r=;..m.... -~ o :;u` Lou . ll .. ` ' "" r`-`~"i<` ~ lauaa (Ionian. 8.1:. oougalaltagllo In. on. HR. LAURANCBwillbeatK1n('I , I .'rnua.y dW nFmm glarch. dowa take advantage of the opportunity `1-5"BsloI Conn um on mom. YULLY '1.` P33 03'!` IDWIR THAI LIIT 35%.. DIRECT IMPORTATION 19camAuon.odnry33}: Our Store is crowded with customers from morning to myln to (Inn 1 or salesman cannot nd time to slIu{9Imn the goods during ll dry and an ob/Iyod to do so at my/n. We have tlnrnforo docidoo until further notice Ioopon our atom at I0 a.m.i any close at 4:30pJn.. so as lore/ion our club wn as much my/rt mark as pouiblo. IF . X. COUSIN EAU. IIJWING T0 THE GREAT SIJBBESS 0F (lllll D. F. ARMSTRONG. F`). 171}. I COMBINATION SALE CLEAR OUT! CLEAR OUT In Navy. Gmy And I-`nncy I-`hnnel Shirk. Top Shirt: Ind Woolen l'ulenvenr. Opened out yc-aton1ay-75 dozen Gent's Handsome Ties and scarf:-the Intent American styles. Great rush for our Navy Flannel Shim. OI etch at the WE IBAN T0 (`LEAR OUT OUR STOCK. SEE THE REDlVCTl_0NH OF I0 90 III I01: 0. the dollar. Good: mun ho sold to nuke mom (or Spring Stock. Luisa` French ma. Ladies` Cd! Ind. Indian` Pebble lhmonod and Lmod ol :1] kinds. and Children`: in ondlou u m-ty; Men`: and Boys` anon; Laced Boob, Ion`:- Hnnd-Mada In Button. Laced mud hlutio. some 0! the very lnhlt nylon. from tho but nnkan in Cnnsdn. Price: :1] out down. A lII`I-A`I` unvr n l\'I'.`- I van Il~IIAL' |ln|lI'VI:IAn1IvnL'nn`l-IIlt`I'u -rl-Irnu (`Ann BOWES is BISONEITE wm orrnn 'ro-mam` woxngnrur. lnngnms , \-,__ s1=E1`,<:'1:: an` C1-jg_g_MLE srs. I\_-..._b- l".|.. Ill I)I')l\Yl'VI.!Q 'I`I)I.`I."I` Fine cvenl wow and free 01 Muck mu kn. Only to be hut at SI`!-JNUF. .& CRICMLI-I "S. I-Ivory Indy nhould see our directly in: rtod Embroiderion. Prfnts. und Ostrich I-`eathers. tho productioh 0! the South A `an Ostrich I-`anther Com puny-tho best. nine we have yet shown. K3 Gentlemen Ibould see our lu~\\' stock of Ties Scarfs. Braces, Shirts Ills` Fndenvou. IFLA NNT1:LsH`1ia*r`s% NEW BIJOU LAC!-IS. CASES C0\'|:.'NT|l\' TIUMMINUS. NEW lklsll Crotchiu. new Suony E ` . new Dru: Buttons. new Suoonsin Checks and Broaden. all oohrn. new rmmenta (or Drones sud S wring Ulawn in Metal and Silk. 3' THE CHEAP}-EST AND BEST PLACI-I ' 0 BUY C.-\Rl`|-I'li AND V, lI0l'SE l"('R.\'lSlll.\'(}.\` IS .-\ F ALE.\. R05. 5. ` - (`ALL ~.\.\D SEL. March In v an runxwr uunnlel. unus- ' no In now eon!-kl by x.."'I:...f""" "1 L W GREY AND WHITE C()TTONS, New Goods that Have Arrived .n's'r RE(%`EI\'El): 2 Gasos Swiss Emhroidotias, Special values at 6, '7, 8. 9 ;nd 10c. _ . . Our Embmidery Stock is complete and us the largest In Central Canada ' UH!` .lhl.1.lUl`0lu8I'y I.OCK IS CQIIIPIGIC BBQ 15 [DC l{U'gBBlc Ill Central Canada. We guarantee the prices and the quality of the work and ' Muslin. - Nice Edgiugs at 2. 3. 4. 5, 6?. 7 and 8c. lWALSH&STEACY Felt i7|h. !The enormous quantities of White ` Cottons we are selling warrants us in saying our prices are the lowest in the city. ,`wA1_,sH & sTEAcY`S City "Mel. ' Iv?