Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1884, p. 1

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ltiak may-m Inc -an hi still its polIIuiIh"Ivq|hiqyq||nIIpaI gohuu." Who; pnvuiaoltbo III]! `- lnvcllnolnnthnhnidyio thlou vmpgphyhlnmundluuduwcl I.Iounnoolt|:od|ywl|IoHnd~ hotqi. nocouoll vernal bdou Apculub. ' {'7-v -nu vi Iuquv-y u-1--y v--- uupn. Aguuowcoourudoulom Ajijlnn 211...! 4-35 Aim 333.? 33 xnnnnnj lllG'II'II wuluuuluu Iuw-I I-uuII` oupeoh|nooNnollIIOoucBIooon- nig-llsnnnuunhl lnthi XQM1 uIpuuu-uuunguIuuuvunuuuuuuuu- sidcrlhonmonnillluhnind hookup liqnondcnhn lot lid: Hauler. Nut ycu.uulcnhoIuwAo0.|ho0o-:ilonn huuninlnau by any III npto can IL.-nlal AI-A II.-glnnnn-u Ixlln Ij- 31 II C. IH1 `Ir |!)._8houHIbI0oIIIidonuI in; A_.___ I..._... Al..- L-__A.l-. AL. I..- IIIIEII IS! Utivuj unuuuuu -v Kingston they Ion tho Woman and chi! dun udwolpwuthaok ol Blue Lake into Otonhot. Thou ay Iota-mined soueuue. `rug want but to Kingston and laughs than lnnilla. Tho liatnrboro Kxauuanrr announces the tkth o(JohII Filo. ol 0808500. cl nripoold up. The dooultdwuu Sooiuln. Ind otmo our in the nmo Ihip with Sir John Mlodolllld IndJohn nongul as so. ol the Iowa Irm.u. Dooundwln tho oldutol his lathe:-`I tunilr. and via be cone with hi: n.n.._.A. --A an... AI... In-nuiau tn A Ilnntl-nnuy Ill:-yrlo . (1. .\. Nuwnmn. of the l.ocomol.ivo Works. has not up has now bicycle. pur- clnuml in Berunnglnm. England. ll. in 3 luualmmo muohino and second 3 print: at tho cxlnlniuun in llingley llnll. Dinning.-hum. a short time ago. It is tted with a new dottclnble handle bar. and I new pulnrn of spoken. ua` jnuhd by I nut in their coitus. opu- hul It I lnngeut direct from the lune deeply-nouuod stool hubs. the whole making 3 he whool with very narrow llud. The ddle is also improved with haul and hub llghh. lit by u now ooutdnnoe. The bicycle is the but in the city. It in a 59-inch one. A cyclo- Inebr has been plnood on it. UIIU IIIIZ-I BIIUUUU Sous. tending: Ind recitation: tol- lowod. They won given l>y'Miuu M. Bunlonl, Lmn linden. and Messrs. Driver. Sumo. Cumberlr-rd. Clu-Ix. Wilson Ind Anglia. M. 10:30 the party dispersed. The ladies desire to return their best thunk; lot the use of the school room. which wu kilidly plncod at their dis- ponl hy the authorities of tho Congre- gntionnl Church. --. no--u -.uu.u anon anon. Mr. llo-Ll. although as a rule uent nu apt-u:h. WIH so taken ubuck tlnu. It wu some time below ho culll-I liuxl words to nulllcieutly ulptusa lulu (cel- ingu. He could only say Llm$ Elna land us u the part of his class was totally unexpected. uhe only cnongm ho had A done towards my members what ha ought to bu-e cloud. uotlliug more uor lcu. However. he was very thuxklnl to them. uml us they had not_ apprised hum of what` was going to tnkq place he could say no more just then. 11 felt. however. nil the boadnol nlfeclion Ina been drawn innitely tlplntcr. IIl-CAWILh'\ An -on--..n-n-no. A "up:-cod." prepuvd by the ladies pmsols. wu then enjoyed. From the hulmta some of the moat tempting out- nbloa were produced. The unison were pdien. and they looked charming as they timed them. 2...... -amlinn. nml nn:l.nl,:nnn I`nl_ Wllll )'0ll. ' "" ' " We would ' your acceptance of this small um: II I mm tolunu ol the cetmm in which you an held by us I. hopmu thus proupexity may attend In your fuluro oortn. um! um: tho cordial rela- tions as present oxiuting between an may remain unnltued lor uver. nu nvurn uurrn nu-nlonuni w. Z3';"Ii'6'"i:"oN, u.. `V1 uuu nlrvllnnnu Dear Mr. llonl.ln.--\\'(-. your friends and pupils. assembled hero to-night. have long ulmired your umiring energy and zeal I'll the |>l uN(`Clll|Ull nl cu-ny ilutydumlving upon you. especially in the dopartmem. 0! mneoic. It too fremmutlv occur: that. Iran Elli! ll(`l)BTll!.|C`llI OI IIIIIHIC. It too frequently occur: that. true worth and ntnlny are partially recog- nized. uud this we {eel on be the duo with you. -"' " We would b.'