Qltlu. KIJLIIQIDI. | no-nun u-yr. nuy `VT IDl0l'IOlD$IIQl4 a.-..::.~.~.-sax.-rr._1_a=:-.139. ...-:2 Q___S`.'.`!.!".1'...8"....`'..".!'.`..'.~`.`.. ..-: lillnlor nounogu will Inn [lupu- "-'z'u'Tu':'u::1:i"u. :33; 5:" 3m: if-LT II in bud against tndilionul aIror:\'nAln1unn:nI.lntwhanval mu. an ' The notion of enclosing oomourv. lots noeunn to laws otiginnsenl whgn burial gxmuoda were limited to unprotected church yards; and has been pernotnnb ul mt.-mly by custom. and it in unfoun- um fur Cnhsnnui oemetcrv tint the l HIGH)! 9] OIIIHIIII. Illll II II IIIIIOIIIP unto Cabutqni cemetery canton: pnvnilu. Lot-holders than null noon lothmk Alps they hue not pad the respect due the mguaorv oi Ahyu-ted Manda. union that gruvon In aumnuulo-l by a [once 01 noon kind. It in Inn-ul nnnsgnu inn -nninnl ll-n4`|`I.innAI Inll, 0| IIIO llll. li KHICP Eng ton-the lnnuqyol oven um plninell m ant. Tim -moum ll .m.I...:.m A-IIIAIAI-It lulu uooou min 5 unuunuu Ionoo r we mu ` limo nilauui. coping: and budget uo npiully being aliapouao-I with. Tho poo- I plo hue lnwly chseovoml {hut they no ` entimlv unnecessary. And n05 only no, hut they have become convinced that they were A grievous minuko. hocnmo they not on! prevent thu moving of the anus with the Iuvn mower or oven the scythe. but shockingly mu tho nntnrnl Ixnnlv ol the nmnndn. hails: Innat- ucyuu.-. but snockmgly uno uuunl hourly the amount. bastion Junct- imz 1|-on -an lnnntv at sun the ulninenl. I10 00 Ill!) ||00[\I0 OI UIIIIIII. I In the im vomunl of cannula the suuqrptiicnp o in boing cutiod out. Al- though i; in true that every cometary? lhltn tobok 0ncredunnboon~I chooul mil: III hntinl lonoo the old linun -uilmna mminnn -ml Iunlnnn -ml ying the surrounding: ol the family luidcnau. One at the most [autumn in _tho Almost oatlnly ` :- ing: with lemon. In lornor Simon is we lhen. an it in hero--every ludboldar wu obligul to fence out In: neighbor: caule. Now every owner 0! enttlo or ' onor animal: in required In hkoouo at them and no the? do not injure gnu neighbor`: Ly. ooquqnontlng aura now an on y neconury non inn elds. What an inodcnlnhk MM nob a common annular would i` ho to the people of Cumin. In the innuuvumnnl of connu-inn than I ` July ll. canm unit can u-mm nun pa.-an - T.-o-nu.-_Is green-!|_e|.|9t J nly sh. III n-u-V. tnuun "ago but Sir.-DouN|uu how can lounl Ihn ti on would Y3. ho should an [nun Immn Nun (Ina. in A main. in IIZHIIIIIIIIOIOIEISI IXIIIIIDOIII an Iron home. Now. then in 0 sun in which that Ilyinu in Line. lor. Inning had occulon to sojourn hhly in some 0! the town ud cilia in the Nov Ilnnlnnul ulnlnn I can -nnnln nn-pinnI . ` ` "tin lupnvo-ooh In In sun In other; ellunn-Ilh Q-Indlmn. I The Eduor. Mum nu.` Ila-p Rip _l\4.nLAI..- -. UITOC 1 COT ._A_.nL.Q-I--lg D-tn`.-nI- 4 Ily "" II 11" H4. \ rmxmliii 'rn;*!t!.1.Itn. l`uvu.u:u. AIj132iS;;i1?u1: mhgesrox: CANADA, 'r1vr.su>Ai'.: .niL\' s. mica. 1. illbj. III. A. II. III- ahL|Anubr:In.uhnn. lil- BtLnuI.Vlu\Qu.:In.l)r. huh Alnrl A. ball. St. John- L.-n III -A II Ilrnnn Hhnxgml, Ann-Au AT 1-nu "(Iuw Ilon " Jllyli.