awn... , _. nun tang. .. ~. ....... `. . .Joyd 'l\ojiccoIHholn|nl.inlnIIlill- undtholuiknuybloehany. irons - .-...-. -.p.~..n .vuu... `j.7jTTCTI .- lu|uy.vhichIunAI.ioudoInph~ Iutinuuuguinullurtboocunionu-I oxhduunlwuxd huuthnniohll. Tho pngn-noel lacuna! uni: iuulollowa: ' . ..~ - . ._ _____ ; uruwutuxupsn Ththncuu win utinulntnl hydro ulivninguu cl |Iohulol"B" II-n.- ..L;.L. -.. nngoin-I an . nlnl. (UT tun tuna!-I I?-u I--Z-Us angle lnalnsi-slush-ting. No-condo cnniliohtcouno. ___._.|.*. __ ___ -...- ujptvpurtwuuuvvuucuuwn --- -.-lspkuh-: suunlntoublninnvioi of the legally cll'U3I Indus: lhl tins-uInIol.hcuIl:nce.TInp&Q` nan uutiondullngnlus Ictekept busy. goal nun-Ily tuuauinflht k@I(~II'nII|1ollooI&oI's. Tho cllind Ir.CunIhen`pncsonsn- ._|.... ...- nL.._. .... l_-i-L`-- sun hllnt ' allr.l\:-union I_.n --...;... `PL. :13 Ivj, 1: -u--uv- gj-` -- V vuuhhl-l-u9o'doct. UII|0l5|`|'Il'| .g_. n___ __ __,,__. .;..._.n ....._ suouuutinua ' "1"!!!-i"BRl'I'ISI%I WHXlG,WEi)XI-ZSl)Ai' I-IVI-2.\'.l.\_"(3,Jl'.\ l-3: lS. I-I-on---u-- `@- Ioouluutdinlli uhHId!h?i C-cw-can-&d.jj*.`*.` Ilhlcsi-at haunt-he--u nlhapuuu-vindp-uy.g|.n... 5'3--bu.-H-Lpuuauuuq pdhbloullnlu nllb nag ... Iiuinninpn the sums. which uouooolnllov. Ir. nun cg"... "`'H"|!I|IIIIIpqhuuu- '5-W--D --uh`-up-nut. Onnmlni-L.-.nn.:..;___.4 '1' ""'-W--1'vfTj nfuyollhiu wool thus pa, ~'.l.ullj.&'1n-inA..A..n WC" ital WIIC llohrnol ,l.L- l._nL..A._J ._ AL- J$O$.IQ _rIW out luuuqu. Aapuuunllluulonurt. John Adlry n. lavi K. 2:1. ID. -AaiuIo|u ` not Ilillo. 1.`.-Lg. A n. .. I II |-.x_._ J.Ioh _ _ _ noun! phnhlnunnd Idncnt. Judgncolhtphinhlinhll undead: A Phnlwnel rl-IIIII!lUIqlIIIlnluqUo.I'I. u. A. Spotuvoml.-Action hr bungee olucoaut. Mm. Snilndjound until cutout-t. I` R}..__ n-....... A I.~.__... .- I11 TL 3U|I Cljl `0 Sixth Divine: Conn. [auto-Itin-m nI|e.uonuolu:tionuuo|l:ere. SlnMl'nmI.-Aeh`:n hrlnhnm -r:ln-IInI.j|. Ilj pnnlnd I. hug: tn-I lb pnblno. sehoolhun`IfolI55.!$. Jnbent fur phntilnlorhllunonulnulennsunl npinsllbpninhnn. Inhjcctlo uy noI:h.Ii:`|Inn. 3.111111 Iw llu UDOIII Ila T- J. Sinpsonvu. ` Kidnl.-Action on [Io--nr_\` nob 03125. Jul: nu! lcphiuil hr lull Inolu with %. lInutlnI.l() Il.;Ielhn. -Aun-hanichhnu olnacaouu. Xld` nuulw. lWoo-in.`I`.D. lion.W. R. (furl-`rod I`. B. Ilene and J. Coin vs. JJL 0|-nub!` Son.-An ache: it means! ol pun m Ina uigneu Int annual. R. Shin. J. El|iott-Ae0un on I nth lat onus. Juiguenllor gamut. * I`. B. t S. Anglia no! A. living and M I. Dunn. Int 033.36. Junkie lot ` ` and quid gunhhoolul snounlnnleuh. J, S`nnnnnu-n Shank... KAI _A.a`... FIRST M()RTGAl-I BONDS Thnconttopnulyo-hunky nnnl I.`-nuloaldl-bu-otho(`0Inl:JuQo1 Ionlnynudj-anti. 'I`L_1\A__A , ,, `V` "?""_n lllljilwli. Wflilaii ndCI:iengu I Thbsupsluulnuaiothenu-Ioneool tho hue. uothlr. uulohuon Suva. wnnlpetsl nxltho Inltnundeawen Lggnlilnllp |._\___I -uL l_._...