-vuun -nu nu-was-nu vu.-J u-u-uuu. ll venom -lnsim Jul. downright. un- ulloyod plenum they neodonly take I drum on: the pitch holes to Kingston Mills. There ulouonnnn thouport. The new story which will begin in tannonuvfn paper will be worth roul- ing. It is entitled and is an enlirelv new production of I ne au- 0)..`- ZWC wvinaan nu nuuuuny -n-I Ilwlic A new Yncht Club bu bsen organized. 1: II called the bzmeslonc Cay Club. It has now I50 lIIl-s8 on the roll. _,\ meeting will be held next week. I! Il..|.-- I.-- .nan4Iu 0---..IIi-uuin Ihn uauwull` nun uv noun |n.AI wuw-. B. llichhu born tnvolling in tho hcckeonnlry lot the past week. He reports an nbnndnneo ol snow on the main and tr-velling very dmicult. II ..._.p._. .a_.:... .....l .l..--.-...I.o Inn. no-9 s.-n.-u uuunaulaxuauu-u-a IL Tnndy. of tho lqoouocivo Worlu. nytdltinachoput two vuhonly nun an bun bun dhohupd. (Duluth: been tending 1 goodly number ollunatica to Rockwood Asy- Iu-. Font ziuchb-I hue yootanlny. The Sergeants any they will have the Salvuion Annyinn body An noon u Capt. Hughes takes her departure. Tholndcoulision at the rouhpre- Velloduloul of Snlntiouilts hund- leodugu concert at Snubury lul night. 1 _._ \'_..|.n A`l..I. I.-. 3...... ........;-..l J. I. Chnpmu. Iucnl. ol Cabin. nyl win hinoompuly Run the but Uncle Tom in Amuia. an 1-,"), _n.n , I _ _ , _ _ .:-- |nv-._|__ ,,....._ . Ajndunwlv.-ll on the loot dud- bun Mums. me )1. 1. Co'i. yud. undxing two mu. -* A pulol um; bolls. caning shod NIX). Iillhepluoubd to St. Hay`: Chuch. Almolue. `___ n :1 :u.__,,,, ,,,_- nu-,,|,vII.__-'_ .1-H gv-up-qt-q.vI'\a$aIquIIa-nu dauointhuirtuwuhnlllutnuht. Thyme: lndi-.IuI goodooodnioo. I-rI`dumu'wrIIIu!u`tplvuulirlIf.1gi anal . hqinlo-narrow. Binn anlvludu. Ir.` ' ' `0.I. Wohuuldhicnoood Ndlo ynutdngtollltn. Ila yvIIa|'nop|q,o(-Calnnquilnnlu ilnnnni-Ihrln-hhnlllngt -uh: IA-onurnnudclltenoluntal and Gena-Al Interm-G1IO'P IIIIII l"Il.\`l|l.\'(i Tlll-Elli l`0l'RSl-2. mun: uu.'rnnni- I I luv 75"" 1'30-`Itch cunhgnnl Os-3. Gil lm W TI Ilonududluhuuwun. 14$ nnqlsud ll. sun. fl d Ihh Kl! Yuk Snrprb lily. In at tho British Anctiiau il.A.l Dal. W.Bneo sanumnanma lholoyulonlcdhqghudhpoud olllpudioou 811:-hudwillloonh us.-such. ` Thuobupovingholhgnnhvori duunghumcm-.dnoxo-n-as. uhuuulednudunrncqlurhn t\._jI A LI- \yw-July. nvuv vuu vvwuauu uuu nuuvv-. II In human to: you that than injured dld not lay a charge spinal you. and that the wonndownre not utiols Your chuucux in good. lounot lull any thing spins you. taking those hohllto oouldcuuon I ml] and you to polls! 1`: Iain. I hope IHI yocwlIl_uvgr no I gun. H lint hilt hid went 3 little further into yourviotilni body he would Invololl Ll.IiI..g-J-.- -n-LI Iugng hi-aux " MI VXJII - UV`. IIC VIIIVIII I11? IW hi-utuuyuwzuuumu-cyan-." Tho Calm uljound. UIUKV TIII Kl W IUI IIIUUCJ XI?"- A young Ian was hu-god with nul- in;( (our bottles 0! goons Iron King`: drug soon. He aid ho was drunk who the ouoo wu oomniuonl. Me In ant to pol hat 1 month. Daniel Sandor: tone with I sound look. The lugutnlo Addressed him than: "You Inn been charged with a serious crime. on not only nation but oonnlly. None but cowudu no hint. In I. I.-A_..A.l__ _._ A|.-A s|.-_.-- Hugh hlcdnrk And I-2. Kelly. vugnnu. ' were nut to pol for month each. A ...__- --- ...- Lg...) -:al. -5.`! Uun nu unuluuu nun nnulwvluu nu nyl- Vourn. Tho Inn pastor wuthe lhv. o~ I...-0 I nihd. n... A! Dni-.1 I-'.I--ml Knu- vvuln. nun IIZ |nIlll wuuuuc Univ. uv but Leitch. now 0! Point I-Zdwnnl. Sat WK |l.l\'R JFST IIPUITIZD A LOT clIIwnn-shl-~uIdnnn(hnnnAunn .... ......,;un w uuu ....u...... . I-cnv -- eviaence 0! a good work lining been by him in the district uul 3 proinisa of gnnur mulls. The number ol funiliu __ _-A |-_,-- L... .i..... .._. I:|.