I 2\11`<\ J??;!?;| nun. "Bubunnonl 2 mu 1 vhouny l Ipu. I oval Ol.5lDlurlnn.niuuldoIhII and on thing at olhr. and tilts have A nlnrnanl anal. In In! it iilh." In Juno] out to pay is risk." you. ol couno. I would go: you In I [thud nhly. and than do'Ihslconl.d In extinguish "Plan: Idnld In inn unit 0! Von. In exungnuu wanna. "Tint Id be ivy nine you. uoommlo inkohuomt. buhlnlto iron to break out now. In: instance. lunchbox run Ihoounarouuuun room. You an Imaging hot alnid I In In mnva." cu: m mow-.- "lndouIlcnn;huI.l nu glul some you "l oauponl! ` Yes : 3! you had stumble-I over that and you might Inn btuken your you IIJJIIJ. ' [1 ant nu?" ukeul tho orexjoyed lleupod. "l.M'u go ud uh I drink. By tho way. but took! you like {ago to New Yak with me on u bender And help La homo ol thin money 1" than about unopoor! "u; the root! I mm 1 rich man now. [nu pool` when I used so bud about chuityl` v-u.II nu. I-`Bl! nu-. Ouo nmuked than he ha] been nlilr ad in wax s&IoI-no|hu In buolod in oil-c thin] wuclcnndonton what. and noitweuuond to an ohlnu. who slowly IIIICVIII: who slowly oullnul: "anuelnul. Illa Qurhlnnuu-Got -.nl ol the Amy in nasal.-mun out." How .` sited ball I dun: voles. "Well. I Ilultoll to intndlnn chain on a ration. mall I bloluhl uldl blu- oocu to but unit the Qmlhrnnunr n..n. -.....l l.. ...l.. . nnnhnnl -in: slay: iv: an: u-.-nu-any-n Ila I'll -and tuna the room. Geun'O."Ihonid. ll Iliruien unl- -le to but on in the lnouuxwhnt won I be your nut impnhe. do you "Ink ?" --Illgll -v A-A I.I|nl|I!I|I inald his [or u.In| . ~~w.n. my hat thought would be (or 0! I took! got you no I nhnd nhlv. I'0|ll\lII I ,0 `I130 VIIIJIDIG IIIIIIIU in; me from wlyncrou the mom 3 "I don`: know but what] would. mgmolmzn wnyluoumemomr` "I don`: know but what! would." sud George us he changed his lent. 1! 5-1.! dink`! stop until I had iuvnhd oven ulollu I coululniu an-I bought to tholimil. ol my cndit. II. III all nice. not utgll 9" was to um: um now. lot nuance. couldn't you `lose nimble time much- imz men from wnnaou the 3" X` Ci. --wan" "Noll. In u3nIdn`| Luke I |-om!-I 0' Why 2" v it. "Dac&ur. said I yonq Inn on the tunes. "I want to cnqnuzhb you on yonrwondenl punt but can. In nvcn-oil |;llploVllI 1 caught our Ab. ya. npuu we went; - lnncrunollitiono cl union in~ 3-oraunalincovcrienol the 05:19. I a punt: you hand thlt oven the In! ptuveal ol and Insult." oh. I tuft uhn nv cl u -poll. vunhuoc. Iylivu-in uupdun dollu." eontinunllloyouug nun. II '1: uy Inch vlotod he uutlioiuo." \'oC' nob Y" |"Yc-a. Youucounolltdlovhni Inlnnlid fun glcllutlv yll Iii! a... 3.5.1 nwnrvlhinn um nun Isl alI\`lA.. human. unnunndluugtulunyyunuu Imuicluou` that ad thebeuukill to V1 hit. but wiuuontnoouu. Ination!- luinguincnn-dvcuby ya: Intilh wn'nduudhh-yohdcdyuuIu- clotlulcnlmnntl. Blunitlhdolmlol nuccylnhh yQehOI.I|huk . 2 ol""'..a -u"'u;."":.'.`- aunt: wnsn mmm: "i'Gs'roN, CANADA,` F11DAi;:}TU1.\' 1.12L~ . . _ ` I Dear Sir.