ICKVII .. .3'T.ll . OALIJA .. `rR.\NI.\ .0r".VI.\ IIl\ lA.... &'TI`N| \ . GA! |.l.\ .. igloo: "Ion conclusion ooui-lexul lvrou table. Dundee ihllcli Ntrwhul uml Esqui- mux Ida ihisvak. Tho Pnlonin and Arctic all in I luv dun. All bound [at the North Wants. Early qlapgztnm it due 3: Greoly nnnrd, wmch {liq-_[g3|~ uosno leomhlwh. ' "" (H10 `J UI'(. 0l)' III Lpoatio lceomy-lash. ; .u. .. uh-\. pouch Ibeomplnyh. """~ IaInatr'Elbu." `l`&'&'Wla: incur up north- urntmhityul Bcilre Bay.sout.h of the entrance to Smith : Sound. The winter: Ihll hnvo loll 5:. Johhnsill A . _. A- .._ IIILI nu I-Av-In-u --.......-. ..._., an-l reach the North Water in the hue!` put ol this month. It least three weulas before the Oreely Relief F.xpodil.ioh. The prospects no excellent than than whnlen vull relieve Ureely nml win the round. it he bu touched the Esqui- mux between Cape York uzd Liuleton Island. Linus. I-Emory. the Captnin of the Bear. Inn hold lot some Venn a posh lion an aid on Adminl Format`: am. He was educated lor the uni prolet- Il- ...._- -5...-..l oh. I-nnnnin nn Tho Boar. the tint vessel 0! the Greo|_v Reel Expedition to lean tho Brooklyn Navy Ynnl [or Polar intern. niletl Apnl 3431.. She dud not reach 5:. Johns. Now- loundland. until May `Jud. On the 3rd. Lieutenant Emory telegraphed (tom St. Johns an Iollown: ` To the Secmuryolu1o`Nn`v-', Waili- nnnlnn: ` iualon : I11 IB WI! uuuunuv-I Iv: -us -u_. ',...... lion. lie was should the Iroquois on the coal 0! Chin I868-70. Iii: present employment in the moat uottblc undon- hking of his lile. which has been vary much one o! ___._-.._. ..... -.-n.un- OPIVLIKCK null nnxunaus. Ono oi the moat hnndiomnlynttired nnd dniuty ol Wnnhington Apolloo. it `an n nine dun` wonder in the gouiping api- Inl Hill In aoat who had been lot you: n darling ol society should a- neut to nerve in the dnnry lntitndu oi the north. much Iona volunteer for tho duty. as he in reported to line done. He lnnvu n bountiful wile behind him. the qnoonly hothns oi nn elegnnl hone in Connecticut Avenue. Wuliingtnn. The report in that she ollcnd him 01(1).- Gl) I :-on bet private fonuno it he would thy nt homo nnd resign his position in the navy run In PIOIAIIJ UIRIUI. `DC BIVV TIE II PIOIAILY lndood when he tolnl ha ol hit up- poinunenl III the (ii-only Qolial I-Zxpulnl lion. I Dill id if duo Ind uaythina tony qlil it. the replied. "Nothing -1-" N "T- XVIII AC I ll '0 map.-1:11:11 IVIEIIIII II III)! Iulvuuuu .n-lv w-' hunk Ono!) upoaiuon be loud. unpnhthilitvhthu Lionbnun lim- orywillntu'IIoWnhhgtoliIItbohl| gltho pnuonl year. no in: oupshlo oulnwlll doobtleu give 5 good _ __-___A .1 La. ..--.- :1: Hm innlnnanll THIX VIII uvllusxuu yvw - Ivon- oouut cl hi union in tho inclement Airman-In-pa. 'l`hollIoRibbonuo|pdTnmpuuoo Union Inn Irnnpd to him: In. l|un|.olNvvYt.|lnhnonoIunpot~ Ilhlcohllr. Iouivo I lootnn In the OK: Hallo: tho III: cl this month. 