Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1884, p. 2

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IHMBIIIHIIITUISIIH j Gnu u-uUI In uufuu Qusvulnluyxau lihsnnanoo. lndin mound I 15.- -1 A..- I_A uooulrl not cnutyun up they nowhulhunouuto. Akictlmdboon __.__.I __ _ ____A _-_A,_p_.| , .....-....................,................ .. lhobqinlingollluonnhrythuowon only uni nianioury uociohu; now than was Ion time: that number. -I-`ihy yous uoonly about O50.(lX)von -.8-I In. 1|-Z.-gnu -.\..L- - Inl `I llI, yv-- Iqv v-I_v -I-U-I v-u.v-uv wuuv nind for Inldoun work; in 1&3 011113.111). Sana 11111.!!!) hotthonl hndbounoonvcnudiutbounnoporiod. Tbochuohinhubdnainathoworld tonhowhdpol lhogorpolund the l.aIdJuuCluintuiu8uiou. fhoy Md authority from God Ioou-ry on Alain n-uul -n.L I.-n.I. -nlni-I. (`kni- cllnrrnxnxnlu or Til WOILD. Rev. Mr. Gnoov uidnuod the meet- ingn length in regard some Christian- mine! the world. He uitl a noble work had boouloubythochurch. In ah. |..-i-.--- .3 AL. ..-L-- AL.-_ -.-. W out b Anhent Island and Ru-rownnnh had Ill done woll. Ho closed by outing that tho Women`: Foreign Miuionuy Society wuunuchuodod institution- ud until wnuceouury that women Ihonldbe btoughuo the front [lo M- hrnd tooao young womua. who. am nfou yuan` course at college. olond huulorlndhnmiuiouryvou-k.|ndbo oxptjdtho tiah tlntliu npplicttion would be bound. that the Kingston Ptubyhry vnoold and hot to India. ..__.,._.- --..-`, . A van`: tuna. luv. Ir. llhltl. cl Iollovillo. undo l.- :-..-L. II. __:I AL... _._ unvuvuu aunt: vuuu-nu. nruuvvunv. u-u done nobly. That oongngntion Ind mind Inolu Ionoyfor minions than the churches in hinpton. He hoped the kn. -...I.-I n.- ....I an 5.55.. 1-L. vuunvuwu nu unugwuwun uu uvyun lsttorvonldlryunddobotht. nnuinhgn Al ll--ulna I-I--.I D4..- TTXTZVVV` nEIrmmsmImnm. In AllDCA- Ann:-Innnnungv wnnnnvnl I` -----1 ---vv---v uw|~v--W it ll linked with uintlv memories. Ho rcfelnd to tho Woman : Foreign lin- Iionnry Society as being Presbyterian. and as being wotthyol its nuns. In wasting of what olhot ohlltohu Ind donut lhonubr ohlliniou In aid tlahlobn Strut Church. Bollevillo. Ind .I___ _-LI.. II~L-; -..._...A:-_ 1,-) -Ivuucv -nau-u. u unuuy-cy uu uuupuwu lonlkinberfootuleps. Letntbenud olhonlbcluhobeingdesdyel spenkelh. Asooioty in mondouto pooplowhon it II Iunhnd -ikIu nnintlu Ingnuurinn lulu. D1. Gnnl In his uldnu paid I tri- bub to the tainted Pxecident of the So- ciety. Mu. Manchu. She Ind been tted lortho position bounce the lndbeon .I....|. :..a-.......a :.. _.....-_~- ......:-.... I nu-I-vyv-uliruuvuaux IIIII u|uIlcvu| deeply interested in women`: musionu. Now that the hu gone be hoped her memory would long be kept green. The Society uhonld. by onmple. be inupind hnnnlh in lug. In-bat`-_ I At no I.` _..J sun. In oorrinouuon or uu oeang ed between Formoee. Errornmgn and Ira. Ourrpbellh work At Mhow. The society be: undertaken to provide one o! the churches naked for by Icliey. ol I-`or-mom. in order to perpetuate the memory 01 in late Preeidernt. It will be ullod the MArgu*eI'.\lechu lemo- riel Church. . The reporte (mm the enxiliuiee are very lnvonnble. Guru no bu u rnombenlnp ol 16 end eontn ted O29; Deeemuto. M8; Sterling. I12 : Amherst lulu:-I. O15; Yonna People. 940. The tote! receipt: by the Parent Soczely wu M0735, some 0175 of this berng specul- I donned to the Memorial Church. he expenditure Ins. o! course. equal to the receipts. . nun-go nor nun,-._ . . .. - . .... ua. nine anuv. The Society. Ill weanling iupmimu during the peel you, noted the stimulus which they noeived iron: the visit: ol Ii: Hogan. ol the Province ol loin. Ind Mr. Robertson. 