-During what tho Turon- ` Ionian: called their "nun!-oontonninl" Inst. but which night more properly to onlhd thoir Uuunqmyumruuul. I pdd n In whys` vim to slut Ambitious and ourishing city. Toronto in in oven-v_ my worthy ot hing the capital of the province 0! Ontnrio. being lurgm, heuu~ ' tnlui. rich. onterprininggfnll of bumnnsa. Q and wall npptlod with edusstionnl mu 1 other public Institutions. `Toronto hna ' duo buutilnl "bnu|cvmI'u" on qll the street: vrhaatlumnidnnn-_-n Are rimm- od. uidthoyus not turn up uni turned illb dirt hoops and ruined to be over- grvwn with burdock. hum nuns um othlrruk weeds. b till are bunti- fully nodded. the 1:11.: upon then kept cloudy Ihuen uni wall wasted no that on the drum summer dny they look u [man on u pleasant picco oftho "Emer- ald Isle." The persons who Ii` 0 along- side than seam to take 5 prid in their nppeu-urea. sud guard them as jealous- ly as they do the grass plots and ower beds. the um: and ban `nu bnskots in their cm: front ynrds. ho residents of Toronto seem to ho wsthctically culti~ vntod. and hue I taste for tho benntl ml which I fear could not he developed in some other cities. by all tho sunvity ud eloqnoueo 0! Oscar Wilde. Remrding tha domrnhon: with man. nu eloquence or Uacu` Wilde. llegunhng the decorations Hugs. and duper: and gs`: jets. and all thn other pcnphnmdin ol civic rcjoicingw common on snh occasions. thnnews- [Iuperu hnvu [liven your rczulrrs a full ucconm. And I need say nothing on this point. coutgnlinu myself with noting simply that line people did tliemnelves audit by the hearty mnnnr with which they entered into the work. . While them I thought I wnnlil um- they entered into the work. them thought bnco the opportunity of visiting tho Toronto Hospital, an institution which I never befnie visited. My old lrienil. Dr. Sniall. accompanied uiu on my visit. and inuoilncril niu to Dr. (I'll;-illy. tho I onicicnl resident surgeon. and hv his kindness I was shown every part. 0! that really rst class institution. and tended with ui ngmmhlo Illll cooling refresh- ment um our extensive walk up and dot: `gin and thtougli the ooiridoni I and van]: on I very hot day. Tlli Tnlnntn Hosnitnl il NOIIIMUY IIll'l'0IIlIOI`l bv largo Incl ouusnu: [minds tnulullv decorated with Inna. Iona` pots. xnvollad walks. to. It has I oapacuty In: an average ol ill) patient: had has in in ward: at the pronoun time about 11!). The !_\`ing~in lxoapihl 1: a uqaanu building close by the xunxal ` . In this hm: than ilan eye dopanvnon-t. a lnocnto ward. a but Ind. and a want (or the isolation at man ol contagious or infection: dim cases All the waniaan Lashlully and cnuvoniantly mud up. Every appliance lot the naauagemeutot the varioluoaaoa in at hand. no that patient: inating (mm dnouua. tech urbanization. shit tender them nucqlhlo at being moved. can be elude-I and `Iowan.-d and swung about as u:qu:'enl by means 0| lovers and tops guuiuu ovur pullws xed iu the coiling or attached to [tune work conatrucwl above their beds. .