'IhIuv.JOahnyIdht: "Sin is NO 0 and Invin- I-4 jinn L 3; |@ ' is: man nciz; `U 3" mm IPCAIII blllkl [ENG . uu un- Benin mind that each competitor nun sand with their Nllieli ouo dul~ hr. [or which Imlh will be sent nix mouths. ` You sheroforo r.u reotnnau Annmouu. for the privilege ol compot- inu lnr lhc-an coatlv mwarxls. . `rill, uwnuaa. - Hnn .._ umm II: Tvmlvvam ammo .. tau) 3 and 04 Iuasuunni a.W' ..a.n Star nu-imxunl In|:L_1.|n:>_!n:x>Cnes. __ _ lot we pnvucgu 0| campu- iug [or these costly goim lull Ind big ulna lor vour dollar invest- ment in receiving 'I'o-uh (or an`: months. The ngulu subscription price 0! `than is no dolhn pot nu. Plouao mention. when youue Landing in your IIIICI. in wins paper you link. saw this don cription of this plan. Remembet. to the sender of the first mrrn-0 nut to the an.-Luna nvmmmd than ninnn `in K clergyman 0! we nlomomu unun.-u. Tho qneltious no very dncnls thin v.i|ne..:!lol which must ho nluterod eorractls` in older to Monte my ut the ..._...I. nnu-ml, [Inn All) correctly ll owe: to count nwunls oerod. Han no under 0! the first mrm-I unuur Nb`: quantum ntqnuud the piano wt _ tout. Tlnnoood oonecl unvcr Inll tnlunthnnlnnn, nu. third on ol Ilium ol |-nu:t|unem mines and ululeustu h.:VI:II tu street and uuml-er when H! cnuu) an: given in every alternnto Issue 0! Trullt. We can uuum our reunion ' that all tho mvunla oewd below will. as in the put contests. be cheerfully uni nmnmuv handed over to the Au In the put eouuesu. be cucenuuy uni mpuy luau real and (uni; n persons who send according to the conditions usual be low. wrmcl answers to them linble Questions given by one of tho Ion-ling clergyman of the Mothodul Church. Thu amnion: new -cc--ugunvq-uvv-cl;-V-.. ... ~--~sun.n:oun--~- >\oIdI[ \s.J.IIIuon-PI: Ions. un- take thoorpn. the thin! benutitul solid gold watches. until nll the Ihne hundred nova: rounds uv diupoui manna Aha Tho uobuono in that mind: will bogivon tothenudorolnnlddlooot not IIIIIGY 0! the vbolo eohpodtion. from Int in Ian. and to audit 4! the next one hundnd und any-Ion: cannot unwen following the middle one. will Inuvuionllhonnaiunlwiun. A-..l LL; Inntnnlnniunlnllnlln ID ulinllotlilnluuuuuutuua. And tho lusounonnnnosto no :'vc::oohd.uthuonnlou linohr pluuwl` lot DOILI. l`lK~puNish-r- of Toronto Truth this time In uurpu._sscs any oi his many otlloli very |rs'henl,oen\ lot correct unwon to Bible Qlu swans. It is an marvel how becnu do n. In: we know he gives um nwnnh exactly as we have` nuunl m pnn'iu\u nuuces of hi: plnu. Long um I uuul uldn.-uu h:\r|:n In T v [HIE LIST` (0IP`l`I10.\'!-C7..'4n.lII| - I.\' : --~ru.1'u- uusu: t`0lPI1lTl0.\'. curs- nsu u'.\'1uo-sunn ru-nut _ nu Iunisu. man 0l`IlI`l0.\'s. l.-h About ninqlovono in the Bible in which oonnumpunn and nut: An both mentioned? 2.