Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1884, p. 4

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unulwnnclouecuumnuunynouneauu on Anything but truck to Ihc awed." Enusnx the mull hunch-yud. and In Ncluklu-InIIIa==lIrvupI'ylI nth` In: I bolt." III! louleu. lljllllg anno- how 3': pubs dun plane her. hm Ihocu-rind does on: round. Ind H71 All Into It. uni ucuttor their unu- III In d we. I very ow seven Inna. It lbs and of which they and Ihanualvu In an looknolllen domtou unluguuunlknnl: W13 XIIllI-OWlK yuuon Illyuillll Giannini : hooks." t Iool I0 un a noun, . Gratuity : books" II b very ndo to Alarllnontou-'Ionnmc DAY!-l DuIi`AuIuorq-uonaseuu.- `A0 euadac..Jc. - au! "So glad you've come! We were qullo In annulr nbout vou: but better Ida mun MONICA- .x I Arm:-ynnrrrsu wmd, FRmaY'M.4moa 28, 1334. um mum. - - III$flIE.l Ivuysntolopuvohuodnvln uuwm bofoundont down to 1'3! LOWEST P3101 [IN ALL DEPARTMENTS TrII8TKI|llIEFIIU8T&liT IN EVERY DBPA.R'.'I.`N"I' IN I ALLZDEPARTMENTS Buyer: will nd our Stock the Largest and Most Complete inho city and our prices the lowest. LACES, G Our large miles 111 these goodn have enabled us to make another large purchase. We are selling them 25 per cent. under present market value. ` ` ' ll \VAIJ)RON, Iohli. ' swuss EMBROIDERIES. HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES TIIE LOW PRICES IT IWI/CI! WE ARE SELLING 60008 will nab/0 Buyers to Jugqo for Tbonm/in wbotlicfa Dollar will not Obtain more Goon : al our Slow and of a Bomrass Tin Can be Obtained Elsowlnro in Kings- ton n a lit: sum. lntil Thom Show in our Present Slum.) IHEUMVAL '1'!) mm nnwsrmi in. & J.ganmn s comma] OUR STOCK WILL BE FOUND LARGE. 5' IEI ITTIIOTMIS EVERY I" 3 EARLY IN APRIL-- REMOVAL! Puumontorlest and Ornaments - It-II MTm3unpn bunpanlul I010 nun a.1...n.\ ---11.-.- `gnu Tolncnunho wdght dlbnbdy. tn- lhoIyI0nn.!Ivihll-Ilocnhntw in tho in object of -nhnm. Th clhdin organ: In lyIpTm an urvnualnunmmna u nu-Ink uh1'Ilu dcdnonnd|nIhooon- nlcuonnoud again; town. It ban the uuaimonn uppronl of our nndiosl um.` ?|::- "3. Youlmnvery good fellow." nays Ulle llonlyne. "the best lknow; but] under- nud you. You are only nuylnx thin to connolo me." I am not In '|Ilh' I u\- ll hm-Anna I conoolo I am not. In mm; 1 any it because] think IL" I wish I could think It" nun n.n.u.zu RIOIIIIIIOI _., Ste, helm; Mm. llulmn? Well. my clear Ind. If In elderly |{\`llClPIllllI'8 oxpol1o-nw In ofsny uno to you. you may have It olnmu-. I bellevoa ulna arm: 1 great dunlfor yuu. Lookers-on mo mm: M tho gum:-, and! would back you" ngllml Rnaamoym- any div. umnw menu. She hul lnmnnqm her canl, probably. run! now It In almost um-lenu. Rouaynu-'3 hvnrt In full 01 bmerneouo. nnd be men to swear to himself u! for the nature he will cleanse hln bout of this coqueue. who cares no man for hlm-nny. fur |eaa--than she does for heruule my carrier. You. even as these stern minivan seek vainly to root then- nulves In his hn-nut, his eyos tum nazaln to the room beynml. and mnko search {or the dmnwho I: ma undoing. Sho Instill. of course. with liuusxuoyne. unl I1 I" smlh-s Ind p_n-uy