A Farmer sorlouly lqjnrod - A Valuable llnran III :I_A nnnun nl I".rlnknl. ALAIAIA AWAID. ' W.-1.s.sr1on. Jury l'I.--Tin court of Malnznn claims ll corup|uuuu.ju-lg- monk. numbering between 2.!!!) and mm. the :31 at an lIII'I.7 in- nluinkv iuinmiff balm: .'}.7m.{`- Ilnngjuuluonwnm ' uiudin iuiereifi Being C`}.'KX7.fHl Wulziugtaou. July l0.-;l'b treuury wlopucuuouaul-oon$nlu:m.Lshu+uLn. P" ltlzmuuppoud to but l_:edtuoIlect.- and in the chains ,in(ocod_ diulriosn of Europe. urns being imported to ma Uni- ted saw: through Cumlian porn. --w-.---- .-_....---... Ihuuenu. July I6.~-Dill. um n.:.,..;. undidnl. haw been locked for hlunkoh by ncolunnlion. n......n. Jnlv 17.-The [anon oc unr- New York. July l'l.-Tho Irish Ame- ncuv lhpublicnn committoo_ yesterday adopted an uldrou. urging Inahmen to vote for Bltino on the ground .thnt. tho Repubcnn party ha been more din- poud to fnvour the Irish in 3:9 matter of public omcen tlnn the omocntlc plrty. Qunnuni I` IQAII Iunv Alu~lnIr\|'l* St. John. N.B.. July l7.--The New Brunswick cotton mllla. owned by John Pun, and doing business nnder the nuns of Willinm Parka & Son. hue nus- gndod wox-k. Pu-kn nds it nocoouu-y Mk his creditors {or an oxtoulion of time. His llnbilitio are plnood at 03325.- (Il). more than hull of winch in nocnred. The um: no eatinntod as 0400.000. About 8(1) men have been employed. It in oxpectod um work will be resumed In I week or two. Toronto. July N.-The builders` In- borel-s union has voted the striking printer: I311). and the pnintarf nnion A similar nmonnt. Both the Ululuv and Mail claim to be independent ol the union now; though the latter Ihows signs of being Ihort-hnndod. The Mail announces thnt It is getting nlong with non-nnion hnnda. and that henceforth thlt olco will not be controlled by unloniutl. London. July I0.-Au expreu tnin while dashing put Peniuono. nut Harnsleymt the nu ol thirty-vo mile: an hour. struck the rear car of I good: min. which Md not been properly abun- tedmompletoly wrecking the express. killing twenty And wounding lorsy 0! tbs pcnenuer! A dun: lwnng -~ Ilybcrgruhlloouu. Mon b In no: man arm, [IvInq__uout_IloI_In{I no n'l"ELEGRAPHlU u'n11ci-9. .__j_ b WEST FROM NAPANEE. DANOII IIAI LIll |lD; q.,..- nu,-..-_, Ilhsniux ton BLAINE 1 T rum-runs nrmuu on-:::. 0-0 KILLED IN A HILL. IUIIKOIA Kl-IaC'I ION. Tm-3 BRITISH AWHIG, TIIURSDAY r:vEW24i1nu,JuLY`17; . I Allllng Inn-u` J. 737 the hay` Uocru lung uonnionhtl how and 5 tube mg Ground udouuu nl. Aknhd III y. ` IAII. - - ~ lie. July 10. mo cououxor yenu. amnunaouuvu not not when Ilohonpo Sabin. Tho wink: about Idlvillo liq In: the Don Juan (album. IAIII or tn n'An, ucovnn. Q___A n_--_ )2-) I-.. I_A Inn; Emory with sauna nu. Iupporuu me though with gun nkillulnon uid un- inching radium ll accomplishing this great duty of relieving Gneloy. I would all instruction about Lockynrr an the ohu-thoid by her mate: d` - gun in noun! nupootq!roI:$I:u. m unity party an very III npn nice their rescue but won cities] in tho oxtnmo when bond ad (or nun! dun shot" 48 hours dcluy in Inching than woula have boon ms! to all now living. .'lf|iiI uuonnorth in lab and lilac coldullor Smith`: Soundvu animal than lhnln Sabina. Tin nuanlun lalfl nuaa-nu The channel betweeI_:,CIpe Sabine and Littletou laland did not oloae on aooount o! violent galea all winter. so thlt `M0 rations at the latter point could not bereached. All Greeley`: records and imtrumente hrouyht by him tram Fort Conger. are recovered and on board. From Hare I-land tot-Jmlth`e Sound I had a content and furious atrnmle with ioo in impaeeable oee. Solid barriers of ice were ovuoorne by watehlulnou and patience. No 0 r- tunltv to advenco a mile eeoa me and lot eeveral hundred miles the ships were forced to run: their wev lrom lead to lead through ice var in? in thickneu lrom 8 to 6 feet. and w en ralted niueh ter. The Thetie and Bear reached `ape York June 13th. alter a aaeege ol 21 days, in Mellville Ba witli thetwo advance nhipe of the undee whaling eet. and continued to Cape Sabine. Returning acven dar later we fell in with