cucv-v uzuvjrvuu v-----v-- kuntnurm. no A gang- nnnlI_Aj|AI. iAl'IIZIiI.l.I f$Il`[IIlllIIlIlIJI1l--g; --vu- Tboinhnomplot bu bonconnhohdinvdn." Sohmindud. ulnlulilu undhioolhnuuunnnd % Tl. III vvlluutuuu. -u--r nonl hlmo. Thoilhmotu bu Iaooavuialyoooooou-i.I>nuhoHiluInn nolnlsolchtimkousing. llevuougu onooqhtoonqngoinnonspioiouauen-vice. inlhoounoiholhurlyinthsuaioa. udpvhonsholeahhhnwucvutodto bound in he ntindbhin ooo uitllhenllnlehodthooouqincyvhich has lodiolho undo! hi-hob and whiehproni-utobringhindovnhcn mL.Ll-haul.-Agluhn-nnnhnnnunnj ywwjjfjll ludnn." lioltihoiudhulbl. A_nl Il upulnuvl humil- lnhlnn Eng 1:. IL; -A AJIIX IIl.lIOII%ZIlyI-IIl vp|IIIn-r tvolhlkingdinotlyo thonnngggol &lil. ' uayu.inuuo.u.lI,u.unhi-av~ thoohhlornnoubo'l'orvlIII'!i'" .__:_ _n..:.L. .15.. :-A._...... -ans Inna W wu-t uupoliticnlpu. Jun: Hanan and Vila. lluniltou. Ilflh [Ann Elder. Hnniltnn. an ntthowindnu. The Bishop olonhrio will uhonly I-nvufunglnndinonlotlouhndtho u|ndmonlind|hoS.P.0. ~ Oordonutnotpeoplothrunluto-I39 |hociIythnhnuaIdonoto\hoirpro~ poltybythoovorllowingolndnin. Insulin. B|uIInn.GohoIng;ll. J.uI|Jqpu; Ind R. W. Bu-hr. Loudonmnu the Btitiuhhlnotiou. 1:. -I_-A u- 1): .1 II II - - ` ' 3"? Zljtlbbr. Dowlill `W`i&! ` . `kludjill n In the ciao chain! In no .... im.:...... n.;|:.... .....a.`...`n.|- I Tl. V III)-U-- _ have brought thuctisnuboul u ' And he notwbcu oouulld buds donhpnuun nnununul by on to no Ir. Busing. and bonhaqinully had an opportuni- .. .1 ..n.a... .|;....a.|.-- a. nun -`nan at UI UII. II-o -.I~ vuvv--\-g 1... Joaquin (hniI.wi|lchor\lyhouppoiut- od|ouJnc|hipinlho3IpriorOoI|rt. Thoiologiulshluottuixuund swan. Dr. 8ol1(iellknowninKin~ IIoI)intinalu|huthodinootdtho un'V0viIufouil.ntlDr.SnhyIqyI howillhvououonebn-author 1.-__A, AL-_ _ lI__-__I -._IA A_|.- 0-... IZIIII jvvuuluwuuzuuucuuu dinhtlnnnouunlwonldhhtz: `splints. Ion fU*'OIXUIlIm `lhodllobmjnni 0%. .;:!n.:ndoa.wbovuouoollhlIIl I-Ila anal BETTER Tlli QIAITID. 8II l'IlAIlAl'S IUIDII. riiwx u. OAOL IUIKI. l'uthd%d . J_..II..'J " _``*TAucu' " oITiITi " noorsgna snom nhonowpolu `Kan: nun IIIIII ELI-gran. h D-'A.`-I. -_1tuo- unltamchinmuhhtih Oohubis 13:! in aounqnuoo d tho upuuulhhumnyvhihhonhvo hanluudbluvothooontq. Tho ` cl lane In nuivod kn. uu..numhnuu .--in-55.51..-nu.-.ns......:. jElLY;:_ "' $$1. CITY. `E93 IBPIHIIIY SILIITI. uoolumpanupuncrnosa Inucpotol hoiliqwanrvuhrdnyn-IJid. `l'hoAn\hnn'h Oonlco. bureau- I-dlho luhlhporlu. Thiin Io h|owhuyIu`nglIoaho- _ . . qunoy. 111.. in :,:nd`&h`- 1:: nomi- nsiou lutho Pndducv. \l_ I-L_ u_:.L -1 l__L___ n .... ,, --w -mu---- -u---on-v, -up--fa until Ines. Bork-tgoulor lodnynhde-U L-IA . -unpvw-unounuuu WIIl`V CllI- lionnnhcnnhiuhoydontpylhoirl Q... nape. an. I... In A... a- A- Iildllbf null).-n ha-cur I wnnotvcry uuongnlnnlouthonno Iulkhu. Ioousldlinltonwiugo Iognollor I19: 14.-IL. gga-D. if IL`. 4.... A -.- ALAI- :15: lamina loan: I-cu-nun 'l-p.ng_\lnI-nOL.