EIHH` A western phyuician vgritoa [Mhcl.i- hllyl to: newspaper complniuing of womondootor wholnu taken II'I)' all his patients. It :. ..un.o.u-..l In nrnnn Kmuvnlnn. Nu. Efkll. This nltqrnoon the lumen! oi Mn. Hoary Dnablo occurred from honmi~ demo an Wellington Sines. The pro- omion Ins quih lengthy. the loading cilhonn being in the ling. A __-A:__ Al AI.- 8!... nl 'I`.InI-nan-Ann. IIIUZK Ilu III on-Iv --I-q. A meeting I the Sons ol Tompcnuoo wntoheboldin Bethe! Hnlllutnign. but owing to the wet weather the u` amines wu mull. It was decided to postpone the housing until the aorta I-at City may nlYo loss I guuu nuuuu. Tho III II Kilian. hoqhhdo. Inn been cloud. The inst o|eunp- pliu. asap. ML, hon hen taken to Sydonhuu und plnood in charge ol the In...c.....A.-s thnln, `Tl: ` ` A Pinon washer prophet his pm~ dicta-I that then It be min on `Io days oulah mouth. Tho old ubcrnoolo tent at Thomgnd mud Purl: will be used [or . roller ikuing rink lunllhr. 1-3.- .I..a. |-L........ |...i . M...-an nn ID_COIBl IIIII Iii-Inn. . The dock luboren nut . concert on Ely wharf thin morning. Mr. Sul- livan`: song. "The ()'Reil|_v`a." took the bun with n count in it. nmu n .-n .1; nl\ .4 o_..._.J_.. `IF. I Fl! -I UIIII K ZIIIIIUI - One nary olche new Crevoliu block at Cape Vincent in up uul uhuthed and the second story in under way. Ila.-as l`.._I-- -10..--.4! In-n Mann. Inner Iuup II uuy vuq. -an... Tbo police acknowledge the noeiptd u bin pickup ol book: from Row. R. "aunt in -vhnco alnnnrlnrn from `h -N CAI Ilullj IXIIDJ` jugwuuunvuuvuu fondling. ` Ncubolsl. it is not add. wroloing '13! its in the pity. We and cor -`gt-A ` . QIIITIQIII uuunu lluuu n-v. Iv- lclhy. in whose doponnto from the city they have loot a good friend. 1-. -_A 4I- n Ihiltnn. l.n-hhQ~o. mnv E uunmj at-2 - Lulieu are giving up {he `nal MI [gnu may still bug on to (ha [10? nlnv " ltiutbolooblon nouhaho. II IOU Illholickliod eI.Ii|II.\IIlR0U|h0llI l__.II._ _ CIIXQZVZI IIIIIIJ -IlUlII1Iy- Ladies` htuy ribbon! hoot. 10 pot puinorspit lot $5cuHuiybMut- !|.\"5- .. ....___.. ._.l Iiotpumituo on the reception ol I the Oovomot Oenonl nut thin man TEIIKTVW U! lllljln Owen] Mutiny Inn opond I Sutiuu chin and Army .1 mm ru-rv. ,, I..a:..- 1...-.. .:u...u |..... m. u"... lllwjwf Iuvuu -n-gu Tbo Gbnncih union Inst night only hub! only )5 minus. I. I.-4I.- -III |.n.I (lug Innnllni in on-wxwvvc u-cu.-J, nu-on `b-lnonov by llutchohon. II, _.._| I 1_)___ n.-- -_- Ir. lauds: will leul the mating in the -ji.-tion. .1!!! to! L TI, Ii 1|-CT -rs- .L'iL'.: 5.. -xi.-.3. 1...... 3. I...` ' la.-one An --JD: ruu Uvvulnu Dull ll uuuvu wug. Roger Conley. of Pottluad. hu drop .4 Inc I... :_I.._..:.... .... pl... I:...m.. law nan-noun nun`:-uI.uuornuus. Iv:I|IIIw|00|~ 2-"~`~..`:-".=:-e.*~'=--,5... -- --~-- :.* ..*':-:.-.:.....-.+:-.'.:."...':'.:.:.. .. dun-lIoOLI -'(`aIluuIpI|nInolthcn&&U|"- nolnululuny. nnrj IIDAl - M -an ---5 -1",-!-.5-.-~ u....1. :..u. .,n.......` um .;-n.__.- I... Il..1-5..'..... um: up man Pran BRITISH wmu, FRIDAY I:v1=:1~m<(;..\1AY1;. puiialbmy. -4 night nnlu no Iuwluuuan u-new-. nthuhauuunumhwubh Ht3:nuNvu&ol|lihtv()||qp ---`---002-: hanhuhnhllnwiq. 'l'ho,bl|twIIg|nIhI$l|IoMho cnnlbtluin dnwlqb lhcmn n....u_ ..__.. I`... 4L4\| - DIIIOND 0009!! I?lEDl' % The Guy Conn:-II Na-wt Connmoou to AI-rungs hr the oovornol Booopuou. `I. Last. evening a apeciul meeting 01 tho City Oounoil wu held. The Iollowh won preunt: Alds. Adunl. Berin|ng- hun. Downing. Dunn. hilbock. Luv, McGuire, Qnigley. Redden. Shaw. Smytht. Thompson. In lm. ah-Anna In tho nvnr -`hi- amysm. nuvuap-uu. In the absence of the Mayor Ald. Reddcn wu called to the chair. "J izn" In buhlul had tried to slide into the Clerk`: qunon. but he was compelled to his the hi: ohnir. Hi: qlontiol was noeivod with about. ` nu , _, ,._ _-:.