Psvnunmr. Ounp Qnsrur Mantel--!)njor Vun~ lngen. 40th Bug. Ru-nun. Ihior-h`-mt. llunond. "B" Koulohi. II 8. A inlnuounood n at wm. ll prolninu to ho : good can. liulaavoluloyon In Hand lab hail] buying plots Brown`: Illhs hnnnlll not niq. Al|_ gho but no Iona cub Oeon on , Ibo nut.oom-guwork. ,, clad. "}'.'.'1'..`.`.'.2. nu-ha noun -I - ..u.. had Ulloolh. w. `.21. ... ..I."."..."...... may wlthohnlhl I--I-ll-D-MI :.~.:-:;.-':.:::.: *"--'-*'-'- . T Yulol-. | A Imp your pi:-nlo Ill held Int wuok n bum`: move nou Lnimcri Cor- TIAPCIIQI lll 0| I4Ml.|II|gIvIu you vu- Mo; (Run.-nu, Hun. An nu` oihcx minus on the Oontinonf; and or Iodihr fluonn mru. For !r~`~i-_rh| nod pnngzs. qasly at (`Ann- ny`. Wm-o. Na. 6, Bowling roan.` [hi or` Tnntuwdh 'numwnc .U. I lnjor-Mujor 11. Smith. 47!): 1;1NEh'r(}T1~1, CANADA, "r%1iif1?is6;{T1*,LJvN%n 26 um`. hlunu mun neeuuruy IBVOIYO. With the venenued presence 01 your Lordlhip again amongst. us we recognise that our preyora have been heud.our , loud hopes realised. end we any not be _ blamed if. inoved by e common Impulse _ o! the deepest untitnde. we hnvels. for I brie! moment, our respective mis- nio. end hulnned hitherto join in a solemn 1: Drum 01 preise nun! Ilnnlm to the bonnllfnl CW2!` of all good gifts. who he been gaeionely pleased to ' e and protect. end nloly restore to on our bishop. whom we hnve learned so much to esteem. to reverence. ud , to love. rm. i. innnd. n ulnv nl iov end clad- together upon that nay resen- him our aeotioneto ureettnae and hid him a meet heartfelt welcome. With e prekte eo gilted to guide it: deetiniea. . we were not elow to indulge the hope thet a bright en`l glorione future wee , in etore [or our beloved dloeeee. we felt that there ewelted it on V epoch ol proeperity which would be without a precedent in ite ennale. The period 0! your Lordehip'e admin- ` ietrataon. up to the present time. he: heen hriel-it rnev ho eeid to have only well bognn. We are aware of many projects. eonoei wed in exalted wisdom ` and with in reeching ecope, which have not had time or op rtunity to mature. We are yet in t o eeeeon when the ground in being hrolren end the need cent. The weelth of the full harveat hes not yet eppeered. But when we ooneider all that has alreedv hoen no- eorn iehgl through the new and v or- one no inlnned by you into every: ere ol religiona labor. and which ie un- dnelly developing itself in various lornn ol aprritnel and materiel ectivity. III the lonnetion of new periehee. the multi- rlicetion ol ohurchee end schools. the iquidetion ol enormous debte. in e ee- riee oi Popular missions. conducted with hleeeer roeulte. throughout the diocese. and the Coelretermty of the Holy Peni- ly everywhere eetehhehed for the [SN- motion 01 the virtues that nepecially adorn donreetio lilo; when we caneidol the encouragement given to one eon. venteel jeetitutiou try your eaiduity in aeautina penonelly. and dehvcleq eerneet Inetrnctrone to the pnpda there: 0!. on ooeaelonaol their ennnal oom- lnrtherrnere. and qeehlly. we oeeer your intenee intereet lor the of knowledge and rviety of the growth ol the clerioel spirit In onreelvee. en meni- teated by the frequent Ieane ol Peatonl Letter: ebonnding in light and wiulom, our annual Bpirltuel Betreete. enr Theo- logioel Oenlerenoee. end eynodioel regu- lationa edepted to the eoeditioe ol thia Provnoe. we meet 1 penei to _t. to your , ughfutd preelacu to . world thet . -4 Iron l&'inIpn:uo upon our lllllll nna noun. 0 bud hand Iona belntenl tho in run gilt: with winch O patrons Prov - dunno bu onriohod out now binbop. and the eminent and nuilonn menu: which has nundnd bin in monldillonltdda ollnhoI':I.ndweoon|.dInd nowu-duo lllinguy exp:-as our hspplnua u in anlhusd together that day to ten- dar him 3.1.: |.;... . Innnl |..u-mun 'nI.o.nInn_ With VIERNON H. BIOWII A 00. 