%%(z1iIy ritiln Miscellaneoug. vv--U 3:: Cf-lip IZIIUI any an my: Ills. in attending olmuilnlbooilylutlndsmhhhoun not In and Inn bu-nod. Oudhh Iludinhdupoathondnaduhnpt Od to Illllo Ibo lunar, bu ho loll hunk nnlvulludly noocohd. Ir. Indbnlunlnllhlnhllluu. use noun. A-anon. Tho Luke Yachting Auoonuoa bu [mud in Tomato with the lollowlnq clam: [loin lays. Prddonlz Ir- Ioln. Via-Pnddout: Hugh 0. Dn- Ih. Ind Tloo-Pnuklont: 000. l:`..EnnI. Rocntlrv-Trunrot. Knpton wu not unwound but the In nuoohdou hop htlllulno-opculhn go the club have luv Idophd tho soewnhch nle ol ncuunnont which gonna the new A---l.A1__ IJIZUUI lunxwvv-I wuuu---Uunuuuuuu ol woou. thu uoiding any delay along tho line. which would be oocuionotl ll It won othuwlno. To bearish ud olbon thold|" ll sun to become pvpulu u plouuro hon; somorclnnuml all Im- Iiuu no: sin will pron to hon ox- oollut but for the ourylng ol their height; in Ihott also will um u long loll wunontlnkiduncunl in duty putioclu-. Another but has bun chu- uml to lnudluholnlglnt tulle and AL` _-_ .A.._.-- E- ....I_ IIIVII Ill uuuuuvuuv IIWWII the new chum: in [Old]. I uuu nun-wvu. -nu yvuuu-uuvu v V-I--. W. Ganott. of this place. The oontract for the building of this new steamer bu been let to H. B. Rathbuu a Son. of Deselonto. who expect to have her completed about July lot. Her sluts in to be 9! {eat long. with 1) It. beam. will have a Ipoed of about ll miles an hour. thus making but the fastest boat that over phod on the Ridoau. She will be adapted for both (might and passen- qonu. and it to be tted out with all the modarn improvements. The boiler and engine are now being built at Nashville by the Black Bron. whoau supposed to `bu tho but in Ontario in that buslnou. Auotbar advautaga tbla ataauar will puauaa latbatooal will is uaodlnatoad l\' -.\ma Olnnu nunliwut Inn tlnlni nlnnn A NOW nlellller. The Smith`: Falls lrulcprlilml says: About tho lint week in July the in- hnbilnnu oi this town. as well nu those living along the line 0! the Rideeu Cennl. will have the pleasure of seeing 1 men- uilloent new soouner. to be known as the "Ida." which will ply between this port and Kingston. and commended by Oept. \I.' n-.....u -0 H.:- ..l...... 'l`I.. game-`ml navun v. ..-.-,.-u ..-. ` `I Alux.Uunu. M l .. ._I. ll. Mebcxlle, M.P.P., Ocorue Deniscu. .\I.I`.P.. H. Wilmot, M.l .P.. Shcri Ferguson and the Pro- udent(D. Nicol) were appointed an n deputation to wait on Hm City and County Councils to solicit their assua- tanco by libenl grants. IUWIIIK un 1 nu luv vcuuuu. l`lm Mayor (Dr. Mccummuni. the Hon. 0. A. Kirltputriuk. Q.C.. M.I .. 1: n n ll uv:I__-A Uclvuu. Spooiul Attractions will be on the pro- gramme. but what. their nsturo will be has not yet been decided. We lnou whispers. however. ol I Bicycle Tourin- mont on I lune scale. I display of re works. electric light. &c. a. .. UIl\. a- ..I....I. ....H. niI...- Hm WU! IE. Eltvvul Iu uuv. wu. So us not. to clash with either the Provincial at Ottawa. or the big show at Toronto the .D|rect.ora wore compelled to x the 30th of Sept. nud three lol- lowmg days [or the Central. N... u....,... .h.- \l..rV.mm....\ Hm nu. - -nu-u-.;.\. u. ....u ...... Fiuo Artn" gut It I.-w mtiuiou I use- tious. an! no ginnlrt the Prize Lush gen- erally will he umcln more attractive. Stops are to be taken. as soon as Ibo vvo.-uthu` puunih. tu cuustnxcl. n nmcn~ dunmml road [mm the entrance gutu to the main building. uud uhcudy ocra of gravel lot tho purpow lmvc been rc~ oeuod. ..,,_,z ,: ,.._--.:,_- _.:n I... .... .1... ..... ......,...... , .......,, ..... .... ....., lu Lhu ||uUll.yl)`l1lm`-.4. -uu ul two addi- tion. l.-vL been umlu Lu lln; scctiuxm. bat. the p1'z s are I-llt much as last. year. l`l.-untn and Hawaii ;; t :1 comiilcrnblo inc:'c.xuL- iu pllzc muuc_\'. ~m.l Um class. ` 1...Im.' uurk." nu~: bccu cuunplt-t.-.-lv and specially ruvised by lmlica couvu.-rsant. w'Lh such matters. so as t ) nccorul with tile mu '(`m styles of such wmk. Sun-rul noctions. in which but few on- triu .1 wow um lo. lmvc been suuck out. unlu nu u|lLl(.`(l. The puzvs ucrml mo Llrgvly nucroued in amount. uI.`:.... Am-" 9 .. l .u- ...I l.1in...I u m. While It. Imelda. nlnnm llviq ngn II-j: UH!