uu . n--A cu-n . Bollovillo Uunma Everyone wu quid. but when any wiunue-I tho huiu job ol the human town! were aloud to sun. whih odnn .l._.__..4I AL. ;..L -- 15.. -..| .L--._ noon-I to sun. wnuo ounn nlnnouood tin job as the nut abun- lul piooo cl butch:-y ever known. ..'*-:9-"`!.'.-.1.-rm" :-*-:..:~. 2 Aoonpchuhng-an nhonl-I to up puinhdbythoovcnmcut. ` nnui Ablilnnn AIIAAI, W TI j` `it! jll: ~ I IIC dmp Ion -low: an an "Loaf couch-l~ ad Ibo lad`: lhvu. AI Ibo suiting lo:-no wing rcn-I gntkrul sound: pto~ outalotl Inc In lying mu. Thus Ion pink! in but. Dad: ouno dowly. UKIICJCIIUI who can Iunvwvu us want nu. Thsyuilodnpiouehothuud utcnnihunhtlnenthoyruonuodsheu phat and not doth enlmly. The I [luv WCI I Illuuuvuu u'-uuu- - we the huhuou hanging at Poctnn your- day. Ra! this : ` D4.-HI. 151...... I-Tron-wanna -1; ` C; II II!!! VIII! -0-: -4--v 3.55 an. gnu npidly. law such on- plnliouly at his innoeeucy. Mint bear in; ovorvthing uni witnessing um do. lunar of the boyish ML-Iv. woloo. lotilul the opinion unt.l.ou-lot VII an inooonl Inn. Tim: will clur up the gun yskvy. . manna:-Iv Il`\l.:I in In: II-I nu c-uq.nu av. We have tlrouly told 01 now bully, in-lull horribly. tho death sentence Iru cutiod out strong: monqnilod but-are tho night uni left. the inlmnun 1-erlor nnnoo to Ivor Alto: Ill their minds. Among them who Intuouo-I the execu- tion in 011:0! Ilcliinon. vhuo cou- noctiouwutls` tin one has called out rounrh other than eouplimontuy. ll- n,I|.._I L.I.lI.. -|....a AL. -..:- --.I IDIIII IINIUI Illlu vullIpIIIIl&I 1 . IV Ihhlked boldly about thosniru-l unnly unignd an chtgymonwho lnulqncuionodunguillollhema. Ho ovuiuputs-Hothou cnnkyution. TbonvuIunxush&p:It. ____A_.._ _J|.L..`.. T333 u-lIIlI-J. and cu-nu nun wuv unpeietueel ol e eompeleel henguun in urgent. Sherile will not [Ierloru the dntiee them-elne. unerelore "the Gov- ernment should Io prevent men who l!Cn' den`: how their inches. The public who reed ol the herienoe way in whit-In men an Ieuebed into eternity nowawhyu cry outlet note hnnenilyie the hlllneel dune date eeeleeee. We peinutleet thiehe|w|nn|hehetexeoetioeoceer- redhele. Wepeinl iloellowndbqwe ler e remedy. \ICUI:-$K:!jCIlvIuI'I`-UUCU-CU |\hooxooutioI Inn the hnwoll ol tbol um. _ _.-,1- A __ ._ -__L _.L-_ -_4 gnu-unis-by-p4_aa-o.nI unan- .nor l|on.c-r_v-hsoPicun.hnI.|:Qgl:I how -livcvulurl nliusulvlutiasd I plan- l. (h~hyhuvdi'hhIldp|n uue. |h,_nus 5,` nl unnuy. ugh un-uuuu ngpu -- .`IruluI'IflhllCUn ;|ov|0 nnwntlo-Ila the hlt. '1' Int: auto! uuptinl hot. the nut: uran- LI, |... |..._.n I`|.. uh:--an I J13.` $103 IIIQWQIIIR. U3 Uunuu vvuuu No nlup knot. The phruo I 13001 want In. Inch 5 .n.uu plan in Ilsa lieu: ol 8 jootulist v-`Inn am|mn:l0i- CII'w-I stun`. After Inning who huhnt I1-onlmnir stud `vuuruxl. healing a spanking tutu. Thus van a livoli putvou bond. Inmolv undo upol hon-l ht] A-Iolgisuwwn. "tiny van ougpn onaomuy.-nu to ioapunxz Ipiliu up thy |i'sulul tho npirikn down." um. -nllnu uni; Hun _|m gm] -r--- -r--v r---- """r*'"` -~ ~~-r With mellow voiou they um hlhnl undonlul in I not sunning way. M Stella than us trouble III geuinquwuy (mu use -lock. tin bur an banking on the noun: In at out uonml. but the bounilnl scurry ol u lay dinpello-I gluomy unonghu. and at Unblock 31000:: In nnclno-I and the Royal buulry mum out nan nnnnr vnbln nnrvaun u-u,- I ....,.-~- In aunt tone NIcL':s.n In: the next mornim-`n event. The luliu you as conversant with the hobo! the uaup-ly u the run. We leuiultbnt than In intense nymp- thylot Louder. Then `I! I Imlifif n... |.. ...__ |..:.... ...- I- .. ........._g L. Iv: u-an-no-. ..-V... -... _ .-.~__ tlnllnvu boing nnlouuapqonllny _-______ .__I .ln.... :1.` I...I no-n4 mmu1sme.| clbnllpouop one uwu-u-w.u.._,.., pg-gggjyol &I I. n....`.|I.u :1 II M U) Pml m T XII I-IIvvU u-u--w u-run u Punonnanllold. Tllotlounnllorl . ,, , A4` ._A .3. ..__.__A__. L_._,_.-. {null--an-ya ---r --- --" |......zu.u up In Insane-J . 3-,_ n_:...._l-A n._..M.n--nth: Oaodunhuhdllnollnl Tad inputtin- ._._.A_A-l'I...L1--.. Oooolthououtnlfootuquooaonnt .L_ -_.._s:._ -.- AL` l_..-_l| .1 oh. Than in 3 nuninom opinion u in L. L..L........ I..-..:.... -9 Inga... u-ant`.-, NUNDNI I-wmAs. 1 In nu-qu . III uhe. ;'l`BE-BRl'l`lSH wnuz, WEDXEsI>.-Q` l'ZY1-L\'l.\'g'.,J\;.'2\'1-2 11, ucuuuur. ha Iqihno b Intel n D. juw:|IIIuu-nnuvuun r.J.|i.-puruuuo-s-nun, D: In his I T0! IXIUWU 0! Wu Auunhlyb oomniluo In would by thulhonpuilndhouanniodoaly hyunnjurilyduovob. -VIZ IV -nun nun \.nu.~ &\~.I)I'.PIvudhoIuuI|hAnodooH rnnyuryu Iunguou an-u_w sou oouclndu Ihtlthoy would uni pto~ oo&opudinthenpoI-IolusoAuan-` `nonhuman. ` gr II algal in df hn~ 1 'KIjXI'1`Ij nnycnu not unions the olonoo couuiud by u. n.n..a..p ' uonolun tmllou I)! run: wan rus- I to lntrriqgo within oorhil fotlni-L I on doiu? ud |IuIioIluI_v thin. [hut upon` the inltncuoou to that commit- he. which '1: `Ito-I last you. was to ncomunml 1: action should be Inbnnin n-gnlnnu-nhnnninmmnml am at rupun4`nhn`_|en nun obouenu-nl Annubly that But . . u_lPl!l!hl I.` :../ -- -`Cj`lnL 3 hlll-In lluv. D. J. Inodocnoll ni-l the only qldiu $00 tho Sync-I Du whothor n Htubvtnry Ind n ntht touu |Iroce~ dun. Thou eoulul honodoobtthntn PI-ubrtaryhodu right. iotngood ma non. toast procedure in my one. matte! visit it involved. The only otborqntution wu wbothottho Presby- tury had a good no-on for nhtung pn oulun. It wu admitted that It. (Inl- loahor Ind Inunodtho patio: knowing that they mood in the position in qual- tion. But the other hot which the Synod I: well as tho Prnbytory took into uooonnt In: that for two you: then Ind boon below the church the conduction ol the question. What was to ho done about: `articular Inc- tionoltbo Conic-lion ol I-uith with ros- -...l ...\ -nan-u-Snug ithin xrlnil fII|inl- __ .'2.....`.m.'u. . "fhpnpj |ndq:pu|"Re.`l'.8: Chlnbuil-Ilgt unosiiiuiozollln Pluubyhryol Iiunolou wanton up Auvulhll on lunch). nnstiinu-nun hli: unuuouwol Inn coma Inn Iucu nu-I-hp pa. `(in path: in thin maven that F. Guyana-d his do- onnd wilt`: uishr. Sunk Sharp. They nnnlind In HA1. 1'. 8. Clnmhnn Ind E nd IllI\ unlit. Bunk snap. `I my up;-lid Io Ru. 1`. Clnmhnn refund to carry tho-u. tooling um it would in impmsihlo lor ` him Int to hurry than god then to ban than do- Fivcd ol heir Mud monhonhlp, boy appliol to Rev. John Onllnalnf. who uuriod thou. I_lr. Chunbcn mule complaint loun Pnubyusn-. unl twinn- ed lm `tioanlodentuolun set- aion. In union oomph-I hit Ionian- lion, and elected Ilr. _uulahor to out eoonl him. at the cum tune shulung him `Mr. Gslhglnrb lot his diligence. 2\'oquooLit_>ruo! Incl uouo between the Mon. to ruoluuoun were pmunt :1. II. in mom! by Mr. W. `I. wil- linmnnslsecondod by Mr. Ii. J. Cnfuz -v\|'|..n-g um A-nmhlv Inn nnnoint 3. BAi3Ej(&oo.j `run Von nun: ulu lull Inouul wnn enn-ind by nmnjotity ol ion to noun. nnn cnnn bolun the Synod fiub nnsl Kingston in nu moved by Rev. 1!. ll. Pnnonn. necoudonl by Rm. 1). J. 1' non. lLD.. arm the Sy- nod diunhn Ibo nppenl and sustain the lndingof Pnsbytary." It wu moved in nnnndlnont by Dr. Gregg. uoondn-I by Ir. A. Wilson. `Thnuho Synod un- Ininthnrnlnrononnndn .nmI ex- W m nhnpptovnl of note! Mr. II pconnina the Innniqzo of Ir. Oihnon with his dncannod wile`: uisur." Ontho voin being taken the Inodonwnn cutid by I mnjonly ol vote: nnd tho Synod docile-I nooonlim Iv. "Thu the Synod disnxin the nppnnl and nmlnin the nding oltho Ptuby cg-c " MA in! (imam ntnnllw Imnhook liumnmlsecondou n_\- at. n. J.b1'Il. "\\'hucu tho Au-ombly has nppoint 0:1 I oonmulue. `uni inurycaod II In re- ooumonnl that action should be taken in tolerance to u1-isms vnthin the lorlnddon dcgrogn. this Puuhvhty. while oo.nInendinjf`l.ln nod and loy- nlty to the nhnchnla of the church Inanilatonl by Ir. Chunk-on. resolve to receive the petition nml complninlnuo In 1: un: chum against Mr. (hllr ghorin canbenkd. And so uist further procedure in the math: pending the upon 0! tho Assembly`: Committee. nocnnnnm or rutunnv um unto. H - n r\|_ _ _ . . __ n-_` _{_AI_- r The only possible reason lot` Iiuim are on the! what some mild- cuuu might cell A "whilewulnng bill" might be passed It some [units tune. Nothing could be lone lot a you :8 least. beanie the matter inn: go down to the Pteebyteoe. and were ministen to he encouraged in the meunilnb to mun people county to the l0tl uIlI~ _ ed luv of the church ? They should have decided the use uecotxhng lo the luv: no they stood at the line the one we: up. It was properly mom! by Sh. Gnmv. seconded b\` Rev. l*` Mcnig: II properly movnu ny 31:. Granny. by .\lcCunig: "Vihuun it uppou-I that Mr. Gnlhaher porlonuod tho murinyo ceremony be- tween I mu: and his decouod wile`-n -i-Inn and than`: and: Ill lwoon and ms ucunuuu wuuu ninsonud whonsu such ua action is muuuy to the oxpnoa iutrocuons ol Confusion of the Push. in section Ioorth of chapter xxnx; lherolol-o it is resolved that this hash _ would oxpnoa its diuppronlof act. Ind doclnn it u in opinion that no maniac at thin ooorulaoul-lomloiu llll puma ililiibun voltbo ninhnnninn in in amount unhul the llltllla or (no nanny- ` Ileqbnunmlgtuuy men-ook in ol Axsouhl it they would subs nah annulus mg 3. The :EnldndIo|ukIo have It. Gullah but merely to express dinpptonl at his not. -an -nu-n-an-ul `u l.!ll`l,`, Ilnunjwmuwo nnuiuiniu XVIII): pnnnt In-In. vohboilghkon the Inouon In --ind hi I mninritv ol Inn to haven. , __..__.__ ..`.-.. [nu-msw _\\`1`1.s\I>.:.':?t. -no-)lm=`o.l.no:| ` gang` In ` In . . . 1: on ~ lg! lb Tuonhnnd Kinnnlonl Svnotl.` Dpntoolu. (.`0IIOlo_'E9l170NlL HALL Thursday. June l2th. Iinuu City Juno ll.-'l'ho dinppnr men ol Alfred Sheldon. Kan: city. ogontof the Blue Iilliq 0o.. huhooonunon -nhnons. Shddon uuliuqlhhuu. ol conidunblo pro- perty. And when lhuu wen rnmonoi ushorup an has accounts. In, Sheldon hn nooind two lotion lnunlmr husband. out bbd Kucu City. unother Bloc Sp:-imp. in which Sheldon nay`: ho is oounnnd nch i ' Co. the chin the Illothp Mud dun: tnoulomont. Tho Moods ol Sheldon. in Ii-ml`-.I Dunn Ivnlnrrnd tho lnllj g mun .` 4Ctiuol "No." "oo.")'Tl'u6 cen- , 1 II`. d `I . I`hoAnIunIPl&Idl&y-A Vnry Popu- hrlonchnnoulbflt. Yootnldny use Innnnbon of the yen- entivo counmitu.-col the Cuwlinn Pun Auncinuon not in Toronto nod decided upon the nuns! Ineolina on-I jaunt. Tin puny willnoomblo in Toionto in the luunhk in July. go to Snrnin by nil. thence` by Benny Lina ol utonmon in Duluth. `us a:. mum and 0! In. Superior. them so also the Norlhnfn Pacic. tvolro hnndrod inilna out o! Wiaoonnin. through Minnesota. Dakota. Montana. to Wyoming 'l'crrilot)'. Yel- lnwnlono Luke and the Nnuonnl Park. This region. tight under the nhndoi ol the Rocky onnilint. in becoming one of the Inoonsolohl-nod in America. hu- ing none ol the moat vuiod And magni- luonhoonery in the world-00 gznnd. indeed. that the national government It Wuhinulon `tools pououion of it us a reserved territory and govern it luy speoinl regulation: oslonlnlod to dinooungo monopolies. TM'0. '1". R. nod N. P. nilwny oloinll ox- teml the conriuies 01 their |inoo.'bnt the Annocintion engngu in own uloopina and dining onnn roxnlu man. The Quebec Association will be invited ta join in. The committee nxpnucd its desire for I qniot `aunt. lreo Iron: pub- lic cntutninlnont. Tho lint ol meniben was revised. Ind nnvenl no longer oligin Ho removed from it. The new by-lun And tognlntionn was-nnho put in shops for submission-to the annual meeting. noun cl use encoun- Yeotenloy nlternooo o rile much we: lived over the Gonnoqne range between the member: at the Kxogetoo Rie AI- uoointloe end I oimilor number oi the llunooqne IL A. The Kilgntoa bun come all victorious. The nape wce Ilhlmudunyutdo. with he nhote ot each. The wind blew ettong and gusty acres: the rouge. making Inc eootiug impooihle. The oheeooe ol one chosen member oonpolled the Gouno- qleteu-otthelntnomentto Inbou- tuto another who had not heal any pm- vious practice. which placed them at o ohght linmluntuze. The following on the scores : `rad poluln hr IIQMI ,3 `fold point: for I.u.hrlilaIoI .......... ..... .. Two nwoopnhh macho: were In-I at 4(1) ynnln. In the Ill-II Mr. Hon won the prize. usd Mr. Iluhow the prize in the nooond. I -L. I.';...a.... _..... ...- 1!... M11` nl The Kingston man my they good use in Gonna-loo. T-`jg oonomz-r Kin aux-rm: Jun ll. cuuwnu rum; mn5u'r;on. A Hfll NOE IDICLPIAIAHCI. onulbl AID GII:I. had 1 %.] A ulullulpuuun-gvlllh Iho.ovcuI1unIcIhdIIIuhIo:`= ham icvillloctnluchnooluu txnla. - ~ A1 hnocunugnu--1-- `l'hoto-III-Iunhmluuthound n-no-uuubni OIIIIDII 0- 15-0 Angnoncjnjlji I hull. huI-uuhqIl: lino `Uh duo lzpduo nllnll 0nn-uchncf; -11: L3; It 8 valhn. Ouha-qIiuI;W1BhIIOI. &|ItqIi;I.I IhnhI;Iol I41 .\.'hI'-sud Yodnrulvvinlonuo-I U H... nr.q.hi:IunnInv3ulnsI:uh-5 lcoluubh in nhuhn` non. an. 1.11 5:! .ColumbiniIIhI_1l' [nah-In Q`-Qgnk -nu \_.AII1uuIIIn II Iii fyu . - It-h sun-an an we-in-lm!-' |'I&n:c`.n count at the coqudillol u-Ema`--O-..-5-. f;._,, A ' Iliah Alanna: nomod In:-plum ha uobnl as Cull; InIn.Ba'nInvn-. ' In:-warns Ion OIAVII An lofll um Ill!) OIAIII. clone: um- LI nnul. sbua Vista an at the mud: ol Dohctivo Block. xluiutl to both. ` J|s0'lQry.||?1'I.iIP|.IuogI&~ {M " or IE6" -lyumilnn and lnviuiblu. I`..h. ........._ --. -l..a -...4-.2-nu Ilng uluuunuunu nun nuvuuvl l'|:ly nnuon nntcntunooniau Ila Ion ol uiorguodo ` worth moo. while in uinlii ' London ind Lat nighsnulnopu` In Inland oi the mucus tuck landing tron London to Brighton. _'_l`bo lnil. however. did not loan the Iiiln. Arthur Run an In uni - Agun Ana flldnn III I Dolnhn Oil-IOI. FOR TWENTY GENTS ;.'na.qo!ntuuI'ouux'1- _ -.. 11-11:..- Lulu: uni IIII ll -.y Ayn nnou `lilo: bl I Dolulu New York. Juno ll.--SunIol J. lim- dall ha been shined that Tildouwill com the Democratic nomination. Daniel Innninxpddu long visit IoT|l- den vontenlav. Hi: object In to ob- tain uomo donih shipment lmln Tul- .I.... -inh mlunnm to tho lunar`: winhu tun tlennlln Illupmoni now I w den with rduoooo to the hunt`: winbcl u round: the nu ol his Mac at Sun- sogn. The convention ml! ndhcn to units I rub nqloolgx in doloplu. Tho President uh: hidden philo- .....|.:.~.||v, II. n: {ma tho nut that Tho ITOIIIIOIII SIC HD1313! lulu-t_l- uophieuly. H0 at from tho ns I-ldmuudt men were not disposal to upper: him and know very well that without thou In Imhnonvu in- Jpouiblo. Tho pound ha and mm notunnmlnonglob. lloiunulylo small: with tlloothc elect Blnino. The , Pmudnul think: than will be a bitter and dupanto eon- tou. over the Presidency this you. He helm.-a Time: will ho nominated by the Democrats. Ila min. tho unoooulul cndiduo in Now Yeti will home one who has ua Active uupport of the busi nnni uhalnn`. Tuo Ill! 0! Inc uuuuu nun: nu uuuuu .. I Ipocinl nnunut. Wear is gunnnwod. Color Iunntml uouo chums. I-lvety [old in nunpod. |Jon`t lomot to see it It Cluk & inueai ' 1 .j ' ' - In Icnn C Luun haum Wrru the monk dohilihhd sud neurons an End nliul. Uud Indy in the Inn: 0! the huh. in aha In-dmmlmsrvoloilkn nuvngthoning sud inning. nod vithcl no .ugupugn|ng LII u uquldhly ll"hh` ,_;.-_-T.-9:`;--j.=*;_':':'*-15:.-'3!i'-"'57-`l Inn nits in -w non lament. -.-.. ._`,-._- _. , Tab noun gunk opuu mod_ininI. huholholoot in rum valor. uldmg A -nnnnhll at mustard; rolnuin indoon; over Ii Ola uouu uuu you -uu w hnppy. In dnnhili thy nail ull och: lnolndyu. and Ihuuhunul dtluroolonhuuuhhh. Donot {cal to get I package Ind judge lot younoll. loo. ' No lady need howil-bout Irv. nnlnun - Vqohhlo Compound bonus: she is tu dinhnl from druqghru. The propriocbn nnditponhp pud byuuil hon Lynn. Inu..m shah:-In ollounguorolpulln; nrioopor box. or six lot 05. Bond hr tho "Guide to Health." which given full n-ninnlnrx the "uulao putimlus. E?`-".5."i`..``,!.'-_'=='~'..":.":.-.'.~. huhouao not In vum wuu. -mu... - Ipoonlul oi nnnlud; oqnnliln the onrouhtiou with warm bath and {nation ;drinl wtnn `up: ten. uad uh nuvndh Pooonl m. the moat An Indy who dnirn lurlbor mlounn tin can be [half 3.. [united pub- lic queen nowlpnpt I: in can ohui In. Lyd: R. Puaklxunl`n| punphloc to cdthfby uondiugu Ihup to l Lyn. Inn. "Oman an oqlllllh we ulrvunuuu -nu v-mu. ...... n uh Ilngyudh nnrlnol mad the safest cough can than can AI II I id `II In 9 Tho III! 0! the olden time is mule in -__...,- nu... :. .........n....l _ ---oo---- ncol lnwilhonl In Pinkhcmi hoahhlo Compound `I"='~'==w5.%':m."~:.~ T1uwn)r!_t.-H93. :bKb_;N:E_DTLRl0kA_ Is. ;mn-nnu.'nocn unnn. Juno ll, noon. hgyudh Photon: uunum. we won >0 tad cough Mon!-all > Ila! In3,l\lI I Cull. Marketa. was bum. limic my Ihl mg in SA] ul SE00 0; s_oTi-r con. non. ELLI- B2 In. Idnhrr Dunn Int JALIAII ll. A D IIIIOIIM nun-av In-nll. _..t ADOLPBUSTOWN Iuuhylluugiluolllltl. TIAIII 'IAl`|r'tIInn `twin! M :3: volts! IMJI DAV. lb no -Ijulootuuul-ndabuh iFI:[llfPE.'l`lT0BS ` A_s1_'umsHEn !i ;Plllll|l}_A_l_MlEll !` Q cnsxalnusmaasl-:n14 , A.O.U.W.i T T N m anneal ? in mm. A-OM10 China` ,, |tvo umongxuusuonsl TX! j lstont cmllsp I On lo! out humus! hi; we vctooouplblh oulup our pn- mint. \\`onnno; Inn pduon togivo ham gnunthu to out still inondning wudelhuovallfqnndlcve now one lollho I-`meal , I`. l1'IAll|("IAl.'D" will lulu Ihltc It Ind nu kusuul ulodcloet. A-hard Inland ml Its; a an at Adolu-In but at I dolul. Adnlhfhbnhe. - (\oAinII1`IdI8r Mill IILI. Itunlou, Juno 0 In-nt..n lmum nxwnslun lJAS.[}RAWF[]Rl]'S| IHATE "[N"D%L%LH0ii%BTs| u. E. Lo7AZ'i5EZ5I:A r/au.| China: Gordon. by Kn.-hihnld Forbu. ILII. Porlovonnoe Winii-tht career 0! u Tun-I hug Correspondent. 500 Boyuad the (isles. 1- the nuuuoq oi the (I504: I in! `IE 1&3" liwyinli uw u-u.. .7. -..- .._...V. ,. -_, Gnu Ajn. `Joe. Tho In Rholud For, M I-`. W Robin _-- ax. The \\'nynl the odd. by C. J. Ilurny. ult- ITHIS {_S?iA_0El |J3_Iyf:m's Jewellery l We11mg-tTo: street. I -rs- nu u.n...'.... s:u....I Proltuuor Consul. by Hon. 1 doll. ")8. A Room Biugrr. by A-. _...L..- ..l U. I..;:_ I unnonumspnugo um WILI. IE IIOI.l) A1` A GREAT !.l()RII`ll`I2 E09. I Pnino Dream tn-I other Pot-Ins. A" nn__|. _I__ $1..) I\_-i_ II.` F. Nl_SBET S, I TC Cituut wt-cw-vw-v--v I. a wm.m__um.nnnml `W V V auuncg wsacn `a no one lnlhriory sum. Awll Iii -U.\ II{I!IltIIDA\'. JIVIII: IIITII. 1'0 wnwums `nu: .. - ngnnnn Q3. .-gg.g_m I7 ANGLIII 4! 8WlLS' NEW BOOKS I run Ann-omllaj moulnum The I`0II!Il~`. llooknloro. L.-- n ulvrlnts wt.-sumo 10 run. chum Fina (lmouhi. Wing ,, ,n g, ._.n mu.-~.. .._. . . nuthor of Mr. hues. Cl 23-. IOIOZU-ju-unw-In-uu-I. Qlhintu. unit had tluuuouhtnllo Ct Ijlhl. . L`. I I run: 5-Iv:-u -uu `nur- lav Bhchohn Hod Davin. 15. ADOLPHILVJSTOWN Printed; St. Illuplou. Mall to} umn Louoou no. I-Cw run: \uuuuur--. nun or Llquou. nu be all upud by viitiu nnv nhn-_ . 1.. 8. Huntin- M. Crnvford J: 5 I luau. u.,%{-`II-nan!-o-u-u I _ .A.ux..1.1'nnn1-lit. I"`!_Z`.!."" N.T.0nound'aNur8hn, WIPILTDIIII. IQ CIIAI. IDA n-, (human; Iumjnnn. nun. kp;i7l'|*r huhihlh ._- u ._--- .-n an-nnnu-A DOSMN UIMII CIIE3. % mama Ammo emmun iognutnruttuncu m ` (II no lo: no hm `lntnlnr [tut n_nonL LIIE, |OI-ln!I lAnQucnmuv.a lO\'~am MI . -h.Il ..OtI\. Ifuolnu I. -Jpn. 1Inyuu............n1uuu-. IIIL. . . . . ...IIO " %*%\`;xii1:;ju;r';\.'~ Anivul II Emmi! Iloot. nus a nu. n on hear. 0 out. Is henna J. P. GILDERSLEIVI. A I` l2\KI'lI\ . --Alu- GEN'1'S' FURNISHINGS -n flit-- C: U I wurjjuutu AGENTg CI CL.\REN(`l'. 8T._- ~ 4?! Juno ll. You will nd I full lane 0! an uuolhh with til the mat livwluu II inn ad cud goal: he dnonnun. ALIDIII` I . (`MIDI R. l|l:Il'K.\|il Vu IIIUHII [:4 T Ann 1!. III Pulomn Inca Aplllle KEEP COOL I THE IIPEIIIAL IINHRIL We highly roeommcnd tho than II pun um] 01 lbs aunt quality. :3 no good: equal hotlcuhnovorhoou clan-ltollu poo- pie 0! (`undaf N E `W TOBACCONIST STORE Misti umms The (.`enlru7.Diapenoary. u we have thhdny an-unbnl W II. In` RAB .9 00.. Knnploo. out Agent: to: the Ada sad to lake onion lot our D II I-you-I `his:-ea. Ibolluqaul how . ueollnco. uh I wollnnnnul ant I-hunt-ca Am :1 Ivvuueuh Idea. lhcuhnua l`ool Drlnlnlluocn ho had. ~ . 1 n ` nelpd wI:"")ru:.8n-oft: and Italian Icon 5! hr. can he ouoyd. I`uF;on n the country Iuilod. Iupennl soda \"IIfi'. I-portal Polanu Wnlor. lap:-rlnl SllIft Walt-r. Dplrlulng Venn. Mineral Water. r Innpennl Luhun Wale-r. luporlnl lung:-r Au-. I-penal Le-oundm` And Very Flue (flu:-cu. Din-cl I-porlnllou. W. R. Hcl & 00.. GALLOWAY S. Twin cam BAr2__1Ns EST IIBANI` Olllllil D IIIL bone n`'n|wM ueollceg. aha 0. 