I It wu no common kind 0! stone tho! tho ntreeu committee was getting out for tho cruahar. It colt muly H I who in the quarry. while maoadun on be laid down on the unrest for 08.86.. uu auvnuuu uuu nu IIII Inn. Capt. lluun luewolled It Bollevillo on sundny. She null visit Kingston previous to taking a new station. Capt. Hyononmot in very good health, will wait the city in 3 few days. Thu H.-nun I.` nau........-..n .l..I pl... L... DII TIT III! UIUC - The complimentary excursion IoJolul O'Brien to Broclnille Tlmndny. will be largely nltendod. John will get. I and ol! thus he will not only remember in lultud but all his lifn. n._. I! 1 n u . v\ -- --v valrvu-In A burglu attempted to enter the room of I hotel at Ugdomburpz occupied by two Kingntoninnu. They knocked him down and may have killed him. At my nu ho diuppeu-ed. Tlm nnmnlilnnnlnru awn-up-inn An ,lnl|;u - uvuuuua The township of Klnglton undorhkes the quuhing of t.he_ by-luv. mnk.i`:g" road grunts An onndiiou thd the town- ship at Starrington bun n portion of the expense. A |......I-- -u.....a-.4! A- ....5.... AL- --I OupI.J.Gsllovuy lnpbeouukul to playing oricku match between the Ontuio nnd Quebec Association. in Montreal. on Aug. 5th sud 6th. tie nny attend. Th- in-nu-D-in Al Illa.-o..n no./I--L.|... Rav. K. L. Jones. in his innnpzun' N sermon on Sunday in St. Mark : (Jhurch_ Bnrrieeld. uid u reverent and discreet rihnl wu oonduoiu to the public wor- -Iv.i- There in n Ilnnguroun hole on William atroot. Suva-ul horses have driven into is. but encapod serious injury. Mr. Ir- ving should give it hi: attention. Homo nohoolyu-du must be nmnll when Ald. Thompson My: that Inc!) a mun an AM. shut would have to take bio coat 0!! in onlor to turn in them. nu - I _ , , u I, _,, nun,-._,, .. ....,.... ..u..,. The first of Raymond`: excursions. from Boston, arrived this aim-noon. Tho bxonrsiouisu were tikon down the rival on the steamer Maud. ____ -4 ,_I._,_1_ _, , . ._,,_n _u ,_ In-C nvuu-an u - uuuuu Al I train on the. K. t P. RR. mend out. youtordny from the depot one of the _pnuenger oonohaa wu derailed. Only I slight doluy. Tho A-at .-J I)..u..--.I'.. ......--.:...... plousntntu at the--c`lv:i-0:1 11;: meeting hub mght. un`d Iqmo more oi the soldiers retirod. av . n nu . uq y -.vv. The report of Aid. Irving upon stud digit! in tho most complete uni uh`:- hctary um has been presented to th council in youn. V _ ' `I`l....... :.. -..:.I A- |.--.. 5...... .. ..-. pl Iuiuu II I-ul av nu vv PVIIJ vvun Ivuxu nluuwull ulluullluu. the uenml xxmpim 1.11 oonmcu hni`3o'beon swu1.Iod-!or coal. to Junu. Svft at 05,24; for wood to M. Mullen I: 04.00. VVIIII UK-IU D30 I.JHWI'UIlXu ' Aid. Downinqntirod from the com ` cil early last night. Ho mined the Via- torin Wud sidewalk discussion. ;I"I.. tI__..__I iv, ,1. 1 1,1: _, .,,_,A_ anon IUI IUU M} flu). The Bath bun hall club will u-u ' here an Sotnnhy and Inn I mph: with the St. Lawrence. ALI I \-_.._.___-A!___l 1-.-. n__ _-..__ ............... .. \JV- J. 0'8heA '3 willing to back his yacht Golden Arrow in 3 not with tho llud fuck for 050 to 0100. ' ` 1%.- u,u_ g--- n__n -o__L _:n`__.~a._- . Per 0lpl'H.l-0O can Indies` hoop ikirh. Prion reduced to lb. AF. X. Uonuinuu 3 Co. I n-um.-- L __:n:__ A- |,,_|. LE- __ 4L; uu civility. Tho name: John Thorns ouno up the river today with 1 large party 0! oxcunitfniatu. and cunv-uun IIUU IIII box silly, Uuvtul II the mum yacht clab. will his photo on Sunday. ' Th; ulna:-nan ,`p\`vlI Thus... an... an- auuuuu lu yuan!- Tlmreiu aid to hive hunky; an-' ulnnnnntnn-n at (In: Q4`-nnn Arms n -11, until! IIZ (I71 33]. The lsplo Loch have jnvlhd the Cornwall clnhto play nnnoh has _ln ' I - u2.d-l--(LL. -1-.u .-Zgjlv L :-I. u-nu-u-u yuvwu uuu II I Fnirj dawn tho lint to-day. 1'5`; Ilanln 14.0. L--- I- vxIUI- ij W11 --lfli I polio; dour! this nluruoon. - u- n.um;_ ..n-.`_4 u.- .___._.. n-wuoaob-:ona. ...,..-V... N , - `*tl'UtDIl"l'Ill1Dl"l]1.