Aoiim era] u>wnoy-u. lucnou. Ngu W. 0. Gonpor. Shh! `l`|:ucu-J. Blvwn. Father )hI&bow-J. Smith. l :i|ot--R. Diokonoou. A Priuulstuuulunl up rowdy- . in hot Ibo banana. ` Uncle Tom`: _C:lai|Co. will phru r Oauxlsncncqiil. , ' lllbldiujnn olinhnuinghoul. loll \`J_u&do..olBulA|o. lnhbol ' ( Iuil'ol""` ` culht the 0. T. Ihilwuy. 4 n R I`.--ink 5.. ..u |.:. L.._un..| . HILICI UJUIl'-'l'llUI8DAY. Eu.-.onumncneuoluuucu,aeu~ `humans an in run: `nd9enenIlntud-ocuIp A, , an In Intuit. ur my clue: ornuuw I 4 . Ix lnilcws. . lulvruil nun: \-um` upvI\In'I. (hp; John Douolly will release the .5. nn...:. .1 n...a.. :-n.'_a .._. vvnuunrilg 1-. IV: o-u uuunu upcnn I yplcuun than in playing` I r-mnn,A!n I Blossom-J. I-`u-roll. rd:--W. B. sun... SKATITH CARNIVA L- Em: AND -Enu Sam ...._m... u I. snnn.;um_gs_Arrivina| mun"-u-I 1'":-nu-co ----`nut:--uncut Idhh toll: In the van! suc- nvuu. Alochuollhhlt nun-yhltllxtlllwuuuutihbl hnhhInryIci:h|$IhonnoInI unhinhlhdnu Itihhlnr uh- -IQLJK-Li_..Q1`I_tlII I-_ &ntI&9IlnJ:ib -_...A.J A. L._. .L_|.mI._J-.4 AL.- -- puhuunilhnnnyhuthn Uunulht Indalnurt Inldtho hhohdcuhtyndionlhukl) L.A..A_-A ...-.A. u.... -.A.__l. and chin! u-lnutnnunblool than wutidbwhplcundhlciunhnu uodilliiillulelolnlnlvhiln Pupuptndthooqol. --`Ir-II------`--I-'* ',""U'|'3r nnaauiuhunwa-us .:_- L.) _~____-.,1 1- 11-4,. rut:-CI C11 Vic -` ghqhntlluvuthouutnaoou-` `M 45' LLgl$-1L n--.-i-.53..-. ` muss KT -ZC?T\IuCITITTII uhunhonlornstioo. Wnlh wholeso- Iiollho ugnuivovortol thchuoh In houooIIId.h|bv0IIIndto nvnuoduolhupnulo-and thnhouuoh gluluivityuutho punt lino. One! in -0103- --Ll.I- Inga-.. -.- AL. -..A -..... uuuuuu-Iv-wtuunwwuw Jonyouo oouu-bd. onidlhu in .II AL..'. ....A._'.. an ._I.. I-n :._ AL- uxvulu uiuixq IIIIIII OI-II Gil-Iliourywotkollhochllnhoocunod gin. AL. _l..._.n.. Ilnl. nu. -.... qynvuuvv I-u-avII-I, Inna. IIU luj` ed ihgtuuixnnl nsulhdtlodold UIOSCGOIJCOIUIIT. Mlerolcpneol Iaoontnrieu on in nu-pl-ind and diap- poinu-I um uyptopnu Inn bun nntulll$o_&IIdItlItholqIu~ |I`d&tv&l:anuhnilynA7nolln Igloo! JCIIIJMS than no million .1 |...AL..__ lL____ l.l_L__.___A__, vvwu Jvu 1 vuvvuvtxllu IIUZII i Inulltlnuioatnliuuthoonlylnllintho -I1'uu-gun maul: `I IL; (`Ln-`L ..._-..4I uuvvuuuu vw-u\:- autumnal` uuuualntl II- uhuuonlohutbu lush Hopoinb-I hlllgmtuibloliutlhuch uIhopn-uI\imo.mmlothomonnp- punt by eoumrioouviuuhoenrliut bqinlintlol minuonuywott. Henl- Indodto thcnconlin.\cuotI.bolnt Iarnuivnminaourywork.oIhhh~ ml in -..n .:._.I _.-In..aoL..|._.a but he thought it well loroinomber that the Church ha] in the put been in I auncvhn dqnuhal oootllbn. Be It juiced. Inovuu. at no plaques opund up by tho action 01 the Pmvinciul Synod. uni fall satised that the Church is upnblooldoinu itnlntylothonriou diocuu bod-lea sending substantial u- -E-lg-` IA Lgglhgn I.-.I. ll- -.._A..| nuvvnquuuu v u\nI -uw vnwtvvun unuv - nbbnrv chuck. Id yur moduli $28.59). from the Society for tho Pmpo- a-nAi..- -0 IL- llngngl _-.I CV8} 1I\l-A-u OLA vcsqwvv. nun. -uu --vv-vu nu vuv u uvrv' (lion 0! the Goapel.nml 033.63) from the Colonial and Cuutineuhl Clmrh Socio- ly. Ho pnrpoowl_v |\`oide-I turkill nuke.- lnou: mlculnk-I to IDAIIIIIITLAKIT van-nu vnngvgvu ouvvuu--\- u-v --uv Societies In 088.851`-. He found lhnt tho older dioceses. which lonnod the Provincial by-nod not elected into n .-IIg__1 -1.