~In-mm; ponnu to bll out 2 (1) Thu Rev. Mr. (hlluzhor did. on So 3. 10th. I888. at Ernesllown. mu- -n J. I-`. (liboou nut! Snnh Sharp. pm! to prove this the muringo oermicnto VII pmunhod and plnoocl on record. an Thu Rev. Mr. Gclluhor. hv oer- ax nlnlnnnu nus \.v-I unlul 12./v. Mr. cmmbon. after his com- hint Ind boon road. proceeded to al- na: tho Presbytery. Ho Imd throo porn: to bring out m (hlluzhor Illllllall lllll sue I'n`auyu.-Dry nuuuuu IV Accept Mr. Chambers` luixnuiou ta llodentor. than mndoring it noounry that something should be done to Innin- hin the luv and order-of the Church on this question. Mr. Unllnghor was slur!- fore complnined sauna and the Plus y- Iury wu ukcd to take such shops us would beat vimliosto the luv referred 50 um prevent 1 repetition ol the ol- unce. - u. John uulnanor. ox nunonrg. nur- riod the patio: st. I-Zrncnuown. And thereby oontnvonod I law of the Church. On Account. o! Mr. Onllnghori action Mr. Chamber: resigned the Mo- dentonhlp and the Preubylory up- pointod Mr. Onllnuhor n his successor. thus iris lllel. condoning hip con- tct. lower on the appointment wu ` nuunllod and the Presbytery rolunod to uamns Mr. Chnmbm-a` mniunnuon nonuounroa so nnrry uul aocenuou Inns 5' that. On umocu of Sepwmbor. 1833. Bar. John Onllnahor. oi Pmnbnrg. unr- rinnl tho nnlim ll. Hln|IOWll. ` Yuhiii ulurdoorawi `Kiinlliiif Presbytery considered the com vlaint 0! Raw. 1`. S. Chunben. ol mgunn. uzninll Rev. J. Gallagher. B.A.. 01 Pm!- burg. It In: to the cect. am Mr.. Chunben In: the, Moderator 0! u. Seuih of Glennie. Hnrrowsmith and Wilton in sephmbor, 1883: and um during the I.imo'be Ins in once he I'll naked to unite in Inuringq John 1-`. (lib- Ion. 01 Kingnon Township. And Mus Sarah Sbup. of I-Irnulbown. The n - plicuion was related became Mr. Gi - undesired to his dooeuod wife :- ninhr. On the 100.1: of Senmmbor. 1833. `liq 00-phhnnt lhil `I. &IIlIIl' Th. laud II: Ordlnnuuu You 51 In-u_-yin; n _nn in II: ligand "I5 lInhr-An us`. 1. u. uiAnns1\1nau oulvumr . nun rumtnv uuum m`. J2 uu.d.Aoun. rrrmuu - A aunuu. otdtluhnvovs. rollmnolu mo pnuohodthodootnu Jun ndnudnnhoklbotnoltlytothoor GEORGE-CDFIORD, mun: nun: Ir . jlI*l'AIl....-- Yususmx PIIESBYTEBY: AIII luunvnu I] -I . wIf9ZJ rlqon Plnly Clvll Iolur-`lo Pno byte:-1`: Du-lob: and II Appeal and Pnloot In-oin'iTTo-npuuau. ' 1-ll -UvILlJllvuu \.vn--u ll\r . Mr. Conltlmnl. tho )loden.\hnr- Pmsbymry intend;-I no such amp; nu unmqe. llnuybonid with tdccnoohnt ucdptionlolhootlou ol hilhlhnl no is-ulooxooptwislnld Como Inning outhooivilnr pinto. awIhiI.hnyIniul.hrinn QuIo&nt_Rry.lqnIIuI phase! II: . ohnponr - mly coma III in this oouocuoa. luring: in. After all. I fnncuonol the Suns. Now the question come: up Mn and don-malt um uuwor. u the sun \. -|n\l vi -.u.u-..-... ... eeconling to the lew ol pnnuoennure, wen the oocuion at this eneetment. but i! the relation wns morelly right for pnrpooee ol worldly gnin` is on henlly be uauelly wrong epen from each rur- -oeee. Motel right or wrong in n me. not nelesivo. .\loreover. the very name worldly mouvo unv null prevail. en! me render this oonnecuon eqnellv desire a. If n wilo eon lnwlnlly met ry her honhenlfu brother lot any ree- eon. in it not e fur nnlemnoe that I lun- lned any nanny his wile`: eiet lot ninller leeeou 9 when the Seddnnee et- Uempted loplece our Lord on the horns ole dilemmn (es roconlenl in Merl: ui. If-I-fl). they brought up n hypothetical men under this Inw. Ho wee uled whose wile the women would be who bed eeven hnnbnnde. Chriet did not pm- eoneoe the connection evil or allqel. lie an no wny expleeeexl Hie dlnppevel. bnlelnply eeeeed that in the tingdoun olheeveetbeleehellbeno merryiegor ll-nvhen Ullh Ill Instance. I mly now my mu Invu mu-I nothing onntrovorsinl on tun ubjout. I hnnurivtl us my col-' olnaion by nu independent study 0! the Wonl. I nal them um under the Ho- nanc luv a nun Inn to take his brother`: wilo in order to niso up seed. etc, This in ` from Dom. :37. 6-11. It isllao in icuul in non. nxviii. B. in the also ul unnu. Judulrn son. Not only so. but pounltiu-4 the moat degrading no at unlnol to tho non-porformnnco of tho duly. No doubt the a.au- \ ......._v.