.. vonr nu.-cenI..nncu of this A odd look`. The Mayo: willdoddo shout culling . ._..-I -...l.-.- J lhn W In mun. i llc-nth was moved into the ehnir end in- ` they all know why they uwmblod. but owning an enjovnble time we; upon! in tho lepton room 0! the First Conxlillilionnl Church by the papilla! Mr. F. C. Heath : mule clan `nail the members of Qnoon'n College Glee Club. The entertainment vrn gotten up in honour of Ir. '1'. Cumberland. who is about to leave the city. and Also in order to present Mr. Heath with Ill nddmll and I more tangible recognition of lain service to the clue. To Mr. Heath the nfluiir vvu in genuine nnrpriso. llo hul no idea of Ihlt In to kilo place. Mr. A v uoeently Iemulted tluit ho had Iodonht I They met to bid Mr. Cumberland ulien. He then announced the tint piece on the progmmlno the "Spanish Guitar." given by the class. Mr. Q.` 1-`. Henderson vvu net down [or I reading. Thin lo-I to an | 0Velllum. {lull the Chnirmnnh litan- tion did seem comical when Mr. un- deruonpnmmoned hours Ogden to pre- sent him with 060 while he drew lrom his pocket and read the lollawing ul- drut. The purprino was cruel. but it coulqhfl be helped. It min a good joke. Ind Mr. ilg.-nth ought not to fool ollcml- od when itvwu played so well: . 1.: 1.1- was Allhlllrhn gm: Inslc (flu: Preseuln Hun W: ; - III Adilrmi and 850-4 Well , Plnyrd Julio: y I . II`. c.`.[ HEATi{QlI_R1'n1SEIv. funnies _, .n,u `iiE{!2Iir9s?VD:~xfy.+m:1}I:9, ism-% u 1.-ouo\n?uInIcau.nm} an Ilsa olnl M yuan. ' tic; Th! whichunvmnnmcrounin tbouhlr huutilnl in. but w:`:d no divine urnooonboud.u d`nlltbopu- unpnwonunknd I toouoom toutnbloolthttoniuor ` (on tho Uutn Pilot And hold con- uulou in my mom. Hitherto In 3 Inn land he wuthound 5 (air wind. and hue nnnpd about U!) nilu 3 day. Thininour tgld dayltunutd ` utnngoto It .10 vonotleonunm Iolorulyll cutttmcxoopttho uvumwonnunol mm vnou-Inn the no And on ulenoo the winds. who nover dumber: or sleep. was had to go shout 30 mils out 01 our unnnl course in order to add IIIII un vuu uvvvuu . "Rooted in an audio N the door Iluy me down to sleep (keep nuke I) It. wua night for nation: nudiution. I tlmnnhl. of ham: And then I had left n. man: lol anon: munuuon. I thought of homo sud than Ind loll behind. the many have men who were sloopmthoir long Inn deep in tho oocn over which I In posing. the mhmn nlonan ol than dauha tho uouunu nuance oz Inca (noun mo uohnnadi mun will and. I tell Iwuintho olliim whooonlloln tlun um; and Ann -nlnnnn (Inn hind; ulun `I'll ICIPLILDI All) BRIAN: whiolun nuntouin dn-~ `Flu: RA u nIA-nAJ, hnl Inn- L -._......- . We had a splendid run to llalilu.whlch I we reached at 4:30 pm. on Friday. I was not very much tnkeu up either with ' the location or ltwout ol the town. I The streets are very narrow nnzl the , buildings blackened with smoke. It _ would require more thana large stipend to induce me to leave Kingston to re- ` aide in euch e lace. The harbour in l said to he the at in the world. It , never lreexee over. which in somewhat ` strange. an it ll very nanow and well locked in by land. A etorrn raging a ` thouuand miles out on the Atlantic in diatinutly lelt at Qneeustnnrn. but how- ever lleroe tho wur of element: any on on theeoaetor on the Atlantic there in ` no perceptible motion felt hen. We Ipent Friday, night in dock. takiqz in oargo. Setnrduy morning bronvbt a heavy snow storm. which undo no leel ` anxious to get out to sea before night. We were all glad when the Weeteru train came in on time. The mail bane were at once taken on board and the bell ranw lor those not belonging to the shiptogo anhore. The gaugway was removed. the moorings ulipped and the Ihip headed for the area. An we eteanr ed down the harbor we llred a salute and bid good-bye to tho eepi of Nova Scotia. Dnriu the night the ehiprollod ceneidenblx. which made most oi the passengers eel unpleasant. At 0 pm. the dinner bell rang. but it had no charm for me and the other member: of my family. We got into our staterooms as soon as poaaihle and soon to experience thoee unmea- tionable feelings which terminate-yon know how. We were nick about it hall hour each. but lelt peculiar lor eorne time alterwarde. An I lay in my berth lconld not help thinking ol the words ol an old solo so often euna in Kinutou and elsewhere. [experienced a prac tioal illustration of the llrat line. hut not ol the second: ..u__t..._| ;.. .t._ -...n- -1 u.