` `ulna! hr, `_'I Kinanhun --nlnl nlihlu -{I` lnin -Inn. V an-nu uuusu tun: usuuxlnluu. u. Icliln puma an mom who -`niri dawn tho Hun. 44];-, &vuJuuIwuodbud|;&o unlinn Knnr this Allnuuuusn _:-mo UIZ---vxjcu-on I'0lIALl- FINA? hi I`: lush. .':...':'f..... .`3' 5. ` -..... ulbnlonnu. not-ynnvo-lounbtnw nqunllunlu. tknlncuulotulllnc. A; `I; D,|.*N- . _ luclnnms or ran my. I-IIIIIJC They did n---.JlA IZ;IlpII'| .PIIIIwIuI.-rpw-IUu Ilhduuhoouultlloobohlnld. lnuhnluglhdnuuhovuvuntlo Iloluuplohmttv la nuns ntllyt lube!-haaulunu nmnnnnfb TH];-'. BB1-.rrs1~rwrim, 'l'UESl)A_;Y EVENING. JULY 15. Im IIIIIII Glue TOM: UIII E` howlodndhugnm. Hotnoonllno Ind nun. ltllllboa a council. ndln nonllyqvuyhououholaholvl ulhdnnlwu Iuuuuyooucp bu pllhthq. Bhnanbououndolpu- ohapthul. lohnhllldnru nil V11 Il IIIVIIIUIB WW1- .uuhuuaauuguwbu-II.h1muu-in promhinuo honjlncudnnd and nnqndlau pluool nluovbbhn '_ ` 'nIn-en.- v. In-yluo (hpuhu. o youngste- nu molly dnnod.wibh `airbus. Iuunoulnowu ova ntluwnulol bhothh.wunuuod of ntulhqn An... I-.- N- Ilggll GIL- --. wt!` uunul u;$ ul unt noun yud. Powluy ndniuod the nan... or Inn aides in Ha passion. but he lkllid HUI! Won. The 'I[iIOI'IIuO bi-nun-4' I-In 14.3-21`- iuvuluu nulllf IIIIIII. hiurvotl lulu decision. I. AL. :41; . vul-OI -vwwy. u Iurnny. uuuu D|lIl'u' ed with Ihhloolly oi rand null. I [nit ollhol Ind two ilufrom Wm. Nlllll, A Y3.-mI.l.....\ TL. --Hula. Aouvlnavgquu 'u_ A [Inf- Ihii hk lm` In Anylnn. |IXIl-ljjIWO IUIFIFUAM "Ill. ulub. 0! Uughbom. The article: he-n Laban Oh... AL. III...` II...- nee: uvi vunnvu-cu Iu uuulucbu llnu hie bends no lull et the (mend thet he could not visit the Kingston team. But whet are the feote `P The villtorl were in town ton houre. Could not one of Mty men epero ve minutes to cell upon them 2 While the club were waiting eo long eg e hotel in the evhiiig ve of the Broivillo teem were eeing the bell About the ground to kill time. How ` very busy! The truth in the town club mule no ernnaomeute whetever. for the oourteeiee to visitors or {or the cerrving out of tho mane. The money methyl pert. howevor. was nttenilod to with meet CAN. The lhervler oolnplelle that the Kit}- eton leyorsalul not courtoounly accept the epologme of the Brookville club members. The letter have Q1651` on leak of cendonr to bleme for this. The Kinpton pleym lied inionnetion in N11 vnnoe thet three at the Metropolitanv. 3! Ottewe. the ohempioue ol the day be- fore. wereto play for Brockville. one of um intending players gave the state- monte. When the Kiugetouienn protest- ed their opponents did not come out like men end ee_v eqeh I thing was not intended. but blnod hv taking the visi- tors. who were utterlv strengere to tho letropolitene. to point them out. Dur- ing the gems one of the Ottawa pleyere deelend thee ve ol` the teem Vote to heve played end three were nelly ` Ieken. A were player 6... eleo eeeu ehont the eld with unitonn end eroeee. hevinu evidently been celled oi! the teem et the eleventh hour. Alter per- eietent neglej rlng the tie}. end peel: Ihuming end [read It night. no wonder the Kingeton elnb eooepted oxplenetlone mm reeervo. There were too meny rc- nindere oi the dieoourteev during the by to give mom for unbh exculo. The Raorlarhee been unlertueete in ite eon- hedhtion. It would heve be: wiser -..e A. l--:e4 m_._..s__ -ujuua II wuuu lll noun lnviu linunion. an-on Povloy. L aloud chug- vl -ihh Ila-In-u-up 4-l g-nah! .3." .` -du UIILIJ nuullv IKIU "I 9'`. IIIUIXVINU club. who simply otpprovod 0| tho hf- rnmzeluout made. and pnowisod t) call lot the club In 7 o'clock and #0 UN!!!) `to the ground. so that the match could be called at 8 o'clock sharp and the club return by the ctr. Maud M. 9:30 ocleclx. Yet they had to wait at the hotel door {or an hour and I quartet. and it wu_ through the iniercesaion of one ol thelr Kingston lriends upon the ground that they were sent for At nil. It was the minutes to 9 o'clock before the game In: uumd. us the Brockvillee had not Iocnred hmpirea. set the goals. or pro- cured the balls. though they know the Inxlety ol the vleitors regnrtllng their roturn. Few clubs, we lune}. would ' have remained and played under such l circumstances: u It won. the whole Kingston petty we: kept hull an hour in I consequence of` Brockville's neglect. The [fwonlrr say: every member 01 the [3 Sum not ongrolned in business had -1 Id. I....4I. ..