\ lrac~ sited Inn! can be no nuaed ordoptanuul and put in proper [tuition for being draped with the local pounhlo amount olpaln M the anlen-r. Curtain. ma. Ii Ivy rings on rods at.ml.c|wd acmu vnnnnnnlnnun in the wants. lohl tho um Ward: not any. Tho Tomato Hospiul n pleasantly utuhd n the rut ado or the only. and unrmundo-l bv hruo and boultllnl annnuh nnnlnllv Ihncllted `III. llr. bums ilesgrihea win: He saw ii: 5 'romu~.--.\ win to In: Lil enl i I liudul Cniuu. I 5 using rings man u.n~|.cnm nomu vnnona [uses nexus convening porsmnn 0! than into I sort of semi-privno npsruluuu, which is very uppm `an: anal quilo Io- njnn in lha W I (IQVODG .3 f ll um wnlun ucvvu-u -v -.v luxury Ituhnenl oi women. \'enh'In\ion in II nenrly porhol nlnnn he inuinotl. Dr. ()'RcilIy'| ingenniq bl been of immonnn udvnnhgp in this depnumenc. Slunting hi` Ind Into the windows that opC& X lotion: and Iopgive thou ' tuidnlr nnnywud direeuonno Iiblolnoin upended intho nppnrpnnet thereon. and the: e direct dnnghc upon the po- Iinnh ptovemocl. A nimi|e.r oontrinnca running pozponrlicnhrly along the open- imol each window tint open: French [union on hinge: gnmla thou: in like Inulllnr. The noun by which the loul ur in lunovod mm the wnnlw in cqnnllv ' tad worthy oi imihtion. Dr. Inn slowed the true princi- pleot hevinu ventilnmg pug-on connect with the chimney ncn. nnd ho has grntly lneennned the elciency ol than oltlntl of foul nu by having each pipe nnd In an inverted lnnnel over A gen jet uneuuu centre of the weal as poni- hln when ol uiodenle sine. end to hlV- lqlto pipes with n line! on an .000 hing M enehendolthe wen! when Mme. '."heee inumd tunnel: collect the vitlnteulitt IIJ thin pueee into the pipe ptoeeednn Iron: is nml thence into the chimney net. Whenever. shon- lnnlhue I hlntpeninqnp lheuee ol the ohiulen there in A constant chht In iii plpne hen the wards. .nduh-Lhnnnnh hnrulnnthereiun 11': KIolor.V Ilriluh Why. Ill Ihtplpoluom inowu-uu, luntlvlnltbtllh bumlugclnroinu `rughoqiul in wall llnuhui with- uupuliulnnnl at nulgimln. nd can-I-nhunxdouuuuuhblou. mm In Tmm T ..-..:".. {.-:-.-v.;-.*:.-<.::.;:;:-:.-s.+:..- --- -- --~ !unn1&.ill'&0IIIIn|onnnlj-o uppm aw llll qulu II- u.unA- Vjm TUWQII E-NlIG| ` iullardaopurpoouclouclo- ml holfouonlononlauutoon-l I . II- '"*'..::'.'."..':.::':.'::..'.':.".':'*; f1q..nn' :|.i.au.mo.Isonun-nun-. high so I35 per montn. One of our villagers bu lately pur- chased n hnndsome u-ton {mm W. Todd`: loctory. Goodwood. Out. Our populnr school teacher. H. W. Hunt. is spending his holidays in Farm- craville. D. Robbs. ol Clinton High School. is About to pny no u visit. Ilia mwy friends will welcome nun. Theta no many locum memories ol the I`! yearn he so onrned with no Miss M. Joveo. olinszston. and Mn: 'roqnIn. unnuu nujy. 1 un- fdomn:I.i-duoxoehouuilasc - Dr. 0'nui:Iy, whohuhdolnp 'iusti|ntionloccouo7crOy-I. lonlv nigh wawcnnhln bjov u illlllull Improved by Ina Inye lwnvy mum. Tho` llnrrowsmth but hull club were so hula plsyed here on Tueulny I(Ier~ noon. hut. through name mutnko In I mmugo mug may luilod to uppou. l`Im vnnnu man no ainl III) I here. The excuruon to 7-uesville and Thir- ty lnluud Inks will be wall puloainul lrom shin point on the K. 8 P. BIL-- Jvnuu. ho sojoumod mm Miss Joyce. ofiugstou, .