-Rd-I. Noun. It. and In." . J. (hunts. Iain Wulhr Canada. It: You uunhudt. Juuhn lI1ua. Wu. Ilodpn. Jno. P. H . K. Anuh. 000. Items. B. . Fuji. In. DUI. It .0. Dow and stall. It. all In 'I'. l.. Ivonne)`. [hay ll. I\Ib.0.J. 0nnt.J.N.l4ing Wm). hunt. Ono. I. Dania. In. (hula Ads. laud: In. W. ltchhboll. lmhh; In Alu. thnpholl. Donu- Iovilh: lhty 8. Latin ad will. Insult Dunn. Push: John H. Fu- nuar. Annuh. Eq.: I]. nanny. lhuh In-. Rm: Wu. anal-n. Inn- uncut:--no -.-u u-'l!aIu- to tl-on-nus. Jon: min no: a lit do prayer. abuse and oonpnhouive. winch has been loune-I and npaloul b ' we when d curs-condom. n in |iapu)| bvohildnn ad uhn-I by tho snub-' llugvonooltlnlaedhuntuhounn the guru. "Um I-`mum who us in hm- vn." up from nah unl poor. yuuug u-I uh . in joyot want. in nchcuot lulu-. net bring: down to oust awry day I local ol Norma.-I. Jun: an: In: I lair ul love whuoh in In pnnil until use Iuaouu o! u.. wurkl dull bo- eouo 000 common hrountlomul. and Iutnl mu. ml heaven nlnll In humid jtlnor. \\'o hon but to tune! u-I hot annual In In lnooouvnnoo-l that in out any hnpopal Inn boon Int lard. with [Inch ol its ||oV!l .llII we are expecting gnu-lot dlyl that tho Imrl-l.in the pal Inn 01 non. mo" uneuunn nnuon. lilli may nuo long uunco boon room! not. Mohammad nowul needs 0! ilnpoutum and hlnohoonl which are now cnni ondlsundnd ud nun: million: of pot. am the point- OIII wee-In ol iniquity which be planted mun dung Not no with the lovers cl love nnd nits 0! holiness which tho needs 0! bible mu. have bmnghl forth. They mm! ourish through ounily. Ion: undo: God`: din-ckiou bu loll n undo of law: Iihich all Christian Isfnln In beginning to copy uni oluny Solo- Ilon has loft in the wisest bool ol - V01-be the worm has ever sun. 7:? palm: which David wrote hgvo eon- tlhnod to go up u heut-bnulnngn not gneno. um nnny 0! than prayer: live I I till Ill lh;$Ir:blu'-()'l 11: llo uynthow olthollimalolninalunclol thowor-lol(io\l.In-lisins llo uncut any good iron! which nu been born Iron: lnhlo truth and which in in- tended to bless I soul. A seed has lilo unit. [than u gonna: blade nun`)-to grow uni untold. (ion! pm thnt lilo then. Seed: have been known to grow that being two ununml you: in tho withered hand: of Fqgpum mnnuniux How much like tho he-nlcianl life in tho bible: lhnl God-eivon lifo which man cannot put into I book only uu It in gouonmd (mm the ncrodwonl. [Inc we not All gospel mnha quote: or nctod living in us towlav. Jetohoun noted used: of idohtn-. which ennui for an the` hnelitinh nation. has they vo lmm mung noon rnohnl uni. Mohammad OI IINKIIIKWOIII I0 CI-[ _ y..._,,V , Paul Qrnrc Ivnv In-vuu to hum-nor. ' up Inn:-canon ! ruol llnunun: 4 - uuu vr lvwnn. (:3) Tho word 01 God in soul lorth with power And by I God of power. His word in quick and vpouotlul. He sends down the run with power. sud who on shop it: than then shall cut. o tho loun- tnn head at Divine lruth or patent it tmmoauinuunmonl vouluio want? The mighty card in: mm torch with vmnh uni mumplu 01 power. Jun: likln: Llmlnnl n! the kunrlom to uni- Igonu um uuuplu 01 Juan lnkuu tlsovonl ol tho kxughu: to uod~ . unin the nu-nblu ol um novmr. Ho ` . uoouug. nowovonu unannou- ` mg promise. we (III but believe that tho word uni spirit ul (loll no to win tho I world for cums. The nln and mow no sent to Inter the oath uml they do Inter II: the sacral wonl and holy win! no nut to establish univerml 1 nghlnouaucn uml pence. undue lnclievo [they will not llll to wean: lish that purpose. The wonl 0! (la is meal forth (ll with a purpose.