bltisheu, and Is 1`\'ld'!1tly both content And hnppy. . "luuntool 1-: nulnnnt" ho nus to eonwm mu nnppy. "luutuoH-o nnys himself ; and own II he says It Ms oyoa Ilght on Owen Kelly. who by chance is look- ing at hlm too. Gmulnn on room. the Inner (u Ihouzh nou an umurnxu M u Now, Mr. Kullfu I {en la nu('h'I\r and 1 doea not (Imam of 1 nnnnnr Inner. "Of course you will bug]: at me," huuys; but sonu-how I ulnn't mlml your ridicule much. It means only this, that 1 hum just lound out um: she um nulhlna u all for um." luulylo Minds mmmnmluu-. Why to pale and warn, lund km-rf" he lays. gnyly, but with so llmlly tn lnlonw don that \'\'l the most pngunclous could not an umbntxu at IL Now. Mr. Kuun Imowlmlm on All Inab- laying her mum on ms mu. She mow-s away. llnnnync-, drawing his breath somewhat savnguly. 8|!!! down on the sill of the window and gun-s blank! y Into the barru-it-yanl below. No lmn still her pmgrummo In hls hand, and Is crumpllng It unmnsu-Ionnbly. hmlly know-(nu what he duos But It disturbed in mind. It is always such 1 comfort to smash something. be it a paltry plooa of gnatoboml or ono'u most In- tlmnte mend. Rh luul lnnmnnn hr-r mu-4|, nrnlmhlv, nnd Ingunun woo. Omulng the room. (us though drawn by the Im-Inn:-lmly eyvs that have met hls) noon r-n-ln,p1tl|\- window when Iunnyuo shnuln oihunmmoluu-. Whv no rule nnd wan. um suuglu to mac you." Well, don't be so long next time," she says, louklmz up It him with a smile that I llttlo mom pnsssum wouhl make ta-ndor, and laying In-r luuul his nwav. llnnnyno. drawing and use Mama The Incl-0 III III- wnntulpudu wind: It poyluvun andoomo an lulu hulls W q on on K! can to pan .....".: .....!....' .. .. .. ..'t`."... ._o..,..y with an unpleasant slnllo. Oh. dear. nol oontelnpluuunly; "I came hem of my own free wlll. We all do foolluh things at tlnws. 1 hm-e not dnuced tlnls hm because Mr. ltunuyno prefers pleasant cun- verse. 1 dnu`t. I though! you would mrvn-r coma to seek me. What. wen you doing?" Hnntlng for you, nml thlnlrlng every mlnule an hour. Those curtalnn"touch~ lug them--were jealous of you. I believe. lllll suugllt to hldc you. Well. don't be so Ion: thno." goen quickly. Something like mile! comm in her win-n hold Iioumoyna. scum-him: his long neck round the curtain that half SIHPMR the cush- ioned recess of the window where they no gluing, says. with oouskienbie Inlunnon. or him.- slums, wan oouauuu-none unmuuon. (or him,- AM so I have found you. Mrs. Bohun." You have. lndeed, nnd ingood time. I In piamg in prison, but you have come to deliver me." "It! may." . Such I dreary little spot. In It not? I don`! know what. could have Induced me to enter IL" "Rnu:\`In- nrw-Aihlv" ~'x|\-A llnunmvnr-_ um oocasIon.. I declmo rm) umco." , You (once: how you speak. sir !" she uni. proudly; yet even nu shu glvm way to this Angry speech I gleam of deepest Id~ Ilhllkll so light: her eyes um! `aim is 0blh:- od la la! hot lkln {Ill over them to cover lhu tell-tiles beneath; her bronth comes ind quickly. Bonothlnz I enter IL" ` "Rnnaym-, pmsibly." ~u_\.