ROYAL MAIL UNE CHEA:1i?-`ARES rnmmngumu AI mo ulll II was agreed Iuuongu` counsel that the questions to be decor ` mud nhould in u lolloun: 1 oA- lhn in-nu-nun: nrurinmn mmiv. I KIIDOTUIOII. OI l)I'0|)Ol'ly DI DIIIHIIII l\ll'I' fetrick lor elleged tune for the year N83. The werrnnt vru ndmittod end pot in. en else the memorandum 0! pro- perty eudnnenl upon it, end that this prorrty we: the roperty Q! the plein~ til 'irkpntnck.. twee eleo Admitted that the money. Ibo 034.8`). wen peicl under preeenre end protest. and that the eune mono wee peid overto the `on of e Citvol Kingston with knowledge to them of all the lecte. Very little evidence wee given. Mr. II. C Voint. the eeeonntent in the mice 0! Kirkpntrici. wu. however. celled by the pluntilmend he mid thet the plnin- ti oompenv heal no other place ol bueineen in kingnton; that et the end 01 each month the meme were tune- mith-.| to lontnn : thnt them we: not on the [st October nor on the let No- vember. 1882. my 0! the money in the hands ol Ir. lilrlipetrick in Kingston. thnt the lotion were paid in Xontreel. that no money wu retained by Mr. Kirkpetrick lor peymelnt ol loeeee. that the miumn receive: no the rim: [at nl whiah the loans: .5. me? nu Ilobnthon I'll lm nnilm. This notion in tmongm to rocovor buck the money no paid. the plnntiu chim- ing dumxgoa and their costs. and for In injnnctiou reatrniuing the delendnnso, the city ol Kingston. (rum collecting Iunnlortha you 1884 upon an sunny non! undo fur this you Ill tho nine IIIIIIIIP. llljl lvllll IE II luuuwu . 1 An tho insunnoo pron.-inmu nouiv- 4 us! at Kingston by the phinsil. Kirk 4 nnrink. u smut for the nlninti all u. Kingston by the pumuu. un- pltriuk. u ugaut plninti company at Kingston (the pllinti com- mnv Inn | lonin not-Imution when ludc Q Int rush I Ouhlio). {or Human: Inm- Icled through him as aucl. Iaenl Inseam able 1% Kinguton u tnublo incolxo or portend promrarty against the phintill oonpulyn tho pluiuti Kirkpntrick. ill agent. or Igunst the Inter u the meat 0! we plninti oompuuy. or Igaiust either 0! tho plninliu ?" II In: ulmiuod that n senate wu U3` Ul`n.l' 0| `HO PIIIIIIIIXI I It undo by tho ulolonduuts. Middleton And Robortnon. ol property ol phninu Kirk nnrick nllonzed vent ""r`l.'2.'.' ""...a'i'."y' `$ .'.'..'.`a;.. s. { fl-I.-an. [Irina Hnilhtwmlnrn I-n. nor. Al the trial it was agreed amongst nnnnnnl lhnl um nuentinnn to he detai- In Guinness it lad hill Aubu- ounnlbun Ihnnhnlnlgc van Anna (- Doc-Ho- Oulddo Companies mu 50 An- uhtod In Ibo Nana ol L.oul|- Iloultng up .\uh-uI un-.Aeuu lllunlucd -uh` Dean. I , `I ivoel-um` l.\' FIJLL. `1'm~: lslxlfgjxslt wmu, 'r11v1:sn,n' l~l\ ENl.!\'U,JUl.Y 10. n oompny ma n Kioguton but Lhn commininu uuwnlinllnunoclnnrt. lagoon. July l0.-A pull in which ""..":".'."';`.`..' lovuwullh Oltli. -u--u-ju---_. AEIIIIILL IIIVANT. It Do [No In lm` my-U III. II. J.` Pub. July l0.-Advhoo Iron Cluu link was wlr khan Flues ud Chin in oouiduul htvluhlo. nal. 1. ...---...:::3:.i~`-'z-`A -1.. .......z and Ian ank ha. Ilcllut IIUIII. Ila nuvw. :1. -1150. u. Raid. A. Iobonnld. hold; ll. Elliott. 0. Link. 1'. Elnc. H. Wnlkor. ho-0 low: 8. lccullqh. eld odphin. A vnv QUICK nun. Yutordny tho latropoliunl. ol 0| sun. sad we Puozbom not. And the hm: will nlnouhu tboooeuion. They was doluhd in that `night guns. Time. I min. 7 lllill. ad 8 min. ' plain tbnt bu nnoertuun the monning (0 be ulnzhod to than Inn]: on but look at -ob.-Incuon 8 of none. 1 clap. 1tI).lR.S.0.. men that noun ulna" pcnnnd -pwiy" main. um oooouhnq `to shun uh-ac. thou vordn` do hduio lln. [I cum ordnl will In cl: at Aunnlnut Act up. 1&3 5.0.. nvply to 42 Via .Iv.,. an as having enminnd All nu nntboriuu ro- Icuod to byvcounnol lot the phintillu. 1 un ol tho opinion that mono iunrnnoo pumlnlnn nunlnd in Kitu Ibo phintil /Kirk trick Inn pnr mm ol tho til counuv. nan CD3. U. IIIZDC. u. gun-II. II-aunu. To-narrow the Maple Loch Inn duo loan (or Brookvillo. than to plny with the Cornwnll club. They no going to win. Although the club they no to man innbout the but in oontnl Dunno. The lollowiug compost the Ian: `I- Lmlo. god: R. Filtl. J . Liulo. P. I-`nlu. dduaoo eld: R. Agnew. D. Iilla. W. D-:.l A |l..f\n--I.I I`I.I- II I`IIiAAo I1 This morning the following Inombon ol the Kinguton tum wont to Brock- vil'le on the anal ntumer. They was In plny against the Brochvillo club this nernoon: C. Millnmgonl; J. Bnju. J. Linoulgh. A. Huzorty. defence lold; n \A-I)-- I! (ll... III li_.I..