- fin 1-`Ian `I'IIIIIlHC AIhIl`IIoFcIn'nann.innohnln ain-gqnughuuua-nu. The Ilflhhn ' uguilty andinpondulu 010 Ind oath. RhWonh!pnidhovuvoryuony to uniuuupuuuns. noun; odonoo nuhindtlloehnmo. Whilobooom &I`I|IkdH with &I8|lnheIA:`ny.hoduohh&\N!-0 tub. lsvnnvuninpnpnrnoslor thoArnyIomuchonPn'nonnunot. ousuud-ylixhuingangud honing dnuu. Ho thollthtthomemhnn 0! the Anny should-much tollnh bu- nohbvthochonuttuno. 'l'hoyhcd booluuhnlinuvnrylindunuorby tho catiaonnol Kinguon. and ubonld mh|nftouuIythinxthdhnddtou- uoythocitixou. ltwncnoughlolnvo nngnnhnn IL-gn-In ml.` .51.). -L.n IL- uuv 1---nu-n -I cu: uuuqgu Cw unwu nuohulhnugh thoutnoh when the A:-Inywuiniln middling clothu. but nomwhouiturnustoogundnhlouodo loriInoll.\hoIowunonoonuiIyhtunm. xswummugqwnumpqhm the launch: by outside draw. The Anny outninlyhnd no right In iupodo tholtnouon Salinity aims. and iltlnyhndlotduo-othhono-would dlnvohkon Ipnonnei. time and gj an I-nun). luunhlg II; Inn.-J AL- I-Iv-nu-u uu_ run itjt. JJUQ. W. lolioe. R. Bub nil 'l`.Snnn*hI.1jIi&hIlhtingontlIo I&&C0lIIb0l7&duXI@uBd udthudiqaonodd: In 1` Q...|._- .... 51.. ._.'.a...... ,............. I-aid-I--No.(h--I-In Khthuihnvuughw. own ouovlnnluscounlhuh-imln. The llugi-nun-id thoovidunu poinod tulyb hi-u onoollhu who jmhf lm. Hnhnjnn Ila nnnlal n&-wI-uuvuuju---'Ivuuv-:uun-w-v-V udcunh. Hovuvu-ynutytoinliot thhlnsulhoyouqmni friends would ndonhhdly hvc top: Ibo U-l--. Auuulrivllulnnq. Simon ohnpd with III- hwhllycnuinl. Iadnibnu oi Iho_.ovcuincl`.gIo IN: Inch. .13. gniily. adngnfll Idjocnnon olocnnutillanhy. ' lh Al tin -unn- n..- 3 7 ' V In: nucnn A` nx1Auonnq ouillslnnnyt-II uu-.--vv uxvu if any uu-on uu-w hllmohlmuhlo. llohopodlho A y'all in luhuo avoid whnlomrv on-ad puih nnunvonionoocnd umoy~ as n. on-n-uni Ij -IU uvrnuuuu IhowodnthohIdhouuctinin|o|!- dduoo.thololunhoIndiamiuud.A| holdlthobox |bolu1Ih urged uiniummwkeopounotmuue. Voleoouoolnodtobo He no doubt upoelai to be hdly ulIod." Tohinurpriag gp_vor.'howudinp- poiuhd. Tholdgintnhnidlnwu uorrylelioo lnduuuod thin carious houblo. Ho nil the prince: should pm: muao1_u..In.mhe shouts prudent uottoincinry Innvypuninhnout Tholuvuim undo-at W.IoKco-Givono Kim to pay it. you honor? `A3-ApIg_NA lI.--a--I- I u1u:i`1sH 'W'lIlG, FRI mu` E\ ENING..\1A vucH 21. E Wnh ollaqllnnd d` I Io:-hv. 850 In hadlv-inn: 00-. Jana: A. Suohn,` Qunoy' , l1|., Ilmndlhhlulln Dxnmnnnnni. III uni llklljv. lnlohi Snith. ohluhu County. homsnluuodhubood inn:-at ol J.lMthr sppandtobo vcryoool L gnllnnhggl In Inn.`-`AL...-HI.-cg I liilj IIICTHII `Lav-o-anlntIu in-hy rune; ` I3-nun.-I uumnnvuranmul Yumiii Ffnini (IDIIDIENID Tlhikllb`. IJIDIII ATii'l'A IIOI. jolgh. -. 3-In D- ,:-,3.,_ ..&"~'.-.-s-'--"`.u.'.'..