COGAIIKI 1`. Flaming. C. Oilroy. W. Won. 3. Human and J. Dsndy. wen allod And charged with ghting on King utnotoll Inch nd. Hours. Spnngonborg, W. J. Arneihsnd J. A. Perry gave evidence. Thu 0! the latter only In: dimes. He aw Dnndy strike West sod later on ghting with H, "Annnn --un-u up.` I S. lluunn. n._ -_, -v-.w-2--wvw-j 0ulInbu.0o.AprilI.-on sun. noun Tun Adunwn nnl rid _.,.... ..... ..,,.... .....w u... .... ....... . know how the spoon: got moo her trunk; she dud not put thou: there: but Iholndthorurn snduoiuon and was Inning them. She complained that her trunk hul been tIlnpe.od with. not once but lrequently. The one In at journod natal to-mormw. luv Illljl IIIU IIlIIIU CIIIIUCI III: III! the mined I pair 01 uoiunn. and with 3 mile he added. They belonged to my late wile; I wouldn't have Ion them lol` 01(1)." He said the mining goods wemlound in he: trunk. Duid nluod thegpoonn at 08 or 010. He nid Le , di not know anything about the girl and did not want to Imow anything shoot her. Aggie shied tint she didn't L-..- I..._ tl... ....-...._ _-A .._;.. L-.. -............,. David said he Agreed to pay Aggie 04 per month. but he found ho: incapable nnddbmianod hot on March 24th. Ha I.` n___ ., -u-us--uu1vI uvu vu Annluu C'IIIl. nnu lot Ila: go without charging her [or her baud ' and without. paying her Any- thing for her service. On Wodnoaduy he mined the thing: Alludod to. Ho n|nn n-i-...I . rsA:n `I ..Z_...... ....I _.n. Aggie Puwerson pm on A bold trout. And inlormocl tho Mnailtnto that the In: not guilty 0! uuliug npoonn. forks. knives. yuu and other pri';pany from Willi1mDunil. She oloctod to be tried Iummu-ily. h--:. ..:.l I... -......._I 5.. ...... A....:_. It A larvony can Wall All-od-lore About the lro III-III! on King Street. -cg-cur,-u. nu nous---u-`u. -u-u u-u nfvuu uaoollplilhod scholar could not him Iomod it. Ind certainly not I member 01 the (hook Church." -nu-um The great Ueunnn scholar. llnrueek, uldentlndina why eight years olnpso-l between the nding ol the munecript end the publication of The Tuechings oi the Twelve Apoetlet." up pl the work: "It oonteine so much which in quite unexpected sud also inch. and yet which humanize: so edluinhly with everything before known. and it is eoiilnple. mi oousintent. that the most nnnnnnlinluul nnhnlnr nnnlnl l|nI. Innin CF`. I" Kj -Ul\I' u A`I-I UIWVIV -.5. gppgu, use sign: ol the truth ; lint the sign ol An opening in heaven. than the lion 0! Kb trumpet`: hound. and thirdly the Insurrection ol the dad ; kt not of all but an it has been uui.I 2 The Lord will Biune Ind til the saints with him." The of them ? Will they Ilooponf Are they. too. no: im- .n}.p..I~) rs... ;..a....n...... .. n... n..... warm. Bun! thou_hut neither. poor! ' nut upoq the bend thrieo into the uni or an Fotbor and Son and Holy 3Hl'5|~_ Idhrlllhhhdpnm let the . hptaor nil hptiud Int nod nint- ovd othanoq. bittho lnptixed thou- ohnltoongndtolutlc two or three doylholore." Tin-|o.:I_I'iIo ol immor- IIIO. and innoniou only. in Inured by tho IOI nvolntioo. but. on Dr. Rug. 6! Roehuter remukn. iolut boptum our` lot ho-on-rvluns hotel two or Ihroo day: no invohd. Tho quotation in hutttutx mu by thlrsunrdartf fl lnptht }ourul).whioh up: "Concom- iog this to Innwneortun. in the ant phce. whether It II I correct trons]:- 'tion; in the second plnoo. whether the |I|rt`t.n.I|I'Iltod is not I later Interpol`- tion; In the third phco. whether the hook ital! in on old so chimes]; and throughout the whole remember that In no hauling with trulitiou uul with hnlty contom. uud not with Scripture urntivo or npootolio injunction." A That a nnnn-n. ungnpn-aninn in Inna. TIGZVV \ CIIIXXJIIU I$ UflUUIl- 4. That 1 uooond rguurnolion is lore- Uold in those words: "And there nhull _____- .I _ -1 .__, .1 _n , ._,,.L . n-,. -|,- ANAIIJIIIII AI WOIK. `Iiii.Ii wnw. yv-u - nnv uuu]. Ivv. uvu nu- Iho inference In tint. they BITAIIIEBD nut. I|IOI:_htn|0 Mun ndh low; |wo:r:aI on vlwn hula M1 nu ,- us... run..- Tm; 15u1"nsn wmu, \vE1)N1T:si)A Y Ev1-:mNu.A1>I:1I. 2. &c-borthon|osu|nlaohnla' lulihh on Thuudny Ondnq nut. Qnndngu 8 o'clock. The public unnu-1, London. A "I il.