- .1--- no nan mucu on nonru we amp no new pm. nnd at L . we loft for Hnllflx. The `olynesinn is n splendid boat. and her reputation for senwonbinese is equal to any on the oceen. Her length. from how to Intern, is 435 fun. width 42 feet, engine 3.0m homo power. '1` he statue rooms are very comlortlble and the saloon elcglutly tmod up with lnrgo and splendid mirrors. mnhognny pillu-n. V with curved and gilded caps. hnnging baskets of foluuo plnutu. and other In!- unshings to correspond. We bronkluzt ' It I-1:30. lunch at 1:30. dinner at 0. and supper at 9 to 10. The wind got. up a little towards evening. and the slight` heaving of the vessel umie some of us but kept. on deck awhile and than luv down nnni the` . feel peculiar. a kind 0! allovcu-islnnosn." 1 1 If nuuar. unuau rv auvo Dear Sir,--1 aemlyou a let `ottingn 01 my tti to England. thrown that in a tong and ready atyle. hophitv thely may be acceptable to readers. . In. Rania and non aft Klnultonon Wedneaday. larch lath. at 1:46 p.In., and reached Portland on the following day at 19:!) .m. Tho distance (rein Kingston-to rtland in 470 milea. In theeara wen aevei-at penonl returning to England. intendingto remain there. The reason one man gave {on leaving Canada was that the winters were about nine months too Ion . He in one ' of thoan kind of men I! one ahnenoe will he more appreeiatod than his pro- aenee. He had. evident! . helore he _ came on the care. judging toni the our on his none. run against something harder than his eeh. I was not favor- ably impressed with the country he- tweeu ltoutroalan Poctland. especially that part of it which runs through the State of Vermont. It is barren and hilly. Some 0! the hill: must he Iron ' 8(1) to500 leer high.and they are covered . with email birch and poplar. It in laid that the State 0! Vermont [modnoee tho beet butter in America. Well. all I have to any in. that! the King'- dton butter to that o Vermonti On reaching Portland we made our iay to, the dock. which is about three minutes walk from the depot. when bolero leer ing. we liauded our check: to an onion: 0! the Allan line. who brought our boa gage to the steamship hoe oi charge. We had lunch board the ship at 1:30 um. and at `.2 mm lnh. for Halifax. The uIN`l'LlIIlN.\.\'-E0 mum: FIT TIIIII AID I-`AIIIlOIs Wm: man u and which! otououylnnouz II; should [C In A Itiuund Plafin Voyue cu Eur lud~-Jotunn n Su-A sue Arnlvnl Ila Kddbr. British WIN. I\___ or. n _-._I .._ _ Apuoss THE ArpAN'L'. II"! CI 0! Arrlul. Afdndlnlootlh I Mud indud Initial Iujru Ilill D. Van. Buns`: Oil?! in H own no niacin` vials In an lotlol I Bukhaho. .0: ` I`: Dunn. tutti-dlntuinly rolhvo nuuhp. ud. ll oonuud nu. putnuuy that a an. |.AIIIR_1'_& Ill-Ill. IAIISIIIEPOI IDIOHIIIIIIHC KIIIICW `dis. ltnbulnonoorn to tho uuthnn uaytlnng elastic world an tupply. 8&0. nun. ad pulls-. Tue no uuhiluh. lyllouh. T you hand. A good atop gnu-tuned of ush-Quin` Illbtlhlt. N. C. Pohon&0o..ptvprh- ton. Klnpton. 1 than. I! `Minn! ugononuy lhOlIlI1|lIIlI.