........ .'__ ..._... us. uni`: cum. mmlmrulmlmlnn, -uunl-iunulil If ~ suu... I, .,..,.unvn vv-~r more cheerful end home-like. Us lady superintendent or matron were engaged ladies might teke more interest and he treeted with courtesy. singularly. go- vernors might order visits of friends `in hospital outside ol visiting hours; not so the physiciens. Complaints of pe- tients were deilv almost. but from a class not to be` relied on lor e ieir judg- ment. Every obstruction seemed to he pleeed in the way of students pursuiuv study in the hospitsl. Ageiu at night toomnch delay occurred in admitting eccident cues. in one case this amount- ed to Mteen minutes on e Fehruery night. Improvements suggested by the physiciene were opposed by the stew- erd, and he eudeevored to dictate as to estrus. However. he insisted on his prescription being followed end then the stewerd. who wee too oloioue. oom- plied. In Kingston the average cost of meet per dsy wes 5c.; in the Hotel Dion 9:. end in Toronto 1%. This dierence was too greet to be caused by prices. end must be due to interior meet or (else economy. Letely. in e eeverecese 0! peritonitis. the house surgeon ordered the young lady to be carried in e stretch- er: the stewerd interlered and seid e cherr would do. and elterwerds called the surgeon e puppy." A stretcher was very necessary in that one. ;l.est month 082 meet diets were served. an everege ol 20 per patient. or excluding children. 01 the illH\.3l. The cost of Ineet hes risen from MS per month in IE9`) LA Inn: I"\ In Ill} thin en...) su ans us-uv. l.`. . __- -..-.._._ __ --- -V.' "V... DIJIIWICIIIILIII. Nou'oub|ovl0hItovud.whoaurotl -A lgA._.M... -_J ._.- _..A|__--|.. SIC UP It-luc Ilvuuu In: Iullnvvuu u, I-In Iubditntion 0! white for colored quilts. The whole hospital wu gloomy. It ulusnl L. and. Lu ninln-2 -in gun-you a any wuu-u uuuynu-u wan: l\lVInl t It should be made. by pictures. oh. nu.-. nhngnfnl --ul Iuun- lib- Tl. I-(hr un. u-ave.-n u u-nu. The diet wee course and inenlcient end not pulntnbly served-in tin dishes, soup end meet together. Beef tee. in- Iteed ol being 1 nice dish. was sloppy with large lumps of grease. He bed lame time ego complained of skimmed milk being used. and he we: never noti- lled thet the board had acted. The nuuee were insumcient in number. and some were inemcieut. None should do the duty of charwonmn. end all should weer A distinctive dream. Patients should never be Illowed to take medicine them- selves. Night wetclzee were neceeeerv. for patients ere fhdifferent and careless in watching. The h nee surgeon: and nlnhgrd nlnnhnrl nnnnn-nan nl w-aching. mind dulled. > '|ppunuo oi lhouppu-Inrdnwonld boiupmondby um ...b..A:a.um. 1|, _I.io. 3... .-..I...~uI I-n u-uuun rnlunul-AV -I-n-r-. '(`he statement 01 Dr. Fowler, who could -not nttongl, Wu lint road. He noted nmny__rgcent improvements. but the hoepiui vet compared unfnvouruhly with those ol Great Britain. llo iirst suggesteu unituv ohuiyea. which hue. however, Already been mode at on ex _ penle 0! M0): tho prohibiting of double window: at the south end of the build- ing ; `the clone: restriction of the num- lxar of bedw in a wud; the isolating of typhoid lever cues; nurses to be re- lieved from scrubbing or floor work : the Iecuring 0! ll head nurse. who shall Inpervine and report: the bower und- ing of pntientl. and the encouraging of [soy puientn by tho tting up more heat- ly of I for roonu. The rule 0! dinchnrgc, he thought. might be more rigid to pre- vent the hospital in winter becoming a nnilemontlry poor houne. The now an! Ina I good. economical omoer. who ` bed heoaol service. but with an ` unyielding and iuterioring disposition- Thero nhouldhe a telephone between ' the wards. ` For wan uubu has been naut- letinpml with the mun. wement nndlte `cl the Kingaton Gen- ond Hoepit Lthonqh no nerionu clxnfue wuludyetthetilkruunot eunnehle to the Board ol Oovurnona. As A change was lately anticipated In the ltewIu'd- ebipthenghtherenignenoeoltbetine-' honoured oeonpnnt, the bout! thought the time opportune [or enquiry and cru- ticism and therelore invited complaint: and mggeetionn Iron: theyieiting : phy|i- cihne Ind other: who hnve knowledge 0! the hoepiul. Yenterdey the cooler ` enco took place with open doon. and Du. Oliver. Dnpuie. Snnnden. l(.