ever an him here." Atkvranl follow that; lumen all his kl friends. and makes no new nun. llatco to he Inisuken lur lhe lair Inn] hwel-1 limo louchul. 1-hf" Not A .L~..n.1 :1 il. Ila menu In and homes to social and hours. an thodluuhlet in her iviu inqx" 3&- ul tho as tho nth moved on; In! n null has Agni wry lime in Innnhon yum. Gone (Mo Iiunu-nl. hauft ho? llnkeslho llolnalislru when he speaks? no lII'l\`3 IlId-uot tho llous:~-hu\ m*'.*...."..': -=- .."-3.-~_... .2-..--..: ` IIIIO I3 oraio in n 1 N uni nluymuonnnnuxnunuunnq or d Insanity in the (uni! P" No; but oomnlncily o the la! de- ant. TM Vnllieru slnnin hmughlil in; I it`: maxing out. . v that`: Ilolhuon? IIdI`0I)|l3ll0IIQI`.IlI|lIlQ&Vll` the lrndheuh 2::lrn And Ihndnnnhlnr in hot iwing innng" n minhly chosen. He has large osuu-sr ' Yes; out o! all pm mien to his in~ coma Tholaln Lon Lowlwu onco ongugodlo the girl`s mother. and Inn mm a daughter all his personal estate -amounting to about ten lhamnd a nu. A 0! course. lheyouln [air we?! Ot conlsi" But |ho`lI am: has that look. oh? IVhloItly dawn`! ham: 1 soul. Fancy looking at lxve-lnqu in the l`ark; She can unnl hr: such u been In: looking at uve-lugs In we ran; mm wlllnskomenclinblolookulik she noodln you down. Poeucal, by Jove! . Yes: I knew her mother. would ugh but-go through a I mien. us: to her with human me , su . il nah}. Inr Dunn bar ahilcll mt to arm: mwlm hug Iohkohot . liven hot ehilclnn mnIdn\ nnmm her. and he Into!` is well turned out." ma u.e Ii-md gussi uklgmling at her fmun bud tn heel; fun is gum] Innn~-\1=n; an In the coach: hone: mat:-hul to n hair. and the oonunu` looks and liwriee ul- Iuinbly chosen. Ila has large lvmpnnion spun: mus! ll!` beauulul. Who is (M girl?" &'IiII one mak- gmsip to another. and luuknl at the much. now, for u mun:-nl or :1). cheer ullvyl crmulof equestrian: px\~1iu:: Into tho mt. I-2_vn\`s daughter. said tho other. the nun who was suppnuui lu have ll.IlINIQl'I'd his wife. "lI`uln`t he!` Anal Islufs um man? launl Lovel at 140ml. is well tum:-I oulfid u.e nu-md nnwin Innkiml ll her fmmhaul wnen uus mnluunueu rum 1: ovrx. The girlahd unl answer; her 031): urn- n-ql on tho \\`iml~s\\1-|vL l-udcling lrws, fur them haul ban a storm m1~r~nixhI. and um wind had done more than tho min in In-shmmm I`Il"ZIIiHL`. and mak- ASHLEY & co. A`- : A a-u1n-u an-u-n-Q-an-u md me wmu um uuno more man we ruin in in-slxenlng cl:-a.rin;:. and mak- ing sweet the air (lull ulmml sun-lluluf cuunlry this nu-xmiugv. anal [manly unde- Mr undolskul-I how. Wm in I cal)`. spring must lac beautiful. Kiri? hoanllgsut withoul look": at Mr. I like to at {on um. " o In sun. than ism) p nu Ii 9 |u\me;` and I shall begin! enuu 'h In some down thrm when this can nunded sum is over. Tim nirhlnl nnl nnwur: her awn rem at-numu who . I oeumu. \'c said he girl. In-sting at him lndignnnuy. that us just n-uu~y Ara too well gut up-lln-y mm`! bow m [In- wind oI~or In-muo to the min. and they in not worth any one of my wild Iowan at home! ' 'l'ha`a right. said the yuun nun unruly. but lmkint r. I lhyfnkl I-ll!