jjun - ._3'.!"-J "srnnurwx OF Pllll. _s_ul1u'.u VAcA'1`mN LE3. 'xZ's'1""n.3v'.T;}':,'.`.':iz.'i'.;I Louiu `lliott. Linie Morrison. ....|.- M.-mm: tum. Dan-1. Bixdio IITTD VI `*1! -phi!- can 9! mm mm); Btu`r1sHjwu1G, SATURDAY svI~:24zmu,Ju1,y 5, uly 5.-l| h:nond that houlovmlntho -- The diuributiog on` print zouowid. 1, HIV in! |nu.--_rIun. -uI.vv -nu. J [Jul Clld`. ): . Donal ' b ' lmy: . . Kauncnlu, umfmxm nioombv Ir. N .I_.. Ilcliounld. ' "3! '3' Q3`? ml! 9 3 ' 'l`voho1"'l`. pg-o_ bv li- l\'c|ly_; IAIIIUQ. gnu by H. Kelly: llxllm-ti P# i NI 0%,?" Moan. TIC uuuunn -on nu woo Iahliovo um their nululuo In il- don polmnl heir. Put an Tildoo don't want can u 0 ooupll-at ol the innlnn. OX1 VIII I` nomination. lvoryllll-Q III Inn 0! viola-who mu DOCIC odldsu? Now York Jul! 5.-Tbo condition 0! ask: luhoh Doooc;uI`o nun nobody noun mg. is in howlilnl Tilda In on oltholold on only out-moo. I-`ooliuq (or old Inn douluolol cnrylhhq Ind lab I-ulnou Ioulnoo will to no mks. Onbitloolldoa. lusciou- oplul tho` Iold. The Flown boon hgollgnp. thoughts nonun- blo bl` It to to gun purpor- `no not won I` Inlhun that lhnlu nnnoluhng In il. rm! u i Dulorn _n. Hgnan slim D.`Ion'i|Qu. Second division-J. Hooly. ptiso by I-`t. Rely: J. Katina. prim by h. Kqlly ; . ,_ uooln cum-uo.rm<.:u;L:`_ n_..-_I .n...:.:...... _`-r n-n-am. |lc\'Iclor, A. Arum. vv. Mccnmbridge. R.`jlun|ey. |~nl'nI-ll nl .--_.nl-x AI IIOTIII. ll. llll. I nrrn ::uee-l- no. r-nee.` (ienernl Proolency-J. Hickey. F. Tucker. W. Crowley. Annneu to nu: IIIBOP. At the oenelnelon el the [wine nwude Inlet llieheel Lemhert need on ad- dreeetothe hiuhop. On hehelt of the youthful portion ol the neck it express- ed the joy they felt ht hie enle return to the oity. Although young they quite uudentood tho` bleeelng that they nnd their parent: enjoyed in halving: hiuhop no pioue. lenloue and lenrned to preside over them. During his nheeuee they pnyed for the success ot hll miuion: they heard with great pleasure ol hie lordship`: remembrance ol them belorl the Holy Father: they rejoined to heel ol the mnrlui ol esteem which every- where greeted him. eepeeinlly in Rome and lrelnnd; they mourned when the newly reached them of the death ol his only hister. They hnd thought ol giv- ing him I lormnl reception. hut. believ- ing thnt he would be fatigued at the end of his long journey. decided to join in the demonstration of welcome which the people but nrreneed. They ngniu expressed their delight in having him and Fr. Kelly nmong them egun, and publicly thnnlred l"r. Twoliey lor the attention he lied peid them end the stimulus he hul given them in their study. ( REPLY OI` BIB LOIDSIIIP. ' { Prollotooey-acme: H-zoom Roll). priio by Erincipul HsIwud;l-`. Ilohcker, A. Around. W. Bnmnh. C. ll :-nnnnhritfoo R, Hlnlnv. l'0L'l'Il CLAII--Islu. IIITIUI I . uonenl Pmlloiohcy--1-1. Chrisuoy. \ . Donn. H. Kiel. .'.ZZL."_._.___.__._ _ _ mu mtnlvtniusmb nu-umng nnrougu nu aunt mo mun- ol thooompuay lound 5 bundle ol vo button. which showed that the youth wucugngodtoho hurried to lung girl: and nlno.l.hu1I`.hl1.o Ind been uonduux than [man In wrohtotho to telling than t thopnunh bun Dnrohuod with stolen money. ad in response mound bank I gold nub and slant ring: and was ptouhod noun: rin . The pil- lont. who in ol good {uni y. had but getting but NO par nonth ud npouding who that on livery rlgrnlou. _ llIl I.l ul Illa IaUI|.hVl.llr. Tho hiahop Ipoke htiey. but as usual to the point. He thanked the boy: {or thoallectnonato manner in which they had referred to him. but said that it was hardly necessary to assure him that he poaseeaed their regard and attain. The part taken by them in his reception. especially at the cathedral and palace. pleased him very much. and he took advantage ol the present occasion to make mention of the manor. llo com`:- aelled them in regard to the way they Ihould rpend the vacation. They should continue their mental oxeroiaea. __n A.) __a__a-:__._a ._ _..4I.__ soll end soon In the oolu-mooaou mur- der ol her hnshsnd. 8he ststod the! the swlnl deed hscl been oomlnitted on April lth. Vsnderbnr oune into the house. snd not heinao eredschsir set down on the oor. The wile hsd some ' `hiipstisnt words with her hushsnd shoot the children. snd the qnsrrol was con- tinued till Scott, too. beosms incensed sud suddenly deslt Vsndertnrg seversl blows on tho howl with s oluh. csusing dssth shnost instsntly. The two. Mrs. Vsnderbnru sad Scott. took the Inor- dered men by the heels. drugged him onto! the house snd some: the ysrd until so old well wss resohed. into which the lileless body wee pitched heed that. Scott lled up the well with dirt snd rubbish. went to bed. sad it is supposed loll ssleep. His or in the crime est np sll night. e mother at Mrs. Vsederhnrg is under snest Is well ss her dsughtor. but she denies sll complicity in the murder. oo---- Inc-yen:-g Inn lino olchou-Wlo will $0.0 QOCHDIOY IQ! ICI- liInntnroolnnunudhnll|Iyahr- tour. Ho oerhinly hoped the ncgtion would be u {all o! lnppiuou I! they Ind Anticipated. Detroit, July 8.