Dogma money. It is to be hoped thut. the committee: have got down to work propuing for the demonstration on the lat. Tho unc- cou of the dhir lion in their hunnln. No fnrthau prodding should ho nooounry on the put 0! the pnpen. m.___|.:_ -1 I.':.....-A.... I.-- Uvnv r-. -. -__ I -l,,_,,, D. Punly. Township at Kingston. bu sold his line hrm (lot 10. `Ind concou- uion. About I mile from the city) Soh- hmnu Wilder. for 09,500. All his lqrm Iloclx nnd implomutu he will sell by ODOIIOI Thnndny. July uni. it hit nui- J__-- Iulu uuuuupnvu vuuu -uuu p-unu- vlowunnlnndtopoiboodut my. pour In pluycu lul. Persons louving on the 7 pm. steamer to-mon-ow evening will reach the islmd in time for tho luuenl. which. 1! the Penis urivu. Salton plmc- to Wolfe Inland 5% 7:90 p.111. 4: _ u,_,.-_; 1-.. I,_.,_ .-...__ _- ..__ .,,_, 80 gross win the demnnd [or Inger boer nnd other beverage: It or neu Glennie on Sunday that uevanl per~ IOIII drove to the city sud secured fresh uupp|ies-wnggon Inch 0! them. nu, ,su__ _-|_-u.._ -m_-..- ..-.. unuuvv luau. - Bur-V -In`: -. ....._.. On Snurdny while .1. McMahon wu opening nu Iron keg in his I-bop I piaoo of noohohippod from the instrument In wu using. muck his left eye. Fortu- nately the sight wu not impaired. , ,,__.,_. ____. A- n.- r:_.. A Brock 3% root grocery clerk. who in shout to get married. wu Iurpriud the other duy to find the kitchen of the house urniuhod with s stove sud xingn. He will be anrprisod still mom _v.hin evening. HUB`. Tho Collegiate Institute board yester- day accepted the architoot`s plnn {or another attempt at improving the heat- ing of the institute building. The cost will be 1110. , (V.;.___,I___ Jr`: _..A l-lI L..A IIIIIIMII y Iluluca uvvunvu u-_yu uuun v- Tha St. Luvronoe bum ballclub have made arrangements with tho Newburg club {or a match on Dominion Day. The Newbnruon are old hand: It the busi- Inn uu Inn: The rain nu Saturday did not fall but in spots. and one who drove into the country yesterday says the crops are being burned up. A plontoous down- pour in prayed for. Dnounnn Innlnn nn the 7 II In. ntonmnr nu--1---u - -. VI IIJIB VBLV ST I`l.OIlI- llnnlunhunhvllunhulhtln and (`town Jowolhthu-yhnulotpuuy. IDIDIXI II `III?! IIGCHUIJ V! II"! uu| n The ntreeto wore to-shy dououl with the volunteer: who have an-ivod to at band camp. They will look more like military heroes twelve dnys ban:-o. l`l... an I ............. 1...... |...ll nlnlu hnlvn Maul! Ipu `nu Innlnuvu In nu. Tho city commissioner will see to thoyomovnl at the cotton trees on the streets. They nxoqclnrod no be u nni~ swoon It Hun season 0} the year. rm... -a..-..n-........ a..,.I... .'lAnn.l _:o|. UIIKIUVI Ill VIII! ISMUI IV CHI! QVICIIU Ullv-In Tlio Ornngumen will have quite u demonstration in the city on the lzltli of July. The True Blues. 0! Bollevillo. in- tend to participate in it. TI... nit" 4-nmminninnnr will mm In HUI]. uuuluuuwu _yuIIIK`|ul_y Iv: luv-u-nu}. W. Carson lelt this morning lorWn~ tertown with Scholi|." She has been entered in the taco: to take plum them. -1.. n..-............. ...:II 1.... union n puauuugur IILIU lu!l\lllKlUUu- Alexander Hloan say: ha ha pl all the money for tho enmination of his son. commitlocl yesterday lot insanity. u: t'._..... In`. M..- nuuvninu lnrwg. nu. ..... nu...u.-W... The C. P. R.. Ontario divinion. in pro- pcrinsv to do business in the freight and passenger line In_Kingnt.ou. Al--.-..I.w Elna}. --um Inn has nnial all uaivlluvl n guvvv. A convention at NAp'|neo bu dacided to bring the Scott Act to a vote in hen- nox and Addinpton. vm...n n n n..;--:...]:u:.:nn in nu-n. nnucurugu. The young men 0! Cnunqni hue Irnnged for I qnulrillo pic-nic in Mar Michel`: grove. . ...____.z.._ .. u-.l-...... I.-- .I....:.a...1 uvuuu I dtougth. Them gr: humorous suspicion: chu- ncloru in the city. Look to your [mum lutcningn. vm... .......... ._.... -1 I`-lnhnnnl Innvn PARIS GREEN I The earth in ofying out for rain. TM ' oountry is suffering" bully hon the .`I -an no |. Fly In Joe. Murphy bu been booked for n perlornunco in Kinalton the coming Two mutt active` young man no w_u.nIo-'1 `an alumni: n_w.I.u su- 9ov'n. I`- Il.._..I._ L-.. L`.-n Iuu.|sauI CA. - IIUIII ICIU UUUIU CIXI IIIHIB- H The Christian kiuiou mating in VI! attended Int CVQH. A remem- bnlioq meeting will be hold on} Friday -1.