hath - -Ila-nnna_ Kathie. Iotlueuuluuay. "Bocuuo- II have It loyal`; not Ihogvodnllt b cane. . `ho pu-vun Inn. m I-old mud uodnuuto-1. But.` hlunllllcn I-y ughlnnnc. be heard In :3- I t`Ar|unL.uI!" and cllo Ivunnud. Int IIOI ho rnumul. will I cut noun Inuit. - . V ` A Iinlhio In dear to him. Kathie herself newt seemed to real- izo It. I _.i...uI ah-I aha lIIilVhL In SDI N I wisbul that she night. In splh tho mu. pug lhn it no no to con- lemplue such I poauib ity. I know that it would be 3 grand thin; for hot to ho- como the wife of Dr. l4or`1)3.ifonly she could (urge! Charlie Ly! A comnn would be so sum 0! con- (urge! Charlie Lylonl. A woman lun uad protection with n Inn of MI cnlm. Iuon . hnppy hlnponnenl! I urn inking 0! All till l hlppy Iomponnenu I In inking lol Klthio cuno at Inst. ushed Ind bustl- Iou [roll her twin vulk in the pine- ing yiml. "Did you get the money. dent? l In-tied nnxiouuly. u I got as to at 31c limo brown teapot II o In 9 when our supper of bro and hunt: wu hid. -Ln. ...i.I Knhin -ivint ha! lllh I III`! ICIVTIICI IVII 10 II IAD NIIAP A? full (`IIIAI nICol|d..I.=I:,I&I-o-non hid. "No. said Ruthie. giving her tur- ban I ton upon the lounge. and uh!- tonlng the tough guy eon wlhh mm -on than out. I on-tpvonqulol that What Ind obnunyiqmlulklouiglv anlnrnnn am on III no II In! to the In! bu-i-ELI.-.. IAIAPOI A ;;5In'by no means n.-m-hnnlu1.`.! .` " I lien we can live vuh no longing: no man." _ ___ _ A In! turned. will cut Ienuu lln. A:dM1`::::t:|ne:!rlf cyan pa nu continual. y mull: force to carry it |y-IH| uhou. my dun` AM qpe vllu.-d. JOY l` N I-IX |'lIC'_I`|-2|). An Original lave lmy. n`! It`. my dc-ur` so they -:i;ncus- ll:-nu. -.:__. . +___......_._._..L.;.s=-.-1 _ ~ Kpzesron, CANABX, ;<}'i*t1I: ni;x }i U}' `I-I |"l1f1 ss` 1; % 0l_I_l_|lo5_::1o_ador _..._-. .-n. L.- Russian amp. This vessel was bound lot her own country. and Charlie. being violently ill uni doliroun from tho ellbcu 0! his Q urn, when they ruched port '1! la in 0 Russian hoopiuL when be nearly died. tum. be new Ix-not his nurse mote neu-Iy mod. When grew some loner: homo lot him. among which in: one tor Kuhie; but whether the vomnn Inindimcted them. or neg locked to post then. to did not know. but hul uneo discovered that no news ol his nocuo hul reached Iinglud. n. M. nan] helm u an or two he- Ind nu.-nod angina. 0nh`nu-dnlhen. 3 d|yorlwobe- love. he Ind come 1 It to It com- in. who. to his doligiL 0 found In I lrlold ol own. and who pounded him to moon Knuth hon. A. an. nnint [Ln nu-lnndoor III "Do you think so?" But my anlul attempts to draw her into some sun ul an ulmission were vnin; and when at last the carritge cuno (or us. I was no neuter the scene A` 1... ni.-aw llnn on the nreuolu evening. Dr. Loving und his lnulhet Incl us in the doonny 01 his hox_ne. n subsunlinl old-luhioned house. standing in a wide gunk-|L Ilrs. Lorin: was 1 molherly~looking gunk-|L Mrs. Loring molherlylooking old Indy with silvery hair. And luzge. kindly dul-yes. like her son`: I wondered I litllo as her keen yet the to. I oiuhlll ailxuht tin In Low in; should deal: Kuhio `In the chun- bor which had been In-ion! into 1 dnuing-mom. but evory panning emo- tion was swept into nolhingncu when Dr. boring brought no hoe to two. in the center 0! the pulor. wilh-Chu~lio Lyloull The woman fellow was absolutely ra- Lylonll young absolutely diant no he on hi my hand in hit. tad I could do us: but cling lo him Ind anus rsnturnuslv. IS I 1h0{lfbK 0' uvvu-u.~ Exit? -4)): I Knhie: `Oh. Charlie. is it n.-any you? And pmsenlly I Man] the story 0! his rescue. After oaling lhitly-six hours on an empty out which went on-rbonnl with him. he was picked up half dead with hunger and fatigue by 3 Russian ship. 11.1: ms! modnwnu._ ' Htmu.-n :5 nary I-m mun. Huang! Fgggx. Fe m. Lin-7`-ml Ind QuoountoVn mm] 1!! .r.I|e: [tutu a! Europe 0|` lowed ruin`. KIIIIIO IIIQ. AI this point the p|l'IOFd00l' busily opened. and my sister cum in followed by Hm Loring. I nu nu rlnnco lhn Knhie knew (allowed by in uonng. lnw uh glnnco :11. lot nho wu white In any ghost. and tnnhling :11 out; but then wu: light in her sweet oung two that undo her divine to out at. uni her volco wu so lrightc-nod with joy. that! laughed outright. with tan rushing into my eyes. when she cried with out- stmtchtxl hands. "Charllc! Charlie! 'n.. .-.\..-m nun 1.3.! her in his nrms. "Charue! unrne The young man had her in his arms. ki:uI`3 her M I ma nu. u the doc- Int nointo 0 non room; In-ll hue I uuplcion that Hm Lorin; dis- rgopnred conveniently. in order mu a lawn nigh! honlnnol um. I soon hand Inysell 0011 in a gun any chxlr belore tho lihnry life. while Dr. Lorin; smiled down It Inc. with his own eyes very In Then. with I sudden I n-membernl what this must coal I: III. "I III so I f.\lu-rod; but Kuthlo loved (`huio Lylonl below V0 know you. and I do no! think the re- nlhnn.-._" I htoto down Inioonbly hen; but 050 doctor`: eyes wen dry by this line. uni In `-3 uniiing qulnicnlly M no. "Hy dour mu. lriond." to aid. drawing 3 loohtool very close to my chit. and letting hinu-It tin-non. no Ihnl his Ioblo bu-I. no Iitly. crowned with In Illvcr-llineadod brown locks. in close to my shoulder. "what an you drlvl :1!" III: not `my. legume: with this ub- 1 noble hnshud. Ruble." My pn-lly sister unolheru 2| laugh I: the returned: --I'In can lhink nu?" [or I nenmr um sum: 0! but gniely than on the previous Dr. Luring lnolhel kindly dui eyes. um net sou .& lwondc-rod plensunly scathing look into my hco us she took my hand in Iron but my lieu! went out to her at once when shr- kluod mo and said coniinlly: "You no wekome. my den. After we had n-moral our trips. Dr. boring took possession of me. and led no into Ibo wide pk-unnl parlor. when nu open the burned cheer-ily in (In An-Ila. them to I13: Temple. 1! Nu Q Wu! Owhui unet. Oar Christin dinut Ill Iohvo couhbd ol cold ha nu! haul and hunt. andlhngie. who Ill inordin- nlnly Iond ol chicken. uocumod n piroueuc about lho able Ivhemupon lhe low]: lay. ts Ibo mu-ken-nu dis- nnm-nrml , cuv lvvvla .-_.. .._ ._, __,,, up um]. lound myself Igtin wondering over my sister`: good spirits. and u even- hgH.Irv:w near. sad we begun to pm pan ouru-Ives for our visiL I ll. wuchin her closely: ' "Dr. ring will unto soibo wont: n nnhln hnnhnnd. Ruble." mm we so _II1lulu1h "Ur. boring Wm mile husband. Ruble.` ll- ..-.nn cialnr unnlhe STOCK `F08 Cl_g.\'.\ D \ . l"eg|M1loIuIow.u:d Mrptl wovilll ' uol disappoint then. so It was settled. hum has it o! uullng Inch (Mugs. notwl hug the lack um: `I vs: thoclder. Thonut Iponing Ibo nnkuonnl L.......|.. n. .m|roleHckunInut|_ wnflho elder. bag ol gnu golden but he I could not tell no who Ind men He only know that ho was to bring ' ll-em lo Temple. " IZIQI IX CIT . `Illa Iuhlohruubhbh-luv; hilt hvolotnudoyonoouprohend lwut a vile. thcnlnnu ullcmtnpln." on nouns I notlhoguool hhdcullnd syn. and linen I eovore-I Either. that mu. roan. do I love you? In on oonldanh at Kathie yuminy. ud Ibdvholno to Ivy-y hub-day. yugolqtolao-yvll Y ........| kucool lo-3 var. K the returned: think But an an-`u Id do nothing but clung lo nun nu _ nptumusly. thought 01 )0 flu Donn ol Ontario in ulvineul by the ilglilh lull that there bu been ship - pad lmm Liverpool. per the Oxenhulm. 3 vary nlnnhlo collocuon ul tho clmiw out Brituh hgedn ol stock lot the Agn- cultunl College. at Upglph, Unguio, The muxull have been selected by Pro- lasor Brown. at the college null. Sev- en] 01 the cattle In very Iugh.p|-iccxl. The government were detemnued to have the but ohuinnhlc. lln begun wilhtho selection ol mum llv'Iefvrl-4 and Devon: how the royal In-nla ut._ Widmr. For n remltknhle flue two. ear-uhl Hen-lonl hull. the manager at `indoor would take nothing less than 5(4) guinea. The pnunnl. beomleu being well lured. was upbcto-I to lulu.` a high place In the show mnla ol this year. 1):) tenclunu Scotl-um . he found .\_nshirru And (iullovnys ensue! I-on5.hl. lut n.1, Shonhurnn and .-\benlm.-n-.\n;_'u~4. Ila got some ol the two tirst uuuml hrm-.ln from the Duke of [lunch nch I.lul others in southwest ol Scotlnul. at hxgh but not exorbitant pncen. [hen on reach ing Khenleonsluro sud the north he had to spend mow ln-cl_\. I-`nu hun- dred gumens SGCIHY-l the two-vonrold polled bull Stnthglan. local by Lord Tweenlunouth. (iuisnchnu. which ubtuu ol ns [moon on the junior class at Yotll "R0511" lust Von. Mrntlnglnss Is 1 heuvy handsome hull. out 0! .\lc(`ou1- hie`: lnmonn Phris group of l87!'l. .-\t lllkm. n lonr-you-old prize-winning cow. 0! nthenhot perign-e. was bought. at \\`ntenside. and other polled lo.-mules ntlcss money. Mr. \\'nllu~u. llw owner. |-_\` the I'l\'. has nm|u;:u| to re- import I four -_\ 1-nrohl pullul vow of llw Bogzfern Sybil tnlxo Iron: Canada At `.511! gs. She went out to tlw cullvgu lanu us I vehrhng. nu-I us the lirul pulled lun- IDII hrought h wk to .\`cotlnul. Other Slllguineu hml to he left in .\bonlocn- ntnm m noun 1 n!-dons southern 5(llgumeu l)`ll to be 10!: In .\m~ruu-u- nun no noun bull. Rob Roy. I-mlb} S. A. t-ordou. cl Russ-shins. Thus bull. rising [our years. was Iowml in the nged class n the lust lluglniaud Mxow. mud in really a beautnlnl bull. and would hire been | high vnuuur at this year; Cenwnnuy Scotch Show. but in!) gum- eu I19 too much [or n "cnuu_w .v\l~.-I doninn to low. especinlly for an animal that he paid only I30 games: for seven months mo .\ cow nu-l two lxmfern Inn: Dullne}; lmrd. and on grant of belu- tilnl healers from Murs Sllorllnru hon]. deseeudul mostly from the Scnplnina bulls Heir of I-Inglislnmuu nul Cherub. ud (ram the prize bull Earl Uurhv `.. ml. 01 the km S. `\\':lcy`s bu-ulnu;:, come out mu: Rob Roy at In-,;lI prices to tho nnrnrnnxonlk {um . governmenlis farm. Prime specimens 0! Uxfonl Downs from Tmulvn-l|'a ock. llnmpsluro Down from Allre-I Morrison`:-. Sump- |hll'0S from l-Luna". nn-I liunh-r Lancas- ter` Iron: \\'n|Ince'a ock M. .\u(`huub.`1lu. Illu: heeu shippul ulong with the zslllr. For some ol the l-`husp pnms nunclnod 50 games: nnJ upwunh. The: collection, M 1 whole. wxll do ctodit. to the coun- try. P|nl\nbI_\' no shipment. so 1'00-I and no wide.-ly mprnsenhm-e 0! British lnecda over loll British shores. The Sudden! cl sud Sigh!-. lngny bun ol age bung broughumh aor- row to the gun. in becoming rnrer every ya; u the use of Cingnlene lhir Kenton-I lncotueo more genenl. By in may the Iunty lock: 0! pg: resume their former color sad the hut becomes Huck nul huu that u ever ; with its AM we can duly the clnnga ol ysnrn. unured that no any hul- II on)` rice will come to uddrn Ind. .100. pet bottle o out mu: nun no)" u farm. Prime nnecimcn! - -4--oo-- ~ Ill In In Ilnpgn . [luv I [twinge at 'l`nnn;.-IelI)v uhl mlnr over llm.-9 old cloth! and you will hr happy. In dunlulny they noel all other known dyu. and the richumn and bnlluucy oi IN? colon in romuhblr. D ) not Yul loge-I I puncture and mdgo hr _\uur!'ll. l0c, O I No lad)` need bowuhoul Mn Pmklmn. HI VQNIANO Couufound bu-cauw III!` H {at haunt lrom drug nloroa. Thr pr-spne-tun- pend it poluuge puld by mu] lrnm l._\`nu. Inn. Ill an form 0! lounge: or 03 pm ; ice I! per box, or six lot IS. Se-ud lot 0 Guido to nedth." which giwn full pnniculuu. __. .._...;__. sew York agd Lflverpool. ..- u_x.1.. Ai coir Human lonartnblo Iouonuou. In. A. 0`Bncn. 37$ Exchnngo Bu-at Bulnlo. was In '1 to be d")-mg Wllh consumption :1: nhugdonod by her phyu Nun. bho suored terribly. And in re duud in uhlo ninety pounds In this onndiliou tho nuns! lo llurxlunh Blood Bmon. nnd not enjoy: period health mm! height (Ill hundred tad lon_v~un Bho ull gladly umnrer Ollqllllllu nucn-ru on . hotly! 0! l`. H. posing: slump A Polobntod Cam. In and lhirhtn day: mihoul action of III butch. Phat hula ,0! llurdock Button tnnd him perfect health. 35% which In ltd not known for swam" ytcn : bias. ._...-o-o~-._. I X loll ll.\'otl. llumlton. uyu -- "No.1 I 0I$t`IBpuIl (run lot dyq-opm And I in! in p at my damn tho [moo | ! Ii for It. I On n or-mmerenl mun sud Innl ouunull . sud would no more ` sun at Iuuiq vmmn . mom. on "Indian-'nIInn1lv(Mn Ill mv nhn than i _l lnnululhouuolhohoojolulndrn nlvhul uunhnnl to I surgical npornum y Ibo haplp Ilium nlhndnnx ; sll other Ibtlullq blind. when lluxnnl I 0:! human! uni o.-oduv euud It to Ibo Illulllq In-Hy for no J I! lor uhnnl I `lit 00301-nuns! Bringing out lllgh Priced I - . I _ _ `I -~s~~--=--~=--~ "M:...:':.:*:.:;.::.::.:`::.::._::~* Arnrw lmlixuun. I ol0nun'o by thiulol homovbonl mum on `I00 `u llpdylhn my ` .3 ' I d having my bun at hc-mo nu) pho cnluu. ho Irul holurl u A I`. Chl`. lroitl In dvolq-out Iuuhn onI'IlaII.pn:n.n.\h hi hqucupuhlvbunnuuphu |lI cuhy that human Mulch. Inland Inn: with um aInnJ:InlnlIIAlm.hliB|0I'Il Bi| uu nu nu-hug lot out lriendn you on: than u lav:-sl nun o...... Inulnnd luulnntl. .j_.o lnollr. ntunnlucbn $"5`.'..o....a"'""" an nnnmnn Ihmnuh . non: I .g ten :3 ol. w.u. vclu Lin! man no In No uguu Your lood must dip ptopor ..|u,_ ly. Nov to`: duster`: bllvnh 5 hogllo ,. cl low:-n. on ml! in nrpnud wit I y ! lowdown Zorn; in I pouuvo euro lot thou troubles. haunt it set: upon an "Io. Btomuh sad lam ad through the Lint the In said Bord: hut in ngulnlod. Ask or I nlnph of II. Skinner. n and ~i~-~ooA -- - I 1:` ml ,. .` n t. llunnltotu Inlnh and autumn: l`nth no olmtndnko. dud-ha. burdock. Culver`: root sud ohotoo vegetable utrutn They not on the line uul Itonuh with yootoutunty. and thumb} gin nlbltn nay nnptunb unit; from A dnodold Ottdlttou of that oegutm lhuntonftlhoul in and my tune by throat with sblntn annuity tint no nll clout: will lollow then mo. eld by l"uInouh Po. and iy Inlet: In medltl ovuywherr. ...._.._.__.. `l'|u-consul lacuna. ~ `Ibo nun. why "NonnohWnh|Con- , "uhouldhundnpnlonoootonll. Mull. IILVUII Jrraun. . Tho uunuml fur nl. Piccuhllv WIS clmugenl Iron: the Is! to the 3rd l`lmrs- (luv in Uctolrer.` I .\ mnnnn wul inxtnnlncml. nlluwmu: pros;-ul. by Messrs. Agnew nu-I LOIDOH. Dz. Agnew luln'I. want anything to lo with the stable if .\lr. Corbett was allow- ed a part 0! IL Tlmre was Another short discuasmu nu us-.-n-an nu nu..." A by-~l|w. which imposed 1 tax on hnwkcrs and peuhllurs. was Amended by E the increasing of the lxccuso [cm [ram 96 and H010 02.`: an] M0 each. for one and um homo valniclos respectively. '1 ho 1:203 for pcddlaru ouloot wcrulu , cnmscxl {rum 6:! to 05. | now I! nun 11.11: to I-rm~uus_ luv In Ucbober.` .-\ motion was intronlnced. nlluwmu` the county nublo tobe Ntuncd Is at by Messrs. Agnew nu-I Cotbott. Dr. .-muew nuvlhiuu out put or n. Thore regu-dung tho quarrels of the county 0!- licmls. .\lr. rptwrlou didn't. wnnt auc- rnl uxembersto run the shit: and .\Ir. Adams llnought the olcials should he mule to Agree in the use of couul._\` pro pcnv even it An mm or sumo purulnou ` had 10 be oroclul ln`lWt`Cl`n them. 1 ....ui.m In n.li.mrn In um nncnml Inn! to be enacted between unem. A motion to uljouru to the second` Tll6stIn_\' in November was pusml and the Uut|Ie!.t mull;-r was chokucl n. nu-u..._..... .v. ...V ... Tompsou. |)l`Si\`l`I\ tlw |-ll:-r wo pnlr Iishel yosI.en|n_\. wrow to his mother .a_u..;`. ' "l wuuhl nllwr go I.) meet In_\' re wan! llmu vo to pnsuu lot No. so :lon'l. weep lur me. dear mother. mater. wife. and :luu;:hu-r. for I am going to a boner world wlu-to grief no.1 pnrtnuu is nu- known. All I can any will '.'o [In good. hut if lcuulxl soc _\1)n. and Lrll you tll nhuut Uus. you wuuI.I In-licvu me muo- ceut. I ck-(`Info to my (`m.I. iu thew nu` Inst unhls. I new-r rllsocl I hauul lo tnlmnu iDll0t`1'lIl hh`. nor to lulu} my [l`|lUW mum. I Im an mnocrul. man. and I . . , , , . . .7... ,. ...Al.....- \.-...n- o Faun n Luv.-A an an lacuna. I. Wnrh ud nhll. Wllnlhl. Ii. n Btu-r`I0unolvnt. Ibo Wou&h|&I II lbcnonr. Hold by 91.1. Wlhmbnqkt. Ink for at. l'n'oe I59 cxl all ngne. .\lr.`|lugnu unl that to avoid nn_\` sem- l-lnucu ol partinlny thew`. would like ten- clon for the nulnlc. - ' .\h-. l ulLcr-sou bpulxu oi the lack ul. lmrmonv among the county ofllcinlr f This was regrettable. and he considered`; it the result 0! the union 9! ccruin_ members ullhs couucnl. He had on ' mined um suxblu. and louual ample :u:- i cmmuudaliuu Ior lmth meu. hr. .\;;new i ac.-emu! to be 1-rus~+ir;: matters voo harshly. In. An......- n-.l.l n-In: Lu and Mr, (`ur- lilrslily. \ Dr. Agnew lolil why he and Mr. ('or- ` ' l)\;l!. were unfriendly. It uppeani that ` one iiiorniiig after the gain! investigr ; lion Mr. L`crbell.pasis1-llliv doctor wil.|i- [ nut greeting him. "I shall never siicnk , to him again." ill the doctor. and I; half dozen persons smiled it the sousc- j lcxxnoss of tho inspector : proclniiinlion. | xi. \l.rIimmn man In a mint. of onler. . of tho |lllI|i(`l0l` |!l 0(`l&llIAll0l). Mr. .\u:|msou row to point sud Nu: dnscussian wu termnnsled f th presence 0! ma \\ uuen. llr. .\;_;u\r. with :1 little hit 0! I-luv on ` his coat. told how he crawled tl{rou;:h ` the sundown of the same Sq min pom I seasiun. and the nrrinl nftsrwunla of his nephew with 3 chisel and hammer lu rmuuve llu muln iu the door. He clnargml .\lr. Coxbeu with not acting: squarely. um! and he huIn't room [or ` Ins buggy. ll Corbett wu Allowed to` reuuu a pan. ul l.I-u stables bu dn|u'l nut it. I! Curlwll was to run the cow . cxl all riglntp. 1 \Ir Human and that [0 avoid nI)\' ` IRA I`!!! III":-I AIS Ill!) : \-`H.801-Inul I100. scanning to wean: n-nu.` unn I liiiwvi (` mi. Uiiuivrri. uni Iuinnn ' mi "lhr I thorough knowlodgo of the N iiniiiul law: which govern the ripouuoc- ; u! imliumtiuii iiuil iiutritioii. and hy negro lul npplimitinii ol the line [vmpertic-s of wells nolecu-d(`oonn. Ilr. Erin bu proi-idod out hmnlfnl table-i with I delicately uound hisvangn which any an in many heavy dootoru billii. II II by the judicious use 0! such ll'llCl0 ol -lie-l ihu I institution may he gnduullv blllll up until ntrong niouuh to ruin ovary teuduioy to dinoone. lluuulrodn olnubtlo ninlsdin no outing uoiind us rend)` to nthok whnnvu thul iu u rock point. W0 any capo Inuiy I lntnl mm by hoping ounalnu well lott- inod with pun blood uid Iproporly nourish- ed lrumo." ~(`ii-il Sondra G-null.--Ili`II amply with bonlllz tutor or uil'l. Bold only in pnohtn an that lb, nod Ib.), by Gruorrn. |uhol|od.--Jul: III R 00.. Eo iii-i-ipnthio Cliomidl. London. Eng." P KIUQI -UI&llIIl I ` Bhbnnvl-. The bouuoil niumo-I It I0 o`clock. C, H. Corbett. III I communication. withdrew his tender [or the gun on the oouuty lnnu. u_1ho clmirmpn 0! county prdpvrty hml ulisposm _o! it ;|ll0 that. he wn prepnro-I mat-nual by the nrruuuomeul. mum with Mr. Agnew in th presence 0! the \\'uI|en. ` llr. Aum-\\`. AXDIT III ALI. Couaupouou nan III" the people not. You no dauy. has bad brush sud tank. can on. can`: sleep well. hand what. not mun. imublo. (`Inn val n o. nun ol. Wall. Lust mu! ha in \nv.uvAI`4l_ \'mn land mun! (HRIII IIODOI houlnulllllnuuu nslobvullgruou->1. ,__._-v..:_. Dunn--NoI~I-dlvl not to `Tn ` 2 tn uni." tho but unt: b tho Tooth Jndbnsth. ullohndunhr .\alon|oots|IuIyuIr1|I-Iquun. lo-u. .---Ian uhouldhuul nynlmoul ulhu tubing |'l'C9Il`Ib0uI. HID`. nanny hunlc. loco-M. uvial Pnvoly V Ho. Inud Ind Button mu. ... nnannnnnd nl mnndnlc. duduu V (`I ll" .V'l`Y (`0l7,\'l_`ll. .. rmui n-Iizuuxo. so. \.u.} \l: `loult ROYAL HA/L DIIU LINE { KEEPCO_OLI F igrma IMPERIAL ulnnml L 5 WATER C0 I ` We hue lhl dny nppombed W R. Mr ' RAE .1: ('1). Kmznlnu. our Agents lot tho ulo nnd In uko urdern for our lugu-rlnl soda water. Iunwrlnl Pomw \I'nI-r. Imperial In-Iurr \\'nIc-r. Iplrkllnx \'-sln. Mun-rnl Wnlrr. Imp:-rml Luluu Wale-r. luuu-Ilnl (alum-r Alc- lnnpo-rml I.-mound:-. Anal \'-uy I'Im- I Inn-In `Nu-I-I Iunwnlnuou. `, anInr3,"Lc"ui;I.'A'I%s'i%`A%1Lg1_ yum; Iltlldll and coach la. -looonhnq. ALIISIIT r. E.-noun. :'l'|In;'u|u'..rI` nu. B. BAR}Y&oo. UL NE 1 :- \~ um "'-5-3 IASHLEY&C0. X$ 1%%L;.%LI%~:x' & co. AL@f Aim n. I -U& I IV Janna-o : I08` C II` OI IOIX I03`-NUIIT I IIIAW. Prhoc luau. Aron! iv the [Annual Iunuuou lhld my 5 hvutupyf II,` 'I|I"I;Il'I|OIlCl u Idluvuotncgugvvu -JV L Deli:-on T -mu'o \ A I IILIHIOAI T/to Worl; l I X 8" ? ' '3' .1... . ml o-$:.al>3K7}'3n mnwnun I d III nun - V. . .__ .... -..` ICIVI II - uuqu-..-.-. . _ U ukuriulurtu `ml rmul HCIVTYBAKEHY -u-uuw :- j>-----v_ III IIOCI Iflllfo guns. 0... uooon-an. , - H_____4"..__ . The Contra-/I Ziaponcaly. .j__, -_-, V uuoon Al ANY ONE "I `I'll IIUII can. `run! Ann) All wlubnr u..-|'1m~ l`nm- door I-elm: RtQ\flIuu:1 Pnno Fw1nr_\ KIILLJIJL `w \z I39 IAHOT I I`IIlZl2'l'. 1 4-... uh! Ilrark In:-on u will nnrl a full Imo :1! Ln mnoridl ml] the _hl..l novella: in Iron All Mlsceuuueuua murll-In nu nlUu0ll1' In Prison Ind. N0. T140} \\r_ u . DIO I.B\VI.` . KIIIIR "' omen I (lol-lea Lhm I. J. IIIIQWN, I.lI.. 1 lllblt IAN. hL'll(IIL|N. Cc. Oman and Iran 41 _ `dingo:-(`Ionian Iunu. nan PH-u-can lama. A I'I|I'II Ah!) RUN . ltCl{l'l`DC'l`S and mum _ Wellington-01.1-arl.n SlIl \'IyoI'I union, 4| VIII IAUI UI UV I-12- --u as llu-I lnplo Wood. 0 IIOUII AID IIOIII. I` Ull wlTA!l!:.`: II in coal In In nuts! I A u !..-::a- -.::-:.....-'3.-',4'-"......-'.'.*-.::..-:.'. ` $0. lxauun unt uuhuun lal . _n__,___ _ VA I MUN |.nr'.nn`. .-. ` lllli uudcnlgnod vllh to Inform m- -ul-I um ha ha ned u|-and nprnod \ l.l `Mu I |.\' l.X)hN|`Jt`Tl(IN Wl1lH1lAUPl1B'h HUI`! l. on much burnt. had on nu u Proprmon ] IuNI.\' 1'01.u.\N. n l`VIto.\'rI-:.\'A(` LOAN A INVI-LHTIINT tux `\ In In lot large or small mm! are [nmou P u mo-Iinu nleo ol Inter!-It fo loan or nlmll Lia-no.J'0l7I III CENT. nnmyum-r ulovu-I :1 mt;-.I3I";icr'n(e oV':':'l Vlmren-It 0} .|OI'B|n 0UI INTERNET clan mu THOMAS l\lll(i(l8. Ono.-~on--um ' II` X. hi 'lHfliuiI7 Pulon I: we guy. II: UAUIEN. C|l%c|CI. -LKTIN UWIKIHN. 1- not rune Lilli nc-In ` Naunelnlut Ila |-lure, mrJ- um M` nu.-x I 9 llridgo lo llurlennld Anvil 0 JAN!!! |\ .\\l'|'. ESIJIIA WATER ml ICE CHEW `. v I. tau mud on u-r mlnnnnllan I I to I r I rllmi HA!:Y run.--at-v Aunt. lion; Whul.IIIl'CI- v luv`! 4, nuts unr-t. RT. LAWIIIOS WBARF. IIIIOBTUN Whilltkllduldll lad -jfi Ir! Uivw wt wvuu ...&.-.~'...'.-I-I 'l.?$IlI1 IIICI II ! JAKE!-I SWIFT. .1`; imam BAZAA` .. up lIIII.`A\.l l\l unhx \lIA l`l-'_l\ -13 :':'a'i'i'a3"'iL=`."1"=-'e.os- unnlunuha Duh:-uoun --:: _n_'g1- |'|IVID-- A run Int Cl 00 Inch and I! . |n__A -n-I- $4` con. AN15 wool) aTnooa'n. nyunnlolu. Vcunl In-I; MIVW um. 10: I at hut No dumunl nhalnvr. pt 1 In: Iunlveluru m;.`n one Inch 1:`! Iotpudnpuun cam my unhnmonh , cudhdhu In the `p In or nuorululnrtnuniu nun. . CZZUIIIE. w--"'*.:':..'a:.~ .':z-=.::'.'.'x: 2:-..-"E..':'.'.-..':_.... L4 mt"-_=;': V0 kl onleqduto nohnunlnvn Inn! -I call but mu In on you w hon llmnq no ween;-*3:-msnwug lilwlhlhba-I nun nu Ixhti uuouuu u out Zl |llI`I'4`hAHl R108 um din: In An Inodon shone: nous-. 31.01-;n Illuir` - Prolmetou-I. THE DIIU RRITISII Willa of d| Btu: nml Doocnpuonn var nun, Novotl MI ctaooul court In OYIIDIIII an I nut '1' 1.1 lb 1.: 4-; 5; rs .. . II E CIU-IAN IN R()l).\ WATl'2l\ hm0(In|n| no-urn My-nu 1:. Tu u an `I'll Iuzuu. Z Iluvlaonlu pump: choor. -: ---u cry: 4-` 1% T`! I'\ Z {mu .5... n I J. uulzu uunonnonu u.(. oI K iota. lunaloc. Onuia at an `DOLLAB nrnn. ---j-:-jj: Wocd and Coal.` Business Ca`rds'.l =55;-`I .. IZIIIWTOUII C (`0.. I 70000! Dan: in rrpmnl l`n~u'n&'a'11kVuu nevi: ` -M"? nulnl-Ir from Ruxlnnd. lrcluutl. 'nl, l>`rnn-9. notunny. IIIOAIOI and Ear xurn- nun a..uv.I;a| Q-' sL1JKs~_'A`t Inga-my 9.- 'I`III'I IIIIVLIIICI n.n n-nan A9 our rlli I. nhlln ul Luhng .;|"wu lot lhal -~ -1. llu-re, Auhsnr nu.` other u the ('.-mtlucul .-NI/I 0| ltdill Bxcheliou &llntario llavigatiun u. M lsceunnoouu. \\lD I|I'SI'.IN'IN'I'0, Tlll` I.\' `I'll lIr.I.I.l:Vll.l.K .-.v.. I uurh Ihlll Tl-svolhnx. (. gm! pun-qgn. up II) :8 Con- ~. No. I. Bmnhug I. How DAY lululum u I a non. A lllltu Alh , \\'aiuo.ly. Juno lbll . Jul] 2:10. .. \VcnIuen-IA]. July 91}! .. We-In-by, Julv lh uwodncniiny. July rd . Woducu-`In. Jmo Ilth Wodnudn). Aug. 6th .. .i7;|n..1.y, Jupo my Waiuonlgy. June 8555 , July |uu1am'i'uu'r1c manna] Int: unoim L|lE,| Ixu In rrnuvm Inna Iloou-col nary TIIIVIH I! \I' II In-nu lot luvvr MA in A. mm- ulnqnocon VIIIMI IV! I |.|onv| lo: Tm-nuns l|l'l'IDAY Ionumm note`: I. A Illllltn Alll U'IIIII\'Iw-ow-J - ..._- Thu pow-hr never uric; A unrvul ol pully unngun und uholummcn-A Ion economist] mu mo otdm Iindu. and cannot in cold in oompelnlon Ill uu mllulu-la ol Eow lei! than Iutghl. slum or pbaophuo 9| I-Inn Bold only In eon: N.n\'Al. ruins: I`nI'nng(`onp I Itll Wnll Btu:-I. N Y. suuk i/"ntnuran --Au--- '0 ENTS' FURNISHINGS , , A. 1'I'j IMS" Dl"'1iliiiETs| IJIIIQ Illa ring 0 ll WILI. `I FOLD A1`. A 0.311` ILCIIIICI Vvoluntton Bu-cot. TL` ll lls`-nan: Rlgnul l8ECQ,ND-E.A.ND BOOKBI WOIIEIIFIILLY Q|||0l Mil !BARc";A1Ns} uduuluh cl has --l|IuIllIl&IIuItnl0ugnAb-- A1 `ICIILIIIIZAI TIUIY DIN? III. I. I. OIJVI1 In ....._ ..._ -. vumzfpuuc-. lyspqakpuunhncuw ' I u...nxu~a, bu-My lnl lncnlull. `I'll! -.uuuua-than-hdaoIun.undIIcu-0 `tqihtlllyliltlolllnbovchbyllo moolmoahnudo-not HERVE \ B(:YJ'ulA . GALLIA .. AURANHL. uonnn \ . 88ll\'lA.... (ml-:(.'u.\' _. UALLIA --- --`-..v- or Ann`: PILL! nnnpr-conic-I uni punly vvegu-ublu-a;-Iennnnt. Iaunly nle, and lo- nuhhmeulkincluthocnnolnlldlaotlul cfthquuun oi nu-on. -mun mInnouupupuvao`!n:nyno. AnuraobiInnuhhd.noolIhcIu run. ukueu-.hdullhtdhur,huuny _-1 .s_-n.:_n_Jn...-.|.A.oL.-an LT IITIIL. J. B IIINDIIIIBON. JAIBI CIANFORII. . IL HA RA. C CO.. T D-Yspeptics. uJ.o`]Of`c0-, ..-__-q -;___n..._ c. o75."T-<)ne. J. R. rwrrmnnnnv, 4:. U ml... Ihrnl Ayer s Pills. I7 INBLIN & SWlLE8' IOITIEAL All IITIIIIIIDMIS PUITS. ! 9!l.P.B hrguum In 1 his Inc. an: mu-- ~&1'OIw.rI'-1IIcNMlIIC` KbIJt'eIy-P-uFe'. ... nu.-. -: nu nuns; A nmrvul of nnrll lac-la|Do::;;IlnllII .\. IIIIOIII. m , 5.10}-learnt tumult (`unuln (Miran had. nnillklllrlclcil V01; L111. TLBOK OUT- PINEAPPLEQ moon I nuosun llatnnllhidluhuulbunu E" IOII ' TOIATOIS. Cl` CI` "&`u`<`~8i`% nu. nu v- -n lumen. htulncy, rnerhuh. n, vuuuuug, Ian 0! nppvub. unl T.;....,...........' T SQ` Ll-`lA`nJ$-- an . 0.upnM&WP:loor Howl. mu ngns --l Dylprpllln or 3- FOR- more [or sovcrnl days. ~ Kllhie was salouromnn ll Long~ Inna`: nl hunt. and I sewed ll home; or. two you : below. I Ind run. an And Injured one knee so severely. lhnt ninco than I had been conned to the use of n cxnonand never nuempted to Inlk nny distance. \\'n won uuor. Knlhio and I. but we her lutunn \\7o ware not I! all nliko: I In pdo Ind quiet. with thin chookl. Ind big `guy eyes, while Kathie. Ihhon In two year! my junior. was hull n In" ullu. und carried herull with-the any `nos 01 3 youn queen. Shu In u brighter colnploxion nun ll was the n lxl beloro Chris u. biluztly cold an bleak. I was obl' to druv my chair close to the limo nu , for our fuel was low, ind unless Kn io shun.-l go! the payment (or my last bilol -unbroldery we could have no more {or sevcraldnys. Knhin mu ll Long- IV-Ir` \'l:`l{N()N ll. BROWN 0 00. K. J I-;Il.HI:(}K. Iinptma. Agent Amal l- .1 7 W11! uxsunee. We won poor. I. hnd our little plenum-s. which Iounod doubly sweet In-cause ol the economy we wen: g-enenlly oblizod to practice. `nu . \\'inlvr_ lm\\`C\'c`r. limes wore I'l \J zenaruly ultuxvu tu pxucsmc. This wink-r. Imwevc-r. hard, Ind our guod angel sovmod to have iorgoltvn u; I fouml it diicnlt tu oblnlu work. and Ka!hic's pay hul been decreased. Qty rnnnlhc lmlnm, mt fair \-nun: boon tlccnmse-I. Six months bofurt`, my {air you ulster had had a lover who column: I wt! salary unraveling ulcsmua. here was un boxrounl. but units were at that interesting stnge whcu but 3 word was need:-1| to bring them to I crisis. Jun -2 thin linw (`hnrlio Lrlonfl crisis. Jun ll this lime (`bathe Lylonfu om loycn sent him on at 3 hi bout` :1 to the Continent. He bu! only notice us Uonunenk `no out any time to k his nliso and bid Knlhle I may uewell--looklng volumes that he could not speak; lhcu he was our, mt] the next new: we haul was uni ho Ind been washed Iron: lho deck 0! the steamer in n terric storm when ll was in: iblo to rescue him. ., um. In-um Knlhir Ln-nl um I show lmaoniblo mm` y poor brave Kathie kept up a show 0! her old. bright. gay muner. but she was pier. and her eyes were lur- suinod at limvs \\'n worn nlnnn in than world. so \'on shined umvs We were none in the world. so on will not Itumlvr that I made an Mo` 0! her. 1nd dreamed impossible things lot \I7n wnrn nnl 1| 1| nliku: I DIIO of Sho ha brighter con luion 1. her eyes were brown tn lull 0! u- preuion. and her hit clung in little uwny rings over : nilbwhilo forehead. Ind made den rule cloth to hruk loose h-om the any bnidn in which the coiled it thou! her head. up Inrinlr who lnsnnentlv visited coiled it About her head. Dr. boring. who lnyquoull one funny or another In I a block when we lived. would louk at her so unilinglf and appl'o\'lngl_\' at times. thu I le I sure he hnd a lender inlcnsl in her. Ila mu inm Hm amt ol dronnilr ll her. He got into the `my ol dropping upon us of an evening. I louud Inn a moot congenial compnniog wclhreud. lnusllocunl. and quunuy humorous. W. Iml nnlv known him 1 (cw ;\I.|.;\N_LINB1.. intellectual. and quunuy humorous. We Ind only months, but already ho seemed like Ill old lrioml. and llu` sight ul his bmul shoulders in their I't`ll-I'0l"n brown ulnar Wu I plc.-nun. one to mc--hoI plenum I wu loll: lo confess. even to nu-sell. wsuro wins I that my sister do no) ' lnnunlubouyhl I I |l]|ll1`d; llul come I u with an. In (M parson turn- I V V ,. . `I'M-n unity to tool her to on In 1 cabin by um,-h_nnluI_.. ` ...... .. ..... ._....- \ ....._- ..,-.-_ 1 hoax: In Illa only nun. an nnrh his rnlisn and herclmruptolhouuo. Iuoonoulo uothuuho Iootod hdglut undisp- plerlhnunnlndlhonvans roguhhdln Inouochook. "I not . down ban on Nun strut." the 0 . dllnplllgllll nhorlpoor lo Itrutjlhllu has her. an nruuicd no I I loll: couloss. oven to myaell. dear him. I.'.n.:.. kn:-cnY' nc-r-r nu-mod to [CI]- 'tv. "ihdnno he! Inn `on: in lb country to spend hrhunu, 3.4 Q. girl how: nothing about yonronholt :..'z.=. :.'.':::.':'..' .2 -1. "=- *-r 0 VII clvll shout IL Ind I adored n "7 cl)! 3 Ion 0! coal And a basket J khd. inguonlny vuyhm Men mu zeal llm sh |'Il;|'n`:o-:|o:[o'_ 'w.'n no I tour a u re 1 gong 1 win! haul `rene. Eating. In 5;; cl Christan Du ." Kuhio long 3 unto the did her chit Ipto Ihohbk. .l.I caged Io -mthnnhn Ildnlht IlIIIIp- In] no out I; on hot Ip co! "Ila Inna I I50 CROMOS I