\I. Lenin`, ol |'urtsunouv.h. no visiting I friends here. I insloduoul to the Ll_ICIIll`ropb nun: you! _ by o ready to than hdvnlh lloninnnunydih loan: and collecting no pay unnl pounc- naal euro wu oocud. In this II] the tustnnn`. guinea 5 would wido reputation on in own merits. novu tuning to can any reducible Benin. The Con: bu placed an romodyon uh by ull In the United 8l.nu.CumIn and Buxluad. in thin w|y' bringing it within the read at all than at n triing nut. Ant your drqhorn tun haul wand snack for on to tho liuahiot llnpnn Cure Ipuuhunriu 0o..0ndauhug. RX. ` The crop: in thin vicinity were very lnuuuh Improved by the Inc Iwnvy nilm llurowunith huohnll I-IIINI H W: . The young man no gesupg up _|>tI- ynu pio.ui., m be held In M_r. NIF- worth a grove on Fri-Iny, mu. Inst. A lune number of invitations Iuum been inaaeul. _ 'I`|.n luv a-rnn ls vurv lmhl. nomad u--,1:----u `.--_-.-.-. I-`umars here no busy It lnn`i'_'R- hi` wing nu gvengo crop. but nding I_l hlld to procure good men. some plylll ll high 835 month. our viiluzors lately Pu?` inanoul. The luv cmp IS very light _ Th. .-ynnrqmn In Znnanvilluv. And Thu - rnuzlu II! 1- nun `nun. The Voltuo Ball ('70.. 0! Inn}-All. Hick. allot to and their oolohntod Eloctro-Vol hit Boll sud olhor Electric Appliusouon trial for thirty duyn. to man (younqzoroul) Ilolod with nervous delaility. on o! vihl. 1:!-:nd manhood. nd LII hudnd Ilwhlq lot rlu-umutiun. `|. puulynn nl may mm d & II- .nanu'ou to hunt. vigor uul manhood `and aunt dun-an. Lu-p-u nu- Ianuou vigor rusted. No rich: inuuI'I'Od.Il thin! yu u-Isluullowod. WI-its than noun lot mum and punphlot. (no. , ,--j_ - I-Zxparionon telchfl mu coup an moat -Dangerous. and in no Snuo in prompc no: man nunnnry ch: who II: um uppucoh ol kidney Chm-0 h-lo nnniluc. To all who no onin$q mm inch: huhorwholul thul their ' up no going wanna. DI . Vnn Dunn`: Kldnovcunh nltinudindoul.u it will kidney! DI . Von luau`: Kndncycunin oorhinlv I-alien thnir pain. and d [wanin- od hi. else! I pennant can. ----oo--_.. DI UIll\ll'o- AIIII _|IUII nun-y -- linuvonl 3 ninnry in 8% Andria. all-duh-and envelope to an, Jun-h 1`. Inna. Sheba D. Nm A.iI.Bond all-alolnni envelop II lav. Jot:-In T. Inna. Natl IT In. `u-andnow nbmw bollvcllhadanllhytbo .nuIh~ .1. lmmnalundnnn-nnvh I I.0j.Ujd `it. -pun-nu L I-I-nu ea.-.-*-~........,--' .....`*5-."......*-'-9" __._..._...._. FIES- Tho Eualnot Rupture Tnntman In mundunul In on Auction: nooplo uvuul J my 17. l-Zxparionoa teaches that delays no nos! vlnnnerom. Status Jnyecvlllc I.