| u_-_ _-__ ________I punou. l.r.. A. uulln. nu ., u. r. un- dcnI`uve_. John lolnyn. W. um . W.R.IoBAo. Col. Bush. Gal. lion at! Cal. Ipnlhunbort. Tho commit- too will upon to the Council on In- hy ovodq but 1-1.. n.-n-II than ullannnd. - . nwual flilllx 1. |-llIUIl III- perenu nnd aeeudaliled the nneophiIti- outed inhabitente. Hie lather and mo- ther exneed his dsviltry on the ground 01 I boyiph love of fun. They were pained by the` denionetrltione. but they along to their child. They sent him to a Kingnton college. He became a loading epint in the outbreak: ol the students. Dineipetion oonqnered him and he was sent home in disgrace. From this time he began to lead a dud exintenoe. lle drank. and qnarrelled with his parents because ol his excoues. He repented. and exhorted in Methodist Churches. It wt: in life rmdehlm up in about equal proportions at cuseedneea nndpiety. He had lnllen in love with Miss Jernahn Wood. She adored him. They often met. She was I young lady of good parentage and her tether objected to the attention: 0! young Newbold. Parentnl opposition was so pronounced tint the suitor one day. in a desperate mood. on- listed in the British army. Mina Wood. who was completely infatuated with ti` young sconndrel and had some property. purchased his diichnrge and married him. He wan 10 years old. They were wedded in Barr-ieehlchnroh. Kingston. - Her hopes of bliss were soon blighted. however. as after badly treating her he sold her entire property for 91,00). It we: soon diuipeted. Then he tired of his wile. Some time After he went to the United States. secured a divorce. . without being a citizen or having any ground [or liieretition. Other years elapsed before he entered upon his career la n mnrrying man. -ri.- ......... .i..... .............I. In Minn hi: Uollllcu VII luluy Iqqnpsuruu. Aid. Snythe said the Governor would u-rive here on Tlmndey Afternoon. lav ed. He advised the appointment ol I committee to deal: an address. end 3 committee to en-ume for in present- Iion. He thought that His Excellency would leave his Inn: at thebeneek min. and they would be required to provide oeniegee to convey the vice- mzelputylothe City Hell and than to Hon. 0. A. Kirkpatrick`: residence. whose guess he would be. ALI l.-- ...n..4I ALI: Rnuvlhn Mn. Illf. I III: Itnuuln W-I vuuw--. Sovenl Aldennon thought am An nldnu Ihould not In pnoouhd. that it would to u hon which thoysholld not lublllt Hi: Excellency to. but othon .1, ____L. AL- I...-:.... -:.. -.\..I.l pain I}:- IIOI IIIDIIID nu Iuxuuwlluy nu. uunzuuuu thought the bracing air would save the uovenor hon hinting. The lnllowhg were mud n opooid oounhho to IIAIO u-rupuuh lot ,.__A1__ . 'IVL_ `I-can Alt`. - Clllbl Av January but I I: ulavcul n-Ioltlt lIAvo`.hhnu-hut II I Inlrtylug luau. Tlno paper then proceed: to relate his lnntrimoninl moves with which the pub- lic are ulncdy conversant. WU. ITIVQI WIIII WU: - The Clninnn aid they were menu` to arrange for the reception ol Lord landowne. OOVOTDOI: onunl. u Council wu ready logulion. . u u__aL. ..:a n.- n--.-um -mum UIIII. Wlllljy Iuu --yvu uuu uuv hover an uhomniuoo to than an 341- drou. The resolution wu curried. . .u_____ u...._..|.. n.-n -..` unscueuouu unauullsa urn:-wyuu Iuuv hypociucnlinlning that pained his .......... ....a ....