- . an Inn .I\-u uul ho was natisod on thoso points. provided the parties concerned present- od tho Stato`a Iioouso asthoir authority. nor would any minister make such in relationship a question of Church discip- line. The lact is that no tost questions bearing upon them disabilities are over propounded; this section of the Confes- sion is. in ainiple terms. practically ig- nored. Fur my own part I lmely admit and adhere to the general statements of I tho Confession in cha i. x.\'n'. but I take exception to the com! ery attached to it in sec I. that "the man may not marr any of his wile : kindred neamr in blom than he may of his own." This clause is based upon a faulty engeaia and one-sidod interpretation ol "Lev. xvxu and min. and Lev. xx. 19th and Slot. In the former passaga an implied auction 1! given to marriage with a deceased wile`: uiator. by the oxprosoed limitation " in her life- time." Besides the anal 1 of scrip- tures in in favor o! tho atiou in dia- pute. Tho Protoaton at Spin set forth Mono of tho articlne ol their creed. that um. the inter tatiou of which was doubtlul. was to ex lain- od hy other and clearer texts. Lia. you will admit, is the right principle of intelprohlon. Lot ua apply it in the mount instance. I may have say that hat-n rmul nntliiuu nnntruvorsial a text 0! Script ran an-., azuxvnm um in sun tionoil in favour ol.the liill to I bod "me relation. llo'then inlorni- no that he hul come to the conclu- aionthat it was the hestthina uooonh! do in his present circunstnncoa to marry his lornir wile`: sister. and ulr ` odnoto onnthoooromony. ltohl D01! _... . uuohihlti canted. At npoointed dine I wont tothohonaool the bride`: lnothor and united thou. It Items to no no laranlnIiuonou`raed.`tho whole quot tianhnn on wht is involved in nub.- sariptiog to the Quotation ol Fnith._ I have always regarded myself as hlll iven my adherence to-tho wyntorn.o_l octrino contained in that summary. not to the ipxiummj rrrlm. AI amat~ ter ollact. there are in the Conhaaion statement: to which none 0! n: have ' nnbaoribeul. and to which` none 01 on would rubocrihe. It contains doctrines which we all believe. and yet our inter- . cl than doctrine: in tar lrom ` invariable. ll tho Confession is not an ` infnllible gni_lo.aa reganln one particular point ol doctrine. or of polity. why may it not he lallihlo in other points- aa well. May it not no at vnrinnce with tho \\ onl of God in ruler- .onco to this marriage question '3 wan tn : scninunxn an. I I 1 1 I 1 I 0hop.xiiv.. sec. 8. node time: It in : lnwlnl for all uortaol people to marry I who am able. with judgment. to give I their oonunt. yet it in tho dntyol Chna~ I tians to marry only In tho Lonl. And. ! thorolore. suchas protein: tho true re- 1 lormod religion should not marry with ' indels. Pa into or other idolaturs; ei- I that ghoul: such as am godly he rue I qually yoked by mnrryimz with sue on I are notoriously wickoil In their live . or . maintain damnahlo liorosios." An re- ( ganla the that proposition of the section. ( OVA. tho ncrinturoa on which it roloasos 1 tabs haaodaro lloh. xui. an uh; I. l `l`iin.. nxantl 3:11; I. Cor.. vn. 86th and I 83th; and (ion. rum. 57th nnd 58th. , all of which simply lndicate that mar- t riago is lawful. but do not say anything about being "able with jnilxmantlogivo : their conaeut.f' In fut 1 known mom~ . her of this l'ronhyl.ery who iliil not con : tiller this clause necessary or bmihug. I and ncloil no if it livl not oxiat by ` marrying two idiots. 1!. when l haro I: done. you require his name, I will give ` it. Tho second proposition is well sun 5 tniueil by I. Can. \'u. iinil :l`Jth. So. also. are the following clause.~i by npprxn ` priato texts. But whilo we uilmit tho I ropriety ol adhering to the rules hem lid down I question whether them is n minister of our own. or any other llhnnnh -hn -nnI-I nnfnnn fn munuor 0! our own. or Church. who would refuse to rm: mirrxsn Wnm, MIodbnoooIIdoIdIlnKiI- uunhubvhqth unnnluouu an Dnvnnnumnhtllho lollovindm output A l.Al0ll'I`0(`l 0! TIUIII AID VAIJIII I-Iotehllaml Ihwl Ilupuvnnonlud. ---- M ...... ..