-up v-un--1..-u-n Omoer Snoddcu is the only bachelor on the police (0:00. and he won't be a buheloryorv long. `BL. 11.. n............ -.. --.:-a-.| u.-. ..... .~ ........w. Capt. Malone ll improving an a mind- roader. and some of them days will out- do Cumherlunl. nan,_- n,, 1: The Git-y Soliontor in conaant. with the reection that Ald. Shaw`: byluv can- not be quuhod. ' - 11...; \l_I___ ._ :___._ ..:,._ __ . _,,-,, I ... ,,...,..u... The Rosebud Uluh not list evening. Two more nrnnions. a snippet`. Ind dis- bandmeut. nu. Tho |'ovi'nl in connection with tho Sydenhun Street 0. H. Church is still in progress. Th. Rnunhnul 1u...e....: 1.... nvnninn u-u-nun-u -uu uuuu nu-u nun nfnus. The I`muurot'I 0800 o! tho ILW. & I \ nn _.nl L- __.___-.| n___ In_.__._ rhilip Wuhan ("Jumbo") ol the S.A.. hn not yet boon commissioned us I Lieutenant. 011.. _._.,,n :,, ,, ,.-,, _-.n .u uuul. The mill ol the unmet cu tnci Illa be removed or the street Ioveiloul up to Hxnru Four Clphins have applied to tail the Iehr. St. Lonil. now lying at Svnlrn dock. -In .. ... _ . . . .,,.'.. 1-`. Smith. of Piclou. bin boon appoint- ed Btewud at the steamer Aleundrin. A. Mocornnck will spend 01.000 in touting the validity of Aid. Shaw`: by` I05 fl-Inn.-u llrrcl. Imus wk. GIG IITIUHI III _I IIIIII IZIIVT Iiflln Tbo open of "Prinoou Idn" will pro- bsbly in lung in Kinaltop in May. nomunber the grad at Ann- lin & snubs mxllinory to-marrow.` ' Itllvl II T39 IIIIUJ I-IIIIIKII I I'll - ru. hall 0! the 0. .0. cum whoa psintadgroen. the bulwark: whho; ` ` B. Hick: villain the I. E. Olludn :1... human -1 . l...:n o..a:..| -|....oI.. u. llllpi vuu IVU uac -- Du VEII` I the bone 0! g (mil hatinl shortly. Thu nnnrn Al Du-innnnn It`-" will no CIBWH IIIII IUEIIIIIH .58. Vincent do Egg! Poniluonlluy bu 383 pri-owl -NH! (MP3,!- Tho Wlllhnuvillo remen will short- ly pnmhuo umlonm. ' A n...:. -.....L ._._._'_ -|._|. _.n -I `nave--It uuuuuuolu A Drunk and clck ml! shortly Into unto himself 5 nb. 1'|..|...II .J u.- n n n_I-:_ L..|.;.. snug uruul out I11: UI rllf Nuucvtiaaplnnivipblo. ___:v _v _ `A z'6iri:i{lili i`viTl"n6i'5o tanned in; Kingston this summer. on l':.......A .1- n_..I n._:.-_n-__ L-- Owen Einoay bu both lot no pun` inthohotdbuaiuu. ' Honliqlaukonuaoheud of Princess .u_..a x. -..a_ -."..:-L|_ -w---- -4.. _._--_, N l0`l"l'laIl. nos. IIALF HAIIRILB, lul- IILI AND nousnrmn. Lvrvl `III-. Anumoum-Imp `_u wag M513 It I ).-n-In . Tlopliugolgnngtindcihllhotboeu `Quota! ' It `hlloliihing tbogoughly nn9m; _annu gnu Tnhlit. VF-TTII I "an In -' *rn:'1-:4 n1i1'1'1sI1'%%wrt_xV:;;_1-`jnzlv EVENING. MAILCH as. nu. one-`-1 aa lot. It. Iol|Iyn-`l`bo Oily Solid! lihiuiur you to loud Mun. then. It. Apovoudly)-No. they Inhal- |..IaL._..|... I -liujf-Iulgu IX- ollydo mile: south olCh|uo.ina rbhooutrymnd Ibo tanhnpidly pin. It. hall Iuhnnnounll 2|: IL; -against L{-A-gg L. Li.` _.. Ir. IoluIyn-Did you no ouupn. or any otlnt his gxpqod 7 Ir. lInuInn-.'n1 I `i nan-m at at any out IIIII QIFI I ` Ir. Ootdoo-Yul. I it crap: :0 It. bushy`; ll: II-I-A-L `Ann AL`-n In-`pl. O tnsBtisrv%HmAm1r!HsTvHE III Til Vlwfl TX WK`! Ia- n...n._ ' I .n.| __. gnu-sq. nun avun IUIUICITVUI} wlthlhounntul kindum by|hcpoo- p|o.ndlndaIhdlt|lICo.- uun-Iuulli II- [it C Illl IICIRI dtodud Mr. Bell wu oluulthovm o|uy.whioh he noooph-I. Ho Igloo uuovouonoo. Thoohupoouisuol _|wonhtioIII. ud uoh nun eouuy tn-yunru 233a".f.'."""""` nnlwi Innn nnn.lIu nl hhgg. 1-- I uomunanpn-vnouodakty-In "1 w q-nan-9-an-rim Bononouaoionporhdthunv. J.s.Boll.|IhI.l-:. uhnhtn Shu- nonvillqhcdldt hhhldollabol-.Wo __. ..-_ _.._._A.; A. _,_ Al, A n , WI Wllf I. W`. ET`: I. U. aid. however. that the pineal unam- mont. carried into aoat try It. A. Jonu. Deputy Inspector. in only tommrnry. avv-Inn Ul out IIIVIIIIIIU IIVIII IIIU 0| loo. but lhnl he would have the up: poiphcns when it van undo. [I in ..:A I..._-.... sl.-b 6|... ........s -_..