|.A :. A L ,_. E tonni plied to-dny. _ hoilnil trail I'll Ipnldl of III hon; Into this dleruoon. -in - nn:_.:_u_._ L :_..:-_ ..--A:;'_ __- unhiunginan-pgoaorbopwnnu. 'IooIon-loOoub]0IIIaos| col-pa. Raw `as dim wum" , Tyivbuh oi the B. A. bunch wu alumina-snnlnn CALI`:- _,..._. nncnntmmr win on. _...._.____._ Tm; 1sm'm,sHi_wHm, 'I`_i.'ES'DAY EVENING; .wm:' 24. sour nxuonmo Aid. Whiting-lle in as much In ur- cbitoct an the men who uivertisg them- nelvos as such. AM Mr-nlrn than mid Hint dlmnnl. selves such. Aid. Mcuuiro then said that difficul- tien might ensue hoclnuo of Mr. Irving not being a civil onginoer. The iaoreue of salary should be considered wriomly. It In: I big jump npwudu. No such sum had our been mid to my omcer occupying the position boiom. He did not see much noccuit for 3 city urchi- tect. "Again." aid ne. "luvs no my right to Ippoint an architect for the school board? In tint logs] ? AI.I_ Whih`nn- l'hn lohonl board is I punt, Uu um -II-uunnlvun Ald. |lo(hmo-()nly [or one you. Tho school truntoos mug chum: their mind: next you. He mi it was dain- blo to occur: an other who would grow with the oloo. The school tmu numinhtnolcuotobedichhdto vmu mo omuu. we Iunool mu too: might not canto be dictated to by the council in lutureyenn. Ho could not agree with the repott; undue hum Ind been exercised. and public compo- titiou uhould hue been resorted to. n- 1...: |.....I mu up. nun. man M IIIIOII Illollld HIV! HOOD IT'S" I0. I10 Ind baud Ih Hr. Nah ooul-I be secured. aw-I-nl nldnnnnn (ltnnlngllv\-I~Innr. II Ald. Iloudn didn't inn whuhc the spplloulon of Ir. Nah Ind boon I in. but the oldormon uhould not nah. lot by their own all tboy had ' luau IIIDI to him lot work done in ooltV- RI(Hc0.) Md noldot. how- ovu. shinny 0! Nu remark: would stop the paaool the upon. llo Ind no otjoaucn Io Ilr. Irving. an a man. but In holed lnnuyol thoqlnlllmtioluol not an ollur in CM nqnind. nd the salary pdd wu too . All [Inna-nnla-JED lupin--n nun Md. louiro ukod why applicanta for the one were not adverziaod for? AM IlnKnlvnw._\Vlmn it. In: lnnml lo!` H50 were not nuvcrulou I0! 1 Ald. lloliolvoy--Whon it who lonud that Mr. Irving would iooept me omco advertising In: thought nnuoeeunry. Ald. McGuire thought this proeeod- lnq was very peculiar it not irreunlu ind ohjecsiounblo. It would seem II though no Attempt had boon mule to secure ufpliontions. Everything that wnn goo: could he mud of .\Ir. Irving. but. he was not nu ongiueer or an urchi- mm. %NEEl.0N S BRAND] school botl 7 ll mu loan: 7' AM. WlIiI'n-'l'ho Iohool board is I party to the unngemont. AIJ |lnlhunA_.lInIv 'l-- on: '11- noonroa. Sovcnl sldornou (|tonioulIy)-Honr. hour! I July In. Ald.Wh1ting moved the adoption of the report. He spoke of the vacancy which had been rendered by the death of Mr. Coverdnlo. Tho oice was a mono important one and the occupant of it could save or loco u lot. of money. It won felt that Mr. Irving sun the man for the plnce. and he was a and naked on wlnt term: he could be secured. As I matter 0! rudcnce and economy the nhu-y wool have to in Inner thou that hitherto paid. Rotu- nnca wu mule to tho inoroued duties In-get man man nimeno paid. nexu- ence Wu nude duties of the once. In put you: nbout 8250 had been paid for architectural work. Surveying and civil onginoorinf had rovioullgi been paid for sepu-no y. A Kane and wtnnllnbbokept by tho engineer. moms north! unh- 'od-uiis. and as a can 01 about law pct our. The trim uilu . therefore, paid r. Irving wonldbo 3 at 0111!). He in enable in will pans und notod lor his intogrily uul honesty. III! the ap- pointment In one that would be Im- mediately made. .-\ld. Whiting presented the report of the committee-on streets. recommend- ing that the Bell Telephone compaiir be our: permitted boterocl a line of poles Uumrio street as {M ns~l`rineeo9. thence to Wellington street. ; that William Irving be appointed (`itv I-IngIne'er and .-\rchiLect.. tine latter to Include all work required in the public auil school bould- inga; that the new appointee to keep A horse and vehicle at. his own expense; and that he shell do nll eurveving and engineering required by the council. And receive in salary of 91.500, dating from July lat. Md. Whiting mlovtion Ullllmd. Ald. Dunn-Tho petition of J. Laid` law. asking that the sum of HO. paid ' !or transient traders liconso. be refund` ed. seeing that he in It pernmncnt. rosi- lunt of tho cit_\'.