~u|.Im-A tho nnmnhint IIOD.lIIL UVIl'Iq uuvn --v---; naotbubnppundinthnl plnoo uri- tirod British gnny ollt nunod Jouoph Ncvbold. who bought I have upd unnll quntityol land. '80 mottled down to tho quiet putonl lilo of the villuaun and soon was the reappoint them. The non Goorpobstt Nnwbold. mud About )6. seemed a bright nd utncuu Ind. Al I!!! _ the ullngen likd mm `very much. A: `ho grow older. however. his mischevioua Uriahinats duelopod into `n..4I`.-Inning ILAI nninnd hil Ih; Dotlul Sails; Tuna givuth curlymhlnlfyof Georgy Ncwbold. 030 chnuyiod hipniu. whodmnnp uoledp at To|odoIur`nItrying Ii` hlhn Whitney. ft uyu: Syilulnn in 3 null > hound villw niku notthd King- quuufunuasmg -.... 41.... -._...sA a. nu: nlnm A II- ubuu-g_9nIno lIIr N.'!l'IIht--le` _ hold 1 Rules! of 8!49||0"' - -4! II-:01: - cw-q Ivan Thocounmhonudjouud. IIIOSO IIBII uu wuulu Irv Aid. Shaw named Aida: Smythe. la- n.__. un.nn._ 5|... M--... .-..| u.. FASCINATING mm. FIIUBT AND h`Wl\`.E 1`. III III I) - : W Ind Kingston. uljj IDKIIM T l*'OtI`OI|..TOI.I.cICU.. AGED. lrouchlth. Iounonocu. Cc. Ii C-K It- New- L-.. Iv UIIIUIUI VII? _lII UIlfrIv--vcvy- the Miuionuy And Contingent Sodi- tloo. The `hob uhernoou wu occu- pied with tho oouidonhou of upon-tn. Tho" uncut and holhq uidiu tho dimensions. nd thud: some thought it bud to divide nd npcnto circuit: the non ol Ilothodiun Ind to be Ilutunotl. onnbo cut at cruninnon pcoalcd Inrnoniounly. Tho cinema. as found. ._:n _...__..I.A. t-gal-A-n -A--inf CIT` Iifwvifvuwul--Ut- lyovciylnhnuhhups inhll. 30!. II. N. Adouuvudochdnpuuhli }T 3?11`:Fc\':.`:TL2. `:1 `li`.|lll|l."ol`l( van on ,oho dohpu was ooounanulnl Don-mu. 0Ionuolqouhlad- duoliuwunluudlolhouillultt Fadconulluo. `Ii duh dnyuuuluvuy nun. ` Avnhdnblhbdtolln. I. Lfnnululbohgo union ` uculmuaulnuupamvoyu-. , Auo`o|ntpn.&oxIlquuouul. lnudhhly ut tho PMHQI ' Dilt-hInII&Iu crpphdby Idv. l,1._-.L-I-nnl-nxdihj jl win` puvujuu u-u-u uundhtriot unnaupuh Invpbon undo torn any ninlunn ulornuly lnborod in connection with tho that Iothodin Churches. Ja~ - IID IIIIIIIT Ill$I|Q'$~Uwu un- Innilp when lit lav twnuolhlivc cl tlsovuiouibwlu-was putt. Tholnuohl uporud Obltvull cit- .._n. .L--..I A.-.14]--k lacuna: K Uniou, 0.31.. : uroonnelu. c.n|.. ; muco- mane. C-.M. sud MJ-2.. ; Woodville. lI.l~l.; Sand Bay. 0.31. The Broekullo lil- ` trier. wl be asked to give the Bockporl ME. Church to shit catsuit. which will support 8 married sud single man. Sal- The minus given no usooo represent- ing the donominntnonn to which the churches belonged. Where two are mentioned In one place nu unnlanmt HUI -II Inow, `HQ iluiu Ill be eotrlihd bi luh poqio on SIC Oitwil: themnlhr out my Iupplcuautod |n__: . _ _ _ _ . _.l l`nnIi-naugnl Knni. Kfllllly. I III nnnulluu DI nu unit. will Accommodate twalrtwo nurid ,4 -_.n n_._ .._.L.AA._... HI`.-L. cu shovu-|oucunu.|oulhIb.'l`h , , n_n_.-__- __|_._1._ __.. .._..n.J I. -4-, M.l-1.: Urnuge Hall. .\!J-.. aunry. um. 7. (`ollinsby circuit -Colliusby. (`..\l. and 11-2.: Portsmouth. C.lI.; Llha Shore. 0.31. and l'.I. Snlartlm. `n 13.9 M 8. Elglnbnmcircuita-Him . . and !'_M.: Glennie. C.M.: Lake. M.E. saw: Efiisn` nusr. Lake's. P.M. uuuv. vows 10. Butternut cimuit-B|tt.ornea. .\l.|~2. _nul C.M.; Sunbnry. C.M.: Sum! Hill. C.M.; l)1xon'I, P.M. Sultry. 8300. n Hnnnnnnlln nin-nit--G|u|nonue. L`. Sulcrv 0570. 1 13. Laundowno SI.et.ion-l.|undowue. O.M.. :0u.kvil|e. M.E.. : Selina. 0.5!. : Union, 0.31.. Greeneld. C.M.. Duloe- a mu... 1` M .n.l M If 2 Wnndville. M.E.: II. l".DII'OlIIAI`q|o-Hp E W ` 15. HI!'lo'IIIIf\h_ cmml -. smith. c.M.. ; uuungwn. c.M..;..'l`rous: .l..'..`. 11M M F. nnnl l'_M._ zlnnnlo. snnw. u.m.. ; unr 1lu2u'n. U.M.. M.E.. n u - 'um. D M Elglubnrgcircmta-1-itgrnbnxg.v.u. ind P.M.; Glennie. Snlnv. Slim. 0 Int-nrnrv nir:-uit.