- l..Il -n Al... ._..._I -5-; 1.- uu -uuuuy. yo-n ' uuuxu uy nvuglupp and then nought -OD!) Of` the Bmokvilloi -l..I. ..I... ........v.. .......-,......| -0 .1... -1. l vlnlu u_y uuv vv -uh III dovribing the Hunt! 0! the (`binom- . omtion wa inched ligby `upon the dia- . onlrwsv shown the Kingston Lacrosse , Club. but as tho [fa-unlcr bu oonylad out reports with others, and given 5 ' boltrndiclion to "the Kingston papers." i is our duty to mate the facts, without > Intern) QTI; ingstpn team an-jvenl only inho fig. mdnd to melt Io! ` quu-tern Hang time befbre any wars ` secured. A member of the Brockvilie club was upon the Ivhnrl, and when an peulod to in regard to tho promised ur- mnuenioutr. walked oil`. nnyiuu that some one would attend to the matter. No one came. however. The captain of tho visiting wun.hunt.od up lodgings mm H..... ..m...o.o'...... ..p'n... n.....|...:n. TIIBII ugmlv Mum. I -y.vv---u an-vnur, un uuvuuu-y, vv-an it goo: out of its Qviy to cry down the ; gm Battalion. in 3 rivalry between To: room and Kingston. in which Bzockville In not uH9_d A`; an. ion; ipm question. This. we agpgicdii ilficmrnfor tho complimentary viii; otwtho Nth ms. to Brockvile laljt year. ("pan the sumo dny bow Bbolmlre papers copy with . utiufnchon kind worth; said of Brock- I villa by the Wlxo. ` In .......4Lz-.. Al... .4.....:.. .1 Ah. .1......,... Mlh tlen'Vvu "A1168 vil be- tween Bmekville and lhnantou lo; the . Oddhllom` Dellonltnlon, sfbr the question wueeuled Kinguton `threw hding same and helped in niute; town nehurioeerryvut-rhrrt-vanu o! we week. Not only aid Kingnion send Ill Qxeuniqn. but also one ofih belt bends end en eneunpmqn ant curried the honour: of the dny.` Then when Brak- vlo winced lac:-one npd bui bql male : to ll up the progrunine with, -xngmn clnbe moepv.ed`sho tnvmuan ghcelully. l:lot_ gineeflilly thin spirit bu been teeialocttod it than in who Broekiie utrdar, of Sunday, `when it ......- -..'A -5 IA- 1.4.. A- __.. .`I,._.. n... .4 1 I 1 a C uvvl Ullhlcywculotnury. `reroute I In an r Icon, 61 Block Stmet. nu. 1 Wm One of the Paper: llld lu PIA)`- on Call Courtcay-_-Better Let " sleephzhou me.` ` BROCK\'...l:E 8 STYLE. no the Wm Nporbt mlothn duo` in IU`ll'|l- wunv ll` IIIU 3 I1! III` omuln wushohuk ol Oboerowd. omhdnguhuuwduhat nup- tlouu lunbot kid that the mud nbowod mulluudoout diuppnvll I5 Ibruuohaclliiuphh. Anti-r tau-LI-u.whno-n-one hint hlunpou cl Owl hi vol wihlau. Inaondodnndlnnnn ullnplthtuilollilhh hunulpucho. _L:-1.n..__ uyuunb IIUIVX I3 VII? WEI! nub: sud olpponorr and I roporur, win ugly ap may bmpwndy. A gonllonin. hold In tho hlghul man In hrc. ulwhownontho pliuonn. on Ida; mph: to Io -by. all that Ibo Iqun woo: anon don. caption. He will nah Iihndl hon nqllnd. Vhllohodld uthnuuw - .. .. h. -.. .4 n.- L..|. .1 n.- ......I II-I-I uuulu wylv lj IIIII were inuudd It Blake. 4-... 11.4.44 .LL.n...l n_- __.. an-`t.w'u. Ila-u rln-phh-hA-n In Uonnsy Manor. Kinulton. Jlly mu. `.*\Vhllo giving this letter yo rou- nd. the orroccncu of lhoWlI'I report. Anor Utpt. Guido`: roloronoo to It. Blah- .u._. -.- -....L..L .._..... 4- vmu sne pnnon lea ox uruo Unngennn. Captain (lasfin ntucltod the Hon. E. lilnke {or llll unjust Ipeoch manual the Orsngn um. clearly showing that n in- 3 bill for the llomnn Catholic vote. bad he tallied Ouulorvnivo members for lny .3: lie It'll. not in ulna sh HM cabin: debate on the Bill. although they owed their prnsent high position: to Unngemen and Oruzgo in- llIlonoo.