Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1884, p. 2

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1:: I nu`-nun-vuun-nu 1 ouulw hbj. hhnidlhdluuu lnhnjhnnm 1... pa. THE 1m'nsn w.nw., 'l`I'ESl)AY `EvE.\*nx.~, Jl'N_I~2 24. wv`IIU uvwv-- ltho punngol .J.J Li- -J.I.u..- Iwtl jwuvv iv VIII T` ply Oluuuuhual plnyuuui wuIuIp0I:u.dlIolImIh.lu halal. luannnuuhlnltohou. 0IJIl]'|K CIIOIII'IIII| M-nyhudvllihuucuunbn `an: I yin-Iy.IUIl I III! Ulll l'Ill` laud haunt`: nan. lot the Int 0|-0. without Inn and cldouv. sh: Wnluhuluhulthonnnouon Ibooundoumutl In Ihooounool Ma llouhpuldvctyhgh ttlhbtolhc n-WI: autumn! plutly Input- ngu the In. l'r.lo_Ou-Ilaylnul Hulalnliaauoolnlnhuoowltblah -gnlnnnnn noun l'II -uvII'III] {CD31 Ull Iondny I. uuaivaury ol his ordhulon to the prlutlnood. The onnaoula ol the Roman Catholic Ritul wmohorvod vithglutpoupand I hllaluirron- `anal In-an-In-`n nu... L. AL- A_.A Auoruv (bun! Dave. ol Bminh Uolunhh. who I; at Dunn. will return to tho Pncilo olopo at once. losing that the that lot shunning the oont|hu'on~ slily ol the Dominion Liquor [Joanne Act [In Ina postponed until Septem- Ln- Uuu n-In, nan-nu. Igr. I-'|rroll_vuuI luau! priest: wont to Ilaatunl to-ay. They meet and Ioooupny the bishop to Klnguton. Chancellor Twohoy In: tho Int to [NM hm lordship n he uoppod on the Ihumlaip Puiulnn at Qnoboo. .,,_.._ 1 u _ , , ,, u ...... u vu C 5::-uunu-u lu \.'IIv- uvucuu . Dr. Dawson. Principal of Mcill Fnivonitv. unwed in Montreal on Sun- day. Ho but been ubsout nouly 3 you. During that time he visited all 0! the principal cmuol Europe. Egypt and tho Holy pad. \ Han Ifnongll-nun` -.-gpql nphgan -A-no ihnoa-Illnluukl-nluvuooimoi awn! nlqvmw tho lulu: :2 ll dou._ kobn Id to (I (nnuuauou nan-my 4 ' - ~ I`). DAMON. Jun I Wmlnmnmo .-vuuu. Mr. Mickey. of Simcoe lsluul. sly: hip "Blue Bell" Ihllnon on pace n mile in 2:37. Mr. D. Brigg: nay: thnt his brother. Ir. 0. Briggn. sold "Johnny B to 0 gentlemnn In lltion recently. l|- I|.--an D-inning! 1| Ilnllill u-v-u. W. M. and Mn. A|oott.J. W. Clark Ind wife. Chicago; Mrs. Antoinette Thomu. Alton, IIL; Mrs. S. D. Brown. St. Louis. Mo.. no at the Burnett House. In nn,,u,,, ,. 0'; __, -4, u 5: \:`nUI\lu- \. -uvu vl nvu - uvvuu-. A. B. Cow|n.U|lt: IA.-Col. Irvine. (Mtuvn: W. 0. Bnin. Montreal: J. H. Fox. New York, Illll Lt.-Col. Brown. Ottawa. are at the British Americln vuiuwu Hotel. uv n .......... .. ........,. ........... .....u. Dr. Jackson left to-day (or Economy. N.S.. to attend the meeting of the Con- gregluoud Union 0! Nov: Scotin. | I) 0....-- 11.10. In 1`..l l....:.... "Lo. Fr. uocmhy oololuuod on In-Jaw Al `anal-ll|4LL.m-._n.. _._AI. an use-u vu nun vv xnuuvuu-J - L T. Gordon. late of tho Collegiate Institute. And now 1 resident. of To- ronto. in uniting lrieudu here. I\_ |.._l._..-. I..lA -A J-.. I... I`......,...... nu Iuv pus-nun uuulilnullo J.Tnylor but the first ngur ofhis right hand broken wlnlo playing la- crosse on last Wodnesdny. \l_ l` l1.._I.... Int- Al Al... {`..Il.u..'..b.-. -nu-uu an In . nu nu nrvuu v nv UIl'll|'| - J. A.Pol|:inghorn. al Uttnn. will act I no brigade clerk It the camp. He will all the position adminbly. I I 'l".n.l.un I..A H... Ii-no n.n..- A Li- hvuu Iv vu sonny. T. McC|mmon left 1 Como. Uol.. today. I\- \II- -J .-um .J Ibugj ._A-- .. _. -..._... ....... ...-....,. ` Dr. Wudrope. of Uuolph. goes to Europe for a few months. , Mnjnr Coolnba nml stall, ol the Sal- vation Army. 19!! (or Bellevile today. I` J A D..l|.:nn|m.m .1 nu`... -;II ...o Sir Alex. Campbell will return {mm the west today. Mr. M. O'Brien. of the Windsor. hu gone to Chicago. 'I` Mat`--um-.. I..u L... I... I...--. in [am only actuated by the must hu` lGiVQ in the intsrenuu: Lb: until an put being nnnoynd cin- oonvanionced in any vn by my neigh- bor`: singing. having hu the tympdnnm of both can ruptured some yous ago by the bellowing of a man who us behind me in church. I hope thnt man is m lloavan. but I llIV8 my doubts.-Yours. Juno 2!. Z. Kouz. The People Whose lurolnolh. Bnyln Incl Doing: Anrncl fnulng Alunon. Iuauuyun ll and 3085 new ll MI 0! than thi it would take 1 church wuden (w_ o hu"tleIi.seva-al times )`te3ggetlowith.