-A d sou (min Ionic. Iiolm. uyl Sheri! ' k N- turnod from Edmoro bringing with him thobody of Scott. the mnrdumr and unicide. Mn. Vnnderburv made 1 com- plete confession. impliouhn both her- uel! and Scott in the cold-b oodod mur- Ilnp nl Mgr Mn-hand Rhn Ihl,` Chi.` In;-nged to be lnrrlod In seven Glrlll ynlo-nuc Shula; ol lacy. London. Ont. July 4.-.\ youth in I loan company`: oloo III dinoovond the other day to bo Iyuomuiodlv uulmg unnll Amount: 0! money. He wu [inn Mann minute: to Ian tho city. In numbing through bin druur tho nnrnl tbnnomnnnv found A band]. 1:! ilno. IIUOID UIJll- lpu.1.-`I\,|Ilt;___ ; Opnonl - Plpldtncy - 1'. (I'D:-ioII.V girls by Fr. Kelly ;.l>. O'Connor and J. 1 no. nun not y-Janos \'i'aosnt nu`-ml llgln-mrl! I1`. Maul. "No In don't have III! II doc`-iroyl A or! ninouu bonus. '_ `lwolvo bocmnd raven M Burulay. i , luunhl. England. hvo struck. ` --u._.. __ ..... |.m..I 5... `.5. ...,|.,. . II`lbhl'| and `bin : low: Ooudouod mom II I -ulnnau uh . _ doohnn that than in` no `gmgnd Int uuum lion that tho Pnnunu GIL` will not be Ililhod in `88. -n.- I.........:.. Imus innnnd um nm-Mn. hon! II Inc IDIUIIKI uuup vu ........,. Al the convention of Trinity Oollpgo Thnrulsy Bishop Swutuun noted hi: sympathy with univonity conlodouliou. |........ Tm-mu. Tnnneltou. W. \'n., .u5uu. Thus men Inn killed by Ii! uplo- Iion ol oul and gun II Soul: Olive. 0. - _._.. |._- 5...... ..num-rl at Lnnin. them in n Iontnsl girl. IIOII 0| oll Illll 3-: st ouuuu II-uvw` V. A mun ha been captured st Louis- ville who hut In viva living. one 01 n-I ........I-al-u-an that thus an QXI Wlll IIUI no IIIIIIIIUII nu vvn ~ The Jolozniul have issued thoporhlr l ton: dooluution that Prinoo Victor bu . lorloitod his right! to the throne. I.-._-.: |.`._-..-n. |..}l I4\ ha nun] In mull | mg. The undorhhu-n 6! this province luvo lormod themselves into us uuocintnou lo: mututl pcolocuon and mo '*promo~ tion 0! their tndo interests. an , n,....... |l........u. -uuninntinn lnnlx Hon 0! Hunt uluu -uv-nu-um 'l`ho Count Meunnuc nominnion took place on T nndny lot the House ol Commons. Messrs. Turgeou. Conservi- Give. and Lnngolier. Liberal. were nomi- ustod. " . . _ ___:. ......-.. no on... .....mI..-u nl um At. A conference of the members of the llonnca of Lord: um! Common in Wu` untuimoual resolved to introduce I ` I)ecoued \\ ilo Sister : [ml in the Home | 0! Lord: immedinuly. ron.- I..:-L n..n...|:- Innhnnn Iunm Anh- u...,... I youuqonnua. M ` d I. Clviliuuon oou not no on IIIIIOIO. ltlodhoulllo In with lllornl mm on that now doooluu gm I0:lIk0bI0ll::fOn II mnmmn on w our I00 V ` - dnullo"'::pIowod up the nlhy Two I noun! or and tho yhldhg $`i'.32 ." .`z.'."`.?...;.I"..a....""`.'.`.."n.`7.2 nllhhdonply un' on tum M you with In Inonotonoun. dudo-Ilka out An nltl llnnr mun an In-. -I: "I'm with In Inonotonoul. no-nu sun. An old that out sold lo: -0: "Pa nhooldocldod. lllll. Ihulhwou In I sumo! hmory. mu to cotton! onranb our 3 brush In It -an In --A In A I-din; hnlnn. our oovcr Drum In vs unlit M ndlglt hdlun. button to In our dlguhn with cold phat Ind olthounolpoulgwogo ton Innnud not 5;: Can! nndotourchluudoupb slut ndhnnn our annual will all- lorlollod lnl ngusl I9 suu uunum. I-`Ind liuvnnotp land to bo mod to quell 1 thruunod riot between two nth lionu At the Toronto dump on Tummy. . .~ n.- ........-.514;-u nl Tuinilv Pollnon Juno: Tm-net. Tnnncltou. w. u., in: gnnrd youterduy by 1. friend nlmnd `fly or. They had been drink- ihu I 0| Lorun lunneulluuy . Tho Irish Cdholia blnhopu have uk- od the government to intervene to pm- servo the right: of Britinh subjects. which no throntonou by the pro 1 spoilslion ol the tool propc.-rty 0 tho Pruplauldl Fido: by Italy. A grant. deal of nttaention Ink: Intel)` been devoted to tho thoor and practice of Inihh ballooning. In it. in now ul- nonncod I. A8 I corps ot milieu-y wron- nnta in to be formed [tom among the mambon ol the Englmlz voluntoorloroea. I _u-.... L--- I... ....-i-ml at lhiln llllllrl UI uw lull:-nu nnuuuuu. Ivuvv-1. Lcttorn hue been received at Usilio from Khnrtonm stating thus the plum wu captured in Mny without. dimcullv. There was no '::I.um~ro. Mon 0! the Europeans turned Mohamnnodnna. but (lemon! Gordon. who did not. in sale and allowed his freedom. n . __,, --.:._._ .... 