| Ina. "manna boner um u no- Ihu ouoolno dit." not aid the mantra oucntinlyhotvouthon- Iolvu. Winn: 8 ilvu our undnuouhuodho pldptllnnlu h-lnnnn mun:-In In shun: no Inland Vlllloll u no woula only oonnnuo tuignhianu and lend hit lnuonpolo nun Nu (look) and Inni- pulnbwhnnqnlkd the lrialnou it would unto: his nurnouoinnt :1 well. Will IIII JIIII WHI- ln eonnidantion -Sun: this witness was to bus Gull) to 03.111) or from 08.!!!) IoM.(IX).Io|u I hn'hobnHonnyox- w&ubmMhn| ' in. Ha nhnvwndn mid ha January Inst Ik ounolo IIIIIIBG Is! for: print: inhrviov. Ho uuontod. lover dnuning of its object. Meek ` mind if Anything honidoruv oour mnuimdon he might nah would be Ikidly `nu. William uuentod. `Iookni hohnvhowillin health vitnu|vu.:nd|lhr cannon] eon~ I-nation `it! lost mum-ted tint lhuowutoonuohpurtylnolinqintbo Provinou. Thou vltlnnbqnlo tum- Notowhst VII coming. leak and witnentogin hinnnpporttonrosolu~ tioulodolutunocwu Oovu-uncut. udreplncingthonbvnooduioa . Pnvioutothnt Iluklnduh wit- nou to non Bunting. but vitae: refused. look thenuunrodlhewitnmunthe Ind thosnthority Iron the lender; ol l.hoOo.nornvo toupesklo in nInwudoIn.pu:I`Yl|to$tol1i look that his support would be ol liltlo use ovlnacotlnoutuoolhinhodthand um bofollinclinodtozohome. leek por- untod` uuduidilwilnsuwonld rounun` sthonmnhorgivingonovotoupinal Govorlnoat. it would master all nn-u-.- W..._ thnnnnnnn Ind onl- IX UOVHIEII. ll WOIIIII IXWUT Ill Wanna thnnupon Ind look vulva-I ha he so . '; ."." ..'..?.'.'.a .........""J".?.". f.:.a I . puluownnnocsuon we mnuvoun hintsnrvnojnnt well.` :1 VII` s..I.--.-IGIIIIAA `I'`n.'Dnln..Nn` -1. non: nu-v .--v-"pa Dr. Camden. I.P.P:. nu ox- uninorl. He said that some time in Jnnjpv lxl. Xi (`IEO E hill % Ik IQIIIC1. "0 ma Jnunnry Inst Ui 1 In 1 nrinln inhrvi `I'll Innnu inn` uni-use mu) nix maul Ibnuu nun. nnmnlil nuns. |_fIOEVWE%.IQI1C l',IhlI| ` _Iihlnl&njn|Inlthn Polka runuuauu. Iookndnptholnndnldracoivodnshnna of thnpnh. Hr.Phkh'nn Ir. Kirk-. lnniIhndIosuI.hocityIou:Iin|homu- It in which be (It. Paton) In min:--. and without utoonnlsing him. uni omphntially.` denies our writing the lover uutbotini '!r. Kirkland [.9 I130 Il0.tlI),or any oz at turn Jo inluduoo ' ' mining 9 luahtop. Mich. Much i). pain.-Dir. Pbljllt Itllodlo Club have nym- Iaghlivo um us: the interview hia- Pnnlo inlunnn his show I1: Invo_boan homhim-colt. hum nu nuance 0101 Io.ou.r on ma blicnonoy on vuions pretext. hongh bu Been nlmoot constantly o in election oouteqll on bohnll the Tory party. _ -`nuns-nun 1.. our -angina nnrnnnn Toronto. lama Il.-lno uulnlluuoo on Privilqu Ind Elections met spin `this morning. 11. P. Dwight. Uonenl Hunger ol the Great North-Western 'l'clegnpl_n Compuy. Ill nkodlo pro- duce cope: ol tolqzrunaoulodforon thoprovtou day. liouidtohndmndo tnnnlntortelognmxbut be bud` been ff Ih the Committee Ind no power hunpd him Iopmduee the hlqpunn. B0 In tonne Ibo- &ho_hlunyuliahj-inhn pnuucunt Hon. Mr. Punt aid kl & j would be reported to the House. Inc! the vitae. might beoompellecl to up pout: tho bar 01 the House. I thing unknown unoo Confodentmn. Hon. Ilr. I-`nser moved that Dwight. [mung bean summoned and refused to gro- dneo my paper: or documents menuom odintbo summons. be be reported to the HoIuu.