'0'!` I `Hf! UTIIKIIM Tuvol in inonuing ovary dsy sad the dub ol the river Itounon begin to thou Iignn ol lilo nu-I nativity. Tho hotel: at tho Bay nd Wutnia - not no not upon. with the ourption 0! on gun 'l'houud mud llouo. Hanan`: now hotel has nnoomnodm Uou lot: number ol luouuutl Indo- iq booluu. In tho H: 0! tin Inland Wudoru u-Iviowi oMbolIoIurIl'uldook.nnu when the Propollu Uuldo now Ila. III Dovilh Owl. non uency. and as including pain us us last Ulunnbl. uh-Jnlinn in km Uhoul Ill'II VIII VII Ill noon. llinupeohd that tho Puritan will button lmmtlu Clnytonanmoquo route and III! plnoo Iliad by the but can whool Doououto. II_._.| x- :._.....l...n A-Ah .I-- Anal |y--uu-a---u--w- -I - Int vial! vu in 1851. 3. x, ,__-_;-J AL-A Wwguvu Ii sun: - lvvuuu uuu -- u-u. Tho Inland Belle 1- on the Cape \'in~ out-Alonndrin Buy route. I: noun likooldhiuouounuldhnu horupin. The vounn lsbormu, lorrm Pock- mm. ol Cam. in ngiucrod st Alonn Jrin luv. This in Mr. l'ockhun`a thir- ty-ueouluuon at the iulndm. His n...n -4. _.. In nun VIIC "Cl-. Erdovunor Alvurd in mnluug ud llo otnuht 155 -`VIZ Dillx IIIU ljh III) Ilduuu IUV mulch Int Friday and none 0! them weighed Ion than spoons! Ind a hull. `l'|.- I-I.-.I AHA :- nl| Ila. (`nun Vin . TIC Tournu not on IIII -uvu - I . u Illlngrqnunahnnt Vlnslnocn Lively. The Harrington bmtlners uponod the Wantmiunter lurk Hotel on Mouslny. nnnl guano an unving. I`I.- ll.-.l--u l\' Pnlnnnhnu Imin nr. III III! Illlillll. The Hnydeuu, ol Columbus. have u- rivod. sud brought with them 3 very ex- pensive tan and ounuao lot no on Ola put. up. n-_-__-.. AI-.....4 ;- ....I...... ..4l J1 II. Jill. ll |uu print uunuvn. Hoary Schroeder. Igonograplmr. lute ol Kinguon. has removed to Detroit. He had namely lo the Ihllenble Iron Works. n llnughvillo. mu lndiuu.po~ lin. to the manager of when be war: for months the uhorl.-bu:-l writer. when thoyworo burned. incurred I lost: of 0751111 haul Illlllll Ill) IOIIIUI ruulllu vu um Iv--an Hon. J. H. Pops bu aold out his in- CIIIIO in the UGkWI1'Ihzrl Publish- ing: Company. A new company Is being organised. and an elorv. II being made tuoncun L`. ll. )lackiuton`u an ochtor. Ir. J. Johnson. law oi the Kinaatm Nan. is the preaont editor. Il--...-s`..I.u..ul.- naannnrnnlmr. lam Ibo urman Amenuuu. The bill for tho rcliel ol I-`ntz John Porter hu now passed Congress sulp- Iunlially u it left. tho Senna. Prai- donl Anlmr will sign it. n:_ 11--.... I: u.I..m I.-n m-uln ll . IIIIYIIUIIY. J. A. .\hc.Ionn(sl| wants HU_0ll) dam- ngea iron: The ll'u-L because it luvs his nnuoeooulul tilt with Mr. 8. ll. Blnko quid: one move to the many reason: why` I Mme redolont o! no much ungua- tlemnnly und quentionnblo conduct uhould no longer remain on the rolls." u__ I n (1.2... I.-- ...l.I Ant him in. (IUD! .1]'l;lIllr will ulpgu nu. llr. lleury 14. Abbey has made Ir- nngomonu by which Mlle. Sam Born- hsrdl will visit the United States dutiug the noun ol 1884495. h___|..._I-...I 2.... mm mm: nmlnna m WI] lllll "emouuna U: Luv unuu. (ioorgc Luywn. who wns tsking :- courvm at the School 0! Gunnery. hue re`- turnoul to London And ioinod the liold battery for the camp season. A-> ~ - * I I ) II. I}... uuuvun . .... ..... -.._._. --_--__ Miss 3`. .\. Dorlrick Ilsa uuod Dr. (loo. I.-inns. promumnt duuti:-l.. New York. (or breach of promise ml muriuga. I-Inna mceutly married the daughter of Dr. Sutton. ,,,,- I A- I orouw Incl` IIIVIII}; uuuvuuuu nu nu.-. oonnnd hislnnul loowruuuolull Uniunily. Oooollhaloctunlwuon Killl John Smith. Inc of the Ottawa: (.`iu'~ :rl. will be nppoiutml clerk in the libra- ry in the Horne ol Commonsn room of r..Cuupboll. bml.het~iu~l:w o! Hon. 0. \\' Mn: n. nun. Dr. W. A. Kelly. 01 Louvillo. N \'.. was the groom and Miss Mnmio L. Buck- ley the brixlomlno lolt Cape \'im_:ont on tho truin which bore '03 llnjonnud Mrs. `Short. and whom send off wu"uo ro- the cvcmng. Hugh Mncluy. lloutrctl: I-`. W. Slochwall. Quebec. and Jolui Nicholson. ol the stunner Outnrlo. Uswoao. In It the British Americuu. -ru , u__-n 1-.. Al... u1\I:n' nl Put: lnhn $"i'ES5'."6c5t> IIIO RID! 0| louroa. Cumberland doe! not now profess to be I mind nmler. but a muscle iut.erpm- tet. Ho uyn tho umsoloa sympathize with the bum. They indicate in some the "emotions ol the mind." n.......... I,..