1-- ......-:..I .... IIDWUI IHI ITISCIUIII. Detectives, noting undor special or- don. ymtetdny minutely overlnnlul tho Itsnmor Holiun on her Arrival 11. Glu- gow lrom New York for inlernnl un- ohinu without. success. Alnericm ven- ndln will be on-elully enmmod. and nll public building: no closely gunnlotl Houtreul. July 4.--Police Magistrate Dugu hu committed Mr. Alenndor Bnntin. director. of tha Exchange Bank. for trial on the clnrgo ol having given fnudnlout preferences to himnell as I creditor of Iho bunk. Mr. Buntin WII .a...:.a tn mil. liquor law wens mm enocn yesuruny. There was 5 grout. rush on the mount on Wednesday by bibulous individunll who hid in I luxe stock 01 liquors. Member: of the saloon hue hung out nignalike the lollowina: Colored nil water," Mumm." "Worm destroyu. Swimming hunt." to. orocmor 0! Inc In Idlllied $0 btil. ___j London. July H.-lt is rumoured in Auousn thnt. twelve thousand Aruba nacho-1 nnd captured Dobbeh by u- uult. It in said three thuuund oi the artisan. and tho inlmblunu were kill- Ionounnl nu mu Icon. The lnodorn cunp In no: the cans are wlldornon It wear the hull v nod nd nhbb not primal: 3 nvod-of towimpiou how till yourldoodny ouwlll Inc where on get tho dnl nporundrudth ndor the oloctr ht. That robs old canon: ol tholt Ioloun bolt and ngnnlnn Ann}: -nlnh -Ilh ILA ndnr E 1 Old OI IDIII IOIODII IGIIOI and touch lot with the odor olooipbcllo dvlllullon. CIVIL- Innllnn In and In hln-up In. all (Isl: and Ila poo non mun uo ouor cl hallo Iuuonlnnouohlnnolor dlthlu. and ya It noun ud. could but don Illa lnlurrrnu.-I\l ol-;ho Nuv`l.lqnor l.nw-8oIno Comical Blgln. Deamoinen. Iowa. Juno 5.--The now liquor ht went into effect yesunhy. 'l`|...-. 1-... n nmnl. rnnh nn Elm nlonnl (IIIAND STAND COLI..|l`B. Butte. Montana. July 5.-The grand stand at the non truck lull yootoula . whoa there were the hundred poopo :99]! it. one killed and twelve motionl- urn. --~- 0o- --- MAROUEE.()-l .E-RA HOUSE ions. it In: driven out the long hndlod frying pan ind the ill luck 0! twenty yenn :50. and int uood tho eon- tionnod milk Ind canned iruii oi con- morco. Along the h hvuyn when once the hopeful lmn ndl launched with lon lnmllod uhovel Ind pick Ind PM). ooo ing by the II] ihi alt pork And hp sch uni Iiumguliioh. now the road in l nod with empty but bottles nd pouch cans thn have outlived their Iuefuineu. No lnndooupo on be pio- turuqno with u empty pouh on in the iongronnd any more than a lion wouldlookgnndinn rod monognni honoblnkot sad lulu Moth. j The I Item of building railroad: Into the wil onion and than Allowing the wilderness to devolo nerwerdn. bu knocked the ouontinrjoy onto! the lilo ol the pioneer. At one time the hnnly hewer oi wood and drawer oi Inter evo his iiietimo willingly list in non might ride in the "vu-ninhed oars. Now the Puiiunn cur unto: the New Yorker to the threshold 01 the see or the boundnry line between the United Stews and the British poueu- Ions. It lug: nh-Ivan nnl lhn Inna hnndlnd |ym|Iunywn.u lilllvvlilvy uuu-w-.u......,... -.. ...n.-annd valterdlv by ooxuucnsw. rnnmiuus. ..__..-..3._-_ OOIII ITID IOI TRIAL -uuhu-I. I.IvaiIs\ .No More Frontier. bopuuar vioonugm amnion l1 .AllIl.'8l.`!lI:IIuDIn uou.mu?r I'll Imbl PITII All Ml] II l Illll | X.i7 this ind lo`i'nI' Thu untognui be [rid an Pic E . 1 \ I V _ uh 3311137 at Amonog. an` Inn pub- llohodnuomo inch urn` mu. oxpunny 1: inc: beyond "0 0! time. into the rentnual own)! ` sunlight or Tail 3 Iccordln to cir- cunuuncon. A 01 than ngnuulu boat I striking roaemblnoo to oust! uudo by .450 came lndlvldndl. Ind ` this in the only one thiixg on uni or nndir tho earth. or in hoavon. um thy do nunhh. huh ol Llmn iodi- cnu the chum-wt of mu mnnwhor made it. . | "Avian -ll:-onlAI'n nhvnnlnl Ilka undo it. " Horece -Greeley`: signature. like oil other quill {manual performed b him. looked i e an uiing also then uime. Aurolulo orvor ol the VIF ion: pipe: ol animal lilo. would hue uworu tlutlv. represented the nrioue itlone auumod by nnw III lo`-iworm and intent guno-cock e in mot- ul combat. and that it wu 3 complete wnr me of the tragedy. and the: the lace v on llolinoo oeumi I reading nk wu the striking picture 0 the int lwlgglo of tho worm`: can. u it no- _ islned down the little. red lune. leading `to the interior oi the chicken-hearted ugjllnl. 0! course. a munvho wrote Kin nnmo like that would not I dial: oi dougimutalu lxiainp at n luhionuble ` dinuor and out timm I". while tho , ollmn lookod on ngliut and llumned to his ndvlco to young men to go west and out H) the country. Hamnr Hancock`: aisznaturo looks uv un_u uuuu: Iv ,vu..5 ....... .