CIIEUICH. IPIWMTUS Hula.` 'I'IIlnnAuIrIIIIIlu IIwII; vhtlonallylcull lupus. wlglhl Mdld. Y3! min. I nnll Inn}; 1: In nu uncle`: nut O has 1, In Iuuuvo Quail to than yownmlyr You have pmoh of ID I: " an Brian. who ullylnbol "Ya lie with El" h I wucnnnono. "Ht? Indeed; ll Indlqnlto Inc. hon vim have houzxyonr uncle and have Inuadnynochavarrhsdl . Roman`! WI and nllulflli youfuul "You Mn nmn at Ih Inlnnltv, nl mo men.-Ir "ltlnncorythu doom`: ndoundtolhe honor And gloty 0! your house." an lb Bereaford. uopplng but from him with I ny llulolngh. and glancing at him Inb- chhvoucl (`mm under borblu PnIenoo". hat. "I! wenyon lnhonld shrink from `IV Mslmtollno to shrink." with unpnnlkllod hnvory. "hunter to rush I: my Isle. Lltohunolonnuny hm nounull Isuzu! In old roptobohn Ooolo ha about my uncle and your tumor" "Oh! that It cannot be nlanred,l um druid; It In mo muddy u ulo for any help: but I have 3% least found out :1! about It." Would It In lndlocn-at It I said I would -Iva nnvtldnt In ha I: who A: van nn (Mn "wow: I! on maucn-on u 1 ma I would given In; when wlsouyounu this Iubject In other words. will you divulge the name?` "It In a nmrv mu damn`! ndnund M Ihn IIIIVIAICI 00". This hone ollho But [manna Oom- pcnluddngnuluuhuuds. Ill Mtge! I! won Though null greatly Inyntlnod. Ir. Deo- mond wlnely forbous In press the polnt, nolnothlng In her tens dlstmnsed flee And be tuned eolot ding him. " an nnnul" he an nlonuntlv. But be Imnod eulot rorblaamg nun. cry good."ho an plunnlly. "But then In mother thing I how not forgotten. ue you our cloud up that mystery about uncle nnd Aunts?" Oh! that ounnol nlenred.l mo. lens I once more ml Into error." "Oh, no." eolorlng doe ly. in though at some unpleutnl reoolloc on. That would In llnpoulblo. It could never happen Inln. lalnll an cunot (hit. I shtll never as long an I ll") got lnlo |-lhat ls-I meun-l -- Really I hive forxlven ll nll now. so let tone: I! ma" Thounh neatlv lnntlod. now; Ind I cannot nu you. manta" . But I wish vuy math you would. Per- hnpu balm In irretchai lgnonnce. I shall be my unhnppy u to do It Again some day, and no male you hum mo 3 second time." I d|dn`t hate you." "No? "(-1 there wu a luol In your eyes I wouldn't like to we there again. Do toll lens I full Into enot." --m. nn " nnlnrllur rlmnlv, In month it pnnlon mm: to her. "It wan ! true what you and 00 me an: last day. was II? he asks, with In more |nx|e(y than the occnlon seems to demmd. Not many. I mean. You and It for hm, perhnpo-or It ha been with me ever since. Ian`: forgot it. You said you dia- llked sudden Mondahlps, nnd the w|y'lu' I aid It made me think you dlsnked Ina. Iuu I thought wrung." Quite wrong." In A low tone. She Is lucklng I rose to pieces, and keeps her eyes ownout. "When 1 said that. I In: angry about vomothtnx." "About Iomethlng I said?" No. Nothing you paid." "souothlmz I did. then?