Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1884, p. 3

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apnng. During the hut nine weeks 01 Caps. llnghcf oonllnuad ol the Army the col- lootionn n the barracks tuuounlcd to um. _.._.i:_. u-...._a.. -1 11.- G_l-. TUIGHSTIIII IIIUUIII Uunuu. The can 01 double Lnchna the Gnnd Trunk Rnilwny from Montreal to To mnto will con 010.01) per mile. -n... .....I 0...... n...a-A.m In Kinontnn IUUUU wul vuui vuvgvvu run u-nu. The road from Bnrrieold to Kingston Mill: 1: in I dreudlul auto. ding!-neelul .. .L- L_..__.. 0.... ...-.I A..-...|.:.. mun us an - uuruuuu as--u. um...- to the banner tron road towunhip. 'In._ 'I*L-...._.l l_l-...I ll...-nn -t . I IIIIIUII, HYBRID- Sstumny an the but business day the morclunh hum Ind tor noun: time. To-day they looked happy. In K. Ilunnnht that [Jun Ilnlluunw ii I 0`lII, Ill, lIl-Ul Illpyy. It is thought that the Rolhouy will mnko bu hendqnulaon at the Cnpo this you inaloul 01 us Clnyton. -I-5.- ;... an 0.. wioinill nl tho huhdnr '_I" Illljl `DC DC VI-JUUII. The ion in the vicinity of the hubohr uonncl the vocal: in: booomo totten. Pbdentrilnl should bewuo. , ,-_. -1 ,I-_L|- ;__-|..'.... H... [1-.--ml A pulor e;utorhiuInont willbo bold It Rev. J. l`. Wi|nou`n roaidonco on Thnndny evening. u.A....a..u -A| u... hut. hnninnu dnv F luff. The sent: on the ground oor ol the Upon Home well In ukon at 11 o'clock o L. :- nunilli um vu- Tho yacht lnbehh being listed onul Clnytolno godovnotho album in the manor. . Thonhuoosdaoontlnnp of Onho in the pnblionohooln. Thu`: not very cu-littblo. The Uunnoqnp bunch nilvny has been moved up savenl times during the put winter. -n.- ._. nh um umnml oor 0! ma .,,...- ...._.. . this morning. A ...-l.... .... 1-igouictuulcunnnlotlthnnllooenll --A nnaxl Inhj.--II frhau Um no udoliol thnpoljoo Suuguuancouuu-uuaom. r msomaducuuunuid. x . osunpuubormsacnrrux an _ ;.u...n:m_bxi;ogTenu;n;L,? Anolcotio is. will ba`pl|nodi;' trnlol tho wamog hob! ma. A couple 0! dentin; from `"8" Bl!- Iary no Indicating to Cape Vincent. S.B.LLndn|y.ol Klnp'|on.will_op||' a lap oonlouionuy sings in Chioogo. 'l'hoQooon B01103 Iotbodiu cum- mdon gnu n nocinl on Thundny night. ` `o. .5. sun Utphin an In. Luciano hnvijoanod the Sunni Army u Toron- IOIIM Some clap. high upon tho plnuoru: 01 .|.. n_I_-n.... A-_.- |nnnInnCnw AM- nu: unuwnnni U-I'$lITT-`Il! that In Bubble. CC vvun: Ill IIUIII vueu an un nu--u, nenner. end so pleinly thet every] one in the hell seemed to be delighted. Ooceeionelly the doctor would oreete roers ol lenghter by mimicking eome d the so~celiod "prestuzitetenre" who in- feet our late! towns end villegee with their hnmbngery. `He extncted e etreem ol weter from the oheirInen's lingers. showed how the electric light could be ohteined ll-om e coloured gentlemen! nose or bend. epperentlv by niekina e ew ineguetie peeeee over him` etc. Mter the lenahter subsided be ex- pleined minutely how theee tricks were done. which. ol couree. were very simple. The rediometer wee peeeed emnnd emonpt the endience. working ewev epperutly without enything driving it. Its eeticn wee elterwenls expleined very fully. The letter pert ol the evening wen teken up in expleininq the luncticne of the hulnen heert. lungs. etc.. the doc- tcr heving e menekin with him. e very ingenious end expensive pieceol work- msnehip. which he took epert piece by piece. commencing with the skull. end expleining eeeh omen minutely. rho Ieleeden were more thenpleesed with the lecture. ee wee evinced by the un- eninoue vote of thenks tendered to Dr. Hey [or his kindneee in going to the