-.- . Ch- than I0 .5. vs. rnnupu unns. r. naming and Mr. uruoov made mlnuh. They remarked am than counionoc were not in lull accord with the article in tho (`onleuion 0! Push. touching nmrriuzo. and they hoped to no I: eliminueul bo- luto many years. The motion. however. to Iain lhIInvudIoCuI'uvu not us they winhodil. Thooouonl Annu- bly`n Oonmmu would not an ooguir nice o! the proton out. The lollowing unoudmul In ptopounl : "Wicca inmuuht llr. Galb- yher paiuud I` oonqouy km on a mu: and Inn dooouod Into`: uinmndwhuou. unhunlion II can to tho upnu iutnnuion ol tho ' nllI`nl|.h.innL dchn.uIv.: uni no number at this court should auto in mu-than punuu inthia ulr lioulnp while the law ol Ibo Chnlrh to can in an punch! 11.. Hanna ml the nation: In I .:"|IInc-than N lnI\`A.III.`lI an -UllIl4` Rev. Mr. \\'ilkens. Trenton. movuxl, 1-ooucled luv It-av. R, I. Cr:u;_'. l|c.wruu- to. "\\`lu\rx-ru Hm .\-swmlnly Ins up- poinul I Couummuo uni Instructed it to mcommond wlm. Action should be taken In u-lensuco to ununugoo within corhiu nlogloos. this Presbytery. Ilulo eommencliuv mo teal and Ioytlly to the uundndno! mo Chuch lnnihuud by Mr. Chunbers. ncolvocl that we receive the com `at. to hr at the charge Ignilnt r. Gallagher inuonounod. in mint lnrunor ptoooodingn in the man: poushng the report 0! the Assembly`: Committee." npvunu nlnli 1|-Itrllln . lbw. Ir. Cbunhun replied. llonud this subject hm boon tliscusacd in In shuns: My and sltopthor irrelevant` Iy. The (Ad! Wu Mr. (hlluhot lml violuonl tho ohhuulion vows he lml sulr Icnbed to on noting the Iunnistry, in marrvnng the can In :8 limenuown. The parties on tho bu wen m- movod u-cl tho Prubytory oouidaul tlm umlk-r. EVER IMPORTED TO THIS CITY. uuuvmo mm` A1` WlII.\l\| mu un u ul'.Iu'.\ nn nu. - -...,..... . so long as the [turtles prawns the hoonso lurnislnod by um saw. I shall say no more now. laimplv claim that in pt-in~ ciplo l was right, oven 1! in policy l was wrong. It I am lnold to have nnhscriho-l to the a nun nrba of mo conlos- siou than lulnavo tnnsgmmo-l .1 law of the Clmrcl). but I (ll it in ignorance. I shall bow respectfully anal obedieully to tho decision of the Court. If I have been wrong it roquims but to allow mo tho wrong. aull 1 shall anknowlodgu it and alone hr II as you may direct. I leave myaoll now in your handa wholly ; and. unless I change my mind. shell taka no a I from your decision. an I am con out on ahall deal with tho eaaoim lyandlotI.hcbeatinter- est: ol the Church and all concerned. I trust. Inoreovor. that tho time is not far distant when in its window the Ohuloh shall remove such a trammol. so that the minlswn ahall be rcqnited Io bind themselves to no doctrine or icy. principle or practice. nntaught uy. or eontrarv to. Scripture. emu; |anr.uu.\'n.v ox nu; ul7sTloN. ' pI1l`0|)` l0Cl\l |ul{'l`0il. IS I noun UI IIIIUI` once. Tho State is cunfnl to secure its interest in the matter. but tho Church takes no notice. R505): no register. Asks no questions. .\ minister can marry whenever he n-.13 himself in the country. Wow his stay only for I: lay in that loonlity. He may mnrrv out of his own parish or cougregntion just as well as in it. without incurring the censure ol the Church Courts. as in the cause of baptism or the Lord's Supper. &c. ; he can do it without even incurring tho ill will at a brother. porlmp-a not Always. Thom loo: not soon to ho oven u modcnto esprit -la.-urps iu the lnnttqu. I-Minot n minnimr can mnrrv blo lor unrnnge mmausn. um wno u: in a position to punish us by Ina it in tail to utisfy his rvqnirelneuu. It is true we may keen n cougmentioul m- pzistor it we will. mt. it in of no pnctic\l benefit. to Church or SLIM. It. is of purely local interest. as a book ol ruler- nncn. Thu into \..\nI.u.\ ulna. ursrlanu a--.