Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Mar 1884, p. 4

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Will be devoted to Bargains in NEW SPRING PRINTS, French Sateen: and beaten Gingham; Wm be devoted to Barnum in in Dress Goods. Sauna. Velvets, Black and Co1r`d Cashmeres. WIL1. BE DEVOTED to BARGAINS in TRIMMINGS, ~ Laces, Ribbons, Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. WE ARE OFFERING THE SAME THIRTY-THREE per cent. under regular prices. Our Embraideries are all on t.he_beat Muslin and in new and ELEGANT DESIGNS. Emhroldoos and lnsertIons,_ sunnumnm DBPAHTIBNT. mum rummsnn I Special and Attmtive NnvelI1esrnrEvamlay. Extraordinary '1`HE__B'RI'I`ISH ware MONDAY EyEun`Nu.LmBcH 3. -j IIIQIILOIO 3. HI. fur New and Spacious Premises, I An. & J. ennnlunrs comma] [REMOVAL ! [OUR PROGRAMME FOR MARCH SATURDAY, MARCH 1st, TUESDAY. MARCH 3rd, MONDAY, MARCH 2nd, & J. GARDINER` 'Il.l. III-I OFFERED IN EVERY IIIIPAIITIIIZNT. AT THE END OF THI-`. HUN l`H-l`NTlL THEN OUR WILL BE lfllllbll Dlllll TIE Rlll.` Illl. ONE THOUSAND PIIOIS Inducernentsf REMOVALJ] a, sun? -unwIIn gnvinmlndno u'-'%`u#'.'.{-u-'3?! Ibo nu Inn`: E. N: u IIINIIY Inll. aqua lion 0 on IOIIIIII and to Is ' VANDRIW . Alu Inumnhlp um) IIII- . INN Ilthl do nod V 9 [led lllll, |tI;::w`::n[ HA : In ggm fondiucu she Ip- Idlnlt her: but I/mi ulmugn mo 0 window. um I! In fu non ha a that It escaped her In the in on tear that pouused but It nding some one at the foot of the had and to cutting on hot capo. whllo In lnnoodl person would cer- tainly but nlnod u: alum. And. wlth utnnl Donut. doncnhed whnt aha Ind DUI! above. lnluul of lghuug with the III like I wild cat ( use Im on wow) and no escaping him. not atnoo of MI found fortwo whole dun. Bltn the id nlcbuhonturnod u- I '.....,;_;'.m.:'.'::.':-.".'::.:.`.:.`,`:'? E Iuu IO our to ma 1:..a'1`f:}_':..'.'...'1:'.'.':"an.'.i I nun ronmoat. u. we peril or her neck. the toner hid come mahm down ul- nou Into the man : arms. I might In uuuod that mo shriek ulna vo Inn of bone: at aomothln nho nd behold through thoo ndow. but It tn-nonnmbn 41 um. Itnnnnnul 1...- nmovu, wnon. ID) as weight, he tell. that Iolnethln WA: on It. and the next month! M 1 nhrlok ubovo him. and bond foremost. M. the peril of her nrtnoner runhinn down .1. nu ymgnl. at evidence would presently be I ()- ` lntod. for the present It was aumclent. to any thnt he had to non to remove theladder from the ndaot um house durln the afternoon. and, n-member Inn to n! night. and fearing Mr. 1'} re`: dllplollure, had gone up to the I ..ll,|nd after watching about some tlmo. III In the act. of gnu: n It fur nmoval, when. by its welg t, 0 Mt. Iolnethlnt was It. and thn nan mumerer. An prisoner. his lips were closed, but when Mr. I-lyre awakened from the cm into which the death of his wife thrown him, he immediately order- ed the man`: release. Ind demnndod the committal of the only person living who could have desinadiu harm his wife, uid so were Able to obtain from his guwdener the real story onimt uu~ ha ynight. at end:-m-A wnnld nmnnnnu ha rn_ not nice. ` Almost immediately nrtorwani, the diamonds she had worn that night were discovered to bo Inissim. and it man i seen to be peering in n! the wimiuw. who was immediately seiznl upon. and in dne course committed for trial as the murderer. An nrinnnur hi: lino Irnrn nlncnal tmo 1 mm In auo course. On rewlxltm Mrs. E)'n"s apartment ` they were horronstmck to see her bleeding and unconscious, while Mr. Eyre himself. mused by her or . hav- ln reached her more quic y than they. by ucendin the staircase that led from his study othe bedroom. was Itanchlnl the blood that owed from herlldo. Almnst, immndlnrnlv nnnn.-u.-.1 n... ueen betom made. It was to be remembered that Mr. Eyre and the servants were all below stairs; from the back her mum \ru:I lul- Ipproachable. and the only possible mannerb which the munleror could lnalcoegot ingress to lt was by n lzuldu-r l . against the wall by the gnnh-no-r hat afternoon. and forgotten by hlm In the dlschnrfo of Mn dutlos until very law that nigh ; but on this ova.