~'-No doubt 5 crew eonsiderl his the most musical V0100 lllolll. birds. but it isn't. The (mg I!!! no doubt About his nhilitiel aI n voonlist. and his feelings sre hnrt he is hiuodhyhin neighbour. the snnlie. He has no donht n good voice. lerelrouchut it wouldn't do [or I con- , cert hall. Wells` donuey has I strong - voice. but there cannot he said to be much linrmony in it. Although he could ` drown the finest singer in the land. And 3 so it is with the majority 01 the sweat B singers of lsnol who attend church. (I don't mean that supcriorclsss of beings ' who constitute the ordiunry church > choir. I will have something , shoot them later on.) They may line 5 some mistaken notion that it is put of their religious duty to sing in church. So it is.iif they run sing. but the Lord I don't expect men or women to do impos- , sihilities. Tho diilicnlty. in attempting a reform. would he to nd some uian brave enough to tell loud voiced congre- ' gntioual iiingers thiit they sro inistekcu r in thinking they possess voices. He would be u hrnve man indeed who would venture ouch n remark to some of the think-they-are-aingeririp "the church I slumber in. There are several woyii. i however. in which the nuisance could be dealt with without running the risli ol personsl violence. The `Romnn Catho- lics ii long time ago were trouhlod with this very question. Those in nu` tliority. alter a great deal ol cou- sideratiou and debate. determined to make, a link movement on their congregations. by lining all tlioir singing done in Latin. The singers in the oongregntiou kicked, but it wss no use. They were inlormed that they must either sing in Latin or not at all. That settled the matter, they were sat on end the choirs have done the singing ever since. Latin heinga language fu- inilier to all protestnnts would not nnswer the purpose it did with our Roman Catholic lrionds. but Russian. Arabic or Hlndosteneo. might puzzle lora time some of our church soug- sters. Even n short respite would be It reliel. The change would he hailed with delight. Thosoprnno would he hap- py at being ehle to climb up to U shove the line in Russian. and from that ilizzv height look down on the contralto who has to content lion-ell with n moderate ight in ltiilmu. How happy would he the hasso if he could go down into his boots and lroni theirdepth roar Hinde- stunoe at the tenor. who could only squehli in Ariinic. The change might be made. The choir would be delighted nnd lung suffering congregations mule happy. I sun nnlv nntimtnil lw tlin must Ini- to say ' !ACh|ngoIoud-V|u_v|olI - lg: Wkl- nullullrryupgun u-u-Mu. ' 2'! Amer. llrima way. 7 ~ Si:-.-lonh odov it "tho baby," in the country at obnftoh nuinlcu. coma n.|lIV cue: seconds. to out-indog th` choir, Why some men and wpmen in every church think they line I right In nuke thomlplveu n nuinnoo-yto their -ninlnhnnrn In u nail mac 3. nun` nl C | lunomnnu-vomuwlnotriu.||d in l'EIL\'UNAL UUhUI N. ..__7..$a;.-.____-.-__... .~1:n._\u lK,CHEIi:ll: . for his homo in . "nIl'.u.'..'.'i;'.'.3;'.'. '2"J.'i? 'n...a."""'...'.a' Wmhn ouuhwunnououlu Ilzdl o'clock. lotpn 8 south nonun- bondtlpsook Exchange. Tboyuu known 9- ncnhut baton. duo! on- ohunnddonltiunollrllhonotontho nooklm. Fbolnounhnoldon. Iujnn lluuooluoo Qlhjq-A Vary on Inna low 0: I1- CHIC] l-l' llI$Y VII" II ImI)lC- WIT uho came in night. A noouulliukl. however. wu ooobd between the [II- hn. ' A Woman Ilopoo was In llrolhor-In law - ltoeopuou mun on Iolu-ulna. New York, Juno $4.-'|ln. Lckoluo. nl (hnlon city. who doped I low day: ago with but brothot-in-lnw.'DnIhun. was 5 but has In` M by; douc- tlvo. W nho u-riv at tho depot Ioliclvio wu In wng with 5 revol- votndubonloolvlltol. Ho intended to kill Dunhun and dinlgwn his wllu. In. Dunhun wu also [Inuit and M- Inokod her sister with Ill nmbnlln when ulna nnlnn nn night A w-nnnnlli-Mun lint n-$ II wulllunnnm 0-rho flu in-oh at I canal. U30: nlluglo cnlupdhlnuhd ol the : I'll vulhnnpun ; I uvululnnhtonlunnomnr-own! manna: non. Vionm. June 24.--'l`ho nunpnpon hen oomidol the Anglofnnoh maroo- Inout. handing Egypt. highly ulnntt noon: to I-`nnoe. Tho Auglolfronoh Arrungo-out Puwnlnrly Booolvotl - (II-dulouoh Ln Ilbu-Q. London, June `lI.-The Honsn ol Com- mon: wu packed to tho nunou lul night. with pooplo union: to but Ulnd none : Iutomonu. Tho Lihonln were profuse in their oxpmuionl ol nppmnl. Cairo. Juno I-I.