-nu -. . It in right and proper. Mo. that the Church should give a religion: sanction to a relationship so sacred. and which in II the hum of all social we-ll~beina: but such sanction by I mligious oervmnuy . in not indinpcnsihle. not nocouary_. The Church 0! Rome has mule nnrrugo I sacrament. andlit seem: to me that tho religious ceremonies oounclod with um right in l rou:ot.ant Churchoa am but 1 nmnant ol the old Polish ritual. ol `which they have not divested them- selves. It is not a function of tho nun- iatry an in the dmpomim: ol sacraments. nor (loos tho (`hurch deal with is as such. lu whul why does the L`humu, as such. deal with the matter as all ? Why the does not even admit the number of miu-ringer: oolehratod during the year among the nmtialics. We have com~ munion mllx in-I bapti.-uual registers. Illll nosaion mcouls. KIM` those are lIll\l(`l' the supervision ol pho Courts of tho Church: but is is the Clerk ol the Municipality to whom we no responsi- ble tor marriage rolaton, and who is in .. nnnilinn In nuniah us In ue II. IDCIVIOX 8. quaauoluulu CUQIIICI mu ` tingrb;-Aner all. uythiix-but void! oonirnemonhorul unto by one an and one wounn. under the limits um! none lion! oh di'.'ine Ipnuin us. sud 000- stitntod la ' their con I I` [win at clooood. 0| my on V0 ed to End nnytlung "in gaptun. oi!!! oi txulnplo or cuacunchlt. Nut would indium it to be urthing elm. This. however. in no way \ onion II I lelilolll npect. Tlniu it has. in the very Intum 0! chi .u an Inliluton oi uo_5l__.__'or tho we |~being Ilia creatures, intend- ed to Serve ;\nn1-um um-u n nu-nu.-rn earl ll tuna. er ` I-In-Ah can-I ---- ..-a. Ron. Prinnipil Grunt. I-`. locum! unl Mr. nnnv mule mmnrh. Thov HWEDNESDAY E'\'ENll\`G. MAl{(.`H 19. `I3 31%. lnl'5nII! 91 5|) 'vIIIII'VIIv uni. III mistake not. an subject In I r pendI_\'Hr.-an-`\` nalusu luv )-.'u mean those who hum oblmuul um uunht Shh ligomo. None. cube: minular or 1 hymn. an lcaal2_v `marry without the - mum`. lie-rune. \th`u:h In my mole incl? tnllcieuv. uuthomy in on-tv cur. II,` is. thcnloxe. quoauoublc whether mar ` 4m-ham .n. .uu.auus+o'nuJ. I ulny clqxymm unuu we uw-` Jnurnty ol|ny Church. In thiaonopu-~ A Iiculu Ininiiluu no the tanlntl 05 the sum. ndxorthu; ol the Church. ` and If I nnin.n|:.- ...u _-nu snhin:-I. In I OFFQ_RD SI union. in Funds all "$195+ Inptfu-tnodbybollchuchtdstglu hla.-vld.le_iuhI`uiu unlhucnnn; and hlehu undo: {Ml Ihbouucclcbnlnn unurnge u nlld-; lunny clqrgylnnn undo: the All-` m nlnufhnrch. In Ihilonolnr` a _._._. __ -..--n- -mn BADH ALIA " Innthl IIIO IIGINI Iw r pluo non Tnoulny. Iunhn ol Ibo Union any that llccotnb will unlv In oloehtl. on lhicont-Lidia` 4 lulu that hulglovuuhuu. 0|. 0. 0;. want 01.18. In 75o.. 1| Baldy O lllflfl. A nothing 0! sh: Scum` Union was bold lul night in the bnildingonolr In-so Shoot toruorly occupied by the Union. Tho obiont oltho Inotiq VII hnoninuuounlutlhocunhqyur. `rho tonowinq III tho Iltz Pu Pnddcu-J.Io0mb. J.Quntl -ml _ {kn-jtlr thouwithud and : whomloro this wuss. sud why do that little out luck haul. and nbooi. and boob? I-Tn-_ um- Inn! A unln (min and moors iifn suoss ma noon .' "Tun now your Add Into eon what. and put this on"! thing In yomud be ooponk-. Ind dele not yonnolvu my mom. sad I will blunt you _unI muse my hon p shine upon Von. ` TICII Ii)` I0 OOIDEQYG! BDQIEII. Au! it cum to you that the mint: 0! the on! High dolod thomnlnt therewnth. even tho poor-who could noun; sI.Iooa.nol' bnninorbooknfor tboix hula onen-|pouI their money ht igud the Lonlwuunntl) dupkuod thouwith and nd --wL.....l...... ma. -nu Ann` -In do nun IIMI me snolool Instr wrlnun um ended a loan: and louver. And! onlsivuion lhuool became 1 great uni mighty Business in the earth. god the merchant men Iuod rich by the commerce tbonol. An! in aunt! in nun plugnod thereby. "Andintbo conno ol timoilcune uholopus tlinotlieu sauodignnd any were taken suddenly with ms. us] they did mooxo with I und might amen iuolnuoh that unit eye: llet with tour: And they did look exoeotlinm Iv silly. "And we: others cunnimzlv wmuglil Iv silly. "And yet others cunningly I-mugiht the lava: mono! into rolls. uul ( id not re to the one end tborool. and lid luck vehemently at the other and them ohlnd did look very gnvoud call his And the unokool their