eeven other: 0 thin eet o Woe tenholme leland : end announced 0ree~ ley'e rescue to them. that they miit not be delayed from their nehinu ground nurbe tempted into the (longer: 0! . Smith's Sound in View 9! ___, - _..Anpnnn Dunn: u uvuuu nu vwvv `- nu nwuw or 03511!) ` oorod by Conneu. Returning menu. Mollnlln hay we tell in with Alorund Looknny 08 devil`: thumb. Itnuuling sh In heavy loo. Commando! Coll ` did minbly tu got doing no In with `I tho Tnnuport so only in the nounon bo- I (on no opening Lionl. ' Emory with uuBcu bu. Inpyoriod I Lhmnah with man ` nu-r. ur unus.nn.n.n (I -nuu..u Lieut. Sohley telenrepha the secre- tsry ol the navy 2 Greeley shsndoned Fort Conger Aug. ml. I888. end reach- ed Bnirgl Inlet Sept. `. .*Jth.{following with the entire isrty. He sbsndoned all his beets en wee ndrift thirty dsys in en ice flow in Smith`: Sauml. His per- msnent camp was established Oct. `list. 1888. st the point where he use found. During the nine months his petty hed to live upon I scsnt Iulowsnce 01 food brought from Fort Conger. thst csched st Psyer Hubour and C: Isabelle b Sir George Nuee in 1 5. but loun dsmsge by lepee of time: thst eeched by Beebe st Cspe Sabine in 1882. end s smsll amount sewed from the wreck of the Proteus In 1883 \end [ended by Lieuts. Gsrlington end Colwell on the beach where Greeley`: petty we: found camped. when these provisions were consumed the rty wns towed to live upon boiled skins. strips from their seelskin clothing. lichcns end shrimps, `preserved in good weether when they were strong enough to mete exertion. As 1.300 shrimps were required tollll e gellon rneunre the lsbour ves too ex- hausting to depend upon them to one-suns I luv Inrrlili V Wunlnington._ July l7.-The Th eliu. Bear and Lockunrry urrivo man. John lo-(lay lrom the want. of Greenland. all well. They nepuned {tom the Alert 150 mile: north during Ignlo. At. 9 pm. on Juno 22nd. ve mile: 01! Cnpo bl- bine. in Smillfn Sound, the Thotip and Beurrscuod. alive. Licutennnt Greeley. sergta. Huinnrd. I-`redericks, Lona. how pital nownrd Bride:-hwk. Brinks 01: t I r- noll sad so I. Ellison. 0 only uivnrn nl the Adv Franklin BIV BXDO- . Hadlng oItIn_ l!urvIvoors- Dlacrlptlon I | Thulr `for:-iblo Hutu-Inn. I IINDIII will In mound bssbo undama- ; dl Into R0030! TUB8 AV. `Nil I snow mo I.~,r39!L-7: W'_.Pl-. nell end I. Islneon. we only our] vivorn of the { Franklin Buy e pe- dition. Sergt. I-I lieon hnd lost both honda end for . by frost hitoe, end died on July 6th at (iodhnven. three days after the Am ntetion, which had he- oomeimpemti e. Seventeen ol the 25 persons oompouing the expedition per- ished by starvation at the point where the were found: one wu"drowned while sealing to procure food; 1:! ol the bodice of the deed were recovered end ore now on board the Thetiu Illd Beer. One Eskimo Tnrnaviok was buried nt Disco. in ooeorrdnnce with tho deeire oi therinnpeetor 0! western Oreenlnnd; 5 bodies. buried in the ice eta fort near the comp, were swept away to an by the winds and currents before the em- ul of lid. end eonld not be recovered. man sun. In; 100: um Rsluou. Ii , 1&1. Prints Whittle. J Nth. 1&4. Sc-gt. haul. II: V Ila. lt Lani. Klupbnn. Juno 1. Print. Hoary. Juno om. P1-huh Inhnnr. Jun nu. KIIVIK AIUIIIIUH UIIIIU nvunu Ao|iIAnIaBou\.Pn.2J Bljt. Gunilla. John I . Dmuntluhllnhukilu In--U Ur I-n v-nu, uuvuv-u-an . died Jul. 100. HIM. Bill. April Rh. lll. anus. I-bl. April Ooh. mu. Lint. Lockwood, April 00:. mu. lldjl. JCIIII, A I Nth. INC. Prlnh Ellis. Irv` 190:. ISO. g1_u.-:n'.I;v*- nxpnomos. COIIANDIII W. C. EOIILIY. I D'I|'I|I0llII'II|IIlw|u coon In-I Bunch! an In donut our u. %&-III' 5]]. can-.uu.& my 11. vmu-u-av ;-an mo; -an and radius l. -llo Innnnil. %|- 0001-!!!" ; El XII ID. Igul-o_nn-InnI 2 [t -_ :._.4.-..____ IONTIILI. PIOIOCI IAIIIT. Ioutrctl July 11. F1our-rooui 0.100 It :nhn none. The Will!!! Iholnni quan- Iionu-F1our. Iqauiuutn II 538805.40; `Olin 4.1!) to 1.95; ntiuulll LII to 0.8; ngclu 8.!) In KN: hhri A76 to .15;laol.