~: ltmsmoym-, ` with unpleasnm SIIIH0. \ oh. dear. nol oumenmluounlvz I i lusnlng. It may he--to aomo. But I tell you that no man`: heart in of so poor mine that it cu" be ung hither and thither at any one : |Ilouum,--no. not even At the`ph-asum of tho woman he ndonss. You will melt mlnu more enmplllsnnt lover to be your dupe on this occasion. I decline the uiiico." "Vnn lnnmt Imw vnu nnnnl. sir!" aha nym. qmcuy; "you must genome onoelse I) help you In this matter. It In not for me, ovonltldklnocloveyonzlshanldocomso low 3 cut." - "hum In In Ml I-nnl " nlm IIYII, her on-A It "Love Is In ldla word." In: nyn. her eyes ashing. "ll. unv he-to nonm. But. I fall won that _ 1 nave to do vmu nu" "Not much. yetl count upon you. Why`. who do you think I am going to make him junlou about? Ila? "How should I know?" . - - ow shouldn't you? Why. It In of you.- youl" with quit a delicious llttle lnugh. "so you will have In duos mind after me All day for the (suture mu you mission In Milled. uultry tolook unit you really Ina! me." '\'mn Iunvn 1-hhkam I'IIII` inn " nnwn Rn. I man no." I "To: have mistaken you but." says Ro- quietly; "you must. genome onoelso Ml you me. W0 manly hot lnluohl I I which humus-I all uovuhuhpld or wwwata.-..u,. 0! Mn not J. I knit pan him 0 Ina. Inaeul. Q Li he. I nuppuoe no." In syn. In nun-er to her. but slowly and n-prancmully. But I nun: have hcln." nvnohn. Some "um I In!!! have he] "nysulgn. `K 0l'|3`liil1ThIT|3".' Y6`i: ?4|lT?" I? wllh nhcmnonnnhum What sh 1 Eli lo mnunuv Kn: mmuuma. ` I "hlkllxof jealous-_\'," uh: .~u_\~. lithlly, I with aside-glance -1 arm. "it In the In-mu - of my Illa 00 Inch Ila-nsumyno 1 -.;!uu-. to ' Induce lull in tbsoluto .sub|ulslrn.. He in ' nnnld -anon:-in. an lhwlhh nk ll wmlhl` or Illa Iomclq lmusumyno 1 -.|Iull~. loi Illlllo o n pncimkmllnglhh. that It would L bfulto I ttluxuph In drunhu nt on--'1 'chnr|ot-Ivluholu. shall I `be able to do |l'.` BM Inna ip her rlunMug_ hm to Ms. L: though In quuuun. an In rooktnx Ml WT) uwooluut. uml ls u-udcrly nun 0! the fun Ind. Indeed. It Is he. I numnnn :1" In nova In mum-tar tn hm . one must nalp me. !6u.'--u I! now "I?" with Iimngomphuls. What should [have to do um: ll?` "Nnl Inlu-h, \-at I nnnnl unrm Imn h\`,' nu. v ` "A Inleih I am! Vrelrllv-1| lur pll om man. I cannot can my .Inn-!' 3 You know the uwu-t._Ko um only too 1 Iii." utunu he. with so much terror that '. CI lllb to continue um ilianutvdnn. wflillnl Ioalnn.\- " .;h,. nu; |iQh[|v_ OI?-noun! you, would gain 1 Int." . u slowly and re-pmncmuly. mm have he! "nynolp. $00601 'I8`liil1TlllTl'>`'."'Yc"ii: -1ltTih1?" ' l'Afl'I`AI.. IIIIIVI VIII.- L , v ._:-ujQj--~ Iorrfo Add Hnophnu. % LIP$VAlu@ IIDIOLL ITAI mum IIIIII ll. ' [YIN Ouuuuvn-1 1:. u n. I knowledge l pru-lw that Itnnnyno I dot-omng him In thlu ovpzumn. Inn. cod ydoun I G ht. Louis. I`... an; ..: `IX flit hoplll. A ...'i:.'..`.':."'. .`:'.`.'..."'.":}':'.::"..*.::.".a uuhuauhhluduwhu. llybllld \Ih hl I K `Uh! m- x'I's.'3x. 5... ans. -ad lhnnnkl Ihlml null Inna tars our Ir. I.l0hI78_;ll vislng Iatml, Ioslol and In York. We and to to allele anon anpuau (I10! III III! Imus . Tho hut udhsvinq hand. gt : own > ol. Tvohotuuolnur dock B Bmcnonrdhlm. insub- Inonlluvoudolor J.D.Ie .1. P., vhohnv d Lb u. Th can in nnddondnuvdlouninhbovntown. .