0! I-znoznnnxe. an which on been cousocnlod by the blood at live martyr nuulonuioe. \'iIIIl.W9f0 nloo hul from Mr. end In. Morton. of Trinidad. During the put an no new auxiliaries wen lonned; 5 lvoue leing arranged lot. and this hope in indulged the! eve long no eon- `on will be without one. The Young People : Auxiliary." formerly the "Olive Branch." llll done especially well. its oontnhulion ol H0 boinn divid- IDS "UIIVO lJl'IDOD. llll (I000 Oinlllly 040 being between Formou. 1-In-omnmn unulnut. nu-I. not. Fowler. an. Initial]. In. Hnmilmon. Mn. Madon- Aid. In Shun. Th: Rn:-ink: In nmn-Jinn :0- _` -v-----_. ucunnvorrn urbn. The follows; an the ooo bunt: ad Incnhund|hoeohu:iuootoI~lBI: Pnuidon--In. DHIIS. Vim: Prnninlnnln _\ln (1-ant In-n, \ rnuuou--In menu. Vice Prod-Iona -3111. Grant. In. Unease. mu. McCuniu.')ln. oubon. In. Slchan-u. In. D. lion. And all Pruidontn ol Aoniliaric: to be honorary Vt Pnudon` M. I `inn Sana-Ago-_\l in. A In` `gun! I- ""' wuaon. 1;. ant nowuunmr VII lIl`U- l\U'r Ir. couauuu acumen. and Ana . hymn had been Inna called on Ru. 1'. S. Clunbon and the upqn. Bo thutluncinyva ilf"ilINIl'i|h innmuntlunn IIIGIIIIIIQ D&lDKf_V-`lI9 A. Dickson. Corresponding `Secruhryelin J chu. ' `Ethic ililln buns`:-dtho We-'. nu'n'hniu Kblonqt aociay. in connection Illh the Piubylcrin Cl{nn_:h n hold in S.'Audto'II'n Hall lul oven- Tho utoudsncn ill Inge. Rob I-_ 4-...m....| .....m_n _..a .\n.. . ,.V . .7 X A been a 8L`AIdnw'I llnII-\' Cluck In Iolnfh- [ 1-n-Ag] 'l`nnunr- In Farrell. A -inh Ill 1'lhnunvnn_ H in 1 woui ixa `Tm: uurrrsn xvmu, rrL"Es_u.-n E\'E.\'.lI\'G...\l.-\l{(`I.l .9, AUCTION CALI uoIrsnnoLTi'FUnNrrvm:. clfll. Ilovel. Ct-.. wuu III rjl III. liurthntiojvuoclonou-noon Inch ol tinker linihiu Wuoo-thud Ilium hhl Ihhlov Io-lilo 0 cu-nullthjutby thon- .53....` wvuu Inn uppouuon. rub- nlai will now run ottongly in hvnr ol 1-. Horn and against Ir. Meredith. who will. rkhuy or wronglv. he gonor- ully ed u 3: uouuory. It. loin! can-id thoooutry hiyhyar ago. but with n majority pully radar ed by. In tho puhho will now boliovo. oou ollind Iciliu. n.um'ud cu-aauuuin ungm` dIbll'I.'IIOl 0'|&lIZI-C.SIlI| InophuuI.udtboudueudneIl- but have handled that "8kPuu' Wilhuuu tlnoloulnsum at `gun. 1-|...s.n. IIIODOUIIIIWO ITIYIHXIDGI uwellnin the Pbliooconrt. FIR IAIAI kl-Ina-Ir u up u-v-uu. at U as. I ollho wholo old: has been tognutly strengthen the Oonnncut and cornu- Egodjngly Icahn tho Opposition. Pub- opimon nkouh nu- an-4-.-sn vv vv The Ineehineryol thelnw we: put In opention on Snndnv ea eoee es the tires peyment ol money we: nude. The County Attorney wee notied end or domed thou-tut ol the etnngen and the enmnioni oi the bone eons `ni- Ion. Kettle wee about the Hplonee All the nhenoon. e tly nneuepi` clone 01 danger. after ten he he: ensued in the Iobbv. shortly ener- wude Wilkineon wee erreeted while on hie wey to buy up Dr. Bowling, end both were hurried o to spend in the police eteuon. In addition to any penelly which the lnw any inllici on the olfenden the Assembly in eua powered by ileown constitution to keep then: in connement ea lug`: the ene- eionleete. lhenollikely ` will benllnwedeven it it `n Inked. en evi- dieee oi theeonepinton is wanted by the Conuniuee Privilegee end Election: II well In in the Poliunuonrk mun: 1 I . ------ cirvuuoithaotounlcos CII VIII UOVII'IIlI$I.XlIIIIC- he oonne tuen by Balfour and le- Kim In nrmly extolled by n nuxber olrninieteriel members. end III by one ortwoon the other side emitted to be the only proper one under the cinnm~ Iteneee. Note ` le member olthe Opposition except eredith end Morris ventured to express ` pron}. end the dremetic interest ol eoene was heightened by eevenl member: dee~ cribunglheellortn rnuieto bribe them- ; eelvoe. One of we meet eonepienone wee Dr. Ceeeeden. who wee olfered moneyenden ooe. thelettertobe` eithertheegietrenhipolegineor ey Cnetolne put in Bntinh Oolnmbie. I Soerveely len no In: Mr. Ilnrpby. cl North Renter. who almost in-mednete