-Cu'riod. lion. Alex. Morris was then asked if hoconld identify the handwriting oi the lonr from Hon. 1). Incphonon to Wilkimon wjih round to the Registrar- uhipol Edmonton. [lo recognised tho wnnnu u Iuonhonolru. but nidtho in MM noun nnouu nomnmnour. Kit in which money wuolorod. but it win money for legitimate pur- polen. oxpenou and Attorney foes, unk- mg on pupa-I. &c.. uni in no wise Io I71 V II? In ulnluuy an to wuu` that an promuo or usunnoo Ill gnven byua ember oi the Government to J. A. nlkinoon thus be wonldi be |'e~ An...-gnalgal In: as uniahl luau. Um Inning. J. A. wunnoon Inli no Ionlm ue le- commended for or might have the toqu- Innhqb Cnlaury or Edmonton. by whom when Ill ouch an um:-nnoo '3: given. and will the Govunment lay on use hhlo correspondence at human wuglvonmnu will ulouovummenl my on the hhlo oornnpoudoaoo pa inrolannoo to tho_ Inbjec_t: Ir. _ the hula oornnponaonco otpuwn the subject. 'il- kiunun ha received our 03.500 of the ....I.Iin mnnamnn vu-inns: nmhrh dhnnuh ulnpol Edmonton. no roooglnlou mo wnung Incphonon`; writingon the hack of the letter. pur- porting no hot uunlor ol the Appoint meat. wu not that o! Mucpheuon. nnd hodidnotlmow whonoitwu. wuannnouau I nvnununn av!!- Othwl. Intel: -311. Bhko bu givunotico ofnn ouquu-7 I! to `whe- that An! or nnnmnoo `II EIYEII ruuvu I 1% we I -u-unn-.1 --r vs--. Totoulo. lluuh 8l.-'l`ho Committee an Ilrivilnxn and I-Zlu-Linn: Incl -min -'I`$:wIIl'II run:-o coin England In: IJVi~lI- Ilkh-Ihnl'uPu'boI&I. 3 until! `Iv-sum: Illloltlllollll. ngnsuruuunooulannvou hip. Ho dtofwlrdn hid ho runes witncu 1 nice sit in .3! I III`? OP APIII-9 IOOI I IIIIIIIYII LIIIIOI Itl A".`5`$%-"iE.'.'.-3." "' vdunnnnau-u. ----V--.'.-.-..=..-.*.-3-----r No'_::3o:|i:. TIol.IpuI.luuoId. I\ITAZ?I'\ ll urn 6.!) lo 5.40: nonuoun 0.!!! to 5.00; mirth: LII) to I35; Inlet`: 5.00 to N;In8.)Io3.10:n` 3.|0\oJ.50; 8.00 tons; Ont. lugs :00 so 2.50. polludn Ityhpt to 1.90 for strong linker`; 0l'IIn--Ih00l. lid winter 1.1!! to Lil ; No. 1 wink, 1.1610 1.18. Corn `run to 15. Phuoh. omssuo I9. Buloyss to 780. Rye N to 09:. Oumonl 35 to L50. Oorunnl 8.NtnS.N. Provident- Bulhncrunry. 80 vo u. PtrI- 31.1!) \o!I.O. InI'd-lI M130. BuIou-l3 to H0. H|ID-lI to He. ClIour-ll to H. nan-_umsI. Mn. nuns--u u BIm-l5 lo 11. llnnoun-I-In IIII cnovu um 'l'lI01'nY IIID. IIID RILII. CIIOICI FAIL I.' III!!!