AURANIA ll0TllN|.\. . HER\'L\.. .. 8CY'l'l.\ . OALLIA . . AURANI \ IIOIYINM. HIlllVl.X .. Low~.||,Mas'a. -1. VIIULKIALI A. music co. Don`: yonun nu nu um I: um: 70! II! II`! II! Inn In nu. Lonroh but but I Inn ma In bean: loco npproprmo. ton. every any. -And I eiuulnlno will prqn tool Isl; cl x.o'u`-o'i`uf-kn min 4 npproprmo. I has nu. look ll Ilolnue nun`: bonnet. II shot! an uinltlu. you Ive, - lO- ! 5.. I (Mal Ira u_eulc n can In-. You Ipov rune Into-I Prone! tulle: 1!: Hr` phlnly In Illl. All little in lupolu gag! h_u\ . V . lo I up n and tin llluluool. Porn: an `d In very devour. . III that oIn\ who any h running I dun Ind. en Loni`: uvct. no doubt. ll [fill the tornoon Ifvll-0. In young up early. I lulu-3 mun. hlnulnnsnalo 01!. And I an`! Inn! to be In! behind. In-ma. lho nlei em-an hnluunu: Ill: rv-min; In porh qlly I_I_roI. RIJIJAHZLN; Funny llnrrh In duly about Ila- Tlnl girl In: no c-ml M ronooll! : . I'D]. she nun INIIII Io dlnlu-I hen I Go no ms, in for ch `on. you know: `lint : why IIo'I no sin!!! Good by. It you man: an 30. - -11.; II. I`. Ilmdr. II Huber`: llunr. I Frank Hgorlon was very rich. to handsome, nearly thirty you: old. In bud never married. munly for two nuom--uac. the women had Igdlad him. n how could thov help it He Inn to hnndnome, no gtllnt. I0 chival- ...... nnnnlmrnllvoounoomutl kind. 0lIO|I III. III IIU IRVICU jun . at that no. it he tn: not 3 undid Inn. the male should to mother --an distant cousin. 3! y. 'l`|u.oa in: 1 nnwoauon lhl` HO not hnluunm clly tweet. Ila only II-- II rn-|0ll`0lI(`1~ll! gsuul, ennu- voun. no nnlvarnlly common: and The other-the lugs fortune in at ..u....nmlund hulaonoimu uned- A} ho boetno irty. anti .0; H L. can an: I cousin. 3 may. Theta In: a suggestion might even then one mo lortuuo by marrying the lady. it she would have him. him. It In nut probable lhnl at any time Fr klnonnt to risk the tonnage by nag ungoouimplo 1 precaution u mun; mu-rind. but null ho did nog- noglootlngoonllnplo pncuuon -- tun; but ect ll. nnd the more he thought nbout is the more dlnngu-esblo tho idea grow. lit Ind done 1: ho like-.l nu Ii: lilo ubout everything oluo. Ind now it In: Ind-ll wu In-ll nigh impossible. it caused to hln-lo Inrry. Ho. who hated Imrrhgu so; who bud no hill in women-or {nciod ho had not. for ull he in: ooolvll to them. uAnn.h lndlnndl" he would .gy_ noclvu to men). "tuls. lndoodl" he say. on y. In his mother. when she tried to reason with him. "It. to vary ovi- dont um they consider mm the angels. the way they lull clown and worship uni?!` pmonau 1 us nuli . I no vote on. land Funk still laugh:-xi and pm 011' the cvlldny. "M. the worst. mother. he would It on manning tor om nb u PI-spud l`unnn- also at um onto. Ivtlbb hum I Ioound. hue. Our-any. I evll day. M. mother." soy. "I can marry tho cousin. and sure myself." Oh. I-`nnk. Prank! How do you` know the would ham `)ou-under ouch clrcumsunces. too.` said hi: IIIOIIICI . d ugly. "She will uouolut enough. It I not hot. lunghod Frank. "Sun In old and ly they in`. lloyou think she woul lmaitalv n ml marr `lug 3 haml- oomo follow like mt`, if an o Ind the clnnco. oven 'umlor such clrcum- ounces? N... In ohnnrod that (his cousin stucco!` " Now It chanced nolthor in nor his mother had ever non. Shollvod In | I-emote part of Wulu. and In great rouronont. from which the objected to olnorgo. Thno month: bolona lib thiniolu which the objected to onorgu-. Thno months blnhdl . I-`rank vent oylchling with I men And I noun coming up on the return cruise. he was delayed in -`Minn hnnm until the inmorunt Ill!` cruise. he uonyou an fnlunf home until the imporunt tutu any bad puaed; und than he in mm 1 slmrlo mm. HI: lougmm fuunful any bad puaea; um: more nu Va. still Ilngio Iournh loll mother was too glad to no hlln n to ucolnl. ul 5.... Inn . lunar from Your coun- hlln Inn to mom. "I hue land 3 letter from your ln. Ilsa Arbulhnot." she said. "She nukes u very slngulnr. a wonderful propoultlou. Shols willing to marry you tor the sake ol giving {Ion buck the monoawhlch Iho up 3 0 does not WCIK - - . .. ..n u -4. L--nv "She Ind honor vuil till I Ink Int!" tluhod Frank. with one of his laconi- glblo Iungha. "The only conditions 1119 mh_a.