--Ywr ohodienl an-nut. Ron. Mow-ruonn, lhumntu Mani`! sun ursnao mcorponuon mu. I dony most emphatically hal Cap- tain Uukvn was either hissed or ordered down. und 1 am supported in an`: unet- tion by novoml prominent gentlemen whom I have consulted on the Iubjeot. nun who were present and hoard Uapuin Oukufa Ipoech. wnicl.. by the WI)`, wu out-holy non-political and comment with the princl lea of uruonnn ennn. Cnntain (ha in nthmlml um inn. E. nnuou on me um duty. wmcn appeared in Saturday's Wine, 15 jg noted Nut Captain uulun "wuhiuod and ordcnd down," when he made reference to Hon. E. Blake : famous speech on tbn Orsnno Incorpontion Bill. Idonv maul amnhmlinnllv ultim. July It luv nuuuy, .1: upon u Iuy. Dun b'1n,-lu the report. of the oulo but-ion ol the lh Juby. which nppuurud Sntunlnfs Winn. II in unmd uni 'lIu Euldlor. In-am` Inuy. [\u.p. Ll... I.. 1|... _.....`.. UIIILIIJD, IUK IUU ylifllli. I}I!lIlJf'y WON; James iecnul. dnil Clancy third. The latter vlns not In condition. Tho oonunittao of Armdgomeut was co nod nl Messrs. W. Power. (chair mun : James liernnuglmn xnocretmy); T. Ronnn. Dr. Phelau. Dr. Mickey, John A. IcMnhoO. John 0'HIion. 1*. Daley. W. Preumll, F. Oiodari. John Cunningham, H. Power. W. Byrue, U. H. Bisnuuuul.tu. M. |~l. Flauiqnu and R. O'Connor. What It. Iunlgouory Ian M u-'l'h0 I 'I1lg'IIOOII|_,MIoru`I. Ijll WU IUI LIJU y: A private raco w'u.a gotten up on the grumls betw ecu Clancy. Delaney and James, {or 100' yards. Delaney won; Jam`. I-nnA'nnl dn;I mnnnt IL;-.3 1'8.- A-Iluupnuu uuu ywrluluglluw. Silky`! omhitrn and "B" Battery bud Iuppliqj the mpg"; [or the day. private notten un ...- ,,.......u.. Valuable prices here given by Aids. Thompson and Betmingham. Quint`. novlkixinn nail hi" l1-u.-.... -n. v. n. Auvunuuvu aupcllulrcuucu the sports. . Ajad named IL McAuley tainted on the grounds. \:'nInuaLIn _._.'....- A-.. ......__ L_ AI.I.. av. uerunngnam, nlucarow and Mcmeu. Tea table--1-`res department: Misses Swan. Tucker, Corrigan. Quinn. jiggle- tou. M. Mnclmy. S. Moran. Secoulda< as: Mrs. Mogahon. Mills M4.-~ crmou, Misdas He ought Bhuigan and Davis. Third department: Misses Lvnch. (Jnrberr. A. .\I9.Cd0uI1M and McNeil, Mn. ud. |.:uu.,.u,. L. numu. Mel. u Qgqnna. _ No. , co ream-.`\f1ss |HhpE$II&Il|l@t Ollnyn ' Ch|htn\Vnu0II.RoyIl0uuIhI.Oe. Oil Suva Aluulf w-um. Chioqo vnnnun ur nu-. uuu.r.n. Tho 0!INl9ndiI fund buhml ycsbcr` day. ; I`_b_oy we re rc-pusgu_Q:|_:u' fqlluws : N" I m....I:n. no. _\I;....... I.` n......:.\ ._ , . , ._.._.., _... nu ..-,-.-ag..!_.:-.._.u ufluuvvz. No. l, candies. ot.c.-.\1isacs. H. Humi- uun. C. Smith. Mchouuhl. R. Bur ,nmnln.m. hLllan1'n. N ll Jggutllllll. ' co'ciedm-5sses Nob1c.l\el- ly. Bermingham, Macarow and McNeil. ` Tan tabla---1-`Iran. Llnnnrt.mnnt.' Mismnn E Il.lI' IIIIIU Haws. we. Throwing Folgor Ema`. plilsxu AIIIUU Ill UIIU luvlu llull llliyw V with the Royals, 'n,pd the cougbilibn} that formed with obactad to. i ; Plwnjllk ol-' ru-ours. ' Boytfraco-1" A._ Grant. book. Spqelul boys M. uullnuher. 600 :J. O'Neil. 25c. . Boys nae. nndu S0-A. Grant. 01 ; I .lMcKernnn, 50c. lace 10;` s at n i Christian Brothel-is p?ol--: (nll:glner. book. Hop step iudjutny -M. Delaney. 500: J. I`urt.ello. 25. `xx, Running long j6mp-M. Delaney. 50; J. Purmue. 35. . 1 ~ `Hui! mils nco--M. Kolher. 81 : M. Hanna [.1 )1- d: S1 wu vnuu In so unu u mmuwa respec- tivoly. ,Somqgo'od pyhg was laid 5y )1" la. Campion. Hooncy, Walker nd D. file no tbehnmoof this Bonn. and by Messrs. Lindsy. Green, Bisouettc. Callaghan and `James for the Kingston blub. Three of the Maple Leafs playbd with {Jun Rnvnln 'nn;l Hun Av-.|.in1n}Inn' U sPl`A|N GASKINS SPEECH. . vvuvuiwuu nun-II IIIII D U 0133: The nrst guine has won by tho: cllh) enhmd an the Royall in two minuteu. ma the second sud third by the Kingp- ton club in 48 and 30 minutes respec- Iiilh, ` Qnxnnhnivl ....L... nu... Jnn`.-' `- .` The Home oi Providence , pic-nic, bold yous:-day It Bataan Urovo. WI! 3 ' uooudnloldl-.