~mn wlm wns tskinc """|I|D_Whuoln.i:ndAIIyI-mud like `LllIn1(I II&AIIoul|ou. _ ..;-+_.__ I'0YI IIllI 0ll. III II III! uunucu --u-um. Rev. Qanuu White oicintoa at the opuuum ol tho Synod on Tuesday. Row. J. 0. Norton. ol Montreal. preaches In the evening. n._ _n u_-|.-.. \InnOn-nu] ~ I-`, '_ uuvn n --u mnrlublo. W luuulu . \\`.m.m Temp-lom|u._cdi_k)r oi the Al- llontu (lnzdlr. bu nevorcd bin connc-c~ lion with that paper. 31:. B. Britwg. ol the (hnuaoquo ur- puu.-r. who has been ill [or some Limo` in couvlles-cent. . _ u. - uI.__:u.... 'l`.\-an-nln` II I`. A]. II couvulcs-ceux. I). l.. Hamilton. Tomnto: II. I`. A!- don. Mourns]. sad I-`. J. Murrymuu. Pun Huron. are u the Burnett llousu. u._,, .1 _,.. u'|.:o.. ..m..:.|ma nl. tlm uu . uuuuvu. Prat. (Baldwin Smith has returned to 'l`orouso|1nr Inning dolivorocl his usual ,__..- -1 n.:_;__a..I |..A.--- gt Hn-null cvemug- _ . Jamel If. Onllughcr bu rullllm` *9 % L`~'."..`..:.;s.*,"";;r`*:1rw;.;.*_.:.*o*'1:ar=r*'aui- Clnli. ~- ' :_ - I_|,_ l\:,_:__ I... I-0 Inn Ilnnlinmlnll I It`; nu. -I-_ Sir John Muxlonnld Iiu [eh Utuinf (or Rivet dn Lonp. Ila II" be absent for u luv weeks. ' I u . , 1-- -_.l _.l_ -nul in: A. lot new weer; ` 'J. l.. (iurdoh nml vnfe. and Man A- I. Uonlon. Chicuto. m.. an at the Windut. ~ : .. .._._...I1.i- nnnnna. `Seven Per Cant. Fbr lnnum. CIQD. ` John !`ixioa.|1uI left. (or llninlihgulol, them to uni! P. Wancu in 8VlIl|{0llI~ NC `North ' 3* Rev. H. tho city Primiuve Ilouuo-list Clmmh. luqwallg to morruw % n}. -r. Ihduy us Mr ngmo um i)0\\.V AIOME Tlll`Il_.V'l..|Nl?`~'. Plll01(Al..00I.l!I!l. .._..__ 0lI'KlII. 111.3 1`m1'r1;H'-wnie, sAT1'1])A' I-IV 1~:x1:'"Kvu.`.wm: :21. Jr I sun tut nuiy on In 0:-tolqr fig ` an In dnmlnauoonol um um O&,|ldI|U. um! (um pcnol u: have unbound by Ace ol l`u|m-sou 0|: It 1 uullaupuuluolnnnvuntml not its can no. up lial cl Iho (`anyway In one ullllonchlhn; gagou nbouI_om gnilnon Ito ll)! Iodnwunnhlsllul. -j.....9: Tho Tomnto council on Monday night wound up with n tonnd ol lnonln ho- tnon two worthy nldonnon. nnd n nun: Inodvod n urn hank-down Iron: n punmnnnl oi `son. to whom the lla- nnnly nldnnnnn land [inn 0 lie. Vorily Torontn In I grant plnno. ll All VHIIQV. The Tong putty could not Ind I mod slings! In ntu-lo onublo ol doin the dirty work required from I la! ilor. and hallo import um thing how one o! the I-luun provluou. among wok. rp non nut. Bnx-hills Tnnu. Toll: olin like hruclou to the thin: ol modern oiviliutnon. and no. pot Imps. nulul an monument: of tho only hmory ol the country. U! "I Wll r In rvr-. We don`! think Iwomnn juror will. during I trinl, our ml 011 ha: lent drunk 3: I mule juror did in a count out lhmilton last you. -.....,.-... \........ Ho um: ambitious ol the nomination. pououod of the Inoun 0! corruption, nod did not hesitate to make bin pur- l pone known. 7 W _ ._ _ -L_. -g- -._a-.__ .17, I. IIlI|4|l'IIl`I nnrl Whnt. Io wnnl. in commercial nulon And '0 will never keep our young man at home withocommcrcinl union. An liurannllnuy Drink Wmudpqr Frn Pu-n The tank were drunk with good. oohl wnor. uocompcnioul by tho pinuo. Johnston's Jewellery Stone UIIU UI EIIUIII I11 I UDIIIU In llIIl`C-IJ||- Capt. Hughes. ol Brooklyn. mud Ad: Hinde. Bowmnuville. Arrived yuhnluy. They are hem for the "big no tomor- row and MOWIIV. DIIVIUIUII IUIIIPIU. Ull VIII, III!- A christening occur: it. Abbie Tomyle on Monday nightuor tho banquet. The parent: of the lube couxo lrom Bath. and one of them is a native 0! Kingston. . u,_ _n,_- -1 Ix..--1.I.... --.l Ll. lulu Iuuvxuuullu Iu uh. nuununcn (Apt. Mccncken. Ionnorly ol Nap ` nee. has boon gaoled in (hand Rapids. Her conduct hu morllcd the pnbliu Hon 0! her ponmit In tho War (ry. &pt.Jolmnon in at I-Iuatou. Pl. Capt. Abery. now here. has been sta- tianoal It Souocu Fulls. (Supt. ()Ib0n;o. of Mocliun. and Capt. Maggie Uilroy." of the Snlvuion Anny, no to be murriod in Brooklyn. It the Salvation Temple. on July (In. A -|.-:_;-..:.... -.......... -5 |I.|.:.. 'l`.u.u.lA This evening the public roooptlou 01 the null oicors ocean. To-marrow than will be {our services. and on lon- day night n "So|diera' Jubilee." 