le- lend. ende hope wenexpveud thetere long he could levor then with enother .:.n An ll an an leatnm wen lllj Vuluu II vvv-w-y -v-- Inul.'l`oIoIIo.Icl|n|l|outII@0ou wuo hvo been npnnnhd. but only villo. Kllphnundlounll nuvuipotut. Tuuhoooldnat unduddulshlponhdbhn uoulhouxl muting. Thohvlw Iiouothoothwuulubludgonoulny. Ilnnlou the Ion-chuduoo oi not hunnhl. Mtlnoouhnmnol WdncuhyAld.John0u|awno|oot- odlophothnutluphinunuhn tothhuuanuhuu. H01lidI0.llIl. u|uuIbIuhul.n|IothdIhn- uh uotudny. Thouxtnuq Illlhlnld hlollovllloontlzolill. via lb ulvhhlllty of joining Illo llalmlhundnwlllhondrluod. 1&1!!! It nluantlbvlhoour n....nL.n.u-ml:-nahlaglr. ll. nu: BRITISH wnm, lrlln vuu. III u ya-. uuu -um..- ..._ hlonahx to 1 clone. And. dthough the hour was Into. number: ol the Audience nuniuod to onmino the vuionu imtm. menu ad to pononuly thank the doc- tor for coming. ___4-.j_ Gandhi Chi will Joli the Banana! An- _.n.n-_l-.- hlnnn (uh-Ina. A|d.Joh|l.hnonnt_I-::III|VQhrd|y cm. Ionian]. when In madca- nuungclhorunon fronnllovortho n._a-a._ n_-... ranch`: Ihnl the Inrnllhou I!_I- All (I IuuuIl.0IhvAlIu|II.lolIovilb udTuIIh. Thpuunvlllu-out IIIDII intoancanar. VII Inly uuvu en.- eeal a coke. the diamond. plumhexo. graphite. anthracite. a smokeless coal. ste.. but we cannot change it. 0!` I683 or eopper into gold unless we be- come coal. lead. or diamond merohants. lle proved by experiment that the loal sugar which we use at our hreaklast tables is lull ol-not diamonds exactly- hut a porous sort ol_ black charcoal. and yet in nature`s hand the black matter is moulded into the oostly diamcnd. The learned gentleman then proceeded to describe oxygen. which. said he. stands at tho.|iead ol the list 01 the elements which lorni every animate and inanimate thing within or upon the world. Alter several experiments with oxygen he then described the atmos- W photo. proving that its constituent parts are so easily separated that it appears to ho rather an intimate mixture than a chemicsl compounds lie proved by means clan exhaust pump. which he had on tho platlorm. that tho utmos- phere presses on the surlace of the globe and every being on it with ii loroe ol about 15 lbs. to the square inch. and that it presses equally in all directions. upwards as well as downwards. He also proved that wood was porous. by placing a wooden cup lled with mercury on.top cl a glass tube. than exhausting the air from the tube when the pressure ol the atmosphere above forced the mercury through the pores ol the wooden oup into the tube. The barometer and the "'l`crrioellean vacu- um" were then taken up and explained. Modes cl preparing oxygen gas. phos- phei-ons burned in oxygen. an alkali ` produced by burning a metal in oxygen. metrom water. expansion ol solids and V liquids. why chimneys were smoky and hot: as remedy this dlmculty. ventila~ tlon of houses. carbonic acid gas. &c.. &c.. were all dealt with in a masterly r~4~-- -...I .. ...I-l..l.. sh- --n-ul nnm am ma-Iamiiwl `wry bonuunu uponnouu. no .......... that I uubuhnoo my uh two on three Iona. but It in lnpodblo. no in an ex- ponouoe unchcrun. to ohmgo ouo ole- mols into uothpr. We any has chu- ---I -- -4-. AL. Jillllnllll, nlnmbggo um. I`. lIlII|ll.U|ln -I`: I_I[|_)j0ct "Tho Ali we hntthc. 3110 and I.hu"tunc- lion pdtomoa in the human body." Tho loctnnr Inn 1 plenum voice nnd upiivnting nuns. ndrivouod thon- 'bn|ionoltho|udioncoh'omIboIhnto the lldhld I lumber olinnnb Inph with liim with which. Ind the necessary ohomlulu. be pulormod aqua `nu-y houuulnl upu-inputs. Ho proved n.......r..a..u.nn uhtwooalhme Dr. 3. Palsy. cl Totouto. Superin- (oltlolalol lamb` liutiumo. ant! and his brlhll ueioutile locum: on nude; mndou Bound-1 "Will to I_I|ndionooAolc_honc in hundred. IN ._n:_,. ;_x__ MI`. .I-` 1 h-nnlhe. ma ; VIII! ` ' ":;,'_,,_, Dr. In mud and Is Well Btoelved-WIII M and :4; use rooe- --._. . ......