~ N. Fenwick and W. H. Henderson etl.and~ ed. The Vernon present were: Dr. Struge,c ' men; `Dr. Sullivan. John Finer. Wm. Ferguson. In A. Break. John Dull, E. Uhown nnd` E. J. B. Pcnae. ,,j._ A lloahlonoouh In In-zemem ujsmo-situation But no Iinnhmn trnln Inl. Lwliillwl l JULY will law In 11.01: ulna Ivory suuhu u 7 .1... and running will have lot launch: lino! ulna any at 'l p,-. 7 t5g`NE1An;HosP1'IAL. Bll DI falcon onnylaht. THE BRITISH WING, 'I`UESl)A`Y EVE.\'l.\"(i,JUL`Y l.' . Ulla JuI-"l'll but no Mu ; an an 0 use an I had." Ml: Dloi-"l'|l no I did. W: van u.:n.: um. J-on-Mn. an I was to 5 an-nun -aunt. I. V wsll : Ru. D. I-`. Foley. Almo . I-`. Tovnor. 80. Emma. Ont. : Rev. 1-`. M. Dovlno. Itlonwob.-ll. Shandy. OI- oooh. 0I|.:It. and In. Mu. st. DIIII, lb: 88. Unis, Point Fortuno; A. Oomnll. jr.. son! : Jodgo Buohunn ` wile chntu Buchanan. E. Ihcical. Bwoohburg. no. ; In. Oihuoo. Oownr 7 villa. Quonhohn nan-on. (muad; In. E. W. well. Innbnq. Vt. ; J. A. Inll. Klnpton : W. Brooh. Inc No! lb Brooh, Kin luy Kant. Chime In. W. B. Forbes. J. W. Fm-bu. r. ndln. A. lougmou. luau Bonk Iolloqhtos. Inter Knuth IoNuqh- ` tomluhr bun" loNnlnoo,0.n|. |oI;.lohn Buh|0.0.Poturbon:Ir.ul In. Poh Icllu. Ronfrow :Jdan l:llg- giuol. (LI. Blgiupn. L` . -us use ucmumm. luuntown ; D. lonroo. Mk: Minnie Monroe. In. Juvin. John lolntyn. wile and hug!- |InIr.u|dln.C. J. lnmoglutct Ema lulloo. I. ll. Hun t. Con- :31; D; I-`.__Foloy. Almon `; Rbv. 'l"u'r`u;'.`m 53359`? "'.m. '1-`:35 "" . ` Ell `ak ll m*..*.:::. .`?....."=--::r-"`- - ' M mu `- uuuoronumon. uoum mouuncuar; J. t A. Shaw, Shnwvilla ; John Thompnon. wife and O childnn. Collnold ; Mn. Jan. Glann. Mn!) Goo. Robmnon B. H. Bcldanon. .1. 'r. nunaond. Perth; Iliu Kate Ilcblu-mid. lutintown; D. Ham-an. Uh: llinnin Mnnnnn. In Alnunul in menu nav. nowunsn, I167. 'l`nie.M. Roy. Thou. J. Coriutino. Ekoborhon. Months]; Mr. and Mn. J. H. Down. lliu Taylor. T. 0. Butler. A. F. Molntyn. wife 8 child:-on. and nurse. 0. J. Oocht-sue. mun; Ink thew J. Strong, Ounbinjcouny, Argon-_ tml; Ru. A. Brunt. S. A. Inch J. A. Sun. Portage Du Fort; Rev. `. Duuororolmon. South Glouoheuor; J. h A hnu Rh:-villa - .'lnhn'l'|un--....... lldllf IIIII July. III`. '1'. aaimh, John Hendoruon, 1-`mm Molutin. Richard Mitchell, Hrs. David Brown jr.. nnd child. Mn. uoo. Clarke sud child Mrs. G. A. R: mond, Min Amundllln Inond Rav.Rot urctn. Rn. . IA. Molntvn. ml: nhdrnn. and my Jluculiunuhull qalllhowulnhlbo uhonoolmuhouunlnnll. Q. |II.1Ih&j'n-uh-h:-u W .. ...,. ...... -,.,,..-.....w. Emma Kemp, Racine, Win. went riding with Frank Shirley on Sundny evening. A a rk from Shirley`: cignr red her clot. in: and she wu buruod mdeath. ` nu, I , .,,.I____ m_n-,n II ,.n,,n vu uvnuu. Charles Andrew Tollnnd. Hartford. Conn.. county delegate to the Demo~ cntno National Convention. has become lnnno through excikamont. He is con- ned in the asylum It. Tolodo. yu --uvu. Juno: Reilly. showman. New York. was bitten by I ncclenuako on Sundny and died last. night. The body prenat- ed a horrible npponmnoe. l.`-...... I(...... I')...l-... `IL- -....A an-: vn unuv Jun: Mr cu -nu an-uav unuc. About 6(1) workmen. employed on the Capitol building :1`. Albany. hue to be diachnrgod for luck of suisient nppro- pristion. - `lama. Dnillu -Inn-man Nu-n \ n-I. nvvu--v uwuu.-vu vuu vn uuvu-uuuun Cod shery has been vety poor up to the MI: iuIt., not. being man than hull that of last year up to the nuns due. `Lana [VII urnulnuuuu (lint-IIIDAA` an II.- nunvu. ;uU|w wvuz av vuaulnliuu The racing virus were "milked" on Gonoy Island In: niiln, and the pool rooms swindled out 0! thousands. nu;-u,,,:, n :'::..`.t .`u'.'.....""`.!'2." July It. uvn In. a -vnyvnv Vl -.4-on an no.- All the men in the Nsnnimo coal mines st the time of the explosion were killed. Thorn were 38 victims. 