`f Innghs. ,, " ]`||o only the IIkOl. pursued his mother. pltcidly. "II 9|` nllcrlho oenamony. V|'!`Nm 3 be exactly an belore-sho mm in; II not u-oluslou. you going WNW 1 Hm." I --:u...I.. ..a mum! uhn does the V0- mm men!" "nfhnl uh man!" "What she sayn. I judge. She on- lon into no explunuon gnore than Int. You will consult cl cosine! --I. ah: nnrvnnl n selsh dog. that ROYAL HAIL DAILY LINE will eonunl ol courier "ls oorvun dog. II III I C this I omll :ng::nI"onIrl:I krI XIh: he |hould o tnindw ed w Ikwuunun -- not-one an In . regulat- f "By my truth. though I an more In love will in lot but goodies than I our III with Inorulwonnl baton! --vm. -In u but no uni I00 her?" Inorulwonnl humour` "You will u but go h'l|nhulruuiI? 8|: will u an or In: I I Iopanngu uoonxnnn the cu-unony hover. it an oneooouoyuonlu. luhsllc lvllllllnblhltlnitogololhotllu thou! um I: sped be ." . "I'll go, notgur. Bpt_ a_Ing_co you |thul' `nu ll agent: 0?. go. mother. But wan to Lbrhvo than is u catch nbonlluonr "i hope you ill! marry her. win In. ligation`: puking oh:-go. '-l`II oounlullr ll." laughed Int IOI. encouraging . M Tlnnouul nllny sullen III bu lulu from Illa Arbntlufn. to loan- dzuuvhnhgulhlqu uoobotng pnunblo. In dcnldoll wdk. Anlnouull hv.oHhoIA|I.on mod Isl tubal. :0; c any: .'." though nlnnuinn jml. ` phtdugoonunn. Thnxlnonouaohudddnrt tnthonwlhh I uud|.ohl mm In annual ms: in. scanning unl- - 1~g- . I'|0`I 1IN AND IIIGIRIONTO. 1`IlI\Vl'.ICK~ LY 1'0 I|II-IaII'Il.LI- I-:1-Annlntllllllil hood by} null; nun -lrn. II. I`. Iluady. llu-pt-r`: L 7 NI nut: and latex iulov your boom Imam. , V fiat Ioluvundr` Nut OI-I Into VIII ndonnnlnn 1] "Shula ol lllgm! that -n Innnn I" _;4 SAVING A FORTUNE, A Pnlhlonnblo Pb-out. wuoyuonno. nnun sglsblhntlnnlogolothoaltu mesa; ;5;x;m, L}s.vru1:'ox3*; mnvjsn run run unu.wlin.urnn umou ITIAIII lg: -1l?I T T '3 ` ;:u`;;~~ \\* . I nlkig. 35)`! I10! '59- ,0. ` ulking lo!"' ' '*`l um sun I don't." monodinnk. ' Iurin fix 5 Ion ul luclnntod woudct. inttholluemn-hudlunuthn I"- toct sent at who loveuut duh. y iouu ~-ru an nun. You've not a month!" "I Ihould never dream lL now. u an will do aomothln full me. I shun very much ob In you. The cow bu gone qnllo tiny. I me. Will you atop down to that home ondor tad l uh Illsa Arbuthuot In one 0! hot | men to help me.` I've hun my tool to ' thntlc-:ln'1bonr my wolgln u I: IL I Mr. Frank I-Zgonon. you can tel her." . In mention 0! Ms mine. [he girl ` -... _A...l .- ;..l.n.oh- Ull In Icon! -4. Mr. I`I'&llK l'.g9fIOII. you Vin u E M `, gutted violontlv. H "Mr Frank I-Immon? shun . . ngooul ` 5 "I'm not I child. elunu." she said. brlil'lng at his tone. "I am unn- . man." "Mr. Frank lgunon 1' sho question- had. looking u 11 the wu trying V017 find not to laugh. "PmchuII`." find not [0 Iaugn. "I n:clouly. 1 "lino you come lo marry lbs Ar- Illhnul? "l! he cxclhhpml. "Oh. but you must! You cu`! `nun tho money without. ~--Ihnllv! How dovoucouelobolo T luu Iuv nu-`aw. ........ r..... P'?"|"!'~ ' . well. I'm A Ix-miou. on see! Abolhonouus Ills: Arbu not his living. I believe." "ladoodl" using but simply. "You In I porl_upsP" Shh mmhhly. Slohughod roguhm . An you going to boymy uncle! I'm going In an down hens and Vista: that mm." he annwewd. n In. dmmnd union tho znss with I 85"! -'8I>p.m.. sharp. DA] V. u- ton. tlprt-r Ilurtul pm; I5... cl . Mallow hon Tm .I-nnnd LIUIIVI at 13]) p :.$loI Hill pun. III IIIIWI dropped upon 0 3 unotharoal ua. gr, _ Q13. lorg fa me!" cried , u ,n,_ 1.-.: um man." no annweml. -- 50 upbn tho "Oh. vo (go girl. and darted away an if she had wings Ilolulo he Ind hlhlly missed her. it she had mug: liotom ho hlnlly two momcuno running with an emo- soh. upon which he-. nrr some damn: extended himsell. and was so borne to the house. Thu cnl-gin nrnvml n sL`\'\`l 0 OBI`: "I6 The sgilnin proved A severe out-; doctor ad to come. Ind our hero tound than was no prospect of his bo- Ing able to put his toot to the ground for some weeks. 