-_. u-uuu-gu` vuv uuu-vu vu nun vIIa\a<| you sonally, but he hul. in his dtughtor. In excellent. uni-aunt. Rooontly. however. unuopooplulnn boon dhutinlod`. to the uurpriu of man at the villogan And to the dlnnpprovnl 0! not I luv the pooh! furniture and Appliance: were lnnorrod h-om Mocu-thy`: IoOunp~ bull's. The lriondnol Mr. Love In he gL._I4I L-.. L.-- AL- _-_. ._-_A _.-_A-_ Z IT XI- llccuthy at the revenue from the ol~ I.` 1...: um: I.` -|.....I_I I._... n._ -_ *5; .;; ;..` .;,`...* '".;.; 0" dbohI!ifQ1m can onnn once. pet I -nnnnn Ln} lun |...I In .E.. Jgnnhtgu -n J- N- MQRTLQE4 |V0b&_kh`g nu puganaw. ` ii nld In dnpivo Ir. LIEII 3- III IIIUUIIU UI I-I- IJWIWW V I. |l-f`...oI.- no pl... ._.......- f_...... AL. .1 UIKIIIV lllllllil" UI IUD ll UIIICI IUUW Illb-Iii n Fi}: in! nu in imp`ort`uat ciil at th: 8`. Wu- ....A .1. IL! ....:-..... ._-- AI... .....o ...-- .. ....,.......... ........-. -. Iuv .... ....- oont do Pnul prison). won the pennan- .`, Ho Inlet vxy ognble ol .Iu.4..d.npun an-.. mm. a`... .... A change In line lilac nus. Intel`.- nurprlung nml Unnau-tn-Cory. The Poo: Olnoo u Portsmouth in now located In the store of Juln Quphn. I grocer. For many you: fbomu Mc- Cuthv (lube: ol the Into chief keeper ml AL: X8 Ln iniu .g-J na- enquired the! we! lie trouble. end on learning the (note pulled out her pone (lneky thing) end peid the person. The bride! pnrly returned to the hotel. end on their arrival than the groom wee given his pocketbook. left with the clerk by e boy. He any: thuixe will never be caught in n similu predica- ment ngnm. He may never get the chance. o9--- `l'&\II'I:.y||uqhd. ._....,....._.._ LHhouu|nut|Id\hoApiul- -.Il..-I-..n.| n.;.. |..u'a.. -In us-u I. Ir. Iolunr -Won Ihoy but 1 Ir. Outlet-I conded they Inn. ..n `L-g.l\l j I-L-I AL..- V nun-ogre; idu't K V: -uv uununnq v. | nun uw jo_qL in _ A9. blunder. kettle ol huh. `hat to do he know. He hoaituod and paused in Iain upooch, and the minhm couldn't lm-' who what vs: the matter. Finally I thohrido. nolhlng uh cnbununout. ` `Inna:-n` -I..l -.- Ln. Inn-|LI4 --.l .- A IWHQVIIIC III III I $CI`-lIOII.|Il 0| `II ` _ ylqmn lbglmrlool. _ Yeste uy afternoon in young man and immnn from Beilevillo visited the city with the intention `of entering the mar- ringo contract. They put up at the City Hotel. and the young mu that he hud neon tho lady to I room. repaired to the omonoltkle lunrol \hrringo Licenses. In paying for the document he pulled out his pocket-book. Ind. nnfortnnntely. left the oioo without it. He proceeded L) the hotel. secured a cab. and. with his ancee. drove to the residence of n minister by whom they were married. 0! course. the clergy- man had to got a tee for performing the ceremony. At the conclusion of the service tit his jpnldl Ilby his poolxola. Hut; ulna. they wo're'3mpty 0! the currency of the oonntrv. lied he I...t :0-) Mn ln.t--uln Id- I.l.....l.... P08`! SIOUTII l`05'I`IAS'l'l-3RSHl P. Tllll IE LII8 THAN HAL? 1'!!!) I PRICE OF` THEIR GOODS. uvnuu nunv Inupuuu. This morunng I rubber nu Iound in the Church. and thin goes to prove mu t.ho"youu` men rducadh up Q0 lhinvna uuu vu thieves. nun uuunnnn nnrvuunva St. Andrew`: Hull wu outend Int night by some porsohs and M0 stolen [ram a cupboard. Tl_;o_,__lmnd;ru got yogi: I win and ied $110,909- yoarvlipun _ cabin! The -301 Jain diore t boxes. (ml embraced the collections of tho Sundny School children lot three months. ;All but two boxes were ompliod. 1"|.n.. -an-...n.. - -n|.I...- .-_.. I...`-`.1 u'.. VVIIQDII IU-CI Iv Inn yv-III ---1 duly this morning and ukocl the police I a robbery had been reported. They were unwind in mg nnnnivo. They related what they aw. uad one of then known the name: of the nllegod thieves. They no aid to be prolv.-aloud: uni haw: ALI-Ina` hush`: :1! n-i-an 'hD llunir sun, -Iv Inn] It I-ll? `nun, hue served terms in prison for their oencca. ` (U19! hohni punpioionnrand the ` union gm ruched Ihuny bu) Qhblucl. '11:! - =-mun mind Io tho win amin- A.