-l-idmnncl Yates. Ollilot 0' the I been condemned to loot month` hnprisonuunt lot Imbal- liq Burl Lonuhlo. Judgment hu hoonlupoodod pondingu appeal. I-IIVIVU "wanna The [anger of the Work: nu ujtod I! the Ihbmont was correct. Ho paid ho Ind heard nothing about It. bug he hoped N In all right. Ha had not been said to undo! {or my engines. not Ind my oornluoudoneo passed between the Companion. -___.4i___ .. u--ru-uu uulu vvunwu ulnruu nun` up thotnllc bu increased no mnoin on the Cumin Auntie Rnilwny that Al.` I`......._.. I.-- .._.l___J -:- I--.._._ IOTIIIIO LIKI IRON. -uu v-uuuu nun-Ilvlu nauwuy Inn! 3. Company has ordered uixlooo;no- tins U0 be built by the Kingston Loco- Iotivo Worlu. -1; -nu nu I.-unwvuvvg -nu u II an In nun power ol man to help them. Capt, Sohloy naaybo condently relied upon toncoompliah his udnonn undertaking. was serving in An impormntcnlucity in the Nani Bureau of Equipment. and Nsngllion. The nnk of Commander. which he now holds. was conferred upon him in 1674. The pscuiiur qunli- tieu noceunry to nu Arctic explorer are fully devolopod in Capt. schley. Ho has experience. courage and patience, ilnrigid diaciplinnrinn. always just I: well unkind to his uubordiuntes. The ink he in engaged upon teem: nlmovt I hopeless one. but if the Groely party unuill in exiuonoo. sad i! it in in the _...__ -1 _ _ _ _ ._ |__n_ n,,_, 4:. uaguuu a vi-nan-U: aavaug as ouavupguvus the war. he dlstinunishod himself by paat conduct. The next year he was with the gunboat Winona ol the West Gull blockading squadron ,and took part in all the naval battles up to the (all ol Port Hudson. His promotion to a Llentenancy (July 16. 1862.: was made in toward for exceptional bravery in the Port Hudson tight. The step 0! Lion- tenant-Commandni was given while he was in command of thn'gunboat Wntoroe Alter the war he served In various vea- ssls until 1807. when he was assigned to the Naval Academy an instructor. Here he remained until 1871. when he was again transferred to tho Beruiciu,st that time in the Asiatic eet. Since that time he has been stationed on various vessels. has visited very many loroign ports. has again helal an instructor's place in the Acanlomy. null at the time of his appointment as nnlnllaunu.-an no nnrna u nu..--o..... Iguana` Lu W I. This [snout Lon:|on we no boon Runny yosnon n Hitunry liu aeurch. the Resolute. Commander Wineld Scott. Schlev is -15 years old mud n Mnrylnnder by birth. Ho Ion the Navy Academy in 1860. mm! at tho unnnnnun an: inn -nn uu-. Iluv un uuv unu.u DIu'Iu' uuu Anny! u. In preuentod to the United Status for tho pal-pooe by the British Government in courteous rooopnition of the release yous ago by our country 0! all claim on one of tho vessel: doserhod in the Frank- nnu-nnuvu Ur nun. vuun was stationed :6 Ship Island with the frigate Potomac. Hero. on throughout 6|... gran I... .I.-Ii-non:.|..J I.n....ll I... Adoipuch from Ottawa qdnod Isl) nun (Inn O-nn I..- i-..._....._.l -A -......b. nquurrnu run A VUlA\rD of at least two years. The Ureely or poditien. it will he remembered. was sent out. something: more than two yearn ego. to man one of the scientic polar stations established by the united action 0! our own and several of the principal European Governments. Their ship. the Proteus. was left at Lady l'rnnklin Bay and the party proceeded northward. For a long time nothing was heard from them. At lvnt. it was re- ported that they were in great. distress. One expedition has nlrcndy been dis- puched to their assistance, but without Iuocess. A plan.-aunt tact. connected wnti: the lining out o! the new relief putty is thlt one of the three ships. the Alert, is .._.......A...l 5.. cl... l`...`o...l Qua..- 'nI H... I I l COIIANDII OP HBKILY FIXPIDIITQS. Peace has its heroes no less than war. When one recalls the long list of brave oloers and gallant men who have per- ished in the frozen` Northjthrough. their devotion to the cause of science. from the day of Sir John Franklin to mu 5: De Long. one istempoed to declare that, as the French say, tile game is not `worth the candle. Within n low week: an other daring man. the subject of our sketch. will begin his perilous jonrney over the icy track strewn with the wrecks of vessels and the relics oi the dead. But this time it is rather a misw lion ol humanity than one at scientic of geographical research that prompts the heroism. The (ireely Rehel Expo- dition. which will sail this month or May. will consist of three vessel: under the general command of Capt. Schley. and will be lolly manned. provisioned and rnnvvlhnl.