lhnh'o'hI;:h1&uI`ADI; amount: can In. and but n__ an jwvu hduohhiuatocuour. `Phylu- `lth `n Ixhaullcndn usdlugidoydondholuh-d chiuhl tun nah didunlpbuo __-_I_ .__.__.A_ n|al!0R"'P` utvswu-wavy run -v---1 cu jut- -on nglusuhouluhr. Innurnod into joplorlheleuupolihnproduood v-vow-_v uvvu out nltnzt I-II UIHUIIII cllhncouloli-hhd. While alto exhi- hisionolthou-m.ioulrunoIuexpoet~ cl;-hysiqoonnlrqnnsion seulniin pohlicapaionthoboooniundvnatot n.Iul\~oui~onI.ud1|odnnd!IoI Icnoluwdou tleutithouhkux A Knqswu syn-Inna ol jolly caution -DivI|icn cont-iIn|nthiaiuhno-- lliullolnyalldinqnnvnlthon h.A..L._. I-5 l...__.L_.. n_L-_ ls- ml llohopolun lacrosse clubs. I50 hxaetuoulkpwmauroqpnohgiq upeh-I. Tln ptovau of tbelalntt is pinlully known in Kingston. and they tovislthopuuluoolnnonrulnwn guuowilhustluqlunnolthofotonlo AL.-._L.-. a|_ AL. .gL.. 1.--: AL- -1-`- `uuuu --u-noun-`yuan-In--I-u auuauull chupiontlltholhthn-[tho oh. lonmnlncupha-nix-lIhc.lIon|houhcI dun Ilhrdoiantbytlnlonuonlclnb hntvcohtholghtleyhul vouulth ticlotyovotthoalnonhndlkxuvull lhllnyoud llaoliloolbantihl mi- cIQee3IIII|lIIIl&lIkIl'tllilI|lOo| uni t&l'iVC' iliio tho Bnckvillo Lt wound-hhunpauodnlucouuu -nun-J in g Anna .4.-_.. -:LL -.`I wnud.innoonyoonet.vith wall uhululpnnduhud. `l'h'unrutlnoccn- 5-. .1 _..o..A_;__.-_n __,I _L ,_. anon n----- -u---. nun v-cu IIIU Inzu` tn ol entertainment. ml IIIIJII !.(ll\ peophuoghit out. The chic! ovcl wullnnnleh betuoou khohurhn uuq vu--vs u-wan ---5` uuuun un- pciul. Ilia also xluapuunteul for the tuna lino than such p.lhen`@do uotcnchbniucuniurlhenhnphq-as venuhlla than nsunL flopewuoon tn-I on Thu-sky. however. In the guns lay. Ijww Iudvununltnhnnlnnl n-ling-d-n-nnnL-hh`-. R. Thcowureouhu-Hotlhosplnnp" Iwolulnuhhndlonoly lliluuo-I. than oltho lollhvillo Oddtollous and dl`tucou:u-hwonotno noporuo wllduno-l.lhouoolAlnoIhnnnlI"u- nenville. Thourvnlllonl with qu- vu-nn-ldeuiuniquven.uduo eu- thuiutietulho do ' biliar- vicuthntwohnmhwon oceuionlly nuihuoitimcher. No illuunh by I`; olu:nI.tuuhobnnty,`ot|._In.pddIul|uvI` yunltirtnool Innnony. The Osvqo` eznrguolunihunultllollollowgvucho hnUan&ae!.uvelFnth`0uld` `Ln-kn an-ihnling onhuJopto- mound lhodnnonnluion. flue in- Iuxu-nuotuculyuhrgouu-nor mggngl In -l.. .l.. .I._-_.A_A__I l.- IIVVIIK u1\1I`I-ll _ - K TIZ Ihhqidkilwo cu hoporni V exec;-tlho -on nluiunhlooxciphnu` II all Ii-00-03 bohl clan. 110 i: nuurunoumolhitbuobyncnvcsk unuuut llo kaepnou Ihooventuor olhia inuhpclnhnt way. though twenty nonunyholnnolinqhrnroon. tad. uithunirol'l:hyooncauiou.belnndn yonlur savour-In eonhgtickot lug ulinurtthmvonl-l|oucuIhnIooh~ uilenhneallneh an Old Sun`; u-u_uu-wr-an-ulj Iiiuyuuuu `I.h`pooo|o_ussundly" hdi lluin nunnbul I -p` 4.... L; -u-n--nl Vjtjmmwg _ doth coilyjllhub Ibo $1533 olIIaum Thuovuoouqh v ILLII-IL: --4I ...._:n.. -..A_ AL. --V --v Evident lykiuguapooplohvo vuuln-uh iIthe(.