1'... lilmln Imh-_ whusu acquaintance Mr weeks. Tho lillalo Indy. whose nvquaintnnco be Ind made through the medium 01 lhoeorw. wu unwenied in her anon- uonu to Mm. repmnohing horn]! u Ibo ouuo of the nocldonl. --in. R-hm" Iha -ornnu called of the Iocldonl. "lbs Sylvin. the normal: her. he noticed. and did the ulna. m.. Arh-(hunt. mum lo M: must. noticed. nnd did the Min Arbuthnot. runner to his nliot. and not present honoll. "Her aunt seldom his hot noon." Incl-sell. Kin S Ma add. her annoy eyes laugh- :.... n inn. "When he III well enough u: u---- .....- -..- _-. _. Knu in. "When run enough to no the nnrringo oonmony per formed. would be tins enough lot them to moot. she. the aunt. thought. Meanwhile the hoped Mr. Egotton would nuns hot. And snow her niece In entertain him." 'r.. um Incl nmlmnllion ho usonmd him." To the last proposition eagerly. Tho niece. ha acknowledged to hinnoll. Ins the moat churning uad ox-Kn! ctouturo he had on: not . rand tn him. mm! to him. huh- WI Y RlDA\ II 6 L. ;lh~ nnuusH'.Is.m.. Pioun M I an : Do Iuoutoon TUMIIMV IIICITHUNHDAY :3 6:65 min. ~ Homo II :0 19 1.111.; Iluuomn on an-t'mu.uI nl ms nu. u.d Pk-Ion a am am. and-1 M Khan: on l5oIlgy._ _\! 3 on-Kn! ctoatuto he and em DBL 0 road to hlm. gang him. hug! ed It hhn-Vns by turns gay. nocki . utloun. toning. perplexing. wll sweet, till below he know It. the had bowlwhod the soul out o! hlm. Irnp um nk time In his lilo. Flint the soul out 0! mm. For the In: time lilo. found hlnnol! In love. ln-yoa. Indeed -0: his head! 11.. divinn nnsslnn -1 which he hid II]: had! `Ibo divino puslon II ho no long ucollcd Ind suddenly . tn ubyu under his very loci. ua ` unl- lowod lulu. -n.. hum ummm at Miss Arbuthnotl WII .0fl0l'- B)`lVII I Wtilllg lllvlluvu 0! her In! sgnn ' to him. Toolovn til 0 bud suddenly devol- om3`I.l'dl ho did not helon nlpoct h to possess. Ho bud grown bnhhl--lns:noly. uxcruclaungly huh- hi. How. in the unusual wonder. ho puz- Ilod. did a man over go to work to all 1 IOIIIIII be loved her! :1. lhaunannn ah-Il&r. the irresisti- loan!" "Oh. indeed!" with a to? lo` I dream L l mu van Inm-.h oh you. `I `ho bars I. to! Mini Arbuthnot honor. y via`: toning Inonuou no but us: |Q0l'l\' he loved her! He. tbopnu ole-Odin. ble gnllanl. tho adored ol wonnlkind. ukod hinncll um solemn quontion. und could not unwar it. M.-hnn, hi: nnklo dnllv. hourly. could u. Momwhlle. his nnkeli dully. hourly. mum y. 0 gnmbl 1 humor. He whhod It wouldn't; he`:lkln`t Inn! to get my better. He should have to go uwuy u noon as be In: well. An lo:-marrying Ihnt old wanna. he'd for 3 living nl. And. oh. dear! II r thn bow|lder'lng mu. witch. lino Bylvh. in night ll well think ol wooing I Iunnlng-hind or I huory. `no dny cane. ulul whoa In In: ohllnd In uklowlodp an In In `no my uuu wlvu nu wu- ob] uklowlodp vol enough to in up; and I um. lute: hhnhlabypnhnooolboinguunlnmo hunt oath-sly 'tao\hln'Io avail. The and III :5 lsnct --mu Rvlvh." and Lo. dunonhly. and hum; "Iuu Sylvia. an to. door-ornul . one no . "Inn you out love?!` "I!" oxuundy A-Ind. IIIIH.-Q III Ida` ' IV I W ) 7 iiud um . '3 II! "XOI. II II IIIIOC. II Iliulwu. vaguely ad (homily; "put yo_:`n on nun: my uutlo|-ouI I you? --1-I I'll call my um. I13: V`IlIq nu` . J . onion-on`: P "I-1", my u,:n.l. girl: add. dclluly. Ilnrthg lot the r hint |nIu3p_t9d_hu-. "Don`u he uuuhd. --1.5: you would now: mention your aunt`: nut In -an nnnln ..u.. , | "Win! in Mali` Nvh It I: ll OI ywr ' "Pu nu" coma: . "Not?" Ila y vlnyoxolllitl. with Inpnulvo gunmen. "Well. not as-vcI'sl.t`l.|hat hnouho nonnat- 'l`:7nol! l`ll nover marry anybody Inn nu-I" In our` 0| Hulk` tubal]. but col- 3-vtngtolootvorynoouoloulot Iv CwI.1IVCy. "lltgvu-uvw 5| 0|`! II .."`.` ".2. '.`.'.'."" `""'..'.:"` Io unoulod. "I ma dlouiot you at -Inn" "Would you tally! "Int than I: no Ioodoltluyouhov. huh nnod Ihomvwr rub and I cIn'LI`und WI. H31` I Ilunru -a gm...` ...,_ ,,._., __ ;`. cl? Ncllovlq on fnoodqys, Than anon no 5 In. all loan lldloullo on ION DA 7. Wl Y Ild Pl_lLDQ\` |!A0_ _; ` mamas!!- noywiou." lily! How doyoucolnelobolo round?" Inked. 