Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1884, p. 3

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...J V... 00 to Chnzk & .\}iuuts fur uuw. nun! and uubhy satin Ind silk umbn.-llns and parIa'ols. `I ..-o..~. I11 |u..l.l n I`! '.=I) .l-uhnn ,.....w..~. l'nvlu:I will bmhl II |`.!,. :tl) hkllllll rink. and stock I3 uow being taken for b the |ur|-n--. u, 1 c _ ,. _ ,1: ..n ,....`.n..._,. ucI).;\.nuus. .. When A bibglous sxilof is sonic to glol he speaks of it us being "run into a dry-dock." ll. In l`l..-I. I \l.' ..... ... I . . - . . . . I`: n.`-6 .\u Alderman m_\`-4 he is [naming a by- by-law Inning {or us object the licensing 0! b.ulu~a~a. vu --gun. . .\ Salvation Army Lieutenant Inns in- timated that she will join the acceding Sergeants. . A ll'n.._.. .. n.:| ..| _..,. ....; M}. lluvnh.-n.wl.o IS i.l nbw army muvexucul. i Turuulu. nu lloht. I-lnrbnirn. W. Mouton. Moutmul. ~ nest. IIIIU ulrl, III IIla.U\U 545.3% The drug atoms will continue closed the: 7 o'clock until the 15th inst. u,I_ _n_,,` I, I ,_ ,. .:,J\n,_. A. __-_ --ca u no you. uuuu uau nvou unau- Sdo ol unolcon at the`Mut to~mor- mormw. at [0 o'eloc|t. by J. H. llnhehel nu uuunuuu nu gnu uluuuuuv 1 qnra. To-marrow we will give u ulmirsblo picture 0! the Duke 0! Albany. Tim Inna]...--o..u o|..n -iII luau. n V iii Dhuulooql 0:-trial. Ilyoudurllnlluhn Iouortlnuyothcoouluodluuoro IIvd.y0IrhoooyvI|!hoyulnghL_ _ r-u-mow un uuw uunu nu nun-nu . - The butchers` an they will lave 1 line dinphy ol moan hum. l"I.- Jun... -n...- -3]! nnnhinnn n'a\An.I Unnv -- nun-an vuuun. "lho County .'I'onchera' ..\uuciI.&iou moon on May in mm! m. A. R. Cnrmux. non nl Iiinhnn lhrmnn. lllio II it [lady I 1Inn`|y'I. u n'n.;... I... ..m. an A-nu u nuulluy I. ll. O'Brien huuddod 1 new piano to` the Windsor outt. -u|._ n,__._. -I-,--u ,, . . - .v , meets any nu. mu m. Cnnnun. son 01 Bishop Carlnqn. ` is uuchod to the Brockvillo Tagm. nu` ucuyu-unto ' R. Q J. uudineru new store [ms {he nal front in the city. Inn-L ...l......... 0...... on. ...- ....I VIIIJ` law-3:. lnollut blunt glycol n the Police Conn l.o~dnr. ` Capt. Ouxlmer bu joined the need. `M '7'"" H7" H 7 A D A. I n-_l:..-.-- _.._.g._. 1... .L- 1{.|Lnno.Ig. Rochcnor. N;v.. 1. u the City` Hotel. '1-AOL: kl--L -|...o -5 AL. II.I1.- . ' 7 -v -V '- `I `-7 L - 4I.a.-onueA`rl-Ixenedoflnnsolhoal Protecting From the SJ dl|5l'l`3`- i and Bean! lnIann-G Cinrth. Porunonth Town Hull i list is. lalnble. ' and the Angjun. - \ .-u-- uvuu ua sun: `-5-, Black euhmotop !n.nn 1)c.per yud |`l H-rt`: L \Inrv-u'- l`orCou;|o.(`old|.(`nIp. Asthma Innrlmu. llonneneu. ma. lllli 'l'llB weapon is nalitl tor the saga Act. L` Banner, Toronto. in 1: mi Wind-' "HER!-: A~1:`_'17IET|_{1_-:J.-' i.ne{mno.u {nun tho . is at present in , Toronto. and I-I. . no It l.ho.Burv r-E` x{1:1.`I'Is`I1,wHm,.FmDAY EVENING. APRIL 4. A tolegnm from the noon ol the wreck an that the tender his the truck nl [mm some unknown nuon. `l'bo_ angina wu npsot and tho coni- nur. Thou. Donaghno. ol Iogtnnl. in- nlnntlytillud. Chan. lngmholnlnnn. unburied under the cab. [in wt: ru- nnd with uoodilcnlly. Hun inni- bly nnnklotl and will badly noonr. Bovnnonuldnholuck and only two pnnuonqutwonhnn. Onohulhbnol-' In boon broken. thooor hlnllpcnt. The onnnl-nod'onn look In but Inn quickly oningninbod. rnc in II I Ihnautill. but `hop no enuthiud that tho Inch will he cloned hnlon I TM Editor. Ilruul WA). la, A Trrrllulr liphodo on u Oruul Truzrl Rullunuy An Illprou Dltched. The engine and seven can of the night express from Tamnto to Montmnl nu 011 the truck about two miles west of Wnloa at 5:20 o'clock this morning. The driver was killed and tho remnn lntnlly injured. A low pnuongon nro aid tobo ulightly hurt. some ol the can took lire. The cause or the occi- dont in unknown. but it an supposed that rniluprnnd through tho notion of the front. It Inn Man lrnponniblo up to this honrto obhil the nurses 0! than killnd nnd injnrod. The driver killed In nuned Donohoo. He was ol Broclville. The reman in aid to be nunod Knno or King. A I-_.... ..__l...- L..