-ln than nushu veria in l.heB`h|o when ounmption. love: and inam- nnhon an all nlnrnd to ? 8.-)hnLion I In the Bible in winch I lnlnpol ignogdcmiungoul hlnnhzl` lot boils. wlncu llllllp on n pluuwt NH.` 1auNislxcr- I (UI-Alf Xi:-an -- 0 llama` and In ` .'..u.n,` .5'."u'.."`.'L`.mo llndvuonulnoln lnnultcuounhh nu) TATt:n.{N'G1s:.~-~' Iuaxlng I-um Ones. nuw has .. mm n |v:r*l`|nIal 10. 1.4484. . _ _ . ,,,, _, ~w eIu-ueanenG-enaucnnn`-.1:u-14 AL ` ` Inuothcronoollbobest investment: that Ian: be made hr: nix mouhn'or I N I war`: subscription. Addrcu S. I-`aux ' 'u..so.\. Nos. 3.`! DIN] 35 Adehide Street. Toroulo. Canada. and don`! delay INC reodiug this. but and in the uuweru sud dollar at once; unl vrhetbu` you get I urine or not you will In well planned with your investment. You In . certainly get I runrd it your union h nreoorrectund tlmsflrnrexn time. so __?_.%_.i. lnponnu. The Excohnot Rupture Truunenl vu inwllaed Io IIIO Amorictn In seven] you: by fnmiahmg a remedy to] than iotod with Hernia in any ol its form: and collecting no my until pennr ` an aura Inn aoctod. In. liminy the uuuneu gained I world wide rq-uution on In Gin ineritu. never {tiling to can A-v vatlnnihln Hnrnin, Thu Commnv has 6I"n'I'nel-iu. hum; to any ndunihh Ennis. The Co y planed the nlnedyou sale by I." nah un the United Sulea.(`nu:uh unl England. In this `my bringing it Inlhin lhe nick of N all clans: ul 3 triing oout. Ask your ` drncg-in lot: has book or send an cents.` [or one to the 1-Ixoeluior Rupture Cure 1 Ilunuhclunuc 0o..02<|ensbur. NJ 3 - i .__- -.. __ ADoI| ucn Headache. I-`ot years and yen um I Ind boon having sick or nervous head that ex- citement. meuul labour. noise or long ridu. ton-u ountlue euurdy. I now an About two uupooufuln shout since I with. enough to 0 rue About tvtioo. und - never Inn 3 h tone. I eat well. Iloep Iound. my system in regular II even my Zora: is u gnnd thing {or the Liver. D31 Esau And gem.-nl systcm. Mu even y know it und try it. Ask H F. Skit ` IIOI I nun-wa. "nu .._...._.- Success In: cunt-nl ulna tho WHO vodd over. It lush down every hsniu and hold: the key that unlock: ovary door. }`r9judlet>.lhe {run of muuy fsilurcs. ml the mcollnctiou ol pamful uporieuoo molt uny like min beiore the convincing merit 0! l u.ux`s l`u.\I.us Con Enuctol, And not when thousands ure willing Ind lad to leotxfy to in wonderful omduc . it ....l.u-J. an-nu! with tho man: {but leotxfy in wonderful olnuucy. xx gcalonh Horned with the moon: only real merit nluius. Buy Pnhuni Pninlcns Corn Exu-mctot. _Bownre at uni- huonn. N. C. Polmn &(`o. proptleorn. Singlet. *"' ' Ft:;\*;\1:1)LINE uumrr snuan uuw 3. Watch crynuln. only 10 ct-nu. at Wu liun David`: Broker 8hop.tho cheapest phoontho It]. Hob: dank! inn! Ind second hand good: ol ull kinds. null nhh u nlolhilm. furniture. hnrdvure. dry Ind second Inna good: ol nu unun. Inn shit I: clothing. lurnitum, Inuicnl