I lynlter the nenerel electron. e veer ego. ! veioered in Ottuu ver strong un- dnoementn to break hith w bhe Gov. ernment end betray his eonetituente. Dr. Dowling aid nothing. on: A---go -`D -n Irvnlnnu we not in me cmne commuted. In n few burning sentences Mr. Fnaer retoltod. describing the oonqinton as n "hnwling brood of briben hatched under the eaves of the Jim! building." He argued that the inlornnug melnbeti had done simply their duty. and told the 0 position laden to their hoes thus I troubled them In the ex- posure. not the crime. on the former would louver prevent them Iron. oc- c'n ying Govenmeutbonohu. ha nnnna hum hv Bnlfnnr uni In. --. -v-uua nrrvnna. Mr. Harris went so (nu tochu-go Mr. blown with being accessory below the has In the crime committed. In - Inn hnrninn annnuun-a \l- I?_...- UOVGTIIIIIOII IIKI llll OOIISIIHIDIQ. The Opposition Leader unwed that the changes should be promptly inventi- unhd. but held uni the members wonld have occupied I mom creditable posi lion il they had spurned the olfen undo them instead of nppouing to accept them lot the purpoaaol lending others into criminal acts. Even so mild I de~ rrecltion met with linleor no response roni his own followers. .- _ ,_,__ 1 _,,,, ,, nu-. sue:-emu: we: noon: to mares: the Home when Mr. Bsllour tone to his feet. He stated that the clone to bribe him had been very penistent. um! am no inducement that oonld be held out would snllioe to make him `betray the Government and his constituents. Th. I\nnn\Ailu\n LAAJAD ..-.......I n.-. 509 UOYGIIDIOUB The eecond peckeg was from Mr. Balk-nr.ol South I-Lesa .who uteted in bi: letter that "Big Push" Wilkineou had pnid him 880) to seduce hum [mm his allegiance to the Mount Gov_ern~ n:en.t.nndonccmore tbo~unount oltbe bribe wee counted. III 01(1) bills. below theeyee ol the casein laowd. Thu littlc drune being 0` 1' Mr. llcwtt now And nou_ thnt Mean. Bel- lour end Me `In had noted in tnemetter with the knowledge end concurrence ol the Government. He then teed I am clnntion and reeolntion. inking upon hunnell the entire responsibility ol the Itetementn. A|'A`r.\- a\- any nun-an nu .- noon on sun umunuvo Auonuy van on. unisinqnd Inunonhlo on any evot bo- lon enacted in O Cundiu: Parliament. The Hogans. as 6 o'o`l:l:|*.'Vont into com- mittee Suppl pound the anti- nnhn for legiJ'nliI."~ Also: this in ovofthe Panic, shout hall-put nine. moved me apuu iuuifnn can an commonest! to uddnu $1: #1223 on tho gunmen ol `ulna. i I pnlneo he nkod tboprponhrloopenlwo salad nnnhmn whidn had in un conrln ol an written casement undo by` Mr. Mckiu. 0! West Wellington. that J. .-1. mum. non had paid him than ol M.(ll)un bribe to induce him go in opposition to the Government. ` I -.an II\--\ \I- 'I` ha nnnlsiul .1-I: Z13-I11 Wohooduy Ivonlng. Inch ID. *IIY|lN8II`ll`lI!l Bi: Pun wnlxtnsoylo (id 3 Yukec Luvyer In the Ihx-_fI`-vro of 'l IoIl'm- ' -A-0.`! mm or naumns I1 j A1-runrgm lmr: urmm -no Alan ensued In the us-Io~ i _Inlure last llgll. .u._-.. .u Jinn gnu gr`...--. llr. Meredith WI! cbo:n ho midterm ha Hanna -Imn Ur IIAIH-snrvnnn In In- ( l_`_orld.)>_ _. 4-; I- J. Lly Inn. was ho- - IE1. 'TK--T Ithaca) Ion. unt loch. AldhnjHXnI$n.m1n:d --- u-u -nu yuuunung. Ooo. Broogh. Poo-lentils. Ohio. while inloxicnod. uhuphd to unllow u onnounndnhdlolbod In'IhoItchow- innit. Howuohohdloduth. The lane: 1:! la-no h writing an utiolo for tho Quarterly ll-niur. mm outing uncul` ' udIIuIIunhod' ' ` Inn ' hononbhr lnhnd. TL-_.x______ __---A' -I Inc Amuc uounor More will nil horn England for New York oatbo Std. Sh only nods to bo provisioned shut hot urrinl. v Spanish cons inkon. unuhd notor- dlhlaui form I plot tnneilotho - Inc who: the liniwonwotonnon ed and the King an ll......|. lL....I.....m- nu. -L:I_ Losunloollllrullllgllvlrmullllll uotohondoood lronik. n uul Iomolotosoog-enuvudinhuaod. [inn Hailing: uhn -an-A.