--lm-eru':. .\l.l*I.; C.l\l.; lhxoui. l'.H. buuy. wuu. ll. (lnnnnoque circuit.-G|unnoque. m. and MJ-2.; Ureenixon. MJ-I. 5llll'_\'. lllh 12.. l.nusdowne-BeI.ht-l 0.814.. and M. 1-2.. ; Grove. M]-2.. : Saul Ilil . MJ-I..; Ebenezer. C..\I.. : Summerulhll. (`.M.` Sulu-v 0570. N Lnnmlnwnn .~nm.mn-I.nnndowue. 16. Sydenhum cm:mI- ayu nnun. P..\l., and MJ-1. mpnordtou. 11.!-2.. ; Seventh concession. NJ}. Suluy moo. I7 Shadow`: Raw nimnn.--Seela\"| SOVCIJHI OODCGIIOI. NJ`. alllq `luv. 17. Soeleyi Bay ciroun-- Seals): Bu . 0.3.. ; Olivot. C.M.. ; l-lntonvillq, M. 1.. ; Lyndhurnt. 31.!-2.. : Morton. 11.1-`..; Long Point. ll.l-2. Salary 0535. IH, lhln cu-cnit-DoIt.I. C.M..: L|nl~ Long Point. 1ll.l-.. salary was. 13. Delta cu-cuis-DoltA. C.M.,: downe.1l.D.. ; Chantry. M.I-2.. ; Lluleu C.M. inlay 0607. I9. Ilgin chniI-l-llain. IJ-3.. and 0.31.: Thill `H119. IE. : Portland. MJ-'2. sad 0. .. ; Cditornis. !\l.l-2.. ; I-`or tu. (Ml. Sultry 0911). This circmt will hue {Io ministers. on wnu. Inland, Mjs`... no chance. l'.M.. ;nolI lulu. -.n. nun r.u nor. NJ`). and P. .. ; Pi ' lilly Bethe]. P.I..`. u-. .19`. Lake. MJ-2.. ; Madden`; NJ-'... vnlle. M.I-Z. Solnr H75. -1-) D...-Imm -nl Rhnrhnt LA] XKVIIT Ci \.lICIlVIlCo The Provisional Church Properly Committee was appointed. consisting 0! Rows. .1`. 1-2. Mnvosy. S. Bond. Messrs. Jnmca Johnson and H. Cunningham. who. with the District Superintendent. I wili dislposo ol whntovot ptoperty in to rb sbld. IUIIIIMJ .\l-.w lVl|l\.k urn. The anon unporunl `bnsmul ol the day now fq|I,wul--the unugunonl 91 the circuih for the new .\lel.hodiat. Church. fljo following `classication lid uppolnjquenu were mule: \ |:.'.....o.... I.';.-..o__-ulnnlmm Stroel. --\-I lI"`HJlIl`!l-`IUIIIII VII: -v--- - 1. Kingston I-'irst.--S;,'deuh|m Street Church. C.N.. -u m..mm.n-;.mn4l- Queen Street Church. l,`.N.. V '2. Kingnou"-Second-* Q0000 31 Church. u.M. , II Ilinuulnn Thin]--Bl00k'S`. Church (east) Al E. ` - 4. Kingston lwnrth -- Brock htreet Church (weal) P.M- , _ r. A mlmnt. lnlnud cnrcmt - Noclmuuo. .t_`>.`Cnv.ara utcircunh--CaI.arnqui.L?..\l.; Ybfiload. ..\i.; \\'dtlnroak. L`..\l. Anal M.l-2.: Hall. .\!.)-I. Salary. 072(7). 7 l`n"inuh\' nircuit. -CoIliusb\'. `.1. Invoruy uircui&-_-luveru-;. .\l.l~Z.; Lal.imer'u. C.1\I.; Glenburuie. (`-..\l.: Lake's. P.M. Saluv. 05113 In nnum-um cirenit.-Bnn.ornea. .\l.|~2. ma-... Oil). 9,` . ALL '00:. DIIIOI1. HUIIII (`awn lip. WOIYII Quail IS. - 4- ._ __ _ _ 1 -all-f---wUjju udhv.I.mll.IulIhty. Alhtw .._n._.| -_.__n.._ AL. .4! -_- ggn "'I%-jnw-----.- ni Idihylduvl cl-nnghulnrlu. Is-an-Iy lulu Eu LIIPIKU VIII! ll\lIIlU`T' donmituo $9 11'!!! 3 pllllolthll service st. Glennie. n u .u __._-|_ n_._.._A.. UM. :1. Kingston 'l'hinl-Bmok-St. M E. .4 |;;.....mn -uuuuu -u Iuu uuuu unuuo. Rev. L1-Roy Hooker suggested I FM` ml non-iyoo when uuiou mu couummnr ed. Proper religious qervioea m oolo~ bntioool hlnepvv.-ut should occur. H9 Inated I` diaries uervlee in connec- tion with tho camp meeting on June 17th It. Glenulo. The Men In Adopt- od. Friday, l8hhJune.wu recommend` od II 1 day 0! lutmu In-I prayer. with one` public ion. \ an. :KcokIr. J. I-1. Manly -..,: v'n' :31.-- ____, ._-..x._A.j- om) puuuc nus. Ron. Lo zcokor. qndJ.'I. Ucstnuu were uomblbdu Em.--u-EM`. on u.-nun-an 1 Islam Inr thin Tho Provhioul Distrid new-a ol the lplhodut Church :2-lituor Mon at I O'clock irhh W AIIJ ?';z .:.'J. P. w.....;.; 7B..;., m .1...... - nmmuu 0! mo Isnlylzitln School Com- `mnua~un*mrwm*w:o; ~ - ~ ~'* n-_ I -u__, ll , _u,, , .4 ,_.-,I _ ..... 