(I)Iol.10: lbl; pound: 1.50 108.75; Out bp1. to I35; \y.hI 1.75 to 1.!) for mu; baht`: Orun-whon. rod wink: 1.15 to 1.1:; No. I thus. 1.1530 1.16. Dun C10 in C1 ; Pac-08 to On. Ooh 8 bill 00650. llyo10b'l1c. Ounult. I 4.00. Cannon l.Q to 10. Penda- Bnuunol-uunry. N 10 Pub 10M to 1I.N. but--l0h10|o. Dunn-1| to NO. Bnn|-1Ih 140. 0509- in I llama---1! to 1!. Innqvn!IuunolaVIIAn`l'&I! IIID. III!) llm. l Pill- l.' lll Mr. Dwight shksd below the Bribon Comlniauiou yutorduy that the tele- gnmu so much sought. that had been do~ - Itroyod in order that he might not be able to produce than. 'n... .n.o.... .0 c:. n....... 11..-4;... -ill I] III uuun In uuu In:-u vuuulu. The nonmont 0! what. out o! llll~ wnnlxomoonnigood to New \'o:k.nd the gsnonl nport truth in vary Inigo. but upoculntor: no without any bau- nou. ltiu aid the situation in tho tune st Chicago. \I- Ila-.6 an-AI..4l..I Li. -no-nmntinn -IIIU CI Mr. Nowat ounolndad his ptooantatiou 0! she one o! Ontanoin relation to tho Boundary qnootion to the Pnvy Council today. and was followed by Mr. Sooblo. alto in support ol the claim: 0! Onlaxio. The argument on holzall ol Manitoba will be oommanoo-l no-Inonoi. CU"-IKIUICXUII IXIUK Ilyh Some 2,000 bricklayer: will ptobnlnly an-iko on Ilondny to ouloroo the domuzd for nine bonus: I thy`: work. lazy other workmen will be showed by the strike. II._ I\_. .LA -A_A ,4 L_I.___ AL- I)_:L-_- llilfj I9IIun-unu unwary- uounuanmook. rowna non. Jul: mt. Anna-ob. --::--2 The statue OI 5|! U0l"0 Unmet notboplwod In ;o:iI.iou in Ounwn till the end of So umber. IQ will and in the centre of Humans nun. dinet- ly III front 0! the main bail ing. an ....... -..a -0 -b...o Anna! llil. l0Il'-|IJ- _ . . Go . Ootdnnh nparlolllo Inn to- nlsofi Inhololnnlol Klnnnnln u 'iu`In.boI1th April. 'lV_- L--4|.-A lluuu-anal Jnllnru north ` In the bnloeled election lot Levis. ell. Bl1uu..l|ao sitting member. 3941:: uiIniuod- bribery by mean and NI hil seat. u-:_._ n_.__-_:_ 1- _I.__A A- ..:-:A II-I wuv xuwvuy II ou-on, an. Woltlnont In bought by J. N. Hill. the Ihoutriosl mungat. utter hit gnu pacing victory II Chicago Tlmndny. the connidention being ONJXX). a___- n Ann L.;_I.|--.... _:|I .._.|_|.l- IIGIIIIIIIIIQ tilt III I wI-I uuuu. I Rn, {mm cholon-inhaled diauich uouidtobo in eoonool imputation through Cnnndinn and [hiked Shh: nnrll. King Romnuain in ubonuo visit Bol- gndo. This in ooundorod the prelude to I Soxvo-Ronmunu cllinoo uniuu Ruuin. . u | _ . n'u-u._ n h 1-- an... _-__;.. -0 .I\|IlIl.o _ John A. Blake NJ . to: the county 0! Wnkatoni. bu nnixnod hecnuso he in nnnbleto oontinnrto Iollow Puml|`I londcnhip. Andrew Carnegie. iron msnnhctnrot. Pmuburu. jun tron: Europe. can tho iron businun in I-England is in I wretch- ed condition. I II n_L--A_-.. -.A`gAJ.lA\ ;1DQ:ZLI XIIIIKJIK Chrintopbu Columbus. 31.. bu brought diagram on I respected lumily nuno by getting sent up for the nan lot high- wnv robbery at Snlolk, Pu. u.`..o.......o --. I...n..I.n Lu J \l Hill Uin _ Eu 0. . . J I Install. wile 0! I hhnr` Ilnumloq. uanptod and-lo by auxin`: H.Fc1ElIpdQiIl to" (ho emniduc lot the In iuifhul on [IT -I `IOU IIIII Fu- Two hmadnd Ihonnnd dolluuwont ol property bu been burned on tho` quuylubnynn. Tnnnpianlnnnuunhnnnin mam. llll WV" 3 W Riolntdnon. Auguihmuo mpund ublood van] in 1 wnlkin; `lllthhull uh J nly. diod youudny. " A 1VI...I.n.I I.-nbnpii hnimn and for I 11!! July. uluu yuuuuuuy. A Clonlud btokori Inning good tor mono louin when gambling by the ` delnu ting Iolhro! I [on] bunk. n- .. a...... ..n...n.....a.n..n..| .1a.u..-an." JOIIII UDIII. I III! CBIIICWI. W0` | vu-ted by tlfo Sued Arm . Ottun. ha become iuuuo through igious ueiw 1 mnnl, I Ill Uvuuluvuu J. P. Robertson. late 0! the Winnipeg I-'r;Pm:. bu been nppoinbd so the ition ol Iibnrinn ol the province 0! tnitobm. ,, L ,_ n_|-_,L._, :_ L-.. L-_.._L4 `I OI: 5| 390: 000 ml 'l_:::!Io6 quid. (Kb--~I| Jy. quuyi II ouynun. Toqolridolllnqlnoh ouiu moun- bonhip roll! the Ontario Duh! Society bu reiolnd so dhhuul. n:,n,-_.:_-.. .-..;:- _|... _...A_.4.I `Int-4 ` on :o""" |lInoul.Jl9..`.' Q ` ` irrau-`sing and h okiogucl nI.inn'. . .......-.... ..... .. .,.