` yuunz In|n.I\oI unng I :3 ml all his homes. hit, though urn Ill unmn `the Park was nth:-r full. and he hm` no intention ut spillhm- Ihopnvcious 1 . man: who at lvcmdo him. tn agynuaxinx or me alumna aml aenwunts who I behind. ``\ In`` mid he mrl. In-skinu at him I Iowan u nnmoz" Inll , lookin mm in nr mm nan: lIml_ "E; In inn. lu dune the eye as It gut-I. l4Iuk! cried :1 mil who at on the bl`!-3t`3|l u! I (`ouch that at lxuldsmm `nun: man was loul|nR_ I the tulips. -nun is the pn-mes: 3:; 1| 1 hue sneu ` in lauuduu yet! rm! them upx-on M-II In-rr.dnu`I tiny? u )'tIIIn(_llIll.l\oI takim: I is an fur. though curl) LJIATTIII In The tulip won :1] in full Nov ho- tvnn-n Gniuwlmr and Stanhopr Hula -tho hn.ught_\' yellow. the imy-rriulsap let. the pink. tho mm the nuqvd. 1 bed at pale yunmnauuliu open i ' lhiI"`m|u\`o":Iins In show pink an in dirt within. then a fair Anny ol visits and mu wluwuv mi In! hue: aholred mot iI.\iulil_\' than I mm otntnted mam-.4 of min: which stein! danlo the it gut-ml. I4-uh! inn Q|V I?IlI'1lIl9"`D.'f$l-in--`---~~- --~--~ u}.- um-Ina ma-mun I! don Iuotdtla . . .. vms lhuunlruupnl` - :20! baulil lallenlmn but out en: n she Xmked up In and he-rult ulme! Ian: she stnorl and and It lhnd un :3. memory a! use wt: in town ' hm-I hunt for car. till lnlho but in which she saw him not. tho I of Inn: was to her as A have In III:-K be they; lull ot nun drum and bruit. and {D36 branching. ' A ----o:- ' am now norllr away: Good ."ho Id-1;! inn vtl you non _ unhheo::d~by. llnd~ up.vbuHMntn-vonHno- --~`~~--- - lle Ilsa:-(I her h:md- lax! laid down] CC IIIIIVII 8IID$I1Iu | llolwun Pnnonl and ltmrl su-vou. FRESH F_I__H. givers AcquimLs l`.\ RT I I I. $.55?` `rm-::nx1'nsn wm.-_:_ MONDAY `n5`;vnNI'1~"e-. JULY` 14. II no no!-.aocn?mmx~xa.:-x ellldeubn uenup an I-IIMI. wt . .._-_-,- :.:-.::.....'-:-.-.-..-..-:-.- W c wnmxomx 319' '1 I In TV J}cLVf-LU " . vlla$N1 ltqgcuiflllllo unnnut M huulu Q-I-ollu nwInu&IhInnlbo n.` 3. mamas. Ln 1 I` T&I.IAIIjInI Hq &&:d:`j ~ Ituduunhupqhluthg hburyghlb I m_` ' " 'J:_%_-%_m [JUST R_1;:_c_:E1VEDl 5 Piece: of the gowns` and Hmdmmat Dress lltnlintobosegn at I: 11.11: Ill so ` .......__--.-.- .._......_. R. IcFAUIa'3. NEW COLORED nes MUSLINS BY EXPRESS. R. \\'.AL:n6i~z',' 3.-32: - , mm W "11 PE! NoI\`hIuhL;vu.Il|ql5Ac.8sOt nq-nus.-1 lninaltglo. us. llovihiblahubvviavuyhnim lloIWlibPigIuuuni WIN &i. (&pluuiIILh-nhulhhou. R ..2\;ALl)RON, - WILWDNR BUILDINGS, -__`___.....v-:-u---jiuuuwyg--~-~ PElll.IIIlI3ICIIIAIl.Y. IPIIIGIICIQHHI n1umL&-..|-.nA;..L..n._ g...`-.;g.;-Lg Ah-.1-h-I2-n-I WHITE { DRESS Prepare'For Y mm _m_vm._1I_n wnm. mums, sum. mm July 11 CITY amiss 3: ibczn,E-03:3] 3&0" PRICE.` II ALI. DBFJKTQKNI S. A Ll`!-`I? hl~2I.li(I' rll. II KI`I`Il`lL`IC| sihnnsm gm ....n Ladies` Undenest of Excellent Muslin, Beautifully Made, Well Shaped and Trimmed, at less prices than the Material can be Purchased for. A Manufa.ctnmr's Stock of Hamburg and Swiss Embroid- eries at a reduction of fully 25 no. under value. "R. & J. GAi5iNER.l ASHLEM 00.] INDIA LAWNS I VICTORIA LAWNS I MULL MUSLIN & NAINSOOK I SCOTCH Pl- QUES &. BRILLIANTINES. FRENCH LAWNS I FOULARD CAMBRlC\> DRESS GINGHAMSI FRENCH SATEENS I July 11 L They Invite Attention to the Following Specialties Placed on Sale at their Establishment Today. ` |R1& J. GARDINER.] ._.._. ..._.-_.._.._.. _. {mam WM Appreate ms Advantages; R.&J.GARDINER . ..-.. . ........~ -a auia uI>r.IuI'.-I.V1!- A l.lII-`I2 GTO! TO !ol:I.liII' TIOI. MI BITICI SKI` a1`.II`l` OI` IOI`B`I' ROI`: SALES LADIES Ah! Glih`l`l.I2Il2! ' TO WAIT OI ITSIOIBIS. E" saints _A_-%*:9.@sT'i*rT< 21:TG%'jsL The Finest IN ELEBROIDERIES. In the I-9 balding ct their I1-IIIIIIISIOUG Ito) have had but one obj!-M In new :-'l'Ie l'OI\'fIk-If!` Incl (`onion or their (`runners The marked Increase In Ihelr lush:-st as an evident puoolnl lid: clout have been uppn-elalod. `l`boBuv-than ot the Ilevalcd (`nah Itallnay gyuon V has unu-ac-ed no that shop. Thousands ol lcllcil nsuors. vvA.1:.'_i_2.oN's. um ALL TRAVELLING GOODS ----AT LOICOT PRIOIO AT -- 41-o m::1rm'nrvmJ '1-nIs"no'1*w1::1'rmn " IN Pnncrnsmo _'.l`HEI_R IN nnsss qoons : mono IATIIRVDAY. JULY land. Afr AL.`3)X- ROSS`. I onerous. amour no Autv STORE. suouua PATROIIZI A_1\TG-SE} I Itlavetlvlh ivli l30Phnccsc smu. l'L.-.'s. .L. t\`._. II.A.I m:rmno:sas1'i:im% I80 niuunas srnsnr. GOODS - vvv - --wuvvvw w-cw: Kftdhtho (Xv Ilchlb .._ji Ln p. '1' '-1--4: -nu-I -nu --u I"|| out; uunqnm: `gnaw: an \\| ac-nu; oqjuuxaqsg-t1a.uauxnq?(uuu:(o;n [august m_pIulIn-anuqauuy 0-In mlnn-nu un_u-(Inna) pup-pm any n` una nun II-1-n ~`mo-um--I-In . nq-!III cpnppnunn annual 1 unntnullpuuma WUFFNGIIUUWI lI.|I-I! IF` was and I #9` 9-WI `Ila xrliuiuuny unto (Int gun 01 Jill Iln-iji III F0 on: and I -VICIUUW H `Xi? In oltm sud Icncylculv .lIaid youvlll Ind A can deck 01]! ' 0000! viI.:-880! Q3 CHICK! !|5\u..le. utul In hill)!` up new a an-mu nun-. ``I shall hum en-:3` nut lhal lathe-r whine it. she and. mldly; "but u will not in IN |ou:. You know he only `Yin tutu l`a.rli:unenl tn rum tho not hit Ill who I1 I M nnuugh In like it within a vgn Irv: gvux ll: I1-nt inlu the lluuv In Mp:-ll, smnl I3--nluu. u up mgr Ihs IIOINKI Krnsinun. llo n; mils-luv dun. u-I In new: nu. wnuduuuu*p;p'pu 0!` JHWIVJ WI-II-1- I-In urn-an lvlllluli-OIVI am lumaauvl `sun In H` ..'H`l|`J l`"-Il-1| DH 1013*`! l*"I"1--`IV! -"II I*`l"I-"VI `IN N nquqouuq 1 gen!` un_. `flillll `I"l"l( l`l""`* <'ll-- iuunuuddo II III!` lnihlxll I`Q_\'3 In Inwry mr. II will mun heaven`? Iuhl. . Jmgg nan. Anal yuur tuber vmu haven nu Ikul clue-I up \'--u nil nrwr In` ukul In haw a aux-mi linw?` --I dull nun on-n nu: lhal ha! is true shes ml. n~nll_\*. lhn I III um! um} cnxw. Isuvnlno; an-I I Iuulcl him In tall uslnr r this llullult`, lav] take in the nu nu. n-slulla ct he 14 ll vmysln turn me?" In -ill -um haumnr and line nxunt Yak she said: but falhot is away z~`u is Dunno; unk- rm ll!` ` mm mu: I:~un~- I It}o lvkn.-\~nu. said glib Inn)` IIUI \\\lII I ml)` io pk-no you. (Smith. Nhtig with d'u:'\gI\inInnnL h-mun wu sud yum mum not luv in town wiunuul fresh air. And I u.-mm Lmn driw yum out nuucthrtv awry I--- . 11 any. BI! In an uni a child." sud Hub dun. '0! an gnmn up not--!hank Ileana! .\ml an am k An-I Urgent dd 2:: Iugl with ulna:-ts. dun` \ ou`\v us. Iuuou uonu? and human. uruy. Or belle: still. fut the busiest In Iaw a pad in [he vmlllhal is illuuiar land by his name in In: pun-new-. and` out when lac Il\`[\uL~.' l.ilu~ \\'xl~ lug`: new ul\1-nlsmmonts on line nn~ detxmun-I. mi-I Gaul-vn. Inlrul on has lunll. Iul lb) Ind I!` he-I lhe lhgh Site:-L ".\`-\ nu. Maul?` \ Then` am alum! Ihcse lhllmtk Ind if you a nun. {ml `min! u_nls l-e unsun- \\`ouM a man Iaisuuxhftstalgal a mu Itch Ion {tit-ndly vmh Inn. own the? lm! nrwt Ind um slut 1.0-: n! imn.|n.~1`mn nmmhlnl uwr the? #53:] Mu use smu- hvl ol Inu__\nIuclh\n Intmlvlul =t?" aid SI:-Irazx with her l:oq.Ilum- nun-. (_3IlA.l"II `III! `III CIIAEIT I!!!) `HI! 13331 WORK-(logo but.) Ib A`! WAX`! XVI ITO II. ,_.o..., ... , -.-.., lilllul `inn mu-u tn in-umglnn 1-`ah dons, But to nvuunu:-. I have an idea thou! the celebrities. Why shouts! not a nun: am I-or name enilvhnual on ha ha. mi a nun In: on the iuskh G his opera-ha. Why not blue :3 sunlwich mounud lllluIIIt`liulL" W13 [hon lust? said .\hdca;\ her one testing on the harm um-3 just rullul with in K:-uinglun Gar dun. But , ewryl-unl_\' Ha! uh-I an: I ll I`\\lll\I nu-\1~r answer, .\lmlc;\|\. and lionlun. Nu chant fvlluw I13 Ae\*:u[.sk-hf! up by a girl without a pmpcr ll ___ Iltlgtls. I his open-Int. Why mmo ' stains? and (Bunion. duly. I ii hon still. fur lhs hush-as ulhpvls one might gains-t~o\1-n warn the name of man I IN u-lehnucs Iilh when one mbhul t~llnw\I`s-|u\r~ hips nuns vchum on has long! in 314- II one-`s hf:-. Ml Mm Ix-uh just lit ewryhnly vb! me: all?` It -.ml.I mu-v-r answer, Xl.nI`.u\." I L. an I! usmun. 2----~ ---v-~ '22.... .. .2! _ nl an `unla _ istkzl loin` Stunt`: `aim:-tut I - tnuncl\- undanlnunl uni y ' only Itiliaherflgu `Galina. ` b0 Ohll_O.lH lI ind rural; hen lung tutlnet Ion-r to nnuur on. lhch-In~ , ngi, but Inlh (hr m.:.m-nmnl lrltcen - tho rnnno unit Inll: nn.|.'a-snnml p\ n . ` hI\'\' lung up sl.uls~Irhal (nuns :0 II t uv.-lune um lhe heal- Ihlt humrtnnlhs the nmzhl hear u! unurlt-uh.:I mid lixhlsuu prominent uuhjwts might nlh~o\~u-n learn name` as! nt-m--ln chIVs:- the pluu-st. me I'll- lic-skur the one lhal lav Inked brslf Think that mu\`erulnuu nu nnlght hive uing suus~vrhal uv.-lune ':.'.".*L.&:.Vw:.-5'3` -_ n-nA n. ...A n._.- hl.p-| -.unL I_.:A ` I and uomun. m Iugn dmnuu. Ibo pm think sn` mu! .\l.\d\`.l]\, \\ ith spirit. Now, if I nrr .1 anal lady I mmlnl win! `N-I rots`-I-vr c an` u): all Ill)` hnl|-uu\Ls._ and Iv.-ne um guesu In |iu.~1~ um! uxle in the cmi<~.- at gun ner3-tnch-ma the pnlliust. the wit- li:-sl. or am If nut: . ` Am pinuin such 1 hum` tn marl your |unnets _ in?" said Gunlnn. :\ Ilude on lm vr. amt _\'uu nnxlo hm en-mgh M then. In. mm lunar." \ es, um Slanleux so I I; and l l`hiI\ki1\\-ry ridicuiuus that u n` max nun-ick and chomp mob urn |ux:~ u"`__.. nu-m-" .\ pn-u\' stale ul lhuuzs it vmui.l In- if inltudueliuns Iv-up uhnv away umh." sud Gonlun. [ugh dm-Luu. "Do usulhiuk .\L\dc.u\, rs uprn. _ Jim L1 gradually lhe park [ilk-nl nth Ilssnnn nmnnng ranks of !u!k .u.r...x. Mmlrap gnwr .~m|l:-nl_\ um! I 1! xi! uullrnvul uuniuzl I-`rlaht hair cl-mu [Isl llnllunl Park. us they In-I int: um I In in 0l|.aII|I$ill;:. `And lo-l.notl\\I` lhllkint in will I In do Nhalannuz. l>uzum-t Inunnilu wall in the Part. to said. tuuauly. as they mt-ul lnwsllng \Io\\`n (hr alums`! Ilulrul Ih i\`IK `Nine nun:-l spat tn any`: up In-n~-and vw are sun` to meet mun-um an: other um \u- know, ans in lh|l` lil SLR \\|uI`l l?."| IIIIII. All lull: an` mns.1m\'& said (hr Q don. I'll nrhulygtul you likb um mnch."he ml-lv. as Mukap turnul (nun cxrtmuginga Int l \\l\l3 with Lair 4 Ann. ` --\l'hn ran lhnl nun]-nnmnn urhnvnignnl ll. ` Who to uni gmxlruun I;Il\l'Ii&I M: In! In ,0... m_\ dur!`.sud the faith- hl shuqvdqr. while (Begum cu lean- ina our to speak to a [neural beluw. Whl gentleman? nnl )la_uIcn|m. looking inuoa-at. -I tau unfn unom nne unu that I uhxmul with last Ii }:L`` i L" In! LII)` Ann uu|u|l\\l Ihalg lvnuuhl nth new his audmluz lulu the xill`: lauxau-I n':uhx\I In twp her nadnalh mark I ` !\I I if` l\\\\"T Id l[`f\"\lY GI. uwu-\n~ ; g. txth_ll;'d-uIx;:~'nn-nl In-liven ~ '. W38!!! .V|l*kl' '`#`"`"`N )` I than-. `to: name chum cg! no . am the nu: agiiu the gamma _ lam-r. `in in -uu~h nlgnnnhlnn `Han lhn I lMt an? the uslenl-5 kn i (utaha that re nmlal Iml rth. I" ` musxmvk liar n I'm mrfullv lm! won likh lhnn n 11<,vrunii*iiAmx<; Dom-1 ...-_ . _.._ __-..._._ ....... _._ ..... _....l wwr. '- is is much pkuuw: than an hgll la! night. sn-l"3ladm'p. during in 1 amp lvmnlh M the nlnp-at In tit, Khtktir Qua mud Inlht-I mun iii J ' \' thin:-t |>lCII IQ`! llllll. &Il|I Xllrg III!` III` numb Lust-u-l\\'.k~.\t1n2 lot a has link it In early: uh-huh, n Ijhnunn kg mama OIVIQKRC,-h_aIV:! ill Iva: `in IV`! [D H n III :1 an ~uunuuddo h `inn-can: mp, ml ladv .u.(`lo.IInt.dI'jmd Wotonlown. uyuulnnlldhulnudunfulhrllovul (tnhli IN fiviti hntudol Wnl lnwknujtolharj. initiation. mu Inn: hf HAIL Efjllll - nxunan -run rue: - III on-mu -lIol!nl: -- lI.oClK. nLnn `IQI nrr llnllfn Ucylunlxllnn IR mutant Luna Wall tnvborry cont: lo the noun. 1:- Ionlutllt-no ulnl vholrvlhlluul Ilbnllhhliuounpolhi backhan- ldqnl In-zhynph-totnwdnsbh du- i)` . It nuns ' :'.a'".`$.2.....`.'.....`"*.,,_ ;;;-- In? `real u"d lug cngug, Nev.-` ?___...__-_ _., -... . Dr. Slur`u(`orI Solvent will poutinly Oollltlulnehiuod lon|:\bcniIIoC I can iulbwtrlhcl ll tilluotnnon iinnnlnunnnlinnlndnnnhmu n..u -- Rutltl-`ll -No{ only the mod uqniailo tunghnbo hothnul Mouth unit. but `1'n1I"i- I Iuuuhl lull: nun-out ndln-hoashtonloc. scnnnnmpkn. I50-I`: (hurt! (`us A lunrwllnuu can for (`uAnh.DIpl.hrin. (`Antler last And llonbcbt uh oh hulk than in m 1 you nun] uncle: in: the non -madam mutual 0! than onuphiuh `taboo! nun chap. Sold U! W. J. Wihnu. ourllullownllncllltllluolrc-ova undunudiuquodnnouou. Sold In tgulnn by \\'. J. Wilts. -lrugisl. prion Ptnpln and Sylvia an M A. I`. (`bowni tlnu ion sad pl n pohcr ol Idlnuank l`uh`s(hlinlh l`o:|G;\ ll bl mnupwn-I ol nnelun. unrlnho and um! comb. and but never knkd to "mow gumpkv, Notohn. cleaned noun. mqh aha. ll cunt win all onion hi]. Tn IL ounu In. l._IiIl 5. nun-I any no pwnunoclolholl I30!` thou the lnwhalpd In ebsnnuuohno into health. Ind Io (mad-in the datum. ol nenng Iahllseoumtuool III and bqve mum in W I. L. RIOIIAIDOOWC IN OIIDIII T0 III TH` IITIO1 07 Till V I lnounlnlgooallhuhaoannddn-no! othou In l._wln B. Helium I nwtnn mg! nl Lanna A-onn aha... -I ! `* Thus us lab at pqhb (till: tunnel (rumbling. udllhdl uel It lhu Stnmnch all line that : the aim to wall sud hap- 3" it they cut; ucdlk. (brain shunt Mora ooeaioullv. It i: I Iploaoh-I Nomi man. All Dmuinu Mann ___.*_.__. This-ll-Ida hunnl Man the I Inoulnnl goodilhub-an lllddnllloi olholn In LI-In K lnlhn-u -.-up I uudsol Inna: con man. nl location. raid slant. on. n Duke`: was Dt-iI. II in. unannounc- Inonl u holnmuulc. _-._,... _ , Uh ! hot urn] Incl tank I (I I 150511 lo.~lu~n- I will ow? an l|\n-ugh the Spring hour elucmng.` Uh _\n you will It _nII Inkonhollloor no 0! Dr. l`umu'n Slou- neh Bum: In punt; \\-ut bk--I And ton up _\our n_ulrm_ In large N\lll\-0 SONAR. The dust mnyuu:iIe-d_:$iD;luA|l hunlsolnluhool-imuu.,nI Iountoen. n&Idnlnnn.nhhn.on. nnunhoh lI|(\*0l \\`.\Yll0II (`I IIICII `hill I &`I|llIl|l| had of Iuu.nn\l it I! 5-I-ihle In: every gmmvn in pane: in by using the Id] knot: (`uanhnn uurlhuoru. suannu _ m an uyunugthe '01! (`tug-than Uurllcuotet. Suconu [mt Mule. - ll :5 C`. (\fr- 3 (Matt. I`n .- Ipuou 0! I Boston phyncinu. uh: man] [at )rnu h_\' 3 Boston ulmggint. Duo will cure any unilnury nigh. II Int: nhwn unusually. Ast J. 6. Km; and A. P (`born In: 1 85. b-ilk oi "llub"' (`ninth (`uh-. Q cnans. , .__.unm.--- noun ant. _ nucu. .1 I! 5 . T -Ujlllv W I` w. n. (`mtpnangin d Woloulovn, nn vlncdlolhc nndiufulhrhouul .~._, A No! ll1\`{hCll\ll\ I\ilg0`0U`U nI_\ U110`! ` agnuz mu! 3 c-Ilium. Wluu I on get much I |-tempt and [denial can for In) hlhuun stuck: 3: Dr. (`Ali-on`: Stomach lhuevx ll n-nden the Blood I`un- and (`anal And nuke: n splendid Spun`; Mun. cum ` L|l'}:9 Bonk-4 mounts I `UK T `KT- The Mann thy "Nonsteh Wuhim: (`um- pauud should ha and In prvlorouoo In all other Iruhmx pn-uununua. nk. II II pr!-<~ll_\' harm}:-nu. Sam hi. it nvn In-we mu. hull the labour. Tlnnl. n In the churn! In the muhu. Iluay man could he gun-u but thus should In uniau-ul Pot sue luv all grueeru. Auto: III: Quonllou. \\`h_\ do an mun` pwgvle to are nmund nu tn-In lo Ln her In nurr nus! bu mank- nu-I-nun y lndlgauon. Pontulntlou. lin.ine-A has n! Appetite. Coming up 0! [he I-oo-I. Ydhu Shun. when lot 75 I1` '1" all than Stink": Vxulnnat. gun: Ia-Iltoeun them` Soldbv W. J. \\'|l:-nu. , .. I J no nanny Vogouuo. Rumba`: ilnanln ud Bugunll Pik uemmpmcd of muadhhl. dnnddioo. burdock. Oahu`: mot and chain ngouhln nu-mu They not 'on the liver And stomach with gun cu-(minty. cud thonhy cite nice! nu guy oouaplunh uniag (mm '1 duvnkrd audition 0! than otcun. 3 lhmilum`: nuns. It and any time by ` the neck with dholuu ooruxnty that no ill effects will follow their mt. Sold by .l\hou.I(`;\ uni by dealer: in Inzdldue run-when 1 ,_ -_....___. \`0l`Q -IN l- III!) Tlll Tlao Venue Bolt (Xx, cl lnnhdl. "Nth. u to son: that oolohtnlcd F.k-eIro- Vol Inc Boll uni other lihouic Applunouou mil for thirty days. to non (young or on!) nlichtl with nonom dolilily, na 0! vital it and manhood. uadcll Ilndni unable; AL` lot rheuuuhu. noudgis. pnnlysiu ud Iunny other dunnu. Couplou N nu-anon lo hum: Vigor ma manhood mutual:-I. Nu rial II iuourml. a thin: dug: Ind ll snowed. Wrile llmm nu onor tot nllustnlnxi punphlol. In-L _,- -.. fHu{@_av-uw; 'r.~..1'z'.;o.|..."` 1%-lusulbiltlncllinu ltll 1~ II lna uncnl rnnnnlnhn .\ l-auufnl-bud ol hair. Then II '.~ol.h- ug mow planning in lhe uterus! 3 nm nl than la-`anulul ~---oo-.---I. v&IhI`c(`jpIlnn(`n'|'o. nnnsnn IL. mad Pauly Tcgutahlo. n`: \ln-uh-`I4 n-A ".% linljuu .?`:-""'-'="-""'?="-3`-`=" Tijs bibs has no _,,_____________ Inn. -. n hvulhb $3: H In: ch- "' "".H mm: mstnuucn. Imuu. mmln It I llll IIIIIIIIIIOI I30. Iulii la... Ian E. I All) HA-IIL .. I In hsmfu ul mm lulhth -Iu-|vu- wquu-cu u rut!-U'.---v IIITIAIIJB (207. the -no use In: II$uuu um pouhlu lit: to thumb I|nvc uulI'b& ............ ..I..$.&o lu~0dII_h(XI&........ `Q Uilflhllllltllilhh IIQTZA -l`l` IL" [no-Ana Iconumltytuou Jul ll -.".1.."""".....&".v`~!'.; `l'uAllm~uo.. _.. . Olnum Dan! at l'hbce-uiuul. Slant--o. R 7 IAlIl7IX,IIuuI\l \unkbhnounn Du. Incnrnn-1 at an... .I.mpu.n..m .1-and eumrmammnnquy h|ZIf&h.I....... ..... I`AI`I'I' |I.. OD` Ii\hl.|.\h G-=0 b D s 1 Just Received 1 |.E..'.!...E.!!`. Ihdh-. Ihnuu N. I Ihnn Ilrloln Church. ..'tC`(lIOI.II l-Q;-m-..|l quid Talc-nI:onnI\unnnn' l:'n`n ' `V Idruul It-uul (Xvd and Wood Donna than 0! Ito H ry I-vol I-ornpliua. uncle: you r. toll octet-nod uni wt-nu Iv -Ivllvutql Iluu lu- uuu-I an-I ux: Anal 1: (`oniwu-I --I nvu YARD A`urnN' nuttum -ml \\'r-A suvoou 0|`rII`H I'|II`l'.l"f Illffh Ilhh Ann-scmu Ilolv-I Moot. Klan-Iou. _ I onlnmunm an un Ft-n~ ulllr. Jun U-nu jtv -T-wwwvc wv cw:-v its loan. hamum luau-um-a` ud Stanton 1 ho hut \l0Q`l i|`C`!0II ol Ila-as Otul log: or buns! In-Ienvnr -`Iva-I.n~InuI don!-nv-I luul\II 3 All 6o}:riii;no of can I! Inn; hxnuntn. Rlnclnnln Slnahnnl Pill AID IAIIIL u I`"F`I'0. H I4-cu n 0l`I`lL`l -um-A Am--v-can Into` nu-ex. (`hunch End. ymgu. J T VIIITK. sq--ml Iuutuhluu. "Inglis-n.0nI. lhlolthn llnr cl III!-1-'5 Illllli A II nujlnluxllltluul Rvurlcuaunnlouuluwcuctlu-I wool Sl.3lT.\llI.Ii llll lIl`l`.\i-1 \\l| IIIDTILI. I` l'|t pun. Thu u the choc;-~01 M! u: lho market (Envy II | Ind. Alva Lu: Nu-xl ngclnll IOQI tun-.1: and nuns nu A-uuuung we-A, u wcoi. c. lug-rs-non Iuwlml. Ll` uluunuo in-hated. _ _ _ Bud um on haul. `In-pcuon aolhilo-I nmlnuvn _ i-yuan:-animal COA L AND WOOD annex aTnoo'rn. \I?ll.\lll`lX(ilN& \t-asol Anna and \\`|... o w ooD_n_\gvoom &\ 9. wars: ...._.- -- A nu us: on an In".-5 um! i`! Ilnnl Mnplv had. `-.I-C CCCKK I -151 Na 15!. mruer l`nue.~u .t .-_\\l\~uh.un F-lu. 'KI!`n.1rn\. l)\'1`AlI\L I281` \ BIJSII I. II A II b...._,.L.. -I -...I.-- Iona: Dohllty 3:."..."'......""`..:.' :'.`....`.`: I`: A r"Ajfgj]r-:1 All ERIC? IICCVIIK I! as-any on mud` an humid at unxcurnsmwm `ljQn-X1-Q..--A_ Ili IN I!!! 1-I501 hunch on-ducted nu um wt) In I c-~Ix|ly.`on rocmnqt-so unn- "unioqlnno. ' " Wino was liunhh urn`). mu Eden 7 X lath d Vicksburg. I uuuuid I ha `itovdlu-Iolhlhhauvtirsahq.-nag` 1-n-A I hujlnn n-L1-`I lul on cl! -Ln An 01`d`Soldier s IZIIII` l'|\`tu;u. `I (II la. On! In maul: I.h\l. Sun'- &-I LIIII lift CPI: hul\kl 61 ~` ml.) IQ glut Iunuy us. and I nu tumnl u 1. N nunlubh rrnnu Ix-t Ihnul Am} hung .1:-an; .l.\\.\\nuu~..' -. --....._..... .. ..- t]! (III 0! All ttouvll IIMI lung nnuo-o. If the use 01 'A\u`~ I an ..u linuau. nag` nrnuaub:e.u.'.`)...,: .. .Lnu_. us. An n._I.l- Ayyer-`s Gi1erfyPatoral T1 uni:-vuuu wuuu_-.u_ u... in acne I-.\ u mun"; nan. Ibvcv. en nun. htnhon-M3.l Ill nu-I N In An than-t I"l'\`1\Il.|l. l'II`I\|IAh um-sq u--_n pun uldlnru use ttnuhly. or.J.c.Ayora.co..Lomu,in5u. IN by all l\n.x_-ghu I .I'\\lIU`DIC` 0' II!` c1_'Fi' or Lognox IAVI JUI1 IICIIVKD A NEW not 0' BIAUTIIUI. (I'll IXAI DAIICDIIII I | `Ill! 5 II`I .l..\\\ RlZ.\\ 1. \\'ll.\`RF. KlN(i.`I`lUl` "uuvcfLIUna. ' luglm "TI`Df@Iy{$|&d In nhnn-aullu-nu ' '_ u.7....j `....2a:.aa% -.1. I` Q. |,...)... Wood and Coal. II C II \\\ l`0Ill| Q (IL. .`.I Foul M on wn av A Miscellaneous notice. Insurance. EXPSRI ENCE. MJ.\.\lI-Z3` SWII-`T. NOTJOCIIY ll HEM. II eludes: M u enup I'l Illfftx IIIIAIIIII-I nuon Ai AH! an at `I'll! null ' UK` I. Am III`. ..,.-..~..-u.-___ I39 IA001 STREET. 1-....- u........ -...I n-..L. gnu... r\J0.l..A.\l.LIr'..L\ 16! BROOK 8'1 REET. E Id!-Olllonxv ~ 1:: Izgaas-=.*s=e. |=3-"T* ="'@-:;=.'~..-3-It-E LARGE BQAILNG srrocx. xpm Ina mluxnm : 4 unlnnln .~&E \\`\ I'g ~; \\\ .` K Ila N cu.l.u'I'rl|moI to null III Evolution cl. |1t00M_1;A1>,ER. fauna oggnnnnn I Bin `III Pint` Acollt on IQIVII. 1-nth; lu in organ. El: ~ ulnoot. Inn an in oalI:Inb:- ` _Ia_Ig| _OOl,II duh I9-QIIIO` No noun AIAIII &d ul Flunnlosh 0 Bill!- dunlmnlnudlinulunb Hnzumnaujlnjlniz-Inga] -ngi n..n-....._.An.Aa _ __._,_____ I3`. TIIILANDI ---n In Connor. lnui. Zinc not all kind: ol Ilouhu. NC `ND BNCONII "AND OX0!` hllthl I and told, such an Clothing. I-`nnmun. llulxhug. ml Iona. I Y 3 `I378 ll ` `cob: n&`O`|I lb I8 \' I Alouuhpudlordulnnlalunsillss Remember um I'lue-- Prineosuu Street. and door halo): Steven:-on .3 Cd`: Pi;-Arnmnrr, la BABNEY&00-I loo Plnliu-I: De. la. : Alan I an (aid. Illvu. and plnod jonllory. Jinn I lnomzsz nouns :!| 1JoImst_on's Jepvellety Slofe --.1 ls` Amateur Pnluu-to would 00 vol IIIIVQ an a col ,F|lSt cuss rum mus] mun mmwnnlsi rmrgtngms WORK POY`D."~JR8. `#395110! J` \ "'lX1IlI K. N70? PIr_:u.c. 1; .-. nln. rum. uul u-metal &uov.~r of raw: 1: Chndnuotthlh Old` and enabla Ipeellc Medicine. -____ nun`- .nAnn mnnn um 1"1ii1'"miii'm1 -ij Vvoluntuon Street ' The Old Hillary Shad. And] an I unmi-nun.-ago cu. ` |WII.l. I8 COLD`? I BBIaI'I' 1 1 IAODIIIIXU 3 -L: OIIILE I LEIIIEI in-"' hIi1'InoIIIIn ninth. III ! ctlnudu -oonu. \ . F @l!I@I OKDI. nuqmnm. nutvunreho-nnlououl " (hll sud no out wkoohdonbuyuncor sollmg. I01-rs} grim? anor- . &I f.".`...j ` has Ipunnen. `Donuts Donut no: I'M Plochcn. I(~.AOc.,: unt lino eel Aydllnh. !7.._4T `.. 4 ? j-d 'I`. IAVAGI C j Also Ibo Ion cl Cu-nod oods, l>`rulI.0yuen.&r. II? /1 YTl\1\fI1l\\Y ggnow Iooll `RBI nfflll A :1 I I31 -ml -v- -_--.v -_._-__ --.. IN ALL `ki NIWI81` STYLES. A ulun Assonnlrror YIWEIIOIIIIIIC. .._.... A war ABNV;D AT 1&0! I1 `I. IAVAQ 3 T; nloy tslonnnon Piano Fauna`. KINGSTON` RECEIVED DAILY! or Al-I. India In Tlllul anAlo.'l-lRl'I lulu d& nholdnock ll 3 tlr bolhunuiut onrloh nnhthouununou on-oodtothou. unuddat ' [.:':...'-~ " " *- -:,-*..-.32.-:| l4WQl-i lime louchal. en?" Not a doubt 01 it. lle anus In how Syn) daughter. he nlscd tab In! to her In Iht` puard. .1," ..'m.::'..'*;.'-... :2` `_ moment. and Love] was un- SIIQII lhII'I IOIIHPI.` ' Yul. with his mother. hm line I him here. Au-kn-an! lrlloi lhat; In!!!-ls III w. an nnocx an nu-2|-:1`. I