- I 9. uugggulu, .1. n-uqu-:1. \-saw:-vs: -v-u . D. Molina. W. Shea. W. Linduy. J. Callaghan. eld : J. Dunlap. J. Binoc- own. 0. Gran. D. lllln. home. 'I'. _.._._ 55.. II--.Ig lggl. -.II -l_s aou:uo..:np. `u pmtuuwunu nu -panoui-pnpor6ywi5hicibrp'nv5|oon._ ~ tho owner 01 which in I'M. resident in tho` province. Ibsll be useudblo lilo Ibo [anon] property ol residents. sud who- ther the tomb in or it not in the poster niou orcootml. or xi: the Inulnolnu agent or stones on hold! ol the non- resident owners nuul nll such pononnl. properly 0! noun.-si-leuu may he or sound in the owner`: name an Ivollu in the nuno ol tho nuns. Imuoo 0| other person (ii any) who is in poun- union or control thenol. peu no he. . I think both the blginkil won pm- perly unused lot thin income. uni that sha nneumont for it In: property mule in the city ol Kingston. ud I think the one in to North ol Soouud. ta. Uo.. 8| L'.C.C.P. 56'). no uuthomy tor thin ocu- clnsion. II --- unit` in an-anvnnnl (link this ill- uy..I. uneengn. J. mgu-uy, r. meeo~ -ow-. delenoe Ileld; 1'. Junee. J. S. lellide. ll. Ineld. J. Leheeiete. dell`. D.Iehe.0.0eeegW.0'&u. homeleld. The guns commenced nt 7:15. and the hell no kept et Portemoutlre got] (or some time. At Int Kemp Ineneued to get the rubber on hie etiok. end, being eet oi loot. dietenoed hie check with- out trouble. until Biueonette eneeked no end etolo the bell. ying down the held with it Amid the uhouta ol the epectntore. Mter dodging the line of Portsmouth pleven he got I ehot nt the liege `end eent the bell between them. Time. he minutes. Fhu loee eeemed to etir up the Portnmoosh Club and they worked like Trogene in the eecond gene. They did some good pley. but the Kienton boys. beinv better pnctioed. bad thing! pretty much their own wey. C. Millen. for Kingeton. penned the hell very quiet- ly to Linduy. who tipped it between the Royelu` eue. Time eight minutes. In the third genie. eiler I quu-ter 01 en hour`: ploy. Milne. for Portennouth. threw the hell to Pettenon. end the letter sent it through the Kmgntolfe ue. 'm.:- A-:-|...J ch- _ .e-|. .. eh- .t...I.a Two-rru >31-on uwnuaxo. cou- um 9 qxuua on Cklu luau. II-9 Thin Ilninhod the much u tho shades of night Incl Already hllon. -u-nun Inn nllu-I\'II I :- own! penon ux nay; 1 niou 0| Qnnl TL; n-an-snot: -L` uon control unenol. nd. The property dull be untenable in the municipality in which It may In he. I bhintin rom- clnuon. It wu said in ugumeul that this in- come was not in the muuici `by when tho assessment. nu undo. t. itnoldoll. I shims. this thy whole income at not penon in intnct in the ninnicipulity at the time when he in guessed lontu penonnl property" under the vani- uonn of the statutes. 1 n.:..|. oh. .... no I...:- l.nn.lnn AI- or we nsnluun. lthinll the one of but 1. London AI- Iunnoo Uo.. L.R. 1:! A.B.l). 889. involv~ ed cnnaidentionl Hun do not u-ice hora. ` and is distinguished from the present one. No question III raised. and. on 1 nndonlaud. none was to no mind In to the nmonnl. even if I were in I position to dispose of such n question. 1 Am of the opinion that the plnintiu` dispose such question. am opinion cue kiln. nnd thus the Action must be dinminod with oak. Anoh.-n Jinn-uinnnal -iO.h nnntt Ln! H|[hl I lloly Contented (IIIIIO II Forw- |nonlh.| `lburnn-cal II Broc-Ivlllo. The game tint rules on tho Ltlilotic eld um unson is lncrouo. It in inu- uorntiug. though it is rough. and in en- joyod by the spectator: us well As piny- on. Last evening the (.`itixcna' Club met the Royals, of PorL; on the brow oi the penitentiary hill uni bad ` I friendly content. -n.- u....-|-A|.` u..n;.... .....l- 1` W. Carlton. J. uoopu. nun; I. nutr- non. A. louooll. J. Duncan. homo eld ; l`. Patna. nld curtain. Mum. U. Mm . w. uonnon. J. mauon. delonoo hold ; `. looon. I-2. lanky. W. Culton. J. Hoopu-. hold; I. tter- nm. A. Iguana. J. Dnnann. hold : ';.`u:.. T nrrqx. . clsyutool nu plunonnriulb` ouhgou; Ola, r. Powers. now an n. Kingnlon-J. Be An. goal; W. Li uy. J. Linungh. J. Bunny, F. B nun. Ilold: JIIIIOI. I IKIUIIUIY UUIlDCII- The ltoydu-I-I. Snllinn. goal; 1`. Milne. C. hung: W. Condom. J. Niahol. Jglnnnn Halt` ' `. Hdkn, II , uh`. mnuuou mm oouu. Action diuniuod with with. TELMBAPHIC BKllI`.l"S. noun Juntznqu Ion ` pw` 1 rty p company. an. .l42\'m.. ans. 2 ! nmvidnu-uni Alla LACROSS E I-`EVER. A II0l`QG'IOI._ nu p. .. ..