-gal -_ J) `PL. vvIIn\lUIlv nu aruuu. ll 10. Bonj. Gnu. -and 9!. biotin: 0! M bacon Gnu. the huouno ol lnnhoo. died at Lexington. I-Ky.. has night. Couch loom: mniugin nnou milk III 30 K nduood Iron 35 It. an And .._.... ............. .. .......-. I511!) Immigrants |"iYOd in the United States in I-`obruuy. Igniut I7. Klin February In: your. Weston`! last mile in his 5111) mllo null. just completed. In his latest. is being done in main. I7 too. n-_: n_A_ -__.I no L_,.L._ n n. u -uu `cur. u-`120 1:501! that All internal muclnlo III {on in the Post Ooo at Binning bun. England. is untrue. IF.l\:\ ..... ._ .... -__._,.I - -- \-;j`I- - Ninety-nino employou hue noontl been diuchuyed from the (hum! ll workshops. A bill in to be mltduoonl prohibiting unemployment of minor: who cannot read and write. TL- _-___. u_,. ,_ :, p n yvuu-u-vu Ill uv-IIu. J.J. Hurling will. it is sud. receive n Government nppointlnont noon. Jn Pithbuugn chemist bu ndneovnr ed the an at making Muck glass. The Pinknrt. novin London. intondoto join Hon Most in New York. A man sixty yeun 0! ago oonunittod Inioido by Imaging non Bollovillo on Sntnldny. Nhsgho,-gin. Ainhlnbnan I.--_ -..._AI_ qnuUvIuu1- The Queen is said to be III apnea-ions condition ol hum. I I tI,_L,-___,-nu ,-. - n ,. The Arctic steamer Alert will nil in-n Enolunl lop Han \'m-L anus. O0.) Slade. the Maori`. iaabont Io town lo Australia. an-v -v -u Irv up-z--ouuuu-uI-IulIl. One ldlionn. who nntdand an old lmnln in Izmnln nlaunn nnguu an. ` l.Au .\'I|-IV an-I 'l`o-l'.Iu,y`I lloporn 0.-den Iodlbown lurour In-I I-ul-g I an: nu-win III Ill.-unlrll. Toronto. Much l8.-The oonepincy cuo eaunat the uovenimont hoe creat- ed A nennntion in the oityend term: the subject 0! convolution everywhere. The Committee on Privilege: end Elec- tioue met this morning : Mr. Huoourt presiding. The evidence of Dr. Dowling end Mr. Balfour we: token. which we: merelv I repetition ol the charges mndu i in Iy resolution oeiore the House lent I night Bnllour. however. etntal that Wilkinson informed him that the cooli- tion ,..irty woe to be formed. At the suggestion 0! Ir. Mownt n enlrcommit too was n vpointed. consisting of Messrs. lownt. `run.-r. Bulgerow. Meredith. and Norrie. to look up onto. nnd the Committee adjourned. At,'the Police Court this morning the room wen crowd- ed end hundreds could not gnin n'I~ mittnnco. Bunting nod Meet were chnrged under summons. end Wil- kineon end Kertlnnd. under wernnt. with unlnwfnlly conspiring to corrupt nnd Imetrnte the constitutional - dnre end nets ol the Leqinlntive Aneenr lily ol the Province ol Untnno. No evi~ deuce wns t-ken end the prisoners were not naked to plond. but the one wns re- mnnded till I-`riilny. Wilkinson end liertlend were token to gnohhnil being refused. mu. ll nu: A! Tll ouxuso un. luau Dhaka: 1.L___A-... 1_._._A__ 1---; -Q nulour go; wuu. wusronnaoa Iww more by Wilkinson ; and thud alu- ed him 01.2% more. The corn: had Associated with mam one Lynch. not yet created. Mcliun wupcid OLGIJ in cash. llltl Bunti ptominod topny him I further sum 0! MIX). Wllkinnon mid he would be appointed lb.-giauu ol Ruins It OI.- Illlnveu. no lppolnlou nu.-gnuu ol lawns as II.- 000 I you. Ballour got 0&1). wugroniaod 8711) nI_on nndhenhnd Ion. manner: or nu-no. they have tnkan 1 lot ol 0` . 1 The census oonspincy In in ` Meek`: onion in the Mail bnnlding. and ` the chief nccenoriuq wen Bunting. Mock. liertlnnd and \\'ilkuuou. Illlliulllllj Ipllld ton VIII! IIIO Goixnmnnt on n vnnt ol oondonoo motion. Toenrn this OM11) Bowling hnd torote naninat the Government. He in pmlniuod uiothnr03.