---L Ig_A -4- _...Q-J The Bishop oi Toronto mlerro-l to the ' new movement us I zlomonstrution ol the u-gtessim spirit oi the Cnnulinu ` Chunk. on m net indiocting the ttin- Inont cl in Iuqjority. onoolortlx It will nuk among the independent ulult Clmrchon who are faithful l_o their unit 'sion and conspicuous for their service. The Church which is content only to rip- ooiro nod give nothing must be consi- dered in nu clomontuy position u to gut}: privilews Ind Nlpouillilitios. For I long time the Lhnuliun Church moaivod lnngoly. Like the child it drew nnstenuree Iron: the another which gave it birth. ltwunotwhollywounsl yet In lookiugovor tholnto roporttof the Sochty for the ol the Gas pel he was startled on noting tho Amount which is still contribolnnl by tint Sc- oioty in tho support ol the Caudin Church. The grunt in 1&8 to British North America was 093.111`. or omitting the liooeuool Nowlonudbnel. 077.000. The Calahl all Oultinonhl Soh oontnhuto-I lot you to tho Gnnsdin OhIIIehIll,Oll`>. Tlohhlol tho two o--:-;:-_ __,_ Anna.-n ll, 2-..-) .L_ nnvvauuv \- vjn-- Ant :1: unit than to back up Ind promote the work in which the Cummiuoa h`\l thin clay been ougsgcd. An.` he thought they hul moved in the right direction :3 the I unsung ol the Pmviucisl Synod they undertook this new venture. 0 work was test 0! their religion. 1 reli- gion ol the hurt. o! the haul and of the intellect. uni no man clesorvul the uune of Chnstiun who Ins nut u missionary It hurt. The main who loved iuohtion who thinks he is going to heaven alouo. will never got there. He hoped the nesting would be productive at gootl gnnp. The cuuhnm menu: to me me- ing as I unique one. this being the Elli time in the Diocese oi Outuio that It pteoenhuvu Ind assembled in Iorwud Tho Donn ol Onurio welcomed the nponbonolthoouxlao Ihooimusd give oxpnuionlo the hope thstCAn~ uhwould he noted for its uiuionuy gnlgnjg u......,.... Alla-r devotions] uxomisoa--an el-' cient chonr landing in the ningin nd the Bishop 0! Onllrio in pnyoI~-t-he addresses began. -. _.. .| wKII'j\ll?TjIPlIX-'\lI:I- gonnzr. L. H. Duidson. oltho Dio- cuo of ilonl-nnl :t.hq Demo! duurio and -Run! lieu: Kirkpatrick. `A war bet 0! clergvmen tom sensed among the audience. ' rm-3 mtxrlsn wuu:;,frH L'11spIu' 5;v_E;~7me.1sx.uu~i`1(. " iiaufc-n]o ohb dun not lulu: hand clinch 13100113 lxdouvonhdjmst Onalgohlhlntuudq. Thoni big you `inland: the induct uuutlupahaoonunhu Inuoh ihlntutod in the pl'q9notlin;.-a- Tho Bishop 0! Ontario was moved iulo lhoplnir. no-I Inrmumling him on the plulonn was the Bishop ol Toronto : Ru. It. Cunpbell. of Tomato. Soon- hry at the Bonn! : Ir, I-2.8. Rood. Lon- don. gocnury-Treuslinrol die Diocmu cl Huron; Mr. A. l..l.`Cunphdl. 0! Tot- "W 5 IURWI tumupamuqsautun In lhoIbInh-A;unnnIvonocndt sgu l.`n-on.-Inn: hunt: I SDI -CV20! - 1|!) utuuu rvu- Sock-M6: ll IIC PnoI-.| Vprlr E-Q!-I ,. _ L.LxL1_sah2a-l`z:I..!|J.- !$.n__" , 5" - Pdu-Annual bylho I*&"I no (`In-u. m_1u.m.\"r TE V` `TV T` W ``I II - C 1 II n`uqd._ ' no-olhiq vhhwonluituqlhut:-Chuohund .-A.-4| an. ..;A.|_... :- -..._ .|:_..u._ zlliuli `unin.' * It. A. ll. tnptoll. ol Tani). I hllnclyu-lvlib-hitulnnntluncn. 1-L-L-3-`-:..AL.:_A....A.lnL. c--u-uv9vu--uuvQu-wc-uifu-u-U `jlqaclofth nluiuonb wqk. and gnu dnjnhhna ol his ohvu)\un'upnnuuIau'ohryo liobioouodlluon. ltwunonlor i-tbxnuhwuuhoydiduocloounu |IthtI.Il|oIdQI|nu- MI`OI3$`lulOAQ&I Ind-urahthlkhobhhil dtllulluouhcrciniusiou II- _...___._x._.... A- ___.L__ 1, _. .n -- 3- ;:npunhcuoobnoIhotho0.