-..I./I AL- A...:.. -5 u-cu -v Irv uuuavu an-uu un Inna; A Inmn nnlnbor bomlod the Inin at Kingston this Inoninn travelling out- wud. The oninln at the nation could not give the nunedolnny ol thou. I3` SPICIAI. IIRANDS 0|-` \l.lt ua-I FORTE`! botllotl on the unmlnon. _ An enterl.n::.mont_. mas given M. the Asylum last night. Lyn party of ladies And gentlemen from the city. The con- cert was a gmat success and all the per- formers ncquittod themselves ndminbly. The following vms the programme : Piano Solo-`Lewin Han-is. Son5z-Misn lhtieson. Violin Solo--Arthur Harris. Iiinlog-uo-Ar|bel|n's Poor Relations" -Measrs Bowen nnd Raymond. uni Misses .\lcCntchcon and Godwin. .\'ong--Mr. Rnwnnley. Rooitntion-\lr. Mullen. Vocal I)netI-Misa McCartney and W. Keeley . \'io in Solo-A. lluria. Son;z-hliaa Mccutnoy. Dinlogno-Mr. lhymond and Muses Lnndervon And Godwin. Ducu-Mr. lhwnsley and Miss link- non. ....,..u .. .m........ ~.,...... M the conclusion of the programme Mr. W. 11. Atkins. director of the club. entertained its members at supper in the hell. The vocalists returned to the city It 11 o`clocx. -1 an Uulvu-. Miss I-`rnnuio Luke plnvod the nccom- pnnimonts uni did her work to the actin- laction of all present. llunuzrt-3' Chorus -Clnb. V Selections of Scotch sin (instrumen- tsl.)-Mias .\lcAd|m. Recitntion-A. Atkins. Song-Mr. llmldon. Vocal Duut.t.-.\lisa .\lcL_\'moud and Miss Menus. ' Song-J. McLeod. Roadmg-J. V . Anglin. Song -3lr. Swain. (oncorod). G|oe-~"S|aep while the Soft Evening: Breeze is Blowing"-Clnb. A. .5 . ._ ,.I___,_._ ,3 u _ A _ _ _ A _ _ ...__... April an. Inn. u...x. n-.xu an -un-o-u\v.... 1 Last evening two baud wngguns on A tied the Union Glee Club of the city to Portsmouth. in the Town Hall ol which r village it guyenu entertainment. The hall was packed with people and the concert was an excellent one. Emch participator was npplnuded. The sing- ing by the Misses Reid In the Star- li,-,;lnt." and of M183 Flo. Reid. el Sweet \`iolois." was particularly nppluuded. l{ev.J. P. Wilson occupied the chnir made a neat speech null introduced the performers : A..n...... _.-I....I..... 'l`I.:.m I`n"_.QnIn| LOII. I)inloauo--Mossn Mnllin uad Snndon. Song-\\'. Koaley. b'oIm-\\'. 0'Shon. .\lIs8 bnnw. Vocal dne&-"l_lopo Beyond." Messrs. Heath and Cumberland. .-\d .\lr. Bland. Song-"l).-cum Faces." Miss Maggie llamfonl. l iu')o solo~S. W. Wilson. .\;Idroas-llcv. Lelloy Hooker. \'ocalduet-Huri&l st. Sun." Capt, Crawford am] Mr. J. Sherjocx. Uod Sue the Queen. ' ' Street Chnrclmvaa lled` last evening. : .`J!`_'!9!.! E-*=s._~'9=-2 "M 34'- onrtainn and plant-`IL and aubjilTJ' iiiili ` `clucl ra-nlnbn llYIlfl AI!IIII.' The lecture room of the Sydenlnni _on the occasion of the parlor entailin- me/nt bald nnler'tbo anapiooa ol the Wori'Te'n a Miuibnary Society. ' The lur- ninhingtl rho room was particularly furniture to give is a parlor appearance. Tlie singing and reading were good. The ninxingol Mean. Heath. '1`. Cumber- _ land. Caps. Crawler-l and J _ Sherlock in an usual excellent. Manor R)Ck well. six years` pld. blighted the nudi- ence with his singing. Mr. S. W. Wil- aon`a pinno min was executed artisti- callv. The following was the programme complete : V Addreu-B. M. Britten. lnatrnmontnl dneG-Miaaoa Mcllouio and Hooker. _ q Song-'1`. Cumberland. I Reading-llisa Mame Crawford. . Vocal duet-Ave Sanclinsinmag ' Xdnaes Frnlick. .\ddrona-l)r. Skinner. lnatrumenullduet -_ 'fKroll`s llnlllr luuze." Miss Oonl. Song-)lnamr Rockwell. lbading-J. \'. Anglin. Instrumental duet-Mrn. Skinner and Miss Sliuw. \':u-nl .InnI_-Illnnn Rnvnnal " Mantra, Kile!)--.\| Reading- I )nnl.t.-| ADAMS &WE8TLAKE'8 -~-o In ILWAY M`L7ll)l1}Nl`. ,s`iRAINs OF`-!l?SIt` 4 .._._.----- vi -u-w--.. m -u u - I406 Iught Bro. Bonny. D.0.W.P., Idnhdby Bro. Joan. mulled (ha tqllowuqooun ol the 85. lnwxllo Division. No. 2. Son ol Tompqnnoo. to! I50 such; an: : W. P.-Bro. 'l'nooy.ro~o|occ.od W. A.-Blo. Onn. Illngdon Mlroel Ballwny. The Dimelon ol the Street Railway not last and decided to put the road in opeption at once. running the can on a ll minute acale-providing the City Council put the street: in repair. and keep them in repair. The Company will. 0! eoune. pay the Codlncil reasonable chum: [or their service. It wan also decided to divide the road. charge ve cents (roll: the market square to Porta- Iuoetli. and iron: the equate to Williams- ville. The Director: any that this in slieealy plan bywhiclatheycanhopeto iaakethe readpag. 