-rslht the most important evldemws 0! no whole case hinged, and would be gone Into in due I (In ram-hlna Mm In-m'.. nun.-9.-.-..a lA-uolthlabnnohnonlodn ma I uhnuooulnnlunby m` on I. LIMIIIII. Genus! tum. Tania. I I lillbqck a |I-ul-rn . Agents. u` A.:lumo Whut. loot Ptlnoul Iltnu tenanted, save by the sleopingchihlreu. I The nurse shortly entering. he nui- unced with her to the inner room. and he had stood for, perhaps. some live or six minutes conversing with her. when the cry was heard of which mention has been befom made. It urn: tn In rnn\nn\Imrn.l H... u.. room. I. would be shown in Lord l.m`(-l`s evidence how, after wishing his lmst.-_~s night, he waited awhile for Mr. `ym, but presently departed, the hut- Ier locking the door behind him. lint in the moonlight ho distinctly saw ll gure cross to the wing! op site Mrs. I-.yre`n mom. and in whicht ienursvrios were situated. and quickly following it. found. to all apgenruiice. the rooms un- tenanted, y the sleopingcliihlren. ahorllv enu-ring. he mi. I nus . }'0l'l|1x`m|m(- x'lI! 1:.`tm'vm1rs(-th:|t had taken plum In-t\\'vc-n that poor murder- ed voung lady and her old`cnm nlon nnd plnyfellow. Lord Lou-I. In been exaggerated. by vuluarrepurt. into 2: connection very dilT('r9nt lo the one that existed; and on the (-venin Ill question. the vrisoner hnd rnllm`ed rim to the Red I MI. and. lmrself hidden, been witnnn tn. and nudimr nf n Nun. to the Iced Hall. and. herself hidden, been witness to. and nudilor of, a con- versatio that took lace bt~t\\'cvu Mrs. Eyre am Lord Love . Mr. l~2_\'r:- h.'n'ln;z temporarily withdrawn to the next room was situated. Not one of them bore her any nmlice; even the nrdener. when arrested for Lho crime. declared his Inability to com- mit It, because she had nl\\':|_\'s been kind to him and (to use his own words) he had studied her likes and dislikes even beyond thosu of hm nmstor. There was not 11 sinszlo will livun: who could have an unkind inxpnlsu lmvunl her save Hm prnsunernl the Inn`. \\|m hud been pus~n-~.-.--do!` lhzn rrnuh-<:. mos: unrensmnn: ln.uIn"~'~' that um take lhlllbiillllkll nf Hm 'u n .n Mn-xAI'l.~iul. mum possession ofllw ` 1-0:` [hr mime-nt wlmouv. auwmpum: Iurom the trout. There was no questiunut the servants being conrvrned in llm umnh-r. :13 the were all he-low stairs at the tum-. wit u the ex 'pU0ll of the nurse. who was in conversation wxth Lord Luv:-I \\'h4-,u the shriek was heard that nnnmnu-~cI some tau] event, and set ever (me running towlni the wing in whic 1 Mrs. Eyre}; situated. Nnt nun nf Churn Imrn hnr nnv vunli:-n~ I mt mm novel. He would resently show that the visits of the alter had an lm rtant bearing on the case: but monnw He he would describe the Bed Hull :3 model of which la! ou the table. From the manner in w nlch it wns blocked up by stable: und other bulldlmxs ut the side. In wmcn 1: mocxen by buildings side, and by the cm! in the rear, it would be Ihowu how almost i:npm.~uIle it was to gain access to Mrs. Hyrefs bedroom without alwmptimr itlrom the from. am-sliunuf H0 won proceeded to state HIM. Mrs. Eyre had lately lived In great tranquill- ty and retirement. their sole visitor be- lnt Lord hovel. Ha umnhl nmnnntlv nlmw that Um itixns lnm-nu liupuy. of Buds. -u_._g..,,.., - ----- on | vlouln to the mud or me nuualn. Ila dwelt upon thohwful haste, and the peculiarly atbetic circumstances untllnd anon od her last. moments- bow. when practlcally ndyln woman. Iholml yet lingered on till or llttle prematurely born babe saw_ the light. and than had dlod. uncuuscnoua to the last of having an enemly in the world. sending wit almost not dying breath in message to the rlaouor at the bar. llo than 0 ed to um Mr.