| |`.A. I. full |II `X0? -N50|'| m-A Inn rongn anon nu uunuu one Whitley. Ibo Ind puhhotl Iain lot innllhgs hdy. Whitney in utioy mid dnpmuly hm Post In II qlouoptovuuoouunoonnunaqn may to pay but Ihonhnd VI-inn. whohullosoeopthulltbonnout duo iuhonooutllnooun. J. Dlnboogh. 3 Iowupqnt eunu- pondoIt.hulIuIIbo|tHatrnluHaI- nl|ou.0nt.. without hul. lotnidi and lnbouingtboduotnotionolpnblio M- IL mul- M Sandwich nuhnhy | Do lmi rough um one wlmnn. who had muhhnd for Tho. Prinoo ol Imam`: yum bu has wanted cl Sweden and the NOV drownod. llcndihry Princc Albert Ina mound. nu - vuvv Ilvul -uw -up-vu --w--uu-. Shohou Pullarll. lurmot. Charlottet- ville. V... was Inollou lead me ml mloiou Iuight Shooulnollivo. ; The inkriu of the royal armory. lndrid. vu intro od by In um -u-`ling. Ion ol oonblm won Ii _ AUCTION SALE -_.0}` T OI'I'Y PROPERTY- The moving dust on tho Welland cunl IIIVI been nduood 35 per out. It. labouohon in going to man 5 Inclusion Ioclu-ina the noooulty ol 3 . nlorm ol the Homo 01 both. ' , ___-_x,A- .'__A!_- ,1 nv__ Judge Batu. uccciutc jIm'ico oi Wu- na county. Pa. in clnmcd with Accept ` in; I bribo from tho Iiqnot doslon. us..s... null.-.. 0...... (`ha-Inn... I401 Night`: And `Origin Hows 0004!: Down lot Out Inn] lesion. New York.-July 1u.--'!`Iu Sun : emu. go up the nub-oommitho on the plat Infill. diet Ion hon:-I` union. uluui~ monuly unwed upon tbs lbouoglmo uni plan.-lluajuthonudoluchugoin tho hnllnu II shown by thq nu ex- coup! nvgnu ooooud hi the abut-n~ ._.-1-umJ.'nnnnl.|m (nu nl ant. XIXIIMIMI lII)`Il\l. Sonuorwnllnce. of Penn: Inuit. pu- oentod lhndnll. Abbott. ol ew Janey. uoeondod his nomination. w-.:- u-.......... -...a r-n.... I.` v.... ueonuon nu nouununon. Wnds-Hun ton and LoRo_\' I-`. Yeo- mnns. ol Rout Cnrolinn. seconded Bu- LIGVCIIIHI. A mouon to Adjourn to 8 pm. wu nude 0:231) Ind carried. nnuu -v-nun-u u v\. uuuv-. Chicago. July l0.-Tho Cleveland men u0,Iu~ong m the belief thus they can bring nutter: 83 I criain at their option union nlonl Io grunt 1 low concoctions to the opponents. A ballot may not be reached today. John W. Cu-nminn. Hnnnnchnnoua. IIII, I05 X ICOIICI I0'lIIY. 1 John Cu-aminn. Huucbunoua. seconded Bnyuxl. Qnnnmr \VAllnnn_ nl PnnnnvIvnniL nu- nu. Geno!-ml Bram. ol Winoonuin. seconded Cleveland. 1`.. In ..I;....... an n n m un- II jun anus 1 Iuv-us v sun` 1-... va- coup! collected In t_hu govon-n~ nclI;thu'unon use (on of ml: hannboon Ibo- III-Vv 9000 [DO muiu eoune for meveuue. sud mun; continue to be. so that it must be recoai nilo-I that under the 5) item of levying I euuouu large Iuduetriee have eprnug I up in the countrv. lull lhll. Mnereloro. l the cheugee in the tail! would not be ptecipihtod.ot ohuch kind as to injure oy destroy these induetriee. It ulark glut enough I-avenue can be collected ltou: Iplriu. malt llquore and fewer ur- ticlee ol lmponniou to support the gov- uumul. pu the pensions mud Inpo out the public debt. It uluimu that the ulnngee iu the uni on be undo Wilh- om Inducing the Inna! ol -lube:-.A It de- uouuoeu the patent in nulitiee an the re ubhcen mil luv. In decluu that Ll tanliou uhnll be exclusively for public pur none. and mu no more hie: dull be no looted than no needed [or pnbnu noou. Inu mu no more uxu shall be co looted than the expense! 0! novel-nmenl.. ooouomi~ ally sdminiahred. The run of the plulorm did not require so much tune. and`. II nally uiopsod. is an nguzmuivo attack upon the republican puny. ` - nu L~I.:I.I'l'u Irul liruluu an-mun land and mum mum. and mo ioou litical clubs paraded the atroota with E:-.i light: and glittex-inn bannorl. tending the an with the music at their boom. Thunnan had a roooptiou all evening. Thousands oi persons. man 0! mom ladies. formed in line and ulioo him bv Elm Iiaual. Joliu Kollv held a Iocroscouoiavo to which delegate: [mm the various Slates wemiuvned. Tho atlompto put Hondricksiu the eld il McDonald breaks down is being made. nnnuun oouovol no I! wanna cuolce 01 the Clcvnhnd people. but cnn do nothing u long a Clovolurd is in the non. Pannnlvnnin daleulhn nnnnant. Ram` you mu uevonum mu gen aw; nay- ud, I92: .\lcl)onsld. 63 ; Tbuunnn. (M; Culiale. 213: the othan scattering. on... ......u.....'- ...._. A...` A-out .-.u-- - u. .. See-uon around hotels In: uiqm aur- paued thong ol allother nights: 1.0.00) ropla anrtbundod the Palmer House. Randall. .\loI)ouald. Thurman Clon- land and liaiard clubs. and the local nnlitu-al nlnhu nnrmlml Han ntrnntn with nun." an Inn - nI\lv\ u n.1'lI-lIDO- Tho 'l'im` Chicago npecnal n u the Thunmu movement will be hen ed 01! hi {Jun nlnninu nl Ilnnzllnu in nnn\inn_ lnunnnu movement mu be named on by the placing of Houlley in naming- Mon. 1'... n.:..