iutnnonu goods All In rum in (in no to con. in.u be in sun to null. Wu. vidmut to Rohmsoni eurriqo hmory. ugu ol the rod ag. Pnnces 89006. King nun. nuengc wnlen mu` -us In Inna} uuuv, doctors` bun. Ii in by-the iuvhoioun moot net u-udan ol duel shut I oouuiunion may no gnduullv bmlx up unul ououg muugh to ruin! every tendency todinrne. iluu-ind: ohubuo mnlndien no Iocung Ireland as resdy to uni whenever there is n wank point. We may amp: many I (sud uhnlt by keeping ounolves well lod- mu with punbIooduadupn:oporlynnruh- ed lnIue."-(`ural Guam.--luh Era`: C'Y4M.--UI.A`l'l!!'L no Cotton- `no.-By ulboroxgh knowlotlp oltho lllllll lqwu which govern the tint - :5] ind " muliw. and )- ioution ac anoporuu walls aloud Oooos. In-. Ens in provihd our bronkhn labia with 3 ddictiely avoured L...-....... -..'a.r. mu -no In mun` haw --- .9 _g.. Bubthod mum in u hnndsum new who not to to mood at.` Got an mau- Dyen sud color out that old dun ud mule thou hdod ribbons bright as now. 89 hnonnhlo Ihldfl for Isle everywhere it I06. par. There no 3.;-enph gonna nouud utbluq. III lull dot sub: Stomach lhlino; ho h banunnd In - nu inhn onl:'nnd rTCI.I Qu'Ib`|0II& brolkhsl nun man dulmuely Iuvonna homage which mu` saw us many huvy um. -an-A nrlinlnn of mu nl L`InuI.|~n the Inuit of a widely And hvunhlv known hair rutotc which I not rooomlnoudod to do utterly unpociblo thing. but than nothing is butter [or lion- iu the hair in good condition ud natu- Iunwha last. i! lhonulphupo ol the good madman and lulu- ngnuha lhonulphupulio hunglonod up. to exert its proper luno~ lions. `OT PIounnn.-An almost curtain one lot Pulmonary Consumption and all nmnnhgna-nun dinnnnn. Tho nul- lot rulmon. chock And 1 authunuvno mununu us :`.Ll`thcy`oul[nH?I r. b` We but I tpooly I pumnonrelor Culnrrh. Dughtherin. Canto! mouth nd Bud Ache. II Mulch`: Cnnnh loudly. A and hjoodtn Inc with ah booth. Us It :1 you doin Math and steel hush. Pricnwc Sddbyw. J.WIb|. .j..._._j. AT 1-moses 81'. mm] Qody pumnonte lot Cunnh. Dinhthorin. ___._{. lap. that chain. 1-: annals In ILA lulu llil Ilhlulioa. Tho uu'h is. thy uuuhecl Ind: -laud and helpless In IE0 Cleo ol Iron than _olu-_h.|I:c)` uzgluh. cup 0;: ptvfoaa lord yo` one kmucy uauult. tub Iuunoov ol Imudndn M nun-Haul and vrrv upunhh nnuounn Ilnll In-nu room to doubt nm In II. I! Wanna: ulnlluu no 0! than In-pydmlnunu witch otuuonnhy brluu help! ~ sullinn: hunnbhy tinust KEEPER8 :5 View York Llverpoohl ..~...n-n n can nxn I`hlu- \\ ash Irnslws. IJAS.{}RAWFORD'S N-rubbing Brushes Inn ll .--- ._._ And all Kind: of Goods N ecesnnry for House Cleaning. AALKQOVCINZIUQAC Quinn? ,u.unu'un'uTu3Tu..a...; In hbuhnnlnl-Di-Sill llunsdllhqfui _-....._ _, 4,_._As4.A. -`WV Vi UQLNT CI. Iulununullun Iv III llilnvio --u Want Tubs. UZUv&uuu-uju--wvv-:. I'1L\-nu--A.--nllnld--I-w on Mop llnndlos -u-----.--..._. H "` 1 IE & ~..