\hI uvcrybiaunnllnvonuc-lo upono mDLkLK.&u-Id -|:.-A Ln. mung an puoplrol up Ruth was scald Incono nliiou. moral. and LI- nhiuliug. ll paid in 1 spiritual noun. Lni-3-n 1hu- --_- |.I....:_.- ig n. l onIul>`I~uool-Iuuoulourbou _m -n__.. -'-`-'76` -' I""" -- - -r-----u ---vs than than any Utah`! in uni: Ihmnillhqtbn lor tbllfothll u lnanjn Vt Ijfl jjj If T` ,3` I3. I: wutiuothuthiatoouphce. And be hopod tho oinlndnncc would tell Inmalyjn 0IeChtlcI`I hvor in tho Insure. In ooncllnioa he diIcu$d .L- _...:.__ -L___-.__ IIv\II- DIV wvnllunnwivtu uys-u ouv vucun 1-- tionol the l!inhopolTomnIo. um the G ` Ilhlldihdulhiltditl III- ._ In __- a:_.,.L_. .L:, ._.__n_ .. jvvttitill VUIIQWVIU uuu UV in; ministered an that mm have been. no communal upon the observa- thu. .0 I55` Il:.|.4u..J1`....._c- nun uh. .....` .. ...., .....u, .. . ...,........... .. .. Gospel. to carry on {to work innuuod by the society` in um continent. Ho and `the oven! I-aim requiring the Church`: attention. inking pur- uculu nenuou cl Rupert`: Land. This In the upocid heritage ol the Church of Blghnd. but it In! Incl putnlly nqlechd. members were being lost to Dkggg L-._-... LL.I_ :._A_ __... ..,.| LA I-wu.wuvu. Iuvuaucuu -tutu incur uvuu uv 05 Noun U-ctr wnntunn not bo- *_:-|-_..IA. -_ .L-_ _\,.._IA |_,_, .... ............. ,......... ... .. ....... city for an onlnmod nmnionuy spirit II the new Cuwlinn Church. He spoke particularly of domestic mutton. llIll~ uionn outdo of their own Diooooo but lying in Cwntdn. In those. he aid. the)` were bound. by virtual their gnu- lmlo to the Soclhtyol Pmpgltion ol tho n......I 9.. ..-.... .. u... ..-...|. ;_.o;-..J .. ...,...-... ...... .......,............ .......,,.. work. such being too expensive. but it III proposed toeeml coetributzoua utheaociotim in the mocha` country for uvplieesion as they thought best. In hie pereruion he pictured the pm~ arm: which hnd been mule in civilian- tiol: and contended unt cqnnl progress woeldbe nhde in our North West. It cu exceedingly doeinhle {but the spiced of the gospel should be equal to the settlement 0! the country. He and the mice 0! God commended then to go for:-enl end plut III every put 0! the vent iebilence the two Ihoee love: an be the heeliqel the utneu. . _....--.. . . --`- ..-..._.- . --nu- uv.-nu \`l I \III'1u -I-Vwivumg nun. --u Innwnnn h;-rs were as unmemus Ii the little hand that snrroun.lel out Loni on `out Ohvet. they It-to morn wealth) . they |\I'k%o&QI| greater ndvnntqesnnd His words were L! nppliuhlo to one :3 to the other. He knew then) Item [unju- dicoa Against lolnigu missions. that while some would give lihenllv townnls tho relic! of the destitute in their own country they u-re opposed to sending money to tho misenl-lo Zulu: in Mncn. For the tenant as than he -inotod vhnt Lad Duntin su-.1 ot_thcsu Indians in the .\`orth West who hm! been brought un.ler Christina iuucnct. He also qnotal (mm tho work of Miss (`um- nainu in iqpm tn the change which Christianity hd Ilnnght in the Pain Islands. and then wondend how tome pooplooonld sneer nt foreign missions an that did. ll,e stntoil that the Bonn! ol Missions did not uurposn undertaking a nqnntn and independent fonhtn --`-5 ;~u\4~`\ LA;-ta 0... --._....-. Iunh . Rev. Mr.1.`.