WE sEL1;\_o`H1g}s_L1 CLOTH mua III |``'`'.'..`." '````"'`!'``' . Bl " o'n'. ."'Aua. Whll In this?" odd Int alums OD! Ill in-uv--. -wulouod bolero I Imp Innn I|`i[_ In: I Incl mid bv Iuncwln. nlnwry. :our thanks till we we ing tho mus Into on | ml and uiuking into A chair mg nurrlsn wma, FRIDAY` svm ma. mu: `cs. A rfncpaanssrvs V D1{T Go<)1)sLs'1`om: In their New Store are Selling Good: of all classes at prices such as have never been seen before in _ ` in the history of the Dry Goods Trade and Ir! are never likely to be seen again WE ARE SELLING GOODS IN ALL DEPART- MENTS AT PRICES THAT ARE BEYOND I A DOUBT BELOW COMPETITION. \.l \I.I-I.-any HAVING SECURED A l"IR8'l' CLASS? Iuiung LII his oh` enatomonu well II the 1 ....-....._ ...- \n.uu vmm nnnin DA . ,. ._,?` Mon`n Bslbuln him And Pmu. 500. NO. 750. In`: lerino Shin: and Pants. 500. 600. 150. Ne. Ion`: Indian Guns Shine und Punt: mt lowpnoun. Men`: Cot hm mun mlrum at low mics . unlit` Hugh}! low Call and uuunuo unu- JOHN DUNBAB, COR. Anvil Ill R. & J. GARD|NER.\ LII his oh` ennomonu won II was uuw ..... ....., .-.... ...... PERFECT HT. IEAVE YOUR ORDER EARLY. SPRING STOCK In Engltuh, Fun-h uni (lurmnn Costing: Icolch Tweed Bultlngu. A Fine Block ol Blnaisnd lot 0! Tmuerlngu. `rho Pinon Buck Dunn. luring Ovuual ud I very oboln woodnInthonutnl.nndItouda.uuu selection 0! Cundtn HINT BIABONAIILC PRICES. A FULL ITOCK 0|-` GRIT!` FIIBIICIIIIGI. Call and Bnznlutool and Price: No Troublc Ionian lloodl. I1\II\V -nnunnn nnt) DDTXTFWQQ `Ir Waugh tohlnnrbndy Culblnern know um we hue received I very ulna; lot I LOW SHOES AND EVENING BLIPPERS {mm the only duluivo Slipper Iuanhotunr in New York. The very lawn nylon, snd whhh will. '0 think. meet the nlemsndn 0! 1 grant many who -.. -muting uunrinr anndn. HAINES & LOCKE'l"l`, Pottlud. Bolton. Old Orehud Bosch Wink Ioonhinl. lllvbn dl lnuplnmlnuddo, Chulolutovn. llslihx. RI. Johmond I print: on the lnhnotl BK Apy to June 5. `mos. BAIL!-1!. 0-. Mon. liquo- I_I.lnlll1.I.-an-as.-------`__. > _ , --- IN 'l'III-- BULF 0? ST. LAWREIGI LID AIBBIIMI 8038! AT GREATLY REDUCED BATES. lo. Iucnrnu Puma: -I Sydanhun Bu lnonol. Onmo. R. \vALn1wN,* - _ Wll.SUN'h.` -0-! 1 IX'."V`Q?TIIL:';K|I|i[ lulu. lusununuutu In I . In clyuulcuuyol Imus: a sync: Imam. IITAILIIIIIID - - Ann-..L-manna-I-hhnnnn I U111` JJ April 19. Ilnluxut. lny 13. T WUIIHAD an: AB A'I7.INEa}" MPOINTS II! T lj Inn n:_g_-rnovnn. R. & J. GARDIN ER uln -5.19;-|.n.na.--1. .-v.__.v --1 T0 HAND 'l`0~DAY- THE OTTOHAN RADZIKERE BlLK-AN DSOME GOODS ` ' FOR JACKETS. Al'6-A Coqlete Assortneul 0| Ipnnx moves and nosnory. Inwm u|u.uuuu' wu.|. an; In on uruumr; ' _ - - - - um -__ can 1)..'......... _(':..mo t . Goodwood Coats Suitable for the Seaside, Garden Parties and Street Wear. Reduced from C6 50. 07.00 and $7.50 each to $4.50. and $3.50. Sash Ribbon Reduced from 600. per yard to 29. Dress Goods worth 15. per ya.rd`a.t 9c. Embroideries. Laces, Under- wear. Collars at Greatly Reduced Prices. I U I` I` '7' LEAHI IIKITIIH |AI -mu." Dphun-1 A Rvdnnlnl In the centre of their new store for Ba51'g.ins. Special Bargains in Hosiery. 50 Dozens Ladies` Fine Make Hose at 10c. and 1250. Der pair. Of Chemise, Drawers, Undersbirtla, Corset Covers and Night. Gowns at Lowest Prices. Fancy Goods at Hall` the Price for which they are sold elsewhere. Gilt and Silver Bangles and Bracelets, Broaches, Gold and Silver Sets in New Designs and a Thousand Different. Articles Tasteful. Ornamental and Useful. snows-Conn-u ...................