-._I -....._.l 5...... .u....... ...c .........u. .. .........- in not Inge. but they no libenl moon!` in to their means and pat. opportuni- ties. This is the rsl. settlement of I poa- Uor in Camden and Tunwonh in men an. ,,-,.n__ n__ n- v v. V-u-uyu nuns -uu uvwuuu5. nlrrvlllv ed to give the charge to the people. Owing to Um severity of the dny and Induces of the roads the nttendsnce of the people vus not large. l`hePn-sbylcry mot soon user the hour nppointod and was conntituted. After the prelimina- rice, usual on such occcsions. the servi- ces were proceeded with in the onlerns indicated above. The clnrgen were so- lemn, practicnl and appropriate. Mr. Smith In: licensed nearly n yeu age be- ingone of the graduating class in divi- nity Inst year. Karly lest yen he Ins ordained nu-I l|I]h)|l.IM3l` to lnbour as I home missiounry in the shlions that form his oomzmgntiou. Mo was student cetcchist for some summers in the sumo held. no and his ock IN. therdon. uo stringers to one another. There in ' Inn.-n On Tuosdny last the Presbytery 0! Kingston met in the Church in the 8th oonccsaion 0! Camden to induct the Rev. William Smith into the putonl charge ol that place undo! Tamworth. which is [our miles further on. There were pre- sent the Rev. 8. Houston. who hul been pm';Ious|y uppointed to preach and pre~ side as the services: Rev. Dr. \\'|llinm nan. appointed to give the charge to the minister: uni the Rev. J. D. Leinhmnn. 0! Camden I-lust sud Nowbnrg. nppoint- ! `.3 0.. ..i.... ml... ..l..._.... 9.. II... gun.-.l.. Dalton Iocuthy. Q. C.. will dnlnd L. l._J.- -_.I 'l'.-_.nA nlunnpl -uavuuua. The goods necuxl` by the tari are pnncipnlly sihcms. cnmbrics. jenns and contilles. The duty upon those pre- viously was ti) per cent. ml mlunm; yesterday it wu advnncod to `.275 per cent. The extrnlutv will clearly oome out 01 the nnporwnf pockets. for the goods cannot. be solu! for higher gures than heretofore. .\ Conservative mem- ber of one firm is down on the Govern- nnnt and rounrked to our reporter. after rehearsing his grievance: "l'll do nll 1 an to put that Uovernment out by my vote and inuence I've been hndly used." Interesting Strvlcu on Tue-otlny-In-\ . Ir. .\'uIllh Chen a Flnlornl Chargt-. ll. Mel-`nu! is another victim. und `be is imprsaenl with the idea that there has been some rather sharp pnctice. The goods were shipped [tom Boston on Feb. `.. 7l.h and machecl Kingston on the Hun inst. 'l`hou;:_h other uwrclinuln receive-I l.hc_it bills oi inling on than day his bill us only handed to him has night. He will. 0! oollrno. have to pay the extra duty. Seven! other rms were nipped. but in very small -nu...-u.. c-vpn-1 wnu uiuvlvuu anvil: vuv-wu- Wulnh I Money were "cnnght." and paid On oxtrnin duty. They thought. the built ouuges hand from their in- troduction into Parliament. n |l_|-,_,|, .| A:_., , ,_,j`L__ c`Us1ng_)oI:1::s| Inn av nus. luv-nun uuu. In the morning Jnnma liiclunonl 61 Co. And llnnly .1 Murny passed their invoicea. nml lntgr on R. \\'|Mron did the name. Mr. Wnldron got his goods though about vu minu&es' before the tnlognunvu raooivod (tom Onun. \l'..l-I. L Ann.-- -.._.. Io...-...I. " ..n.I wvulu In-vu uvua up mu During Tuesday night the resolutions were passed in the House. and at 1:01 o'clock yesterday the Collector o! Cus- tom: rooenod n notication thnt the ro- `vioul tlri had gone into foroe. Good: [I bond was oonaoquontly cued noconl~ ` ing to tuvrevinod list. In bl... .........i.... I......;. Ilinl.-nnnl la \ . (`HE Bm'i=1sJt \VHI5:,"Plll'l{SQA1 E\'E.\`lNG. .\r;_uu~u ml W-||- II3lCI u-Ilu] U. vwvvvu uauhu um-um muglmloninl Ax- l'\-_..'..:.... n.-l:-...-..o - nlnn-n was jj tum: III-v luv-guuv-vw-.- the Dominion Puliunent I chase was added insinuating that the incmhaes would due from in punge.