` growing mote and more Anxious. .. ` o_u_.. Wlm was It!" "It doom`! matter now; not In the least and I cannot tell Indaal" But I wish nrv much vuu would. in they ,5. But they are nlngululy silent and gum: when the garden Is renrhod they pass bo- twoan the lows of growing blonwmn mute. It rlch In thought. A! last. when silence I: becoming too eloquent to be borne. her oom- pnnlon mm: to her. wan : true mu w mnuer Desmond her slave upon the spot. The path tolhc mse-gnnlen loads nwgy ftoln lllxa Paeilln. no they wold detection they But nu-v am nlnuululv KIIVIJ: will. with says, nurm-dLy.-- "Come with me to the rooo-gnnien. It is stupid sitting here lione. and the garden is beyond praise. Do como. "Why?" lifting her heavy lashes. For one thing. wo shall ho free from ob- Iervntion, and you know you dislike being even with ma. Fornnutiu-r--" He pauses. Wt-ii?" rather nervously. "It in Jun this, that I must speak to you." says the young man, hLn gay manner chamr into one of extreme earnestness. You were unkind to me that duy we pnrtal. I want you to tell me why. I understand uiio that I have no right to demand emu t to snuiloal favor of you. yet [do entroat you to come with mo." For Another moment she hesitates. then- Yeo. 1 xiii come with you." she says. nising her soft eyes to his. In her whole Immner, voice. and bearing them is some- ihim no sweat Ind ahildinh nnd trustlnl In mnnner, VOIOO. mu Dlflll UIQNV ll Homer thing so sweet and ohlldlnh and unsung k) mnder Desmond her slave the spot. The math to tho I-use-Imnlan away talking to you." I always thought I had a proper amount of [Irma until I met )'uu.n)'s .\lr.D-Anuuncl. Yum have dlsnolled tho belle! of n-am. `In ot undo umu 1 met .ur.uc-muoud. You have dispelled tho belle! yours. `I: thy serum n dug. did you should be oatm- clzed {or speaking to him? Never mind; I Iubmil even to that thought It It glveu Iuo hm Iuinuws mom of your suvln-ly. But llslen to me. N0 one run lull ('08 of us. because we um bout sunngun In the land. No one klmws mu fmm Adam. and just. as few know you fmm--l-t us say Em tor c-uphony s snko." She laughs. Encounuml bv her mom- lumen, umlcuy. "She. too. In nrrnnged. Half an hour ago I met her so dmp lu vnllagruccful lruauon with the vlvar um! I felt It my duty In look the other way. l)-pend upon IL. uh! I: not thhlking 0! yuu." But wine one muv tell them I have Ix-on unnnng ox yuu." But may talking to you." I nlvnva mouth! lumber Imoum eupnonrs sum.` laughs. Encounuml by her meul to believe that at least she bears no Ill wlll. Brian hurric-dly.-- "Come with me In the mo0-mm|an. body." "If mm is your uum l`rls(`Hln, she In sum for nu hour at least. The old Indy wlth her In Lady lmunnnyno, nml she m-wr lets uny- one (nnfnrtunnte enough to gut Into her clutclm) pm rm under :1 xv-nu-rous plxty nlluuu--'. She Is mat on ln!|I)lll'I`:-I. and stocks. and tunnipu. and no harm. And your cum. I hear. I: I kindred spirit." Rm [ht-n them Is Aunt l'olu'l0n(`." ans I hear. In Iuuureu spu'IL" But then them Is Aunt l'om-lope," says Monica. klmidly. "1-um Ina In nrrmnmd. Half an hour tum 8 body.