-1. wammu [roan um: minds any im- reuious they ht roviously have ormod of the mu or o the you . be- loved. Ind beautiful lady who fall- victim the mad 0! me Ila dwelt. uunn {ha `lawful Imam and the prosecution. Ila commenced` by culling upon them todiuniu from their minds im- nrenaious Lhav might. nrnvinunlv hmm mo court. At tan o'clock the risoner, oater Ciujke. was mad in no dock. and the clerk proc ed to read over tho indict- ment to the prisoner, slur which the my wen sworn. mad the prisoner, in u out voice, having pleaded not guilty. Mr. Montnguo ton to uidrou tho jury for the prosecution. bv cniltm noon mam ml. LVUIIIU, ll!!! IOI' `IO PHSOHUI 311 . -z- \ A um: ' `-loc;_,_ 051 I9! the hounepnt v':`i'}3u the l11:%}_`EId been omnnmod wu brought in Ind trllmwulmtxt-poh the table in the cantor ,0! co ulna in tho body or an oolirt. The counsel (or the prusecuuon were ` Qlr. Montague. Mr. Hmnhers. and Mr. '"i";.T{~xt.':.'. ._"""' " """" % O ltfnrlmv `fan lhn nrnunc-nlinn I'll ` um and ll . I-`lgwor. _ _ The ntoruey for the prosecution Ina Mr. Noble`. any! for tho prisomr Mr. DI]. and telnllnnxnlad as ghyefldwwgu satur- da even . . nine o'clock in the. mormn'.( the use In .C0,| l.I'(`J'B occupied by end on the bench were the Duke or lnrnlton and other count mu- mm. while lnnedhuly sf ennui those who could not be accommodated with seats on the bench. disposed them- eelvee in the body court. urusecuuon wan Rlllllll Wllll IIILIUSI HUI Uylllg "(I'll-II I p I Eyre lawlv Kraut tranquili- IICVBICXQ-L co I to u r V ...';'31 ...'.".`7.X.,:.'.. .'.'.`,".` ..m.....`.`.".`." "' ' take ~jeul- Um It U. nhohonhuuonuowool Trad. Ind 1 but non that IIIIIOI `ill (or M yuan. on both: ol lauded Haul Ilt~ Ian uucdhl-. which he tendon cl-nu nnindo. hvubul the utnnlrnultd nu randy nuotlu pun blood ud yar- laruunlon. uuu Ivan-I DDUII I1! IIIII HI WIIIIQII, In?!` dumhdu nl oolot the Tulsa lo D on "-'-....* . [Tm-r..-3 ; onryv 0 punhr huuuhl. hung much Iupulnt to louool 100 M ll-Ignh`. j__...__._- the loan run-anon. It too uunhbh {ad than fat In-ilhuoy a`.';`.'."..".'~'.`Z".i`1Y "}."'y".."'.:.'f.'!:`.'af'... ".13 A Ono 'I'_ cum, Iona. no `no one-0 healing oonpouud uudu tho nuu in loot r a Puke`: Cubolio (3 nu-. Than 3 no son bul will meoum to in wonderful Itlllll pnponlca. II II An Invaluable human; [or nouldn. futon. ow. Pnoo ltd-In um-. ( Drown : druu non. Prtnoun nnol. 1| ruorllo lzvorywhnro. Whats:-or introduood Hnyurdh Yellow Oll ndn Manda. II in than old lolhbk household remedy {or alarm! on internal an in all when. pain: luneneu and non - non of tin c-uh. A. (Jon. I ruminant drama: of Bollonlb. hays, "II n prose hvorito lIon.u:d In I good uh." Established In `hop. Neglected oold:'|.r'o the [MAI trap: that omnu-e runny I vlotlla boyon-J poutbvlity of rucuo. Tsko I cold or cough in (in e and it III ouuly conquered b um Info And plounnt vegatublo remedy. {kg}-std`: Peo- Ionl Bnlum. Authnn. Bronchitis `Ind pulmonu complaint: gcnenlly noon yield to m has In Inoonoo. wonm-rlul auccc-an m the cure ol (Tnnnump ` nun In wnhout a parallel in the history oi rnedmiue. Binoonn llntdinmery It has been sold on I guarantee. I In! which no other medicine can ntnnd If _\'-ru have A cough we urnonlly um you to try it. Price 1013.. 500. and 01. H your Lung: no tore, chest or back lama. uu Hhi|oh'I Porous Planter. S4-lcl by W, J. Wilson. oo- Thu: in beyond quantum the moat me- eonful Cough Modioinn wo haw not old. A low dose: invnriubly cure the want nun of Cough. (Jroup un'd Brouclutlu, ululo Iln wondorful in the at Cnnnump parallel lninlovv lh-re. Mop um luul. Wntch crynuln. only [0 oonl.n.'nl. Wnl hum D|vid'n Broker Shop. the clamped place in the city. He II! I dealer in new Ind neooud h\ud goods 0! All Kinds, unil- lhln u clothing. lurnitnu, hsrdwuo. dry goodn. jewellery. munionl inutrumonh And hounhold goods. All howunlo in the poo In to come In. u be in uura to uell m Dund. nut to Robinson`: curring: fuctm-1. sign