[ln once: an urybutsdootunotulvnynnqond yuhvo `I hlhw has nnulylu wounds. `lulu udpdn. haun- |ilovI'ovndncIIhul nludonod Knnr it again Uni nan, unto hunt-hnllhooorn crop nu noon hnlmuly incrouod in Cunds. No doubt the N. P. pooplo ill ulnim this n n pro- dunlol probation. but Pl7?IA!I'I Puuuu Couliuucl-on douhonmhd tonllurv (Hi. It Inigo: Inna. nnvn In lhn nun lhnn ollmvlcn ovncutul nu lhopo. Kn]: itroulyloiuu. ax: Inuoa; Monany, 31 lanes. It wohsd noun goabom ammilea out 0! our oonno to avoid the ion we should have undo one of the tun-at pu~ It this time 0! the you. I kept my witch with Kingston Limo lor the , purpooo of keeping Incl: of you. I Ind than in u dillenuoe ol shout ve houn. Ilnluluv 9.. um. unn nnnn nnnnun I In. more II mueronoo 01 50005 nvo noun. Hoping to ram: vou noon nguuu. I te- main yours uul), H. ll.uuu~:. Cum llnh-In; II any nurprino the good peophol Pon- sdnto Icuathnnhooorn bu been lmnnnlv incnuod nae down we ounnnel. crosnon sue out At high tide and reached the world's great. metropolis It noon. Thus came to Ill and one of the nes: voyages ever made in winter. or even summer 1 voy ngowithont what uilon would call I storm. I send you theslnph log from lhhhx to Liverpool the dinsuaoe made each day. The reckoning in [mm noon to noon 2 Hnnalnu lial: Ith llnnrn \`ntnI-JLI1 I us! It Ihhtlloh... Inuonuan to Sunday. March 16th, (from Satin-dly noon). N5 miles: Ilondny. Hlhmloo: Toad: . 29! miles; Wodlodny. 8|!) miles; |mndny.8l5nilu;I-`ridAy.ll)6 miles; Saturday. 30-! miles; Sundny, 32`) miles; Monday, 2&1 miles. It wahnd nolio mnboul Ellimiles nnzu nu-u an nun-V.` Iron: Man. 18.00. I shun not won lor- get the ocaniou. We sighted loud (Ar- rowmoro) on the starboard quote: :3 12:!) p.m.. panned Torv Island ul 3] .m. ` Then)`: a chdn of hill: running In: the coal nngjug from 5(1) to 1.500 has high. with here and then named rooh reaching out into the cos. We reached Moulo It 7o'c|ock pm. It in: very . small phce you somewhat romnntio. re- pauing under the shadow of I high monu- tlin. The tender ouno nlongaido ho to- com: the mall! and pusongon tor Lon- donden . We then with the pilot come on btnrxgnnmcoedod on our Inv to Liver- vu-vu -uv uu--us nun y--wuguau nu lawn` the proceeded our :5 to Liver- pool with as night ts calm beautiful nu ma could nigh. Wa land I llnn mn- [NW1 WIIII II llllll IS Olllll IIIG DQIIIINII as no could wiuh. We Ind a nun pu- nao down the ohlnnel. crossed the but AI. hinh thin and rant-Im Um -mid`. ; aynununn. wuono van: to nngluuu u ` I.wololuI-buniuom uni plenum. Fridny I was A lovely day. most _ol which we I spent on deck. Though the voyage hu Iundtogzes out ol thobauina oi unecon- `boenuplounulonmwoboginiolouaturl: I] ' tinuoul sixhinu or trends`! of the waves. 1 ' . and the puuuaon wens pruuuut. \\o` Suturduy cuno II! the heavens lull cl 1 I sunshine and n lair wind. The night I was like me any. cum and bouuitlul. ' , Sabbath wua u ulonouu duy. Divine aorvioowululd intlnonloon. Allure: oloun who could be opund o duty ' commenced the nu-vloo IIIII um. ever "1 appropriate hymn. Jesus. Lover of my Soul. The doctor 0! the ship read the Church of Eunhnd annim. We than 1 I Q DOUl- IIIO CW3)! 0| IIII Illlp [TU UK Church of England anrvice. We then Injoinod in niiizina the hymn. Neuter Mv God to Thee." nth: Ihich I-H N108] III Illll IDS I-IYIIJIII My God so Theo." um which I I-nnnnn-in . ..--unu Dnqdsulnncnnnhslnund Ii&InI`Illvou|ho-ono-ndzuo Ifll III VET)` ll8ll0IIO IIXIHI, WHO WIS * going to consult I Ipeoidin in London. Au ltish lady returning {mom 1 visit to the North West. She is delighted with - in nuuxpd ud bonulilul scenery. but prahn the uocinl reInunon and demea- tic content 01 her home in lrohnd to the crude hnbm ol the Western plains: Our intercourse with the punengen um ooen ol the drip were very pleasant. We hul on board 3 Hr. Paxton. {mm H-vdgnlxgun u-In...` `-4.65 `on I.`-nnlnwul in Try our 83;: Ilsoum u-A -_..._ -n....... L. menu: onnouu nu. l'0l50ll. mun Sydcnhun. whono vinit'to England in t.Iolohl-bnninmn uni nlaunra. I-`ridnv ll IKII III IICIIUIIIIF I: generally the In! thing In cancel ninnht sdootunnul than mound llllfllll llllll ll. 0lII IIOI WI"! IDII U tic force um undo thm hiss with rage. All night. did U118 bulls with the 3 elements last. And wary {or want of Ilocp I Ion ed 10! the coming 0! dawn. It came Ssh I hen min sad (3 which hated All day. ` `Q had on 15 nloon passengers. among whom were three men captains ; ndoctor from Mon- treal in very delicate lnecllh. who wu nnimv tn nmnnll. A nnnninlinl in Lnndnn I wow up we sea. wmcn uunon ovarwo ' dock oocuionnlly And mode it d or out to move Ilnoul. Them in I umm our in tho swoop ohu Atlnntic wave when" a storm is hlawing which cnnnot bede~ ` ncrihed. hntchod with III) the up- houing of the might waters. created ` with foam and l_uh into My by the . gnio. Like I squadron ol inlerul apintl they duhcd mm: the mm.