-...u.. . Xffllilljill --c-am.-an.-sqn--4--no. v . ....- TMERICAN GOODS. I`0URlSTH TIGKETS FRO.\l KINGSTON ..._ .n... ..u n I`: LII`] Juno 4. rnI:mI` Q7` "1: _-'-__z-3-6.2.-!-L. 92-.--La-.r. A Mlllllnoons Aqvergiggmanu THE LARGEST STOCK LADIES SEE 'I`_HE CHEAP TABLES Joir `...-n . unnu-r 011:1: r`.l1 |"l`P.R 18 NOW C( All IOW ul HAD. TO ALL I XOII. Ina vary unwu-5 n_v-u-, -n. u.-. red no wnnting nuparior goods. s1mm__:6.m Paid on lumen hylututl larriaga nu Asmntwn -___.; ._ --_-an.. _ n. In--h:-In on-r IIO.....- Stand Troublctolllovllooa. PRINCESS ct WELLINGTON STS. ..IA-IInn I .lJLJ.l.VJ:)..n..Lv CLASS CUTTER 18 NOW GONPIDEXIT 01" all new thu. mny (or him withnolll in 5 - ,4 , _.__..... .._;.nur nnunt nnn IN OIIDII T0 CI III 373'!` 0! Till IIOI bylnw halo! lb Ill.` 0! I. L. moumooou'n| no-rum: IIAIIIAI IIMIIXIIIE vnuvyuwlunoolmduqllqludd II\JL\.llIlJ no-.--.v..- - -_._ OIIIAFB TIA! fll OIIAPIIT AND I'll ID!` WOII-(Icon but.) has new av-uw| | 1f1grUa1'f1T\1ia 1:(_)r__| - L-nun us can: - lilo:-llA-IOIIIII - Iuocll. I-UICUU' ....~......r.h. udvsnhqu HI gunman Comnm W McCAMMON`S BLOCK. I -'Alioe."aho uh-`I; "mm in nu plans iotnsou. I will call. the norvuh And no lot 5 ad 'uou_, and you must go Immn." , g i Ironic". ' ` 3 oh. no. many. 1 31 but lrighu-ned you. but ,t.hon in no need to ho lriglm-out Yes. can the ntvlnh. but do not let `them come in beta [or tub, not till Ihodoucnooun. They` I nan In no mind. ' "v in dend." . v~~~-- - . the bdhnho in-ppul outmdv tho door mud and. " (`Irma l"zu'uhuu l|&!~ been I-ullylnurt. ' wo of you go [or the unrest. doctors. Ynu uc-(xi nut L`0lIl(` in ' Il._, pmsoutl. My dnnghu-I Int` 1 will also can 0! lulu." 2|... uuunl. hm-k. cluaiuu the (loot be- huu." She went. back. clusing Iliml bur. Allen was mulling. Tlu-n-. _\uu are a dear! I will love you loruvcr for thntl It isonly fora moment. The ` clqctuna will soon be `lmrv. and then 1 umsl give him up." ` u uh, Ali:-n."t.lm noor lulv wllinlporul. I uuun, not LII Ipouonuuoou our do no good. Hv dad." Mn. Balding lml risen Ind do no good. llc In dead. I In. Bel-ling hul Ii:wn and rung tlu | llsll vinlony. I I -- Do. lunmml. ue Llmservnnu in tlw lull vinlony. _ Do. Iuunuu. rue Llmwrvnntu ya hglluub. Don`: k-I than ooumm I... n Innlnnnl Mn` I nrnv! I In-av! I "'9' "_ .`!`.`L".." .."`, 3 .' 1" I H -10 nuyuug lot y-"m." {lure has such iuu-us -V... uirln nwuunr lI|A uov and cl cu-tying oarunouo. Largo member: ntrongcn Company in oxiltanoo and UNDOUBTI-ID HECURITY. ' ur n II7`l.1l)Dl.Vl') Qnmnnfnrnv Ila llllHI Oh. Aliw."t.lio poor luly whim mm, " why do you talk so wildly ? \\' mt do you nimiu 2"` " Don't. cry. nuuuninl It in mi!` lo! a moiuuuz. It. in Ill vur aimplc. tun not crn/.y. llu xvi my lover l'-' " llcaiwli li_t-lp mi l"` Ya-ii. this uh-or mun. this noble mu: "om-red mo his love. Ind 1 n-fuxocl it. 1 nuiy lune been crazy thou. hut. I mu not now. lean love him now. lwill be his \\~ilow--il I was not hit: wilo. We will be` two widows M`0tll0l'4 :Ll- wuys. Now you know I am iluing ub- thiug wrong or wild. lie is mine." " (live mo one ol those t.oweln." sho exclaimed. suddenly. " l con tie in hit In-ml so llmt. it will .-top liluotling til tho docwn come." ` an... um]. um um eln. lore strips lrom She took the Lou els. strips: her own dror-.24 mud in a few uxn,m~ntu. with singular skill and huulornr-as. -ho had stopped u..- flow 0! blood (ram (`.10 wound. u'r|.....nI Ilulmlm nlnnoxt. as if he wound. 