-Tho propoood ur- nuxomonu (or the {atom ol Egypt ennui s most lnvonnblo impression ham. v._ ._-_.. .--v. _.._ v,. N Y I.J I5.-Thcuqullol l'u...'.n..2.`. . 3.... ........... UOIIIIIIMI 'II'I)!l.llII IICIWUCII Iue -u-nu nun (`hr|It|nnn-lnny Arr:-utul. St..I etonbu .Juno :H.-lntolh noo lnm Nizhnoo ovgomd conrms om- porta of soonict botweon tho Christi- nus and Jew: which were yealerdny le- niml. Lu: Thursday the rumor wu circulated that the Jews In-l kidlmppod I Christian child anal ukon itto the Synngogno. Tho mob quickly collec- Ieduud attack the synagogue. Many Jews were harshly huuillod uul sovorul killed. Much dnuiuzo was done to the houscs ol the Jews. A larva polioo lorco sud couucku at last rouoro-I onler. l-30 IVPCSLS. l A `l`en-Ilc struggle llelwoon Tn. Nnleul AlhIe(es-NIII'y Ede Fnlln. Cincinnati. Jnuo `1l.-The wrestling match tonight. (or 85(1) I side and the entire receipts at. the Gnnd Open House. between William Muldoon and Duncan C. Rose. drew 2.(XX) people. The first two tells. Unnco-Romeo. next two side holds with lurneamnnd the lust cnteh-u~cM.ch~cnn. Mulcloon won the lint in three minutes. end the ne- oond in 13 minutes. Ran won the third in 9 minutes. Ind the fourth in 85 minutes. Muldoon won the am. in 17 minutes. The lourth full was a ter ric ntruggle. There were seventeen aide {Ills before I hit [all was gained. ...-.. .--,.-_ _......_ .._.. ___, Helena Montana. Julie 2 1.--\'esler lay I cloud burst. occurred near Corbius. 20 miles aouthof llolenn. whan U leet of water rushed down I gulch towunls Jel- forson City. wuhing Away in chineso house Incl drowning three occu nts. An alarm was u-lophouecl to Jo erson And put of the people found rolugo on tho hill while others sought second tloon. The water spread beloro r-,-aching the town uul when it posted through the utnuhwu nocdup enough to sweep any uyofthoulnll bolus. A gon- ter mile of the Helena tad Joenou R. an. -nmluul nml lI'IIIl"I alnmnmdnna In tor Inna oi are none: um unenou u. was wnshod. and much damage done to the goods in the atoms mud to the crops. London. June `.N.-'l`ho Governor ol Alsace and Lorraine dissolved I nu mher of workingmeni nssocingions. evening schools and benet societies. charging time they wore vehicles for tho propaga- tion of socialism: doctrines. I V " '- V II. PAUL` IADIIIMID l)clI'l'Y. ` `PAID IAIJA ON New York. June `.!|.- I-`rnucia L`. Bar- low says he dial not nuke the sub.-meni. nnrilxutod to lmn yoatenhy. lle alu- clnren that there will he no third candi- date if Cleveluul is nominnod by um lhmocratn. ..... .T.... ......._.- . New York. .luuo`.H.-ll in uicl lhu Jny Gould In very nngry at W. ll. Vnu- nlerbilt because tho Inner rtslune-I to help him out 0! his nancial chicu|- ties. ' New York. June `.M.-.l. W. Bnruln ol Hotchkiu & Burnlmm. who rccel failed, shot. lnimnnll at Yonkers I morning And dieul in I low wiuulpa. Shenandoah. Pm. Juno 24.-Somo `.10 houses. occupuxl pnncipnllv by lluu~ gm-iaun. were burned hero yostonlny. '1` hn.-o hundred people are homeleau. New Yorln May 2:}. -- -Twdntv-Mo Mormon miuiounnou. wiu: !:(l)c<-nvcrta. lmcnndnnnvinn and Kl) English. at- rivod by uwnmlhip Arizona. Bella. Juno ;M.-_'I`he Pnu-I nsby- who Council was convened this morn ing. lklqnles won: present from every quutcr of the globe. -_---- V,` -.__. _.--.-u Curio. Juno i3.?-`l'_ho nmm. sage: regiment will grtivo at Auioulo )-mob row for Anpouua. . 0Ii|is.Jnn.o21-lIin mama `gm 'o`v'in'1iuia`I i ` rai pzocily treaty Iith tho Uuitod Sales. l V W." C-*lI.|I BGIIQYGI IDII I :.:;i..:|::upah,:-nu: Johnnou at ('do~ UIJIIQOIIIKO I'll Pul.|(`& LGIIIIIJIIO 8.-l0.iI believe-I Hut Lhn Alli HVXQIIKI Jnhnnnn In 3|`. QTIMUBERBY FESHVAL. _ you or Anon: um Co--<- I MIFLDOON DEFIATS ROS`. 'i'r'm.1-zunufunc xsun-3; 00! "IN 'Il.\`I`I.I|' I000. L Bnruhun. . recently this In nuinnipa Jill Jlrjbjt-. v I mhnhuh lacuna contra TIAII IOITOI 0000 Alfal. Inn. PIOHTI. QUIG awn: --.-. -nAn:1A:nn lII'l' IIAIDI CIOAIP AID 1`OIAI ` cl0AIIfl'-. HPII. POUOIII. IIIIXLL DIVIDINDIII damn-I 00 than sun. was Ibo Wu! soul alum 0|-Iyhrtloounul vou.uII.|ono nut-ppblo uI.bdc0Ioo.UInnuoo that YIVIIDAV. fl urn lcAI`rI('l. muuoo. not Ink. III. Inna. I Inna. - - .....- L1`: ..".`.- .',.... 2'--' -.'