1-`rank. a link I to Ind the mnucr such publl-_~ ety. ;, on. nnnmxl Illu Arbu lslnod. |>|IIIl - c --rm. vbun. It yum will um um" mother ant got tho u that mount in your uncle`: Iilkh thnt `I In no dnndlully old.l nlon`t hoi! Your unolo saw in when! wan to 3 child. nnd look nn utranrdlnuy to no I have nlvnyn thought. thong that he put me in tho will mom for 3 john than Anything. Anyway. ldon`t wnnt to take your fortune flout on. and I did not want tuunnrry you n: but I now no other way u! giving bnck the money. I! you had kept to your intention ul marrying me to one the fortune. I meant to hum boon Ingr- riod with a thick voil out my but no that you Ihould not know you Item not marrying the ugly old wornnn you lmnoined no." you ' Pnrhapi tho only limo when `bombs permuted an`. speaker to has the conclusion on In was when he had I discussion with uon. James Gudnor. editor 0! the Augusta I.'uus.MIlioualb'.vL Boloro Toombs luado lhv ugmcmenl for Gardner to oom`Yudt~. ho spied In ox-gun-grinder uul his monkoy out by. He bu-gnlnod with him to commence uh)-1n;Lu soon. as he (Toomba) got mt Gunther uroso to reply mud nhyln u as` no uoomuu; gm ihtougi the organ-grinder hogan. Tho crowd OOIIIIIIDIIK to gather around him. The monkey gut away and ran up 3 Inc. The Italian put down his urgnn and tried to shnko tlw muukvy out. The monkey would grab the tron and uhnko It Inax This .-zvvnt` t`uuI|Ilt`h`h` H1110!- V I Era}: C`f0A.--Ul.AYll`l`l. um Cuuruu xuu.-ll)' a thorough knowledge 0! the nuunl ht: which govern the o[-enuor of indication and nutrition, and by neon- lul Ipplimuou ol the line properties of wells oelocted Coodl. Mr. I-Emu Inn pmvided our hnnklul tabla Imh o dulientoly nourcd hovonxo which moi Iovo nx nnuy heavy dootoru` "hills. It in y the jnduoious use 01 such ortiolon ol that tho: o oonntitulion Inoy no gnduollv built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to dim-use. Hnndmlu of nnbtlo mllldiea In; nesting Iround us ready to ack whemvor than in I not point. We may escape any a total ohoh by keeping on:-solve: In-ll Ion: ilcd Iuth pom blood And Iproperly noun-uh~ Id ftune."-Cinl Scrwa GuNr.--Iu|o uuply with had yuor or n'1'k. . Sold only An Quotes: on _um (ill). sud 1b.). by .. . _ ,l n n. u. 'l`.J.Cr1U.Iutct. wm. mull fun at nodes. loan lhuuou nIsJIp.m..uInrp. DA] V. trfil u Pk mu. lUp[I-r iI_u(!)_| [L gm ' llanmum M _.n--. -I-L..- . mu nuumu, 1 ._Ys' -nu vv-u, nun. . ~_~ :.nwI`hooan1I ----~- loll pg w..|. Wilson-Pharmacy ___V__7__ would grab um xroo nnu lulu: it. too. This swnv t`Un|ph`tvl{` ml the audicm-v :uul provukw tho ut- most hilarity. (:.mlm~r left the la!- lonn in dis-,:usl :\~' in-Eng oclipsod y I ll\0llkv_\ . - .!.`.'nu. ~z `unxh!Idiou. -- `L I }- ` `lh ' to! '3. &,"`. .."'...".`1".". .`.`a .`a'..`.( FL 3.3 mT ',' Grocon. sbdlod.-Junu v-nut Co.. U0` ` mm pubic Chemists. London. Eng. --,n.__. ___, Holloway`: I`l|lu. In the mmpluiiu poeuhnr to female than Pills an unrivullod. Their use by the hit nu hu become to combat (or. the to- inovul of their uilinuih that an I an toilet thu in without them. Amount All dunes, tron: the doinuuo manual to II pet-run. univrorul hvour is accorded to those rt-iim-axing Pills ; their invigorating; uid purifying pmponueu nudor them Ida uid innlunulo in all nun; thov any in phen by fond: dull ngcuiotuiy dhor guiiiniiou or incgid.-rity of the union. Ipeedilg iunonng the nine and tutoring Inn in not torobnnl hocillh. An uhuiily niodioino they no iiinppzoschnbio for nub duiug the innlndien 0! young Ind ulil. For Ink :3 \\'udo`in Drug Soon. __j._.._ The Eleanor plan 'I`rooI.monlvu iunoduoed totho motion poophnevonl you: sun by furunlung tho round) to than unliotod with Hunt: uz guy ol in forms sud oooounx no pay until ponnr uoul can in eocmd. In this `my me uuuneu` gained 1 world wide npuuuou on in own menu. new-r (tiling to euro` any nulucnhlo Hornin. The (`am 3- bus ` hood the n~mh' on rule by all rugguu | In the United Bhleluhnndn and I-luglnnd. in this wny bringing us within the road: cl Ill dunno st 5 Inmnq out Auk your druxxint for u (no book or and nix out for one to the I-lxoahiot kupuun Cure` ......... W I Nnuufununnu 00.. Ocdenlburg, N.Y. __-Q. Tomcat-0 the Iouhl ol the had}. m- vuonu tho Iyulun. govitdlu tho abutt- oi ll tho uug ohgcel ol nodwnl Iuouoo. Tho dnquuvn organ nutboinn hum: oondnuoun! with In noun this and nulls. And no ro- Indyyot hn provoduoo8oo- Incl In Ialomplnhlng thh II Pu:-Bun Buvumu Cour. II onutunu the fhoqvluor outohill Igtholorvoun zuudsll Ibo In prohan ` Phi-nod tn nch tin Hood um nun-lytbo mind can-nnnv-ilh lhh|}$&`CP?I.X- hlaud ma nuplyuo nu-nu canon Iilllhooloncahlotrooouklo tho. otnlo at Wale`:-sad tho Plu- -.- W J Wuhan, Ioothuto. snap. pun In the uonocn udhndndoon 'nInsnhnhInduIl hnnqh. `ndouhhh ' ylumuo Ilcrnlh-can nun vcryiounnoln-dnuoH.h u&Im Atrhl huhucyhpnnhuodlot 10. . my nnllnmonniil uncut: ldtho W r?.I3f:....;..T... hnvo tried `u llnnmur. Ibo pganmdy. In thol it 1: nova kn dowry dnuipon. llounlgn mu. ennpu. you in the hulnncylupunnuoalot um. I my and] unonnliu hutnpudilunyollcunnlmnln sullen ctnnuyulol innlouorasc. ionholu-vllluot Edna`: :.-.--9-.__:. GIRL IIAX DOWN. Watch wyd. oil to nu. n Wil- liun Dun`: Inlet . tho ohoqnn ho . E Onlorh W.....a"" .'l'3...a."'.a`.nu.a..',s'I7 Si` .13: .*-1'.-'nEiinq`iuio uu Inn Tlaoh (huh Ind 01) land to boom: ".I:O':lU.n`IouI II ! on ' lull . nomd um! I o . .._ I... _.._._ oh.` An nnv nun union mun: uuup.u-u uu-V-u pluuntho loin; dnhrhnou utlnonndh `coho! u|IlhlI.u|l- ohlouololhhc. huihn. buivuo. 1Lh.idIhI. iullib jcvolluimntul Iuuauuu (uh. Allho numb char :.uhounnhul|. a. rd I I cut`: ldhinovo hvomr all. mg I Ih ...a:H hlhonnolfounnp; -'IWI.Z`. Thuhhycod qIuIuthnu|uo< (Mnpud j "'--'S5:"'{"e`.C` An that V Ink ' nun `I ` =`n~.~_-.2-..~ ~4._ W. wt` `:;:-milk! 0u|hInl..C:. Ecllpna by n Monkey. nod no." y me... too." chuckled hunk. \ man an Inn: Im cnvnd his 10 I. too." ehuoucu I-run. I. was how he and his 10'!!- 51., 1991. ' I come now so urd of tho dmicnllv _ had huge: which Hunk at I.he'pn.~mu& ' confront won. I think lhu ml. Lhe|~n.~oen`l time. portly [tom cause: to which I hue ` alluded. and pnrtly lmln certain Ipooinl cipunahncu. you an practically con . hound Inn: 3 oomliinnion ol uniutcr ` iukoruts such n has been nu-Iv seen before in any country unvingfno l Q[\lB ' seuutive iuntitntiou. Thou intends! Iuool vuiolis kinda. Thoyue qngpndnr ' [eduudhowod by I huulol |nln.oiu:u -1... pron llnir own sum-anon. vhilol [calm-lhondod by undo! muncunu who. even thtir own aunnnon. while` they claim am they are ulmit Ind hl ented Illncln obliged to mlmn an un- uompnlona. no roekleu. an apple: how they ntuuu their ends. gwovidod on!) they can attain them. Behind these men then coma I (ran tray 0! various kinmr. W0 how I nunbu of ......n-.4;-tn:-n rim nd lhll ii i! lornu Nu-U. I (`anion ion at an Illoomen let M IIOIIQVJIQ, 1| `flu--3' .\|now7|heir mun-m s In KIN- Ii0|u- lion-r|.naoul In Brain 3 ~NoI|a u: l._iLc n. YIHOIII IIWII. `IO IIVI I IIIIDCI \- cnuzrnctnro. who and that is Quiet und planner to as fortune: by tho expedient. 01 subsc inc to tosumoqidu uumllunt-V. oriklinfin that ol-Ibo other nae Ill!-Illolv. uI',,n_\' Ill! Inuvc` I` 51`\'|:`huuIm-I Inyn |hg:mw||| nqddyk uuuugestzgmnelvu to oh! iuv0l |D~ ` Innl mlmcums who `loam: to pvonoh | suggest lhelnlelvu out no upenonu ` o-l politicians ulosiro [ranch what they no ploosul to call no Irel~ law of their putv. We have bonds: 3 unnll but extremely powotlul Hod)` ol monopolists. eapocinllg nilny monopo~ lusts whoa iutexeuts no doubt no grout. but cannot by luv pouil ilily neon - ciled with the tune Intotutl tho pom plool Cuudo. You buo I whole uny Q oi place nnd subsidy bunlonq. iulluouconl ` by much the slum xuohvou. You lute. lutlv. tint clus oi men who may bo' -louud in nll countries. whose idea 0! goverumollt is not that the Government should ulna one 0! the iutonotu oi the whole people but that I Government ex- ists lur purpooo ol grouting Ipociol pn- vilogea to special classes. (.\pplnnn.l Tbeau men. to do them juotaeo. ham been Ioudorlullv orrunixul. wonder lully disciplined. wonderfully ilnllod {or their work by-`tho Post Grnul hint:-r in the Unlor. \.\pplnuso A Although we lrnu Ibo lunu 0! I frw uoverument. lunu uot not live gun-rulueut at All. We have not today I well organized system olgovorumont by bnbory. the like ml which bu nuolv been too: in any country. \.\pplouuo.l Sir Robon Wulpolo in his lay no doubt (or I time ulimnntorod tho Ioiro ot I-Zqlnndpn u politictl olecuon. (II snnumnng newt l gap:-n hue uulxhom. an-,,b_'\' an other ol tho hundred vnyu slut vull muddy lay doubt. lot umo I-Zqlnnd on some what nimihr s_\1t.em. lint Sir Rub on \\`dpole at In: worIA-or lain but. whichever you choose to cgll it-nevor vrnlnred olxelieuueul [III 0` IO lull expedient 01 sgbscnbnug to uosumoqnuu `u phun. that pomctl auction. subsidizing nurt- mun whichever choose to gun u-uuv-r ventured ouehseulieun put the mcvcr attempted to counpt. oue~twon~ tneth ot the people tint no nuompted in he em-rnmod undo! the present [0 D0 fpi lllit `III [Iv Government in it now exiau. - Mr I: uni} "arm ugh! at .Tnn-pr.-. Although I do not Inn! to speak loo severely; lumat my this. um when in l8T:% the people of Cnuuh or rnlher 1 |n\{`ority ol the pcoplo a! cannula. chow. nnu or mo cimumouncet. to do what m\{`orily ol the pouplo ol um:-In. chow. nm or the they dill. they did almost pncinely um ume as it the eopla ol the Unihnl Staten. nlter A full exvoumo ol hit dead: lnu-I been 1-leased to clnodio law Mr. "rm-l an Prociclenl o_l the l'nItoul Staten -aluu;;lnlub--with Mr. I-`ink u Miulxwr of llsIlwnys-uouevtod Iauglnten-and Mr. unkun Amu as Socnuuy ol the Tro-uury. hon-I lluglnlot nu-I npplauuw The non III the name. nml the count , quenccl will be the nuns it you do not ` uku cue. bociuso 1: is quite impossible lot any people m Canal: at eluowhem to violate all the lava ol [Iolmcnl moral ;... ....| "mm um inevitable cunse violate tn the law: oi [Iouucu worn: it)` nu-I cvonpo tho inevitable quoneos. The nation which chuoa-on to now the wiml will reap a whirlwuul. And at l.o-duy vw find that tho whole I touo ul public luomht)` luubaou Inluotvl ` II to fwd that tho pm-ople have Incl `cull; loat eonuvl ul their oln lim mom: that all n.-stnml I-u pnclically l-on-n romovul lnnu than men. that we . have ontoro-l upon I cuoor. winch. nu. Ion checked. WI and in nuoul hunk ruptcv Ills] the utter destruction of our C0ll(e1l(`l'IlIOII. let on rem:-ml-or mu :3 cut done by our own act. nn-I that it nuts with us: to rt-mody il.- Ru t`..:... ...II .n' 7`u:un.`u III!` III IIIU I-nun. Aueudmg the not 0! many nu-hcxnen in Ihe Ionduny In provoh ooaphllh 0 Jim tuning and nnndilnu not won no Ihn the angina] uuhlo. Hunnhnub In (Into and Imuonul lilhmpovor lul bu`:JIropor\'Icu which ' up tho uyuhm shanty annular: In par- Iurrn than funouonu which no Quentin] In health. They In! the Ilmnuh. chum tho Inc and Ilunuhto the bunch Io no Inn! notion. making: oouctiptiou n writ shloim `bdi . Tr ` llunillouin VT!- uhlo Pals. by le.C.Pohon h o.. ud by Ruler: in Iudicinu evoryulpn. an: --I ounolsuuonlaoulnyul tor]-can! grind nd 3. IIdotnIlQOIIh~ lym ' _ 5 lnuipn. f)ugupnn. Indra. l-d Io. Comm; p cl tho I-nod. Yolk! . who lot 7;. to mu-In-I mum Vsullnw. nun lInhIlinn&.llnt:!_inlavigatim Go. Yolvlllnlolhod as Qkhh ALIIII` I . uuuvuu. Inurunluu utwnur !IPrb-o-I001. ui.\`1`umIt_ms .j{IlilTE. I. u --uuu -v-.7. Dr 8. F. Nowoonhor. Onuloltl. 0.. Ilylf "In can ol dolhy Ill ......... -9 .......| and v nclmunaollhl nun! l'l8l.l-`in. lp..l.lI.. Vl:j_W \'oIl( ` . ..: Iofktfl Adi PT! Aunoilhunodlot |.__.-annular. no u-cor. II b 3 Du-can-usounu 6 lull I19 IIIUIIIPWSI [Intent not an inn. -v lind- |',,n\` ounr Q: hull mum I ml unoriano IBIIIII 1' wk- um` \I\ I anvnaa urwuvu flown nuke! I-uunoulhk (nu Oollqo not-an nqneuuo Flyidun nl other I ol Iulrllu-v-two and chunk: In up 3:? Wu? AVA 8A`Pl'. (`rut published in turn] a nun our ndilvtll law I: uupnaosl ma Iluhtui Ibouphlh - III Inomund nu; um: Iuluony I IID In Iouapun: -uucboxuuolw Inn! in ROuuundundIyu'stL halal Ono Iunlhuux um. lIInoLIm|\a&1Ibu1 qnnuu. I um umlal an Imdleluo In :01 Iuuknt. Ind IIU lnnlly 5-Id um I! I nvull tonal I50 rk-um nus:-.-{om llvlwevlroublo I Ihoull up this pnpuuh; Tho u-I II. the Indian _ prcloulon mum -Iuod and lxelplul In II: [vs aooioilv-ulnl one Mano: IucIuII.IOtb Ibo tulumu 0! Imndrvdn ol mhlludl uxd very npnhhlo gonuoncu he-Ily loan; not to dolbl lhu Mull. lWA|Iu nu tsllbn men out M moo happy-II-rovorloo which nvmnnomluy hIiu< help to mu-In humanity. / ) Q I . 'I`III~2 IIIISAIT D. ID! L831)` - I I wvuuuu p------... Conical OI Iundnn. Algu-Inn on Wednudnn. I `orlnohul on I`:-Mayo, And he IONTII ll. ANDQUIIEO 3| l mu. co:-Inna: on `tunic: I. Coral:-an on `Thursdays, Algennn on lullrdnyu, IORANGESH lumen RASPHERRIBS 1! JAs.cnAWinBn'sl |noNrs:_1_3oz~_n:sn| ;Air1tx~ mmm 3:730 Cull};-Da9au' I7. high:-ole-at-|-rleo II tho any hr Alconnhpsl-llovtvldlnmllg lino. nlw um anmxunxp 00oD:_ gym w I'A\' 1| (`INTI A Ill`NDlllDul II: K`! Ictlluuunlullnuucluuuu ..'s-.:'...~.-.-:.-.':~**...;::...-+=*.*`..m-.>3.m| Adina: Iunonl-or tho --.1 Prune:-nunqutl nuance`: nun Paint}. _. -:-.--n. LA muars mm I1nn,| I.x`mnrs- Ll - V \f.-16" cuwm SIEAIIIIIP BOIFIIV "LIIITIIIJ B. BA{g:y&co| nuuIn-E|munun| \-A|nnnI- LAII 1IIZ. HID out and neon: punt-hfanhxllnt unmat- ..._ Incl II. .InHN.\`0N't~ l(Al.~10.IlNl-2. HASWBLL Q 00.. WHOLESALE nnnmmnt IOKYIIAL. " -'- Lemons. I`IIM-nu. Nun-. IOUIIIOI IIO3-o muntmsa mun. \'AlU|`III.' I-A`! XVII. 011 II. If Pulohn ............ .. . nu-um mm. mm about. uudinlnn nun! you um. ALL COLORS Prat-hes. Prion n .\I.. Kingston. Mnsceununeuuu Quin:-rs Almonds. Pen (You. Wall Nuns. . luau-I Nun Aprlrolvz. ALI. I`OI&.I. new In: L-tau`: lauaon Mo. [IN 03708. (`lnunlu .. Polynulun Pcnvlnn ` on \ rm: 0; :-nuns: N*t);t2:-r.J lllur In-H3`. Blackberries. "IV-'vc vvIn.. sun can not 01 non` Thu 5 audio unnyblvutltqnu I In II. c noutnlu-lunar` . Mint ul units: Innings: tad I510! nah.-Ink: In-Q hIIIu.`III-:0! uehuwnl ` and Inch do I `In 9 an In an am no hvoly ygvcou 5-lvuncoutm in! N0 `drain! when on twlnn upunot Ar . Int oulnnt-A '\l uuhu I-quool _lc In-Dr {me and r` ah/T13 mus *- v-u--_-.~.s.3 3_-:-_"..- '-**'-" "W ;_.`_- :g___ h'?-'-'uiuii}m- In-I--0` (`.1 htlholnlltonn km. mm. on nhonool nun-W Tum < W. n. I`. |`K1)|.KU. uh! I`:- . Utuau Rind. Inn (`in nun` H u... ? .....uu.b wuss-u L\l '|'n'nd-an. cal huoluu .4 mo A cu)`: '\vm|~n) land-n. Kn -\r-vxmu. cw . r.-hour. Rf. 0&4. I`l(lb'Q bfnu. 1` , lhnun II some s11.muI."I.i.;.. `OLIGITOI. . unmsnun s. pa-uubo Macao-x IIu.\N\'1n u an Ioiodouiinlnlon J. ll. cL\Il. lit. l\.lI.s.. |..lI.:,, DKRTIFT. (Indnn NI` York (`olkcvol lhunouy 0eo- olnnnun Hun; I- man Hindu: and Fuel Ilnoli l\Iucu|-r oxrruouunlolho unnrnuon cube hC'u n gt for Helen ulnd othov Information 1 IOIAIB a urexi I to V. F0313? NIIIIU. hm Whl . Inqltol. In! I IITJAZPISICAL 3 The Wookly-iI-lthh Whig ' In puunhad unv I-It-guy Inuxxm; u on `I33 vvwuuq `w-n. ` 3-sun, nu-,u_u-u`\ma.usu nonunynnu. If an 1- unset-. otbutt-ouplnlbru-In but on. J. \'ot`.\`u. I l`.. ` llhlldlho Boyd (`wilt-nu -I Buunvun L |Qd-ac. hououuo t`lly'I'\VII|`g) |_AQ`\\I.KII, cw- }7mbIuIvd `human-v nlcnurd I have Ibo Lanny alike In: ul mum \.i nulun by Itlopbtuymonptly hula! In IN (DNIZC'I'IOH Wl`l'l| l|IAL'l'lII a nun In. on Incl Blunt 3 FIRIT-(BASS Ill!!! vnll alum! lo nu uncouth onot noun xumz Imus loorhhn II uudonuusl unto umum ur ~u---. tlnllohuludtuds Iu.I`mu IDNKIICTIOH V I\lA ' Ihl IIOTM. 7 A _ _ IIINKI N Luah. R0371?-HA1` IIIAN C lh\`R8`l'IINT 80("\ Loan In: lap or null nnml IN gvuuut M II rue-ul lunnvol In or Iholl manna. Iolfl Pill CR5? I.`-TRKKH uluvml on annals TIIOIAB Nuuux ouxv qty mu- obotuu none` rug.-Mud ouuilh Pnuruo ml I`I\co LAM. II. ITA|.laI|\AI'P`I Itllf luau: counts: u on u and Inn! Imam Unllx. 0000: that um Illlluu D lI\ CII-lxrn Ilnvahn A lulu: prion A hon. I-n. Ian-l..u Icnn Vanna Q Iulou gnu lb. A4-`l$ IEO Ilonhu ' 7*` In: hon hu nmmm mnmmn um. I..\ll(}l-2 BOA'l`lN(`u S'I`()(`l\'. J. IIIPYX IINII BTIIUSIIIIT unnlxlhb. Alana tank 04 Hanna lluun 5 ol all that upxl Donn-Inns: In ask if: n-4-I nun oug DIII II IlfOFI\h amm."'17IiJi5 L hi: ems hi` Ll\Il\'. - WK uudnnuusl Iito tnfwm no and: gou.'I:c'rlun ASHLE1 &U(). nonun- 3 IIIllI`IIPhM2I. ASHLEY .9;-, 00., I00 I100!` ITIIIT. launch hut! ud N-I lino lay Ii. NEW gggnnue, In] .lAIOfIID ulhH&IIII&- At 5 ""&i%"'% 1?. Z - la Ibo Nut. 0-r- I50 I0 Ibnbrld A C JAIZ I old! Uuuspd Kwangju I-v -n Nova-I cu: nosed oil! rot-nu um um: I: Isouinnu-n.\u )r awn-I-umuuu-Into: pun:-an Ipr vlnl unonuon to any u-A I--ou~u~.I-on an-and III onuhody. I-yonlaouudo-the AIIIOOIIAIANI 088 IN TIII IN`.