7 `. Forming the Circdits in the Kings! ru Dumct ugd Arrunnj hr the _lbkrn!lonofDq.- Bundsonolauhuntinp. lnIh&'.IuvyInl;u nndothu-uhndcl. at 13 1-20.. .___.AL L. Ilmrch l'.x. 5. Amherst lslnud circuit Nocluuxge. ` ll `iTRtTVISl(|N`.\l. nwrmu. .;anou. . Sydenhun . md hue two manners. . Walla lulmd. ll`... no change. Vnpnnn tIIrl\lI;:`.FI nIII_ I . won. Inlmd. 1.12.. cmnge. . Verona circuit-Verona !\l I-`.. and . u.|I 9.... u n, nan p'u_,: sun. hunt um-an nu-nit. \V'7e;<'>inq1:1l:<':u`it-\'e'I~ona R. mu: Boo]. nus. ad I-.'u..; suit I I.` ....I D \l - "in)9n:li"\` M I-. , T srungian. \,.u..;..; noun 2.. and l'.M.. ;IurnloL . Salary M85. cixouit - Syd nhull. _ : 3-lnnordtnn. .E.. : ; hues- T 80. Dan Ic__.n_ 1.4 QA._.. the proceeding: in ulviuors. The no port ol the Commit.hee on the Radiant- ment of Circuits wu dilcnned. II in-` volved men)" chenges. in (net very low 0! the circuits remnincd as they were. After a prolonged dohehe geott we: adopted with seven! Ilhntiixhl. Reno lutiom in lnvour of the Scott Act. die-` tticl camp meeting. end other `mutton were ulop . Twenty-six lay delegates were clue to tho ennui] Contemnoe. Row. R. S. Adams. 0! Beth. `will be re` pmenonsetive on the Shtiouing Commit- tee. and Rev. B. Card. at Nnpenee. on S. 8. Committee. The evening eeuiop `wen pmlonod in order to nish the [nei- -....- T1... vnrv hut. at Icehua exiued IIIOIBOII Illntll Iuu Illllluvuvu u--u Ipukorn undoqiultuinhg nnuwhu decient. He. howovor. rhkd lihllll by uying than urn) unit`: uh bu tlnonoin quution wu Iollhulhoy won tryiuto nape Inn. The num- wu chlnaed to "Noah !-thaw." 10 0|`!!! W vuluu uuu suc- nesi. The vary but 0! lcehug all through the meeting and the pro.)- [Ieots in thus district no lhlt. the Union will work astislucborily. M. l o'clock mm. the meeting wu cloaotfby~\lso benediction by the Clnirunn. ___.__. Tlu-y Juklv l.|k (her P005!!! and Iamgh I! Iloony an the Hchullonulu. __.____ Al. the dintriat. meeting the willy n.- muks 0! some of the pronohen owned considerable merriment. I-`other Brown, of .\lDl)0l'8I lslauil. who undo strong emlenors to keep: pair olgreen glasses upon the bridge of his nose. nail whose lioul was bonutifully nilvorod. undo lmlo upoxhea which brought down the home. Onco. while disouuiuu the Rock- port nation, very indionntlv worked by the Methodist: and totally deoerlod by nun: denominations. tho old gentle- Inol ohoorved. "Thu people uhould thunk Gog! thin the Ht-lliodinu look ul- tor them 3 little. to: if it. nut to: them the devil would have than Alto ,.L 4_ -- `mo unnuuuwnu pvvplv wvnw ........., oppoood to A division otheir circuit. nnd u long discnnuon iollowul during which tho deleunoo I-on somewhat attening. The dispute Inn in ro- am! to nclmrch called "Ebenezer." Without it the lllllilluef II chum could notlivo. The meeting. howovu. lapped it o. The hull of the work now done. and u. J. LAWOOII propostl the hymn, ' "Ron I run my I-`.benour." R01. Mr. Craig Inmealnd tint the singing ol the hymn bodofor rod Intll llr. Lanna got upon the nun. 'I|l__ `Au. nut to: Innoo. mul nun. Envy mum: tun. cuuuiu Itoszlt. nvnfu BODILY. up , uIcuuI.nI nu. ovum-. nun. Tho I-Ilgm circuit. 3 double one. showed nuncinl support to the nuounit ol 0850. I-`Athor Brown looked a the gure: sud nid: "All I has tony b that some one will hue to live on low did." At thin motion! the M. E. `Nit mo: in chums. Rev. Mr. Andnvn. an cxoootlilply healthy ponon. when nod --..m ....o n... nnnn Inr In u-mam ld~ Ionncu. On the schedule 0! sppointuolh shut ol "Douro Lnkn" vru uuuhod to tbownluur circuit. A bmtbct nod to nylhn yhqn thinly Ivanho- vii`: [Aka in the hold. but than In no such phco in the oonnocttoa. Tb brothel-n hnahod Ind oouidend LII: _- . _ L__o_ u...