I-Iu|-jI nun-v I-u- -0 _._-.., ,-1`a_:I4n'-unnn%a.. lb . and -_.3-.:y_._mu. n I.hnu||lI It-o`d ol Ibo`?-Gm Inn-Id byl. ouvhllo cl Puh. II-IICO d (Io Hugh urn . ' . - . _ .. .-_L_-. sl.`.. British did not repiy. une olwcr Inu two,inen were wounded. snd one inui killed. The rebels directed,_ their lire especislly towsnls the boepitsl wsggons. which were conspicuous in the moon- light. The surgeons sud (irnbsnrs sts ollioershsd uisiiy nsrrow eecspes. At sunrise s Cvsrdiner gun and s nine ponuder were turned sgsiiist the rebels. who were within 1.3!!) ysrds ol the British. sud sonled sn excellent tu- get. The Arshs were soon compelled to retire to tbelrinsin position. Stew- srt`s osvslry srrived st @230 o`clocli sud took s position on the British left so ss to turn to the enemy : right. An en- gegemeiit soon become gone:-sl. The inlsntry sud srtillery completely muted the enemy lroni their pits sud trenches. The bottle hs-l not lasted over hsll nu hour when the victory of the llritisl: was nindo certain. " i London. Ilsrcli l1l.-.\ deepntcli lroin Gen. Gr-shsni dsted Usinsn Digniis amp. st 11:40 s.m., ssys: "The csnip ol the eneniv hes been tslieu slter lmnl lighting. Over 70 British killed sud ltll wounded. As the British sdvsneed the men sprung-up sometimes within `Jill _\'srv.l1 ol them. 'lhey sppeued with s tears and brsndishing huge shields. hese would chsrge upon the British st breskuecli speed until the letters hul- lets lsid them low. The British stormed the works where the rebels were in lorce. The blsclm held out their shields and speers sgsiust the bullets sud bayonet: until the trenches were like one grsre. lt is reported thst over Lu!) rtbcls were killed. u...i.;... \l.u-oh i:i_'l`Im loss 0! ()5- luau l)|gn|'s fofcea was `.'.I`D. Richmond. Much l3.-h is reported that six [rightfully mutilate.-I lxxlic lmw been rt-cowrul [rum the Pocahon- Ouu nnnn nl'l'hIulnl.n( 1nsuuuo.ounuu :8 ouuimtohopnillurul |t_ cudoluix mouth. oc coon.-If. if killed." ` Sutkim. Much l:S.-The loss 0! `.".|*K). Iiinhrnnml. Mu1:hl3.-lt l'\:|IOI`l.ml Louisville. Much l3.-John llurl.iu.l aged` 75. his wife. two grown up dang! tors Lnd I sou aged l`.!, were murdered in their house. 20 miles from Springfield. 'I`enn.. on Wednesday night. Martin had just. returned Iron) Nashville where hehnd procured in settlement of his ponion claim. The door ol the house mubmken o u and Mnrtin was found with his hetdnnplit end forehand crnah~ ed. Mrs. Martin Inuutlnve been lulled us she stutcd from the had. Her arms were broken and hoe nnnqled. the boy was choked to death in I trundle- hed. The girls were onlnaed before their skullvi were crushed. ueorge French, a farm hand. was suspected` and nn`esv.ed. lle coulessed thn he and Doc (`inner end I negro worluunu Planned the murder. They found 9|.`.!Il| In the house und divided it. Frencli wuimmedutelv jerked npnnd strang- led to death. `N shots were tired into 9 his body. The me!) then eaplnrul the uegroee and lmnged and shot them. ____ _..___. To oouvinootho blio ud ptovo to tho uupdul that t Spinach: in um bod inounnon our Iuvnud lot the tnnnnnlol dhuun d the six pu- Ild Ihnl it in III I lave our Hot it. M1 on valuing ll-am hronohitia. oshnln. euhnhal dodnou. uthnn or oouunption who will all II the City Howl. Kingston. on Thnndny. Friday and Sunday ol thin Icerud consult tho at tho Intonation- dnuu lnultII|I.cuhuo . nun.-.n.o...n-inl_hhnnnilfur|l .s"l`.umitts!-:'sI`.\}l`HI-IUR.-{L Toronto. March l3.`-ln the appeal chambers at Uagoodo Hall a motion was made to have added clauses 6 to II and ll 03 the Algoma petition. the said clauses charging the Government with having disbumed money for corrupt pur- poses during the Algoma . Justice Burton held that the clauses were scandalous and irrelevant. and or- tlcmxl them to be struck out. I M r.mmr, luuun u n._-,. Dear Sir.-A column of scurrility and falsehood. with the signature "Truth." in rt-gnrd to Dr. \\`ilson scese. Appearing in the .\ .-m of Tuesday evening. with s note iron: the editor thnt no reply would be grsntenl. 1 sin eonstrnined to up I toyou. The writer ssys thnt Dr. son wiui not driven from the Diooue by the Bishop but lelt volnutnrily. giving. as proof. thst the Bishop gnvo hiin ell he sskcil tor. nsnioly. "the lormsl - pen which trtnslsrs him to soother io- cese end which certify to his good stud- inx. his soundness in the fnith. etc." Now. sir.in the (see of the published cor~ rssponrlence between the Bishop end Dr. Wilson. could s more nnblushinu lslsehood hsve been peluicd upon the uhlic 1` Agnin. the writer says: Dr. ilson ilelibuntcly. when ollsred the choice 0! remninina with his old stash- ea con1'08I$ion.nndtlic loving fnsndiiol many yours. prelermd the chnrins ol his new love And what he himself celled Dr. Wnloon to use unnop on an ll." baboon r tin Kinptoo Md 0:- hnqni. and obonld like. it it won. God`: will. to ad the root olmv (by: there. 