__..... .._p.._. , _:___ A_mPuLAn*LEc1'Una - A 813 IIEB ClllCl7l'l`. ol incorporated companies was It. 8. 0.. chap. 1&).sec. 29. which provided: `The personal property cl an incorporated comppy shall not be assemed agaiut the company. but each shareholder shall be assessed lcr the vslueoi the stock crsharcs held by him as part of his personal property unless such stock is exempted by this Act.` By see. 30. of R.S.0.. chap. 18.). it is enacted that `the personal property of a partnership shall he assessed against the rm at the usual place of business oi the partner- ship and It partner in his individual ca- pacity shall not he aaeeseablo for his share 0! any personal property ol the partnership which has already been as- sessed against the rm ;` and by sub- section `J. `ii a partnership has more thanone place oi business each branch shall be assessed as far as maybe in the locality where it is situate. for that portion 01 the personal property oi the partnership which belongs to that par- ticular branch. and if this cannot be done tlmpartnerslxip may elect at which 0! its places of business it will he assess` ed for the whole personal property. and shall he required to produce a certicate at each cl its other places of husineu of the amount oi personal property assess- ed against it elsewhere." The appel- lants are an incorporate company. under an imperial statnte. having their head oce in England and their clnel place at business [or Canada in is Montreal. They have an agency or place of busi- nem in the city at Kingston at which the business oi the company icr that lo- cality II done nnder the direction oi the head clce at Montral. to which all monies are remitted alter deducting ex- penses. I think it is established by the hciaion in the North cl Scotland Cana- dhn Icrhpgslooqil 0.1 . MI) thatthe perssnal property cl such an incorporat- edompany as the appsllastsisliahle to Bastion. The principles upon which that case was determined are applicable tothematter under consideration. Then. olconrso. therewaahnteee place oi heaiaess oi the company is Ontario; herethey are ssmercas. prelablycae lsuehtown and city isthe Province. It appsalstn me. however. that sader snlg-section 9 cl section llmabeveeeoteil. that elrenmstases can make no di!~ lessees as thus can neno dllcalty in dusrmlslsgthepcrtlenelpcseaslprv ..._a.. Lgl--I-n an-gals mmmlhnhp 'Ul|`IIf IIIIUI "I Ilun-I w- u... .IIlIUoII|0II. noun adult:-h so tthhqhc nduloupcr I'M UIIQVO IbvIldauludu- n-I mhhliin IHSLIAHLI I-Alllnna u narnnun In the nppeel of (the Royal Ineunnoe Company the judge gave the following written deoieion : _"'l`he Insurance Company is unnamed by the city of Kingston upon their premium receipts. on bnaineee done by them in the city ol Kingston. The Company Jinpute their liability. and have appealed against the decision of the Court 0! Revision. hold- ing that they were properly eseeeeed. Up to the passing of the Ontario statute (43 Vic. chap. 27) it is quite clear on u- eeeemeot of this oharaoter oould not be eneteined. But it is contended that now. under that Act. the right to assess the receipt: and iuoome of companies similar to these appellant: has been ee- tablieliod. The ret section of that Act provides an lollowe: `The percent! property of an incorporated Company. other then the Companies mentioned in the eeoond sulrecetion oi this section. ehell be assessed against the Company in the some menner us if the Company were an nuinoorporeted Uompany or partnership.