|._:..I r-gin...` .1...`-h.g inter Ill chums. luv. un nu-suqw-. _. could not ho non lot in nude Id~ dun the moeungund Rev. Mr. Hooks olicilo-I loud npphmo u ho `id. "Thanh I Iunplo of what low diet in that circuit Phil occult hati- H _.__ __n-:..-s ._.l llmn nimnil nan g-A-:-?: BEAUTIFY I PURIFY r| cc. S'I'ZE}.A_C'Y"S I ~- ~~~ w -~ . THE CHEAPEST AND BEST rucm TO BUY SILKS. EITHER IN BLACK % on copons. IS _ . - . illjivujvau; - ` Iuuilhl nvlllll. Auk 8lunn.canuQuonul0I- htiosb Johnngumlrooksuoct ` I-`nu. y. Ihqnd. nmu. .0mnrh Strut. . \OCSl`w nwuu can-u ` lo 30 . Q` -A (BIKINI! IIIAVI` MOHAIR A next we. (Von-rn I.-.~. lung `D-nhvrlcl Ida-In-t he Dominion Liouuo Couniniom . ,__ x___-A AL- n_n._:.. g4l.Nn-ml In] M. `THE I-`l'NN\' l'Rl~`.\Cll|\`.RS. CIIUIIII QIIXSI. luau vwvu-u -u-u vwunckuud thacircnitwu -1|`-HI TVZ1-I In analytic ulbnu cl III PIAXAOIF "750. A YARD WILL Bl'\' A ` good ulue. :1 Cir. v,,: j"8;` worth OI. per phl- O0 \\'lI.I.. Bl'Y \'()l'- A l*'R{I.\'L`H SIERVELLIEAUX PII-K, THAT 1 '0!!! crulh or arena. \'<-anus get it claowlsenlau chm QIJO. All Silk: cl bud limbs prion. Irhion noun 1 InAroduet.ion on In: your`: prices. 8' 800 0|! Brooldo Ind On! 0'85! 503 N3 IIINKIDV. M it `in put Iuoncyin you: pookot. WHAT MONEY WILL DO. 4% .aw\.I.|n laws I , WILL BUY A HANDBOIE ALI. SILK 'BROCAI')I-2 IN llBAlVTll*`lYl.' ' ' I-`nuns. OI give you I` cl-one ol 15 ubcdornnnulul (`cloud Clot-gnu: Sill` `good A mum `mu. ~nur._A_'.. usnmn .1:.)14oRl!. VVALSH & 8'J"E.ACY'S- `-` __ .__.__ __._ `iTo`bb ir;;a`:5s- J RICHMEND &CQ. . `Inside Tell the.Story of our Enterprise. _ / Where Else in `Nye City can be I - oun`c'i Sueh a Variety of New and Desirable At Such Popular Prices as at Clark & Minnes.' Corner Princess and Bagot Streets. N.B.---SATURDAY NUGHT Until |Q_:30 o'clock, Specia`i-`"S"a|e of Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons. Novel-_ ties, Notions. &.c., &.c. N p.13, CLARK, - - - - '1`. I). .\IlNNE.\`. 4-4`-. C-sv\v\vtwCnr|r\ A xvi-\ Y) A r\ I`\l1'1 Df VV H136 UDOCK 111311113. DC. Fanffv Brocades. 6c.. worth 10c. ow Venous Sultinu lOc.. worth 17c. I_Q\VES & BI ONETTEHS`. HDXZITE CIIIIIII IIIITIQ I . SILK AND SATIN . Having Secured llotoltheoooodlll-CV01`! ., .` Low Figure we otter them 3% 3 cotnuponding Boducuon. and would ask tint Intending par 7 chuen would may favor In by"m;'nEuon Of that goods BcforePnmhuIn llnwhu-o. OHlI4DREN'8 COTTON IIOSIEBY-VER_Y CHEAP. Ohndnni. In--' and Ladies Luna cup. h In the Loading Stylus '1`hI OK-XIII! To be uvnu by pushing you-nyoooa tiom 160 nun lawn Iovonnliorlculbols Jqamdhllulthgumgtgsl vainly -db I-115: I..ANDSDO'W' '15 1' 'HoE"" Our Windows and the Choice`Se|ected Stbck IREADY MADE CLOTHING EXCELLENT ()PP()RTUNIT\' CQIJ U & (")- We are now Showing one of the Layout snd 7 Fineafnangea ot Black Onhmoru over oa...a hex-aaspuoeoumm lad ouaacm Are Lower than Regular Rates. A Spochl line of BLACK KANTLEI JG) 1'1.-U.nD divs; n.n-v.- vul- Rcw Design at Gtutlyluduoul luau. Brunch Cu-pun the cheapest. "I-nnnn Ikjugn gt "Qj LAX -'rnm wsu ouur cuxu um: or buss aoon|.-- bwisa S t Muslim 8c. YITRI nf`\\n.:.E dnnilna Kn FINEST FIVNTHE MARKET .n.(nv Iny hi. UCVZVV; ?Cl jj- :- _:_9`i+"N ,4LpmL.A:ar.;s76eI Have just received 5 pieces Englinh Floor on Cloth, Qooyards each. the Largest Shipment ever Imported into the City. All New and Beuutiml Dnlbnnnn gnpnyvn wus- Patterns. Rl D FIVE CASES 0]` BOYS` visas Ztfmnfnlim Whi a check lfunllns. Sc. Wnnnn Ilivsnann an in In lll. FINE DRESS SUITS BLACK CASHMERWES! SPRING DRY GOODS AT TEMPTING PRICES __A':r v `II |%E|K|_l:l_Si ITDIE! A Full Assortment of Styles and Sizes vII\a- Inc` cave. vow. . um, COR. PRINCESS 4ND BAGOT STS. AIN. HUGH IIBQVIER GOODS. ALL !'l'IlR SILK. OR SBIIVICEABLR BCIOOL SUITS La rx,/.