1110 nnunn anon on man. run two gun bouts. bu gone to nnnu Bor- bern. I seaport of Eut Africa. Alli}... union in H.` Nanci-nu. nngl uvvu wvUuII\I nu ~.x,uvv. ` A storm in Monvia. hm cause] im- mouse dunno to the cropl. The death from Canadian oholen is assuming lugs proportions in Montreal. "I"|\n Ilulnnn nf tho 1-nobnn n-nu-nunn .4 1\nu.nen BAH`: general committee 0! the 14th d ` Int Inaht endowed Cleveland and Hendricks. ' - we um urunu lIlI_ Cleveland endrich. , 114.5,; n,_2;,... ,1 av uuu yu uIvAIIun In -unuuuuvu. The Board sltorwgrds inulgurated uevonl slight changes. and will con- aider all the Iuggestions carefully at ensuing meutiugn. Blaine`: letter 0! acceptance in fully prepnrod. Tho I1`nrf.Annnn,`lnrvnnuln nan: Inn '1 I10 I` nl'l p6I'.!ll\O-UIITDO been sottlad for .cu.0oo |1,___:_ u Duuuuslun -uugu `nu.-on unuuu nu -uvuuvuu The wages of the cotton 0 natives at Columbus. Om. has been ucod 10 per cent. ` 1-u _,,,-vu_.__ _n,,__ I,,AL`!__A_.I 1, ma mmmry omcern unpuosua III the Cornwall ooneu l_nvo Id Iron ll-Min . .. Luoimuua Rochostur lluuta n nuvn. a uni In In nonulllu nulurlululo Dr. Saunders spoke of the steward ex- ceeding his authority in interfering with post-morteum. The Board dclnrod this matter to be altogether in tho physi- oianr hands. n_, , 7._# _.__2._,-,,_ .L_._,,_. AI,_ I an N|ghI'I Illd To-day`: Now: COIIIIOIII` Down (or Our Bony Rounders. unnuu unuun. Some warm wordspuued betwaon the chairman and Dr. Oliver. but the cou re:-once closed with I emdnl 01 thanks to tho physicmna in nttondnnoe. 'I"hn Rn.-ul nnuu--J: ingunn-no-A CAIIUMBV wlul INU [luau Inn ynuuuuuo It was remarked that the flower plot. in front Ind been called sin extrus- gance. The work, however. Ind been done by the hospital employees. and the owers were the pnum 0! Joseph ~ Nicol. This is :1 sample complaint. I). unundn.-u annlpn nl Hun -Gunny.` ni of. ihilomin I uiriouu ntoie. nu lefty!` night. without nnyou to give [medicine gnu` drink; none olo ind compluim, '4 ed she was ovoxvobd and, unslqnl I` , __,. _n_-__Ij L- I_-_A _..__II _n.A.A El Iuu VIII UVUCVIKZIA 1- -KIIIlUIlI I ono none moan ho kopuyuu aim. mung duty in Ann 3 D lnununthouu uurgeon would in J Alvllhgoznry . low of the OIDIIIICU butt 03 quarrel: with Itaewu-d;in two casei- tbuo oilloau would not speak or dine oogothonwsnt ol oxpoxienoe of homo unrgooni bud load the Inward to InIon- ` gibly mood his due|.;.Lwonm-uu- .t.xon would roctily hulls. u patient: are nlnid ol being "spotted" if they undo oorhplsinu It regular visits of governors ; India: should be encouraged to become governors; concurred in need of better oponuing uni private rooms. And bum `qunlxzy ol_ beef to: sud variety in food. nuns un-1-. Mr. Chown said he hnd been on the Board for ten you'I.. and had heard no serious complaints. Improvements had been going onlhis yen And last in the bnilding and grounda. mm! were com- plutod in sanitation. Heating uppin- Lns had nine been tendered lor. but the expense was too great. at present. I! --n navnnphnal blunt flux nu-gn nlnf up.---an. unuvunalvil - A general convanauon ensued. Thu physicians admmod t.ho`diIcu|ty oi lay-- ing down a varied diet: and thought the ulewud might make frequent changes ' undo: the chairman`: diroctibn. Bauer should certainly. however, be on the re- gular diet. ll- l`|.A-.. -1.1`)... I.-.l I .... .... AL- Tho BritinhBQ'&Ool'Ad0I.IiIh ;-n nnn hnnh, In: can: In annoy Rap. uxy-nu-4. The Fnrtoncue-(inrmoyle case hu man nattlnd for .'M.(Il). -:m.....---:.':.."..'..""'......"' The military omcers iznpllmbd in In Cornwnll ulhnan Inn Ind mm _o_u_n__u-nun yawn, CONDENSED l`lCLl(HiAMS. UYIIII noun" I0! \ Ending lllh July. IIIJ. IN-.,. .., .. . 32123.; . ....'7.'.....:.'" "F" .. udduhl ', aural ::..|ho nu-0 st. Booms`: church Excursion I510! & I win -aw. nit Ind. up was ~ John n-not Ilounlon lot I luv it luttly Inllodbyaoa-goddamn. Boutlor.JIly l4.