-ltofurrcsl to the com` mittoo on nance. ur Inuuuaa. Md. Thompnnn--'l`ho petition of the 0 amen at the ciqy. uking for the use 0 the city park on Jnlv l2t.B.- urumd. Ahl nnnn-Thn notitmn M J. [.nid muonoy. From the City Solicitor, iutimatiug Hun. the ulip could not. be rented or closed up except. by act 0! Legislature. Both communications were land on the table. ed. l-`rom John Mnlonoy. thus: "We. the undersigned petitioners of Cotuaqni Word, are determined that our petition will be honored. and il not we will be compelled to take legnl Action in the matter of opening u the Queen Street slip. by tho mlvine 0 the City Solicitor." The document mm only signed by Mr. Muloney. Fran) the Citv Solicitor. iutimltin Iouooln Wu). From June: Agnew. Solicitor. inti- mation that III the suit; Against the only. tried at the lute county court. Ind ml. boob decided in lawn` of the city.--l"_vL lllllllll PAIILY PLUIIR sNMc_)_yyA/_If_L*_UA_:_ And `.\'. Wnlaon. _ In the nbsonce of ma Muyor Ald. Sic- Kelvey was moved into the choir. nnnmu or COIIUNICATIGNH. From the Clerk. announcing that the I islntive school gram to tho pnblic ooln wu 01.526. mud to the as-punts schools 0000. Prom Jnmnn Aonnw. Solicitor. Lu: evening 1 special meeting of the city council occurred. with the Iollowing Aldermen in ntondunoo: Noun. Adunl. lieruainghun. Cu-Ioii, Clements. Down- ing. Dunn, I-Iilbeck, Hobart. Luv. Mc- Kolvvsy. McGuire. Qnigloy. Bodden. Shaw, Thompson. Whiting. J. Wilson and W. Wnlaon. ` u,, ,.,,__- -1 u.- 31...... ALI flu. ` nnuooovnanvuxunmv AI. J.WlbInIBIunI nan-Am -1.1 _ :' no 6. `h5rIl.l0O-The nci *0`. too Iugl Oouldurlng tho Dunn In be rouonu-J-A-..J-l-Io-u'- 0-'1'" ..n..u.. m.n.|.4..1-in Inlo-loco C0-- Till-COIIECII. Hui" L'NAXlI0l.'.\.l.\' u-rournm WI-IIVING A.I tint ~ uouuuun uremia- - nu ma: ya. uulf All. IIZZXIIK Md um Ir. lung! limo hnnnlinlvlniohtlhllodll. cmc mvmunm. J \aI ---v v---cu. um-uuuus u-uu uuvuu, troop: lwl arrived. "B" lhuory In: on hand pitching the loan The around: no woll kid. and Liout. Hnyclcr. camp quutor-mumr. showed nu the pin. The ennlry will be onoountoroxl ns slmr crossing the bridge; on the loll. ol the mango will be "I!" Bnttdry. then the hold batteries in order ol nniotity. The null hosdquuton will be on um ex- tnme lots. on A rininu uronnel. The antenna. unpply doputmcnt. menu but: ud culinary quuten no being encto-I clean to tho" bulk. The amp supplies won! but the In-lclgo this momma. And the ange in being would with my lot In bones. The hurry animals look sleek mud in good oohdltion. but the country need: will have to harden IpmIIIl&lIly II III non few days in older to ho ol any gnu service. It in enacted than than will be about U!) haunt ad (I) moo in ounp. Tlu nn-n.I- nun-nnl in nu annual -.5-h IWWT Til Fill IIICC I- ml ! Tbs pu-ulo pound in Ill goon! uhapo And will be fully utilized. The main guard will be Ituionocl along the mud lending to Bu-rioohl. Thu nfunoon the batteries and unity hoops won upooui to hit up ponioun. ad the pqohuulllulnn an the and dull oil be uuuulnlv coodnuuln `rm Ihlodounuothohosl that could be Itld III III! Iohot dnciplino will be aided. Tho K100: Ilclul Iluturv Ipul tlo hulk G Atlllluty lid. llolnrioa lot 3 Ian! out II III sauna. Tboy guided In full strength. Tbonau nun! ox-Iuuhuioln dduuol Roy- nlchulullubohlihnory. A ounuuxnnu. fholllntnunucnnu Lysol-anvh Ihuonptlhcsonh ahr. am-1-. mllldulu-u-ulnyIIp ulliutoholyhnuuhdhhbu. Pclhhudo. lotunhcpllliolun Itnon -an I-an-Ln-n-an.-ad II-A ThoNenv8ooT1_r;d._S`hocS!oro, Ila! oil! ltd; WT- lnvahnnuntl.` Oust. Ibn VII nd.Ihoa|`Indq|-you atlhlvht H---Aha-III-nlnalnxl Buricleld donnlnrnn is ouumlning II wnrlnko Appeannoe. and to-night. tint plrt of it lacing Cntnrnqui river will be Iota.-I with mum. muqnoos and can- t4.nlua A nigh |I.. l.............. on Al... ....u.. VV-`II .-....-u. Incl`-III-lv\41 nun gnu. Icons. A viait lhin luronoou to the grounds dovulopul the Inc: that-but law at tho visiting: hnnorim: and onulry 5-4...-.. I.-.l -...;-...l I-D" n_n..-.. ..