` --- .AA.-all-4 S uni.` lair six uu nun J n uuvu. Tho recommendations 01 the Cnunnit~ we were in the main ado;-l.u_d. and com- prised very material additions to the prizes in the various classes of live stock. the amount. {on horses being in- croued about one-hail. whilst cau.ie-- both Durham and Ayrshire `-are very Iibrrilly dealt with. 'm... u.... ...i... pl... .. ....- will ..... . ..., ........ vvuau. Thu l'r(-mv!cul.'n yum chm _\'.-ur will Again 140 to tho "glmlu" cl |`1`~. lnuiug o. ~ lewd as n Hrs!/' Iur the bent. nnlch cm 0. ~` _\1.. \!h' URI Hllv` ll[I`.\'.il.lr~. pl... r 1` .o_......l I $1711.11; llllIYlIPIl0II.' W hnulnpunuau. u`! A meeting of tho Dnrocton of the Mid- hud Cuntnl Fair mm hell on Saturday last. to receive and consider the report of the Commiltlao to revise the prize list. (or tlun ycru`s show. `Thn -nnnn.n...-..I..hnnn A! M". I`n:uInI' lmpm-lam Aclunm lo the Prho Llnt I-`or Tlnh You---Malurdnrn Heeling. when in In over. Ind Ion untold Will ll uu but-t~-uo tllr Iorjold Wnll can and lung uh I ouponl then. In an umqof bloom in n Ind no hit; whoa nnnuod eyes: will plnlnlkuo God`: rule of [on In the nu Ia ." ;-,. ac - --~ - iilicimoln Ewnuz Wo [too from how Iona-vorn ohnld. Iincnvd huh ectuo nun :. lethal Gounod with I Noun! tron Thu luhlh not. no Inna Iurnod brown 3 `nuance: and Ilrowllljzcono Tho moon that II tho "1 go be." I mud guho Qhnchoid. I unduly lie .'rho gioriom mu ol tho yet Io be. why pmphqt. pr not. And an Inn told. IIHIIFI Bo. Wbu pnplm. r And I In upuunndr yuonndnu-no Id. none on on ` vllon n|:dlroo As I u In )0] 0 tbs "ya to bu.` ;-,.q.-- MIDLAND GEN l`R\ L FAIR. .. ... ...... ................ ,........~. .... llxu :-pcclul n qu.,-.2 pf .\lx. Julm ln.-311,: IL-H. ms the) \\uu-. Iguuv-uugv-u LAIIIR_'_|'__& UALIII. nu - u ..\....u.u. ILv\ Hm .u.:Iu.m.--l puzu: o I \I. Lhu i V111 U." nIH being WWII` EHO, Cunlllllll. Soon the sh-human. having oom~ lewd their `cordon ' Ind d I tho cqgumulx>u'd.cmno on u I u cow. the women plying the [add on. the men with jwulins uprslaod. mady for dart lng. The little (My dog: nwim nlmw-xt of mud hotwoun tho cnnoomulriviu Hm sh bofom thom-u uhocp-dogs Irivo Ih(!\'[D~0l|O or another diving uqglor at intorvnlsto intoroupt Iuch an mumps to osonpo outwml. For in tho manhu- cunt want they on we (ho uh In thud. n nd.truuod to the work. they Ixocp guard tatilll 3 Nut from than through tho lino. Soon the nah no toned up to o Innoroud oftho oovo. wherein in shade; and won the work of slaughter commences. Tho dusky shermen. standing in the canoe: uadbondingavennow Iolhicsido now an nlunn don man: may and am. Shalnlos. Strawberries (`nptnin .\lnyno livid in his last. st-wry. " The Land of I-`in-." givoa tho fullmx iug inh`r(~.~tim,- Inscription 01 n mcculuu I-`uugiau manner of fishing: " 3 thin. the {our mnnea have lH i\`(`(] at t ll` cu tranou to the inlet. and am lorming in line ncross it at equal distance: from one. lnothor. u it to but the way lguinst anything dust. any attempt to pan out ward. J that such is their dusigll; the sh being whnt they propose ehlulilig. " Soon fnh-hunters. having: (Ii-sort, With Now 1 Mouolnann. 'l`hn Vii-nm\so nro tho grcawst sm\il~ enters in the warlil. The town 0! l"lm. on l.h'o llnnubu. in tho rinonpd plncu wlicru iumllu bro lntwuos for the inur- kuc. 'l`lxuso which no fattoiicd on Htrziwlx-rri:-n comniand tho hight-st prim- whilu 60.0110 pounds um uiuuallv oxporu-nl from the Isle 01 Crow. Thi- grow! .-\{ric:in snail. tliatnttains nlongtli of six lll(`lI(`H. in coin`:-rtul into soup. (`ock`n cumhs nro connitlorul A rloli~m~_\- in the Paris n-suunnua. while the Hug` liuluuxui swallows shrimps in their on- i.ln`i.y.-SI. Lam: I'M!-llapalcll. Cll(`\'. In tho Pacic lslnnds and \\'1-at [miles llmu\l'x 4-gun um catch with great gxisks. The Imtin-n of tho Autillou out alligator eggs. mnltho eggs of the turtle are popular vvorywhoro. though up to tho oouimc-ncomc-nt of tho lust. oouturg; turtle was only eaten by the poor of Jnnmlc.'\. Ants no still much by various nations. In Bnnil they are ncrvod with: msinous sauce. mud in Africa they no sweetened with or humor. The East Indinua catch them in pita. wash tham cuolully. and eat thorn in hsndlnlsliko raisins. ha Siam a curry of ants non: in a costly luxury. 