-_.. l In :42 noon or -rmcsbu. -ran an lNb1`. lot luau . no Plu nun`. and Jolnon. Pumas` and Gluten`. taught-'. l 3nlghnn' 94 0:: Flt- .._.u _.._|. N!!! M: lllvullvli Dutch. The shine 01 Sir George Cartier will mt hnnlund In I nnilinn in Othin [ill JOKES. Uohn Bn}ko.| hudlchinhr. I-rQA1' hp tit : 9-hum! Army, (Innis. Inn uoxnnsw` `Truman ls. Marketa. `lt; Inn: nu- _ _-.-..,-r. Ion` tumult`. Hunhnd and un`.lnn1budnn' and mum Pmcvwort nqnlndln Ihooaunnoau ol I nuts on Wol- lI`In:\on Itnot tor loan 0. I. Wuhlnnon C ._ _. ,4... ;. ..... -. ...- 1 Wu InIn.\V mat; Dqm Rotun- Olntdfamnl |. I ' u'd--GlIu'( Aichirohi. cunt! Colbanumuti; hplty '5... Mn lib Ids-Wilt H. that unit; HIl- II. I. 8 Wm! -In Onnivui cor- in and Wcllhgtouunm; Dquty Inuulq Olen. Charla lluy. Oath ; Dqnly I. lacuna W`uI.-Jana R133`: top. mm-mun; [mu Rnuniu Olav. & Tliony-hvIIIuIuncIIucI.ndeonn mo ` .IponIhIrudayol No- nuhuminlho 188;. 4; 'l`LnvnInnollIoanIraI|liada|ocIon Cl It Ill Iy INIII rolnino Iuuilpuu Nate: the nth dc at August, " nub: Iou an and lot IDI and rpnu. 7. On Ibo day of August. kg. 183;. dlbo nidc I`uoon.nuhhouolInu ddock I.I.. Ibo =:yu of the aid City null appeal` I. in tin. two punnuu to blind ll thank! Bu! summing upol Ibo -nnagnndmnnrlnlolllcndllneh Ibo currency Mr me nu oeol tx The (`lurk ol the aid Cuuncnl Sh!" strand :1 his oioe, u: the Cny luildmgs. II Qlouid city. on the I ll day at August. A.D.. I884. :1 Ibo bout two o'clock p.-.. to an I (In Iuubu oi vote given lot and ` is Brian. which phat. day nu! qua bouallhillrg End for than! 7: `.'!_Z` .`?'Y2' "!".'."- J` - `.394- omee ol the (July `I reuurer uorcuu 5. For the pntpooc of lhe ymcnl ul sud debt. and the Interest m due tbenou. an annual mm 0! OI.:87 skull be rmml ua each you of the mud pt-nod of "neat yuan by I upocul rate xullicicnl lloruzu . to be nimd. levnd and collected wk you as lfI)r::a|d.du['nn ull Ibo nus- pmpcrl int Ill Inumc `I \l the Cu at to :.."." h`w ante Pu ic Sc urpooes during the currency for the said dgbl In The Clerk ol said debentures sun on mum accommgly. 4. The and debentures shall be datod utr the tiny this By-law (aka eect. |nd shall beat iutet ut And aftertlue rate of hu- per ceatnln pct annum from the date thet`e~ oi. which into.-rut shall he payable on the first day ol Mn," and the n! day at No Number rupoctnely in each year. at the oiee oltho City Treasurer nloreui-I I-`uy the human mvmcnl tor the pat-poaea hetetabetore mentioned. I. That It shall ll: lawful for the Mayor ot thia city. for azl in the lIIl:: of the said the Corporation this city in er the \-taionaol the law in that behalf. and ('32 above purpoaea. to tame debentures to he made and issued for auch nuns ol money as an beteqaited. notlcas than lino each, aml nqt exceeding in the whole the sum of I|t~.uoo. which debentures shall be sealed with the of th'i}ad Corporation. and signed h t ayor a countenigned In the Trealsurer theteol. y 3. That the said debt of OI6.ooo shall be payable by annual instalments in twenty from the day hereinafter mentioned this ll aw totake eact. at the ollicc of the ` City Treasurer. in the said city. and lhe laid tlehenturea therelor shall have attached tothem coupons for the payment of the interest thereon hall` yearly. as here iaalter [ll 0Yllld. which coupons shall he aigned by the said Iayor of the city; and such a portion of the said debt shall he made payable in each year of the and period of twenty years aa, together aith the inter- est payable in that year. will not exceed the sum of 01.287; and an that the total amount payable hr principal and interest in any ear olthe said period of twenty yuan ahau lie equal. a near as may be. to what ia pay~ ahle l0l tE;lICl|>ll and interest during each ol the o yean of aid penod. and the said debentures ahall he isauul accordingly. . Tim and debentures be dated follows` I. That authority to borrow lhe sum of 816.000 for the in use rumble harem mnliournzwm grate?! to the Public School Baud of t City of King stou. and the Ihyor ol lhh city shall run. by way of loan upon the credit ohhe deben- tures of the said City hereinafter mentioned. the and sum of 016.000 for the said Boanl hcmnnbefore mentioned. 