-I\ u-..u A n-nvnuu THEN 6F71T1aIVIT iibbii. -:--ooj. I-vnsnnu Iron LIIIIL. ----woo--:- Ipuqoorn uh Work. Wells Bros. ya-um. 1. nioomu. pnuhuotlnhnulnno. lling. vuluod null). lthuudlvu-oolnndhulud nus. 'l`boWollno||liI unotllorl An A AI-non. ' lwhr. tlnoprohulonnl poduuiu. In the city nouy. nu": _` mu Hand In want. In $&' F " uocnuymlnnoou vilhoulol-1 uuoemxn Alla. nu uv-no---vc. gnu vu-1 fuvvu an-var lqzul` niuhhnulu Ill bqguud an 'iuinnuionI" uoutnllhhlo in tho `act that Juno: Shanon loo: ml lun- iol Ihom. No one could possibly ho ghddct to do 3. cousin and I- vul -`Jill lulityud no onohnl tho but on know anything in thus oIno-ooinlly speaking. ol course. In conclusion. the but proo!Mnul- I.....l ...l..n.A...-_a. ._ 5...... .-.I nI..n -.-,- -vu-v soon: 2:: vcuuuu `Inc honey oxpnuon-lho lnpoctnc up- uhin. Bunion be in onlynoluiin nnnlilnnntl an nnnhnl u La-A.-. vlv - u. -nu.--vu- Apia. In In; pudon most humbly _lor having oloudod Hin.8onno lliuhnou . by hiking to a clerk -u more clerk- "my" clerk. too--albeit he Md twenty you-u` olporionoo In the department bolero Ir. hunon entered it. and that thalnttor it uh II bond during tho oonvennliou. Yet. i! In were Pontuu hr it might not ho pouiblo lot lhu ol- Icinl to In oonulnul o! a cinch: like Clark J Minn for the Int time on Saturday; though it bad boen panning through In: also lot days. ud land we 4|... 5.1.... L... uI.:.I L.l...-- .|._ nvl vv--urn uyvu Icuulpl III IIIIVIIOp$- Though it in well known thnt aectaln love 0! writing in with one particular gentleman a peculiarity. such oxtromm ly kind and intelligent lotion Ilnonld not no nnrewanlod. Fortunately. ow- ing to Mr. Shannon`: modesty. it is not unnoticed. and In. Analin will. we an Inn. present him with (at the very loan)` 3 copy of ldurmuw (`uauleft View ol Kinglton. An-in -m I......-I..- _....n |..._.L|_ Vvuvlv HIV IIIU |FI"l VCIUIUII. I We youtordsy Admitted tho illegality ol the canls. strictly spanking. sud have only to said that il the some strict letter of rmvnlstion and inspection were sp- plietl to Mr. Shannon. we should lou- for his posoo of mind. However. the humor ol the epistle will not. we lost. strike the avenge reader. The Post master refers to his kindness. Ho wu extremely indeed. in notifying Mrs. Anglia on Avlddy that the ouxls inviting people to I millinery opening on Saturday (two days previous) would ho lm-nan! nm... ......;..A -0, --_.u...... -H---H-I-y uwu \lD I prvvlvllil Would X ` forwuded upon reooipt of envelopes. Thanah it in In" knnun that cannula 5 -u-u Ivan yvxvunnauu va Invent -, We are told that only 18 cards were , laid upon the gold-and-ivory deal: of tho 3 Grand Vinior ol the stone palace on Cla- renoo Street. tliouoh no one aaid 2(1) were placed thereon. as we can see. Nnmbere do not: attract] the Poet- maater'n action. but let us follow up this point and we how it re-lounds to his credit. A large number actually passed through the cit) mails in spite of his very acute supervision, and were duly received. So we learned today. Under such loonenesa 0! control. and as Anglia .1 Swalea were oarlv warned. no wonder the original Kl) dwindled down to a captive 18. If the Postmaster uli-I not see the words. "The Whig." on the lace of I small cenl containing lteen words we ought duly to sympathize with him; he has very bad eyes. lint where are the perversion ? \l'.. .~m.t.._.l-.. -.l_.:aa_ I AL, :n_-.|:.,, u v: uu-ug uu IuuI:sII`0uLIJ. ...u.n.u Mr. Shannon. with charming disin. gcnuity. does not rocoguixo theso lscts : that he was made swam on l"riJnflst that one of In own clerks hml authorised Ind encourugoil the posting ol those droacllulcimls. which were prepai~| by lc. htlmpi that no injury to the revenue hml uken plaice. but nther a saving: that similar owls have boon forwarded in tho nnils for two or three yours. and that the ollicials who enconrsgul such looseuqss should be the last. in not curt ly in the end. especially in contradiction to zheir own permission ten minuhcs be- fore. Again he has not explsinoil why. when it ilny's limo was of consequence. that tho lnspectoriiu the sumo build- ing) was not consulted. Hut we Imvu noticed omissions onongh to suggest 5 very long letter. and may search lor thst gross perversion ol hots." W- Inn OnI.I II.