`..,-. m.:.........s...;.| ...... n... ua. The TrIbuu('l Chicago Ipecinl says the Tharnnn men no outing about [or n viou~prosuleut.inl undidune and no lookmu townrdu New York. Several I-`lower Inon wen su ting lut night that Thurman and P lower would sweep New York like I ozclono. The IIrrum`a bhicago rspechtl ny- NOW IOTK IIIB I0 CIOIID. special thn in 3 its of bola And rebun the chances noted Clevolund lust night yuthav did the night before. boliovu ho is second choice 0! QI-Q Plannl-nd ngnnln hut as-In Jn nniluinu long ulcvouna IS In ma Pannuylnnin delegates suggest Run` (ill and Tlmrmnn u I ticket with elo- mauta 0! great uuuuzux. It in not the intention of Judge Field`: friends to hang him ptominouuy funnml ut nt. Tiny (nor the duh hon: ids. * Tho Warlla Chimp npainl an that wliln lbs nhn Ind it in chain- uu Ivoruaunnugoupouuuyl sun vIsilolhI7|uhnnhIIqMwuchan- cdclovohndntillhngllho Inn dunno. Ila:-I-inn nnninnn nun` hlllnnvc won me no aaanaa won an uiouux hone. Howitt`a name was alao mon- tionod this morning. It in said a num- ber of Indiana and western mon lavour the briu |II|{ out 0! Hendricks alter the Int ha lot. Sonia papers claim that Cleveland`: strength is waning and Bar ard`a gaining. The general impression, though. is that their situation in nu- cliangod and that Cleveland will toba- blv not the nomination. The 'n'!uuu pull him down lot 307 on tho lint ballot and Bayard 147. The l`uua saya Bavanl ia looming up. um ncynru ua. up Bayud looming up. Butler bu withdrum from the consul an] will an Bayud. It is antima- Iod that Cevolaud will get 850: Bay- ard. 199: Mcl)onAld. 63 : Thmmnn. (M: ClUIOV|hllllHlI$IDOI1Il Inning accidents ind blunders. (Yhiauvm Jnlv lfl-'I'hn 'I nhu UllIOI"0. JIIIV IU.-IlIO lrlllll Ilyl thofrionduol Judge Fialduo bud st. work and he stand: well as tho dark Ln... Il--:u`. ......- -.. .l.n Imam, Iliiltuu Qoohooptiovinuoocidmlludnough nonov In my hat Ihulhnnd II-inn. | Fm TIC I0. I'I'\4UlUll KI itlllli P` 35 I'll` Iullul The lllbnlt has. 7 . nrrluu Ioumenu Ina nmuuen. Chicago. Julv l0.-'l`he 'lrnbuuu up aha frinmlnnl Jndnn Fiald Am hard ll iSEIEIOFIlE .(:n|'.um muvmmon. CUN DENSKD TELICUBAIS. IUTIJAI. IAIIIIOI AIL not Prub:bIe~- n Iii -Q"-nI I` Olluio lnvunnonil. , B0.P|I I. sad I.... I I I- (`A , , . , _ _ _ _. lumen:-In van 0107!! an lorlt nun. IIID GIAII. (`OBI FAIL son. The nuovuusu uunuu goua- uou:-P'|our.IuporionxInnlO0Iol.56; an 4.90 to 5.00; nringntn 6.38 In L80. nmnlnnljs In us: umnn hlnhkm U-|`~ IAIIII. ' . 'uJIl IO. Out - Ill 'nb.` "'nu-nu'" b'An.1i1uou.'a-L "'x.'."-a-.v:a.a:;1aou`,n11A.. OUSIIB TOLIT any us. to am the to-nanny: IIIU FOIIIV-hr :10. :1 ::.."`'``'.. ' '`5.'i`3?u?r':?u"m``n """ nou Isms cud oouuuuoa Anal. 1'oOoI'h-nl Elilhlthath IllI\-IF- In sun In . on July mm. J In: Joaoph Wall . chill! Ion of am: Walsh. u;I :- ynn and 2 months.` Thu funlnl will mic Mun ftoln lulu hum`: `X. BO 2 llnlrl INTI. lII~l!lllI'\lW IllUl' noon at I pun. hlondu and Ioqulnunau no nannnuull I lnnud to Annual. The Nun` wni Come ou~IareZ Payment: 1)! Honey ta Ir. lou- ` nun br13nIII'ieTon. ` '1 r. Arthur Boyer. rogpteacusutlgp 9! Megan C-tier in the Queboc l.oin_lu- lure. aid he know Hr. lleheuulott us! had seen him At. the house 0! Mr. Ln- lhmme with Mr. (L W. Stephen. Mr. lhlercl:-r llld Mr. Luunme. Mr. Dow Beaufort had shown aholu oorhiu let.- l.rd`und telogrunn which had beou ex changed between Maura. Muuneuu. Borgerou. Cvhulelroin uud lnimull. De~ Bouulort. promised tlnl if the gentlemen present would discount. I 05.!!!) now he would give such evidence as would up- Iet hen`!-en nu`! earth. Mr. Dellouulorl laud exacted no pledge ol necrecy. I ` Mr. Marcia: Inked whether Mr. De- DOE. He thought the home would not ngnin reject the bill. when parliament meet: next you tho wholo energies of the government will he nlovuwul to the e o! the complete manure (or as redistribution ol nests. John Bruin hoped the power ol the Lord: would bo curtuled. IlupofIIWul'1|I. Mn Mouthur. ol !lopoville.0-u,.u_\'n the ooull not loop house without u; ynrd'n Poctorinl Bnlnm to cure pronihug throat and lung troubles -Jl ltlll ILII. Ax Pnocou. on an Du: him. by tho Rm-`. J. Ilulonon. l`.P.. Mr James I`. roan-lly, ol linon. to huh, olden dnunhhr ol the Inc Patrick Ihydon. In. % Manual. July `0.--M thoAro{)ul oom- miuxou enquiry yeuhrdly Mr. Benn- lon nil he uue Us Mr. N-ouuenn 0:11) I out at the num received (roux Uhuloboin lo: {M contncl. believing It lu his due In him. Ho mound 02111) for Chi . snap: an.