` Ilnpinn Tn.-I-u -.3.-hi than nu-nlnlinnn ` well known Boston dry goods houu-- .boh dlliuunnuanpuwun` uF00'Ii lasts. Wheeler. Count 3 BlodgotI- ` visited the city and sold the retail rm: lug: quantities ol goods. The good` ruched tbocity on Intel: llth. Ind those who took them out 0! bond :3 wm cuxhlnd h}|I ptyu my much higher an at duty. ' n ........_ um: clung mnnlnnn: 1 llwllil Inna nu Inn). _ I luppeuu than when the nnoluhona nqaouilgun inonnod dnty on cotton -planks Ihlnnn -an. hrmnhllnlnin La" 15.... my was In] at mm`. hnmueuumuuuuauorw OI:-lneluu Who Han lur V .` of I Kingston-Plo~rzynnn-I.ue portaiolu ll ` lmponhul [M-r\'i:e. I ' SIC ITLIMG THE FISH \` Plla IINTIDI. onononTo1I-ronxza. -p-nu n`;nn. I N l)l ('Tl(I_\' AT l'.\ I DI-I.\'. Cue cn.a.\"rs' v.u'uu'r. nnu nvvun nu yuuuuul nndntnnlindlnw Iibnncl. Sn nnd Chnrlnn Stun. lawwnn not ollnnoh nooonnhn Onlntio shun. Ind tbn ntndnnlr oppu-tnnilinn Inn vnry (aw. Young (harp 0'Ki|l any hnvn inundnd to IOIIII to l'ppnt Can- Ivdthn hnhlln unity. nil! nnl nnnlunnrvnl dnnnnhyln Ihnnnndqynllndpn. 'l hnAlnhIIn- ...-. L-.AL.. m....'n In...` and Kn lly I-I-1 Wunl. WIIII uvuv II-Ax! u|uinhnt.uullnhnduuchooloon- pain: the Isle C. Oliver. hIui'~ uh:-o1n.ouvu.non--aa nu. C.I"|tniI. Indothou. Wbcnbohul nulnd -nhood bonus to Quboc I __j .A..Il..I I_- _.2AL L.. __4l.. H.- H-Btnlludhuonuhiliouuhh dquhldlcndulooglo. Iowans! Iill.Ian-..pyu-uacqnnyunluucucula. It bnlubhtndnunvu `hI| Inullplotip. In 3 Ilvllx Iul -Iu-U In-up IIIC Judpuuouhaunuehoolughuhm hyhruuwoon. with (homo Bub: -- -_z-A.-n -...I 3.- 5.-.! -- ..|....l .._ Ihh any I: ma. ..-- ......-.v_..... -. -~-_. Tho Judp. 0oarp0'Ill sum. who dnodnsQooboc tho othu clny.wu the only In .:l the his Vucublo Archdu- ouu Shut. and carbon ol Row. Ir. sum. ol l . I-Z. lune. Ind loruorly rc- Ikling in a bounce: In:-my Point. The I..|... -u..4..I 41.. ..|...I A.-AA AL... lIl' IYIHIIIXI Ill`) l`IlIA DIIVIJI-1 vv nwnru ul null l governing itself accord- ingly. 'l`lu~ regiment is iu.-ztlv proud 0! the very high mention it has reocivul for the post law yarn in the militia re port 0! the (iovernmont. In-l we have not the sliglitosl. iloulit will go on in- crolning in reputation. The battalion nuerod n great loss in the tnnsler ol Major Uudon to the Cnptlincy u! "A" Oolnpnny ol the Infantry School corps at I-`rotlerickton. .\'.B. But his anacon- oor in the Adjnuncy. Cnpt. Galloway. who proved one 0! the most nlunblo and adnnt company ooon the regi- men over Iiul. will. no ll0bl. show himscll quite on odont MI I held onl- car. The regiment. so in: II drill ii ooncornei. in. this you, olocrod u lol- lows : .4... ,. ".\' I | I-`owlu. sun" 1`. The prospects are that tho gallant Nlli will take. this year. a more envia- ble position tlmu over below among the crack corps ol Cmalla. For the last year or so it has been plain that a great impetus ha-been given to tlioregimonl. from one cause or another. and now more than cut it seems that overy member. lmm Colonel to lmgler. is bound to do all tliatoan be clone to make improvement. The requisites lot a good volunteer corps are. lining well |ll0830d; having a ataaady. manly and respectable claaaol moa ia the ranks; wood discip- line: olcers ol good drill and who lo- mancl and receive respect. That these are requisites the l~ll.lx seems to be a ,... I _. .....-....... ;.....ll -..~.-J Th: Ln-nl Ilrgiuu-III l`l`oInlu-In; \\'el| -The nm I`! I'I|n fun: (`ummnnd II. M. A uu:el.ing on the )londny lollowing the dedication a cum ol 010.266 wu raised. leaving a balance 0! uenrly 93.011) after the running debt. ol the Church lins been paid oll. Rev. Mr. Blnnil is is noted cliurcli-builder. and them is no ilonbl. tlnl he will bnwo I new edice erected for the congregnlion over whom he now presides. ouuu. At. theoveniug service Nev. .