1. 05.25-M69. And whercus the amount of the cxisung debenture debt 01 the said mumcipamy u 0333.866. and no pan n! the same. or 0! the interest lhcnon. us In .-mu! . n. in Ihemhm enacted bv the (`uuncil oi thereon. _ l\e it therefore by 1 the Corporation 0! the City of Kingston : Inlluws` provided. us h.:u7 . And whereas the whole valuable pmpeny of use said I IlIIni\3lp.`|l|ly liable lo he ruled Ior I Public School rate. according to the lust nsx-iscd assessment roll of the said municipnhly ham; [or the yr.-ar 1854, Is In loqooombu \\'doon-In .1 it ND! B uoooIIout.Isuuuol|hn`ov.'zuQ.'hql- `finhlulvilllulnplioobgulll tom!`- ndducn.t`tIuol_$qu.unIc_8u.. n (xunau Cgnanau nah: L-j d locuuuu auouu9.uDo u I`lIl!.thoIllh|Q.dlO`&I. and uqluuhuuunltoy my-c ll`, KC ' . &%IJ`: 3 by all much! ` . 3954"- IlCOOIIlIOl'ol. hd.$47."- `In Ku uuo.o-`It: Jdy mu. Idvmrl J.IoI Lllitlyl tllli ruuu mu, mu-ran the Public School Board of the Clly of Kingston we ucsted the Councnl of . (`Be Cu anon OH said nty for author `Hy In A rrov II6.0oo. for putchuinn I uchoul me and enacting thereon A school house. And forrurclnsing the Mc(`ulcheon lot now rvnled my the Board in conm-(`non with Louxse School on. Division nn-ex an`! udjponmg 1!. And whens: me and Counnl relusexl to - '--s:uas:a:-.5-** ll . ' And nine or bottom Ipa nix! mm by luv lhinls vote of the members pnagnt at the Ineelmg lot considkri the question : And whereas the nix Public School Bonn! considbri the questton And has. in consequence of such refusnl. mquest~ ed that the sand question. namely. whether the saidcounctl shall was or hon-ow on behalf of the and Public School Board [at the sand purpous the sand sum ul 016.0:-u. should be subtntlted to the votes uf the electors ml the stud tnuntctpalnty. to are whelhcl they wtll as-mt or not to the rat: ng ur borrowing of the stul sum of 016.000. is nfuresatsl. lot the sand purposes . And when-gait is the duty of lhe sun! nfotesaid. lot the said And when-as II duty Council to submit the said queslimi In nu- mte of the said electors accordingly . And who-roan the dam to be thus cu-.1h~l is 016.000; . And when: the total sum requured tn banned annually by A S[\l.\2I.`ll ntu on lhe rumble mgeny luble lherclu for paying the said oh: and mlcn-st. as heremaflet provided. is IL187 r_aln:able prupicn): `IIK Irma. on THUIWUV III I. lcvudmoucl Ion. II dun said eleclon accordingly And \\'heteI\slhe dam 016.000: An.Iuhen~.1s reqmred HI" IVUIAQIIU. _1-.*..-:.:::':.t::'-. *.-..~:.-'..:-:; .:.'::~ M . A Hy-law to by nyot his oz: :5. I cu-In ot the debentures ul lhe Inun_ici~ guilty at thOCiCy of Kingston the mm 0! 016.000 for the purpose: o(_ehe- Pub- he School Bonn! oflhe City cs: kings. t_ua hemiutur neat-coed. n._._.I ma . ` uuupxon. In); it IKISB `WI 0|` IVOLAND. ['5'-'t`.f..`15`2.`.".l`.`."a`83.".` |n...a... NOTICE. I88; .I nl 0}. swmugg mu. T1`;"3""k':.'_`3`"T"_"'_`3 _ -_ I GA LLOWAY | I-m.!e!!%L!!?::_!3!e1=>.A--I I-I:nruasn'I'4-ATID IIIJIIII. I _m: among -n_._. __; sa__L|. 3.. g_. sn| \;v\.-;- nnAsAsar- Iv\.I\vA' L-3.1` . ntInOl|ukIhn`mm -- SAMPLE 88'!` NOW ON VIEW AT - an llnuhnator Bum IJAS. URAWFURD8 I cumnw 75} up mu 1 13 . REILLY lmnwumsr smuanl II-'RlJI~'l' JARS] |AumIEnsE%s'mtx| GOOD 1uu_1_n WQQQSET _.._..._ ,_A-__ -- PIKEII uow--_ llet:-IQ It: Inc. way: u July 9. Amluuyxllbxu. luhoilnuopnt. B88 F-rinooea EL. n-pr llnnmanvncnnnunn Invent. W alovhvlhofhounnd lslmdub iuqdnllllo. Ihould so on the II II II , `A I|_gj__n_____:`_ `Duo uifnlillodlllcllhihll` rhnuinonnhblulhi. lnllhnlngildngntlonu unusual uy lot. JOHN MONTEATH, I..I.. n I)...-.-_.. nonol Hams. O. 4-. L__..__ An. want ad lush `hp; lull. aha YOU CAN GET Ultnnn-1 Ll"nnItuoIqdnI.a;. `For NEW 30llN&)N`_8 KAIBOIINE, 41.! hr nun`: Ian-ion Mr. Iunboollilbvu D.IKlLloI`. nun-I. h. Ihitloou lunch. Int `,, ....,,.. , vwvuuwuyv. . .. rd. 1* ulnichguhuban lffhC'&vnl|fu.._. fljlf $3. DIIII Gllfffllt IIXI mm m 1 :'-m- gyms 3303.` ALL luudunis. H1-mm lu- umu. rum 8 In hp: -uIl'I'l' Will! I! - OOIIIH 80 III Jim! will have : In -- --v -3:!