`it_voNho lulu. when 50:: hnvihdcpcud Inch vihvurnnhtlchcut Inn. nits .I..I.A .._I.A __:.. _. A. `L. L.A.4:__.. Jmqu mt nu you I'll 5--nom-uL nhunjnxnn Ann auutouuou-orInu_A`y|-p aullh-Itch. lqujbnn. noannus and an V. uninvo- "Cf" nllunluadbnauull ' 'rm: ukirxsn wmu, FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 11.. tv--v-`-c--uu-- BLISS 'II.\'I`I' I`I.OI`I. IsuIbIQ|hn&Idjnl nun htnllnhnouulctnuuy. $-..._A. 2l-.... QA._. III Clix VIII! 0 II I score. The nnhh vusvuryiualouingono. and '0 hope the lntualc will play I to- an on how. Dick`: pinching dawns upocinl ueouun : VI-1 low heavy hits vconnnlo from at Doha. on second hsgnho in! lady. The unpirowu 0. Rune. of lorrittown. N.\'. u'VuIu-I Jlolumn. 1'-&--O`NeiI got on run homo lot Humans. and AI llnclvillo fulcd to ban lotlbc EN: the shocks Ind n- char tin. 7th--Kingston am. Little und Xellr but in. and Buchilh again mound. The OI In I lino donilo play flu Cantu. putting he man out. lIl:-A:thogune Iru uowhoitbo Iiinakol pll_\`ol`l took it any ad did not much O has. , lhockville. on the othtt hind. opurreal up and not two men in. Author sly hull hlldsomdy taken by &c.\'dl. 1Ih-I.IIIo and Lola not run in. making Riga`: uh! ti. Buckvulh lollowtd. wnr I. when Conwny nary ad 3 triple play with mm men on hues. II ` outthnool \hen.hadb'nchin: n harm I-`In been allowed. But Ildc Inuit nlon been snowed. an the II|iI` dual-led only one out. and phy III resumed. Brochvillo Adding 1 nulcloungwilhl`-olnucon. TL.-`nah-nnvanininlmlinnono. `.1 '- '17.". ".:.'..".;r......"`': as .3. .=......- I hula nlon 55.. ---in. Jnnhlnal n-In nnn nnL and I'oIt--Icon I no I. M an-I 5th-WliIuwunha dl ranml. the |vh`ing being vet! slurp on both dds. he nes: in-li tart. i! no oxcopt Conway`: very no mashing for Kingston. were catches by (rkeally. 0`Venlu-I Molnlmn. n`.|L_lI`Il.I nah An` ran haunt: '19 IIL uuanusu. I I-AI 3|-l-.\ whibnsh on both sides. 3nl~- I-Znhock And Comnygot in mm. the lorluer opting the Innings with ma- other Ito hit M-.-lhhou wu put out on 1 home nu. Au Brockvillo went out with Inthu whihvuh Kingnlan stock I In l. n: .-.I ,K|I.__W|niI-n-Inn all r-mm], TUIIIKIIIA wan Ill uuuur av: -uvua. liinptnn had lint inning: and soul Eilbeck lo the but. "The Boss` opened Manama rib Alleluia his. post cam eld. nun! Limo lollowod with Inothot heal one. Both men go: home- lhockvillc lollloun-I I more 0! one: Q vaty inn cnwh In: tho lecture ol this innings. -_.- .~-nuns: nl .r m 3."a'; `Fr i".'l."r" e`., __ _61 Brock Stroot. -n_ ml. in sun [nay-mun: 1-u u-v-cu-1 would have better boom: the hgltn. for I uI1\rin only seotndhilllilowalh kflum III in akin to! them. _,, __.._ L- I __n ;_......._ --.I .....b lyllill. IIIIIUI uni lwlpnnuuuucau vu X3 Ila SL Lx in presuuiq b has tho ukhlv ilntuuls. If hue ball Is to bonny unnunr sulnnut. nudertuknn by Iriomlly iunhtion. it is dmoct tune for n more hmpnhblo spirit to he cultint. all. In this puticulu an nodoty _...|.a 5.-.... 1....-. 5......