\1r. Bland. formerly md {or three yous pastor at the Pembroke congregation. pl'0ACll0tl. He took 1 great interest in the clnldreu. and ooul-I not lurbear In very pleasing t.rI~ bnw to their presence in number;-1. .\lr. Blunl. whose style is ever the perlcc~ lion of method nu ! .-zweutuess, bnscd his diaoounw upon St. Pnul'a onmrtsuon to the Tuessnloninus to --rejoice cver~ mom." His sermon mu. as usu-d. very eloquent. uuwu . Liam.-Col. Kan oounnunling. Major Smytbo Cupllin nd Acting Major Power. Cnphin And Adjutant Uullowly. "A" Company--CwI. list. Lieul. P-'nIIAr. A few Sumluyn up the Church was dodicouxl. the services being conducted by Rev. II. F. Blond. 91 this city: Rev. T. G. Williams. 0! Bmckvillc: Dr. Doug- ` has. of Montreal ; and Dr. I-Elliott. Tbs Pembroke U/-srru'r says that. the new chutch nchemo was begun by Rev. Mr. Blond. And it was very ning that he should be present ll its consummation He can never be forgotten by the .\le- thodists of Pembroke so long us ..lu-_\' ans privileged to worship in the noble st.rnc_ turo. .. .. - - u. u nu lunch as wuuavly nllnu gtvunu. uuuuuul splendid lightahd porlect treodon ti-om darn A mtibuloia uuiul-ins .ii. rectly to the basement. and contains stairway: lea-ling upward to the audito- rium lull galleries. Ilia basement has a main chamber of 45 x 5`Jft.. and a mi- nister`: Vestry. The main aumtoriuui is 451 5;` ll... graded door. and seemed in amphithuue style. with two main and side aisles. The seats and woodwork In painped a pale yellow tint. which blends exceedingly well Wllll the bright red cushions of the pews. which are cir- cular in form anal very coinlortahle. The pulpit is a decidedly Iiamlsouio oue. Beliiu-I the pulpit the choir have (`our nioilious and elegant quarters. null _al. the rear of their seats stands the line pipe organ. The liuildiug is liciiu--l l-_v two large uiruact-ii. Tho cliuicli will was about 700 persons. and cos. about $18,750. `ovum B" Compu:y-Cnpt. lcbougnll. "C" CompuIy-Cup|. Hons. Lions. . R. Shannon. "D" ` -Lion|.Skinnor.Lie I. Lanpuy u W. unsung. -- ' Oompny-0Ipt. Mnrny. V795 Illa nv `III; `[712] Ul IUC l|J\lI IC 643. Milk.-and abanniiful-shined glans! window. I0 1 1713.. -ubovo tho plluy. admin` light in the (rout. The bisc- Inolt in namely shove ground. enmriqu -nlgnhl Hula ksul -.--14.0 I-...A.Ian-an In-nrn uu. Dr. l~2uiou'u new sounds: ` Church. in l`embroke. is I ne Iun~ `Into. It commands; good view. of mu lake.--uml surrounding country. The building is 0! re] tnck. and IM style in modal) (iounc. It is 60. by 96 ft. over all. To the apex ol't.be root is 1:4 In 1.3.]. ...l - 1......:o..| ..-:....l ..l.... AI ma mnguouua Iloolh. - . A 45...... -. . |. " CompuIy-- Capt. Cartwriaht. Ll- . nhnnnm. 0l'__]{ 1'll`|'/.l'}.V S()l.l|||'ZHS. um. El.Ll0TT'..s` cu"t"R~n. IV? bril ao3`i'r:1r}:-s1"'an'r| II V. BIIVII, !nuPrhu- It IIOI Ila! YIAII `TEI l'IOPLI| ulna-hvulunutloalhpdtdnlb IIITS iii sues All nnphlcluullduonucnrllalm rut II mun Ithooulycoolhnvoonr oIud.w hubooo-osnooudlyiu my v:hounho|d.' -:O6j:- WIIIIJII I3 -III-`II`IlIl' II. A friend in e lisunt city. wriiinu to e lriend in this city. up: "Accept many thenlus tor the three [leper oon tuning intending accounts ol Rev. Dr. I Wilton`: experiences. when the poet men hnmlenl them in I III j-at in neeul ol Inch oooounaement es in elonled by the example ol what that deeply expo rienood child ol God In both alluring and onjoyingu the tune time. It in. II the Apostle Peal words it. "screwing but Always rejoicing." And the loan! the doctor get: to MI I-`ether. (led. the more mvnlicnldocl he heeoumol count. to the Avenue Christian ptohuc. `I would.