-r woo! " lbdodwll nll conned ti enjg thall- Dives. AI ftervn durlu We IIUP ' noon $50 iky bocauio dukonesl`. uzdthe ` nin cuno down in torrents. sonkiug th oxcuruoninla throu.;h n _n}l through. The lndin who onmE:'with ntuched dresses returned with saddened main. `ml: ucuouu lncq. '` The centnl muicuou` was we 15- . crane much of the Hlnton Club t Against the Portamouth Rqynls, win- lorogd bx phyem {mu the :a ..'u.1,e..r.. ( The much took place shortly nlter 2 . .0'l but qwinu to the gum it way not 1` condludnd nut! after 6 owodtu` 3': 9 'n... 1...; ......... _._- _. _ L`. AL-` 4.1 _ l ' Vorylnooudbl Ina. V nu nouns olAIhlolk named. Aliim tom; was Heme Yuswlgunnx. lacrosse hall--ll. Walk,-r. `. prize. nu null uvnlnnn n 1:. Monhon superiuteuded nrruomtlt, l County Mater. L 1. u Conn and to .u`:W!`u'v.`x-.s......:'."...:...'l tn-Ptbcl-laud. QQXIIEIB Till 3 UIWIEI II`!- Afij ` Illhcuh I lsintolouolnb lulu mn B|t%m `Run Iouudns out. India Dung Mon. _ D.____.| I:.._L n._ IIJU |nu..IU|I]-utuuvil lulu Hf I1 buildings pnvions to creating homu. M the city will not ooul-mot pldowclh or until to oonlo;-m to tho nriou levels 0! bolus! laid buildings; Ihll boulevard: be built in a tailor: no- mad; that block plus he pnpnnd ol an dnqu. _ at sM_pcujutd..U pcrticulan 0` the cl" All NOB (unl- tiononho otnou: that tho undo! ol tho Pcanou-nu-out drain to ooouuun I.odupnut.uIqg!6t0IlXI. thon- tendon to he onb-baud. Ivuu uuunuuu uuu IV-uwp I lav vvuluuvu ed to the width 0H0 toes. and sbownlor hbIoa!ormeu_ont.nido of bridges; that tho pmportrholdou obtain but let L_lI.I1-.... .._..z..... A. ......a:__ |.-._._. Tho (allowing stagnation: of the oily engineer were sdopood by the council: That 1 horn ind wnggon be engngod to do rennin on the ntroouaeqnimd by raport: from the police dcpnrtmont: Nut tho oonvoynnco take` up All old wslkn. and that these be pinned in 5 ynrd and mod sgnin (or repair: : that In tho uubnrba the roadway: be oomltuob AJ In Ah; -hIl|u aull Innl --ul IL- 1.5-- lBBP1IB'fBB'fIll% 7 I some time ego :1 number of men were ongsgod to quarry stone in Fronteusu ward for she crusher. -They were paid st. s certain rate per dsy. Leter on Aid. Thompson smelled a job." end msde enquiries in regerul to the cost of tyuryiug. The engineer ngurodit up and lound Hist 13.35 per Iolso wen mm for the work. ml: which price broken stone could be supplied to the city. The qnerrying was immedistaly stop- ped. The engineer thinks stone on be quurieui {or 01.25 or 01.50 per toise. This sunounoement. ceased surprise st the council meeting. and the streets` oommitmee (minus the clislrmen. who was shsenl.) dccisred they knew noth- ing shout. the work. They bed given no orders shout it. Some 018'.) mu been spent. below the job was discovered. Alli. .\icK:.-ivev thought the quuryiml elioulul hsve been couirected for end the council named to the rou:er|i. No more querryin by tho dey will be in order. Annnosun nun-nu .nn..-.-..u.. 1 Mr. Cnthro, of London. who wins to build the uphill. walk on King street. _in llready in default. His oontroot should have been nished to-doy. The city Iolioitor was ordemd to notily Mr. Oathro that the terms of tlnej-contact would he inainted npon. Mr. Cothro we: in the city and .hoi:I to In the utpbnlt on the gun, but this we: ob- jected to;u Ald. Thompson remukod. "Mr. Cnthro dnl not nd the people down bore u verdant u the nod: he intended In) iug the Maphnlt upon." The man with the red tie odvooeted I cedar block pavement instead of III II- phalt one. It could be bmlt uoheuply. nrlu-rluu nu-r A Inn A run: or W. l AA` AIIUHINIHIAII BWITVUIII The Aldermen are objecting to the double truck on Princess and King Sta. Some demanded the removal of the switch though the chute: allows it. The Odessa. stage men is seeking; damages and when he went so msusger Wilson he was told thsi the city was liable for damages. Mayor Mo(}un- mom was visited and lioststod who were the really responsible parties. The Mnyor plainly expressed his opinion of theuction of Mr. Wilson. who.ss In Alderman. had taken out: to deleud the city's rights. "He can't serve two masters." suggested Aid. Moauire and AM. Smyche remarked that Aid. Wil- sou. no doubt, considered the company uotlieble because the road vusin s proper ease of repair. 