3. J. su.nu0x.x1agno-. lam. Anv1lI- n __ love. Thin is. indeed. a luv 0! joy glea- nese to ell the prieste ol the Dioceee of Kingston. end It becomes the more so ee it vivndly mcella enotlner ooceeion. in may reepeou einuler to the present one. when H wee onhprivilexe to meet your Lordship tor the ret time. upon your lint enu-enoe Into this cethedrel church. The remembrence of thet most enepicione event will ever relnelu deep- aimpruesed mind: end heerte. e bed hand lonn the hen) It 1108 topmmote the weunle or your elergy and people. and to by it the feet of the Holy Father the tribute 0! their no-wervi 3 loyalty and devoted lnl etteohme t. met your Lordship. some month: ago. undertook a long end Ieeriaome gonruoy over see end land. Need we say that our wet-meet good wiehon and most eerneet pnyere Inow- eul ou. Yet. wlnlnt we rejonoe In your ex tent miuion. sml [ell proud end Housed in having a prelutu eo dietin- guished and uoelonn in our interests to repreeent us at the Holy See. we could not express our feelings of eolioilnde. when we thought 0! the mnny sacrice: end uwere lnbore which such en under- taking must neeeeurily iuvolvo. Wm. um vnnanted nreeonco vour y..n Vaughn ol &HO Qy.IQuIhtluwouo`=II_O`V:!u lolnlilgdtuyouvolo VIII 5 [Aug lwil an 0%- uaIv\&\hVnu'o( 00% ' to Ilhnumtou undo Em which II ICIIAIKOLV The Iollowing is the uldreu which Igr. Fnrrolly road to the bishop yacht- dvy on behul! of the clergy 0! the dio- oou of Kingston : ' in. n.. ...:..o,. (J um dincena of capo! mnguon We. the priests ol the diocese ol ' but most rupocunlly to Ip- linpton. _ . punch your lordnlup. to under you out united sud conlinl conghtuluionn vpon your cute Arrival in your Episcopal City. ` 1: cu lonmmoto the wellua of your ` The Welcome Given to Ills Lofdnhp by the Clergy` ot the DIocauo-'l`|-Ily ` Noble sentiments. , TORONTO IND I~'EZ'll[(,j my. It Iopmmoto your =|-my T-ad 9 '91.. W? ~-:._ ADDRESS mmu msiior. ol UDJDU have been lurolrlsu uunnu but you lrom capitol moving the present in- vested cnpisll O`.l6l.Ui'). Arohbuhop Louder pnoentod the report 0! th III- lion Board. Miololdnhip then dolivor ad I that odllrou giving an nooonnl ol the principal work porlonnod by him dnringthoyou. 1`hotohlnnnboroon- Irmotl wu l.0I7. ol whom 137 noncon- nm to the church: the candidates were ulclmistod to tho orler ol donoou nod tlmao doooonn won nisod to the ioothood: he now clnnrohon nod two tying ground: won conoocntod. Hill laoldlhlp Ihlod the ho had nppoin|~ on! Mr. Juno: Shonnon. 0! Kingston. Rogiatru of tho Dinoooo in the place 0! Mr. Charles I-Iuildonloovc. lmignod. Hitherto the nod: 08 ngiotcnng dioou~ ondocumonu bu boon whollv neglect- ed. and he requested the clergy nnul chnrohwonlonlvol every pariah to tunn- nm. all their records to the new toxin lnrtur ulo koopmg. lloncoforthevory Inoounboul of o 3-Lrinh or mission would be r. nirod to produce n on-tihento {you a incl-or tho! the ngislor howl hoondul nufqhoited. Tho month 01 his lozd p inspecting the rogiatntion consul nnlnodinonuuon. nnvonl -on upnood an (on that re- Onrdl wore color `lnwxo hands 0! tin day than with the rejiuu-ur. The dhnnuioo ms Inolly rnlotl out o! ot- alnr der. We have I apt-Iv I panmvoounlor Cnurrh. Dighthuig Cuunr mouth ud Hon! Ache. ll hllolfu Calurh llunody A nu-I injoou: Ina Ink each homo. Uultltyou lulu health and woo! hath. !'rho& So|lbyW..l.WIhnu. --_ no at in U` noon to noon lto Odn-Io 331' my no $ with onltlhutsntlholhvolhqvln E vonltuutdnuy ooupIdn'hu;l:|h chuguulin unloads Selby. W.J.WnhnI. IIoPhunuv.