'l`heyandeter- mined to make "a spoon or epoil the hon." Oneal the uirechra told in Ihia llllh that theoitlaena would. _:u...a 4l..I.a L- ..u-A__| _.-u. ;L- M fl? `IX 9'31. Wllllly without doubt. ho untitled with the working at tho strut nilvny alter the an Inn land not hold 0! it. The mat` ' lot will come up holon the Council on | lomlny night. noun uvvu uuu-any :3- Mr. Joly I-eluoed to go to Ottawa when Mr. Mackenzie oered to make him a Senator and Cnbiuut Minister. and he says It is unlikely Illllt he would leave Quebec now when its eeire no worse then ever. --ma Iv: um um Rev. Mr. Archibald. ILA . H lnkcly to bocnllod to the pastorate 0! St. An drew`: Church. The cougrogutiou ap- pou tohnve been quite planned with tho nnrmonu delivered by him on the last two Sundays. II- I-I.. __l.._...I .- ..,_ A. 1\.._.-_ uu vilu uuuou lunn nvuo-uu. I Col. F. do Wnntou. R.A.. Inns been crc aux! n l\'.(`.M.(i. Sir Francis was pre- senbd to the Princess 9! Wnlvn upon his appointment. Lndyde Wiuton was also prosnut. Don Mp Au-ld|..I.l II A .., |.l..-.I.- In uu unvxupsrvu uu Iuu axon nun). W. A. (`man is at the British Amen- cnu Hotel. He is one 0! the happiest. lookinv travollom of whom we know Anything. |u.I.u.. 'I`......|......\.... I\' II... Q ....... .... uuuvv. .-.. . .. V-u.-n.\.. hir Leonard Tnlloy is said to be scv riously ill. and it is doubtlul if he will be able to him part. In the proceedings ol the House this soasion. . 1\_l u 1 uv . .. custmma & ngrs. M3,] ...., .......,,-,. Judge 'l`usclu.-rcuu. 0! [ha Supreme Court. is About to resign his sent on the bench. He will be succeeded by Mr. Basic. M. l'.. Quebec. uh. I A A . . _.I 'I`.I|.`.. 1.. ....;l 1- L- .... . unuulru. -an.-uu vvluyuul . Sir Clmrk 3 'I`upper I`! booked to sail t 5y the swamslnp Parisian from Quebec (or Liverpool on the 242.11 May. w .1 n......;. .g u.. n.:.:..n. ;....... J. Rice. engine". 0} Elgiu. has arrived to fit. out. the (gig Mixer. of the Montreal Tmnsportaliou Company. =`ir Plmyhn 'rnnn.> In I.m.l-ml IA nail uvu -- Kwns Tully`. Government. Architect. Toronto. is at the llritish Amonicnu Hotel. ' I n,-,, , ,\-_,,,, ,nuu,- . ,,,-_,1 nun nvnn. Mr. Herbert. Spencer has been av.lvis ed $020 to Australia and New Zen- lnnd. 7 n II n___- _ n,,., ,,A,_ ,1 n..__4, nun: J. M. Currier. Pootmukar of Ottawa. in dying. He spent the winter in the South. ' rI<,II,, .- _,,,, ,,. n_,,u,.,_. llow Pooplo we Know are Bun-mllng Thelr 'I"lIno-'l'he|r Coming and Going. Hon. J. H. Pope In ill unto death at New York. 1-,, II,,| ,,. n_,__,,, L ,, | ,,,, _ 1_.:,, nun... ---v I _ , l About this time the shadows on the window worn objects of much 8Ill.|lll`I\' tion. and the niiuglity boys outside were nouly tickled to death. Belinda caught 0. View of the situation and there was a liurryin,-,: and scurrying. Wlictlicr Hugh nished his l-can-;:uL-it-ilowntoas- ne-a-poinbas-you~can address we know not. but his retirement at 10:30 o'clock was certainly pleasing. What Belinda. will now say. since her note has gone forth to the world. we can't tell. but it will be A hot night for some young man. .....-..v_.-., ..u |I|\1I\U nuu. . "Swen. angelic maid. l.iko pzontlu down lrom lieavcn your rlinpsody of love dropped down upon me and I be~ held myself as you no eloqmently do picted. 1 -n.ienv.ly I waived the hours that intervened between the reception of your loving now and this evening. Hero before you [kneel to non thee of my nnxlyin-,3 nlfction for you. Oh. Bo- lindn. like ---` . 1 HA3 (\|`l..\'ID IN OFFORD3 "LOCK. l|0(`Ii QTRI-`.I-`.T Autumn null. ' "Oh I did you 2' I thought you lmnl." nho observe I. and Hugh moved his chair over zownrds the table and got squarely between tlm light and in white window hliuul. Then there was a p-nnlul silence;uduul-speak-lor-ndollnr names- pbere loomed to porvmlu the room. Belinda sigliell and Hugh lookcxl at. her in I quizzical sort. of way. null her chair slid towards um table too. The ancho- rage near Hugh wasn't just to his lik- ing `and he moved over towards his Sunday girl. Presently his arm workod Itsell ground the back ul her chair. Be- linda toyed with her Apron and looked coy and pretty. This was the supremo moment. and Hugh opened up his founl . min of love. Dropping upon onn knee. with a thud that jarred the china in the cupboard. ho hroko lorth : .._v___. _..,__|.