-.:-.:-',.;__"'.:."... ..--... , 1,,- Qhdnlulluj Wooden falls. I'nnh Ionrd. Fr V ,;jTII|houuuuq-nu; ml uncut ml n l RI!\'1`. _,___- __.___.- _..._ rlolhes Irusln` Ihor Iruchoc. Icon Brushes. nut la Mun`: Intact All led coils. (`IQIN-c Hues. 7x6. *1 1 L =-'-"` r:':+':`:='=i-=`--."*-=~2"="s-`='-'~`= runuu gun: Pg (nigh nnlu : u"`:..'.'....." -.a.;....w T... m.............. _uwonI Omsk nhuhxu Gal ulluhw lo . annals: cl incl. _ ' . .\l\vI l.IIIIl- . I an; uuoorugunc run to union: In an Io Mu llltd `good oral I` l\` lY1N.\ !`.l'l'l:\N WIT lllll `PHI ! ' on Mm:-R Nrvnl _ 7 _ `ulhuaahlhnmhunnlnul : Louur Inn Inn: a nut. Anvil. .. , -nnnnnxmmi o .H..I PIDLILI {yucca-y.lb-onnnna.unI(} ' I |*`lI(hT-l'l.\:l.\` lllh` vnll l|`I\O N m2 hamlon mo ohunul III`-hon. KLDIIR HINH Pmununct ....;n\ I\ nun ; 1 'i.8ih-:lIu:o'o':null =n-nnavuuu I IIIICCICICI C #1 X1 ! mm. l\)l'I l ICIlCl2ul..t`..l&'| ` alum Q :9 : ' I-nous air-h -.... nu... nnuun um taken the (`NY IIOTKI. Kira. (nu new Iumnlu nunun b Io Inn unotiIo|hIl%lodOIl&&:- Mud` l JACKQJII. V _ __. n. V In anon in I an unaoivoshgnhnd 319$: jhll .IAl`I._nl. Inlrnl - Itfsl AIIIICAN lurn. ' `ms Ilolol Ian ha. Inc! a II lunch: ' yguunllo Ilyb. Tho |IlI`II'hCC can In and `mu hunk! men-hauls: man) no` oacnu IIII - Anna. Iclgtl. Lu rm ac.-musondoou .-an-mu ho- uvnuon Ionhgulinuulul-hill ...5L J.: Io ogunvuuly. xv--5--4--e u was arranges: 0030. K1) and H00. not-xrdug In moon no-hut . accrue a I_wy In nu. Danna lhhc-has _ udmuqt-cu Cf.-?$fCIOXI I1 max nunal. u..I-. ` 0l.h`l10B. pun II: t lows! %`n"';..`?:"oE?v5`!1u' ` . ruxon IOIID .\\u1a Catt. on llnanun min &@A nodal). U-,I PIDLII. guns: 1 $50 .IlC$( u ..\ . ... l>\ _..... ....._- .. -_ _,, , L1. |`|n'unau. Suva: Xncnli boon mu} o wuuto Ibo Peal Wdltluhn `Jh u an my on can noun!) uunhtl Io | hob! lllo all. II ` lii 1 lowly . luruiubo-l\Ilun I. | lhlli $5 quot Fulul II `II Cl). \ !uu...g.cu.cc-ct. in-rmomuul. ?unuu. can I oo.. A---n 1--lQn-ggn Xagjgl Tl!` CITY FIKL (`RANGE - T50 W III if A In: nun-nu nu \'l.D'|'0I.| EDTIL (`H ) (bl tluo. |xu.l. (\1)l'!1'AR1`. Audltur. lc. anon! anon 1 non snap to Ihnuhntlnv-II pl-Iunhnr INN!!! |u;rl&`ll.\c8I~)lu-3 built: 0 luau. Ila-: nlpoukl A It: but.- hell. Iludk. I-an V Ian A lube am! A llnnn 3 Co. Atn-n. l'.0. In It ' nor . ..le Ihr -1 n- `ll UJIIIII KIAW. 1) uuusrin Anonscycc-LII. Iollcthl. O1. uloo-Prism. suntan: Dmhnn in in In-ow in loan on 5 33/___ ( `--' - - ` THAT |Anl-onund\\ chI.$ INI- ' mu Nnu. inn ugly 1: `bob ,.muu ulruuud muoloxvducpalhcuu-u LIIAI I AIYIIJI. -. ' uxwsuxr. Almnon. as on-nu t an Inc; an Inc It ` | ' ' __ F 6 THAT moucnhun how no Nuns W A can do n ccouonlcd y with [Ant-u I \ do I v 4 ran on drunk Imnnuu on !teo-|u no '0" nbt-Iii`:-ll EM uomnuilo at anon PIKE m 'l'll.\T woman but our [two and -all lrrccalnly. .'v.|R|`nrrx uitnnmxnm IAIIIIIIIIJL 1. ll. IITII. I.I.. ` III at R I k& E .