|ouHur Ii--Ang Tuenany. JIIIIB XI. luo sermon ualng pronobod by Rev. Cannon White. Mclor of Matilda. Shortl hoioro 8 o'clock the Synod nuombl in the City Hull. Rev. A. Sponoor. ol Iiinglton. nnd Ilt. R. V. Rovers was released clancnl uni Iny nocrotnrien. Thenndltol-'3 report shown but the mission fund debt. to the Bank oi llontrul has slightly incteued. be- ing 0858 on In May. Tho hunk still ro- bin: 07(1) 0! the county 0! Sunooo do- benlnrea. to cover the ovu-dull nude (or the {nnd.~ The bnlnnou It the debut ol nuoasmont fund has been vi out. and N16 now nhndnto the `lol the land. A petition 7|: lmgicer hm J Am a rg. `net gdvovlntd county . outing for :1 Iorriu. AI this notition III ndulnod an M: |.....Li.. Lin Ihlun an synod to his In Ithqa mo upon doddod.8h'~ could not be xooouod. A number at otLu petitions were read uni:-ofonodio the proper eomniuoo. The Humor`: report than um the changes in we oocutitioo daring tho 8 you have been no loI|owo:- i- linvootod on 80|h. April 1883. I36 .- 870 since" that dole invoauuontnin mortr gogn: hove been undo to the extent 0! In J n ....ui.... in.ll I~]n'l,1"m:rnunann lgl IIIVO D080 llldll IO IIIC 81% II 06.4 0 making in All O$`i7.770:lpqInontI of 05,060 have been around nnna tho -... I.-um nnninl Innvilnl um nrannnl in- oounuonoe ol nu oromer energy. within; you nanny yours ol hotlth um wines. with nu nbnndnoo ol conso- lation in the midst of your (moron: opir oopnl duties. mud n plouitualo of nnecess in :11 your enterprises. pnyiug tl-ut you may lung romnin the joy uni prido ol your prionts und people. I tower of strength to the church of Canola sad the glory of its opiuoptto. we bog moot rm-poctlully touk your lordship`: boner diction. ._, ,...-__#_ _ Tho twenty-second Ineuinn ol the `iynod of Unturio mot In mun on 'l`uenan_v. June 24. The sermon being -uumnluul luv lip: Pnnnnn 'hiIQ. IQQIII` lo the city ol Home um In roam! lung. Before we mthinw [tom the hotel your episcopal throne your Iohip will permit uu in upon our gntnlnl some of the courtesy Ind kindness re- ceived It the Illldl ol the `Right Rev. `Pnlston ointoduogovorntho diooooo in your 3 nos. You will. undoobledlv. `be pleased to learn um our nlnuom wilh him were oi the molt planing; ohu-actor. Ind puniculul . that be but. with. utmost delity. nllllod your ]oldl|IIip'H parting injunction that he should be "kind Ind potonnl." Hour nivnore I-`um-ally bu uldod nnouwrw the many clnijpn uh-only uhhhuhal by bun. upon the nllocuouub | R'!"".. `" condence ol ha bl-other clzy. Wi-Ininn vnn mnnv van 0! hotlth New llognlnou Rn;-nnllug the Inquiri- llon ol Iln-onI:-`l'he ynoul Anunnln. ` \ Ky Cl "XII Ill IOIII I0 Jlllll In tho (ll- nulyl `uoinhed Iovaroign ol Chriuem don um lather of all tho hithfnlmntl our resolve to cherish in onnalvannd propagate amongst our pqoplo thqno un- timgnta of him and piety that hind an to the city ol Home uni in Poutilf King. Halon in mthdnu [mm Iho llnlhl Wltllliliy, III! in: JIKVII . . . . . . .. . . ORIGOIL. . . . . .. Woducurhy. Juno II): "ILLLIA .. .. . . . . . . Wodnly. Aug. (Rh AURANIA . . . . . Wednesday. Aug". Mb an-as orrnunoizx |60.IO0nd 0100. according In noon mntlnlkn. l our lonhhnp to convoy to our Holy 'I|heIthoI 6pa oqratial lot hiuomnu. out profound ndminsion ol hill i- hilitv of nrinciulo. our unnllmnbla vtl~ prolonnd IIIIIIIIIIIOIIOI all 1-; bilitv of principle. our uInltenhIoF o tyol bun und soul so Jum at di- nulv`|m`>oinl.od novel-sin _.._k co We upoodv podhvcounlor hunh. Dinhunrig lounge :3 my low runs nllongv ick Iron lalvorpoul -sud Quuuutavn and all other ports ol Europe at Iowa! Linogvhon unwound ruoul and .0uuu'II!n PI! In In A Q] HNTARIU sv .\fu>. 99 --- (IIIAYIIAX DOWN. Watch ecyuoln. on! Io cent. as \\`nl- liun Dsvldh Butler 8 on chaps! phnnnthn my. lloino duh: unnow and nooudhustlpob cl dl Iiulkouib silo udothing. luuihn. hnnlvuv. dry jovulkry. nudnl hnmunonu and goods. Allin wuxuin thr- K to come its: be In urn to nell. In. W! nut to llohuu-on`: curiago tutor) . II`: of nu. ma 3.... hinenm sum. Khxg i don. out. Then the nyuem man down. Sinker lllood Syrup pun-inn uni enrich on tho Blood; ouung Boroluln. Gpnmr. Rllllnllilnl. Cquth. Ulonn uni than sad blood (Input: 0! won dcnnnpuon. A .|..n.. A hnnln umur neural Dru: `ll. `OBI nun Inc Inputs. The marry little mountain hook. an it ligitly Inuuovortho rochsnd -puns nthonnnm on its my dawn to tho nut. II run and clout. It is man. then loro.itiu Ivulthy. _II in vzgomtn: title I ' it resist: inn ty. 0:73 than -luaim . when the current ienotntmug tohopthovntot in motion. II stagnant and foul. Dirt nd rubhuh no thrown in "t. und any then. Impurities ad vilo nuke united- eroldlnounuudun ohjou In houoidnd. When thohlood iastnu and rich and re-I and vuotomlyoounu its uccuuomnl rounds through undo: nnd rem; tho uyctun it burly Ind healthy. When the blond tn thin uni pm! Ind and health]. I! wool. aim uriliu uul do In creep In at nm is In: no -uumh to out [hem ICYTIIIA . OALLIA UJBAIIIA .. uni-nun . and do&oulu In It. am is [an ntnngth down. mus- llloml Rwnm man. dnnuu ol daanpuon. A dollar 3 bottle uyour Dru; gist. n u1-a. 1...: Int lmnnnn Ir. Wilnon sud u be was taken cn~ unro ho had not pnpuo-I I lorlnnl apoooln. but he would simply ny slut bowuthnnkful [or tho gift. Ho Ind trial to live and walk nprightly. And as I potato! 1 conlfllion should do. He Ind been truhtl in Kingston. and trusted tut God -oul-l bless them all and shut they would nally meet II 0 better lnnd. 'I`l- --._--.._ _... Hun: I-gnhnultn ` X519? IIDQ. The company were then HOMO-U0 mks, 00.13.. user which uuul hymn: was Illl. ` son. 5 ..l..--.A and -no-inhln nrnniul T` -II. - ~-- AM: I plulnnl ud not-id.n|o`evoniug hdhoen spout they mtito-I. bidding Ir. sud Mn. Wilson God mood in sun new home. m."I'wI WIN Iulvhny. IV! iullogun-tall: nntiu ind pray that the divine incur may so both tampon! Ind upmuul. While bidding you [unwell to trust company younel! And lumily uitougli htu and uIpccin|l_v in your new eld ol hhnr. I but evening: the ruaixleuce 01 Rat. J . P. \Vil|l. llh pasta!` 0! Ilia 3'. E. Church. vu bosiego-I by q Inga unu- bor of his nngreguion. who vihiloxl him ` jpon no important mission. The clergy ` Inn Is; 3 little anrpnnoll that so may - should have iuvuloal his pvt-mines II onto. but In beutily welcomed them. He In: a little suspicion about the or null of the folks. After the people had at null tnllxe-l lot I while Dr. Dupnin I uial be had been deputoul to par 1 tom: 1 very plenum duly. vim. to road us uixlmss to Mr. Wilson and ptbuntl him with I pone containing 075. The I S'l`EAMSHIl_ S. IIIIIIUUJ [Til . Deer Pnt:>r-\\`e. tho member-not your church anal cnngtegltion. hinng nnen | bio] on um the eve ol your departure lor | your nowhume. clesim to owns: the ` deep regret um All tool in losingno true I frmnd and so lnilhlul I pastor. Since that you came among us we have ru- ooguised A power no he: then the con- utreininu love ol Christ A: the ruling prinnlo of your life. and not that the ennui relations which have uintsd uring the put. two you: are about to terminal. we hog your noco 0! I am mm of n.oney-n and present * from your muuy trionda-en n slight l.o ken of their respect [or end npprucuuon of your nntinnx ten] {or their Irolleru. both tampon] nud upiritnel. \\'2nilebid1Iilm won u uuu w-uu - '-- uldrou nun! : I\ __n ._._ low. It. Ch) I Put-0 - An Adina sad the Reply `rlnnlo. ll. Wade. Anus for Knnguon - -oo---- Ibo leak and no Inputs. ..--.... In - -.nn-uh Inna ` I"AIIi\\ Kl.I. IIll`l!_|(i. card road: In: --'--'2-T.{'z.z:!--*-| lmlllln HUG. IIIIIIIII. vn-- u.-..-.. jaw and Q uuuuuuuu n. u3'1`iokm only 015.00. sfliiimi-eI:n'rEnu1AL CELEBRATION. lot uh Iv unoon um um`-uuu pink and guru Iolnod lpnooly lot IJI tl -nun A an --manual. H. HASVVRLI; R` CO.. WHOLESALE hllj Hum L. ARTISTS m1umLs' The Central Dispensary. lun FRUIT JUICE. | Vintllll Ilnlul |`lPIIIll!`. -u |'uIIIII . we-o unr- ; velopol horn Ivovror. i The wood 0! the Anew-A" In any onlnly Ho hcmubl. 8! hthonrll nhlptlu hu man ` built on I nodal Iooung to tho pannuccr tut Io dual uuluolnly for prom. ' U llhohu Ivultv bulkhead: no Ar.-unlld Ila! oeonld Inn on: It two oonpnnunln won Iliad by: oollioou. She canton I0 IMID uh hnnunmon In not hroeutlo. II Inc: In her engine Impund I soon and Ivwulc, calm-cocoa: nu-huonn lormnoulllunuu ' Ih ` I `I In .\'nl.nml Lino hut c|TImi about l.(I1.$ urn. ` ` `lln pournguru Avmnl um Atlumulneo It In or palzul. and nus xxvtm L051` A urn - S.-unlnit Annrroc`-II. Cl Inc D001 0! yuan. 0! mil IIFIGUII 'ru-Aanen `manuals-c. an his noun` :3 hot new; ' `h. In: 1 bonus and so mun-j Wm\|ntuun we-mun-. `J5 I-nun II : % jg-_, ' rolling` Inn-nu nnunr, 0! out I! milnc u: hour Ir\l' ux conueuun um and .~. one ma. um `mu. :1 mllomho luhuuoo nu lmut lanlno My. lo-3 -mo. Ibo umbuhullly in ulna mu iuiuvrovo on III: used :1 van` limo ln\J-mvemmkvlll plnoo ha umolnoslolboelonolhuun INIIOVI. -rs.-n....... k.aann-gnu`... All uh bun EGALLMVAY S. -PIIOI Ipruuuy ur n.----u loll O 00.. Montreal. A I-IICII DBQIIIDIIII undo. July ll. incurs Pirnr imn J0llN.`l0N`H KAIHDMINE, MLWRLY FRI! YIKOI ALOOIIOI. Pot nlo by Oman and Dmgiwuu .5-In uni gunk lay 31. Volliai inns. `I -II'(CI ITHHIT The nu-Id`: the Iumlud of the mun But the nuuddr-I ol ngontlemnu nun! you on ALL COLORS. And Gnllowny}, 8| Pnncesa FL, In an Place to get It. In t nut and plylinh u. There`: no nunukn in Nut. AIJII-ill?` I`. QTIIOIWI. l|IaI`RN8lNU UEUUGIBT II. III Prime: stnol. DOMINICA Mlsceiluueoue. 5 All I rm-In full line at an nulerinlu v~ lllvd um-ellirn in bran nnd rm -Ix muting. N()..1::0. IIITIMI AIIIICAI EWIL. ' \llllhl1 >:lhu hon mu II hgchn It pmwmnr not all hl- v.Id Maud: chain any It` scan will honor Inn with O VII. An-"n. Ieiun. no .1191 X k -71 Li W XIII l III! II}! Ill I'CAl.Iol hum, `IR! BTABLI IIEPIIIB. no. I! hhouo t. In on now nun-nu. runo-n wound Ihonovc dulnd. lluh hnvutbouvulyolu (null tnlu. All union by ulophono promptly uucodcd to. (ml taken tho (`ITY IIOTIZL. Kl: Ila hogan by each! ultimo! noun. Juno JAGKOUN. `f."