torment na- ngndnol nn lnnnwgr and lonnvnr, "And me monuu 0! ul sun wens euluodbecuno loul. d they was sealed with a violent api sing. and they did unit nun in Imam nation and in sealed with violent sputum. um snov did spit. ova: in Indus lots thohousa onho Lonlol oats. nndmo ninuol the Most High were greatly plugnod thereby. the son or 5 mm Ioolou upon u. nu-I thought it bunulnljo look urea. and much to ho Jesimd to Innko nd look b` tlltl muuly. Sn 1 mr nnl forth their huads. and look b` tlld muuly. So 0)` put forth their did chow therool. and some is mule nick and others to vomit moot lthuly. And in. In:-thnr name In mu that sink and others to vonm moot nuuuy. "And it lurthor cum to pun that thosowho chewed it boouno weak and nu-ulv. tad amid, "We no onalnod sad can can from chewing is." Illa.` cl... mnnlhl of all am were Sn11nzwgn_Il_s_Arriv1Ill TIUIU UH KJUZSUU . Thou shall the Kingdom of sum bo likened unto I grain ol. tobacco sood._ which. though oxooodingly mull. being cut in tho ground, grew and beoune I grant plant. and spread its luvs nnk and brand. so {Ian huge sud vile worm: lonnml 1 hnhitnliou Lhomol. And is cum to pass am in the oonno ol time um mm or looked upon :8. ' sonurnue. u..\.; r. .1. rouuog. ,u.a.; - mu. Boy|a.Ju-. Baum. nu; John ` Noun. cud Juno: Inmy. and neon- nnudozlthonlobolpkouoquisl lot : ; license. Reeouunendnuons ulopted. , Al'_P0[XTIi!1' n.'u1u.1n. E I A? 80!. It. )lcLou:. Com-enor cl Oun- ; 5 miswopu Augmentation. nponnd ant ~ deputation: Ind boon appointed to visit I ;;an1_s:.Imptinn: nithm. tho I bound: in we interact ol the nebulae. ` and am the uppaintascuta had been . tuuuum. "7 k . ..-_ ..-.............a Last night. in the Mission rlall. Mr. John Walker read an interesting paper on Sunday School work. in relation to the Provincial Convention held in Co- boun: last year. Rev. ll. . ackay. who occupied the chair. in introducing Mr. Walker. said he was one o!_the moat active Sunday School workers in the city. The next Convention would he held in Bmcliville. and he hoped a large delegation would be sent from Kingston. Mr. Walker`: paper was lull of import- ant points. lle stated that the founda- tion of the Sabbath School Association ol Canada was laid in this city In Fel).. 1857. Since that time a great work had been accomplished by the Society. Now it had in its employment one of the ablest advocates el bunday School work in Canada. Rev. Mr. Mel-Ewen. late of Inger-aoll. who run! the following parable on tobacco ; --1`i..u. .I..lI Hm Kinmlnm nf Satan ho unsung uonuuuts nporuu unu- " _` they had oxuninod loan. A. R. Lin- ` Ion. B,.\.: ll.'1lcTui|h. )l.A.; J. T. Sonurville. B..\.; P. M. Polloqk. ,H.A.; V H Hnwlnjnn Hnnnnlt HA` Jnhl faonol tiouuiult. Ind I 1-taunt! that sole: gonna` can nude. |. v uouu-u sttnxn nnunn. - moon m Toronto muune. The Pneubytory mwt on the lust Tuesday >III Apn um city. Au Inlervsllng \l-llng In lhulon llall - \`r- I`u-uhlu In Tnlnovo. uvvnnn 1 us: nv-uuu pv- Dr. cliniglnt. ol llnhlu. was nomi- nnod by the Presbytery lot the Modern- tonhipol the Gounl Assembly. which menu in Toronto in J one. Tim Dp.m.|.uuu-w than nlinnrnad. In 0.17. I III. WCI III-IKU. The lollowing deliverance in fully Adopted: "Dinmiu the appeal. but an- nmneh I! the has has unknow- Iodaonl that ho di wrong in shutting tho nnnnynonhmn nut. of the Church Illd ill Io-Igou tun no and III aunuuag mo ooluztqzntaon out of the Church ad unnlting one 0! them who ntton) to get in. 1nd ox ngrot or the mug. the has ytery instruct the Set- aiou tommovo the unupeuionmd no rectum Mr. Brown to the communion 01 um nlnnnnh " IXIOIW MI`. I: ! the chun:h." Ill! - (Xnidy. _ Pot \`no~Ptuidcu-W. Futon. No .-.4.-ing poll can Iron: Slnnnonvllle. sum! DIVE new cucnmatnnoeu [ml uisen and ru- qcsuxl and the delivzenncoltvo reconsid- ered. This In nnuted. um- t..n..-;.....l..I. .......;.. Q... lull- A IIIIW |l|l.IIllA.\I In ` Ptinipnl Grant. Cont:-not of the Ip- `poul cu Iron: Slnnuonville. stated at new cxmnmatnnoeu n:-! Id curt Iron cuewlnx It. And the mouth: of all that were ml.-ml hon-man Inn], and thaw wan Rev. Ir. lccuniu.