` that It ulnoulnl lion mount ol ulvnhou ho than who hour it. llm lid not God`: word return unto him void in the caso of the unlo- diluviuan? Certainly nol. (or am un- go-lly mutation would lmvc to answer lor all their gncnous warnings. The word which clul not prom lo them to to the unvonr of lilo mam lulu." [accuse the savour ol xloull unto sleuth." Tl than are may exunpleu ol I Goal`: Idngnnmou upon tlm imponitout. yet on the whole the plan 0! solution in to he I rrnncl success. UUIIIEI `VII Iull I'll Ml!) IIIIMI - "A: the rain oonnvth Iowa an-l wI- [ bond: the euunuo shell I word he." --In. u.. put: ol [0 ll voters. Some eniuout anon. and we . Iauuueoluoul mcla a deep hniahlinhu the Iinlhdneuol Qhin wot-lahend have no depleted in mind obit ' think it cannot be unwed a rm 8- `nnnnnnn till Joana munum In nniun in hi. vi nulluuy Illlll I-v- an udilwu--1 the newly nppunhsl pain: 0! Oh! I-`our:-h Icthodiud church (lornctly P. It. Church) ddivumod hi`: iungunl nor ' man to I luau audience. Ru. Mr. Stilwdl innyouumu. ol [iniqui- dlhnqntl his but olonwuwullop- .-....a...a` 5.- u.:. 1...-.. us. .1`... ;~."Z.-".23 F"; ii." :.2.'.7.'."n' con!-to wubuo-Ion the rush: n.A_Al.-._-`_ . .,, , II-II II OIIIDO5 0 IUIOUQOI II full` anus till Jun: oomoa to win in per on. booking. lsolrovor. as thin chur- - lnmmino. In mu but heliavn Llnl tho 3 In-..3uItell. no u.`. um-m. an an I`.-annlh -AlKnJlal l`LninL_. I m If. II"~ QCIIUCIH Ii IIEI JIIEIGIH II til I-`ouul Irhosl cmu- u If- am that Plnud. on Sunday morning Row. B. Jun haul: nnnnnnhnl 131$ (If D nolniou. h. incur as my nus. luau`: db rout ldvolpall and Quanta! and all uuvugum-lluqu-sllovuh at-. `l'I-tonyh Bill: otlulinundvcn tor lid- lu. luaow. Hun. Anlvor um` ollul points on thonuliuat ; sad or Induct- rsut-an pnrlll. I-`m In-mm so-I purge. apply 1| Oeu- IN. Tgaguadmiubm n... In ..LC."ZfC;T .u..... in The Above pnguilooll lixl. nl trust: will be (inn In tho Int two huu-ind uni lly-Ivoponou uhuoul inonnoct uunren mount :1! the shine mun quot ltonriginn alum Thou Inow Ibo bk int -IDDLI IIIAIKK lboea ........~ ~ .~ 5 (ho00uIloIo\\lk- nnunllku u nu-I Slnuuuwlluz hlnl -mo nli-I nu. lhwluu (`nan nabs bltlhlhll nu-ll mm:wu no no ulvul lllvwu uuw nu cu llUIK`l v I-Ivan-one competing: Inns! send one ` clollu with their AIISIOIS. Int six months` nuhocliption Io 1:-nu. Aucl unit: from the rewunls themu-Ives. they will nal that they loan undo the host innur men ol on.-) clollu they ever dul. `I`nuL ll lull undbinnluofunhe money. Bear in mind this you my ndhing ox- In for the ptiulc-9:0 unpouug for thcno ouuly nwudt. us you will get Ihlh lot nix nunho in uyoln for you oudollu-. which 5: the lfhr nhuription prion. an-I will Ala got one at duos) IOIIIIII. ptovi-Io-l your union an oonnot. us! much Tr-uh onion in time. Doldchy. Ihnnl tho nu! hat nl urn union In t`an&'l:. `an it I (luv -ninth!` qua-Irnqvk In ` ur _!bge .-- ~ VIII CKWI-IR I an-It Tr rlouual (lllltwlqullv Rau- uuu-I lnxuwx by that ~h~|-uh-`I nnl N1. Rintiuslva 8 (\\ AND XX SPIICII X In. W003 I'uI-V 8.-\Vhem is Inc In! rolermd to in the Bible. my the won! in is meant I place ol nut uni nftulimenl. com- monly known now as an howl ) I.`-.--.\.... _........a;... -.....n .._.l .._.. u-no-n Inn nun -qw nun:--J.` l.