'l`lw|-(`I He looks alum:-st. I wore ulup. does he not? low. my love !" lfn no this moment she Ind !" lip no I one war. or xoim was \ | chokvd. and mobbing. lnut lwr (- .|... :l...hi-mu! him on his I chokvd. and Hublllllg. mu. m- dry. She ki.-mul him In his month. She lwnt ovvr I hvr :4umot.h chock to lm. my ()\\'n mu. All M. onvv she rniuml her luwl with a strange light. in her eyes. " .\ln:nnui 1 she cried, lure how mum him clurvli nu. lh-nvcn in merciful ! pt-rlmps he is Ilivo !" She put hoth arms nlsouthixn. null. gt-ntly but powerfully lilsnig his uluml wrifht of head and uhoul-lors. druiv him to let lioart. She holnl hiln lo hi-r wnnnbosom. rocking him to and fro. " Oh. my ht-lo\'o4.l !" I-Illt) murmured. if you will live. I will he no good to you." She luwcrenl him ngniu` roali|i;.; his head on her lap. t drop of blood. from the napkin in w ich his hand was wrzippul. hml tom-liod the bosom of her drums. staining it ill ii I cherry ha! been cruuhcd there. She sat. gazing with an nngninli of hope upon his pals hoe. A nhndilcr ran through him. nml he opened liix-::$`e9-only !or n monwnt. llo gronnocl. slowly cloned Lhnni. Tlm mars could no longer be re- ` Ind slowly cloueu menu. The tuna Rtrniuod. They fell like I\ nummt-r Ihowor from her oycn. while she sobbod. " Thnnk God! my duling in not dead." Her quick on caught. footsteps M the outer door. " Herc. momma. tnkv my place. Let me hide before all thvru-uu~n come in."" In 3 moment the Ind hoped through the window. whence she ran t.hrun;;h Min clowy gun to hex home. Aff &g,Imu.I llerodltnry Sc:-ufuln. Are you sun. that in your blnod the hint of ncrofuln ha: I prominent pine! This `untrue 0! out] on. It in linblo ll ....- mm. on the nlinhuut nrovocsou. to 01 u ll nuns an Any time, on the nlighteut provocaou. dovdopo ituell In Iomo inndiono dioone. Consumption And any other dice.-Ann ne tho outgrowth: 0! this impurity of the blood. Shnker Blood Syrup hu u woudor lul power over I nomlulnua troubles, Ll the rcmuhblo tutimoniuln we hue m oeivod unmhtahbly prove. w. I-afar bv nenmnion to Mrs. 1-. Fl- lion. Hsnovar. Hun, who wu onreu _ Shah! Blood Syrupol ll Rcroluh norou. the novority of which oolnud her to the house for two years. Six months, previ- mil to taking Rhukor Blood Syrup. uh could not not about her room wnhout snatches. Hot triend an I did not. think it ponihlo tor her to live msny months sht- wn manual to umuouhloton. Her euro in bu-dly lo: the I ninolo. Thole in no doubt tint in Shula Blood Syrup we hnve the mod remnrhble Inodicino lint. bu ovorboou ptoducnd. ud u 'u\o cure to: Syphilis and 80:09:11: In ' unmar- oun forms. H. W|do,Aout for Kiugutou. \ "` - ` -3" Instant; A in II!!! cu-cod; an?" '1 - - ` C akin ?}:`.`..'... ...":...."`.;.".{"J"..m."' -... ..r.s"..I'.'.."1` unmiushbly We refer by nnuniop dn. who cured by Ronny maul Svrunol var: sum`. 1% may thn good people ol Cm- Idtto bun M the corn crop ha been in-monuly manned ca Ounuh. No don! the RP. poqnh will chin thin as 3 product nl motunn. but Pl"l lAl'I l'mu.ua Cone Inn sud psinlun. Tuh no nuonnulo. Only 150. Tr your hnnd. A good crop guusnuod. {locum ol ab-outing out mints N.C. Poluona (:o..pnpnown. Kingston. -.?.._-j poqlo will ulna um n pmuuus ol pnmnhn. l"rtnI`u Ex-rucvontlono in untitled to ull the credit. ltnhn moroeorn to the can lhlu uny- thinq also the votld on: supply. Ede. nun md osinlo-. I-ubalitulo. votld Illpply. nun. psinlonn. Onlv 15 Trv your yum I launching. in than or with Hurrah": :13?! in tornu nnd collecting no pcy until permu- nnnl mu-gnu coohd. III Ihhvuytbo all about at 1 main; Ill. All your dl-Iuhluu hubokunnd uncut: Ior on to tho Ruskin lupun Cun Inulummn 0o..0Id0nnburg,N.Y I .