-but. me! gue. nun: squadron ox nuernu upmu . the qtninut Ih|p. bllI. the but umm {mm her with that ninur I uuuuvu VI -anon nun : K3 Ii."J.&1"`mxn.s Ilnpybnt. II; but mom lrom her with that gian- tic [urea Hm! made lhln hiss with mun yours mu), Liverpool. Murrch am. 1884. _4A A; HIE llttllu 0! IO ueep. ll DUI D05 IIIO truu 3 apueunce that ice venork ' ally :98. but seemed to be included! with the purest mow whichmuke it look l nll-the mom betntilul. It had evident , ly encountered come erce storm: Iiqoe It ldtiu Arctic home. an undo seven! butoholinit. Weludn nil gale 0! wind from th`""'q'o`uiweat In-day and it continual all night. It. wolmup the sea. which lubed ovartho I dank occnionnllv And mndn it dnmar ' ) _ UCDIIOII TIIIIJ U! Il-III ` sad the buly thing that nunon noon, in dread. l watched this Ioliluuy trust ' lenboume Along by wind and cumnt on ` the bosom of tho deep. It Ind not Iho' tuunnont announce that ion vanufo T...} J... m;......au.... ;.;..u' not tuning the uhock mote thin I luv minutes. Thus no 1-ong up 4 nnluvrn. bunny. nu --- --. In ..I.,'........" `QT " a. a_w. J. cnomnnna ` .$8Y|l`I {Eli nnlhnh hnllnnlluo. In `-nhnhq m-I -"ruin." Its not The dnya ol King llercurv tn numbor ed. Cnlomel. the that sad shall. under the old system of Inalvnent. is happily no! nlmou discarded. Vegetable oonoontrr liomluvo proud ol (ruler vllno in the ttuunout of dunno. and ll 1: important thnnhe nick nhouldun only uuch remo- dnuu are entirely true from mineral at mixtures. Hamilton`: Vqzouhb kill ol Dhndnkc mud Butternut no entinq ve- getable in composition. uid we advise I tnnl to all who and it nooennry to no I ' mild.prom and coeunl purgnin mo- ` dioino. d by N.C.Polnon& Co. Tomorouo um vughl ol tho Edy. Ia- uqonu the system. nviuluo the annul- IIIIIICCXP. lljllltljlf outobnduglhoncnonnn uulsll ."."..'.. '2L"`;".1 ' I3`'``"...... 3232 vnhuuh-unronumuo Iitn. uh slW|do'n ad tufts!- muy.W.J.W|'hu. .-_......_.. _. magnum an uncut byuprun tony sddnu. Dr. I. Sonviulmumde surgeon of the French nnuy. Ineenui. The Excelsior Rupture Treatment wee introduced to the American In eerernl yenn ego by furniehtng remedy to those nieted with Heruinln enyol in form: end collecting no pay until perm uent ourewnn eeeted. In thiewnytne treetmem gnined e world wide npntetiou , ou in own merits. never fniling tn cure any reducible Bernie. The Oom y In pinned the remedy on nele by All in the United Btnlee. Cnnndn end Em in this my bringing It within the ne ol elldeeeenetntriingeoek Anlyoul druuintlore free book oreend eixnentn for one to the Eneeleior Ito;-some Cure Innnteenrine Co..0(denebnn.ll.Y `I 1 van mo uuzee ruuas must be rorv.ncoIn- "' . inn. By a carelul manipulation of the ? `nooks false ontrles were made an lother entries euppreeeed. and lame aim: "' thereby appropriated from time to time. The delaluationa in the Tilaonburg ol- Ilee by this time aaaumul ntartling pro- portion. lie knew the exoaiou would come aooner or later. and a . At ratheaaveout he had gone aouth to UmTwmmn xinet the best eetter In the United tea. but the unusual length or his abeenee eaueed inquiries to be made. sueiuna were arouaed and hia lathe eent lor. Ir. an-iaon. er.. took up line abode in Tileonbnrg and aaeiated carry in on the bueineaa crippled by hie eon. but the longer the old man etayed the more the rottenneaa ol the inatitntion became apparent. till at laat the lather said he would pav no more. Thirty thoueaml dollars is the