|mpboll. the General 59` may. am he am not as-amino im- pression to go nbniml tlun the Church 01 England was only beginning todo mimiomry vmrk. but nniler the old syt hm. without autistic: mrelnlly pm. puul nuil lllJllllI0l. it Ins imposoiblo to tell just vim had been accomplish- ed. Club the nu svstem. Ind 5% their noeliiul. Shay would be pble to sketch lneir progress in all the non Iolih-Dioounn. Domestic and ` Fnneigzn. [lo detailed the stop! listen- Io form the Both] of Missions and mid ithldnollolluivo-tho n.-tnrnsornm aponsu to tho llrsl. npponl Ilinl land been mule to the people on behnll ol foreign minions. 'l`wo~uiirds ol the returns were in. nnil tho msulu Iron onoonnging. some N111) were report- olunlthis unonnt did not reptuont Ibo nnponso or the whole (`undinn Church some thought that 1 young Church with niiglity nnxl enormous ro- sponaibilities. should not embark In the nlilol I-`owign Missions. but its nienr L,___ _-.._ . ._....,. _. cl... Hui- u..1 `a}}If.';.. .. -jin n-maul 1:} IL: -l-n-`An.-`h v--~.\ -- junv UV-vtI-n --- `cu- "mooIonuhnIinPIgI`omII1-.huah~` ,1; Ihaluhlsuyouovndol-I',ulhci~; `|aI`uqnno.lup!urthqaIIndinu|Iol' uni-qinngpv unply ......o....I.- -n.-Linn .2221? 17.2 f.".'.?'.,I.'.'.I.`'..'ET.:'.'.`; plipnl In no than u hath into- A uauhlitiaa for the promotion o! nu Kingdom, an.` :1 they I`)|ll|[)eInI Ibll would he the tecult 3 lhs cause would ' not suer. u purpous would not he (untrue-1. but they would be III danger of losmg their crown sad mwnni. I work. puhculu nation gboinaznnnioolther-ulvuvmlusm nui- ; unison. electric |Cleo.`l;ph. am. sad Ihol In went on to listen the mourn; which people shonlxl hue in this my and cons ration tor the usual at the gospel. It vu_ scuvely 1-usitulu that they oankl (allow cuntnma _ linng I ntinout the coal out in amend hops. no ohtnod. in ~...I_:..u..;. PL-and -niJ.l vangu- ia$Tl'"iB?r' ` uulzlyingnnlu , an an n-nun-nu nufon. no ouulwu. nizl tucve In Hinnlttho gndwottol In! con- L- u.- ..-.. _.__ in n._I ..- A -VllI.AIaIII vubnnvaunuaa. Ir. Ihvldnon points! out the nebu- .h.- I... g. gal.-....I nu-innnno -nit-it nu AIUIIII I.AIIAl`I OFIIIOII. v--1: nioovuydinann.` Perth-l"nI~es`nnd loooglbcu in choice O-Iunon Ill. OLOVII. In black nndcohn -2 -A_A_ \ "'.1'i:'-"E:':7..'-.`.'.'."-:':::"=-'='-`-' T T w LT cno1'61':TIl6w'1T Titans. "`..'-"..':..':``.'T-:"'..:'.':.'$ I I ......'z ngg 4.-DAUAOI u-AIIU-uh; 33'! 1\0ni|o().hhlIo!I. Iolannro Ininllnnlaunuuiudlulontho PIivy0oucd:duhhnhubaIn na-ml '"(');t. Abbie will :95: via! lupus` I nah: day; shoiuuuhtondlnn lot 0 month. an n 1-n\:-n -m__._._. n_- laL.`_I__ -no----u---'-v-.2 u-w---- II.J. 0'Ndl. Tdulo: J8. shirloy. Phtllnybi. N.\'.; no ll I50 Brii Ann-`gm "III-V-VI-I-I---I u wanna: nu --y---~ ill; daily. H. V. landlls. Iupnotor 0! tin Bank of lethal. h at the Btno. I ____-_ I_|:__ .1 In_.;__ L-- ._L__ Jun: Lnwlcu syn that In in 0 bola that on out (rot in cabana`: in Int. vn -nu-uuu-g no ac u-v a-wu-cu Loni: Juliana! Kiu@>I.Inukon onlnlutuflooniluhunnin. vvuua. Captain HllIOI-"0h. don] my any thing about those soldiers in Kingston." 0 dissntined ooldicn. however. pruned In nqmu. Iowhioh the 0:}:- mn Inslly hoot-ohtl. The nooiph ml the Bollovillo Inoolr last week that paying dlupouu was II..