1 un ply ntuchod to both tbo oily and lownnhip. and I should [eel vary keenly I nepustion {mm them now. To Clmu Church. ptrtlcularly. l nu: eupochlly nhchod lor rouou roll known to Your Lonlnhlp and the Dean. and ltlaink you will both admit that! have some morn! claim. it no lqpl one. to I church and people door-or in me than won]: on express." \'|.~mr.x. KIICII I I. ` .w. bolion Dr. Wilson does not do me him mud: to continue this contro~ vets) tur\hor.-l~2o. Wnmfi prderred the charms or In! new lovo and his new gospel. Agsin. I uk. could u non unbluluna hhohood have been ncnd `P My whole ministry." writes Dr. Wilson to the Bhhop Jumlry 91,-` In: hnnn Innnt in Kinnoon Ill`. wllnouu IIIIII Tier I*.':l:Iur, Ifrvluh Wing]. - x A -_|_._._ -1 " :r.'srcI."r:s;':r1sae."s_.x; *- r p_d_re on (.{rm_x_x.nL`s total st I o'c ock , n_.:_n_ l..._....l on Inch ll. nv | ,n,-,_ lalluul Incl Il l f\Ill'l I I lowed In lhr Algo I ['1-Iillm (`l..\l'.\`|C.\` ST lF(`K DUI`. ii.I|'IIo0IuI loan. luvs-Ipmlollvlu I 1! union ununuouu-o:.v.IlI ` by lv.>l'IIn u_ ll__oIl huh. IL... _..L._. 4.1-- .\ r ASIILY Ml'lHH`2l{l-ll) In India` Tlhl In-0. luau l3.- Int: pouoo u'u~ __eu nllegedlot-en, ' `mm -1:`.-up---g... -..-.- --------v-q- MunelJ.0lno,` Marhh l3.-T wife 0! Benjamin Peshngu. a mcinhnt ai- lor. hu- sloped Inlh Anne Roper. n Enrolling nvivnlint. Roper in u mgr rind mm. nouBoI&nx. ylouulcgeuwoeu. I-`uiunndareooiver ol hands for the} Irish cgnne. ' --j--jg .1 estate (or the recovery ex axes uue we citv and county unounting Uo4|l%.1`H). l']I'. I'. I1`BWIf$J' `I10 ~II`: DU-Stir I .. . ... -and 1V_A__ .u_____ Chicago. Much l3.-The Cny Comp~ holler goes to New York on Snturduy to bringunction mum A. T. swam`: (or the recovery cl sues duo we nitr .n.l mnnn nmounlinu to H2111). .'l.V |.-u up--mu. . ... -- .... Mulwnqkee. Mir. I3.--Prent.iu Tiller. ' who robbed the Puma I-lxpmss Co. ll 8:. Louis. was arrested here this morn- ing; 0211411) um! I quantity 0! vnluuble jewelry were Teoourod. A lulu deu- uuch nus: Au unknowlhmnn left. I nilrlmunamunmsum jewelry ieoovcroa. A nun` usu- patch up: left; ulchol in a than here yutenhy which cont.u'ned many and jewellery. valued in nexrlv 010,111). II but been ascet- Rained that this is pun. of the prouexls oi the Panic Express robbery at St. Lnnin. 'l`oronu>. March l`.'.-Tho Dominion and Local Governments take stock III the alleged plotungs of Fenian: or dyna- uxitens quartered at Bndo Illll New York. The Parliament Buildings are being guarded. nnd the Dominion (lov- ernmeni hu given instructions to lino "Ls public buildings kept. under surveil- iancc. Agents 0! the llritinh Govern- `nn.-nt. in Bualo uys Lint. diagrams A Government buildingu throughout the Dominion no in the bums of men nu- triendly lo the (lbvemmeut. (ntnwu. Much I-.l_-l\'umarous ru~ larva. Asllu Ihvlqpn (mu!-Ila; Ike Puhllc Bu|IdIn;s-l)onk~ Itc- colrlng Any `I'lIrI-atcanlng lam-vs. fho Wngm Burn: Wu. Io-Hy iuod.cuhiuh|lI-qu-hddaollqp uhouuqldvuhntlnyhpudnp. I-cdvluunnlblulunucllhvcdm A A_Ll.-Mk Inonaiy in we uovernmem. (lttawu. `March l`.-l\'uuiarous mourn have been union: to the olives that His Excellency hm received Lhreueir ing letters warning him of impending ilnngcnx. and that the gunnl It Rideau Hall has been doubled. A I-'rrr I r.n representative called at Rulenu llull mil Ind I personnl interview with His l-Zxcclleu 2y. lu imswer to tho enquiries ol the reporter His Excellency states! than them in not the slightest [unadu- tiou [or the rumour. lie and he hul not received I single threueniug letter and ht-l no apprehensions respecting his safety. He ulsi) said tblt no odditiou had been undo to the guard at ltiulmm Hall. which remniua at lIn- imiul strength. uhaoluh and cicadas.-u tho mom ..'i`...1`nJ' ylotnouoinonononlllnouunr ' :1 bible. Astor my-ulll have thonunlnllynnd llnvono hill: in than) " R1B :_j$3iiP !"~J `Ito IIIIIAIII lill tho Doulnhu ucconkulbolop-clad. I | ocahout.us. \':A.. Much Iii.-AL ox- }-Iosion occurred In the coal mines hero sat night. at l`.':&) o'clock. I-`roux I31) to 130 men were killed. u nn,.__ \u-__|. |-y l..L..Il.......n.\ Toronto. Much la.-Tha lmglslntnn. by I majority 0! I6, have decided to hnvo two sessions 3 clny to hits in So- Iuniny ll well In other days. and to take up Govcrumont buuncu on )lon~ days that prince buninosa. On the di- viuon Mr. Noolon voted with the U - uuon And Messrs. Hun. Cook um! tea with the Uovernment. 