__..-.oo~. :. Tonorm. Duo. xuux. I ban much louuu In noon: the Odvulo to my one would with cold tool, and beliou they will pro- vcnl 5 you any complaint which um ohuguhlo ulilmto nuns. Inc: J. w.8olM. up: J. vnuolby. W. J. Wuhan. the Phuunov. agent for Kingston. wn tuner vnn woununo. nonrugun. has 0. rhoulnninm, lum . mum sore throat or some poinl o soy] vbonyou on golo A. P.Chovnn Dr` Store sud gen purfool sud innununooul unto far $50. An lot Fluid Lightning. __ Punly Vegehnlo. unih.on`u Iendnke end Butternut Pills Are com ol mmdreke.dendel|on. burdock. C vet`: root end other choice vqeleble extreme. They eaten the hver and ewmeoh with gnu certainly end Lhue give relief ho muzy complaint: uleing [rum e disordered condition of these omens. Ile- Imllon'e Pill! can be used In time by the week with eheolute eertun y the! an ill elect: will loll-aw um: nee. Bold hy Polmn 8 Co. Mild ununng. Cure: taoothmho sud nounlgia quiet at ulh. nliovou my pain Imhnuy. the choapul no quotes! npplimtion known. Wh Iuflu with toothuchu. nonnlgin. hm mhn. rlmnmninm. lumhnno.minl.i4 -uuueu. Phoqrhntino will bane! oounumplix oil in uni}; lllge. - fen. &o.. do. :ll|:oqvh|lino does not make (gt, but solid a cure: Blovplenr.ues' .uen-um .j.-..._:__._ Job!) 11. Vo. Hamilton. any-I -- "Io-' Gregor`: Speed lmre [or dyupopxh sud ind ontiouiu up ul fty times the prion for n. I In 3 oommoroinl man and true] oonununll , and would no more thiukol leaving omo without a bntllo 01 I06 r'n Bpody Cure In my vnllw lhlll Iwoul ol luvina my team M. home and int) on foot. Free tnnl bolt, :1 A.P. born `I. __..._.___ mum TL1rjAs8uninifEn`i.`I l~:8 l'A nI._l_I__I8lI nu. _---_ Non Division of Prolu IIII. Inching man` I but ponmmy. Try u..`i.u.o.'?.`x}`l2.`..':?f. mi. son by no. reason a U0. :1 dkinuovorywhon Once! the man nuandmg ho use of many medicinal in the tendency to revoke the oompltinu n distracting u some times own more than the orinnnluuu- lgoli. {Iunil\on'I Iduhlnko and Bnlurnu pouau we u y ionic proportion. whluh bmld P3.) the uyatom sud unis! thanby to aid nature to podonn thou function: which are uuntinl to health. Thnv nhl an nkunu-.h, nlpnunn thl liver mnouonn which uunuu to mum. They Lid the staunch. olunuo tho liver and uimnlato the bomb to nntunl notion. Inching oonuigution 5 varbnl imponihilily. ',1_ P!_EN,Di0 LV`!5! 13! 39 Pl; nine in 1-mule wesknnnea in luvnlnu e. For sale by All druminu. .: . ' -r.~ T Tuanmmubmuuumgm 0 monimu . and. like one cl Ionde!l_- 6 l'.. .`.'- --nit mnl unnin." x I 1 - ------~o.s. 1'h-ounolhlnhsubzlaluu In II-1-2.} jj. nnnlvhh blind Homer who uummwu mo nun." " Oh. you. now I remember. I would give anything for your clevemuua. but please tell me whnt II the llisd. my- wny ?" --\\ l1y.it. inn poem telling all about uu old follow who lived Ill a tub of water." I don't believe that n mm oouldlivo in I tub of wnwr. do you ?" " Oh. no: but than \n- must not question ancient mythology." I: In Why will Lucy in wanton. I --In Anhln the In huo nothing tn Jo '.'