-._ (ha htnnln Im- W `II 33.1". IIIIIU` Q `Ir Iii ibieli the hue ball nch dul not do-zublv Ill. juixinx by tho Innll crawl in aueuinpeo. Tho liinguon (Id-lolbwf Encuuipaut II - rivud down on the my`! mnil bolt. thud 0! their own excuniomloboon hid tor uy naming pxoooodinxgbul ` found their and who ~nuocuary. ' `They Ind many houn lot rating. uvu-as not mention. TIO hue hull club Invited Ibo ` newly St. uwreueo club. of ` Kingston. down for I mulch. nnd this Iulho lint. celtbtiihn event o! the (hy. The xanmon boy: waived the ` glory. And. bytlnvny. Bnctvmo s. 1 vuylnshonnhletins. When ourllhlg ' unve-I um friends, band u an: of w Illk. not alone 01 mo pmweulol the ' 3:.-mu. mun. lot that they could : ouilyuhml. blue! the recklessness 0! I n-u. I- ;........m...i-.o hnfnhn Aha u TIILWIIEHZTZIIIK F-IHIIUI unu- uunhdhnh-ouuiluncumongln all nothing. lling Q pp in .L_"__._____- _n_:-: ct... L.-- u..II Inn: Ira-nu, yuw u--I -v-vv-` cIun_b_in Ink? by Bunny "B." ho. liiuptnn. and the Wnlertown city bu-i.whichul'rioduao pdulor mn- ...... -;..I L--L.-.--3--n nmnnnln Inning-nuguh... Inuunhul.|oo.udnulongnnaula onIuiu'sg_nct. N31} iInocux)in- nnm album; that vuupoohd. 'l'bc.`.I'.R.uninn16nnthurchIon uulllmlomnnd qniunotilln ol ex- aquionbonh arrived halotonoon.-tho,` I , ,1 IL, L._).*_...:_ a.`ruIppun.I. lIn:F.I.E-pgyvuibd" ' Buu|nllo*'-: Wn'tIn:Inn pg -Elna-no-inAnIQllI cuupluuhxaldlufpt Gihyn hbulbuuhsuuuluu Cbthcwra-o:a.ln3:lOnndhI.1 GI Shun. Adana O Wuthh. chap Th van: L 05- na. 1-. Ivln. I. .1. am... many. 11 run J. snug. va- I-..Jt`..nat"B-a.I..-In-uI'll'nd. NHIUIUIIUIV Itjuuuu II-Ohoulul-Iiuuudnyt-dun Iiliahhlahtvohnuu. I0-ii-id-uholnph an ac... dilhthuhdnu qwon. walla-. Th uuhuuco ailing:-as lhlllulnb -: TF3 cunuldohuhlauluvlui-tun dmulh. Tuhlbollnhuhn. Thosshuuuqhu hlleluhwu bully:-uuuugiu-iugycar dn.IIou|l `Uh hzinqhu J=hll|n@t|ne:- _...A-J l- AL. D_.-L_lII. _-A.A. Iuuvu-unnuuluunuuouor. un- dqwuriulovnsudhilld. `rial-`uncnvillo um nuululluo Bndvillo yin`. Nun: Iyudlo 155" can cithtcvuyuu jlbmh Btnnhuhhnnnlnhh. `IT-" TTTOVCVZI c-glbotb Bndvhh nub. uiovnnnhnnlunnnnlh. "W :3uuIu-nw'nn-nu. `$.15-L-n In4-.:...l-LA unpuq. Adog. ptnoinqshoulllhohll BM wuuppnu-Mohoiu y.bntnnoly tunic: wanna. ` but. on china iuludlyuton Iboonll. and uuanivulnntlinnlnnnntinnnlonnn-.Tho ,__.'_ IQ. Inna-ALA: lnl `@'I'0lBIOOC- IIII lVl..\I.\lI .1 .\I Ina! Il\l.`i' veto an eunnion to Ogdonsbgm in I Iotille ol gnu and smell. with huhnnd nnooecenintovm and I hue bell much by electric luzht on the heroine nnds. The rune was In have been led at ll o`clock. but II was Ive minutes to nine belote um eld In ready; The Kingston laecluseo clnh heed the Brockulles. Ind lively play was indulged in whenever the bell could be seen. but in twenty uunulen` pin) three 0! the coated meeenu Such guinea ere clearly dime ol chance; Incl Bmdvillo got the Int chance. Iunna one gene. wlulo Kingston claimed soother. but is In diullowcd. Hey he-I to be broken up Uoullow the Rim players logo home I: the land. ` vented over until ldcloctlor them. There were our nuooennd people on the groan-ind eounelacuon wugiven Ihux. These yetlendinntieuleubo vuy heeIed.Iocbeu_u yeitenl on IAIN` u.