` The appellant: are not one 0! the Companies ruentiouocl in the Iecond nub-section whose personal pro- perty is thereby declared to be exempt from aaeeeement. This Act (48 Vic. chap. S7) changed the law entirely re- lating to the asseunment of pereonal property owned by eorporete Com- panies. Beloro the passing ol this etu- tute the law in force respecting the niirgfiiiiisl `nunumpuhnnheouddondlnu Io vhotlntnodph lotpnnlnnn on In - nxnouunbhouhbopunudprm poyylul Ihl tlqndnulnlynpon lbnunwhloh myhonlholullb tin. Bub-uulhnlolntl 3.8.0.. uhpllauonuld but Vimdnp. I1.ItI.5. Icahn: `NI uuyhodv _x__.A..| .._.....I.......n.. In _.4I-- Tjtuwjun tlublhll ail. ,L__.._ .A_.|. -1 _AL- ...-...--g- vnuu nun -uuuuga nnlauu nu... .....,...- upon mortgngeg worn held to he uses- ublo against the Company. sad tins in precisely what bu boon done in the mutton now below me. It in dillonlt to imagine how my other construction could be touched since the pausing of-I3 Viamlnp. 27.(Ont.) Sen. 1. Tuopersontl property of n incorporated Cornpnny being nude by that sututo hnbloto be unonod saunas the Company in tho lune manner as ngninst tn unincor- ponhd oompnny. or partnership. and penonnl properly bnviug by RS.0. chap. 180. sec. 2. sub-soc. 8. been do- olnrad to include `iutnroah on morr gages ll lollown. I think, that the u- nosament in this mutter was quite cor- rect. The appeal in. Lliorotorc. dis- _:....In w. IWFFIIC It-up- dllllnnooupayuo Ibo n -Jlluinnnh ` MONDAY EVENING. MARCH 17. Judge WilkSn|.m's decision in the, matter of the unumeut ol the Ont-trio` Building, bdciety has been received. Hi: Hnor any: 2 "It noemmo me that Kimono is indiutingnnhsblo (roll: u Norllio! `Scotland Cgundinn Mohguzo Co.. (8! GP. 552) and tin] the upped mutt Ihoreloru be duohugod. In tint. ---- n . . ~ . _ . _ _ . _ . A . _ .. 0...... inn.-nn IIHIII Ilnuouuv uu uuuuunagv-u nu uu--- one the moneys arising from interest ........ ......p....m. um... |..I.I on hn gums. IVER ml-olvrsn T0 'ru1s"cmr. AIIIVIIO DAILY AT ' _V___TW, Juno: wluuuda-sxnnoxs mums- 1`\fNIMi TIII IADI Il\ Till CITY. A.U$0I- a ` `U000 BINDING- A |>OII oi use uuuno nun-u-g llodoty Iulllunluod-Doddlng lgnllat the lnurnnoo 0onpsuIe'o'-QuullI '50 Law on fhosuoot-locldlugftnl It `nnlnialorrn-Innuunflnrcollllolil law unsound-uoaaugrui at `bgolpu For rnnlnnn unfluycaunldond in Ilcono-llngolun Auouod lhc Con- pnhl In lho Proper Inlur. UlSlls.~`.lN(i !ilfl EA 1.x` I-U DUI-C M. luulnu .A.6 -_.I I-:-. OIIIUX 0|!!!- Por the int heat the horses. Alter scoring eevenl times. get away. When they reached the hell mile "King Billy" was leading end kept the lead till the nish. At the conclusion 0! the heat I whisper went nronnd thnt McCunmon had cold thence. some elleqinuthnthe held in his horse. Others grumbled end swore. nuying that it would be better to put on another driver. However it Wu decided to see how the next but would terminntn. The horse: not o nlocl). but it run nppuent that Roynl George" wee not let out. Before he got totlic quuter pole he undo 3 dub. however. end passed King Billy." This notion on the put of MeCemmon's bane mused Jockey Reid to hocome somewhat ner- voun and his horse skipped nnd could not hogot down to his work. "Raye! George" won euily by three lengths. At the conclusion 0! the heat it mu decid- ed. on account of the slushy stew ol the truck. to postpone the nieh nntil to- -I-i__ I._J._,.- ._..