IRTIIIIDIATI-mun mun nmxuoi -V .=r`frIIl.`-IIlII'@I|I\Q-Cl` 'oA.. .4:-' In nnnln llocl hereon and Thou. lluton. oomplunr. un derntod; usasument conrmed. Jun. Breddolfu comploint. oreruted ; unseen menl reduced 01.1), building having been destroyed by lire. Robert and T. W. Spencer`: compluinl. to be ntod on joint owner: 01 lot S.\\'. 1 35. 7th con. ; ordered to be entered. George ledleyh complaint. overrated : essceernenl re- dnood 350. n___._. _.|.~_........I _...I The Court adjourned and townalnip - buaineeeweatnken up. Aooonnte pau- ed 2 In Rydu`. 082.40. Itoua; '1" W._ lvpeeoe. naval. lumber and nib. 00.5; . Irvine. 08.88. stone :1`. Patenek. O6. atone. The petition of W. Anderson and J. George. relative to the appoiatmeut of an Inapoctot to car" out the act rum uecti noxioua weeds. &c.. was telec- red til the next meeting. Novel b Mr. lccallum. eeoouded by it. WI: any. that the local board of beelth beoolnpoeed ot the Reeve. Clerk and lean. Iecellem. lollaaler and Waler.-Carried. n....|....I llanl J... Atlinmn and J. Wder.-Uu-non. Rooolvod. that Ju. Atkinoon uni Gum be allowed to pattern their stunts Inborou aide road between 30 And 81 in ash eon. lull.-ml nun-nelinu the Bonn] of Health. vs: pupa. Moved by Mr. Molnar. nooondod by Mr. Whitney. that the Run. Clerk. Mt. Whitney and the move: he 3 com- mitho to male enqninu u to the ob hining A site (or the auction 01 I Town Hall in the vilhao oi Burioold. sud re- port It the next mec\ing.-Carrlod. Adiournod till tho onll ol the Reeve. llllllll `N63 It mum to them In e commendnble mnnner. Ant your he returned to the annuity nmltook out a fresh license ud continued the sale lot the term. Thh you. however. his con- Ioienoe would but Allow him Oh the out 1 license. A: the licenno question we: nomowhnt muddled end nneertnin, and the prion wen" aometlnnp, hi her which, perhaps had In Inuence. njor J ones would have us believe thnt it iuelhuon and religions eouvictionn which prompt~ ed him to tnko the course. But if so it would have looked more in keeping with the hot lnnd tho honifuce stopped the sale ol whiskey six months ago or even three months ago. but until the very Int. moment. as long Ls hla lioenso held out. he sold the stu. and hul itlssted A week longer he would hue sold lot I week longer. Soit ls ucnroely Mr [or the xslluut Mnjur to throw a religious mutlo u u the shoulder: of our burly lnend.- `ours. A Tun-an mm. MAN. -lav u: u. up... ..V_. II Juro. rupee I! III. pund. Mnvni hr Mr. MOI l'IuI--v- nu vu---.. Qlern Vic-lorm Jmlrlmla, the Roynl Y0- Imno. looked lonnnl In with to much inlet-ushu just been issued inund- nonobooilorninconndgndhhnihd with bplolai-nn`ud nu! sin y or . Ijcutyi II jooh hen. Over one hnndnd Ihouund oopho were otdond Ill udvuoodpdr motion and ten thounod oopiu purchased in one day in London. T in volume command: notation. Iotonly hull nah of in wtiht. but also. onuin sgnslcrdoroo.Ixunthod letitvu at but tho [I-inll ol I-oialilq busily ad the pu nudedol the notivu tho :1 Ibo uliouol than when the cuunuinl dunno nuovufunpuunlhovlodp ...I ln-nu|h1n.wIjlhII- IT DOUBT llI1l'l IV wry. Don3|:.--In I recent issue I noubo akttu over the Ilgnatnro 0| MA 1' Dn||hnJouI. ILL. uoolnlnonding no tunpvnto pubhc to trouile tlib burly has 0 out am How when oonncinnce would not Allow him to |_p_ply (or or take out I linonu to null bug this you. 1111: in I very planing piece ol Murma- tiou'. It in at All imon gntilyingto burn that hotel) hovers lava icon- Icienoe d upocinlly to learn that the um-m name in nnnkinn to them in wuu um: uuucn -we.-mu --yu _..... d u{e -unm it man to them gommgpdqlgle manger. .935 noru llll. Mu LINE` --u--nu-uqy -w Tbbitor Unmlo Whig. I\4An -l:- _'q - ngnnnl Mny 9|. .nd in -luvo. respecting the [loud Ian ch in: nnxd. non It the meeting.