- H- ..-__ 3) Gonor Hancock`: signature so it a goon: And Ink-stand Ind been ,li!l|liN3llO0lllly struck by lightning. while I about 0! pngqr was being whirled about among 1 ch res ctivo dobrln b I cyclone. It briit on I over 11k wlr-Ilka an I J..n'n.wi.` nnlmvrn II I mull!!- Innouum In anon: no ldrl II). III!) OIAII. OIOX Ill]- IJ H003 .u.2.l``3o`.&'.-`:'.3.".`.' "" "" ' with war-like I94. Jellbnvis` nuwgrn running- luud map ofmo roulo he took in vm- ; mens` clothing. when he was trying to u mt unv (rum Uncle Sam. and nl` tho iiifiiim 'nidqunars an-3 D C. Q. -JFLKI. mens` clothing. when he trying [0 fun nu {rum Sam. at ntru 0 01 um n-n., clearly indicates the pulling up 0! is dross Ind discov- ery of MI boots by tho soldion. md the row lhnl. took place when ho was on nurml. Tho hnndcutfa stand out ho dl_\' in tho ourish with which he un~ doracurus it. ,|..n... |..mm'. nnmn. when written it. John Logan`: nnmn. ` by hilusoll. is crooked and wnrpod. and f ulnngelyni nilicant 0! his clnncwr. 1 You on rape I it any way you liko.- un. down. lorwud or backward. and I You spell it you nu.- up. down. It. reads `'job`` {or every three letters and "lrick tor 0\'cr_\' tour. n.........'.. nlonnlurn in a genuine man and "trick" lor luur. Dorsey's signature is n genuine ma l of tho star-routes which he conu-new Io expedite, and the dome of n coun- houn and barmd windows 0! 3 jnii iio enveloped in its terminating ourish. ` Cu-tor Ilnrrison`s aignnturo in hull of ` terminating ourish. Cnrtor aigunturo mum and richly curlln smoke. mm! is I good. re ruentnlion 0 his uutnlnod sud Vllll ngboaplrit. The vice pull- doncy cm`: soon in it. however. Amour the humurisla 0! the country. cm`: be In ll. nowovur. Among Ilgnuuros are as prevalent Is In other bnnchon bl tum-,. Josh Blllin u. when written by ourw. Shaw loo 1 u it 1 dictiounrv had I|I'|lII through at an unexpected moment. J. Annoy Knox write: his name With- out taking his pen from tho pl 1' more than once.,nnd It looks w on completed. llke I\ turnlni;-row in I fronhly ploughed eld. It a more up- rlght. however. than my ol the othon. uni suggests thnt lu overseer wu bound to, hue It grow when he planted` '3. Ind thnt It ll rod-rlpo um] juicy us` the othu thing: which he writes. _ Alnnndor Swoet`a nnlno In I cnnoly-1 the own lung: wmcn no wrlwl. Ahnnder Stout`: nlmo end -1 null on paper. It stretches out U: n" sud I: ll In pllcol. and than awolls into beautiful curvoa. like his logs. Neither Hr. Swool nor Ir. Knox is, vary economies! In the use of ink or pupor. but Swat`: nunu in 3 kind ol_ nernotunl Inky unllo. , DIII DWOGFI IIIIIIU II I uuu vu_ tunl in axles B. win signs his nuno with . am--rm-r m nmu-nt the world [mm is U 1 dictionary nu ooenruu mrou x u elder mill and the inlet used as in ` nun. Tulin. u rendered by Samuc` uulvul unnu- IQBIIY. JIILY O. I. W. BA|RD'8. mill and the gluon men tux. Mnrk Twila. In nndcrod by Samuel Leghorn Clcnong solo proprlotoi`. unuuprud ndvanco agent. up out tobllnun oi Cnllforuln Ind :- uon Ivwlng lrom um outraged audience. Geo. Washington Pock is written as Ind rolling on In olgm moo: snow ' bill. It Is: klml of `gurgling-In p . devil-may-euro kind 0 n pyrotoc no din lay. Nye write: his name as It the Ink were u suflbmr Iron: Dr. Dyurt oerobro-spinal meningitis and tho mum s. and on-rv nnglo appears lo hnvo , n the rmuh. 0! I kick of a mule unexpected moment. .I_ Arrnuv Charles II. hum ugns ma nuno wun I type-writer to prov:-In Inhuklng it {or 5 bill ol excommunica- uou (mm the pope. On]; I`. Raul`: nlsmllnro looks as H uou [mm the l`. Raul`: nlgnnlnro be bud been lnterru Md uoverll time: by music iron: the ddlo ol In Atha- uw Iqnnter. nnd can be sung or road no pleasure. 1! sun . however. I] r number ol mu 1 um mud mun Inldo. Rah n...-.|.u.. -mm his mum but on ` made. N Bob Burdotto write: his nunn big the Bob. but It polors out In It wort`. lovnrd tho latter end at Bunlollu. u I! In ownot were um. And Iunrloqult and an nnnnl Hm hlhlnl u an own: III I I w?'3. 1 . and go I the bublu. W. J. plou write: his nuno In 3 Mg. mud. drummer-like hum]. and lo- wnni Ila conclusion. it look: as I! then Inn more coming but he land to uh baton full for tour at being out to write with | chunk ol congonlod nk. (Eu-lPmnl. u written by C. II.` with chunk ol congouou IIII. Cu] Pretzel. no by ` Burris. loot: u It It would not Into Inch chewing lo reduce it. Lut It la n - suck so 3 prouel In which the putry I cook lorgot In at out. . Bob Innnol `I name looks like the \ Bobun II`: noon llli sun I plant to on not ballots in. - Our own Iulogn will In publlohod I uni inch with cop out loot uolu ad I mluInnan.