-- uuA|.. pany tho bthllion to Toronto? and will he take his clnrgur? Will thochnplain ol the nth accom- U c.unooII:ucqI-you Junmua I Bnlohatloynnclopud nu`: nnul A-A Inga-n Q hit Tho soldiers will attend uliviuo nor vice in 86. Androvfa Uhurch on Sunday V vunon. Sergt. Fields has roceivocl I letter [tom the aocretu-yo! the non-co|nmis~ nioned oioen` moss. Queen`: Own. inti- mating that the non-commissioned oili- ouru ol `the 14th bnklion will become thew gnosh during the stay 01 tho but- hlion-in Toronto. I|u_-_ u - rn,,,__,._,,:,_,, _-_ AI_- n An. u--war us a v-vuuv. Whoa sh. Torouionixns soc tho l-uh bI&liou psndo up King Stud sud Ilhoel they will oyon their eyes. We luvs what I spoctuor of Int mum's perlornmnces culled "1 dandy butt lion.` "Hurrah for Toronto !" is tho pus wonlof the members 0! the H31: Bat- tslliou. IOUIIIII flu Ill: 3: nurolmu I'M. LII! In _- -.-. --u- man: Inn 3.11 -uvu nu nu-uuvu. The unngemonta for ma kip are shout completed. T.ho lmtt|l' . will panda on Monday night at 7:30 o `clock. much down Princess Street, and em- buk at the loot 0! Brook Street at `J o'clock. - u,_.. u-pun u , , , -_,x , |,..___ uvlillvou uuvuq; uuuu vnn-1! -nu-uu. Them will be In full hnglo band. an unbalance corps and n zloxou pioneers attached to the battalion when it pu- ndoa in Toronto. nu, , ,_._ c,__ AL, ._:_ ._-- ununvvn The band is composed of l.h|rl.y~aix munnbors. They received their new fun- ther plumes yostenlny from England. Those not. well on the new almko. The helmet: having been cast uido. 'I"I .... ....'II I... .. '-all |.nu.lI:s LA... an [Amt night there lms I panda ol the MA!) lnthlion on tho ulrill nhcxl grounds. The marches past. at. thu quick and double quick were liuc-ly !.`ICClItO|'. Tho [cu :lr_;uu' wu dxocutu-l with precision. The boys are in line lorm uunl promise to eclipse their l0n1Icrt'llorl.n. Un Thun- day night. the last pamnle ol the Imus- lion occurs. when tlmre will be a lull They Are In Good Trim for 1 Tl-l|I-A Swell llnttul we ropon. AM. Molielvcy and the Mnyor lully concnmxl in the report. llo l-`deli! nlso`o;ulorse tho nppointmont. `ERECTION OF TI>;L|;l`||0Nl-2 LINKS. I Thcru wt: 3 short. nliscnsslonltonching the time thug. tho city should allow the telephone company tho mo nl um nus}:-t wlnlch they applied hr. Suvortl nlcllnun thought It hulltl 50 lllnitod so Den 3' . olhom to Ilva. Finally at wns out thnl. tlo company could erect. poles. to be rulnovml nlmr one your`: notice. Only one pole will up pear in Iron: ol the city buil-hugs. and that noutho Ontario llnll steps. Thu nnm'`n rnnorl. with tho mu uotnuo Ontario um amps. Thu com'mit.bce's report. amendmentlxereto. passed the council unanimously. ` we my. Md. Thompson endorsed the achon. ol tho committee. but held` am the council could punish themhy refusing the report. Molielvav mid the Mnvor !ul|\' nm. a. wunon snouum mu Mr. Ir- ving was worthy of |l,5LI). u ho Inn 3 competent man, I man 0! great. ubility, and iutorrity. Mo was glul to know am the committee hut u-ranged to lure n horn and buggy tor the use ol the city. Thommon endorsed the onno we enamoete no nnmenx. cuts out _I6.7(l);OshIn pad 88.3!) to I mniho wu neither to uuhiteot not an engineer. The Amount suggested in we report Ina not very Inge no pay I cum tens mm. _A d. J. Wilnon thought um Mr. Ir- JOVO|lIlIlt'yDI'$IIUl|uury. Toronto I lo u r Store, 61 Brook Street. - Cay *UIO0iI"9I'*1I'.'1`crlI inn-oru-o yI_enh. An toullry in llnlilu I four mu: almost; reooivod 01.611) ; in "for- onto the engineers department. boat I6.7(l):0shn unnl 815(1) Hill I VUUI LIEI Hlln Ald. Bcvuinglum said tlut none ol Ihcvnoltlunon had spoken ngunnt Ir. Irving. and. thereloiv-. the mmubeu ol Ghooommitteo wan jnuinod in uvihg db! -UlcolI"Of-`m1`cr3l't4I'0l`Q- "'ki.i7i.Ta}}.`..- .a.T..-;E .-,-....Z.A....-of ludbuud tho gun any :u_;niron|.lni9. saw no mosaic! toy the oxpnuo cmqj lot ow- . They mbnmtod I nuno J the)? hoped would be confide to oouur v co.-mun. would dyptiu`. Tho only Hung thoyponld be hu-ned with was A . mus deny , nun . --nu n .-..- on .-v u-rlu-Cold Common Nu A Very Wnrllke .\ppnmnM- -II E: lkulc-I with Trllln. Iomruons A rina in -nnhw n.` ll run, A: Inn run 1 II I.l'l'Al{Y 1`.-lll llEGU.\'. urn (`l'|`iZEN s0l.DlKll~`. --oo-..