...';. ." to oonuuunlonalvoolulnlnndlbopubllnrp man vhll INDKDB HOTEL. lluuon. uulm-1 In !. moot oonlrnl ud bu. hnhbon hotel In I an]. II In noun!) boon III!) hrs]-hi Inquire. nut boa-. lull! fol IQCU and tho hand oomnl In mud Pulou In line guy. Null (fuunu. eunuch:-t. IAIITIH trllsllll. H nloc. lIl.l`l., u an A`...`.I.. "...`{`.'-W2--a.!l'1"..~.-`-'--.= 1` -L4_&._ _ -. I 1 will III-nu uuji-`Inn-I I`Il'|"'-'l` amounts. _ . uunul hut: A Inhu. Io-'I. llrlpurlnl I . Hutu. Ionian null I nun. Hg: `*9! C _`_l|IO- um : uuwuuu -u --- ..,-...--.-. . .. uwcnobpuluuluodnn uni-d mu uoluiluovunn lab-the-Q Jinn -run 333;`:- IQ OIIAI unom IATII. jjhj hr r-la. _ - 'nm`nwIu am. at Lsdinnxivou lot Pu- llhmui. lhvro. Antwan! 04110? III VIII- Vlll Indonunod win In Inlonn the on that In bu llod I And A Ll 'IIl\ UONNliCTluN WIT I BIA PII`I IIOTII. . IN on Brock Btnot. .55.` `.. {`..`.`2.".'.2..".'n`.'u'u!!u' 3&0"-F. Innniv I>4\ I nnn J lacuna nlont Income! lo oi abort ubnnl. FOU':|al'KIi T IIIOICI 0. 0`. 0.... 1.`, Pv1'I#: ."' N. T. Greenwood : Houston, (.`IIl.`IP STMUBERRIES I'll CITY $l Il (`MANOR--'I`ho ndonuued hut you has intone! In \'l01'0luA IIOTIL mon Iml Kluglloll. Ont KIIO I`l RII"I' IAKIIY DQDEBT. Grganu o`l'_:IloI van tbuqobzl IIIUV. @- hnglou Ii tvunhluuu Ind Drool nch Pu\hI|u grnldooubo wutnuon duh nun I J. n. cuu. l.o.. n.b.a.. L.n.s.. ` I Eu\rVBlI}Z~Ll.. Illvlvjvu uu I v:v- 0 Isaac Pb Jnruon. dc`. Ocndlh-I We 31 Poo! 0c:r.'Wollln|u:u nd t or own pnnpt an-and Ia ' `A Lu London. and Liiauutulo ol the Arm ury'I'>on|-any. Button aeo- onour. he. once. runes: um. cor. Iimuoa Stud. Kuuuon. 1` min Loni Dr. lnnu Dunstan. lolnvtohnnoulasllhhh. Wuh out. on lbonhnnnt noun-0 Tuning mu. (1.: PIDLICR. n and PI: ? -U-vo---.-52-2:. --.-7!-~,~ IALIKI A WALIII. ' 'F"`Zl- ""', '12 ? '.':.`.`x_u": WALIKI I WALIII. TTOBNIY Bolteuon. I Runyon. 1-calla lho$ou 000: M W uuunnIu|.xIl. I Joan I. wauxtg IOIIIT uuw. I? ARllI8Tl?l:` Allotnoyauunv. Bollonll. It. 0500- noon Bun Lon: lunorn lomvmlmnululxagb. AMI I'alI'IuL. 0('0UH!'A8`l`. AUDI ho. Olonclu can IuIoI..uu lug POWII AID his AE*~.?'.""*`,.u,-.:::2.~.-5... M" `ii nu J nlnhl, l.IL. L_ uuuu-*uuu-uu. -uvvu. --- ... W... _-.__,, ` A LAl.I`-. 7 I!I'III I_Il&v 7 ' IIDIOIAL MI China it nun. Iona] to n on mums .31 olhoruouulllls `"1763-|`vil|aniIo um Ii cl want. 151! :"r.-';":!.'.".`.'.E`.".`r 3&1 - eoluuu-Q. H Houcu us 5. `~33 _uch. ran up` .4. mm ..:.~z':."x:,_w ad 0 p,_ ` 'n.iF..u," um. In Mulch-I u-"n III_nnAv_uonxuu u on PRO`! I #9: "'* :3 WT! "1:':::y.n'u'noxI nou_n I-t Int. 1!; '9 `."`.9'` `` aunn an n.-mun. n....u.. SOUICITOR. (0. Omar (`luvnoa Rlnomnk pocllo we ran Omen. NONI!` 1'0 UM.` 3| Iowan cll"l_I_l_It_l'lVlI_O.V V _m nmrup1n&u arms Ion OBEAH 80038 -1101 orn- RI X~ TOTE- .h-: I. si{Zwiai:i.i2f::? (K:'l&-Itl No"lIl`lI`C`O|coloIv-r` ` 1":-Ivoluanclo 151: -on-rlulnonuuuuluuloauyulvlrjgu I. J. Imuvuu. u.u.. ginaxcun. smmtou. lo. nnlnu L d0oo-U_onIoI Iunu.__u__su IIIDOUI HOTKL. [INDOOR may-1n hnnot. 6IIIII.8-T-Ii -I.n L. OLIIIIITI. Ill`l'ntl'. directly oppodh the Pan OI-c Wolllngton Etna. ltublhhol in ID: nick DI. J. YOUNG. I.D.. lllllll ollho lloyd Donn. ol Surgeon Liouunlo w'o'>oun-ny.auI0II. ' J. I. II IIIBIII ol I Ola - W Mn Una (hut: -.. -..._.._ V___,,V-_. .- nu. Drunk Ion-us and Ian Dub: at Odhfgcivionery. noun to uni. 'IlAc LOAN I nurses-Inn` lot`! as in lap OI null nun an junta Lu Inc: at Jo ,|9u_ or Busm` ens l'lAI'(l IOVID ~ (I. I Or-(nu Mn` J. l. IIITI. l.D.. lo! Oolluoolhtuooln . -n `ma: Mud. undue no nu mu Imam. --AlIO-- mmsmunomms ,"Z...."`.','.. .v``l i.'.:I!l"Iu`1 .":"`..s`s". 1-u:>.:'=:odullnI|od` ulna I C "III!!! Unlrwu. I O TIIOMAI IlAIl.IlI'.* Thin Mon. "2: ::-...."......:::'-=*- IZAILLD n | I'I II?! `I `B |'0II Il.Ill'I'IlH Wulnalny. July um . Wnrlnnndnl mmmh Woilnoahy. Jun 160: . July End 7. '~'v.'-i.L&a'.'y'. :n:y nu.` Wadnnlqy. Julv mu .. Wulnuhy. Jniy Bnl Wodnndnv. Tnlulmhu lOFF_Q_RD Sl ROYAL NAIL DIIIJ LINE Amarican andvv llanadian TYLESv F '_du.uumu' .N:w.I'&tI~Kt`.Dnuon Hclmot:-:1 lighten. r um ufu cannot in bus. Cibdooou rally; 5 Ijoo bu_uon oooi<':i'Z FRIEND til IIIHIIINI \I I&& ml I8 OINUKNI. Trade Mark on Even Package In 9:; . [I uumliaou not inns. will Ila shot. bllllnu boounoouunu. would wall local! and an out an; Chm a mason`. smnma ..,.g on Ollwlucut-Iona. nooumu neither mm. line. not unmonh Ind mu bound bylho mod dolluna canal tnuonl rm: u! Inloly. In (mu Iucoou Inf? an In {I Irma fun ubol Inn-nuloauf TIE BEST VAL It II THE IA KIT unit In omuh- I sdnpud Io Ibo want at bu Inch: hu aa- c led ouvlonu lmltnsonl ol In nuug uni havoc ghee. Burn: ouch. lo nddluon Io or vnrlnllon Ii-on Ihc Ilnpln name : WE ARE l'0W OFFERING BLACK. Young Ryan: uad J npan `run in 8 nd 10 '}uldiu n 3 Induction hon no to I) put cent. wlniahvo guuuloo ub- V ul.QIl7l"- Ii ALLAN LINE] [Q0 FEEES.| a ll: 3 Pure I -`I'll! ACID POWDER | an:oRGi:_c>Ir-roan. m-nI.-AI D . __lI'l'A.-_.- BA I-' .Z1_IN SI 9VQ$n vvvuu.-vuw-".. a` N n :4 .....&. A GENTS` FURNISHINGS -A! `l'll-- - . \Z'El.\I'J Q3 5' \iava-oy - WIOIA-ALI :- ---II'l'All.--- new IIIIT. rum-nu vr Aura IAnAnuu.A bu cum] mo ol the lllsn-scary Bhounulon. with which I have Inendlor mnny yuan. Gout. . Llvorpool. Loudoudeny. Lon- don. lrlnol. Cnrdlf. (lins- DI-J. C.Ayor;I;)-4: , izuwoll, Man. Ioldbynll bmqbu; u.-u bomarocu. '? -I-IV"-H V-0 lions, lo `linen. and Eruption cftholllmunbolornlld ncuued by I IN: and lnwvcdnhod. or col-I-uptul. ooullqndtlotboduulullhcunuhm. n.._|.n._ nu"...-an.` nan. nh-nu-I nun Jamaica. 0:431 daily h td-Q. which we lllllln IIII.I---UjI-auuua-|run-r_nnu unbound. lllulrlahlyupohsllblood pohniuroulbotyuamuulchcnudnun |hoblord.Ind nnonu ll! vlulng paid. II |l tho but known ready for Buuhll and on summon Ooupluull. II-gulp -I-n -gm.-up-, DI-J1--n, II.Inl1II|nA_ IIVC W I:-Us-HIGH vnuu-1 - Innnpulllnnnlothorhlooi-purifying nulo.u:HaIlvIl'lcIIo!lhho- IIiI1.II'I.Bbt.I\CtnIb- `LI; and -Minn:-Jun] hlnnnlnnlc (DAL o. o.-t3'.'sTonE, J. R.RA'1"1`ENBURY, . n....n. In-it lldok 39?P?ii } swuzqwtan I Mr. ,-5 PIOIOI AND 1 In! I VOL. mi; -I.OO_|_OUT-- TEAS. .J;?.i9s9!1-nn& Iltoatolfnnll II the any an- ad. {Iva I` LIHCV3&nvu Olltdh Whhr II NP|u-II IllAVdi`vnv-' .. EB @ai1y ruins. Min Cecilin Dixon. another dnnghlot of the lite (laorgu Dixon ha been Isid by tho side of her tuber. this lnIkLI()`|`( nova oftho family within 0 short pen . The bereaved funily have the uinoen Iympnhy of tho community It lugo. nnh1u&aiJnag.uui an; A lup pic-nlo new nus meet in Dunn)`: gnu non. with 1 Inge attendance 0! young and old. The young Indra soul out in- vitation to the young Inn. The load- iug npiriu wen Mina Brown. (lousher) lriuh. Snider and Gslbnith. who are determined not Iolndouonnothotyou. A Inn: nnl-Iv Zn hall! Al l-Id SEI- determined not lollouololnosnnlwur. A luv: puny in hold \I laid Slow- cruulovooatbononhnbon ol Duty hie. lot tho haul! ol the (LII. ohnnh. A lugs number utandod sud OI) wn realized for mu bush 0! the minister. On Scl.n&; tho hid an-onulod tho villager: in unit new nnilonn. 