-_.Lv:.;1.: CUIB AND 531-: OUR mock j-j-- To Procure lor the Boys IUIIU \1II TPUUM '1'upostryOurpduotVcI-yLowP:-loos. '0 ?_.. - m pnmcsssilPmh*_ Rm: com wuuowl. 211118 18 AN-- \JL`L..JuLJ..LJ ll OPPCXITI 'lIDK)I IIOTIL I. Elle! WIDE AWAKE; comm lacks. 3 Rollo: up-RM , n,.__. n__.-x_ nn..A.L.-. '.'."."X.lOI\ K` * ---- .__ *--An...._. lit--nu. -. C lunnn I! now nick! u nun AQAQQ In-ug-I. . BOOK AIDE!) cw-- uc .----.-- nu 1`I0l`Bl.I IQ slgw poem}; ,` I _;..+ C Ultiwujg J; -u Ihndlmlio-.Ohonp nto. ' IIAIIIIII I.` uuw tun.-nu I LIIO Princess Owed- - \nuc-`w --;-u. - -._.... -'_`___, Giluynhhnlcutginnhbn. onus-wa-9-u.Inyu12nAin.a-. Oil Buns. Ah-I C Wcuhh. Chimp Ola:-gol0o.l`or Z- -ggo IYII T-I mif _W0rII ICC`. I The ahuhnollh dc-I IIUIAI oguulnnulot 15- -upuuyuuuuu-.um~ dhlldbu-pny.llI and to toil that b unt! MAD uuthtoucaoo-an-an fblsuouthnhul lb and -annulus-gluugpuu-ur hgvllonlnlal Ihuuunuuulm I.n.n-..A-n-.InnInIInj:hnllI$ vp-:--..--- -----c- u.|.1rwb.\bDcuhiulnIpIoIntol aunt. Il5Ulll'0"' ya... at --B" lulu]. which hun- n...|.- ..- a.-m. Ila nuj & Uluhuclif .....`-.-- TIlf;IIjUI----vw no :8 h Id In Him. no .n;L..n..AL.|A-.-.-.-L- :2: '-V Iu&o|NluIu.'l1.o wluuuuquhhnu-an the cum. sun. The plan 101' the perfonnnaco cl Jain W|Ii\comb" is now open uni ul- rudy neat: um being engaged. Den. `l`hon|nou`a repnoeuhlion ol the |ud~ iug clnnetei in such an to auto en- tluuiun and load In: loaning ol all ..,- ,. ,;_ |,__|..-- 'lIL. -.A.. ..-..l Ktnlory Ihrna. The Wine invihl tho attention 01 eonvonneen toih ock oluowlv print- cd and vary out turn: of dual: and Iaotlaln. with And without consul. down an ooupoud intents chant. hood: to convey. statutory doohnuou. u-__._ ):..L._-..l-..-A-n- I'll-n-inn AIBi'"- Alunlrlnluy iuuxdhl ovcun miD[N_|I0 vary hip human dnnuucbbyldud. Timpani- u chi &II. pI& hath uul ounrehuuctuuhtlluhklihoy snunonnninndlnnlinnn. Thoywou boned outlnvochcovorul Iluulono nd unenul-Oh. The lungs urowthol thorns ubovth-8 tlnywcubnnodu 4,-` _-._._ _..- -_.. lh. In. A|n|nI.I$uuu. u....- Eu.I.P..iilhythQncuIou cl lhIotbdhIChIloI.u\oIIoId\y. Jnolb. Ihohllillhl dole d the AulinICIIuIIill|o|nilbyDr.Cu:- -1. _l Tgnn-In The "Young lupus." This is the lune ol a new lnuosse club. luely organized. with Geonze Thiulo u Cnptnin. Their units ans: punts. guy; Ihlm. whim; stockings ml. and black silk own. This club hu clmllcngod tlfo Cililonl` Incmaxw Club [or 3 practice game out week. The smell 0! coec has beu tell. ull over thocitr. Yeukoniny on ebqnizy u to the nuns Io lunml thus they had been running It It the Golden Lion (ho- eory. when ilcu he got In.-uh every |I|_\`. Alm selling at the Golden Lion Omeuy flesh bower It 18!: per lb. Su- gun. Knit: and ptovisiou ol every kind :8 nun iugly low prices UIUIIIIE II iuulilui-I-`wuu Hut olu.-ch laughter. Tho will and hit c_o__upuy nod no pniso ion In. `nirrrpntutioniuoogood. ijt 7 -.__ CCVQXC T0 IQ ll II!`IE- AKIN`! ARIN hnyunu. VI ausunulv `""" MAL. In. A|Iinu.ncuolD.W.Al- Is... an _aII--Mnnnnnnxhd lbtolvod Another I Ip. Two pmminent suruiou noldieru. who wont to the nnniou on Qlondny luixnd only urrivetl homo yosudty. any they mm,-.1 Rome mid mmwwn and had I jollimtiou. The fell into the lonnhin Ignin Int night. Iaylq Ti. WHO! H11 Both the Ilvuhodisu ad Anglia-a iuhndbildiq Icnofnlchnnhu ml Adolphuuwu in bound the Fnibl lus Loydhh. 