(Xl)il he would tenixn hi: nut in hvor ol_n Catho- lic. who wnnlonn lotitun uioniborol men nppmnnchod won I . Icliiin. Cunden. Bnllonr. Lyon. lint. hlnrny. Tbqpeanlty ptenctibod byinwintwo M Venn Ill penitentiary nnd n ling ol 511). _ The detective: working on the were Iurny ol Tnronto. Wynn ol Clil~ ,ton. Rather: of Barrio. Thor have I onsto ddul tho OOVCIDIIL He II`- nngod Inc an inlnrviombut the doctor dinl not hoop it. ,_ur. uowuna wunpproaohod by Ken- Illld. Iierthnd oend 30 bolhin .3410 {hit ho (Dowling wpnld won with the Goieinmnnl on I Innl nl nnndnnnn Pun-E} _, and limo neuben` ouu.nuuhu. mug...` ' uJPI$ht). Ala. Irhq ` D. Ghtou `Duo! iill. V _U [I A OIIAY AID IIALKIOAL VAUDIVILLE --Il1 II1'A1'IIIN1'.- 10 go --ann1-nrommns FIG -Oll1I. `D0 DUCT & pie in looking don: up.- . Ivnclnd in Pululi. N. yum [ nunnnrvoxguuuuugnonu `whim Manwnao lot 6: nah nnn-natal that ha -in-n -_ _ --- _--r -_. KIA` DOIUSU `AI Y0 Bits W . -. _ Dr. Dowlina waupplonohodb lim- uld. olend to but hinylicll) (`US IDENSED TELEG [M US. (BI I RN HAIR. on uzronw. Wynn ol our Io! They lnvol {banana lrmsturumsmsmu] I In (`Implant an! IQ. I'M-nu In-(huh. ltnnnluocholvnn-row. I: . calculi Includ- Q. ynnhnn . lhuuhu-. Inpuavu-oukhnqulru Puxuluiuhuhyol I o'clock. Inch ool uauuhnou uo nquthny Innld In nun. 3' In this puma! uge. Ihonsho lilo huucinuo olooly lotnhgnnd uln- ovculhouuongulthohgsndunu it Iolluo I-nvily. how unity it innocuo- hruuoprovdclot no upolont nun: uoakol mental phynountm ninn bythounolnahnnenonnlomound vi I Bohinmn`|P - ..a`..`.""..:......-"'.'.'. 3.: Lh-at on ..".`'.`{`7..`. , PhoqinIoolLimo." llilpnllyltinnlat Equal nutrilivohuio pmpartnu Ilppl Iholnshnnlmnnd nah! nutuninhet - Iorhtohqn npvith tho uhsudve do- nudnnpouhrnuu-van Pnnuulonlv bv llninnnn Run or... WAD-I-ll.l.. 31$ VIIITADLI LIVING I'll! KING. AA-A-n -_|a.. 31...; urn. ;;I-`SC Id XI jinn!-Iinnldullultu enuumpuonudunlnlulecdou. Po} liuhuuhlotovinitthoocnnounrriu lnummonhnndmodr anuoxpn-edto an Minn Adam`. 13 Philmi Sauna. ontmnb or In n rn Chunk I 51'3" I Tonin&o.` ol suponl. lnglnld. Phyueiun and noruunnmnutlbylhonurgoonuhx-HI thun and canine their mt Inodo nl m d%uy.munk r and! -lnglinh many olvhoununumnlnndtholloynlcolhgo oi Supou. lnghnd. Phyuleinn puns alumna ruhoIoiulI|hon- lot) 0!, St. Bu-tholonuru Hoqilnl. lnndon.Enhnd. Hhlnuhmln Cun- dun-hiohhu-o;|inod|hoI.IQOatnndoon~ deuuoltho ltlpulmuwdlutho nujoritvol Inoll lihunl-mindodnnd |dnnondnhvninnnofthoa;v_nnnna.p open: or mnamonln uouonhnndmb ol uuodi: men hue visited hun um hnoomo informed of his new Inelhod ol tnstnnnl by tho ma 0! his invention. the Spiromelor. which ha I) revolutioniald the uootmun ol and lid lulguootiom III Bump. Thy have duo cnninod wit]:-glut us- tact same ol ha vary nu ologial qnoinou undo: the aha-nu. nu. we-.uy,nmuy.umL','ivi.3g; IAXII III. III]: And III. I0 11:. n. oouneue. crude surgeon ol the hunch Array. the emiganthfohmnt am: Lungq-sci In: our on vlooo the human In-um cannot be quulioncd by my uononunlnnn vlohueomoinoontu.-t with Inn. We an informed since the loponaol hinaonin nomnnuamh ol In visited hm: And hamm- Our union all" he plead to learn thn oneol the lugeul lnstitnla belonging to the Seine: ol Modnino and Surgery hu Inga opouotl in Boston. at 11! Columbus Avenue, by: Inodnulgonllouu well known allover tho Dounimou el Uundn. We rotor to Dr. I. Souriolk. uaido Surgeon ol the Ann)`. the eminent Thron nml lien. Ferret has been nrrum-I in M: drid. South has been Inne for Gen. Hidnlgo. They ll ! believed to be im- pliato-1 m n conspincr spins: the Uo~ YQHIIIIQAK. I ... ..._-.- 17- -x-nu-urn-an-. Rome. 01.. Math l8.-l-Elder I-Ichols, of the Mormon Chprch. has created an- other aenntiou by intro-Inc` poLvgn- my into Georgia. He bu In 0 muuv converts in Pnnlding County uni Ins just started for Salt Lake with I bouuli iul young I337 who is to be sealed in nm. ' \TA`I CllINll `HIS DINAIITKE New York. luck l3.