-:. W . _ V. . . tar. as [manual cl hanoovlllo 1.1301-in ctr vv hail. M Ihauouvlllo. an Inn Int.,lhnbon Iiocul Io Jouvlnu lllb. both d lkuvoun Al I'|oIon.on m |-0.. Wodoy luau. In ONIIQI .5013 ol huh Innis? u`'u. u ` | an O1 . olfuun Iulcouly. L. . . ._ . porucuy umnun nomad. u ave: non Mun hull tho labour. Tlmd. It in the annual in the main. luv more could In given but um should ha nulhasem. rm uh UV tll (moan. The reason why "Nonneh Washing Com- pound" should be and in preloronoo to All other walling pnpntnioun. Fiat. II in porfoouy Iunnhn Round. it JOHN MON:I EATH, I.-- on I...-.-on . !M|oh'I cnurrh Ciro. A nurvolloun cure for Usurrh.D|p&horia. Canker loath sud lluduho. wan: each bank than in nu ingenious nun] injector tor the mnro Iuooonnlnl treatment 0! this complaint: without our: charge. Bolgl by W. J. Wilson. "'r' rT 838 Princess St... 11- n._.---um n-I Al|- -.11.`: yarn may mun must on to un time. Dr Hun`: Fornolvont I y cum ll. Sold by W. J Wilnou, I lot 251: Then nre nun; [veo lo who thunk in coma they hue aue (mm I corn for they mun nuor to the and 0! will nun --AND- Sig If UOII III BIKE III HYTIIIJDIIS 0! B1`. LIQII1 _ _Il_Ih n__Iho Inn Negloetodrmlrdn. - in ne choc! All dnouen of Ibo uugn. are cured t my Allen`: Lung llnhnm. Soc ndvl. /oo-->- hm the gold one. Mr. llnmmoml, ol Whoeling. \\`.Vu. shot: drunken man [or intimacy with his wilo. llo wu sent to the penntelr titty. Now Mn. Humnoml hn uisuull. od William Sheih; I music nlonlcr who pmminoul to mnrry her and thou mfuood. She claims that Shoih mspimal her lulu band to shoot the traveller. W..|. Wnuon...` R. Burr ....... .. J. Qungloy ..... .. I . Nonhnu ` 1`. .\lcCormick T. Johuntou UCIVKI-I'll `Hill: Tho house of Lewis lhckloy. near llillnboro. Oregon. Ill bnrnocl on St tlinhv night. The suppose-I romninl oi Mn. Knckloy was found in the ruins. She wu murdered ind her house burn- an` WCKVU CIU HUI Flu- I-Zxtnordinary precaution: have been taken to nesuro the nloty ol the Queen und Princess Brnrioo in their journey lrom lhlmornl to Windsor Castle. - n,..,-_I :__A|_- J--- uuu: unuuulul in: vv unu-u vs-an Luv. uiklmn mob battered iu the door 0! um gnu! at Vinconnos. In-I . took out (llivnr Cnnnhl. who mnnlerocl .\Ira. ol um gnu] at. V Inccnnos. mu won Oliver Cnuelxl, who murdered Mollie Uherkin. and hIIlJ],:u(l him telegnpln polc. 'I`I.n Lnnun nl l.nu~i.u |\'nnI1Iu\` I Uu nvl nun-. Tho employees ol the West Sholfe RR. again thmuten to atnke It Niel! Inge: are not paid. |.`..o.......i:..--.. .....4...pi.u.n Ina. Iuun an. lunar: onlunn In-nut. III` P. 0. wuun:-uq nu yu- unhuvouuu pr mound 0! I I an Ni`-III`: nlul Tu clay`: Nun: (`student-all lluwu fnr Our Busy llmulu-rs. The Plulndelphia cnckek-rs nleloulo-I thoputluueu ol Leicostt-rullirc It-am B) to 152 runs. vIuL_ ,A__n,_ ._ .1 AL, u'...n 2...`..- --j-oji Su.1.uu I-`um; (hu.a.~\\'hy don't. you Improve your com It-non. You cnn dz no In using Goldeu ruil. lmter and l nllx-. Sold by ull druggista. -----oo-~--- uarn -;m Aug ; Sept. _ canh 54; ; re Pork And Lnrd - Outs - `J63 Sc-pl. ' June 2|` \\ hou- unchanged ; prime mm. angle 10* ;prime rod] auto 110. Corn-n:udy ; No. `2 western GJ. OAtII-quiet , White mm 2 Bnrley-~noml ; Na. 2 (fund; N`-' ; No I Cnnnda N6. ~ . Rye -quiel. ;Cnnmln 70 in bond. . Montreal. Juue `N. Flour-reoei;-un 01:00 bl: ; ales reported none. The (allowing an the lagegt quou tioun: -1-`lour. superior sun at 5.40 In 5.50; sun 6.00 to 5.00; nnnugonn 4.30 La 4.40. v-urorno 3,lU to 3.50; Iuong baker`: 5.!!! to 5.75; Duo 3.20 to 3.25: mid. 3.00 no .!.l0; polhrdn 2.75 to 2.130; Ont.`bc;.:n 2.00 In i.l0 any bugs 1.80 to 2.85 for strong halo:-`v. GnIn-wln-cl. rod wintor Ll? to 1.1x; No. 2 while. l.l5 to 1.16. '(.'oru `NFL! 72. [`aAn90m9I. (ht!-'1'.|to ll. Bulayb Inc 704:. Rye 70 ho. Oumeul 4.50 lo {.75. Common 3.60 to 3.70. l`mvinion|- But.I4r.(`.rounry. 30 '0 224:. I`ort-- 19.50 :10 l`J.7. n. Lard-10`. to Ho. Ruoon-l3 to I llIwf.l7l 0lllll )', X0 TM}. I'0'I-- l'J..';0 to l`J.75. Lard--10}. to Ho lhmu-l3to Ho. Cbeese- N In 9} Butte.'-l:| to I24. Whoal.-- Sig June. (Born -56 llnrr won the silver 4 _. u. `ftdifili lacuna! 1' lognph It-nohelion.......;..... Uny Pun.-nlgor. 0u........ '1` 'wu.n""o`i i'inT"uo' "Ai"is'u'E'ii"1`.'-`a . unlll'.l.t aunt; ll runny ntuulnclnlhn.-Itynn nub llulr.