-.. M... (`t M:-Mn. oq Khplun II the Carnival. The h':'porlrr in it: notice ol the means cu-ninl at Gnunoquo sud: "Among the gentlemen were six or Ievon from Kingston. representing; the `Pushes d Penance.` nnd their pocnlhr national with gold nluhingn and their concerted movemenu lnndo them I canto of IA- trultion. Two othon IIQ Khphn dinplnvod unit of oooithol and can unooinod with I thin mm in lino: pant: nod doubt that undo I shin: creep over mo`: who now him." The lint In tho: gun: I . ,, _l n-____-- A I.` \!--I.-uI- WOUND AT LAST-:.A"nndy vaunt- not I: Q. 1. 3| GOOD r:n:.smn'r| Hutu:-day`: Fun on the Ina-Two Very Re- Innrknbla lloau Trultotl. ' An exciting nee took place on the ice on Seturdey elternoon between the horses "King Billy" and "Royal George." C. Reid. of the Oottm Mill, drove the former. end Jen. Mccemmon handled the letter. A Inge cxowd hed rethered on the ice to see the content. The Cotton Hill employees bet heavily `on the hone driven by Reid. while the butchers steked their little pile on the other one. :3... .L. _.A |.....s nu. lune-Ana gum- II IDII |VII n Pints: of Ponunoo-A. I-'. Nowludn. I-`. Iiwboll. A. Robinson. ll. lliloholl. E. Pu:-dy. I-1. 8. Lunch. A. Iiddlolon. Kinnllon Oonon-l-2. Burn: and W. J. The Pollywoa Club`: dobuo Ind I oonupoldouoolnubounotnnbod out. - - ---V 'IOI LI I |:.......- w-.'.:......-*- *r..-..:.........% Yesterday morning llov. Mr. Bone, who is employed es s uiissionsry srnong the ssilors. spoke st Bethel Church. Mr. Bone is s pleasing and interesting spank- or. Me based his sddress upon these words, "Preach the Word." In true!- lingltlirough the world. he told the poo plo tlist their highest sinbition should be to bring souls to tlie loot of the own. Mihistcrs should throw thcimolves into the work ol saving souls with more vi- gor than some of them did. They should preach the gospel out 0! the pnlpitss well as in it. for in this way rrisny s soul wsndering {mm the cross of Christ would bessved. Through the power and grsoe 0! God he (the speaker) tried to correct men. both by conversing with them said giving them trsnts. The mission leld in which he was engsqsd win one s! very grost iniportsnoe. as the majority of the sailors had no fathers or mothers or friends to core (or them. During lsst year he visited 1,150 vessels. distributed 25.b(I) tracts. 3,060 Christian rnsgssines snd l.&)0 little hooks. People might say that these books were wssted. but they were not. as the ssilors derived considerable benotlt from them. Dur- ing the sixteen years he hsd been in the work he had rossou to bless God for the success of his labor. One of the ssilor boys. whom he had converted. use now at Queen's College studying (or the min- istry. enothor is lnboring in the North West. I . -__._;_.. I)-.. M- IL-mn nmnnli. WOIF. ln theovening Rev. Mr. Bone preach- od in the Baptist Church. his satises being we sumo. o_.-_ ruohnut - "` -an uI`:':"`:p.ul and . lualnncnl `I. - Tho Judges were Maura. O. Molar ban and W. Murray. V Ir. no-9, Iho uenlnl Welland canal III i do-nry. Auldrunu Two vongrognuonn. ` _, _ ' N {bc nppelhI_:u.. In news to use thnio the result which man lolly; tho pcuiuol 4 Vic. chap. 27. use. I, IIIOA pehuwpropmy is mbjootndto tho intcrpnhtiou placed upon it by the 8511 subsection of section 2 0! the AI- aoumcnt Act. This was the conclusion l!`ITiV0d uby Judge Priccudllnyull lat your pvhen considering I nuniln cppccl. sod lhuehmnl nothing upon , '|hiIIlxuuenIto1IIrnatm_oiu dam- hng Ihcviup we thou uu'Qd.u|d _ which wourind ti that n until col! Ii-lcrcuon ol the Instruct. I think in in the grculncouo which would bemu- sod. no. I). The assessment in pro- peily mule against the nppelhnh agent. under NBC. 34. The upped ll dun- Infsned. II. M. BrilIon. Q.C.. for |ppel~ l|uLs;'.