1`-uh nnul Ila. ln.I.u..A.. llnM- Linnf. uu, unxuu u uvlulukl Ulullluc. Cnpt. and Mn. Lndwslu. Onlt: Liam. lls &i&. Inll. Ind other oioeri no . __--A.._l ....,.......... Capt. Tessie llall sud some of he: subordinates have gone back to gnol in London {or viohtma the any ordiuuoau. Will Mr. Uooderhnm pty Min Hull : Inc a second time 7 llnrdly. unless the given some promise ol obodiouco to 6330 power: that be. I.-:.l. A....:- ....I I... |:.........s. Imva MCI` UIICU III}: Irish Annie and her lieutenants hue been commissioned to tan charge of the movement. in SI. Thoma. 1 ,_ A \l.:|__- .| __ A__-._.__I.. .1 51...... sglvuknn Amy 'i_(_euly lo krcnvv the- Inn! -Arrlulotuleqr-`l| teuullll Ides. a.-vu: -u--s uu -up Isnuwlv-0 Major Coomba has been in the Army nine years. and ham risen from we nulu. u wile convened uhortlv alter her husband and through his person- uonn. llolh are said to be gilled [)8I.k- crs. llccently. at Hamilton. the, Major spoke respecting the power: that no- vern the citiea. He said: "lltho nu- thoriiiea lhink y can atop us. why. we shall till all! ejailq in thedomin- ion. We don't wish to go against the an Lhoritiee: so tar as we can we will re- apeot them. for we are good. lawful ci- liienn. but we wiil serve (lod lint. We will be obedient. tolhq law as lot as it in obedient to the law of (lad; and we will help the nuthoriliea. for we do the work which they ought to do. The Salvation Army is marching along. and nothing can stop it. The churches do not not the persecution which the army gets. because they always keep on the same linmexocpl to sometimes have n revival {or u low days. I say il a revival in goo] for New dayliu the year it is good for all the year. and that is what we have in the army. and you Inns! not be surprised il we adopt new planeau l measures to further on um:-.. CMIRO. for our husincss is to so light that we can bring men and women to God. (or neople are going down to hell. and they must be rescued." ' as:-ncvnhinu our u...m-nu. on uvnlwil BELL TBLBl'l|lllB GIIIPHII expocm-l. 1'... I` The-Stlvltioui In making you propuntiou Me the nopthu ol Injor Coolnho. um newly ppvintotl Commit- Iionor tor Canals. Ind hiajwila. They were upecgod go I|'fiV0 um though J10 oarpu bu received no poni- I713'i3iiiU6n'fiin'lii"Hii'ii:3"6l"|i to pan. when they will reach the city. Tho bunch. probably the lines! |1nild~ in 01 Lhollind in Cnnndn. hu boan lav viuhly dcooruoci with banana And over- " gznonu. Margin. the artist, In: and Inn hnzslnn ulkilllnl wny. giving the inuriurn moat planing appelnnca tn the eve. Lnl.ol_v the ulondsnoo u the sunny nueounnu hp: been slim. but It Is expected Hut H19 Majors ayrinlnml consequent Ieslivitieu will popularize the corps. | nu '1 run: in run` nu.-nvuua cmzass. Ems mos?! `nuance uunulhu. .-nnagnjam um: llcpoldl an ` Oumm Putty In-I on Ihllrnl. [Anita Aulunnn, huh uuuupn Dr. huh`: luau ol`:M Inch-ryunnnbt Hahn. V -...V.__ `jib: In nu--,- Pawns` In u-vl-N h HVIN3 Indy-cl: dotNn.IovI' Illh 1 wool.hu01.w; -u'uniu.oInoL an-.n1n. ndnlnm nnutnutlo FIRST M()R'l`GAUE BO.\'l)S he-p-uh I Puvus Nov Yakclothlll 3000- Ixnl, ; an in pro-Iooooon. in nu noon doc Ion! Ioonhnzo nun! ol \hobui|I- in , and I no 01 spook! unno- lbouolnnov chunk: uboinapto- . The Gourmet usual and the n uchiouu at lundowlnuo Ioopon ` In exhibition. and than in when inurnlionul llama`: dolnomtnuoo. noollo IIIOI/II1 Isl-I this by the def. loot ucenioo, n electric II In .olc. Hunger mm. to vim Now on mud on: when non month In uuohol other Ipcuul cnnotioan. Spocinlchyuluubunnt I nth lumen` thy. tho nbool eh: `I day. thonoo|oucu`day.o0o. Thopuin Ii-as containing lull particular: on to ob- hinod tron the Roach:-ht of MI -311`- oullunl notation and Iochnnic luuiv blah tin Pmvluoo. And by wrilt thoomhn at Torpuo. souxlnr uuonuthuotlntoolunn. Ahll - gnnudol til the spook! -mutt:-. will lnpohlinboulchoullho Illddlo ol Annual. This being the ftieth. 0| uni-our hnlhl you 1:! Toronto us cimtho Induunnl I-Exhibition I-Illnhuon ol that city nu to man their IIIIIIII hit um exposition. to In hold Iran the loci: in the sou. cl` Bophunbot. cnliroih pronlooounn. It Inc: luau 3... ....I. um.