1 -Ann-Au-r unsiu nun: u nu ')XIlUC TIE h0'0( '30.]. AIHIMQA nap: and -an Ihon .ll3 BROOK STIIEEI. can ; '.To....' In-.7 $7.... Iln uni Hhlluli nnjzmn. r uuuuunr I -I -unulu. Ahl. Bonuinghnm had 5 motion touch- . ing the ushing of timing. but he did not press it. The Board of` Henlth will report at. one ou|tho mutter. some aldermeu thought. the min: which: loll . during the put few days `wqro nulolont` for Ill purposes. The drain: were no nrregulnr that proper ushing. in their opinion, could not be dona. uv -gun aw oulquuu buts plpuni. For lllndnauou granted tho Teloplnono Company it will give: the city the mo of telephone has. The city; oioidnrwun I It loontli in the (My Hnll oorudor no tint All can have access to it. mucusunu nu unvannuu av-uw. Ibo Mayor will call 3 meeting of tho rltopoyers to consider the debenture by-luv. This meeting my be held next week. The by-luv must pm. If it ' don't next. year the tugs will go up three nulls. By pulling V the by-luv an increase 0! only one mill will be requir- ed. This -in the true pouitlon of Anira. -1 Ilanvnn nu..- nu .nu. j llal'IlOl'I'I Add PDOOQIOH. HD1137` III OVIIIOII. (I, W. (`Ailing Tinlnn. 1:11,. -av-uunuuuu vuu uuunuuw -1: u The num crochet bu not u-rind, but Ald. Houlvoy u-illod die smor- meu Inst night by telling them that it was on ' way. The to nin upon which pouona hill onublioh a public bath in this city will be liked lot through the papers. ` Ii .-.o I.I..4I........ .......o...| ah- 1v..|-..1...... Tho council `hue decided to min the I toll: imposed. on the iulnndcn to So not ` bukot. The chairman 6! the market committee will unngn the dohih. I Thu -Onnln nhnnhnn D..- ....o ---I-cl A Variety 08 Inner: Which Eunsd the Atunlmn I the Ijlkipal .1-`uteri lat Ilxiu.` `cm can` cunt. x Inga `. A ......-W.-.'..':.-'.u:.-.3-....."'..-.:1'.'*:* mam ntf'nAn con. .rnmcxss_a.wnx4.unnm.n1I Andi II. * \JKJ-.LV JJKJJ-V`-S` llvmc ucunn AHII1` cum cu-an unowouuuouroo y-ql lho|n`:munuuIIuIIo;ucAhum;hvu&dInhn n....nT...._ inn` 1.: -u...._ if n;._u`.. :u:u nu. lupuml. Ilhlnodlhognnnhupqnhbuochog Pclolvuryo .--._.1-.go- . .-.;:_4.___ ___ _.__ `nuns: aluvns. July It 11-nan. -nal 15.}. Anusfnoxa, [JUST RECEIVED :.-:|A.-j: .-- -uvu-- "sun. um IIIIES. IVHIV II ll. j -vy- : ---`wwwv-.-.--' -v--j-v---n-nu :;?|t7I'<:1-urn. um mm um um. mm noon comll .-_.n...n_.; ..;n_..n..u... n-u.Ao...an.m- An..n..n.o1.nnd [CLARK & M 1 NNES JUL: ANNOUNCEMENT 1 [EVERYBODY PLBASHD WITH THE BARGAINS I (;`()USJ N EA U 8: (:0, In Order to make room nor our Lu-go mm importa- tiou. which are now commencing to arrival. we will all All Silks. Sotinn. Dun Goods. Prints. `rwoodn, Hosiery and Gloves. Luce Curtsinl. Home Furnish- ings, Noveltieu and Notions. not at cont. not lost than cost. but mm 3 until mu-gin on the coat. Liicottons, Shootings. Tickingn, dcc.. at Wholesale Prices. On ex- amination we the! satised that conmmou will plo- nounce our value` the out. and prices lower than any Home in the trade. Don't forgot tilt plnoo. - -TllB POWLAI AND uoonmm IN!!--- F. X. COUSINEAU S A sum cum sue .1 HAS COLILIENCED- NEELON S` WHITE BOSE! w July I1. BARGAINS 1 Indian lull Muslin Spat lnslinx, White Lawns, White Bonk lnslins ALL SUMMER. G0()I)S I t3'Come and see them and you will be pleased also. SILK GLOVES. ' THREAD GLOVES, COTTON GLOVES, HOlERY, - THE BARGAlN.\` N0\\ I%ElN1HwFEl{El) Will llold coll For Two Huh I July 11. 1A(iE3(315"`1{EASSN Rooood To-dny soo Dawns Funny Houiery. Lsdior Fancy hamlet: Hon. 1%. Hon`: Hnvy Knit H9In`Ieu Sooh. lie. Children`: Fuwyfloqn. 50. Job Lube Lulied Cqlorod ou,.npdn!or aoo.. nuns CHEAPSIDE, - F - - I..I_ IE B.()AW ' IS & B [1 S()NE'.l`TE Luulawonsndudon `rook JI|I|Ill~C|I[lCIOVII'D.! uV| Black and Colored Jersey: from II. up. Ladies` In-no COO.- Inrre lull COIIOI laden-we-ur 95. IO:-. (Or. 601-. 00. 13:. `L00. QIJS. ll:-n`o Conan llnle-r~ . Will` Iron 35!`. 500'. 75`. 