-1'lrolh HI. 9 DTIIICIIIDI ul Iuluv. an-cu -nu... our W. dictionary nruu throng . nldnr mill and inlet Rom MAIL LINE. ""!'"L""": % uonlowlng lrom omugw Iuuluncu Geo. II, the bad boy Id jogged the old gon- me llomufl elbow seven .1. while he .... nlnnnlnxr with his mm in his hmd i nnt Nook mun copious loos tolonnou- Through -:---{Oj-- Human`: olbow umes. wnuo no wu Iloe mg with his pm: mt oight shoot. show |.m nun. Hm! numllnz-hnpy, | IOIDAI. JULY 71". `II. rook n..IzI.`` .F 11990 ognr Ia __.__._{o:j_ [ussrn rnmum k"".-`:.'-.".."".:i`: z"?."m-_"" ""'. ',gx_:-:1'.:.:.-.-.s'1:'... ..-..-: Inna IIuuw-.u uunlvvu nuluhy. Illunutbun. unqnhhnouuunqcunlhw s|u'N.A'r1'iuc`s. out. lo mo ho! ho. In |3D-I_Ig_nn noon] 1'! (DI)! VI 07 nmmnol III hall on It-Imus Io In-tvllbu TIIJIIDAV. JlIl.I IOII. A: null II our Iowunror nun. onqnlnll lo- -lurk) In Ian not bun Mvonlo Mull. Thennld In has than you ulvuun Inon. We Mn boon D ouhnlnq our vnmlnllhdx vein" 300 Incl IO-Mooloud counnunc. lot CSO hnhuootuu -an vohumlncu .9114; 3-gfuuon um; I6 I50 slunlionl. but It on mil Ilhohpn hr buslnon. and ouutonialoveuoolunilull in the ally. sud out (big ol u (ltoool-In -on--than: huts. and who III-cu. bu Prion uulbvl TIIAII I'll lunnrmms nmlxmrm LADY'FRIEND.| Nounonlln Qyncuhd nan voubtr. Io hunnccouhy.|o'ro-uueuxr-a-`I :-I-Ull- thtlllnlbllhbpoolcnuulqodlz -ho our \-.u...... mm nu llnnlh. lb-`laud }.. n. IECIHIIIIIIHQIQOICIIKIIDQII; use cu Nauoul Noah lug pyanlhu. When. Rollo-I lhoy sad I19. the hoclthlut load in the world. }JAS:{1RAWFURD'S) BROCKVILLE IND RETURN IL? I": F Sh. I uu III have has so III III `He no not Io min by cnllnn "till I! B Ihcmn about llnponal Ptluon. Ion; Plan. to. Povhnory. nnuhen. C0-ho. In-angel. kc. r.._F'r-no Bantu; um smoking loan on. to the public. 'I'IlA nl: IIIoIIO 2 CCII IVIC CCC IIIC locum Ttohuwlllbo I-uou|I.N.loodIo nun uphtholh Inolvu II-A-An IIAII In! mo. nommrn, TOBACCONIST, BEST BRANDS CIHAIII AND TOIACXXNI Clu.uu-:`l"l'E8. l`ll'lls, POUUIIIR. nm\`n.d. a.-...m-. the 'I'ItA Dli lll0`I"IO noun Mmouc. mum. rlorrll Qlncx ltl:`!'UllNB.. I nutunnool set w ... ....| u.-mg Tun In! LA Aha IA -- \ 1 Al! MAS IIILIN 0l'I lNV.ll?lLl\l.}Z l'Iu(` non. Io (IUARARTIS to our euuonun. nml uupnhllo uunlly. um ury but nlnlmn ol (`ttl ul Wood at Prices as Low as the Lowest. I [LII -- -- L.An-- ..|--a_- ngnp -4I.- uh aooii '-1'1}{1u> J\Tifo<)'1i SET ll um I: I let dun` noun. --8AIPLE BET-NOW ON VlI\V AT- I IIVVU ll LVN IIU luv I-vvyvvu (Xllon uholhnplulu youndcnolb vino. Iiuuupodv uulnt Inn-u Danna. Wu Incl we nu hush you. \AInIx-loocolnon H, ud 01910 In Docl. King IL. Int. Ufrdun mwh-owl at mid yuan cm In ptonnly Ind. -1114! PIION I Oullll.` NIOATION - I. (IRAN!-`0BlD k 130.. Jun 3. Pool 0! Qunu Banal. NTIL I-`URTIIII IIOTICI lmll hook and dollar. when ranked. hon qnslny ol Slow mud Cuntuul C II III Colin par Inn. JAMES IWYTT Juno Nth. NIL 0ddfe||ows' `Demonstration. Coal aWood.| `:01-ruined III Inn Pun Visual C I . And oelrvotuou u use Iowuu nun. \`AIll) -.u Conn ol Ontario and tunnel Bantu. _ __ OUR STOCK 0| l`llI.|`I II (X!II I4K'I`N. In Incl jvoqlllly till h wand In Ila Uroowy um an In In! ul 1) WALMI ll I'I(ll`AllI.ll 1'0 Ttlk onion and 0el:vu0ou u Ibo Iovul run 'TII&' arnuan "MAUI5" _A. _ :__._; IA.-A Lg -.A An...-4. 888 Princess St... OI-v RnuHI|oN'II Cnnuux Pu-I-unv. JOHN "r9iE)'"II"'TEATH, Coal !_Gaa1 1 6.mLC)_2l.\TC3-`S. an- -_..._--- no NOT UNDERSOLD. B255 rrlnuuau : u. Orr Ilomru-on`: IIIIC ---uvv--- v- Walnut and Ilurblo Top. lot 515. ch BRooT<'\'/ILLE. Pl-Inceu IL. llngnon. Aunt lur Mint`: houou Me. SOME OF wonl wmniaim _m_s&unwu~.r~~ YOU CAN GET \ .511 July IOUI III IIUI -.1-|..n-nuns:-gaumm Bllll `DOWN. `II I'I`I-l7`.'II 31-- 01913. Pulhilrn (Iron-cry. Furuilun Rqaaitod. be. I. `FIONA! IlAII.liI'. Tuna Anon IVI Pu narrow j [mum mm. 33-: :- `IIDNIIDAIJIJIJ nu. _..g._o..... m-n-- .....unnnnnnol WHITE BOSE! I Will 7| All II III! llll. AMERICAN a0ii}uTcoT. I. u_. gun a oo's.; --" - . r Codcluluu -mus run In: nocou-Ina man! and. mum I`||o-I .-mnpuy on son: am ul Hutu rhllv. .luu.- |`L _, Cl.VIll|- _~Il.W. CUCIFII n!` l.'KCJ' runnu. Ill:-nu nu mu 'uaus-1-unrunuivmb muar no:~u.V TsTT:E?(?nh 'FOR SALE": NEELON S `vllJ.1\)MuKNI`N on BA'l`U|(l)A\` NEXT Iuwlmny Salunlny lhuvotler dllflll the Cam Ileohnu Iouou. Inn A (hum k (`nu Ihl cl `-`:00 |`.H. BILUH Fur an ulwru-\-\u an-I on-nun: -ail Ihmutu llm l`II|1 luloc. |vAgun;- H ap P_.Y"~P SH BARGAINS NEW` -I]m'1`s -..___ New Advertisements. IREUIATIBI Nll`lIrmun\ulu will In?!