-unnnnl monk] nun. Ila Itulnn I Girl and Run Another lo (`MI Illql ul Illntlronl Ionpoullblllllt-O. Ashlnnd (lily. 'l`enn.. June 2l.-l).| vid Hughes. who in wonln over |lu.).(ll1. wu lonnd guilty yoakulny olnbductmg and seducing 3 I5 you old orphuuitl and untenood lo Ion yuan` impricon maul. ll homnltorsooompliahnna his purpose. in. need the gitl to marry an ox-oonuct. And gun the Inn: N5 for doing so. In-nag For Illa Alnonoo lld rum. on [up I PI-omlu Ill! Illa llrldr. Bridgeport-. (`-oun.. Juno `ll.-I-Lmmn Fletcher was to have been murnud on Wednesday to Sidney Uullondnr. and extensive nrrnngevnc-nu ha-I I-oen mmlu for the wedding. M the hour nppointod Mm: I-`latch:-r received A wlqzntn lrom (lllondu. data] New York. uymu ho Ind met with nnncnnl miulortuno and requesting the pollponomaut ol the nurrhgc. Unllendnr Ihlod tlnu ho would be in Bridgeport on the following tiny. but. hn not been head ol ninoo. numuy orgunnuon. Iouuucu upon uu: rhu ol the old I-`oniun society as samb- Iahod by ()'Mnhoney. Tho cimulu will be re nuted In Uluctgo and extensively cimu aka} throughout the United States. London. June 3ll.-'lho 'I`mu-.v' dou- pntch lrom Paris says that James Ste ph-sun. tho ox-Fenian heul-ceutn-. In just sent another circular to his friend: in Chicago. urging that I meeting he held at an onrly nluto to take measures ogninst tho prlctico ol usingd nnnito an o menus to secure iustico lot la-olonil. Mr. Stephen: cites the moot nceut ox- ploitn in London. on-I illnntntin the neceuity {or some action hy trno nah men to clear themaolvcl lion) the impu- Lotion 0! silently approving of ancli out- ngss. llo proceeds to condemn tho pteseut methods of ngitnting the ones tion of Irish lroedom. nnd Advocates n nulituy orguniution. founded upon the nhu n! the Iociety The Nnpanee l'.`.u-pru; any that on Tuesday night a daring burglary was pcrpetralaed at ll. M. liorochdu resi device. The ras-(-Jilin onterod the lronl door and made their vny to the room where Mr. Derocho was sleeping. They took his gold watch and chain lrom llll Yeast and a box in which new a neck- lace belonging to Mrs. Dorocho. a pair ol ailver bracelets. a ring or hm. some hilt studs and trinkets. 'l`hej.' then proceed- ed to the library and took a Imnll desk. From the sideboard they extracted nil` vnr spoons. knives auul forks. A dog on tho premiaes hail been clrugg,-oil. .\lr. Mr. Der-oche alwo believes the hurglnrs administered chlorolunn to him. The number of Mr. Deroche`a wanch is 80.H6. It was highly primd by him aais was A proaent. lrnm his Nevihurg lrien-la alter nil return from the coullict at Ilialqeway an a member of the Queen ! Own Rules. The chain was aluo a present to him and aevaralol tho ol silver were valued heirloom: in r. Dnrocho'a family tor oavotal mnuulona. The total Value of the articles taken vru upward: of ONO. Tho police have been unable to obtain nnv trace of the thieves. HOUIII `Q-lull` nan nan Io OIII tho eonunltwan yht ave. cl- Xgg?-" '31:. 1n':Bu' '7" . `nu `Ion! It-mu ud co-an :-glonhnu. `mo ponoo nun noon um any trace Lgj York`. June Ila--'l'ho book mk- crsllud Oiiill ml! the Ancot vacuum. Juno "11 .-I-`iva melt have boon umuad st Pol: qith dynamite In their -vv9'-- - ---n - \l\r-V . _--.-v ---~ London. Jun 21.-1: in estimated slut B13111 'iii-ibiz" `Iil? Isa: linen lut lull through Moody`: eoru. j gun--~ . ..-_ --...-...,,. W. Sunkim. Juno `J(|.-!~'uluu Lil pilgrimn arrived here [rum Klmnoulu. Thoy lull. Berber on May 2511). and my Berber was then sale nml had 1 full supply! of provnaionn. coxlono|um.nm|soN'n I-`AlI.l`llI.`. V New Yotk. June 'l.--\\'nl| Street was Ikopucnl yesterday an to the muons given for the uugument of Uommoulom Uurrmou. II was hinted that Commo- dore Ind ukau nun method ol oucapinu [mm the legs! diicultiuu in which he is invlnvnl, HO. l`olersburg.Juno l`.|.-S-rions nu- ti-Iolnitic disorders haw oceurncd ll Kriroroge. Mnuy houses. occupied by Jon. rem In-eckod. --o--.vu -- . ..__... .. ..--..,. Plfill. Juno 'JD.--The Senate lud on do: oouniohruion has uveniug the no- oolnl roqding ol the tlivomo bill. The usiclu in the hilhbmgatiug the luv 0! 1816. which abolished divorce. was-~ mlopwd by rvota 0! I68 to H5. `nu-on-. --....- -.. ..--V. _.,__.-. New York. June `.11.