-Convener cl .5. Counumux reported tbs L... I.-A -ug-.i-I II...-- A R Iii-.l st's1m' smmuu. is-unx. _ lsuulsllbg Iulml lo 0 In health olllonulooqloluhoh - ----_ --.-.....|.n....|. PAR'IICUI;ARW;I:lBNTION luupllbhvhgsu-glib:-II'hu\d UDIE8 WILL DO WELL BY CJLUNG IT OIICEIS THEY are selling my quickly. The largest. (`lwaposl and Best Asmorted Stock of Prints in tha- A City. Special Value. F. X.COUSINEAU. % WIIOLIIMLI : Inca Ufllll . hi. I. IDA. nun Litmmn: FOI LIIIIIII IOUII. :_-:n- }l3tn'lTw,H2Lndsnmeand[}hea.pPI'ints, lWALSH&STEACY [VVALSI-{&STEACY S 7 6ARPETs, CARPETS, CARPETS. INTENDINL} Bn5`a,'.I.'J..s.||.i.Ixt IIIOIIL u4\;V nun Are Plumb)` notied that this CompAL`v will udopl I-IXCI-IP'l`l0NALL\' LOW RATES AND I-`Mu-zs so Manama. Damn. uouum. uumou. the Northwest mud British Columbia. commencing Match {in}. 2_3Pl-ZCIAL SI-`.'l`1'l.F.RS` TRAINS from (mama! seetiona of the country. IE3 Noun ol um: um! (um: will In inu- nul uh I. ' , IS THE RIGHT HOUSE TO PURCHASE YOUR DRESS GOODS. 500 PIECIIH [hudnome New Drum Goods mat opened out from lie to 50 per yud. Our new Cotnbinnion Boiling! nt 800 per ynrd nre nvroudorful hsrgtiu. 19_}y Es &7 1aiS(3WTTE*S. 1 wmnmn non-;L. ' ltom mun.-us ed shortly. Much 5th. 500 Pieces New Prints. Handsome patterns. 50 New French means, new designs. 300 New White ottons, best quality. 30 New White Sneetings. 22 1-4.'2 1-2 yda wide. All at Montreal Wholesale Prices. n__ \\f.-u.nRnN. . A wn.\`uN*s BITILIDINGS DRE/SS SILKS, _ [Anon Oollnu. quality. 2 for 16. ' Fancy Strip Birth. I put (or 160. Inn hnvy Sumlou Bach? pnlr {or no lid Olovu. Dog Skin Glovoi. luuou Cutor Glove: `J00 [tor ptir. Full moot New l'uduIeu' to hand. no trouble Io IIQW (nun. NI SE18!!! 1384. A :.:.:.;.:.;.;.:...4.: `Wu: , 5 A A - . 3;ND1N(3- sn?3`I`LE.RE trom CAN ADA . . , ,, _,.;._,. ..._. . .; .-._....... -;n ...a.....,`pvm.~|vruwn.I.\' Lnw 1WVPR1N1`s, N]AWC5O l"1`()NS 1: \\'..\1.|>n">if." March uh. NEWT AND HANDSOME PRINTS. Inch lllh. I. IGFIIIIS. Isnhlh. New Cretonneb. New Piano Fe1`t..>New Plain and Checked j H _Dress Goods. New Brocade Silks and Satins,.New J acketings, &:c., J 1191. Received at ' I'll Item-Iced per 8.8. cm on New York"-- I0 Isles of I`nrpeII-- N-w pug Ilundunc Dengue. our Lowest Quotation for ` `~ Tapestry (`av-you In It roan pet yard. IsFIII.'s. ' - - I80 Prlucjss Shut`. U.-J. I01}. Inch llh. Aoauuwasruxrs ' _, ,_ _, , Much lslh. ).I A;v.; Hunt: 190- MIES l{iCH1\I()Nl) &- ms. N Pinon Punch Gingham. 15 Ploooullcw Schema. 15. 18 and 20: 100 Place: New Gimp '1`:-Imnlnp-all colon. 5 Baht Plymouth Rock Cotton. 100 Places Row Go:-mun Emhroiddry. - - _-`-$QDT $1 r. x. cousmnu & co. SATPBENS AN D GINGHAHS. ---(I0 'l`0--- OEEAPSIIJE nn1\I.vI\ -..\.~_. mn I\Ivn1\IlA(Vl:l vnrvn l\DI.`GQ :)l\l\l'\u um WIITI 121-2:: ARE0l`l'ERIRG'.l'HI8W$X mnv &. MURRAY] FROM FIVE CENTS PER YARD. R MoF. AU L `I-`OLOER an 1uNi.P.i'. Gen. gents. Kincuton. - '7-TU nulna.x.ooxrrr." OPPOSITIB WINDSOR HOTEL. T0 lBSlll.llFll9& ghmmnnr l0'l'l unaranoa nun-u. mum and 01.03). Bqnu Hum-. cheap. Colluu. qu Fancy fiogl At u and 303. mm. shim ca. 900 no 01.25. Undronod hmn. relnlotund Ironic. 58100 nntl II III, THE LARGTBT STOCK -qlIDs-- In-u----our:--w-.-_ --.._. ":!'1',.!'." M - . n_-;_. u-_._. I-Bultonkid mm. 45. U~I_!ut(u Ktdglovua 03. - - has-'-' nuns. `ran 40. mi. L.-n Tho. (otubrouhnd and) n no and I'lu. , All Elli Lane Hchun 30 And 5% Crougptonh Cantu froth lac. :._' India Luna Callus-I to: Q3. (tug at ao_ mu. rue, nomecug-amutuuguu; " "*`>*'* '-":4-=--1.~=.- w: m .- **vr*` no Anna-A 1. IVAII` woln. -..-., ..V.V_, "%i'oTni.i.`3 33107 : um Ti`I?Y|Jdi7lTipl?iEE HI! I`)! Inc! He. .3 Envy mum ange DI: colon) kt Ilanntn. -HLPUITA J. I All` Elli. cjjn X.I0la1"OIIl. [Ann .... .................... K|IlU.j|I.|rInI- IQnn.' V an LIIII "J van! |'Io. .II1l'I` RBCBIVBI) Al` nu Pnncau In-eel. .3. IIIL ll IIVIII uuun -uvuw H|uunIPnnnvuIl%h _.. n. cn||._.I nnl--.I 7- IN. WI}: unt :- lhnt lnpouldn. |'i`OuU'IlQ TI:-.1` IUIIB In ` tliutllldlllil I10 PI-lumen III-eel. GE.\"l'L JMEN. X? I 0! 