` I] !'.II'\ in maul: 'rnn| l'hn>In. I0 IHIII. IIC lIVKl 'I.l.l.ll III! III! notes and 01.510 in can]: from (hurle- Ima. , ` ulogu. - The following in n tnnslntiou ol the origins! agreement. concerning which the commission [in boon hold : Montreal. Dec. 7.1882. We, the undersigned. name to the fol- lowing conditions. that is to say. the government of Quebec having asked 101 ` tenders fnr tho construction of tho Par- liunont Home at Quebec. um] \lr. AI(`l~ under McMillan. coutrncter. having tan dared and Hours. A. Cbcrlohoin & Co ; having done the name. the tenders being now under the conaidornnon ol the gov- ernment. it II by tho P700000 wroomont undentood that m can the government nrnll necord tho contrnct. whether upon 1 u. lhmmu M Mr. Mnmillnn or to than VII Apl. Inoou `vulva in [ I III necoru um conlrlcl. wnenuer upon I. no figures of Mr. Mchlillnn or to than olCl1u-leboia & ($0., shall pay to Mr. Joan Delleuqlort. or (.0 lm order. Pan sum of tun tlnounud dollars. currency ol CIIH In. on _tl1o following conllithns. vix.. that as soon as the cnutrncislmll hue boon signed between the govern ment. and the uid A. Chnrlebois at (`u.. -whether ncoording to the tender ol .\lc- Mlllnn or of Clxnrleboia .\ Cu.. tluue thounnd dollars cash. payable by n nubu of the 7th December. 1583. on dmunnd to the order of the will A. Clmrleboin .\ 130., Another now of the name duo ll. three months. pcynblo nlao to the order of A Chnrleboin at Co.. (or NAIR). null tlm lnlnnco 0! 05.000 also ol ulnto 7th Ilooember. 1882. by I now 0! tin: t.hou~ unll dollura. payable on the nal nwnnl ol the contrlcb: nml shall be paid by the government to tho mid contrncton. .-\. Uhulobols at 30.. nnll tho` parties have nigned the said document hnving boon rend to them. Q.'.-um! A (`nun Iunm .l- (`n Wlmt urn: Do:-Iclod (`pun at I Ieollng out line Lllnlnll In Ihn In;-orIn| House. London. July I0.--AI 1 looting of Libonla to-day Ghdllono Isid the Unlr in! bad docldod to close lirliunont Ill noon to pouible and all 5 new session so 3 vurv only date. to again pun the franchise bilf Mill submit it to the Longp. Pu-lnuneI:t would reunmblo in`(Yto- I 1... W- III UI-ll.lI I IIUH VVIIUIVDIU. Dr. G. W. Collins. Tiptoo. lnd.. nyu: "I has mod It in uervoun dohilny brought` on by over work Ill wum weather. VI! good result. I gnu encwu no plunge on I Mr. Mercia: asked whether Mr, Bunfdrt hnglytataod to thorn that Mr. Honuonu {via to give one-thin! ol the I IIUJIID. Tlm nnnnlinn inn nhiuntml tn ll Iminu IlU,llII. Tho quauiou VII objocted to n being illegal. " ' Th: lnllnvrina in I tnnnlntiou of the -IJH`I'IIn r-IlCIJUC I o Iontnsl. July to. l'|ou--roooi 1,000 it nun Iouc. Tho viluul in man ghou- danm-FInur. nnuriorcxlnn l.00lol. : no I -onus. The main! plan -nah!-nan Run an Eu-I Ill:-on mqnonoi slur J II 881']! PMlll.ll'8 ..___ _._ an A... .__ onus..- IIADQVAIIIH I- UIDVII Au `n-urn IIID. OIAII. LI IIJNII. (I I0 I01! Signed, outta} Ltmiil qiirfri-(:A1}iTi.` Markets. A. CIunL|:uom & Co. Jun D:Bxu.'rou'r. ll) an '1-Int-uIIlvTin Iumlul ..--.---- 1": I N01`! fll IIOVI IUDIZ W TII IIl`l`ix0IOAIllIOAIADL I'@ Q. (31 Ilnjn jmnnunnlsr stun El .__o_- I!' Amateur Pnlucen would do well no [he no a col. III: IOOI III IIID . Dun fuhllvnllo Iuoddnlnnlh net: uptoubolhh Ivolndvo. Iulfvuu um lamina unnu- T10 uupoluoniun by uury lulu Iph thn|\n.nnoo- I-3. nggn ._._A an.` BROCIVILLE IND RETURN NU "I. FII SLIO. ,.._...i- V.-- .-.._-..u',.'~-_.._- _...l -A n: 0ddfellows' Demonsfration. `"73:-ii! VMOVNTEATH, I-L I [A FIIE mun sat] \\`nlnul nml Hnrhla Ton In! IA`: [Inn - RAIPLB 83'!` NOW ON VIIW AT-- IJAS. URAWFUBDSI dun. v bmbgil. lunuhcurn. Iuuhouo In Irlhoou -umulpr nu hu& man law I. an *='Jo:;$-zhnulo 5-abunhdtlllo "ha part no In um:-r.- , nuns` uuu_uuuon_ln{ . poulou. oinoilo 5 no RI . yuan Octlgbuilm lune. buckwheat. but Mil. 6.5 N . _bntt. roll: M In llmbuuor. Iub `lc nnunnnl nanny. eumnnu. no In -uamucc hmnma. us In l.Hlol.N'.huIII.l5Io ~ inch-. hops. put I aouswuc T: JD; uu-Al. pot lvhl. LG) mkhthl. liu I buuh. nm. 1.10. than. I.porbuah.1mw .30. run; put bunh 0 54! lo 0.8); hakvy. Ill llllh (IQ In 05: ucut. pat bunh.0,w wtklpd bmhau to heel pd I(I) "II. I. I0! o.IMoo.I'b\ tltooxlkoluan. |-erll-.0. 600.1` pordou.0.lIw.l`I"- yo tum-n.porl 0; M0.I5;hId.LI ":`.'.'.:`..`.'""-`='-"-`-'!...%. .'.-..::-.'..'.: IJO; Tllrkoyl I500!!! II: 001 I0 .;T..' .` J".'o"!...`?