\ nun: -wan. Tho Iandluo-I Kiulltu-. qua -any Ina upuuuyuu onulsllolunldoulthuhowonlulhukl: "antic--d--dIip."hunuutho -uinlino. -11.5`... -.-\.II-v~ Those took iahno on an rn-so comm bolon nnd slur the kill mmpelition. Thno entered for the hates! m|I.'.\\'csI- broomol l!nntlohl.J:ohusou. of Toronto. nndnnotherwhoguvouy so soon that the hoplo lost iuumsst. in him. \\'csl~ brook uuml oil at n temc mm. but Johnson [hated him in the second quar- hr and cant in xhsueasul About lm!-u yud: nhud. Ila also won the vewxnle net under dmilu coliditioas. and it was nupchd by many um Wntbmoko yonl I wumg game. The luhrs waver. ctptunnl the slow nee. Gold mo-his were the nut prize in these con- Ietls. silver medals uotmd prize. Inlnu 5 went proud 0! um nuc- ouu J their eorpni: in put .1-.ry mildly their nnualnction. The cup: lecl gnu:-` ly indobtml to Captain Lander tor the my be has lnmugln them forwnnl, anal vcssorduv Item loud in their pnho ot ry B" llunl for its vxcellent ti uni tminunco in mucking nml um thou.-unlit il redacted on them. It wu nculy snvcn o`c|ock before the uucunp meats mucbonlhck 80 lowu._ nn~h-n : nnrrc IL U. uocur. II. 1:. Lou. u. u. Tn L J. Andenou. They executed huyooo hull nanny mom movements as any other corps. and were fully as Well dremed In nay. Thu! the Kingsto- nilnu fluent proud 01 um onn uni: oornnis mt -1=.rv mildly T I lllkvilun (Iuu. 0. H. Laudot. their excellent drill in Ilncwr. vu chld of tho blps. with W. J. Buiusunl` V. Dunn as guicletl In tho IIIII were 000. [.00. ll. Chul wn, W, J. Llvi n. J. Jun" * 'B.l_l09rloIIk)'. W. odey. '1`. Cnuovniy; W, Adams. I). Sharpe. J. C|llnglnn,J. E. Dillon. J. Sanmlen. D. Funnel]. R. Elliott. 0. Pub. W. Sumden. P. Cunonly. H. Shupo. F. ` Incl; H. Ilnrhan-. H". H. Can. A. G. Ill)! l'I|l. IU llnualuu. Ior discipline. Int Ilop. slurp turns and gnnen nriosy ol movouonu : Oswago was given nnoond. uni Wuhrtoyn third. ` The Toronto men. who cum in great Vqnldcneo. were nonly dinppoiuted. uni! while they ucoonlonl Kingston supe riontv tiny lull us they should lave linl seooml plum. ilowevcfr. the judges nude nototnul cunipnruuns on all ` 9.131 voting urudsupon ue igheal [loin of gene emciency. I an 5-un.:n9..\: nublw Int. Ind wnuo II Ind mo lowest mova- qumn ol :1! the competing squid: and ` npoutod all at them. yet in unndinon wu nmlthhle. ll. movod like I nohd body. in nurdxhg linen bung models. In wheeling. too. its judging ol disuneo III very ne. julpl. bonded bl` Col. Oolo.ol Blvovillmunvo thelrur cision hnlln hour Ina. startling Iqnnn on we Inucn I0 putonu. Toronto alga next and dnllod amul- ily and council)`. lining done in move- menln on tho double ml in lo:-miug use ugh. llovovu u: did not soon: to erase the enthusiasm aroused by the mcenlmg oncunpznonts. Uuwqgo cane L Ind while it land the fewest morm mans. nl nll the annmnliml snnndn Ind ill 0lI'C|- IE INDIE}: on the much so pulonu. awe next - ulvuu at nrrunvuu. 