-waning`. . ,,,|_,_A ,. n- uwncu. u-: nu 0% ulowunhn Int Ch: only to n '1. xnmucu. llnrllnglou Notes. no-misled. _.L.. A-undid I licitieriu-Lxmgsg;~aoe%n}sLf I , ____..___ Ito [Alix lnwuroln no la! BOIIG cl Inn-|n.h-sung. Hnuuc.0t:u-.IbI- uujoonrrrunox no. :1 cunllto ulnnniul uu,-ol-In Tofll I won.-u JIILAT cu: orncu. The unoriowr nl Lbo Journal now uzuooncea u mqguinonl list 0` I !- vunla tor uuven to Bible question; It is nfpidug how little in known ul um Bihlo. The quouounuo nul soulillcult this tilnu I! hgc, [Id It should In glul ll them in . bell}! n-manna In an muncounue the Dl'|`lD should be glad ll wen: val uu-_o,y Vnnponw In as ureneouruze prqpno tor oi the Journal to penerero it NI good work......l[, _wu umonuood in II Juno iuuo of tho Lidia` Journal that thoeonpeution wuich closed has month would be my last to: the patent. but It lhubosn decided toil ? olMmol0- All njnunnj lnnnnlhv.-uQ Allnunovn houlnlby.-xntuncu or express. No lnlollnnuon -will ho givenlo any one man than in nun-i here. So pond on umren. uni don't wute time writing. Do not and palt- up nun}: unless six out: iuudd for the discount. llnmit by post adieu or- ulor. scrip or small coin. nus unu quusrloxs : l.-h Dulonn nlenod to in the Bible `P If so, state lint Ivlereucc. a __l. I-`u-pun mmln nmntimn of in the Bible 1 It an. auto In-at rolemnoe. 3.-lI SAPPHIIL upullell ol in the Bibh? If no. unto ns nluteqeo. fbem Ill relax to the precious stones. X91 nnynne hnving 1 knowledge of the Seriptniu ought to be able to promptly answer tlnuoqneuious with: liltleltmdy nndooetcurenomeouaohonenwtnh. lien in nuud every ane competing must send urn cums with their unnrers. lot which the Lamina` .I-ur-ml will be non! one yen to my uidnu Ilyon nl'Ol cal: 01 the question: correctly and your maven. an an in time `on are sum to uocnn one of these cos y rewanlu. nu: ruzsr nxxuuwa _' I 40IK'|'1|0I|lRoav.-wuxl I`iAnu.l|usg nmreul lustmmont .... .. 93:3 on 3 nos hue (`unmet 0lL'|ll.")' lien .t c.x.0uelph 130 Kl` 3 "no Iltlnumlqnulrvlllv |'l_lh~. Ilnely .... ... InIl'II&MmIlmgI.tIIli. _.__. , Pun: Qruwv Rx-nu 3-nrnnu In Ln uuvu. up l.mg;u~u~xnu rum Iusatnu ; II) [J m'-l-\-nymgm mm lulled gum lhmohmelqu-I I'Il|I'It .... .. IN N The nbovo two hundred and twenty- uven coolly round: will in given to the int two hundred and twenty-Iona Barton who and correct nawouto tho ibis question: given Al-oye. Thonoolno the Bible `P I! state lltil Ivlercuco. _ :L--ls I'IlnuI.n undo mention of In Bible It nuts In-at rolennoe. R _.In RADIIIIIDL nlnlktlld in tho |-uw uuurr llnnrw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -- - The lot at Wm: Toronto ubove den- cribonl will be given to the pane; soul in; the middle onrrrct unwor --/' Ile- uh-lo any-rlnion from rxl to local. and the hm lmndrnd an-I l|Iin_\-one round: Iollowsho niddlo Inc will In [In sent:-Us thin iudnd and tinny one person u-nding the nut correct uuvcli lnllowing the mum. on. So yoneu coup:-u may lImc_umI In cl mom: son to get someun in ulditiua to tho India` Journal. I ich is great ulna lot the hall dolhr subscription. Then Inow the - Iowijj r-v--.