`" m`S. u`."..'.'&..'3.`-"n"';a Ytoucvu-!b.lo'rhndIlo f0l'fI1-I1 I: Iluon Tloac; nuns alum; on o to c. l'o:INsoucpu||;``u!JI_lo|uo;1AnlI|to Illa ng-mg-n. hl ml ~ - -`Ann I! an IA-- pa Ilu. MI 500."; pordontll I0 I.lI- 0.gh0.l;h|dd-Llto D. |.:iy`.,|-eljacai .llJt0IO.|D; dream! hognpor la)! . 1 m lInu.uru.I.-Wbou No to 01.0` Bale on IolAc;R u.51c;0|uO0o; I'bu'I`l: Illll to 13; Inn Clo Dc; lulloumhnnor ll Iain: tub hlnor ll toh; Eon It to Na: Rules Iulu town" ran .65: lupcuoi; DnoudIIoII7.m|o Ni . Can Run loo nor lb. : Pflll II. Dunn wt: Wool liu. bud II to no; 'l|llow- rough. to; Tnllov, road 0 to `lo :'l'ousou on to LP6 rrl -.l'lour--ubo 01: not banal. Retail 5.50 .l nv I8 to I10. ton. Chlclnnu 00 to `Inc for tr. (local! to -. Turin: ac to CH5; In a to low: per pm- hi I ulurvvl. mung` 'I`. Liverpool. Jul ylo , 51!) run Flour ~rl0a tollnlid ; wring what. 7: id |o7s id; redilutar. 7: l07u l0nl; Nu. H75! 7! NJ In Ha 02:1; N0. 90:]. 7: M In 7:: did. , Corn--n0w. an d ; old 5 Ijd. B\r|o_v--5c6d. knbl0|wlh;Yul Io7c. l`o:kvuoucpo:|b;IlIll`dIo luv nnnvqnznonopu b (IAxnu4.'>'qlg:-'-1"I2 r|- a min ml to : uuun':3o'o.u : What uunno to no; Hidanuoo pccvt. alum an to Ila; Inyto panoi; In-Aw OI DC 1. l* bu. 05.00 to us;o-1 1-lI.5.u)::l5.Rvh0d. I. porbunb. mow .20.]K~II; I-or 0549 hukvv. not hush. 0.0 05. IAN IHIENSE mm 838 21111000: T20.-. N on. lunar`: man: noun. nuwswravmn. Ii! hquty IFRUI'l' JARS] noun HARD W001) SET .n A-nuns- - ._A... .. ._ mo.Ilu0tIo "ivuunof 0rnvA-llay' to unite: lit : Dim bu_hol.loI5@; pp. pa: |nIhol.__IN' Na 1,oru-now. on ` Barley-so 6d. nu. __,s. 5.: ` l4ll`ll- an: N. Haoou-10a (id to I31 64. T||low-l5n Od. ( hoeoe-l7I 0d. UIIB -' Poul - Pork Lard - Rusnn. BOTTOI FIOIIIIES. C. LON Walnut Ind Iublo Tor. lot .55. Also l'rln-on 91.. Kingston. YOU CAN GET W --- cg. an Pnnceud IL. on l'crlhlll'u (hoary, run-nltnn Repaired. to. I. was {XI -61 ad, 71: SJ. :m.. M I! IX IE! I! (SIZE TIOIAI HARLEY. ` `oh Moot. For Preserving. `go 1: ring. ma .. .. no It g.-.:.'.::.':.a:-..*..".'.-Z~.,-.1-v...-: it D I I WILI. TAII l'l.IAIl'II ll IIPIIVV mud hulqulnn b Oanl as II do! In lung (`haunt and Nun buvDcu.IIhocdIvuouIuru1-cad. in ma oliunhulcu mutant: :0 than) aut- P.':.'z-.'..::..':2 :21. ...=..-- YAID -ll Cuundouhmud Innuh Inna ,,, RTIL IUITIII I0'N(`I I vulbool ul Iollvu. when mind. 1 quality at Don and (Yunnan! hid: Oolboyhu JAIII IUIIT --vvv uv uvvv uv HIV gvvvvsu. (hll ECO lul uvldl elm Ede. |Ir|H,I*(:nI Dov H cm In Ina! II an nutty you. \AIlIIx-r-uulonn an ....n um-. 1.. lfllwkn nnlvo-I u Mlhor yuan `oil I- pmunly Iliad -PILIPII08I (XIII! KICATIIIN I. CRAWFORD Q 10.. Jun an lint Iloon Mu-I. nu In-w WI CI -uuy \5|`l-*-`V`.l0;:.I~I RI and upon In libuln-n Ionnlm-I n unhu ....a. n.II |.4 I Inn ll! orn mvuu.-.3: PIM` ILoa.vul`AIul'I`IR In our annual tbcpihlk nnonlly Ibonryl-not uulmu otcosl ud Wood M Prices as Low as the Lowest. rll an - 5.4.. -|-.a.. ...- ._;__ -.__ oven Coons! III-ouulnp luau ovary `ITICS DAY AND Hlllul` for all uoonnu lhy um! Non): Show I-ska Ilupntor POOH. hum. Iiloclrtr I ht:-l, Pghoo hum liven Bonm ovary TUEIDAY. um; DA\ AND IA'l'Ul(D.|\` lo! Ilull Ill Ink and Pod Arthur Canaan Plclle and Inuit]: CD13. Tlekou lot [ho mubd t-lo from llnnton or nrlnlly sand at l.0\\`I2lT RATES I-y J. P. oILnIIm.nvI. Af1II`\Yl' I. CLARENCE ST. Ill] 1 July In llmn ..a Slpuior, __- AND TO --~ lunch I Tlorfl-lost Coal a_r Wood. AMEmANj somiuc co. 361.: `A(i|`.._\"|`d you svimo unrr nun. OWEN spunn. I. ll. WALSH &_G0 8., |cus&_nmz & mys. ms. Tlanada Pacic Railway. smaa axcuasluns (THE (7A.\lI)EN PEN! Any Nib cn be um-.d with this Pen. July I. rnnu.auI.y urn. Prlrr CI.O0 lino-d HUI non I:o|-rodlhlr I'II` or 9| `)5 \\ NI: Indium l'olnI Pen. I The Perfection of Reservoir or Fountain Pens. If IPICIIL RRAHDOOI \LK Incl PHNTIII lt oil on the pnluhm Thodulrlu 5 awn: Trenton and (\`r|vlI applaud fmn; Imqulon ooubluhnnnl Fur nu-I win. one nun ul F1` NISBETS. NEW u.\'rs ' -OF ALL KINDS- RHl'IlI.\l:\'l'|HM Coal lwcoal ! PUITIIII rm Iilllbool J donut. nqunl. cult" (`Al.El)().\"l.\ Sl'lilNl`it~`; MINIIQTON |l3I2N|'\' I`0Il I4 Ilj. HlND_ aosf 1'|u- 4 urn I: It nook-Mr-. huh` LL NOT UNDERSOLD. HOTEL TO LET. ` GRAND HOTEL 354 King St. 2.2. COIL MUN. I'M` . I-uullur HI 3. J. I.EAHY__ Pu-to:-and Luger. VI-%I.In tons: in: I Innulnbln BARGAINS ""'Y.Iuu u JIIIM Vlunnnu-lure-rs cl M duh yuan In Hot! To use l'pnor `lakvc AG E'1~}71T 1| Grocer. |l|r| cl umlcoo net:-uni and u all--I |-vumplly nu -qulrr. ` Kl SUSTON. July Ink July I 3TaAni"a'7inAuo" _ .32:-AI-hndnhn-`Annual Ioldllcdlolultlxlulnonnc. 