-t:e!_:-_! .-.: KING ITIIIT IAKIRY Into. an blind uh I haunts ad the Thmuo I 0\llI| Mirna-II. an an uncut Ianum. And cvwyrcnvnhnn lot at huh and Icahn. thud nuns la ailing. Ap- D " WI. DOIAN. blmr STAAIVBEM/3 :mIsAii1`u}1lTnW F0. ILLI- uuuunl Al-I . llltill IKII. l.lRF.l PJIILIJ. LEI! I 01. `LE AUIRTI F0! ISVKIBO DIM` I()( L. I`TIC|IOI C.1IjIIIX(!c|yI$ Nut. GI-oonwood |, Jul! IL (`nnhdhn-and Inna Ihnl-. V I ||.TboI-uisluonn-Incbesuu 1-; $_. ____-_ JO I. u. vmsu a_cos., msgmys & _m_rs. ms. - v---_ -__- --- v-g ll $711.3` KIRK HALF ICAIIRKLS. ll \R~ IILI AND IIOORIIFADR AMERICAN BOTTLING C0. OWEN SOUND. ------.- u --v _ u nwlllvmlpc H1160 x. ~ I hwlhoo land may DA ` All) IATUI%IM\' lot ull Mo Into and uqu _ ()1: Sang! m_-.L.- 1... ._..~. Canv- Pl-he OLOO. Inn! with non torrodlble I`:-I. or OI is with Indian Penn Pen. I, Out: in I upgnnh I DAY AND l`.|.Ull.A\' IN 5 Ii:-:v\?n':u'lh1,,und Foul Shun Iakebupnior Potion """"'| J. KP. VGll.DitO |1 IVI. ` A(`.In`\Ifl" AGENT. II cL.uu;.~.'cJs s'r, . . . I lulu n _! u4_u>_g_ron nu. 4 Aihr aonczue. %N.L;2\;:;`:ug;Is Mada Pacin am. fund: '0: It ml u. from In-gun-or Ifuly ~-mp; 1': i?:\u:2.'r Iurunq The Perfection of Reservoir or Fountain Pens. Any Nib can be used with this Pen. F. NISBET'S. |THEl`AM|)ENl EN! WI. IIOIMH. Apt:-Illuul nun. Tussle. Juno IO]. it than. out j Qwloll nu hmilloo nu-olvnl and n mu 5: pIly`In|h`:.M-.:::n;`nlIo-I. pumps!) u Junta Inuit-I on line - `run and human `runs: `IAC (`cu-av-II nuplld Inn. Ilagvlon `con!-Iuhnou. lot ICE CREAM ROOMS -aow onl- &I. NF'lO'l`IONIRY_ The `o|uu:u Ioaluloro. July: Juols. nun unit -13 III llll llllld Ilmr \'u.l`uu.I In-n an Ill luau. burial: and link! hulk II hol Al I at I :4 `lb-:`1.\).n\|I`o..l (ulna! All 707!" .n..n |._n.._ _..n .__..___._.__ sumn nxuumuns ---~ \ lA--~ HINDS BROS.. KINGSTON IOINCT FOR Villjuuu-vuvuuuvv `I138. I. 0| IVII. Hon. Pin: and onoulecuonu nny he can at my ollleu. Tholovul I my loader no! uncanny Ic- on , _ -_..._ ._._- ., ._,-..--. 'iF`1-z?`fi-T 354 King St. I5. um. omumo n. J. Luna v, Po:-urand Inga-. | f?l El K--in uni n nnunnn Al BARGAINS Inuulnunru cl - Co*nf.ect.io-nery. N cholhpw Ink: Two ` (`an ll Klusvion ~..am.o-u. `It! gin c i'i'sm'srn1m insn ' ` I Groorr. Inlet B-wan. - Kl NESTOR. I:---u--v-V-v` ****** - lavuluhldu nouoonullyuubh ca. _, _. . _an.--- A nnsl TO CONTRACTORS. i"KbON, f I-A391 I-ulutnuouuntluuuunn noun` '6; `I08. ANY ONE 1 E1.___.._.J'_. TWO-ITOIY :1-on * L I-at.-,1!'~'a'-':!!|"9` __. -._. TO CONTRACTORS. TO CONTRACTORS. mnmumnn um 101.1. "~.-*-eini :-3` -'-"*,,,,`-'""..'*.:-.'. `N "...c::'..-- " '3"-"" " *"!u-.ux_ Neiv Aaveruusments.` _f`E_2ElR.O" ----u---- --r JULY l8'THo ...n...a.ll..A_ u-bhnunnull ALI. OOLOII. W. KIW'laANX.Jr.1!e|||IO0. . Fold`: Block. hook It mun - . ITOIY PI-Insult. .___,_,, I-own A 80:1. Anhuooln. Golden Lion Block. mic: on In-nun Y NIX!` II-can lb _. A A.-- A nus To Lt._ illodlll. H Pnuun It. _..,.. ....._- 4-- '1 I""' (lwI.d&|Id. Klllllllo It j G uwuuuiur 0on-I&lII|i&wHbIIII||I 0onuuddIhgnhuWuuoo. M Ihllho dbl: oppuhbunl II On- nn:lud0no|I1IxpIllInun_- hu|npI-Iu|upImy|I|IoN|- ,v|I IUCIWU` Id Inap- Ilu. 1'h7|nIdXnnhI.wNoI &O0U*-lH'lIl| out in km; , IIIIIIII jluli `WU-'9 Occult Illdd lent abby. whII|ahhuh|ivcu||ovO.|I45!CI old.1'hloIhouII|IoIu'hulkI|IlliIh- ultimo". Thump cl untenab- l\.__...I...-g._In-an-hlnlnnnnln oqmppou IUII vuyuuu In :- nun. Tho Outlay upoditiou Wu nutiknontbntwo yunqmb nuonoolthclnioltilopolnuholl nhbliuhon by tbonnibd utiuol Ibo Unload Shtuudunnloltho ph- dpdlznupnnavu-nouh. `rhdnhip thohounqwnldlnl Indy F:-Inkli- Itynndthp pony ptoooo-lodlonlr wad. Fauna In nothing In: IanltI-IInu.M|nuIIwunpn- dthu IhoywInhgnulhInu.\ Onooxpoditionvudhpuohodto slid: oubunqhl vllbouquau. on oNln\h:uuhlp.nIhonnanuxpodi- uou.4vuchoAIuI.puuudu|b~ Unlhd Bhlulorthopllpou by the Itlovuhoulllauuburoocw Illhnollhonlnlap nun up at ull lnouuooltlovuudlhnlhlln in Franklin nunlutho Ruoluu. 4.__.._.n__ nu.n..