lowest gure that car: he arrived at as yet as the amount ol Bailey`e delaleationa. Yang ' Bailey in said at preeent to be in Chi- : oaao. engaged in the commission buer mean. It is also said at the time of hi ` leaving Tilsouhurg ho'rnust' have takeie M0111) to 015.1130 Iith him. um. I. u1,1_vr':'n?rnn1rsrnnI: ;.'l'Y XOP counts. nrouomm, uumu wax lung or consumption who will ml at the Cir Hdrl. Kivum--I. Jpn! HM mod HM. Ln` oouumpuon wno vuu mq u use cu Kilgxhm. April I?M, Ill consuls the uurgaouu o( the lnlontlianl Throat srd Lu Institute. the medicines done to be psi tor. Ennvno can now alfotd to (tho the lrenlmenunnd the [Ir jndlood onoopticnlcnn uunl bhlt tho mum of um Spiromelu and modicum: pl-uonbod by the uurgeonu ol the Institute. which we claim in curing mom dinuan ol the six pangs thus no othnr Inolhunl in tho world. Those tho otnnolnu tho nu-goons ponondlyou: wrisolo l'I3Chunh strut. Toronto. lot putnoulu-I nil Inst- mnt. Ihllh he sent by uprun to may Som-iule.e.\ nude our-noon many who could be cured no Iu.non.u unuhle to procure the Spimmoter. I I I give the Bpiromoter tree to my ono.rloh or poor, Inllerimz from ninth. nunhl deduct. brouohim. uthnu wank lung ounnmntion ml} City [Urn _- XIVIQIIFI lfIl'IIZFICI' IIIVFI II ?!- Dunng the put low you: thou-uh ol patina Inn and nu` medicines and unt- mont by the Spirometer. and the fault shown tbs! every one who hu prqudy lol- lawd out tho Inumctiou Inn bun tilted and as I|l1{Ul' potoonugo und shun 23311] other uulmeut known. Encount- by thin (Act. the gun and increasing demand for mv modhiues. And nding that ed by um llcl. we gun and meaning my modhiues. nding who could be cured lunch]! nnnkln tn nvnnnnn Hun Rnirnrnnhlr I I'll IIEIU III WI? III) II M. W In` prom purgnin by N. C. Pohon 1} London. Ann! 6.--Rp1loy llurimn. pan of John Harrison. t wealthy mill . owner of Pnrkhill. fanned the acquaint- once of Minn Tillson. dnughler ol B. D. Tilbon. a wealthy cmm cl Tilnonburg. 3) and subsequently ,um1'io-I her`. Alter the marriage Blilvv concluded to sun : djtirnuhnnk in Tillonbnrg. liking for njutnor Dr. llc'l`nazcn.n banker ol ; Pnrldull. A Inrgo concern was opened. P 3 In one month llllhnuconn no ui-l ' 1 to hue nmounloil to 0180111). It is ' . now about four years sinc the olcol "-, Ezuglnzio-I in 'I`ilnonbm-3. And no- ` , `ah Lb.) books is is very thon- iy that tint young llniloy commenced A course of uystumncuc (mud. It up. 3 pan the lust. life and ex naive hnbill :1 1':rommobI:od iaaondonug lovokrl him to "'"` '*- "' " ` *s.::: ; with tho time: had: must be fun - . inn :1 n D-lunhll rnnninnlntinn nl Hun dijj ' Ii J. clly. W.J.I:hun. tuna-umnonuor (1:15. flleckleom I-ixtuvannce ol : Yuan! ` Banker-A Course of I-`nuul A Father 3 IA V p xasn coiuacnonat. PIIRRH I W151:$u\'ri:`I,{S?1-`isi{Lint-1 AuI:l':crI.Icru`uu AIIIIAI all manta mu ---'%-%-'-:_~s*'.:-i .__.._..... .__... _ __ ..__._......__..-...- 1 PBEEBVE::YOUR:." FIYIS: O Aulvlphrelucuuutl-tlud | |I. L. 'nIo'uAnooows| CIIAPII TIA! 'l'II CIIA!IIT AXD I'll IQ`? WI-(ItI%) .__ ~- Luann run run - ` III OI-IlA~IOI1II - BLOCK. ; I&&Z)ul ll OIDII 90 III l lllIl'l'I`l' OI fl! It! bylaw hurt! Ibo window at ":.-:,.:-.:..-:.'.".......-':-.--....-.*."- |PIrv!*f*?*?i'7i"-P9| J. GAl.l.()\\'AY, II I'll! ICIZSS STIII ST. [TILE NWEVTEY-[AW] u--u:- c--._. IlA;!mI`:NTID l"l.\:'N0`I 53%|?` 03 - u."`..."`.... .. .4."1'S3:`. Hun||.r|ntuuH'urIuiu:: TM! will In dc! to In all lbdroll caunn - UZ-C W in vjl -uuwvuu Thy 31:! olnnnynowj in that not not t nubntlwuunul clung u -can IBILIIC nolub cl upo munch 9-I. ll Aug: It Iorun ENTIRE SPRING STOCK IA! ARRIVED -...| n. -.._ .... ..|..|.x..... DVIRTIRIILI I`. Ilatnll ' ICO-JUIOIIOO .N.I..-an uh-nun o ol wopuvdll I Al rush: I lit A&'|o:: novOIUOI|...l`( l) Ina`: tom Oysters, Oysters |aTL"`L"owAv"`s" i Iron .~'.TYl.E, cm:m A1908 A Tic! ' pronoun` ll cu ANTKILILN AND \\ 0113.