-. _,.;x I:|,. _...u VII-It claw udu VVIUUI Ullvlln Hugh screwed up his courage to the sticking point and `began busi- ness. I not your now." he bnhlully remu-koul. ..nn . 1- u ll-uua |lK7l.lU\lI\l IJUW III III IKHC III! WIRI- Il_.'a_ A nice night," sonly cooed the m|ido!-all-work.and the boy signied I that she had wisely opokn. Hnah sans-ml tin Ida nnnnnnn I.` 1 uu.un.uua. ' Then she an gown Iml Hugh did th nmo. _ Thc_ happy smile had diap- earod and I nervous twitching! the [nude deuoood how 111 at am! ho was. uln'.. - -1-.. _:,.|` I , :.|_, ,._-A `L. -nu was uvluutl CUIIIEIIIIIUI uur unnu- NL "0 hid one ol than you-dbn'|- uke-we-for-n-gullxio nz`nilen.on his her. AI be Dhvpod ihlid the kitchen. threw his hat. on the mnntel-piecv. rolled up bi! OVOIOOQI and pen} on the top of a 11:1! `Golan u'1r`1Il|r. Baitudnmkralvt ' that her rlupuody bu] done in work. "II`I"-I Jn " .I.o o|.n....|.o .. -l... -.-I `V. V5 l|4.P'|-Kl HG UUIJU ILI WUKI. "Hugh'l;l do," IIIG thought. as she put` to-1 her apitpurls and showed _a get 0!` pouly bicnupids. - Th... .1... ...m .I...... -...| u...... 2:.) n... ` Hugh na his girl me made unings 51] right. Hewett up ob Sundny night. and Inn` neither coustninod nor bull- lnl ll- I.-.I --_ J .| -_, ____ 1;--A ll-tallnuoh ololooru. I. of I`. _,., n. .. .. gm... I Ills Shddir um um Ava) :-5 my I Hot Nnzhtv Promised for I Cor- . I mu iounz: Mun. . I ._...-- - . _ |'ElL\`UNAl. M1!l.V'l`lU.\'. J. N. MORTQN ni'{{|Tff L?A'rrn 51?. I c1101'c'1.:-'171'.o"v7v'1'i'1i'% EEEDS. I n:.n._.._.-g--n--n-nI-nnnndhdjj WOUND AT LA8'l`--A round turnt- otl to euro bud and soft Bun- hu. Onllouun. to. Hand`: Into Oct: Sun. llonolnbu. rdundod I! not away ntI`n'utory. In C. II on. at Wale`: Dru Store. Out. 16. Irm v9w-.n!m!!I!!l _.. -44-.--n 9 nozzus 171;: 6 cioosn rnol at lull 9. Oman nd no um: 30 w-. an an Inn. amen. lonnloon hon Prjnoun Strut. away nunvuwry. Wade`! Dru ALVA?! 00 `l00I1`lIll- `I'll!!! All Inna thunk! by M an 1' I l'IAlIAcYuI use ..--..-..-n can 4\IIOI'I'\ nIsI1I\n Yesterday nlbernoou the lnncrul of the lnte Hon. John Stevenson. of Nnpnnoo. occurred. The I~.'rprrn says the fnnernl cortego was one of tho largest. ever seen In Nnpnnee. In the procession worn nonrly In tho business men of the town. county anal town omciuls, nod many ol ' the repreaontuivo men of the counts`. I The services worn conducted at the rv:- sidenco bv Rev. .\. Young. The montn` on were the son: oi the deceased. John 11. Stevenson. Nnpcuoo; mm! W. ll. Stevenson. Tnuidnd. Col. ; Mute: Ooo. Stevenson. gnndson: Howani 5. mo- venaon. Kingston; Geo. W. Stevenson. Nnpcnoe. nephews; llev. W. 8. Carey. and C. W. Jennings. Kingston. In the procession were ten amployoou of the Kingston pinno factory and the male on- ployeea of the brush woth. Porter and Lager. N IIDTTLRB. KPNIH. MALI-` lL\RRKl.8. mn- unua Avn |lnn.I|llV.\DB. A mud in mod is I friend Indood and that iljmt that D. Vm. Baron`: Kldn Cure in to own one inating 1...... s..... -hnnhor mun tormoes in Inlnnng from Khan. wbolhr ivtho tonne! 0 Baal Ache. Dlqny. or` B ` \'u Dbun. lotit Inllouruinly nliovo 0 uulforinp. and. if permuted In. parmntly elol n can llon Billa Flint has been telling the Belleville /I II:'I/I:[(In't'f about the cap- ture and pnni.-ilnucnt of I burglar who ` robbed John l`urnbull'u utlico in that town about -14 years ago. Mr. Turnbnll was a bank agent for the old Commer- cial. ol Kingston. and kept his lniida in an iron chest in his olce. He had a person at work in the oioo when the stolen money was handed in. It amount- ed to 735. which he put in his desk- and left it there while he went to his too. On his return he found thohank door open and his money gone. and an at tempt had been made on the iron cheat withoutftvail. For months no trace of the thief could be found. but nally the clerk was uunpcctud. arrested and brought to Kingston lur trial. He was louud guilty and sentence-l to seven years in the Penitentiary. After two years` incarceration ho was released as he was voing into a decline. Alter- warde he told Mr. Flint that he feigned illnorw. Ho chewed bricks nail i\pp:Lr ently spat up blood. I l"oIlowln'g Iho Romulus ol llon. John 95: H-nnon lu 1'If|l' Lllll Ruling lm-I-. "Eur Coma Ccu. Bnloplonnnt sad mot. cheaper thou coughing. ab. Auk . Skinner. ----u----w-----u------ T-'_ TIC PIA.