1|... 1|`. Mann... |.-- -nunnlnunnlc thorn wich uio uovernmem. On the licemoe luv Amendments there Ins much discussion. Mr. Gibson. 0! Hamilton. wished to have inserted n chime making the pnnalmioi ol liquor within lorbiddo.-n hours equally guilty with the vendor. The clause win with- drum At. the request of the Govern mans. Seven] Inomhon spokongninst. it u I duuzorons experiment. Mr. \\'nhin' bill toeonlar the munici- n. numerous oxponmoux. Mr. Wuhan` bull toeonlor the pal franchise on widow: nnd unmarried women In: pound through committee. but a determined oort Inll pohsbly be made by its opponents on both sides o kill it III the Home on the third rasding. II: (no will depend nolncwhnl on the pdpulnrity ol the pmmotor. st. Thoma. Much l3.-A. I-`. Butler. llzsoqlor ol the I-thin Uonlny Sebooll. d" -hcrouotnnllnuuol ux Inch. _Balou lniulqth he asked the Mind- nuaphydchniboro wuunyhopo lot bun. "Thole II I slight wu Ibonply. but the prolnluh` tic: no decidedly spin: it." "Wall; the nick nun. I have any moods decidedly qua: IL` --non.` npnou the Inn. any bou who would like my mama: to lie in the Inuit! ground in St. Thoma. but I ban? 5 nine-I mother in Auburn. and II the will: it Ind: that my bout in pineal in a coma and out out them. All will boon.-rthon I have nothing tony tomato who holiovoinlbotndr than :1 an hihlo. A: for nail! I urrillll` mu-u.ut a can .\um- r:-I-'0 [I-up III)!` rl-In I. I0 Imv ulell Wvlu nuuau. Lynchburg. Much 13.-lutollngenco Iron: l`ocahontu-1 repmseuts the work of destruction It the conl mines u hur- ] riblo uni complete. '1` here were I50 men in tbemina at the time at the ex- ploslou. not on 01 whom it is lncliennl lma escape-I. The cum: (I! the ex plosnou is nut wt do-liuito-Iy mmrtniued. The pm .~umluti'1u Is Lint um: 01 the [mun-Is sttuck I ssure pl gas. Surerul ` parties veuturoal in the mines this Inor- ning. but could not long endure the foul uuuosplu-n~. .\ number 01 bodies \\'I.`l 0 discov1:re\I hornhly IlIlu[:lcd.80l|I0 with their Iwunls turn ulf. otlnenl with limbs all gone. The houses. `.11! ur ill) {wt from the mines. were overturned and seven] demolished. A Inge vontihtor was blown to atoms. The mines can- not be cnteio until another is con ntructed for the urpooe ol lmeing tho ntmoapherva at an outing tomes. ,. .-. -,_. I11! 5% in T I 0. m. ro|n`UNla or A mununc 4 a... in mm: ue. II `w;1'1'nl`xu A I:|r,\'I.\x. . Pain. Inch 1!.-Tbe'pohco ne- numinn lm nmnrimnr of I -naulnunnt 1' +:Lr4uAPu1{f um HES; AN IMPORTANT (`.\PI'l'I`.. - . . . u . -1 u Sq-bun-. ul Ilm L:-ghlnluro-(`n-ling - `flnnlr \'..n... |Il'I\lll I.\' THE I-IARTII. -~-~--iv AI-`RAID 0|-` I-`EIA.\'.\`. I.\.|IlK| | \' IGQIINH l'l . II`0Rl`Rl| 1;! KKPIA L. N0 FAITII IN TIIEI was lu& Aval- 3 `no ruuu. urn-Inn; unto noun-r .\"ru Inhlloln -&odyh ab. : -` Fargo.` llahta. lunch 12!.-A kn: I } uttended moo5.u.:`ol I-`aims In II!- }yootcnhy. Ccpt. Hazel prdllg. H vlulenrld tint" tho nprt on made that there were three cum: 01 In!!! stand ntuuccensahle pollll. up_d_ should there be my need for them nu Munnto`. I they would much then"i)`tIn A number of Inn. At pmseu: it Its decided to nwnit-tho report 6! delegzntars sent 80. Hunilohg. It was n.-porud tint I num~ her 0! Iugnon Ind been` onnuind in , _l!AknlA.un.Ll.hexu ,Iu.txm|L |cIJ!i! ind interest in orgnnixing them in lute cities further nut. Mon] um uuterul ml will not be Inching, when uu-rt is l| call {or thcurovcr tb bomlor. Ian! 2\'nghI'n Anal To-Day`: Report: (`onion ` -ml [nun In! our Innv Renders. HUI], II IITIII. I Tho Cnmlnctlnnul Coal and Iron Com- pany has secured the coutnct for nup- plynuz the (irnml Trunk Rnilwu ' with oi0,(ll| tom of l.uv4r Pong con . and hle:L~rs, ll. X,`n!~ & Co, have received A contract for the supply of 20011! tons. the terms being printe. - Huonoss Lionel! i don. is dual. nu .. ,n _|.-:A an BIJ\Il- - nu... .\lban_\'. .\`.\`.. Much I`.!.-.-\ bill pass- ol the Assembly It the thin! reading nutluorixing the uklnu of III)!` I! .\'ir gun I-`nulls for I saw park. .:.E Baturdaym naunoo. Ilu.Ih'I IIV YQI ll `I'll ! Bllll III. .__-- __ -n-.-.-an -_4 1'.-uII'_OX RIM! IAIOAIII DI ISA?! Pudrrwenr. ` IIIPII. -v ll PIl:$-O. I cal Q IIITIN 41 Muhlt: lb. ulpuu tho boon It u....-u... Ollllrio... . . . . . Banque du Pt-uple . MolaouI........ Toronto... knnnnn Jnnu nna'.`.nr` Cunluln (.`\l.Lon l`o.. Dundu Cotton (10 . . Conluio hn s-stmem SI.l`nu| M. and M.. N I I. (`n , ,__ Fodonl.... . . . . Montreal Tc-Ivgnph . lhchehou . . . . . . . . . . . Uny Punt-ugor. . . . . .. Gun . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . N W. L. (`U . . . . . . .. Cnundn Pucic RR. . loT=nA House] Pndli and Islands) Inning.