3 when lune In odlloml tho still In-l lholnh olcwath and hollow nnnnln an Hm Inna-h tn not-lnnn, um Dung wry Iwuaulry. I: II um! I unlit to It in get; \ sung in uviuuning _' when 3 maul! error - in wheeling [loan loan into line when `ldtin front. that Ihoruh unanno- oncl nlliovod. tor. [inn I now slap. in mucbed dowp gpllnntly. and dad tho moremoln fnnlduulv. roceiving ununryoonlnniou. Thu drrr runs in qaovolnollll. bl! in van` slow u'm'o. " tubule in dundnnuge. '11 um: In- `gaudy npphnde-I. Then the Kungllun I corp: Inuehqd olnlnendul by Ugo lulu I any band. and it had not. [us-J the gun! 3%! below who mud no no it it liver. In In: tun In >nin uIu it ween-o-I enhuiutsc phudxu. ltqqlgp wuguick. in turn: und in nonutnuggdnons. thin lining very necessary. :5 it had 1 man nnalnr mmnnnn. II. In nan. II3 IIIIBI STIEH. IIX TC. III niouuoou-. The Ihkllgl 3-I-I GIGS`- W "'.-'2.`-:'.".`5".':'3..'."-'3"- ~' ..:-:::.:=t:.==.':-._- in TE D-A-ZAl!I D -ICnjlj-jy3IZVj Fctnnnctwar. lunillcuvutqiln utvolotttio. llutluuilluvuh. OLII. at two for Oil). LDC E conduct 0!-Yinttvoht MI! itltnhontnoeily. Filly . Lhovu X XX ZIIII1 IFC'ClIIIIf Lint. W. H. 3-lth.lN.B.. oh-~ an-durd|hoAlhn Ll'oo3S.Clnn- |in.hn boeIt.I|IdundtoIlne|n- -ndol|hss.&nIinlII. Iuducl nnntbylhodnthdlhphhbulin. ovud \'incuIt.Chidd|bo8oot~ land Yard llehotinghou lilnyh tho Unihd Subs. ponds; in n onnutiulholll-it'n|:llou0d0Qnou. l"tonthlYu'Iod8hhnhowlllpuad 0oAutI-qlinudlndn. Ilovillnnlo oolodnlquutioucnnpocinhy. ' nun: -.I ..v nun uuuu nfrl-3| nnlhun it the onginoriq lanai olllaolllith Department. IL-1 @ ll .l_.lnL DMD .-._ Iran .. .-9... .u......... ,........ ..... .... evening on tho mail runner. He was on 1 holiday tap. \ II-.. II..._.. IIl-_l D....I... I.-. I--t W - --"-v -"0" s . Ru. Henry Wm] Bucket In: just anon huumbuthopubyunnidolhin now Columbia tricycle to dispense with novcnloluneu. [loin 7] ycuuolugo all weigh: 11) lb; Furl. Whiln. I gndmle ol Ibo lbyul lulihrv College, Kingston. (Ion cl `I . EVLIL. II I) A I.-- l_.4_ _-._.'-A.4 -uu nun uc -uucuu -tutu-a an-vi-nu-. I). Bole. Iorlnorlvof Uinlon Inland. but nod euten quit for Jones Gunp- bell & Son. Tomato. pane-I IOII Int _-.._;__ ._ 95.. ...-;l .n.._.. M. :- . NEELON'S wmre nnssz surnmn nriimnnn, twinn- Jooeph llix. nr.. 0! (Burden llhld. ullmnker. has his [or llolnnnl. Ho nil: on the SS. Scnliniau to: Liverpool and will be absent uovenl moauu. |ll_\ UWIIIK ll) tuv cA\.vI-Ivu uv-v~ W. A. Therrell and wile. Nonlnnl. Ila: nowlnnd had In. Hull. Tomato. us at tho Rritinh Amoncan Hotel. (390. Alexander Ind wilt, Sui I-`rut cimo. Cu|.. Mrs. ll. Kollu And mother. \\'ulrI.uwu. \'.\` . mm It the Windaor. Iu~n . n , A_..__ I luau. Ana. x-nun-mu-1 -vq ouv --s-aux-qr wnnnhlp 0! Quebec. noon to ho undo Liallt.-(`3oV-(`DI-'IIol' Robanuon will nail Plcwu some weeks hence. The Fwpo bud luntilg Muon \\'eulnoI- dny owing to the executive hon. ll` I 'r|.-.....II ....I ..:I., nnnimnl v-nu-;n-.-nu. u. - -.u -v u--V -1 --.-.-un. The Ottawa Fnv Prru nomimm llon. Mr. Monsoon!) for the l.ieu8.