-.0! M wijj jn In Iux`: _III to vtllabrlu. ' xl I tu`Abouu"u hr canny an--nn nnnunnunn-uunn-. N w.1.. (;o.......,. Cundn Pueio RR. IlI;I|| 1| Bunquo Juuquu Julian. -Ian.-hum.............. Dnolnn umpo...... Comnom.-.. lluboudlnu you CLOVIII Lin `HIOTII SKID. SIR!) GRAIN. CIIOICI PANI- |.v Plnnn an ruuun. Doha`: Iloeh. Prlunu snort. `luau: nnnxn IAIl._Bl' run`: A urn-uurv uuu-|o.......... . Bnnq duhuplo . uo:.o'.'.'............ OO_ .`_A.L. N 3* 1 9 !!!3 =!_ _`_ nah: l:Ofl .l. Blulw hr an nmrnoon And 0 all the Inn lulu. pun; "'"n.au.n:'u'nnu "13:. ":`u":."" : V0 050 0 I no .omnIl and an o xhn|nunu 0:1 to 6 II suaaupplyuo o--. (`U.\'l)F.N.\`l-II) 'l`|'Il.l'l(i RA \l.\'. mnrl-Inn. Univ: than :1. , Juno 9%. Icon. ne. Aug 5.3;; July ; 5!; June; null 54'` : rei. 47 var. `Markets. July ; ...__: y`: Quoll Isl!-In ..1l J.J ..~l0 l|.I Al I.` JAIII IWIVUP. no chnl. And by us slum. -9;. 17 var. -not quolod. ; 3 July. 43%: ova? WEE:/as/on PER STEAMER MAUD qnoil. In I on- M I 0|IllI ..... I. Cochnuc.. F.mpoy..... '. (`lurk .. . lm.-sdalo . lhll . Dodds . I l`.-mI.._- Pnonnoll Juneil. : Aug. `H5 Sept. I will u, Drugzint. M) inn` 1753 F5 on 42; I ononam orronn.| - mm |_ ?.jAll__. I9 Z_._9-..E Oubf latlllhnnhlnall 'c'v'01~Tom:R'I-, X DAIII.'I I.AIII-.')AII\ XUYIKTV I` 9| 12!} I76 I II Hmarican and cum STYLE? | mac ITIII1 unuv] [c/mp sritj Inucn 1-noun lillool. `aqua. Juno Int. til. F. NISBET S,' Eon. uPnirIo Dnnm uud ouut Poomu. by Nucbolbl Flood Davin. 15. TIM In Sho Cured For. by F. \V llolnu. ....II\. x l.l.(!oIllNCl on IATUBDAY Nan` ulonty hard: thuunot during tho on-nplonlngpn,-n.,gn A. nunn a C0`: The Wny ol the World. h) 0. J. Murny an. Beyond the Gator. by the nutbm or the Oahu Ajn. 90. Chinenn Goldon. by Qrvhihuld Forbes, nuan Peruvonnen What. the career of n Travel hug (brronpondout. . -0o. A llomu: Ringer. by I-. I. (Inwford nuthor of Ir. hues. ll 25. ICE CREAM ROOMS -IIow oran- R- H~ 'I`OYE- Jamal! Prdauor (haunt. by Hon. L. S. Huntimn don. sun. HAS. CRAWl'"URD'S! Lou: ||d_I`i`mtnen_m:m{ Society. I '30:. onlho :1-pro-ch ol Inrm weather, we ` II n mos met It! Touglw nlll I'I|lI' Fool II In- nu-n IIAH Ihn Pun: nlI`nn|u. ' 1|: nlm nnr nTif|-:_iror{iiiE NIIIOIIII I'll!!! III! nruulvnu. I-c-..I"I|'|' \\'|:u|. Rollo-I lluloy nu-I lye. lho lxullhlual Inn! an un warm. ' LADYFBIENDSJ The COINS ll IOOIIIOIO. coin Uuvdn-nd`Shuruu 650. But u'.am...u Shim min-. vna.-um nu cou.u.,_ Iurino. Lido Tllrotd and llk. chap. ' Hus)` Ream]:-on Rm: nl Ie. n |IIil'. ` on Q. -..-.- , . _.__., , __.__.-_... R M'F'AU L, Juno :3. NEW BOOKS I UL/II ll'|lUI U! I IIUI I I IIIXI-I'l4 nl III In Incl ovorythlng um II wound in the (Hour: Lino on be Mil M GENTS F_L?_RNlS~lll%%1\'GS {Tow Loops. V'3:9&n:/QQV ,\. O,.,m,m._.m3_ 1,, Q nu mm NMH cludi the Gen- `X /` mm-t .-uxn en-:1-: 'rm:M em! rdonosette O CLARK &MINNF.S For ' `hr Plilnunl llaul Hz.-n. Prlnrns I.. luuguon. Iolnnlnuh duh; Ibo Rnulu. Conant. 1:! Ivan: nan-I. 'I'&:-- ll slhlhna. I||c'cl' Jnnn ' DI \rnnI.nu Inn- |N,OTF THE TTTRACTIONS !| SOME OF OUR { "`Ei`ls l7'B0N'l'ElIA\. Iolhulllluolun-I CLARK &% MINNES Anon: luv I.nIuu`- lmmon Ma. R- NlIAo`.-A. UT'q_I._.. ST. Al tho Pupulu Ind l'r'ogrcuu\-o Sloro or mmumllimviu. --0070--- LAMERT I. wALsH, ru norm! ntw. Pun:-I Iannt vuruuuuu - -u--- --v--. '- 'I'lII3III|LYo JUNE OCT: Flu um II o'clock pm. n oiled ha. lllnwhonlu. In Cram. Fll ILISS PLITEI IIIE Jo/Inlolfc Jam //.-I7 Slam [ma PLATED ms IV E VII?! Ililflflll 1'0` (}ALl.()WA YRS`. T. Iclulov. Elly look Sim. J . ANTISILI. ALLEN. Speech of Hon. E 1/ward B/a/re OUIII 101.11 at my man no 3:: mo cu-uny: II-uneven! for .~a vslhtnu Ion on Its Inca naocuhlo lerun. Apply us. 1. vlmrlunu. Ind Inns and Conmbtun Apit. Ap I. 1:!" ol Imquon. READ A REPLY '|T.A-uni-I C wAul_ . nu. '."..`wLI ism - cnnwmm I CELEBRATION. Seven Per Cent. Per lnnum. Inland. [uynhlo Isl! y-only on In (klolnrv man: A nl. . `Photo I slave in clouolutnulonn M II to `Hill. 081 lld Qltl`. uni lam part M An In-un uutlatlud in] Art (at l`ul|unonl Ilnrh II I Int lion am: Hi the Itneo. can um plllll .4 Ibo Com]:-Any. U!` l :\.\. \l'.`\ Ul` f hlh) ['Ul\ u`.`\l.l`A l$1oo,c5o llliS'l` M()ll'l`(iAl . li(,).\'l).H` TB [INNER nuwnrnnmnu BILL. ,- THE ,BELL TELEPEUNE EEMPANY osLEi"h;Ii}iii'i0i`6rio, II Eh... ....