9.1`. 9-30. M/TALSi}3I'}F&;"fSj`i`jiACY, O0 Pnncou Inna ) DURlN\G\"l"HEIR JULY SALE All Canadian Tweedsetfiec-iTuced Prices. The Cheapest Hosiery Ever Offered by us. WHY SUCH A LARGE LOT OF DRESS GOODS _were disposed olast. week is on account of the Great Reduction now being made to close Qut. all Summer Stock. `AI%`I!_.;._ PRINTS A : GINGHAMS --%JL'r REDUCEDPRI(3l:B-- . `J :\---\y:-cg. V .___4g..-_ 3u=94s:I'=i_<>_1:TGJ'a ...J,.0N LMI>LA.\..V.,s$i_._S[l$L. V V July 15. u..III|hI3h~ {mi unt hi`! "3 '3' I3`- use-chap Ooruf sale an rung weak ! Jq _ MUST _G-_O : ' ---,,YOU CAN BUY-'- 14 nmuxciss s'1?ixiii_ ' ' ` I Il PIIINIYIIUI QTBI-EH1. All Reduced I All Reduced I _ _ .---u-v\.u.- - 'mA|l Reduced I All Reduced. St. Oppouu Windsor Bold. Mi SALE !] J-l4 L\/ `I. I0! SIIPIIIII TI II! II `I'll: IAIIBT, July I. ms nu nun-nuns-wh- j QiLnn Nu IIUUILI Tl.) IIIUW GOODI IIY mnv &. mar -v-vquug - -- - ILIII VELVET I`l.0lIIl. ' 1 -UIIIl- xii` Oubvc dun: IIIXLMIADII DI00l`l'0II.IIn Ih Int -I31: 14- TIM TXFC ' w nu n-mu. niuu uu-'.=.:'-an cu. " M "'-`"' w 5 Pull nnua nut.-nun mun July I ..vIIIlIuo. 6 . - -a.u- chlltulafuhrv loIohc!i.I`_I ..;n..,,., ,__u.,. n__.._ In... A.. u- --'3PEl}IAL'l`Il8- Q (`out n`! tI`OV' .;H*U00~" L amtnr mrmn Mlm u|:nE.a.iIui-v- w "r I-nruuu-an.-up Itch I-aids - ' Vanni lam neon Inc . want In Juan! In-cy luultu Kan. III. VH1` SUPERB SONGS nu: L Alf` nn 1-: 2. cioo 'PAIB ` Women : In Giildlnnfs Hose, (catmcaur Linn.) It-n| lnun|Inl'sIey_ Ila-hills. gr l.I.\lIIIlH IN now mun: I10 I`r|nr1.-n IINPI. my IQ! Uh`, PLUNDER II-I Pnncou FIIOOI. . uh mounts at 6 Vacuum noel r_ noun! nouogtno - uni th)'r_wI I_tu. ov- ruu an -rountii: i ii If &&I ` ununuvgtu 00 none or torcu all ONLY '78 OTC. .____--._ .4; _..._g -....... __ __. uo:vjy Bhutan Inn. -v--u--u-u--. as spin In- 3|7,l_'&iUI.'"Q`IoOhy .".'.2"us."""...... -' '.`.`.:}.'.:'2`.:T ' Anhgnuuo. ` .. 0 -In. _zlI| *who|aIn8d De.-I. lesson. of; Egh-...a:_ ._u_..n__. n,-;_ I n . nlwilabidll dork ooupuiu. It in 3747 nllldalo wort. ooiploh in its hlotualiou upon the subject dealt with. old it It nqnolhlly lnncribod to Hon. A. S. Rudy. We ptovllohl country. him. uodonlu. pt I with clnulouou. 9 T: O `l'Iolo|luw|qhIhnul0oltho* quonnuolauloulny: Ila-A J__`n n.aa. an I n-n Pun mun} rm _r._j_ cu-rnq I Iovclver. Juno: Hobo. I romcking Irish-App lieu. yahtdny mud in n dioordorly aunt vhilo drunk. and ourished I mum. This hon:-.1. II the court. he was and Ilindoub. lluhrbd Iononnl on diva cull. lakes my poled to the Alnotioun Colmal. but thus goiu. on Inning the nun ol the ol- taco. condoned an 1.. ma amped my ouily. oorpllnlntuy hounlon. (In Thundny the friend: of John ()`m-ion. the enlhuniutic holpor of churches and Iociotiu. Q to tqudot hiuu oqhphmonhry unkuion. tona- ooupunytlm In hr 3: Broehillo ohin WA] to Inland. The "010 bu been cngupd. and n pnunution will be made Mr! dinner gina on board. La- diol will I . In John in n lavoriu _:n. oL.... .. A __ _lAL .L_ ... ,- .. .-uuu -u . uuuun Ivvu uu uuunl. L Damn with umn-no an In with the "boys." _L.__ I415 owning. at the ngulu moetiq olst. Goons`: lsoddy. on motion at Bro. Leila looondud by Hm `hylor. a motion 0! shout ioant II the death of the Inn Hm Levin Iaiebou nu pound. coupled with I bdnfoll uproo- uou o! condolence with the bereaved family. including an il does the worthy ucnhry ol the Ioolety. Allnd LoRich~ ...- .-_.. -,...... .... 'l'Iojy`vp-nnobni inupeotot oxunlnod the Ileunq St... L;Iuuoo nt. Clayton yaurday nnd pronounced hot snicke- Oay in all polntl. She VII ccrtied BI cnpnblo of cu-rynnp 015 pupsonuh. The` hriilllnin now being put thou-d and the Input: will begin her trip this weak. worxnngoun. mu Ammo-. Thootbor day the gunman! honqht I dredge. hvo mud wows. a lung and 5 than yacht at Buido. and to Duke mutton Irons onterpd them free ol duty. That does the gdammeul pm {eel hml ildulrlol Ild illnstnto the l....o... '.rn._ _-..'.--u __|:.3 --V. use uunuluul 0| um ucnwu Unit Railway whence lbon nhiplnouu. I I h 21:`; Trylx In Slonl O :10!