- :11:-rosin: u-u out IXIIQUIR Etuulihlly hound nu: Bowen. nun.-Inna: Inn. `Jun. Qtuinnl vs. John Shron;-.\c~ magnum:-nu. Spin Q-n..a..-_I o-` u----, uouvu-. In Bruce will he union! by tho (hatch. and by-_un diluent socielitn at _L:-|_ -L, _,, ,, The hrithvnIhonoIpi0nIoluin- nlnenblo numb:-r ol costly ptuenh homborlrionds. Shogolpnouualso ho-u-olliniounudinvhichuhotoot axial inle:uLnnnIfrom betchssin dnsudnyschool. ` -n II-pg` in L4 _.2._.I L_ sL_ It-Ink: Btu tool A. Dnbon I an-uni.-I I lion. 5...! as. ..I c----on-nu .1 mm" and pups: ul thoehuch -su. hi uunnlhg I nngwuuu. nut WWC Iz III I Iwlr iq|ns.|c|oIuI&hqbouIIetI.|o.lnllm:- rial BG|8B0'&lII`ImIQl`L Dr.l.`. II Iii-Lg... .4`! .. ..-..._._..- `I'I.. ugunun u-uI\~\.c. IIu-1. liiqahn. 'l`hcj- Ian man an`: will :__ .-.I .L... loo... L...._.A- -_ I -II .._ W.-? -T TIT- $III' stills. l|ht|nnduhIcuviduok- pnlbuoqullollnnnlouun. `PL. Lu-`I..-..LI.. un... Il:....' Q 1' qt-- uuuquluwujuguqn Q:-If hymn Thullidcenulniqhvuloqhuluoro .L._..._, 13;. _-_ ;..,-_,n 2, _,L:., I`hunuu`pu=viqhl`lo&ek'. Ihluuluuinlkh hold 3.1- ,auvicludIuuawdul rips filuvhosldvdhittbocliul -.a...._ nL4 _.__;.._ -1 \n;.. l`_..;I_. -ICIIUU-InJ- trial:-Q1. I-In [nit cnodolqlho niluthehuiuqiugn -g-um; L--- 1 --~ ~ - . Vunnuqu-u_g-on-~oct-puma no.6. ` uuy.l.L.unn_u-u-5. --uuu-tic Ziij C 31 BI!!! Dating.-hqhuqol Iboluolluxlbiek-. |III.`uc-Ihnl IQ;-inhalant cl Bak- wzul nylnn. In Ron 0. Inn. 34.. ol__SLJoh. 16.1 hdlllo w|i;'. Th Iullig gnnynlroulppnnptlyf at I! otaet. `WM`... --I -.-n autumn. Tho hqnpyconph loll thindutuoon `or Boston. Philadelphia. \\`nhington .-J l`I.i...... xlxustux lII\'lsIu.\` (\Il`ItT. m m.:rnTcuun Kmmlu urn nun. p w1II'Cj1Zr1w- I Liiw DobliI.Juoll--`l'ho0ntlolQIuu`u IauhluiWi&n0'Iviuu.o-lilac _onhor..ouIod-1.31m- contain-vitllhlihludt Iuhnhh Lylohn. Wrihlu have hunch! upon hlnullulal Illhnh . In Nanny and the 0&1-I noun Ihliuuullrch-J. O`DboIuDljodI0unhqI- LIwQO%&Iun ijlho land Ad-TE lnltunol Italian-nhhnnhonnn-_ no cum.-u`-. {no-ug hnulbvl gamma omuuu u Hie: lot Aqua IIOWLII O IAUIOIE. nuns. Rich-ond.Juo I8.-Pup Icihuby. Iidfhll Inga to Chnenxo. i let How u_ru-dnyuqvnhnnujncgl the Vi: Nan Yuri. J:-n llL-'l hn Innnblr mvll IQIZIIEI "VAX Iioulhnbowullheu lonliugnnnn ' Ilnmnnoguihno been at vurtqniotlyn-I u-can-I any htnuyollho dolelsouhoclml tho-ulvu ndutho nnool othot xnJiAnL- \.v-v-uu-uu. cu-v nu~--n nu --an-usuw huothllhamlhqdh uolotun . ' vhu nnnuod proper honnlhnhowull hen lonslinn nun at xu rm. Jun}. :a-n.$ n'..:.w- Sutluyznnyathtl lntnighl the up punitiou to Clevel Md nu-nun! won on ` uni that everything us: in doubt. I`-:1:-A In-.4 l_Il n nnnnn-uunl II uonu. C|ovIluul.Jnno lB.-IIn announced nu-niduevhu nnmnul nmnu lg-`::;-m.--;lu lbohanlnthio n...'..nL. lhh. .0 A..n._....a I... cane Irmen no cu-non um plunge- into her lunch. The um `I! dually. and the hlow so lorcihlo that the rem [used entirely throqh thn young 3`: Duly. its point proiartinq from he Idt I-nut. She divnlnluont um Ialtly in thc urns ol her murderer. I who haul no sooner comuittod the her Iihlo doom! than he In onrwholnol with horror and remorse. llo thnt hinsell upon the hodyol his deulchild. enhncina her with xuauonnto egress. up-I. `prim open her dross. he hung! `thowonndfrouvrhichlhohloodwu Euring. and ninly used to staunch its , I` tith his lip. In the llltllllihl` Ins cninnhrmnltho people cl thel-vase.` who summoned thopolnce an-I hml hun I I 1 1 1 nrnato-I. '1 nutaonenlollnonlnrxnonuneupgu-an 1 honiblo 'lhI.-C to hot stepmother. H.Anli.-as Itbobludcol lSI1I\l- man. which ho an]-I-indnnnl nlnnmd ii H. Aullcna unit we IIIIIIOCII |sI'u\l~ which homrriodnn-I pltlgod in ink. her inch. The um `I: dunllr. i I`u'i-g Juno IT.--.\ shocluug lru.-0-Iy as reported. The principal aunt in I. Auglicns. eshhlnhcnl Icj ]!'ll_S'f unnuehnnIu(.hh`I. Ilovuayni njyouuvg hdy holongnugo one oltho huryvuiar fumhon ol (hhn. II. hmloue.Iughur.nulv an din in nals. and &u tuohilul tongue. is Aiou apps: to have Inca tynniml.ud Ill untnhod by hot hunl. who in Ioolly Iuhinnlml wilhhiswikund duo! In I" Ihoeon plain: ol his ulsnghter. Finlly Illa. Aqlicns cunld not endum the hilly 01 home nml nhe lie-I. Her (ulnar loan! 1 horn : nnnll bou-lthen sho Ind` uh: n-In,-e. Ila implntul her to re, ' tun. I-ul the mung lulv It-lute-I And intbohcnlolthodiacnniousheuppliel n Inn-in. onilhol In bar nan-.nlh1-r. -xnun. on -.1` --n -I an... .--.. Bdhst. June l8.--F.ul Spencer this morning unv-eiknl the Queens poruul Silence I18 pnservesl along: the whole mind 01 the . 0n reaching the town hull :1 I Spencer urn gm:-Md uuuacheennnd gzruuu. la: st-fsch he duclt upon the trouble: at [to dual nnnn um mrivnm nmonecls of thccoou did! the uoumeo (II ll'IlI.ll\lllu upon the reviving prospects I:r\ Aqvnd an Inn (`Q-dud cl Bl: Ddqbbr lle E 52.5.. -pr Inn 3 s--nl (hue; ` ' ' I I l.omIou.Juue leL-(in-at anxiety my lellrqzudlng the ma 0! the vnnzul , Chieftain. which has ht:-n shing o ; I the cont 0! Unealn-I. M hat to I C connuthenwuoonly sewn an HR] nbuud. Sevenlof her boats. with 15* -\A- -~.-. unign-uu . New \'ork.Jnne l7.--The (innnl Jury I S lmluy in-liclol Jane: D. I uh uh] John v t`. lino [or the unsnpp ` (ion ul an 5 Nnhannl Bank funds. I-'1-nhnnnd Wad Cairo. Juno l7.-`l`bo t`-ch Royal fins gins-7. uhohnvo Inga onklul In Sum jin.,,.will -manna I jnuy than lo hcihnlu tho lunlinxohnulctinllor tho? nilwgy which iajm In built in Inxlec , inland. Workmoiu Inn an hum la:-Ion Io construct the icy. ".l!gIIl' ICI EEIKIIIJ Ill COIIOII IX gain fulntu III tho [Inst 't`I reeks. has hxlul. I A la-In-. Jun 11.-11.. uu_vu-on Iltllljbn a-ickolu-shy vuin|qI||1ll1IlIu. T r DIhlin.JInol`l.-ThoI'li| Control Julian:-y has ultud thoeolutuon ol the lays) unnlerplinio at Cork. 5 A mu: unomnuc (Ina. bun ha. -i.....-' wit band on tho Wen Hahn nlnlvru : IIS_T|I an suns. .\'oI Orlenn. July ht.-Ju, Buckner. btolhenn law oi Senior elgcl Euous. who in reported to turtles! lrourun 010.111! and Ollklll) in cotton uni grain Quinta. Inn Iluu Inst. I..- -`ala his KIIII u lulal. A FATIIII` TKIIIILK `I IIAQKIIT. `rm.mnrnu- uanri: I ononaiiarronn. ' - Ijml __nno. n 1oFI?jRD sI EVRII IIPOITRD to THIS cl. uuvum lulu n um iii mes] :v--cuevzt d C 865-In Vii-I ---II'IAllr--up gtggm suction. Sn! GwdsAmn TBS LLIOETIIDOI uuu-nunnry. U nu; Patio 0.!!! Is! .U. lnII--ll Io," Dunn-13 to NC` lhno-lllo Ho. 3-9-ngu 9| I3 ll. nun Aw lo 0 -Ir. nnuuln 4.35 In 4.45 aquluouo In 3.50; an- Inhri 5.00 DSJS; Il0I.85b3.l0:|nNl.3.J\oJ.l0; pxh:h!.1IIoltl;0nLhp1m undo ulyho 1.15 In no kt mung Inter`: 0Im-vhnL nl that Ln in ms; Nclvhh. I.I5|ol.l6. out no to `H. lhub. (Luna 4|. luloyss to `la. Iyobs Oatmeal twin 4.78. (hunts !.dHo3.70. Pravda-0- an uh; huh. nan as ho-q-iu,;0u-nun-h-4. Ioutrvcl. J lrI_ PI-nr- 0.04!) Na ;-non Iona Tlolol wiqugxbglgggg qnu_ K-I-t-l'|ur.-qnciunxmus.oou.5,.-o; &CI`.u}M`$: Zlnvnlm Aisha: A: u-241?. npnnorenn II S.40|o5..'0, at: 5.00 lo 5 3). ayuluouo 3.50; gum; hghnoxsnn I `nu -. hulk -90 Ann!!! ;au;Jn1. (H-I `y;-hss pousoynh. "I3Q|:M'C7I nu. .\|_-u Qt! Hut!` a noun: Tho hunt] mu uh:-phat ulivcboelon `liusiny hm: Lu Into nu-1001*; Qua-I Sued Ii-nulnun-A Iqauuuuvs no Iuqvctaslly In villi louluud FOR Twemv cams .--vm All nxu.1xu A-- ha` Ina!-ml` ktl`ll$lII0F V VI-Al` duuhtud the nu Joan ll. llxk-M: ll. mun. | _|n llzu an. on &dAy. Jun lab bl. -`I-I-tun-I0!-masons: ' Yhnhn-`I um uL..|....nv-\.x._..._ ` 3 __.___.__. John N.-iborl din] III New \ort lnnl mum ol It-ptosv. It :1 nil in conund- . al the lungs while hauling dead mule 3 to the bone whiz. '|' Tl---c2`nplo_\'ats of the Ron-ling Ru! ' I:- n L Ins! mght dtcndul to apply lur ul limsmu to an [out lmnscnf uollnid ; E l`mh_\'. i_u1. AI R Amlnvrn (hutch. II! ` v.(IcargoBrIne.kLIKJcln. Ih & &IvIn mu (In-2. music! by In J. II. 1!. Na |nuI'ieL no tuuuin B-n_ . `cum!!! heck '. __.,._._- lingo: In tho Air. The noun: suing: phncluy movements Ind ekblrllll uomun hm`: ck-wclogul the fact that t earth ls }V\\1lA umou,-h I hngemu [vctiod when Juno.-phone nn~ limbo: will nnously ext hunnn henhh. fun!) the weakened cyan: with that I gun! tun nguluu. Buds:-I mood Bu : ton. and u -hrhl Mood In-nun.`-, I (run wan nguunl, unlock lucnvd ~ uni Noo-I pmsnm. I ' [um-sop-u -an-1-snunaux Thus. Cdlnhln. emplovoo of lJ0ddS Exp-nu 0).. and `Mnchnael Brown rem uncuxl ye:unh_\' II New York for shading: trunk [mm Peuu. ILIL l`o. Tho mutant: 01 um stolen trunks. nluo Hull. I-av re:onm.\l. uu n nu:-u. The olcen oi the nluuion-. Ohio nu-I Pusul Tpkgrpph Coin. ,sa_\ the re- ports 0! the mnsuli-hlion 0! those oom- panics pa hbticatioux TI..- .'-ll_I.-.. __._.1-_-,. -1 II.) I. IONTIRAI. l'IODl`(`I -AIIKI. ; tun Ianlunu. lltl that help would coon [ fnrnu-. The -on Inonnng. about u: 5 hunt lvelon: hybnnk. the Sou-hunt! stunned to the Attack. Thu-_\ tube-I our the broke: [mind 6 [root of the ' town in ;oQ:euI nusau. \\`hu giant [ number: thu he-ling the rank: loll unr- } hr the re 0! we `Minna who dc-fen-lal I the town. the nnununtiuu ul uuegurr I: III ueuly uhnustat and u the Lin nluckeoul an rbbels. quick to do I tact the amp. lapel over their dying and la-land raccoon within the div . lvnu.-I ol the town. The Govottor still enmul-u:o-I the l-`..vypun' troops. who. zluinnng sud! l'|l|_\`ll;: squirm. {ought mm! the) were nmuved Almost to the ` Inst mun. The ght Into: come tune kept up in the nnseh. but the gnrnson was nearly uh.-rminntod. the with muencn-jag men. women and children In that h_u-y. unly `fty person: no I and to have scanned. Aunonxthem was the tiavruut.` who I'll! hul|_\' wann-led xlunng the ght. He in! lonml m the I midst of In: lull:-n nuhlnoru. The next 9 ting the ml-hen sent 3'1! um u to it F i tack bongo-IL ran an expn~s~ul um , g It `nil slam the knot llvrbor. k. um um. ` gnu-ul alm- Qlh Educ an Inn! nth Ill . Thy ns `dun the canlry Incl on than uh-try skirmish law. then ovurihlunng numlien elial-lo! mu: I fade um Itlaule at we -|~ Dy`: uusun I\llIll`lI rncour1,\\I,lm: |lI.l'Tl80II I 1 Op um In lice-lo-uh. llo nbmmdml l.he'm ~u`.:Ilhe:r.oai_y b no la) in Run luck I ,thonmi|nnu.nn`x1thaIh-lpwonl . |rn'w. monnm-. nhunl An I Ijuuunln-I uaquw Pas-In Kh~\h`Tl cocoon n... S.-In L; n-....l.._.|. I The uhllunu Bath.-r. mn- fiiln Q, hlllll -: an-znl cl-up. Wj CIICAOID IJIII1. (1|.\' IPILVSKID TI-Il.I2li RAIS. oz-j sinks. Markets. um. um, um`: sum an ul;Iiudwntnn0.1 Rhnohnhn I4 I u'...A.nn.u. C {R113- Junu ls, noon. lrnxuniaxaxe-3: 1_':7c>`1i maul hul- HIST BLISS PLITEI III! -.---uvuu unnyrruuy lur I-I.iIlI son! I 00.. lonlrenl. A Luna`! Diunolnllothn unis. July It mum's Pniiinsn, ---vuovlunni IIICC IIKIJC IIAUUJQ For nlo bv Oman and Dmgxuunn punk and gun: Rened Sxpoouly lot I.I`.I|lI IIIII A n C._a_._| .l0H.\'SON`N l\'.\lS0.Il.\'l'I. Au. count { mus F1?111 T'J1I1nr:l .' ':.....'.`.' ""`-5", VAINIII. LAII 1'33! Ill!) OAO- An, A!` We highly nonuin-ad Iholhownpun lnJolIheinnlqmliIy.LsIo(0Oho-gull tothnehuuorlnaa ocn-ltotho poo- pleol (`aud;' literal `ler. I-perIIl Luna Water. I-portal Gang" Ale. lapel-Cal [.0-panic. And wiry Flue uuocg. Ion-on lnponnllou. l lnpc-rul Soda I'll"-. I-pedal Poona: Inter. Imperial Donn-r Water. I sparkling Venn. PIIE m'ranLwann| " We have lhu day n;-growled W R. Il- RAE .t 00.. luguun. our Agent: for the -510 and to lake orduu lot out nun! non us; ALL COLORS. KEEP 0001.; THE IIPBHIAL lll[.'RAL ! WATER C0. JAB. 8. ?EAB80I8. iJAS.[}RAWFOHD'S| Junta not null. Iluctol Ian that. Ian nuiitulckh-I`l`ojAn!PI @uI It lhnllnlIhol'neocl(`annvAuouh. an on Rum-an Paul. in I-nun... n.....s.....a nuuuuul IT ll` hoot Iplhl link; no-I I): Ibo hcallhlnl NO] |n lXIul`KI. isuulntllklhl nu u-nunovcoo ouno !\looI iuthocunnnd 3 dhy at now Btu-rut! Lilnuhnq macro. and win Ihtlu. I! hit tn IDWII TIAN IYII IIl\)Kl. An -cnu our uwquotnogooquna It fywiyh hunt Dxulvunbhldv. `l'Lcy all bvlnvouvuu nu! sou ulvurun OAP1: vii~to1:N'r -q\\_. IA'l'I1BI|A|'. .Il`.\l `DIST. i:-yvnynu am not 01 dlvIIl& Itch. . iv huuuvuu :02: ahurup J ill. `I _X & 1 haw nI`Aru~.a An: 3 LADY FRIENDS; urn noclor nun'aI`uun-uti. I-tut `nanny an n val;-I u. Iloumonrylduunlnluu ' ,,:.:."...':.-"'-"-'-a Princess 31.. Kingston. "sons 05' OUR I ul II Cllluou out.` w llw L lnl no no setup; xuouhsp tut ulounnnnnnuannnlmnlxnnn Mtu.Inpr:lhrhcSila|h com-'nc'r1oNsa_- DSIIII (XDIPKFTIOI Y. ll lmrrn Oonrnnuct all: Mm g - IIUIATIBI GALL()WAY `S. ` Q It It-.'.~k'(.I-:.v.: .cu.1~:noNu arm-u_;_' TRY OUR 80370]! LUNCII BIKES. lay II. lbl Ieolin I Imam! may I `Pnvglo yahoo out ran` her. on Jason N. T. Greenwood`: Iloanftore, GJX!Ic'l`Iostu\. III cnan. snug `sh! (`cannon l`~ucq-plea cu. 54: Ihn-1-a I.......- -_| GRAND HOTEL Allullovuyi. -I Plllnu H. luhu-Io:-0 um TOBACCONIST STORE Tie II-l\lhouunhNol\Io -an lion`: In an-uh in Ihll. III the -Innlovdol upuuenu IIIIQIOLAI `NI lint. Jtnc. vow. Iulfnlna swung: at I .11 ca Liix"viz:i:I`'ir":;i'i`':i.:':'1'i'T `vviiL _- 1.0 ]u__ , LAMBERT &. WALSH, ~ nIu\In nu,` Illa sr. uxnv. B.4BAI3_qg@_(&oo. Ilnnto I heo--Prile-we Slnvl. :`u.I dour him .\`n.-:-....r... _\ 1`..- xlmr snlnumcml um ALI. IKI \\ nlA`0lK-- JOHN MONTEATH, STRAWBERRXES 2 BONI-S! BONES !! (`urn-r IOIII1-II J I :-nu-1-u. Sis. An I C o s. Uhluth Ma: ~y~IouI:u.. .-9. PD.--gn- _._.... __ n , . . WI". ARK .\l)\\' l|Fl"FR|N\i FLA! Ii. Young |l_\..uu.I Jquu Tra~ In 3 um! ll! I.-un.l'l".ulJ;.-. 1| 1 nnluq-lx.u-2 Tho "5111 we \\.~rLl I-_\ 1`. J. IIun\ _ um. line. 3 [him Iiwam uni other Pan 3 Int Nbclloha Fkul Dunn, lie. I . lloyuhd lluo (him F.` NLlSBET S. I-.1 Winn `ti.-r.'u:. I1! cm in `nu Paxton-cg TIO Una hbofansl PM in .- Pick-..n:'_1uu;:u. I_\ list. `w" .).u.0us. " loyus & Bo. . I.A IIBIT O I'Al.\II. TWENTY BENTS. mam?-: j. I. TIOIITOI. Jqyu nu-an... NEW BOOKS] The I`0Il\ I: It Boot.-Ion-. .-----.-- `,. ..---. Tllli PE0l`l.l`a` TA I LURS In._._.. 9 ., . lac-In nu nut run an firm. IIILIIIILI. TEAS. I mun nu lnVx|`I'Il' an Iluch no unnuhi` ab nnluu y pun. . ..... ._..--. '0'!!! stood. at. it :3 nl` Btrn-Inn. Pu-0 Fwt--r_\. KlNG3l'lY.nN .IlHtl7AW Ir. Inch. nwmnmnw )'I'III9lI 1| nvunrsu and Jamaica. I. ll. tun: `I|\nL| IFI` III .\ I 3 1| I nnluclxo: x*.`.I'. mm. much!` 0| CANADA OPPIIS NI BALI ._-v You wu.f. nu sown` FOB BALI.` Ill P1 0831`. ft` YIJI N ew Auvernseuienu. j-.- PIIDAI . JUNE IOTI. -A'I` `PHI:-- A gnu: naonuu-`r or JUST ARRIVED AT __ . .- 117117! war. Dlkhmivgkan `VIM ls_ 1 I-or Sula V Wanted: --_--I-GI-Itualuiuo I-0-I-I-um-a-and.-a-a-a-ca. luullluu us; is. ......... ..J:.._..__n __. -. u---'I:IjVCI uhlunliuunlulylutuivo uuviu. ltbpchllunbvilpb Tuubnhllly. I.T.Co.-Ai_riv|h: st. lhll. In uul.IvoIuuII.hht:uh.O-1-nub. $Iao.Il.lD`i.I&L Kr` I-n:b.`I'|ap-uthnrlultslhu '3' '-"N-no-uuonu-uuaroqu I--uncut.-nu. `L. ..L_ nn:,, 5: --..--uwuvuuu up any lax`;-u uni Ihlnnntuunphl-h.u-lthuknu-inn-I. ilohutdutuuqouihiuh hu|nl than-nlvcxuhonhlu-qcuutilu. IIl- ioulutnchngw cl pvonnnlt and nduuoduhopnnhnhle. -cu-u-sq uIu1I--- \(-'II`W- woulipclnlythonnhuuclou out -iuuunonnlntol `flan nuolnlcnlulnIl.ncnIiuCIInh|I hivrolunexuliou. (lull thllur uhvuoluullo an pnploitistlt IL-I...A_..._A_L|_ __IsL. |_. UII - CHIC)! bhllnj ' ....1.. '{:G.".:'..'.'.: `-I`lI'IPlcP% 0t'AIAlI&_ ----u-- :uuu-n1I-vu--Ijjl iuhnnh; but Dc. in-Inn ugunnnh xohnlovothnhlnhionuodvnnhan uojnluovnllupnthouihdlhnh uulthlnnnunun-nunnhl hum lhonoouunol thollnilslhlp-us nun liniu-I sh: nuoqplun-l hnrnn-n ant -~.IIi_u.u. \'.aaL I`..4-> :uuioIdth!UQb.d|hounQIbnd 3 Idaho! mlnlhluwalluclrnliinl I-5.1.`-~ L-I II. II.>I._'- -._.._.._A_ nhjhlnnunm A_.-`. .__A I._._._I A.___ l-_._ hulki- ----I-U-I-v-v- `W: `I II ncunlinuunull. uhuguqsu... nhdllnhnuild Auchniult lltinlmdlhlcoudndx @- ...__:-_ -n.L_ __.._L_ .A.| . _ . ..._.g Inn`: haiku _ n\__- I.-,_- -_ .. ..... F. .._...... -... & cwsitiqnliknouiunlr ynhiniduonlyglusextgllnnlths holunnnlyyunitwillh aka up. `TL:--an-1:-no-Ai.-`-.._ s..-._._:A --'- :- Ilnchinulvuys gupiq and .I----- n--.-LI` Kl- .----q u--- --n 1 wwnu -- any n.u--- uu`onddarilonIIIurIoIIlndn-by maria vigilutihryol Ibo .\'on.I Wot. Iii: di-unoupocluu-.u~ doniuundlhhotud uuIcdIhyhti~ In-ico'uuIol|h|iIoI5. Audhil _A_-_n-_,x -L-- AK. ,_,:|.Ln, n . yuwtru uuunuuu vu ---u-u jiulllujc :ui|hunl!ouIdriu.uwulluthoconi~ (C- ....E.t::.-.-..-... ($3.. '".a....u":.Tn'5..."~......"""'Z naiulauon on any side or both inlet. But It cniuol ullnll tbs 0:0 haunt`: .L_ .._._.._- _-_ --._ Univ -`Hutu.-Cdl \3- Iifiu Id $1 WC, ovonol nciptvcilvnnnln nolilulhr il.uiII`adIcou-onoplooltlnbonir huh uudotupuovoolnnuuia. "Win uplnulil oppnnnuiuu.` up lhnder."vonIdbonlnnh-lI.oIhovork~` _n L,.AL _____ .__ A- .L- L-_.\ -ru.u.v&uvI\u-. I- wi ` tlnecunbn unnbu 0! I51 .\'uul Jun II, Hunt. [10 Q ! K8850 01151- ing pnliey ol Sir John Iuduntldh ul- Ininislnuou in cnuiqnuiou lugjgn. and mutants the udopuui by IIi'AnoneAI [manual 0! n M cuedluul Io nnovo Ill ohohnhl ha hm-(huh hdvgon the Cpl!-I Still and the to hunt wail nut- oouu. nun! none! and unpuhy. and to unit in tablet! -&inlbou~ Its. All than to an`! objotl in Our poliliul relations no not quilt In"). bnlwolnn noobjocuoulo lhoirhiu undo null hq-pic. We Into the pro 1..a:... ....1;.... _.t ..;n._- n.. |~_...a \ __... ..... ...n..... -. .... . lectivo policy 0! neither tho Shh: not (`audit gov!!! ._I _. ,1 _,_In u,,:| _:_n 5: , `uwvivi uuwwwuu u-wfcu-cg n-llnlinhqlhoehutuuollhp puuhohdhuxruopo_Ald.llII ddlbdonhohclgdthth pnlavbmlhth bl obhind pbolunpliccopindtl. the-Id. Thilisuvontlhulho T093 hVOdohoq& ncnnllnlln -uupsnsusqasuunouuunuu shoniunuduluu-Nana e.ndly&iw|huuchl1olth ljlxnninhign an-and-gtiunulup-hasn- -nnrinwhnh` .It.luunt` bunt-I Iintluunolonunnnuulthpnb |nr.itiiunIJ.IhalnnlIniIunq Ir.IiupIu.I.l`-.IbuuIu:uh upnliItbonnl'Int.vuu|-lhrn-Int. Ihililiuh. Aioqlbooluhwu udakjuwhinhuoonqtndmotu __; -cs_._._A_'L-._`,_ AL- _-_._,, uiun |.iTIt:::uarSrIL l.\ .Vl.T A TIU.\' Nor U .1 N 1 RIP. 9'I!'i"'%- 'Tf"-Q :- .\'anhI`..-~ Ln`. ` i: 1.131: i>on1`1um~s" _ u -I-[mar I Fund govunuull. `L `.J..-.... - tyabluncadlhncnt uhhloh ----- 12:: -wj -r. \Jl'~ n1hnviondI.bopn|oudiquvuin~ ;nIuIbyhinn-uh bthopliuur put Ihohnl npll ht I`nn~ ulahahblubuem "l4IlhtIon}o1|h1ulvu Tlhi ujnllyll on Oh pnplourlh dud`n&|pucl&citnc~ Mnjuhuuvuudl -nnw1.-Ann--..l 5;. L.n._AL- 1-uvu-.19.; --uIjjIIl- VII jllbuoohnnuuuduuinihr c'lI1nonin|hieiqy.uhndIi|h inou nnonln-on. We uh ilh L.--L-g. _ _...A_-._-- --L-L-'- Al Al ' to--5 T In Ilj II jil mlndtholeadpocunliqnvilhi Ihnlnnng 1'`L-A--...n-A;... __ ......==- 35;-_~ O8LER & HAMMON Bthnhn-at-un..... Ihllhnyconlondnilthpcoplo, hhdvvouniluuunindn-llnrl hhnlowulhglvonllh Ihcirjnhi. hilhnninl 13-... in L_n .-v-7--vs:--f-,IjIjiII}~ huucllhopog-than volludki-ily hunt Ajll-Iohehnulolpolieo. -v-19 -jllliucjti. untlhodicetiuol uuugnngyg nhngl -an-A-pa 1\._ L...` AL- __ -`--.-wvu-1 u-uvu. Ill! [IS Xulj oltho-ulucnhkununoboundu. Th r --_v--u---u-uuIgnIIuwIl-1llI` \ 0-lllnsthuuriulliholthopllut lyIu.douInlcoou'nuoouooluhIw hnhppilnnn-lprupu-icy. Aunouuunusurnsnxn. In at I pnttynirlnln aounloluomuonuudehl-luau unhld on the l-Lurl and splash- dnIb.inIbovieini\yolIr.(hrII|but' ` In-hum. Tb hitlvnyuwcoiuhel , iIIplth|vNoekcl.udlhooIlhIIn'nI- I nlnu. _..h;._a. L..- __ x-__.L on I '---u uuu-up uuuv ullvu Inux. hlijq In: class on cnhrhinn-on nu-kul nth ohpnco. unduluIiagu~ olhclolhoveryuny oeariouvhich lr.uI:lIti.(hnIthonhnvoInhIuI~ nnhp olhoulnnhht Iotlnmlnd I .1 pl..- _-._._.__ g._n. u--- -n----- --an W no.-nun: tl Indy Iowan. The nngnilcocl uni edlvulunudvha thohrnlcvu lhoncipiut. Iuodiaph_wdinnupu- uh lunch} vcmdndng thowbolo .1-ha nL4 -.I-.3-.A;._ .1 _...L._. _- Tlnlpucioonmona wondoconlul with nnguilcul lowers. unugod in \ uupubhnn. l`huo.inconnecionIith lhogutgoomdnuu ol the nuns! nnhotdhuinuqhdiu. and tho Inuit` "u.ulum" olthouihhry pullo- hempntuululnncouawhieh Inlpcr lnpubluupuualhthonulnd KiqaIn|`uuoc.n||Ioq-ihh\.ios.'l`Ino|>cnu~ Iihl gvonuhin nu can bug with tilun haunt. Uh clock with the I uoltvdvetygnaolunvellcntlnwl.` big hsquthirvhnliunll inu- qclinanu Th app; `I! anal Ihoul uiIl~ I`gInliIu|nlpInuqnenc~nthdnItho ` noun-b.IhiehvuIIrill'nItl_\*I`hbd on-Iuono-lIiI.h|nningL`.:ku.nof land. I.._.... TL. ..._;n..-. -..I