-10'. ; Plus and opoetleulou an In an u :7 CD00. W - J. N' "'"",,:,,$,,: lunhlv. l08nnu-I|-In-1. - Arllln-I. - Odd:-Inn Inn`: aw ll Culnlcl In the I`:-nllenlhry Secured I-In Relenu-~%pllllng Blood. .. ... . . . ||~_ _ _. uvl IHUIU IIIU IIllL'U nuunua. The class examinations at the Royal Collegouf Physicians anal Smpeons were him] enough ilcnr. lmows. but those 0! the Medical Council arr` equally hnnl. Una ol the questions in surgery wan the same as that given by Dr. Sullivan in Toronto creating much rxcitemout. ....- A ...,...l. ..vI..~.. rI~|,_ t.._ _.:H L._..:.. Auluuwv \.'ll7II1II.I}.; uuuu 1 .\LIvuIuuuIr- y The fun will bog.-,in next. week when the primary examinations take place. About I50 students will be in attend` l`4UKIllu\l mu`) uau l'IIIA.vn.v mu.-u. - Last. year tlmre were at Kingston but eleven caudiclnu-as iu the nal;" this year them are fteen. but of that num- ber more are three ladies. nu , ,|, , ._,....--n... .. THE may mL1_I; _1_1_I11s'run1: It is remarkable that only three at the graduates of the Royal College of Physi` clan; and Surgeons are now undergoing examination before the .\ledical Council. and yet the fact ia susceptible ol satia- lactory explanation. (lradiiates of the College whose purpose it is to practice in the l'nited States do not need to pass the Council. have no desire for Pro` vincial licenses. ` Then these who go to England and Scotland do not care about the Medical Courncil examination, )(`- cauae. when they take their degree in the old land. the Medical Council has been obliged to license theni. Such a right or privilege will not,` however. go `beyond this year. as we believe special legislation is being prepared upon the subject. If it passes every one desiring to practice in Ontario will be obliged to undergo examination before being li~ censed. and the same ceremony being performed successfully by Canadians in England they can practice there. I ..... ........ aim-.. ......... .n I..'m...~.mn Inn Q.P.U;MRDR. GOODS H9.U_E_, I130!` VIII -3 Zflii A IDTIETXTV m TIICIPIVQIII 43' II" Illll VVIN'I' SlIlVIE'I'lIINIl IIIiAI..I.4I IIIIIIII III` I`I4l*ZIiI\'I' l.IZ III II 'I`.I.'IlI_l (`l'lI'l`AlN Ill slot worlh IN. A sprnnl Iniporlnllon. :l1l'l`AlN Nl2'I"l` by Ike yard. at I95:-. I-`Ir. Ic nnd I01-.up Io I04--`u (Ir u IIIII-. Creionuos Inr (`uruuns nml II_lI[lI[! In the newest designs. _AII(|Io so our uobolln llepp \""a-elonnu In 20:`: Worth loc. In the New Tapestry design`. BCIRINI Cl.0'l`Il for l`urInIns~Ip (`anon and l.Ineu'hy the yard -curl u-up. N We have also ll large nnortncm of Antique mnl other Ln:-on lor trim-lg] these 3: ods. 1 ' ` " T - :::l.j'* 1 ' LACE Cl'lB'l`Al!\.-J hyllw sen Iron aoolo II0.00, dlrc-rI,lrom our 0! nhv In--I umnulnrlllrers In Nolllnghnln. _ ` . _` - ~ Antique Luce l'II`IllII In CI-can nvd WII|Ie~-Q8.--10. $4.00. $5 00 and $0.00. Iiw: D.-_I9|r_! `[-.r.!|..\_|--.. 'e."!""1'..`!F-,..'!!'. -:0.-L90.-s_|..+!!-99 P,-,-.19M.>9-T .. V _ Luce I..l|lIIIIl l'l|I|III 301: up Io Ql.O0. lamb:-equlu N1-uh)` the yard -11! I: \ I . - - ,8 ll-` nu: WANT SOMETHING lCl:`.Al.I.I' G000 and E:l.l~IIi|\`l` Hltli (M It l`.|.VIBulJll Nl:'ll' = Slox worth Ill. sun-ml llhuorlnllnn. ' . . ..._. J THE PLACE T9 G E'l` THE BEST ASSORTMENT AND LOW'l` PRICX: t . all chaos of House Furnishing Goods. > `nouns was u}cn56i;1}oi n hull nrln nmn Ind :00 Innnnnuuoonulhuoadbuluno-I }.-v:"'a..`:`.`.'.'s'.'.:rf_ --.:'.:-ar. alt,-vow-09-I-I,-II! I-I-I CURTAIN S .A. 'SPECIA.LT Y`- nu-vuna-Inlmu L_.|._m_. ____ _ _ -ngnn .nn..__ __._. --- Ar l.ENliT|l Y (TORTl1`.(i E. April llh. H`i until I `NEW MIISII3 BOIIKS --ro|s sun 31-- 30!!! H DIIIOI&Oo ....._.... -- ........1. MEDICAL EXAIl.\'A'l'l0NS. Ill-Zt'lll.\\'El) lRl(`K.\ :wALsH 6; s'r1:AcYs f .SI-I ac sTE%A;oY. us nnnn-roroxu: ova s`ro<:l mu. 3: romm run unnln no nodulcoththaoity. Wonnmoullonll utluoounhowvbthcyuwhlu Io porch! r not. 110 CAID8. jnjjjjjj A 1 jj 1 :j jjjj spmnoiili "cS"1=tU mnmvvs, Oloouilo tho (my now an ml nu PI-been Dunn. Bog to mnoaigeiic ;h:lr'8'pr;n-g`C)-pening o1:WEDNE8- DAY and THURSDAY, the 9:1: and loch Ap:-1L [GRAND MILLiNEARY'O'PENlNG A Subperb Assortment of Pattern: in Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets. Door Mats. Earth Rugs. &c., Wind: an (oil: out no fun thnl lhcy rmly Ind ll noon:-my In RB-ORDER n AKOTBBB D LIVIBY no one. Inn Inapurohuun who nut Ibo but chose: nhnnltl (burglar. om-na un Ilthonl rlnlnl 30 BLAc%KFI11.1.