.'it.h selecting husbands. `Vin-n a bold wuror noon 5 girl whom he lover! in another tribe he rides in at night; dnahos up to her tout. ulna: on her up in his Arms. puts her before him on his homo. nnd am-ops away like the wiml. 1! he happens to be caught ho is shot.- aud 3 year or so later. when he in sliirmixhing around at midnight. Mu-r tho pu-ognric bottle. he regmb exceedingly- that ho was not (might. -"Lomo no." aid I young lad gndunto to 5 highly. intellectual Irient . Wu it Pope who wrote tho lliul, or Wu it the Iliad who wrow Po '2" " Neither." replied tho inwllootunl ricnd. " It mm hhud Homer who trumlllbod the Iliad." --my. rnn um: I mmnmhnr. I \\'0Ill(l Aiulohflllol. `flannel It. John Iorrinon. ol 3!. N,R Ihnuunmlndrllhn Ann : ml: panhlm l L ' nrvlm-2 .n.nm. Anna`. It-Ad man. `- V-wy----g--,l,- ' -" .-lthlntchmlh. UIUHIII. --l'm_ullwool Ind I yud wiclu!" ahonqad noowboy. II he gnu his non . burn an extra side hltdn and Ioulml pliul tn` undnnhrl funnle. but you _ won't Willi." uu.-__ ll.` Il-_....g. .._..`l AI._I R! for`: IE3: ~-T-run may` be. 1'1" J [II] II IIIlllDUlln -A lady writes to ascertain tho best way to pn-servo A pipno. The heat way to preserve a piano Into an it in qllnrtmru. mlm out the core Ind boil the ]|ll`(`t`8 until they no shout lull done. Then mnlm a nyru of And pour ll over the pieces. upset w ch they `can be put up in mm: or an. Pianos pmscrvul in this way will oep In winter. __In Annhln Aha nhln hart: nnuinu In IIllIICIlIJX3D- _ -Abaolhindor `aid Io hi: wife at their wedding: "lnoeml shut now wv nu bound Iogothu. two volumes in mw. with chaps." You." ohnon-ed one oi the guests. " one side My onnxxmntal $;k_ey morocco. Int! 0 other plsin COIL v -lt wn u very ckle-minded claxmsol who wrote to her lover. I'll meet. you it u} altu` ii I MIN Alb! mind." And uhu wu very much utou' ed when he n-plid. I'll some the pu-son's bill if your father iaI_I't too panaon-mouioun to do it himself." A I, 2,, _,_:A,_ A- _..--_4-:.. AI.,. I_....A 'l)H U Wllllo -\\'hon In. Iiomapm: maul that Mary Andaion hid thtndoucd Tho Hunchb|ok."lho lnrknd: " You cur`! mdl bluno whokzldhohnvo been con bml or A ty ' I to umrr}; n lnunchbuzgo ' . L_-L|_:...I.._ .-.:A A. I.:. ...:r.. ..| I --:\ link` II QIIIOIMINUT "N3 003' :mn...tiou box Ind rs-ad. oomplnoently I Iiund. "I paid 10: our. manna; Was: Unll. right. ? ' ' v I -l.m.h~ Jqnnyhlonged to I Humou- lblc: wt. Hon. Juzuy." .8111` her fnv.|mr. how: I nordoll." Oh. father. that`! no good; into it Away. Tlwy Invert worn thooohiugu [or n. I u.nnl.h." :-:0O-v-- I-Iomu11nlsnnura'utcmodyfor chronic dhnnm. nu`: Iulun. Iuuuuu Loan Ind Ihusfuultul Ulld Inn; on no-dlnldnnn. u - " IVIHIUIII wuuup. \ -:\ little girl In dllltchlfbr the nation but nuned. oomnlnoently ,a|.Imu"x-._ V ---xa BQIIIQQI COCO ll III` TWO llail-IOH DOI.-LAIII. This in the only Company in Canada that (in: an absolute guanaho an to Ibo coat. I low 313$. Qlilufl bi DB1 ll """`"""" "" uxgfuumunrnn arm. was. orin!mad.ona' ntrongon Company in can any n mnnnnn n--....