-Ia. LL}- -...-..:n.. _-.l --loml u; nnlhan The nIgmwononuduao'monnuch- ed by the nick bed. In 4 o'clock nan. I noise in bond und on looking out the yonngnen wonlapen oqming nlona Aha -(mat OIIII Illluwl IVIIIIC In: v-an-no Uv llht.M_`i'~vo young moi: Ian 5 I: ~ homo Inning rubber con: and tubby! bootoonn. They tljd not return nn til 4 c,in.. uod than cum carrying bags. laititting up with I frionil 11! night. . hoqltht_yonIiuncn|IID'Ix.IId on nidtolnohu`."'l`hathtwI&ooI nogodlldnudut this hour olthu night. Howgvor. they willngqrn _ dolu _ ._ 1 AL- __-_ __._|_` uiitii u-nu v us. Here is I case for 1110 police to .work '"iii"o7."nT-L} um. Iinn An-r Ihnln-bitmap; IAQAII 1". h an _.:--..._._--.1. IAFRIMUNHI. m\`nc:m'm-:. Out of 113011: bud no rubber on his left _;A van... |--|__.1 _._-_.-.-_- --.I AL- {IE IS IN lLI.-l-N.0lS. , ANOTHER` 1_iunu1.An`\'. IIFT LIIICI blijrru In lone: `liken. I-I I-1U- llu. Ir. Oany nhnod but `hula lush: maa to n-nun-an In anally- lloindululhunvlnun InvIurb.IunIvIIIo:D.I. - LI- .A_.L.__ 3 II IA In-vpuru. Ir, luhhoHcr.Iunqu'ol&ol'd- III laihluunnu AnublhI.cllh- ulltamunlh Wiulur. Ic-I.J.InhnNnudl92.H.0u- dlm'1uvoIclulsloIouvuI.ul InH.l|noooletWQQa't no CiI|h-- g -:1-an. lnnnllnlnn Oneal`: Hlon Illplou. lurch lath. um. -u Uji}I&ITlVCClZ:I hultb ad will nun to hrlhlul no lanky. I|Ign-.L..l._|.|.A__. _..A _..A... -,0 I`bQUbul4&hn Id nia- d.,ua.uouano..J.s.c.wmao IQQLQJ-p I --`...- V-.. -. IIACIKNO A ucmu. Au uuaanlunt was mom. in. Eudonon uh: in lab goods and lb nd: oulupd to: u Ion-ight. The Oouoil will. in tho noudmo. dnllo _L.l L-_ ......_ L... L_._:. A__I1__ -_ _- w"'$' Cijl tlnloolibpnmp. Mr. Agnow-"l wul ilulull upon- dbh lorlhoono my hohknton higher D-Al!-Illn A n-n-|-o IIICIUI lll HOW Tull IFTICIU III as Initial: hauled sound um nu. Hoodenon win ad! 3 Inuit dealer within the meaning 0! the by-luv. Iln ll-I-A--g .-LI L- ......l.| .1...) ulv Illvuuun. VI Illw II,-u-In Ix. Ilclntyn aid he could pound todnowllnnuehwutho ouo. . , :1 _s,.,,., u nu. n IU Invw cu-uuuuu wt luv Kniv- The Inailtnlo-"Very well. l`lI take the evidence." :3 .-_,A ..nA . . n .- MTwollu||arsEach.] Inn -qunnl nun - n GI u-\ Inllln. sun dbukon ooourrod uncut Mn cupihl invented in fruit. Mr. Header son said he paid out. unuunlly. us much for (min: he did lot tea. The uunh union had now become muons and Au; n-.;_'nL.A; n._u, . ._ .1 .. ,. .._ an-.- nun. g-u-us -u uuuuu u Uuyuxap "He Inn trying to draw A betting across your luck. Mr. Aguow." This cum-I groan mommeut. to which Mr. Mclnlym added by saving. .-ll- _.- o._:.... o. .l..... - I....-;.... CI-IIIIICIUII Ul -VI-I I-RIC mu Ullu alt` walk Inn A bench: to his bnsinou. Ho ofodtho fruit. too. because the-hr In permitted him to do an. \I.. Ann`-o_Hl\i.I pan h..l.. nug-n. uunug u-av -u--uv . Mr. llondenon-".\'o than Wu I bet- rina on tho udownlk when I cunodown here." F-F ..w ..c........... ...... .. .... .. Mr. Agnow-Did you take even- thing else iunide ?" ll- ll.._.I.._..... -|\'.. AL...` __- _ I...-_ ul llll ICIIKII-W W- CIEIUI CU IIVCII C1! the pontoon. Ir._ llondonon said be exposed uuhb bll Ali. Shara by-law prevented him fnm exposing other good: upon tho utmot. lining L.gL l:L L. A-um.-J .A Imagngg -- vuuuq uuuuu uyuu IIIU Iuuvo. suntan. h apnea! It. beans: nn 6! fbltlon or men goods upon the side- 1:8. Henderson look me stud and said` In his his dealer. Ho ma duh ll tum lot you-u. Ho codonl fruit tn.-oh when in its nutnnlv Itch. whoh not dried or preserved. Ila Id- doul that pohtuoos worolrnit until new one: came 1n. And than than was some an n u- -: u n 1 30BLA}0KFUB._FAPE3! FEST "K5 .2u'sIa."'L"r.I:"EI .:..T."o7 the "earth appleu." uad hlr. Mcluylv Ilid his luuzuugo washout u fresh as 5|... _..A..A.._. ll- ll--..I..__A- -.:.I Lg Tho Muginnto. who hm! sometime, felt annoyed at the wrangling And In- ` othlr qu-gun gm, bug: at in. aid `the .