0lo.A.00!. ; Ocuonlbgnllnnun I6. .I. .Wl'B. lulu: llama. Oil. Duo-I IN! III day If July. lit TII II-XII? LID QIYOIYAII-I ITIAIII I `V. ` `T. "'7'. VI ` \ ~.:.:.--`.....+-r-x~---% -' New Anver`noemanu.' RAVI Jill`? IIOIIVRD A HIV 1401' 0 IIAUTITUL MP IIIOI Plllflll. TAKE NOTICE. I )Al 1. WIITIIIIAD. -`nod I_Ib wan lpnl. L.O.l.a.. NO. 577. - F6: 8&9. ...g... W I.` $-C- III JAIII (`I`ADDIN. illllho "'.:s.~.':.Z.."-"- >'- Inn. novl-3 Id. mo pnubnt To Let. J. B. HUTCIIEOI. II. JUIII j 3: 'a'.'$`sHa'a'-T"... G-ZIIjjjXZZj on-.unanI.'uu.uaumnnu ohldulnth uhl ul luau nnlnnpuhtltpu. .__..g:_: Tnounuuuuuujuuulo buy:-u. Wu.Io0ItnnlwiIo.dI&!&. Invhitiqlus. _ TL. -nun -nun: ll Faint A petition. signed by many of the principal ntopuy-on ol the city ol Kin; rtonudconmy oH`nItocnc.hubocn pvutotho Hon. 0. A. pnunttotho linintoroluunhud lhihnyl. ltllhnting him /to onnino iutotbopnctacu Tityolthor `in; pggtinuotthlptitlon nhtlngto tho Bidonu canal. dual] prnonhd. tho lbovillnhnuystnob-ingthoolly por- thnthnthnlvottouuvcntbhd. A godlnlddsnuuutponihhtho minus:-n tlnnnluiuduyto (Buck lnlmlloollakoundingnton` Iillnnuh)hnnuotyot hoeuounit ' ed. ltin hardly hire! thuhhtry: Iottondorhhit. Altbouahlllwhn ` unuoqutlntulvttlthoimuuohuou unaware of tho tnubb Ir. Empt- tiotnuboothotnouhondthdo-j punk: kw uh I ::_'umc. ~ nodal 1 AL-mg: nn-4 nnllnn IN EXNJRSIUN WORTH WAITING FOR. Uittv Clot`.-Inuallwj Fl. whonnindlndtououo 50:. We kept thonlnhkyvill no llbhvo Ihouothtxnhdinbdolasvllo gs. ...n..L.1 (1.1. .. A... gs. `.5. -:__.g~ sntpu. run: out.` at not tuit- lnnly shadow M: John than Othn |ll_ Ijrung. and Ink kho'Iqp!IIl hum ! inwhichjn left thohiry hqqoqr In any such Irlhgb b"'|hI Elli` .n-a.._... Ilnn gnu. HQ hnhou upgqillotl Itcnhrylo nu` China: question. Thu um i be nnnontivo; uni it will! coupo- hl. up Nochohnhuu ton-innate: color ALI" .L_____- buu. Snilhwutloknlpl inWoI8~ Ionlnnd.N.B. Iuoydkliktndhupo olnopnyutlht lIouonJohI L. Huric vu given 041) with vluolu to rip oululukbteduu Iosir Album anlhouwuuthuhovu hllyonuml. hy\holonc|lhnIi!houupporudJcn'uh. Wood. & `ray oudkhlt. to would not bouhI!htt|Iou|upin.|hu itwuvn clouhplt in View 01 "hi: vote and inu- ence." `Ind um on this condition it was accepted. In. Innis. too. unnnslsn .l._ -.. -.-hi I -nun In injnnn Innr hum lllily. II III! III! luuuuu Iv vvuvvu ruc- Sluiun would not won him for it." No- thing would now be heard ol thin voul ction wen Sir Albert not dad and all longer 0! Q now elction pound. The party lending the money runs it voooqnoal. houoo the exposure ol on din, I pmco of electoral jobbory as Tory mil- monogemonl. nu our allowed to no the light. `._.._..-_..__. Illtll. -l'l. Ilnllin with Iwv-uu-- Iho wu Fill I mm to imluoo her hnr band to mount tho tum: nlaeninl. uni also my. lunhbr. that it III dulinctly Ituod by her Imuhand that he would not accept the` money or opp-no Sir Al- bott. "nnlcm it In given to him duo- lnhly. u be Ind reason to believe Shut ll-uh]. -n-LI nnl nrnnl Iniun Int il. " No. A greet deel ol intereetis taken by Cenuliene in the proceeding: 0! the Glnceno convention. end the cheneee ol thie cendidete end thet one no debeted by them with as much eegerneee u it our rolitioel eeire were to be Ineteriel~ ly elected by the result. The de1no~ cute were. et the outeot ol the new pn- uidentiel egitetiou. euppoeod to be poor in the number 01 it: oenchdetea. but "ex;-ernenee ehowe thet thoeo \\ ho mule tlnie oelcnletion end induleed this up poeition hevebeee voelnlly nieteheu. It h haeeee the petty bee too may unhitione nen-their eveihlnlity ie en- other mettelh-thet there in not: cheat endeonheion in theconvoltion. It is L____,_ AL-.. ___ __ _.--r~1e-Jieutin-A . , ..;_.m""`...-A " uuwnuan nuunybolo ouhrown o a rock um! comparatively unknoth one uelcchd. nilnply u I eompnomiu. The meals in wnhhod lot with just II much uaxioty by the topublicun an by tho dolnocnu. lot this rouoii. that It 1: only intho event o! u democratic blunder um Blaine`: uneasy out In tally uuuntl. And it IDII lilo Kelly and Manning. oi Tumunny Hull. uouotwpptoned that blunder in very mu II hand. 'I"l... l..II.\-i-.- ... _.. -_AL_-5.- A._.. ..l ...--. .. .. .......-...,.......,.. l have ncoivod your ulqznm.iuI'orm- in mo 01 the dinpoaition to nominate Inc to: the pnuiducy. and asking Will You accept I unanimous nomination hum the oonvcnuon ." and also I tele- prnn hon Lr. Inning. nying. "It seems nboolnlcly necuury that you (I) should unwer Barium`: Inlogrun u soon in " You IlIIil V Ira cxpiiciv unwend IJOU I ' Inquiry cxplicuuv in an napkin by my loner ol June 10 to It. lusting. R, J, Tn nun, .__.._._...._. _......_ Bonuxfnm wurrin gl _ ..-.. ..____ ._. . .._-;..._ . .- , -;_ A Poulhn I-Ibo Iluutorollnnwnynnul (`numb -'l'\no Donating wu bout. nu-an-cu nu vvuy uu- nu use-. Tho lollowing u an authentic copy ol 3 communialion to It. Bu-nun. the chairman ol Ibo national ooumiuae. inn Ir. Tilda: : u I . -.-.. A.&Iy& Ionluvlulnlh lath. nnA & , Onvnoae. July 5. Ian. 73: IIUI. WII Barnum, (`hang-u III I 3.... -.u..i...I -4;nn |-l...-g-... I-.l...a-u 31%| Inluw `nhrncu nu-nix. 3%. .i.ritisI lvhig. -gr -.- ~...- nnlu-:Af"u.uI. \'sr-xI. S. J. 'l` II- 3310! Ilrl FO- ly II: Act IVE. 17.0.. ltwpn uuabtllht p-curl . s 3 . , ) I I ' `lchl ru(wapu:un'u an nuwxs III Iliunu lacuna col- umn noun In Il.'.\'ll- - r u. llcolll, M L `H _1I'2I 0I IO, VCKIIIIDQ oupuniou in pun! terms the w- u ol nnuulxnt 5:! Iunion o all purport; vi in city. Inch niunlnooind by sbouuhrui `nu inooityuo not subject bhntiou. 1` usnotptopny buliuoouo." I 1` aunts-ndlnbvthnnnihorin IR?` TI IIGUF WCTI |1lI- nno ply. D Ian. R. 0. This I his annual. Tho hollhl wu thl puts us so me new. The qnutioua for dam-mnnntion were argued at great length and many uutho~ ritual nhrnd to. Amongst other! I vu [cloned to Bonough on Tantion. Moo. when it II and tbs: "Annual inns nulvcd by an ionnnoooom puny constituted psol its income. and ulna Ilochuietol tony vouhinun manna-nnn in Hanan! term: than now. S:...'-.r.:::-"'.,...' h North -Wotan lun- 'l'hIQ$lC'|'I(I|0DVIlIOlIII0l I4 ID! v. nnn nnmlown. IN). H Incl tomonooa omoolor uunnu In, olllnd. Then Ina. udeod. no dim ` pubnto thohcu. Tho amnion \ 1. " ' . , The lulowmgiu use judgment ill '0 1u-6Iro-aeuou~bronghrbyJl0B~--Q~~5~ ~ ' L-_.|.._....:-|. u.. .......o (cu-n-hnnm Hm `DO IIIIIIIIII YUXIVGH ITO U10 pflllllfy I out ol vhioh the lone: no payl- blo. and that tho phlnti oompuay had no manual nronnrlv in Kimnton but 1 mil Y III l\lUIIOll DUI the pnmintm; count thocommiuiou counitulod part 0! the income {or which Mr. Kirkpatrick In usouod panca- nlly. II was uimined that the many rescind lor pnmiuml Inn. that do- duotina the communion. nun rqznlu-ly as the and Jewry month by Du. Kirk- Elrioh to the hood ooo for Canal: in nntn-nl Thnrabnn Indoor`, nn Jim. Unnudu in the cit 0! Montreal. The plninli. r. Kirkpatrick, wu ml is their agent It the olty ol King- Itou. Unluto. unl through him at such '3 way oonudorihlo I-uuneu is done. Hi n-munenlion in Lcommianiun u n the amount of premiums rneived. he pluhtil oonpuv hue not say once in Unity ouiulgnou spun lrom the 11' 06000! the rm 0! which Mr. Kirk `ch in the senior numhet. The milieu of tho plnintilfh company nu done hv Mr. |i1r|IputnoLuin the luv olloool hi: Inn. and the onus of "the 'umI received xlunuu the month. mu deducting his commission there- from. in. n the and 0! ouch nnnth. that deducting lua cotntnmsxun mere- hom. in. At the and tnanuiuonl by him to the head odlco lnrthnuh in .\| The detenti- Inu. tho cqrpontion oi the city of Kingston. nsagaocl both plnimin for noun (or the y&{ 1883 n the amount ol uxnhlo income; no doubt manning the uxnhlo ineomeinl the Inintii compnny. The plnintill. Kir pntrick. ply: tuna upon his own income. and Ibo oolnlniuion derived from this busi- nou oonstituhet rt of such `income. Tho phintin oolmed to pay -the Amount oi tuna chimed upon this an- nulment um I vurnnl was issued and under II I noixnro made 0! rsonnl property of the pluinti. Mr. irkpat rick. sud thereupon the nmount olsim ed. 084.88. Wu pnid by him nnder pro~ hat. The tiolendnnt. Middleton. wu the collector ol sues [or the corpoution oltbo city ol Kingston, Ind tho defend an Roborhon llil bnili. Thin nnlilnn in hnunnnhn In rnonvnr hark mo. and mu we pnunsur pononsl y I pgIu_:in_m:; _ o_o__tho_$ u. 1"1I "*3 ICII$"`I!l'UI`II"Uy*'OIIIII~~--\-be-~o lintkpnuich In recent nun-lrom the city pu-i cu iuiunnco mcouuu. 11. M. HI itCOI.'Q. C. npvured I9: phiuli: IL1`. Wqltem, Q. C.. uudJ. Axum! for qldendnuu: ' , ' .23, u._ n": .... ..;_ I--.-`nan. ll! ICIIIIIIIII . Tho phiulis. um Puu.-nix Insurance` Co.. us I Ionian convention. having unit haul 65:0. :1 1 umlornund, in the city of London. Hnalnnal. They curry our the lamina; ul nu insutiace in Uumlu and have their head ollico for Quad: in the ciliiol Montreal. Th: ulninli, I`. Kirkmtrick. l: ' ' 7'33 hr 34's.-"nuuu Vru-ot~q..l"