` Inuo$II.louncuuI.cc.. IIIQCQI JA_1IES RICHMOND A ; ms. Jllx. Steamship City of New York. tram Glasgow. I BIlI' I`|Ili PATTERNS AND I-EXTRA 13000 VALUE A1` Ian"oininaEsTvii wunskisonous ALEXANDER IROSS S. GEEAPSIIDE, PP()RI'l`I'-`. IVINDRHR HI The Plymouth Rock Cotton. WWHY % 15583 7 \\l|E.\' TIIEIHZ I8 NOTHING MADE TO EQFAI. ----\\'ll\' Tlll . l"l'SS AB0l7'l`--- --GRAND- 13$ Am] 134 PRINCESS STRI-II-IT I4-I Prlnoou Itruf. 3 OPPOSITE WINDSOR HOT!-IL. Inllulln roouniu la n ma I-O: Inn. P310!-6131.!` 75. lnllhnlulnhu pulnnu: Ann-n-Inn hbh I1 canal u.-... ---u- -v-.-- jc-.1, u;..;i;` `ini`euu.- ` I1 II and Illh_ IPICII `ID III l.l`f.-'l'vo no-n In tho Aloha: Isuhltvuhhrltlnptoolvult y--v w --_-j *"' `V nun.-u~_u-nu ...._.. ...--.._ UIIIMO Oll IIEIEDY . .._.._:A.Jn--nah.`-`Ch Xno Wsmnnn TENDERS |.._..l-l nu Inllnlmh HAKII II CO-B T0 _M III lug. , ,A_ __. __-._.__ _.. `HE? For 1 -._,.__ %Wsnu To Let. No Trouble to Show Them, T : Tj\'- * it unlqhquloihuo. ml ulnlmwhlnbvupuluyhgvlth !cInn(hI.uuqlhlhu|II.nhuI Ilyxolailqullncmal olnhlub so no out-ro Ind. Idluohtuhluudnodlho unhnouluulnullhvolnunhu n--....Z,"Z$'.....u......... q&Ilbp'ou. `lhlnludlqlh hhnuulull Yellow (Hind bunnnuihlonnl Ool. Z---L-.-I-nnnnnl-bin-in W. _'j g avxduhl iya so] .w2.."... aim A Inzjll-3 LA T -Kl T1 j4x.u_t,1uu U&&A. 30- W X X j K X-Kw J unblnniotuhnullt hull. II Iiivwtiulzuuuiuf--' dtlnu My pagan III III! ..;n..-._n in-uh I-ikh in nnnunnuunnnn (hp. lnlliwul hint tholuino iunhunonshlvhy. Olbjootionwu hhnbunolhhppuu. This was n&uIuovhuI(hpt.8ulthdon|nnd Ahgl A-.1--4-I-nnnnnhnnj. uuuyu-nunauu. Iiolloldunhnnonnduhoppyloc Iinoonlnunnnodtbnuugouonnol klthttcnsoboolowilglolhopob Ihbtnhouldaotohouoollhopupilc. luau nodal n climax Int not vhnthyloodthohochuont. The &uhuh|IlunIuiqud|hooud- lqyalhuuunqudod. Thin will Iuvounlndy wuunalo ochur nu- -I--.-AL- on -..--_.....v.-_._ The Push (bank: In: the lollowing to `yo! Jenni I. Thonpoal. who MI Ihnaluuhy|uoIonhrutoKiII8- n: Durig MI nlidonoo hon ho __._...| L:_._.Il 3.. 1.. .. -(inn -ml mnv & uunm| $-. "uiuquuu ptovcdhim-all to he an uctivosnd nuptinyougnn.udbyhinkin(l huwounuy hhwhowhhhinovoryunccounin AL- 0.`-.. - M-Ilonollloblloopou. Soul-Al bohlteoponwillnoc nah Applinhonlotho iouuhtliaos. Thoywilluklho Ontario Boudtot lion.-cluillbo put. .\londiImhwyoruyntboDon- iIIonActininopu|&vo.IIdthntbo Iniiondtbocouniniounhhmicd VI ZIIIIIII vvvuul 1-. u u Ctoihon nun aloud olcondomnod oun- dyhtho Ithaca gmnuh at tho foot olllq that The children ol the neighborhood unol| the swoon and thonnnnguu nuunbliagtor thou.. Sink child:-an van nuolonn yoshr dny. HI ID?! Vlillbs aux uauun wu--our Inn has uldon ddououl. Ono plant nnlhuoub llnodnhonhund. buuu ootucu. The Kinplon Carling Clubs now hold 1 largo number cl Ioxloln which the Inunbon have won in their matches with othu Club. Thu loud curled L__. L-A_ _-|A.__ .I-l-_;_.I l\- ..I-...- .-- ....,.,.*-- ..__. .. . v_. The Patch Umunrr on now Mani the lunupnontolmo C. P. R. u it. m~ only did the Ix. a.P. BIL. the mm! (mm mum to Perth being blocked up. The ILA P. RR. Ind no stoppage dot. in me put wont. .