-lIo- U 5...; Iouueal. I)`. II. `-1 lug; nuuuuu-. Ru. Dr. Jnclnon. ol Kingston. in ill :8 Economy. N.S. I` :....g J`.....-..... n..s......... -ill -an III! IUVIJII I1! I'I:UuIuuIpo- M. I`. (`o--Arru-uls` Tug (Hyde. n blnzun. Moltmnl. l.i;;M: tug Active. (lukiu unl tilcnora, Toledo. 83111) buslugnin: |-mp. .~\rn\unu lightened, 7.!!!) bush. corn. Deputurm -Tug Armenia. .\lomroul; lug lily-lo. 2 bar nu: us. ninvuvlv-I. gcs, grain. hlontnsul. _--.; nu-9 Am-cc I`:-dug Aiwuzou. U The Ivople Whooo I-.t;;_o-nu, Rqyluqu sud TX` hnnulu-QDLVL huulnou (CR1 3 TDUIIIX GAE IIII3 A1IQLI$ I Allllullll -1| KIIIJCIl|Ill- I-I, V .ll\l|qII_ v The Into on when hols Clncngo to Kingston In 3'} cents. and con :!{c.. with All caunl tolls [uni-I. flnoschtl. lhsrker mud \\ estui-Io nu-I prop. Cuba Imvo been chnrboml. The noun lnngo Saxon ran into the schooner Ocean Wave near the Sl.ou.o Mulls. luring to pieces her upper woth neanbobow. and curying Anny bot hownpns and pb boom. The schooner Inn tolml to Deooronbo. In n . 1`... ;yI..I- R.` The St. Lawrence will go to Clayton to-nnnow. and commence ru- mng on her routa betwu-n the Cape cal Aloxunlrin Ray on Monday.` 11.. _g.. ._ _|.,.-n 1....-. r`I.....u. In I-1: nu. 'lwo ol the 31.1`. Co.'n lingo: an landing mlmul iron lot Manual. They lean o~|nonow. an. . v,_-_-__ _:n __ A- nus. n. The schr.Joanio Brock brought tim- lnox lrou: Toledo to Kingswn u 050 PC? III. 'I-.-.\ ..I II`. \l 'I` l`.\`n Dunning AI. L131. Capt. (int-an`.-I new stunner M: will be In su'\'ioc on tho liitlonu (Xnal on Suift`I-An-inln: Sin. Corinthian. Montreal : Carsicuz. Toronto.- Tho ncln-. White Oak hm nncbesl Cnwfonl`u. (mm Uswcgo. with lbw toll .. ...-._... 1._ Il-._....I.. __4_ WIIII ll Ia.-I-u. The ad". Benson is unloading Link: at Garden Island. , nun, n,,,_ .. L,_ ,_._:_.,n II EV WIUTA bhfbfj Y0 II \.lII"ICI.I IBIIIIII. The schr. Philo Bennett has Arrived with coal for Cnwlonl. n_,,-an ._,,,-_,|,_ u.-- .\.__-_.|_:-._ The prop. Celtic Ian. btkho went last - night. 88. Polynoinn pupal Fox Riva: in- wud at 13.40. 1 n , - u ,x.-, ,.r, L__ 51.30 Hummus or nrgzn Tjmms l_BVEY n1~mr Im%%I`J' Ir. John Iludw. B.A.. ha been wisir _,.u .... --| linghiiiiwoh 12: and l5c., for - ~--wE L.~4 Hlw Flannels and Blankets and AII7 Woolen Goods } Twenty-Five per cent. Lessmim Last. Season. July 11. & TII PIA.-A137. `SPECIAL BARm & GINGHAMS. IA RI 5 E IN'l'l1`.l.l.IliEN(.`lL l'|\'.I{\0NAl: (.`Ul.l'I.\. W A1-SI-I &!LLsTE.+2_9_Y:_ Inguuula. 1 vusxnvg vv.vvv ; Iomroul; ._ 1_ DU'I.IlG'l'_KEIl'l'IREX0l"l'H0l`J'UI.Y.WBWII.I.0l'*3 T T r`\ /\ /\ 1'\ TT\r1r1-11"\ /N nuts inn`. __n;.,sg._ -AT GOST To cLEAh THEM our; ii Ml Hosiery 4: Reduced Prices. OUR HAND IlI.I.'I--_ _...1- SP3} NO _% & o n...h.....s....nann.-nut:--n Qh-nhhjh. BOWES J`. BISO!\'E'l'TE, Jinn IA CLARK & MIN NES" JULY ANNOUNCEMENT 2 Olin!` CIl`Al' 51L! 0? 8.000 VIII! FANCY IBIOI 0000!. icon and I01-the New Innings Ibo wonder alba- --.x -5- O` 1.