of the rec Ilsa. Prince Rtn-ot. Khm- sum. Purely I`:-gamble. llniiiilloiili Mnndrnlie and lhiiwruul Pillu are con. ioiied of mnudnle. dniideliou. burdock. (`u V9l" root und othur clioice vegetable extncts. They not an the liver Ind nonnch with green certainty and thus give relief to many coniplninu ll iiiiiig from 3 disordered condition 0! than orgumi. lla- milwIi'I Pills cu: be uud an limo by tlia wish with nbiiolute certain y um. no ill elects will follow lh(`ll' uius. Sold by Poison A` (`n science. To increase the weight 0! the body. Ill- mzorate the Iyatem, rovitnlize the exhumat- od sud denreesed. in the true olqeot of medical ncieuoe. The dine:-tiva organ: must be in e hualtby oouditinn if we Will! to secure this devunihle result. and mi re~ medy \'l`I discover--d hen proved so -(Teo- tenl in ueoomplhhim: thin out I-`ux-Sun I-Iiwuaioii Coin. It onntaumi the I uoephoh ous to build up the nervous system And all the {At pro iucing properties of Flu `need to enrich the blood and Iunply the nine] ooonomy with the element {or reconstruc- tion. For sale at Wndtfn end the Phnr. mncv. W J. Wilson. ------oo Jnnen IIrn_vlu_\'. lhmillou, says: "I round the teiutnnoulah for McOro;:nr'n Speedv Cure |uJ Iouud thntl lmn not to go to New York. Phlhdelphis, Louisiana or Texnnlo nd hviug witnesses of its vnlue. we had plenty of persons right here to prove mu merits. I got 3 bottle sad it helped me right uwny. 1 wt: :3 bad with Iiiboun Fever and Indigestion u I think any one oonld be. 1 have taken three bonlen and um nelrly well said can out any kind of food without. it hurting me. 1 um)` say that I am better than I ever expected to Ice." TIMI bottles me It (`howuu' druguuxe, Princess street. A . oo- A-7 Inn rum. The Excelsior uptnre Treatment. we: introduced to the Americui eople m'\'er|| yearn Ago by furnishing Jie remedy to those nlietod with Hernia in nnyol in lorms And oollecting no pay until permu- nent cure was affected. In this my the trentmen`. gninod 3 world wide reputation on he own merits. never {Ailing tocure my reducible Hernia. The Corn Any has lnoed thmremedy on sale by :11 Sruggmn II] the United St|t.ee.CanIdn Ind England. in thin wny bringing it within the reach vi all classes It I trnling cost. Ask your druggint for | free book or send nix cents for one to the Excelnior Rupture (`uro Mennfnotnnnn Co.. Ogdeneburg. N.Y llnps the |-|'|su:n-1i"luu| lll` hunuritbln, In-inn-1| livnl she would bu Hrs! in I. fee-nuns. and in the luau she )ruI'uundly loved; [:11 mm vv. who could have 1 "7. l'...; . Dull!-glounnudluu haul, louhnonnnolulovnluu 1 ch TIIOIAI I not` uuuulluus llnuloalnnh In In. upon her own neon. If he were obliged to anticipate me defense. it was because he was entirely in the dark as to what might be not up; and if It was urged that the prisoner neither ned by. nor could have my motive or the crime. he would rerly that such was the Intricate conslitut on of the human nnml. that there were motives rm nun muhl cnm'Pivo. Per- lnnps the w'isu:n-wluul lhuu`-.vht um. her h murn rm-[mm-d, lnchllwtfh-baht. n A 0:4 AI:-A Alan.-n Han- -I G. vereu me room. um: um ll uorore mo murder had been committed, was prov- ed to be an impossibility, by the lactuof her having the dri ping knife in her sseasiofi, uniossi wutobesupposed hat the had wiiifuiiy. and for the pur- pose of itracting nus icion to herself in cold in nod. have in icted the wound her flesh. obiinrod anticipate ma one nea overlooked e not um`. we at tlctlve had the next dny discovered, \'lz.. a torn plece of a women`: dress can ht In a projecting null on the heck oft ne chair in which the victim had been seated when eulprleed by the unu- derer. This fragment of clothing had been found to exactly at e plece miss- ing from the front of the prlsoner'e~ gown, while the on her hand In- awered to the wld of the knife found in her pocket. and might be conjectur- ed to have been accidentally inflicted on herself. whlle ntnbhlng It the poor oung lady. That she should have on- red the and left It before the rnnnlnr lmrl hnan r-nmmlflnul was nmv. I (lead cliihi on her Imeeu. mm on Doing , led urg`y auui ue~.1rche in jmi. there was ` found 11 her pm-kc-t a long. narrow knife; with u nleudc-r iuuidle. and a cor- responding` siuiu or blood in the pocket. '9!!!) that U '.n.r!