-w nvvvw - .._........ Tho Inna: at [anoint discus the Pnddunoy ol the Union. Cunning in hq indnlqod II by the audiduu ud their hint. Tho nomination: will occur to-not-low evening and the elec- tion I week altar. We nun the Iotbodilt lipinoopl Church has nesting so-night. whats Binhopcuunnintodollvu uzoodloc- 51!! Then will tho be out} uddnuu and Ipoochen. You should be them. lavllmalluis M21-2:. In Its: Ml: at 21!`. mm lhss Idntm Sunouixtnhinllllulstzn minllhuldscudh u-n--on vs. no. pun, on-w u. -nu Sydonhun Stunt Church will be con- tinuod luring tho weak. . Iuay conver- uionn hue boon npouod. \'oq Poor lay. Tho buy now bl-ought Io thooity in not 01 vorygootlqulny. Prion nap from Mtopor Ion. Launch: nnnlnr oi In-non brought Inch Ironclad mm to un oily that shoy could not sell is. s....'.u**":.;s.::;";... .... Iottlfnntlwut. hit. continual opld wPunr.uuddbyhqh|nnofv. ` g fnbotluholflalnt Tun:-will Ilium. . ~- l.0.l0IIII'IK. :.`- -.& -.'.-'.&'.:`*`5..I: '.`-.`.`.-%i.?'-...`~'-'-` ' .Iuch wk: lo.I.IIoh%y Eh dllndndnluuur "31 : . am -'----"..""""`..-..-E !-Unw.*_|I~lI-nIoQ|1.IIIZlIJ luau I 70;! mt hung.` . uuulnohneuv walk ' UIX-A51:-nL` ton nnosoloouonnd loud valueln In-cuooods and ` lJiIX IL mun-no-:.'_A-a-an-you-anouuuuu _ A -1-- A, noun: Ioodnqu. ~ The twin! nothing: which have on {or com, time in`tbo . nu ,_,-u n _ .1. vunmlcuolb 7&7-Nubia-In.` _ uuoluc. ~ u no can In... my _Ex7rx?Hxii `exiilibug. norlcxs; So muppngva I41 Week. n . ,__,_,-._ III. II. .I. III) WOULD Intern hbold lie I no nun Bu-don mu Pusan u all Inn , l` 4 W'7'?g IK but -Vivi- uplands: Ibo-nnhuuodlllo puunn. Tholalndlhnqnlnlnu dtbllllnllquuhl-Idilchlv autbnhhunlnrnunnhat llnluqutuuorlghuhns-bush- dopuuvunwllhoonuiuud. uvwyhvdthunvlhllh. dhnnuupl. In-solinlvob luu Isvopuniul c It peanut wI|I|.IIovIhh.h"&ohuI|uAno- rip." llhnuidlhlhnoui Ihclaonluthunnuilnppuh to body nulhdtu ii: the old .1 .A_I. hhnnntlhvnuolplupnndbgin &do%I. Thouuvu uljounod nil to-Iuuv. 'l`uImnl\onnolSadnnv.hnu- Iurvuuljouudluuwulonuooun cl__&_0_gcI-Ippunnuolvlhcuu. j-Z1 ZUZUUI lunar-vs - -a ind: bduunlolu-. dudouuhn. It. lyuvh aim unuthuuld II. Jch Dub. 3 hnclvhanncllunv. huh: Xhndhhmd ='--V`:U'T'I'YI T u|h|pn&ul9uII'o()aIqunl sjlhudnln hound Ilnll lllu Wu. UIVIIIIUII nun- IX (IN! honing bython who oxpoohd that uouonvphnoiniholuhouuwonld In. Polmpnuthd hulnwyu. Ski. nlltdhlo wllnll Ibo In- vityphlouldlooklluuslh lb! -Mn-- anal; lljlh III U00. nlullu. nuuugvl In Out -u- churn Bunk. Iloulnul. occupied the pulpit ol an Pint Oonnoptionul (`hunch yuhrduy evening. Ru. N. 1!. High. 0! rolodo. who to Iidod Int uuunnor ou Brouglrl iulnud. in dead. He pnuohod him In: sermon on Fob. Bud. wu curried homo exhausted And did on Fob. l9th. lujot Iuphunou. Sir John`: nephew. who spout some ne ut the school of Gunnery. bu Ineu Innate:-rod Iron the I-`inuaoo to the Public Works Deput- lout. HI: nuluy has boon iucruuod A___. an ntm A. ll ll n-n nnnnun Nawmsswds.l