-'l`huo no 1 number -.1 inens dynunihers in Pane:-sou. Ni. um] it in said they no being ruched by detectives lrom Europe. It is mmond thal Pnonou bu been made the heulquanem of tho dymmih puny. -..__ .v ._.--v- -nun. Hochherville. PL, Inch 18. --A young man nuned 0'.\'all phyfull Estate}! A gun at I conpu:iou nan! cAmny ypstudny. nymg by was guuag to shoot hm. Nmknin I-ephod. "Shoot uny." 0`Neill med. ' ling Me.-\mny. an rrncnoo; Inch 13.-In the Shuon suit yoalenh llins Hill name! that Sharon aid it 0 would give him I pope: ol mlcuo he would give her fO';,2.i(lD and 051!) a month. She re- R Wheoliq. Much l8.-0u'rio Hanan. I bountiful young lady. utnmpcenl sni- ddo last evening by jumping` 01! the unpomnon hridgu. She nu nacuod. She WM dinupointod in love. an uuuupu ljiilliu , ' ' London. lluch l8.--A nlpt occurred yesterday. Tlnoomnnnhlu Ion aeri- onnly hurt, Them In: none dhonler atncoolbtidgo. I-`ooiuvutt I - uuvullxu Vllliu landon. Inch l7.-A box 01 `poidu with a tuna nachd. hu boon Juno`!!- _!.d ~ - CIVIL WAR LN!9l'NCID. Dublin. Inch I'll.-`-PhnudI hum been posted about Skibheuon unaut- Jngnnontbrenknlcivilwuinluch. uuuuuu . an 'i1;:i.n1sI;aPm(` anus London. Inch lI.-'!'ho any Ii- Iual Bill pull ho (&nn|I to-day The Illoqll 'I d.3J.lIlI. Ivan: C Zl-I! aflj lnndal. IAI'.`l_&-0h:htoIo'I hdllh i` 3535811 Mitt.` Abonlnw not has been ..s..a..a noxrlnu. 51013 ulna. Iluuh la. noon. IZIFETS 0' DISAPPOINTI III`. uL,,.-, nu . .,. A ` GLAXIOIII IIITX INILDIO SHOOT AWAY. L,l ,,~n -. -- . . BIO Offll IIITSID. .` . -- U I W UOIIIV (`hIIlfh. I nor: now I` ln`:.er_vIIl an w-Tu C luau um " ' " " '." AI-0071!!! FIND. -._ nn .._ .- ..-_j.-. A IIOI` l'&TI.ID.\I.` _ In . .,. A Kilt `I ""'"-"..-'-"*.5""'-"&""""'-' Hun! "Kilian:-u` """"" '.'-:'.::'.'.".L='r'.:: Inn in Inluhvu Camus-Inn. raw `o_r_1_s1mm. mots A_Iig_S||"~3' [InxJ.Lm.1mxgnunsmnnl 4.:\.Iu.I., IIAID OI` IAIR on Wolllnxton Buool. on .`..'::-.-*..-.'...-W..."- "-- Inhloon and emu-Rm an Unto M or any hund Ieiuurlly ur- on. Q KIRKPATRICK I R00:l:!h` Oysters, Oysters] 9-ICNDIIIIIKII |nl-!;lY0dlv lbomldylul up \o Ibo slut Inst. tulle 0 up nddoueoonhekn Bu [ vuuablarmmrm sun] .\`?I'l:::.Il|`IONu':U`1hy|lIOIICC:ICI ll not, In-nddoueoolIhekhBu.m=nllD`Ih.. _'D*!l"O;-I-tvsuunuunon uuo-uno u-u-tom. HilANDO0P-.;Llnd I-on-ru _ __ _ _boqudonth_ounnbu. _ ._ -._ .-_. -_.`_. IN BO'l'l'laIl SD03. IIAI-I-` IIAIIILI. Ill- ll-ILI AND IIOOIIIADS I "3`J"YE 5 .6! $8.! II \8 OPRNID Ill 0I7`I0I(lo'J IIIJKT. IHIUCI `iflllf Knqutn. Much Ill. lraswzmrjunmswwl J. N. MORTON] $03. 111 : Most. at now. mug-uon.luchIlI.|QL lAtTwolloIlarsEaclI.l J3uBL_A_c1g_m_cAPEsI An.II'_mouIa jsnmeunng my the ladies] Inn: an or THE nsmanuou -5,] AIlnn Puuhnrhnn Q54 RED RIDING E001) - by funny I-2. I Romy. I) cum. ` IPRIITY IIIBB NEVILLE -- by B. I_. (`assign El :--an Aanur usm xss'..uy ILE. Fnnuillon :6 coat. AT NISB E:T s;| J uly. I orl--Ill`! Jun. 145-9. y ; 9730119. h-3 Jnh. A HBORJ` HISTORY OF OUR OWN TllB8--hyJuItinIdhnh_v. $50. ti-an :-!hu.npu-iorutn u uouomo; utI5.3Mu].li}. nu-iuutnulnos. I. to 4.35: hint`: 5.1.5 In ;ul.60|ol.I 0: ' lIoJ.50; pnu_nIaIuo:.8I;0nL too tout utyhoatos not. In mob; |I_ht\. an..--um. rod ws.u:1.1aV so no; " Na 1 vhlh. 1.1600 L13. (XIII `Ufa lo 75. Pcnlwhtl. (bhlllo I3. 55 lo 75; R1 : Ila Ch. mum` in 4.78. (bnnuI8.0|o8.10. PnvHun- Blthncnnnry. I! Q It. Porto I9.W to 19.50. 15:11-11 lolly. Buoo-l3 to MIL $4! talk . I) gur--l5 to. II. S mew aonxsl 0us-3u Juy. ' jgji \\'B llA\`$ l.\' 'l`0(`K .\B0l"l` Tu ' lnonhuul Iii! . Applyouhp ( :_._ ___ .-L.. _L-. - VIVAIIIRT IQIIAIE. I ICU. The rolnnn loolulorr.` sun: I IAIDD IVIIVI Ctoter. cum nu um I V: gnu unfit Allan Plukonou. Q50. Porto:-uul Inga-. |'l"I'l.En Klan nnmu nAnnnvn TO THE IIITE OF. AN AGENCY POI is 1.138 `nun mu-' 1' R l'Bl`Al. PRICE or `runs (:00 CIZC I ma Orllns. Gr-no. Lo, Lo -Anton- Vat Cl- I. I IICIII SIZES. um P.I._l -0" 001791: 1. U`l`ln:I|I.H|-hII.Ihn-ndoclun 9I9lPnInQh-Inn&.