'l'ho Coylonolo out tho boos ohm` rubbing them 0! their honcv. (`aim uillnrs and npidors no dsimies to the A ricau bushmnn. After they hnvo woundtho silk (tom tho cocoon. tho (`Innoso out tho Chrysalis of the silk- worm. S niuh-rs romewd am A son of ll-sort wit u Now (`slodoniunm 'l`hn \'u`. mun nrn Olin uvrnnlnnf. unall- ------obo-j- KHHOOJEI loll? Pobnh llnvmullon 0.-ulluhou d L...-A-A-at nah nlnnhn nj ummmu tor. In (`unton and other Chinese citios rats are sold at Elm nto of 02 a dozen. and the himl-qtmrwra 0! d a run hung up in tho butcher shops a nn;.,-xi-Iv of I:mt.I`.un and lnmh. but mmumml n lli:_:ll(`l' price. The odiblv l)inls'-nvsuc nl tho Cmnvso uro worth twiou their \\`oi;:l:t In silwr. the uent. variety selling for M high M Sm) 3 pound. 'I'h(- n4-groos of the West lndios mt. bakml nmnkvs and pnlm worms fnocl in their own fat. but they caunnt. he in- duc-ol to eat nwwod rabbits. lu Mvxim mrrots are eaten. but. IN! rathcr t,nu:4ln. .hc (hmchos of tho Bnudn Urirntal am in tho hahit of hunting skunks for the sake nf their ush. In l\':\.s`l~o.-l;i;\. n toun uu the banks -5 thu .\li.~;si< " vnllslml Jack."or hi. `I I';\Hl<~s:;:\l.v. ch-ca]-itatml null skilmml, nml .~4hn\\ ing a meat as white and linu as n rlmtlu-n. u atnndnrd dish. Thu cx-Lumm. or dm-il-sh. \\'h.~u rllutlu-I1. lgi aznnuuu man. 'I`lu- (x'V.upus. or devil-sh. I-rnilu] rmn. and thou tonatul. is out. n in (`(\rn'iC1l.ll|ldCS$00ln&`l n grout deli` l`lll`\', 'I'O-IIOQIgI"TOl'ICI Orlngco. (`Q-' consuls. Lemons. Apnea and Gripes. A'I' TIE IAIAAII. cnua. Qunss. the fermented cabbage wawr of tho Ruaainna. is their favorite tipplv. Ins described an mumbling n mixuu-o of stale ab And soap-suds in tum. yot noxt to beer. N has more votarivs than any other fvrlnoutaxl beverage. .\ mI.`u.\- candle washed down with umau. forms n meal that. it. would be Lard to In` thnnlgfnl for. In l`.u.hu. --./I nth... IVLS-um.` a-hing earn - y The I-`touch will out hogs. snails. unl diseased livers of geese. but will dnnv the line at ullignon. Bucklmd declares the new 0! boa constrictor good. and much like veal. q:. n..n...... n.n......n...... o......a .......L.... umon mm mm. Sir Robert Schombe found monkey ` wry palatable. though 0 says l-ofum rxlargng it looked disqzroenbly like rout c n . n........ Hm l..-...-..s...I ...I.I...... wan..- rno ulgger uuuun or mo rucuw slo rejoiced in the grout locust swarms of 875. as I `on: dispensation of the Grant Bpjnl. and hid in I store of dried locust powder sumcicnt on Inst for yearn Tho I~`r'ench will an! (man. snails. unl humus: nun pomnnual. H10 utter a species 01 not-until that adheres to the rocks. Tho New Hollander relishes u (out of decayed uhuk. yo: looks with horror on bread and butter. The Jl.\|\I- ncso have 3 horror agtinst milk and boot. but wili onjo Iwwod `or roasml rat. The Tub udder at tho thought nl nn n n nvclnnn The old saying that win: iaono mun`: fnotnht. in another m|n'so})ouun is realized 0 Waehltm I . nThoo`.Pml!iahmAn wi.Hw`n;(: I. out a squirrel. bu willglogt over 3 meal ul bunnies and pomnnhln. tho latter a lnaciea ran. 1 no nun s of oatinaysten. Tho mar In: Strange Dishes Served lg Bilkm.-Hut CouInrIu-sp1deru, umhunuu, - ' loqkeyu, Elm, Rte. Rmms-J3Ros- In uni`), Ilnnnhmmnn (`xmhnlnnun ~ TKINGa'13(~>{;{iADz.~5i#EBNEs hm . A mm. 35. 1 331`. L Ilnntlnz Hal With Iron. H JUE1: Al Plu"l`l'I`ES.." XX Uf"I'IA-I ` M pu'.`0d 5 Isnplo. A (ha Inch Ttllod cl. Thoouoof Mr. John Morrison. ol 8%. Anni. N. 8.. who '1: nllolod with I urioun dmpninu discus ol the khincy-. Tho but medical aid having failed. nia own rod of. 'l`volsdmolBu- dock Bitten and him. His unlo- unnlinvouobodlot J. D.lol.nod.J. I`., who know 0! hi: oon Non. Tho can '3 oonuidond Inunllou In hi: own laws. pouuuwnoua noun mpnunnu now other valuing pnpsnuonn. it In many hsrmluu. Second. it sun than 3... MI! the labour. Third. it In the In the main. luv uuooouli In dun but this uhonkl ho uh.