--when is our rs! Inmle mention ol in the Ilihlo? I._.I|h.p.. Jan. it R-_n -n-s- R. I... OI III IUD IUIDIG .' `J.-\\`horo duo: it its: auto in um Bible an than was out our: l.l!nl`A\iK um um: srncu on the whole earth .' I -WhnIn in In! Incl ml`-u..I In in .Mtlnoolicihuonolunnyfrieu-b ' Truth mooning: one non-the lul- Bio eonpatition. Owing to the he! ol to many valuable rownnln going to cni~ uu ol `tomato. um competition will lu- ` own and to pontoon liung hi.lo the city of aroma Anyone milling m u ullfollu-r put 0' the lubihblo world vnll he ehgilllo to column lur lluuu . Iunnulonu to The question! which an by u enunt-nl l n~a~ , bytarlu niniuh-~u'o vuy clicult. hnlllnniudu valuable. We hope ` the publisher ol Troll will meet will: the access his ulerptino an richly main. Evwythim: he has cloud in pnwioun I-shlo aonupotiuouu an bow ` promptly and dsoerlully lmnle-l over In , tho moounlul ollvc` tho Iuouwnl they . no kuurn. We must lwnrlily mnnm-u-l , the | ~r Innur nulonz. Tho)` will Iiull is nl it In! n-pmscnlud la l-an I-`nll an-I I mm \luu~ Int: 0| all thou wlm g,-niu rv , Dan in nun nivnsn in Wall lhn was} In]. (`DID W05!` ll!|5I 0| Ill IIIIK` WI! lg) I1` mm a nun giwn in Tr-IA um wart la.-I lnwinr tho claw 0! each cmnpt-titiou. Thou will ho no change. and no post poneluout in nuy wuy: o\1~r_\'lhing will he curiod out oxnttly as nhloal. (THAI? XVI? - Iujvl bnhr O (&bI .........'-"'.:-"'.:".. --: I wup-an . ahEAgI.\. 'o1|nhIny. .A :` BOTIHIM. wanna-any.J:f_v sow sums... .........u.am- an-as 0:7:-nuns: 1 000.3!) mm! Moo. manning to noon -mlnlion. I` ans;ooii"i?i?iiEiai`u}i}if No. II-'l`p`FInl OM:-Clulnz Sept. ` IX nlI--A`Vnn PIA: fun Ina:-m Hg nno. not: I ueny. thogreul hat ol uh I I`l`II Ullll SIIBSLIIIIIK DEDI- ll~tI-A:New Plufur Pblauls R1- Ildiat Anywhere II the Won-Id Oluulo on Toronto. Jain ll. V1-N. lhniulcu, up"--` lhqwi unto ht dyopqdu win ulyilllo hut In-can-qdnluu and huwlununnll , and will when nidhv Uhul 0 Quiet lzrtilipndythuunyulnninn I dlnviuuy tunuhuzu-nun ! 0| . 3nluut.PI'cu\I'H|oulM $3.... ldiu. zdnpuuutmr York; VERNON ll. IIROWII 0 (X). J. J. aumucl. Kiuguton. um. - Anon urn A The Ihly Dulhr In I--ug Jnutlncul by I looenl mm. of Pol- mui Nenilim. the noted uni Uni pail ruuul_\. II um-s ooldn. enmpu colic. pan unthohod `ncspnnnntho uhulnututnuou _o&unomu|I annual or IIIIi`?lI\l I-1-Inodv. Try I UQII nuqvhhatth at tho (nu pun road)`. la-nine. Hold :3 Bolton`. RN10 Int: tlulbonuls. Try: Iunploboubnltlor \1&.uiy no cub. and wound hand mod: M an BIC. nun unit an doting. lunilnn. hudvuu. dry gnoh, pulls;-. mania] Iuutrunonln u-I houtohd-lhods. All he wsnuuu lhopoo In roan Is.u ho to tutu In nil. Wm. \`I<|.|ex| lo Rnhnunui caning: hnlory. nun 01 line Ml ag. l`nnorcn Slrnl. Kin`:- nfnlu Tho moot ulelioule innlida. tho [Intact nomn nth mu-Multan. nnd than IeI'~ woos nyuomn am most Incisive. pnhr il hlvndlothcn. and no It In the cum. nun ol nll others not for I tuna only but duty: and onntinuaunly. Tho nuns 4:! nine um`?! um ol in -on. nlnnhing OIIIII. I|IKK\`I HULK 1.7 N. Wnteh on-_uI.als., on] Io min. at \\'|l~ |iIII1l\\\uI`-link:-r R the du-opal plus In the any. lie in n doubt in new and round hand goods of ull Iildn. um n.|. n datum. hnrnnmn hudwuu. (Irv III`. nnunn nI_v"llnu|IohWnNnp: Oom- " should N and In r wu-hung hllkho 10-1312. pnlonna In All |\rrp.