-`.;-.- nIoGl|nbIuln q--anm Hub IhIlol.I.. u hxullyht-I IIIIn- Iluucn Tbolintolconoolnhonnvnnh mum given to the but one hundred and say. an: vhonadoauannu-n I050 nltlllhuolovo. Bit huh youlctnuthnrlh munnrk whonumilodol llth Squat nu bun leaded to m on mom. All ncnovnnn bountbypont oa u pxnnuu. No inlonnntion will .....-. .,..-... .:.......... -. *~3UNARD_HIi l 1 I Z-pun Ilv ID! OUI IOU -u `lonulo -Banach-. DU- 'l|ll- ""' lug Ilchhouoond sun: lulu-bet. salvo! Ton bu. It-. D110 5| Fm unnu- |'-hhhutw uIV'V`I.. um. I. ,. n-,,A'l' ' ' " -- nu": emu-o Pnhful cu-nu-n "V|` uo~onooIIoour|tuI -_ , o ,--rnuu pun~u'nou.- , o . - . lvnumru nn-nnvrIII tI9'rnn:uol I- Ina Ovl-INN` Au. U\ mun Ymu nus. ll- nunnmal um! u-uunns. NI um; um Dun rut-IIIIYI. um um mu-nu`!!! .\`nuL \\'u:- Inn. AID '9 Him I um I_ Al\AP`!tn to run *sVo hue lhl day In-unlcd W R. Ile- lup .0 00.. Rug`.-u. our Agents for nu- uh and tonic ordcn lot out lllnerul Water. nnpennl Lulu: Wale:-. I-portal I-`Inger Ale. I-porlnl LI"-uouldr. And I :-Ir I`Iuu~ clan-II. lblrcfl _ Importation. lnpnnl Soil: Walt-r. Imperial Polls: Wale:-_ linen:-I some-r water. !!!-Illng Yong. \\'o llixhl)` l 0G)Inmt~uJ the lb-we II pun mud ol the ns! qulity. Is no coonla gun! to tleuhllevorboou oerod to tho poor I-Io of Canada. . |Iv. I3. Henna: c9:.| cucu- D. IOIIIIG ION. his llcntf. ifshifs PiIiT8'iIil1l "J;A8. s. pumsofts. `I--..-at J0llN80N's ulsmtml. July & ueulhnaxuu IIADYUOIUII. aaasnunvv-IVICII ' - ' - $16. 168,` -L um nu. um (III: pwrox a 1'1sI.1.1m'u.Is'. lfljm `w-_-W-J0I:`I;gp.` |.L.I-- Vou A :?'-?3'?` "" '*' '7"" I. I-0:338. b.n.s.. |-- -`~- IXTI81 II! 3ddO. I "'&Q P us-_u lhllnu unlit!`-1-an . Iltom Oxhli tllwhhq Gui I" `%|I 8 Flat V , ,7 ' WW-nuns. I AItcnn1`Iu"l'3uIn.m, sarvw-in or __Iou.W I. J. I.;;`g_ [D . I"3a`.L5`"`.'_-3, mrrusa um unumluu - Su York :71?! Livgrpool. u-.u.um A! non` nun) how; fun Mob n u. Iouw. lnllihl Ont. Pun-in . Ihlyvnnu 2u`s"`r.;K=:-T T tun `ir. na. -Ihiiii (`$590-'9-K IA`:I:I.' TI;7)lI{I cnIrI_{II_Iiw7c mm .'.':.'...:.:""` nap -u can at $0 It Inc runny. Jun-= unnguu - _ __,,____ Y. |llTlI Angucng - `lune noulhu ha and " E unb.I'IIIlIIkhcv0h___ 1 nun ~ ' 7 \(`(`0tVTll""~ll:lJ`l::: =s. canon.` tanlilk -nun`; ' win. xxwnfghg: 13.. `Km |"CT- M` 3&1 "h Q and our. lhgu A! ltu II 1* 1 Liana _ . :01-xx. n-""" -hll DIIO Iirtlnuanuon r 1.2:-~ 4*" 'e...:' non l'l8;_Ro. co. wt. was nuns auvum... ...I`cln-y.vlu\y_`& I Dllmou . . . . . .. was-by. Juno III -..... 11.1.-In. Au.Ih IIIIO on Pnunulru-an 5-E.` lI`.:\ tubs nix-at E ` all-nonna--W---r 3 up hunt I! ghr ..` ~31. [kin u ._ _ .__ I '. .annu:I:nnsuc_d|Iv uldiftlg 0. T.LD$33~ nnnnjnjhvlj ._._. utum rum: Qrlutn I Jihiii xllum. nu.u .. ll!IA)l|.\.. lUl`RlllA.. SRIYIA .\ ulttuox . UALLIL... -uunuuuuunnq-go - n `J. I:lI.III.