-I nun. ml! ALE All rum: Inui- Tmung A L1)|.l`U._9vQga I uu.__u. if Lruuuvnnhlnlunnhdtko nu. `Business Cams. --.='~5=-,..5=E.*'%"-"%:s%v'x~r'e.=g,'= A. OUIIIW-. 52M `i6L'rIi"r'uu l!~TNkK5r anon: 3 no not Inuhmurlu `IAIIIINILD. .'4k Island ; `I . c 5': -pi:-Ln!-'Q $1 `who and Dotty um. v ._- 2;. .u:~oJ mlmanen co -"'Bi4_i iiF;`% b . '"c3:;Iu"u|currs. E '71 tn" 'n`n"'1cn cm" " I` -XIIVC'I :1_._: JV. J. .OBO'1"'liB8 modnion. ` Hue-rs-,:u at very low tun. Sm Cioieun from Livonpnnl uni Qbc and :1! M.!II:f port: of lamps sl Iowan rnhn. lfavm LIVII xluhllf. DY! null. Otljlldfl. IIADAXI, Qt . '1/Half Pill our ha. Tr; Mon. Jon no Ming our lrlondn you on Prenatal ck0_ a low-at mm - - _.u u_.|--.I Ill|IWIlIl4Vrl'nn -gm-V- ....-. `E: E HO." -1 I t\_.|- Ilnnino lllln BIJVI aulvunl .. .u.uuo A1` oou nuns.) .._.1 nuuso non: Qrnnuo. Trizvellmg. . L! To nuuuav--.. [II1'All.IIIl| IIIB I nun. 'l`lmu(h llilln ol Ludiuu given for liol nn._ ul-nquw. llnvro, Answer and Mhu 1-mnhl on lha_(`.ontiuou| ; uni or Uoditor runoau pork. For height and [II 0. up Iy 5| Com~ -...v-.. mum. No. 1. Do! in: Nu .. .. W0-lncndny. Juno am ..WodnudAy. Juno llth . . Wodhaday. Apdl lath Woducuhy. Juno Ilth . ........ o-0'3"] M. . \Vot|u-In. Juiy Ida . \V.sduenthy,Julv I00: . . . . \Vednoud3y. July 13rd 9: Vlillllllu I |l0u0o . Ailllllwalhlh aunt n ckou u null England. lnlrd. many. Ouulon and or *-:..':t:'.E`.'.-5-"'| H." ' 0. I. Incl. Must. noun mu. _ Through Linc-. to 0 pm. _ _ A. (IUNII Q C0 . I`nI Anal; E: A Hint; U'I$\.'-v--`vs - v-- -- Tlm powdov never uric; A Innrvol of nu I] ma Ihnluomonut Mon scone mi )1` thujhoonhnnr Ilndl. ud cannot be and lo com lluon I lho all 0| hi Ila ubor vcIln..|lum nr ph v&I. only In um. NOIAI. IIAIINZI l ownln\.`oIn-`I nun Wnll haul. NJ. ::u\m\1:1)IJ1NJ[ ITIIEVGREATEST woxnmil nu ll: \l'\I.VDIl Tlllll \H0L1!lX 3| 21:311.! V1.4` .Lm..u.n;w q. I on an N: tuned: for In! lbu! bnnuu oldwon aunt and mean. It hnou ht rhotmndun. Pvrdlaudcuohhoolun coughs. ml nginndulu swelling; and .u nu dhnuu lg bu no nnl. Innnhatuuodoqlypl tn]. lIn:_.|_oI_ ` Int) .. .. .._..__._ -_- Pnl. llnu onrnlb Ihhmout. VI New Oxford It!-cot. Inc us 01703:: 8`I'lIl`|`. bouncy. nml haul ol sll lovlletu wot . Voudon throughout t 0 Puohuunulmulal maglxngologg no pug kg nu.--.. ........_.. Ihi-ouxhclw EE7v3'rl7l. Pnmhunn uhouhl amnion look mo hhu on the poi sud hon: ll tho ca-inn in not 53 Oxford luron. l.ouaInn.Ibov no uraniu- lhv ah ha Ilnry wade. Dug: A. III] Dino! `(');l';r'I'l;t7ooT i.3nc]nn.IInv orourulou Iouuo K|Jn to}. n v I. AT IIITIIL. I J. B. IIINDIIISON. JAIII OIAWFOMJ, W II. II` I C (.`O.. 'w!u.uu mun. N. .1-rm-T - nun Imnhluh. (I. I. WlL|(lNSO.\' & (` porn. . .-vuuvm Omoo. No. 1. in: orln. vn-moon n. nmwu a 00. V `I. J. I-2ll.l|E(}K. Kiugntou. Axum. Anni H521. ___ " W0 Inn this day Ipponnud W R. Ic- RAE Q 00.. lilptol. our Agent: lot the ..|. -...I n- nhgnnalnn In: an! nun I III), Illpuv-Q van --.- I Ink and lolahooulcn lot our Ixoual Iodu Water. Iuperlnl Polnu Water. ICQQHII Donner Inner. Ipu-ting Voile lncrnl Valor. lnponul Lita Want. lnpollnl (linger Ale. Inna-Inl Lnll n_.| | n... all In-m-nun ` SI 5 Wu hly uuunnuilbu-nu!!! udolI|oluI|n|ull|1\uIIIO0OI' ulnlluwuhuo olunibo po- _IA .1 IV-..-.n- v 3--v BOWDEB 4 `U.-Ag... IS...-. P5 1 Cums.` |".-._!_* -W * 9-I Lg:-Q 1 Fnou Qunuo IVIII htvlnu `I0 launoon. no Lounmuxunv huol Knmrron : (`.AM.ll fl`: 0110 ) an! 001.20 a Vii ' Il"`FIIDl;l- mu Iilnguon -041.- 8'l`N|GllMn-`. llalolmnl Kingston ll). lot lnln to connect the name: In 1 Rlnnwn rvtry FRIDAY :1 H0 run. And 2: Illll. IlluIn\lIlI)vI _.....,. loll by I In-mun; EL: I ~uIu IIvIr-.------ Absolutely Pure. `.1. m...n.. mm-r vnriu. mu-val mar I way 1:` `Halt v0L., mu. T'}'i'13"13'i'fji,s_ ........-uga-nacnlldhotdr l!I`.hE.Ei0I] Rtennsn `int. .. u unuuuu uuu -m--u nml Inn, gun] It llm MI- ,:u.-l mu! 4-an-mlenl hzw-' . V . u u. .. , 4 nu wr---- -. ..-. .... V THE OINTMENT .-Lnn.|- ..--malt Inn &aI ijh bl` Plllo and olnl-oul. ____ _---z -7 4 \.l.I.t.I.`u15A4nu:. Iv V. OI MODERN TIIEB W A '1!!! CO. 4 " K; .`!.1-'.0 " )' uw Yurk {Ed Liverpool,` .. .. l. nln A? null IAIIOKJ