` any: the Saviour. `that than Itoneitberholotcoldz but beanie tbonullenlherhotnorool-II villupoe thee onto! my mouth.` 3'29. I.`a'.`.!'8L'.:'B:`: n....n.n...-nu. In-n-`aInnCau\ llr. Ill-on It Ilnppy. Kingstoniaus hue lml lowers [tom Dr. Wilson. An-I in lliem he descnben himoell u lnppy and contented. n-joIc- in: in plenty 01 work and In the mecca: which Is nucnulnug it. n 1.1.. I :._ - ,l;...-..p -:n.. _..:n;.... 5.. JIHUJIUH . I Dear Sir.-l take the Iibonyol ad- dressing theso lines to you and the i friends of the Salvation Ann . My time expirea on Wednesday. l`. th arch. In , regard to my inurcerntion I can truth- fully say that nothing but the cursed cup hronghkme to the gaol. I am fully resolved to amend my inbernperato ha- bits. and lot the future to liven sober and righteous life. I alao wish to all to your mind the remark you made last Sunday in regard to the forming ot an Association that would receive poor prisoners on their leaving: the caol. I think that would boa more in the right direction. .\l1-nliko myself. leaving the gnol without ninuev. friends or home. are placed in a rather precarious posi- tion. .-tlthough our intentions may he ` good we am very apt to fall again for want of tl.o syrnpathuing and onconr aging friends. Fnlortnnato men. nee- ing that the` ham some to carolor ` them. lend a -tier life. Their hearta are softened by the kindness shown to to them, and better tooling: spring up within them. This Association will he the means 01 making poor drnnlanls hotter members of society. Tnntana that (iodwill give the Vritc-r ol these lines strength to resist the intoxicating cnp.-l remain. yours. etc.-(l-.(`. --~ {_. During the mute: months the Ser- geants ol the Snlvnion Anny have hold meetings ch Sundny in the county mo] and I no following document tells of the good they hno done. The letter is uldressenl to Songs. W. Shea. udna (tom a prisoner who necuted his liberty yostenlny : I1... e:. A! o.L-.. Hm niluu-0-nl n. vI.\Iv.n Ivunn` -n --v-um---...-. llro. (iilmore protested ngninst tho cxtortiountc nntos cllll`p,:cAl by the King- ston Water Works Lo.. `lit. to ntrv.-ng~ then his argument produce-l n hill from he city of Providence. IL]. The bill owed that wtterlml been nup- plied for 13 months. 3 tllu, ghonso lS~ sensed II 97.000! lot M10]. The name supply home would hue cost 075 or 01(1). Below taking his sent Bro. (iilmon and the Mayor (.r Aldermen who "busted thin iniqnitonn monopoly would carry with him to his gnvo the esteem. the respect an} the gratitude ol ever)` Nun. womw And child in the city. He up- penled to the inuence. energy and zonl of the big four and implored them to take hol-l of this mutter to milieu: the people's griewtucen. and the Pollyvrog Club will mnko them Knights 0! the golden rooster. -:--oo-j OFF ORD'Sl I KFTYI . Dr. C. 0. lib. Mtllnndl. Ia. nyu."()l .)I uh...-mi-nl -and-nnnntdnrhn `Ln It d e e L I I The sacrum ox tho Mir...-'.1-nun. infants on than spoctnl` I-on` held on Monday t-veninu. on when oe~ 1 onion two live eobjecttworo`d`notttetnl, I The club cunot compliment the King- nton .t peanuts RlL_on the lrennty lad convenience ol the pnuenucr ttotnoe in ` rlroltel Ihoiz`-itr--!lell:'tlne some tusto have been bnilon property given lot thut purpuo-3 luv the GOI`\I'u~ meat. `Wm,-n n nc.tuc_v occur! on um: ' roul--_bnilt to largely ls_v' [oubluc money. 7 ls; bonuses llltl nubxidics-who gets nt ; Note Kingatunnui. Klthonuh Kingston gnvo'O8l.l).l(ll. We liml in than oiee end on their ma-I at:-Angers. In this right 1 '1` ho Potlywog (`lab my: no. and their promote `must be respected. l'he very tune when the Club vmntul cheap fuel and looke-l to this tool to get it for then: on their no. what In the result? l-Every stick the l IllI`l_\` broughrto the city I13 sold ut on ml. unoe of one OL50 1-er cord. \\'h)' 2' Because lnnncrs couldn't get into the ctty tnd them want A woo-l lotnine lot a low tech. We vpuuld ulvine this roul to bring wood to this city and sell it lrom their unu ynnl at the lowest possi- ble nte.-1. ll vtcnncucs us tlnev may oc- cur vntln Kingutontnun. and thus nggin public conx encv n I n.-apt-ct. When they do the Above the Pullylwog Club will seriously consider the mlvinnbllnty ol grunting it In ndxlitionnl bonus to en- able it to connect with the a 1`. RR. ?The Special .\'Os:hI-*TI'|I' lluyonnuvl I qualms lliscuz-As I 1TbM`,lnIa`:a , | I In-cut Dannmls. DOZIIII `HIS N CIIOOSI PIUI ulhdl .0o.oudueothon I nun 'li.nlIn-no laud:-u I-it-Qu: THC PIAUIAOY. Ilonluvfo Add Ploqluo. . --:fm.I`.`\\\au; H I; Iuots an slots] to L. : uunua:u-u`u"nn-1..-nu-can .g. |:'.:.`.: RVRI IIKMKTED tn THIS CITY. A--1-I-an nun u no H-nhlh-jninnl I` 500 Piece: New P:-xnu. mndnome patterns. 60 " Newhucn sueem. new duigno. 300 " New White cottons. best quality. 30 New White Shootings, 22 14. 2 1-2 yd: wide. All at llontreal WIIOIZII Prices. a__ wzgamvs. - wn.s0N's nmunnus Q Q Qbboooccr ow; t $1.-Qwnn vv vvcua v M AI.II. BOIIHMI the Stock In novaou nuytn` Bnlluin Trimming. Iahollntiu on all land: of Hulda. llvothuing "Inn .0331: (`onnuz Trinunup. Bunny Trimming. Vnkuaanna. Darling `Inching uni lisp. and All Huh; Pol Pot: lo mulch for Ladies` Pun Drm Otnodl aI1I('|l1IOh cloning in 1:Am3.;. - - 128 um nj.cgu_s:;u:. R w'AL1+n3,' Incl: I. NEW PRINTS, NEW COTTONS i_1_?E1..`1.E 6 P`RT..!1_L1.!~_6B$AITEN.TI0N OPENED OUT TO-D.A.'Y' -:.\`I- SPENGE & CRUHI.EY`S. g Q 0|: Ir. Loch is Ill visiting Ioltml, Boston and In York. We expect to bullet: show him In; on oh nut couplets stocks of fin Boots and slipurs our IIOII in canola. NW1` 10! HAINES &. LOCKHPI`. -w---:---.-------. ---uu- 4coLoR D, SILKEOLORD sums Tijuniuuunu , til-clnbyluhlluu noun J 1 a...""""...-...."'R'.:u':".h$.".1""""' " "" i 3% VV j TQ`j11j R}ICl-IIVED TO DAYAA (`0NSl(`-NMBNT 0| FIFTY I'lEl`l>;S 0| llAND.\'()I|1 (`ulorocl Dnm Silk` all new 9-lmdoo-lo ht cold II II!` pct _uhI, worth '33:` l>2\r_\ Indy should all and mm the show. u lh-~_\ null -ell hut .\T TIIIISIC I'RlI'E$ In Iuohlllg ""95:-- nal OIAVX. I. IcFI||l S. lurch nth. ICARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. IS UFFERING HIS DIRECTLY l)l[`(`l\"l'l-ID COLORED SILKS IN llRu\\N .\l_vnle, Burgundy. (Irena! unl Nuy lllue II 40 per _urd -Nu Imly shun]-I ~' ""'*b- null-wt om-. \\ \RR.\N'l'|*Il3 ALL 811.5. EOLOREDSILKS! [15[lPiecesWhite Table Shack Muslin, IF. X.COUSINEAU. smnwglgnmnnal C1371 GRAVE LADIES W/Ll. D0 WELL 8) (MLUN6 AT ONCEIS THE 7 :l,.J !'l`lpo- l.aI`~.'t-st. 1'|mI|N'NI anal lhwl .\wn-I.-u_l Mu--k M` Pi-im~ in the I` |"il_\. .\`|n-4`i:II \'.`I|IIc-. - WALSH&STEACY I AF sAr1?r:1:Ns AND emanmus. __ no to_-- - WALsH& STEACYS Pmraw, Handsome andC}1eapP1inL9, "6;-"L'aI:J7 Friiiwur. A I III Zlhni --J ah. Ilnnh .. ..-- .._..1.A. .__._..'..- h..u-_.'- 'l~-;__ avv A l\.i\4\4D AVGVV \Jl|.IJ|I LIIIIIILIIILKQ` '(\ll 5 Bales Plymouth Rock Cotton. 100 Pieces New German Embroidery. I I5 lI.l\l.Jl zit ulruuru) A IAN` din no-ohi (Vuqoduug nxlhhj L:-uv~ nun`.-I.--Q 100 Boys" Jersey Suns-all sizes. 50 Girls` Jersey Dresses and Jackets. 48 Ladies Cashmere Jerseys. ' 20 Pieces French Ginghams. 15 Pieces New Sateens at 15. 18 and 90. 100 Pieces New Gimp Trimxnings all colors. R 12.51:... `I3!-rnnnnol. M 11-54.... GREAT IXl;ECT;\TI()NS. 'l`lllRF.E L.-\l{(iF. SllIlA`.\lF..\i'l`S .|I'S'l' lll'I(`El\'F.li in City Howl. I 10th. F. X. GOIISINEAII & B0. was 1{1cHM0N1> A" ms. _ -`ra--can`--- `.15: lluhoonyuidlohnvinguoug-khan-nltncutol ,__;_. .__ ,_ Q _ _-.A_n cg- _-_,,-, k 99W!`-,. mm 121.2: ; uAm&% uuiaml ARE OFFERING THIS WEEK l RU.\l I-`IVE (`l').\"l`.\` PER Y.\li|L R. MOFAUL AND EIOIIII T0 I`0l.I.0.I\'. are selling `V9 ! `7 -CH L.- T I32 uad HI I'Rl.\'(`B9H S'I'RHl-IT Q IQIJSALI: TICTL hlllu 'l'l8LBNl9c. I00 Princess Sims. tfiodb on my Bonn RD:-Ina '1-\..._.-__... A_L.n.L._n_. cm. -.-_acz. TX ' h-Huh-t~lrr.c.t:nn-I35: (\uQ'&(.hhin Iounltl-ilxlin I7! IA-hquhKdhlI\l3e`heptyud,: -'}\tIIoIo-ulibeh ouse ltdigooduuon ha-ucuui-01.01.35-A Ihzp-'uu `Kbuocuutn I-do Fuhnnpt. j . :-aqua nu. 3i|qlhn_ulv&pIOn. . 0. :{.'."."..`1..':.".'.*....."* - '-* ""u...1.`.....' -I23: `nu l'rhhy|IlI'IbKnOu[nceu.' I jIu......... ...~........-UU jll ICIAFI noun I13 - ff-I3"0!I8 I.n:_____,________ *(VQU(`luII"IIj.TII uh an-All-attach-g uni-Jan. V 4...: I nu.-tug.g.-co-{pg . _. &I`&~I.8_.II& j ' S-ublltnluuuuyoultb-n ~-~~nanna- A--T- ~ ~~~ ~~w ~-. "*""Ttj* `"'f* ": Unt! an-n...u u-nan-g. `:1 08$ 1 ` . ,HRRBY&"!RRAY S'7 TOWEL s4 ll you-uh nunaih l&udhwu|hodl&h _. lg jnn.__v II_a__;.I V ;ox '_:.-:37: Duhhsunhn 1`.\ll.l-2-PKl:)'& __-_v-- IR Pl-bu- Sara. 5 link l..l`l-I l`l'RT.\|.\'.\`. nuujn-Ir...`- jvvuuv nu_lGud&n cnl:.IuIva %.';:'v -7 . '"a by high`, .....-"J-'.."a'."&7-.'-.'a'."T.' 11 6'5"! hpnkq tel &%It| I 3: dilutin- inn. lnuiiubqnqn bn H Q-n-hi-I-S, bliuyxhutulddvhblb puhtunniuvnkhni-any villhInlIo&. Unlucky -_J|la_1\..gI.A..._.._._I-:_...._.. :.';:.-'....."""""*.. .....".:..'.: 1.-...... lusoulhlanh. Doounnnlillldl` that lh|phJonu diode! pnlyin hllmuiuhv. Ho con-undo-I &IhnI-uInnuWiIl'nn l\'.uul in nun-u coon uuuuunnu nuugjuuw uwuu Euutohn-otttohpuunsut olnlbcllhol-hill. Bola-or lyhvulinliijus. Atlhotinool hidulhhuuinlboovuunut hihu_vDIhnIL Hosanna`: ..lPn_4I lg... .1 ll.-anon-ng .o,HD ..... .?p. .. ...... _............... They inks-I Ioopuouthoir gpriloz -iliuu-y&ot0y.undw|lcxhhitltou thglvuudloor. Anhnrvuy hnheeu bnilllounupperqnsrlcls. Thonn L--3 -g--._I QL. ' 1.. g R-no ml`:- nu-any-cu-u-'-lpsu`--now-o. uuu unu- hvououul n Qwiouolold-clan ulllinet. uutunuujvll I-UICI, Ivuoif-nun-cu ouolluuuhoweut down A5-aux unnjnh-nling by qznug In botanist- not. Ha ha no sooner lunhorl her _:1..L_- L__ x,,. ___. :- -1, -:A-_: int went in thliru-I L,u__:,_n_,_-n,.n,|,.n_ u... ,, Ihiqmil rowan. Phi IIorI`p. but ovdq I younglndy on Km: Suunligpcd nod loll, Iouiugnshriek .-lglhg--..L.-._t J.-_ 1..._-.- \'nluis|otI.hmnglq mm the In- lhuyet. ll npnnnuntlhaevullno I-liouygulunnnlanowsaotlnnhoulhu lh. Tlueiolcooltho utunsuillnot hnhlthnuunchu inthowe-km Shun. ltwilllulho hnxhdpuiul uLa...a.... egg... -.II 5.. ....I..I -... 1'.c`I&anIA.1uo`n I..A....I..-.-.-l...l.. AL. t\._..u__ LKI-n3IIo-nI'bI Church. I That Ilngluh 1:1.-Ru poople. Adol-l phlsul. Inn ubuuiboni lnmlsouaely blink the [top-ul chuck. uixlaoo i-as-`.|..|. _..n_L..n.. an an 'ro..| ----v----- \I1$m vuuvvxs hhl uuoulllusd iIl.7\. Tlloint lauhdnndhnheondepouiudonuno --u-cu -- jun vv. `an-can -Il\ll u..;II:".T.;lZ{.T.I.I:,....` hynnnlunl-ad hstnkhlww police In. --A...n.._ II- .._. .:.__ -_..a._ T run-uncoumc h` thloqh\boiultIInoIhlilyolIlae5d- vuionu-y and W. Sun. Ibopnid `in H Li. I.-n-LI..-l thin -u--i_- x-vi-[V yuhy saga-a. IL.-Inn Z jl I2: ICIIIITI n no nouun` unit to the noun trip the Iron- -nngh F..." Bag}...- - ._.... .... Inn the use he left l.nt-moo! until Nov Yottvunnclao-I. nu'kI(n1l`enyutenInypucIn-ad: lumnolhtovnponnn. Oneolucm i-cut`. -rquy." the olhat1`.Duno~ nuniuouu. lhphltlolntthun. A-lwonlotnollthnnov lot MCI). Iiillunchinalhntbohuthonestcnb In-hthocaly. ' .___._ ThUnnI'l runkIlLh:iItdn- Iuulickehlntthodnde-holQoeou'u Odlqo uouhnnndnthml. They -mhendpetzm-nnzuhxxzhwuuy Jot. Tho in-lab can return up to Nomlilh .`:&uth;nnu1f-ni--Ina--nu !.'l'=:-..-;:-..-.-:.-:'.7..:.':"- 'I$-ll mi 11 5-} Cu W. Ilkltl. Into: ..u- 0- any wuV.n3 nr.o.n.-uostup. (Soup Onions nd hnily tanned m-A--A.