-I n-.I- In .....I.. -4... | {II N! IUIHIIIIUK IUU CD113` `H9 13"` dern [perhaps on are not aware that this a so would I violation of the re- gulations. It in my duty to enlome the postal law without regunl to any incon- venience which may he mused inciden- tally to those Attempting to iulringe it. and nu{ Bureau considering himself an- uncv-x en the right to apply to the l ostmaster~Gouerel for redress. In the present instance 1 went out ol my way to oblige the partiea on whose hehnlf you complain. I need not notice the other misstatements and insinuutious in your erticlo. The facts areas I have stated. and` this you could have learned by calling upon me instead ol upon one of my clerks.-Yours trvly. J.uts Siiusou. Poetmnat-gr. ' `Tho nutocnit ol that seven-byniue institution. the city Post Ulllcc. may he so much of I more departmental machine thnt he cannot bring common senaeor din crotion into the exercise of his dutiembut them is no question on to his eptness val. answering a charge by evading its main points. ll he felt it necessary to reply he might have paid our readers the com- plimeut ol doing so intelligently. M. Qlmnnnn with nllnvnlinri Alain muunlry mull uenux aocm-an Ille- gnl and those ol Mann. Clark .1: Minna: loan]. 1 than notied the tendon ol the former that they would be Ionnmlod il enclosed in envelopes. I may further slate tlul I Ins not sum where these had been printed until Iolno hour: utter my notion Ind been taken. A: to returning the uni: to sing nen~ no:-hum van nu um mum sham unu Wu Iulounou we cu-an nus waded could not bo allowed to My ppinln wu lhns conrms the Department in both cues milliuory cud: being declared PB? . tho illo- ul than 1:! Mann. Clnlx .k Minna: 0|! l'l'I(Il_V IOIIIIOX IU Q10! [B03 "OVQL n4"' .|!I.1nd!.!d") 3.-.n_1:!e9e. 9199,91 desk. with on lntnntnon thnt they In- lnngod the postal rqoldtlonaud should not be Allowed to pun through the mulls. (`pol looking at the regulation: I found that this Ill so. nu-I immodiuw ly notied the scmlors. Fnuxlxug I cur:l 0! Clark & Minnen upon my deck. ol u very uiluunt shape and mac. rm learn- ing thnt tlmna Wu 1 number 0! them pausing thruugh tho uuila I requoitetl than to he dolnyod until I uacertninel whethr they ohm contruonexl the luv. l re nod the (Acts to Ottuu and was in armed the card: that men- tnhinal mmla mm M. .n..-.a 9.. ..... . 8ir.-lyI|& ' Mi`-boon drum In`) v u: uticlovin Int night : issue of you; paper. which. no In u 1 mm conoorned. innm-nn'narvnnion olthahth. lat paper. wuncn. no III` as 1 us: come! in I groan` pernnion of the hell. m6 inlonn on what the hctqnlre : on Friday 18 end: [not ` I-n Ilnntll-n(I"l -or: nlnnml nrnv iruatmuu-r Siilll; Inks an En` : { nlve I9nh'- He Does not 't e__ll the I hh AI llnn Pnnlnf in17o1%i5ii}i{\ii:IsI *`'-lIV IR: III I?` Whole ol the; Pu-(3.; -u u-vv I"-lbo nn nanuoulvlohlo. unaIuqoIl;uvhklnlul0Iu; uvnjootodlh . (Kb-IrI|:WIIt0I||h olollo hlhva-zhlznb Llhnhg In I500!--v MIL Id: width hl.l0. nnnnmilgnnul on nquthllyluuhi no nzncl. 0uAnhIl:lI.cI ` Illih I mun I ndnlncnllblvldou i-, IND A Wllo lnnhsll. II In any 1:!` '5. up. . Thhnuuvmuhplnauunhynnt Ioou utDo'olocI.l`1-Ind: Minna-an-. _.-__ s'.:::.-.:u,,,,.....*`*-"-v. f . ` . =--"" :'_g.&.r.r..M..::.,:.?: I mum I 8.;I.|l1Tppod` an on load: at huhy viatho K.tP.RR. to New York to-day. Let OVQP. A Hard In need in 3 friend Indeed ad that iujnu that D. Van. Buns`: Ildno Cure in lo ovary one uoring from inane. wbothu in the (annals But Ache. Dropuy. 0: Bright`: Dina`. lot wall oorhhly nlhmlbo Iuoringn. anal. it pound In. pnuully aloe! I euro. `F9 `I In lay. Jun. no '>';..".'.`...'2`".."Ea ..' ' ::.:::s.""~s." o.u-m Aw? Ill Ly. III. ' R loroe ol man no at work at the dock It Emonld. Whoa lnishod it will ho onoobonoutnhlulthlolnhollny. J. 0. Honor lsupulo n quantity ol maple sugar and nyrup. rw`E:Flo;.t-=nan":|1":-0-o"Iu." I`r-qnhlhlnhlthllvilll Ia. Thoma Polly. Roan. who bu boon Iatiomly ill {or some time. in around again. A lama nl man Am an -ml. n u.. .I....n. _.-..<... .. -.,........