~3_hn\:9 hen: uent! on W in wet and dri{vpiIIil\'v blood of tho vwlim. liu than wuone piece of evidem-e more damning Ilmn III. which irrevocably chained the ac- cused in the deedul was this. The hounemuid who had been deputmi to net. the room in order after its unluippy mistress`: death, ind. in the natural fear and horror of the situation. r- formed her dutioo buizcnmleul . no hut line had overlooked I not ii: the do- tintivn had tha next dnv diuvwanul "IE? In to bring to jnloo mo Mayer 01 [us . uved wile. sud Imunct guuljnu lulu In the right. clirectmn. he um.sh-ml atnngtah to'de.-rend to the hull, wln -re unknown to hiin. the constable waited with _I Wltrnul. (or the npprohensinn of ' tho prisoner In lulu hum]. Within live . minutes also was :ll'l't'suNI yvith the limo dead child her knees. and being led unv and B.`Il (`ll8d mu. there was A-,.uly next nmmuuz Uuc (`Mid died. and in thqnuno moment Mr. I-Ivm Imman- ed front the deadly stupor dun Ind held Mm In its grip, and his just Impulse be- in mo bring to justice the Mayer of his and Imn. instinct cumin: -._.-oo.._: A l'u'orllo lhcrywhurv. nu-or inlonalnngal Ilgnu-ad`; 'nu'uI. In hp`! j_...~;-_ I oo l:i:.|.l"I [nu UIOQOOO Deposited Will Ilse Government. Thn nlnnnnu In an. Inn.-\A-1A4. n. ......n ...|.- ul rvlnuwd, Inn] l.m'al'.~A u!- uurl of the child _mL if lm had no 0 Ind 0110`? ` P '11:: not. v an-cult-nu-unsung Rflll n-nu j l.lAD I Ant. A. -, III-anon ,Iu-ore. lllontol. In nu Ian 5 In non run lltnn tor utulubg to In or uoxum a. Tuna, Tiulmia. Pitch. moon and (Milan Ill 0%: riunzhlu Iuvluun. 1: Inch: irncn. Pill. I III I DXIIXC`-1'*- '0 have Ian Io:.n:oot:.r:'u.oI rlllnnn tor 11-35:: Inc`: A 1-mung- II [IVE IUIIIIUC UIC-o `III II`. ws um: oou-Tn-rnv on msn 1.: MM uuououwm ' ' on Anuiuooll mo a good ass I `fl. Iulnln. ----l?lI.1'8IlII--- --L.-`kn . lg. -.... mg... .n._.___ L, `I'll!-2 BIHITCOA l.oll. IIIIIIIIIII II the DIIIQI. llflldeod I to [Ive nnuuhtuon. summmwn - mnmi: A [:\'lt`H`l`lEIl8. lqweul mm fc`>rlnI\-r;AiI|- I Fl nun roe - dn-I 6`m.'P 81.. ll) uauu no hour madidnv lluTo or evening Bond `ran Conn lor Tut-I13` gonlplol lo comnwnce work on. Maui ll. . AV. ltuuund. Vermont. I-`APITAL. . . UIIIIVI FUND. guum nu lhouu-mo ulnnu Iho ---nu Ilnd Ind ol mg 9: dtqhnva goon gnu-ad. lndood. - . rm-at |n Ill huh 'I'..:..:..z.'E.!....'.'.!......l II no dnlu Ilnd 1'1 IME nundx lava bun cunt. I-dud hum: Inn` In : an um mu riu It In KI .."...u."...`.'.l`. ru. u nnnnl on mud:-nu. In: my iulhruv ulvo II mu] 1' (I mono- Dl. I`. A. ll l'I. I!` rnrllk. Nut furl. or VALIJIII IQIIQA Im round to an an vmut onus Ioouun al and onoldlnuhtumuvnn-Ivlngoc-s. u our lot A audio and 9 Irv: I--uln o! In] In & mnody. _Iv9 _I_wrnu_u_n_q_ run umm. It cu-In run A l(l'.1|ll'.l\lI`F.H `V III`; l'Iv\F: fic|!ardson s wuu-I up-an--u--on--nu no -u---5 I "In! Inn Iho-In nun (`I 7. .- nl run. Ihno -do the clan: of 7 III, IPILIPIY IGIISI I In Mud]. 9905!: ,'-W! --- .!---- db-!_I|9'! sou: av puaiqc iucilou. |...!i_l!..!.I;E1Z[$.z sumo ad huunw-m an! I Inca Ind: mg-A gxlho rifl, Irlurur EIIIIHK II OIKW9 lm HIGH: mm was manner was -. vuuuuuu vulva VIII -w - ` 7'"? sins t "'"""uo.n'..1' '~'rT~'3`.".'r?33: up until an. in nu: n.. mun. [TAK]N()'J{`l(`AE ONTARIO IIIANCII City of London Fire Insur- ance Company, I up Inunnu LVIYAVI 1 nnl ANT!-Zl)-IlN AND WOIIICN 1lIHTAlt'l` n nrw bull`!-n ll lholr huluemeully learn in an hour. N paddling. Ton com: to Mu cut: n a tiny Muse 'an_Ceuln log TW_|{nl)` Qclnplul ORIAN'8 Iil.lJC'I`l(l(.` IH-ELI`!