` Iontrud. lurch 20. HoIu~- Mil) ; Idea roponod 0% bus. Tho vinguo tho In-1 quota lion: :-l'Iour.Iuperior um II 5.5010 5.80; 6.!) lo 5.40: Ioriuuln 4.1!) to 51!); nun-nnllll In I.I5: `mun Inks`: 5.) Inch ll. Whukuohnpd. Sula MIX); Whnn III` l able 1.10 N LII. n:-n_unnLnnQd 2 nan high mixnd Me: . L110!!! I-ht Dolniluouol Uundn. We tell! -nj-0-}9--:-- Our nndnnvill ho phuud to hall that one 0! the Iuueu lnstituuo oelongina to the Edna of Inhoiu um! surgery ' luau pond in Donna. at an Colmubul Anna; by 5 Indian] gcnllomnn well known to DI . I. Bouvidle. ax-dllo S p 0! the any. 9 eminent 8 Int! ' one when": know at the human [rune Hill!!! '5! ` my unontio nun Ibo lnieaoin oonhcs with hun. We no tht 0ptIIinolhiaouinBodnuhundnd| ol `medial non huovhihd lnnuulhuouno new rejected 59:; 0|b-nn; While State How 430 Both -quiot;uluw.0(l) bub; No. I 771-; Nmltianndnnt .oinbond. Br -quiet; Cumin nominally 67 in lC'lI-IIIOII%;DC'llQlIll)lX0I0;l liirkhndwhuutuud. Inlokilg. I.P.P..Iu thu'u:llaIl.|l,n,oIhotnt- Ieuauboingocdomdonlolthoconn. llboxnnintloninchhlvueooduolnd b Im'ng.Q.U. lhvununl any tiouol lint Indy-- . O vnnulu-nLniIM.ionvhuIthoCoIIl'i ndjoorudix-lunch. qyocunonn under mo Imcmuoope. prev pcrygdziy him in the Pntholugiul lcbxgn for BI. Butbolomnwi ll xlnl. London. England. Bin lntituun ll ` - du `which have gninod the rupoqt And oou Mum ol tho gonad public. n won an the majority 01 the nod lllidnlwnlndotl mud ulnnood ph `mm o! the any. no under Ikillcd hon uni English Surgeonunnuy of whom no member: oi the Boyd College of Surgeons. England. Phyuoxuu And nueron no |IIYlIOd by the surgeon: to visit them sud unmino their 39' made of treatment. which in now In tho loading hospital: of Europe. he discuss mad: I Ipocinlty of In Cnhrrh. Cnurhnl Dashes. Asthma. Bronclmin. wank luup. consumption And kindred nootionu. Pu tiouu unable to vinii the onion: can write for mtorlnation. lnurnmonla uzd modr nu... gunn-maul M nnv nddruu. Addtf. (or lnlorunuon. uusnunc unonpamod to u: mic` Pb ' I! i I Squnro. onl Chunh gtroot. Toronto. W. Buunm bu received A present and hnndsomo acknowledgement. from Joseph Hisoock. for his gnllnntry in checking his runaway horse. opon_mol'hnoll|onnBodnnhunanuol wuogdnnl inlonnod 0! himnov motlnad 0! treatment. ` by who and hitinvunian. the Spinometor. which fun so ntohtioniutl the lnument oi throat and lung noationn In rope- Thoy have the oxuninod with I un- unlt name 0! hr vury.nn Pathological specimens: under the micmuuopo. pm -I Mud by Pnthologiul labou- Coqnvoi tlo. porter And lager sold I-I Agency, Brocx St . (OlIonl`n Block) in cabin Iron: 5 gala. ton lsogdneul. ` ._.._..____. Hue:-ly Drunnuo Company yill pro- duce the Silver Kuag" in Kingston on the `511 inst. .?_-..-:__ In. Iona. Inc Intel. Ilu Iclllhu. lr..l. V. Aql Dynpopuin ma Dr. canon`: momncu Bitten nun livo in tho lune omnoh; one ol they hpngollo go And ll nu`! the 6m mach Bitten The people`: own favorite lunily modndno in lu-an botllcu n 500. _-:oo_.j_ unneo. uAuolBnohudSlouuB.Rooa'x PI-`meal 8uaIt.IH'.I)p.u. ,__..#._..._;_ , __ . -In-rn. Al Duncan. Q IIOMMIOI. lhovift oh (1. A. Ahoy.-ol I non. - ` Al Inodonlld. on Inch ah. the wilt of John IJIEIA In Wllllunlvllh. on Iluoh llth. Ilinboch Wudollmncd S nun Alfyun on Inch um. Ir. lhchud Inch). and non. Itiunoroooonomiotl to bu Dnrkotfn h|ndDuaing\hsnitistomniendnn- zhhhmnholhlmr In 1 `:1 1 Quit I jh j Everybody n 1.7!.