-ah IO IO: __4,___ This is part of a Large Auction Lot. Purchased in Hon- trezil Last Week. `_|_J_OH N LA] DL1\_\_"_ 'W'I]N'IL\'l'IPE-G: EXCUBSIONS ~~-av ALI. n`ou'r1:s- JUST RECEIVED ! E One Gaseof Ladieg Mqll Tie `in _Gream, wk SALE Special lndu:enujnt During This Month ! Summer Hosiery, luveresslikogds and amhim Inorderto Inekemom for our Luge Fell imports uonn. which on now commencing to arrive, we will eel! ell Bllke. sum; Dress Goods. Print. Tweode. Hosiery end Gloves. beco Curtains. Home Danish- inp, Novelties end Notions. not ex ooot. nor Ion than ooetbnt with eunell mujln onthoooot ulcottoln. sheoungu. Ticking; bc.. at Wholesale Prints. on ex- emlneuon we tulnstuedmumnenmuewmum nounoe our value the boot. and prloel lowerthen my Home in the nude: Don't tone: the pilot. Ill NW1. AID PIOGIIIIVI UI--- IR} VI Elk) July 10. GREATCHEAPSALE 1)L:1gmN<; JULY! I COUSI NEA U (vn. ALL UMMER GOODS ! F`. X. Cousiueau s GRAN!) SWEEPING S.~\LE I -COLIIIE 1)! CES- TO - M O R R O \\= ! July 8. I0 TIQKILI `HI ORJU OGDX unnv & uunni L. C 4 Jnlyll DRESS GOODS I DRESS GOODS ! Thousands of Startling Bargains Will be Offered IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT THE. BALANCE OF Va nun Grand That All nnltonh. n " * Pin! "urnn ll -n l8's,nIa-. [7OQ-!'IfI'I an IO 3 u. Cdnilhlllmn-toi-H1 __srnxon as cnunur. Ihawlcut Iolnnaltchu-03 Finely Embroidered Ends. Regular Price 50c.. Our Se[|i_ngN Price l0c. REMEMBER IANUrA_c"U_I_n8` uinmns. [Ail Tick UC$ Nollltl Gnlhngwool nlulnutonh. Port lluron uad [Ah man In Pen Arthur .I lLI'.K n_._._. . .. u .. Luann (Bo-Ind: lhnaudino -WE WILL OFFER THUS. IIANLRY. (kn. Agent. I 2M PRINCESS STREET. (Enough. 15%: -nA-I ICC l IIVIl:I_II Itif: ' ` ` ' ` ' ' '7 IDI PBIICBII ITISII . Don} lull Io Mu-nd.`Iu RILVIJFJJI OI l\l'Al'A I Opp-b Whhv Idol July I. -(:10|lalQ$h*-> % 2.000 PAIRS` J 1 I Wometfst & lalylihlllg/I`III53! THVGIIL ID R03! W EUCLID OBIS. vault: wunulgn nip mu. can an. `Ycui tau! hauls: I: D. IINI Jupundiidn-ulntlnri-I! _.o_ -~ 8l El}HLTTIBS-% .wcvIqI4` ggngqsroauhil-nf!l""""` -gunk. ' HENRY HAYDEN 3 IIAIIIII I! I0` C I?! Pduooon n-H. my a xlnrzcnu Icon Inn` TBS PMIPLII TLIIARR l;._.._ Q_.g unnhtnlnulnlll mumnr run; I03 uent uool. II. nldvhunurdho u-wocwvu----an unvuwuuuu novnn vrnitu.or;- ....- ._ n. -Au-on njiobllgtcl (human Inc`. u--an-3311:2- hmdbjul had to that h in But: tun. llmjhnhdugw und&!i&uinX&n&o Fb Ibjlnl .LL ..._Ln..n...___-;_- I-uuujsjuj hl Auudjld a has Ia ut j W ii [UZT VT Q 15:. ,_.".'.......:;.... J Luna nnL-n| mjjjjj ziqhlloj or hang: -and - Ijnnnghihgmna-ngg hid yd c&&nn-hul hing]-;n.;LL.n--pl-IA.L-cg bngh _ ju Zujbiij hlujbtuuiht bunouuuluu. lu--at ulotudtnblgnvonhuirho-nu |..L.J __ _; - n_- _L-_ _ ____.n-_ ,3 && MI` III: CH1 03` Ill: LAIIIIT A wnal. n&AA...n.u._-.-J5 n Uuwupvvuu llojbudli-blio dunk-I-031 ` `WW Wiiitfvvbxnxvujjji Iulcupudunh at call: the ----h-A.--n-hinnlhgl-ihnnx `Iohnuun Iii-um Oolc-hyuihlbxfilhn not JnnuGzl|iIAnulivuoll\nP!Iry.n 'l'*unIb.\I-Iullltlhiliqu-lInoa~ B Ihdoil. mild in cl IKU5. n......