$n'lan-n Knmhnlgh Iuujujujjifu m&.mXt.KI0iI; Inc: IITKDDUOIIO `I'll AIOYI IIIIII I9_htvu1Iuun- In. him 11.`- VI I10` If-III`. 1` I70 ' Jmurona cum |nc_o_rl_og and Fun: lmwnanmnlslum II - J;-&l hml III. Applel. it We Ian bvnrm nnonuou Io bunc- nuclucbuoothouhllolutonuo. AGIIET F0! LABATPH LONDON ALE AND Ital And Pelee Inland Vsnoyudn. Iu'aI|'Mlh. Princess Street. - - Inna-. nuts cuuwron. : Bwllullnnounuluntxunaau his ` - u -paounnu -nnuu-Gnu nann- Hrgqmmnmmnun {DRIED FRUITS jcncnuurs ' U All liverylulng Blur Required for the Lennon Season. |oamiJ 1'IIIzIr.\Iut na1' *.IsslntI'.Il.I`l'" Dded Apples. _ " Evaporated Ponchos. Large and full (`sun Tounnoon-. Green P:-nu. OH-on fora. Green Apples In niunr. lcou-I In-nnlndr. New Prunes. lIn'3'lDnIry liner. `samurai nunmIwm'mn mu IIIIIBT. taxed noon. . nun. Ipkod. n . . loll Bacon. .. IIII7 Inner. Bvnporuu-d Applc -. 81:-. kc . Ct. 31:`; wot cu` Van `AT `nu: ---SIGN Ul-` TUE---- W. R. MCRAE & O0. AN!` ALL `NIB VARIITY 05` IIIZHIVI FINE FRESH Groceries. 3 %f.!S_H ANII `I 3: (Ir: ea. A-A on, A max 341-:-.nsv. oos. lhnyllhotvuu DGII Ink and ) Ila I_upgul__9uItc1:uognJ (`hlllrh TIIII NIOIITI ONLY: UIUPIAID GIIUIOTIOKIBY Ilvulvllllcoanur h'o.Q hlnouu. """" `=2? %- x `'.`. ..t'......""`'``'.; w **.'::.!..2'::.-..:.-*.. I. -AI-I-_u tho I-I-_. cum-ha _-Ir I_-my New Advertisements. `~* la`-."""'.""""ll-Ivlu . ..._..._ ._ `.`.32'.'.`.......' `'`"`"``"` " 7::-nah r. 'i`r.a"'- u.._._c...u..::. "-"`l " "'_'I " mlllllhud. Iwv--; ---- wen u.` I` U 0% DJ. f Iillaul ='."'_'?Y"'.'.7` For Sale.` LOST. IAIIL in Walla To Le: On W0;-:02: Ion. Inna I9. AD I Maj I..l. can n-an an-II--Av-'8 0' Iannc-Ouhxiu-III!!! uuv-I n--I--iZI' * 0! pin hing vu-ylova-an IhIdIhO'l"I|I'Un_nuuoIInp|i Ihnnnjjj ilhnunun-glans`-I ruv-g-In j juti CIT] wait hunoun(Illncpin8ua.'hnnu- Iohuolotghuul. ht|pnlg'hI- syduun-unupnuiiluuu Nbqnbwillcdlhudn. Ouhuhunpb udmnoduib tiqdpuuqnuhumiuoujnocion uilulhnuul us vohdlhnw unnhlh.luhwhiohotdh|h|ad- klnhqu. (bulb-h will uuulutul. uh: lhycncnhl nvculnmnlth lovodnl auditin- dthnulndou Iolvuluuxhr duhvunhuhh Ihlqdhnnr * ijbl-Q 11I4L-as In-Int! II - jig -lWVVC. u$I whnnlho8hnII.olBouuu.hilodIlny cu-rioddovu wi|hlh|ovInlotbu - lkgl AL. I.--.- 1.... -..-- -all. .T.L.'."u'.'.'.. ":2"... '...'."3, ..n. Iiau. and an hlluu oven wlnn W pg-..L-I 3- g-4..A.l... K. -.4_, 13.81 somewhat dioult to account for the album! unhlutiu entities 0! I50 -.g-L`: `L I. .A-a..I L-....__ -L-A I-II-III-Inn IIW ugllli Iul IIIUII - dnottwhucnsthdroxponuubnveboon Int:-isllyannd. 'l`heyuvrul~ 1! llllilidplohouon. ulhooccuiou vcnnuupu Iuichlholnthotdthn Ann-h-n In--a- -.. L-..-.L.A ha. - V. U -U-cu; -vvu---g --u- ---an A! I o`uuu. Tlbhlb-lolohdiculh Inn-Ind nunbIb.nuInunnIu|hodou. JAI. IABIALL luck I&. DI`: noun. -vIvU-l `avcwu-uuutxbujl-CE Laotian; `human wan btoqhl into a- mu oocrpotihou with Cumulus hm u.- J-u uvw viqy Uni-uuvlh The |;b':uI booming. But (`on- diunwnll notbo much uleeted. Tho hri ulwnye kept Cunndnn woods out oltbe American market. and I boom Inn to bognntlv ploloagt-d on the can notice can be beoctted. Under my eizeuuuhnoee the inuences at an event like thlt recorded -in our telognphic eolu-no Inns! be limited and iudinct. Then out be I`) Important demand [or our leethet. but the hide: being rusted nu] dnwn oil in lu-ge quumuee the Vtlno ol lathe: you up and is lurthbr Advanced in pmportlon to the scarcity in the enpphu ` Leethetneninlornnethttheyheve 1 -cum banned by the zmaoun mmuumyun Iotbeeenhle no ` eauunnd higher Ignite lot their uto- C client; -5.... n..;- --..._.. 5.-.. L_... I nunvunuu vuluul lull I103 In-Iziluujutnowanulyuciud. 1\A main: aim Ism-.-..L.. II-I Pg---` wu In uuutulliw Univ uvvil I"V|IllCI In Hebrew ptophew and nposec. um! to dhpiaovhom intoarovuoncunoroiith pnpototwilh thorns thomeek had ol a'r...'.a '- A eouospondent undo no the !olIow- ina romuka by the Rev. Canon Cu-ten. in the Marleen!` fenlury, brelulillx tho trno upitit of Cdthohc Cllribtitnity. which might nord pmltoblo angu- tionn to outdo writon on matters oooleoiutncnlz `-1 . it nothinx.too. to be brought in oontwt with the boundlonl gentleness sud tolnrnnoo of Christ. to boot such word: :3. `He that in Able to native it. let him mooiro it.` Inc! `He that to not ngoinst us is on our oido `.f' In it nothing to tool the sympathy ol snch I dovowl bonolnctor of Eoropou St. Paul. udtooooopt his judgment that `He who rogudeth the day togudoth it unto the Loni. and he thnt rogonieth not the dny tojho land he doth not nxud nr In itnothing to how the has In uknowlodgod brotherhood ho~ duh Ibo dnplo And the lowly to Inbmit to learn fronthomuwe leunlromonr dnilboninthonnnery. ondtofooloor oolvon in spite. 0! our divotgont views nnd notion. in the attitude ol common odontion boloto tho that Unknown 9 llottotthhnnlnbylu. thnntooovor with philosophic acorn. miniatnnto whooodoyo uogivon toooothinaorory lonn ol hnunnn lmtnos. unidst whose oinaploot tooohina onn nlwnyo he detect- ed in nnda-tone the deep thought: of llnhw-an l\hl|I\|\AI.' nn.l nnnnI1An --..I In IPCIII I3 KIT` IIIIIIIV Kill. Ivfj` Shah bin." Oohoug It rhl in look- mum 1&1 mum: n has done :- gntt deal [or ill College. nod 23 is justi- lld in guarding union thelocs which lchuuzn ol location would Involve. AI to the lunuic uylnm than in no dungor 01 it going In Cobonm 1! Toronto put: in I cltim. _-.._.___ `-_ _ _ . . . .. : -.inhothnnluh|nilt--tn\'intu-inCol~ IQ. on tint the institution ' nhonldon xou um tho am lortnnnmnlqninntionolAibertn`nd\'ic- tnrinonllnguhndoro the laginlntnn Innloltishnina Inndn tou'ciu`i'uoe town ngninat n rcniovnlolwhichthoir hnnbeonunidunhlotnih. llnllont dcnnnot think the Bill. unending the Actn ol lnndpnntion. will injnn tho nnu`nipn|Iy.IInt be ha uldod 9" nnntionnrynlnnn'n.thn't nothinginthn otnqnitynn to theloality nl tne l_.'ni- nnity." The Tomato lhvld in ol!on- tivnly lncotionn when It rennrkn: "I! the institution in moved it will not be through my intnntionnl ulijzht on Co- honrg. but manly in the interest ol Methodist education; and ii it on he nhown that Victotin will benet Co~ bonrn ought to noqninnon. Whnt the the new inane nnylnln thnt muatbo built in the non: Intnre being locntnd in lkalglna-" HAEAQ-3'; _i|..LA in hunk, Billnhnllbnoonntrnndtonlncttholnw. Oohouihnrn ought tolo into innist on ` ' - n'$n. ' _ .--...,-.=:.-:'.:-.-.'r-v---e- Ilnju. \ s&se.3j:__oNs 1 urn-rs Iuoluvi. Cd TIIULIL" CIIRISTIANI TY. HA RKETS B0O.|ll.\'(.`. 7 cannot 0L';srIua_I. w--u----- -- .-----_.. .. . . on Tuesday Inning. Incl Inn. A! I dnam. I'M" "'"""""' in -la QITI II UGIVVIIIQ jK oluvnnuh. lioumthotovu notlhqnuounxryluhunaonn '.1 x `L;zx.l:.* ' '1:n`lt'_ :_.:.' ~_.'n._'-1 411-- I` -u-vu-vquuun-cw-v-v-Ivul-J olhtvoulllolhooxhniuollb mhluuul pouuolIboWouu`n -....:-Ill_.._.__ I..l.A_ QUUIIIIIUI nun: Irvuu IZWI II Ilt phioouI.l.hu dnohdln-.hotnm Iuhrin Ipilit and cquiulv hath- unuialh nun`: lcldllnidou. -_.I L. AL.__|.n AL- L..A __._._.:_| jtuj-uyv-tviul KU IZFVVTZ I- T3 WZ- 1 $1 million I Ibo Wanna`: Foreign lin- dourylodsn. `upontol yous: nnoqtbohouluuinnuuublo. only nohuchrbtln wcuucuuu. In unoldtlo nmpulona pails Itiblb to In. Xulnu. Muylnd I--..-- L4.--4| L... i-n-.-ml I... I... uu-uu UV J-u-u u--vu-5 uni, I51: knowlhotudhonn inpn.uod by her -glshannxl L: tlnnnlntl-Q-n Lanna, thlighlolllnpqul. Onod Iholnt cuinplvnnonluhlhsionvurkintho -Alnlinn AI ILA '11.-`nu i`n-`inn in. -vwuun-uvvcalaut cu. nu-tau-In vvuu opened in I non wondu-tul way by Shaky. Chiuhdnbo boonopono-I ndlhohhla-yallcpuinnoouoynu -ngal lilng g -.-ngngg I-Ah -.4..-..I .-_A._.L....-h-nglnhnlj-nnlal-n.l AL.

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