-... n-_.:n..._ n..4 1-cu-L Tonorm. Duo. Nth. nut: in mnntnmnmlm Tiumnthu. Plsunbcrl. Bbunud (lutun um Dunn nu mun uannd lauhnu. Ill! 3!! III um-an nuuuuu-envy. -w u -- IoKl|.VlY 1. Hiicu, 'l`in.nuQ|u Plumb:-n Rhnmnndliunllnn T SINCE INTRODUCING THE ABOVE llnrnn we have ovary rouon lo tn.-Ileu TIIIT BEST IN 'I`IIl~} NI. IIKIZT. t Illvuru Duujrv Wuub: -. and null luv mvunhq I `alukqanly _rrII fin to _!ln_|.ru_. {nu}! T F1_Ammun-_m.,-_!~2 2-_ 3. Old. and Reliable. lpeellc Iodlclno. .r-I MA; V...`~\i AGENT! WANTED. V : a1.su1'1_11_ca}_3_LT A1ys'uT1muu I an plenum. to has 0 um. .nt mu mrn Vurgvnlm. In it Info, , luul trn-an town of Irnruu In Czxndrouut Adultl won-.m Powifnns. oid Soldier : ugoonnpdy. _ -- Wu um: cnu__n.-uxra uiny. jot bglon tlmht ol vunmg. I ouuunuui a in- van cold. which u-nuimunl u; I uhngon-gag coughs Hon:-hionh-H&lI4:n our 4nuch-,_ In OIIIO to I country How. `has, on nun; o............ .-.-mam I nu r.m~d to in M urn ` "CA\v:rI. lVuA 7 M nuance. "I-I-hlloupnumyu-prJ-omnuul the Jnluhloqulluoaol % Ayefs Cherry Pectoral dl (ll lclllluonlaueu rum, lu luv pumps euro of an bmu-hlnl uni` lung uouonb. la the. no _ol Ana`: ( :nLum' PIL'l`uI..u. '1u n-r_\ palatable, llw young,- 8 amhlnn Into It rvadily. EIIIIII. l'l|lE@|'I. BUICK I | nu." ? Inna llauunh:-lawn: u to. 012.. cc. DrLJ.0.Ay;r&Co.,LowoIl, Mun. II --VIZ I [run nv-ma Dnnnv A |nIII\|'_;\nu-.-.u_-_I_uIl dlunnu 9 The Mutual` Wkmam of [lanad v'|tr- 1 . -\_. Aam.-.. v.'l'AIr munr an Hluu-bull. n III. II:.. ac. 7| IIIDTK STIIIIIIT. rh l7lh. 0 Queen NI. llpsl. 'l`m*uulu Iknmblmboxl l'lI.v {{..o.......a-5 Mndcellaneous. nxrf-Emsuca. Bold by All hrnzgltll. GRAN13 _TR7U"N`K RAILWAY mm1uu mmnvmm INTENDING `sis:-rrr..nme trorxi CANADA Am mob; in an Ihb com I EXCI-IPTIONALLY Low u.\'n~;.~+ ugmzs Io mane-oh. II. Ion mobs. the No was ....a n...'o:- . n..|.....|.:. Mmmgmina Hugh and. Rl>lo`.{}I . SI-1'l"l`l.ER8' AINS lL.~\'l`l-ZS AND FAR!-is lilnl. uuon. lonn. nunwom. we norm-weal uul Britilh Golmnbil. ' MINI llrd. SPECIAL 3E'l`I`LER8' TRAINS rrpru_dil_!_oroutnoct.iona o! the can . 3' Notice of rates And hm will be insu- uul British Golnmbis. ' lush um. HPIBAULAL u-."1'1'u:.nu' 1 muna from clilloronnoctions inn- I shortly. March Gun. I-`OLGER & IIANLEY. Goo. Agents. Kinguhon. A I5iEGES NEW Dfb 6. r. A'|;i:T`l`;Oll." MT `Hi mum emu. nntll ilnl. V I'll!-I l"AO'I` THAT OUR BUSINESS HM KEPT STEADIIJ. INCREASING since the commune-nnut cl Closrin lm. And is not inannml 90" shun amt. H In con poduvo proof that ___m We 0_Ive Ihe Bell Possible Value lor Ileldy Money. You wmusvolnlla lingual nouyoonhgdluoth Al. 'lof|IL"8. W W `Anal: C71}: llllamo on-can ullomlu lIOfr|IcusSlnd.| uunnun --up-- .:;.1.;a,.,.m..,,*"'"""";.g......| 1 I. IABIIIIJIQQQI Annl. fj """"_"pR 0&5? Pos1*TFI\7E 1| new uiihcx BXLI .8--ll . law Ollmnn L n-uuujiwv-r.-<-. ~ ~- I\.r.lAoI!II,(InnlAauI.'hvo|h mm coma-0 SILKS AU 1.0!! -naps;-ml. " nu; sgpxs wuosz-: VALUE cnmor an annex. ' 'rhnpuBh_ndiuScsha.ud0uomuOocdlotJuhdn. nu III Iulnnnnn `Hui. Inch it. JAMES RICHMOND 02' CO S. %sIooii: S.ooo_I_'gu on Iinnmij 2.