0: Snudny. Juno um 11.. AIIinnn_ -1.5: at D. W. Al- to-4.,-u I--uumuu. I-`n-ah so nunng wan to notthwnt winds. in washer in tumor: plum nu-Iphowuy. lulluwo-I by cloudy wou- lhllhfflvlld onus-n puma: `ndumuhclnngoin teupauuarulrosh II |`qh"t. `I1;-ntlntow uvuung` W pun. cl uuuig nu. $0!` Ilene. when mnputic martian has been cancelled and who iocnid to he cu- ulae-.l to the Queen`: youngest dnnghsor. Auuauun--can "5? , .'. u mm nnns s-rm. . IAIJIIC. '1,;_'g:'-.a.'--..'.-.-:=.".':'..-..-.' -- -v C. :3: an-. la. in 1-an an-un:uva.unnua-yvu-an.-no uonno: umut. u ` ` Ttwn-I31. lN:xr-r __ _ I '-IcI.lcuuln&c.h "L~i'i7IFvT6iI?r?. icm muons; n _._ .L, 0jQdOO-*"!~ n._.l_:._ I... .IDllI|l w IINIAV. mxm Iniifimn muss, II3 PIKQQOO `IP90!- Q I3 uqg u-n ucvw-; -Inn. vhuullofcnhoulyuinolu Wcqloouuulou. 2 fhcoiihllnodandnuvh villlul Ilosautloimultho 08.000 uqnhdhtthhpupunlubuup putdduu. Thdluldln country pnpuouolnluvoud Innoununs Juuolndonvhhcddutdlhoto unhlla. ` fancy F-air In 3 vookiy jau '0! Ltlupdnuhdh -ably. llhnhtq uunI|h&I$ lunntyullhppu nnllolulthuqlhnoouhohulhg onnhdtholly. illh nlnqoom unu. Thopniunuunnlnunndu _L._.a..|L....n.. ..-gnmnhnnnl K WTUWVTV W1 l.. 050 uugu `rank Buwu-gloat. _L.__.- _.4-d....I. an]: an inch on ux Iet _ _ mdlww huhhlwl nugwr uoulcy. ul rutunuu. us: ulvy` pad 93:! for inlnuging on the license ltw Ind ullovmg gambling in his house. A An"-n Inn ..-nu.-ngn :1 Clay]: .5 III Q$* AID II II. `AZ QIIII Illa myumxngu ..... ......-.... ,;..........5 ... .... .........~. A drive for gontlunon at Cluk & him. not` on Scotch tweodu. kid gloves. col- Inn. cuih. ties. etc. Call nod nee us. Lndiea. buy your count :5 Hudy .5 lIurn_\"nulo;5`J kind: yx select from us thou: lull the mud prices. See win- dow. an II n_, __,_t,:_._I \l-_,l_.. lIUW The Manor has proclaimed Moudny. 3681:. 3 bulixlny. - in celebration o( the Queen`: Bithdnyin lieu of Sntnnlny. Nth. n . n,,, _. n|.-|. L \l:_....-..- ms psnnu. It is proposed Uogronp Kmgnton, Nu- puce. nmxvuI8'**'m1 coumu use a district for mu. inspoctiru. with one clue! ooor. ..u.~y , ,. .n _ _._ ,1 v.__n. _-_._.n - Did not the not ol Jaooh oonumt a heinoua air: when they aold their brother Joaeph" asked a Sunday school ieacher. "Yea. air. They eold him to oheaxs. The Nepanea Bicycle Club haa been ugauined with N. C. Smith. an old Kiugeaouieu. ea Captain. A. R. Beyea ia I-`int Lienhnlll. There are a done ,_,a-.._ Inn. llobul Cm-run. lonmu: ol the boiler shop In the Kingston Foundry. buxom to his the loumuuhip ol IcKhInoI'I hoiler shop in Bay City. Iich. -I-L- _.I:.. ..|..u.-I-Ian than rnnninttl ruunuur sun. It. Lockwood. cl Wton. uold u Elhul Alla oolton Iuy `Ithto Mr. 0'Dny. cl Eltotjrin. In 0828. This I the uooud I-`Mun A||u ooll tho lunar Inn nuliud tlurpnoo on. One! Ih quuiou uhd It in qlnlilouion rulnlutiolu, Gnu] Ser via. wu. WM! vu St. Patrick nohd lwf And onto! Ihooudldalun Into: "hulnhngtbo nukes ml l__I-_j II lulalu.` Ambush; up in till the hlohlbodnldhiahclhuith an uncut. llohnuunhohalolwnlu .. ms. and Trunk Bnwu-I low. nun WIOII I IIIIKTCUU III II- wm um -mu nozao ,..m. on snum._ onrnlo ol open kids at 250.. worth 900. (lot I pair at Cluk & Minnow`. [Inn .1...-v ll, QM: n-n {`.nnInIin hlnnlx I1-l. . Opcno-I Io-dnv It (`lurk & Minutes`. seven patterns new check cmtiuonul wulung silk: :6 l`0c. Every lady nhould n ,n __,,, |,__ .|:___-_- `Ai.- ..-A..._ nu-e one. A I-`nochunu bu dinplovocl the notmn that garlic in I cure for` luydl.-ophobin. This will mh the disease 0! much of in il`hw than show Putlnlru (ltocoI7.l lads: I` In Bun: luau nduoal than 013 tons. lndhtnilhunon Ilzourduvij Otto