` `XI-`CEO. Dovoumffcrwith it P Go bu I bonloo! Punllller And nd relic! in in twinkle 0! an oyo-lor Toothache it in a specic. Chu. Langbeimer. known as "Dick- ens" Dutchmnn." died ll) the Peniten- tiu{ at Plnlndelphu 1 low days ago, ago: 75. He spent wyonn in prison. _?-..__j A at your Grocer tor Conn: vs `:1 Ale. Porter and Lager. -M-9-* '29:! Div: Sun: at Vnctotln 11.11! at 8 pm. 1A1'lvnnAY, Dun luunln Inunoo u;d evening poxfur fJ mra rguuLu_'s_ Dylpopuin sud Dr. Canon`: Stomnch Biluu ou ntomnoh; an uuwoirl. . Markets. aux. ;nov huh mind Mo; mans. Add lonlnulj. or -gels; A". \ X X `ig % .'-".1 ' omonoiiiarmonn, -In-_nnn; ._ ...a_jAlL-- I'll! I3 LXI `I'll! ILIJTII l`lUAL RICE 0' TIX OMII. |1-%nsAndsrunumnnrg1A11srunn| lOFF9_RD Sl I3" BLA.`1i,.Fl1Ii.FM E3| was nal` a-max nuts in sms IVII IIPOITID T0 ns CITY. AIIIVIIO nun A`! IADOI Illllo WIICI 731* I'll!!! DAII WI ..-.lIl.l.-_. IAtTwnlloIIarsEac|I.l lsvnwmtmmal I . C. IBATI. I.)-. conductor. driving loin. vcuoon-I with bad and plantar. :1: I-onnznu h w|t='c|I`u.%rn+::-. tognhr on 5 an: . ulqnon once may remain 1! dcdnd. The man b 5 Ins-clan mm for: Danna not 'G In-that P0 `nil! lo the Induuhlcll W D. HACK. lurch um. Tunvonh. IIIIKI AT mmnunu: kwrxnrv In uxn-llllco ol Bydnnlun. lnuly ocouplcd by W. In . ooodnlmthzxuu nun. with com ~ ounlwcmnun IJII-alunba-no hnnd driving Io-as. and plant. int loo non] hgh. w|\h_j1uo_rnJ__k, > lSnmuthing my mom] llludlacifoullnlnl urnu r u n I KAI OPIILED: NEW grout Ar $;'l"IB(NCIC lrc. I I out n Purim many vhcnho hop on Mar: oonploln utooko? Boouandlhoocwbonold II lholoiutpnoot. Women`: row. nmon noim Iolld louhu [mole and Oouht at 31.1: Iolnoouqnuoubnnl um. In`: Long Envy Dolod Boon II. M 50. Babies` Boon M be All othugoodn u tqlly low pnoea. A all ouhcnod. I1'l-ZPIIN (IIMVIB. SINCE INTRODUCING zuus AUUVE Hurnn we bane nuon In Milan TRAT Tl! All TI!!! BEST IN _'l`Ill-I MARKET. The cued Ihelu ll intruding -varydq. IOKILVIY Q BIRCH, -n.......n.. Plnrnhnru Rumm And (iumtoni IXCIQZZVZU * 2---tut` Tiumnhu. Plumbers. Steam and (iumton: um Baden In Baum mcknuxhim` lnnhrup, Tiumnhu. Plmnboru. K-ileum and uunuonn unl Baden In I-lunar kxughi ' lantern H1 1 ..:.`.'.`.*.$:.".:.f_:n..-..._f_""__".. ..:~::-' [Boots Ann suoas] (XJNWXBATIOI HALL. Wednesday Bvcnhc. Out Inn. u-n-up-an-. nun u T SINCE INTRODUCING THE ABOVE name: have new bolhn J - E+:6.KING,j nial: mi! -nu Alllr, G . Genuini Sun 86 Cbloguo. Lah- `T `T 63 Hatton Garden, IDIIDON. INGLAHD. dxmmnucsrnnsl l0IIBON'8 PIPJINE COCKLDJ` |`1lJ.H. 4~..m. Itm-1.`: (iuloro-Irna. K00 RR 5: 0A.!.LI'l"87 Violet. Jockey Club. Supheuoms. whine Rn-a .Qn Agent [or also above Cc-In-It-sled Spectacles and Bye-Glnun. FRENCH Stranger ud Ion Lulng uu Luhixf: I A luvs aunt of rubble: sud A-lununum olthcr uold. Torlol-o shell 0! Mod hsun counuuy on hand. C`Phbh|tc0lodlldnd. WE HAVE IN STOCK ABOUT musu rngmunols 0RBON'a rlrauwn u.Iuu.Ius- r;n.n.n. com: lkmwuu Chlorolyne. Norton`: Chunomllo Hllu. l!oIIovu'I Pull sud Ointment. DIby`I(\I'lnlu|ll\ a. tar Iulnuu. Sk\lmnn`u Bonn-Ins Pnwdrn n` An!