`. . `nun-u Junior Fourth. Boyn-C. P. Luell. B8; A. Mnnhon. `KM; W. Stnchux. HM; A. MoConvillo, I88; Funk Raid. I85; Fred Driver. 182; Sam Corbett. 181 : A. Moore um H. Cluwn. 1&1; W. Pound. 177; Sun Slunnon and W. lloou. 176: W. Hunt and A. Cnnnem. 175: Walter Gumom. 173. Total mg-L. .5..- urn -9-0-- ulucet slull DOWN. Weteh eryeteln. onl 10 eeute. er. Wul Iiem Devid`n Broker 8 op. the eheepee: place In the any. He in e deeler in new end eeooud hend goods of ell kmde. nun eble ea clothing. lurniture. henlvere. dry goo.le. jewellery. mueieel lnelmuu-nu end houeeholdjoodl. All he tune in lhe - le to come in, u he In eure to sell. \ nu. ud,next. to Robmeon'e eerriege leclory. emu ol the red neg. Prince: Street. King non. Brooklyn. April 3.-)lu-y Royuulnl-an. need 2]. bu uuod, John Mc'l`ernnu. I wonlthv real estate owner. land 70, for 025.01) dunngou. `duo chimx that he betrayed her under promise of mar- riage. .\lcTcrunn has I wife. --cv--1 nVI.'o. I'I'II If.` on um -axon. An oulhnc ::::3o. :51 run... Aouznox. nu}? Cincinnati. April 2.-lt is reported that vo persona hlvu been killed and number wounded by 1 cyclone :0. (Din: villa. lnd.. yesterday. Tho town was dost.ro_vod. Dublin. Ai1ril2.-A number of l.ndus~ men uni tumors. c with belong- ing to 3 bodv of lnvincnbloa founded at Tnbbcr Curry by I . J. Sheridan. have been nrroswd. - . ._-..... V ... .. ....~u. Lonsloii. April `.-Tho l'u`nell brunch ol tho Irish Lengne has passed a ronolu Lion condemning Davin`: nation in iu Vilill Henry George to lecture in Dub- lin. I\..kIi-. A`.._.'l .1 A ___L__ .1 A_, 3 , -vuwr uumom, nu. Total mukg given :60. mm. A name I! probable. ' l.ond`6'n. April 2.-Despat.c||oa hum! Gordon say then: are no signs that Mnhdi is About to advance upon I\'har~ toum. The Kabbnbxsh tribe is in open ' rebellion nguim-It Mnhdi. Suukim. April 2.--Uanum in activol resuming the oonsive. H0 is attmnpl ing to cut o ll friendly tube from the count. Shaikh Mahmoud Ali in opposing him. '\ battle is probable. t l.nnd`6'n_ Am-il 2,_l)mmnu-Jmu lrmn l nu. Pr-Iaoo or Waloa run-3 upon and in .,. in; nu lliuilcl lb-ly. Cannes. A ril `J. --'l`ho remains at tho late Prince .eopold were were ed yea- tenlny alternoeu from the Villa `walla. the last. resting place of the lamented Duke. to the railway station on route for Cher-bonrg. The luneral oeriego was escorted by several companies of the military. while others lined the streets along aha ronlool the procession. All bnsim-ss was snspoudod.a.nd many build- iuyu were draped with emblems of mourning. Previous to the removal of me remains from the room in which the body lay. a sorrowful scene was enact 0-l. 'l`he Prince of Wales. who is here to superinmnd the lnnersl arrangements and accompany the body tel-England. throw hiuisell upon the colu and kim- ed the lips of his dead brother ru.peul.el ly. giving way to his feelings in sup`>n~ss- oil sobn. The scene was extreme y ul- hating. and those who witness;-ll it Cnill not repress the team which iu~ vuluuuuily wcllod up into their eyes. The Prince was nally led away and the casket. was cloned. Uu the cask:-I was in large 1.-reslli from the Queen in- scribed with the words: "From ll -It \-nu-I au:l sorrowing motlicr. .u-us.-. 'lhe grout Northuuptou stakes were won l.o~duy bv Duke HunIlbou's Loch- nnx" ; Lorrillnnh "Comnncho" `And. ' Ellen lnncllosulores "Lizzie": Hun]. . Seven started. { --Van -uu alluvial uuuluvou. The Senna uninuinod "it; chu-acne: u I useless and obstructive body ves- terdny by rejecting the ball punod by the House of Common to proyido-(or the yuninhmont oi "seduction and like of` Anna: uvu. In the Supmme Court Hr. L`uthbert'a eleotlon. Is member for Benlner wu conrmed. two ol the judges dissenting Iron: the judgment The Toronto Ujzy Council has post. nod lot 1 year the oponmon at the I y-liw puood to nopuaw tho liquor (tom the grocery bnunoon. Th. 51......` ....:..a.:.....I ":.- ..|.-_.....- I niLoT_|_t_mInm out IIIIPOIICI IJIIDIIIXIIUTIIUIIL The Ontario Goviorumeul. hue grunt- 'od an lllowunoo ol 073) to the lunily of the Innnlered Smdvnch gnoler. Thorn in . unnnl .......s..m- n..o n.. The schooner Shogn Vlolt Sannnnh lut night with Gen. Aguoto and twenty armed me: la! Cuba. ` I. :_ .