|A 51...; 41.];-, wuncn we lull leu. Our chic! induntriou IIIVI been closed and many 01 our boat cilluna. to an _-.... ..l ..u bl-4| h-In Innn nhlln to vuguol uy um. nuuuuun uuuguu w up abroad ; dud yet the Tories condol- dly give voice to the silly oxollnlll. "When an tho all ohinniu kilo ?" A AL- J:..._A......I gpldnn- "WIIOIO III [III III! onllllut nut: I '-when an in lbeoobuul marking- Inen ? and. "Who. may: tho Itthnl policy in 3 mlunblh hllnu 7" u-:j-:ju:: The Unoloy Rollo! Expodidol. which and in lay. conduit! 0! than nun]: undo: tho [Noni ooliunnd of Olpt. Uchloy. and fully Innnnod. plwidonill oqnippod lots voyage ol at lam two ...._ 1-1.. rnnlnv nmdmnn III in nu. ma mean some sun nu lun- honily in an Inn arid: but that In Inluougholhin my million: left to IIukg__him 3 livoly sud worm open- totinnloolp. Ann! of bliq con- donoe. howi_v_or. in nu injurious to n Iun--Ruuull sun` can warmly unity to the truth d Hill caution--nntl Jay Gould my be uluho spin nhmic his yuonrition to tho impaction ol I commit.- Iu cl nuuoion. ` ' ml! VCKNIII OVII (III Inuvuuvuumuu tint Hon. Mr. Mount lied Inered i delent upon his but contention the bonndery evgcnl-tbnt it we: legal end L binding. Tliia jiibilntion mny be come- whnt pliemnture. This. we snrmieo. upon mailing l.hnt.eccoI-ding toe priuto ileapetcli. on the ant day the judged cxpreueil en oplnionpnlnvnnhle to the dominion contention an to the meaning of the term "northwud" In the Quebec Aetol 1877. It in not wine to be too previous in commenting upon decision the lnlltelt 0! which in not to Iinnd. Mr. Mownt in not infallible unl uiiiliec no puteneionn in that direction. but we believe he bu n utronu cue. end that the province will not only be counter- ebly bcnelltted but thet the Unhrio government will be etnngtbened quite I izm- i... Hui imhnncnt of the Privy Uounnlon uovetnmnnn. . Wall now. whnt did the N. P. lo I It gave bninan an unhealthy incentive. is led to injndiclonu nnd ncklen Innu- Inonh (not 0! [min capital) Ind when dnllueu cuno. when our-production not in. than were :1 unononou. And nnloctnnnhly than no -(`I uporicnou In-thy. The party ol piou pcomluu -:n .I:.....a. oh. nlnil-I of gun Al (Mk- N-Ky. ll! [luv u: pun. P still direct: the admin 0! Into at Otta- wa. but our bunineu men nnd mechan- ml and labourer: have Ind to put through I cnbu the non-y result 0! which ntill tell. ,1 :.n _._ a unl 01 Doll Gllllllll. so can Iuguotuy kind. hunhon obllgdto .... -L.....a - .'...I val um Turin: ognm .. J-I 9'~_` _ duhlgu nut in tho l|uncinlwor|d"u II-`VII. Hi: lxkndn IGIIIIC I'll ht loll ;,_.n.. 2- an. Inn. -cl-In hull an] L. as neqarorone government mu no nuungsuuuuu .,..... .. lingo by the judgment Council. : _-_._.. Thet the democretic oeudidete is e men with n will end I fixed opinion in evidence by en incident which occurred ehortly utter his inenguntion ee Mevor ol Bnnlo. On e ve y`een' etreet cloening bid the oontreot wu ewerded to the eeoond lowest bidder. who wee 065111) higher then the loweet. Cleve- leml vetoed the ewerd. A to-edvertiee ment and satin the suns contractor rc- oeived the ewerd. Another veto lolIow- ed. Agein the council went through the (enrol edvertininv for bid! end ewerd- ed the contreot el helore. Ieyot Cleve- lend wee eroneed. He wrote the lemon: - ~--_4..- _I..:..I. .-uhngnnnntlw med; There are Iona wonderful uquirmcn now-ulsyu upon Ihoconaervnivo pron; These would have Ill believe Ihnl. the Inner: of the union! policy did not ptomiw uuylhing unusual In the Iuntor 9! employment and Inns. The Brock- vino have my: the R. P. "brought lunar wages to tho labour unpply to correspond with the iocnuod demand." But It goon further tn-l Inert: that "blip law oi nnpply and demand wu T101`! inhonocl with by the policy of the Dominion Government." ... .. ,, ._ __L_A n. n.. u D .a...9 n SIG. Illlouqullx nu! IUII ---H hq uqpal puniilunou. us-I pnrpooot um; op'jI.i....|.oa -in Culdo. The ' ..._ ._ II.` |..u.o lap IL: nnritv nviiol III9 boiler lot (In purity uni _ uldy of society ad the country. -_-.-..-J'..~_-:!:-____-__'-: Thou wu you rojoicina in 910 T017 pg-um yam-any om the unnonuounoni n..t um. Mr. aunt Ind hlld uonsou. nu Inna uuu -um"... veto pnngo which Inbooqnontly undo Imn Governor. Than In no smbigni- ty about the lsngnup. 