___ A Very lenl Robbery. Ievwenley Llternoon while Mr. Young. | leeble old mun. on employee ol the oorporuion. was at his work. his home was ontevod end his trunk roblnoul 0' 0135. The all] mm will not be able to work much longer. and very soon he mny he in went through the louol hie lit- tle euin-we. I WILL GIVE IL-mug: gnu-who shut my launch: (hover will product houynmulhobo maids Iovoolqumonoy nflndotl. PI-no cl 0|. Adin- LIURRAY nous: Lundomont. tfotuggnn. 8 Rollo! Upright (lilny 0 Pub! (bani: Btnwhon. C|ouun \VI-mann. Roynl Cansdiundc. 0|! Blows. Adunu Q \VenIhke, Chiengo NM Inlay Io lint Cole and lo: (`room mm l.IIoArII|y-A "tuouy loannllnn." Tho nllogod "big go" ol the Salvation Army last evening In: tho smallest "go" given by the organization uinoo in atrial in Kingston. The oldmimo lriomls ol the army loom lo have lor- nken IL AH;;:l()o'e|ockioo cronm was served to n smnll number. and It the meeting which followed. to color which In admission ol l0c. III chnrgod. there was n very alum Ilmndlnco. Tho bur rock: was not half llod. Whon it was found that the puronuzo was going to be light the doors were thrown open. The Mnjor and stall were present. and gave their experioncon in n blood and liro lunhiou. The actions ol several sol-lion iron: Bath nod llcllovilla. wlulu giving thoir leatdmonionl. hrooghtzlowu tho Immw. Capt. (lilroy song an origin- nl piece, compooonl by hcrnoll. nu-I on` titled. "Tho Cnpminn of tho Kingston 8. Armv." The wonln were cnechublo and they were mug in very` good style. During the mooting tome person throw} I done through one at the WNMIOWI and 1 luly nunwly eauped I blow on the haul. Tho prnyer meeting on gone into 15 ten o`clock. when the majority 01 those present left the building. ( IKJEENII 1'15 ID IZIIIIIBII I` IlU- _ sllnlf .001 and no then n W. REE lI'.lIn Bingo. loutdonn VNQPI-inns lint. I`10UNn AT l.aAB'I`--A nanny virtuo- ad in can Inn! onduo Oorln. I an- Ioumonllouu. in. nasal! Hun Jon sum. luunbr. nlundod It not onthuy mandatory. In as. Is an. no sh : Dru: Sun. Oil. 10. on W uvuy-I Irauory. 040': Drug I`-'-".3: In rIi"I':-IioiI ml n-|--A ..4 nun. In: B Z. A! uunsm miiimn unnsn, n-1 m-.__-.- Hi-AA cwjuu - -- __,. 00l'fAl'- O H DUIII OI QUAI- YIVIC. Ail TIIAHI 0' LIAXIII Hf.-U. ~, ucusanty. Tho Magistrate-I will give you until Julv and to comply with the by-kw." Mr. lloppius-"M|loney says It ob- stmcta his view, but it`doosn`t." mu , In- .5 ._._._ u'I|L-A I.-- ___u.:__ muuvpx nu vlvvvy uuu an uneven. -. The Mq,:ist.rIto-"ThM hm to do with the cum." A. lloppius. looking very sober. said he supposed he would line to remove the (once. but he did not think it. was neccssu-y. nu , u-._:,.__;_ ..I ._:II _.-..- ..-._ __.:I uvn . Mr. Maloney-"llow much money (In you want. cnptnin ?" .\lq_visIntc-"Thisis not the Cupt. Unkin--"Tho M. T. `Co. do not want the shed whore it is, (ml will he very glad when it. is removed. I will lmvo it removed in three weeks." 1:. II I, _-__ uh :_ ....A - ..|...I I... _ Iluvu ll lvluuvvu nu uuvv vvvv-u. .\Ir. Mnlonoy-_"lt is not. I shoal. but a smoke house." run`: -upu nu . ..... .. ..u. .._l....... ._... . "Your worship. this man is trying to mnko money out of the case. It has been mportoil that ho but been ap- pronchoal. but his gure was no high tbattliopnrtics could nrif. hm him. I wonhuike to know how much money he has been making out of this tmnano tion 1"` n, In u , ,,, ..u__ -.._-|. _.-___ .1- n l\)uIInn\|II\l\ an nnuunu U! . (Sam. .I. (Ruskin. who npposred on he. hnlfol the M. '1`. 30.. Ins then culled. Ho vnn charged with obstructing the slip with a (had. The captain nahl: I-\';.n- -on-..I.-n thin nnnn in Oruvinn On .\lr..\I;l:wr-y nmlihlv sniclmroll when he lmnr-I jndgnlcnt. The .\1ngist.nw-'-()n|ot. Mr. unlo- uey. I say` now. publicly. what. I IIIVO statozl in you privately. Shut the conn~ cll nhouhl deal with this mutter nuol not iudivn-IuAls." lie {vent on to any that he haul boon noziod Lint there was I (gnco nulna foot of the slip. He uk- od fr. Crawford if he would remove it. .1 ,A .u,,, _n__n ..t. ,1--- -.-A |_-I-.... uu sill. uruwlulu II no wuulu IUIIIUVU nu. Capt. Urnwfor does not belong to me. sir." ` w$I@u-u:r-v-v'.w-v-.-- GOOD mum WOOD sin` .n inn. nhujl j. F-`I - nI-unlinnlnn hhlh In hnhunhhco manna-vnu was:-IL: -I -v-u.