` -~m nervously around. I don't. Indeed: I can`! concelvo such a Illunluu. _\'uu -do me a mat Injustice. I think. [verily believe If I trial my very hudt-at I couldn't luau) temnr Inln the small- eut child In the village." \'nn.kunIl what I mean. Of ooume.". as! child In we vulngr. ' \'ouknow hat I mean. 01' ooume . scornfully. "l shuuhl never be nfnid of I man; It Is Aunt llncllhl um nlnkl of. And see. we Uscrv."` In nnlgony. "she ls standing qulua clum: to us, lnlklng to some- bod\`." ruptly. alluding to his opening nenlenoe. Can't you mean? llnve you forgotten the lust cruel Injunction you laid upon me? `What: next we guest. you said. an to look utniahl over my head nn pan on` Win yuu b(!"I`\ 0 Um! twin to-dny lobeyed that muuluu? The thin! um wu the chum; lnzunqugarul me; I broku"my awoul In two and oune to you'." I -lulu 1-nu }unIn'h." scars onlcn. smeare- you'." I wish you hnIn'u" says onlqn. Iy. "I wish you would gnnway now. uni mmlne mo newt tn npeaklo Inc Tin. ou knmml um Ifnld of you." loo lug nnrvounly umuml. I don't. Indeed: such enaeu c-mason. . "All It In you." the sun. "I thought yuu ludnotoouo." w'l'h|n ban thinking 0! *2`: meta um mm been m.but he in fur Ioowlsu you; -nnln hhown gooaatloutohlp than I Mud yuu won in be non In what haw you (l|lcd`." uh Ibo. Ib- rupuy. alluding his opening sentence. `fan ! you mean? you eountot. - Yu. I rune. dun um I thought I should lhva been In London 00'. and Ibeu I Mud to be hen Iodu." In Irhn hnu wnn lulled?" Ibo. . !-\..! "Yon III] tilled." an nun Danmd. Aqulci Iunn blush ha dyed Ionics : chub crllnloh. "Ah! I! In 1-an " nhn nan, I lLl-lhl Ill! A Inn non! or nonsmq mun l Q Ar 11 Edna St.-ally." "Jo ' and ac. ac. MONICA. SALES FBI IISII. - - SIIIIIIIUIIE PIIIE. LlVEIHIIL&IaIIMl&l}l-IIEl'in&IifI H` The newest Novelties can be be found inour8took and at lower prices than ELSEWHERE. Dress and Mantle Ornamets in elegant designs. Jet and Passamenterie Gimp: and Insertions. Very Handsome Jet Fringes. Rich Chenille F ringes. Ladies Gauntlet Kid Gloves in new styles. French and Scotch Ginsrhams for for Costumes. [FRENCH SATEEN6 THE BRITISH Wm};-, Faagggjgzvmmlxu, MARCH 21. Ladies Cashmere Jerseys in new designs. T Cl` IVIUI I Ladies Cashmere Po|onaisse.Pat- terns--handsomely embroider 3' All the best known make: will be found in our stock. Ladies having the slightest inclination to purchase Silks should see our splendid stock. [SILK DEPARTMENT] Will be found by far the most complete and Cheapest in the city ; and in the Trimmln Department as hither- we stand without a./gompetltor in the trade [OUR DRESS STOCK! IUHRBTUREISNUWFILLEDWITHNEVIGUUDS} WE SHOW THE NEWEST AND MOST ELEGANT` NOVELTIES. THE um PIIIOES we IIIE smma mi Classes of Dry 0'ooIls_\vll| Ensure in layers a saving from 25 to 40 par at. t ALL {PEI `*5 RICE TE. icamcnnnmua ma! Vuu-Plnlnurl. . IIALD ll. IAIIT. Gunman. Inna. gn. & J. aannmms emuuui L. & J. GARDINER1 --o'UI.-` - ELIOANT nu: H1 1 DESIGNS. llitixnf [l8Il|_5_I|I|, cf tends. IIINIY LYIUI. . gunl 1 I 00 lonnu and `Parent: hill . ANDREW ALLAH. In humanly mu) 7|!!'!!.-_l"_-T lpooIlyUuolntuyqIupIu.