%cAPES! I.h!gFIlll.'S. THE FINEST STOCK of WOOL MATS EVER SHOWN 315' .\S l-2.v\('ll Mliullt OF THE SYNl)lCATl2 l)()ES .-\ l.Alt(lE lll'SlNl-ISH the Synaiicuto mi a body can buy an immense amount of goods uni tborr furl` obtain all the reduction and discount which are allowed tn lnrgu wliulosulo houses. I-'. X. C()l'SINl'ZAl'. ol this city. is I member of the Syndicate. mud on his return home will oer to the public his 0 portion ol the boneu 9! the Syndicate Bargains. I-`IFLI. I AR'l'lL`lll.AlI! IN A FIEW DAYS. [AMERICAN COTTON G()ODS. W001. MATS! \\'() M Symlicale M Successful tdnnlreal Merchants ARI} AT l'lll;sl2N'I` IN NEW |'0llI( MAKING BXTEINDIVB purchases of HAVE JUST RECEIVED ISOCIIOICE BLACK AND COLORED SOUTH I!-`RICAN Ostrich Fathers at 01.50, I3, I.'l,`83.50 and H, worth double the money. Indian ahould cull early And see the above us they will null Int. NM!` NOVELTIEH arriving every day M the I Knob lid. 0lord`I Bloa Kingston. Man-h nub. IIII. April In. AN INSPECTION INVITED- April In. IThursday,_[r!a!L8_gIurday, R W.-\Ll)R().\'. Apnl n}. April I.-ac. M.H.WALSH&CO New Uarpetsl Handsg Qarpets! Cheap Carpets I 1 Is no good no nnothor s I00 conic. Vlo gin ovory lcuotomor the benefits dorlvod from our buying [ In largo qunntlos and paying cool: for ovoryfhlng we buy. lcall and you will find our goods nnrkod In plaln flguroo. Only one price. l[.\I;\'I*IS \' I,()Cl\'l'l'l"l`. - .\[-(`A .\l.\l:()N`S BL()(`K J April linl. 1'0 conmlucrons. AtTwIlu||arsEach.] JAMESQRICHXMOND & co. x. COUSINEAU & co. I J1` Tu -in cu; 1. run. cn:|AI5s1nn, ovmslte WINDSOR n M. H.` \/VALSH & CO.. OPENING jroingonnow. (ma; ;\_L \_`N_ _ D(_)L__I_..-\_l{ 91?N3_`_` owns! BOW]-IS & BISONETTE nnnunrvn . -n1Il 1I\It1I.\ nv Ann n \'I\1u\r nnvn n.nv-1 in Kingst< >n7is't.;) bgseen ai Shthing fur the Ladies 10 mt: not: or. III! II IIIKICI |)IlI 0lII$l'I V00 I should thorolon oome ua without delay. 3r.'4nu and En: APRIL. _.uu: suowgno _ 354 King Strut, Kingston. J. R. narrnnnunv. ill--In; l nJ: run`: in: Al m 1 my a.n`{iI:M}.., mu. ova cvjuu -2-`.-- - leriu l`nlcnu_t van (lug lush Uh collars. 90$. Inee'o.co. raw - -... v-. _v..... - ._ ._.- "Iado'o"bru seek. _ .- _ g-A...-n.._.. 3 In 1 1 1101121.. II I011" ||IlL (VI llllll I`Vl`l' OOH)!" OIIIPX. \VILS()N'.\` BI'|l.I)lN(1`S I80 - Prluuo time. rurpc-I \\'nrpu. Kulllmg Cfollmu I`IIIu-y lusllns. new Grrnnl mm ollu-r snqnn. R NIH! Mu \l.lNN. HARRY &.1 MURRAY l_ 0053 I`AlNT|ll uni Pu-or Ilungoru no nqluotui to hop uvuy lrnlu hmgunu until Ibo IIHID in our. Ily nnler o! mu UIIIOII. New Tkllngg. NH! In-ry Hhfelluu. New (In-y Follonl. New White |'olIo|n. t-W 'i`\\ all I'll"-rls uluglmnt. Ha,rdy&iaumys WE HAVE IN STOCK .-\DOU'l' 1 T ` .II7! I` IIECBIVIID AI` V ,P I85 l'ru|u-u; Sift er. |. nub. --. w--:..___. nuncnn _n.. Innno nun no. no Ioffu. loll by all unus- IY BY. WADI. OORIIRI IIIIO um Brod Bu. Kluguou. AN AUISNCI POI! -aim mm on rs-an w(~'IiF.Ai3`:"'T E11 E315 3" AND I? and Rn I70 I'rhu-own Slrrrl. I..-l III) II Sillll. WARNING. Yo_uTFAcE. 1 -_ 1.41.. L..L_._ lllluxrvuuvuvuuh hluluoudllumt. PIIGI IIC. FRI IOTTLI. hll by ll--1 II Uuuuuuuya ICC trvwvu nu- Ibolopnyudwonlsluoculotho H.- ilohodldlotplythohxfur hot dog Iowou|Il"InkeIhowortholIto0ol bIuuo:ndilshohpohiu wnihng ho wank! chap bar 160. an hour." `l`hbIoIu:nidhlninuhuny.ud npnindtooldqhhcbonutohll htuoty. Anochorwononpnllod her votldhgrilqolntloloniittolln ..lI..A.- -A nggnnnn ll; -Ilnngal lug- Il`II Zlllluwv-I IUUIIUIV WWII!` oulhobruuonmy. llonllovnd he Al-. I. g-- A-4` -A-I.` -AI IAIu IRA I A In. In oolloolor. A Inn unod Rohinon. who wu yummy eollocuqdogiuu in unecily. lrighblod Iowan] IODOI in the Isiah Iothooll cl Willilnlvilb by Iain bully- ing inner. Hotold one woman that Ll-L4 AILI-Alina- ILA k` In. In`. John l'niol|i|I.|. Q _ _ The l'nion nhovellorn hnd n meeting Also. has night` and elcund their on. 0011.!-at rclunod to-day to give lhoit nunon. 0.001 than gun I reporhr tho nun ol pcnou who cant Intang- oul No Ihnlinlnn but was non-Unionilht. thinking um thoyvonld ninn none tun. Another Union nun was naked lorlhooornunnnnnbotvnlnudtotnll. The lhchelofu lnll on the ll.