-. Cups. Cnwfonl. with mailing face. I In tho nal to take tho stnml. llu wuolnuupal with obnrucuug tho slip with conlwoo-I. llo ndmiltesl tho ohlrgo. Imk said he iuheritonl the right. {man his predecessor. who used it tor I0 or 12 yam. ' Tho .\lugi|t.rnt.o-"Mr. Cnwlonl. will you remove thoeorulwoonl. anal howlong will it, hsko.;'.nn. to do in ? In l`..-.5 lV_._l-...] ul ...hI 111-. nun I-4: vuu :9 unnu..pu\s V0 nu -u . Capt. Cmw(onl-"I will. (live mo two weeks." In -. n , 1-: L, _,-.|,-.__l ._.n._... TIBTBBTIIMIIII um I! -. u. a--nu-w_y `.u... v---.._-.......,,_` lip Queen Infect slip. ` Mr. lnchu. .who was plnlntifn coun- sel. explained that. weanling to the city by-luv. two chum: eon|d be pre- lenod uzfinu the delelduu. (I) 01 sam=;I.mQ:i_!.Ig.|.|19 1,929.5 11-!_'9|.! to remove `their ucuulynnou. The Int chugo wan the one pnhuod by Ilr. Muloneyf He wu pnpuonl. it nceotury, to not out now inloruntiona sud charge the lelemlanu with two olonol. up he umlonwolvtlnoy but been notied to remove the obstructions. FVOUNH A1 LA8'l`--A nanny on! Io land ndaocnrnn. I This morning Ckgncn. Cnwlonl uul , Oukin and Mr. A, Hoppiun won: chug- ed by J. J. Inlouoy `with ohuu;nctim:_ O. LONGE. `Q- I IUD U-Uwvw- V- wuuuuuuonktmuuuum . _: jAo; an-an A FULL-L-IN]! or ,, ._ Q_A___-A n-| HARDY 3. MURRAY] `DDOZINI3 T139 lb Clmml '30. at In]! mks, (Inn: and 1 than I hand Ihnrj I501: pm III PIAIIACYJI A \`lIY SIAl.l:(:`U. Tu?-sin T.. .r.`...T..;. 1 `phat Ibo ol the T1 Oil Pa-ecu It. Ln Lhn-jl. JJ%\`l.l-` | 1 All In. nothing TO-MOR ROW A Large Assortment of man Tmls,` mtum u N on may main IXPIIIIS. nun rmnnnnnm. Qll LLIIIIIT Oourclol-houndauhlthlio. wnu can-an mm nuunuuuu huts uuouauoo. wmnnaawnsolathnhgmuunqs Bpwss & BISONETTE, llbxj. MUSLINS AND TRIMMING LACES. Ladies and Children's Hosiery. LADIES SUIIER Illllll VBSTS I moves: PARABOLBI uMan:LLAs r If` nnrk Prim-A, Eh`. Ir, .1:-. or, `Jr. 400 Plmcfl Dark PHICI. worn |o- far in-. 800 I-Inglhln Fall Colors wont III 9:. lot IOc. The Becl snu-on (`Mu-mi In Nrw In-night. Cu-tonne Pu-Inn. um and Inn:-In Prlnu. Dutch .IIP Prints. Pink maul Blue Clu-ck I`fIIII- CHEAP TWEEDS 1 CHEAP TWEEDS 1 In order to cleu them out. }\,\fiA L511 & ST_\__){3 IF. X. COUSINEAU & 00. --VVILL OFFER-- SPECIAL BARGAINS WE WILL SHOW JIIOII. 65c. White Skirts reduced to 50c. 75c. Embroidered Skirts reduced to 59c. 90c. Embmiderp, Agins reduced to 65c. $1.50 Embroi ered Skirts reduced to $1.10. $2.00 Embroidered Skirts reduced to $1.50. `WALSH & STEACY um mmunnn *_A_1{L,$`VlJ.l)_I_@}H}_8_`S_ sasn mums. am an nun n 1 out ).ms. 1: [(2 l{M()ND & C0. 1 GREAT BARGAINS " R-E-A-I) T-I~I-E REDUCED`-. PRICES Juoll. IJ UST I), 1*`. MIM.S"l'l{().\'(}, Mn\- 20. Rnndulhu Pnwnl. Eaglinln Lnwu Tonuu nu-l Bioyolo Shoo, and tho % Shun lnlporlod. Thin in 1: Revved Hhnn. no nullol [toga to hint tho ICC. Vol VG! [IMHO - .. --..-.....-qr..- punwunnufwunnn lint 5(lIinlunIl1,50lll}nllm IIAINES & I.()(lI\'l'I'l"|`, Mny 23. June 3:4. l3'Wc Tune 3 very lug stock 0! Ladies` wtm, Skim. uni but nlnlld the prion _ __x._ A. .1... AL`. . ....A We vnsn In let nu; Ltd)` (`ua|omer_s know `um In hue nonivod I very nlul lot OI IJTW SHUl'*`n AND EVENING 8hll l |`IRH (mm the only udndn Mnnuheturer in New York. The very loud I_v|oI. III` if Io lxhiuk. meet the drmnndc of I you mcny Uh: urn wputing uuporid mob. c `SPENCE as ORUMLEY' Ir. 1'. n1 May $0. AB mass GOODH cumor nu nnmu-run. no `rain uno A caoncn. HITINDIIIO l`UBOlABE!Il wow no WILL -ro mu. nun. AT THE CHEESE. Opp-nun City Ilayll Juno! 1). ` ` LADIES` WI HTE SKIRTS. uuvu unvunn nu .--_ v.- -. Iotmqlh : uihltloubooh fnnle. nu; `u Hhtun bgggolquty __ _J_()HN LAIDLAW & SON N E W I R] N T S u-in; pun.-hunt! 400 Sample Conch. no Bunplo Pun-ah oul Unhnuu. I60 Hlnv aim and Hannah. 59 donut fancy Elllktll. `I'M - Pordnliuo (`anti n ma. wort|_I.15e.. is damn 00:85-1$q._ n . grout hnrgsin. Gaul`: Hhll ADI Undqynl GHQ . I00 dos. Indian` and (`halsh llonulnll gnu. -.- ` spnucn dz q;zt;_nLhY. [AMER CAN'C3 OODS u;uop;m:;z:.:asI;:upLms Wren Dc .-:me.. Ian] Appmc. lalydun. KC; I) add. Jliuddre. Ml Q` Pimp Q, Bblthar, Ra H300. U05 lirya'plu.nda'l luau diahgu hm Ih-raugnl Smuuu-A. or irrqllt IINO 1 VB 3 -a-- u --- ----- _--'-, ._.