-6 um-uunvarh lsod lo ha 1: good And so all! In npro tented. Tl|hVIIlllll0dIll(`|\'l'0 Ion Ind p,oInnn- nonuy cure Nnnrnun nebnhv Hhomunllun Nun. PIIIII. Lama lhu-Ix. Pnrnlynlit IHIIIMI [Aver sud Chou Oomplnlma. (ilrr-ulunl um! ooumluuon lrgp. > , _ W.J \\'ll.:iUN. who Agent. 5: 50"AYS'TWE 1.MnsTI sumo"-or in I The Phu-Inny r:1.mm_u_p asp? _II_{8TITiJ`l'lN HUIUIUII, or In}. SKIN, And onrupochn o! dluuu arising nu- } dloordond uvm, xnonzva. 8YOMAON. aowtu on moon. \ IIOOFUONG LIVER, I. lu.nun' A 00.. I`rwrI-ton. `nu-I-~ ____.______._______. | 21: uusui. "WM gonncii. numunu, V DRYNESS uuoncuc. or m: sxm. A__mI qnrvlpochn clung BIUOUSNESS V DYSPEPSM. ` INDIGESHON. MUIDICE, fllfllo A wllllhuo in 1' 0 v n1uui"i-ibiii iii . on no ` `no n':n`u'o'o' onauwtmm tom s-u:h:,t1`;.3l. no Income bu um r.:::.%:.'...*'.:'.:.`::.' ":.': M" "" We mainly quote on llnntou one to pm how bononom It In to pun-onlu I Company :.IaAc=uupA'|ud all the w'onl:t.noIof oltlaoueo now u nun: n u n . . nus sum): Innuml In Jul 1&0. IDIO Ill}. lnuoul or up yzovyyuyug Oananuly. u Oolnnlnr P|0T|ll`E.'F:i.illnI".l::;AlyI:TOIV, EF; HILL OUR! X RELIEVE mcurec nl11mroo Mlgcenaneous. NORMAN`! r LU I I uillvu OF THE HEN". ACIDITY Of ' `rut cfnn ADI-I DIZZINESS, DROPSY. FLUTTERING IWTIJFM I T urn. ul uumlmcrnc 1 Dan` THAI 1'0 vthu u:v_- nurr than his now pay: mm 0 nvrmn_| pay: nun yuan. 0I'I`lOI-lJr|unh Amulcnu llolnl Block. A. u. Runny, Proddont. llunmon. Goo. A. Cox. General Mum. Pnovbom. J. 'I'. W Feb. lish. Dlllrlol Mint. lnastou. uuuvv yvuayuul, K OI" LONDON, ENGLAND. uoIIo!do1IIofiI5ho." Aolthlh Ontulo. . W. Vnnd Anna In llnaton. mac. n : as men: I | hot ||.Ilh wglchuo I : "l"\:&).$=A"n.|l' I330! 11! non yuq-.7lngInnrth0now Arnxvuo BBTABLIIIIBD nu. `nun: l.lADlN;J urn orrlcn IN mum. Nell ulvluon or PI-oln I885. HR! AND MARIN!-. TORONTO. n suuantiiii lhslnuuai tn_|n_q.lluthrd.cu| I TU` T ' _ Nvd BL... 33:? ludotuoo oompobdlor mono Ml Pullclu lnnuod {or .... .. llmllll IIIQI hI'......|.l.InJo.II M van land or not oompobd for W L131. 8) Llnlnnnlnponhooundln Ilnulun Iuvcntul In the Dominion and full unno- I unully II"! luoolvor-(haul! and hold for he oulnun buxom ol Ccnodlun Policy In CI. lhu clouding the steamy on Gann- Iulu Bud. All lot-had Lib II-I Indowmauu Pollen: In mod ll Inodonh ntu. nl'lll`.l .m........ n..... I l`A'l'l`IN`l`0PElW.IllH8lH CIIADA I.irnAssu1~aniumn 1.I B WALDRON, "((V_-_ ' llonodn,'Whno0octounuJuu'dprwu. ' Auction Whlucouonl 5| ndugd pdou. !lorrouIn'8loubp.I.i} I ' Wunumo 8&5 .. 3} "dw.i'd6. `. _ " ' ` Tim Un ` 3. If yuda mdo. ` Funky`: lhovy Pillofcouonl. 38. 40. 4!. II -non ll moaoruo ruu. OFFICE -C1uonoo tuna. and KINGSTON- Jnn. III-A T jvwiiitu _ _ __ J _ \ FOR LADIES AN: OBN'l`Llll'IN-DlRl'IOT I-`ROI NI-IW YORK-CALL . gum I_I_u llll. run nu \'n_,rnm. _ . 1n-s 1`-_____.__-4.'.|".; A '_ 7N--- TIIIY AMI \Il|,P'lllI. #- 9 '1 1:.oo:KIa-J.--r 1-luv manna dannn `cheap[i>ott3as; Cheip .---AT WALD-0!`. IIIIBAP SALE.-- V THEY HA_;%uE%x : IIILVUO 1 `J Jan. pm. mlllll AID LLIULSIIIBB _ l IHIIIIAICB C0'Y. -A-A -ILL- Q... I__._._.. Flmkf. Oncinu. luau: Id Ali!` in July. 13 .... OLE - `- ywuwvuc, -1 v-vu ` > F T U I CII__8AP IALE3-- 7 u I film: 1. u(`oInpAny .` -` Hernun' 1- dmluaumn mung rm: Ann 3lAIuuL 1-nnnn-nn 1':uou, Illalal. (Mn. Ac-nu. nu unuaulud Shootings, 2.8 yuda vnd . Finley`: Heavy PiHoI'CotIoItl. 3H. I0. 41.. I5, 54 Inch. All II lonlrul wholonlo puns. . w1woN's nuummas mummy A Ollll 6u_Andiat:tii , ` % % uuucms "I "All!!! `I Iiunuu-n-nu III-anvnl nah Izmilrasu can A ` I EL_LEVILLE- -uuuu an uw vn-ury urguun. I Z I lolnldlx . |l ID! II ` IL Hmun `:`.tIlIO :O.lIno . ul only rvqvnnul. Ne unuou On cttbpnllu. l:vu.uu.:. Hmxmun Ocunxr, Plnultrnn IIIALLIII-I. Hhllllw. OIPIATIIII. I`lI'\`IXl1'\`I- .II. I lhllo Hal l lieu- rtrt:.tl-nIl.f:o:dl:1..nAl|. ozunoolm ul pdoo. Dncpuvv `hunch Q00 nu upphocuon. AIKIIFAI AGKKl`\'.