'l'IUIIl Ipiu wuuuuuna-nu Iuuuun ........... Inns-budun|udh.ltuouo.out-I bin `mu-an ma non unwound. udtholncllniiavutoclnpuuuo. Ir. Baookvuuolcoonuuhgpusy. Boduhdhdhuoltpu-mu. nlnnlutulhnyclculcnlohsllol AL. 1.1.... H: Ilnllnlnn nul Hr. I FT}. IIIIII it -III mlIu.uniM|idII|pwIu'l'.l... haunting 'honc&`unuQIo- IIOEII-IZ&&1 -run-gunner-un;upu.uu.o vuuncunu-n-nu...-u yo-~-u----.._ '|I':;;ldIhopuuu|nIlohuaIhIIuN vllh'.`l'hohdhIbynutuhhnIu Inlbluulll flonahuuhho cuqllunhnuhudydunovn &|ubdnnlb|louI&- Th lullnlq htklhldcutluulln Mlnhivnuht: U..l..MIII. .I.J.WuuI.JuGnhII\D.Yon. I.D..hIhuAIln.VmhnhIII. Ina-:h!hu.ln.I-U-nruuvu Cal-ICT'1-nnnn_.lll1KQ. I-rvlnonnobphlu-nod. To-dsyolitincuuvurroslhd. Thodtloollhpuuunnvuvuk. Onpt. Bunny had can-and who Ir.8nookooulnIoInohusiu nu- upnnhvuuttnlhtllohln. Through , , , _ , n___ .n___- -AA__ IA ._.-_ A.-_ How much In-eel Church. The oonmoguion ol the Brook Street Pnubytoriua Church no going to have 3 new and handsome onlilloo. XII into- rior will bodiluuthon lb! 0! my ohuohh Ibo oily. Thouahvill be olranlu in this utupnont ad I gal- loryboonolod 1| lboboolh and. The building will have I he Noll. with two outnnooo. lid than will In I lolly towel on the southeast censor. R. Gaga will nporiuuud the work. The Inow- in.q Inn the uooanhl hndorun: ll-..--_+I IlA-Inm`- an I'll lhu ....._- _.....__...... Viototin Hull wu oomfonubli nuoa Int evening. the occasion being an en- terhimnonl under the snlpiocs ol the Loyd Orange Auooiuion of Kingston. The chat Wu khan by R. Montgomery. who introduced the progrunmo : Sony--S.Koolov. Ronding-Ju. Lnlurnov. "The Dutch Bnloon Koopor." l Son-W.J. umy. My :Iol.hcr-nu- Au." Uuvuu. uuuunna I awn-u IIHDIII vl uuu u. 1`. IL: "I Inn to inform you thus the Company have Iuounbly considered you uppliounon. And instruction: vull bogivon to pm Agent at Kingutou to waybnll yonnoul bound freight M upe~ oinl nus. which we trust will ennblo you tooontrol I largo Amount of busi- unl ml "W Tln New lucllug Club. Thin Club is now fully ougnnim-I. It has I Inge number 0! members on tho roll. and they intend to lake Ill outing twicenweek. Their unilorm will ho velvet cut-away jackets. corduroy punts sud lop l-ontr. The Club will meet to- morrow night for the transaction of hu- Ioduou-g um nuns In... J. lnckleuon bu reoeivotl the (ol- lowing commnuiontion from John Por- toonn. (loneru l"reigh| Agont of the 0. II! D . ul L--- 5.. ...l.._... -... n._A cl... Last evening the friends 0! Frank !leid.,t.ho genial bartender of the British American Howl. presented him with An elegant. silver IIlCll.S(`Cul'01l from Smith In. 'l`|.n nu-nunnt 1: lt\l\n..n1l hi ulvgulu nuvc: wusuu,-ru.uu,u uvu. um...- Broa. The present no nccopuxl by Mr. Reid. who was aurpriud and At the suns Inna highly ilaltotod. Thin Iuuunor 3 silver map will be ol- Iored by the ciulona of Kingnton. given . lot eompctition by tho Lnotouu Globe of Coninl Ouhrio. So far we lino not hard 01 my Club being to-organized in the city. Whnlis the mutter? In the Maple Leaf Clnb defunct .` nnul I: III: sen-o. Miller. a well-known Toronto pod. ha been in the city 101- some days. trying to get up 3 nos with our local runners. but they discovered Ihn he had 3 I-ooord for great speed And declined to lmve anything todo with him. He Ielt for homo yewerday. |`WT"jjCljIljjI- luau-y-I. N winds, 05.518. Ou-pantry -.Bnoh ad Lindsay. B. Murphy. drunk. ned M u:d onus. Henry Burns. drunk. diuniuoj. Richard Luhlnn. and M uad coats lor driving his hone: iunnodoruoly around the city Man 9 o'clock pm. to 2 o'clock mm. Ion. ' Duot--Iours. Cnimlay md Sango. : Addruu-Rov. Mr. H r. ReciIn.ion-Jouoph 800 I. I. 0- Ivllll I1: " own --not-ru - us; imam: nuts on the Ir: In In w.a.5.. can monthhthoonuollnll. Prhaulk. lacuna. In 0- U. W. LIIIIIOII l0D0l.I. It. Must! adu- Untied Wanna .nuh on thousand II` Thursday 0 every -oula In tho oddhlbvd Ihllmvu ssuunuonw Mon. Prin- ocln Inn. . u 13;.` 7' ......"""........":..'.:-'.;. '.......... `-*'..":".:.: um:-u lumnnuot nngknnj ..I|lIg|&I `I'hIlIOAyI%d loco 0u_t.I7IIn'WduuIInvlIc|eIInoI.lh.V nn.I.s;!l.g;Iss-_II_-2-.!|..-!=_h` -IEII u. lung cl IAGIIIIW 00.?-`ll-I, .3 _u.