-but Pa no oven um um an can by all toeoru._ wuyaouomuaypoo on uoouonna unoomto lab nu or and In Ingdo Inhuohlo E? ludngouthn. Ounotbunu. mutual. has 0! Antllo. , up \luIood.Yd|ow Him. with lot So. we will all then hlhhb Vilnlhr. won! tooduouothou. Bo|dbyW..l. n Khulna: Ilonl. This in the cotton for Bowel Gollninh. Gran cppln and onounbon produoo than and Pony Duiu` Pun [nun cum non. Ethoturznhlod utomuh Ilru lsh: In. any: "punt, In ." M vindin n-nod.udsho troubh nun. I-ivory in the had he the Pun Ku.1.n. so no tnhor thou be without in in his hlnily. ...."...:.`n'i [inn but should masons `lo M nll noun. uucu Iuvvur. nuuvu. II To increase the weight of the body. In- vuzonlo the system, nwiuluellne exhaust- ed and depressed. in the true objocl of medical uuieuoc. The diguuvo organ must be in 1 healthy condition 11 to Imh to nouns this demrnblo result. and no ro- mody yet discovotod hu pmvod Io aoa- tul In nooomplinhing til at Fun-Bun. Elrulox Con. It oontuua the fnocphor on: to build up the nervous system and all the hi proiucwg proportion oi Flu-and to enrich the hind mud nunolv tho urinal I I In 93 :0 ,1 `G '1 vi I I IJUIIIIPIII OIII. CI Q WALIII. Ilnlll. 3705101..-ouonnllouu. me In prozucwg pmporuou or nu-not I0 supply ooonom with the element: for rooonllmo tion. or sale at Wain`: sad the Plum- mnov. W J. Wilson. B In um prooeul nae. when the Mt buue is no ercely (ought, And when I300 even the strongest the tug Ind stress it ten so heavily. how noounry it becomes lot unto provide for nu ma ug ol our ruerve stock ol menul nu phyucnl -31- ` min: by the use of Inch 3 nen-om tonic and ' viulning qgeul us "Robinson's Pbm:or:~ ed Emulsion 01 God mm on um I Phoaplntv 0! Lime." It is gently atilnuhr F in; mud nutritive tonic pmperuou supp! ' tho msterinla. Ind main nature in her o - loru whoop up with tho exhaustive de- muxdn upon her rennet ` Prepnrod only by lhnlngton Bron. Chc minu. M. John. N.B.. and for uh: by ull V d ins. l'noo I! per bottle, OI six bob . Ilol or I5. `- (I u2'2`l5.`."s`5. vopum nun. Sold by N. U. Robot 4: Go. And by donlorn in medicine: ovary whorrx One of the evils nu udinu the use of msuy medicines in tho tendsucy to pnvoko cmnplsincs ss distressing sml romolimos even man so thsn the original trouble. Ilsnnltolfs Msndnhs sud Butternut Pills po ~93: poweriully tome properties which build up the system slid Ihersby unis! us- lun to rfonn ihous tnnotions which are sssou ' to bssllh. They aid the stomlch. I clcsnss the Inn: sud stimulus the hatch I uuuuu to neuua. They aid the uomtch. 3 to natunl ution. muting constipation u ntiublc imponnhnlity Try lhnlltoni Vqokbh Pills. Sold by N. C. Poison kl by ovan . cium:i;;v.~4 gru\\' Iuxurllluuy. .-\I. Inc ll. ll. (`ifs push`. lwlli lulu null ill Uhurclnll. which is nearly an the uuw pnnllel. they nine cnulo in unicicnt uuuibeiu to 8l)ltfll{ them with beef. but ter and milk. a id not know if any at- 0.1-Iuptlms 31-t lw.-en inmlo to raise wheat at Anlmlmscn. but the Peace River is close hy Inll neiuly on tho sumo paral- lel. and we all know that the nes! wheat grown on tho continent mines ll'0l.ll the valley at Peace River. I river who.-o outlet into Atlmbnsca Luke is only the name disthncu from Churchill that Winnipeg is. Now. I hunch line I om Athlbnsca would bring the tnc of lluitcouutry on-r II portion of this mute. and would L-ronllv insist in the formation of an-ttleiuenln. {or which (I! the extract I have just mu! PI'.'J\'oIl the country is cupahlu of uording sustenance. Thu the region. with its vast wealth. will much longcr remain unnoticed nn.l un- known." is not to be dnsnmcd o . r KEBII uun racuunuuu. PR1-JSII BISCUITS. Try our-9-Ta Inooum ~ Qeruoon by H. a: W. J. CROTHE RS Hamill mu-on-Inn: u we mu to II we `ma lruua wixln which tho region abounds, and tho \`l`|:0blMvR which cullivnuiou produces. .\mon;:st Hm fruits I know of am may berries. strawberries. cranbum-u. goose- berries. cnrmnts. salmon Ix-try. etc. and thulmrl). `turuupsa. c.uml.~c nu;l cnlnlngvs gruw luxurinntly. .-U. the hosts. both In In and )1! y pagan no uonnd| nnomtolvrelcrh name cu-an uux.-n may \-noon, moow moat. deer`: what. fresh tongue. heel. nml occasionally bnlhlo moat. sloo delicious whitesh and trout, not I had bill-of-Inn: ll add to it the wild fruits with which Mun raninh n|\nnn.I.. --I Ilm Qupuin Wm. Kennodv. 0! 