\r|uonI. Hm. II B lyhumkn. Boeoltliunvumou labour. Thild. it in tho Iuunun. Ian on Abllb. uomuu: up at the hand. Yellow Stun. when to: 75-1: - wall `tell them Shiloh`: Vluliler. manu- Iood to can them. Sold by W. J. \\'|lmu. ~--o llll In" tho labour. 'I'IlI'II.I|DlI'Io in tho muhot. v Inoncoukl bnnnlnltluuuhoul-Ilnsu anon! For nlo lvv Ill gmten. as an umlm .__._-...j. Auto: Vhh uuocuou. Whyulomnnuy on use around an-com to prvh-r so an or and In undo lniu-Ilhle by Inlueuion. Ooluligttioll. lliuhuu. Ian ol Amib. Coming: up I food. Sim. "1' neyuuu wuu nu unovo ooen auwu. no clan`! wash tune by uniting. but send in your uusvu-rs uni money nu-Ar. It you luppou to be loo late [or tho But. you Ill he fortunate enough to obluu I mu lle newuxlaml uni in whom the blunt once an. Trad: direct: Ipccinl Am.-uuon to the hot that clu-gluon no Ion:-ruaiue-l to compose. author an penouawlno in pnviou oompomiou won punt executing one hundred dol- lar: ll nluc. This In uni-It acced- innly (unit. and u no l`omnloninnn no nllowul to commit. tlnel-l is now open for n lur um sqnue nco lot llaoo lu- nnls lonuyoue. nu Tr.-:5 -yl. on the lnlviuhlo globe ouhidool Toronto. 310 money vnll ho toooivod by lulqznpla. or in u_\ my but throng]: tho post all! N` by oxprun one dollar only :1 quind. Try your skill. You no sum ol goal nluo (or tour nonov nvvny. Aukllel 8. Funk Wilton. Tull Uoc. 33 um! 35 Aleluilc~su.~l. Toronto. On- Ill umply uh cxtn Inanoelnou I0 cum: Thenwu-luiu thelut composition vn-m we-r_\` widely scattered over 0n~ hrio uni Quebec. In fact every pro~ wince nu represented in the lat. not excepting Ilnunh Colnmbin A great many nlsowout to the sum. Nu inlnrnxntinn uill in given nnv one an can-sun. ll unnty-llvo not-sous join and-and 050. each one ul the Ivuutv-In whom nusvwrs no mrmct will get their choice nil: solid rollo-l gold l-much. Imvr null 1-la-gunk |`(`8|}l, worth at null um lol Inn : n "(-"ll|Illl\.l$' I-Ilynmlngicnl l|ic tmuu _\. worth ubonl the aunt! nmolym : n Wad-l`s l`niw.-Isal l`yclo|-unlit. or I mlnmo. cl vnully bound. of Shaken- [vum`a comp c-to "works. 01 cmrso ouch ul tho club will have the sumo o por- lnnny ul gaiuingoneol tho row u in tho n~;:nl:u' list nu uldition lo the cor minty of one oi the prizes nlon-mid) us though thoy lml soul in singly. Thin is uimply cxtn inducement to club: The mind: in the lat comnotition Inwy uaowom to we auuu. .\'o information will be given nu one heyuucl what has shove been shun . 30 lw tuition. pun manna muse: lot we uomo cuole --something to iuwrwl. New member at the hmilv. Mr. Wnlaon. we no note. could not Jfnnlto givu than nlunhlo nnnh union luv wu oorhin 0! your [I in you: to come. and In an Al on aorta ; Von will bbcomo nun- ucrilx-ra to Truth Ifyou hie Fl hit iii puouths. It is such I splendid weekly (not `monthly! unguiuo. .--nun .n urn nun... II-A wrnblw -nu room. you Clll com to II III! tine haunt-n cost us the longing ` day lot oiunr the Int. or middle rc- wudI.udu.voll u.uloouru-. for an oquolnion nwnnlu. Some one will gut thou \'o um: 01 lam] -wI: not you P book In your Rible now am no it you on In Ihouawen to was question; It unnxloyouaoomupu-Umu unop- ponnuity you have 0! obuini I valu- able nvsnl in addition to 1) an , which ulonoin good value for tho one dolhr. It eonninlol 8 mm: at choice sud pun tooling manor lot the homo circle --nuncmhinu tn inmnvul nu-rv nusmhar put marl than Sephlulnt 15. All eompatingfmmt penal nth their un- Iwon one `dollar for an mouth` unb- -ggguu no Tull. -men will bonus to My douind uhlmodn. Wlnnnr I-on live. onnidn To-. no any menu uunu. - Wlnnur you live. outside To- ouo. you can comm-to at my =-'--air.:':.n--W! WCIIIIIIII aunvu L. 'Ill(I(IN _ nsunrs mm IInn| W. .;.".:'.;;;;1.` 1;: ;......."~". [chin ndgurh. n--n__` |___4.-n_ .__ nbinn I-" -"- 1-'- ' It-In-C ltupn-only tor LVIIII A l`Q_ -A-nnn-I, ALIIII Nari cl Hanan lush 0 0! all Uil an-I Dutnpuou lot uh. Sn Inst c-An nan] our: In Ilunrlh You will nd a full line of In Innerhh will: all the Inn! h0\`\`|lit~s in bum uul and good: to: duonnung. ALIBKI` I . CHO ! I llI3I'Iuh8llIN IIHUHUIBT Arm ll . I8 PHI-esu Elliot lug.--:-.-tn-I ""'IouI tvtavvmnt. 1 - Ihhkullh '..;._;._-'....`-..-1:. ms: IIOLD AT WAD]! DIUO ITO.-I. Ono. Ihqulhndh LARGE BOATING S'l`0(`K. J. IIAPFS T 130 MINiCA mu: mm JlIIlIE| ARTISTS .AlH'ERIlI.8 The Central Dispensary. JOIINNFS KAIJJXIK. $121! IIIWIICI. Obit. ' j ,1" nu: ow?-Ullhuu-ta uil ORMAR1 ILIll`ltl(` l|Rl.'l`8 an nuns Iudloln IIVJOIQ Ioiihlunplr hand. Tho lmuolnol to ion and [mint- honllyouvo nlhhl Iv l.hou.ut- Ru- nltlxlannuuet. l\nI dsunduluvu and chat Oqnpluuh. (`tron uni on-ouhuon. Inc. W.J.WIla&N Bolokul H Baton-nrto lloclhkaunn. I73 hhccu N. Th Phuuu Au. It Itrnuru nip!`-I-01 luv" 5.: in ICU` G (3.. HOIIIVII. A IAICIO hllooll Io tin Ironic`. JIDII. :_ ; _'-.-g-- I:1.1:L1nFi"fn's1'11'u1-Inn | Ann...-m Inna Vang-I- IEEQBFE F!!*_P 3-i lnnsusn AND mmcn] 0' III UIIQ OBI l}l`l|'I$Il I0! ll. No watt an own! ours Ilronglh and out no. G o o D s Just Recived I Bnooiis ac oigiiirf nerlulu Ibo phau uni. [In (`A`u\qI| I 0 . n nuts nun. -._ nxum nun Qunnus. NnvhI...... .... . ...... asmul ~. I Quota CI. Inn. Toronto. (kusblluhal I911: ALIOOIDIQ. Muchnimeuua ' llOIIAll'$ VTTT .____n_._L_ -....A_n. "N0. 159. JI8. ..f..":'..'.. ~V.-..-. Add an -I u-ah:-u -nu ._AlQobdh6s%IuIl&Q A?o- V ! I I }1_:.risa"*5a"e.os. slew ya. {:71 L1vupc$o1.f Imuunm A! non: lid clung snmntno/ts lDhIInI.uuyda-In-nu. Ilhwuu gum: and you an an-`dud vu- Onlnltllnu-n lacuna: Inna h N. T. Ornnnfs NuvSton, bouorhnn int a nut pint-I. _lluu.m0. llcll -In-5 5'49: 0 lulu. HM`. I616. Iain Iluvlr-.u nib. I-cm Wnluu A nun: out 000. M-`rt. l'.0. an A1 HXKIINDIIO Dhujw cumin; 5 Uc vunllol b That . Ludo houmlon um dbonuulolltt Puulvsluodouvlthrsuoruu gt-l_l'IIo Nu. I. I`l`AA.LIIAl'l"I lllllfll ubonuu nout\`Pu\Iu ism-I on with runn- u an`... w't..". ...,`"... ..'.','.'.'..'.`u"."" lhllccwluiu inure. I name: n , ._......___._..-.._..}.(.__. ; II Iliehn Owned uvynov ocean III! :<.$. honu. IIIID OTJD}-I. W `. ncduuunl nab: Imul II on). II In no-all! lbauou hum. I IYIII rranla nner-nu. lb. I Inns: 1 Sunset. III (`II llohl Building. FAQ I-can and (um! run on wound uhenovot denim-I. But: have Ibo Livery ollloo for an aging. An cnla by ubhonpmnuplly uunnhtto. Inllll `N uni. ullllm ao'\' C` I ullotnum u no-knunhnul In-not In Iror gluon hint IOU)! Plll CKNT. INTRII ulovql :. TIOIAIBIIIOOB. 0000- on vullr In LIVRIY. I IN Iuauuuul Ihlh Iuronn lbo nu um: In in land and ALI 'l||tI Il IT BIA rum auru. `Hr \ am oh: us has-|oI nu donut none! . M hop-nun ILDI 'lIlI(Xl . II %'ouaa" .0-:I).Inl?h.:-Iotl`l. | .. "<.:':-.... _,_ J. 1!. cull. l.n..