|_-__| . us --uavu nuvu nun VIII`. II. in thought Biluuck will qml the Pruuiua Ministry and canine hinuoll the ImpariAl'Ch_sneellonhip. - Thu lln.nri.\ llnx-nu-un.-..a 1...... ..... no, 9 - "` 1 Ian g'nl s and 'l'q-lhyfn Iloporu Contact I cod Don: lot can Inn Hanna-s I _. \.. _,,`_ llonour lloll--cnlarnqnl school. In .. u. .. _ . OCIIIAOQI IAIII7. I 5:` Irlnnll In-llnjil uoporu 12%|! in: lhulurs. (`tJ.\`li)lc.\`SVli-ll) "l`El.E'lMlAI.\'._` April 3. uuomo: Wino MLIII. A Pllll IITIITAIIIIIIT u the A d Ibo wouxzru b All! at an. will to IIYOI In __ lguun at In nah: Bu-cu INSURANCE] Ag-cu ]mv.IvLnr s rat? 1.: _a. 1;;a=g:g"g`uaY.| 1 `Mn. Pnlnuungu pg. .._ l'"PF***!_*I=8-min! ...e.,;:.?;,.;;~.`;;.~., s..,.,g l Ivnmrnu gvnll-r lulu: 7 INDIIIMIIBN;-;;Ib Ibo: ta upb.Ip.n.ol'I'llU "Y. 01.7.: .:I& 3 Ildhuokn llfllhi. noise. 913- and Grnnnounnl Palmer and Paper ALI. won Doll NKATIJ AND ON Tll uluorul Iouot l|lonhlI|oIu A.le Cutzxi Ian-. cu-an Johnson (laden Bu. will be promptly uuod M on. Claim I'M: pun vary chap Incl Sh Iuuuu. I `"1" > IICIOU1 nnI'ron u , T0 CONTRACTORS.- --nuw urulu;-- on dun gt-on Ju Raid`: Purumnc Sand. TU III: 0I'l-:.\`RD ON 5ATl`llDA\' Inch aln. (`ouan. rn. Inca. Ir. Inn: but lhn null no! Ilophun comm; {I.sdics' llttn Boats. Slit! lather. $1.15 I.ul.c'I h:.I ll.-nu. il 5), \I.u.'. l,...... x u lent mm from Ihowiux hm IOI` prim won lu the people :1 they run Ru ha I-nu put to more upomo luv ulrur -.- IIORTABLI ad nicely In-and tilt at without head. Good uhlo an unhrnlol taxi! ulnd. Applnl Ho. 10. W nldllh-k-.|llIl~ ouuaudinghn I on The weather to 0 loch {at 1:11` Ill month. Thli: nun I oh I n blood urior that W!" nol injure Inn hya- Iom; e gan nd what he want: in Dr. Cnnuuru Stomach Bitten. tho ;_-nmlmt cg all blood purmers. In lnrgu on-ulou at . >I|o_ {Stepher 1' Gwrjaves N T. Giii";fa{iWvooD`s Ioutnsl. April 1. I-`lour- neat uoo ; ulna roporlod OM bhll. The I wingnn the hunt quota (ion: :-F|our.IuporhI`u\n at 5.40 to 5.50; nun 5.90 to 5.15; norinxuln 4.2!) to GM}. superne 4.1!) to 4.85; n baht`: 5.41) to 5.75; line 3.60 to 3.70: mi 8.40 lo 3.50 ; polluvb Ml) to 3.85; On. bug: we to 3.60: ulybqll to 3.90 {at utroug baht`; (}run-whn. rod winter LIN to 1.30; No. 2 vluh. l.l6|o 1.18. Cotn To lo 76. Pou90|o9l Onusaw :9. auto 55 U750. Ryo when onuo.I_4.a so llllnllfl NI CIIDVII um TINUTNY SIID. BIRD GRAIN. CBOICI FAIL ` LI ll1)l'l ...-- -non--u uu... Cuudncolsou . Dnndu Couon .. Ouurio lnvulluu . llLI>`nnl H and I ul tuutll. Iohli Ilocl. Pllnvt Out: I. laquon lfll ILIIII luzrn A cum: 9' " Oh! Shaw! By-Law .. L-..p L..... 1.. r%wum.% C X PRIRCISI ITIIIII. _.__.?._.._:_..j__j..j IOHTIRAI. PIODUCI IAIIIT. IIIIEI. Iona, 39:-run; not}; I 0: In DANIEL DURAN. NWOTICEA 'II$ SPACE Mlscaanoous. In hem!-y `lI'I`!I lhnx Tun wuaon mrraounzu Dnn`nnoI: XQQ W OI IWII , 3 pudnnn. lnquuoolnmluytho. Burma. AWOOD Cl'fl`lN0 AND IPlJ`I"l`lN(l IA- .. ..`.l."::`.!; ':.'.'.:..'*""`.... 2..-.:....."-~....':".' "oonu nu.-ml. on-nun, | C5 Alan! 1. ----u-u:-u- nu- nuuunuuuuuua-su.. Lulu-Q-nn-.-n.lA._--.A__-_AAn_n ,, . .001` mu wonnnor count up 1. JV 5:; dmzn CL!-lARI.\`u Q13: mm or '_l'_HE smsux H Maple Syup. J_;._ _1g;:sc:-c"5E'I"< Rn. Cr . Gr. Florida orange-s. Ila-Inn (Dung!-I Slcsslun Lu-non-. Iguana:-. Malaya rnpen, Applc-I. Ar. 7 r'-w-in--Jun: 1.1: `n. u. onnuovoxr `lens. I elect. lnclrs. Spurs. (`nun I oods. llnlun. spin-cl Ilnron. Roll In-on. Dairy -IIIPI" ltvaponled Ippla 1, in. Cr Ar. Sim l.m_o_sAl IIE`:l'lIVE Gmceryantlmnslum CALL AND SEE. 601.11}?! Lll GRUEERY. The nbovr oods Ill be` cold I:Il IEAI . I00 (`aces Sn rel fora. 200 (`uses I`:-1-In `I onuuoo-~. dunno! Ayn]. 0.000 pdhuds Prunes. I00 (`uses l`n-sh Penn. FURNITURE. (2,0lhsDehciousF1gs 50 Cases Green Apples in run III III gallon line. 8.800 pounds Dried Apples. --cu u-cu-u u-Iv: nlvlu VIII |-Il ICIIVIIIH. III" our ropulnion lo!" Iallmg the but good! } bl lilo Iowa! punt: ll npprccnnbd by on porieooad homohq-on. Our pnru un- . had upon 5 law nlrwce Aurvu we pro uoor'uounI._` (`unonmn vnlnd In our unit everyihnng remaining In kuvusekn-p r lug In the gnwor) huv [ Pies and Puddings | Grocery JAMES cumronn, ----SIGN UP` 'I`Hl~l-_ N In well up And 1:4 superior to Uunuuc-nu Dubhu Stout. \\.- huu.lIo amlluu: but `[aI&'S London Ale and Stout It-I ounlo nnnun `u;-n -leg-eu.l on ,guI":n.g Ibo `bye! urticien ll tho Ion-cut pnocs hy dcnluug . \\'l'I`ll .