|. Agnew. for the (July 01 Klug- stou. --Oo-- V--' I (III III III? TCIIIII uric-u uu Tug yrillrv-U amour-nu-a vim W-on-I Nov-.6! shalllldidu, I think {ho receipt!!! income and ionic; In unaund nphd ..7- an - - . _ I. oi: oi the terms used lot 431: lpurpou -tA.A.::_&_h -1.4: mg:-ll`-ll nninii Kenton. ' 8uumor-W. llohvoll. Show BhII-J. Oslo. 5. Pnrdy. I5. 15. bonus. A. ulaaluou. Kingston Innlmn. ' }DOZBI8 T133 to CHOOSI FIOI .A La! nrkn. Gone and In man OFF_Q_RD S] Qua. . "`I'II PIAIIAOI. THE SAILOR? IlSSl().\'. AN EXCITING RAUE. v-.,.-. --V_._:_ 2:`- si3di~z oan an oRt}i}tLm rs. n_...n. (In- n.A.I III `-1 III lI.-Q. s1`Ill'l'. mum uuunot'"'ui'Io'tToon"" olululu sllpnnmulonlnouuln. u...; an KAIIII h l.0OKl'l'l'. oPmN'1-aE5 V c5tJ'r TO - DAY 1%. spmcn & onunxrs. PA"'RT'1'c"'U' LAR"A'I"I`ENTIO' N luiuaplllohvhgnunphlullhdld '1`:-tnxmtnga tbr 1.34100 Uhdorwaro .. an-2 no-no... .n.n..L 1. .._..-Ign--u-|uhnnh%j. IS UPFERING [HS lJlRBO'l`l;Y IHPORTED COIDRED SILK!-`u IN nnuwn Myrtle. Burgundy. On-nu und Navy Blue :1 40 per yard No luly should be without one. WKRRANTI-Ill ALL SILK. II. Igflhlllls. nan 1|` UIIIIBDI ID-C I. IDUC rltrt:-I wit: 1 vvv nu-uunuvry urvlounuuao Thin in the only Company in (`.un.3dn thu given un shooluu uunuutcn n to no cost. In odvuaugoa no low can of ourymg oomnonua. Lame monnhonhi;-. The oldnn Ittougon Company in oxiuonoc and HNDOU BTED REC!`-Rl l_`Y. Wnln lorinlonnnuow ur in uvI.VnnI.\l) u.`............ u.....lIo4... Alma IS THE RIGHT HOUSE T0 PURCIIASE YOUR DRESS 00008. 5(1) PIECFJ4 Handsome New Good: just opened out (Wm 50 lo wopor yard. Our Mu Couhlnuion Bunting: It 300 per ynrd no I Irondotful lnrgnin. BiSQN.E.$P.?i..1:%..;~ n IKXR TI-`. 'lN ) I Ifmandsume and8heapPrinls, The Largest. tflnonpvst and Best A&s`0l'N`1I Stock of Prints in the t`it_\'. Spa-inl Vztllu-. LIDIES WILL DO WELL BY CALUNG IT ONDEAS THEY are selling voiy quickly. !coL6`1?{I`I5JiLKs! ARbETs. CARPETS. GENTS WANTED. , _ ___n `DRESS_SlLKS. __ Uldj IIIIIU. lllllwvuu uvuuq -- vu- and DUI). Inga: hiru, uhqp. MINI Oollun. pal quality. 2 (or 250. Fundy Strip Bob. I jnir lot I50. Inn huvysouna 8oohl.|-u : for use Kid Olovcu. Dog Skin 0 van. _I~Buthu0uIu0|ovu90opupsir. lull awaken Pndorveu lo hum. . hp Irouik lo show good. . 'I--r--v . IuII\_I- . _ ; C-3-pa-'ac._....:.,uu.,.n. 1.45-uu.oou..-nu-uni?" Chou,_duny|nl.`oIin'OnIhII.IhII|I. hn`oy.no-dnluuaaaunuauh. *" ` II I00 ; worth I'M um! I50. IWALSH & STEACYS IF. XCOUSINEAU. /`\. Business done In Ills! nu-ed: ova` TWO llll.l.Io!I lI0l.l.AIl. . I`............. in l`nn14'n II:-t um: an nhnnlutn 'nuArAnh\A an in tin nal ll: ml..- ._ AI.- 7' Sldifii _u-_._mjau mam. \ W !;'_-1%.! _4E%2n..W* IWALSH&STEACY I150 Piaceswhita Table Shack Muslin, Ind X. JAMES RICHMOND cf: CO S. \.I `Agua- lnoh lath. March 13th. mm a. Munnml Inch lath. Much 15th. 1oo Bon'Je1-my Suits. :11 shot. -50 Girls J any Dream And Jackets. 48 Luna` Cuhxnon Jo:-non. 20 Places French Gingham; 15 Piece: New Susan: at 15. 18 and 20. 100 Place: New Gimp 'rrlmm1no-ul colon. 2 I)-I-_ I)I._-n.-.-OI. B445 fhsnx {UV 811; SIIVV lling: L&ll 5 Bslu Plymouth Rock Oottan. 100 Place: New Go:-mun Embroidery. THREE LARGE SHIPMENTS JUST llECEI\'El) All) MORE TO FOLLOW. rzxicousunsuua co. ADAM` GWIITLIKTI SAITBENS AND GIN GHAMS. ._.. no 'I`o-- _ U Ila: will In In-no-ms no In lleulc-ru over IIOOOOO. CJEEAPSIIIDE ......... .-.,....~n vl'\.\ nI'n:~lI.|(:l.` vnnn ntumu nnnnn rm Wllf 121-2c : FROM FIVE CENTS PER YARD. R !F.9FT_1*:T7L "\'v."1"i.' Wriiiixjkiii (S N-1';-ta;'i.\*'.