\| .32.. w.`.i'..`.'... ."."............. . mu.` Lbou timmty l\`Rl: I, STAHIJIK lxlcrxla. ans runwa- A snout: (`n lluoli-Illa. hnhnu um coo.) nun nu -and `hurt chin-I tlnrksieue Ito l.h'ny rt IIIIQ Ah nnlen by mo.-nous run nlnodrd In ' Alan-o Inna! d Flu-utollnlln-I lm- oluIInannd|)&|nnuOnnh ` Nam)-.I-not-ltoolouloluulinqihcallonl no >. Pnnugm ` A Q MIX IKAPP. '-v-v .. -1-. l'.II.nlX'.l` a co. -hv.ildad.P.Q..ndDutyline.V1. - ._:_..ann.-tiara---~- --vw*" g __ u---.-.-.-.r.'.-.-...-:.-.-.:.'.-.-.-.: ""- `ronnto Flouroro, 01 Bmokstnoot. iiflltl-L I'll LAID!` IDQVIICIW i l'IUI 'mu unnotioow nun um ht OILII. lPmsIBLM!L5e I | numnu nonnunnu 'l"lA`I an M l nldvhn 0 and II: ` ' nun" to uus. IOI\"I'R.\`A\` Inns 0 l1l\'8ITIIlt`l l)l""I 1 Locum: luuoocmul Inn-uojvulm -I nuns-cu nlu_ol_ I_uj_n_Iul I: hs_or__nqrg cuurtlnla Inns. F|sAm`uI. Ltiihununhut but `#0: Hugh` Inn-an nalmnpul. whet oornnun LII I831` C WALD`. tn: morn `Dixon: Apun aihhcn Innuuuso -s-u... .,_.._ .....-_ __V _ . ruin: a IALIII. \.-rmuxmrx Soheihiv. ls. Ilnu. Iv- . [Ch the IV! I.&. nun EALIII. 1 Junta I wanna O 45"" . cease stuns!!! mill! l.| llflllj ou.onW"n}"i>"x.I-:~nza L. l`l.LlII'T3u l3l'Tl!-l".Irocll nq-|o#0Do& 0 ) \\.u.ur~L mi.-. lnhihhl 5: 1* `T u\~.un:ox nun. nun snuut IRRPIIS. $0.3 hum.- my usual Iu_l-||_Ic- --lI\I |II IUII II~Pl I'I"ID XI - _-v..-r.--. - In.-.L in IOIIIJIZIIB. WIFDKII IOTIL. HLHWOII. IS an I18 T L__ ...4..._a..hh.I_.$-3... I\)ItIOPA?II. I. (`l'llTl!k l.D.. account It lb Ann . |`h,\~u:-mu. Sunny: 8.; _X_g_c:I yi L`. gnu F`.A.Q_'I'S : II.I'I VIIJII` I`l.OI'I. nu 3 u---- -..... HENRY HAYDEN r'l'|lAT in than Inn at an-anal dnmcnonlauupaophbunlodo > -muuou. when run I pl sh hon. IAIIBUIILIL 31 I-WC {JUL IV! wilt. ilfdj IIIILX. U! .- Srlod Hlloqpr u: Y not LI WU :1-vu- IMAM] :2 _ _ _ . _ ., \\'adu-.h_v. 1:90 30 . . . . ldjy. Juno ll`: ' -...'3lll-`I"l` ... WoInuhyJcui~$lb . . . . . . . . ...... ... July 81!. '---1:.-.-:.-I -ad u.j-u-2_-_- Absolutely Pure. Tbhpow-In u-wcvvht Auuwl cl purity annual souununna Ilnuoeoncns I in no co:-ry uni. and In all I.- nupumn \|lh u-or-uI_uo-h ol_to 23 :-.vv~ ll:-I um -{E5-`h"ol'3cn an , -V_._ uh lacuna Ion Ann hwnllooulft. n 3 Wall UIIANJ. Iowhtclmuoryuoqmauunuden bu! Ii 3| MN nOONQIuru~ Iran the in at Onbo Nui- * Oguy D i the lullowmg \'|l..l`Al!LE RLBAIIIOAT EN0lN. S(`lAP$ 0!` \\'ROU0ll`l` IRON. `min 1:11 nmur (I-0| |TondPz<)\Rr7\NT ' SALE BY AUCTION. " III OF Mllll "MASKlNONGE Iwuvxw, MM |3,| . egg. cl punt 4;1LE7& co. In h-I"iI :&P1| n u1~u:_ _ AYLW m-I.nu.I A. cum: O CO. 1 'V,{in. VEIJIUN ll. lI)WI O U). K J. IHI.|\H.CK. Iingd. AX`. Ann 508 To Dyspeptics. uuv -. `,7----- - -- annual. nan:-ex Iain!-ncy, VH3. _ ., u-.. -. -.__n.4 uh |q\hrh8lyu1.iuucl|h|oI&~' ugdunblhbtul 1&5-Iv`-3v--u-q-...._.-_... AI'II`nPn.uunI@Mnnuln-lpucly w-IZIl*jIlO hlhuultolanluuod ulldnuhn dun annual ml Ionh. `huh! on-.J.o.Ay:a.3;.,L.u.:n.nao. H W Q31 nun-Inn. tam-, Inn .