`-ah iuat.. will be I gnml nffur. Msnv accept- Inees have been already receive-1. priu cipully how those raiding in the noiglr bounmx towns Ind cities. The City Ihll will be hntalully decorum! and tho oor covered with linen. Au Ituhnu orches- tra comes from Tomato. Tho Bl)p|Iol' will he uervul under the supervision of In. S. Thornton. um! I better cntcrcr cannot be louud in the city. 4 The following are the nusunnce rates for vessels this you: On A lveusels. wogsh over $50.01). 6 per cent. null on A I vessels. ull round. [tom H to ope: cent. On A :2 vrssvl.-. from 5 to Hper cent. Inc] on lll vessels lrom 7; to 9 per cent. Them bu been very little done yet. in cugo inuunncc. but it is understood the rum no named from Lake Onuuio ports to othet ports on the lulu; It I50. to M10, `nu uhovollon` It-rung. `rm: non-union uhovelleu mot has night. They had n enthusiastic moot- ing. and was hired by the I. T. 00.. -|... L-.. A_..4l~I An unn-ni-o an WXIIVH UI BI! VI IIILII -`nu. Them no (out cues oi cum: in one wml. nd the nuenn ndly unit the Inevitable end. All the victims cl this terrible mululv no men. ` IOIV Illll llnlllllll |I7`l'I- Dncken nml Watson. the men with the frozen loci. Ire iuprovinig nu.l will pmhw recover without eueriug the u:ipu`tMion of my of their toes. I 'n...... -... I..." gonna: nl mnmr in nun Ilnnplhl No`; Dr. .I. T. Lntimor. of Dlnberly. is very low with Innluinl (ever. Ix . .. ,, n nv.._,_ .|__ ....... .-;n|. The last bullet set up in. tho erecting Ihopul lln Locomotive \\'urLs has had written upon it moms: interesting xe~ marks. Tlxcv seem to |n- the acnli~ meals 0! most of those cmpluyed at tho elhlvlnshmeul. : "National P0ll(`)' (min. This is what the shnemaker threw ll. his wile;-Y, luu sorry to say. Where no you going: to work this auunurr 2"` C n.uIIu..Ty1Iom.| lhIAl.H'|IL.An.lI-nth. Al thnljnk nun; -uuuu Iv --rm. Mn-` (Vnpt. \\':|lis. of the .\`u\'1-X Army. is coming I.) l`uxt-unminlx (0 run: for 1 than tune. She has bu.-n actively en- gngod in evnugnlnstxc work all mater. She H n gs->1 speaker Illlnl whorvvcr she has been dun has become 21 f2u'orih~. Her l.`u:|IIln r M cumlncliu-,: c'!nil.ln2n's meeting: has. :.lWlI\3i bet-n mluurul. An Ihdortllmllug Ktu-heal. lhthbnns nml um Dam-go longnhorc- men have come to an nuelerstandiug nzmmlnng the unlr-mlina of lumber ves- sels from Untuio. [ho rules range from. ilk. to 25. per M. A schodulo has been pn>pAn:d tn-I ncccptoxl by both ponies. I`:-dnrr (`lugli Illm. John A. l.in.Iny.o! St. 'l`hou.us. ar- rive: here to nmlurgo Imprisonment lor two yuan for perjury. llc was arraign- I:-I on mice iudictmcuu. He} claimed than he Wu drunk at UN: tim this crime was coluluillaed. The first (`II"!I[f Annolmn-cl. The (Ra: Mouupomm Lacrosse) Club will send I (cum to Kingston this you to compete (or the challenge cup to laqgjven (or the cln In of Central 0n~ hrio. I , `hp-Alpyhn I`I'IIIIl$b|l|lIcI. Wo.~al.9rly Lu uonhwenh.-rly windu. ` lino moderate weather. ' V . In Us UVCDUIDL VOUIW "PIl0hTlNAC.' Na 3. Fasten manual the Illl mm Wednesday In any Inonlhlnthntlnuuullnu. l`:-Inns aunt. A.ll.|.'.I. mu-roan uonoI.u..n. tubal on: at UnI|dWolInn .uuII oulhouneoul jcuhulhhtrthy olovwyuonu Limbo '0ddlgnouv` IAILOVC Wllunoru hon. Pru- -`Haul II... E '1"! IIOIJLAI IISTIIG! cl not Olly` `anvmhnhunbllo-I; II. Juhroloduo. Nu. any `nun- Iunhltuladu. "3!-nsmutuunn uu..uy.u.nuu_a. -meg. ' we-n..u.nn I-3-.15 1-.-n_ ""', T T .1 GD!!! Ipdgll Q Wdntl. IIIIJI 9` `I-I. & `.- U ol ll pad: lgulmorncol ush had all ` IADUIIC. van and alone-I; 43'; Jan win. a. I1 Innhll. ulauu. -`,3 .-Intuit onolny. onus -moan." wou- n_o.sq Mg a mono; msml an-`sag:-ac. ` ` Ifl`'`$'......` '`. 2."..::.m- """"" '1'.'.'.'.;".2.';.`o'.!.'l|`3.`..4.'-'-'."f ,,l`l-135" `Pu. Ei`ix7Azuv'1(ris1'i7x'. . _.-..._1,_._.__.- .}._ _._~. Zispscmn NOTICES. `hlupupoullnh vuidll. udlhl phhifaeouuwuipkl. Thane! (My cl liq- dun u-and lam-. I St: nd.I'c:Apov."0ouoIIIn gin: *h\bdhI|loMhoe|uaonnoIIion 1.: - __._._ .I_I. _.- L_n. __.| .g_. It ilpolnlilolhltholcotnn by llu.l:.l'Iuhon0ou|Ftyovn- ingwillbopouponod. `fhopntlonu Mpnuul quits Ill. and dandy duo- hvoboufhlgotl. Atlhdconhnuuhpouuocuouwllh thlivyool dtuuntonni llinpoa. cunnunohoIIho0|b.