|uI..a 'r....... .. Tlddltrlound M]! In. Incl Am] Odlovuyb. NI l`nnn H . In tho Plus to not at. ll Alalo VII ITYLRI. TORONTO Ma rm/mv. The mind`: Ibo Ilnmlnrd of tho mun nu! ma nunvlnrvl ol u,-Cntlemmn at Ilnnd urctned Intuvou lmm In ||vnI, IIN. Ihuch plloo null my me |-nmhuer In I ltll Ind nyli-h Ila. 0|-' (`ANADA OFFERS 91! SAM-I JUST .\ TMIVID AT hm l`RIN(`l*2.\`S- s.4'1`n1~;il;'r CALEDONIA SPRINGS. :.7..'3=}_'5=..Zl-7`=. gangs nnnvuoununnnua W _ I 8: - In I IIII'IZ IO I`I`N'I`H. 80].!) BY GEHT POSTED. y 1.: THOMAS IIANI I2 oh I . - Bu-an-Pgwufnuuinauol .-...__._...V._.__.. -- -w- ' . -3:-. --.-n-Q n... L. ghlg In FRIDAY, Juim mm. A GARDEN P ARTY A".-um... I..a. GFANDHHOTEL plhl Stunt-d. ....."' ...'........J ........... njhuhuhunnoo =IlCnl&AulI- pifd *,, aoiisi. To LET. ll lfltlll `lAL'D"v1lI have the run ry Winn: IlnNlll)A\'_ sch INST-. an I I. caucus _._,.._ , , 00 101.31` man to it tho ug-nul : u pupal . sd minions Ion`: lg: you New Advertisement . _ 03- IBIDlIiIIIAYq I5'l`Il. __~':E|::an3.o": . ........_..n- __ .-..-.n. no u 0.. ma gm Jun. '-4 -.4 nun-.5. (Ln -. FOR SALE. III neolnd Ia tho nndtr II Illht duh Id Wllllnnln huh. bouuholnnno. u. 1rolJl.nnu.I-or. an 0_ III -nun! Ova-Ia-tetanus--uubmnnou. nnljnjhhlnh-I anus DY8PEl'i-IIA ---nhnlnnnln-n--on-4-I-IL.`-n-. ww- lhjuloud. Ivjo I-- 13-13 F T `II u -and ch as I-u. union in an Iuulynnllhuhcuntqud -us. a-an-nun-impugn-an UZFIIQ]-Zuijiijjilij nu. 1'5.-I-uuupuu-um .'.u.n.a-|n.n..|...L..nL..na. .'.I'.....-u.i..'.T'J.I.u...'-.......'. in hunt sh hind gunman`: Iulnv uupluuhnn. it gnunl hu- cInlplby.udIt|huOyIoIhBIIId 5 TLn-I-ht.-kl-:..-g-L. `l`hIl$|h0l`I`|lhy`n-ldomlhno II n-annludhgn-n -n-IJL--nL.....L.. uvvuu I-V U-`uncut: wu-I wluvll Cut Ouadhnuelliclhcvoboonhulond la. Thnhcthnhoondtbrhtpuu oruhunochuu known by oIr1`ory lriudsthsuholohl allot l`|uy'n unload-Ila!-Ily thdrnluo. uultM|latsn|co(Qmunludncnri- Ihnhdunnuuutultotlnuhu ol Ivollnoolhounonlnqniud. u~|..|..- L..` n...... an... -I~L-I III II] '1': Irv-In Vila nu Inrulur-C Ivuunr huolqu-hnI(oloupu`oout.,otjno\ hill the ndlbtiol oloohd by sir R. Gnu-hm. Andlhnipuldoolnuhun undo that its caption with which Ibo IE-gall`: A-Q-olli-n luau. L... A.-J-gal IINIIIICII 01$ Qollntclu In vqlwlpxuulnlb nu-Ihnouuo =='a:~*=':*"*-""~ hr run and unpu mun nninod-nu I113, qurv. Tbecele will. thus. not stand oom- perinon with the melee ol Sir-Richard. who not only brought about I reduction oll per cent. in the intercnt. but ob- killed (or hn eccnritioc prices A: high as those which were peid to: United Stews nocuntiea. And how locu Sir Leonenfn eelc compete with the celc 0! United Stetoe bonde? It in eolne per cent. woucthenlheloencol 1874 end I816. end eurcly this in not e mettor ` upon which the Finance Miuintcr or the gave:-nnent which he repreecntc cen ho complimented. Ac the Globe mo re- merh while oomlmuing Sir Rncherd Certwfuht (or reducing the Iete on Ca- evlien eecuritiec from 6 to I per out. it ucucely has in the months cl theori- tice to glorify sir L. Talley for Iecceed- ` in under vectly more hvoreble cir- onmetencee. ll e tine w money In Ieerlv 60 per cent. cheepe than it we: in NM. end when the Enghnln Chqpcel-_ Into! the Exchequer Inc inn inlay!- Ilhd e reduction ol the 8 petcent. ccecclc) ueeleelina e reduction at the nhcheteclnueceeurou 4 percent. to M pecceet. being e ecmlcel reduc- he-e`n-A_H-Ilnlnnnnninnn nolnnl An attempt in being made by the min- iatorial plea to show that the sale 0! Canadian 8] par cent: at 1:91. la. Bd. xa an exoollent one. and more advantage- oua than tho sale: conducted by Sir Richard Cartwright in 1874 and I870. l'hia will be dinputorl by those who re- member that Sir Richard oated the ma: 4 per cent. loan. and that the gen- ual nu ol interest on colonial neuri- tiea in lower now than it was ten year: ago. Dadnctinu the uaaal allowauoaa ` tha sale of 8} per cents. payable in 25 yuan. in not. better than A`l)-aa nearly an poaubla -I per cen.-and. beaidea we I I per cent inunnt. Sir Leonard will have to pay at the upintion of tha time 101` which the loan tuna 1'10 upon away 100. Tlmn-la -.Il alum nnl nhunl noun, 1 fvvuuluuu-no II-u juyuunzun-U :- wluly nd judiciously expended. we; hope Ald.'l`hompson'n Iuggealion will beulopted. Ills: be will be given on- luggxl power. the power In do u be -Ghhll right without dictation or inm- luonoe. When he cannot do this it WI ho time lor him to ruign his oioe sud all its nuponsibiliuon. vvu uuu uuuuuguu-,.