076.3109: J. R. nu-rmnaunv, (I-ngnnfhhmj SI!!! 0!` Sf|IlALLJlIlSIl llll. ' um. s. l _EA.8ON8. BTRAWBRRBIE8 I Nny 3|. suntan izhotnimn ll:-0 Tail attics: Al I s'.alr_d llnnlqlucuuulnsuuilqcnoug Ihlhhnwlnuk. - -\Ll. IIII II IIAXJI JOHN MONTE.A-TH, _..- - I>......&.... KEG I1`. 84'. KIIY. And Oslbownym. M Punch. lit. lnlhnfluu {opt it Tho Di'Id'I the slsnduslol the -an km the standard 0! I gcuuemun In a nu and Iulinh Hut. There`: no ml-uh in that. WATER co. Vvuwvuvwv (lGho!uI&J -:. ggg-am.-4;. -LOOK 0_UT~- IIPEIIIE SEIIVIBIS Irl . Cum. ct TRY OUR '. alt! .. Ind .."U .I3i . I50 . III zAa:ont.'- Kl NGQIDN. u-rwv-u. Pun-mired. _......-.. hhnnlou Want` 3 in uonnIAIvrmnnnuu. an-n-A un-on suouuouuu vw c-- -_._._ V._____ r. v.1-sunny. Innllhn. om. arr... .____ .......3 NOW AQV8l`Il$Ill0l1t8. 77' I W UB1 AID ICIIWRAI Inn hnlnnsuavbt. I --nnnilj V3nIwu_8_sowud. "ux I-nub:-. tn nun O|I$I o%EL'%.'.'.'.`. .""' om" 5.-9:5.-2999; B"x5ON, LARD : -A'I"1T- * -I IAT H- IIIOBIGI. `Sale. IIIO P.I. .n nlhvlnn AA. cu: uruwuuvueu wt. I To Let. Iv r.:-. .I\'lcl Mjvlll to l a'.`v?.'i:".."s..`:u'i" "M . jv--r In-yuhknhulae Iulihnuk. Tbnhhib nub h Il'QIuI yhs and -JAgMAhn-T.-no-IQAQJ-Inn-an-.5 VCIj"IXI\W fut-nu-u -- hcn ulup Ioggttlouuyppc &hnInbIiIH ho *COdi&VdMDyh `bi: Iqjuuuu--It-Ivy---U-Iuv-uu'wvu-w ujul IQ! lvilllolhl L- .__ -____. A- 'TC.jCVwClCIiIl Iillllnoulhniuuonivul. thont lhnuuwu lob dhutidthoholila dlunoullup loud vanish no uhonsnul Iucaou-lhhnuud Ihdr _._.._- A- -__ l_.L2A_A&.- AL-- -I-...J Itlivll.-II:-tut v-wuIvI-I-- jutvuuould !lc|.lr.Io|-Ii: sound-I Ibo oaths. lbw. Pu-inl Covnneppondlhnnolion. lloobjod cIlIo\hoIotl|u-onIu'tivoduliIlK`q- ..._ L-:__ _-- .I..A_-L.) `g. _|.l I :-I-any 3 hr. Inching Q.C.. novel the qr` poinlnnntoluoc-niuoohtthopnr-` -n-g-J:-ntlinnlinnlhnlwnnnrlinnin ---I ` -_-CTITTVCI` you olludjuting tho proportion in vhiuhthocnllqohod nhll hon-la hdivinlo-I. Hopnxilhloulthllbole ..-.... L... nLI.L lhn..n`. "mli wwlij CIIHZI WU \1VT1I, ht! dnvih inoonolu thputhnl hutduatludiushb vhvsnut ,I_.A_ -...A ___ _-_.l_.I II._ II. Il.:l_ (Til I'll Ill Iuulr uvuu Iilnd hqliug. The Shorilu should Q nu has who adjust shortcut and Jolie Mun hovlou ol what may no |bo`lL Otherwise it wool] ho botlotlo Inn Ihonlocholo use eouiou Iodsnh. Thouoooo won|d holeunvolting. I IllVl;I. III [II-Ix vuiju it It- nuns iron which Quart llnlvuity N L.AL._n.1...._.l-sL._..AL..l FIRST IORTGAGE BONDS as ij-:-UuuI`fu-nun b.Ihoy {hm 1jhjC.IIl|loi|vlIo- 1 hndlldilonnoo will bring shout Ihonnulllot which thy aaonhpine. II l'h-wl DIHIII IIVCIN If IlCU-I`u-u cduthououlnunouounoxlollqpl. lyuhiqtholilnolnlolou. But hug: iqoeuu iohelxuuno-neuuunto In an inptovc-at upon the invonuou which is unbutitnto-l-when the per fonnuson at in dehilnuo oouuniuo-I to non like that ilso have lnolv oaint uluuecusiou. Skill is nqnin-I in Mot tlnl the null: may be in all cunajul what any won invaded. and the ennsunn uh: sully and tho Sbonfanwnnluouoltlnokiad toopor no inhlligutly. The novel-anon ol oureonntrvnnynothn chick) uhollnh hsnqiuu-it is dnulod hydro ctiniully inlilo-I -510 they uhould no in! our than-I not us nlouivul of their lives ...-.1...` |.....|;.. TL. er....'l. .L..-Id VIII IKIIIIIIIH ul uluun-. uuvu vou- quicuy Inning their IIINI uxl cond- odng that the) hull bow,-t do nbou it. Their nuuhur ha been naorinlly in- uului. In) 0! than who nnppolhd the xluhutl uldidna have joined u.._. `L._.`__...L...l .. L. L.....-.I 5... oh. DIV T3: I--um:-you uunu J-auuvu ma.` hvingnhnn-1 to be bound by the dcohnononbooonvouuonarthoplqdgu oltho puny Icahn. Tho luI'.\'oI ;,#_.| L-.. uceuionwayndthonwhonnouber bow Poly` VII & will not hn my olanblqiniouubonl Ibo nuc- enuolaqll vols. Thohdqnuluts uuiIo|i&ko. however. illhololly dneundi-hholthit own. thllahln -.-.. L.-.mL. ---.-A -I Dag`.-(\-L, n..',.'I5'u.'5'........""" ':.........""""..; an uutdnacu his j _..__._. 2__._...__. ..LA:..|, We ugh grown against the tutu ity with which Quentin: no now coo-luck-I. Hanging. times its adoption in lingbd Iholt Ilk Inn has Inni- .4 -- oh. .....n |.__.-. nnntlunl nl I-ml I: up!) to lard Lunch inquiry uholil. the am: in cnph an `rude: and Labor Council of Tomato hue grit hllnimz Tho Connytho Vishnu tho. to point on Io you Ionlnhip lint spun at tho yuan unorjly lhauiull Inn: 0! tho your in Cnuulc-wqoI. such a tiny us. no Iondiq doununtd and that many an... luau ouploycn cl Ikillod labour inpunviuaynlttnhw 4I.-.l.--in- -.n hhinnnln Inn` nl - Iljtulquu-0-Ivqgu uu-an uu lung The unionist Mn lud thun- _-._.. ._-.. A- AL- -|.._-. -0 .l.-I..1In 3 lIluI|III-I:- I-vu um unwur ulvaopalolhoclnlui cl disloyalty. 4:-nu n!|}."cu=`-u Tho tau which some lhpnhlicuu on- |&hinod-u:d than was mound for it when none at the dolqnun at unclai- oqo convention bean. huly-bu bull nnliuul. The lmlopondouks. dinplonod with tho choice ol Blane. have hit: __:-u_ _......._ n_-;- :53. --.I ......;.I Cijllttw I2: VIC: Iuv-qua-an IIIV lnvtib apps! cl llnuoooonk Ii.` gnlnjnjjhhni HI yea-auto oannidcnblynhul. Th outfcuonol tlnoriotn nu,auuIduuo'cIocI. nr|yct.&hIhodiIoIhyuuneh- 505%. hlvo C lhunnlu. unupulh iuhcolnthotoupr plynljlksihltlnl gllowoupcbp In ptuulzw d.L..; 1-Ol$u.u.J:,:g_: cl mom. 1. only u.us.m6. -oi-I M.@.Iil the nuns month cl IE2 C. Thsnnnlnlnnhwhiolo \ho'l"oty` Hyliil uqiggy -ptlojvo pitta-Bio. _,T___ c-Tug. We du'o_un| In :1 uni shout `ennui-pho,-I\un|@Ilyinun Iuuluotuulbuuucldbttictio uni-up:--..__ If oulhhudoolind Il.lI.Ou can- pnd with liq nnupuricnllutnu. A-AIILAAI1-`ij&_"` by |I.tAI1 Th net: 01. NVIII0 up- __,.aaui|| 1-I-""""' -`-' `WA nu. miifcnnrnnr 0! CAIADA OFPIIO NI BALI .".;'..yo-I---*"""'| I Iii w, uvvw-cu an nu nan -....i-at j j jbiij hhuhthowuh. Ihulylhu-y hhllhdih Ihhjhtds hrhpdch tho `uh Bulaw- ~IuuuouQ.hnnlnqluhnhl hguddlhlbyungbcb hamburg J` -V Iunuauolnry Wdtmuinnshd udbuiulyhonls. Thadh Ihoullodilnllolhuphnnp. In:-yWdtIIollIoc&|nIh|I|I hounlh chlkh putts-I that oylinlulinptonufhoutlt thong: who thyroid hunt tuwnunhd Wnhrtnt Arquhr luuudlhlhu-ouutuluud L__ _L_A___ _._. ._ nI._..l. `L3. _L. bro&nIuuu(:n|Ih.vtInIh. _.1.L L._.2_A._$:__J.. ..-lJ-J-hLL- AIltlo1lI|.lin yunolnl. uncon- pndbynwcnlnn bt.uncndIa- Iulowuonlcuulny. Bhonitldnhd L--- _4AA. Il_: Z_IA_ __ 2_-.4L. -I nut Iqlqlii-Cjil 1- dhnuiou in this dty.ud any holiovo ilboulntiinuoeonoo. lurutbougln dnlgothlboubouldnkfonpuuto Iotlollnnulcl: thounu-luhound ulfcnputt not matching about lumut. Tloqlitkcliq ugly d'l`cn|Iu|I."lun`tbo|piL" abound Ihlhovundlaply uovulbyllo Igpnl. Thopuonwholndthoiot vulduaudul. loch priuunvuu riulthudul. Tbusvuuouhoniq nhutlhhunwhvuduqlhpd thoouulnn ouululnotuo shit Inlthllh any ntill null. - ..:.....__ s'i"6'5'fo"'6o