-unrr|oa. Adjourned -----oo ' .: - - outcry xonu . . , Hr. and Irmoo. GihIol.0lI'I&t ville. visited their (rind: hen Inns 1 he I-`uxpcf Club bald 1 mootlq on tho 31:: in A. IlcBrida'u Hull. In. Golden. who bu boon nlor Iona time. u recouping. , . A dbaclunonlol the Solution . headed by Mr. Snmh. muehed Wednesday. 'Ti'|i I5 Iii I iii Eltluil mm the sugar!!!- Bhlo with Inc at! all I'll: lcodlhieliao bcliobar. Bad Iluboontl$1l.h0!o|-if qlluudliuhviel Innhnrl `township at Pzluhxng. AI Alon-llnqll. n; Ix: _ ansu :xx-x=_ A Txxrsuxcn Ihx. Ihunuu cl ll uu ' AI F ...':"'.!'a'a...-3 nu-.. __.. __ Q.-`Aggy; @311. . any eve-mug. On Saturday evening some Ipom hon Hulowemitlx. whileoa their my to thin plumbed: nu-aoweeeepeowing to the ha-Iurnnning uny. One ol the bite broke. rendering the bones unman- e. All the boy: at the driver jumped out. only receiving 9 ight bruieee or mains. The horse: were stopped in the village. The union of the I-lpuoopel and Pri- ...a.a.. u.u...m. sabbath school: likes been hvonhle. Thocua urn mnuiuu ugnin through the villuze. the line hnving been put in ordnr. A passenger train run through from Perth to Toronto u for dnyn um. oonisting of one passenger sud one . lunnnnn nnr. Q tllllv OI Illllll Ilnlwutnl wu in M U10 IOIIIRIUBN 0" the amh. _ ~ -r Ila!-nr I-hn rnnuum loan: the out bathing. _hnd his mite stolen. Mun Lncvis huvlnun ne venndnlu built nmund her residence by Mr. Davy.- Tho bond will much out on Wednes- ' day evening. [In snumhv avunim! nvom of the I-Zpuoonnl and ru- mitivo lothodin Sabbath .1... .. Rnnnv. A In-no nnondnnoo o'clock. * Mr. Uhilderoae. divinity student. will pronclxhom dnrinu the summer uvury uecounl Sunday 1&3 o`cIock. Anion Incidents. The fnrmers have been very busy Wllh sprung sowing which in now nearly done. The wouhcr on tho whole hnu favorable. 1-5.... nun rnnninu umin through cu. Wdliun Puuaunon. late Township Clark 0! Konnoboo. who left here A low weohuzo to work in the paper hctory at Nowbnrgh. not with A noun soci- dent. bu-iug his hand bully crushed in the machinery. causing the loss o! no angels of his right him]. 9%: 25th. 'l`. Bower. while running logs other evening. received I dip. but il none the wane. ~ . n..- A Ihn Iliuh Srlnonl numls. while -run _ivAT.`A'A.R- n-nnamin jg -AIIl One of the High ` ool pu nils. _hnd his no no on. Man Lncvis huvlnnl misive Iothomn Mooun acnoou unn- place on Sunday. A lugs is expected. The union in well spoken ol uound home. -u n-------_ .._rr.__.-. N A dohchlnont ol the Sdntion Army viutod our villngo on Sund|y.und held two very uneoeutnl meetings. They \Ill continue to hold meeting: if the public duke them. 0. H. Pukin bu undo his Int Isle deelte them. nt -50 cheeeee. In. Dr. smith pnrpoeee removing to Cetenqui the coming week. C. Rntsen bee commenced building his mill. 8. Steven in ehll in poor lneelth. The Venue Bend. under the leeder elnipol J. W. Oenphdl. vieieed clue vil- lege on elel. eld dhoonteed sweet nmeio tor eeverel noon. The eel-eeed ed Geo. Dennieon. l.l`.P.. en the hou- onble gentlemen nude e epeoch ul thenh in hieueoel eloquent end mu~ let! 8 T . y,l:.xeel>yle4-Ieu miuionuy. hlr. Allen. eondwte en nnlenetiu end In- IUl'I0llVIJl:::l' meeting on Wedeeedey e . Ir. A. Iemeyne. lelueof Push. he opened e Int eleee mlor ehop here. A number of citieeee vieiled Nepenee on Iondey. Io vilneee the eelehnlioe. The But:-un Bne. wiped the lee bnmiee tohiobyeliveq. Illllon. The new. m. Peek. (..l. llunietee. ie G. W.`Whif.a. Roevu ol Lnnnt. has removed his [Andy home. Ha ha sold out his buninou at. Poland, and is about to erect I dwelling in connection with his note. We wish him every auooou cl Flower. I! la` I.vnn Iinn nnlchnnod In house cl l-lowar. II. E. Lvon bu purchuod mud in making considerable improve- ments on 1:. He has also built nwory the stable. 