`C" IKDIFINI l\L. LIST arms PAID SJ} \tf Aa -'GINE. IL - - eazrfr/1 Dvon Iona Inn hopq lu mnomvun on I:f0dI runs no say lls`: TIOIAI nloc mu` vo'-S35. I uh: an :....' #3:: ,__ ____._v. _- _---- 0|-` HAMILTON, (INT. ._.3.`}'}.`?.P.. !'f.' - Tanmox. I and Hunter`: ale-uuun Cm: Iltnomlnn. 01:: {E III- & en :5 an Inn pad to E the null of 11: t lulvhuo the Dan Island. In to can support to It. llyu I In 0 I: U ; tho to Jana: f'a.."m"' ,`.":u7E:: 5.33.35 an no Ihj Ci, In Anna.-n -MLnn-s. INUIIXJIUIJI I21! I o `I'M: but duo Bum lacunae: Oom- pnluddngluun nu Uuuln. ..m.ooo.ooo| lnvcItmanIIlu0umI|........ NIKON! lnIuIlolIunInnnul0VIl'l'Oanona Inn! run; g_nv ng`a_a_Qu. ii7u'a-'7't?`u{"'aT'""".....n` "' 1;" "" child In: burn. 3:: thnt unnno. And lildnnlli dnl-Inn Huuoupood batwoonbd cl`: oponl of tmumnu Inmlmn. I o o Inon ammo in nan nu. nlnnlnn Aw pI-IlII ullvjulnt 0! III` `I dnth. the Inowlodgo of how also bun butud lug woman when hot chlhl VII ha-n. I31 man than mm use lnurdcnr. A third Account emphatically denlod tholwotonnor anal. and nudthntho Imrdot Md beouoonnmod bi nu-amp. whohodboon refund nlnun the sc- vnnh` lnllhtund. hanging` am: the plug. aw through 0 win`- ing: window: with the dlunoodl on her Iooount ununu ubnud. A noon`: b:loclarod `Hindi Mr . uuppoood enema no ow, : - covered lord Love! hidden in thohouno me: he had ostensibly left. It. and that In the utr lo which ensued. Mr. 19`. no bad mum up I weapon. that ad mrond Mndupu she throw hand! won the two men her crlos bring- lng we [udonor to or reocuo. who 3: totthwith sound by the urvumu Illilll. A thl nnonnnt mnnlmn-II: 4|.-Jul ll. her tllnatlon with Lord have-l. But thle Idee-for Mr. Kym`: devo- tlou to hln wife was well known, end no mar pmol of his love could he asked theooueeloue. poulhly dylng.eul.e In which he now Iny-wee received cold- ly; and. Indeed. the tire: confusion and horror had acuoely subslded. when it hecene known that the Inn: Dug: was released. and the women llee r Clerke after A short ptellminu{ In- qnl . heen committal to take her on ml change at the next u- Illee. then the pnbllc curloslt , the: had elechened a little over en du I ::'lmlnn.l"nI [tho ueuetlroee to lever t u. 3 t e c ronmsunoes oouea out thntywere uld to have led to her arrest. hon! hovel had been at lied Hell on Ullt mu 1: ht, and his discarded mil- lren hld ollowed him there. end. etung hoe one madneu. lad fined noon: to re. l-lyre. uml subbed er lo the then escaped before the mur- detwu lecovemd; lhls wulhe em Iooounthrultaed uhruad. A jinn] nlnnlnnul Hun Ur I-`urn dolor. thrilled every heart. 1 The disappearance of the lamonds reduced the crime to one almple ~er:l~ but then were pe of whom 'l`nneoIne was one. who ldly de- clared that they did not believe a word about the diamonds but fell. sure Mr. Eyre had killed her ln 1 llt. of jealousy at her lltatlon with Lord Bill Hill Idnl-fnr Mr IC\'na`a darn. running or loose the bands at Uriom And now toh whet the outside worid-reeg`eotebilty with its thou- sand ige"- ed said to the deed of vio- lonce committed at the Red Hell. with- in twelve hours of hire. Eyre`; death, the whole cuuntr_v~sido Wu ringing with it; the house was heoiegod h per- Ions who came from iu-end near Ask \ lithe dreuira I were truo.md to loan fulch do `ls-ut the tregedyu e In 1 . ' gcandele that had been most concerning Mldfalp wen {oi-gotten in the honor her fate excited-onloher youth and sweetness were remem Nd now, and an ind Ant thmh of pity for the murdered. o hauwed for the mur- denr. thrilled heart. diaannecnnoe of the dinmnndn vmwn aumlaammmm. IZQI11 LX113 ANAIIII mo nnu nnguago by which our dead I to us, vengeance showed to him A: dust sud uhes, nnd hatred of lies- nr died In his breast. as. thinking only of her. no matched out his hands wthe empty III sud cuned his Maker that be ill no! lvhm in bar arm; lnmuth LllAI'l`Bll XX. (`A& than bind the stunt tnlnenoeo oflho Pyoladeg or loose the bands 0! (Mom Anal nnnu On K3. -L-A 33.. ....s ' mined