--u Iowa. unnu- plbnnoloo that thopullinmonoy in -I-alt Int` inrlininnnlu nvnn-ah-ul -n k'l`ho eppointmeut of `ox-Aid. Irving In city engineer end Architect in the boat the council hue ever inede. end we mil- telxo public opinion very much it it in not unanimous in its epproul thereof. We hevo known Mr. Irving lor many year. have lied oppettuuitics to now his special qualications. I|.l(l we ere honutl to any that if the Council advertised lot e your. and At the end ol that time nnmmon~ od below them all the epplicante. no one could bo found so well llttod lo:-`the place nested by the (loath ol Mr. Cover- delo. Ho hen uivou ovideuooe ol his ebility es en architect and engineer: he hu. indeed. to our knowledge. no- oomplialiual ronulte which more preten- tioun person: tried in vein. end no el- than need entertain the slight- et doubt d leilure in his con- nection with our street improve- Inentl. Hr. Irving in. in ehortlll an hr the unequey.ntl being eon- --A..Aa_-.. eL.A AL` -.-III.__._.- I- I I I v I Tho member: at the Council` huo. pnrhops. noted Ilnoly ln rolnnlg the lune llll ol money townnh the erection ol 3 eonlnl nchool. especially when the recall ol an nlnul will he tohovc the ochcmc. as developed by the Bond ol I-Education, uuhmlnenl to In: their uppiovnl or:rgjoc- " Hon. 01 course to come extent the nupnyon will only vote upon the . qneotion ol uchool nccomnodntlon. not upon the shape which that uncommo- dntlon wlll uh. The uononl public cannot have thought our the bent. kind ` 0! school building, or over the bout moons ol remedying existing defects; but the men who have been honored wnh "election to the school [mud have done this and we really believe that I cnpncionu and [ully equipped central school will only meet. tho requiromonu ol tho oily. Thus the peopllo will cur ry the by-low we hove no doubt. the 1 educnlion oltho children being. in the osumntion ol the majority. of ponmounl. ` Importance. 1 1 Rs. Ijlo \..l -15.. 1,3 u-I -v----- I boon delighted py nbnnhll niu. 1 an puny encouraged no `ntici a root] Inna. Banking in being u on quite u cuunin node by n ..'.1:'.;";'.|..n" 15:; '..I"' Hui: K III -3 .3XIlI|V' @309 ll "pu """ihiB"'li' 'IolL1on'" S.-nun-Ls;-gt. hnnnrnlli an u-.n` Fill} Illl Illll 39$ ! nit yin-guns hnwovonu gononlly I: though lhey Ind ovotyhith in the [lulu ot the `j 777 h . A out-rnpoodut. writing hall P080 llet. C.P.lL. up that union lmn-_ _ L... 4I.l:..Ln..I I... -9..--alnnl vain: Thai giilg 3%7lIig.. _.. _,. .__._,..._._...,. _._..__.___ _.. 1`ILI.I'Y`S 1.o1vuu1v_-}:u.v. Ihhol runs." They `ntici|n_&o- L.._.- Jan.- II, Ivluv r piagsxnig -nulu I In-v tbputhlh who u- daulhouwhnglululuuawhlduh houihdlvnuluphd. .--nag...---.-a- H- 'l "nu. nuo-an nlntntllln nae. wldnwhhlul-odunhsluhldhuloom .I__.._I;_ .L____. L;-;, .|n.l__. __ wuuvuuuuvtuu IlIwX1-_' uni] honhrlquulhnthnh Ihny-tour ollh oou|hI-lnI II to lol- Thhnhvcdlhuthunhool bond 0:- _g.l..J AL- _A_l.A__A __.___.._ tvA'|;I'.V'h|l pound on that ulna- Uucnulu Kiuplonlhuuy only In lhhpln Anal In: than In lhndujnno -vuguu -uuuuu was - oonuun with Ihowuu at the my Iuvpmdto school accommodation` ll uybody.aI|hoob)oohdIothunoIh_n ol 3 natal uohool. claiming that Ibo Ilhpl-upon-lwulutooillmnd the youth auction at I In hull and a drill shod Inside it wouldhonduiv No. He advouuallhopnnlnuollbo "Polly" and concluded by advocating thouubnldonollhoqmltionol an |nAnn.I. Ald. Clements sold that the school` i oommittos hsd svoidod dictating to the board in thcir nport. boonuso the lotto: how their wont: better thsn the com- Inittoo. The school building: were the worst ho hsd not soon. sod he hoped that In futon building: more sdnpt~ shlo lot school purposes would be sroot ed. Ho thought s control school with sight toouas all thst would ho roquind ' Iuyunwho. Ald. lolislvoy thought that tho smooljnud its oompotont to judged ` that they nqnind. [lo strongly pro- tsstsd susinot any further seuotlottoos ` touching ths polohsso ol the "Folly." van - Ald. Bonmnuhnm rolnukod upon the nnpronhblenou of turbine: discussion. The people could decide II to what wu roquirod. xvnauroonn I unuuun nu-our-Inn -~- -"_._..- ..-_ __,.',....