\. im.I:'i:}i{.Ii.}{f IAIN: 15! II III lll PIIICIII STIIIT. \l'G-l%IclV\l'-Ila um: J .v-ay -VXalIAI-I :- ---lI'l'Alla-- - IX T. PIIMX If. hi. I. _?: \/.-_-:._..-_ OPPOBITI-2 WINDSOR HOT!-LL. ` T0 BB 80l.ll PM 9c. I00 Mucus: Slmt. lulu IAIQ nu. |uu-u-.--. .. II It. All llllaul-iehmllqndsoo. GENTLEMEN. Fe Puoy Tech Bark :1 Round 300. mu. om. stimrou sou a._d nus Ubdrnod Ohms. ntnlond huh. 58100 ..a sun. :.nu'u.'su calm. as. I-Bind Kill Olova C50` Icahn` Ihlin men do lndin Ian Thu. (unhtolcnsl end) at I0 and It. - THE I.ARG`I` STOCK , Q-431:1. .,u..`p...,nau.anm qot`aIf-nun 310:. 10- Mani`; _l|;I_E!!_I.I!|BE| I10 Prlnnu Bun-I. Inuit lam "'37o"om"" "icon." l_h&.nnnhnbIintlIIu|. 5| I0": ; won): JllI'I` IIECBIVID AI` III Burton. .5 nun ":`-.r.-..*-;.'.v.-.:m.....*-'-.-.:%--`-'-'- A l`nuIoowI'iOuI\oourloonloonloIn~ ponry objecting to u upon-hr`: criti- oinmoltholionnlnnd lothooxpnnion that ho uni hinoolluanu indulgi in pionvuopununluquhhlu. Badman`: knowshunenniugolpicayunoudthu Ytllo thnxrounou ol Inn ignor- _.... A- 1.. AL. I -n-n|uLIn._. tutu} ulu Iv-u non. Auonhopl llnynnnototious. rnoontod With An Alive`. On Sunday gnu-noon Ru. I-`usher Twolnywuptuouovlviohuoddnu bysbol-hoist. JoI|'I3oIool. 1| wurudby lino Indian. The row. pntlounn brity nqnoodod. thanking lhopnpihlortboirklnd words. They Nqohthoholiuloltholrburhud wouldhnvouhnduoytoolurhinon hhinolclulwuk. A|d.J.(hnouhu|pin invinvod Hon. Ir. Colon and Hon. (LA. Kirk- puriahinnpzdlothodlo lornuw lIIh|loHIoAI-Il|yPuto|Bydon- hnutnot. Nodouluthooilyvtllbo punhdthohltlnqund. [unpub- blothsnhosohoolloudwillnlsow ouivouulnd tlnydainlor school papaya. Tbpqntun low bdon Innopcdupnhun lio Guy.` A ueondplncoin onohllt inlnuu shun hulludonen thnomjnnl __ _..- A_A :- L.sA.- AI.-- A-D nnunhnr IIECI Illillllnuuuuuul uuuu-yp-u uononnl iabotiorlhn uaynnnbor -1 ._-_ -I-L- I_.a... _|....I.I `In-an has u8hunonvio on Sunrdny morning And intend/I in the Iunlly plot. Dr. lotion`: dulhfno only in lilo. in manly xqudtod by All who know him. TUTUUU j--:-..__ VV, IOIIIIIUIIIOIZ. _-l._. 1. `ohm W. M H IIIOIIIQIIIIIII xii ulvlug uuuu uuaxuuguu - nu time work III tunnel! w~du;'. Ir. HOIOOII an the Company has onion ooonahto loop the mill employed to: 5-.` .......ol... wuv-5:-cw an-w two months. gg r-nun Ihsaunvllls Thonnnimol Drulouph 8.Io0IIII. ol Alpem. Iliclnpn. I xnnlllbto 01 UN IL.-`I l\oJI.- -I Mnniniqnn and RI!!- . ..- .._..-._. ._.... I-`qr some-lnyn the employee: of the Kiting Mill haul been working on three-guns line. one o! their un- ohiuu Inning been dunngod. Full s....- _...|. ....- ......_..l u...l..- ll.- Lumber Finland. 0:: Friday Int Ir. Hopplu panhan- od to: tho Rnshhnn Company the unlin anon`: cut of pine. hemlock. hunwood. uh. nnploud High at 1-}. Wright h Son`: mill on the K. O P RR. The pro- duct will probably foot up to ball 3 -..:IIi.... Inna nunuuv. -I. DCUIVI-In vu n-sauna-gnu... went. to Duomnto for Sunduyb oom- nnnion nu-vice. and Rev. Mr. Hooper .Q_|-A_) -5 All n_l_o-- L-.. R- slang nl EIIIWIII Cltvlw. IIIIII nauv. nun. lluvlpvl ochhd 5| All Saint.` bore. in place of the Rn. Thou. Bondold. who went to Buriceld to pruch tho nnnml mis~ -:....- sup .,....\:.n II. in-oo"liIpofInoI Hncloly. A meeting on bolu ol Ionponnoo work will behold in SL Juno: semiot- house tomorrow ovooing at 7:!) o'clock. The public no ilvihd So Attend. GmoRGi:_c>rro1a.D, _ CXDZALI -- _.-.`-f`,-- - nu-on nun run million foot. 1.-urn Pnhnblltlno. Wind: noting Int 80 Iorlhimt. hit Iooloody Iunt. with local IHOIOII. decidedly hih Iolnpu-unto during; the day. cooler nah to-`ui;-_ht. - ._..,_....... _.__,_. _ ..~.r-- x._o. nuuun. count `-ruo::f' N5 ahtc`-_-:'h_ t ____"'.