`I. vnlaunnn V911 Q3373? t TI:-nigh Linn KWAL Ill]. '-I CABIN Iutusou.n -nun uu cu-.v undue: muumaguuu. u kl MAIN IN l`AIIh- {III _ RIIRIIIAYII - lulu hon Magnum -OII. G I'l'RIllM:|`. Rnlohuniilgol-In GHQ - --~:- ... .....-n I): wanna! Iocvu `hnpmh: note: A at l ..a """ ':.`.T.`.'L...?;'..' ' anus: Ila II-vault-try In an-lemnnox he mid In zruunn `ah the Illllliulo I my not IOKl. than at vbtvhth In Ixknx bid only no-no. I!uuL_Muu_n3put,`ou-`I . - |ln a PIN I`!-all ACID POWDER ,-._ .._.- _..__.__--|g Ifrudolhtk oi'knnI-new-sol -I(% Ill All HOW OFFERING BLACK. `ll Jrnfcuusnd _ Io up rdudim nun uhpaoaux. which we nnuntm uh |coF_T'_3cEs.| '1 `If \ - .glp. Au .-hun`I' n 3 lAF:'&.`ms) /Ifesi I/" --__ ._ . T mi.nunu.......-rnunn - J. a nu oxuux. 1 un ruwmuuu. wt. Iv. a. nun gm. vtu.u AI llu.\li\`. 1 u anon` ulna ptlthhltx. u I. vuumuma m II I lit GI! cur`: rvu-nu`: um .v-nu-.u 1 all hlnlhlouo (`ouplalutk Endp- _ n_ . ng___ BI_...-._--u Qlnl-Ln`, KID. `IIZII. -- acupunc- OC I2 I|* C ah IN All shnvhl-`rs run-xi Ivy a IN: AN hqavuhho. or mrnqqna, 1'5..." *:_.*-mmmm w m ITUCT T I `PIC-` III` 1` Ilj I bthe nlvsl, nu! lvIi~ `N0. Ihl j Ctkal bk-u}-plner lint out it D. II Ilvtllily rlpnll nil Mug] when than no apical. ark-NI and n-;.. u g the Haul. and mum: in visumju [turn 1. 5. .5. L. _.-- an-malt Int nu-onhnln n.nL.. .n n.-u.: 11:5; I-nun Ix-til smut-uh ll now: a no. n. J. uu.ma.:x. Knllliuu. nu-. And I! 1 A AYERS Sarsapa;-illa II I unguq -v-gr-nu-- ----u-u-w -. Eryn-tlh In-I din Hood-purifying -__A. --Lin-J ullh Inlnh II` l`IMAl- Ibo Inhunory lnonju-. 1 Iilunnlomlluuuyyouu. I'.`I.`Ilnnnx. --LOO_|_(_ OUT-- `Unt? vIyw`---.V-gy---- Xllilllijs; `l.SilN`ClkI'\IIK~ CCVC {Ind Jonah-3. Omnlnhly by ounnlu-. which II. Ian Inn In coin:-I t Ira urn ?IlIlI.\\' I |- ` TI ZZW Q.---y- -Absolutely Pure. `Anax SLI!-Al`1Ill.l..\ in canal me at us. lush-non njh-. `ill II. l\rhlL.Inl&|UI- nun: guru II` joL:W1.I11?. TEAS. I N-ulnnoura ` mm which '0 Bbngouzntyb-tutu. Intern`! `Uthlnuldqagnlnudspnnwvn an] all How ymrlvn J Hang: it IIIIUI Pm. 'I\lII:.'I lhlh III In-livou ht IH `IJ3CUC| `7-`-`-'i.`1:::=. .. llriihcenubns. n _, , ------- ? Suonluuunyonnqnu vhohul '|nuuuriod| uiutndhowuhllilg :|-ttienj haw ` t born when in- I III)! at. tuna: 3 linuluvw unn- "I Ind such n sun last I: -ht. uul thoholelekrk. "Jun diet got into my man I haul my diamond and MI onune oor. Thoguwunnot ht.` Ind no nunlnoo in my poeknt. and we lunchbox run Ihoothar oudnllln \'nn nun nnna-Q Inn: nlunial I \.n-u-n,-uunauaa .15.:-n 5-.-up. "Buupod. old man. what would you do Al you had 810.11!!!` Ban;-od was feeling blue. unl the fun} um he Inn dud broke made him och. humble. and liable to lronlixe. I-Iln O" In` -n\'C -nnninnlup "I'.l I\niI.I I uumouo. nun uuulo to lroruue. "Do 9" ho nil. nminglv. "I'd build I church nnhctribo Cull) to the In;mu~ non: fund. give mm to the poor. and"- . Well. I'm ghd to hour it. I III: pluno-I to Inlorn vou Glut your aunt lied in u-nibnrg. yeslonhv. leaving 035111)." [1 [Jul nu? Asked orelioted ` . IEIHI LII-I. 1IIl|:i"`l'81H`:NHI