-._. Md. Dnnu approved of I oontnl school. lle did not like to we the board`: purpolu bnrkod one: they had been uunimonolv decizlod upon. He we: not flvonblo to the erection ol "hack kitchen" to the present schools. They would spoil the nppeunnce ol the buildings. sud destroy the light unl air which were so indinpenslblu to children. He lelt that I control school would Id` Inlnbly answer all the wnntn of the city. ALI Ilgp-nu-...I.--n inrm-b |..A nnunn. 0|... ucuuull IV Iuuuu Ul Uuuluuun. AM. lcuniro Acknowledged the per- tinonco of tho ream-k. Wnnt of Ipuoe might be a dillionllv which would oper uh Ialinut hi: some-non. All n._ -___.__.l .1 , _,.,._-| urrv-v Iv I yuan-can nu-vvln Ald. Wlhoulhouahl tlnlhowu u --nnj-A :XAL AL; 1-5. -I AL. `I-- :`_._:.__._.?.-_..__._ .-u'- mum. Ald. McGuire was not hvonhlo to n centul school. He thought tlut tho ntiounl way ol relieving ovoxcrowdinu would be to erect Iulditionl to the pro- Iont schools. Soven rooms oonld bo uddod at 3 out ofhbout 0711!). As the tolerance of the mutter to the people would entail no cost. he wu. however. hvonble to snob I proceeding. AI.'I Y\..--d-nu -u.-T-.54.! A-ul IL-5 01...... ..w....... w ....... . ...w........,;. Md. Downing pointed out thnt them wu not snlcient ground About the school: to Admit of ulditionn. All u-n_:__ --I._-_l-.)_-.I AL- _-_ -'* "_l'J -rr-"H -W IIs"------u "- hho money. He concluded bin oddrou by pointing to the fact thnl. the oonncll should proceed to refuse tho bond`: re- qhen sud have the mutter referred to the people. and to make their action legnl ho moved the n! raullng of n by-lnw grunting` 010.5(1) to the school board. .......`...,.. .., ..... ......n.......`. The trustees who had considered the question. om] who were as responsible to the people on the members ol the council. lonnxl that a control aahool would best meet. the requirements of the city. It would relieve all the out.- lying schools. acting on El sort ol reser- voir. The bonnl luul so devised the scheme tho: only one aglditionnl toocher would be necessary. and yet they would get I2 more rooms hy the chonge. The control school scheme seemed to be the but my to relieve the over-crowding. He thought the bond`: position \ good one. uni ll it was not noeoun to lot Illaqnutiu no the people he would L... .1.-nd---....-5.3 oh. ......o;.m.-1 It'll, pinnlnuulu. Ald. Whiting acting on the mguthpiece H cl the-School Blr-~F5II~ -- V a ed the cameo lending to the request for the money grunt. The Benn]. Accord ing to 1.w.'wm bound to provide ode- qonte accommodation Joe children between the men 016 unl ll ycnri. 'l`lwm were 3.111) children be- tween ihcoc ngee in the city. There won only legal uceommodntion at pre- Ient lor L578 pupils while the mul- mnm number on the roll: was: 1,561. the avenge nttendihce 1.318. _So thnt the band had Accommodation lor only hell the number the law required them to provide. It was idle to any that more occommodntion wu unnecessary. The fact we: thut runny children were de- prived ol proper education because ol the over-crowding, end privute school: were being he t up by people who pre- lerrod tehnrot ' children eclucntcd in the public schools were they what they should . It was mlmitted on all lands that thctclmo! ncczunmodntiorrwu in- scllicieut {or in city 0! the nine ol King- ston. At present there were 83 school roomi. hul. ol these 7 were only teln- pororlly mod. and ucvoml (1! them were unt lorhnbitntiou. The 215 rooms. therelorc. with the 12 rooms nilditioual. now proposed. would make us rooms. where the luv donnmded 60. There- lore. the school board were justllied in nking lot more uccommodntiou and the councillor: would be remiss in their duty it they am not provide n. The best way of relieving the over-crowding vs: a matter That they `could not new decide. as it lnul been agreed to leave 4|... no coma use-I cum to be vow ' II-nu hi ILA }n-I-_.lInu`nn|nn Tho upon 0! the odmmitbo on` ghoul: in Hull up ultl o'clock in! `night III the City Council! and Jincnnotl lot _nn how. The upon we hnvu sl- ...'.a-....u..|....a = not can o-vug. reudy pnhhnhorl. A hl \\' hit inn nnl IU U IIKIFX iii UFCIII III II! pun by the hople-ellau`II|ou . by tho CouclL ._., ,._.___...__._ BOA an 01-` b:uvcAn0'x.

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