-'L:. `55'u|0ht.Io.IuI`I&IlIy.IuII thA&nl.|: As- "'.-Z.-'._'L_.__ -' '----`'..".........."`-'--""-"-:E can uuiw.x..uyu-hn.o'a'in?.u". "' lnwruu -:-u-u. ` `IIIIAII -I-01`! mu a-an-tau rnlI~-0lunun. `L. ` mu E w.u~uxxu_L uTIYi.,i`"-'*` T mg-314-.Isnu-Inn-ny.um 7Q Q ninAunuu_A_:_- IIIZWUIC wtw-u vg-g--- - CITYAN1} vxomprv. s1$n:c1,ii.__kirI~It:`n)sT `Ibo Knitting Ill]. Invuvc ud8 III` l-`onydlvo man an under ttutment in the Kinp\oIGOIenl onpihl. an unn- nuly hnzo umber. Then are low women in ounpuioon. only Anson. Capt. Onwlud. who ha been down the Ridmnhnl (or three or (our days. lhporlthnlwood in being not out in Inga qunntitiu (or non union`: ship- IOOIIIZIVUII tun: uuuuu-u nu-. -- udduoo. Hounkbolonubnuobl |DlI$ Ill guuu aulp. The Gnnd Tmnk highs mod: on over-doohod with uonhnndho apn- unt. Tbeyuw so very lull thutis in dinlonlno not the good: out. 1: _..Al_.- ..I u.. .Iinn-noon nl lhn IlV.l.l'.I)IIiu-I. econ-use-cu` ljmki ............& Dnlntio Club. thioon in numbu. ll - Iind this morning. TIN! ll` l'|l"|" all II tho British Amuinln Hutu. :.~,_4_. n_. ..._.. .... ..-..In- tun-O-n-nk in GOIIIII Gilly. ulgu uyvu IIIII rluilvlua vs the 3IlV|IIO|I Anny, yuhrdny that- soon observed that ho could both sing ,, u L... 1]. _-..I. |..l..-g _ 5...... AI T. 'l`ho_SbuilhuutvcdIIoI|IIoljnda- uentupontboooinln ol Howo Inlnnd in an Caddy one. And tho unounl will have to bopuld out at um nu`: tun! laotnnrnnthuno-nod oonnu-my thutbolhydltndnuu willhnvolo uhowuonllonl pnpon il shay hop to debut tho Indy student in uncaring ponitiouolhonor. ` Th saucy mynnr. otuowunun Stun. New Yothnnolooly locating Ihopuhlhuponoooollbouourqxlccb odaulyulnnlllrdunitvying dunno. but In the an burning and bunti- tcllyptiudjolnu. Tho Iollwilh Ontario upturn: tho bluish cl can any lot hqilq ____ --_n-__n.. _L.. --.. _..A.-n- I. `.3. IIFTTJ W-HUI-1 |IIvju;-:-- uutcnllnchpllus. Tbopupr -an rth!-u -an-oh!-a to Inh- utyhjnpuhllopuionnnuhullbo hhud." lltluouo. 'l\oqIhdIhInokwu wonlw naval llhhnu twlanoilhot onhh huuoltlnlnppual It out. Tit ndulwlnpwuu Ihoouythiupn ulIdhguI|I|lb4hyw|ItbounIvu- In-ydlt. Pullhknh. II____ 1...: Anni... AL-A AL. --:1; nndrin Bayud the puhnonowsond- iugon mon to pul their summer reci- dnneu in good ahnpo. -n.. 13...: -tuna. o._I.I. -1.-lg urn low. A decision will bonnnhoduto _. ,. _:n L- .1--- ..;n. .I.- ......l IIIW. ll IIIIUQIIIII wua IlU|C-UI-vu wins will be done with the row. , cm. ._.._L._. -0 .3... |l...h..| IIZIIIIIYIII 3%; IIEZIU U upnuhnlywhunyptohnlIyl|nu|o| -g--in-ILL1_L Tkmj outputs ALAI0ll'l0(loP`l`Il'llInlD VALIIII Ihhhnndllugltlvlllnlvunouhud. :3 :--w ----.---_ lguvluunduhnggalhvuuhn glvuol tbonuoqoognln laying dulnhyhcuuuththnpl nah; ";'Fb--nvcnuuhtiatlluu (On-' uuulhnuonlhlhlluu lun- hlunllhnnin st an annual 1- nn u and A-1 nuIO3.An.-l..-_J ft Sam at our dudhh yonna NOD80` into tloilblo onS|tuIdny by winking It a mod-looking number of the Uncle `IN...-. I` . kin I1.` AVIII v-an: vu. W. Blollgh Itib to tho liq-urlrr 00 my um good: no jun an ohup 3:03:1- uoquo us in His imagina- tion in quits-uvid. I.|...a Inns: in nuuld-in nl Alu- UIJIIJ. Tho needing Sagan: ol the Sun- tion Iu-my held meeting: at the pol. thoonpnlul ad the Hours ol Industry VIIIIVIIIIIUIIUII wlul Iuu IUIII- rflnomonbonol tbolontnd Irish I-s_,_,_.:- :1I_L u_:.;.._ :. ......l... -u. Wulolhunutuuutvul wwununy. The Thouund bland Roma 5!. Alex- uadlh Bay. h to Ihvo aovonl lhotnd slollnn upon! upon It in tepsin this spring. Imp;-m oh. n: ninn nook: n! that. T I`or0oj.CoIdn.Croup. AIII1 mangnnnn. an:-axon. An-

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