-Theta were two htal C41.-:3 ol pronfrluuu by heat in Jerwy City yesterday nun! ouo in um cigy. A number of persons were taken to the lnyoqpnal. sueriug [row the cc-cu nl |.n-D lrom bu iuvloved. 50 [DC IIU of boat. ma PLATED mm \ ll Iunuurl-on I. H. lkroche LI-I. I`. and Ilou-up llnhlu-II 1:! III] Vuluulalrl 'l'ELEG_RAl ll.` m_:lr;r.-. AN |`ZX'l`I*I.\.\'I \ l~`. lll'l{Ul..\ll\ - a---,.-.~j_ A Houl-Collonllnl Enpouluon. - .- an.` .1, -_ ____: I00l.'l\"I IAXII COIVKI&3_l0x `[.VR\Y.vl rlo; l7(-A-lIT1Il' . . u .... u ._.. .u ..:I ngpy or Qnmurruu. ` .. -u~ ._ I@I `ASKS I! l.l.'(`|i -. In n . 6<-2 __ A HIIOIII I)ILI'I'KABl`\ III`-WISII DIVOQCK III l.I,. - .. mu .- , . L- l` I2 mo '0'! Iuu wan: --vvy-v---- rv I.iuuIiiinu.mm. ---00Y0---- `Lament 0. wALaH. -Q- fIDI_I*I TAIIAIII I 1:'::| [ mo OTIIIT nun] CIIHP smwntan/ts] `I'M Wnycl thoworl. by I`. J. Iurnyl 1. Bu uhdno Drum ad other Pooun. In mehulu Haul Davin. Ia. F. NISBET'S,| Dvywituvw uuuv-. Ir, guy gag..." ... .-. Oahu Am. 90:. Tho In BhoGuod For. iv P. W loin. uuwu xuuau-. -y `sun-uucu uvuu-. Puuvonnu Wu. the euro: ol | True! In; Ooncnpoudou. ion. Boyonduu Octet. by 090 amino! 0! tho n.o.. A inn Ill: China. (lotion. bl tnlulnlcl Foetal. A Human aunt. by t. I. Cnvloni arbor 0! Ir. Inna. II I5. HIST BLISS PLITEII WIRE SPECI.-\L --K:17Tn.\c'r1u.\'s In lulu ptopuv-I lot can mug, (tinny Bush and In-unoonn on all Iallwayu. Tho Ind Iuno Iu vinl tho (`N1 cl Tnronln \\`mI In: [L Prolunor (hunt. by Hon. L. S. IlII|.iu~ ` .h.... 1| 0: lannunesr EVEIII ICE lsmsmu mm TU 20:21.] v-nu nunuivv UV wltutt IIIVII Iunuucuvluu ' Toronto is ia lust of a water [amine - Jrozntiwrcdr-ruwtr-1u1`_w1':uIIrptnu"u:I=" chiucrj. I ` ` R ... n..... -_,I _:r. n_:._._._:n_ n- 'INUlZiEAl;AlB !l 0| l.I\'~ Mock. Poultry. llnlry. Agrlruliurnl and lloruc-ulnar II Products. I-pl:-an-nu and Nlnnufna-Inn-n on all Kinds. u an nuns`. and I'o`au`u.u`o-u Que Dov: `lot Out Inn; Ioodors. mm an stjm '\""""J '7? _ V , During .51!) iugri univ- ai ll the l' I Shlil. . New` You city will lose ostmm by the Inland tho .\luuu lhuk. Thu Enlpht 0! Austria in about to `I want lncslota witness uaul unnoeuuos -'l`.._...n- :- :2 n,,, A , _ .,,,.,,,,__, Berlin. Jnuo l`.|.-'l`lm nixllunritiou on` much agil.n'l.cd uvor tho euoruy an-I nuc- ccuu ol Axuerzcnu Mormon ommuarien nu rrocuriug proolylml aml cmiurauln In `uh in 'l'lmriu;.:ou and other portions ol Prn.-sian `.s`axou_\'. Those Mormon um. axonnrica. it in mid. depict um agricnl rural nucl other mlvmnuigua ol l'tah Ill glowing torms. but make no straiglat lorvnml mention of the polnzamonn practices of their met. In tlniu way they allur many young wouwu. wlmnc lau- altur their arrival in Hall is horrible to contemplate. aunl many young men who I are poanossccl 01 Rome capital. uun otlu-rs being nocopu--l. 'l`lu- pnouu uni the military autlmritieu ol Saxony Iuuru started a crmwlo agaiunt the .\lonuomu, wnicli will probably result in tlnuir (-\- gvulsinu [mm the pronucv. nu-I pussihlu tom the entire empire. Al Nnpunn. on nth inrt. Ru-Incl Jtym". nut in yum M Nnpunoo. on Lulu mu.. Sun); (`~uI.tiue. wile Ill Alex. Honey. aged .56 your, _ Mono .u:od III. In lingual. OI Inr-ill. IIO IIILM mu Thoma linwlloy. Ian! To you-u. Thu hunts] Iill lanvn his Inn n-unlo- .l.7ppor Canal: College nu-I utilizing the \II Then: is an Agiuon on loot to nbqluh me for the new provincial puliuunuul builulingzn. ! `l....l:...... ..u..-|...n _ _-._n _-__... -1 A manner Onugo meeting in nu `nuanced to take plbce in Newry on July 12. Mnuv member: 0! the House ol Colmuons will be prov.-ul. ' T.-A ..I...I......I.. t\:' .._.'..A _.. I ---..l-|. Iall .` | 0810?. FIKBIKII `IHI W`III|l will plouo uuud Inllounnrlhot Imuoo um... ,. - Wm. (`row and wile. Oninuillc. Gs...` Ito: mid pnnuips ygsu-nhv. 1 `row died.` Mu wile II cluxgeyoogly ill, Tn.-.. r..II....o... \...I......... no w... IIII WIIC I` Ilwxffwlv l|I. ' > Town. Collector .~\n.l-man. of Wat Hobokon, is shout Ill weouuu nboul O(.D.lll\. No II and to have dinPl'ou~ on . ` nun --snug-. Inclianu nttackml 1 small party 0! while men in Norlhwosbem Texts the otbenlny. I-`im min um! um wlnmu was killed. FOR TWENTY CENTS uuuuuuua vuu us; .