` lully uuo III hall nl Iii-' ti-mp (lmnml um! a nun- hour II Noun Ihv. Fm humor In on-Into: apply to PADT. 0IAlll(h LKIIIINII I'l0l.lV|~"I ? IIIIIIIUI. (`nnunnwn hm Brim I lor the Vtnlha. Tort Boole -an oonlun gum: hum kouonyn. loo-(Int with mom 0! I maul on-I Vltlltlnlpn. llilnlo an tut In In ud nnlhmon. noon: 09 `Human Duvet. IIII` Wollnacton tool. A $30.4 Qnululk (Iwlnnn an Inn ulxncod by u- n; In gull! IV. I] REILLY. 11uUsE11uf1{ -FURNI'l`lRl~} . BEIIITIPIIL EIILIIRBD PILTIIHB ISl}RAVE & ngrs. ms. 3' I`N(`lAI. llK.\NllR(|l Hal III-| INIIKTRII -' ` lnnluvnl nu llw nnnlullnt 'I`IuIl-(riot bolvou Tnnlon an-I Oouvnll nu-plus-I tum. Knnnlon uIn\-lvnhmr-I I-\~r nlns. w-.. main 0! 1 I n I I II \I l`l.\K0.`|ll!l`I8Rl:lI AND TAl`ITll\' l`Lll l'I2~1 S. #0.. to -l__.. 3 ue Erna (X-Inn `I;::uu. `tun-nol:`l`n II ru-you Park: In 15,4000! `hula Hun I?ul::u"$1\lou.%lnInoI. John. Ru: (`hum Ik~k;~qu. zlhlgbogli. ugh; uidothir mung: hvhgwnuu. Ikwlui. so-lobonli. `Table. Iumtx Illml Wnlnut. llutlmou Btu. Wudmln. lluvunn. Wnnhulumlt Iulnhox Iodnhulu. has Nrumulnu 1`ouu~o|-0. lawn lavu. Flue Phuuon`. much-1. Ylgu-I Wuu. Rub!-or Ila-n. In.-hon Uoonuln. kc Ink an IQ mu. - Tern: rash. 1. I-I IIUTCIIKSON '6 l_ar1'"gr_I s"A1.m' "7 ISUMMERNUMBER F. NISBElT S. Pm-tor and Lngar. IN NO`. fhkfl. k|(|& Il.\l.l-` ll URIKKLR INK- IIRIS ARI) ll(Illlb`.\I\R u... -`Monday, July 7th. I ol ma non-.m.I rmuum-_ mnuuu ol mm I`mm_ nmndn uni Two: ' rerun uunuuun I-cu Inn nor. [vi rm Girl`: H button boon |I Illitronl 9|! f-. I `I Kllnqntlity ll kkl haunt hoot. Mm. Ion RID; lama In all hula homo. um IQIIU um: #45); Mnn button Cons ervalory For the Pia/in. D. REi:LI_.Y Phnldnn biog ~ |rI`- luv all hallo: ..J..` [Illustrated Londonlaws. Upon luau lulu JUNK. gg-9..mr.\p(i`3 .|lI|'`h~uu\v ( U at an mend bl (lull: 1 rmm soo}}Zasoas:ore, Jun 00:. uunu. IA! I-I' July 1 IIIIHKI PNDIIVIIY IJUIIT IXPINIRF. (`AN Ublllllal. Tlll lpllllllilf EIIIII II"f\IlL` I\l TIlI' l`IT\ Hm os. ahos.. . ('.\I,H|>(>xIi*c4.%:'I:1ms. -.L__.. RAVI`. nulvui lnunruonu [mm (\.|l-llllll. 0Ial\`IIl to all M NI lluldonoc. Max Mrnl '0` on ' The I IIIINIBII Iooluioro. V-ldr-J ALL unlis- I\I\(:.\"I`0N |IiF.II`\' I 0Il swnpmnnx aiilvi A 0.... .v-.._ _|....- I\-.LL..n-. u... -... AUCTION SALE GRAND HOTEL AEOTIL TO LIT. Mr ` 1-n-min ul 3. J. u.uuv_ ...... -- `I. -L ..5 {-1 8 8 4~~ TAKE NOTICE. Vlinllntlln cl - |2I'I`ITl.ED - 3 cu IIIUAI. JULY 'I".9 ' 1 Grw.-er. Mariel Rquure kin! DYSPBPSIAI ICII P. W. O. IIPLBI. mun I-Ann); nu ll lull) canon:-r. To Let. A.!?WB.$19 NI CldlIfC~ wulnrn `I `hr Qujuju-7-:-an --w-, |wI:InI10IIIIdvo. T|IO!NlN`|` II-4-in-1 -I 4|-n-La! nnl lln Inns. "-U Viyvljuv-. UI,IUUUIIvIUIIu lldnlppianldruohulouulnlru. It We and than us learn)! dt-ought ox; ' ` in the inutiorol Alllbtlil bu can at noun 0! tin lclhnno poople. onool who... mi. 1:. s.m1u-. bu ubniltod ;_,..n.....' .1; 1.4.. 1;.` uuuulmulna n non, Ir. 5. B. nlluuu. nu Iulullluvvu "' dnnglf o!n' device '6!` ptoduclag I 1.11 .1 _:.. nu... mm-I.nuu.nlm|-and IIII Ill l'IIll uvuu unu-u-w-_.-.n._ ollgodu to tlxogovurnmont. The appur- iuuinvery niqpplo. A ospuvo bdoon. inuod. with chain !_I)on|n_`loeI.ot IIydtogon.lI son I]! intotho ploudu, nxryinu u_ unto diunoo holds: `it u ham! ooam-in; uboui so up. ol dyna- llito. Wbu ll bu roldlodthopiopor olontion the dynamo in exploded by Indusol an electric Ipu-I oonveyqd thing 1 who eonmunbuing with the A4-AI. Thu anal` A0 Innh gnnmmnninn. "WXC I-IUUIIUUIJ -VII uric`!- tho mun pull-Io. A W. 1'. Nnrln mind Io-day from Chpolonlk Ho loohwulhudohl-I HIIDSIFQOOII uluu|nH|Ilq- 4- H. La: nmbml In I-also-lap ..u.':.'w'_.;:: `A1701 :!'|:.8yIuuo and Wnauoru. no any: Al_... .- --`I. L.n.- K- AL- |u.A.. I... In I VWIII Utllulluu IIIIII uqv bath. The aoat ol Inch nooncuuioii. `II hurglod. would be Iooauno ninr nnotnh `down-pour from the nin- chugod cl.oo|.'By '1 poonliu llIOchu:i- oal I-Illlllhont the -Inlloon would oollnplou the moment ol explosion, and -nlnrn nninlnvml tn Mun QAPIJI. mn- WIIIFII HID IIIUIIIUI-II U: unluvu-V... and ntnrn naiujntad to an can-uh. roa- dy to he inated again. In New South Walalllnobngnnneo in to ho lumin- diately toatod. The drought. in that colony is producing calamibous rouulla ` among the sheep and cattle. audit in ` naked that the want of water la render- ` odmoro annoying by tho lroquout ap` poannoo at night of heavy rain clouds. which tliaappaar iron the ally by morII- ing. It in thought that such localities present a favorable field (or trying the invention. 1! ch roanm an encourag- ing the apparatus will probably be leat- od by tho water aupply department in Victoria alao. _. u,_ u__ _____:_.`._l. :_ I... .. ........ n. 1:. I'll nrjyum. n. nun. llow vat; w. A. on. lontro||:J. I. Vlculvuth. 