5:. Au- dnwl. the Arctic nuiguor. Mn: -1 would also call uuontion to the mgiou About Alhubulm. which only-ulniu (lg- velopmeut. Petrolen-n is were running ' to wash : the on] nprinn have overllovly ed the country to! I spans of more than ` Iorty miles. and running down to the tint tho Oll is carried Into the Inks. whereut onu upon the surface. The only use at present. mule 0! it in by the ` Indium boihng it down to tho consilteu cy of pitch nuxl using n for coating their uuocs. etc. In the nuns, rt-giou the lnont, and purest all is thrown: from I _ sort of founuin. II is nearly :3 line may our llllll brilliantly whim. In the mum i nocliou is found coal. snlpher. copper. nabosnox. uni other nlnnblo miuenls. A lo.-Net `nn roeenvod lrom that 1 mn- Ier, duo Juiuuy lat. says: "\\'e uvo abundance 0! milk and croun. two - olour cows having almulv oalved. and ` some ol our hops. of which we hue thirty. huo begun to lay nlreudf. and I give as iron: six to eight. egg: du` y. We have ran-an nvnv nun .2-up-n A bad when Petroleum inn: In Wulo. ad Ila nlnup Ix-,1_ hztlv Plenllhl. Vfeowrunnn ~,,ar.7.T.s1i..\.. nmsn OOKFBOTIONIBY. ITRI-`Jill n lo. Imulnnhhanalulon Elsl oougnounucuuujuuugcuu nudyhoughndnoluuuocm noun Augusto Ia-pm. l Junu ggonniol hubhnoutly :0; antenna: to! nin`mgnIn.I'o un from ouue-nu eulu-gennnt. ol the gland: ol the neck. .Serenl 0! '.ho Iunhn were born and and sown! dial innoduloly that birth. Mr. Glennie brought one ol the lambs to n veterin- uyougoon in the city Iodny (aroun- iuuoo. Thoonmoonho discus was uuibuu-I lo limestone wuu. solu noolhotcucu ol tho am kind In: cone to Iaotioo in nu ndliborhoonI.- Uri:-I Mrmvn. ` I Uylpl .Iln-vary-_ lll8.J.ll5I7Il.lI_'IlllIA'[8TI: .}...." .-.....*' .. Ho who olthoivubcr luvuol lunch ovonhoeqnnci :=ihOb:0H.iIlnIhduvhs.u!.l.y'<:Hlov pvqchl rue taking ll llhlhohu can ud thonhnl thnotnll lung mud: hon Ionotliul niches. ur. -. souucllru xplnbuchl` (iI\`1`I Free. a Dunn the put few ye-an thouundn ol ' patients nous:-ti mvmedlcinea llld troAt~ men by tho Spimmoter. und the result shows thnt every one who bu |Iopnrlyfol- lowed out the Inntruottoun has been bone- tted um! I Inger [Iotconuge uted lbw bysny`1:.ho'ruut;nonI lnownd. luoatlrut ndby in ncgtognn ua mcnuinu T demnnd (or my medicines, sad nding that nnny who could be cured III llnuniull ' unchh Io procure the Bpllunohr. I In] jgn-o the Spiromut has to any ouo.n'dI or . uucril from cntarrh. aunts!` Hmll '` noun. btonolntiu. uthnn. veal lung: ior ooun_mpuoI who wnn mall I 0: On, How. Anqaulun. Apnl IRA and It'll, And 'oon|u|t tho uurgoonn ol the lntnrnnuonnl i Throat uni L luntttuto. the modicines . done to ho poi tor. Evsryone on now oord to uko the trealmongnnd the pn- judiood or scoptiesl can nonl to test the aunt: at the spuvomooo: ad ndianu plhgnolhd by Itmpau of thqlustihlool. I In alum tn cunq non dances . tho sit page than any other tnuunont 'iu thurorld. man who nnnotagnglg ungooua ponou wauvriuto I73 strut. Toronto. to: main-I and trust- Inont, winch an In :3 by upna to my sddnn. Dt. I.8ouvtnIo.ex-udo urpon of the hatch umy. [cheese fnotory on has (um, neu Tun- `wonh. which will be known as the "bhemold Cheese Fuctory. The steam nnohinory vu Iuruhhod b Moan. Iain-8 810.. Nuance. and I a chant making nppnnun by Mr. Fuller. 0! that village. The hctor in complete in oven rupa on and n ma patronage is assured. u.--nanny man an zuuuu uuau. I Tim Directms u! the S. 1.. A. Sociecy ' Info leased the Dell: I-`air Ground to Messrs. Soper and Stevens lot nine yun on the condition that tho xmnud nhnllboonlugu-Ind ugoodlu mile tuck tons in condition for thou mp, nunu no onnrgul um I good In]! I: kept condmou lot the fair. Jam`: Rana..- L-.. .._..A-l - I I -'||l||`l-Wlea I-as erected a ne |choeu fncgory iI0l'|h. will he Imnu-n An tin on out: uvAn lllltl. 1-Ebenezer llllludnv quietly passed any on tho l7l.h 0! Much I! the ripe | old no 0! `J0 yours. The deeoued In one ol the ns settlers in South (`ms- `by. having located there when the township in a solid bush. 'r|...n;..,..........:.:... Q . . _~__,-..,,. W. H. .\-Iams. while sawing wood with n circular saw on hlondny in Ame- linsbnnz. got him right hand ngninst the av. cnuuuz ad the hula llnqt-r loan to the knuckle joint. and through the ioint ol the next nger. I.