-_.j-._. sn.xa--nuuosou fansnna." :1 Lu 1! ottoman ml. color " New Chins Oupo D 33:5 now; _1 New Nu`: Voiliu-new colon. Lor OW; llhoolhhobu Aduruumons. "(~73 ii"1iiii2i-:'1i,"vs}c}}}L}}f iigiuiiicin. om. I. Inn}: um |Vnnnc-r `nun: |.oImon.' Inn0npoucunuooo-cuvaoI.novuouon. Nu ! VclIing-uv Buxhomo Goods--dl my coho-very chur- wrr nncnrvnn u- n`ld ;i Fe. hnndholal W W C jiilil [. IIIIIIAICI 00". pd-Iuhliuh I. ,5_....= I .. .._um.`'.`'.`%:. ATM! AOIIOY '3` I10 lnhuun ttigyllnrl [A OUR! ou_AImrruo ' LEAOKB `L In ...v.~uA Ilr-Ix`;-I 111'! II|.I|HhLInuaunnna1.a.| Ilnlln Anal can-t 7 -7: yyw---7 j. ilpshovnnnysscilxzixognuuaeoodjuzsugad-cimnruog, A :_ `style or quality have or eudvhene. -\ __ . ` . m1hQ jhhnn Hiiisorr Bmmes L|waI>|.noIux:oTou-I. nnlnil |vu' \Jll u inch 160:. '"._...':."':;."".."'.".'.'*".:`?. .`}%R. & J. GARDINER Ujhja-5-; nn.g...n_:n.. Bruxxal&Ta1mstryandWnnll}arpatxTanjnralals,&c| II on O0 ptonmma..' bl: hit her In lulu Away with ha to the uhyhx. an. uuuonnovmu mun pnyng.n UIwtIInD|uonIl'u)uI\'-asoutn. I Ioldallru lnlnr, Mm n, nhnnlhlann-nnnln ya!" will I Ivan upnm gmnm. Tho: In. it 311 events. the only one: I unfot." return: he. clumsily. but lemlly. All the when will llo In the node with `r, '9 can In dance with." You will luvs another ale to tell Inter 0|. hunt in gang wlu unpvunod Id- Ialnllon as her clnrnllu hon. Bofonloo uulaneho of wonhlpern descends. pnnho Inc all the walks." "Am nnr dun-an listen as namnnnn In uumnnda' '3 i] Ill AID XIII.` KIXIIIII ul no wuuu." "Are my dances. then. so noemary to you? with Iwm upward glnnm. Thaw Am. :1 all events. [ha onlv ' II eel`: duty I: ma Ilru n;buI mmjxtu you! In his own." quota Ikly. Why uncouth: you Ion. sweet volu-,- I dun`! mum to be law. No. lndoouli I hurled Alll could; but my aunt: an slow Io move. I ma hmgtnq to be has. but woukl make no Innate." on many longed to In hen?" Ash: has agony. Well, um um: good of you! And now you have mum you will be klml to he. won ! you.` You wlll give me ill the dnm-on you can unto? `That would he I gnu many." say: Ibo. lulghhu I llttlo. \ on mlght. tin of me It lndd yeuolhnt `Horne ls,lhnowno- |Iodylnn.|nd ounnlnlu than hnoono I In dance with." Ynn -m luvs nnnlhor IIIA In lnll hm! wluspenng out in mm m I somewnu pro- nounoed fashion, And altogether he In look- ing ndlunuy happy. and Anything but the lboonaolua nnln loulca ha been pictur- lng to herself. He Is smlllnx down at Ind Ia uppunntly nunnurlng IN -om om thing: Into hot mu [rower cu. bo- Ilue they both look quite at peace with each other and I the world. .A nnmv nlmnln lhmlllh Mnnkafn heart such other and an um worm. ~ A pang uhoola through Monk-in hang can has happy then. with one pn-ny woman In with mount! Shoby no menu. you will too. dc-pneclntea her own harml- All he wants Is to have `Vothcrdurchum u nwny." At this moment. nhe encounmn hh MC. Inning. tuner um: uoolng. um nu. neo- hondhubloughthln lnlreoupnnlonlonn Anchor close behind her. Monica an In I soft. sweet volu-,- "I Akin`! menu In hu Int:-_ Hm lnaloqli I n "was them ever so sill)` a young man? hluks Movnlco. anal then she say: aloud. "No. It In not pnmrlst-tl." uul IL-Ls hlll place hlu Ann round her. and reluctantly mingle: with lho other dancers. To du hlm justice. he values very well, thls In young mnrlne. no It clnnot be utld