'n.. snhml, `hit-.h Ina boon the table. The Stbhnth School, which his hold only every aocoml Sunday on nc~ counlol bu! roada. will heredh-r be held megnluly every Snmhy at 2 \I.. l`I.iI.lnrnnn dixinitv uuulnnt. will DIIIIIIOSE. illlnx Ill O.UUU um. I3: tux ya d`y. u u.n. . A.H{Gibnon left on I-`ridny um lot` Pictou. to vim: his sister. Mn. Wuuu. Tho poople in general usioipan I and time 58 the uni) muting. oom-` mnlminl on the run Juno. glrtlld mm :5 we comp mu Inenoing on the ..._-oo......_. 0! Mn and fuck. ' Tho obouo notary is doing 3 lively bnsinoss. tdimt in 0.!!!) lbs. rim` per, nldv r You. . - VERNON H. BROWN Q 00. a.` 4. uuncl. linuhn. A....-. April ID.\ _ The lav. II. Peck. U.l. lumur. II It Bnolvio. Attending tho Oouhunoo. lb Emu. oi Roduuvillo. In vldn but Ono yoonqgnu In lnntnmlnhlo OYII` uh llllll ol inhoouolubl VII` the cqnnu Ihhdybvb..l' uhudnynps|hl.` 0' The out zqulu cannula cl Albion Loylp. AJ-'. t A.l.. will to hold on I :-khy dug. uh Jun.-scunn. Olenvnla iltlllll ' A very clma lid intetutlng ' mule 01 hue hull was ph ol Nip fuck. rod on `the min. 1 one 'l'Im nhann autumn in (him: livalv noanetl oy Al Wsdnesdny. I _ ALL11:_1._1NE. g Inn resun: News and uehe1g_l`li!bI- , nation from our Friends In | the country. T sydouhn Idoou. use dinpllv ol lllllll rework: no T:;II&o|l nub: toBibby'Ihvory. lunguon. lav. ll`. Pick. m ll-uuiuilln, Alnndinn hg L sigigm mmcxrg` __-.-..-wn--- ll.-Anlngu. ` -I4..4 (-4! I-A-no-An-n .-_-,.-._ . , ._g-_ - 7:6! can-ac inn: In-vuan To an-nrooa. nub Ialnnltu rum: lnwnox : __- 1: -__._......_q.__ - \CAI#ADA, TIi'17itzi>A Y. `.'s'i Ai' 29.13:-:1. avoid. Mr. Dickson accompanied the depu- ution totho best. school in Hamilton. known as the "lions Stmot school." a drawing of which Mr. Dickson has sinco lorvanloil for the further inlornintion of "this board. The school as shown by tho drawing isa 12 room school. tlireo smiles high, having 4 rooms on each oor ; the corridors are very coniinodious and are ample for tho purposo of assembling all the pupils helore they enter their sever ul class rooms. The rooms iiro all of tho sumo sizo and measure 2! x 32 lees. rhoy are furnished with single and double ilesliis to accomodate from :31) to 60 pupils. '1 he desks contain no new len- tnros. being generally siniihir to those in tho Kinyston schools. The deputa- tion was introduced to tho head masher. Mr. Cruihhsnhs. who is also snperin` bendant ol one of the {our school districts into which llnniilton is divided. \Ir (Ts-uilmlmnlns hm: liml lianm axnori~ menu. l"he rooms in this school, with some exeeptionn, hove their teachers. plet.- lorlnn end block-hoard: er. the end. this arrangement being considered better thumb the side. for eeverel reasons xiv- en by Mr. Dickson and Mr. Cruiluhenlre. The cloeeu in connection with the school are conmined in in wine closely nujmuiua the mole building. and neces- xehl. lrom the lower corridor uud lend- ing 0! main stair. Too much cannot be said in proiee ol the perlent cleanliness and ventilsuon ol this necessary unin- ry errenuement; end your depuhuon were fully iinpreued that the lesson: taught. in the orueniution. which made this com ition ol things possible. were unonu the most valuable thus were taught in the school. Tim 1-chad bnildinn is hosted through- tonight in the school. The zchool building through- out by euyuteir. oleteun ndintore. eup- plied by a boiler in the basement. the letter being 0! the most modern type. huina eiitoinetio nlvee lor regulating combustion. The evutoin of voutilntion in most elnbonte. each rooiii being nup- pliod with fresh [it direct (tom the out- side. and having shalt: `Dd registen {or conducting the foiileir {tom the top or bottom of the room. In cimiiniiitanoee may Inquire. All the loul air shalt: oonceiitnto in the main nlidt in the ventilation towet. in which is placed n utouii coil to produce ii coiietuit eur- reiit. While it is eviuent tlint no et- peiuvo liu been spared to minke the above described evutuni ol hunting Illd ventilation on perfect us lIl0|l0l`ll nrpli~ nnceii will permit. yet. it would oppon- thet than are still some ililcultiou to ..--........- ....i a.. mu. mum: in. lean. into which unmubon ll uxuuou. Mr. Cruikslnrnka has had large export once in school umungemonq And gun the depnhuou tho bcuom of hi: very intelli- gent criticisms. And discnnod very fully every item of public school require- manta. ' them in room lorilnprovolnont. The deputation vioibd some of the other schools in Hunilton. sud while oil were good none 0! than oontoined lot sures dilonng Iron thou contained in the Hon: Street school soon doocnbod. Your dcpnution pmooonled to London. sud were ploood ll communication with the Mayor and Clly Burnout. tho knot] h-inn All an Cntv Architect. both of. still mmculueu I0 overcome. und in -this mum: at lens 101' imptovolnont. I Tim damnnuon vinihd lhel PICTIIH AND IDQIROITO 'lII-WIIK- u to nu.I.xni.u. m-nu..Qn lull I being also the (my Iuulmecs. now 0: . whom gun Ibo dopuhon ovary hel- llty tor oxnnining the city schools. The School Baud in in nnnndly large nun lot now but dinp. nd no expense huboon upuod to unto than an orna- ment to the city in wall. I. .11 unnnhanln vhilod the rooms mnnuosboolsyuwou. lusllthouohonln mm uilornly at one due. and hung nolponhl provhionfct clock or tub- lng rooms. the clothing 0! the pupil: lulnqprovlaodlulntlnohuroolnn. Tho aofhoulnqh byncnnol hood: and Ilnnntihtionby vu-but umodu. but punlly by doors ndwlndon. 'l`houndngh|rnIpdnouIo plus Ihotaohuuthondouhononmnd lhouuhnod-ilutolhouolnuu in nnhg Ah` [inn-inn us: lpeod: liunco with the Ioaolntiou of this 3 . Iuppointintjn delegnlion com- ` prised ot the clulnncu olthincommilee and Mr. Power. to eumine some of the ublio. schools in the western put 0! nlu-io. the nbovo named puueo pro- coodod to Hamilton-|nd'p_lAced them- coodod HIDJIILDII-IBC puceu wom- nulvou in comnmlcdlou with Mr. Dick non. tho bud nluler of the high Ichool and wbqin also the` Xnlipocoor of tho nnhlm hnlmnln in Hunflmn. and wuqn use we 1 pqhlu: school: in Hamilton. Mr. Dickson nordcd the puhlu: school: Ill uunutoon. Mr. deputation every facility ldr the thorough enlni nation of the school: under ha juriQdic- tion. and mndilv entered into lluunorlh olthe vnmona Iynema of Ihhool oon~ struction and method: 0! heating and vondhon. Thomlonnntiou wu reu~ detail all the more valuable because u! the norn. which. in his` judgment. had begun made in some puruculan. and wllioh ho cautioned tho deputation to Avoid. ll. hi:-Inmn am-,nn\m1ni-.11 the dalm- the Kayo: and till] EIl|I|0l'- 50' olsotho City l uhnm nu Ibo donutution CVO! 4 The following report. at the visit at Hutu. Wnllinm Irving `Id 3. W. Powot In Il{o'nchooh ol umiuon. London Ind Tomuowull ctlho Sohoollicud Int evening` and adopted: Gon|lxnon,- l'ho deputation on school p`-sporty boa leave, to report -1`: (allows. VII 2 : III ilk? IIIII-IIIUJJPVII uuoou ITIAIKI A-:2 -j j 3 | Ill] llunlllou in the Brst Bmlclinn-No Invent Sm!-ed-Wlut was Noun! in lnnrlnn nml 'Y`m~nuln *'n's1vi~1;~:a my 31:-Laws; U-1' U[7II'I1l`W.-I W3` 1` In lmngon and Toronto. mmamgolammm. lI\`ln\..........wuuuuuIy.-puma-nu UCY.Tllh\ .. .`.. \Vodnomhy. Juno lth OALLIA... tad. Aunnm.. ".' `ivoau-In. Jay _ nnnnlu .. .. Woducuhv.Julvl lb. Mow: -oust-u. an Inn pnrlx. r Inn. 1 Mmloi). .hudwood.I.al5w2L. nI.nntIco<|. In to I. IIIIII. II to uk; bacon. Is to I1: huley anemic; ops.|n2lc;huhox.|-e don. I! to Na 'l`onol'm.--Whom. full man to LII: what. . I na.l.|Mo lllvliulu Blo H; 0030 63 to 0 ;PeuT3|o1I:v0Uo :D:vnodllppu- lmlhu 10.010 Boot hind. l0.NNIll.N:ll0ol. fora 07.5030 :cmck-um: pm. mum. l)nc\ss.pelpoirtl)c!oOO;0uuo.U:h mo toil: Turk much. II! hl.2;BIm-10: lb. Inc to :1-:;tu Buwgaogaz` l5to'lr|:&l':c.o- I on [In : u ulnar 7 lo C..:0III;`LpR@CK:OOIIIOl'buItI50IJ lllnlhy 07 to ISM) Sin! Mano `L50 onu-rroIm-Whou. `mm tall lnnh. Cl .no to 1.04; ; no] loll. 1.13 to 1.10;: and ohnllo 113 In llogbuley. dwnmunu. Iolbr; Iron 70 I01 15: Hour out but 0.!) mm-mu |-Mu. Ml) lo t`N'. pontoon. '0! box NJ to N; upploa. 1-at hqllolnuzhn .poIb.I0t0lIl\:lB|~l\t-r: doun II to 1.1:. chickens. 3) In 00. duck. N in (It; hides purcI1.5.lInn 7.m; qhoopoilnl. nah :Jw\o$.`&mIny.per um aw In 8.0): woo-I pu cord 70 to 102;!-mg put budn.l.3 to we. onu. |-or bush. C0 to 60: rye. to no; part. prime luau nor lslvl l7.llHo 11.0): pun. nun bl-I an WOUND: lsotper lm Ila 5.ll| o (Lat. ud |-er lb. I In no tdlow not In (llto uh`. bllikl . par nrkm I. to luv. butler. roll Is to 15; chemo. per lh. II to mum purdos.I1mII:.;-otuou. Mr huh. I) new wuol. [nor ll It to $1`, Iudou I mono ulllollk Iheop -lint oochulom pultlllhltno 9.uxh|y.ponon HI) to lonnukevupnz II lho H. [0000 per ID I to Re; hog: |-or lm Hr: 5.50 to 50: oonlwood hardwood On) in MI: o-~nl,Ioon|. wot! wood 2.50 to I in IN to I11) PI.uI-l-`Iour not bin. (.50 to ulozouhnod. I-or bhl. M!) to MIT. what. 3-ring var lmnh.l.ll)to Lu}; what ml per huh. I. to I. 0: mu 3-at bush. lnmlnule peg buuompuf IS 17 in me; bum: tub npploo. per bag mm on; corn per huh. nun. ||1'l' donu 10 to II; I-at-l_|~er cv_n. bath. [5 In I1 I. I mam. II; heel per cvn. lo lb. j in en. 5 lino 5.50; IhGt`|IK||ll 50 to P6: pontoon pet I.-ox to one. ` PnIuu*o`rr.-Thu Ingrkag pyicgc An uornInl_ ; market price: uurnunl 0|II. 2 bush. 0!) tn 00; but-twhul. pct huh. ll! to ` . buwunlolln. 11 to llmbullqr. _tub ll )0 When! We to ILN: link we In kw . UQII I70 .\ic. ltycbelolhc Pvu icloioc; Poloulou` tuolofu bIa:i!od.!onequubrO(UJloI7;` Hunhin man to ma); Pork 51 to #8513:-owl. ; Hllltontok; llllllor 14 In No: lito I91`. Lomhullm 70 to 73; Hide: Mto Irercwt :` Deuonslinn 50 to me, Ilnytottls-rton;, Bust 05 nor Ion. ` Deacon sum 50 me. lluyettotssvuton Bust 03 par ` Nu>nu::--Flour. rot I00 ll. 0175 to am; then. Ipring pot ugh. In to no ; whoa: per bush. Lw to 1.05 ; l-ulov. pa bush 50 to pen; per bush. 70 lo 79:`. can not mm. S In tyo. pot bush. 5`! to an. hay. per {on 7 win 7 rlrouodhocu. per curt. I 50 to ON; hldro. am to 5 humor. nu ID huuu. )6 no I!` j 1!} as. --- Q0--- - - on ol the lulu Atundmg the an at may the tendons] to pro l the onglnnl duh sud Bulk:-um Pills medicine: in who complaint u dit- ` and nnmoumeuonu menu than trouble. llunlltotfn lu- pror- fnluminnrannnlmih untln Iy. but we quuuv ll none too ug-nun tory. There no no cahle orders which indicntes n dull market on the other i undo. A godlinool ohoaocsblod on the buinol Me. In: nlnood. Indeed It- will he found land to Inliuo thtt gure f this wool. If it can be done at all. At nllevontn it man be regarded on the top of tho market in tho mounting. It` ` iaovidnnt that n lune make in in [am- gnu. but it in unoovident that it in he- ma xnnrkoted hooI_v.nn in` upitoo! tho` gndonl abrinhne in vplnes. which. be ` It nudentood. in pnuly usual. the` Inukat no worhingjnto D: I pod ; I ` healthy season : trade. Iollen Iull Ind themselves the better for having kopt the nuke clooely sold np. A1Cnn~ I ton um] ugdombnm. N.\'.. on Salinity the unrkot wupowu. the top gure bo- ing l03o. Ilont donlon pnrohuod V a good proportion tin olerlngu. Boot- bolrm quoud Liverpool lower nt at. (H. but the cablel romninod st (He. We quota fine to ncst 101 to He. - I o- -.__. ('hnuoqvn-l`Iour per lmlba. 92.50 to 01.10. I And nouruubbl Mn) to 0635. Uumonl hbl MM! :0 00.6 : Full \\'hocl I0 tome : 89: In I 870 Min nnzmmucc; 5a|oi3c;PolouIoau1 in! ,J 'e'.Ii".'....'Z2' m....u..""""".'.'..'i'iI.`uTa"..'."sE. nyuumn thucby and anus In par- lurm thou function which no olnl .. 5-1. run All his an-uh. dunno ' 1 (Thou mulou an the my Ina: up [cum I honro goluto was Thu an awfully ooh 4 net:-sl und wodully oonmllod tor the lumen 0! thin and Iurroundinj district) urn 3-.._l7|nnr nnr um Iht IRIO I) 1%: III! 3 I13: OIII 34 tu39;huleymlo mummy 'l.mIo9,(lI;Itnv wood per con! 31!) to 5.71? per Ito. bullet. pushed. M In . rolls. plan par bu: LG! lo l.`{3. _ |x_\MI9tp_ per` . ___.., llodncuou In Scotch and (hudhn wood: nib. unit to odor. and nits [dad to 010.50 head unit: Joined 01!! wand nit: ndooud to 16 Ii) Ind nit: ndueod 3 --:%.._i. non Idlluc ud Iunuml. Any uulolnbor uhdulydny 1 ndlsund 1 tlthouthlolhnlnn. upulncou cup. Iouovayvhn. - unuuunuI.AlnQIII0-I`~- _ - Manual, Kay 2'l.-\\'onknon lance: u the [Imminent leunra ol the cheese nukes. which shown a decline ot ln|I_\ fc. Ear lb. lboeipuuaoominu nn luv nl. the mnlmr in l.oo utinlncv `KICK. WIIEII IIIUWI I UQCIIIIO Ul luII_\ Ear ly. nl thoqudnly uginlncv Ion`. iii: in'nvei. I5. ulcn 1.75; you unb Ilim LE to LII); hldu N!) In dd lou| to m; drained host I7.\l) to 7.511 nilla I6! i6'mi ifnuo 01.8.). our porbbl 06,!!! I9 M359, `Uggmogl per ol llll And Iurrounulnj uumcu 1 I (irnuru-l'|our par l(l) lhl. l3.l0 lo 1.33; than I (No LXI; rod that I N loI.|$. spun: Q`. ' Klngulon IOIIII Illhl-I. ' iihii iihiiifi. 1 `U -mug: ;!4o Years Trial 1 1 ` . . ` ` z [<"`.i`.`5.`:.'. iLuo1's nsunrnmef Ionics. ll oonuniu All lupin. -any locum Ibo n hot ot unmuu tnuod In an aunt Cy: nzuluo II double-|-on colon-1 man no our onnsvhp. ll con no 0 oomploh llblo >lIIcL_k_||gu. -,..........- _ , udonr cocoon-nplou Dleuonuy. and nhouonbn lusty. lllqny. Ihnhuhu. lnvuuon. Co mans. Acrkunun Indu- OIIII. PM y. Theology .-Insure. An and `Dual. (`own-lolo In 3 vduunu. out in pan out- A. II. LIGIAI-D. T0TH POWlIERg ` u II-`or sale no Rem Wool Boxes.` or m llnndc-one Sprlnlurr lloles. I H. IIABWELL at 00.. WHOLERALE` nnnnn IIY1 loltlln l.. imasunrs mm mm, LF. PAGES` LIQUID GLUE. THE HE-`T Ct I me-In In tho worm. 1 S OI` UNIVERSAL lh0Wl..RD(3I. Wm: numuou Aaooadun Invuluhlo (at to oonunu topic`. nearly double an -n-but about any i'l`ho Beat. the Mud Agzrcecblo. und lho ` Moat Rocuso I A INEW OP_ENING. N HAD U.fl`BIlh . Punch AIQ In_o|.hIIdouInonPutI & nut:-nrsr cmucn \'All.\'IhlI. l.AVa'.\' M0\\F.l1.V. IHRD Dlk Lu. `T f $127 -nun-uv Atruuno buvlounuonhrl` hm`: hoeuv '1':-ur OUR. J 30370N LUNCH CIKE3. :---- ---~ ----- -- out me: at `I'll onvmuull` llullll. I 4 '``*`F" l : 6l'|( LAHGI-I INCICFABE [N IIURINERR l..u~T pub on uothuununbltehnuuv I an-ciu on: Mon: lo nvo umu I u toga min for than money 53%| INIGG. I . Q. If LING, Ii 1:`W.mF v 1 The I7-{op/as Cyclopedia ~-un - I ' i.t`u:n:( `r. ` S n E s ' I KI: cwou. Al` UU I U HIIU UIIUI-D1 """'" ` Amnfiurivt. `I-`.\'l-IR mmn11:n T0 nils crr\'.? l_3g"_Tl_ A39-_:g';"__ g';;_*~ "0" F`-' Anivvvn nut \~ :1- mow noon I'll nfrnx Q t X W3 1l_!"!m ,OF%F"O%RD SA:: CUTE. ! A LARGE STOCK 0!` nuns AID VAIJIRI , Ruth:-`I and Shaw! 8In|~a shay! an bud. I GEORGEEJFFORD. u'|lnI L`; AI I` . ,___IlR'Y`AH._-.. .1 IBM - --$I u -:---I lI$Ii$C 1 WILL X IOLDNI` A CHILI , IAQQIIIIEE .|0IlNS()N'.\ |\'.A\I.h'U.\|I.\'E. Au. rol.oIu. nu: ui-diisr srocxg. --In-._ In) 9. n noun a snare A1ox- Mao-cionald Ins onus!) n n A 1- 1|_lI_L..._ IGMAHON BROS IIIII I IT _` - _ ` IIILIAD. cu l'Al1'lY AID MN sauna! In nnulhgyul O! Kr. IU&. Ilot1'ochu ncynlgll M I o'.:ket A LL COLORE- Iouuu. Llgdlvuynnhlnmnmduo city. ll.-\S IIEBN l`l{l)\'l-II) BY PRINCESS STREET. READY FOR USE. IN THE MARKET. gun:-In snot-IIIIII -II` __..n...wonn1OnulU-' nuuajulrlulvurov -um--QAIICZQ. tug: n'l.::!av I33! I] .2..'..... .':.I:..`t:,. tn; gin an I cull 1I:uIlllI!?~ mms 31303. C Injim unaloo. Bohr: bar In; on Ind cungln 37). V126. WIII. ' - " '13:.` 5.. nous nlnn.----nm.uu. mhlonvdo ' 3 M '? | c1ry'n" .c.hcur.a g | canlrnlna VIHANCIAH MIINTI, mu I lm` Ilnnor In In n ` other bocunllru. PIDWII AID Rah . Audit: 33 ..""'*.- f.. n I nun:-u un WALKlil .1 \\'u.u`x, 'l"l 0RNK\' Solicitors. R-~-. Kuzguoua. vy utho I I I (lm. | umm.own.lnn. : Joe-nu-u n. \vu.un {:{uN;1:1L:NE1 5 shouts: none; rum: `man on Ilth ruurno uu 111 L& `I l`AL.laIIAPB KIITII undo unt`: VIII: and En! Imlun uonqo. Odin: lulu Mun. llnnl.-u J. ll. cuu. n.u.. u.D.n.. n..n.s., I)lTlI'l`. Ondnlc 01 Now You Uollqn ul Dontty. 0110-Wollluon lluvot. Iv wnonhiu and Iltool aunt! Puucnln ;ur;I.|.ohupdduIho uncut-cub: um an-u I H y I A . 5 mmtv to I.u.u4. ' l|ION`l'l-`..\'A(.` LOAN G lN\'!21 IlIN'l` 80("\ * Loan to: Inna null tum: an gunm- st Iuodu-nu rule: In! nlovut to loan or uhoul Ionnl. FOUR PIC! CENT. INTI-2l( H31` allow I go awn; TIIOIASIIHIUUS. Dlllco opp-min I` Q uoouunuum ' I` uvcdydncrlpuun don: on prvunuo. I p \ ` Uuu uunuon lojoilug and round: .1... vunnul in upon may. Lgnuobpu on Ilw Uciil h|ionuon'w_uv|u; an-I Iimum nuts! Lune bola . x`nn1u_w,su_o-_1_pn_ I|sg_I`_I_I_Igy1g nmoun niiiiiqoco` ' 9. (`Anulr 1 n. hr, not! would and Sat lllrhllho-I hohl In 0 any. II In roly I-can nun) nluldol but `hi .IIo\h loo nu XI`! Ile II. uni tho luau-I Pmllou In Ibo oily` Ihmu cm. In u-nun. customs. nun IN o'muIu4. Iurlolor. IWIIDIOI Ill)`I`X|.. XII 0'l'I|q Kljio C-tau! ~ . ! noooaonru ...i`L... Inr:nn}.L . In .!_PCl`OI|_'1__hOVO_I_lu-II :- h I LARGE BOATING S'I`0(`l\'. 'Ill]Pi8 mm mnusmzn ` RAIIIEHILD. AUIIIIA.` BOPHNIA . IIIVIA. .. Alan hunt I Hahn Inna nu um- ohlillucnd Daonnunnhnnh u.-.4: an: annual sun In uruvnnu nnd -an Iii60M m1>1~:n. ` PIAN% IOVLII Wm: nus. In Ibouhcrtou noun Tuning - I Any. 0.! l'lDl.lII. I and mu -v i Jory. Union unk nou Om um` N:-mo |-j_ai"83- Till: LAIDIST. ClIIAl"!`;b'l' Inu- """'I=:'..'f.'8a.':".R'..'.'.`.`. :""" arr! %nu- ano I V Iran unmm. CIIIAPEST AND n-I-nuIuuo.Iun-pv-.41!-nun Blew York 5:}! Liverpool. uuu.nin u can IAIDOII) - ll Dlllnl It'll! fII"IlI1A`I `sexism! At cal lInu.Al OM , a van. ' . o&`olEluIdI lull ~' All `IITISIIINII. row on has no ulna-an-noan.. " . -uh who uoounnnio .0IuMx lIn.o.II|ptlno0I\ n .. M I-3 The wanyiuum Wm; In n-um-a nun 1'ul`uuu\` manna n `I. IAVAOI C son: no To cut. rrrlntos T0 nuun III Ilrolunolu cr FIDO`?-w Iotda-fl. kc-. VII Itotunl cl I'll. ms 04/2 I umsu wt//s ohulnund Dononuuunnn.-a lo '01! out and an |I uruvnu numzrr nxuw. IAIKBIRTI ANOIIIII]-AILAI, X-alu-um. h 0oo- Pr eon mun our D_r_. Iklu|=n`u- JOII CYIAXGI. l.l..|I.._ won ll. on -(`I 5 ...$'.73. r.... om:-. `I loves! anon! nun v~----* 2 ITIIIC MIIII. lorry Whu-Llnnuoo. II! - ooouuuSr`rT Autir-ibi in use. can ms. an} Inn Bi. WI. .x_:wunvs. u:.. kusgfx. than Flock. Block-an .-r .. I.. (`Lnn-..\'1 . )IN'l`lhl`. duoclu 01;-auto the Poll (`In - ":'cll|-g\ovII gunk Eu-ubllnhul In It: "~ ; 5 A ` BI. J. vu(`su_ I IL. IIRIII otlho lloynl (`ollqve nl llnrgwm hnndvn. Lmtnlmlv->1 the A Ill: 1`: '?om|vony. mndnn. Hug . .\IzIuN\u . cw - ml. An. Ulee. Prince Sum-Le.-1. ivm.-n --aqau `--g_.._=-v-u--. -.-`...-- -" .1. nmwx. n.u.. nnlclnz. svnmm.\'. lo. abound nu doooo~ Gonlnn Hm-on. mu I`:-I-mrn lm-I. PINIAPPLE8. `-1. I. I. Ol.IVII- plant the |-loco. urn: Ibo (`nun-.u1 In llu-Iiohld T s.;:.m;;.; cams. 3:. De. Okr (`Iuvm-0' Sun-L n - run once. Io.\'|t\' T0 l.UA .` IITTR. l.D.. colloco 0! lmgorng In- `\on linen. nppolllo lr :...'~L;1u"K.. 0 Strut-t. cor. dhlllr nun: PlI; .`I_l.-`lo. :0. ma. new mm: ._ I Q staouutnnlnnlguuho-acne-glybp `.'I`.FI|i'l.`IDOO :: hIaha'.P. ad ` V ......2.~........""'u_...."*-' noon; GIIPIIV lh|I|TI'.l)J ' KT. nib. 0%'AfDI. I AOII. it . J H:'Hoo Hllonr Mob. 3 1; no. ITWIIILU TUIJ Innaru .E=.Fr<>`l"` -n n_-u... 101:! lulu .l..nver| A1` unnon) I .-._ u|.\u\ll\n I ululu not Qunl Ll `III ll|.I.nv-um llnnuni Illl I IIUOIIIV I !l.|llI`l).| I--- .... WOCICIOI. July Woducdny. Julv 1 ..W|nudcy. July On! ...IvoaIuuy.apuun . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . Jnlv hd. T%::'E':."'?5':":.':EEi \Vc|nosvlsV. Nth 134; ms . @781. `All. `, Tllroqll Line. `<- `.- Y. ,- - 50 JA .x.".:..1 30 mm. II VIA... |u",V1`lllA Bantu. \J. GA LLowAY..| _`holw|I:luoone.unnyl>oueon lay ouch hruu.;|ouloI 0:1. And It your furcdpnll loo ho: Jul all en OAIJAWAY. Ila pa bl: IlA'l`I from our New York From Fnacn and Inland ton. llo'Il It yo Lu In 0 I0! style In Brown Duh. Q` u Inc. In my In low. Indium. huh AI hut 0! Icon: (on: In tho lut Illlcl in In Inlul manic An ovuryiody knelt `u clunu all gin him 1 can. Iolnunn luqoouol not: In! to II ny yet All. Whale`:-I your (uh mu ho. A J5 --- -. ..,~--`--'.~z- " ' A -'-.....m~.e-..=. than clung nu; lldotnnot be sold In nnnuulnt Ihu anus-ado 0! but ta! "" ""'{`{ '3. " I J."`.e"?.!.".i': x-u com Rout. unuu wnn our`! ~ 3 VIII! hoot. NJ. Inonnsz 3om:s2:| &cuI|nbo doorsbovo -:_- I'.hI A\' `II CKN:l`I A H1:Dl`(tID;l'5lII. -ghoqcuhpreo m I e y 1 IONII. Aloud htoldl J1 nopo.Iu , 0.... ...u:........':'....-::. ......... "' ` I |ASHLEY oz 00. Xijllhl 0 up 0 u-nuuo .1 . All! hail ` III #90 cg ANfnIN(ml|lh--0nl1_ 1 nnxnu-I-I-n.uo from name. -m.. A ~- --- %--~-A4-_ `A... |ASHLE_Yw& (30. ..A an n nag: j? -wugwu ._.'--~_. .. w. 1.. monAn6i6uvo| liz new av-uwl I-------`---mt gnu-.h-h-nnuhund r-cr_g,.:.'.'.`.:.".`:.-"-/'-_9-'15`-"'1 Inn.-2-.I.=...-m'.."!.=!.-"I B. BA5y&oo| own no analog `Lon! trlondn you on I Pnpald Paula run on Iowa! tun uIIlIoI9a.uclh_h|a hon _R_ggI_nnI. QC PRINCESS STREET. Au-Iii. lIolIuol'.X.(hdnnn`nI lb lulu-ndury Inc:-nun. u which I Inc nlcml [or any years. W, II. Noun: rulrnnnu nu IIr.J.0.Ayor&0o.,Lowo|l,Mua. Iouul Dnulnu; u. an homes tors!- urn-nu. |uwvnu. Inuuuruvug Ions. Bella. final`. and Iirnpuonu dlho Ikln, _uAholoruI-lbunkncnnn-I Iytllhlhhpovuhhol. otmrmpusd. c.dIuoIc!|hihovl.nnhu Bhoumauuu. .___n.a- QL.__.n. n-.5 J)...-I CnllnIdunoIInhuhdoubI!|Il"1|N- mu .`.'`m.."' f5"I`u-no"" "'e}`6ci'i\ Iowa nus Inland. lnls-d. Iutlnu. Inna. on-buy. linden uul Nor uv-vvw ---_,., I lotvaufucntonnllulvoul. I Till III PIAOI. -A% ._ _._-o A ,`_ =-'~-Ab::l`uta|y Pure. flu nn-.lnm-nor Inrhg A nnrnl at until I m WII- IXICI` Cl I III..- lun and Iron. Ind h lLuAh~u,umuc mu- Illo. And nmtounnunlcnl Nuoni-pllrllc-r thnt can be Ind. It Innrhlly expel: all bjao-I 3-ohnhl Iron Albumen, onrlt-ho: nu-I n-um: s um bk-oil. uni renown Iu uhnng |-uvnsr. I. 1. cl.` 5... inn-.. u.-ml. 1... no-unhnln ulc nu-all. nun nun-nu us Ilicuuu` I-mm. II In tho but kn:-wn randy fur Scnhnla ltd all llloohloun Oonplnhtn. Equip- -h- n_.- In.-no-n. Illntrhnn. AYER S Sarsapariug In I highly coca-nu-and nu-In cl lhnnpnrllln Add otlnc IlooII~pnI'|f)'|ng 2-1- --`Ll-cl -IlS 'l|IIn.n -I I`nlnn- "A1'n'n sauu-nnu has cum! mo nt :3. lulu-min Ihounolluu. with W. Du|nn.ln.,Ilueh:, I861 uoooo AI nu` mtlnlnluuu. un-_ `I'll! ALI) All _. .. , `mil mane-' vs AIL . uvlnn Plo- t: 11!) pin Duuolio at on 1'Iodan. `ham :0 DJ nu. v}R:Ihvv|h on IIONDAY. Yuld DAY|IQLn.:lb- $01.. Lm; LILLAJAJL \.v V _ II! IAOO`l'I'I`IIl`I'. Invent Pnltcull Ital Inst KINGSTON. n%XCI.I n G Co`: Piano WIIOLKILLI A, (lUNNZ& O0. MA)` 20l.h--The Court 0! Appeal met: all member: present. Junnn Ymmn nu ntod nu ownorol dl Inomben present. June: Young wu ntod I lot 8.W. port`! in ash con. Hater Mc- Cnlluurs oomplnint, ovorntnd : unass- meul oonlll-mod. Wm. Redmond`: com~ mug ovornud : nunumens reduced Wu. Ruimond ngninn John Put- Thou. Milton. complaint, un l - nnnnmunnnl. conrmed. Wicio E-inouul. Holt I. Inc I mun ho1lht1 any c'Il" .& I 31' an o a-mm .uo.t.I.. ::":x'.'.'r"`-`-'--1.- mag. _ Wu. A. . `_ I` nun gunman-n