|nm- mrcmdnnn. Bndnlu. ohnthu nnlot Inlnmou dwihh no lrom ponuu moshhlotlhouutkolnilou ovny, but from In ad uound llcnmnmou. ogivnrnl Iouluhu oladuotholycunnnolboluntvod iv sunning wu-I51 uthlmhnlhov .".;'...`?""'.1.."""""' nrlnglhobninh to .255 Jqllolingll Iyltounto |0IhO1|t|toI'oolI.BIllIoI'ndgeI Cobtollo-pa-nuul-In]. In. dutyovu-you own to hlmull. Try- 1. On can on "So noted In bunjnoon or hplcnnn than for that mutter. un- Thn In the In! ouidonllou. Now. in nu I small unto: who um nmody. Zopo a II uuuuudd no NI.:l.yJove:` b In - ruin uh uvcrmbnuuou. by wcooi mum ad: lliilillull-II'I.I`.I]a. wvuu qniri `IlCl-IIT"l by invig- Dngnuion. by |IIobnin.oponi I 0 nnanlnnn Ihn Inn of the nunlnvn In hlnl; hn-n1 I I. The Exooln'or- npturo Troument I'll lnuodnood lo the American a haven] yuan in furnishing remedy to than na|otod,wiua Hernia in Iny 0! its loam and collecting no pay until permu- nut onnvu ahead. In this way the Itontlnon`. gained I world wide roputuion on in own Inoriu. never Idling in cure my roduolhlo orniu. The Com ny Inn and the uoodyon uh bysllguaguu tho Ulibtl 8tuu.CaudA Mid Euqlund, In thin my brlngin it Vllhin tha reach cf I" about It I lug eon. Ask your dninfnrn has book ornud Iixoanln for out to the Eunlnior Rupture Cnn lumfuwrlnc Co..OdonIbu|-3, N.Y "I lilo uuwn, says .\l(|lll\"1\} nrwwln-~| and oar-rlnmn and hramlet.-x I dun`: our-\ fut but rlmu I luvv. I never wally tmzl :11:-asrd until thvy In` 011. To slip them on my rm gel! LI tho ll.-It thlnx I do rxwy morning In fun running duwnsulrvn. A: law. nt-uly the lust. And what is the Int?` I My my pray:-n, sure Monlrm smillmz. Tint Is what a-very um duos. Isn't It?" I don`! know," says Mr. D.`|l|olld, not looking I! her. huh.-nu to hlmn lomz. long time now since last he said M: pray:-rs. An-I than he suddenly doddm within hlnm-It thnt he will say them tunnormw murnhm. the It-It thlnx lnofnnu mung tlo\\n-.-Itnlm;" ho mnnnt haw qnltn fnrrnnon tholn mi. Ha la nxunlnlnn ho: rings u h Lhlnks all .lIU.IOI IIQ'OIlIQI WIII ll! Government. o.'3`zYJ':".;2."2I.....ny""' . .......`?: ..'."" 3 lnoudlhulannahlnnlodhouvltholl rchnaoouluvlmoby I. I. IAOUIN. Gonnnl sum. Tomnlq -dd no mnnm nnw qnlw runmnon ma-In gm. Ho h onminlna he: rimm as he thinks this and now I little panic turquoise thing at hula his notice. 11!]: manna: XI Tl. li`uur--nv\" hr Iuch I Zlltle luunl I I "In Huun " . gently m~ um-ta me muc nann umx I14-l`l< lha llnwvm and hue It In his own. Hu .3.- talns Ilsa Ingnuy J3: sh mlght \\'i1lulr:m- It If she plumes. but slw docs nu-I. l`-rhu;-4 she doom`! please, or perhaps slw Rm-~' lIuN)~ Ina mmnrknble In hlsncuun. .\x nll e-\1~nl~. ho, who ls so prone to blush on All onur sinus, don-3 not change mlnr nm\'_ but clun- ters to him pzayly. In an unmnn:rm-I Imm- nu. shout the scented blossoms muml In r, and nnurwanls about the poopk _mmh-r, behind the all owering shrubs that ~ur- mund the ta-nnhz gruuml. And still her little slender linen-nu liu pa. lvely In hlx Gltummr at lhu-m. hv irt-In-1 thc-In lhzhlly with his other hauul. anal mume Ia mum uwm uxnu rings. li'uur--n cmlman. out nmnum mm wry nur. Bnsaklng 1 mm {mm the In-v imlncmu-I. nhoexunlnos ll lm-Iugly, amithvn. lmnmz It In his fun`. in though d(`.