`o.n.n.. I..n..|.. DKh"I'ltl`l`. nmnic 1% :11 Yet! Ool|qo.ol Dutufttnk-I lime! Stall. l |lIonl:r N pal lo the untu-union OHM um Au Inna-an and us- "._....."'.Ii""`..'a' HIIIIY` Ill`. l)ARMIT% L\l0l'I7CI~l4QI. llnllolki. It tiles run Run Lune Ur. Bllunon kllitlt Ilonouolnuonluullahu. ITALIRI I I . u `HTIIINIY Dal E win that m umuu cunts. I I1 niT_n_._L|n. I-um: nouns mm can. an the Ilnoncal noun Tuning 3 3. (LI |`ll\I.Kl Oumn um! I`!- "'.`Y2 """"' EL '!`!.'.Q.YL`."_"' ""'` iu|.nm .1 n-.u.uun_ ICE CREAM 800118 -Iow orn- .l- 3- TOY!- Oil. l'uI'll no son. nunehfleuvwum on I.` .1. nnnrif` up. n . I. Go -1`-. 10.. Puuncuuuun Hilton. (Du-Inn K dean--_i-ago. _unV5lfrl-nacho. cunutnu'um.. innit: lgaoouhuoonuclttnnu srzuwmanxms i Ilnov (`unnu I -uooppku luau- tIl.llC-lABl_'IIYIA.l `- lruvoaa; nu -ma wu; _ I-rnjlgnb-I uni n_gno;_t uuxmo non j'|X- tn` " " aii."i-'i"ui'uT'i;; To`. u.c.. .rh . NEW 70. ` ' I. I. IIAIB. D.D.I.. l..D.n . INTIII1`. Oiunnl luidona. I`-nnoocn an. button Initial and Iv-onhnmuneu mun ouao (built: 00:) ucnlnutnul lu IF N0&- in Iilliltd . 5 lo hInuJn\'- ll0I| :lT >3.-4` _ hint Ila CITY KL llupcou. um. mt D4113 /BRITISH mm; A WALIKI R WALKKI. um *---- -- I. |`|.KI|l!Y`.4. )RNTl!~`l`. din:-(Iy on-onus mo run 05"- wumngu-: nun. Iuuuuhca on ID: ~u-in _ BL: I03: Ilnxnon Bo _:*"'. .. .. ...."'.:' Confectionery. " engage. Cards. J. I. In-n. 1.0.. .;u..". "'-'-`J;,.:'.r' nuusut. IIBI IIWDITI. j u DNIRY_ IKIIY q-w.4Ir--- CIIRII UH CDC? IIJIITIDJ ~ Im II V735 01! remain: l woo VAN M I (`AI IIlRmA'l'l-ll ' Cunpanod ol ""23" " `CI: -Iu:nll|Iu.AlDQUlllt`. .l.Ul`I um uavuw (_ju.uu\u AI Ixu In (I nnuuu v. IQ-sit Inn : l:o..JI, Bowing! pl?!` din nllounnlnlno I. J. INK . Ihwvuoo hut. ll$bIll0!! I-Ittjwt-U--up-I - ufn. uvcll. but , 'l`hrongh vu-._.| loin. nun. *9.-t.-1*.r...a-53"..-:-;.`:.~ 2-.-.-2-..-: nuinnuu um Iun I at . hr TCOIOA in -1 (Shin. Isl! Inn 1 Iluuuul vocab-o runn- '`i` ` ` I `I LI. Q Io&InIuIl Quito. Hui `?'..`_':.2"&...'."'..."7".."'J".-7` _ a.Junow|l II!.J _v 500-` .....MulI}II `--I lpml mutrsl ' I'I'III. PIII. ammo` ruwiinrsmnosl ..`f A A an n1-nae I rAIua.nm Ground C"! 3) cur:-Iwn. which II gnsnnho. Shoultjlulo. A coins-Iuulrcnlarruucn-In-.. I |COFEEES.| R0711. llll. MIL? LIIIE PIUIUN I BELLEVILLE. IT (kn 0 Innlonh thnhnd, I OH Govorunnnt Jun |BA13'._1Ns| NC -CClIUv-Iw bu v u -cu-w-- -u-- lie 0%!!! Sane : ooonra FRII:N .D- .` -&-nu WE ARE ROW OFFEIUNG l1L.\(`.K. Yang yuonudhpan `Inn in 5 Ind I0 nd (`uldiunn at a valuation Iran II In Inn oonl.. lo nddlnonoo orvnrlauon from 3L4 gl--LIA 1114 o --u arm- 0. O. D. STORE. J. R. RA'l'I`ENBURY. 1 I In -wcv----v-J - --- v- Tlnokwdor novor vurlu. A Innncl 0! pint! mug: and Iholunmonool. Ion econouln thln the uxhnnr Ilndu. uul cannot be Iold II colnpollllon Ii! n the mulm-mo 1-! low (on short wright. III!!! or plmuphnle nu: mlvn Cold only In cum. lawn. NAIINZI I'1II`lIIIl(.`0IP'Y.: non Wall nal. NY. A! lfllh, AT \lmIl.Ru.I L1T%IEADs%%ALL suquen fifntnptnn .V'kk`IMV` has imam nu-umwl M the t`IL1la*Ih\I 0! uy tan.-lnloun u-u-known: an-I an u.\I~ and OIVIIQ tx-{Q QcI__.-mun-L-.| by tvi-In-noun: 01 AI dydvr an .\u.~u-L-.I TI C MlovN `Q It, ol Hy. . Ju|l.Vlsu_\`." Do.J.O.Aye.; I`.