- -h.. - A... _._o|.-- -..:o ... ljtjt.-jun. ns-tD;nIl.jIinDivunvuu-h.a `ci1`\'- um vlcmlm-`)7 sIg7iaEI;.`"xorics..` uulvllu Unnuuuu SL511). Tho Oujjnibluwv. Thunvillouu-nuphlq brnvuuo lnnhpnuv ywhuhbhu Ildnlllnuu jpqhn. Ituillcoly job:nng-col`-&l-g-.51.. Ilolllhonlloutu. 'I'InlljIt&hnblR0on- pnyn|lbhy|o|hoDhpnu&Tn-- vutlllthollhhhdtboouut ulhtwuulhlwolha. `l'hoK.t P.Il.0n;nyhvuunIIoUl King- Xi l"@hQlltbdty'|||doou*~ hhllhllivwlllnvonvduhdr at-gout-uh.-yvnumnu lhnuI-|&bYuh'Iu\ ou bllhpb. Thoduuntnlloshua co. `llbuhlolhlthaphu. 'l&Illto`II.I|I| lovlh yuullu lhooilnl trud- jwtlj WwIU-o up.-tutu-unImn'nau. no $735 nuhl on punish; iaiy. ITIQZC ITVVIUI VI`-IVI it not-uugtln tho Solution Mayonn- authvuuh-ans. sink: 1.. Shayna Blower Butt. .1 D-AL -.'II -. i-A- AL. -..-In 3- A I-- Ijlaujlugu-uuuvvuvuunnnuu dKlII.IillpiMolb0IoI'tio|low Thoold Scmnltnholievounsn vat" ol the Dinototolonhu-Io.` pnl (hphinshoiydhollnonlolhnt. hundlhopohonuovdoltht. H*.llOl So`I|IlIIlIIO Ibo hllnuninqofwluehwillhoudcnhoul i!0II|m- Thophinnaivodu onlerthi _..--.-4 ALQI IL. nlughinn An-u an-. IXIWWIIIVIIT 9' VKUVI `II Ii 12 !!!- A report which has caused txsuidcr Able nneuinx in to the elect that tho lnjor. annoyed at the demonsuuuou Ii him. is innuaunting I series of &.lII. tho object ol whichu to root. out as much as possible the Inuence ad pow: ol Ibo uubonlinnea and so!- diulond Iooonoutnte that mluenou and power in hinsnll. It is valued um: uolutlzuboon made to have the ponuuion at tho hunch paced. by in hit land: lnnsuona which snobviona uough. We believe that nouhn ol the Anny hnvotoldthocn Inkling clans upon the bunch not in coma! to I kinda. nlul]. Tomorrow night the meeting will he 1 public nlhir mot the nemhpnnte olu nunllv held on I-`rialny evening: ad the tattoo ol um is thus Lnentennnb llinuh hit: her hnwrll. She goes to Bowmuuvillo by order 0! the lnjor. A --___A _.I._L I.-- .4-u_4.J nan-hin- The Inst dnnce nt the Solution Army hnrrncks seems to have considerably nected the troops. Far 1 long time there inn been n certnin nniount ol lric tion between dillerent sections of the Ar_iy. the old Sergeants. of conrsr. Incl the rtrnnger pmitiun. null. on the ground ol grater naelnlness. longer ser- vice nncl experience. they lml the pr!`- ltreuce with the oimn. The latter did not desire my jenlousies to exist. nod discoungal thorn um much in possible. But they would crop up. The Inst con ict hetwutn tho right and left wings Irnh the most serious one. The that ol it may he inlcrnad iron: the statement thnttoltiahtthe old Ser1zeontu-loon*. Ahernethy. Fowler. llnrrimnn. J. nml N. Pigion and Sissons--will into their "hrewell" testimonies. They give in to nndentunl that their best ellorts have been nnsnooenalnl in preventing objecticnnhle lentures And in preserving hnrniony. without which proper ndr monument annot be rude. The young well any not completely never th connection with the Army. but they will cease to hold ocinl poeititms and take part in the management ol nllurs. Two of the Sergeants iulorm us that they will have nothing morn toclo with the 1`- _..._.._ _;..|.o 5|... .....4.t....- -iII Ln I E l \.uuu.u u-v u-Jun` nu 5.1.1 -uv g-.....u -- the .1:ln-ulr in Hamilton so that they may have A journal to: themselves. Du-.AyleIworth in unmasked an editor. It would be wise: and more (`huntin- like ii the |ninorit._v accepted thedictmn ol the nnjontv. - - ______ When umou Is consnmznnod the (Irulmu l:`nur.la-an will be the oicul organ And I valuable penodiul it. will be. The union opponentsolthell. E. Church are trying to gel. the plant of ab... 1 l..._.:. :. I.l....;Io.... .. oI.-o Ilnnlt Ihvl-l`polIIne hlvnlluu Ar-y I-loorqyz I In... n..._r..__|..A....| II-a-cl-1 um. ul\\ urn.` \ Q_.._..L. 1__L`_ o _.___xn_-.n...__