` uncll unudun. ` Ann I Lomlueroe lln nnl. . F on] . . `In:-Ivan` ` III: 1: Cl xiivvm OULDIIMII Mould mound mo 1 In an to n Sic; nth uotdonunocneeonddoov huuuhiuuntrutuhuoho-nybohnudnt Ill unto. Counluuou maid in nu can Anolhu` Gm! Oariinl u'|II m- nm II AT `run (`l`IU.l.\` BINF. than hi my be round at mutt! ll thooonn In. Mvtuhunouoot. Ii`oh.It j-5 I (`OUIT or Alslllt. oyu-and `hrunnrr ndoouu-`local bum: will In :1 Ian. lacuna: oum .lAIc lut. Mnoomd which ul wuonod nun a ml to Inc noun. 4 _ _ |ValuahlnPpu_p_ufLyPar Salal Marci: 1.). W hen steady. Snles 1,001! . Wlulv sud red state l.00lo1.H. Corn-unchLugod Jules 0.00; high mu 9.! o`. 19- new rt-inohd 600. 0nb- Mm; Wino Btu: u no to Bnley-quie( ; nlea (llt) blah . 2 Canal: ' ~- No. ltlundn :1 rue m 1 ~ (Ynnuh nnminnlh` nun... .~-... -.. .... Watch crystals. only 10 cents. at Wil- lnm D|\'id`s Broker Shop. tho cheapest place in the city. Ho In I dealer I.) new Ind second h\ud goods of all kinds. suit- uhlo uclothing. furniture. hnrdvnrc. dry l goods. jowellety. muxuonl instruments und household guoh. All he wmts us the people to come In. I!` hois sun to sell \\'In David, nut to Rob:-muu'aI carritge lncturv. sign of llw nu ting. Ptmcoss Sin,-1-t King- I2`). as u,,_.~........ . .... . .,..... Rudeluhue you I |uIgmd_ wank uud Lind loelmg. with nervous uhnusun. cnpooiully in the only upring '3 Then your lint in Inuouvo and uimulunou poor. Amuse the Iorpid liver, cleanse the sluggish blood and regulate the secretion: with that purifying tome. Burdock Blood llmoru. A I IIUIIIII` IIIIII. Artisans. actors. nportzuuou. mcchnunca and labouring men. In Incl. all who unduly exert mun:-ulur strength are Inluecl. to pain lul mulruniom of the cu-rdny xm oiul.-t sud lunoneu; to All such Ilngynrwn allow Oil is u prompt relief sud perfect cun- In on thoonninu ol the mu Inch` char a one and um] ulna. linden Inna wuholsanmol Rn cl. me! :1 yours. 1 month And 5 day: Tim fnnunl will [Aha nlace from but Inc The lnuonl will uh plan nddonco. liluueeu Stunt lop:-um: tlnou-knoll tomorrow tmliu` nnornoon u 9 o'clock Irioulanad ucquunlnuo.-an An nupatlfully un- Idlntl In nnnml CV31` 1: znvangnan - 'I'|u phumnu come-nouns. KAT! OASTLITON um . mugs of q_n|1V.VI_.~a_9 Mtrlurs In Non the 0 fl Depot. on \\'eduoo-hy. Hutu l|th.hueu'l`. Inhnymuod 3 you` Tho nun] will Ionvo hln Ina rusd- an on n.._.a.- _.---m- an n n'nInoI, Irhndn uni Kinky nllillj cl U o'oIoc|. rrunu um u-quunuaeu an rupoclullv Invited to attend. AI non-nnmn a. Non: Dunc (`onn~II.\`l|l- In In \'orI.oa an Inn. on not nuance 5!` Int Ian Duvet. I Ann Jun. on-hot the otlholno J 3 Janet. Wnllhmmlle. and wife III A. I. Idhhy .\hn:h In \V'IIonl-'.0l; April ; 0:; May ; :4; Jun : am; July ;'.Il Much : No 2 Spring '1) 1 L Corn-57.4, lhy ; 58 l H June; 59; July , sub 58 La. Pork-I797 Li Na) ; M17 l `Lhn. I.m1--:u;a 1.2 July ; us: H May. On:-3| I-ti nom. Much; :II It 3 April ; '1'. L9 \InI.- UnI-.'n I 3.`: 1-2 May. ||:.unqcnnns vol Cb0\`lll nuu 'rlll()TlIY ..__-. .-unu nnnuu nnnunn l`|\ll ..,-a . ..".&r'-v- -6' ` 'W*~ m`... `U 180. Iljlullll III- mar mK{b!.!..V (`GS III-I.\'Sl-ID 'I'El.l-JG IRA SIS. cmiii Ilousa. ouw................ us Jnoquoajculier . . . auu.............. SPRING siliihiikia H3 iIr+;.. nun 4*: . u v - clulrl ; '13. DI. I. J. IIOWN m n ._a.._. LA. .1; _.n.......A: A Quonllol In `l`hI- I`n|nI. L Ionh thy. and lo. lcundn rue I , Canndn nominslh` acted 600. Wink Blue at No to IV-. . -.|..mnnn huh No AIIILIYB-GREAT-8lRT-Il0U8I ---u mu ,1-um to ID!-- lde lhlhschil-I. Lou- I13 um In 61!} nu ` l`)'. b winbg at Kin'`:Dru' `j Tstoro ongs day more only 7 SOCIETY. I 4 nquuto-I lo uueud |- Moolm lo luo \ held In El. Plllcfl HIILUII I'|(llV.\\' N (EIIT, ` | 1 xm: ul-wuncxol ANl)l.u\ul`Iu.u~. Ann Mus-1| luh. Hy onr. 1 \n`.\' umuu.-uh. u....L mu). |~'..u|.u|_- Wrn}: q'7I1?17" new noon! ASHLEY&_C0., Inn ZEIJJIOIC IT. u unnwmn -an in nu. Ill! TITQICIII IAIIIIT C WALIII Veil IhIlZI.Zl0IC|I AT NISBETS, rm-: ati%$`tiiaLt11AL'r}1I%1;_}f;1%11s'rnnn ! [Shingles,Shingles `Ito lleopiqfb fnuon. I --PIK7Il.lI1'-L- nu`Ih|UI|loh.uIorhuunromL'uon I er - uc-hum. All outrun: On. III. was I Olnllpal. 000:1...` .AWd uh-OISJIIKOIK rnlliudlorcoqvnnllylov. An annual. funooul. luau ulalulnvcu luau-IOIII1 --uv uuwn, vu- ||'rduculny Evening. llnu-h IO. Sumet.hixig fIar them! to THE more or. l3uBLAs;t:F1111%!=APEs@. llu col I ulra lul ot xxxuna good IIIXICID snrNnl.l-:91 Mllinn rn nnunu.-stun n`. has `;lI1Il}H'l'PLAllE} uuqonlu lock; (`on ad Ml`: I`rnnIrj:r`-I lungs. an:-Innun. Iolr uuoco. |Of||`rI'0O|.1HI|. Hana. Quiche Drlotl I001. unv.m Iollluun. I but llocoo. ll .lun.CMcku sud Toufuw lnmnvn muuheiun Poultry. Dunn, and lnrl A IIIIIO 0! public penance K: no wind. _ _ __~_____A II In uunn nu Lnuuiin l nun, `n Dan-Ia` TQMQDQ. I in! Two Ilnllars Eaclnj 'l`lll_. l!.