__. flqlhylolllna lovuury An Inunlnntl. cnlnnol. the uhos uad shall. undo! Ihooldnyulom of tnuuuonl. In hqupuly now than dhuol. Vqpubk muunlh-I inn plural ot ;I_n_u\u Input-inn. Tho Exooldot Rupture Treatment vu ill.NMIOA.llGQll louvorol nu. an in Inn-shun. remedy to oolloounu Inn permu- noul euro VII dead. Ihh my tho tnmlnxon`. gained 5 wnrld undo reputation on in own merits. new lnllh In can any reducible Honk. The Colnsnny in: m the nqdyou uh by all raglan U ludhaqcnnnhnndkndudl A. nu. -.11 mum wuthln tho nub o uonutuu nlII.|Ino.uetuu-ooh` ax 'r`.::..'.'."r'-"'..'.:'.-.:.::."`.. arm full S `VA? IINTIIII IE.I`I"'l:l` V h|ho$I|&l.I:`Q_.I.|:hu n- AMERICAN [CHEESE CLOTH [`F/\SHIONA`BLE` MATERIAL . ~-:E'oR-- II! this UIIIDG Di. bani-u Inn '37 :0 I \ Illa; on. aging In-hoku-nd it oi Ant your guns: n|uo|nthoI.nuInnI|o(d'nnu.ud|| in L$f|ll|UhM tho not Ihould use only nnoliu an on onllnly Inc tram nbunl nduiuunn. Ha-lm`: Vap- uu. Phol Inndnln Ind Bntunug no Ihuul uluiuunn. annular: vqr Bblo Plool Iundnln Bnucnut manly unstable in con Mon. and we adv!-I nrhl b all who :1! II nn-nry IO IIIILDNISI Golahhl |lvo':|:dIo|no. Bol tlfolloopz |\\ \\ \\\\ Irul: *' (iuod-by. .1 nu-n lull`! fj-2'? V lnnlbu - "ll- .i'.'.'.`-.u... In 1.3: ml 3&3 Iu_\`uuu;,: lot you." . o :1: as liuu-usity of passion girl; puyor um her mother I and whcu Ihv an-rvnulu csuw wt; nu. llllu-\h'x.\`-(Kl. in answer 10' . good Ivy, till I come to you. .1 . r he in Imr nvn.-4. "I lg, lml. ll(`I' ('_\'l`.*4 urn rim luruw xunl rm. him and Inn to-Ina. She Inur ` `. \Iu.nnn| ' , not slu`-I ul-u|l\A44l Oh, unv ... i\lIOl"l' I`! NI-L. : Conn: 1|0u,I.[uiep hall the [utopia ouch. You no any. hue had hrnlh and um. GI-I"'I|. can`: ab:-p In-ll. had sales. nat- voun. irriubla. (`art art! at oll. eun'I.. nit it oil.` Well. \`\\lf Liver mbl In in~ ` vimnbal. You? food must lieu! proprr A` ly. New uwoduolun 1.1:! vu.l: a home of 7.0 r: u. You I1" In uurprlnul with I fewdonn Zurnn In 1 |`-on-n_uw cure (or that lmnbln. hecune in wt: upon use Qyomlclg u.n_l`_,l.|wr mud lhtonxh the Liver the -yutem nnJ'KoI-oh mun! bi` N-auhtod. "i'7Bt l 6rI'iiIu|r0Ht'"3huIz_cr:~-~~ W ~ 7 u: 05. win In 1"uu.v.: \\Jll )0}: heed the Inning The uhtl pol-lupu ul lhulturu npprnmh 0! Hunt more lorndo duuau-.('u~.unnpuuu. Auk ymxrm-Irv: 1! you run awd lot the sake oi unug .'.0cu.. to run lho risk And do Imzhim; lur it. We kupw (mm expat (non than Shiloh`: Cure Ii cure _)our Cough. It never lulu This uplniun why mom shun 1 Inilhon lnntih-I were told the `ant __\'elr. II. r!'"'.~\'N! the (`your nnd \'hmp|ug Cough. -I once. Me-{hers do not. lno\'uLl-out :1 Fol lama lh.cl_SnIo Sold by W. J. Wilum. i `or Cheat urn S_h|luh'u I.`-won.-s l'|nu-ta.` V AGENTS WANTED. In tho lviutorv of medicine no prt-pun nun lma re-cc-iw.-I such umvonnl common- dulon {or tho ullmintlou | nurdn. sud the permuuul. cure 1!. eootu in kidney dine:-u. M DI. Vua Bun`: Kn-xu Cum. lu: ncunu in than dmxouiug complninh is nimply vlouderlul. --j_ him. A. O'Brien. 3'11 Exchange mun. llulhlo. wu ni pond to be dying with consumption null ubnnilom.-d by Tu-r physi- cian. She suffered terribly. And was N" duood in th-uh to ninety puundx. In this coudmuu I-lw rmtorld tn Murdock llluml lhltern, nnd new uuuyu perfect henllln nunl weighs unn hundred and funynx. She wIllglm1l_\' lH!\\\'l'f enquiring nuflorrm an nu-ipt 0! l`. S. [-onlngu hump. ___...._._. Fhul'u T044]: Powder. lhe Poerlosn Don- tlfncu uuw [mug uulruducod in [Ina viol- uny by W..l Wnlson. Drug.:is&. 'H a pre- pnntion for the teellnot which everybody speaks with enlnuuum. Luge mm 250. for the team. 0! Inna spanks Lu -oo- ---< Bnnm nu Swnn.-'I`ho junoon of the bitter sud sweet hum. Are compduudod to gather. mnklun (iuldvn Fruit lhlu-In in an |q,:rec|blcfurn1.lln-be:-I. toulc known. - , Cun--I Anal put up `I! 13 `I7 1`! `Hams hjd Bacon| F1i~E.HME.1.$.H-I -u...........-. ._., Also um Best 0! Canned uoodu, I`I`lIII._0ySll`I h`.&'l'- 1.. 1. II/\l\rI11\\V . `rllll. IlyIl`l'. cu-. W. '(3.H()l{'l`()N, an nnnvl: Q ! RI-`I`,'l` II I PIIOPIQILCIU POWDKI .. _....... ..nn.o .1... Mn; nu unnonlf Iwtuurn-u-v nu:-ya _...... Exchange Street. 1..rr.In um. ninnmni to dying ` '-*'T `V 7? . Iuavv:- jrhuil 1.`. mu 1;`, .....""`.&.'3'L .1u C'.=".a'&2`..-"" '.`.1..'.' . `.1 put. llnhill our pnlplbt. which II dudn Io onllno 1| 0 Mt. Tlollpalv Iod- -'---".:z'i `.'.`'-3`'..-'..'.'.'.'..'.-:`'..:'.- :. '.': nouns on-nnklvnddrzu THII GRAY IlF.l|l(`lNR (*0. ihl In Inc 0000!! line In Ilunnod. We Mn aloud lR()oMg{PE1t.| ........_v-.-._?.__ 7 _ iITo'u ' ulucnllho Ian Quinn In-on nu Ilhnuntu new - 2..m.......n.m&n.u-:.""'"' `I. IAVAGI I Q1 Old and Reliable. lperllc Medicine. 0 `I VIADI IAIK "`' '"* :`n'(`a.IIxI u- an L IIDV. n gt- an-nnuumv: `inn. Menu Power Cleaning and nu-Inn nnnnlrn '-iionzt'rox.nn.: loco! D In! nu-nu lurk-Elli? lIAW.PIhI-huI|. { They are the Best. ASK YOUR GROCER wonm Powiiizns. 310]-lama! to .530. Contain (ht-Inn! Innuvo. lo n -110. Ian. and chem! Lnruwv Al rofa ll CNHRIGAW I I- V > v - 3 ` u?Am nu: an '-L: : Arrunnh an till --a at Inn` III OIL! YOUIO on nu`. Ila j nun Human DIIIHYV but u , Alum Wu uuuuwx and null uno About 'ou"'n:i"`-.L`.`.'."'\u.'J:'l}".$u!4""$:_s... . -1 2-. u-nanuun In lh-uni. [gin-| All` __ Wm. 'X.~~S '-' T I one Inn 11).. Ilrulnll. mg. \' I.TuEsTg I |,.`I.&.l.l`V|()l.'l'AlC NIL? Min _ArruAI1`h soul on .1- In)!` ~ -- ----- . -. , . .. .,... -_ _.._ 1`. IAVAIIB A ION! no to mu. ATTIITION ru rmuu nuv mnorrntoun cr Paper IIIIIIII. Inrdn-I. Or. PU Ibuunu d IIOC. / : um? '50:! B! llcifrinantisn. No um alo- La it u lhu Illlplul nu nlnmwl BVQI 3 - my ID mlmv xnukonn. \_mr 0-uh \Jf& T Cjcwj II (IIIUIII. 11-no Inn .3 sun nexus It (1 p;;inl oticea. Remarkable Beau-rnuon. . ..-,- n n __ .- L.`.LJI\/.1; gh --_~_`_. IIIMTEIVIID Il.|ll.\`! \ LARD,lETO,. Miscellaneous. \x/oIL\IlII.|.\ 62 BROOK S1 RI-`.l'I'I` 1 my unr n- am In balur than um..- nxpoctnl In the tn, III um dun [-:`5.'E :'.=.': laid cuIcI-- lumrnaln slunyc-1-I03 . I nox- 1-uun awmh: ,_. -'I`ho lr comnduudod '..'.!`z`-!`,""-...`: .'&! ' u Mu an can-. ' IV mod 0 Inc In mm-lnvnd -nwarhxl nu l \'|in- Ioulod. Thvyllumno-llnlolyro ten and 1-.o:mv - m-nuycun Nenoua Del-Imv lllmnnuum N.-n. nlglu. lame Mum. Para!) uh. and sll Unr sum Chou Cnnxplnlnu. (`urvnlnrn and cmunuluunn W J \A'll.SUN. nlti Amlul, .`\l snnmilimw msmmun A n-can N. lhal. Turouhu. |.YMAN S E cuennv T001H PASTE A H0hI_l_;_]?_I_l._1_IGGIST 1' .$.u'i'4l.L":u'3-"o`c'x'.'1x-sa:n'an'o:'u' I; it nurqtinvvirlliilz-" "' """" ' __._----.._.--n MIA-Ln -nu ndl I ;`.'f-r. ..:'.'..`.u. IKJLD Ll` WAD` DRUG B703. 00:. Kb; Bloch Ru. Inuuqs U-I vvvq nuns": .- , HHEIIIADSM. .1 --.u. than I AIM ma. H1011! [IUD an IIQI. or sm mum. in Int our xwonly )0 W IIIIHUIII cgngg (5.-v..,k,., In (or Innly yous baton Ms nmuni to Inn-ll nnucw with ll Rhona In un tom form. In gnloontgonn noun! y_m-n-.1 in: un vwvu n...... lQIl0Il"'|`lIl"`Ii Bloch In w.` -"N. unto n Ill too ` nu Iuntn. llwvru shy eI`u-I b Aida`: auunnullh. urulcuc in Ann Ahnnolotlm I ' fill]! II - Dr..l.C.Ayor&Co.,LomIl, Mm. Iold by All Drnahu; 0!, in bottles lot 3.}. Wlnllonq the Tu-III, Pm up In llnmlnonw l'M~ Paper liangings. 01-rs?` v'Xy-e1: ;Sa.rsaW H ' .._a |...o...-.-u.4nl:.n TIIE l.4\ |((iF.S'l'. lYl||-'..\l'l`I.~iT AND Mm! SI-`rt at Room. Ihlhmv unul Ilrrumhvo I11-or In 0;-mnl (`nuuln AI CITY PAINT SHOP .. Ann!!! n1-nun:-r ' Mum running. nrunmg. mu-nu call! I ug. lisloounnlng nu! WI:-bu luau Pain In rho. m the but nth. up-awn motion and at I 0 nova: nut N ROBINSON J HUN. I2'I`AIII.III I`. D INIT. THE I l".\l\l.\`li l.Il-`H (|;`I-`I('E IN (`.\N.\l|.\. Nun Iuvluol otrroluu luau. will I-08 MJIISQ 1|: Income in: mu in to cu-nu dny -Mlols In paying vuy llDf.I)Do I to In `gill!!!- W- In" vnloh one Liunlon can lo pron how I-cnancul II no to [um-nu I Company um--h in: panel IN the vent In;-cool Qllpuco III-I II lloimx RNA!!! In -In-nnh. J mum Bllwjh (maxed In July. IND. for Mull. lnlltul (;yhI:Il0I.E`|lI[ M7 Annually` the (`mm-uuy I m . on-um_nnuw Autumn Haul Ill:-( I 7103600 the nut W ROBINSON Mmh. mu. Ihuoon Pdnoun and u-mu Hld _ InA?1A"IJijI,1`g_s_I`IuAIcu cm. nun mm OXMI. 0Pli`IOI-I A. u. lhnny. Pnddun. llunnum. (no, A. Cox. (lends! Axum. rolovhnm J. 1'. INIIITK. ---. 0,710!-HM! I Pltilllk IIIIIIII. a I. lullflui, Hound ADII. ouuu lunch lhn luunncn of mi! ulcnnlpuon cloud All lento wonply ultnnvo and pond Inuiolh on ulonnaoto In gnu. Ar! L (`APl'I' ll... uvnmuulniluulnuam. IIIITIANCB (EDT. This line dun Dd lnnnun (`um pnlodoinglidun in (hand; lnnnudl'unh..|1!.llI.ul lnvutnuuhinennodn mu &IX:TII & I I:--:- -, A()IN'l`.l POIYIIOIYY oIIIlIlI1`0ll Alli (.`.o-`nu of Dachau cl the auvvuiir l\'$ C m Ul'I.' I U Fire lusty: i`}6'I1Y`any. `Job! lnvuld hndnupvsnv ol. ..n.-u-u I'onllnc'-Inc... . . I am Iunhlnvolplluucnulo. . 0 man lnouunuu ncuuu Inn 1- `In usnoglto-I u an quantum nun n! o mm nodal vmsuu E""'6'% w.*.2g"'_:'u:& _u._T=3. nA.._A... .1 hr: I1. lid ii N35 Iuln Lsmn OI". HII AID IAIIII. '!`(u.ull'l'0. lh_udiu rm mun numb copy ...jn -ml.` &q-w CURTAIN S: %1;j_,Ax. (')"(3"i"JB"i%i\IM%13 AU & co. Mcy 3|. O QIOOI H. II, lilllbllaho-| H71 I Joann-s nnnc-Fr In-:I.'rn m .: lo gym-I gnd rnwarlul n lluissinhalc: It:1k`:1i,lu| `Amen: I l`l`\'I`IIl\ II1`(`ll) . lh~|uovM`l`urI:u-. `wet-N-nu Ilw llrc-ml: Go: an Vnuhnu cl lno Ol"l'Y 0!` LOIJDON Miscellaneous. c7.A_5B:E>ETs z uuu lllllll -mu-.-. E-I. lllllblllhml -.-::.:;:: ::`.*::.:,-=.s-.,.';_-*::.*.~ an-.....'~ _._.. -1..-...A [JENKINS l.".'.`.`."..`.""' 5'. $".'u.`S.`.' 1' II|{`K.|-I. TESTIEIIS. .. n._. x. --. -3- Insunnoe. OI` ENGLAND onnont In tho bowl I cup 7 you: bo!ov_v_ raga: V . (hula: Allllrili 1'. ll. Iulll. Ag O'I| It-I Fhf Indll Aglnl. run J. 'l'. \V|Il`l`K, mu-set Anon. Km I. Ion`: ludnn Uuna aumn Inc I pi` iuyg IHOV Ill"! 3+ .... I. ...;;":':::: __7}RMSTRONG'S. ._|;.\. ,.-n Tannin nml lxicmle BIIOO. ODD 0' the ll III vpqvvv u-- :_ __...-__- ,' Ila: paid In Benets IO In I o nr=`~ v . A 7 ,-.5 -~__,F,, V_ TRIIBIBII TVB3`PblC, !`0 BUY IS 0 --- - Av r\ r I. (I300: CVO? 'I"VIl Nlllulalun Uvuuunuu .-5.. ` AIAOIM homo ton: on`. In Q`: yo;no|rry1'n @l'\I::.uI-Arie mo .e oaldad Ind nngnw in umgnm []ND0l1B`I`l-IIDBECURITY. Wnte [or infornntiolr '7'-` . D ' - Miscellaneous Adzutiumegu. Carpets that have been Selling this Spring for 50c., we are now offering for 40. : n. M'FAUL, - mu l RlNUESS STREE( Jun: I woman smnunrr or cuzpaws KT 5vi"i;f1v1;im; . #333 YARD- .____ uunnog. 38 Inches Wide, at In low pnoua. Men 3 u lltl 1: Hum: 10 Oodanen socks. rim Boon u in Whit Uudnnod Blaine. ILL BE IN on Iaruumu . .128 ana130 Princess 8039!. (ppala the City Ilotol.) IlDI1-IlIlI` nnhuvu Aux-nut or Inn:-In. lnjl 0! the Urinary Org:-A. :.':`$.:....;:`-;f`r=$7-*;'e.-."-=`3':'3f?: -'~ ='- - hzun -7-Iiuinun-an buuor-r m W*` ..:"" ' AIIIKIAI AIIIICY "C' IIDlL'll| 00.. 0. VVLJLJ xv LJ.n.yu~\,...._.. __ Reooivol 60- Noilndit Ilunlins, Ghoul Tsoonots. [hit Cords. Hunu Suiu (`he ch Loon Chock. I In. Inna sum Stri . Vmlorin [Aims and Nuu'n Veilmga l50pi-co Hwih Illinldtiuud Klan Vary up n the g_ . ..-....-._. _ - and Princess Strea I KM.` wpu-ur. uuo. WILKDI: maa |A aunt oy_AnA]rno| IJMEPII uultrsl ITISI. PISII. u (MIL!) MEDAL ---PAR uIuIuuulvuhIInlIuuQ- ---.unnlulInawuurudoIngmb-- 11- run ulluuul nun III. I. I.Ol.lVII. neon.-nun-c._ -III-it nuu-s._I.a-n-h an-uu.'d run: -: CHEAPSIBIE Jun: 3. v1;iT1I;i1Ci:ss sTi1i3E'1' WlLS()N`S BUILDINGS. \...j--' T 7 TWO lIII.l.ION DOLLARS. .A-- ..s. 45.. _.4 ll. PINEAPPLE8 . 00 204 rrinceas Sure 3 , A --.___4v . ::..;.}i::};;.]n; luau l5lh. T Tn" biiii - PA|ll.IO`IG. ITHEBREAD-WINNERS] Tau} "rial in has 'MI VIII room. as has alien Inn. to ehn with has dnnghletlntbhllhoarhalon but-tiuo. ll gntiul us anon hat nutcr- uul low: nnd pride to watch the exquisite bunny ol gm child. :5 she nut in I wluitc wnpper that mule her seem .un nu. music was. bruit; and white wnpper was. u: x ml] all: an ah n...a.u.... Lin luunm mu udllulluthnnnu uru-nu; nu bnidi Ibo luxuriant tmuou nut gun under 0 ht ovary lint uud reoction ol which 0 d iu:s_pAbXo. The. ink Ill! ~ pearl 0! round arm A: I r then I to ills dhomilht-` pduo ol I-In lipid. the hill thru- eulumn 0! the neck. the soft curve of cheek mdchin--sll thin delighted In-'r an it would hue delighted I lover. But with All her Iighsheodednou. there was ` euou holdiucntion. or path: 0! in- uue `ow I-Iuglsud mnerve. to cop but 1501:: axpxeuing to Alice her pleasure in her bounty. So the wholenomeanindcd girl never imnginenl the ldminou of which ho was the olfect. and thought that ha mount y liked tochn I luulubolouuhcpinu. They mm or uiviulummm. at the ma It Mn. Hy- man. ()1 I-`ormouu ll `son : urplo dross. uhich mule her ml cwcr l ran over. 0! min and hit In-nthur. .. r n.a..|.,'- amid Mn. Balding. Lhn In-nthur. I tluinlx." said Balding. Phruy Dalian got. more unl more Itylinhevcryclny. I .lun'$`wondcr at Arthur Fnrulmnru devotion. Thu would make an t-xcellc-nl mntch-I.|Iey are both uuclruullnlly clover. By the nay. he ha.-1 not bum he-ro thin ` W0l,`k. AIM l ale--lure! I dun"! boliuve you have 1-vrr \\rit.tA`u him that D510 ol tlmnlu." --Nu '-gml Al'ct~.. za'uilin|:--uh(` had "~No.`n.-ml Altus. za-uiling--also schmulul Iu-n --`f |_\ H`l~ li|m- tu a}u;.vk ofhim cars.-In-:.ly "I mu too murb higlnmuxlm thank him on the spot. Incl now It would bv Iuncienr, history. w.. .......o un\I- our thanks Illtl nnw II. uuu We must .-uuu lnm." "I wnnl to ! `'1 sum to ace him shout otbet thin,-,5u. You must. wtiu: Ind ask him to dimu-r to-Inormw or Iurxt day." I -- I\....'n nun think he vonld like N] city." 1 I\nn't. you think it In-lu-r If you xmulnl write `P, `' '|`ln~rn you are uusin--M if It mut- lorul \\'1-iw that `.\I:unum bids lll('.' 'l'hcn-. your hut in braided. Write the unto now. and I will on-ml it over in the morning bulore bu gt-ts |wny.'.' i AH:-.n msu und xuxlkul to her eacri- | '&-i-Il&r1- Mu*s1.INs IWMUSLINS! :.j- BISSONETTE ... vluunk Tnnnnnls. lI|ir(1ordn, (` 18C loir1`.h(~rlung robe trailing. her umm brnidn Ium-,;mg alnxmt to tho oor. hot hit clmok tnurlnr-I with a delicate spot 01 color at the thought 01 writim 3 tor- and now to the man she we lippul. She took us pen and wrote My dear .\lr. lnn1lnm." and the cnuventionnl ud- clross made her heart ntu-I And her ms grow dim. While she will wrilmg hand her mother say : " What I "die ?" She Iookm up. and 33' that Mrs. Holding. havin-v pushed open tho shut- tmnn. hui picku up her opexfa-glue And was looking through it n something out of the window. "Ila rm: Imow. Alice." she said bu Aways: Alice msu trailing. hot thid I.:.- nlunnli inurhnl Do you know. lgughing. " since that silnntus tree was out down. you can see atnight into his llbnry from here. Thom he is now. tting: at his desk." __ H Mnmml 1" uleadod Alice. rising _|nd iiiiim Munmn ended and ving to take 0 I333 away from hot. " Don't do that. I ! u u......nm."nidlmr mother. keeping I beg 2" Nousense."n`ulhor hot uuy with one hand and holding the glass with the other. "Tlu-to mes Hudsey to clone ttho blinds. The $)now is over. _Y_4o: he goes III]. leav- with the other. " |m-n- txuucs now No: ing thou: open." Mummy! will leave the room it M goodness! look at thpt!" cried I10 ow ng the glass into her 4|.-uvluharh R2,`: uni niukiuu | Illa wlnow dulqhuex-`I with (right. Alino. llet Alice. _f|llcd with a nameless dread. luv her mother wu -alv and trembling. unl took the glans. H o ul d it in an inntnik. Anal h-nnlng (rum window lent lorth once more that. en` ol lovo Incl ahmu. which rung lhroug ithn still- ness of night with All the power 0! her young throat: " Arthur l" She turned. and sped down thn atairs. tnd urroun the lawn like an IITOW shot for like or lo.-1t.li from A long-how. Farulmm hcnnl the sweet. strong voim ringing nqt of tho atillnma like the cry ol an Angel `in n \'i.\\i0n. and rsisal I * I _ I _.;.I. - ..o..-olml mmn-mnnl.lruu1 vowv rxngang mu ()1 un- nu....u... ....v ...- cry his heal with I nurtlul movement from the deals where he wan writing. (mm hoard it too. as ho rllstl his hand to ntriko a deadly blow : and though ll dlll not withhold mm (mm hiumuldorous pub pone. dlnturlxxl somewlmt the precision of his And. The lnumnor douoennlenl n liula to the right. of wlwro ho inwndul to strike. ll mule I loop and cruel ad. sud lulled I-`uulnm to the oor. I it did not kill him. He rose, gixltl -ml (mint with tho blow llDdlIlll`l)l|lMlc5 4-I4 June I. the 1100!. and hint with Hm audlmltbliutl with the blood that poured down over his rightmtir. Ila clapped his hnnd. with I diet` ` ' when his sword~hilI was not. And then atugqiered. rdhcr than rushed. at his ..... ...o., in mmnnla him with NI naked hsndn. Ozt struck him once more. mdhofellhendlonuontholoanlntbo bluoolnn lighuthuluhodtll Henhuhhqalcnnunont mlndtlnphuton uwupc by In lespod hoawhiu doc I the phtfonn. thoopenwl .3!!! out at In: Ho nntotho qukhg and humhmn aniauvtothonouut ooun:.vhoz_obo A `V `II: 1 1 H i 1 u --- __. - Randall! PO80! lawn Teams sud Bicycle Bhoo. one tines! Shoal lmponad. ,Thi|hA Bored Shoo. no nub or pens to hurt the loot. Poles very plnhlo * * ~- ~--~----~ . . nnntvnrmn R l`Rl'`.I3`.'I`