____.a_ __nI..-s- 21- 2 $uwr\ -lu.uI'uI'_y, Ayers Pills. VOL. LIII. LIFE BOATS. sh` . 3*. OF `HIS BTBAIBRS Ilinoeuxhboni L` ax. iuniu Phil: hint. R.Y. nu It `DIULI ATBOIIILON -__...__ Ijji I Illllllillllllx with __ mum` i:\`_%i- I `0 III etc. '11: Govenmon ITIUUU IJUI 91 . -'-"'i".*'.J.'i.`; Bond .1 E; 0071!. Hill. DJIIJ LINE 1'60 us-u-tuna um: um, `: hlou-I; Q Ihrc ll! dill nice. N15:-=u.a."""' '""Lo.3Z' :9` mama. " mu. "` -QC no School I-nonup_non an on H-- mh: -I Ibo Iii. `IA: mmu. (mun u Aw. sin-,-l hue nu! without may utim lnctiontho pnenlo url clnnctoriatic htcnry cluuon from the sollutylod ffllnlu-ion] pcnitcntinry ICUOOIIIIII` Int. J. B. P. Islhovaonmhich nppauod in the Win) ol nd instant. nd pur- portal to bondenhl on his putol being the uathor ol my praviom letter our cerning penitentiary Inutu-3. but in rulity an oblique and unbition: lento ta Inn has nuno placed below throb- hc as pl.-nitentillj achoblmutcr with 5 sun)` ol I711. This statement by Mr. lqgtlpqynu i miulam-ling to_uny non not mqugi_b_t~ an um. us. bet; he Government`: :L'i'I'a.E A _ nuih` neeeleeekyleee lat. um. bu Ieeen wen then ` . Ir. .\let~ ebeweenheingoeeol .ehetwhich In-iehlmllyvuitlod to 'ixe in my ptevietn eomnentcetioe. heee teecbu-e ue new eelnpeeed ol three keopen and three (ends. who teech the chance daily for forty minutes dur- ing the couvictr dinner hour. Wednes- cleye end Sundeye excepted. end who Ieacivaeeompenntiou for this extre labor. the whoolnutoru selerv being divided emugtheln. Fiveet them na- eeive am deuen eeoh per month; It. lluttlnewenn being senior keeper receivee ten dolhn. though Mr. Elunere in the teeeher oi the Irsl end most impottent ch: in the eehool. To lecnlitete the payment 01 these nae Ir. llettheweoefn In-eeppeen in two phonon the monthly pqroll. i"_.._'_ 2*.-:2.-:.:m :::'.:::.`.:`.'. nun-H Ilouluuhthul IlIr1In:.puunln|%; Wtvcuun halhnglyhu Tbot|OIIlII!IiIt|0I0til0-day lntlobnol Inuphordhenn. '- Loni: I=: ray. Ihincnonoono delusion under which he uppctntohhotlhnlhoiatho nib: thry uunhryolI Ir. Insthowun cbontumnchriahuo lholitln olnhoolnuht when writing toihopuioywunn-hohutotlntot Kinqdfbbnduu Alsboqh lun noonuun nulotol oV\'uuln`nunduooiIlr.InL\ho_w- V0 -we nun : In ucnhduh nu! nu ox Bu. Yhyolhonulan ans. Aul_ea_Iubp_I_I.n_u~otu won g Wuu I nnunauoungur. nuuu.-~ Ion`u sunnnicnliou until IV |Nl' uuullnnlhilbyukltotl on hands! gunning: ILd.-YolllI. ON-. In cubnl h II II] I Inuuu evening lsst.-YonrI. `I10 `clad IllonIIp-.-us nun mp: ul Ibo 75: Kalllot. British Why. H}. _I hung I-nan` ilhnlll. ll A1JIMl_L1NE+ $ Ij. Wll.-'BI`I&1& III. J&? Inna -@. Ilunauullo unuulno. I-n.--'hv dun you 1- lo A. I. Itch`-nyunr. Psinhnhboduilby ` Pdnui lam:-nus uvouul unsung- __..... __..|.. ..-.n-gl huh:-`Ln ,_.., I _`;=:`_:______ ..e KINGS]!!! PEN! l'I\`.N'l`lA lY. Jxmvn.