__._ Prim-ens Ilrc-M. - - Ehnguton. lurch Slat. In ulnar And Ipuklmg And an q-lend:-I order and in tho purest. healthiest sad but Ala Ilunnltoturcd in this or u. vlhx-V <\-nnlry in the worn I umrs moon STOUT Although new in tho allye hnwelonud that thonddlliou of this aloparuneul Ill! -00 with hroi (mm our old gallons. llld ouznnnnum far ...n..... n.. 5.... .......|. vuunuuusu -u Ind ! hucha,3lnIrhe,rricI sud `A1-noon Indourilrittl Fruit: and Vogeuuei Iu ' Al`); Al- ___.I.__. n .u A -__ - _, -._.- in v'wsu\IIIt nu "club tboptoduou or Ihe mi pnlng nu __ the Banana Shun. FOR mi suuxm smsox mcwm: all gain at the Funngn ind "Domenic |lol&tionI{ n lln'.Iluc.CIIrI'un:n (`nu _-) Ix,, _; Our Labntfs London Ale :.:-.r........"""`-..'....:.:.-.'..':n or lacuna`! Q rrlneeu In nclovunnn rotm mu. W. R. .\lcR.\l'I d 00. DRIED CHERRIES.` POI! Pll-ZS AND I l`D. [Mill OPEBRS l~`0Il \4|I.lI ow-1: cuuuuvvi C 'I'llE~-r- utter Gmgexies. Liza noun. I'll npvvul- u-menu. uvouuvuuu - arc: I-U IIJII VIINIT PLOIII. Fin! mzfmil *.:."-`.u?7'P-.:- ......"..":u.:E-='- -M In-no will AMI In. CITY I_3_4KERY. `, . Aw WW` I. wuu.` M` 5.215 N awn T000010 FIIIP CNN, 61 Broohsu-oat. A1` UIODl0UI PAIILY IOUII UN 1`-oultclolllnlluonh. Inocelr ad I . lull: nch; Puuldou nu-b 5ll'l'!|IKllIusuioInIl4'un 1 r nfiunnrr uunnncx. llo.IIu- " ": u in. King I C `lluudly Eve. Apnl an-J, II$Ia||ll:In`elon. An nxmlhnl nu T0 CON'i'l1`A_.&3'..I.`(-S;!.8`. tram-9-nil Ellldnbllllenn bonmonnoduod .vllvI.lool`I''v|`InhonuoIIn Illllllltll .uun.u c . nhlh. w Wonmcton Bu-not inl j Raw Advertisements. ____ ,_"" jun: n In numI| I 1* oolmououl _o:no_n_oI Inooew nu wagu A uncut. nnm (& |CI' U IOI T "DIV r In on. awn`. :13. wanna. Ero BOARDIEIYS: BOARDING. IOTIOI. IOTICI. . For Wmtou. __T..1;';E_ ................; Point A Odd: [Jon Illz at ;:.'..*..:................"""""". .......; I1 1.11:5. L--Al-- AL... L.-Ah. -- v-IoulUylIII|I1 whine Iholuh with than this puuwillhvoluulhdlotdiqutlou houvpnhlhulu. Ilhlo dnllvnnnn mouthp- wlllouun to dounlutha ..._.-._ ...n__..n_.|__ -.._n..,_ -'31 I-Zuwuqiliuw Iu((&pxv.):!CowuppQuuyou~ ulna Ihhun and Duoouwuuhyd tholninunnntnluaonuohu. `Q|"IN|l-I FVVN; loI|h,y.|oo. nnlur ycuhnrvioool thopyquu ulI|uIun."Dun8hn2oynduop Ihnhnnn than-LA -us |.L_.. ALI. u-on-my ulluuftuy yr. I. 'l'hHhoEoqnlloIIolUhnnh 0onI-oI|duuuinu|Ikh- [bad uuudeuulnry. Ihiahot Ud ||&hd by lb hllovh gosh- &KLL.xv.\ : Ia-u-an-AI... nuns. TLLIIEIV. In. 15:: a sum I `jut-I:-It UZIIIIQWIZIIHVI Apootlu` the payee lnvuhbly unn- clulutb-: Wot thhoin in point utllhollcyluuvoa. Thnounu In ILAIIAI ll:-a-1::-" -u-.un-no-vc-u.vuuuI|uI|Iu'w; I. run. New hnut Rovhon hnluunnuhblo lihutylnonit La lb. Lash-u Inn. 0.. I...)-- II` IT. -ll-l' F C: dumltlthouubjooucqnlhnow: I Thai IL. HA- E.-A--..-A 0-..: "'I -H IIUIUIQ] Iii: Il 1111! hunt. In tho "`l`unH@ol tho Twelve A-an-Algg AL. ._... A.......|.m.. .._ ..r.-u-- unulp-- uvv I-vC. um pnuinouu at the manuscript on hudlyhodonbhtl. II. or: umilu. in and byOlonout.o( Alundria. Enn- hna and tulnnuim. and noholuly undythugnodin the euliulodhtuinn tho uidona ol not I nnuu-ipt. Ihonqhunylndthouht that it would son: he bought to light. fhonin uothingtouhowwhowulbonnlhotol iubolithptuououlby an critic on "Ibo nun loouoahao Coconut that \ Innovation: sun. In loot aqua: 4 it In Inland to can oonlwnnv. \ IAL._ x_.l__.l -|__,.I___,,, L, A I u! can ouuvvuvv. U. IU ml |lIh|.hdod.olnndypovohlduun- *,I`K_Ih`|knlinnnIO`n.-- I.|!PUR7`.lN7' DlS(,`()|'l'.'NY. Profound interact in being ukon in tho noun publication at tho mun- suipu duod 1!) AJ). nu] Round by Bryonim in tho Iibnry ol the loot Holy Sopulohu in I-`nan. 0oon8nti~ nnplo. II in written in cunivu_obu- noun and contains Iriunp ol Chrysa- lon. Bannhu. Clonal. Ignatius uni other-I. 1`ho"`l'uchlIIoMho'l`In|n LL13" cannula. In. |QA- `PL. my nnuuuuwuu euuu cu vunnvs. Inn Tapper couldn't solely bundle the ship ol nine :3 the present tune. and the Ptemier hubimer man incundn mu he could ever be in England. No. Sir Charla will remain our High Commis- niooer end enjoy the luxuries which he has ordend-4t our expeuue. nu yulgvwuuuou sue auu u-av ua puny. Sir Charles did some useful eetvioe onaeonpleof