`t|l'1Iu< uf s_\-1n|-u- thy. anym- "la It not swt-N?" . "ll ls lmh-ml! He Is slarimx in law. \'-I)` gently luv take-ta the little hand that In-l`i llm kn-om his J.- "Am uwrv nur." mm mm lallil ml 1: long whllm (law, an that am hand and arm um Inn-. The hand la parlh-nhlrly small lllll uvly slupq-I, the nails on 11 um um 1-nu tum In lh(`IllM`h'l`<; thv Ann is and rhlldlah. but mumlnl and fair. Bnsaklnz indmuu-l. / ) on worn not I 1001. ' nucmnma ll(\ quickly; and uu-n. with I mu. Ilupulslve gusture. she draws herself up and! looks him {alt In the <~_\'t-s. "H I had kn-nwn you were uwm," ah snys, bravely. though cvldcuuy friglm-nod at her own lemorily. "I-Ivan) limos! sun` I .-hunlul lmvv bwn llu-re tub!" Vnlwnnlul rnn I-nnIIr"' nr: ls.-cmnml eagerly. `Thou fnnmx-s n r:|lhvl' prulumml ml.-um-. Not In nwluunl rune, but Nnalnlyn sih-um fnuahtwllh dang:-r tn both. Th-um in nu gr:-um`! mend In (`um-I than an lllN>u:. hI sl- lwwev such 1|.-alhh. A! but il l lvn-lwu. "Wlml lowly rum-4 Ilwn- am in this L'1\r~ donl" says lkmunlul. pulutlnx In a [nun of glowlng lioauly In-nr hlm. "Am llwrv nIl`."` Slw ham lakon ml Inna in-Min alnvn an Ihnt t\IuI Dunn"! and -Irln umoaunrr mum nnvvn No! \v-mhl you ro1\ll_\`?" Mgerly. nru OIOOJOO lieporolted Wu` the Gover--om. outer. men." . ` No. eculnly not." quickly. Then. V! In unonnl of bltlergwus in km tune that coulhnu m-angel)` Nth Its nun! soflnnn. 5 "I `made: why I called my another `mun- un' loyoujnu now. lnevntduuj do gnu Mr. Oneo, when she who gulp; uny nome- Irlwnl threw my arms mund lit`! and call- ed herihy am [In nuns: but she put me lq;-nn her. and add me] wu nu] cu mike Q _ noise like I shoe-Iv." I -_ She povun mm: au'no\'-I than dlstnmxsul mnnuouoool II. are they up much way: up In I o(hu.then." . Nu Anotnlnlv nul " uu|o\II\' Than I mrunown hour: is adorn; ny mu.` ' !udf`uuu)lon!ca.u up-suxhtholdu to mnew an to bet. I-`and? Yet. 1 mp- pose no; but we were All `much (audit 0! -y tuber. Not an: dIh M N inch noun 0! us." an thew -3 vrrun uu each III; put Inuit? "Yon `mind ! nn me out luau.` ` "You Iced`: v ' loud! you: mower. men?` ho asks. nu}. Tub bun nomury Jlrhhnu-I" name: is Idomd In Mn.` IDQIIYV BO IIIK gt-nuy. '1 [ID I!!!` III .of N: own" mother ulomnj by Mn. IunJP` an Inmk-A mu unhmrh Ih uco. (`II In menu. n. m I lnrlh-nlnrlv mmll mmz ~ that hnH< ul.-. ~mlghl owlllu-t. naps Ill. .\l|llo-\1~nl~. ulush nr nmlmcrvmi mums B people `\. unnnoutnnblnnlhl Z. E`.`."u".`. "`"ii.-ii`-':::::.'..`;.l'_.l hknov x..`....... 'Z-.=.*'-='.=:-'5:-;..:.-.-1 :3 _.:;1 3 T-.2. ..._;-,JJ_-__.-.-,,._. ~,_~.;.-__ru Iuuiuuouuo nulllo D I-.'II.|h3 0. -of--' MA " ?('| 1|- .A_,. 1L1: - _.___',., COO-EB l~'RIE7 *77 ND IQ l)I\`I'|\- \I\'. -o o` .19:-2-`-- ll 0RNl'l.\I. Trude Mark cavern Put-Inge`; nnL n.- ueouum ulnar dun. limo. not lmmollh and no`yd::-at huh nullubuun: ouou ` tut K1900! -bu. am noon: .nL .".cm. id ht-usual ll B381 \ Al.UllN'l`IllIA [Ilium nlholvlgh I mdcrbtltotbowub olthollte hi canon lnnnlnuolnnuno upon. nnm. lbisnotndu. g No ndqlluon lo otvhrlnllon Iron the simple In-0 1 hot as: hnbd. 1'.-y lumi-lhhl nlhvo no pg.- nouuy cun Norman nan?" Itbonmuhm Noo- nluu. Laue Ihrl. P`uuyd-. Ind All Live: ud can Oonnvlunu. ( trcului nod oonouluuau. Inc. M 17.4 _v_vn.ao_. I5-I9 unn\,_nu OBIAWB IILICTIIIC IIRLTIE no sunni- Ioo-! to in u good And warm! 1: unit 'rhoy|mmo-Nun! Inn pp - gun DON! Iv Iboun Inn on- , .._,; :L__u_a- --.n-n _A-.. -...a Old and Roluble. Inoolaz Doll!-Clo. VA fl'I`Al.. . . C$.OOOOO IQ IIIIIVI FUND. . 50.000 ' BIIIIC`I Illlf II IHHC I-Irrrwsu vuru I vvv n--uuuww Ir1rl4IuIIIU- -nm. in um can (`ompouy in (`uuadn lhu KIVPH nu Absolute glllnnho As to Ibo cost. In `d`.`m.o.u\{ law can ol trying oorucuu Large momhonhip. The oldou and nlrnmzenl (`ulnpnny iuoxintoucc um] l'ND()l`liTEl) SHClz'RIT\'. Write !oI'jufornI|u'on' uuv n Il'I`l\I\I_\I| u......_.o...... u.....:|...._ lI..A ' ` _ ' E7 Business done In IHH8 cu-N-is on-r 'l`\I'0 IILLION DIDl.l.Alll. .t`.....n..u~ m l`un.I- Ilmk I'|\'I\IA an nhunlntn Irnnrnnlnn L1 to Hm anal In . `L41 AG ENTH WANTED ?Thu Association of Uanada r anon 0&0. in {CRUMLE rs. It-I -ml III I`lllN(`}~IS'.`-'1 '5'1 RHET. * 71*c>? 131;? - .\T----- SPENCE & CRUMLEYE. Oppoe-Ila (`ity Houl_ March lmh` `III PUILIO. ` 100 Boys` J ersey Suits, all sizes. 50 Girls` Jersey Dresses and Jackets. 48 Ladies" Caahincrc Jerseys. 20 Pieces French Ginghzzms. 15 Pieces New Sateens at 15. 18 and 20c. 100 Pieces New Gimp 'I`rimmings-al'1 colors. 5 Bales Plymouth Rock Cotton. 100 Pieces New German Embroidery. 1 3.11121 &1'.Cuu.v. Ipedlc lodlnno. .. .` .1.- .`\ I l__ Ill` IJIIIII IIBRIIIIII city of London Fire Insur- ance Company. Ill) IAIITIIIII DIIIJF A III} non. c I A*'- -1.2:... C ouoon. En `lbcoulo. tluubnnho-I ism ' u Ilxn mud in liq-uolu no In NI!-Illheru on-r SIOO 000. An`. "Hot uuuuoao an - M Voinnou tor 08.75. IJTEBATUBE. Inoqoqnnovol..dnh. lacuna; ~.\ III. A w. n. \\'r:1'~;iiE{:._ Ts};-.i..;-31. i..;.;}:u;i;;;'{i;.If"" ) Inch lslh. Micellaheouy Advcmiseientg. _ u PIIIIICIII l1'III'l'. `:6 Iii!-5 nu m'.'-niI.:'a-ulna III-Avv or LoNo51"\"'1:"1WiLAND. % uucuum'.', _.'J_-hu"n_} " UICIHW WUKRCQ ', ruxcua nun...........-_ Iumnou ---nnn an an nnvulv DIRE( "1 FROM NEW YORK. 1 A lugs IMMVIOII ol uonlouaai I I .. 1. I 1 :/4.,EJ&E2.!5' IUTAIILIIIIID nu. Joann Pow-or Heath. and 4* DYIIIO IOIKI. I Illllll lfIIII_...__ AA", Illlt fJ. GiU.L()WAY, "c.u.:.umu: mu r "IT man or ooo-insulin-\uu... mu. 1 In 13- E S( )F'l` A" STI FF FELT HATS IIIDCIDIII PIOIKI U0 III lI|IIlIl'I- W0 ICC! Q0000 llama can In nun how hcnonzul It it-:0 pnuonlu I Coupon: which hug-and all think shout mum and I: novnu In . J. 81, 8n.hInuudln.l|l.l$.hrO [mind 0! now unully. Gonna: an Man I . 0!l`!CI-ur|uch Annual Ilohl Block. A. 0. lhmuy. Pnddeng unlllou. (loo. A. Cox, Gourd Moat. Pomhoto. ` ' J. 1'. W Feb. 1th. Dllrtot Aput. lnguon. 4..__-_-_. _...-_...-- o|`l`II VIII LAT`? Alllllllll ITYLI 4 nndvuwnobbya mote HIHUIIDNL. IN "UK GIIK. And ovary sooth: oi hunch! g 200101 LNII. IIONIVI. HIM noun: 0!! uooo. ]t.|uauaco..h-uh-uh-an IVILLUI. BlUOUSNE. DYSPEFSM. INDIGESTIOM MUNDKI. FDVQIB1 LC IIIIELQIHHI3 ILUI IIJIINII or M nun. ERYSIHJAS. mom or sm awn, not STOIAOI, \ HEARTBURI. umacss l Humour. or not sun, Andworyupoclondouooarlungg lihl. u rulunu. Innngmlmfglnno ol . . , Inhn " "ii`n"3%."` - . om .""` "v""::.."m'.:*a'- ov , . , ,. Ououtiono. Prou uad Penn; IIIYFKUOUSIIKJSI. I39 Ind 13! l'l{|N(`.BS`H S'l'REET. II II IIIJIVK INZZINISS. DROPSY, FLUTTERING nrmru 01,501,734. Thi nuunl Innomo 01.10.31. and I ton! nun 05,811.03! The Income hu :1 In tovlrdoy nun! I b paying vary sndlonn wont: to II: innlnru. Wnnannlvnnnlnnnnlln-nnnnnnnlnuuvn nthlyduulouyu hLPIHK'l'I3bou. In an landuluo cull duo-cnluuh-I-(hut lnnu.1nu. ll nun II". 01 Pram OI.ll. In-lullu Ilnlh lining: okl by ul Drun- gmg or am Inc by nail. Dturvlj -ulod. on non;-I ol pun. I-rvipuvu Tutu:-fun In npplluuon. AIIItIu(`A.I Aul:M`\' 'I"lnDI(`lNl(.Ix. vnnaoonunl. Hold Kalqnn W. J. WILSON. loch-Ir Haul Pl`-nun. ho ltnamn. Feb I s:mnu.1rn ASSURANCE ml IIHTAILIUIIBD IIIT. I rm-qnvuunnul hum Anvil: or Ixmvxsn Inlnn-uuou ol the Urinary orgnn. uunnd In lndinoulmn And Ihnnnuru. Iloul Dun Hun- nu Wnfuu. nduounl laud l sro`ri`.}m?niR E"-;'.*.r'Z."."'.E:1"'E~"" '-'-'.-.3:-.-.-:-.*.-:1 .. `.99-U.-E2`: W` E`? `Fl *4,` "!.!',"':"' -jDT IVZZI uxilju Uvq [III LID IARIII. `IOHDIIU. DIIIIIWIIEIQII-Ivvuu-I-II- I for old -d You-3. LI: and undo. ` w F"-4-""'.'f."*';'-`.1.-K."-*L."=.""'~.~1'*-.:`-,. `-T..:."~ :3. rainy. .nq1uug.I`mog_[-u,.v.,_ l__In_h-in A OIIRI ounuufruo MAEK`S "11 4-on-u-can III-Inlpsl llf` . Non Division of rules I885. lltglllll l1)nov or hates A I an. A Wl Iuhuo n T YIAI8' l'IOV next you. but you we now Anuuuou won Bllbock Q lllunn . Aumuo Wln. hot I runrnnnu :- I-PJIIIII Co..NuIun.)l.ll. |I|l5!I||D|"CiI-' , U03 I'll WIIIIII-I lluhcannoaoool the-ndl-pcrtnuqo luuztlncuuahutnpuluun-vino. Winn I.IoInrdhnyuutaubou|IIo' |InbIo|hb.Ic'_cI1IoIAn`I'l'Oho lndv. - IIALLI Illlt hI.\n.Il.I. Itjllvli uhtnponunptnh-dAuuhgt|uunol calonouu L-L. .-'-a vbtophquu lath only, no uannnu-nbh. uupopmumuumwouunlpvivu tntanolhlrul-Iuuaqlonullcinl mu`:-I I-run]. Nun.-cad;-ooblh u _uuunoItpvc-vouuthunungjljlt Imp -lhudml III], pnvman-slnuuog. touqlulldlllylr undtaluhailtqulhhkslut In-agg-yIuIn.udouIbIh-ulna. nu.-manta-shy -A humm- hvortuolnllnnilt Inhuollodnply In-nnnnnnlunnoi. BUCKINGI-lAM S DYE _4._ .-._ g-cg----an- A`-up. olnu -hr:-A-r npuyiu suit I umug ho'H luau: up p-{sun uonzuiu Inns: Inn: ILzsxl1I_ Tlnannu-which Hair Ranewer. .._. _ -_...-. ._,.--.. - ,` ONTARIO IIAIICII _ `(Y -_.I_._ `I53..- '7'...` _ __ ` mbock . Again. hlnunntlo WIu.hol Punt-lcot I 932553331 l00l.Dn;n'u____*nu`. . an `M5! 13/ r|',. r" N .---z E m. ......, 3-Io.-vII,dumDIIurId.f; Iloulouollonl. Pun-o mllluhul -.- -- I'-- IIAIUUU Iiclmdson si ouuuu onalor Ill ;P_ii_I~Pr+.;-m=d_"Fi"rF-'=l sou iv with: wcmu WI IUIT IRIIIT UPON OUR CUl1`0KRllb alum; u out to: than ll'_1___ IL__.__ ._.I lul__ n-..I_ [TAKE NOTICE] I v gun vuiuyao u bodyou: ho nlud pd: PLAOQ no men?) Puma . :audoIooIn(p)|:l on maa-u "3; NOTICE. - Puuu Inching Pmun Boon lonlllvul plaintive an I out. III QQIIITIK ITI.I`."I'. -__-. _- - ~. Also a spoon] lo! M OOIINIOE POLE! mud. Hetuu at All undo. CABIRIT rluuxa-we hue tho lu-you And luau stock In the any to hint! from. I own? a. Leader] `-nuvuv Iauvunuu-v- ;".'3?.' ._"`1!'. ." ...'1`.9._.'.E`.'B` "'.'.'_`..' 9o-2;-.-- 2,-070 14.000 on u-mat Luna and 0) Ooluonen. App! Imuzonunuly. ILH. cunt, .l.I .. `.oIdon,0nL Annb ;..-'--"":a*1.g...e.;_.._. ..u..u.. DVII'I'lIIRCb nddli 00.P.IoImll I 10 Ipuo .N.Y.. . 0: 1 can O33, wound lino ot X3'mu"-Tn. Anomnn Invnspon. la) page punphlol. loo. |;iUST% RLE`CE1vE`15j:| LN1'ID-llN AND WOIIN 1'0 ITAB1` 5 IO! ban: at that honumudly loom u u: hour. No poddllng. `ha can to an; oumu: luurnudodsyuuounnlnu. an `N: our lot `Punt: hmolu to commence mail an hour undid this or Ivnlna. Ben-I Tina on won on. Addnu H. . FAY. Inland. Vermont. 9119.943 '0 won: the - E I __-.-.-;.3,:*:'.:.-.a.."'"`*.:'.;"-'._:`!l.:=*?.:... HUI Will H II`. II I OIII. Ill IIOCIK l'l'II.l2'l`. lbb. IL 099. Uoldoa Onoury. 1 nnon1-oxwwhnl full. 11!! In Iw. wheat. nun. who x.u- hula saw (I; on: as In :l`ou7Ho'-'1; nu): :DnvuodBosIpct MI) IN K to 8.15 ' lbvl. hind. Ml) 1139.60: Heel. fol ! II to run; (`hictan-. per pair. 05 town: nook-. pa xv_-Irpo top: :9... eIch_'t5o_ go 5|; lo?! M (`hichvn-. n.por pur no Io!-I :0oooo.nch fsqcou; 'lVI`ion.ou.-h. OI lo U0: Bauuru I Ola; tub IIl:ltuml1 00190: In? I1 to 11:0 ulooupu losc; A Imam 7.5; OIIIOIII Mr neck: b 50 15 per pool ; Rum bar bu: (NC. "I! CC I0 '11!) . Hltii .550 IOKGL ladldinhbyutlnlssulnh. III` III! I RIC` Rlfil ? I Ehal-NNRAD nut and LWUAQ ll! QIC on III OIL! huh inn-nu D3; Alum Wlnnmln and YDILNO 03 OLD. I |l"""lj (A171) 3) num- :3-'- o"3m dun: dun- olbtn. Trhl IJIICOIIER II II M In; bllthur. tllhl lo.l8; npplu. yet but (I) to (1); mm but bnnh. T5 to lbc. -mpardouu Istolt boo -an-cIrL Oslo (1) he . .5.!i0;nhoc-pnhnn. to Ibc; Doutoul i.,Tu#EsT I II. VOLTAIO !n._g;1u_a)n_: I'lllI0l.l-F|oIIl'. 1-or bbl. um to 5.50. onl- Inonl. MAL Ml) to 5.5% Ihoct. Iprtnx r bush. LING II: which. fall. pa bush. Lm to . 0. poll I-or hunt: on to 0.75. barley. 1-or bush. 0.0 0.45; mu. par buh.0.l'l 100.3. 0. pct bulh.0.66 (00.50 bet! per Ill) mo. (.5) lo ; hullur. tub. war II: 0.15 0.]: butur. mu. pu'lh.o,Io0.II but purl .0.l3 In 0.1!; Mun. per -Jul. (H5 In on go Katmai. per bulh. 0 O0 to 0.15. hlulo. 4.50 In J!) 17 LC . N1nAIII-floIIr. -or bhl 00.76` II I11)` whoa. uptla. pg hm. l.C.I In no ; -tau mi pol Mllh. I. 00 L05: av. pot hush. 50% C): pen. porlnunh. 70 In Tic, mu. pot Ivuuh.JI)lo3ic: (yo. pay bush. an to 15. hay. per ton H!) la a II] huuh.JI)lo8i< ll hon I'F cvn. 7 50 lo 0; hldu. soon 55 turns nus Eamon. 40 4.50 5,11) luy. put Ion 8.1!) to tho; dronod hogmpor mo lb: `U to EU. (`lhun nnatohuclhonnhoniupiocho Ioitolgnlnglounn floyllohldullyono nuuannpquhluoumdjhho tunn- cnuuu nuns) -` _ l1nuIn.- " .. ......g **.:3... '-:.'-:.`: 51 l;IIulhh;lIw 5' Olin :0!" 1:." canon : _.._. _.r -XI lll - olrnnlnim-- .; ---;-._ .. __.__L..n._ --_ L. _. Miscellaneous. `I-n.'.I{ if I? on u o u - .`...'...'.. an-an-inn:-u-nnuuownrro-no luau .