~mo1aq'uu1to- hinged upon wheth- or Mr. Henderson III a {run dealer. nun. nnvuuvn-vu- uu I unu. uwuq Ihgl all iqbr o Inulsol Ibo pub- II. III luau IIIXIII In IIIIIIIA l'B`ll|lV II I The City Solicitor. with a merry lwinkln of the eye. observed, "'l'liore is about As much diemnoo between them an between A horse choulnnl and n obontaul horse This brought down the house. Again the counsel Iwiwed nnohothor ntout cnbbqging" nppleo from tho burel. Agnaw Inid he book one because Mr. lloncloraon said they were {or the public benet. Mr. Hendenon-"So I Jul. Every hln-. I mg]! K; In. AL- L--`In 4.! 5|... n-nI._ ' Ir. )lcI'nIylo-"0b. thou. you think them`: I dilferenco between 3 (unit dot In and ndulcr in mm. Dene it ?" uuu lulu" nu. yvu nu Ivan guvvu. As Commissioner uoz-don nmlentood H18 by-luv llondersou Ins not I (nit dealer. He went on to deno n fruit dollar in one whose capital `Ls invent ed in 1 unit bnnineu. A mu: could all trait and yd not Do I lrnltduler. . -u..on~.~-nu. ..-n . I-n-g~r---u.-m " UK-I \lV\i- ~ Tho counsel [ml unothor jungle? ldnlylo. mmnkina to Agnew. "I'm nlot-u fresh as you Are." and receiving the reply, "No. you're very grew." An l'.\rn|n:nnunnnI- n.-....!,m .u..I..nu.n.I Mr. Mclntyre said the onnpe: were older than the Ipplea and loan subject to decay. 'l`|... A...`-....I I...I gnunhgu Ii.-nulg win) OI HIGH} '3`! C. III IVTII. llltl Econ` ' Ncd Oillldo at Ecuadorean`: chop. Then inn (ho onupe-. but these he considered huh. yuuluuu, Auumuuuuyuu. yu-un-uuqu Mr. Gordon testified that apples. come of them vegv std. And rotkon. had I.`....`..`* `.u`...a n.a.u. no n...a...n.-. - \ ll LIAIDICIHN` IN LOW l'lil('F.`4. `J I70 I :-Int-on Slreel. Inn-la mm. Somhthing for the min: To TAKE IIITE OF. `* ma ouonol or my nonllh muons:-- bun Is at WAD?! `)=.I`.IIIuI||gutlBrucl In. )0. . Hr, Agnei aid there In: uooon-' my to men an oloisl. \l- \l..l..o--.4 ,A u\'... lhnhn in mg ........ ...M-....,. V Mr. Aguow-"You know how it in yournell. M:-.Llclnwm." (Laughton) \l. n....l.... |....o..-.1 Uhu` gn-sh. DIV wv uvvvnl III vunuuu. .\lr. Mclntyrou-"Yes there in. Ill most necessary." ` My A.unn-__|I\'nn Iznnu hnu it in Iu. ;_ . ` - ` city comu7un`zonu Ooraoubok an oath mlnctnnsly. saying thus Hondur- non wu not 3 fruit dealer u be under- ntood the term. ` , `hum was more `In: n the` Police , Our) this morning unnhu been er ; porionood lot I long pints. It account! 6961` ("%ie"ii:' `v":Il} J6lii:"3f Ion.g1ooer. Brock Street. vs: the do- londnut. elm-god with oxpoouuu haul ohppleg upon the sidewalk eontnry to Ald. Sh|w'u by-luv. Mr. llunlonon admitted that he lml put the npplu on exhibition, but that he us not con- . tnreuing the bw. Tuointwmntion . '1 ...o.na : muting luau! um the 1 (rum in golpqbod by 0 dulor than , In. `F I . 1,. 5 . ` P] 5 pm 1310313: mtu ~`NIr. nxonl rm 0lDl.\'AKCI-lI um nuts A I ~ 0:` `run Inn;vm.i- 1 PIIBUNAL IIIITION. W ` -$_I'lBOIl-VIOl'I I Applnu Front n-no Ilqunu I)oelclo:`l'h|l It >QIII0l' III not": IF!-ull Donlor Undo! tho Insult] G i By hi -150 Council VIII` hurt up Inn... "12 - "* `isuA'w 2 TllA'l` `s\'-1..uv.:` 030.0. =F`II YIIIILE TO SI" N008. '-'.':'.Tu"-.:".'.'. Eb by-luv 3| I Km-_ ` `-.`.'I`3".'nS.':-'.`-%"'""' `III PIAIIACY." j T T3? ETCT 15.1-lkuuur Iutyvlusvluun-m jqnulcllhooouhlholwiany hvnloqboudoptivca. Thain pooplo koownduunhdtbouw ooutylnn ___..-l.___ The-you l hwy`: not nil! st lhnlhtlahlnnnhudhntwuh. ITIEIZI 16!-Owl! unluwlnl - IIVUUUUU unyonoouoovy. lothopohq thovont ha I.-untiddonr. and by Iutbcoonhc thqviIll.oin|hou- .|___.._A.lnL.g;.-ml-&n4ul-L'IKn' lady no-hnuvo but ptoublo. Thou --_ l..--.o. -A Anninihain -Inning`: I-an (-1, mi? ITI FVFIEHE IUTV uIl|rIIotI|IAQ'IiIo'nlhohIVc ohulng sud killing their toll Int O00 ..._ -.J .4 n..;......nm... L. ....n-n. Gill` IIKI Illllq Illl'II IRIII III! IV! lycun.IIdv0C-tbohmndiuuh nolulh A--nbnnnnnnb Iilnnnni-j_ A LIBERAL Dl;U!1' OI ? ALL TAIILY IOUIIINO OIDIIL WIII "I I1 `III IIKKIX T KIIIEZU I- W pie. The dru-hock: at proud uh- Ina will in time be ronovod. A: to honour. It should be non ouolully lunged. No not "I ulviood to go Iolho novooutryvhohn not uouunpinl. swoon but. enough to Rn. .- ---KI L. I... -n-AA Lia Inhnnn uni Glltipju Ul-VIII-I -\ Cnlugll I: live on until In In: undo hi: Ishonr not ,.y_, n,,. __.n.-L|_ 11;-.. A correspondent rming from tho Nonh~WuI up that tho Uunln Poet llc Railway has opono-I up I Inga dil- H1080! country. nut! that this hrrilory willnlbothohomool nillbouol pm ..I.. `I'I.-.I-..n-|..nIn- at nan-anal Ari-L -nu a nun! vs uuuuu-mus vu nu-unyuuu the chemist.` Thu Inge copper pipe dlnppouinq undo: tho oor--Ivhnt bu iloonuin? 00 hone in tho gubu-iug gloom and As you onto: your ball Int 3 Intel: to the pendant ltlln and you no in I bluool guliglul. and :1] from-- umlnnt." vulva uvuvu-nu u-in unuu no lulu 5-: to the ten of the beach 0! resorts. when three uuiugn munch our notice. 0:: the right. an iron on rnoivimth chneod or ouboniud sawdust; to tho Iellnumll pipe from which mails cloudy stream 3 vane colon-1| liquid oun- Ilillilu methyl Alcohol. acetic |d.hr and a host 01 substances ol inbred .3 , .n_._:_. In... |-_,__ _ _-__ -_L,- 1-uuuvuc on outta UIIIIUI -wuvv `nun, luau` my the Iunlum. M ns they In 5 dull red. which changes to an orange color denoting high boat. We maygo n- pl... ...-- /5' II... L......I. -0 ...A...a- IIIV, :11: HIV I-:31 uvu 5-Iyvu sou III in diameter And twelve has long. hid horizontally in brie.-kwotk out I lur- nnoo. They um llod with the dry uwdnst supplied from shove. and which is kept working nlowly thmngh by moun o! a cent. Fire is undo in the furnace nadir nuthnsllho gmen cimlouound um nulnoln ol than who: Imvr ldrvrlly touch- Desomuto. us a municipality. 1: now lighted by an undo from sawdust Ibo Dooeronto Inbnuc doocribu the light Ind the proccsu of mnnuhctutiug it: "lion in u unload cl uurdnst u it come: {mm the mills. It in wet: cou- hins about fty per cent. 0! wake: which must be got rid on. It is thrown on the am ol A-uieuolhnotmm jnckol plums. which constitute the Dn-or. md tulle suooonivoly from one to the other. nud by the time is undue: the lust pluto it is poccuv dry. A nap. nd to no bdon the ntotu; they no IN Inn iron pipe ton inches :- .I:....-A.- -...d o-.l.. I... I`-.. I-:A IKUIV III `III? ITIIII INIIII UWDIU Ill`. U-Ill was so near. It is qnito evident ml! the girl took tho MAI drought while not inhor right mind. She nomad to be in 1 duet! state. not in my my ronlit in win; on Awful act. she had commit- ted. not nppeuiug to [our dam in the least. she 1...: ma affectionate ants, loving bxothen and sinton. um] I good oomlonnblo home. She was very modal lud retiring in her diq-ooition, She was only 14. uni considering than fact: no can only attribute tho awful deed to Imuponry insanity. poison for fun. I-`Auction having been given her she vomited a good tlenl dur ilglhoduy ud lpptdnd to be much better. In fact she seemed Io Itudily improve up the hour at her deltb. II 8 pm. on 0 5th in. She passed uny II on in I sleep. `without even those in the room being urns that death _.- .... ..--.. In L. ....:s.. -_l.l...L pl.-. unnnv amunnm lo rock : Wuxu Wnnu on mom I oppoond no lhoblocs um lliosdcouo 'l`ooplo.ol Gntb. bod qonmiuod om- Izidoby lhouoool l`uIouroou.boi,m(' bind ol lilo. This ohmomeul oppun `toboonoooon.n,oulooe5gl:botondigh'- Inquinonnoo wxiloo no o true otgbzngntol lhooooe- Tl:eoonoopa- doul ooyo totbn Ihnhub Ila Too plo'o lIIII_il_:tlilo-I to root ol _o lob V_ l:A5oiii."oil"ln mollcutely ' opirilo. oopeciplly tho dooouenl; who m~ mu-konl just below It-tirigg that tho Ind some upccul hbnselsblxl liable: to polfnnn non iloj; She ooomod so be in porlccl poo-eooion of hot Inonul fm onllloo._ uni on on blllho on lony penou ooIlo.I' he. About daylight IIxlllI(I`I- lug In. Toeplo noticed A cupopon tho table in which Purim (in-on bod been niixod. AI tho oomo limo ono at tho `younger children uollod to hot. unsung that Joooio woo olclr, uowovc.Joooio oppouod in tho kiuohooo loo diooloo ohu-Innis nd proceeded to puopon tho btooklut. But oho ooon become ill and vomited. ondtheowlul ouopicion outotul Mn. `People : mind Ihu hot daughter lull tokoflho Porii Gnolht Ibo pnrpooo ol sell doolruclioo. Being qnoouonoml Juno replied um oho woo and of life. um" um .h.. soak tho A I I TM 1 I r `I! 80;! Fuuulu'I; Fulani n: 0! lb: onle`--A Ya llil*I'l`nliI-:1 ` __ Pun tar II. _ I.|mIr _niux S.\\\ DI.'S r. A Ward 00 I-lg!`-lo. %I.i:nLa.i:x i.i:s.\i1{ {memos IAIIKEII m rum nouns: [I-ncu.nLu|. - \ T.I.QIE8 STRICTLY CASH. [DRY GOODS. tum. stock of 4: suitable 1`rIhnIIng,s. UIIVIPI on-nu-emu. Buttons, Prnugu. Mun. 'l'vrIsn. lo. ' jsntunhylaxi, 29. of March, [THEIR NEW STORE [CLARK -2 MINNES ` 800 pieces New Dress 50 pieces Black Dress Goods. French Solid Cloth hr Dresses 461nches wide. 01 per yd. New Gimp Fringes, Ornaments and Trimmings. New Hosiery. Ladies B11: and Color`d J erseys. A Special Line of Gent/a White Shirts worth I], for ROC. ]'\_Z/_AALSH<:STEACY S !l,[l0PiacasNswPr1n1s.li1ngI1amsannSalaens. !WALSH&STEACY s1=E:No?1ii}a 63Sz:LEY*s, Omanm tho Cilv Hanoi. I83 and III Prim-on In-1-ct. _...;...:., .._z [GRIND MIEUINERY OPENING Beg to announce t.11-a!t tjhzlrisvpring Opening on WEDNES- DAY and THURSDAY, the 9th and 10th April. Ihcl ght-In l oIIIe'_._ Iliek Au.\I'goI ouunqnn. I_lacl _}ll Wbolulcens. `IOU. vl'Vpnnla'4h`io-ocgivde` >I 'l-|I'IQl'l'V ` -3 I13 7. Itmron IIII mun : Yelling. Ilutnh lei-cu. II Pdnlnn Cords Ills French l`wIlIs 2 Ilk Pmruuetln. llh llunlemu. Ill Innhnu. Ills pm: urcumdluec. I LIIIE All WELL SELECTED SINK llnve Ilecelvod New American luau Blanch:-3. Innings. lklru. Fancy lloslery. Prints. sun,-ens. Tlcklnn and Jon use of I00 While A-en-it-an llouey cont QIIIII only 731- each: worth 9I.I8 at the `I0 IIQND T0-DAY-'1`_B OTTOXAN IADZWEBE 8lI.K-IlAND80lE GOODS FOR JACKETS. Alo-A Complete Anon-enl 0| luring Gloves ind llulory. nrlmm IIXLLINRIY win. In: IN on n1-ulmu. 1. R088, - % - I28 and 730 Princess Slroel, iemm3 )F`R`M BOSTON! ';F1NE ALL wooL TWEEDS, Then open: an nutpnHumu'uMvory' iumiblo" for spring and Iununor wnr. call I um! on them. IF. X. COUSINEAU. m coo? worn. ,cI.oo. T _ Much 27th. WE HAVE IN BTOCK ABOUT S HERETO!-ORE OUR STOCK WILL BE POUND TEE LARGEPT AND nut abut In the dty. We inviu all to all ad no out show wlmlm you via: to punhnu or not N0 CARDS. lush ma. Oornor Prince and Iago! Struts. n q-LLILV T- are the City in am. VVIIJ.o OFFER THIS VVEEK: ruI'.-i VIUIIC flu! CI III: O.EII.A.PSIIII)E anh. on-osrra wmDso5_1o FANCY AND STAPLE sP}:No1; an EEUMLBY nowns & BISONI-:'.l'1'E ._.|- ____ A_.__.___. -n__-_ n._._;___ --_._.. .A.'I' ALEX- ROSS .,Ilnc'I llnlou I illlgpcreu. Black All Woo`! Cantu:-rec. Inch Illk Warp IlenIleIIn.._ A com} ouamy at 15c ; IorI_jl.2I. TERMS! ONE PRICE ONLY. HILL V -In In &I -LIL-&&l-I cl: & WINDSOR IOTEL. -T (Opposite the City Hotel.) Jl1I'I` IIBCBIVEII AI` Illluutl Wuuslc nooks ---IOI BALI DY-- JOHI 11333.80! E 00 __...__.. _- ___._._.__ Plllj It. uuqanu. gnu .4; un`- AI AGENCY I-`OI IIPIITRIY GOIPLETE. LA II I} llll-I9. M0 or . J. F. loll . Oiled`: Iilonl. Brock toot. loll lllth. lh\'l`I WE SHALL II, dohnuI'lod_ and tlnolntp-Id in n....l....I L- L.1-- A.-_ __....|..... otuanniitiu mttnr A A ...-...o-A.A spun.` 1:! HM Pbmvvn nun- `KW II Xjt VVIIIII Z UIIIII IV` Quulnolthiuiu. dinlnnllyhvon uynpthyolnpcunuy. DOIJI I0? Q33. Yoshi-any muons Ila Dqnly Wu- don cl 8!. Vhooltdo Paul Pouihulll. Tolqhut Ullllnt. arrived has with JIM Iobhrlld. up! 8!. who in! `Angola-anJAgn-` -gggl I-.-I.-_ Iiifjlk Clmfw X :0-qdudbyludnalcnunyhm Ihl-hnhncn-M-I-n_ uII- -IMrIIK-ul. Til ll. wuu j huuoudblwo gun'hpthon~ hlh II-n-Ann In-ha-Ll-- I..- 1"` W` ZFIT ::u.uun-pa hdtalhrybt millinn-nllannn-u IL; -J- tinlnldtldllltg WTIQRIIGKI :8 Joyoovillo. which took ue Ind unplug. Bo ton-nnly hp! Anon on Kim Shoot. `H0 in anal: nqnohd by sll who jnov him. and hlhnhr I.-. -All L. -X....l L_ - I_._. _l..l- -1 II Dll VIIIII _IIlUW lllllly I-II Il-lIZj lhuwill boniud bynlnmolnlool Aaanlnlnnnnn Ila -AA A L-nhfmgl-. -.-- C` -- V-- V-u-v-. u) willnlloolurnolthn death olIr.lv'nachIoIdon.wlIohpt||ton AI Jnunnuillg mhlnlu hush -`I-A. IA-A vvsuuu unvu INUII IIKCIIU Ill -Villi mi and no ud noun (or public um- behlvionr. Thin girl: left but on Monday Inn. The man found in their ` company were lnod OH. which thcy pad. Tho girl: unusual to 3:0! for two month: nob. Mary Ann Shut.-r unl Mu-y Ann Jordua Inn boon Arrested in Napsnoo ....| 91...: Am...: ....... o... ....|.n.. ...;- Pol'I2oI|I.ColdI.Crop. Auk-n Ironchms. lonnonou. ae.. IIII `I'll The nnnuul ulo of periodicals and manning: took place in the Mechanic lnnu'tute'n room lut night. It In: well attended. but the uh: new light. Only 60 nuguiuu ml 80 periodicals were disposed of. Photo am about u Lonny more to be cold. A Iooond sale will ho held, probably on Tuesday next. Mlyor Bowie. 0! Broclxville. 3 genial goutlemnn. wins in the city yoatenlny and towlny. He was met by may and his companionship enjoyed. He took shock olouroo-luomuiopuuluyn he will have them tried in Brookvillo. Ho thinks they In about no nut and dun- ble In uaytlung ha ha nu. SI. llocvgoh locluy . Tho member: 0! this Society mll elect their oloen noxb Tuuulny evening. _'[hoy_will ulna dmldo u lnlhnm the SI. Gem-go`: day sermon will be punch- ed. Sumo nnolt the English Church. vyhllo `other: the Mothodut Church. while the Salnuoninu WIIII the hu- nch to be used. Ev ol-loan. mind John Io- n--n, Dal: ,- . ,,n,n,,,, A [land Illnappolnuuant. The Band Army Band. of rum- month. Inn to luvs played ntho Ssh: tionumy Iutuiulit. but sums 0! the member: of tho lulu objootiug they did not put in an Appouuee. The Town Hill In packoxl to but the Inl- -in C. Drycktwholns been superintend- ing the work 0} lling the sinkhole on Napnuce, Tunwcrth & Quebec RR. neu- Moucuw. Inn placed in it 2.01) cord: 0! wood. This will give 1 sligbiidea of tho tronblo and expense of the under- hm...- Ilo lay he IIIQMMI. Suudlunl I-`lowing. Chancellor of Queen`: Uuiwnity. lave: for Europe to-day. It in thought. ho may be knight` rd while in England by the Queen. No more woxghy man for the honor could be found in! Cinadn. ...,- OIIINIL. ll Flue. A Princes: Street morchnnl. dinplnyod two has 0! potatoes outside of his shop doc:-`lyoalotdnx, When asked to also them in he said they turn Iruil.." and did not come under the prulnhiliou olomo of tho by-luv. . nu. -.. ........ ..-..u--. The Inter id the (iannnoqno river in rising. The loobbridge over like upper dam bu been can-iod nwpy. The bridge M South Lake and the road Lpprolclh mg it in completely oovqgnd with imar. ` . Pnpnn {er Lung sfulou. Jnltioo Uuneron is noted [or hi: long uuionl. lad is in prolnble that the lawyers here will have A heavy siege. Twist} in Pcterboro tho Juduu an {rum 0 mm. to 6 pm. without Interruption. - ww---j _"I11iiv1i1i: "innsu -v nu-an nuuuulg utunuv uuu Iuullrvilig 1 nd incrouing in loroo; hit to cloudy.1 with rain to-night. < Ihdulalv'qlo.ouluIn.InnhIII. uhun. IX. 1:. lllaodqo. Io.I.Ol 'CIIlOIh1.Ku'ch` .l'ht .olhoAuhuudA>-r Ctdx Iniwodnoduuuulnouih. ' . L $52`. T nunon uonol. lo. :1. Ana-`cl;-.0 ONO Cl Unlldd Wanna .500! U00 and hunt: 'l1nnau o' our! noun: I on ff`, ..PECIAL NOFICES. J. |a%IulIo subunit : lo. Non flun- -['o'i'no-an. lnnhllh. M! )3. , , _ FIIGVIEIIIICM. xxgoor Acumn, llrnelIhvd,_D'$_uulIru1aulDoIalInlIIJ 'w..~... -`-."'Z".:.'.:.'*'- "--"-- W- '3.ll.3-.1-. " __ ...V _ - ....__._...-. Wind: Illihlll to out and noutlrout. vul (nap...-{nu in `annual l-:- 1.. -I.....I.. Wlll llulld lnllar crocdqn. ,_, 47 n . v. . ... 1' 7 "r*:'a.9:.-..':.-:=.*.:.'..9.:.*:'~*-* `AND v1c1-13;; XIPUOHL BRANDS OP \Ll\` and H)B'l'IB honlod on tho uvounl-on. noauum between TIIIIOII And Oornvnll mini hot: II no unblnhnnnt. For |b.. ooquln j@'j$.-I\jjU'T- _ Tudliwllllaoloollvcllultillol-' hyhcthndlluoooltbhhlion. .v.lu-nun Tholoouliolluvuty dcnhloou--noullanhutlhlln lhday-limvlll ndoiht h -5 - J....A... j CIT nun-up-nnuuou. 11. ml IVZ'lIIIC XIVj1 III` n;-nchlhphndudlvcdd by: gonhnuwbomhodnvuoodupot. uadlhnabby dldnwdohonsutll tho 4...... L.) L..4..I.J AL. A-n-n 1 To TX 3 Ij XIZIFI Ill uoavilnondu-noguua-no am. but oaneo bob; the than of olotbu. Rev. '1'. Santa. Ride: at It lulu`: j.._.L I\-.-A- -lLl `g-g-g...` AL- uunnu urn lquvvu nu. but: us: an own 1 bout in way block in town. 1VI._ -..lI.. -..AI -Al Iganlo I.-.. tn: Vllutwlp UT w-I HIV cnotlanoluhouuon tholotlolho nuol\ho0hIuh. llisnbculul .n___ u... IDAISIWIITLAKTS vuuvvuu-nu-u u uzvuu-u-_p Tho Princes: Street Incubus who but I dollar on than mull ollho Alder Innis election. in St. lnwnaoo Wud. A _, ,. _,_n- _-J ._ -_n,_a - .I__.:_ WIII IIZKIZIZIICICWT-II: Ju. can Imooll hi. was and " nnidonoo. Cnia-in-bu. to menu! Douala: 015(1). Tholulntvill noon -__ _ L-__- ._ __.__ |.I_-|. :_ ..-.. WIUIIIII UIIV -IXIIIIlK VI XIV U ICC- A son at Ccphin Yotl in negotiating with the Ralhbu Compnuy [or the long 0! Butt`! Inland. near Trenton. when- on Ioeotgblish 5 luuohouory. `T `T; l- KWII IIWICT V` will uolpuyitndnonlldsdudo. jg. I!-`In ha. nod` Iii. W.` IlI\II `VIII! UIUI, II PIIIUI-lj~ _ Henderson an be ndvutiuu himnell u I [nut dealer. but the Mnpitnto de- cides that he is not mob I mclt , within the meaning of the by III. A -.... ..l I2.-.L.:n \.'..LA I. nan.-ni.oi..n ......., .. ,......, ...... Iuu .......u .. corsets. gloves, hosiery. oollun. hund- korohioln und ties. and I mount on 81:` unlny with every 02 pnmhuo. ll....A--.;.n n... `\A nunptingn hi-nngll Mr. Andrews, business Hunger ol the Silver King Co.. alleges that Kingston bu the uent Open Home 0! Its Iil0 outudo ol N-aw York city. I Flu. Lxnfniun nhn mm Al: 1].- -ind.-.- vuuuluu VI nun IUII VII . The laden who at on tho window Iilh 01 H. Wade : drug win will refnin from that pnctioo in future. Tho Iron pin: no 3 little too poinhnl. Hudy at lurny loud the nude in ..-_.n. ..I..-_. |....l--.- n\a\"nnu- I.-..J run. run I vuu. nil LIIIVIIII Iilltlc Tbo Kingston uni lontnnl Fauna!- iuz Oompuzfuhodn. it their city what, were broken inta sud ropes and nil; stolen. , 1 ,, n - .. ... iioltulhdvllhtdnhtad I06 unsaHlimu's.ALBs, so new Ion on me Ill 01 my. Rnthbun a Co. will naive the tint output of shingles (mm I new rm. Cor tor. Fox I Co.. non Lennt Italian. 'I\|._ I_`!___A-_ __) u-_;.-_| H- _) -uu -nu-nouns: u vuuvu vn but Jun. 1: 0. RR. will In nmovod hon Wnhrto to New York the m 0! Mny. n.n.t..... A. 4. -all ......:.. u.. A... IIIWJIUWIIIIK l'll\l. IVLIC-V` U II"lC"u 7 Five tnznpu registered as the Police Itntion Int evouing. They hclpod to vhihewuh tho oollu this morning. Tn- `I"-...-n-.-'- AR-.. ll AL. I ) W L wluquuu-. Anhnuwnulnln Snlnu Ar.` __ _.4I4l k _I`__ .1 - ..lI_...I_lI-_ L._ - anus no uuluy II: Llllcllli no The Pollywua Club will discuss some imponun Inbjaolu at in non meeting, Including Ald. Shut : by-law. - I73... 1.......... .....:.t.....I -1 0).. DAN... uvu. WIIII IIIU uzuxpuuun. The best value in the utdo and a pmunt with every 08 pnrohuo an Sat- urday at Hnidy & Murny'o. -n... n..n........m..s. ..m .n........ ......... UWU I IIIIUIU nu V71 Illvvn all Kw- Tho pollen nooulaol look tor A.|]|/500 Pgghann IL` Inn. hogan noun-Incl in U-vu tuna nu sung!-uovu. The coal oil lumps am kept clooner and burn longer ninoo John Pnnly has the contact for lighting. Ill 6|... lean..- .I..I...... .. n... ..'A.. |.-.... ..... ............ ... ..,.......x All the liquor dealers ll] the city have joined the LioenudViol.u\llen' Aawcim tion. with two exooptim. `FLA hon}, Inlnn In Hm truth. and n .......u...._.... . .u...;. Tho On Company no uatisod that the electric light will not become a_sot. ed thing In Kingston. `Flu: mul nil In-nu. nu. loam] ..I..-....- KAI (WINKD IN 0l'F0l{D BLOCK. DROCI HTIIIE1`