oocaeioaelaetyear. when, Canadian enterpriae was meuaned. but hie preeeoee wntyio mean: so impot- ttut ae towu-Ant the outlay now pro- vided lot. But he in not to be blamed for what Parliament approves ol. lle deairee to live in London. and in style. andilbeeangettheoonntrytopaytha plperaouloh the better. Thathe in not acting right. however. is Iade I quite Inanilaet by his own eoudaet. He holds two oloea. neglects one and then the other altemahly. and ahirks the eoneeqneoeea. It II aignileent to note that not once during the union baa be out his vote in tho llonao ol Coumonl. though ready to take a hand in the de- bate: end behave at" tile: in a moat eleaeave manner. Vedoaetpnt erednee in the inti- muolthe (Ibtothat Sir John may no to London hinnll. He would enjoy aeeaeoa there. and hedeeen-en a holi- J . I S I V dayllnehmon thansir Charles. but . 15...... ....I.a-'. ._l.|.. L-_,II._ u.- -a_:_ nu mucus m:J.nJIn gum H The supplemental oonlnin nu iloln ol ENQJII) which in thecouv 0! - muting lot I year And lurninhing tho ! residence 0! the mgr. commiuaoner u luondon. Sir Charles Tapper wu snow- DJ in 1883 0611.!) {or expenses, but this nun: did not untidy him. Nothing but I uoIoinIresidonoo.innewopu1ol * the aunt metropolis. would untity hi: onlted unhibion. In iurniuhing sud tting no new in progress. nml. when the Home at Commonulooen-when the Minute: 01 Ilnilwnyn nhnll hum consul to im about the public buildings; when Puliunent. by vittno oi nu ohodienl majority. nhnll have whitewuhed hi: political chnnictor nnd relieved him ol thopenally 0! his illagtl u:L!-thil house will be occupied. in in. uodoubt. well to have in London one who cm Icl ptolnptly when Cundinn nuin require Mllltion. but it in qnutionnbla indeed If circnnutnneol justly the expenditure whichhnheeni nrredbylho High Commissioner. 1 o some ground for the opinion that theomcewucrenbd lot polienl purposes. And that it is be- ing perpelneted for the sake oi puny. Gin l`VIu.u|.- AL! Ann-`A nn.'IIl -on-wing When the Conn! 0nu;io Bull came up at the Home ofuonmoiu. yo-tcnhy. `scan. Bowoll, White uml other! sought to hot on objecuonnblo unend- mqm or Alter it no much that the pro- mopr would Inn to Irithduw it. Dr. Plat! Iorcol the Bill to I voto uni` it In! uniod by n hlndlono majority. Bowel: no While no not now so much onunound ol their on: imporunoo. They have not been no_coctu|lly umb- 'bCi[(IIlo.Iima.-.~ l Ono. Gordon. Iron. Kouloltn in 1U'I5.c|id tbs! Khartoum. plateau itwuu an ctcntluuln ol lbollppct N110. couunundl not manly the Imin utnuniholl Ian|_ shown two great bttachollhttllitoto !oI1ni|.un. the Baht-cl-Abbi (White Nile) uld the Bohr-6.!-Anni (Blue N110.) Kblnllll II. in 1-lea. an can ol Nun... ind to Abandon itistolbundon we Souddn. 11:. in ID! uAma!;t2&gl!I9l_,Llgs1pd canon. an in oponuon. and you Llu-1; are none `men who will not idnit that tho N.P. in: not pioducodua nnhniwy uiniuluu. ad that noun ol,on_r hdu-trio 4 dnnolinnnounllorhgauoondision. Sdamhn nth uuaum puprr-In-nth Fug onountilcdtppapuchnbnaiuun opc. Papa:-ch n`rvinOupiann`:vp:u~ Iurcrnapalud. `- AN OPFIUIA I. RE'II)ENL'b'. Mr W: W1: prnusuxrs NOTICE. nvy Anna Inn on ridlq with lhnuoydaiunnad. Amt =:vinahntMho-ohuluhdtor taut. in bid and uhbbod Io dull: hlauln mum. nu. oulcubu. Go`. Apil 2.-.0. 3 IN! hill I muuoy. hi:JI:n:l. loaning Lao -A L`... L. .A..A..I l._ nu;-an an nun-ucu u unuonuc. we | lull ght lolnpbod that iuformodnhin he id not rut Ibo pnddalinl nomination and could nothnit. Hooonld notain p the pact and quit! he now onjoyod for lou-yuan olnrilo. Ila wu70ycu-I oldudoonldnotdoit. llvuuolim pohhlo that he would :3 I future time on-unl loner unnounoinu hi: _... . -.....v _.-wu--.wu-w--. Baltimore. Aptil %.-Tho Su yum- dqynulonool iumounruuod conu~ rodent to New York to no Samuel J. ildao. tor lhopnl-pone ol eliciting |ono~ 3:0 50 l'u(|hI-goal": `I131: Inn` Iflillll un pnudoncy um might rqzuded u untbouic. The ounmnnndam Inn niahl blunt-nnhnd V: u-nuuuu. Dumy eontndiotod the evidence of Perry. A: there In no evidence egunat Wee: sud Gilrov they were diuniaeod and their evialoeeo taken. They could not identify my ol the priuonen. Syl~ meter lhnnen is in Belleville end did not eppur. Adjourned until tomorrow. lube 0 Idler Watts. Quotes hlnnol. Kb-n-.