~-_"- _ , J, vn-II-Iutnlu VIII-lljibll.` nu m.'. I Ton ma mu-u. Vunulculct I punk lII_ll ii in (-- N. Iinyzfaond. "Ionsyloss WEITY AND VICUETTY: ` f.E;EIQmti(V)HCE8./ -4 -1! I built in Idl ' V. nrlllli 3-`- Plllolrll ___,__._. - with whlollnnolujununly Inn ulltho cbbornooool-ynoul. chin ullupndlhotoqluuhdn-nun ouunhuuyd hctuonlunot T50 jhhllq & hr -- -.. _..Il-Anal nllnnlv and -III. 3. Ann hi: Uhunh nu ma oonnnnoo unnu- odit. olndnoponoul toolinaintho math:-. llolohiHo|hoPnubyhI-yho vindiuu the kw ud pnvout 3 npotr lion 0! tho oonoo. nu. uu.nln'n urn. Dav. Ir. Gslhghor nub n this to- y. which was uthlntinl liohnotl to - ...l ....nI-Inn-nu-1| R XV. ur. uuuuguu --w u----- .. tlyhrdhioh vui ntmaol I: pail abut I onld: "I, ldmmh .......a..| nun should nah unann- Pucouhconjcuup. Actin- huuohluo. Contains. 00.. not I'll IWV. Ml . uuuumuu. um .uu--cu--m " 'll|o no thing." Mr. Chuubora -"l could not. read our IIIIGIINOIII then. 1 un not Cum- J. the Inunl render. Allcbo de- te lhul towork a nun whet you did." He proceed to ehow that in December. 1888. he moved lor I recon- sideration ol the one. end am this VII not earned to. However it wuu-nng~ ed that the report be reconsidered. and he In wein mule Moderator of Gen VIIO. lhrrowemilh end Wilton. Ile tendered hi: reeinetion e eeeond time on theeelno ude u be bed [we viouly lb . but It In not eooepeo-I. `Under lhneelrenlntneee he bed to luring the meuerbelon the Pnebyeery. Irnchsuhere eeldhhwu I noun- ..|.._..u.-In 2 It wnnlnnlnnl the (nil. lluucnunnon Iuulmwu u I-nu uur Huh : it vcnupluuho gain. I his duty to 0od.hi| onllmllou vows. Church And his oonoionoo denud- .a :. nnndmn-non] looliuiutho ligand: `'1 qualms. -nuuuur.-nu on an would mh use chug: nub apinunou nap. lnuohugodvith dia|on|- Iytolbo Chunk udulnllhlnluuto II otdtulloovcvtlforthiriun I` n-lnnonnhnrllhodiii Il wile`: sister. (8) Why did not some other member bring this matter baton tho I`roaby~ Gary 2 The partiaa married were in full communion and they wore not discip- lined because Mr. Gallagher Iran the chic! ollondor. Ho ahonld be diaaiplim ed rst. Mr. Chambers and aller ho had tendered his resignation. giving reasons. the Pmsbytery had appointed Mr. Gallagher. thus approving of his conduct. The action 0! the Presbytery Ilraosioally meant that the charges 0! the speaker won "lrivoloua and run- lionn." and while be (Mr. C.) was robuk 3 Mr. Gallagher was patted tn the III, time. The action ol the Quebec Presbytery uxlsbo Gononl Assembly in the use of Rev. '1'. Ohubounell. I member ol the Methoditt Ghnmh. was also qnotod. Chnrbonnoll wu mhnod rooogtiou as I minister of the Pnab scrim church bo- came be in nu: to his docouod _.2 D_*- _ 2-54-n OIIIIG IID WII wife`: ulnar. .n\ Hm .I.. Ilnn or her own." I Special emphnsiu was placed on tho inst chose. A minister on taking his ordination vows announced hisnvowni ol the Conieoaion on!-`nith. end in teaching he promised aolemnlv to adhere there- to. This was binding upon him. Mr. Chambers noxt quoted the attitude 0! the Church ml the question, pointing out that when the mutter cudie before Pu-Iiumeut 1 Committee Ind been |p- painted by thejdenenl Assembly to watch the Bill. Their report In: that with leelinan nl thsnkfulness. they now the "tin-outoned evil" averted at that time. Th- notion at that Lhmhnc Prmhvmrv pmnenuou mu puoou ou moom. (2) Thu Rev. Gcllnahor. by per- forming the ceremony. transgreased and violated tho Standing Orders And law oi the Church. Tho rovomnd |zontle- mun turned n tho xxiv Uhnptor of the Confession 0! `mini and from tho fourth section read the following : .\hrringo ought not to be within the degrees of couuuquinity or nmnity tor biddon in the Word : nor can such in~ oostuons mnrriuzos ever be nude iuwlul by my luv of man or consent of parties. so so those persons may live together as mu: uad wife. The main mny not mury luv 0! his wife`: kindred nearer in blood than he mav of hll own. nor the woman of her husband`: kindred nouor in blood thou other own." Snnninl omnhnniu wan nlncod on tho . ntuoun cou nutbr . _......_...;.__..a.obnnl.: Qua