-uuunuu. The wholoulo oil. paint Ills! nrniuln rm of 8. IL May & Cu. hue called an informal meeting (1! cmdntors at Mon- tmsl. Tho liululicics nrc pluco.-1 It 975.- (I0. Somtor Uoohnuo hm eebto-l a rule ul ism) head of ll1roc)0ar-uhl amen: to l. U. linker .\ (.`-o.. 1! N15 |K`I haul. They were vurclmsml by the (`Inn to [ill their lmlgan supply contact with the uuvurumcul. In I.. ........._,l A|._A II- A\`I)_.,__ \I II gvvun uun.-u. It in oxpocu-l that Mr. ()`Bru-n. .l`.. ` will he oouuuiuod to prison lor con mp: for refusing :0 my hm line. The Irish members 0! the Commons in that oM~uI. will raise a quevmou 0! privilege upon the when at the court. "NI-:w BOOKS! The 1.`OINII Iookoloro. ENTRIES Cl.03l .'D AH}. `JSRD. H- TOYS- AN IIIIENSE PROGRAH IE \/v-u Eon. Ius. Sami-centennial Exposition. 1 884:- I Ii {e noun. ` nlcnoou mud. Apply to II.0. IOIIAIIT. brook l advoc- Ibo Isoniolllll lluu. ' -Eijll _m.\'ur`.ss`+:'| 1'r:LuuuI. TORONTO noun IIIIIIIIUI1. `NI H tun- luuonl wul loan hi mo rem!-no-x II: urn Sm-cl. tumorrow ulsunnlnyo In-r .ll nu-1..-I I-`n'nu..In and nrunmmnuua on. r t rotary. H` ILJ`. girl]. NDIOKTO. BOOKS GALLOWAY ' bidet. V 7 Tendon Call In noolvul up In In July. IQ, Dov 5-nu; no-I nun` `no binding b It-hurt u.1o_ht I$s ruuu-:u'nh-clan nob known OI Il'DC' uuohlhonhlllltl -"1" I g." (ank Ulilhl II I $91 cl nuuwouho 0! II-t I-'v fbonludrithobddlhonu M -J)(!tc!.ll,4%hh.h,9Ols nunlounniuiohp-dunno lo I not ul Iylhh DI. FRIDAY, JUNE 27th. Ielhducnuduhc Ibo Iv-I-3. Conan. no cum:-ti n rt-I-I I . A TWO-I`I`0IY ITONI WILLING. non tuning ! an okay Incl. havoc. W Inn Karl lunch A I (IIOIOI I00 Apt! mm. In Duncan It I1`. PAUL`! LADIII` AID DOCIITV. IN (-N. TLIIO Ill-In Q STIM WBERRY FISTIVIL IILLI 0' APIDIB AND lul "rill? VALU IILI Moon luv um. laud- bulldluu ad Inn lnmlu cl lihuhol 1:10. nu an use of tho 0 rt-ha-to and the Tannin & 0\hVI ulroulo; an on oollnl lacunae. and and oonvouhnoo too am llulroolo: our! I ?! and lumbar. Good nu-on lot nmug. up 7 IO _ __ IIIUIATIBI [mu saw IE _I_n_rmn urns] :T}ilil1l`ITTNS'fANDS NU {iHANI}B 3 unison noun 0. cr. Inn at I050. ~ Tern: rush. I - -l'Tl`II.Il|\l AUCTION SALE jm~-__ ll()I'.\'EIInLl) FI7R`.\`l'I`I'l{E, A- g- n__ W I. THORHTOI. July II. Plib I LIFE LIKE PORTRAI`i`S| A Q0:-(nu or shot: run In on oxlnuuon at Ir. A. I . (`hovrn Dru: Inn. 1124-`: um: and nunlllv All. .--- III "WAMIOIII IIOUII. on Dunno Du-Ion. Illjbnov olcnlhtnh by iJAS.CRAWFURD'SI An nulls: our nowcpun IIII.llIqIil0d it an why ho hum not ban sdvonlnng ludv. Thaw said we lava sinus read )0!" sdnrlxn I nnnu \\'n Inn: Inn: on bill! nnlnnlnl our C. LIVINGSTONEBRO, {LADY FRIENDS.` Otl0dn\y'I.I H-1 1. luhfluuopul. CALEl)()NlA SPRINGS. -ul'II l1`0Cl OI-` FHUITI l!(X)ll'l.|1`l`. In luel OVOly|I|I. mil in ruled II the uroury Lino on In In! :1 " _ ' v ` . 2.'.`!u'W9u'u1_?.`o.:....""i1."` """ GRAND HOTEL opus Inc In: JUII. ....__......_4n..4_...an.-.... Q... IKIOWIJEI I IIAWION II. . We have by fa} the Largosl-, Nohl.-o-iesl. Most -Fashionvaliale and Elegantly Finished Stock of o_ Ready-Made Cloihing. ever. _l.\./`l,.:;:1.uI.f;.;<;tu;`2..c.i. .fQI.1. Any one House, and th"Pr`aces are AWAY. DOWN. There is- only one thhfg wrong, we Have too many. We "must sell, so don't you Buy till you see them or you will regret it. Large Stock of Boys` and Youths` Clothing. c"6i Prluu-en I.. Iuugulon. Men's Tweed Suits from $5.00 to $20.00. Sale by Tender. SOME OF OUR Tlll PEOPLES cLo'rumo HOUSE :- 1: n3'I.nuIuuu ' ` ' ANNUAL 69 BROOK QTREET rl DOIAN. Ajlltulllnl lull . Thrown. 0... D\'HI`l'2l`|A IUUVUIII, IIIUUIIIID l|I`ll I ;I.r-Ivnu .09! away. lune shun. AI ll wind II the lulu Dunn. Ilnubu J-on Q lllllm i"m'him Mimi)! sun mom, vAac?oanu rn.m.vs ` SILE OF IR ! IID BIKE - II n-| sln II\ . ' lhlllln I41 lnponad Prlulo. ll.-In-y Plan. It hrluuuy. llnolmq, Comb. Hpnuao-0. Ar. r._Fn-co In-lung cl-riunhu I'm.m up! n In lhu pihhe. Tllllili M0`lI'0: n.u.u. Anon-II ulllil II-1|I?lI`n In I. L` _ TIOI II Illloal. Ilnou. has not. Int Iauqu [J Icluucuurlcuooolotlenuovrua In vol! noqndl ill In city. llduuuen it me. A to J. P. OILDIIILIIVI. In Inn-:0 Aqua Illlluooco EL mo. noN'n=:A'rH. cnnonaiz or FOR D. n-nnunnunnn-. nu-rnll C-CC CI 15 '1 IIUI: VUIUII UILI. II IIEIJI Ill 1.. V U)! 