-0n the has Wu young nu In-odhn Bu hud:no0 3 uEhl.hu*l tiny n in not! an 0 Alan; in tho 1. mph! the Mull dooncd on the loll a II non: nouwoll wu wan: olosnu ` Ihl wn Ippronohod by llama tillwoll. who took up: bottle lying on tho wil- ' :I"ov.hnn_I'|`o.lll.i bot lhnuhn would Ill- nl or " 1 watt" ploooodod to pour tho liquid on tho young 1|:-1': bad. The vtotun commenced touonnu undnoonclltlumill wuil u in nu. ndlhol uldwu {candle in The side Ihoyauntgitlbhoo no wall n In not pod cum an uouly bnrnod. She will be uuhd for Iiln. u nor Iool an I 10! ulrml fotlilo. ------- \ A am rum Iulphurle new on a work. I nah`: Iood-Iurlod hr I110. _ Uoboura. July l4.-0n scum: lut ' :1 Lens Boswell wu nah: oothu uh: -an lnnnnnnhnrl lm Ill--.. uII_.II llatmon, July H.--A resident. Mr. Dillon lathe lnmnol! objectionable to ' than livlug in the neighborhood in IGV` enl wnyu And the neiphbon dotuminod to puninh him. They handed togother. And. the other night. ed to Dil- ' Ion`: plnce. tore the ions: com losely down. leaving` no semblance of C bila- tlon. Then. out Dillon Ihonld have Iomo poor plnoo in which tollny his band. the oommiuoo" not in to An Adjoin- ing uhnnty which oonvumod it. than vontin tho nnlotlnnutolollbw lrom ml- in she tor in it. The ontnao via 0 I calmly premeditated one. -4- `I'Io Cohdlct cl lghboru In um fouanhlp on lq6-L-In Wllhoul a Mount. Ion. Boll:-at. Jnlv l4.-DuI-inn the 011130 demonstration on Sntlnlny on (hungo- mnn shot. I Catholic. Tho police nrrind and be In on-outed. but rescued by his 1 triemh. Fighting ensued. Ind at lut Ioconnu. although the mnyorlnd insu- poud. null continued. At. Whitohnvon an Orange procession rotnrnina toClon- ler III attacked by Nuionnlina. nud serious ghting took place. during which n telegraph buy ms killed Ind Iovernl persons injured. Revolvon. owunlu nnd stones were used und window! smashed. The police dispersed tho riomrs. uunusu. was -an nu Cd} tionuincited other: to join in the con- ict. The police oherged ngcin nnd npin. And though their nnkl were thinned by volley: of stone: from the riohn. the men Inoceedod in uelling the light. When the police and ygnin- ed the mastery. they handled the mob severely, inictina eerioun injnr upon thou: who were still dilpoeed to bel- ligerent. Eighty errant: were mule and mnny more will follow. The cityie now quiet. ' Bellnal. Julv l4.-Dnriun the ()1-nnnn __?.3.____: AHOTIII 0"I'I('II Aclikl. New York. July 14.-A dospateh from Ballut lays: The 0|-ungemen who`pu- ticipnted in the procession It Newly on Snturduy. in oelebrntiou at the waiver- aity ol the Battle or the Boyne. ouuaht u party 0! Catholics on their return here in the not ol destroying the tnnm nrcheu nnd other emblems eroc by them to com memento the day. They im- mediately attacked the Catholics, and I desperate hnudto hand tight ensued. Pistols."clubs. stones md All sorts of minlen were used in the melee. A large number 01 rioteru were Injured. thirty by actual count have been con- veyed to the hospital for treatment. Many others. it is believed. were union to their homes by lriendn und cured for. touring - prosecution to pnrtioipnlll should their identity beoomo IQVI. The police during the ightrqoltodlv chu-god the mob. bctwcnu duo beat- en hak: I nurnhc uuivcd seven in- iuriu. When the rioting was at its ' I tho an Ill nuddanlv nxtinnninh. .... -v-.:... --v.. _._--.----- wnnnunncln NET `TAN'Do Illhhjnnnl. INT. WIIGII IIK l'l0IllI WII I` IK 3 the an Inn suddenly extinguish- od. adding greatly to the reigning con (union. Many building: sud Itonuwure badly wrecked. The riotous demonItn- tiona of Sntnrdny night wen once more nuvod thin ovenmg. Th that was Ind `I. waning onus-an und pun mo n-ancmse nm. The meeting almost unanimously ro- solvod to mlnso to us the bill until the `govern month plan nr.the rpdiatributinu of son tn Is submit lod. ...l.~q London. July I6.-At the uoulennoo 17! the Conwrvshvou to-day Lord Salis- bury vigorously donqunood the pI`opo|i- tion that the Lord: `hound consider sad I I. pan the franchise in The mmlinn salmon nmmimmnli: nu. I - - -- `.n 7 _ I A Scrlonn Pnrty CoIIIuIon-A Lotof Pooplo Wonndod Iona Klllocl. London. July l4.- -The police 0! Shib- bOl'l 0clI. Ireland. are considerably un- erod over the nrrinl there of 3 son of 0'Donovan Roan. the New York apos- tle of dynunita. Hi: footltepu dogged by the police at every turn. [mi ' nothing yet has appeared to caunu his arrest. MnneiIlu.J nly 15--Th'u-ty ve dulln- `Inn oholun bought. Toulon. Jnlv l5.--l)aAl.hn from chn. ulugow. amy 1o.--anmen nuke:-. uippoaed to be I dynnmikr. wu nrrentr ed to-tiny. Ila attempted to shoot and nub his cnptorn. He `had I revolver`- nnal cartridge. bolt 0! American manu- ` hcturo, nnd paper: giving the lumen 01 uuppoued dynunilora on hi: person. Dublin July l.-'JulI French. dit- octao! unload yahoo: 0! the R9 Irinhonbn . who can con- wilh lbs Own cub. baboon Vnnlad mi nninlln nl Inlnninnn nrnh. uwnuwununuu-nnuouo.nuooon column dhlonioun pne- I unim- K luu. July ll. Cairo. July 15'.--Two hundred turkl. l serving In the Egyptian army as Abu- vnos. were ordorsd to no to Auouu: when it wu dincoierokl that 11) had desotted. (Ynirn Jnlv I5 -1'I|- nitlnnnn nl I)nn~ II uucoveroa mu nu ma deserted. Cniro. Jul l5.-'l`ho citizens of Dow sol: hue. to ognphod tho Khodivo im- ploring him tohond troops. I- Toulon, July l5.-Dut.ln from cho- lon last night 18. Pboinul in in- cuuing in the uljuoent counuy. Olugow. July l5.--June: Walkat. uiunoneal to be I dvnnmikr. wu nrrantu TELEG RAPHIL Bklllii-`s. coo 1u61'nm nu 921.1%-s'r. \'- 8!. I nmnln Lm. or m :I:i{uL:m_ HAMS, BACON, }LARD! I `III Pllllllld Ila WC, Wlllhmnlllo. Q JULY fun, 5 DA}! In IULIY 00%`. with A not an anal: Mp. Intu- nnuon Inn to hot recovery will be :- hm . ,5 I *{.i5 W~l GENTS` Etfiinlsmnas -A`l` 'l'IN- 0, o. 0. stone. J. R. nurwmnnpnv, lhnndhhjihl, nnnxuuuuuuu Iruluilolunldpiulun ow. lhdnuluo It nu. BARCTRINS Ground duly by ounehou, which to gnsnntoo -._`""_ F"_'_'_?` 'r ` Cor-c-r Montreal C rnucc-so M; In I. I was a nunnntlr Government Jun. oo*EEEs.| TO CONTRACTORS. WE ARE NOW OFFERING lll.A( K.` Vauunn Ilvnnn nun` Jnnnn Tn-n uh A and ` ~_-AR: -R-=9 99,--I We highly recommend the Above upgn and of tho naat qunlily. u no mosh equal to than has on I been aloud to the peo- ple of (`nuuds sane zvnsnutnn And Very Plum Clan-I-Io. Inn-1-I Import-non. llncrnl Water. Imperial IAIN: Wllor. Imperial Ginger Ale. Imperial Lemonade. [ma IMPERIAL MINERAL} " W0 `thug thigduy lppomtcd W R. Mc- RAE ut C0.. Kingntou. our Agents [or the ash and to his order: (or our lnpennl soda Inter. I-penal Potato Water. I-penal sensor Water. sparkling Venn. 6sT Refreshing & Soothing Drink -IN THE MARKE'l`~- 1"r.In. Durlnx weak the Na-nmn Inna Port ) l \'u Imu on |rnn|oHl.'l'lL u 1 u'gTu'au-mun. which um muons u Class at Suntan`: Bundtnl, and Old Warn:-unnnl Jgvng looueql. July 15. l lour--noel 0,m0 Nu ;.n1unpot\od none. The 1 wine: Shaina! quota- lions: --l`1onr. an I10! utn M 5.35 to 5.4: ~ sun 1.90 to 4,9 ; spring xtn 1.25 In (.35. 5 In ornnn 11,20 to 8.30: Mm baht`: 4.78 to .00; an 8.00 lo 8.10.: V 8.75 to IV) ; 9.50 to $.76; Out. by 1.15 to 2315; onybugn 8.15 to I.I0 for strong um`; Grun-wheI\. rod Iintot 1.15 to 1.111; No. 2 Ilmo. 1.18 1.16. Corn 610 to I37}; Pou990o9 11381.0). Bu1cy55 to 70. Rye 70 1071c. Onmul 4.25 to 5,(l). Oornmou 8.00 to 3.70. Provisions- Bunar. Crenmrv. 90 lo 28. I`orI- l9.(l) Known:-nu VOI onovn an 'l'lIu1`l! RIID. all-Ill GRAIN. CIIOIOI PAKI- 1.v n-[nun WI`; AI(I'n' NUW Ul'fl'aI\lHU lH..\ll\ Young Hynol Ind Jnpan Tau III 5 and no pound Ouldln ul 5 ndmlion 5,00. Uornmou 3.00 to 3.711. rmvu|ons- Butler. Crumry. to $.00. Lud~-l0 tolls. Bnoon-l! so Butlonurumry. 30 `no. l'urI- I9.lIl toN.00. No Hunt--I880 Ho. Choc-O to 8; Butte:-ll to H. __ Jusm rumwrs _,_ ...--..-. ___ _-u.--- ' .143. s. pnuasoxs. July 6. Ihia I043. Coru-uuclnuged ;No 1! wenoeru (SI. On: -uncbnugod , White Sula 40. Bulcy-nominnl ; No. 2 Uannds In. Rye ~uncluugod Canndn 89 in bond. Mot-In July I. Whack sag Sept; 333 Aug: 85! Oct. (Torn 103 Oct ; 51 Hopi . 52] Aug. Pork not quotad. Lud -nol noted. Och-- so Ju y . I5} Sept. ---o o-~~r--- I 1. July 15. Whu|~It.endv ;ulo: 1.000; No.1 wlnlo Ooh Il`. mung uynon ma upan 'uu a nu nd o lroln I0 to I) [nor cant. which In gunrsnvoo lb ' uolulely pun. ` -LOOK OUT- _._ __"__.;1` . 7 ,L.._.. _._a_..,. " " JIOITIIAI. IIIOCI IA:ITp July ll. noon. IIOOII cu: OITI TEAS. W ATE R CO. Java ilafkets III Jnunu-Q. IAM Il.'I`0l. CANADA. `rho ohlou name must bulls Oollqvo in ma Dominion. Iuovu mmuu 1. gentlemen and I1 India; Building col :m,om. and Inn our I50 roonu. lunlo sud An uvorllltiu. mu move: on S-pumlnr Ind. Aohlnu the Princlptl. A. BURKS. |).D.. LL40. _, July I5 55/) (kl. Patent 00 Zngnngau U` 1% . 1 [GA LLOWAY 's.| B Illlhlgl The me 0112 Ioulalu. Lumvlu vluuiild IIIUIG. Oouhlu lb Ithcoltlo \`ioIh. IVJIIOOII -nu cabin [wanton Iquha run than and may: burn ;_0__\flfYI'I" _ and gaglnvu. gonna : >c...........,_r.._;.;`.`;.-..;;;.] '- r_I._!.= -H!-.9!.-.,.s=r .-.| u-.L.u- v _ \-vvor JDIILILI VV\I\IlI Lllll ] ..O~'.$' $9` - SAIPLB 88'!` NOW ON VIIW AT-- --=.---I A\n)a\ nu... ...._ ...._ . rsnrunnnvu nnusnnml `IIOIIly\IlH|I1K.. luhounoptl. mmmam "s1'namy Tlolhliilohnhlddllon thcnhuunhbhlllk llullhuuldulclnpulbnu Iunuund uylhh Bu. IJAS. CRAWFURUSI I` I-Tv . h at WIN Oot coon mum viooii 31:1` in A L:Ln.l -.-L.` IAN1HlENSES'l'llEKl ll-`R`UI'l' JARS} , . _._ -.___._ ._.-- _-v- --- PIIICII l.oW-- Stalin he has --A I-A808 AEIITIIITXIAIF.-- July 9. dorm MONTEATH, Jnlr n. D......_.. 838 Princess Eb Orr. llolmnos I (human I u1onv. o. LOIVG-`AS. `on g.____ _. A w A `TWO-IIPIY IYQI bolwonn .. '1 ~=== An-II mu. II Pnnouu IL .--..___ -_.. .___._`...... __._._ OTI Till ABOYI AAADIDE FOR Tl! IIBTMCIOARI IIICARADA. I R` 1 T IIAIIX noml FIIIIES. - -vv- ttwvvi CI Wuul ucl lush Tux ht). Ibo In-Inoeoolt. lunar. A..- u-n-.._-___;_._ YOU CAN GET For PreServing. NEW -I`v'I_-raincoat` _ ~03. ()NK OITIIOIE HEW 1lRl(.`K'HOU3H In 5 s`1`1"m 'u=u:mAyp:' w?(')=I'u`c' ll $.70! `shun . I-no-z. Cor. wonl-nun and tar! Iiuult Ycnulllnlnhnd an jh uhulthhuuuh ind iphhx ' hum innms .gQ- maawayunq. { v___; I In hunt on u mvu`-uuu rur ulna veul'.|RA.\YlI h at 01.: ` Oopouugoanluchnnnhuuqunhun as Low as the Lowest. Chlcnnhhn-a.u.........___ huhhbt Coal aiwood. E:-HI! In-I~.v`.:.n=u mu pm-pm u Could! hon vuo h-ul-In Ivan vd and Juno B fl mm It ;u wont! tor nun. ul- \ u-upon: ?:u.'r-n lhtomoal n| uoAhu terms. Arplv la JAL J. WHITIIIIAD. Ilul luau Ind Ounnhnlou Anni. Agttl I cm 1:! lmuton. ! nuxrndh Kbhl ANIN1` Nil IhII'00 BIN!` R` I. Goal 1 AMERICAN BOTTLING C0. HINDS BROS.. Iulihrlunn 01 euros: All. Mann` mun. an nluu. u-.m-.- :4 cu _ '_ vvu -uuuc T13 II HNTLIL II!` III} IAIIIIA I\I- -Ill. TIC u-sracul. l|l\Nlls l` ulna-I IVIYII bunk-I V: II: unnn-ma `h'so~huui-I I-Icon Yuan: and 0-nvcl Opolt Ill) JUII. $()u-n.-rt cm Id-duo (in wt Ind hr CIOCO I. ll. wAL$n 1 co's.. $14 `on... Prue QLO0 Inc-cl um: non rorrodllle Fri or 3| 9-! mill Indium Palm I`:-n. IIILIYAI l|!!EI.-99.E.l.F.- `NEW uvrs -OF ALL KINDS- iuy IIDI -Y-IICILVI Qlffilff ~ I. IICLUFOCI C I ... an I & dnu Inn `at-uh: an min was (man u. th-Inu and u IA-\|`t$sl' I: lx` by iTHE ('.\;\l|lE.\ PEN . The Perfection of Reservoi_r or Fountain Penai I Any Nib can be um-d with this Pen. j. `I... .`_ .._.. Iuthh I l'orI-lost .___.... .q---u \`vvI a-wanna-5! w`l)IO nun Rheum! I1r.L, Iihn bum: - uul hqmlllul on-my 71'-tI.\I. ll Il1|- nn ANIIIATUllDA\ In Utah tin Iuuupd Kl! Aubu of &IIJ T I. ` guuw nu Y 3. ..`.'...'. cnhsunl on;-ion run; LAu'3ii'7"97T.au, J. 9. oimiiiiivt. L(`.Io`.Ll'Y` cQ\AA3l N cx..uu:a-cu st. Jul: 1 own! souivn. \. .1... r.._. A.` Jun 25. ('ALEI)().\'|.\ Sl`Rl.\'(iS. NOT U NDBRSOLD. nu-dun If`: and sauna... maga- III|\_ K|ceK{u7e_l_`hl1i-.L. I153 _b_q|~9\-V ALIIBPROCOWK IIIOITOI IOIHQEI POI ..--.L - __ GRAND HOTEL '30 C`0"K:IC UOOKSIOIV. lull R mlsu `_l_i_X6lIuslIlls as4xin st. ()" lllll 'i"Ii'."':. n u v, Pu-hrnndlagu-. IITLII Km); Inn: n n.-.-_._ BARGAINS IUUIIUEI Inh 0: cl move In AGENT. LI-nu V% > - --.VlA---. I Grout. lurid Runn- nxh I.-no twin` YPD K ad ........ .::.:*~' '-' % Ionhtyumlllo -can-unnuuu 3llII`II'I. DTSPRPSIA - Kl.\`(i9`I1).V. 7 I II `[0 Bl LIT:-TIC T In 9,,"-"*"........"..*'.`.1-.x:`..'-'-'--'"""` _ _.... .._.._.n ----n- -unvwl-Mn .._ \ \\ \ \ \\ July I5. VICKI at. Greenwood ; I..I. IF. rnnlu-tlmmr and Frail [baht I Vv alia- OYINOIIID. In I'll!-IPAIIIII to (IV! hunt! In vocal R in- ummomul unit. may: no Inst 3.. Rigaton- tafrho not Io. loo (icon In the ally At :`-.o.'K VIII l"I.\'l DAT.---- STEIIEI I I EIII. unIlMI'Ill`Ihll'I Ihh JI"." DIII fn muss vv`1ns'r. no -unrawn . an nmcx-lii3'6sn-Tu; Wclh Pluto. I Wollhnou Itnol. u|tl_I_ _ , ..op-'1-bee!-:..Avv'! |J.Q'"! \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 30::-l:Ii__sbvI`n.I'rn_nuunnouo N;-H m_Ro " REMEMBER Tani M9033 ! Ill!` haunt urinctho '.: :2--.........' * now: on IJIII lulu. young " '-' '- -:.'.*::-.,-:`:.. I Q! 1 qnnard an uulonn ha: - V".`.'`... .. vf` so lrgl. Oil`; ncl anal` call In lgynt-Itn will Ian :35 01: En! 83.. In. use with tel Ila:-rhllA_- inch. _ _N_ew Aavex-xnsement T; _,. - . ...-,_--_._M. '_!>:Iopdu::Iv.y`uc:. aw."-1:-" 7 ,,,____ -- , ., _.._ ._ : In tho l Intulaopnu `Inn Y.J` Muuhnntrn. FRUIT | V` STRAYED :1 '9 CAPT. OIAN-Ch bud. l'ol:8t`e." ` llJ40% IA!` (`nun luau than. an A. (Inn C00 : go Let; uuuwuulnultwu III-g Ivvyilfo hlydnhnhuculbauoh lay utlouluy uldcul Mnllynl. 0u0Ihlb O|..lh-Oahu bVd In h...A. innit on. use yuan- | On tuna 3|.,.ron_NvHu urea 0dcnoAllnd.l50yudu. 3 Ouvuou Slulvoublvhiou touch \..u ruulu ` lNaIh|hI ool|opgvudI.IIyudI. ` Onlmcl Ilulrontho nurudqo ~TM.$yut. Oullhul lklhou U|iol8|.Io|ho inhfldglplh. 1 Oldhlll. uunylhtlaat I hivhi Iltlllhla I u-uuuuuIu.myuu u m.*hL-`hhnI4 I... I about an um. botwcon lap! "at! Bydoulua 8|a.. to h.-1. in Q: --l. ....,. The Princess Louise. for hot duh n E1-ivu-boot.innouupnud.1orIpoodot { oonvoniogco. Cups. H. C. Rothwoll MI I made the little stain 70! , popular. .8Tno mndotho trip homuuoqooto ` kinguton Iondny In on I--.-- -a forty minubo. : ` Arrinh 2 Solar. J. R. Noy. . Ullbullnoon: min. B. I. Boon.` Chimp. K).(B'I huh. wInII:Iohr.0li- ` vcrltoha ll. (lingo. Ih l: ` call. 0. 8. Non. 080*. 81.410 hi. 1 can nohr. Dada. 1`oIou0o.l@Iqd.`i IOJN buuI.ocIu:||Thqgnnn(1` nu-os.0nwqo. Llllnouoonl. _ | -IlIl. WIII I-PU I-lZ\I I1 3 I-" \l-,-- Two `barges. owned by the K. at M. F. Co.. Portsmouth. Are loading iron rail: {or Vontrul. A drain! now. holonging to Ir. Ar- noldi. was sound hole by the Itr. Hu- singn I luv day: ago lrom Buldo. Cups. (lulnn bu contacted to banligrhhn souomum. lot no. sin hm. to- dny. `FL- l).l-.... I .._l_. I... L.-.1-L. - . I _.__._ . The win. B. W. I-`olgor. 250 Lona grab ooul. II as Swifts. The Conqueror. Iunk I$ Harden II- nnn. will be niud in I luv dnyu. ` 'l`-.. Lg..- ,.-_.4I I... Al... I. A. It I.` WII nu IUD ul- Ir. Theodore Ray. oditor oi the mica Harald. und wile. sud G. F. Truoll. de- puty dsoril of New York. city. are re- portod tithe Windsor. Mr. sud Mn. Truoll vhltod Rocluvood Asylum this nlhrnoou. .__..__._._ Wld lo Ooonpylq the Auonuon ol rooplo Ihlnndod In Voxln. no-I uuuuuvquu. Bov.J. B. Ulsrkson. Bolleville. who has been quite ill for over 3 week. is get? ling botkr. Mn. Clulnon has Idoly passed from the critical condition she was so Iona in. II. 'l`I....I--. l)-- ...NA.... .1 cl... nu... cu-an-un- um, Mr. Thomu Kirkpatrick (brother ol the Sroakor) Ind Mn. Kirkpatrick. of Ottawa. no camping 1: Tramoul. Park. non (lnnuaoque. D-.. I ll t`l--I..-.. lh.l|....:ll.. -Iu\ "1". meat. I III IIIU uni: nu WWO `Inoklau.,dIl:onnrinodcput- ho hum promoted to the ac- eonnhntnhlp ol the Filhoriol Depart- mom. Othwn. 1\-h,!_ L__.| __ ,3 ll .\vn_:-_ unauu. uvuuwnu H. O'Brien. brojher of It. O'Brien, pt-oprieto: ol shewindnor Hotel. iugnin chic! dark ol tho Urouunn llouno. Mound:-in Bay. ll- 'l`Iu._..- I. ..-|....A~:nl. ll..n.o|...- Al ....,...-u....... ...`........... ..... \IVl munder ol the Canadian xnilitin. bu I rived in tin: oountrv. II-L--A I I!____.I.. ..l Il2__..AA.- ulvvu nu nun vvuuuy. Robert J. Kennedy. 0! Kingnton, u very active young mnfllr. Lil'd'IIl- nor tintho mat bunt inCluugo' . Il_.LI..4.- -I nL. -.--l- 4|.-n-A , ... .,......, ...,.... .. .... ...., ,... terdly. J. G. Morrimnn. Rome. N.\'.; 5.1%. Taylor. Yokohunn. Jnpnn; J. A. U01 -' don. Montreal. nnd M. A. unrtnett. London. Englnnd. no It the Brntisp American Hotel. In. Sohulh (Bide-A-Woo) In visiting the bone of hot tuba`. III. En: Ic- Coll. in this city. |l-l.... I14-`Anni Ili.I.lInhnn AI... [bun IS IIEIIETIIFOIIE The People Whoa Ilovo-Mala, Buying: and Doing: Atu-ncI_ Pnulng Attcntlon. " \ Mr. Brmon. general mungur. and Ir. Moon. xenon] pnuengr agent. ol the R. W. & 0. 1111., were in the city you- Inn4`nIv recmvee. nuja-uenuu uuumunug other things. spoke very biily ol the education then given. end he knew from experience tbllho rldllbl who obtained commislionl in the llnperill umy no doing exoeedinalv well. From merit. ho had chosen Llentaunt Wine. one of tho grndnntoe. 1: hi: enle-de- camp. Mr. Wm: in at present undo:-. goingnqouno in mneketry instruction st llythe. and will eomploxo the course before coming to Canada. Speaking at the run! mnlitin ol Clllldl ho uid it is ridiculous to expect en`ytbing' from men who hue only ten `days drill dur- ing the you. With opinion: , so clear end xed in II not improbable that Iomo ohnngen for the boner will be effected by the Iejol-Oenenl in our militin syet. Ilhvcy delehtlve in runny renpocu, and could have been improved by Mnjor-(lenernl Lnnrd had his tem- per not not the best of his judgment. { Fjlllllltllq fl 3 III. 11- Iuvvv-' not uorlbodmll an trouhlu. Mn]or~ Genoa] Middleton Ipprovotl ol the es- hblnhncnt d inlnntty nhoolo. but-or pnunod the hope tint the sppointou to than would be undone: U the Roynl llililnry couqg... Kinplo'I. which ho had ovary rbuontobdlhvo was an ex- oollam inntiugtion in ovary respect. no worthy of more anoounqolnulnn It -unnhm. IA-ha (14-um-gl Ianrl Aninnu vuuuu, U| IIIUII Invlnujtlju I-I-nu -- rocoiveu. Msja-Gone-nl Lad. BIDDER ..n... u.:..... ....|.- ..... 1.1.81. .1 am '3' VIII] I IIFWKI II HR Ilvuuu-n star. an In` and pond though Sud- bqnt Ii||qry- Collqo with (ienonl Luusl. and anus bu! roooiud . grout knight into his dntlu-from that push- Inn. The Ink ootnmuxlur wu WIND- Ivnuachou to Uuwln 1nd in militia. but ho ho] an unlorlnnuo my ol ox- pilllmhlrlull. and D this lab neon- ... .....-II...l<.lI lulu bnnhlnn. Mnlor. .4 MAJqn.ru:u5luL'8 oz-mow. llnjar-Gooonl _II-Hlobh. who on] in lontml ruhrdpy. in an intox- vinw with I reporter of the lomnsl Q1... -Id L-` LQJ 1..-J Lil - auu, Ill mun unq- Mnjor-Gonenl Middleton. the (Jon)- ......I.. Al Al`; l'nnnt'inn militia Inn: nu-_ |nil_n_: Whig. _ . _.-,_.,.- - MARIN I INTELLIGENCE. '1Il,!'*,! `EOE. ransom}. comun. w-u -uv-- - as-130:! jlyllf japogbill-Illtuolidntnhl mjjnn -Q-cpl-n-An--J I-A Tlnnuwuvlbuxuuhdohh duly: btIvIonhl.pddIu.IuvlIIdh- pulhl hnhnbnvlbtdhtuluulno sh}:-ydllobclzuhulddy Ioopou.unlnuInuuIvayndal; when and h IICVQOE udlydh: -nnnnanhhI.hnhLo-and-..|. .---I-cu -cu--uu-u-ecu-uuujn I&pIprIln.uupInuIuIlht- Inluwonu pint. dusty gob: 1'f.`E-'5-'-"FfP`O0|I.` lab lrhl. -n AAIIChIn A-an... -vw uuvuv-v wt: -uvwulug ux QLIQII oullnunclluu. nod wupuhuuly bvllilnlullu: did Oooullu-I.nd would to mini lav Inludfrnlf: Iunuhald Ioulnyl be boodmt but ooulhully: wads dc-any. lb ulv voulllool bin by window: hltlulloplnh rid lugdhulo; nnolnghlnnnnnnn-|--...I.J........A I Ilu. V on warm` Inn. Variety in diet; mbatiiltu won not dcnnr: the duel table. slant of Bt- Gou-pi llnpihl. laldou. not Inked " toduluiazlthodl-g physician should " be mum; um-am n Baud um- inm: vonlntlon very poor. slouch In onouppor non very bad: ventilation by who and an in Idvlnblo; Intru- uonhonndlo; hyi pornnoaloloor b||OI: would not uounnloloby gmtuudputbhui: dinpoontydqnlr Iounotncdcuoof an luhouldbo; now am Roynl Ooogo huuuunuat uulolll could in wall noududull youroul: not opus-Ming toonnol Iliudmndtjotlt can-U000! playi- ciuu ud trllltul would note the `Imps-onnunlol loutlon: utunho hnwlbuuwud did his duty well. Il lnnbum --n ADI: woddnot In IoolIonnpollol~yrnut.: nut-U Inna u-vu uvnu Iiu yvu nuvuul In was Iofnln I70 to 090 um pun} Butler, he thought. should be on the regular diet table. In this til 0! the physician: concunod. uul the bqrd poinhd out that they Ind long enmit- cd the power to min Iny non 0! this L ind ' \' M 530 him. nmul ol u.'l`.lL ulilfiulr If IIII IVCEIIIII IO|V- l1II'I . . faolbolhn. which .3. July 11. , C. II. HATCH.