__ -_----,~, 41.1.0 wmcn Am: FAST. J AS. RICHMOND & O0. JUST REC;E}IT;ED BY iv: wow A manna nun-1'. I-AROII4 [look and lawn Prhnu Ihu my In-n In QED CIII. 3 ALI. 'I`III WIIIEIC. __ .11; ---.._ T 1.1: PRINCESS s'1`iti~:1:'r ' McCAMMON`S BLOCK. f M * " ' v 1 I00 Prune-cu Icru lay I0. II-5 rum-can III-col. nu mu. nuke. Lawn Iluton And Gsrlon Toolu. Juyvuml Bird CIQI In great variety __A!_. mam. mo_g:I an ruiou umhy. Juno I00. A|"|;dI-Ihduhojtl. X H'- Undo`: Drug ora. oun,ntcu:_. lulu AI` Ila. uni. mic: ur nuouun nun wt: xx TH. IYPPI. 11T;0-3;:-E-?R:YLr[ 99 on window (or untold ol Oouilotnh. |ZslI1Zllj ' A A... .n..- -L._. .-Iu|.|lI'n H-naarv, flu Haunt: (IGIIDI luuvullr lldofluut ll;-lllbnonndlllk Ila. . thuplontantuhl la: %. Wanna : llau3lotIu.IlIb.Ou. CORSETS} I LIADIII-B Ill [OW PRICES `Q I10 Princes: Inn-I. Inna ll: opposite llou Bron`. -~ 3PE0lALTIE8+ would let uvuuolr |I|nlnt.N|iounou.dyI- my Maude 00.. ADI'B inc. DIAKI LIVII la. ullnly fno tun `land at say nolallh minute.- Ouolot 3 Into; in bouIIl.nWADl'I DIIUO 8703!. can! ling sud Bush I__ I COLLARS I HE may HAYDEN Nu +I0l'lll:I T0 SHOW COODR. ASK FOR TAKE `NOTICE. (CHIIICALLY PURE.) BPEILCUTI ll IIOIIIIH . ` 1 ll}! IKIIAI1 umuo IIIIIIIO. 00:. Run sud Bxooth. ;-} -`* j IN !'I`0(2I(. I} l'l~l~T ll TH vovld let him Con- -I;1nLNnun;dvI- -L Till utlun I IN Till CITY. ., -.,_ .-..- -_._.-u T$UjIVfII$IIl;'yu-u nnvhdpu unotl-0 Igo- (hpnlhqnlyuol-or Ibhnl. uric. "'l`lnl`II do. uIuIuIhlndvvI.hIIhIlo- vv-u:IuQu--IwuIII Iuuuywuuu &ohqI'$&b&IIJIhtcnn. dIII& ugh thunk " The oitilon who us up boloro the court yonlotdny lot ill-Inning his wile. undwho vagina until unity to not won wbowoujdgnnmntco thus he would koup tho panes. llllod unis morning that llooould not :06 Mil. His into us: uk- od who! the would do. She npliod : ll be promiooi. In the cows. that he will hop the pout. and give me two- Ihhdl 01 Int WI |0|ho mnlntoutboo cl his boat and cl:il will duo; the cut." Tho lmand qznod to the ptopula. `nu nqhlnto adjourned than for 3 month so no how the n-a.__J,_. _.III .__A I1 Ruuqwg uujuyuuu uu -wuvuu and u houoooflu-ono sum. In IE0 nun hildingbnpuuyhnnouo and MM lolhnio. and Illa In- lhon chum!!! IIICH the polloooo-an than Inning` with Ihromua u no BHHIIOI IBIWKIWHII lhoinlont -I-Anll-no.1-nklnnnlnnlnnhnnd ID` 113 "T HE I1]! 1! VIII! 8!! uluwllu olutrlilnguuplnlusuonohohudmnd nhowipul-poulyohopphgwoodon hr In: In dot to any ad hook Joann AL. nnl-n Al nn-nInInAnl'n nnnr. T 1%`? iiy Z0! lli In: the calling 0! oouplnluuvu cut- as. would dl Ila luuun aid Ihlhblhht ulldhot bad man. Ihlllhlolaulopvolucovlduoo uuolil not hot so hath tho llfffi Ill. .A.J:...._._ hnullshlhooulndu Ar-y hu- Iuh.0|pt.IoWoiius|tI|lIhhovu unit: In o-ythhqlur Inland. II It Iudhuhluoolhwould. id Iluiolhryu. (L-A (III.-ngun-.-nan-Agh-I-A I -.---T----.._.---.__ sqgR g3soNGs n nvnn II IIYLI. Yesterday elternoon I son of William H. I-`rnnklm. ol Pteburg. wu riding 5 homo to Inter. The Inimnl proceeded M I lively nto. Ind. deeoondiug e uligzht deelivity. Itumbled end tell. The lad wen propelled Iorwsrd and utrnclr the esnh on his head. The result. was con- oneeion ol the bnin. Ho wee carried - _ ~ . _ _ __n n. u..1\-.......... mummnnml Rubbuu & Co. have 1 min at Gn'm'n Creek. on Nils ulde of Parhum. getting out lion. The ore ek in close 0 the road. Incl n slide is mad lrom the track to the creek. This slide projoctod I little too hroot. yoatuday. gnd when the train ulna stunning nloug it ucnpod uaninat one of the passenger can Ind damaged it oouidonbly. The Rsthbun Co. will foot the hill. ' Ollllloll 0! Inc IJI'IIl.I. nu Wu: v-lllwu holno sod Dr. Mocunlnon summoned to tend him. Beale: the Iccxdsnt to the head it was (ound that he Ina inter- nlly injured. The youth. 16 year: old. wuridinvtbo homo without I bndlo and bit. culu villus. nu nvuuuwu - --In--......