`|..,....-... Il..I|,..A _._ ,_,,- , .- .\lr. .\lulInu Ins lonnnlul u pouuon to the Hon. Minister of Public Works. noting mermnssion to bnildudock it loose! . nin street. Gnannoqno. for (Le convenience u! parties lIDd|Il;.'_ in small boats. Dr. I. .~'ouv|olIe`u Spiro-our (Elven inc. nunrunu Ilsa nnnl l-n- ---- o|.....--..4I_ -0 n n nnnnus. I-'u.w Putin vliag to amhuk In l (l\||nd Ill]- Iunvo llugwnn on \\'o month ~. In no pm. And then nu Ilnlnfu on 'I' umhy at l.w pm In Main: And nhur lnluunncn nnnlw In \.-uuux n. (In \\'xlnosJa|)' luv. Arthur McDon- |:lM.I ta pcddler from Toronto. Ina ned I35 and cost: by James Turner. Unuunoquc. tor peduluu: wiIhontnli~ veusu. Uulvugu uuluu I-`.. .\lcKoutry. Bub. lxu uncured use services of Miss Kntio I-`orgusou. 0! To- ronto. who will presxde over the mullin- ory department 0! his business. In S ...... .....I AI...| _-||.. \n,uv ,n A vs uwyuu uuvuu VI IIII uuulli. It is rumored that Mr. McNeil! bu suaponded o anon: on tho neon- suucuouol o Cunpboll House. NI- pcneo. hocansv of tho Scan. Act axin- lion. uvu. Them was at xrodduug at the parson- age on Tlu.rsluy. A young man from Camden and a young lady (mm (`union not mnrriul and then went back to Cnmdou. ` I Thomas Youmnua. ol Arden. is erect ; in A building at Mountniu Grove. in 0 t niture. -\,nn. . - en. for the purpoauql mailing; fur; I ...,....-. I-`nuk Bolnn has rented tho (luorgo Morris lum. r. Bolurs cows were nmukou 10: Doc! male as they passed through Delta. I.` u..|:......... n..., u, unvuu Ill vwu nu. I On Tnesdny. Bun Apnl next. Hon. John B. I-`Inch. olxebrpakn. will dt-liter ll lecture on tempenuco iu (hmmoque. Elinn Nc('nl)a & Suns. Ilur Rm L... cu Ivuoulv uu vruupcluutiv Iu IIIIIIIDOQUE. I Mc(`ubo & Suns. Hay Ru: have pun.-huod tho lulu owned bv Mesnn. U1-o.uml Wm. McCub. containing 1(1) acres. ` -v Juuuu. Human Johnson. of Pine Hill. as pro- . paring to open I tin .-rmithing os|.nhIush~ meal in Delu. n,, um, , 2 avg yv.--v. , Inna! Shveus. J.P.. Della. has sold his Du-Ion tum to Ina bmlhel` Steprgn lot,H.t!11. ` ' n_.._ \':_--._.|,.. ,,,, 1 .__.n__ aysiars; oyias up-,I1uv-.n , Cnpp \;ii:coutlnu u musncnl prodigy ` in the person 0! Shelly \\`n|u~mnn. mo! 18 yous. . uQ-nn|-- lulu...-. ..I III... lI;II L. ..-A The Glecsou hnu. Roluliuxs Ihll. :3: ' sold on Snunlny has to Mr I-`iumumn to: 03.040. I_.._-Iu ..... .. III n,|._ 1., __II Whau .\'-Izllhorllll I-Ixrhann: Have to lm-ord of lateral In our Readers. Ivlsclkr omit-;~'. IHIIRIV. Ulll.Afl'.B'l A n` I V ; lruIw B. Juan. Inch III. NEW ornnmaq I ' I PI-at oyllcn. Ienilluul IIIIIII. Otuueugrnrr IAVI IUHID IIVIIUI TERI @' "--:.-'.'.-:-..'*:.-.2..:.-=:.-'~- Alum! mm ul as use CIIRAPII TIA! TBI (`IIAPIIT AND TIII III? W&K-4IoQh0QC) h - LIIIIIII can run: - II 0I 8.` --0`: -- `LOCK. PIOTURI PIIAIINB KITAILIIIIINIT. wnetoyon vnllnoninttloudlog-In ol 1 ll oouuas so-I nuyuuun wan. xwmf you will ha I ooh IlQ`\` olNI\\' (500 VI; :43! with Clroocn tidal; l .l("I`l'RE F1{A.\i1N<; 1xxB' I ! ORDBR 1'0 IRE `I'll! Rlr`I`KOl' OI ll ID` by hi Inna! Ila Isnlou ul 'I. L. monmnsouvsgt J`- GEO- KING,I A III EC` IIIIYA sr- O .-.:.-.v`a-`- MAICKST SQFAIIII. Much mm. was new av-uw IITUII IICKI ll flu! lluhfu AND (`Hill-0l1I|IlI tlt INTERN DlAl'E..:N.g_)"`RA 88 Hutton Garden. IDIDON . INGIAHD. ,.s`mngu.n -Io`:-ohlastilg uu um] Genuine Em de Cologne. I M. Agent lot lie above Celobrnlod specmc leg and Byncalusncio FREN C H PEBFUMES KRCOLLLITG Vnlot. Jookoy Chub. Baphonoxus. Ink R`... A. 1 iK|NG SOBllGSTOREf DI I'llINl`7tZSS STIIIZI-2"`. Iluvh mm. run: to ll` X. Couuxyd-an 3 I J. GA [.L()\\'A 31i:%..1%i}?\ l`1*11% 'E\I BDIILAXIL pupa. '1?I:ru|y:_Inr._21` F01: S l`YLl~1. <'m:'.w.\'Ess| IGALLOWAY Si ENTIRE SPRING S`l`0(`l( In ARRIVED -...n .- _.._ -.. ___L1L )-.-.. LO! on "'l`Ic_ uouu-ueepu Friend" Pnrpel sun-actors. at Thu um Inn-l_L dunlnlo and chimp. Q2 _ I01- IIZIJ Q -In-_ i8i&E`L3)"i:iE""`"'"i?icu. 's\vms I nnvn JLBI l\&\ r.l\5lJ i A Lot 0! `-The Ilouu-leepc-I`: I`:-lend" l`nrn'eI sun-(chars. .-.a \,~ - I`l`l'lIIII \\ hip and 0 s.....-... .-,- a_gA E.\'GLISIl l`RF.l`.-\R.-\l()I\'S 'lI|I`I' lrrnugcuu.-nu. Portland as Halitax KVIKIKU K-TIC I111 llouoinyh Pith Ind Omtunnl. Dnlby`I(`3rmlnnu\':-. In: mlnuli. madman`: Itmllxlng IX-vnlus Auk) Cooper 0 Vin] lluhnlxves Ilotludi Inlylnr. llnulnndh Orin-In UIISURVD I'KI'Jl.\h Ilillalb` (`olm Ihmv-1.`: l.`hlondyno~ Nmlnni (`huna-Ila Ml}: LL13 I &Y0'U IO lhukru Iu Hume Fur: illI|I.`[ ll: 1| lurk su-en. n._.:. ....A. 'I`l..`I Pk-Inn I-`runes DI'Uj I I WI! - Singleton`: Oolxku Ky` Ointment. DWIIDQ I -ICIi' Ull. Iunnnh \\`. Root `room Soup Ihnnnfn Tnmh P-no Adiscellaueou s. I; jut nnurn nos lhhlhlf IIATHII 0|-` PAIIACEI Om,M)n..l Sll)-J. -socnndmg mo nooom nnosluiuu. -31.`.-r.. m `I v.-. luv rntm. Hlaarnnn; Vic-unite (`O-blned. v-ugu-: . Lotus 01 the Nth`. to. ` N()T.`79. SIVIII` 1. won} `nuvnn Ion noun: roncnwruu I ulullunbhddnun-nu A. nnnn .--n- lvr":a."a'.`$'in=}, ..L. ,~:x...-*-"-'...;----.-.'.`..-2,. :.-..-.- un. dvuvclno lo uumouoo ocvnunuonn-on the cups. nuns I _ `Trude Inn on Iron Package 1 sun on 'ALLAl}I___LINE.] ENOW Variety Stor:-. I1! Rhona Inna-I. uni hm Mot. DI. hTA1.|.RKAl l`I ||Ill'l`l| ' lhudu II.\Uuo0u I Umvomu and Ioyululun I collect our Ilutu Mun llnnun ! Ind hlen III CITY IIUYI-IL. II 1:. Um I no hops by onnhu attention In noun Io , sauna In nulnu hit Ihlfl onto pubur pu- ; unnuu. Ml JA(`KS1n.\` An: In I BRITISH AI|.Kl\'A.\` IIOTKL. ' Ill Ion] hu has-n Iuod I: II Inc dun Ijhfloplogrnuw IIllI0ClQIl0luOoI mum in ad mpg us Cal` `X:-u'.'i3_3.'.:L'.' rVIi0.\`l`l;.\'AC IAIAS A lN\ EB`l`II.8T 301"! loan is null name on [manual u Ina-knbnhi not to Ian at n-on tn-rum POUR I'll CERT IKTRIICHT uiovml 9: hpguln TIIOEAB BRIGGS. oucr om vane v , `Ioouumuro U!` imrwborlpuou duo on wanton rpo dolutcluon tqnnmnq and town-mq.l-on Vanuatu to opt: Indy. I-Inn bound on um Ilonpu noun mun vulva onlhb huuno ' I ll! nudtlgnod will In Inform luv ul-he nmbobulol um um "mu IN (XJNRXTION \ BIA `l`RI'b` IIOTNL on lhvol. Bu-wt. - FlRI1`-CLA.~LS Imus will align he on had G the shorts! Iotlm. Kl DID IIDl\ul - 1.`:-un unun. I ! `I.`n'u: a-nun xxu-nu; Ru :3 l`n`m-.. . 1 .!I Cl! llohl Building. In! hours ruin: Viewed Ilouovu dtoiml Ilouolhounu ooonnul lninn, .\eI union by Drlenoo nompuy uuudod no r i L CURTIS. l.D.. Ina-om lo DI Jun..- . Ph c|Au.Bnrxenn.kv.` Olcennslltnu hi [hi IIGOCM. Wullnuct-bu Ibo my 0: county rmmpu) vuu. Vtlllufs ll` BROWN .1 G0 1 J. EILRIECK. King:-non. x mm mm. Inn IITAIIJIIID - - - Allnljijhil | saw Ln nu. Vllli nudtlgnod I 9139 usual ALI J. l. VLAIIK. I.l1., |n |\.s.. I./n.1,, I `T181. Gnduu Non tut Collcco ox ` D 8!). can.` llluuu Eliot I nuuuhfuuu and lroeI.8tnd\ l\!IIen|-.7 lntooruohpudtothc 1-nournuon onho an-u DI. J. YOVNQI. I.I`.. \ IIRIR ollho Royal Hallo`:-ol lumwau ; London. and Ln-vnlule t-I Ibo Apuu. I Q11`: guunpg). Landon. L`Ia.. Silicon. Am-v- v-----unw-.--v----.uuu A.wIqumn.'m `nu 5.`).-.4.-...|.s.n.An-um I. I I , `axis: .\ vuux TTOIUCI solk & I pun wk: on?` 6` IISAID VALI1. | 1%` A`l OHN \\'el'Iinx GNJC non (I1-oogry Pu us. sunuxox. cc. one. in m. I scum. nu Prim-so um-I J. H. IIITTS, `ill, . EIIIIB 01 It lactiol 501%" K - - 5'. Oco \\'ei"I{1:g;-an Sue-ml. 0|-pm-no `J. (I1-ocgry 3 TII Dl[lJ' E;/nsu unis ' Inilnx I | nanny-nu`: announcer. (ZI'i!'lIAhUNIA ....\voanona|y. Apnlxna 8llWl.\ ......Woduendny. lhroh `Jth a(1`nlIA1.......woduc-any.AlI-ulmh UALLlA.. .. .. .. . . Woduudny. April and AURANIA W1-dnendly. A rilB0\h BUTIINIA |y'lth HERVIA .. ..Woduudny. May 1401 HOYTIIIA . . . . . . .. Wodnesdny. May 911! um! OVnfV tounvlug Woduaadny hon Nov furl column. Noun: ol uuuzo. Ilumqnuml [huh-xi nnhmnla Inca ' booled."Ihn| tn 2: chum-\ -and mnlnelo uh mud-for INII`. 1 uni: :I`nNoIa unueollun n so _VC'DDOI hint on king n he! \h- uuo oolnnnlu lot Ilnlms uuuuu to am: I'll Cl IOTIL (`lANIl.-!|o Ind luv! you his nluIdlI:\'l(`TORl IIOTIL mu llnmon. tnmnaunuo one lnehol spin `H- m:`:rklIIcaun ileolocuuln-uuuuou I at xu mo read as or xolenldwnua- A Cw lllixol f .. ... bu-gnu `unem- .... .. In I\`.u_c:Ixnu-Anya 3" .`..`E.`?&'i no Weakly -3:-mm Wu. lunhlh-I nut Ilcuuuv us-u.uouo~o Ilrnuln wnl rnh-I I'I`1':III-AI.IouMIOn`c~I tau. pt yr. pd-I an alt: echo:-vi-nuoddou Ibxl hm L, u.slxr.~`. INTIEI`. hr:-lly on-oath the You Our ':;ollIuu: Emu. Iioublnhd 11: mm: ... . . ruvru um soar. \ .