`! to l`l`AIl`l' 3 new buuimou at their Iomu.1uy Ian: In an hour. N Widths. `ha cent: In In} tron an hour maze luv um or H`:-uiux son I I 'l`Iu0uulo Two: In n-can votkon.AddrnuIL -:__ g ___..:-:_-- SOLD BY W. J. WILC_`N., NEW OPENING. CAMPHOR! I ' I freak oyulen. It-annual Innunns. oranges. Grapes. us .19., 3:31;.` onliubvilv ` .'0'l`00I.000 on Martin: ladle: u-I -) (klllonen. A.-pl`:-amonlsuely. ma. Ill, .l.l`.. Ice.-'l`rou.. nndou.0uL Aunt: hystrna. and k u fhnlnnll fmsl it mm. 1 ALL 1: 1f?otnla .-._-.. ...... ....- --nu.--n Lgdks And all sucrus fvnmnan Ih. hystrria, nnlhl I `I .:-' phmnnll w:|h.~u:`x:n ..,":..:. not: not count me Item. an-I mu lot cunt headache or ruulpnliuu, us other lmn prqunalium vu... h the Qnly imn pn-n\`:utiun me *2! I0! (`oh-I [he llelh, Bill It not cause headache or rund|nnliuu_ enriches H-.~ H--l ML! purin the Iyx'.:ln; nun "q.h'Q` Ln} .3`. _..._. entry. 6. Try p home. - A . val can-'lv-qua-uh. heunhun. km`, h-lacy u cute. lint CID- ah-5:. Au-I mh;(` vnuing ch can lN`l`EI(IlNl)lA`l`|*3. m ITKIIH (II. X1` . Putin visit; to euhul at round will Iqvo Kanptunnw .ul.II;n. And that no Ilullfuon `I Indny on I30;-.u I`oI notch and otbc Inlornnun to POI ll I ll . Pu-IMIOI Mont Dun Wm-t. baht. Doo.lI.h.l!I1 ILIXI` I. XOWI. I-nrrnuuu uumoun. III his: I r cl o iV'il)`Ai.i'lA i$'ui't`i'da-us '- -1} t tun. suLguun uiiiu BITTERS ASD DUBAllI|olT\`-|ll.V.' SULEHUR suggyun mow BITTERS suLgHun man Bnnzns Alain sums nuuuu. Th bMiscen@heoun "I-:6, ' `LS / / ` Litton A'nu.r.o. Dull 0A1.`__ M New T s I10 Hhti |lulDnolo& Du, Ocdoann. T IIIAIHIFI IOUI j- IQCIIIITIII n-n-IlnAn|a-nljnnl&I \'u.. ulngov. uurrg. tunic An olld :~(uuL-A an the Unntinout ; Ind or ditt- -pnoAu|Ill`t\ ' -l*-nl `M |Dd|II. yulhho pus`. tn oglo. I. 301 mg nu. low Vml. - ta--vn uuvn.` IYIII 81' IKIPIII-ti. So. 8 hues . ll GI`. Bnllullu. Put bonus I-`I-on count `hoover dnd. la: lune tho [Avon olllm In All lulu. All In ...u... 5.. -.|...s..... .......uuI- nu.-and 3:'dI'uI-ubnoud uhnovcrddnd. In luuuntu. lymu-dodux it at-dun Iylnlorbonouuupt Si N I LIVIIY. I I Illi Iudtrngnod with In luvonu um I-he __ _tgn an Iluod Itlld run! A Ll `III! ._..,_.. ....- . nu. . ..n...... nun-nu um thnx 5: in I an! own-I IN ooulscux WIT IIIAUPIIH Iluflil. onlirc &"""..;.......`6`..?3'.:."'........""`?.`. CURTIS ID. n PI | n-.;_f.i'-x:-..-:-"""`*:.-.-.. L 0 undo! `In-noon. no! lalonllulosol the A in- ,un `Ion u.lnudon. ` .. upon aeo- euu. u '30-~. PA-IaeQ`aott.onr. dmmu GUCCI. IIIROI. l` (nu-Mum sun I out by. nu-nu lit: 31 Ilooov I0 l.n.oI7o|_ llaul Nolnux --...__...4_... - _- .--_- Vail. `JHRNON ll. BROWN ul (`(1. fl. J h'.llaBl".(7K. Khlou. A`. UN . I'll `3J'. GEO- KING, X IIIIXI"-` bill` I III` HI. I. I nmmonu I London. I 1. II. ulrnz. I.|I.. RIIIIIR ol I{l\yIl(`(\l3I~ouf hugn an In og - Wuhglou suwx. nl-poulo I ` noun uon (`-nun Iontlr nnuv. l}AIllllliTlE::` Attorney-at-Luv. Folxcllnr. km. (30% Dean sunny`- llIu$1 llooovlolmoloullanlliouux ICIHKI` I'D LIIAN. l"ION1`lNA ` L045 A lH\`Iil'l IIN`|' B0("\ bun ta ounnll Qjtlililgbrl vv-----------_ A u..ua""|;u in nu}.- ...an-L.-Ah--$nn.I-In`|nI I$nd - N x as I-Ia.t.t.on Garden. I I l\IlK'I\' INIILINII uouuux-s 1-`nuns: cu u:.l.Rsf ['11 l.~` uauu iwlui uh!uul)|o' Nana`: (Jon-mall rm. - Ilnl1Q'lnl'1u.-,u.I u`uIneg\' ' lhlhu-i(`nrmiuu;u., Inn [mil , - : Gennin Ru (1! qhlogne IA`... :m sn8!ssr0nE \VmlN- .\I'I'II|'OIeIIIt. Port.1a;ncl__u E:a.111a.x siting ui Ion hsng uu nun ' 139:! hr Ibo IIOI`eI`tIc'II'tIlI"d E Spectacle: and Ifyc--I-`Inn:-u. . III! I (IALLITS Vnolol. Jockey Club. _B|q-honours. hm - - n... A... !` ovnrylcuunpuoodun on pnulus. up 'FRE.N c H-_1>-JERFUMES I. Ch? n.n.a.. x.'n.n:- H Indiana. lmnuosa. and OM-Iguana Onlulnln I uuuy u prnuul Izvc. III II`. II. V ~ Maul-uhloolhlu N: or- II: Auk; Cuogu s Vnnl Lr. u uuvi. . manna) :.1..1.w . outer um-I. Turlone shall nr r ' Pnmu manually on Mud. I7 Piglzhl-`n {and K! du-sin-I. - 1:11. MA l I21` RQTA IN`- M-iicn IUGI. J. :1. run. n.o.. n.n.s.. L.n..<.. l.\"l`lllT. (II-ulunlo of How You (huge ol lhnunuy. 