-no. " Luz night: thief got into Mrs. To- lAnd's sublo. It the dapot. and ms nu- tyiu In-r hone when. nlarmoul, IUD rluheclont and unoonntcrual the thief. lie lriguI.eno{ has sen-ribly. but he left the horns. llvuiu In] life down u! tuck- L-Sun; 1;: A?u. 8. J. Rltohio. cl A|uoo.'0lIio. the mm- C 0! very importnnt. mines buck of Trenton. in in the oigy. Ila iIonda_qy9r- in; to mouth tog to ply about `Whilst : nnv lm Qnrluinnn -0 05.- rV.._A..I l\_A-_:.. nag Iv uwlqn III)` II ply Ill)!" WQIIOTI B". the terminus of the Court! Ootuio D.:l_.- _|.-_-- AL--_- _L,-__,, . wn.L'.'ntiir'ih'Iiii"s'nnns N--an-u-o,.IvoIo-I-, _. `_` Tbonow bollerwhich the NcEwnnu have built for tho Metrywullncr steam- er was tested yesterday wmrt pnunrq of It!) lbs. of udlln. ll GUI 0750. and no such work could be dons outside ol the city at Inch 1 gure. V Ylly horov _I Q `wguklipg in H-unilh. u-hon boin Happy Iill Coupon 9! sh Salvation Ami} . Ind Capt. Eliu Crosby. formorlv 5 liulunult of tho Mb Cnnulunu corps. uwvwi IIC` nwmn. .rnn.:.a. .::..1.uy ` under. *..w-.:f.,,-.;.;.-'*..:-..% =.,,. `Iz:.t:....:.'~.; '.;;.... 3...: m ` Loo... aka. on Wodnudny, A in nuuu-nu-abound "'.l'=wl0I|lI. lat Wndnudny. Au. dllclaahulaodtr r Inn .. wool and .ntIu' u .UndI. Maj`: l&houo: ma amen bhbo nuhbncl policy . YB1Iy.thgro, 11..-.u`Ih- sh. A....A.. I -"mu. d '.. ` I w van ion. In. ,. 9; .'!.-L-.,! puluuuuu 5002!. trlunlunu. Idunahu-louibluabuln FIDO 1008: II I $..".:.'J'...u"` "' dunno my hut LOWIII 'I'lIAlI B73!` H ......-`N-'3.`-;`;-'-.. -glltnvdih so ' In nnuJIoTirou` IOIIDAY. I '$ Ins.-um. &a.I emu}. auto ho. . V - w. ruin IL. um I. ruuu-L ~ swam. Nonggg Th Vuou Appuovod Q1. Aldllbdhndolonu. my AND vwuurv. > `rho long vhodu lhlma In hulcudlnllollblontlouhul Fcialnaoonunvbpunlh Kuhhninud-tunes II-vial-nupuuuu. muuwm bulalhuhqlycunndtdlpcycu tuba-ahlulollbo handout- pdnn. fhouuuilcunnllhob @holoqI'Iy.&IQInIihOUo and lhhhiupdljl hvshoquontodlhonhooh. PARIS GREEN I '1u-I l-vvIIj11 CCl"X lIIiuI.udbcuHonhod:llliul|o- nuhcliluuu. 'l'lnwu|IdlIpu- IIIIIIIII: "Ahpnuhuuhwlb Inuul uudrlllorltlohu Iblodnla ndmhlhlmwopwuuudb 'unInorI-homuunovuouu-uul --1| II-nun A. AA. lI.X_J so IIDIIUI uuuuulllnuu In Inocu -IUD! ulnar. lonloltho ucmith aid. wuunonlaonoloononlhlyomnt ulna." Tbordconutonrulhry Iunhcnouuu. Fcwdlhooauny not Inn has In any Illluv oc- ninnnn -uul ha-II-n AL. Ll I. -IA. out uuuyvluu wuplulu. Alloy all wmodinodonnnuqhanryadlm ublounnu. 1'boKhpIcnnu.hu- ovar.ludoIulv|nIqnntbooooIut Tbovvonfmnn nlllluy towuull undorunoonnudoluoklnllhuy ad... Inn A um ..... n I- ..u `l'|uWAhrton1Y tho onnlnp-uh II at lluahvillo. Inyu: "Imam: nuolutuuulug um oontulwiuanan not than: at u onlnnnna uunnnnlnn `I'D..- Jul IV!!! D \J'.Ic Then in you nod of 3 mm min ooutnl lurouo nuoolltlon. It in be- ooning an almost dniuacmhn lot club: to borrow pluyon. Boot-club should bonlodontolnlj hnnpnuwihldr dcnllna 5-stunts"-" Inch bonovlu h dlshononblo. mostly to tho pupa giv- ingllniruniooqulhnpuu prolom . nioul puyiunl. . on-vv --u .u\1.rv-vlu Iozo bcrgninn. Boy`: summer unit: at 76c. woh $1.50. Boy`: In wood sum :0 I115 worth 08.50. Ioruvood unit: from 05. Thus no part of: hukrupe nook. And we on selling them at bankrupt prfeu. F. X. Coaui- ` IOIII 6 Co. ~ - - n|L__,1- __._.__._.u .3 , _,._. ,__:__ St. George`: Society bu had to aban- don the propoeod rnilwny trip.u the Grand Trunk decline: to negotiate for September excnnione. A moonlfuhl excursion or n pm-nio at the Crystal Pnlnoo nre proposed. inn-- l....a.in. Rn.-'. .nm....- ...:e. The money ulverlined u lost ha: been rimmed by Mn. Lyons. Walla Inland. who put herself in communica- tion with than lour u noon :1 she learn- ocl of hi: uldnn through the Wnm. nn .n-. .1. VIIII IIIC UIIJ III C IUW Ill. The Onweuo Encampment did the law- ut. movement: of may of the cor at Bx-ookvillo--lg one-third as m y u an Kinguon mo. -10 land so repeat again and tgnin to MI in time. TAKE `i*}(~)'i'f_1ii: H 7700 New Boolandoo Stan,