`:l`l'`lud sanctum Wellington-clnu. Mun. IV 3.! JIJZ .:;J.l.v\J L). In nll. Illtlrlnu Goubouonou %n'-"'23 9:3 hllohlnylshun-n I'll Rhea: liven. I \ ,` I. J. Inna I-ntumhuu on: M u.u$ IIi*Iawu.0unh A! In noI.uIJnnvIu. Llidnn. :1 I 'Joupou;.|pudon.LI` .. Am -- r_. It Ola. Primwo Sue-Loot. Dnnntu mun Pu m'rRu;s`r menu 3 many: umuua arr Bugi'new Cards. I '1` `nu: ms! sl- ...`* 5.... .z.......*... podII lh0l1OCaI.\`uIInnv-nu I: my 6! l!0'l`lINl.\ . . . . . . .WodnaIdny, Much mu ()l'2l'llAlA)NIA .. . . Wednesday. April 2nd .. . .. . . . . Woduenduv. LKII, to. limit"-~ '-V Ill! I03 VII lllllllll OI IIIIIYNIIY II I.I'J [LLB lot Hahn and other Idumthnm to Pololll A H Y. Menu. '5"! Wht. KIICIRI. r Iolqby IVJ. Wilton--Ph>nrn%nc'y I Travemug. - | nu N,i1u;Lmi Ill! ew York Liverpool, (mu.I.nm A1` can nunon) Fhol I-u:ITTIo. co. n.n.. Inzw Yollll "5diirmoT1oNmY. also the loan CID llol. IIIOI. Onurmcc. `av rs 'r1'l\'I\rI'1r\\T I fI\U"IVI Ill guano Idnnn- A Inlnlu LvL_av\/L; .- -Qvxr-- -uIIvI:I Alblnr : .. .....-.- an: _..-m. --.-Au I --..qu-... uou--as----3-.--..... - - ....-mu-ca 1,LlIlIlXI'| .4 opajooa-n.gn....4I . ...-u-...... IA RKI`I`-I;ll7 A II II: ` uh nun, `\IO..L\I.&UJ.\ `C IIOOI 81 IIII1`. cuuJ3's't':;7n*smv comm ILIIIITIDJ f<=<`>%5f?;ti r}=v-` Voisblhlhul.-vi INQUI- Illa; at a nut ucrvolluuo low udyludg nun junngnn on-I [HNl"!' u-ply M00111- N:. I, H av.-lzug vzrocn. New I v:--. IN: rnon. Bucngc l,1..\[pl\nl mud QUOODIWOVD . (I-Vl` -V T1ru|n- st Iowoll EE':?-3'5? X L }AI_hII uou BTHEBAOI. I-57.10 uk 5| Pamlnnd II. nun:-vng II] II Cloth I L W. IIXI. %.'~.~..*'-.."-:-.~.`~s-:.-E:-.=..%-..*.~*| [ci>"AL`;jpEpocr.| unn'i-IvIrI. aw. unualsuuu. moarou, :-A.n.-n.'-.hu.`Aan g..-._ ._ .--.vvvrr ncllv n- A Fine I40! 0! IO Inch Ind II nu-I Maple Wood. no A**IPOII0la'II umnoux. run 2%. .':..'-.9-.... "..=.*::.:::..-W :3 and man. 3.1` llndlllg wood I] `an. I-so-one. mun. gr uuinu II. CIAWPOID a co. Imam hotel qua nu. FRESH FIS_H.| --.Q .:A-n up In An! unuunnhou mi yuduunr and j`. nlldlotl all alb- I Ouhu nIWIuIIuh. GOPIICI -chrcuoc area. until Anetta: llotol Iloct. I Ihniou. |wooD 1_wooD1| TI ZIUUT K3III\Cq PIINCIII Il'I'III`!'..................... KINGSTON I no-uouonihlu Ihonumy eloonoa or and d Alm Ullhn, Jackal sud on In nnurula clan-d on you no bouuhln Inhhod. I I0! NIOIDIIIY. Aunl In. Inctlul Due. IIITAIILIHIIIU IP55 Moan Power Cleaning and -up-nun nuunrn PM 11.1. BOIIBHS, BULBS. BIIIJNCIIITIS and llonrn-neon. an Botlrel Magic comm cunE.| IRE? IIIIIPTIIAI. IAPI` AND RI-`IFICIINT , V _ Um? IPIICTUAL. MD! AND EFFICIENT remody. giving Imnodhto -um. | AT CHOWNVS iiba STORE | C '1-`K W- THE SPY 01" THE RIBl~ILLI()N -by A llgn Dial;-inn `N14: [AT NlSBET S,] A SHORT HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIIEB by Justin Mcl`nrl.hy. `J50. AGREAT ElRESH- by It. E. Fnncillou 25 ocutu RED RIDING ll()0l_) - by Funny I". M. Nothy. 20cc-ms. lmsw BO0KSi and w! N9-I:|! Inns-t ,, , - P l.l ms Tum nocs. `rm: povular never urine. A nm-vol of purity Itnuglh and Iboluamcnn-. More ccanolntacl dun Ibo um Ilndu. nod cannot in will In am an Ill nu mulm-Ade of Iow Ion uh Ioluhnnlmn ut phowluuu In `(I -M Bold on y In um. Rout. nun! 1 Pawnzncmn-`Y , IN Wall iltrenl. N V. A.fI|I0l!onllInrenhud.onoo(the0o HID, hhnuoh mum dinner. I: nlluuy Illllllhnqllndtoouplohthonn. Arnrl Pun mnnnnududpunxy vqohbIo-:plcuut, euunly sale, and to- uuomuuayfomonnuuxduordm _- Ag- 4-.. _g __- s n. 41`... g.- nuuj-u-u-nun ouantlycnlulullbhol , m ---.....u---.. ........-..-m an-.-... --.--.-?--.-----... __.,._ tlobutounpurnunnurunuyuu nlrnnn ih}l.0.Ay;;c:,I.woll,IIu_. nnnox3 noo'rH I IYIAIIEGIII at Ihol$Ic sud Id To'Dyspeptics. -w-_.' ___._, _.._._.,, ....... -- human, mung, In at awaits. and constipation. Dyipopuo pouentn Inlet un- ..u _._-_n_. L_Jn.. -_.a _-_n.n I11.- nnhIdAllyu.lonolt.hnbonl.|,by\h uoolnoduucdnouol The 1`0llNlill Bookstore. Aye:- s U:- TCWTT `rIT-IIIII- I DYIIIO WORKO- meson 8'|'III'l`..... .... .... IIKOSI In U1 1 VS nun nun. Allan Pinkerton. 250. nINTLlllN.\l0 mum: ' III`. NIX Al. PAIIIION. Iuhnniunnnd-anlntnloenmnII|Clom- X"Ws,'3C"l -`V` wulnnhulmlonuc :- I_=_o_w_n_n 5% `Wine 'I'\H;;||:t:aly Pure. ` VOL."L'Ii I-` _W.9 `Pd 9? ?- |\/ u 51 -.2 ArAI\.1\.a . IN PIICD Stun. - I-`0R-S_ALI-I _ U.IIg I IIIIUII Ithootlouudu In