13 told the own- eil it was I not of tievu. Thooounoil was ponlyned nnd hnmodly unrdod the contract to the lowont biddtr. Ring- ~ A - - - . ..-o.A 0...... nnn, and hi! Inn wore ouuoa nun ounw, um .... Idlnlniotntion and the oily hundreds of thonundc ol dollus. ` _._,........__._. `though 1...: an uy unnum- lino. the warm In York huku. L-- _.......n ......'..'|.....a_ nu] nnrmno the contract to llll mwuu muu-. --u... Itcn onlhd ftoln ooo. sud his , ;~2._x_._..:.._ ---..1 an. alt`! hundred: gyilggxitisu mtg. ._.A-_--.-..___---..: The cumin cl Cunt ulonhnl but Iholnhnqtwolrbb IOI wloa-llollrlo . nd Illulohnhll-huullhgtnnln child- ru. 'l'hoDonou:-unlnuuuhgivu hlvdlhhnhnrlvnunh-k IIIUII IIJOICIIII IIIIIIII. CV!` dually enacting amp oymont hon. but who no so much dnuppdnhd In that Iupoolulotun nun notions lmdon nnn nnndxn hi nnvlna Inhnn-all II an nan Inunnu who no no non lrlhll ttoundl pl lnbonn. evi- ` L- __. .. __.L .l...__.1_A..l 1.. A|.-L` Il NI`F.I|$IIX)lI(l E). l'|0|0ll II. lVI~ noun: to Hubs! lot 81:0 oooond in- nul noorod any-dalnfnu with thno ` Ilonont. Aninvupuiaa Inchin- hh Ibo gun wu uoppod at thin point. Nnpuoo no main; good hulthy pm- QOII in the II] of building |lIpI'0VI' nonlu thhynu. Sunni v ambul- non block: I!` being one . Among the bnildu-I when he no in ptuun doomplotionorjnol otoduobr. , boom:-d.with uh: I: mu blockol than uonI;A. IoNll, only I and alive tdditloniotho Ounbol out loohoh. R.J. Onnvn-I; 0.5 lublookohonrlr.3ynlnton.|ln nowopon boon; .Wnllunwbdak nIldonoo.uolcou.Bhnun vague nddouoo. Thoumou an I " ndh|nnothnutool!uIo|hoN.P. hay onhoir uollnl bndnouonc- cuuu. Iluonlulmlo nwkwudtlm Iuuuo|oll.P.ucuIobo|ddodtotho Ilnlnllunlhrlgun Hula nnnu nun Ann than: TOHIIONOIRBXWKIIIIIX |0Il|O lblolbnildon this ycunuot in than nnvnnu-nnnhnnnnunnndnninnnnnnr an ll nu so no Inrpuuwa. A span of honor. owned by Duaial Shot. of Ernouttown. nn uny on Wed- nuh evening in Nspcneo. And in 1 Iomp na to run under the G. 1`. 180110 viaduct one of the bone: wu kill- ed. The bone vs: I vdnnble ono. A an-.- nl n-inIu.t -.. ..I_n..I in N`. eu. 1 no none was vuuuue A guns 0! cricket wu plnyod in n- pnoo on Wodnudu bemoan the Pac- lon and Nnpumo In In the Int il- ninp Nnpnnouooud 80. Pinion 42. Na- lnnunolnltothobollorttouoond in- nuriw nlllwtl-A ulllll 0! brllxlwh On Monday dternoon A: James Fair- boizn. I tumor living about two miles: md 3 ball iron Nnpuuo. wu working with I reaper. the bones boamo fright.- od um rm nwny. tin-owing Ir. Flir- buirn bolero the cutting bur. dragging him shout tony bet and breaking hll lq in two places. besides bruising him badly. The log wu so badly mutlintod that it had to be nmputuod. man horns. owned bv Dmial ! flll 'l'0l'I from IIIC BIIOIINIOT. Bonlton. an employee oi (lIlu.onr'e leth mill, Trenton. met with e terrible eecident on Tueedey which reeulted in deeth ionr minetee efterwerwiel He went to chenge the belt to the looee pul- ley with e ctowher. which eenght in the wheel end he wee teken up to the alien. The Ielt erm wes instantly torn oil at the ehonlder end the poor fellow iell ehriekin to the oor. The crowber ettnck h in under the left erni end broke eeverel oi hie ribe beeiiee severing the limb from the body. When deehed down Lin on the oor one of hie loge wee en eiid he wee otherwise (right- lnlly brnieed. Hie eneringe were greet. but he bore them with petience, nntil et the expiretion ol four minntee the rite] eperk left hie body. Bonltoe wee e ledehont 15 yeen oi ego.` end with eeother brother wee-the eole enpport of hie widowed mother. Bonlton met hie deeth in exeetly the new spot ee Con- nelly two year: ego. when in stopping over the pulley hie epron got oenght end he wee inetently tleehed into eternity. unmuua Al noun-.nunn. ..."""....a.i.`L.`1;`&a'?.: ;11`....`if.; uotntive. Hclslnohrn. by ncolunnuon. Rosana. July 17.--The faporl. election by ueolcmuion in not oorrecl. The oandidatalln: Relotm. Dill: don. Illlluquvn tu- i5't_.s3!.5"':*3"'**'""~"""