\'l`lll3l'N (`0.\ll`.\;\'\'1 Valuable City Residence Pur sue E Fun! Fun! rm: |nnt-umiun5_nsgmmmms[ |eLg_IgIt_gggIIcn1&son| IZIIIIIC Q} ll-"-I!!!-! "M-I Ill sr.z.u m, wt [-11 ovulnvxn IN nntonon` MM! and do no '0 would lo a To Ill Doll: DY DUN`! DELAY HECFRIHG l`IU:`.8l-IN'fS tor the Holiday: llouu uushcunn can he [won now. We all only FRESH AN!) SALT .\lEA'l`S.l _ 411' ALL IIIIIH 1". OT ' Iurh ll!!! lath nth I~`l'lt ac.-\'1~.~a-KN]: 1mm~:.-. AT IDW K81` l'l(l(`|'.3 I`:-out union. B1-nulllnl Inlnnnl. App:-- .. , _.-. ' FUR AND l.lN0l'RF.l{~T Allli v nanulod ulna who I I ~ -- .u.-nnvn. |-|- I-ZNIVRKB will he n-<-onvoul I-ylho nud-nngnod unul !lA'l`l'BDA\'. um nun. from puma \\'l`. lI.\\'l-2 IN STQ(TK .\B()l'T 'I'II(` l`0Il\I2 II I|0I\\|lII`l`. Price 25 cunts. FUR 'X.\l.\S (ll*"l`S. III WELLINGTON II` of. mu. " IL|Nl(Ill'I"I` I'llll`lIS. In L588 TIIAN mun-' nu. I`Rl(`ls`. or THEE!-`. H0008. 0`Ill'f.:i..;I;IIV|I|l|lOI NOTICE- V Misceuaeous-. L Auiu'muu' a. ll Ilnu-H El .lu I..\ RIIII SIZES. $58 5 VQI Bl TIINDSII. SIC Prim-cu luau. . THE ANNCALIEITISU " II I) forth. oloouo t uncut . . VIII bohqld st the Sound`: - llcll.\\`dunIon Street. N ' IUNDAY. the hill: INCL I at 8:!) 9 III ' 5 J J__._. us lvuur. Joli Iucu. VII ~ in Willusvilll I 10 mm! Isms; . mun sum: stool ._.g.1- TIIRIED FRUITS hM?dRTANT I "B0lDEI2 lo. III!` Lnrgosl l`\'fl' lilhllltod In this city. \ 4 Dried llupbu-rics. _ D1-ind Ilu lm-iu. Bria! llukhcrius. Tilt.` :~1ucEs-..u'-\\u|mIQlmll-tn` Fruns can he puroluuml from u will v ` amply Npl)` I vu-It ol nnupootiou toour eulnnlnhment. Our z-lock onnsnn ol ?"r9.L9v9.;.F!2 .~= `OCH! OD POI non:-cu ;;1';<';:iuAuIooIn V Patent Cenoontntod Cocos. I-a;``7.';'.'-`.'. +`"?-"'1-"-'"=5 i'%`+"'5 Mom. A NL`)llER_0F` NIW ASD A'fTRlC'l'I\'I cunmmu um n3pI.~Ir. Run accommodation a lo! 1 man. I panic In aounuo allowed on Inc. C` A will In In uuudnnoo. Aulmlulon --Boenu Ticket: 10: Ideal W1dc`I Dru: more or II the Rink. _ JAMES CRAWFORD, lcueo:LihTumnPuw"""' dnr |l'rIm-4--s II``I`l. - - Inn:-Ion. WashYuu and elllaau. IIEZHIVI Gmceryangmuilslnm `choice lIngg_rl_o_s and Fruit: EEESOOCK mm or ujigsansul 1: Maple Syrup. Daiyyultar All IITIIIIJ IIW PIIPLIATIOII manning ml: Inn nli H II& Io no Best. 0! vrvn thing In delicious Cuec. Clnoiomliroou nuul Black Tau. Choco- lates. Cocoon. l`I\1poruot|l o|ohoII. Pu choc in Sugar. Pour: in Sngnr Slnwber riesiu Sugar. Dnumonn in Sugar. Drionl Apples. Sweet Corn. (iroen I-`out. Tonal loos. Ap lea iu Sugnr. New Prunes. Scotclx .\ umnlado just lnndo-I. Black I Cnrnml Jnmn. l{nl`('urrnuI Jelly. Cults 1 Foot. Jollv. and III the ollwr delicacies I uf{uu- wool my chm uuul of tho best 1 quality at u:C("; IHN |.m:~.'. M.\lll(l2'l' SQIMIIII. lurch ml-. 1 t Tenn. 1 often, ' sugars. spun--. (`named oods. Inns. Ipleod Iaool. loll Bacon. nan-y lnuor. Evaporated Apple a. It-... r . Jr. .\(3li!\T FOR l.Al|ATT h I.(l.\`D0.\ ALI-I AND Bloul unl I :-In lnlunl Vluovu-in We (met {or sale to the tnuh 75 was ol various kinds ol Sllli. ltll Barrel: .\_\`Inp. ve barrels Strained llono nml ml` boxes new Ynlcncin llliniun. 7.. bid now L'urnut.u-uuw lnudmg. {holding Grocery liyyvvty $1 W0 hope by uuiot lNl'I'IUoll to hudua man a nun out public pnuonqo. I 000 Ilo\e.u 'l`oIleI soap Will he soul at nor a hot in 1 ix: t I-`l.\' NAN IIA lilil I-'.\'. S \l..\l0.`l, MACK an-I. Coalliuln. Snnlun-nu. Ilarrlugn. Choice E Hairy Hutu-r. (`hm nu ml ill the other N l|i(`1'UI|lI|` rt`-pnnrcd in Flonr. (htnlmnl. | lluckwlu-at Hour. kc. ac... ac . our. Florida 0I'II[OI. culnu orange- Ioulnn lohonc. Illlnno. Malay: urn on. Abbas. I EFOR ieh=N`I?- Al IITIIIIJ llw rilrnnrrlun nqumu hoodtlunudvuhloyto has at with Inn: tluvllllanphuhnuu too I avoid Ilnotlu Ihcunaloluhou ll-carat Ur FDIKTUNIB or A Print! 5'5. liund by Dr. I. nouhllo or run. II-not u tlolnuhu-In. ` llculoa-: low trad Tannin. _ nIlW&lpq. ` Flnlciuu not lulu!!! angry tI_n_lpgnn_b_ "POPI"E}'1i""PTtI(`b1S. ': BAT. Illllll AND BE IEIIY. W. 1}. Mt-KAI`) & U0. IIVCHNIIIIIT .\\\`l-`.r.TS- SIGN UP 1`llR-:- Ddwm Blunt Berries. Evapmled Paths Bvapomtod Pumpkins. Groceries. livapurmd .11 u...`,. ..... rrlolnv I-In-nlng. lllnrrh IIIII. . nnnnrino AI R n`:-lnrk - SWI-IETS. f mom TIIIVIIDIDA I . II A IICII IIII. The ongunl Ind oelobrnod : I I I n - 7` V.-nag `Am; .. .7; `u."'.m :.... Ii!-(plat. I`orrI-ed Lin 0! services. u|nn'lIhoG|uIoII|lIlnvH|od.llnqIInI. In. Pain at that huts bu-uh: Ihnulnmvou to It htnvrllbz-It delay. Innhlh |I\lroIIlIl`Iln: uu pvyunu u-u-...... JOHN A. HAOKAY. .. ____ .... ~.m-Itnunn KATI OLRTLITO "I.E._".I!.'