and undone forever. I [eater should die; but that would not bring Mldcap back. end as the miser- able man gazed around the deeerted mom. meeting at every hand those mute tokens of her lute presence thnt. make the NI lmguege by which deed , us. vemnance showad m him out to the hurt. lie knew himself to he s murderer ln Intent. If not in deed. that the homi- cidal lmdgulso that had moved him in the hay ld had. on the oocuou of Ilea- ter`s tlnreutenimv to harm Mmlcap, hardened Itself lnatos roou=ddeuermlna- tlon to kill her. rather than that hls wife should he allowed to anion and it he had by a h:\ir`s bremlth escaped the crime. he was at heart guilty as though hh hsnd lmd committed it. He clinch- ed that hand now in a fury of impotence. snd cursed it that when by striking it mt have saved Madcap`s life. it hsd I run tolift itself: and subs um ` rm: nave sqveu Madcap`: me. it htd itself: and who was mined and undone Ilaatnr should din- hm. nut n-m.I.I um: jealously than his own life. , It was as It amanlmd n`sol\'e(| to slay his enemy with some instrument over which he had secretly stunted. and that he had often looked for an (Ripof- tunltyof using (sheathed and In! safe am when none could kind It). undone day in very qnemy had tnmked him to hit: lace of lndin and with that very ntoo had stabbed is nearest and don- out to the hurt. Ila knnuv himvu-If In In - mnnl.n..- 4.. nnu. wan the sweat un his brow. Mr. I-Lyra lnaggorod tu hisvfeot. and mum] around in. Then stood the had upon wlhich she had luu. u n which pho mi H. be ly- I uow-t no lmuniful. the loved- not the spirit of murder. that had minted in M the open door of his soul. In aolno awful Ilmxplimlrle wz\`y, passed` Heater by, in return In nun-r shape, to wrotk ltaa` upon `ha! ha guarded mom jealously than his hfe. I man hm] n-snlx-ml m I I and no nu-ns. wllh in terrible gosturi 6! Output Ind bnl Iln to the it. who looks calungl o|(a. wmh n nxuile..|:1bren rolnting to his I) ood-stained hand, van- that. `VIII: [Inn annrnnl nn |.l.. bu... \l- u..__ nu eneeur. pornlemend Dede bin strike. A second gure mee within ten. of I women dressed in white-the tece wee him. her em:dude we: of` cane I e e men vunclug w I. e species of `blind fury. rubbed It to the heart; than with a turn of joy` tore the covering from ts hoe. to am the rum: 0! Ne deed. But. what. is this? He drew: beck-he hurl: the weapon from hlm-he krialehgy thehrrgdhered ehepe-he clupe ede- e on It with teen and crlee 0 reply to him; but It In ellent. It has no power to reply. and he turns. with terrible gesture of I down: ubbnldlnz. to the mm, nullnntunnlnnduddnntnluhnut clutched I weapon; he xlunced aside. and thindne and dimly mumlned by tholnmo at owed from bor.crouch- n"'......"" `"33 ...?....:"":.."'x .3: '` u': . It In an r Md; suddenly uhodnv the weapon from in ninth. poinlad, and had. him strike. zuro NE Ihin hum. of n cans: ad. 1;'a9.7"u1'y"u""'o'n`m.m Inca ' If no lblwi Doullloaoovcnnonl I very nuance hophandlathcoanuatn ol h Ill mulb- .._`,'.:`:.."" _..;`.&'._.'_'_:l"" I land you haul uonl d In of Ibo hoot. lI.0"&%II 9- `j `As M u And . nooov'3:4u*':yu.".z.:`-'1: m'.'.3o lncgtound oflni M blufk ll `tell. ho ouihtnn apgnfntltian mac; 1?. win v_h ame. blond drl from In maul. and la hunk. A its hollow oyoo than gleuued a star. and um too. was of blood color. And ho to- ongnlurl It lot thupu-It otnunier. and KDI III! K& `IN hidden III Illh wnmn: ha nlnnnnd And:-, xsusttxiyorneee uuidl`riinr~ _ `Tho Inn-rlou `or-llnn of , Jams and Rrtnloulknw K III. nnolrinr fur and i{rs'e&'zIi5 "1Tii3E'uT:i anal lying in her Arms bonulh TE"IAu(.'Ad1 . pouuon; mo in opening oonnu unhnp 8ll.E8FIIll8I.-- Slhlylfllll. Wowm ugll alloluneu otaoodn so thojuno reduced node of prices to durum the past month. EVERYDAY DURING THIS MONTH um. W`.n'..::II`Ill'. II II . on I N` Mu awfon co tnonu5nu.'o`

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