- low lhoplovol-nvsnhnntqihclr `lho-I\do0cn@uoi 0%. WV-XI V Incl it an About u doun soldier: of the Suln` lion Anny. ol Bollovillo. have auroral their connection. Besides Attributing I lack of mnugcnontuul Ability to the Ionian shoy umngly objoctod to tho srbitnn rules ulaood. and loft tho Amy chiey on nooount at two things. They could not attend uy chnmh nor vice. and they dad not npprovo ol the famine! the Armyhoilaltllo bolt jot loom in I (oroign country. in when thoy hue nocondonoo. Then Iran a good doc! 01 bacbhiting and may pony jotlonsion oxisling in the loonl organiza- on Iondty night Ink up tho am... no. A. H. Crosby In sholl to tell the soldiers at his intention to Iona. no gain his venom and nun-Ind an no twain Santana had in Kiunon. he thought ho nhonlxl openly Ink thoctphin Inn Uollrikohilollho L_..I.- Dellcvlllo snlvnllonhlu on lbd A|lIn I-A Inn is. In-an nal. 3; 3-compo! _QsLu..".` qggm In aunt-no ' ~ . Bu that tho Blnbop would nu all prohhilily bring: I Ihnoottoarckqu: (mu Elalnpsl with; I him shortly. that In: lahhhip had It - cure-lnulioiom unnnopuhuo I noun yacht` he to lunch Inuod. `ad, Illlllnhulhnoulnlenhloueoenlnl an` - raising nu opiocop-orl endow-g. than I nliuing the other xliucau qlftlm ob- I ligation so Ihiuupoot. 1 ,1 -____--.- Yentenlny nltenoon the ennui unet- ing at the nhuveholdeno! thnlfrontenno Leon and Investment Society occurred in tho Society`: oboe. Thole In I hit Ieprenontntion ol shuuholden present. The Director: patented their report which aid. thnt. notwithstanding that the rate of intetut on ret-alum Iouu in. Ontuio had been low. their hnetneoe wen satisfactory. The report continued : The tnnnctionn in tlnnitohe have been conned to low: upon pnpertaea which were cuelhuy unlined end In connection `with which Inge margin: oi - eecnrity were provided. The rates ol inteteat ohteined ere much highet then those in ontuio." Though mention hul `net in in Mnnitohl the Director! hnd nnticipeted it. they had kept it in View in taking necnrity. nml tbov heal every condence in the utety of the invent- mento. the intonst on Icon: htving been peid with (Air promptneu. [loll yearly dividends ol 3 end at per cent. were do clnad by the Society. The an o! 0!.- K)-t.'M we: added to the contingent fund which now totals 010.160.. Then in a reserve fund of 080110. The local gnntad during the you unonnted to Ol08.836.l1; tho unoont new invested __ _.__A.._,.- --..__A.. C- l\)OI ell` 1] n VlUu.0uv.II . ouv uluvuuv uvw -uvuuuxvu on mortgage security in 0381.30.74: the dopouits received during the you t37I3.3388; the Amount nptid 8257.- omw. Iming on dopoail O2l5.889.50. Dr. Honda!-non. Sir R J. Cutvrighund Mr. Martin Stnchnu wen unnnnnced to be the retiring Directors. The report was ndopaul. The election of Directors resulted as the roturnol the tollowing: Dt. Heu- deraon. Sir R. J. (bnwright And It. Mania Stncbau. . ..:_ _ -1 Al._ I:_.. .III III: oulvunu. AI 1 cnboequent meeting oi the dime lots the following won redacted : Dr. N ueudmon. President: Sir R. J. Cu-I~ wright. \ nce~l`regidonI ; Thomas Btiggs. J \l__-...... -uo-ruI vuu-.u us--a v--u -v -cvuuvvs Bowen um upoecha more ingud vhonthoclou ol tho -uh; came :1! cute mauled ninth at A hum!-` tonic collection Iufuhcn np. An .\nnunI lot-ag Ileld Yulollty -- A nnnm mum. I tgiuuui Ii HID 6- + ha-I [aloduo-I in pupizu` to run 081.!!!) ,L|n'n4nu- munlnh . which each eld cu Io naive. n,-A, , r Wuvhu Creighton`: bull! In input- a. 3-H. IDISSATISFI KI) SULDIIR5. WI ICED ALI. IIIII. Jooophhoi llontlon Inlcbooto I-IIIIOI Ilqplovco-- lhtt -_4 A-\_|__. .lEBI!RE| ,__j-* _. l l-lIl .`_40NA In II.'l;I0!. uhrlnnnm suclxnz Im':aL .mwm . ll. "9. - - I #7 Hi ,.. -A ._._g-. i'J`uuo"" ""-'iiu"o'-'Jio'-i'Ii'u""uun" at $9901: Shunmnlvnhinuln. ZLIZK & Ijji PARTICULAR ATTENTIO IlIX|IIb|uh'(|ung&jhuCd J_;..;___ _...__ Q... O__lA4._I LINES UILl.DOUl.l. BYCALUIIOITONCEIS THEY IF. X.COUSINEAU. SAEEEIEAQE as O._L]'_LKLE rs. - . nnunnn-sen nu.-an n-r has Pieces While Tabla sneak Muslin. THE LARGE? STOCK o1=>Ja:1fi?5 c>U'r_ - DAY .j`?- SPENOE & CRU.EY`8. we wwjcrwcwv ---- c -w-w V---- v-v.-.--.- v nA:lnunom`H-.- LL` ijji`? ihjc Z OCYVQOC Vhjtt An henhy Iotibrl that this (`mm will adopt EXCEFTIONALLY LOW RATES AND FIRES to Hilllianotk oh.MonIuIIc. Illihll. \boNo.h-\\'od and Blitish Columbia. commencing Mu-cl; Snl. SPECIAL SI-ITTLKRS` `l`R.\IN.\` frondihnnuectiou of tlncouutry. K3 Notion olnkc ndluuuill bomu ed nhonly. Much bun. I-`0l.0l-ZR a HARLEY. (ion. Agent; Kinguon R W ALDRON. Inch I. 500 Pieces New Prints, handsome patterns. 50 New French Sateens. new designs. 300 New White Cottons, best quality. 30 New White Sheetings. 22 1-4. 2 1-2 yds wide. All at Montreal Wholesale Prices. '\ III A I l\I\l\\v IIVII na\\V\I IIIYII l\l\VA I W W" IN'G BETTLERS tron: CANADA .L:_ .-__.-.-.__ _.:|I _ I_.,. l~\-nl\lvl~l1\\vnI I \' I ;\\r [NE\VPR.INTS, NEW C()TT()NS GRAND TRUNK 1u11,\\2\\'. j if andagnjceut` Hhrttunlacidliloml C .l!II'I2II`ION INVITED. I. IeFlII.'S. Much 190:. |Ew mo "HAi~i6<)WE 15R . ms. HAVE JFST RECEIVED 3!) SETS OI" HLNDSOWK .\'0TTl0kI.\X LACE Curtains. IIQI diugnn. from 600 (Q N [C at; new Luca Luubrequum Pu: chap And hsudrunolaumnhhnpw _ g .. , V New Cretonnes. Nev; Felt. New Plain and Checked Dress Goods, New Brocade Silk: and Sauna. New J acketingn, &c.. J uat. Received at [CARF3ETs, CARPETS. CARPETS. lluo llccdvcd per 8.8. Olly cl New You-k"- IO Inlet otCutpeu- luv and lluhdu-e In-signs. our lowest Quotation for `lip:-try Carpets In I! rent: per yard. fnntss narrows, ammrmrs. FRIIIGES Ma sums. moi c UR`1`AfNS! WALSH&STEACY Hrsl-class Kmluvssl &STEACY S 7 __JES RICHMOND a+ mrs. Much lxh. GREAT EXPECTATIONS. l\I\I IVCVV \JlI-II`l &IIIIIIlLlJI;CjfLJ 5 33.1.. Plymouth Rock Cotton. 100 Place: New German Embroidery. 100 Boys` Jersey Suits, all sizes. 50 Girls` Jersey Dresses and Jackets. 48 Ladies` Cashmere J eneys 20 Pieces French Glnghnms. 15 Pieces New Sateen: at 15. 18 and 20. 100 Place: New Gimp Trlmmlngn-all colon. R b-I.. `DI.-.........eI.. I)....|. (1-55-.. `r. x. cousinu & co. hlh. -no my Kohl. D RII8:`TRlII|IO.':.DIPAITIIIT.-' OEEALPSIIJE, in). HPWKITR lfllh` II YIVIEH-00! In-Ioluclnlj II IIn.I.cnu. FROM I-`IVE CENTS PER YARD. ARBOFTIFIIOTEIBWBSK BOWES & BIBONEITE xu< \I_\I -I~r\ ..\.\ un1~_\ .\I- nn.\vno;\\I-- \'.\1~1`I\'n I`! my! nus ust suurs nuts. R Mo%F4trL_- Ill and IN PRINCESS S'1'IlEl'2T OPNXITI WINDSOR` HOTEL U A I unva- '"'\*"IIso.\"x m'1Lmxus nu nu... some. uIonnutou.ui.un nun:-not ubundthlus` ' & Hull: 1:: mm rlucxx ` I10 Puuoou tweet. lohl , n..'uC..I {-I...` 1...." ' ' JI.}I`I` RECEIVE. AI` as once... 3 .5 up; '3 IE. WT Uvtj Iii hphsa ldilhhuulvn ll yunu nun cola l'hulhuudvod!i ...:h11_.-n.n..._.I "'"' -- *'----v --r--:--- -- - Td. Ionyoqnununliiq &uIwbInqyhn.ud.)uu|o blunt! 0130! In t In Eh h then '0 Ilbvuunhll. llnvuvuslnuhlcns. Th **I$XIf.Ild hlh&uhdphvuohIuiby o&unoh|n|ol.Prvi| ntlmhnuu vululnvqyqdhumonundly.` Dr. Shaun nqty Iuntuhih and lunodlhoillllluvul. jiijw E-W nth." laugh 0} Iunluhhllldun hbl -h-L-mg`.-.J-Al.L.AA_1AA...L... hunk-uni-an-A. Johhnhwupulohlnu Ib0.`l'.lhdhnIo@hhtIot i II.-_-uL..._.. -_.......... ... F... ..,...._... ndthnupnnnnqninnlhsthoiuen undue bonny plnaulhouno linqutl-an plhuugroudulo` mutton Tho city ulitotol lhhppccnnthulnaniokdundlh hhulcllhoppt nllyhucund. lutcouuI.coId;(1oIp\ Anna. Irouollb. Contacts. at. llyuhowthnhnhdslonliun dvullwalt ii to II: city oditor. Duiwdllill lhpnptinoublinlod -`Ash.-----.1:-S.-ILQA cl.-in-n '1:-any uuvuu-I Cl! vuuu nvuvuuuuu vuuv lmudhhpn in unannounc- tiouiu oonucclionvith lhogglohnlion 0l|lIIl'. Ii. Ocuu.-llinl. Ac~ conpsnyiugtho llvihtiolb neinnlu ohliqthnl upplienionhu hooguulo tolhodovcnnclhnuusunoomtho col-pinthodnpool trlnaporlnml rs- than nu-In niilnu. u. `.1. Juan): nun vou- oloidly iuihd to visit Toronto on Juno um; ._.I n.I.....n :. -3.. A._._.c_. -nu nut innjjixa IIIDIIU I!!!` lldinlcollqoonnohdothuvock. counted-Iuaunuou Tho hnon-innion in connection ulohowcndn Iotliodoollqotooh like-todqymniglnuoul. It in -u-nhnhlg lhnl IL. I-4|- -h..I..Q_ -iIl '?"'VW|$'CwlUCIlZf- II IC pnhtblo thot tho hdy student: will lnvosooIvun3ioubdonthoyupu- on The an-ilntiou i|,l.ho R0 |n..|:_.| ;\,n_._ ,,__L_ 1. .L._ _, _L vu-vw---vvulnuuu Invlouuu-tn Intuit the bunch. Mr. 853:1. Mafia: 8 Iillu` driver. cnwld OVGI the hack loud. nialui for the line: nut atop- podunlnpttlouuuui. .\rI-ourouou. `nu. manila Jon limoeth bono Ilaubou nun tho run once. It unodnoouploollsloehndnndoht IL; Inguunghu M- D.._.-. Il-\l.. L Ono our the noun: Onnpnu. ` The (fay uonnmont ol Providnuoo. ILL. his nulnlod In the Ana-San liltwio lllluinlhg Company in Bar Son the toxin city ooulnn.-5 fut electric |..u;.. ...n ..n ;......::...n- .n:.....a GZIIIC TC!` VII WNICCVI IIKUTHT Inkling. and will inndhhly dinud Oh wanna lizhh and substitute tho mnncagmutnr `W W. The huohvilk Tum approves ol the punihnolt ol jnnnilo ooadon by Ihippug. but in citing the Kingston umqnnuons the [rover ol the Police Mugintnh to indict such punishment. ltuu boslone. menu. Inth the punk` nnnnnnl sun:-uuul-u |-, II. T IZIWII tolboeilyduringtho Iookunluold as homlo. Ovinlo hdlondsnnd nwcukeuiugol the no mu. now buy ennbaoq-ooodhum thoiolud. The back hkaolho County oi Fron- hnno thnuu eonniulend niubk Iolho growth 0! ulmou-lloit uni whilnsh will In snppliul VIUI fry from the Now- anlc and Sandwich hnlchuicc thin hiovouiq Inoycuanol. and XungnJ AL--mg A:-Jan.) AI ILA uquuu ulu uuuu um pnlvluu Iur Ulll wuighilg ol and publicly hi by-law willhopuuhalu thouonnouingol thnlrmnoil nu-vwlruuuu I the Council. IITT Tm Nonhonuouonhvulvindnmloo-ly I0tlhotIilhoooInIonl' nhovdnolnin or shot. Inllowul by putlyclouing vnuhuulol nnclnohnngzoinbmpum in wuuvu III I-`til, IIVWII It `IS IIIZI UIII we Ii. A P. RB. 01; an running: speck] Inins. The Nth P. W. 0. Riu has but IZIIII Illa IIUIH-u llll I-lI ll, whichtoqury lnighuouxolronnhu `I tD.aL' L II IID 1`.-` g-_ ..u.-:_.. ....a... OFFORD Sl In Ih TUCK- _?.*..".-:.*.:.*~.-.s:.*;..:.,* ':-- ...., h IhI$ Inl. Flinn. IL -:jG3~ . 1'56 ' jjitil _hItMu : :ln2~&-~it1=Io.tsu!&v- no can nyu-. Aktllolbiuon nyl anus Ir. Con-\ ..'.....-. Inn .|.... ..... .......u. c... n.-\ ` ITCww"`-L Soul-ulin um donnml hr onnby plugs}. in gun . 'I-iahl A. an. l-._n n.-o ox:o:nai:Brr~onD. Quinn`: .2; jjj :3 IDOL! IOIDAY. nu . Vuudnhc chi puns nnqs """" mnnu Ecixiif." II Bill \ _spacm. [Nor1c_as\ us. --II- it 111 yjnutinoudduuulyuhn. Iuudihvhmucudllnlwb Id,II.IIIIIhn. Ihoiunutiuuunmhullnm is bnnuulunns. ugunulibunvununho ` C ZIm:j cuhoovumdllmlitllud. A Iuoolvlhtuuvuonun. use __|.|.__- _L-__.I AL_A nn_n-_ L.) _.A unlndhunhunltb 2lIuho woullpvohlu IZ TI IVI? W1 XIX nunlugthutuion hhflbthl d but you; not he too! lgwuu. uII!` 0.Wcd|-dt|hnuukbiy1c- hy Ihhuhil Iii. lolnli I top ho nut. 110 Va dbbsl wit 5 .--A2.- `V ------.__. A Von I-I-yuan.-no no Inna I'IuI-Aha-Iyvuunu-0. -, uni u uluu I:l-|ullIl- II was not expected um tho euninl could take place. honoo the Inn! on- pquncnl I-u cnoollod. The event having been ulvcrtisod. however. it was thonahtwotogoonwimyaignnltho hllowng chnnohn was hpnunlod : npuou nu-nu : vuavdv II\DI\l |lIW'I\lIICI s II. 31` mines ol those present. however. wszo vsry Isa. Prol. liooloy undo s good hit. own dnnsd an I clown. sad, pushed along the ice s big isodou. Onono uideo! the lnmowork were the lms. "'l`om`s Son and Bslpock." and osthsoshsr two sides were "Bun-in Hun sud Whining." Whils pushing thseuuhroublockslouahshsldnptog the public` mas o cud lshsllsd Grit blesses. Ir. Ksoloy culls-I hilnss tbs "Whits Elsphut. ' to -g. nos` g--._-and o|..n 0.. .....:_.| 8) request the mutant: of the shunt rink hold Another carunl lat waning. but on account of the unpro- pihou weather it In: not an mcooulnl n then held curiously. Tho cos- I lnvnnn IJ lhnnn Inngann-I lu.---.- -.._ vu-uuvu-any vuxuununuvnll XSIIJI IIH` onto. and declare it than is any one exhibit half to ellanuiu. rullvul g-uvn. vw. . A; tupoouou oHhv,wu-`- book 0! buoy ouch in invhnd.' Campus the variety sud unnbot at specimens with than oflny oohblinhmeut out 0! Tor Ant.` nu.` Jgglgng ll AL__._ .`. ___ ,_, A lhd Rhll Illou Agnlnu In Danna ..|-.._n...n u-......a.... EVKI IIPORTED TO THIS CITY. A3l\`U0 01".? AT uunvuug I-abut nIIU~ In in aid um liannody. undo: the Inca ilnplicuod in tho abootingol Leach. Ihosolor. AI Sandwich recently. was lotion; ngo pudouodoulul` tholiinp Ital Puuunlhry. . but evening the young people at the Inthodin I-Zpi-eopnl Church utolnblcd nun ot their pusor. Rn. J. P. Wilson. and for two hour: spent n Inn-onla-nnnt Inn in ai-.a;n.. _I.-:-.. an Act. `*'"1'u~'7.'. x......- um. 0Ar|--Ednh Folqu-L 8nndnu-- ` Oahu. 9 8hl'-I F. lanitin. nan:-.u--`nu. A. iaaary. -Huh 0u-I-sun u-nncu Iunuu. lvilqin I vnukodoon-htionnul Iovu.l.skolStio. I. :- ..;.a .5.-. l.'___-|__ ,__T,. nu-n-w. mun. Knitting Iill-W. Donna. can 0! tin I~uioa-w. Kirkpatrick. roothd|u~-l-`. Norman. I-`uh 0oupintol~-A. Shannon Bqhy o-n|hdlu~- .. .I.oga. Kuhn Idvuhnt-W. linu. vlzunu now u. I I$IlII . 0. 8. Folwink in old hihatnlnl nnuonooonxhgshuc Went to Put. IuIhllbt,0'I.6I`D. Upvuholllldongu 1.)oIgnvo`nuh and porter. in prime condition. at the , Agency. Block 8:. (Hui: 3 u-`ul. Gniu I! hung shipped to New Yeti by Biohliiou A Sons. Thy oil loud ~n aria eight iaiuhu hyuuun powqr. Ilcloonndhutnuvillho hptintho ` ` uhsionhoouiutilto-nonov Inning. `l`IuIlniotnuIvouldqorpsuohdllu- theirtppduuoe. Thocllllboninlillinnnvillolbouhl boloohlunubylhopolioo. Sinoothg nnonlol Ooor [lime lhoyhandv nlopodinuoyouagmwxliea. l\-J In)`- IL;---I|- -:II ._I.... .|_- I'I*-W . II. aullnt. 0ovhoy-0oo. lloldcr. mun nqumo Wnenita - J. 1-2. Benton}. IICIIWVI. Con-sior-lL Mines. lldin--C. Kirknuriclx. PcInII-AFI-moi: luau. `Innings. I`.-ml-_Ep.i. Run. away A. unnut `Jo no n::noi- L. Hondonol. Jo no at IIoi-J. 8. Icons. Foothllor. ` -1`. Ohvor. Qphiu of thotloonvillo (huh-A. Dun. us.` I an: -.1 Cowboy-C. litcholl. Nigr DII|lO-J. 0. Ga nus 3'1-Tn sale: