viiuusngmxs --IOIIAInI-- JOIIITDIIIOIIG . Huntsman -r::; .1'u...' ` B} `T uiuon ._. l.._ AI... 'l._____'n- _..,z___ __ -u_.___ -:\-- Inlniu '94:"-' ` `- In Tlnn-Jan -1-.- PIKDIAIA Illflll. -p-->.__---- and: Tan rungs. 'l`HE`BBlTlSu WHIG.) TUESDAY 1-zvnxnse. APRiL s. nss4.:" wIy-vu;-IIQUnjCT' dludhubwohuuun 0hIaoII&ll.Ily ih'on~ 1 Thiiicblif hue! lb Whhnnl onlth U7-hwduuobvchlu: All. Dun :- lhgghnlo MZQ k, ......"' "'3 u'."'n.-s' "' J. N. MoRT9N_ `nolqyuqil Db ....,. PtuidIIO(hlIn|niI|hII|8yndI~ cuphulhuhrndinouuoctiou Iiihthlins Thisydinhvuto hlotbnul.|nycllbhdobbduu-. udnlit ltwutounoivollpt audivihnhualuynluonr thgnnantvulohohauluitotho ol-loonpqy. `liouonvonni-ply ihkhalhirlunhhllnualnnonml &uduoIlou`ty|hoIIuuhhou- \?;. --AI.-.- -..- _. .I.._l.. .........~ T;*.[....o... pnyvuhunhu nuud to tho lhiI~ in W Illvlaijulullljliil ll gnal QLL (5-1.-glkn .LgII 3-..- _. |;- v u-u -utva-I wit Ivfuuu ZZZVZ and tlhlpcalionuhull iucuruolh` hility byduiquoluvpnin. Irv uuuuu-an-J -I-yu-uvu cu ynvviuvu thus by this oorponlion doing then- pninupnnutud unully nquind uabo. reliability 0! tho Ounpuy topononvhomamotwbouoploputy llltnhoinjnnnlby accidents ensuring lumen: connection with tho truck. aiding. or nitohu. Ihlllnnniu u if IL-up Lnnl 34.. IL. --..i- AL.-...I-.. `?"`."TT'-F"lT$.\j.IHXlU unit. not fouling by the city upinsl lhocomnny. bopaidby lhovunpny. and ulllnhnlily In-I dmngu lot uy noeidouhthnhovooconnvdlobopnid bytbotlouapnaytl ouomud Ill Insure Innuendo-ltobythodoupny. \`:-up H.:-ihAq- -no-\--n.-J lL-o in .. -......... .. ., ._ v._.._,. Your Ocunitho tannin-tl thn it In distinctly ntipnhlod ml provihd M LI IL}: nnpunrnlinn Janina IL. -.., Below than is any oxpondituro by the Council the Company`: imlobhdnou man In [lid Ill tall. and not merely unuged Io! bv incurring III indebted Inn. uni that tho phinl.iIn'oonu ol the t nun- mg-all-g L- ml.` -;A- __..;...s IIAI (u'INIl 0 INOITWIDI BUT`. BROOK 1'llsA`n`l`. ' A ununu la`qL`ntuI. A pemoualquanuuv and undertalb in; to be given by than or more III- pnnaihlo pennu to the city. that it it 1 ebonld happen that the railway at d cease to heoperatod. eoeomixw tq agreement. lot a pt-nod at six months at one time within the next Ive yuan. tlretlompany or mean reprnaeating them ahonld take up and remove the rule. aleepen and tree. and restore the streets and by the company to a good state 01 the extent the Company is lIOI' boundtokeop tbeetreete in repair and 0! any disrepair canned by them in takingup. the pnperty so taken up to Mqedhuyehm or Iieatbe cit; may have upon it however. and allur- der their charter. the Companytnlae a 1 perty to such guarantee and undertak- Iinmandthe Company lorthetilneto eoue. eltertlre end he yearn. to grant on their property an indennuty. against ` thnexpenu u! doing theahnwe work aadrepairxinusa ola failure of the` Company after an-l period. of H.011 Th; nnnnnnn - no .-....a -.. Rn -- `nu uu--an us ---1 cu:-1 nun: Sheets as to he nholisbod us once. Vvulyuu nun.-u nun |-cuuu. um unvuun The pnuu agreeunat. except as it may ho ucekd. to remain binding. A land}... A... .... .- |.-A u|.- __.A..|_ u pun nu.-av an `unl- Than! the Council unck-rule the au- uunl n-pain to the mtiahction ol the Committee on Stunts mud [unprovo- menu. for an uuiunl sum. to be xed by the Camlnittoo And the Colnpony. And mid in ulnneo by tho L_`0al[IlI_\` to the Corponuion. on Much "In in each I: y ~ Tim! the Coun::`l ndnnoo the con 01 1:: clean upcl for the Coupnnyl. Innk- ingthorepnin tounntrootnvhichum Fompmv should make and now n-qnir~ ed. as aoouu may be done. inch repnin not to include nib. sleep:-not switches. or nisingnnd lowering tho Inch. tho sum um: expands! to he ucund by u nd lien on the Compunyb pm;-ozlv. or in we'll nun r an my u tho Councig may accept. and U0 but internal II 6 per cent. purnnuuln. 3-nynblo Annually onJuly Lab in each your. pnyuu-ul ol the principal to begin and be continua! u noon` as the Company no etming enough. not oxclnaivool tho pay out 0! the ilntnlnnent. In onnblc 0 to pay utter laying running cxpenau Ill eight pal-punt. div-idundon 0&C.l\ in the ntiw (`lhlhl-Illlll. by the payment 0! 011`. um to bo complete! in main] in shlmonh 0! Silk) each. with internal :3 above. on tho Inpaul hulnnco until prin- cipul money in paid. `I`l...a n.. |`.m.....`I .....L..n-| .. uh. `av-lulu out Inuy-9'1 VI vuv nu----1 lnmlin connection with it. In exempt from Inpnicipd (not Ichool) Inn for I period ol ve years lrom um u! day at Jnnuy. Thnl Ilnn l`.u-an-3 nrnnna ILA anal of nu us uuvI.I\\I. Du lvulllu IHIIIIIIQ. I A further condition is thus the twitch l . AL. .._.___ -1 L*:_,- A... IL,` --u; u-w-u v-,--` - --nv ---.____V- -_ `oi&innou&hoCoInoIlnoo&inalnI wooing. Thu nu uoud puhtlx, until about nine o'clock. `hon Ali. J. Wloon pnoontod the union" of tho 8o~ lpcd Tho Connitloo to- oomuoudod tho! the Council (run the lollnvnug ooooocmnn upon condition u-nun Company tron iloell how all indobtodaun and liohiliuu and lion on it-I-Iw-.ny= 4 , ' Tim the "open: 0! tho Company. and (or an pun-out ol the railway. nnnlin ~u.....n.... -in. in Inn ninlnnl Ansbiyuing can iilntulilg doves. lupuonhin mph! to the suns Rul- wuy than I lap uuuduco of ion... -n n.. l`nnnanI mnnlina Iul fl! mm oolln-In nun Inn! sloru II Ion 7,0! In mm nun`? courxxr-nose _ svuuIIII'ui.\5s. '. I TE!@3@hTf13W ` uuluuoo-u-u--an-no 'Ior MM llo Icons`! land I Maroon mm Input Wu Adghd-Too hung N 1~rI|-orlln-od.~ ~- - ----~-~- ~ hopulccujnlodthauo by Clio- A l1.IorclVQ-gnu Add-OI-I--`II `n-4-n have n lino! Burn 9-A ' hE7f `xopunnuuuuoduply uihlhinthnlhowuuhr ._.....|g _.__...n_n_ .L_ .L- TWjVT`TCw` plynuuliqlbu. Alhnuuhauq ud Idilauu til 35'`! Mid. II Ihh`qIt.`IIlX!u.()bnI|dult1 n. oulnouvnacnnp. Ir.0tuu%cvubIlIInIIIIII. inlhonulblnlydldul. culpl hll. In XII. hiItIo_nuh- mllluthh cfnchil. Xjhl--Jinan-nnkj: InmuIInuInIudinuyuaI|nnu' nlnnuupllulhlovnhuuty, l|ouI4helu'iaIoI hxu lth linnltiuoupnhl. `IM- al-I.--_.a.'..I a. .L. l?.n.aLA_ KIT? lnlun-shod in tho Unihtl bu hdlynnnnflhn can 0%- Inn-..a.nn l_|nnnL..n-n_I -qt-u-1 nun-an n-ww--A-vu-jar-r nuhliunl-ptinodhm.unlho\hnk~ dbcnployonlkthuud lath `Jun h inn`; luv.-II kl. G :3: I-ljUl:IC CVIZI ii j` Ahglhg-L-:I.--1-L.-A-Q-I-nq C? W T CI&l Clj Ci IIIIhtl.uiIlhh1lclI|yunuo-Ibis 5IIIhhI"l'!.IIClI'Iy!pH than sannhvlixhk lover ukiuathouh wail till Inky morning for their `nu. I! City Ice inlaid hp: alonqhodvquunk gnununullu nmnlnlinn n-n-ggal L-- --.I L; AL--L. W- - Ii` conlnoluutlnllurhvitul hogs |-n.L.'.L.... .. 1).... \n...n .uI can vwu---q-no-u --v w: o-nfu---g lad hing Inguinod with vb! Va .133 151' Lgnnlznn lxglml Lin Itnaovuwo nunungc-pnqnu bynuuolsuch utitlinq mu-iundm uni. We noun: vonr nooox nqnxy. no aqua Von: soap-no ol Ibo accompanying (in as I chit tohuotluhtcuoon which:-oehuhh kunnnun nun ..- u. ..........._,... . Dear Sir.-We. _\\>ur employees. lake ` thin opportunity ol expressing undoop nus olonr vegan! lot yonu walla tho innuunenblo net: 01 kindness which vol have churtnlly and I-olnuuily ho- Ihiul npu us. We desire. Also. to Nine on menu! have-Inputs. desire. also. plane ycnrpmupbudlindtorbcnnncovhon oucuohu worknusshipwan-maa WO Bllwlitl `NIH NIIIGIOIIIJ UD~ quubenunytoyuihenuuolpm Ithdovhiehvo hulin Iningonployd biannual nah ntlinn marilnnd II- -_v-. .---- --T--. I m IIOI. Illhl` BAIKIL8. nu llllal AND ROUIIIIADC. on uuocmnon Jib l-ulhhl Anilhh. II Tim ongnvun: was Ilono I-y Snid- Bms.. through whom the pitcher to gunehuc-1 in Toronto at I cost ul 965. 1 . _u~:- III` cur Ahl\II`eu -\_I-Ilrjrutvjpujusuuu `III nbloolrn-Ihlnpluyno. Yuhnhy was Mr. Simon Obu-udotl~ let`: birlhnhv. and the oaaployotn ol hi cigar (notary thought tho occlude: qr pouch: to pnunl him with Ill milieu uni -n pi-esent-n silvcr lilting Inter pitcher and two gold lined silver gob lets. The mailing of tho uldnn and pnaoonhuon took place at 7:!) o`clock Int etching. It. I`. Dunn. foreman of `unfuelory. acting in helul! 0! than under him. (In the [amber Inn on l gru-cal the wonls : lwoannlnrl In I . my!-out-ubvlhohnnlrlcuona ul- Ii`. II. kn-lone; jun` Pnailou .1.`-anon and town! onion nlaomun\i.:ccmin;xly'nliqusuuL The geport was passed by thoL`ouncil uni Ibo Select Committee continued to ul-nan um terms with tho uyudicue. n....... .3... .....|. um... ... ~....:.I... IITOIIKI Ollu Iriluu Iuuu Dunn; the main them was consider nub Ipnuu. eqndslly than Adams and Quigloy upoko uzainat the nilrosd. Tho cheers were lroquonuyao load that the npukv.-Is could not be hoonl. Iuv Ian : The fourth. lth. sixth and seventh claunon paced. James Mimics us he muvlned out. said : "uouuemon. permit me to my thus you as only unsung lime incur side:-ing the report. I von| put: -:-........ ;..s.. I... _....I .....I.- oh. gnu..- aunt-nap; Uuv II."vI\- - wvuusuu In-:- nixponco into the ton-I under the lane- I ...-.n " ..... ...\ ,...... ..- ...-._ W ....-. AM. Slnnhe poiod out why I per Ionnl ;:uau-uutm Una rtquimd. Tho syn-lion-n us! the oLl company won both inlcnotod in the nilny. and I chattel mortgtgo or lien on the property could not be lccepuanh It In: aid that the nils my old iron \\`ul'u won): 83.611 Why then could nu tho plllluua who gl\`\.\ the personal gznuunoo uh the clnunl manage on the nib inncuj ol the any. 'I`I.- 0....-cl. hl. uuol. nun. nnbcnnlh lr.()hnil'l.vhovuIu-pri-uni. ma L..._ g._--R-s-J -:oL -L-I can 3uBLJAnjg[;APEs: IS`:--I.:n'B:I't-o'I the mp:.,...;, - D In... The third cluuus panned. butouluxo fourth Ptosident Cusou aid thnttho Company would nothe satised wish it. ll it pun-I Kingston would probably hue uoreet nil`-my. an. nlouun use they luuughl the taper: down to sntidyl the Council. not the syndicate. They considered tho to porn. Mr sud honuL The Council wen not anxious to hunter will: the Slioil Rnilwuy Company`: directors. II was unusual to cross In an the nesting. The upon 0! the Committee would be lull in the Dilucton to accept or reject. At this meeting they could eonsilu the report. but the Council Clnnuabct `In: not the place lo: them to talk. ALI c_.aL- ...;-A.) .._n _Lu - -.... l'CB%XIl'lu. ` We hiltond vonh uxciouly it nInMhxn:hvQIhnjdnI- U IUD-I, pun CE I `IVFWI 1ilII'<|lIN at Phthaouhlt Ihoteul vupnllcd up. The members of tho Inalvnnnlitnn -panda r|\:n|\I -.-`I- In Ihn wjyIu-u up nun uljlkll 0! Inoltupnliun Innis might vote lot tho repoil undbo melee _ .bulontI.ido 4\l~ dornou conldunnnd ynol bomtnmod it they snppottod the nqvort. The sq.-oud clause paced. U-cw-Q IU II`? C-iU~ , V " All. Oujqy qg-uulueuwn. He would not vote for on)` 01 iu chutes. W. (I. L`nig'-Irulesl the (`united to Jeep in ricw the quesuou tlu.-"short .::,o"a.;..n.`aa " .`}'sa"xi:i.'j or not. l_| seemed as though the eilyixenu wen ' looking at the antler In": mull `IV. I! the nil: mu runoved then your would be another line here.\' orrogkp to IT All. Adonl malt a dung tptcou. Io objonolb III pot: an`: un- l-aontokoutohoptho streets so an Inonoy could in mule oltonnnh by: ' nyudicowo! wealthy gentlemen. The ` money In required [or boordvnlkl 9|!` cum strut pm-poou. The railway was i o lnxuryvonal In A growl would be Ln-mil gang Ll D.-A1...-Al. II IL`...-I A ugauauxnmunwxbs. = ......... ..;;;%.{....,..L .`..{'..:.;.L;..;;..;..,. I An; s_.gyu.. an |hConmithu won a_uiiooc_Io,nuI viun ol the nyndicnbAu-1thoyb'uul'ngu:toJnhop ilcvriunviunshorclilionol sh.-pas 93- 1! lluoougpuylnmuo dduna `ouituhioulllntolnbenpinoby Ilodtyin uyuso." ~ n.|'n...|....._._.a.$.__..;.... u- ` It I. U&l'I\lIIIUl' by Inonlo I Aldlhl. llr. u uhan-Ionlbu hnonn In uwtcpon |_ l-um At Two llnllars Each. I B.J.Duunnou. ullhuknhothundhnuwyur 1*! vs! ollidnry & n Ind nhtyuhollslhpddudilh Quid. He nub wulnlunhlb ouundorlr.lgqu|i-iluhtnnlgivo juknut suhuquuuy. ---c--?u' ouh: Iuowulntopny. n lL_-L.ll . ..IJi.. IITCXIT pa-Mugged. In ujfcvuu :u;;w KW Iilh|-lIlEq (LWQIIIII Ibo 'd~ n; II.-g. ._ I.-I 3..-A... -l4Ln E. -lIIIlI.`- D?` 3` XV Cw T hncnodin nquicnu? I ooulduotlngo-olnlow. Tboqnlu ininlndthntthonwuuoountutlr I000: Oothu and he 0oIIly.nd lhculonlfnuhl-yoaldbo minder to-hnulunylius. JuhnPtuuuonnh|IIIUoIboop - uionthtthlnqodorl Idhrwun --_.__L .L_ .s-- __ _A__. A ,__ ,, cu uyv an-I u-U walnut, \nII-uu uhouldpny; l-oh: Iouvqninl II Ho miminal that I! liqueur yd in- A.-_...4| in uh. 3.8 Li. -..._'n._._a -uz: uuun -uvw run: an v <-cw -`run- pascal lo um it Tho man could not hooverrid-kn by at bylaw. The Inspector`: loner an tantamount to 3 nqninnontonthopnn ohhocoucil. but he haul written the hunt `a non omrbonn taro; Auotho: point III until the present lurk! III vnlid it could not take clue! nuul Sophmlnl. Imu -. II- l`...l..An ....- -_._4I L- vaulwuu nuuuwuvvuu u--nv. `J. L. Whiting. for tho alelbnolx "I50-I thnllho lnpcclnt had only lI|nnhd- AA ILA -I--n IL. l\n--t- I`.--gil u-vs---Ju-w uwvcuvu-J nun an-lvu wul Olldutlasoln Inn toluen- hlld 59. The (Molar ploalhl and n toooipnru given on account only. This Inn tn the evideloo iuuoulnecd. J. Dldulyte. Q.C.. quota! tho law I-0- gu-dung the (Molar: qupointlnoll And then reversal tours loan:-ol J.\\`. Langmuir. lorI'u\Io.\l to the Wlhlel on Jun. Ill: I871. ARI!` Ida-ring II the reduction. Irouid that bouronhl ro~ commend that tho (iuolofu nluy "nlnll he kill ` Mr. Mclntyn contended thutho lnq-actor having one: Ind . II... nnnu :4. L` -..{.I n\ I... I`. ..._l.I L. vvuul uvu n-nu \.`uv\s uunu uvyjllllu l&M.u llr. Cabot: tn ouppdhy Uhycuntauhudulnn. ` I I Iw.m.. c... n...|.A.... -__..I cw-unvuv uu="U|.uuI uuvlu vwnlv until !un`-snnnobolnixl ll) bylnlronlcl ho -..-anal In -MA. in TI.` -I_|_A_ AA-.I.I ..... .............. ........ .......,........,..... with J . W. laqnuir. lnnpoetnr. incnw nod to 0&1). - The byluv under which the mar tion I'll made hot Juunwuuho nan \uuuon. \--auII.`I. Iho;aluyho received tor Much val .KI` IA.` Il Al IL` _--- L. n... -- w...... ......... ._ ..._., ..._ Olltotmpnr manna. and he tu pnil the month`: salary nun.-In: umodnh. Llclutyli. Q.O.uppou~ o-Ilonho plnintilf. and J. L. Whiting fonhodohnduta w ;|* `up; ' ., A -_._ .u ; xuncu mun nun nan WI -al:u.-- hunt.-is I-Zlkiighcn. Ooully um. lnnddcd inn nuubu ol bylaw: gnu ad between ma.-d me. by Ilnh tho nluy Q! that (`under nu ndlcod In O7\l) ' _-.I _h---.-..I.. -....... `A--..-..__I-.... uunnuxn I- nun \\I\.VIl. It tu uouly ll;&) o'clock when tho! mama! Carbon v. the county 0! FIOII)o- | Inc wuonllcd. C. H. Cabolt. (isoler. ' med the county {or 016.88. 1 balance 01 nllrr duo him for Much. In Jumuy AL. l\.--4:I ..J_...I Li. -I--- O-nan --y I--C nu. nun Ucunvulw I- Ubuwuuu Ihouounoil ndooul hinhryftom Ih Au. (CHI us. gu-run -n_I I.` -an William Redmond wuund by June: lineman sud Joseph .sunn for 012. ` for: dnyqndm-bull's uuruhing. The doluoo not up In: that the plninuu wen no! ougngal by dolondul to -lo the work. that Rnhc lhnonn cu onaogml uni pun! for his senior; Quit Ill nrny ol evixknco was preseason]. The Judge gun ;nd;:monI tot phintis for the unonut mt-d tor. ; W. lcconnhy. huh. In}! 08 and .g_A-.|'-...-..L.A..-.- . IMI IIIIUIIQI U-us I u-u nun pun- 21):. cool: the money wu rvmrmul us! {houses-rut to trial. The Judge of dual the ngrnagnul to In cu-n`od out He amid the phinli noodlfl hum troubled luunoll diout Ibo deft-ushntu Jul auununnn I \ Auulnv VI. I- 'l'hoo.Ri|IIti\|a10l nu- W. P. Bnahc lot 07.10. .\ uolslounont wu touched by dohunlnul pnyina O:L50.'bnI plum nil` R-nil-n IL-A .l-I...I...n |...l -4.5 -..;.I -J -uuuuuuuo ruyung vourvy uuu run-ur lull udiualhntdoleuhut [ml not pull an. ....a. n.. ....._ -.- .._n........I -_..I V` U"-II 9--xv u up`: wuunu \.-vu-run VI judgment uni). ll. \\'-mm for 015: lays. ; var nunrkml that "it in too bud. the ' Company would qnutd with Wner. ..s nr-La:-co .'~..--an An- man] .- AI. XI.Q_A ' 1 in}: L u. sun-A-nu u--- an. -. u--u-`mu I_xD.. up ID!` an :1) can chin-tin out ohgpuiring a clock. "J. llolulyn put in 1 eertillcau nut Du-nah`: wile -wu ill. and thocao Ill utioirno-I on ;uy~ agent ol loos. witness`: ad consul. 'l'hoJnlg-e thought he oixht mentor judgment for phinsil ad Allow Leigh dun to move for 3 new um. but Mr. Mconin objected. . I! Dr. hunch would pay for an adjournment he nlxoukl -no it C. Corbett. (holer. mung! till L- _-I-_._L_ ____:__x 1.- I-,_,L _-_ pilltvuuuvu out nun |-Inn -u ~----an 5o-||oohoIIso|iupml1ln;`-A .1 ` A Inn`: Io.I.II~ Ln uruuts. ` Goon.-n W. Buy moi! Willun Dual ` htIN.lut l-oualol and Mhouhnec` upon his Ila proviom 00 hot death. g ml Iot lumen! expanse: unonntipg to V 07. Th: Judge ullo'In\I hay is Mays` |...-I -3 III... J`.-p g-..I Ah. -unnnunu ' "0 OTCCKIHV CIIUW\\l ICV CV -V-I-1 baud at Irper Iny and the expense: ! |10|'&M. ` I 1' VJ i .n.v..n.\.a.n..uI.-I.-.l.a.V Jul (3! \J L7. , . 5 ` ` ` V uowoonuu uu.unnn- mu `nth Pu-ntuxn. nit: nun 1` 7*" `"'` `"""` """` ""' `" - Mina I-not. ms nu `ID!!! :3; uuuo moons. jii-Inn:-at numouu lwu\I;u_ nu lIi- ` V - . ` Iuu xaosu invin; I-; viniouuonrl this m~.nruina:JII-kt` lot; _ _v Alnmouunht ol hw,\~n`hIua-luxduagm u|u'(o'uu.hnI ol otdqll.-Alltholadru ohog_nnuou.ho_opnh uy puma -an an diqdny. Apq um. Innouulo-I the ioighbli` ud cnckmi l""*' `5"""'*;*' 5"'~'-l'` - , .- ._ .... _ _ :..L... _- .|.. 1...... -I;.....I"u-.u~ . . . A A _l.-.lfIaIllIe1'nz-A-3-l`vI_5rl u_, `the r..__o- nl B-..-Ann`-_ \ ling`, E up-nu: anus: nu. -. w. sxp When um Water Work: Con;-any got ...|.....-..u ....h n \\'.o-- 0... cm. 1.. I _|-`I Cl lalIIlv\urn~\ v|I wlly _c-I I- nnttIac~' V ,"uoi_ .0! Sumathing for ma Ladies] pnusnnx 5u?n'r. II- runozxtnupuu Cj- WI Osqcnonlolundoo Capo: yard. an-umuuo-u-.unon.nI-dun II-Ig--l\.AA:l'.I.; imp. run; o:cs..o..* iii--n c...o......ou..u. llinlxnkxlnnnnonn-J, CIILDIIIG WIITIIAWN Inlblllllalnnh (&C`ICchIIIlIItII&&h&h~ Chnnhbunuhdiahnuhiuulu la|k"NhI.|vIInlO&hU.Q lAlin`l\ltyIIiuIhIdIldl&IlO.IIII1I. l.nIu'hnqInOIInn&& In In-H-'WIhIl.hnBu&&&hI-E. W Ilohlllhnlthilumhhmfuu. mu.-gnu-I-inn-n-nun all)-gunhlsf wohllu1Iuuld&$IIInn quota II-in I Qjhnnlj _ l560\d\ozons of lllndkorclliofs WALSH a srnacir. New Ostrich Feather: Cheaper than the Cheapest. Boyu` Knitted Suits in Two Qualities. low `I :-all Clo:-In IIlI'II-I. ` New Tlcllugu. New Guy Ibeellngg. New any fououo. new Inna cononj. Irntpol Wupu. Inllllug (fallen: Fancy lusllus. new (arena: nudotier sauna. amt numullll. IWALSH & STEACYS ._. .2.-- Return Tickets Issued at ONE AND ONE-THIRD Fave to go Thuruduy. Fddq and Saturday. Apl. 10th. 11th a: 121.11. and Good to Return until Tuesday. April 15th. April M. roman a llANl.E\`.0u. Agents. Kingston. !GRAND TRUNK RAILW.-\Y. PERCY B. Bull. rE"Note---Direct Importations. EALL NEW AND PERFECT GOODS. NO SECONDS. _STR|CTLY CASH. i.I{{m. [TOWELS and TOWELLINGS ' Sheetings, unnnv &. uumm] STANDARD MAKES IN BLEACHED Annun- 1 BLEACBED COTTONS. ` i Ali-nouuneqohl-Ilnnvhbhpbsiu __IQWES &. BISQ ;h CLARK -'JA1s4:Es RIcH1Lu:oN;D &_ cos- _f`_._ x. COUSINEAU & c,o. APRIL BARGAINS! EISTERJ -_1F'4-_!"'_1!>l'!- LADIES` AND CHILDRENS` JERSEYS Ilucl and Colon. New Sun): satin: in Black and Colors. for Skirts. A.-I-I :u.l JUST TOMHAND A M A RK so {success \;3"d'HST Vmomiviabf New Felt for Table Cover: and Fancy Work. Pillow Cottons, IMPORTANT To consummzs. By the Yard at Bale Prices. INSPECTION SOLICITED. Comer Princess and Iago! Streets. A III: NOW OFFLBIIO Hamydmysj ONE PRICE ONLY. `-ms or-sumo or Linens, % Tableings, many.` out and MINNES T. II. IIIIES. guouoa rs WE HAVE [N STOCK ABOUT NEW Goons t am mm at run JIYIT IICEIVKI Ll` It in. vuvl. wunun udhcdlC..I$Iu. ` Q IJAIIKRU IN IDW l'l|l(`Rl. E Pox-tar uni Lnga-. inc-u up: man: nAI,:- nnnbln III Pnuu-on IUIQOI. 5 nun to me lot: or, AN AGENCY FOR Ill ID. I-A Illhl Ill run: or `run: 0000; _--_.._ --_ -.__ j 1.- .('l{EAf ! CHEAP! no Princess Street. LARGE IIIBM wuy_ma. mama com: nutter ; A.::m&\ hn ; -"`-*..'.'.'z'.:'..-I"".:."'.`5."`..`.'... ....I.' $U~u pohoIlIiIIncolnIh.dliuu1l hbvobcnulnvby-hw and -A1-ALiI:- TL...-L.-nn._4I..I _.-.__ ... _.__._- _-_.__. _.... .'l'InIsbuuuaIthoK.QP.RR.rdo ~hhnu|hiuI)nndundIhoBod- luduiuu utIukyuIudAylu0l.II print. rluhuoiun pui-go! paIny.c.'l`ouhI.vlnohd|bonuih. nyothl It!) not hive ucvccuod valcltquhc. sun oluhonuwlr u & -Idclhn Inn` tololiiou. HOBVIIMICHI` n gnaw. tjvvijftyijl lluuthiluu. `ho-ovlnouundd I-AL.---.....n L...a...nL.Ln.. Johncunnu. Shelia-oak and huhhmhu pqnhumloathulcl ombnounnmnm..o:nuubu; udlhcn no-um 'uuruo.:on.i.p- mucus.-url nnuinnhmau ,ud will uonao in weight 1.300 lbs. spins. luvoycuold bullock tuna Ihontlu u Lllllhu. All the city hnndoluhdituennuylo go, .u`.u.. oouu tolnd oxalic-c ul- -nla louhjq. ' II IIWIZI [III ucvu Iuluulv Iv oollulihounooullnu the Xilitin De~ pltnon. Thouuouououpuons in Ihochugcnlur than union. the city _o:-- I...-:.... 5.. 5... -1 IL. A-.1 II-uvu-ngwu nan -out cunt-us-V uuw vav ootpontiol having to pny at the had nblnrowryonool its minor: placed Al...-. Lu! ycu I soldiur ol "B" Battery wuueulanilotonnll 3-ox at the post- honse. but lutbotlo tho Status! 0! Ito (hlonl Hupihl has been unable to .11..` an. ........n 3...... .5. \nm:.. n., lurk Lulu alias spher. ol Belle. ville. n uotorionu coulionco man one who did nun! Iiinauonhu fulnundl uuonnh. bu. than great many nut uunonh uni nnow upon. nally pa Iain deem. Ho phoned gnilIy" hluto Juduo Aunou at Biuooool olr tuning money undo: lnlsoprehuooo and mu Ienhenconl to dune year in tho Penitentiary. Tho Ilutonr and Mata` complunl that they hue not yet second their pun [upon Iron Othws. Thu duo uy thlt thoy cannot ship until they act thcln. Thonlom they no Inconveni- and ad uonnol than will ptobnhly Iooothoir citation. `rho Baton man have moaned their documents. Them in I sent loom oomowhem. I-`uly Int owning Tuomu Conield vn assaulted on Princess sumo. by thno young men who were drunk. Ilia hen looked this lnorniuu u if the boots ` olglnvonna nu-nlwlboon agpliod pretty freely to it` Moan. N. HcCon~ `by and '1`. Mclieo no csnnchal with tho umnlt. 4' T l`or(`ou|I.CoIdt.cI'oup. nnj Dnnnglnlg CQQ-`among Ln nd Runway oounnny. The [Inns of um Street Rnilwnv Com [Any inure how chattel!)-I by tho action of the Cobucil. uul lwuighl tho Dunk- Ion cull meal and hand owr the roul to Mr. Briuon. He can let: up the nil: um] all the `ock. but he will he ulml to keep the money teeming [mm the sale [or a tune. Tho occn 01 um nu. med Innovating nd decide! to organize 1 Illlgb hul. Tho out]: is improving in omcicncy. and the omeen My uuu. :1 it keeps on unptoviug they WI" um both Utturu and Tomato during tlw sum- RIP. `l`kncpo|I`n sun. `Hall Ilurooon use nu. Pionepoul ntulodnpon hot Int nip. She mad: I10`! ptoolmll through the loo. um` ul 3 o'clock won only noun diiunee beyond tho Iulollo towor. Lu! not the nuns: Itutod out on April ml: Ionnqu-Inga nun. Youtonlny Illa-noon T. Puldou. ex- Pruidontol the Sumac`: l nion.oon- sound, to xiv: the books ol that Society Inoconb. the now Pluideut. This abs 0! Puldou put 9:: cml to the ltouble liotween him And his suecbonor. -_ _.., - ------.....- Monlonlo mad: hit to cloutfy Inn- Ihor. mu: light rain or slut in 5 law [0- oditiea. not much change in tampon` Inna ` " " ` :.'}5mn "Sf un -noatuu - Na. Icahn nnuhllo In! and caudal: Iauynunhuounuolnnhuuduuuk `living: msigijnmmm mum: ms cm AND VlClNVl'E;' spacuLj-m7&; `W Ii! -- I In Ihiuuuhthquyu 3 l|~ tcntcrcvuilwliolbhdlpollyvq. Jan`. Hi. Ouvqo. And A.(). llnn|u.'l'uuh.IIIuIhIuu0. Iqh.I .W||bIunll`.'I\y|ut|oI H m L: ll-n:.-l_ Ill Th Do-ininu Govulhal given a Ilhiiyh the Nqnuo A `(intuit lhilvu company. I lino ol nilnv fnI'l`u.nwoIth to Bqn uni Brita. vslunuot uonodilc M.Il>p' sbovhoIuOIn. Md. J. Vila: Iunhlllo how but Iitvhtwuldhduoil shuto- ...nn.lI.p an IL-In-I-o&nIIn-n.-n I C Wu: -uvu w u. vuxnuquu inll. nlhtIhISovcnl.\1ny moot Qhtl nldldd. Tho than Ill hhuntuo whnuloughltodw lntbohodiq. Thy wilIbopI'on- Ant.) ll` Irttflnl. llRAND'I.(.)!` ALI Ilul l`0R`I'IIl some an urchin: 'l\uuuuk~I havoc: `run and CIIIVOI mamas: cunt: blunt ht an uquuo ' V" J. E IORTON. 010:4 : lllwt. Brock lard. Ilncllon. Inch Int. ISL III`. AlotIuhonlhv.Ir.HuIi.doocrip- live at his young: son: tho coon and Only impnuiou 0! ill. will Ip- put in Uruguay`: WIN. on IoIho~ OH bula qnahlly will til it i-hr n aauuunn `tau-on-um: vvwu u-u uuv out in tho Ocldwoll-Icbuel one. which tho has nut pay. wall snout Ioshoul 050.01). Culdwolh upcmu otuouo oltho uislswu I5w*pu min. A I.AA- A..- D.- II_ ll---:. .l.....:_ I uuuou y I-up-uIv-u-u uru.-y tun muted succou. n Inga pottion olthoir millinory stock being oolvl and away Iugoluuborolonhn aka. A Lnnuk gentleman to-day said the .o..L. in Qhg l\nI4I--ILKnl.---- ngng \/GIITI nun.-u up: -anus u-usu--um n-U` oonopopoln. It tunnbhn the ahtko of the uoklinnol tho l'ui|o-I Sana. It `nvtv booming. 'l`hoqaai|olJu.Richmond.H3o`a. nnotlollod uillinnrytlopucnonnmdcv _.-- ...--l.4.I .u....... _ I....,.. ......-Ah`. 1.1: . III. Robinson. pnintu`. uyl unI|l.._\'nn bu not-Id! In: employ. Ila receives 01.15 padty not uni he ncoivul Itha- fotothonuike. Ir.L_vun iaworlhtbol VIPs .\nooonunvipuonoponuRichud- cont Son Iill|ondonooltho)l.'l`. nu -. u 0030 hrgu us! the solar. Ll. Dudley wiv.lM0.(Xl)bnslnlo of pousnnhye for ll---as uuuu unuu uununn av: unis. xu. - an The City llohl wu oniuul from tho link of plans: which will oer Iarw and good accommodation loviulon n the time of the Oddbllows` -lcmouslnluiou. Tho postponed mu. 0! shop tumisun-. boottno. chin. |nble:.otc.. mil into place to-nivhl at Rose`: store. Princess Stunt. by J. I-2. lluuzhonol. auctioneer. The City Hotel on comma-late 8|!) perponu it tho Uddlollou-u` deuonnut tioa should be held here. Alnplo mom for I011!) stnngencu boll:-Ina tho IDAHO l WIOTLQKTI \!I -uw -uuux on un: II\aInn\' The achr. St. Louis. lying 1| Swift's wharf. owned by Mnlluxl & Co.. has been chnontl to curry coal between (`love- lud and Sunni: lot the u.'l`.R. ,u-.u, . ,,_ .L_ I no I Iv-lulvl \u ouv xu yuan n any-cw thankfully acknowledges the mum at 035. neeivui from John l`u-ruthen. En-1.. in lid dune {nods ol the Home. . .- ,_:;.- I Tho Dominion Government gives a mum to the Iilngwtou & I`!-mhroko Rail- way tor ll line {mm .\lissia:ppi to Reu- lrovt. uul cxcenling HS,_II1. The Ttuunt ol the Orphan llomo AI.-..LlnIl_ --L .....-I..l.-. oh. _..-n .\I I0! Gup|..)lermI. l*`:shor_\' luspevtot. vet to.-nhy noiud two nets found motchod ncrocsfuhrlqui Freek. our Cnunqm villa:-.-. \ 'I`|. ..... _-.. an ..-.;....... .'.. as... n:...__! add:-I to thonumbvr. 1 -u-.,-.. \ 'l`ha~re no 38 pnieuts in tho lienoni Hospital. including 18 women an`! . culdmu. Tlueu binlm but .\loud|_\` , u.,_ 2 """I"` Kingston being n uilipry town the Cult-|"|lnpe for India` Inlnmut he .4-.. -.---I.. [1 -...-LL- ah. nhnhn nu; Thonwuuliu ght 3| (Xhnqui .4 _:_La -ls.. AL. &.n..I A--- ....o .-\|d. I-Zilbcck Illa mmmul [mm um I In. He has nmlo 'nn'exl.eu3ivo deal in .\'orth~\\'c-at judo. but munru the wont." .\ _ `- -lllr Ii UIIU EuIll~ i\II.IlI IJ~ -WI. Tho Itilon um Anxious to know it it is lutlul Int; vessel to leave tinctu- bot win: nu uneeninl Male or Cup- 993W 5593- M3! nu uuu uuuuvu `U uuuvlnh I-1. lhll um! I`. .\lon|uu. ni!on.loIt today to: Milwaukee. whor they nil] ship on His nchr. John . Merritt. ' TI.` -BIA-.. ..-4 ---K...-n L. I.-.1; il it CW -an-uuutugwuwv-U xptomlovinh oounul Ianhlho viooinlllou'l.GunnqIo.huIuh. llnldiqont hi hndolcndub .|n.. -g-.;- II. -h--nnn-A. -gt) `sun; was uuvvuulcu as Cnlvin -\ Son bin canal to it but the shaman [lay of Quinta and City of Hunilton at Gpnlon` Inllld. iminuy 0_peni,ug.-Sponoo|& Cram Icy`: grunl dpomug aka phdo to-mob row. All an invited In ulond. 1` II II _.,I n \- _ t ., _._I._. 1.1. r `-1- V I 'l`hhvupiu5ondny ndum ol-I VI- truu jinn nnilunnd nppundsqbo A. an-.lonuul: C. Bows. on, ad Dr. Ion-iion. wanna-tn . In ulthollriunh. * - A hnduno engine hit the locouo~ mauvqworh today for we [nonalc- Ionm runny, I Njodhulnopolno Huh 0! Iowan , on lhonuhblhnlnorning. llinlon! dinphy vunlno In. I JNIIOI Nulgill Ins been nppoinlod I fonmu: ol the SI. T. Co : Ion-union '1 gugoluhovouers. I `l`-IuS-. 5 Q.-- I.J..... --.-9-] 5-1. Juno u ruouuounuuuoun-It!` I1-'D'0IjI-I Gang. -uu sinus ujiv puvlz wpu G11 IIIHI on from an Zuooville min: on `l`hnn- \ hy. 'I`Li.- 2-- -4-.1... J-.. __J AL- -LI - "B" uuiaho-lions to-by. '|l!'0|'ld|l VII plntilulou shunn- -.. ..... ...........;. A telephone an ouch-I in Polan- Bnn.' also Io~dny._ .. Lznlnv Inga}:-um nl II..`h`nln.nI Ila.--3 ' W -|II|I'nI4-l Q on Thuulny ovgnig, 1-1.. ...s.. ,I...:. nL. l.n:oIIpVArItVI;c;H'7olvlt1olIaul `and Bean"! lhhnukoulp an In luau. [ `W W. `Gill `tiny ..t:\l'uI!n|'l;= III! IX liihgrs. By unis R III JOHN BIILTON. Much Jlu. Oouvlnn.