-y Coops: 3 Vin] Irr(~r|l|vu) Ilovlnndi linlydor. Rowland`: Odomo. Rowland`: Inseam: 0|]. Maud`! W. Rue `Noun Bun;-. I{ln\InnI'I Tnolh PAIID to me IOTE or. NEVV STORE. O0-E-. K. 1`?! `ROCK STBBBT. 1` nm. `J 4-Day - MAICKBT SQUARE. uh IIAIA lummou VI . mi lupun HUI]-. luvumnli Tooth Putt Blnglutoni Golden Iiyo Olnunem. Doll; 0! the Nile. co. IIIIXI 70 ll LIT.- anA_vr:s Pntont Oonc-nintod Coooc. I All IITIRILY III PIIPAIATIOI numn nu Ibo tile: 0! Inhh-5 I h9rv_o1Iw_s_&_!io ? aoLII` FIRST UP l SBASUI I I Maple Syiup. [nu mmlwanrmn ma mum. Jrjlfs .I..u.:..a__u .s.T-.3:-.os_:rmgt Dried Lppios. lavnporuled Pen:-`hon. Iuul Pull Can: Tomatoes. (J r--1-n l'Nu. new Prunes. _ Flue Dairy Inner. I-`usury Cheese. cum am_o_m_s and rum Tenn. Lolbes. . Innnln. kin-n. an. at-.. Florida oranges. Nleulnu oranges. Menus: IA--on "FUD. CW '0 IQO 5' Icl utonb to inux Ium a stun at the palms puroup. {R . ,_ (rm u lpplrn In lllllr. In-on-I lllnrmnludr. oulvootolljlltotlonlooo. - -IV `-rtlv uu.A&IIl|'~ Iirojon I_`I'n. hold. .I".T'HIVl Gmcanaqdmlslnm And Ev:-rytnlug Else Ila-qulrod for the Lenten Season. AGENT POII hAJiA`l"I"'8 IDNDON ALI AND Stout tad P0000 Inland Vlloyuliil. Nu:-ah Ilnh An 3:31: noun a `I9 IDRIED FRUITS JAHE8 ORAUFORD, Pilnc-can S(l'1`'I. - - Innxuou. icocoauurs w.` R. McRAE a 00. lurch nth. nuuo-an-'5-nun-u BUT YOU CAN BUY AT THE llfllilal ulw FIIILIITIUI uquuu tuition his -.::..... .:.r .. .&_,._._-E III II`..l.Zl`8 MIDI PIII-I Ill`. lleulnn In-0.30. IIOOCI. llama. Iplced In-on. loll Iueol. llnlry Inner. Evlpornled Applc I. On. Ct-.. Cc. or lou;nI C Prluuu On Q ucuonnnn noun Ins ---8l0N OF THE: lbulhlqjnhnud jg. FINE FRESH Bultsr >_5,\fq_T|a_u:..r is F_'S*~ manna. lung: (in An AND I IlI'I . Ap 0. 01:. in In budnm f mam awn`, nn1 can no `mg Icon. nag. a. nun Ii Llnn , QNQF __I_~Iew Advertisements. umuimm :coN_c_E:RT: I.-E31-'-'-' `-'3-'-A-'3'-" . IIIII Innis. ~ hnlhnlntui. ` ., h&IIuIoI|`ut. ' LL mkbnlluuqlj ' A! IJIA1 For le, aihl' : Iroalloluldltry,` LOST GHQ I- . gunman:-uhau. E.` AdTi&1I$ u-nuance-dupe:-no dint wmnkmmnhnu &&dbu#L&&I &C*$d&m1&d&l huw 1 Cjvj T nll:*ln&IlWjnIa|Iu bps `rvutbpqyunnnl nbvtahldhnlnuuuh-_ hnhubpuilnh-`avail is adamant: -`hhi-up-I lpuubht AL. A ll` unn n-1 ---'m I111 II-|I I-3`: " ELLE. Vjt jwvvtjxu M Inj- qa&.VnunchlhopInh un.h&n.nlhhd a kiln. ng.-.Ihl.-.l-Ll.-L-n-ALQA L41.-IA jnjiiuujulj wuvvv-u hguldoomui Qbhluulcu Vbuclw olbuulhqitb-Local uh npladul Ibuuhllo Iajkjjllhnk ljjt-w-u-au----uuuu-q Pdlnlh-bluuhqunlur -.--JL----.Al-.L-A-mg--AL.-_AI..A Uutiuuuugvvu-an-ucunuunyu-UIU ol|MIInnth|.\opIovolhdihploplio- Qhslbnuudnntlhlhnpn qahmlh p&nlnmIiIia vlifnlhhu-ohconoohdtht lndidnolu-ibI'7.\huhodiduotq~ gnnturunnctionlluud Ilnshc-ly -ottwodlho lquhtonuppnwhon lb onnqinlon Ind qnnbd VIC Ihytuoullhipuuuuyuhi-. H.