11... anal. nan nllnn veal: compelled villager: in that nnuorm. The and but 0! his neck Oolnpollod our vil dad: to by aide his dam- n_ud don In linen rl9n_Qr_whia_;I.a gguwm vi! dad: to lay Made In unu- ud r] t which uuwon the nuns pnrpono of I; hid impor- fuellnnn. es::..on'tlIo best moaforkam cattle. I-` _ I) 11 the gun mother can on amo diiry utennilu. The Iubjoct to: non wanna`: dinouuion in: Winch in the mom prolhblo. ruining gain or outtlo. Six gentleman who hue hlolv came from the cit no cunping on the shore ol Lobom 0. N10 uoonory of the inland: Ind around the lake In 1 lamp- ntion too strong lot weary citizens to again}. no mo bottom. I`.-n nu Hon . .'.""':" '.'.'*:.".:. `"'*' 3|`. Cl C ` "?lhndod to` the Nupnuoc. -500 Hush ad vhonnr any '9' ` W Tiny have hkn 0' "'"' `all which any his Iolhrrovunith `hum. thoAnu-iunnnrhut I...` mg l.._ boon pout nod unul we Iounn. Mr. An `e Jnrdiu bu built I new Addi- tion tohinhouae. which improves the place. The Buttons Drumtio Club musici- rte givmg an entertainment in the orth Shore school bouts next month. 'l'|.. n..n...n- nhnnnn hntnrv ia dnina donnld. 40th mu. 'lhe [once ulemblod in mm Bm., un- der command of Lions.-Col. Bog. 6 com- iu. 96 olllogu. 252 men ; 45th BAIL. but-Col. Cabin. 6 companies. 36 cm- can-. 252 men :49: BAN... Lient.-Col. Brown. 0 companies. `Momcen. 252 men. W. J. Anglia hu eluted his woolen mill.` Moi: doinan goodbnuueu in cudmg. uumm In um drought theorem us ` noun um. ' 'l`ln-ugh Lino. Compound cl Ibo lollovtna llltalsn ddo . viii dnuou : cu-mug. Oman to the gironght moo:-ope looking. very poor. at-pocislly on clay Inn}. A large number utendod the pie-nic at Sunbury mud pronounced It good. nuinu so um eaiobnuon in Kimnton Sunbury um pmnonnoeu ll goon. Owing to the oelobntnon Kingston on Dominion Day the school pic-nio bu boon pout nod until the fourth. DI C Hljul"-JIIJUI Ln. Jnuuu.-uuu Bath ion. hlunketry luatructur-Cupt. Byrne. 47! BO. I-humlv 0|:-nu---IIninr Kimr. Dinrict lrom Ilednenmue. we romumnqoo - psuieu cnmo by the 0. 0. RB. in the evening. The Mich came by the G.T.R. md hu! the longest. mu-oh. lining luri- ed It the outer dopol in the the-moon. The tollowinu are the brigulo mu : (Tnnnnlndln-LiEI1I.COI. H. A. Vil- The following me nngmo nun : Comm|ndInt-Lient.Col. lien. D.A.(}. R.-iauln Iniar-M|ior `$mitl.I.47t-h lngen. mu: lung. Bu-gum. II.ujot-h`v.-rgt. Buttery. Qunnermuter Sorgmmz~- Sen-gt. Mnc~ donnld. 40th Butt. 1 3... 1...... n-nnmhlml in mm lhn.. un- The Brigade Cunp lot Ililituy Die- srict No. II in under camp on Tneenhy. 24th iuu.. on W. B. Weller`: luIn.|bo`e& one en-le hell milee {tom town. The dev below the unnennuien were on Que ground e bed dieient menen urenaetl in connection with their hot- aloneee. About nooe&he`n3t`to nuke It eppeu-nee wee e . we eon- penlee. (Beeville and Iledoc). They cune by the nu. Qniale. no the test of the betulnon drove Into eemp. The ctr.- nleo brou In two companies 01 the 16:11 from llet nenville. the remeining oom- nguinu nnrnn luv llm C. 0. RE. I] I0 -I7l-II Butt. _ __ _ _ Supply Omccr--|ln;or lung. Psvnunmr. J _ ` nmm unuur Mnt.or- nor Qloiu oaotNcu'-'u'|-ic'ufu3J .. o.u.n.. 0- `Pu-an & ` lniu.