|Iov.8.lhu- |u.l.A.. unit 3 Insane: hlho Ilininu-ildiound S. uhunndJ. Sudan. bntchen. Inn ntund from the Want. They htnu fuutohudd blui- No. Etch but nigh: moon... am right. U-cw I V-1- Threo journeyman pinion wont to work to-dny at Union wagon. IL?! pot dsy-A. I-`rust, lot Bulge I Sol: 0. Lynn. lot Robina 0 Sound J. Joy-cc. In. `I Hnnlmn nuasi }'i11iiiii1%{1'1i'., iiauusn Tho Connitho ol ilnng-anon! cl 85. 0001110`: Society will meet at St. George`: Hull to night had lush Ind unngunonu lot the colebntiou at 83. Gnome`: Duy. DI...` in-up-4-.4. nnlnhxn ngnt In lnmo Rank`: mutant bu written Oolutin axing lot I dun about the Inc of May. A soucert by tho gnu cuautrioo and company would be do- I:..|.bb-.I I liahtlnl. WW.` I`. hvluullbotil Iu sun \.-`nun, Ill \-xv]. Henry Johnston. 0! Clayton. in tting up hi: noun vnchl Spitre lot the use 0! the Kingston workmen who wish to return home on Saturday ovoningl. n- n:..|.-_. .I:.I ....A .._...I.-.. u I.- nnuun uvnuu vu u--uu--, uu......,.-. hr. Biglnm did not purolnu "Joe Brown" from Mt. What. of Prescott. Ho In mined by Mr. Wink`: "Joe Brown." but ruined by the doctor hinr Ielt. .u-_n_ A u:.._.. L-.. _...:_.J A- J-- Clark 8 lino: have mooivod to-day. dinct lroln New York. |u_iig|' bud-annhols nn leather. veins nd plush. with pocket-book: stitched. Call and no then. -on, , .. rI-_|_-A ________ L-- :1... uuuvunu nu: xruu-1 Iv. Tlno mcrclnnls are circulating another petition in oppmition to AM. Shaw`: by-luv. It prov: for I foot. 0! space on which to nlnsplny goods. \I- lnal-..\n in Ahnnl Ln IunI.I lnnr nn- Wlllllll uaularlny gnauua. Mr. Jnckson in About to lbulhl tour now nmp|o_ rooms us the mu 0! the City Hotel; and Mr. Tweddell. hilor. will mid Another wing to his shop. `PI... l..........s..- Al I.`;.. 'l\nnD.I|1\n- I..- luuunu vuug luv nun uuul-. The Inspector 0! Fire lnsnnnocs bu uljusu.-d Ashley (K Co.`a chum. paying them the full amount. 01.111). and AL lowing them the goods uvod. n.-._I-.. ;- |_..;.... -......I.A I..- All-..l IUWIUK IIIUIII IIDU IRRI. TVUII radon in being nought for Alfred I-ldvurd Mush. senhmced to seven you: in tho Kinguon Penitentiary lot nnon comlniued in the County 0! (Grey. ll-_-_ IAI.-.-lnn AI l'In-ham. in (Gina Q/4%g:_yn'bb}6n nsnsor _- -0 wxu t\-- in.- Cornelius Donovan. M.A., Principal 0! 01.0 Separate Schools of Hunilton. has been nppoinzal Inspector of Ht-mnwe School: [or Ontario. PI`! ,, ,,'_._I_At____...A|.__' "llngh'|l be true to me. won ! Von? wu probnbly I pan the gushing girl got on Hugh Liter ho had opened his loun- hin 0! low to her . .1 .. .. .....-..l I \'I|ll\JII8IlCIlU|l- I-`we Committees met unluy. ux : Those on Finance. Streets Ami inirove- monks. City Prapcrty. Fire. Water and On and Lioonaes. ..uI,__nvn n, ._,_, .,-__ ____~. ,,__n-- IJIUBIIC uvAu. Mr. Gngo bu Initial: to Mr. Scott pointing out tho utnouons Kingston ul- fonla la apectnlora cf the 0\Id!oIlows' dunonstruion. luv u lllbhlhli up um um, The air. Pierrepout. will nnsmpl to break he: may through the ice to Gar.- don Island next. week. C. Jenkins is quite condent that his pacer "Blacksmith Boy"can pass any hone in the city. Hem is I chance for 'l`roubler. Jun. Richmond & Co. mhrurtiso the opening of their mmolelloxl xuillinerv iinl mantle making: cstshlisliiucnt on 'I`.neaday non. \l.. (1.... I... -.:n.-. In ll. Qnntt [U u uu... .., ........w..... Cannot something be done in the way ol olmumg the sweet cmsaings 1 They are I dnsgncc to the my. TI... up Di.`--..-..u.o -.|l -Mum-.0 In -3 nnnquy un Julia, a. About 20 ludw.-s are put. through tho broomyxlnill in the City Hull every awar- noon by Capt. own. lnnoinn -.I.. ..f I... .lno|. 'nrn;lIIIuu uuuu u uulu. anvu-u. Auction sale of but cloth furniture- curpets. ( lc . at the Man. toduorruw. at 10 o`clock. by lluhchesou. |`......,.n .........n|.:_.. L. .'Ann 8.. IlnA`\ n~.. u v . u. In-nu.un.avu. Tho ]vl:u'o la bu)` cors(`t~'. collars.` gloves. hosiery uudx-rwmr. scufs. etc. ` is Ilnnly & .\lurny'a. `L.\A u\I...I..._. ..-_. ....n o|...nn..I. II... " I "' I hue of fine pace--9 0! loatln-r licking It the .\lnrl. t.oxuorro\\`. at 10 u'clu:k. by J. I-2. llntcheaou. an , u . . _Al_ -_.I___ Illlittlvt 006 wt: vu:-w:u- - .A.n|~n:3I,r:n`:`d tune! o(`W'lH CI . Inn 5 pm. %|1I I. I<-can the

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