- Qhgnnnnalg 1:`-`III nun Am. Tillitlj W In; llcwthopuoplopuunllyuudqnno dhlqndlr. Bub` In tho haul ...A...lAL. Q --4| AL.- I- VIO'1'0R_I_L BALI. mm `Autumn nu mnnnlmg ahluthgovcinalhoupuuo .lL. ..._4|.I ......_.AL.A in.-_..:. II and be ud_cpl-on-I Ihtyhn Dovlhqud llolnugnno v In In. Bung`: _door wn.h_ pulp: pli- &nu|IuthpndI:uIuoupupo- uuhthdr pnltrv Inch. no oviduct uhnlnxo nikhndl nplnni In nnninn m.luI-V. IEIIZU $lI-jlUZl&qI It preceded thohstgnndololtlnln corruption linmbnlfonrboinaiufuncd thl Kithndhul nI.ho:iudlhopqy~ Dal hhiln ol ILXIL In the lid plnoourklsnduwhodiduobunwho lint Ibo Oovcunnt In-lutuhd or Iorilwuuuindbohquho pl lab plat." IHVEIIO: `ht Iowunn:nunmnoAnunAu.uA- n'if!"tnndhIiiifonndoIIInIhohn lotto Innnoyetry out his Igno- null." Thonihudyolch. nub lhI|cl.UooInnoholiIloI'|hooolnptIt' pol. l`honiIno.hll'n whorrto hula Ilni MIKE; and Wilkiuu I|ltl|dnnohou-Wilkinconnil|hy Ionobhindnl thocnpihl-hn\Kirk- hdinnlhoouhiuoudhhm. Ildthoyuooutolpoohotbyuonuoh. ._Ln. AL. nl_-._-LI. I.-nlgia.-" -high W-u'IVIXIT-II`l1C$U- thoynqlt inulucluovor. `I : IIWMWIIVV III: ulhnlunluuhopuuhuuusun pblianooandbidtb highest piunhnuzndbonantomvo Inhonduuluthinpnnnhnumbo ooc|d|l|Iho_tiuh|:oliB I`|lIbt uoj vunmotvhulllllllil HI` on-inhdtlllllnhlollomng um. Illnhlndnondtolmnclhu inhoti-olhngunlluunnvu olnnd nhlihoolllllz n--a-A.. `um. [Inn 11 lupin; yonhvuu-vcydouho Pgoonluvcrud , QIBSIO |Irvoy.mlIho Iona. (SixIIonI)_ . _ Kirklnnd upon the wind` in Toronto. lhoutnqlnntlytoclnmpugnolunohu. nuoou n hupol nouymnd Kirk- lud'I puhcrvuhplbuyin provid- i-ducts-u-ainmouuugsuodomuan ol hlihuyhthb. `Ibo hunt Ir:-inn ...__I.l-l-I- - `II-J - `Ij. I&.. ll. llth. IEM. I-``.uq: nnnsh.-You no nuhinn no In I $35.33 II WCI Ivllulvvuun nun..- hntnllwdnvn baton n _.....)..a u.. I--A ....A .1.` 1.. al.- lllil -XI;XI uvxux Ilii AID IAIUIUAI Ilfil. nud-u.vuoI.-nm an-ognu nnqnul in thvtnb u. hlhhui-I1. pyuh Iwllluu IloUIN- ` Ilulilht. Iich-. 000- 3- lihtpnll. Esq. 17.8. nan 82-Ant unjh ll _ Rljll. In U. Illuunu 'l'h'uop`n\lo.itwi|lbooInu'nd.bouI u hhduo. l|vunuu`ndh`l`otoaIo L_- - n._ 1-... L-:._. I.':_|.I_...II. --....A `lI.-lU.'VTlll.i PR8 711101118. _,u-_, n .x_. _; Ia. &.&bI'&otIIogi`vo lain .`__._;_ n_.A. __I.... L- _.._|--aI Al...- gm: grmnamg: tr gnu. mum. 4` n._n ,_AA _. a nu nouvno` nunwrnn not I.'IK W. an-nun! on luau: A juhnlnqolj-15 I-an-nu. 8'l`.GE0lIG E 8 CATHEDRAL :*jG1_IKBw'Ul|` hvunhlhocxhnl cl-illio|IoldoI~ an Inn Inoorponuon mu nauvug hVu'Ih|iOOlhI|0l-illin|coldo|- hnho-Sirloin Indonktondlhn Onlgo nu-tun d hrlhaolt will with givotho Inilhu to Quake. Tbhbnbhitinvithuuguuoo. 1. as U . yili pnlplowdtinnoooni sinonny Inbu. loll.--aonnoaII-lollnim uwlninc. upupnulnihr-Ihd'u Iholalou bonnuhoynnizdh dolmtldhhrdluulg chhnII.Iu- -olinisod. Inipoliyd ValnzlIlIPm|n'tyPurSaln 1-3, '.'=.-*::e..-u-% &&hn&-. ....m:':.-:.:?n.:. ....-:2: