man mos ouu L`. W. Stringer. formerly of the Bell Telephone Co here. has located perm: nentlv in St. Mary's. lieloro leaving London he was prosentoul with I hand- . . ' ` . Y some dunuond pm by In: Lssocmtes. `n: ....a.....p....I n.-a u- |...... u n I uu-uv llnninwuu run u_y um nauvvlnuuuu ` I [Lin uuderstood that Mr. Ives. ALP. for lhclunoml and Wolfe. will enter the Cabinet. as Minister of .\gricull.urc. auc- ceoalingg his lather-1n~law. Hon. J. H. Pope. who becomes Minister olllailwaya and Uunaln. . u .. u II I . . .. u .- uuu \ uuuuu. J. J. 1\Ic.\'aI|y, late agent In the North- West [or the Gram! Trunk Ruilwny. upon leaving Wmnipegz on June In}: to enter upon the lntioa 3! his new pom- tion in Montreal. was-1 prunoutel WI! I purse nf Hill by his friends. ~| w n... . u....1.nn-.. n...|.,.. .|... |.ru It||vIlluMu nu. nu---u ,vln|n- .. Mr. H. 3. ` (irnul. who lmi `hnon rc- uidiug in tho city for Moms tum-. left this afternoon [or his homo in Ohio. He will returuiu the full and enter the Meulicnl Collags-. ` -. . - o.. n n wuc. uomreun. are as we vuuuupr. E-1;; l)r. Schultz i-a now nt'Lou;.( lnlsu;I." and improving. llo WI" renuaiulhoro : until July. when he will lunvn (or Win 1 mpeg. 1 1 \l- I.......n Iuu. Imnn .... ..o...I .-.|..` ...,..,,. .\lr.Jnmen has been Ikppuiuk-I arcin- tect. totlnu Militia lbepuuucut. He has been connected with the Public Warks Duparunum. lor ll:-uu yours. 4 M. II ; '!uInI\. ._|..\ Iunu `|..\.\.. Mn. I YULICIIKHI LIUIJKIUII. 1 .~'ir L. Tulle-y uny uow cross to the continent. but will probably upon-I two [or three week: in London. ... .nu-n_,,:,u.___.,| _,..s.. nun II um anyurrnu I-w. J. J. I-`unwell. 'l`uroul.o; I). (L Bun- gcr. Toronto: and L. W. Lnamorn and wile. Montreal. are at the \\'iuulupr. n- u..|...h.. :.. -5! ...... |..|....I" Iuu an. n. u.u.u.u, ..-. ........ VV . . Mr. Wyvw. nu Suporinwuulent. in now nnkim: his Annual imlpccliml ol the Ili- clc-nu Lfnunl. ' ' " This v-ummar. ll lat. I3. 1.. Mv|(`plIefc_ son will visit lluuubnru. nluying some wash there. . ... 1 u ...,__._..-r.... UI lull:-I: vn..1un- nu uuu-uuu. Ruben. Slillenn night wnuzlnmpu In 'l`oronl.o. has fallen hair$0 Ht-.I_m'.I, lu him by his !Il.her~in hm. I I I.'..-nu-all 'l`n-:u.on- II II Ilnn. U; TIOIITOI. Jib Propblar . _ ` \ A.Koanody,u.n.,` sumo. w. 1.. .'.M at the Buqc. - ` : 1 .Dr. Brown and tile. Xulimn. W39 - no the Anglo American. - ` Jnhn Cu-nthgn nn.l non. W] (`.. uni on Hondlj lo; Englnml. a... nu... 'r........n..wu IA..o.n--. Sin- clua. rv._I . In an we nrum. _ Rev. Mr.'-Muuty. than new pawl` ol_ the 51. fl. Church. In: arrival. . ll- u-,,, _.- L-..-_..:..a.....|....o 1. un- WUUIS IIIUYU. V Sir Charla 'l`u|per_..\lr. :a'l.ow.u I. 'l`np- po_r, gun! Indy Tapper uual Inlml; hlvo reached Luuxloin. I In In , _,,.__ _,.__ ___u_,. 5,` 5|... ` .._n- --- 1 no ring. Who-to lonnoou. I-yl-o --4' 1 Doing. Alu-not fnulil Anon! ul. i \ uu -ul.IuI lug Illa`:-nu. Jon, Way. Toroutot `N. I :-tern. 5"!` N._Y Ire `(Hue Hritinlc -n . nu . .n _ ___ ..--n..- ll. slum: \!`l` ollunnmt. -j------*-'-7-rt` rpawsu. when-5'. `rm; mwrlsn I1l(3."l`ll_l'l{S|)A\' l~1VENI.\'G, .n'x+: nu. -llll .m-uI.&u vthlly tuned Tho not could nu nnnulol. Idnntlullncnoouplao. Johnston's Jewellery Store boon olu-Inn u Itnunnn ol In. Inn nod to-my. `u I-out cloud to public nu t6.I!l).lIl) uurlinu. n~ donmthlo haven III? and 1919. About I oon Inn round. tendering (at 1'5. ma Tho Inca who ucnly obhllo-I nlotyctklovl. bathhou- mhd by 8|: (annual Tillny so not In 0d. `Ibo hnlneooltholanol tl0.0\ (lnwillptolny be putonthonorho at nun. um win 1 M once. `l'IO `IDIIOVI up:-on II Ix? Iouwv-ny- Toudon In-rod A-you Add Fat. London. June lN.- l`ho Icahn hr Iholov Ihnouduhullpu ooutlou which tho damn pursuant Inn has olotlqu Iilinnn ol 9|. tnunnnd no.4`:-. `n I-can ared to Alex. scum. onmloor. lea bl'oIOI.__ r. B. Ward. Cornotvlll. lnd.. badly hurt; his Info tho IIIIIQ. I-2. L. Story. Chia- go. conductor Pull-an cu. hip and hot hurt. Wu. C. Oool. Bloonington. lll.. hurt on the haul and hunt; he will die. A umber olotbol-punonvaru ro- ooivod pnlulul can and brain: The uunlulionlndicohl that the `noun luv out the u item nmond the lab- -I.A.. In-In-A1 I hnrhnnl -inn in Um holes and pnuon no the min apptoncho-I. MI 0IfIPI@C C `TIER E-Ionn:woro injured. . H._:aI:lNnuh , pry-Inennolluilllnhl cool on.-:; ollbobnin mi willdio. I-`. So- Im, at (induct. Knnun. ooutunu. nay dio. P. H. Lymul. lopbrohon. Mu. Smut. onniuor. lea brolro--.. I'- ll wan` Dnrnarrlll. Iml. hnalll hnrl: la. luhnu I named mm an we olu and pulled the nil: apart `Incl nu Quin nnnnnnlnd. I .4,` ; go... on (`outnu- hu L1 ? Vlllnlny Taking a New Dlrodlou-A Tug]. roar!-ully Whoa-Incl. Mchi-on. Kuuu. June 19 -.h then out-bound puoenuot train o! the Bar. lington A Missouri lhvor RR. npprotch od llubbol Int night the nil: spun] about (ll {out from the bridge. 100 hot iong. The engine Mt the Inch but around the bridge on the liomjoltnu the wenkond bridge IIII mining is luolnll, carrying down the entire Inin. The angina. smoking on thy conch nu] ul-mum on-Ln: ooulllolo wreck: mi FIRST.` BLISS PLIIEB WIRE Q! `I I. 'I' ll` llI'II7lH I' Ii Alla:-led wlilla |'roui-hlng In Qiuhi-r -)~'ar. ruw Ilsa-ape ol the I'niu-Inn. Quebec. June l8.---.\lr. Cliiniqny. who arrived in Quebec yesterday. wiu preach- ing. according to announcement. in the French Protestant chapel on 5t..lohn Street. beyond the gates. when he was insulted and assailed with stone: by a crowd of people who had oongrvegatod in the street. and oven penetrated into the sacred edice. The preacher was enlarging upon his text when a shower ol alone: was hurled through the win- dows, breaking a low laiapa in the cha pol. but doing no further injury. When the Iervioe was concluded. and Mr. (`hi- niquy. with another French gentleman. wiiii about to take his do rtiire. the crowd preeeod forward. yel mg and im- prccating. and the reverend gentleman and his companion hesitated to lace the mob. but nally reeolrinp to do o tool: relnge in ii back. which was driven of! mi rapidly as pmiiiblo in the direction ol the city. the yelling crowd following it lor some distance with loul epithet: and ehowere- of stones. Mr. Chiniqny. howen-r. made good liiii escape. but the carriage window: were broliun. and his companion. it |I iiaid. was badly out about the Inca, A ltoaua-llt Story from t. Lawrourt Oman- ly Ifnlully Kosrrhlng for Ike Inal. Watertown, .luno l8.-Miaa Loio Au-i tin, dangliter of'f`lmruan Austin, .\"t. Law - rence Qouiity. lnadn trivial quarrel with her mothera week ago. New of her friends have aoeu her since. Miss Aus- tin braved the elements and tramped over the muddy roads to l\'(-eaeville. oi -ht miles -Instant. and took the cars. The conductor reuiemhcred seeing her. and also that she left the train at Rome. Miss Austin is posaeused of a somewhat ecentric disposition and had recently ex pressed to her brother a fancy for a con- vent. life. .\`evrral years ago a young l'2ngli-ilmmn muued Felton settled near Fowler. St. Lawrence County. and be came acquainted with his dauglm.-r.wlio wma tlieu seventeen years old and beautiful. It llppegtfcci tolxi a ease or love at first snglit. and the couple were soon liotrothed. .-`ill went. well fora few months. when a lover`: quarrel occurred and, as both were too proud to make any advuncea. l-'eltou left the village and returned to Micliigau. where he married a short. time afterwards. Mina Austin : heart was crushed and she grew moody and moreae. and was at times melancholy. A few months ago. how- ever. she received a letter from I-`olwn. in which he informed her tliashe had neparated from his wife and intended visiting St. Lawrence County for the purpose of calling upon her. It is thought possible that ahe may have gone to meet him. but nothing as to her present whereabou la is poaitively known. I General Inn. ha-4 (i(`ci1'[ii0d Uzi l'n-si leucy twice Alma-ly find. in I87! null again in 18703. each time lwhiuviuu tho position owing to his uucoosslul ru\'o|n- tioua of which he wu the lcmler. He Is now lih_\"l.wu Venn: of Age. nu-I hu aiuco Ins twenty-ncconal _\L-nr. ovc-u~ piocla ver_\ prominent. place in the polnicnl luutury ullmaconutry. He at Rained grunt lmtincunn by his hol-l though uusuccosnful ruaishuoo 0! the I-`much invasion oloxico. [In in I man of superior cnpu:Ity_, hothua n soldier nulls smlesmnn. IR intensely triotic. null his character In pure and xouornblo. _._._-.._jg ruba-I In tho Inna.-out-Alhgol A-g42LX- Nair York.J-no I'J.- Din: ling been` elected President 0! Mexico without or- position. OIUIOIII-L All! IN CIAY. -?_..._._ t)? O}`3`:1A"Hu.-ET gash. MIL (`IIINIQIJY IIOIIIIIIII. In I`: 1- . told. 3: var. and plum own no tclion. I Or. : IIIO I I; II. "Iw TY Erns. WI-~-'I|-3 J-I was godowIcI&IInI_`oc%u.IhIda mllluvoilnhvyvluuclmi. `- 0|IIn8\huIhIunuilooInI~ Hanwillhhlulhuonuqu. `Inn- Iy-Ivo cl Khphnb paths! voq Ihlhnvtllhhplunlt `thywill -4 A-__:AL.H.-A%-jig Qlin IOIIQOIIIIIICIIQI. also am; wuthojchuluurviooiucohhtsdand Alhbij MTG Inn -uuvwucu "I'l`I I'RdIv|Idny. London. Jun l8.-A non in-[nun noun nu pnuuul um ovoniugn the Iotnpoliluhhutudo. Tho condu- nuthhhbnnhohubuslnd ht. lndiunpoln. Juno lu.-lI in -mud III tho Donocnh will noqinlo Hond- n'4I:- On. -nu.-un- tich tor gunner. ones lo ho hum uuu. Tho World`: Harden my: tho pu- nl opinion lul nigh! III Sh! Clut Iuu|`a uoniluion for [Ind-has tn now almost certain. n..|....|... nm. 1... IJ _.'I'I.. um. uncut otrhin. Uoluubu. onto. Juno lJ.-'I'Iso po- hibiuouisu holnl n nub convention Inn mg-A.-.0-u and nn-InnIn-I A hint. g. FOR TWENTY CENTS iv: ARI uzumu A -- muuounu noun Iuu couuuunu nun nourdny nrl noninnoul 0 auto tic- 5.; ltlhl. 51 The Trabunft Snl'I@IQ N 110102` ` on Io: Clovolud. 5 or Hons. I7 snlilovolnncl. 9 uuplodgonl. 1 'n.. 1;-.. su-non -inn Clanlnnd 5 I7 uuuovouna. u unpuuguu. Tho Tour: Stlllorl `rec CIOYHAIIII N do with lull I wavering to haul tun. 1%.. II ...-I1`. HA:-`Anal um: um rung. lot Cleveland. dengue: u up. 1; Iron Ki 6: New York. N ; country. :5; lot `lower. positive. I0; & I nu] othcn. 0 : doubtful. 4 : total or Cleve- lunul. 5!. TL. 'l`.-.A.....`. g:-than -in ll alnla-~ NOV loll. Jllllo IU.-lIII H-nu-In Ssnsugunyuonooltho nootprolni non! Incl Mr minded ollbo sale last night. undo tho lollovnng divi- non oi alol ton to Ch" . Positive lot Clevolwa . delegate: It . 2; Iron Kin... n:- Nan York. : nonnlrv. iliz rolumbm. Ohm. Juno l9.-'l'hurmn sud yutonhv be In: no: namlidno lot the pruidoucy. and than In no pmlnlnluy ol his nomination. New York. June l0.-T|n \.\._.o..... g... A-Ln IL. (L. -an-A nnnuni A Very lihapry Pvopboc-y. ||'mmp0-1 Sun. The cone of L`-undo will vol rest upon the polillcinn whu pleulgo-l the na- Ioutooa ul the country to the building ol such a mill-none. Gun-In I`u:i-2 ml rouh It mny be a polnicul necessity. but it in. nancially. n lnuxl. f'&?IlJ' ""|.VI'. Mn. Lulal. while willing with her husband Sumluy ulanoou. rune van non stepping upon I huge nstlcsunke. The moment was killed. up-I upon ex unimuon it was found was it had luu-ly unllowod I hull-grown rabbit I lnvanunu uu .uu_ Tho coru tovnnls cnlunung u re- sptcl lor the lliblo and u reverence for religion. in connection with the public school system. should begin cl. the high or inuuunioun in (Iuluuio. I-non ! IIIII Tlllli (THU! N o'rlnrk Ihup. lo! tho ll luIinu- u --nu,- . n... K The llsumlton -\';-wlulm any: : "Jun shout now the thirsty mm, us toll In the druvmiug man. cnlclnca It uulwn." Our deepest. sympathy is nncuded to our suering contemporary. Iulvrrluuu I Inlrx. lino must come back. H0 is too |nrc~ cions u rucul to give to Unnuln. av. noun ll"! urn,-un r-_ "No loafers nllowod hon: except ,'-olico. II the Iereud conspicuously pout` ml in the Council Blulls. clown) pohco station. New York. Jun ls.--'I`ho llrig (B. I`. Sherwood. l'hi|ulelphin lor Ilnlllu. with coal. wu lost It sun on the Nth Inst. (Duly um: man wan uvu-I : ten men nu-I the captains Inlo woto clrowuml. The clnuuwr Ina cumoal by the cargo mm in; luring I gnle. (luelph. June l8.--l'hilip I-Emery. I nvntchlntu It the (i.'l`.ll. union. ulrowu~ ml lmusolt in Minn`: mill-huu between 2 null! o'clock. Ilo Wu I member ol the Snlntiou Army. And wu ulnveu crazy by mliuuous cxcllmneul. \uI._\ ol young men were B0l'EllIllI|l){ `rnuk Wnlkur. ll hrnicr. who vms mar rie'l on Suudny evening. \\'nl|u~r n.-l throo shots :1. them. uuu striking Alhen llaggcu and killing him. .-vw -----. -.... ___.-,V__,. Chicano. Juno l9.--The lnyor I-u city. Seven homes wen: nkledjnalt night Ind 20) inmates - " ` ,. ` ._'._._._ I lnuzerick. Juno I'J.-'Ihu nrtlllory m- gnmont on mute lor '|`url-on. Km training mnliniaul to-day nl (iliu. The uolxlien ntluwkod tovmupeoplo nu-I injured a number ol them. (iron excitement re~ nnlloul. and nemnl arrest: mule. Manual. Jnuoln -()n the (`uwlmn Pncmc. nun I-`apinenavillo. lboul. two u`clock. 1 collusion uoemmu heun~en_u freighl and I ballast train. Ono nun.` I clonngr. mu killed. and Iour men. In borer: on the ballast. were mjnrcal Quoenuowu. Juno lu.-'I`ho Imam ` nlnp American. 01 tho National |.ilu:. ur- ` rival hero 10.6.11 ocluck um morning. \ mnlung the trip lrom New Yuck in I'- dnyu H hour End 15 minutes. the int- ou euau-ru _mp ou mconl. run: PLATED WARE] .. -_....,_- _._.___ 7-7... Clovdqui. Jlllllc l!|`.4-Juy-I-.12-See uoualnmilo in 22!: yesurday. Ills Jnanuier expect: him what the recon] uni: neuron. New York.[June l.'--'l'ho Authu me Coal (`uuuuny will nus]-and pm-luc ion on two nook: in Julv. The company have-lecidoclto mlvnnce pnce. nmvo 35c and clxoatuul I51: I tun. ` I:-puu--- --cu -`-. . ....-.,,lnno 11-0-urin gm n-me loylytlclnoupooo-l by I-Imlller. Muiuo. Juno lu.-\\'hilu a nut.) 0! were zwrenulinu `muk \\'n|ka,~r. u hrmcr. 'n:1.m1u ITHIF ' u'umA.-1 ..'4I'I(`Il.Il( III-` A .\.\I.\`.\ TIl|.Vl'I'. ----oj:. .\l'nRl'l` 0| 'I`ll|-Z A llrulhor `l`Ivry_'n Hnlnully. ll Inluprg Tuna, n, . _. ..-..- . I-nun! caucus. Tin-y `Ii-II n)(.`ou|r Tub Rl. Lnnn I`.-xt Drunk H. um. em, Rustic $'lmw Hal ' Alntmkrr: I! cu.u.. I Hi EX`. JIIO I ::c.-::--.*--;.*.'-'--'- . 1. I 'C- I3'I|.56l Ily. Iii -Id uni. lad -ljdy. Qt!-Q Jan. Och-quill ; wnm auto 0! Iuhy-qIM;IL I unndunmo I Cnlo. .1_:u&nj!n.AJgXkL-u-4| pAnrmI.1lnoI.I;Un.upI.IHoI,4o who 8.75 no no lo: Inn` tutu`: 0tun-whosL In that I.l1 to Lisa; No. IIhb.I.lB|I|.lC. can No to N &nNhII. (brin OI. II In 15; Ryo10b1Io. Oumod C. to 0.75. Onnnul 1.000110 ovidono_ InIhr.(2nn-ry. D -0 lb. l`ovi- ILO anon lad -lltollgo` l\unu-I!h Ill n|X-IIIOIh. (`hour Njln 9| II!-ll. |aWI8l-I.I0li||l[OIl|:': .|DOlO - o..--m3: moo IoI Tlo rollowtunutlolud quota tint -l`|onr. squint ours M l.O0to5. o; nil Lwtolt unlautn 4.85504. Ilpuloo LE to ll : Hula`: Ml) b5.1I;IloIJ5hI.D: ' I.I)loJ.|0; pnudu.1oou.u;o-upgnco mono XI `.75 K 1!) hr lnnl bin`: `F\XCL'Ill0Nl8T wI!1 hut An mm Al the A Camp (hound. sad the Iltumar will much II Alouudn Bay :01: Bnlurdny my two hour! M (`gm Vlnetnl. Hour of luv!!! `I Al'.I_. I.I rl.Avl'll. \ on-s uun.I~u-I-nun-nu. n-pun ` ung |AIl-' IIAIYI A --nu:-w ` UlI........ ........ cum. Conn. 00.. ` Dibdnnfollon Olhrioluvutneul. BI Pgulj. um I... n I1 I. n. uoumi 'i~'.i'}.'.'.'n'.'. Richelieu . . . . . . . . . . .. (ht; Pun:-n0r....... 0.1.... ......... II. on-qua ; mum mm 12 I-IDC ; lo. (hand: . . . . . . .. . Bsnquo u Pen;-lo . 1\nnnn|n Ionsrec.l.. llnrin Juno I0. IbIIb-uohud : print with -an III, nun. nidnh no. rn-man. a Is uw pure Li I-uv cm-up Nu-ly Imulo clnllnug. Nova HIIIL1. all wool. from 07.5: men's unit. all wool, lmm IU 50. Anal a lung nnortauvnt. to chooao (roux. llemumlu.-r they no our own msunlu.-turn. Plcuo gn-o uu I culllnelore purrluuing elsewhere. 7.. l'ru`ost. Now \ork l`lul.hin~,: Stan`. llrock St. lu the my Al the n-an-lenre of who I-mu-n tulmv, by um II". I. limpet on \\uvduI|I|l3. Juno Isun.|Ir.A.Ii rancher. ol I`:-Iorh--n-. lo Two mum in Vienna. huth nml.-r no _\u.u`I ol ago. rrcouuy luurnloro-I thur ngonl hllmr After nukiug hum lruuk. They won olloudod nllm relusnl to give them their dowry. o_. u _..jun CAPE VIl`i~1'OENT .9; _ IATUIDAY. .I IN E IIST. IIUI Ium_n_{smun.i .\' I-`urv (iuun -\\'h\ dun} you iluprovc your cum IIcl|un_ You mu d: an hv uning Uuldeu `rm! lhlleru nnl l'xlln. sold by I" druggn-tn. Lilli Mr.A. D rnnchir. ol l'u~urlx-r Nnry. vmunzoot dtllxlntot ol Juuph Nun-' -g-1T ;:I='u-.u, l |or-noon` 0. ;nlcIuponuI non. Tho unlbolnud inn: auction uouuzo: ms The sin)` for tugtuuu tho muntululnuu slit)` 0! the liomlnmu I.nq -* Liceuuo Law huuhcen poatpouo-I. A may be- tvtocn the `Jill and Sill: Iv! Noptemlror Inll I-o chosen. ` Lnybngund Tel I`-Zycklnvusixlrl uuchllotuuxne uileno u Banana onJbn! h.Ia: . |..n'u, .. nu. u-uua uu nu; 1..."... ....u.. \`cawn|u' Miss luhellu Rnht-rl.~`~0u. Iourlhdnuglnlcr 0! Andrew Ito!-1-rtson. ptundeut ol the board ol Illrlmr com~ Iniuioncrs. Munuml. wu umlod In tho huly bond.-I ol mnlrimuuy Lu Hugh l'n I400. mnmuzer oi the lI01|I|(`ll (`u. .\ party 0! lucllnuu nlucktul llnrw `lute men nu` Northw to-rn `lions 3 law clay. ngn. Ii. W. S plea. at Ilsllu and in man unmad Hick: wom knllonl. -v... uuuu ....,... `VG u.` ....\..... .. . `. 1-urtv nu` nu-rn sud in man unmod Hick: won) Iullo-I. Five luelinus wore kill:-I um! um wouml u no an out aim: ta-In joqriar men Ngnghefx lake phco bu H0051) Ltlll men Iull luv (-eclml. ...___ _._ L 5.. :A.,.- , .- 'r n .4... ..v-~.- uucu --u ur rutxuvuu. 1 .\ mu Ill hllo-I u.'r`I:. truu, near (Sultan. Tue.-ulny uiuhl. Then uho-|\ In louml in `A mule `~ ' I.`L 4 ....l .J ..J- I IL- _A...... L-..-. -L.- ,, _ _` Ail the that train in mung call `on \\'oalnu.luy I couli-lone: man went. through`: I-`rcfuclnunnu helm-can Block I l`l'!I(`l)U no the u swat ml 050. ulIAl(l' IACII nu Klnptnn ma l'.I. Vsnwc. -..u ----u - urnuuu nu unv : Avvun un Utah The recent cy;-luau in Iinnualu. sc- 'cor-hug to the lnh-at mpoa LS. destmyod `.'..(lI) ulwvlling hulls:-an and nlllnlnllhl u-n---vu nuuuluu . The (`nnulnu Pacic nilwny illkllltl. u won I: the Ontario & Quohoc -hviuon in open (or [|l5II.'lu,'l tr-llic. I-v ct-no making counvcllans ll llrncknllo with the nuns on we l-null Trunk. r . I u-- . . .. u. . f I cal .\Il`u ;els ( E Ihun Ink r Ila--u Random. --a--_u was uvuuu nu - Luncnu runuu. five out ul six (I the slots foumlrul 4:! Ihuuluuu and . Mleqhguy guumo-I I wotkymhnhy with non-union work: , ` con-mug so Ill!` nu-at mpoa L`-. ueumyou `Ml! Ilvtvlling balm-an and 1' uaiuul o's.(lI| more. and yet. 5: in uicl. Indy `.'5 IIVEII went) last. . 1:- n_,nn, .1 III .-1.... -v-..- -v--. .\lr. Pnrnull bu Jvoeutly concluded negzotinloous (or the pnrdzune 0! in en- um ol over 3.10! unit xn Tuun n the tint. invouunontol the Lnml Putehue .t Mnghon Company. 'l`I.n I`nAl|na.lIn|| !\nnin nqil-pun i..o..--.I JIISHPI r_n1_|IxI.gs_ n ubeloetonnonruvu-k goon};- uc-u nlumhork lake Hum `ms !l`onJu' ` um` DI-:.\sl:h rxuzmu Is. T. X EMERGENT MEEU ` Iuu..u... in -nun marten.- Markets. um plum Ln I-uv clu-up rlnllunu "n\`!4' umlm. I" tnnlohhntl. 5:`... _ ___. June I!` 4'11 ul . ..-_.._ _ ,. 1' 11"" u-rurvwr ~- Illa - -nu '" "'L.... ` T .. .. _%. ....*z':-."..".-.-..'-.-.'.-:.-."::, Ill Pllllllu In Doubt-I . cal 11 non` .;-".s'-=='-'--"-=- '33:`.-`3. -:..-V-"'.'r:.'.." unnn. Cannon Innate an Inn. nu I. Iulvn Anna` Iaxnnu :3-Q I4-:1]. val. P` . In `Peru: Coot. J IIIJYCIT. Juno II. Asthma. 0| lull sound iubnu has In Aynl. Il. which who will my the puulunr AUOTION BALE .-..- ll(M'Sl-IIIULD I-`UIKNITURE, A4 L. L- A -onhur;u;nnumuuoon| In . P. Chovninrq u: I-annual nnglln ll`. LIFE LIKE PORTRAITS l BROOKS & COMPANY, 2. I. I`: l'WI`I Qtnouunnl quality 0!`. (`hi-uunnlj --II lunch I our: hand III! nun I .-u11nno non uuauurlln 11! I ILSURPS PAINTS IIXEII, READY FOR U98. I`WXCL'Ill0Hll'l'B Camp tumcr Bnlurflqy twp l5_n1[I lJAS.CRAWFUHD S! *mm.e..wIF =m..J=4.!9.!wv u AIK`\' unnum- .\Ill\IlI|l foods In! l|l'I`IlII III'n|`IIru hull Rollo: Iluley u| Rye um hnltlxlu-t Inn! m I Inrld. 'fLE-E] ganmmuwnnmmu "PE. *i'!l W-%J J |n?`:Imnl run-an of llul Blumu null I-o ou I;l"\l;0II 31 my one: on and um SATFII DA ` . J. P; 6lLDlR8l.IlVv A r! ITIIYITI ' ' ' 'Xc';'is:'N'.r';=_',' I`! CLARENCE! ST. A - I Juno |l r..t.;;"s`;;; a;.;.f.;.;m; KNOWLES C IIAWIOIII. .lnll.\'.\`0.\".\ K;\l..~m.\lI.\'I2. _._ I liotionoou-unlcu mmit-Jlrimnnm ~`A\M%ga'(:&\.~ MGIAHON BROS" Pllllll `I-`HQ L""I!I.` I"? In 1&1 undo the min lit; to lhr old country in Cu}: to nous. l--nu; the IDl'|( STOCK 0l>` FIIUITS I8(`()IlI LF.Tl". In lu-t nuymmg out in union! In line (imcory lune can he hml nl ALL COLORS- Pronto um. Iuumnlon. l`ltlN(Il-lb`!-I B'I`Rl9ZET. A LI. I`0l.0IIU. .' uIsus1'ou. I on-muuun wan. ` uton-cannula:-nut-nu-n nu ma Odin. Iui Try our 335 Ilooum |a_A- ....- gin.-nun. .1 IRISH OONIICTIOIIRV. VIIEHII ll --Iuuvwy -uu------. -, H. & W. J. CRO'I`HERS Innh I1 (,iALl.()\VAY S. IIUIATIRI II. T. 6`neomvood's New Slam, N E "W TOBACCONIST STORE ~ PIIODC I- Ill! IQCIOIHOIII M. I.l'l vII|hpruuu cl rn up;-It I an thou-cllonuuun :-bo'::ITuu N ' I HOUIII 1-our u any nu u: um um counnuy; DID ptopuly tor solo, ul- X3'u'?%" '">'.'a.`.':'.'v?`u`}`:':~n":1'ui i`z`:'_" "'"' Incl lino Ind (iolumlumn Aunt. 5 _. Apl I (luv ol Knugnlon. In .11. l'|(ll'|-ZH Ih-Idymn-lo lienla mm: "7 r7.ll\. ill!` Hlncl ling 0| HIM. MAI: uuler Hunts.-lllli. III II. IICII Mil.`-I, 91` ll1,lI_ um`emu:'i`..L:+"mfwm LAMBERT & WALSH, (`Immw _(:or.lnn. I 01.20. CALEDONIA I lh-youd the (ham. In tho (Inca Aju. `J00. The Wnyol lhe \\nrI:I` III I-Lou, 1 Pnino Droun nud n by Nlchulnn Flood lhvm F. NISBETS. `Gnu-II lnkus & Cnnnssin luchuts laud sl}he.a[i,l;}`i:'ci.ii'sinn} SI!!! 0!` STOIEWILLJIBKSOI BIGQR, GONFECTIONERY_ ALI. INK W KIA`)-K-- JOHN MONTEATH, ANIFIUI IUIIIIII . II I | nun. , H01 Wont. Ououulu. Innocpplos Ilnuvl ma. onitoc. Iamooo um I`.nn Inn. at GRAND HOTEL STRAWBERBIEB 1 The nL|d'I||uIl.uuludolUIo man And Osllovuyw, M I .. In the Plus to get It. Hal the ntudud ol I mnuomnu NEW BOOKS I up A TWO-ITOIY ITO! l)WPil4LlN(L can lulu I non duuhd on clay Iltnel, bonus W tun F.`a.-gt`!-5o|.L.)AJ?Ll`lI.lo And! my. ID hung-an 8|. umuw &PASBR . muurAmnins' gems. `ennnm Insuicn annxnns AU l'.N'l`S . ~.~u- ..._. The I`0IlIl2l liooluuloro-. III In 1 -I Iylioh HM. hug thrrenpondmnl. .0c Nun`: no minute in um. "`I.Annnu'l- A wu.vm. TIMI l`EOl`l.l'I'>2 ' N IIIIBGEIT IINIZTINU M the nhuva AI- noclnnon II In hoI1 In mo \`ouu Inm- (TIlUm!hA\) nu; I.\Ia mi Ihunv. lrnnucllnn of lllI||0l lhlll unto. '9"-" "'3'" '9' g '-";.'.`.;.'...' :3`-" 33 HI-l.\l. E!>'I`.\'l`l'.` REAL 1L`.S'l`A'I`L}. AG-II!)-i\;l':I`S - nun L 1- I &iC3*.EINTSr :un\`|. -4-_; FIOIIIIY. HIEBII IIIRCIHTN x SPIKINUS. nvnexrnu ' VOII Al unit OII nonu . qluotlv undo ` work can by ;-onnnp an ly. Hogan ss'r'nm co- PI lsdclphu `IIuMILI` ill-nu u lnthr, Inpr ud Pu lore Suitable . ....-_ ..... nalnusn nun I n. I nine! "4 Ann lo nuoluuo nouns, on I41 I! Burlahnu. kiuhuuluu. -. ......,.. ..*.:.:.."m.-.-.-= zg.-M `hiring U1. the 3" -'-- .. --...... WA! [411!!! 0|: ullI1'hlll\'.Fl, nu county. to Inn Man. Iulnvnd Ia nuntroun bond. an is u Itdh Md near I1: ioouvu ;no,nnmp_`o1-_g_9p_)y; u j- has iprgm-I.'l'oocod Do-an sou-. wuu-re. loo l`Ilo|IIl'I. Or ._l-.7: alto: lino nah-(`hon cl Kvoh Inolnbor In roqnuko-I lo utond In order ol the l'ronhh-wt. I J. LA wyw. Ilcodqnl-can lot Ion`: um Hoyt` Nohlny run Run. Bmw lluq Ac --vu.. Iiinns ` +_AH__.. OF CANADA OFFERS FOR SALE 8"` "" ' ...4 I0 -I LER &.HAMMO |II&|iUIO'd -.._-_. ?iirwicr;`misom`n~ If Y0! DO N01` 00 ON THE L -,..__.._.-.-,--.__.:_._ .__ `5.01. IOUBIQUIIIMIINOC. 151.1%! loot. g_||I__b7gg[gl_iI_A_9p`_ '0 LAD!" AND IIIIEHWHAN Inn: ntn Danna-1 Ruin: IIAL I I'D :- uuuu put out. llvuluda to n. 3L. II. In one :I$C | man! Climudthooon -6-auuuuoo.-.... WAIITID M Ila. tn. Cori __._:_.__-j____. {Quill mm the nlnulou Iotqoq IQ: nou__nuou3blo V ` I - Houpttu steward. New Aavenxsemeuts. pl 11.1. 'nIIt Nl:w:a1' a'n'u-za. \ :1 HIIJOI IJAI! IOUIII on Inna sued. IIIICJJIISI IIII boot knuhql ituuunuu also nuunwm-nuii; I |unn`Moo..Iul Int. Illh back Saran hr Cont. Per lnnum. lnlyuuh on In Orton" nd an In duonlnou d umn. `C1101 OII.udlu-puco ulnuo ulbl, AA 0! l'u'|hu_u| w_hk>-5 In u_ In In t`ta1'. TIN nun .__." VPIIIIDAV war: torn. K To --A'I` 'I".E{l}-- Lt.-..'i'-.:'7-...-.:.*.-.-..-.':1:: """"`u-.u.u.... FOR SALE. cu =4. an aka .3 JUST ARRIVED AT IIIANCII N0. 9. TEE Z! IrIIIIIvI\aIvnr' lIIIIcII'd.l'cuIIo. for sa1e.T mu cnlmu v7;.....e... l.l1'.-'l'Io mono In the I. will lug: In prool nun Ilohu. ETING. $"1"65 T6 6 o Inna nu; -nu m- uuuou Booth Walnut on And all In Inn like the Bnokvillo Tu-.--. y at 0 hound`- Iohno to condom all an uborhuninqu. aldlilmdnbdonl dlltlvillnh. vlllo poaiblo I : "Tho lo- cal Oh Fu-Ion` Union bu Ind: Atnnglnnanndnnn-lhnbllp. 'IyU'|l$II'|III1uuuv. ll another ho Iuhd ol the I nqthuhu douuuubosomh cunt-I Icon lsonpplloul |hoViu. Ilpq Tina. (llnluuhli w racont- oxoolu that had r. Mqhoo tinny: utvuh mid. Duh; hlnohnooeo -_uIahhmId'::.-_l*un. an Illll may Illu lllllc WIIII on non: wnuu lulu. Cundid. if not very cmditnblo. With this can reply boloro them the people ` ol Soulbotn Hlnilobl-Ind 0! Ontario. too.ton-thopolloyoltho nyndiolhlnto -looolvoin thoout u wollu in thovut --onutinnto st its pnopu vnlnotho donluntlol ol this nun Ir. \'nn Ila-no. through Ir. Superintendent Ell. that tho dtuoton hon hon trying to nioo the money nooonnrv for thou- tonuionolthonul. tnnttboy Inabil- dl. that noon nrwllllngtouunoo Inonoylotllnt work. nndthnttho|o- tion at thnl`nI'IaI' Union Ind notonly pvovoutudo In-gonumhonlpupb from coming Into lnitobt. but Ind oootnnl Iy llama! nll money coming In for nil. say at olnr purpnoo. la ...n... nn4u|' In -nnlnl Al Um r,, ,1, I . 1 in, [4`l],. nu.-.u-. \r111v "lieu .\ir.--|u roply toyour letter ol the `and. I will nuly uv tlint I had two reasons lor declining to submit your proposition tn our directors. The one was that I linil rouon to bolieve that you hul no iuciina for carrying it out. nnul that `any considerntion ol the mut- ter wonlil reimlt only in loin ol time. The other an-I the chief om win that we (ll not wish to iloal with you. "luunn truly. l\'liIl|i\.Il -- it , (2. Viv llniiux. l.YI.\'H `/'UIi l' I .lI'I'i'ln'-\`. The Tory press is not ilispoaml to Ilia- cusu xomo question: in a fair and truth. lul way. It hu circnliiunl in great many -liuhonout. `iUlC(?lll('nMl in the iuturoslnnd on behalf ol the (`zmmhr Pacic `."oyudi- c-no. nnul jun: now it in gaining ilist.iuc- tron [or its utinropreuentntion of tho binnitolnsn South Western Railway nchemn. Mr. (1. Stoplmn. Iqesidcut ol the Company. WIS undentood to lmvo gone to hluulaud lor the purpose 0! mo- may on its account. hut. ho Iccomplinllod nothing. '` ;\'ud when nhurply criticlued by the lgbonl plpors it is sttompuxl to show that his lnilure was owing to cir- cumsmnccn for which his opponents were wholly ronpouuiblc. Mr. Stephen_ ll long Ago In May Huh. announced to tho Soullioru Mtinitobanl that he had not been successful in the London mo- uoy market because 01 the talk and ac- tion 0! the I-`armors Union. Those bud not only -lincoursuod omigranu but thouo who would have nnncmlly unint- cd their onterpriuea. The absurdity ol the atalclxient will appear by u peruul ol the lollomng leuer. a reply to one ol- loriug capital : u....r....| 1...... .4 rpm: jonty ul Lug counties In Iiuunl-u. ...., no in n puluitiou to lmunml lrom tho ,. Llovcrunient ol (junaln n lnlllmeut ol their plodgo: "Ihnt it the country pro- nuuucal in llvonr ol the principle of proliihition it would ho ur1uited."At the proaont time the whole 0! Prince Ed wnnl lalnud. twotliinls of Nova Sootin. unl two-thirds 0! New Brunswick. have been cnrnucl for the Scutt Act. and if n msjority of the counties of thing province nlso go. prohibition without compensa- tion is the Alternative. Arrangements luno been made wlth Mr. E. King Doildu and others to content every inch of the territory. I-ivory brewer hm nubscribcd |l,t.l)0. their dintillera Ol0,4I0llanl all the other hrnuchoa of tho trmlc have been equally liberal. _Tho war has been hirlv hoguu since the issue of this circular. and the result of that war the whole public in iuwrestenl." A circulnr his beau igigcclyliicin myu ' tint "Ill View 0! the serious nurture ol the nuck now being mmlo all Iloug the lino o(, the pruhibitionivuu. this brewers and wine nncl spirit. murclinuuc in this section have loomed il. uccemuu) to form 3 Dominion l'rou_>_ct.ivu Associn lion. Alruulv U|il't)'~lW0 (-ountieu in Ontario Iinvo been noioctoal. ml which . thoy propouo lorcinu n vou3_nu the Scott Act between now Incl the In 0! NIUVOIII her. The umocinllon state that if the|I(!l'CllC0 llltlll CITY) (J\'('ll E LIETO mu` jonly ol IQ counties of Ontario. they -... ;.. . ....Laii..n tn dmunud |~'ms'1' MOR'l`GAUl~} mxns no. In _ ucu>pruIuu'n.o. on n....,......., Colhgo from lrvll to H5). and prulum nor of unturul ucu-ucn. In 164?! he `um nppoiuuxlmlitor 0! the Wntrru Iloru mm }lal1`v~':r{r,~lnrI was mule b_iu_nop l I552. He was a warm penouul [rig-ml at Lincoln. and conmlmte-I urectl} lgy his uni IINI oluquoncv to Iunuiu l._['n-. cause oi the l'niou during the cm ! war. . liuhop aunpoon uuu Ii nuumunyuu yuuordny. He in hon: in Culll. Ohio. in mo. Helmhiauhu ml. am an inhns. um] tho whole outdo his education devolved uoa his Inothon "stock the dogma 0! ID. in Madison College in I833. RD, `however. loll. it to be his duty to _pmnc|n; VIII Iicauuo-I u nlocul preacher. wu ordginod n dueou mum. and u older in M37. He. in _vicopreIidau. of Allegheny .-_u ._ 1-..... lull o..'f|-1!.) -ml nrnhm. (~">igm~. . . ..__.__.., _: ` j];;;`. .,,, 3;...` ',,...TTaI.u u rnn.1apu.' .....--I-.. ll. -nu hnru in Culll. ,iIz}ui1ritishfmug. Montreal, Juno 4. 11484. In n . 4. Vllllllmlla rluo Mullahs nonrl '- nuunouun-minus. mu: 1878. Mind! lint no- unpald whln bu lnuunndolullnahlldnuoxpuhd In uvqhlnaumlqlhd. Aunt: mumps. lump: ol the Olthrlo lluu.|aIdoI.0I\. `M. `N. sun no In. mama-on: um nan: vidl In that Ilium with ovonill al- ntlunonlllhhahsn. liuo lll. Alrntlw -nnv nmllnm: no. l.oIooI.uM..IolIhIvorpooIou|uoIx|n lnot..IIIhos.8.Puiu|nwi|hnpu-Cy olwgirll ndlm ho bidet: tho upuolludlbyun. Ih |a|n.oMoIy snug hnncn uoupuhd Ion-who nub: Ouch Il@o.oIn|boIt\ht!|OlIhI|. this In It I Isuzu`: lib anal . -IA II.-4 .L...- -MI. I-pull` -._l -u--u.--u --~- V----...._. VI John T. luclhngnhkuhltzor ol the Orphan Chilaluah II I Uhcrlt . London. On. Ion Liverpool on tho I! |nnL.h|hnl4.8.Pu-lnnnwilh nmrlv A opoou Iootbg. A Ipuitl mating oi the City Council oooun this evening lot a very plonnnt pot-pooo-pnuIIuion ton-layer Liv. iugnton ol MI ponlt. which. In turn. will he landed to the chi:-nu at my property {or plaoonont II the City "A". ' A happy time in nneipttul. truly I) gain. lllolon loco Fowler and I. Shul- In no to Onpsh tomorrow to stain Ir. Bordon in lain muting: than. The lulu will prohohly muin. The Christina Mission in Victoria Hull lui evening In: well nttendo-I. Capt. E. Pinion. Inn 04 the Sclvntion Army. lad is. Uhiol Burden mule 3 short uldrou. In which he rdornul to the rumonrn that were most that tho Imuion Ill ying to induce member: ol the Snlntion Army to join them. He Iynulod it porfoctlr understood Ihnt inch wn not the cue. TM Chrinsicn Minion hand Wu not on orgnmution with 3 hondqnsnen M my pnrtionlqt place, mud in mombon were allowed to belong to elmnhou or no wlnlovor Ihoy mm It . umuo. uoldiot coma % into mutiny: In in uhul it he in and. He II not unused in the Christin lin- uion if he don: not Inn to joi II. The neutron hour at noldlon ol tho any to join. aha... D.-g Ifnnlgn ant` I High;-. rvupuuuuu Twelve bonnln tents. in All. lino been erected. sud several cenvu tense lnvo been set up. More will go up to-day. Service: were held in tho nfternoon ml evening. conducted by Rev. 1.. Hooker. who is proving hiunel! to be mouneat camp-meeting worker. The oongregntion in the OVGIIIIIR was good. and they were very nttuentive while the prucher diecouned on the necessity ul being ready to meet tliehonlethis oominu. II. I I ..-AI.._..I....I I.-- Li. -._..-.L.(..-. Mr. J. Lenlwrlnnal bu his provision tent well supplied, and can Iuruish those who wins with all they need in um. has u very rouomhle cont. ulnnvule Camp .\lM-ung. Only two ministers wore on the grounds on Wednesday. the pastor. Rev. J. ll. Chant. and the president cl tho uuocintion. llev. Mr. Hooker. More us expected unlw. The people are coming in slowly. and more no expect- ed from the city. The wood: no look- ing beautiful just now. and the Air is pure. "Come out Ind enjoy yauruolvoo nml help on 1 good cause." writes 1 cor- respondent. "I*_..I.... I.....l. lamb. in all In-n Lmm ,...... ...-. .., ...., ........,... `L. W. Day. of Saclwtla Harbor. ulc- nies that ho convcrnosl with any ouo in Kingston about the old wnrslnp. {lull ho had nothing to do with the pur- chue or sale 0! the same. The .'\'ru. chnpilrenmt that Mr. Day bought the ship and mule l.ll0\ll&ml.\i out of it. Prof. J`. T. Hill. who was mo: 0! the IIu.-Im,;- ('1:/ uIu:l` when the writer was its local editor. has haul the degree 0! Doctor 0! Science coulorrod upon him by Albert Collage. Bulloville. Mn in one ol the moat. intellectual and bout inform- otl men in Cnnmla. He now oujoys oili- cinl lilo as Clerk 0! the County ol llut` BOSTON IIIT STORE,