0! H1` llifl (`Intel u. |-" Ann oronndu. Prince: 5.. ' u __ ...... ._.-. g-.--. ..---- Lu ..n;..;...j I my. |OFFORD S -v--.-. . . ....~._ .. TIIIIIOIIDAIK JIIIB iI'l`ll. Fran um I0 0 cloth 9 n. ._ . ,. _,_ u._-._\._A.. 1-- n..._. Juno II. J. ANTISELL ALLEN. T. lclulov, City Book Store. American and Canadian S T Y L E S WANPID-LADIES OI IIIITLBIIN. in ally G cushy. to Into uleo. Ian and plenum vutulholroul bond. Oltol c any cull; and Pull: undo work nun by null : no on ' ` : Illa I7 Hour udlunlunnn A:?!'lN `:rl"`hdnI9hu. I ; . Jpn: Im_L_u_:smu|r. Speech ofon. Edward Bia/re sm-umnnmi CELEBRATION. l.Iu-rpool. I.omlnmlo~rr_I. l.u Inn. llrlslol. nu -alqll. I-`Ills man` and QIIN'Ihlu\\ u. ro/mum AND 5rumv[ A GARDEN P ARTY ` --AND-- |T\I,L;\N LI Ii READ A REPLY JOHN Wi6}JTEATH, I5-`-- .-_..- _Tc'>eAcdoms`T, 888 ,1: 2-irgooaa St. . STICA MS] I IPH. Y 0 `VIC 3 10 ll i.rrf-1~o mm A "- ` 7-TE nub kg-go an proof vnu If. Io lotion . .._..-us-u nan- nu-n-Iinun ..- TEE HIUNGB INBURIURATIDN Bll.l. In-Ive Al.0 SPPGIAL UHEAP EXGIIRSIUNS Inuit thumb: by mutual of mu 0. Min I'RI(`lI I0 (`I-`N'I`. _GET POS'I`El). PROITIIAC ` Y TIIONI I! I IIIINLII`. Tlrhvl \ --I -vv--u. Plonnnon Dlde Bnm. usnb Straw Hat ...-'--1 -g.-_- ._ -.- -v-.._.. .. .- OSLER &.HAMMON , III Ila- ligand Ca` uu` laud Mk. vlshoul my y. pol III: In Inll mudod. Apply lu.A. P. Llllullf. ll Wt mu Inn. Uuux wA_u1-no.-Iv6uin6 iIic'i'na M laud mend taunt! hm In Apnl. IMQ, can-h who will my tho |-Ilj rm. lip:-gnu.'l`und Dunn sou `mun lqrnghun. O_r._O_r-_:_nloo__u nu uiu-non ol mm. - ....._. ...-. nnIuQ-nhxL~nu JAIIIIT O WALD 9 `._._-_, _ , Mann IALII. ` lIItOhIMI&uIl\J nag- k`H Bhhnl qguu to Cu-ponton. iivsurv cam V `II? I IN? @010 Ilulqouton It Inn`: And hoyn"l(nhb,y Fol IIMA Stnwnh. Ir. |IVIfZII u `- vv w~-`.. `I'll ITLII TAIIDII. 0 nn..nl.-.g 0| CANADA OFFERS POR SALE New Anverunementa. LINK VIAITID.-A 100110 In! &h 0! omen work III I had In-oupurluoo Iuquunpd II_II_ghu__c_tty_.___Iuhnncen _n "t~".r.-:.~."":-..'%=r=-=:"*" _unnnnjtPh HT unnatura- ' I VOII LADIQ All]! Il W N H! um. um lunnnn Bwln Ell. noopttu Stowud. . ----'I Illlahml--~ / IN ALI: TIII NIWIIT STYLE`. III PC GRIT. TEN YIAI A LAIOI ABSORTIINT OD` '`*J.".'$`.`#i'.`n": i1 Ilouluuuudcou In --A I` 'r1-n::~-_ JUST ARRIVED .-\T non sum. .htIIOpulu0Io! III` of d. . _ W V I ` 1... I. '7 I-0'7 I.!u:'d%v-"um. TEIE For Solo. -5 -A'l' TEE- X UTOIIVIIVINIIVI-I, nu nu; mun won 190: V.VWg.ntoa.z__ -..--._._ ';.;.:.:*~.a:.-.-:;.. :-j-Tjj-- "Vro Lf FLIOI. bi vu---- IIMI cpplv Io thy ol tho Iloboulnlcmr Io wj an --un -'XIUL`lfO IUAIA`I'l`lUD- Inn 1 In. W *-*'N-- 11-. olwhuvu nll|u&I un- uuIh:ilhuhou.Ia$vdnupuvo. Thunhu! ploqholuun hun. unllhbl did Mollvhconm douduuuunuhudypcuhnh poulnuohhbplnys 2, u-vuu -u-u--u 1---in u-c whjodil ..l:u|.._I _.n..-_--4 .A-hAL-I n-4... jv uvvtj-cu vuj so nvvu n-vw nu-H nnlnhirptdon was The luunn lihthuulnpwutohiladapulluuno IJluuu:lnulhhaIlupupoand- tuuuunllinhdbyhqthn Q53. `l'byp0nd||yIpuIcol.bIt Iolupaulhowoolvhiohvo hnporhd. U uhuiolnplowoolguoal by _ uohuoccoatoltho `Cy. Thohlhonhnninuounuol audnmtuuo;-mod Inthnud Ivuohhulusnulldlhouuonl puldn Anlihlutyanhihtiuh nnunilvnuyunuao. Bunn- thucunprhuuddohl|IIIuuou- -1-Q K:-n -Q-QLI4 -J IL- VVII, `nu curry -'1 an: uusvu - ('3':-Iu`h|upothd wool by Inilliouol pub. Ptiouooulul ho mcuuo-I by lhohpuitlololduuul. Amrntino Ibo govonncnt hop: to Incl how Ib- -__I AL-in ..-dAl.- mggu 'I`I.- In U: C W W IIZV W? C 11!` onphuly-cu. Di-ltlnptioool wlnu cannon Why did the Teon not tax Incl: Wbydidunvnouu In-Ion? mnk M nal hi Innlinnnnl us__-_. ..-. ,r- . rm _ - H -n-can nan. -nln-D .. n-__. -._.n ----. u. -5-... uwwwawwvwu ..v- kn.- liul known the luluro of tho Intionnl policy to uuumutoo the lumen: high pticel for then pm-Inctn in bl!` as wall In good times. They were not only to raise mam wheat. outs nnul hu'lo_\'. bet- ter. cheese Iml pork. but they were to bocome rich by selling; their pznnlon an. All the heel which they won wanton- od to export wonl-l ho oonnuo-t iirtlzia county by the iulnbitlnh ol tho Irwin tad cities. Urniu wt: to be illiuonl `in mice. The Yuikeu WIN )0 Canadian lauley unl tho Cuadiun were bound to In the Auction: barley. Ilthonnh million! 0! bnlull went south ol the line 45 um! none came north. Wall. the tilt! Vito put on an tho Op- position oppooonl than u I nlauno sud lmmbq. Pulnpu it won jut on well tlinulnpolicywutriod. ndthu tho men who won pounded into voting to; thin policy was ouvhood by uetusl ox- purieneo that it in iinponihlo to incnuo by taxation in lqidtlou the would: ol the poople. lloa but it boon with hu- ` Icy? line not the tanner: actually 1 but conpollodtouoll it lot Ion than baton? llowia it with wheat . It wu 1 aid that In elect oi tho national poli~ Gywuild be. when tlnctoploll uliorito ' Quin In mlcliuouootliorwiu would 1 uuFSI.i l'ou.vIm.\. At me but it-neon oi the Qulubcc Le- gislntnro Mr. Mervin! pmlerrud ecnuns _ chums npninst Judge Iouueeu. Into premier ` oi the province. in honor In accused ul tnking n mm of money end 0! home than inuenced iulnvor ol Chnleboie in the nwuding of n onu- tllcl lot the election ol new pulnnment buildings. the gomtuumnt realized the (Inger ol voting down the domnml olthe Oppoeition [or 1 commission 0! enquiry. but it in gunned. and (at one day: at Dlontmnfen con he: been male to bring out the hots use to eetebliuh the guilt or muooauoia of Mr. Ionuenu. The lawyer: have nppeuml in number: sud cnnugd n grout wake cl time in protesting nninst thin (Id objecting to thnt nil in doing what 0: can to retard the pnecedmgs. Mr. Mntciur allowed them considerable [roe- don. but when their nation wu not in tho interest 01 the pmgmsn of the m- vesuxltiu he reminded them thnt they were let vaunted. that they hm rtmlly no buineu below the eomunieeaon. that the Ihtube oi the country plotecled ell witneeene, and that without thecuolul guardianship ol the BI!` they would be and tom the eonneqneucns of giving ctizninteryuidence. The telqrnm in mother column about just Ihnt ha been no at nccarnphuhed. llr. Justice Mouseun he: not yet appeared. and it Is understood lint In ebjecte to nppnr. < not being Lu-rl to net up-on nail- tioa sent to him. and big in the pub- lic nulueete" dijhod to abandon his I 30% Hi`. Mamie: does not think the judge should occupy the bench until the charge: against hm have been. 3 of. Wisloln Weililnguest the ol e enuclnsinn with All possi- ble haste. Dclny in llltivo of infor- euonevlnch nu nut destined to elevate Judge Slounonn In the public outimm 1 M the Bowunuvillo political Inc-nio (Inn. 1} W. XI;-Inn above-I how great ' I I.-.l L... 11.. l_.l....` Al 1|.` .._n..__- In mnnvxuon with this case there is promise 01 an tnlcrcalnng hbei suit. Mr. Merck-r chiming 8`. .'-`(Ill from In .IIm~ cm to: swing: thus be contested the Ian 0! Mr. Slonuoam. to whose eloc~ lion It oontnbntul. uul not being able to obhnn I |-oruoho Inc sold himnoll for 05111)." Mr Xlencier in not I man to be Irilleul with. and .\Ir. Tssso may nd it cuvoniout to Ipologino an be Ind to do in mother one quite recoully. W"3I'.` ff II I l_Iuun'. luu um Ins` ta-ago unhhin n"pu1ly duo so the nulnl and julou lulinu umplnwl . ip the minds 0! Btilhh ilpvoohon Ivy Ibo ulitndn ol the donimon government mind; the Unnd we Jim! um Inc auuuuuuu -m....., ..., it in the but on "cold. but II in well to not: [shut Ibo Lolhlu 811:1-at-I and l'rI:- wcpb oonidor it I hilnn-. and the In!` 5.. ..u. n..A'o.hi- In nnrv duo in the 900 III In. Lrunxacx-u/u-- vu-----_ la Iiodx! not gain Inilnouly. but lhadolcplu lotgu Dcdoen\icNuiunl0uivu&ucl:i _i_I-llIIIII`l`M M ' I-7 u`nuit.unl lo nclud vouauuunit. ~- -A-4_n-_.. _:n. u.. .'.';n J 1).. run. .UIWuou| ' ' -T-aid u` to the when Cum ' dim Ion fluid: 5-: Locum Lu 00-904 `in linglllll. qr com. tho `lion s-wt ni.. II._..l ....n llnntrnnl l.`.n:rllr. HIV II falllll. * '3'"? -" "-"'1 I"I""` um W, "N `maul Iiourllt. any _~. :, .n,_ L--. -_ ...._I Inn In in wall In FIESII FBOIS DAILY Cluvolnd hnmnaaul R` shin. don ol tho Donocn/Shh Convention IlA1I-J -nl nnllt !'.l R}! I.'h'.\` U R 'ITI .\'u` ll I.\' f.`. ._.._..__._..... Innoc-llj _-n,_A.;1._n I-W FUD III III! IQKI \IIlC'I-Cu THOICIIIHSOI is Itld IICIMIOI dtolliq on Linhlhohn ialolttlou I"I|lut'olAntlIu. `I'M man. in lo hdhioimollm B--l---- ._-._ __ -.II -A AL. I...) XCC'TIClWIlljIllXIVId""V Buiuuopuoup wollnnhollond lo-Illoh|.wInh opuxlulnhyl |-:|- punluuuul uy cl ogggrupau Illlobouhhmono AQI 73 Q Illlf