.!.! !E""4 .LJJ..l1.J.|.J .1. \.V \J\/ I$ WIIJJNOTOI I1`. _u-1. -~'.=.',:.,.~-`"~;..W~" :*--" -{.-,-;-...'---........F u no unca- turn: unable to oul puluuuly us-`I haannlnuII.II'I|Ih' | I50! unusual: and I copy at nlwnulolu lawn." pct-lhhoa monthly. Addnll. INTIIINATIONAL TRIO?! MID LUNG INSTITUTE. - In tfhnruh nal. Tomato. lurk Glh.` or I: Phtmp` Bqun. Ionlntl -q hvw w -u---`---... Xmmtlucluu Iho populu eomodmn. - - -- A an A 3" A If \wuII w-uv---- w-----v -- :. ma nail n 1-um cx*|m.\'a ; Bulls Su-001.00 ` IV SFEBIII. IEQIIEST. -- g I Q I Illv I3! ruin-. l'I lhzunoucinx M 8 o'clock BLOCK T or. ASHLEYB Eor $876- - Wapted. " ' To I._._e;_. Riki." 7 JAB. b'l'I WAB1`. (`human ol Committee [until 10 PIMYII cl II mm` on w;|k dun mu-than Ibo 100- . Dvlllu LII`! uluy and mm uuuu on wdncnluIoI!mp.n.undInhyup.n. IIIILI CLACWC1 Tlaunau nl hm. thuonnuou hr basin can lcudg u hi ya. in Inhun Indus no I pp. in on loan. nunulnc-o9_vlnouI__I_Qtlgl_sIc_og_nuAg_u:n_o .... .. Mr Anilm . . . . . . . .. Mn. 0'|hlI . I(l\'.H (I PARKE] I Lecturer In Elocntlon MJ .\'I'lUB.l RA IL WA Y8. no people 0! Munch. Inn lnxolv tuned their utoaliou to nilny Inst , "tall. :33 at the pans; than they no Imtinulhtu iuipodnnl Ithaca.` Two _l]_!_A_'U_l`ISl_l7l__I_l_K_Y>0 some that boon bolon Puii-neas-h6"S1 iru`l'f xzsunv an an. ml the Iupucisy cum: RR.,`__r. W. A. Pnlton. oi the Inn 3! Fiction & Muodondd. oontilctors. pun- ul through tho city yentidny on route from Othwq towmnireg. ind fro him -~~ I_-_. AL..- `l_.. 'n.. n;-4'.` Rack. tron uuuvl. W """I`l$- -- --V" ""- in loan: thegohch. The sou-int Rock! -:_ on ....o. tun-n"!-lhnnrnn. [XIII IQOIICK. lllc Dvlllln nus-_y iloonhin lurk fromilolbourno. nu Brandon. and run: In Rapid City. than in n wouotly direction to Battle lad. Thin lino Int been surveyed. and about fty Inilu hue been graded. The Rapid City KR. abut: from Brandon and mm to Rapid City; beyond that point the route hu not been dociqod. It -..1|mnuhl. Hm). both these FOIL`! poms we route ma non noun uw...,... It wsfthought that both these would not Government Auintnnoo. in money and Jud. The canal: Ptcic RR. Syndicate wu e:u)ec|.o-I to oppose that which might even Indirectly nect .. ,,-_ :_._...-... L... n.- Dmminr Inn inti. Inns wlucu ulugue un:u up-uu..., __..- their interests. but the Premier hes inti- nnted tint he vull uncuon aid to an unnlgumnted Company. nnd negatin- tionu for nnion have for some tune been in progress. Yesterday-`u telegrams an- nounced thnt opposition wu being uhewn to the connbinetion hy a Toronto gentle- en. who complruncd on behalf o! hun gel! end other that the new Company- tho Rapid Crty Centr|l-wonld be loud- od down with .'.ho debts of the Souris a Rocky Mountain RR. It is not expected. however. tlnt these objections will amount to much. . .1 :_ I __I........ 2.. .I...4~nnan.l in Ill nhla amount to mucu. A thin] scheme is iliscusscul iu In nblo letter which C. F. Lewis. of Peuso Stt lion. L`.l`.ll.. seuils us. He speaks ol the Hudson Bu` direct route. starting from Winnipeg and running up the weat- orly shore of Lnlio Winnipeg. but with it. it is suggested. A connection will be mule by the Rapid City Central at some point westotly in tho uenr luture. It may also run southerly nuil tap United Stntes lines at I-`Argo. gt. `WI W juuluuuuqyguuuuunu lumkdlhlnhaluyoonfl nl|`l&by:lull. 'l'hb00IIlI! pnviudyunduuidmomlqut. ulQ5u&.udanrhhnpadlnl nuuohhu. II Iuhvvltho chunky?-h0uilp|I33l"" `uuhu-`vuuauuan-moquuoh. uh: Ihuno at "lap:-I`: IAIII." loaphulcllorulnlhovuulot Aghg-nnnnxlmliilj d \ I In [T nu (TONI-`KCTIONEIIY BUSINESS. I Itvvrnmnc c-)ln|I|Ott .\'o 14! hincon El, Krngpmn. Ilnllohol Isylnl. While all true Canadians iiru lee-ply inlaemsted in the success mil early com- pletion of mo Cnnulinu Pacic llR.. sud look with pride upon |L8 rapid ile- velopinont. ol the Non.li~\\'ost. the readers of the \\'uni mny be interested in knowing: um the people of Manitoba Ire ;.li\'o to the fact. that in onlcr to A Al... ......_.....-u n.nnAanEl_inn 0' II .`.ll\ o to sue mu. man. In unu.. .. meet the growing necessities ol the North-\\'cst unnl place its enoimoul wheat yield and other products in the innrketa ol the world. to compete with other countries null secure a reiteounhlc price to the producer. some outlet must be secured other than thnt of I trant continental ruilwnv. which of necessity menus high rates lot tnnnpcrtotion. 'l`l-at nnture hoe provided 3 direct out- let for the pvodnotn ol .