_ n____.. ...._;...a .L. __~ poi&&yhIIwyunlath`Iv|y tohhI'y.n-lIorhvinolbI|-It-I b about llnrnuudil to shun vuotuopnuixcnvidiunnop I.:- TL. --T Jnnngd` Ln. LI.-Ail: ' Ianhoun-cu-up-as tuInIvviIul.:.::....-rug!-.1 to huhlhluncinhahb pounhlloquhtiqyduhnrphc. lIplcou:lnlhinjo`nlbK.\ .C.. unluietuuillilhthlhlvnon Aqulth. l'l`uqbII'T'\||IotbaIr junta}..-lhiilpthinnnn-at an-Ipduuluut Tholudlwv-wt -nIilIuunoollhnpMvuuuu~ --.'.g---- vjkvv -tlvwu [WC 3-: .-r u-ucunu1Ihovunuh&o _.L___ L- AA __-_ A__ L:_L_.__ .. ........` 'o....."" ;f."......- palm-nnl. bu at Ioqth pr luhdtholrptoensu-In-n unlhf __ _.L. Illllllnnki-sl-angina-Iii. lhpkilutiltullnhoddlhnin lIInd.enqhulh|nIIInqIniu6 Innis]! oi. H9 is uzerdun enli- Ildto the lnhqro-lulu-nu by Janna hhlvoulhlhounl Ihannlulshow at Ital:-. unit in thuuenol lahlhhno. IUUIIIII-cu.-our-o-------av un mhllklcnbin luIolpv-lil- Inniugputnncunto-olnvdut All: i|uon&II'hI:ouiIi\mrlu- , 4; .L_ :_A__.:__ -1 :_-_- PARIS GREEN I ~ 7% d S` 5`ClUU' % noun. no-ax. ' F. X. Colliltll 8 Cu chem! unit dnntonlayinotder meal-pluouut olowulhcpiccslut lhcin:ucI Ink- b-nonuu. an thy an xhutuinml In ntliloo tho poll; The pnluhc till ' ncnintouowondu-kl harping novwvtwu IuC.-.1.Uh- - 1-dug. --II up-<-y ilndllunloashlu dig hymn vithoutnliux. There should [:0 n in` iu:o-lulu Illholllnalpieuitol Ihc(\nup0v.. dunwhichoccuun Lhnmlumn in lb unoon. llonhmll |nvoKiug~ lnldlnnd lufdock. Ju-ullcthwugullu yiunulho pt! 5 gnnclaltodotilh pvlho Lions: Inn:-cur`: min). In: hnhv R-gal Ah] __.I ..-h_ In. -`Min... I.-.4. Thuoiuueiunontulbo our Ibo upon that tho Inill. conveying tho Unngcuon to that nlhgo urnotmu. lllnbennluthoairbydyunitp. cululyiu I--not-count-atuu Ihonollluuponiom Tlueanltndo in gov bag ml dcnlaounpulnl.iIn&rluIlL\h`t union. Tho Iuhdhn inihnu-I In Mdoonhcbuiua. qeuntcllhuuwuyatondultuix. llin'uuuIOl3.lln ._._,-..___7_ so-iuunohuhaouthtovuuiu-h. L2- _-_4__n_,_.;,,, _:.n . n__ n __. IIBHCIIIAIHAIIJTAHL ll TII OI! lug-uucyutdj CITY AND VICIKITY. spngu; Noncsa _' To-IS` nnhhn --`-'--w'iUIIUU xv` ju In-uqnuuquunu-. ml an-nun-an-and-an raj TI? -Tvlljjll j uni j. Th Q15 pt jnnnx-n-i-I-nu.-Huh; \ \ \ I`\\ \\\\\ \\ \ :11 Ill juo1o_..... LAMBERT Q. WALSH, I-nu hnlxbl In-n Onllnnb as-huh manque viva cu-uh. halt; -jlth-A-no-- I-ILILI.-.9 J; \l IFTU Into:-nhuhtluulltoyub: cuool_&thb'|uo`n Uncool. IQ! tattle lOyuhp&uu|nII. uluu-y&I.dIiII.hIo ..h|Ll-.-&|L. l\IX.II.;'-.` A utgju-I. owyuwu-junujf jIupuft.1|h..vilhl48n1|I.ol Ohvqnnuul. lhn. cl OQII. 2.LAn:gIjLI 1..-IHII-Q-Ls Ilhh. Iil|.olhoal- hvhwublliouhq nuihlt qn hi hull Iuncrnnbl h It hd@'n.Io|hu$nuh&dd nL.._.-.J .-._AL..A-`Al-..J.-_-Al vi-`.1-vu Ti jid lII.1|iu.:loyd.IhpnkduuI.uvuy -_..A-la---...lAL.-.nL_J.o.-I. by Iiuin:.iu that urightgu-CI. II !.1uml5-nuulagbyulnndhplny olknl 5-I-:6-:. eutlnnguauuo-ing uwolnnovutuonouhi-l-dfononoo or Hound. Thai: pan Ill about without anon. Thy lihllly played around Ihuiahh. whalin- nunlypnnuisuclhononhd niqpullnuhuuullln-thnhoy L.4I_.L4L..L4.-.-`A-. 39:- m-"" unsung chasm-nu.