0-bI: Juno: Bub. vibud bully. BoIIhITuo.Iu at Ihohdthhluuhnnobl. ` 1'InW|nSpqdunol slcwduynugo. uodndthuvul in thuoitvol III. Sln. llqtou. 030.. with hot lhno clnqlhu. and lb `l'udy.Iha llnni ndtvuunuhcn unit ujoln Goa. Scnnpnd unit this now Inuoon AL. _..A.- nnnluln, vI--gvgnju-nu-u -vnzuuvvm nun I-,- Ihuuonulahouorh tlnhbolot _.- nl_- I- t\__..I4 V lvIIl'- Iluu. . - Now the expotinbut in by no mean: now.-and its nuocou in not st nll con- jectunl. About 5) you! 40. porhspn longer. Andrew Crolbo, lllokllom else` trioun-who upon I lilo-Limo in scien- tic rosou'ch_ and utoniuhod. becnso previously unknown. the members of the British Association by bit wonder- -I .___._.__._ --.._..:.....I 4|... LL... ..l `H0 Dfllllll IIDIIZ U1 U3 vvuuuuu lnl experiment-conceived the idea of making the run clouds burst by the dia- ohugool explooivec. On the -hill: of ;1 Inn -n-L Inn hi: lnllmm. i an -us up -Iu ireighood with an agency (not dynunite but something enswering the some pur- pone) end, tiring it by electricity. he brnnglu down the oopioun showers. There in nodonhl of thin hot. II the exponment was witnessed by I gentle- Innn now in Kingston. Heine: in but carrying out. and perhaps improving Ilpol. the oonoeptione oi Uroue. handy. when ovtynno wu crying out for rain. it curred b u that some -enedionldtrywhetheoonldlowin little dynamite end no electric wire to- wards melting the cloud: give to the earth the ruin which they contained. There we: wenlth in to-dny'| down- ponnhut noon the ground nny look dry on] great clondl pun overhead And oiuur rein not or drop their pi-ecionu burden where it in not wanted. Let ' some scientist try his hand at In ex- periment whichwiil give him fume and the people the binning (or which they `Ion. Mr. Shad III Manly liliollon with pudynh while in a Mon at mu- n on wctlnudny dun-noon. The doc- hu-n Iunhl Anal an human 15' Mm hnll uanlln. `I50 Poqlo Whoa woluuu, nqytqu and boil ! Au;-pd lush; Aluutlop. nu-u ' hunk` 00.00 Ialo at IIDO. - 'I'QI'-I Cut. J. I. llrrcuuon. `HI 1 Audience. ..- .- ---V-.. usage I. High god -in. In T. .1. Bpolnu. Fnd W. Bolkup And John I. High. of Chicago. Arrived last night on 3 tom unoouu the iuludn. - - ,. ._._.,_- Ir. John Tiltou. thoptonont Account ut ol the Department oi Murine and Fmhoriu. in mid to be the Deputy lin mot of the unit Doparunont ol Fibu- WI U. W IIZKXU1 I ll! uvlr Ionholdolllohopottlnohonmonuo-` Enn Iccoll in naitmg Poterboro. Cups. Gllroy. ol the Salulion Anny, bu returned to the city. I 5-..; l`Il...-o ml... I.-. kg.-n avunvnin. Ilullul I Ullulllll, lvlunlllu Ill Avlvuvvu C. R. Houncr. Innunger ol the Cundn Inunl Tolegnph Compuay. and lumly us the aunt: of l. A. Buck. Tn nun:-n- Av II: nu!-.n Hm IIl`IIl I I -In uuvunn 'l`bo Duke ol Albany left only 10.- tlll, And the Queen hu oolnonhd to pay: ponion ol lm debts. including 0 sbuool the funeral oxponuo. n-_ I n urn--- AL- -.._ ......A..- ll. IIICIU vl IIID luucuul unpvlluuu. Rov.J. P.Wihon. the new putoto! Nspuoo. in mock oordinlly welcomed by the lothoslim and uuurod ol motive coopenuon in the good work in which 5.. K. --4-.u..I ISIEL mused- u-u nwuu-uwu -u uuv v--J. l Lieut. Obert. who ha been oommia- uionod I Captain. remain: In tomato. 1` II II_____ -_.\....__ Al AL- (V--gggl II` |llIl lj In In (In IHUUA. To-morrow Rev. Mr. Stilwoll. the new putor ol the upper Brock sums Methodist Church. will pruoh hit hr auxnnl sermons. 11.. link. .1 AIL.-.- In nnlu I'll) . J] 3;-r.Tn..u......... -.'Ls............. -111. ~ . . _ "v;aiIy`zsriustawaag. I:-ll. lnnpton: 8. Hon. lgu vn n A (Kan Ilnnh-nnl ` .l 4}?" sun or iIuvan7.' . n____|. PERKONA la UULUIN. DUI jy Viv vii W I1 uovldtnunquul. `It: Iluuunuywunudnguo-O0 Q-nnnAA&In$gLlnL:-lghggn-I Yulunhy morning so 10:!) o'clock lllubopclury. caudal by l'n.`l'w- Ny. Kelly. llulhpn and hulls. valid tho (lath: Button school pain: In lb nplll nudvinu than nunavuulu. Aoilnuluucuw on! tho and to boys. In ulnlnllo chain. can Ilnvuhunopluo mm." 1"hodcuu\lcudovIunuIn1lIow- .:I1I`-Lon-J; not-A A-so-1.. J-Ta.'.'E"""u...s.' 3'.'.'.".'.'o'.2'.L'.'.'a"v'.I I....A AL.__.-. -.... L..A_ -_.l AL__ Vuunmou uc *rnI['i>un.