0co-WdIuInon Rana; Io Ionl nne@ nag! Ritual R5000! _lf_|nlu!u A Jj1TA_1I___ LINE. -.q--o.-~-o as-1-on-nun--n &nnnlnannh&lhn1nndn:n-n uni I'ntm`|:. (XXIUNTAXT. AUDITDB. he Once (in can and. an In; El. PR. J. YOFRO, I.D.. ':'.':..`*`.*t' :: ':A`:...%:'.?t.*:::..*';:;::+ _ noltlornln. CUITIA I.D.. mutant to Dr Jun 1| Phyddngulrogcm. Oilcnhdl-n rzxuusu 1~1:y.m:A1oxs 1 |f um} Loom: \ nu Etluldi IAIMIN. Business Cards. DWIII I I IIIl'If`II \`-I. Lnnnoro \V.!'o-o Tush than I.lIInl'n l'mlL Panto \'I\P-I' ' Low: 0! the Nile. cc. ulna. _ . Thhviagh Ililla ol India; (inn liar Bd- 'u.,ulu..-ow. lhvrg. Autwo othcr s.un.L- nu ma Continual : Ind dllc. K N H C3. Ioptano I00, I31 llltl Ullll. IE)I'\IllI [0 ill] um-In In. $114.-r. at nry '0' mm B nuuu. mm Livcrpunl and Qunouatown ' nu!` all vuthcr furl: of Bumps It lord! u uN;i`1i1j 1"T i'iiiii vi 1` `Ana 1 T ` Iilto. uvun -o-gnu. u o '0. u_uu pun, u-;., 1:. ' ~ -:u.nI!knoaI:nA----- Iold by w..l. Wilson--Bhnrnncy New York Liverpool. mn.x.nm A? non IIAIIHOM IKIITHNIA . . . . ... . . . . ......1...l|y1 REll\'!.\ . . . . . . ..Wodnoadny, Iluy Nth H(TY'l`|ll.\ . . . . . . .. Wodnudny, Nuy ilnl UALLIA .. ... . ..Wodno-day, Ihy Ith u rum or`:-nuns: M30. is) nu`! M00. monnlnm to uuom munlnnnn, "`cV)`3'1_:i'1i:(`3*171 6TNnnY, L Pinon I-13:73.. co. u.I.. saw was urn non manna: to |.n-nu-non: IIIN -M\!A unnbsuan INTRRIK lA'I'U-OM`-ll). ITIIII NIN--U j-uu.u BIT] IIJIII. A81-aha-dxjl -an an qectunwjv `JV-cu u.cn.1u..v.o..._4omLI`-e.v:. ~- -----: .a.1_nnQ1nann-n 4- -- -v--.-y\' --v\I usual-7:3 IA!_l.Y! .- ...___ ... -.-__...4.. . I `J &L.\ILV- \ HAIKBT IQIVAIIB. h Itlh `C\'. ""' \ CIIIID SIEIIIIIP XIII ' u.1unr:m Miscellaneous. . . u was run-. an-apu-v--. -- ` :oUf AW W I, f... V L III C Qlvll-A LJI V Ul I. (cA|.uu0 coll nnmon) . .* __-`-.... - I olsluuuuu rlunlut. P8381! B1300 ITS. IDIO- |1-.\:~'..=L.-'-'='.m=l lglll. - / Goal unloc ER. ulna Ill ulnnau smrr. I`!'.lA ` IEAII`. - -gggan. - |wobD1_yvooDI| I --wn nohtv n- Afholatdlnclnnd I! III` IIDIO Wood. jnhlj jl 1!ll All) Iljl. IIII COAL __1_)EP`6i Onthnnftlh tlonuthly clause or dyu Adi: ' J on M4 . ml` 0| 1 . int n nolrnollnl. n'I ll!ullIlI-II IIIII`. QOIQ I-burr` Ch and ALEX. R008`! DIPILATOBY nmoul hslr tum tho tun. Incl n-I um; without lam; Sm hath: not by you. nanny not ..-....`'$.'."'.$'.'.`}'.`.f;!'!.'.`...?.'.' .'..`l`..`}'. Ioonoulonfror u an muun Ina chtihzthol 0Q"Iv.lol'anowI:El'quIl ll QI$cI:I0nlh IIC Rfgrih IQIQNI .lso-Ilnlou i.h.Iu|. Nonalc- W0 I1. 3.`.'..`'`'`'., ...".`..'.'.".'.'a".`. a'9.`." LAIIIBI` O WALIII. . . N ' """"'..'."....",:a:"uu|i:mn"o u,-tru 01000111? ""rou-31-:Jigs:Is __ THE 8| ? 01' THE REBELLION - by Anna Piuhnou. 25. AT NISBET S,| AOREAT nm'm~:ss_ by nus. Fnncilhn - 05 outs. RED RIDING IIOOD - by Funny 1-). It Baby. Q_g_|nh-. A uuonr msmmr or oun own runs--by Justin Muthrthy. Xic. [NEW BOOKS] O`unIIonun'uhIh emf U TM srl . A lot I - '"..~..."'......- "'.'.z. lhu 0 china Ilndu. and cannot in gold In oomuuuon ill um mululudo ol in. nu and Ibolmmunu. Ian tone-IA! ooupouuon mulul-ado low (on shun -guru. alum or phouphnto on cam. Bold -only In con; movu. oullx 1 I'n\VDlllCOII' I. III Wall nml. N.Y. FRESH F_I_f_3_H.I gnu: 3-noors. A!lI'IlA[IVlO0Ihonunlytr0o no-uclnnlntroqorlunrsounb Inna. llpnvuulhahurno-Quill` lllunarnulwlntrmtwtuloohr. punt hhhu.ptnurvuthohur ind plt II fdidlihdlld unuudunuunaanulnundlg I In an tho. I vwynpuluud An-|-L|. A....a_. WJ..A]OI00-.lW0"p"'- 'hH Uylll lku Ay1 sHairVigor mm n1_a_s_'mon:n. utibuvwunuingnloltbhlr. N. Tupnvuuoonpidchangoolonhr. 8-L Anuannlng. It In [inn mun nunlaeuon ln every 1-3:. You: nlptounlh. In nn-Iv filil," Inlhonuullnnylouaholdlorthmo rno|gj_I_I___ mesnnm The Irollllill Boolnnore. Alootloiollol Iloodn. nunoyuclmho. `I IV `IYt\T\XII\`Y' Q "Hue -Absolutely Pure. Wood and 00:1. I. UIAIIOII Q 00.. n. uuog ones In. V019? r.;3:::;;;;: "ulna: unrr. Autumn-uuuuuuuu $0-Innlnllnhd .-.:--------nu-nay-no

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