`4-well. Mus. Iulalyuulnuhs; luau uuomus R. IVRAI 600.. IJAI IIIUNIY. ICC u.x`}3& 33 ol luu -n-r `aw-`N I. ink-Iv Ia:-M Ih-- u p-mam: public I . - .- 1!` an Iidtaatnnly h`5'IL-I` penan- uun Aurqll Na--I -humus. ll llu'nuV.\ a urn '7L'y7ii{{usaparina; I.n,_jL .a,_ n~ . ..:_..u._ Absolutely P_u-`r-e_. mu mi-dar namr vmriu. A marvel ol nut-I `ha numxufgi-'_sua (Stains. T.E_ 'I`IE3 .A.S. von. Lill?-I.` IN! 1`-Itlk II I lI$I1 It-In IO In N [no cont. which wn guuuloo ub- fnlnhlv turn. I lava no-nl nu--u .- hub lljtolntul 8-uulun at-out ,7. P An.u'a 8\u.u-.uu.u ml ml vxpul ll fr--an .\w~.r _\' hm. I I:-Iv!-rv Package IIC In-ales. @312 ril` U9ItII.r:! \l.I A. HUNN CK.-I Ho ho nlno Iuntuclod Adnuu uurvll to sun an I-`ouohoon usual at n guanine lot thopnynoudolr dannilv. uuruuu do-uily. h-pa-nu -at-non. Cal 30 A. I . Cbvnh lulu prompt manna. l'nis,~Jnlv 'I.-I-`any Inn at I an he-on iliuma us run. so ml n nu indunily ol amunan hues. Ho ho alto iustnctod Admin! Count In ..... nu Io`n-Inhnnn -I-nn-I an n " ' r 6 n anus: l.%v.IAlNIDl.{I`I:II`:& HUI Klltnl -III. ITIIGIATIE I510 t Klltll "ill I _- -__:_ .4 .._...a :5.` .n.-_.. |..n.. [nah sirtonnqpwuuu. nwou-l venludinohlnhutl Innthodum dict. I-Inn Sutky. cool at it In. um nppulanu looks that won ooounnal` I_v was In the cloud window: would have molto-I say hurt but Nqhrl. who coon` get up and opt-cod one window huh hinnoll and the: nu down. It in impossible to hop unto tlurhulho -on-vice. the air in to clan and Itii. an-I numv pmplo go home quite tll.-- Yours. A \: Ummnvll. |\tinJuly 7.--Forty Inn inlonnul the (`Inlhn-so Muinhr that In hold: Clunn dinctlv raupouihlo for tho hupou aux. nu! manna null In hhn [ooh- 'lAln prompt roman. I'nh.~Jnlv 1.-l-`onv hhunpho-I Chin: Asked In P I`!-Olly Hoop lndoo-d lb: n. I.nnl I.mIa A-A nl Wu-hr.-. Don! Sir.--A meeting is `called on Wocluuuhy 01 mil um gentlemen in hauled in tho Io;-sin ol the Cutholic cntlnodnl. ll homo ono wonkl oouddor III inptovomcnt in the ventilation in would oouler u and favor and nun] knelt. Inn nounthi dnndfulwhnt Iner when 0 building: in crowdenl. H the pawn! window: wan umnr in the centre (It lent the three gore: ouu) Allowing I good y at mu. air to run npvudu. il ventndinolclnlloltl Inn the Iwnuy ouuclonum nu ma nonu- uial 0! their lot: marked by corner noun. the - 0! which should he ush with the In no 0! the ground. and having anthem the number 0! the lot or the owner`: name. and to pnbvido lot the propotcuo 01 their lob. it might noon in undo to oomynm very luunhlv with any ouncury oi the ammo canal in the country. r uvuum ousuncnpuou. (Fhnqni cunohxy possesses much maul bounty. Tun around: no charmingly udnpted Iul` tho pnrpooo: and it this unonoom canal: in oontiuw ed itwillbehunovotlutinarmnt at all concerned. It lot-Inldnn could in induced todin with All mcln un- ninlnllv nlul-A nun` Innvn Hun Iunnnal. nu van-nun:-nun an u-u-n--uu-- w-cu-- -v Iiohtly nnd luvs the bond- uim of umir Ion mukml bv comer II - III! llllllx `Milli UIAIIIIIIIQI ' error: yotlnmuantlntwhoevor may hkothotloublu |ouo.iutbouuiahbo!- inn man. came at the new cemeteries. which nu kept on whit is called the hndnupo plln. null readily be matine- od o! in anal ulvuuuucu over that 0! the old sub at {noon oi every eouoeiv. ed alancrnnon. I Dc mmu. m.'mA Why. I ; , n-- 1 ___.,A_-_,_