that she his ullogothor \ had this. and lint certalnly tool: 3 llttlo glow 0! sun In nlw pauses presently to weaver er breath. At the does so. her eyes mston Desmond. lie. too; In dnnclng. nd with Olgl Bohun. lie ll whiz ring to his pumer. who ln vllxhperlng k to hlm In somewhat pm- hshlon. altogether "very. Al lens: ll souuu-d so to no." say: R: with heavy ndontlun in his moo. IIIQ. taller than uoolng. an 1. D00- nondhnbrounhthln lnh'eumnn.n|onlo|n C Iwny." A! thin moment uhe encounter: cpl. mud won his glad sun of on luvlll I o ueornfnl lowering of her I Ann! which. being fully Iwnm that he ls still wuchlnx but In hun unuelnent. she hum I nntll. pnla. but very encouraging lace up to Ryan. nnd any. pl-sully,- You II I was lam Just now. Wu KP`. "Very. A! less! It soouu- to no." Rvde. with heavy nimco. Iolkl esh" about his nee. "1 due any," say: Munlca. very nguolyz Illa In lootln; unlouly round hot. hoping. ya dnullnz. to too Desmond. In the next room can be heard the sound 1! music. My Queen ls being plnyed very [really upon it piano by somebody. Dunc- lng is evidently going on. uni Iunlca. who Idores It. feels her was trelnbllng In her ~honn. ` "";_'I."WT'V'nndc"' want. '3`....V:':...:J 3 at om. Ely I Ium the plnuum of lhlsf" ll)! Ir. Ryde. "I've kept It tut you I" along. you know. If you lrll me you have shady veu it awn)`. I shall (eel myself ngxrlevod Md) ' "So and you've come! we wuv quuo In despair About you; Inna um. oh?" any: Ir. Ryd: Oo Monks. with n m unlle. Them In rnlhu much of too on?" HI . Kym Io IOIIICI. win: 5 In unlle. Tlnem In rllhet much oolhl esh" about his face. I dun uv " urn Mnnhm w-rv 1-urnalv: now neanuy sorry for her Io uly. BM in nmlng In durknre V In upon I107 duh. um: I unmet out and u tusuhomun nlum. that um-uem In turn upon her Ind double her up at my moment If Ihe dun-s to give nvny umvon the umnllou umoum of neural unlmnamn; no perfume the poor old womln am still. llke once on I monu- ment unlllng at grief.` and that her own mt; too. whleh. oi c0lII'I0. In hmlcr no tun-In mylnq vumyto mm a comm-umo quarks: tot old lady Rouunoym-, who In both deaf Ind stupid. but who,foaI1u II her duty unuppun on Ill ocrnlom (both tu- Ilva Ind otherwise) the onlmu of her queen. hu accepted um Iuvluuon. And Is heuly sorry for lI'I' lo ally. nmlnx In unon ow memuuu on we |m move. when they In welcomed a vely by Ilr. Ryan. who In looklngbtggur sud hotter and doubt than Iuunl. Qphln Cobbuu In the lamest roocn-lhen In but kw IVIHINO In these rustle bur nth-In lug nlnlyto Ind eonforubio nuumr (at old hulv Ilonunovne. umnm; but nwocu to un: moot." Entering hunch-yud. Ind- Ing I door hooplubly open. the Ilse: Blnlo gunpuvwdunncunnuqundpluon Iul Ihemulvan the lundlnz-bhco a V0. mm anve. uuw neven mun. u in of they call town of Clonhnsa. housing the loop mu um loads to In such III pho- edon I most unaavoq `gm none:-11! IN: numv studs loodlnx up to than being on on most gunnenot--|u no Ioullm up being lined wmneloaecnbuund any homes that An Anvthhu but unset: In sweat." Inn---vu vvuwg . UUWVV " homo ncpumcwuu ml

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