_. A mambo: of the Bdution Army do- ninn In to say Ihnt the Mg bearer on Sabbath evening vu noc unto that divine norvioo was being held in Victaorin Hnl|,iG heing only temponrily med by the Presbyterian oonurogntion during the ropnlring 0! their church. The landing order: relerrod to by Major County: will. without doubt. bo strict!) observed, and the Kingston oorpuhope to be over caution: to nvoid giving ol- folloc Court-'I`neulny. John Jackson. for using abusive lan- guage. wn ned I] and cost or 10 days in anal. ` A. Armstrong, uuult O1 and costs. Annie Ony. for min; abusive lan- guage to a neighbour. ned 010 um! coats-and given two weeks to pay it. Lu: night the attention of the conn-_ cil.wu drum to the misconduct 01 name folks in the city park. IDI1 Ald. Roulclcn Itled. It-conulod by Ald. Clements, that Iln police commissioners be re-queued to nppoinl nu ofccr for special duty in it during the summer months. The re~ solution was csniod. The drain: of the only should be ushed out ntouoo. The smells arising lrom them ue drudlnl nu-I full 0! dis- use. The drain at tho too: of West urea! in blocked nhts entrance to the water and the whole street ufmatlo of- Ionsivo in oonlcquonoe. Inlay Iluo Clvlq llolldny. The member: ol the city council have uppciutcd Wednonulny. August 20th. an the due ol the civic holiday. 53.. \'m- cenc de Paul pimnic oocnrl upon it. ....a. ,,-._..__ Pun lhlutiun lnmt Pollux I. O. '0III'fI-. Ulf "Imowrnu " No. Icahn. hunt: the Inc an thlnl odnodny in gen IIIIIII In thonun Bull. Prison: mud. mu 0! llolnnhold Pnmll Vaughn `lb:-net. H lo a m. _ ,`l`r.n|I|- nouvgl for lbtl Ia U: U- W- lllffoll IDDGI. No.01. Ancient on-dam cl Unload Wanna IJIDM ooIhouoond_ nodhulblinidnyovonqnolmmchc Ndlgnaur lull. our Wuhan`: luau. Pran- w..."-7}-.T-I Como. lb Inuit`! QIphl tho Iooond L...n - 5.... .. n.....A. In... In fhiiuln .' cTa7'Iaua1`Ihucu-ow .Ch (hi! Iry Wolnullcv to dub month. Anion Q. lohnilodn, lo. 3.00 `nut It has ,u'hI .3. ~ ~ .uL!u;1.l!y;..h- _ unapn. A ,, __ _ __ I [ u; -\ I an l$Ul4Al.:`l_l`!'llOIl'ol an en`: ` l.a$IIlIOO ulouoro: _ Nun nun IRE: on ionnn. "nu -hQ$dm on. u dainnhovoloo. W-'*i".-` `ITIIIIAY. ` Ilouuhdd furniture at B. D. um, VIIlil'lbrncc.tI|0nn. V _ 7 unouun. lI_l'flIIOu'ol (my- Inigo mu tohdd u louovu: loan`: loan, Thus I|1.Jun|Ih.ol;!:8j.n. __ _ -_~ _ _ worry ANuMvWw1N1'rY.' A Iloldllofu Ixplnnnllmn. . ... n,I.,A!_._ A gspzcm. NoricEs;. I '8`! Into. nA-u,_ .__, non. lrd rh('1hp.1':'oIo I . wuu Ilxuvuw uvuuuuu UI-I-u-on uv-v-u To-Iomn pllpl. Ionlnnol tho jInlabInII.wIllhunIuol lapto- Iouoohthuouhtlo-Ih. On Thun- dlyllnnnlu boat will Iylotptw nolnlllhollllu lhh. Tlnywnl nnhcubno 11. 0| hllqylhopm pnumuuur an gunauunm uylar panda to Ibo jnicl. Than -III -nmnn II &&I in u--3- `cu: um noun emu nu mu. on Paola or POPUIAP OBIS. ONLY '75 OTB. ,,_._._._ _. _..._. `Q24. A- nngn, 1-1 Iuunuqnuuuuuuujjuuuuuu he nun lino. H0 in tho In 9!. Yhwhl`IIl7.9Il|l|lIIIaIlnu Iulhauplbluihluhno. nu u,-v vw------- ---_ ----- Rev. Ir. Bulherlend ol Hamilton. in hie leet Sunday evening eennon. erltleir ed the Solution Amy very eevetely at 80. Ink`: church. Hunlllon. He ob- Jeote to the eeldlen lhlnkleg they have ell Om` ticket: to heaven. while people who don't lane with uni: peenller -I_-. an. La--altnnn Hm nhluo n: 'INII7`I77IIXIbIo The my hollwu Ibo-oonoluuih uhnulon thin nornlll. the condo: L.l_.. AL- -n.. ---_ l_.M.- .0 AL. IIIEIUIH uuu IlIulnI$g u- bdlgtho pcouocionounhutonohho pnbllouhooll. hold by nlupouorv It. um. About In boys and gul- wuupnuutdlho Iuiot Ihlxdeln-y vhoduuolopthltlholollwtonrth. II`.-5..-.-1 ---In n-g-ml-g-Al u (IUIIX Forty men wont to work on the barge Oonvoy this morning. Ald. Tbonpooa nyl they will In uulubd to-marrow by the soldiers o! "B" Bomry. Qlplun Gukin an It will not be long hdoro they bus the bum slots and rndy lot the colon:-luau oomnmoo. .. cu .__I__;_n uI-_n.-.. 1_ bunny---ywuul. 1'I:hnulIqIr.'l'.Ih.wbvuIh hIhIVIuIiInIuvI.IuuU hunludby nutty vial. Th .L.`l2n-nLln- IHII nnzlnann w..rr..-- ~-Wu", - The Ihmilton ulvntion omoerl no to be tnnnferred on July min. The Timrn uyn tho army in going down. Ex- trnngnnoos under the guise of religion cannot Int. People tire olthem. A .. . s -u, I nn_u:_L__ ___ ......., ...- -.,,_- .._- -__ ,, The government granno the King- Ibon public school: (hi: you in 01.520, I In-gar sum than hu been roooivsd for olong time. The increuoiu owing to the grovnh of the school population. us uu...,.`. The Bolleville Iillriliyllvr says one of the gum-keepers at the Adolphmtown eelobntion skippod out, taking with him the gate money he hid oollectod. Anoth- er gate-keeper Iwoepto-I about 860 of begun money. It .'. 5.. I... Imnml H.-1 Um 1-nmmiunnn