|c u:noou- ; .Inm1-Ion on (It: lI.IIl"r-PI0 M nu: nl `lull IIVIIIA I J. CIZIUITI I. I103 -I--- took place yusumlny morning and alter-L noon. 1:` she morning Him _)I. Unw- ind`! Ind Ihlp" noun won on- uninod. god the children aoqnitunl tbelnuelven ctodihbly. Ilr.'R. II.HoI'- any noted u chain-mun. Tin lollovilg _--g nuunnnu-I ' W, wlmu nuvun-. nun- BMVJMIW I. fall Ballot In! to Junior Fourth Mat 0! nut)-Nlll Rnulfl. M: Wuuhdl. Ind; Hush Tun- bull. Enos! Ha-any. Mule Coopol`. Chub: mud. Horn 8 Ban: I-1-, M Lllul. Oruo. Htpolcnrydoholhovv lobed-Ir ulvuIlAAtanuvllnhoo Bun. HID! -[HRH-Q ll@-- From Second Chi! to Junior Third- 1-lrlett Day. Cornelia Bu-bur, I-Ethel Johmwn. In Burns. Georgie Raid; Uoorgq Nobu. I-`rank Smith nnd Hattie Davy. uqunl; FM: "Saunders. Robert snovdon. Joseph Gnu, Illa Haney. I-`rod. Jenkin. Duid 8inohir; Juno: Iouhon uul Lillie White. usl: Wil- li: Gordon. Jnmen Yates. ohn Uill. Tb smiah. _ llnnnnr our-(In_"i-ll. Jnllltill. Hlil -I" H`. CISIWFUIUI I I-`mm Second Put to Second Book- Innbolln (H11. in wise; Edith Undo. 294] prise; llarbext. Rees. Jessie Mit-` chell. Liuie Gibson. James Smh. Fred Lamb. Leigh Spriggu. Eu Mclhy nnd Polly Harper. equul; Stsnla Sma- wright. llltriet Litton. Bells ickson. Hmnia Wuir. At l:30 o'clock the pupils 0! Miss E. Mnedoneldli room were eummed. There were present Messrs. R. Y. [to gen.` R. M. Horsey end N. U. Polsun, besides a large number 0! visitors. (1. R. Wnldrlon noted In chairman. The pupil: underwent a rigid test in geo- graphy. grnmmnr and arithmetic. Re- citation: were given by Birdie Mannie, F. Wilhinnon. nnd several hearty cho- nuu were sung by ell the children in the room. The following were the pro- motions: From Senior Third to Junior l-`ourth -Lillinn Clerk. let. prize; Norma 'l`nndy.2nd rize; MIbell hip n.Emi- ly Booth; Ibel Dalton an Jennie Bnird,e Gertie Pnuereon; Rhoda In Mill: Birdie Maxie, eqhnnl: Stroll c.u_...|._.. ljlu n--..L..n-- `.l.i'. I TB!!- coca: nun II'Ioo|. The lollowina an the promotion: in aim: of nail. in this school. It. Gunp- boll`: non : from Janet Fourth to Scale: Fourth -lo Tulhll. Int; Wlllh Huntl- Iu. ; Auk Hamilton Fnloolc Pchnou. mm. Nowmu. hut; Io- Nboo. Robe!-Ooolcy. Nouns: A nu, John David. lama Abandhy. uld Thanpnuu. Wallis Hanan. Mann Illnw. Into Wrkht. By. Home A uooluo . hudlo loukwoll..`g=h Ollm. $1 In-uu up um were promoted : wrlgnl. llIl'l'll Boone Won-. I Ina Iluuu nu nuvnu . At 3 o'clock Miss Holmes` room was visited. The attendance of visitors was ` much longer than usual. Mr. 0. R. Waldron presided. and among those present were Revs. Cookcand hlchyden D1. Fowler. Messrs. Jack. N. C. Poison. Horsey snd lsssie. Miss Holmes close- lyotanhdthogilhin bctany.aId ieudthatherynpilsvvete vellnpin` thh subject. and aI_se__`|n conmesehl Arithmetic. 1. Wood. lsto principal of the Model school. tried to catch the girls napping in mental arithmetic. but he failed. Miss Holmes then question- ed the class in natural ucieuco and neo- grspliy. In these subjects thevnp[1enr- ed to be st home. cuvnnlse or nu;-tvmusu. Hattie Baker very cleverly converted s poeticel composition into proso. Bella Regen reed a composition on the letl. -`Wu at Socden." which vvuvery mneh admired. Miss Holmes lastly subjected the young ladies toa sharp examination upon Canadian history. and agnin they proved to be reasonably conversant with it. The clean was drilled in eellnthilcr ' lor a` short while. and several entertain- ing vacetion choruses were sung. -at-Inlnnllillux -run IIl\Il\II_ Tbopnu Emllb. Honour cud|-'l'Y ed. Jonkiu. Hattie Dsy sud Id: Honey. X gnu. n` 1-nu-mun`: n . DUN, ull; uutuu rum-uauu . -um... Millnxu 13 ml; Stnahtn. Lil Dewaborry. Edith Too- nln [min Zllinn. Linia Eiith Ilnliwen. Elin nlouunmon. Honour certicate-Lottie Nenl for reguinrity and punctuality. TIICI H13 Utlch 4'5`. '"` EiiLh'IoEwen. Eliza Mocunmon. llnnm-Ir any-9.innh1--LntI.in Nell lllllul lwwlu uuu -ragga: uluunuuu The writing books 0! the also: won: strung llolll |ino.|nd neatly tied with ribbon. Thooe who or uuinod the wtiting aid is In very good. noun: or OollIlIA1'UI.A`I'lol. At the conclusion of the examine: Ilr. R. V. Roger: oolnpiiniento-I the girls on their mean. uid sud it In: ovi~ dent thus thoir teacher, Miu llolmon. bud Iplnd no pain: to educate them. Spooohu ware made by Ron. Noun. Icl-`uydon and Caoh. nnd Noun. or- ' Ioyuul N. C. ,Pc!.-eozx. All spoke inan- logiltic tonnu ol tho teachefu work llld pupil: uhibition. Tho exercise: were huqbt to a clan by the uinginy ol "Anld Lung Byno." `I I0lIIO|'. Cortioueu ul honol---Ddlo McDon- ald and Ind Allen. punctuality nnd re- gnlu ukmluon. Obhilf the greatest number 01 Inuko-E Raid. lint prize; Hume Wuldrou second prim. Oononl pI'ooionoy-I|gio Volume. Muildn Rowan mud Mamie Shioldu. ,_._L__I._ -1 Al... ..I... 1--In DIITIIIIUTIIU Ins Iunuv-u The diuril.-ution of print than took place. Mr. (1. R. Wnl-Iron acted u dit- tributor. n,_.:n--.-_ -1 |.......- n-II- Ilnlinn. , Elliott. Liniie lnncho ngcnaod. u ' ' pa-q. Birdie Than. Nun 0110:. auto Simmons. HIQI , OIII launch-Q-Cu, vi WW1 an I*rv.uInu~vIrd the Ian: on the Ion--|')I-plan `lint; in air Public UoIOo|lVnI'out ctodlln .