\lunitobn through tho Hnclml Buy seems to be u settled question: tlnt this short route to Eu- rope is leunble there cnn be no two opinions when the lncts no lully in\'es~ tignteul ; hence the people no becoming enthusiutic over the nutter and look upon the only development ol the new route uol vitll importance. nonme- thiug thnt will change the lortunes ol the country. I - ___A-.I AI.-D nu nnnuunuunu. u. ......... ...... in; wuwud he discovered the on- tnnoolotholinduou Buy. now known in Hudson Stain. He made impot- hnt invuhgntiou. no In nuunpung towiuht than in uhon of pt-oviuou. This not becoming known to the all- `an any-wua.ua puns; the un- .,.._._-.- u...n... .m. ........,g hi. In vvu-- v- Beloro taking it lot grented thnt such on important outlet on that ol the Hndeon Boy is practicable let no re- member that veeeels have been ceiling in nnvl out 0! the Hudson Buy for more than three hundi-eI yeen. A glnnee It the map will ehow the Hudson Bay in n Inge body 0! inlet in the north east eoction ol the continent. and that it may be regenle-l an en nnno! the Atlentie Ooeen with which it connect: by Hudson`: Strait. Taken in its llIl'I'0I'- eet sense llndeon Bev extends in north letitnnle from 51 to 625. For the iincovery. no fun known, of this im- portnnt inleml ocean we must go heck to the reign ol King Henry \'ll.. to HUI. only nix yearn shot the renowned Columbus Ind roeliud the dreem ol his :21. -_J _._n l..- 4..- -Q Aha -inlet nl lhn I0 I00 l llllll)ll DIV wunu ulnuy, Iv u... a pump to Asia. We also learn that this name bold navigntor. under the up poinunont 0! Henry \'III.. in 1517. :om- mundod nu expedition which touched In In nnotth latitude 075 . And to-our terodtho lluuhon lay. making lutthc oxplontionn lnd giving names to IOVCII The non unvigstor Ina Henry Iliad- Iou. whose name stand: louver eon~ nectar! with the buy. His early binary in quite unknown. Previous to his voyngio to the Hudson Bay ho had been onployud by tho Dutch lint Indin Company. [In Iuilod upon what ptovn-I usou-huvoyup. nun I'.Ihnd.ou 4, `ms. A_...ll mm nil}: $3 -ILgg_ jg. "ujv-"II. nuuu vu- uduounnnd olulbhoa. vdunotl iulill. punly wltlgsvbw Io Iodhg noun uid thopllntllulumlm .uL_._A I1-_.-.- ILA -pug. J gaitggmigh min-N .@'?`.`%n`..!'* um um wupl Iur juy nu um sun. in Int; new wotld. Sobutiop Cabot. sailed in- to the Hudson Dov while trying to and ___-__ - A-:- I . glad` lnnrn (hut Iobolmlnuvoyugu. nun: mg.--..u.. lho mu. April. 1010. with $8 alien. and nuhodnouhul un Juno. Boil- - -~---._.! 5.. .I:...m.nnI tin gn- uihnnnb. into 0 Ind! opal boll Wilh- out pcotinau. and Ian than to P3535- n........|. u n-.1 and now to- M, `X `T! III! vivw aw- Candis Bqhadwuhjhuncdnnl. Sultan Hunts. `u: nun wool. _._..I at. II\L-`an-noun" ld [ml Columbus unu reuuuu Iuo uns-nu ul um lilo ud up! for joy It the night. ol the _-_ _-_m u.)...a-n nghm. nilnd in. nhnhuood !; The Grit IGI_U1rlI.|enI_ uwh` "1 in u Jami` lb!-', ,c;.....|nu..a nut. mm. In 1719M! uncut mm to have b-Von mink Mi ||oelIiII\lIPulauuoIt|ncI-II*`' 9` -g__.._ -1 .n., u..a-... II-.. n`m..uunr.i IIK hnlnn In - ~-- cum: 01 um _au-nu Bay company. i god lloonln shod am `us um time the Compny Va 5810 to. Saarinen |`t| .|' meal olsho bet that they were mrrvillli -r v--- . on I lugs and unecesulul `(male Ill and onto! um Hmlaou Buy. A kept bftho Hudson Bay _J<!,_!l-0 I--,I_l.!z_1t-.'-t.!-.***-1"` . to thaw that rivry opnhioi In once at six months each you. York Factory hu kept in moon! ol voY' ngegjot in yours. Ind loose Factory for H6 yeuu. These roconln all go to prove that voyngdflnvo been continuous by vouch Hanging 3'1) tom. For mole thnn twenty years the United Shh! Vossels have been gathering A rich hur- vest every season out 0! these waters. The tnm in wlmle ml and whalebone bu unonnbd to Innny iillious of ad- I,- `ii- .- nun: ......- ml... -A-nnmanf IIII unounleu I0 muay luuuuua un -aw Ian. `Up to H174 over "lly vbyuzes ol llnibd sh.-~'~lU alone [ml been undo. And. what. in nmuknblo. no losses 0! any woount are reported. It is {me `iii Into an uaeonnt of two British vea- uoln belonging In the Hudson [luv Com- pany being loan in 1864. but the real 4.... .. n.. ......m nut. tlm mnmins 01 I Il'hI.l~`. FIKAME nous: IS WILLIAMS A \ l|.l.I$.v-uh one full: olnn acre lot . nun: - 1 un Viru-nu Innet. bu Ihodn and good well. Trim! easy. Apply on the pnnlnu. HIDE. Iuu uuuauu us, uv--qr... .....- made some 750 successlul voyuges in lmlool ol the Hudson Bay Straits. A large proportion of the vessel: ongnged in the Hudson Bay undo were old, scuvoelv sea worthy. Ind bud mule the _-_-_.._ :_ n.- _m-.1 ..nunn`u nl the scucelynea wunu_\. uuu Hutu ......... ..... puugo in the want season`: ol the year in uletv. This [act increases the issuance that with our modem steam veuels the Straits should be n|\'I;.:al.e-I with complete salety. Taking the ro- eoldu us they sand. it does goo? that this route in llvonhle And thnt below muay Venn: thus highway of commerce will be a greater renhty. pllcinu tho North West in a position to compete with the world In the market.-4 of Eu- puny Doing IUII I'll loo-n. uuu Iuv . has go to prove that the captains 01 these vesnals were intoxicated n the time. The Hudson Buy Compsny have _..x_ -__._ can .=..........lnI wnwnamz in The distance from New York to Liver pool is il.0I0; lrom Montreal to l.i\'er~ pool 2.0-.1) : lrom Churchill to Liverpool :'.,92I}. llv sea Churchill is 6! miles nearer to Livcipool than Montreal and lll miles nearer than New York. (ll conrao sen lruiglit. is not l|'| import-ant matter. It is the distance by liinil that aords the stnngeat argument in lavonr of this route. Tho distance lroni Win` nipog to Montreal via Chicago is 1.703 miles; via the Canada Pacic llll. l.l3~l miles; the distance Irom Winnipeg to Churchill by the west side of Lalio Win- nipeg is under 65:) miles; the ilistiince then lrom Winnipeg; to Liverpool via Chicqo and Montreal is 4,693 miles; via the Canada Pacic RR. an-I .\lon- treal 4.424 miles: from Winnipeg to Li~ vorponl via Chnrcliill 3.576 miles ; Wm nipog is then 1,117 nearer Liverpool viii Churchill than via Montreal. and even alter the completion ol the Canada l'l\Cl- c RR. the Montreal route will be longer by 848 miles. This then is all niil. less the 64 miles savod by sea. and these ~ liimia mean something. The ilistiiiice from Port Moody to Liverpool via .\loii- tlnal is 6.896 miles. while via Winnipeg and Cliurcliill it in 1.779 Tliiis again 1.11? miles would be saved by the poo- plo ol British Columbia in travelling to Liverpool over the projected route. n ......:... Ana nngn nnnatinn almtlicl Wonpdlounouunnihodnuhol |IonbdIr.IunulId:I.lon-not &omuudot.vIhIonu6IuIpha banning. Snnqlnnpauul uquhInuIhI.IHhII|lh.vo Iu_udIuvu7lhiululnIlI.ngod nuunlolll vo. shown Iquhil lsycllubhn in. She Invusbuhululllluuliuob switch. Thuyhvoouhulhll _,,-.g.. ._ n..x. _A I...-cg-.-..-A Thecolbono E11-nu luoly mnu-lad unaringly um "luv. Dr. Wilson wig- glod Ma nun from ohntity by lim- Ihu with the Solution Anny." sud tin." John I. Dnrt. lotnctly ol King- nuu. lbonupouinnluut IoInoCol- IIIIO Rnbrpnuddudn Dr. Wibofu -..z..-. ...a ..|..a...|.:.mui.u.- guuluno. and nights hh.Chn'-Ihl cluuutudpodwoth. Allovoctln --.__A-. A-L-L --3 MC nlnndfhd .v....., .. _... _Lnet evening nn Alum of tire Ins Itrucli (man No. 7 box. .\ blue In is. suing lrom the top story at a shoe atom` occupied by S. Graves. on Princess St. In one minute nlter the slum wui given the Chuthnm engine was on the road to the re. but the meals were no heny thnt it took some tune for the horses to pull the engine up the street. Two teams should pull the engine. Instend 0! one. over bml routs. lhd the tire ee~ cured handily the building would hue been burned down bolore the engine latched the spot. The blue was caused by n mnttnu. left beside the stove. atchina Ire. The cup}: In nlno ignited. Ir. Onvet discovered the the end undo glut alerts to extinxniuh it. Ila wu suoceulul. lIUTIUl$l'u'll. uuuvw III- cont:-ytrhndu uonnonlydoladlhg Ll_ Mm lauler` }E1$i I? `6L;`'nuvmity. r A\'nul.`\\"Il IlAl.n. h|VOl1I)0l 070! Inc: pltuouuuu lvuut. ls rennin: An open question nhetlicr the outlv opening up 0! this route would hot. shot all. benet the Cuuudu Pacic RR. Company. Their vealed right: in thin country would be greatly cnhnnccd in nine and their through hue would rally become the world's highwuv of I: guess. .._.... The cattle buyers from New York Sun hue been law this you in um Ioction. for male no scum nu-I the III)! intoo donp lot unveiling auily will: buds. I-`c nun by: Jun Corri- WA -1 n ___:n. II V L-.-than n! lkninl WIIII bolas. ru Inn: u-yu sum...- pa. 0! howville. N.Y., huubor ol Duziel Cotrigu. :7! liiqnton Township. ha been our here looking for good-stock. ud visiting Bradshaw: and Camden. :1 well u this county. He ucnnd cum on us...-. but had to leave to-day wiinout thou. the Bone. Wu- Iutown and Ugdcubnrg Ihilmoul btil blocked. Ha ha now gone eutwud to _ A__n.-_- lllfehlno. E, mu'r1s11 wnug, 1`11L.'1is:nm\'- Ewxlxu. .\lAl:(`ll .:::':5 Banish vmdnlousr I9 nu I. _ _ ` .511 , A mm: BA'I"l`LE FouG11T. .; puny. I v I " ' V ` f,:':_7\0SIII IIIII IS IDIIEII . , 1 I [Iii I-`onnvs is Cnptnred- The Turn ' em ukepn oneA.9nn--A Terriblescue. snnkun. lnrcu w.-1ne reopu ~ ed tire Unhnnrs torch this morning. The British formed so npolthe chute. but none being -Jnlflo the men were ordered sq lie iown Iaun. `I he rebut the continued all night. The Briunh did not reply. Ono ooer end tun man were wounded. OPERA HOUSE